

REPORT (together with Appendices I to VI)


FOR 1948

Ordered to be printed, 8 June, 1949

The Honourable J. M. Dadlleley. M.L.A., rfhe Municipality of Blue Mountains h::rdn~ been constituted Colonial Secretary, in October, 1047, the Blackheath, Blue Mountains and Katoomba Fire Districts were dis olved, and by proclamation in Govern­ Sydney. 7/1('/11 Ga:::ette of the 16th .July, the Act was again applied to Sir, the combined area between Lapstone and Mount Yictoria, Pursuant to the proV1lOn of ertion]9 (~) of the Fil'c "ith cel'tain ac1l1itions, to constitute one tire cH trict named Bl'igades Act 1909-]94 , the Board of Fire Commissioners the Blue Mountaiu Fire District. of New outh Wales l)rC'sents it report for thC' Far ]948; Lcing the thirty-ninth annual rC'j}ort. L-nder the l'roYi ions of tlie Local Governm nt Act the )funi­ cipalities of Berry anti ... T owra \I'cre uniter] \I'ith other Munici­ palities and Shircs and the united area \las constituted a Bo.\RD. Hhire named the 'hire of HhoalhaYen, al 0 the .lunieipality 'I.'he })C'l'sonn I of the Board rC'mainec] tIle oal11(' as that of of ,Murl'1ll'uncli and the Shin' of '\'arrah were united and con­ the previous yeUl·. 'The C']ection of ll\C'lllbcrs of the Boa~'d stituted the Shire of )lurrUrlUHli. Action was taken to Te-apply for the next triennial pC'riod which would normally b held 1Il the Fire BI'igades Act to the parts of the Shire of Shoalhaven February, 1949 11as been pOStpOIlC'(] h,r onlel' ulltil .Tune, IJy \yhich previously comprised the Berry and ~ 'owra Fire Districts l'eason of thc effect of the Local GOYCI Illllent (Areas) Ad, and to tIle part of the Shire of Murrurundi which previously 1\}4 . c'omprisecl the Municipality. Hilllilar action was taken in respect of the Quirindi ancl Wagga \\'agga .Fire Districts in eonsequence of pads of • hires hein~ incorporated in the I'e- E TDtM'ES OF E.·PE.'DITURE. pectivc )[unicipalities. In rcspect of th yal'ious tire districts thr?ughout the State, the estimates of e,'penditure all10untcll to £, 16,!H)~ as shC"1l lnder the prol'ision of the Local Gm'ernment (Areas) in nppendb:: 11. Of thL, the estimate of the flydney Fire Act, 194,", lat'r referrp(} to, alld whicli came into operation District wa £647,292 anll those of the onc hunc1rC'd and forty­ on the 1st January, 1949, it is providC'(} illlrr (Ilia, that lloth­ two other fire districts £1ll9,70n. For ]l14D the estimate' iug in that Act would affec·t the constitution of any fire dis­ amount to £904, 20, that for Sydney Fire District being trict a it exi, ted at 31. t D ce111bel'. lfoweYCr. action was £726,820 and the one hundred and forty-four other fire dis­ taken to l'emOl'C from tIle operations of the }<'ire Brigades tricts collectively £17 ,000. Act as on and from the 1st January, l!Hfl, parts of certain Fifty-five municip::ll and shire councils contrihutecl in the reconstituted municipalities, thereby retnining for the time ydney Fire District, and the pen'(,lItage of their total con­ !>C'ing the ('.'isting boundaries of the Cnmdrn. Campbelltowll, tributions for 194 to that of the asses cd finnmll value Liycrpool. PCl11'itlo, St. 11ar)"s and Rydney li'ire Districts. of all ratable property therein l' turlle(} by them iu ] 947 was s. Id. For 1949 the contrihu.tions by the councils similarl~' Dy reason of the foregoing thc 11umher of Fire Districte will be equivalent to Ss. Dc1. per £100. 'l'he total amount of has increased to one hunched ancI forty-th'c. the assessed annual "alue furnished in 1D!8 was £41,533,620, an increase of £1,544,483 comparcd "'ith the previou year. I.-(;RE.\SE OF , T.\TUTOr:Y Ll.IIT. The area of the ydney Fire District remained at 302.26 square miles. 1<'01' the satisfactory maintenance of the- fire ser,ices at Broken Hill, LithgO\\', Lil'erpool and "'est Wallsend, and One hundred and thirty-four insurance companies and forty­ the e. tablishment of llew brigades at Barhnill anc] Lake Car­ eight firms contribut d to the Board during the ~-ear. The gclligo, the conscnt of the _Hni ter "'as o],tained, in pursuance contributions in the Sydney Fire District represented 18.8 per of Section 34 of the Act to the shtutor: limit of one-fourth cent. of the amount of the premiums in respect of that district. of a penny in the pound on the unimproved capital ,alue of all ratalJle land in the re pectiye fire districts being exceeded at the special request of tloe Councils eoncernec1. FIRE DISTRICTS-ADDITIONS AND ALTETIATIONS. Four new fire districts were created \yhen the Act was npplied Following the ]'eduction in t11e hoUl's of duty of Officers by proclamation to the town of Barhnm, in \\'nkool Shire and FirC'lllen refl'l'red to ehewhere and in previons reports, (Govern'/lle71t Gazette, ]Dth Toycmher); the town of Forster, it was nece-sary to snbstantia Il~- increase the numerical strength in Stroud hire (Ga::-dte, 24th ReptC'mber); the town of Lake of the uniforlll staff in the. ydnev Fire District to maintain Cargelligo, in Lachlan SIJire (Gazette, 3rd SeptembC'r); and efficiency. The Bonrd also w"as obliged to mcet the cost of the town of Wfiuchope. in «(;azetle, 2Dth increased superannuation benefits accorded by • tatute, These October). In ad(Utioll, the bounc1:nies of the Illawarl'U FirC' factors ::mll ri.-in~ costs genemll: 11 ffected expC'nditure to such District were altered and C'xtendC'd to embrace adrlitional parts an extent that it wa' incumbent on tIle Board to budget for an of tbe Municipality of Greater \Yollongong, including Unan­ income in 1H4fl for the f-:ydney Fire Distri,t in excess of derra and Fig 'I.'ree, vide GOt'('/'/I/liCllt (;a::f'tle, 26th November. the amonnt "'hich could he provided within the statutory The boundaries also of the Dorrigo Fire District were altered rating limit of Id. in thC' £ on the Unimproved Capital Yal.ue to embrace the whole of the Dorrigo Urban Area, vide Gazette, of ratable lnn

