CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E591 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E591 HON May 7, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E591 Iowans like her, in the United States Con- These individuals, who are dedicated mem- DHS currently carries out similar activities, gress. I ask that my colleagues in the United bers of the International Code Council, de- CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 4569 States House of Representatives join me in velop and implement the highest quality codes would have no significant effect on spending by DHS or other agencies. congratulating Jennifer Norris and in wishing to protect Americans in the buildings where Enacting H.R. 4569 would not affect direct her nothing but continued success. we work, live, and play. spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you- f The International Codes, the most widely go procedures do not apply. adopted building safety and fire prevention CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 4569 HONORING THE CITY OF MANTECA codes in the nation, are used by most U.S. cit- would not increase net direct spending or on- ies, counties and all 50 states including my budget deficits in any of the four consecutive HON. JEFF DENHAM State of Vermont. These modem building safe- 10-year periods beginning in 2029. OF CALIFORNIA ty codes also include safeguards to protect the H.R. 4569 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public from natural disasters, such as hurri- Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. Monday, May 7, 2018 canes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wildland fires, The CBO staff contact for this estimate is Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to floods and earthquakes. Mark Grabowicz. The estimate was reviewed congratulate and honor the City of Manteca on Each year, in observance of Building Safety by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy Assistant Director for Budget Analysis. a tremendous milestone—the celebration of its Month, which is sponsored by the International first centennial. As Manteca enters into its Code Council, Americans are encouraged to f raise awareness of the importance of safe and 100th year, I wish to honor and mark its his- RECOGNIZING THE SEVENTH AN- tory as a member of the Central Valley com- resilient construction, fire prevention, disaster mitigation, and new technologies in the con- NUAL COCOA BEACH KIDNEY munity. WALK AND THOSE WHO HAVE In 1918, Manteca entered cityhood. The city struction industry. The theme for Building Safety Month 2018, GIVEN THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF was destined to become a burgeoning agricul- LIFE tural center due to it combination of good soil, ‘‘Building Codes Save Lives,’’ encourages ap- excellent climate, and clean water. Manteca propriate steps everyone can take to ensure has also seen many progressive transitions in that the places where we live, learn, work, HON. BILL POSEY the development of new industries that have worship and play are safe, and recognizes OF FLORIDA brought a flux of families to the Central Valley. that countless lives have been saved due to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Originally known as the sand plains, the implementation of safety codes by local Monday, May 7, 2018 Manteca was first settled by Native Ameri- and state agencies. Mr. Speaker, please join me in thanking ICC Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, on Saturday, May cans. Following California’s Gold Rush, Josh- 12, 2018, thousands of residents from across ua Crowell, the ‘‘Father of Manteca,’’ served Board President Mr. Jay Elbettar, the Inter- national Code Council leadership, and its Central Florida will gather at the Cocoa Beach as the City’s first Mayor. Several businesses Pier in Cocoa Beach, Florida, to take part in sprouted and thrived in the City during its Members as they recognize Building Safety Month. the Seventh Annual ‘‘Footprints in the Sand’’ formative years. When the World War II econ- Cocoa Beach Kidney Walk. Katie and I have f omy introduced non-agriculture related indus- joined others in our community in participating tries to Manteca, the city enjoyed an inflow of COST ESTIMATE ON H.R. 4569, THE every year since the first walk was organized population approaching 40,000 people in the COUNTERTERRORISM INFORMA- in 2012 by Rich Salick, Bill Hahn and volun- mid to late 20th century. Manteca’s robust TION SHARING IMPROVEMENT teers with the Florida Chapter of the National growth and development throughout its history ACT OF 2017 Kidney Foundation. has provided plenty of opportunity for its fami- The ‘‘Footprints in the Sand’’ Kidney Walk lies. brings our community together to show our Today, the City of Manteca boasts more HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL OF TEXAS love and concern. So many of us have family, than 75,000 residents and a thriving economy, friends and loved ones that are afflicted by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES while attracting increases in both tourism and kidney disease and they need our strength interests from leading developers. Thanks to Monday, May 7, 2018 and support. The road ahead is not easy for the contributions of Manteca residents like the Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, the following them, but as the kidney walk demonstrates, Mural Society, it has become a successful and cost estimate for H.R. 4569, the Counterter- they do not have to travel that path alone. impactful city. rorism Information Sharing Improvement Act of The National Kidney Foundation, its sup- Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- porters and activists have made a significant lating the City of Manteca on their first 100 2017, prepared by the Congressional Budget Office was not made available to the Com- difference in people’s lives. They not only years and honor the city for its ongoing con- raise awareness about this disease but they tribution to our nation. mittee at the time of filing of the legislative re- port. have helped push for much needed changes f U.S. CONGRESS, in our laws and new innovations to give pa- CELEBRATING BUILDING SAFETY CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, tients more treatment options and a better MONTH Washington, DC, May 4, 2018. quality of life. Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, This year organizers of the kidney walk will HON. PETER WELCH Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, recognize organ donors and their families for House of Representatives, Washington, DC. giving the precious gift of life so that others OF VERMONT DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional could receive a second chance and continue IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost with their lives. Monday, May 7, 2018 estimate for H.R. 4569, the Counterterrorism Information Sharing Improvement Act of Those recognized include: Patricia Brown Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 2017. on behalf of Michael Robert Brown, Mary and mark the beginning of Building Safety Month If you wish further details on this esti- Bill Carpenter on behalf of Shawn Carpenter, and to recognize the men and women of the mate, we will be pleased to provide them. Billie Lomonaco on behalf of Tiffany Accardi, International Code Council (ICC) who have The CBO staff contact is Mark Grabowicz. Dawn and Mike Futch on behalf of Michael- dedicated their livelihoods to ensuring the pub- Sincerely, Gene Futch, Deborah and Dennis Thrope on KEITH HALL, Director. behalf of Jessica Carter, Diane Couch on be- lic safety of Americans. Enclosure. Building safety and fire prevention officials, half of Linda Couch, Jasmine and Trip architects, engineers, builders, tradespeople, H.R. 4569—COUNTERTERRORISM INFORMATION Persaud on behalf of Tribhawan Anand SHARING IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2017 design professionals, laborers and others in Persaud, Chris and Laura Dawkins on behalf the construction industry work year-round to As passed by the House of Representatives of Brooke Dawkins, Jen and Timothy Eden on on January 9, 2018 ensure the safe construction and maintenance behalf of Blake Eden, Laila Merolle on behalf H.R. 4569 would direct the Department of of buildings. It is through their efforts that our Homeland Security (DHS) to ensure that it of Mario Merolle, Patricia and Obdulio Rivera nation continues to address critical safety has access to any biographical and biometric on behalf of Sebastian Rivera, Ada Torres and issues in the built environment that affect our data collected by federal agencies (such as Efrain Morales on behalf of Neysha Estrella, citizens in both everyday life and in times of the Department of Defense) on people associ- Michelle Lashley on behalf of Jharod Lashley, natural disaster. ated with terrorist organizations. Because Theresa Black on behalf of Timothy Bishop, VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 May 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07MY8.017 E07MYPT1 E592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 7, 2018 Neil and Vivien Pogeler on behalf of Scott IN RECOGNITION OF WORLD William Steger, Jr., who passed away on May Pogeler, Dee Hill on behalf of Cora Hill and LYMPHEDEMA DAY 6, 2018 at the age of 70. He was a Hokie Jeb Jones. through-and-through, and he guided the uni- I ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY versity to great achievements, bringing new Representatives to join me in recognizing the OF NEW YORK acclaim to this beacon of higher learning in strong will of these caring families, their loved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Southwest Virginia. ones, and all those who have joined the effort Monday, May 7, 2018 Dr. Steger devoted most of his adult life to and worked tirelessly to raise awareness Virginia Tech. He graduated from the univer- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. about kidney disease. sity in 1970 with a bachelor’s degree in archi- Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to World tecture, followed by a master’s degree in the Lymphedema Day.
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