The Board conferred with the Councils on the matter, but In th(' countn- five district, the number of fire calls at the reque t of the Local Go,ernment Assoriation the Coun­ totall('d ;~,:l27, h'eing an incr('ase of 1,131 by comparison cils refuseu to sanction an application hy the Board for the with the prel'ious year. Minister's consent to the rating limit heing increased to pro,ide The most notable fil'('S "'ere:- the necessary funds. ~11d J uly-Wallendoon and Cooper streets, Cootamundra The Board wa thus compelled to make its E .. timates within -80101110n Cohen Pty. Ltd., and Others, General the limit of the amount a,ailable at td. ill the £. This will tores. result in the income for the year being insufficient to meet 1 th Ortoher-IIugh and MeGee streets, Hillston-Royal expenditur at the curreut rute, anll the Board is faced with :Mail Hotel. the n('ce ity to explore ,,-ays and means to meet the pOSitiOll. 21 t Octoher-Oxlev and Rturt treets, Bourke-Per­ A similar position exists in resped of the Greater.'ewca tIe m('wan Wright' Ltd., General Merchants. Fire Di triet, the ('ouncil l'esolutely refuing to authorise For the thi I'd year in ucces ion the los' of life in associa­ the Board to le\"y an amount which would permit of the Bl'iga(1e lIon with outbre,iks of fire was abnormal. Burning fatalities staff IJeing augl11ented to pro\'ille for urgent needs occasioned de~'elopment ol'l'lllT('d at Coro\\a, Dee 'Why, En111ore, Kempsey, Kini­ hy the rapid in that ar('a. 'I'll(' po ition is that hilli, 1\['1nly, l\Iarouln'a, Mascot, 'Manilla, Ranclwick, St. Peters, the Board cannot, with its in('ollle limited hy the action or West \\'~'along and French's Forest. the Council, meet the expenditure requisite to maintaiu the Brigade at its existing slrength II"hj('h in the opiniou of its In 110 ca~e \\'ere the BOilrd's actil'ities called in question. Senior Officers is inadequate. As iu the case of the 8r<1ner .J<'ire District it will douht­ ELEC'l'RICAL-FIRE ALARMS. I('ss he found nec('ssary to nU\k(' af1justlllents to mcet the situation. 'l;I1'l'(' '1f1ditionnl tre('t fire alarms were in tailed; olle each rt ('01:con1, Panamatta ana Rockdale, making a total in Dv contra t it is worthy of note that in sixh'-nine }'ir(' ~ydney a11l1 suhlll'hs of 767; while there are also in addition District in C'ountn' Area' 'the contrihution hI' th(' 'Council' at :'.linist('I·'~ [1:! Hpechl alarl1l~. Connect('d to tile various fire stations are th('ir sl'('dal request, and with th(' cons('ut, as pro­ 81il; s)lrinkl('r in. tallations of yarious lY}l(' , 162 thermostatic \-ide(1 hy the Act, is in exces of th(' stalutory limit of {d. alarlll~ anll 231 pri\'ate alarm. in the £ so that an efficient Fire fkn ice could he 11l'oYide

The patrol ystem mentioned in last report was in titutell The construction of eight Patrol Cars was completed and in the Sydney Fire District on 30th April. the vehicles placed in seHice. The new Brigades established at Bombala, Branxton-Greta, Changes in appliances were effected at Barraba, Goulburn, , Henty, Terrigal and The Entrance, operated under IIamilton, anll Whggu, Wagga and impro"ed types and larger the Act as from the 1st January. Towards the end of tho capacity engines installed at Junee, Molong, Tumut, West year new ·Brigaues were formed at Barham, Forster, Lake Wyalong and Young. Cargelligo aud Wauchope, pending the full services to operate Appliances of 250 gallons capacity were installed at Barham, on the 1st January, 1949. For ter, Lake Cargelligo and Waucbope. Fi\'e "Light Four" Chassis (400 g.p.m.) and one Special DEATHS. 8 cylinder chassi (800 g.p.m.) were received from the manu­ With regret tlie Board records the deaths of ex-Chief Officer facturers and body construction is proceeding. G. S. Grimmond, Station Officer C. O. Sclater, Sub-Station The Board's mobile plant bas been maintained in an Officers W. J. Ahern, L. A. Kay, and D. McKendry, of the efficient condition by the Workshops Staff. permanent staff; Captains R. A. Rutter (Bega), and G. McKendry (Bellbird), Jt'iremen W. A. Bell (Condobolin), R. lioyal (Culcairn), Captain N. Parry (GosfoI'd), P. Hill (Kurri HOSE. Kurri), R. Craig (West Wallsend), A. Buttel'field (£ockhart), Fi,-e thousand feet of l-incb fire ho 'e of English manufac­ S. C. Joass (Lakemba), J. Gale (Narromine), T. B. McGuil'e ture were received during the year. (Nowra), IT. Dickson (Tentel'field), of the Volunteer Staff; and ReservC' Firemen H. M. Foster (Bellingen), C. M. Flana­ RADIO COMMUNICATION. gan (Cabramatta), and R. Sladen ('l'arro). The Two Way Radio Tele-Communication System referI'ed to in last report has now been established in the Brigade the SUPERANNUATION AND RETIREMENTS. tender of Thorn and Smith Ltd. baving been accepted. 'The patrol vehicles have becn equipped and the fitting of appliances One thousand. one hundrell and ten (1,110) employees at \-arious fire tations is also proeeeding satisfactorily. Pend­ contributed under the prodsions of the Superannuation Act. ing the completion of the main base station at Crow's Nest, The followiug members of the ser\'ice retired on pension the en-ice i operating on the low power emergency equipment under the provisions of that Act, either 1J~' reason of age or at Ht'adquarter with a call sign of VL2BF allocated by the in\,u,lidity:-Acting Deputy Chief Officer J. Johns, Fourth P.l\J.G. Department. The system bas operated ,vith marked Officer J'. Wal h, Acting Pourth Officer B. Rodney, Station suc·c·e.s and has already proved most beneficial to the operations Officers J. Brunty, M. Fleming, D. MeLennan, IT. 'f. :\Iillwood, of the fire enice. J. C. Sheekey, O. G. Sherwin, J. C. Smith, W'. J. Warland, J. C. Watson, E. II. Wiber, J. S. Wills;, Sub-station Officer F. \V. Boyling, R. Gemmel, R. W. Macpherson, S. A. Mitchell, VICE REGAL VISIT TO HEADQUARTERS FIRE STATION. V. Redman, A. Samuelson aud T.• imp 'on; Senior Firemen The Governor of New outh \Vales, Lieutenant-General A. J. Gce, A. P. Abraharns, A. L. Martin, E. Plummer and J. _'orthcott, C.B., M.V.O., graciously accepted the Board's L. Spicer and Pirst Class Firemen F. Finn, . Hill and W. J. invitation and vi ited Headquarters on the 17th No\'ember. Stivano. On the occasion, His Excellency officially inaugnrated the Radio Tele-Communication System and witnessed a demonstration of fire extinguisbing with the latest type of appliances for dealing LoNG SERVICE MEDALS AKD BARS. with fires involdng inflammable liquids and electrical equip­ Long Service Medals for fifteen year' good service on the ment. permanent staff were awarded to Sub-Station Officers A. M. Barrett, G. Caller, E. Chadwick, V. Crum, E. Easton, V. A. Lowther, R. Lynch, C. M. Jolmson, II. Jones, J. McNamara, PATROL SYSTEM. L. Mincham, E. Mulhall, O. F. Pickering. P. Skinner, N. C. Concurrently witb the introduction of the roster for fifty.six Stuart, E. G. Warner and Senior Fireman P. Manktelow; and l,onrs per week duty for Officers in the Sydney Fire District bars to that medal for an ad

FIRE ApPLIANCES. BUILDING INSPEC'1'IONS. A new Denuis Motor Fire Engine having n. capacity of Inspectional visits were made by Officers of the Fire Service 400 gallons per minute was completed in the Board's Work­ ~s Theatr~& shops and installed at Mosman, also a new SaIl-age appliance to premi rcgistered uncleI' the and Public Halls at Stanmore. I, Act as well as to Hospitals, Government Institutions business prel~lises, etc. TIle work of the special staff app~inted to The remounting of thc Tilling te\'ens All POwer Electric adVIse and report upon fire protection requirements under Ladder on a motor chassis mentioned in last I'eport was the Factori~s and Shops Act, IIeigbt of Buildings Act Theatres ~ompleted and ~ollo,ving .sucee s~ul te ts the appliance was and Public ITall Act, etc., was extended. ' lllstalled at Darhnghurst FIre StatIon and under actual workinO' conditions has proved highly succes ful. b T~ree BUSII FIRES. water carrying vehicles ,vi.th high pressure pumps The provision of the Bush and Rural Fire Prevention Order obtamed from the Commonwealth DI posals Commission were were re-applied during the period of the summer months. The tltte~ with standard connections and installed at selected stations and have proved efficient additions to the Board's Board's Officers continued to maintain a close co-operation with special equipment for combating bush fires, the Bush Fires Advisory Committee and Local Go\'ernment Authorities. Throughout the year attention was given to the 4

~arious districts in y(hley and ountry where the bush fire NEW BY-LAWS. hazard is most severe: Assistance was rendered in the estab­ The draft By-laws referred to in the previous report were lishment of new Bqsll Fire Brigades hy various Councils and revised following further changes in the administration of th~ drill; mId in l'ruction were continued to tho~e previously estab­ Senice brought about by the reduction of working hours and lished. other ehnnges of conditions during the year. The revised New hose box po ts equipped with fire extingui. bing. appli­ draft Ita' been submitted to the Minister_ ances were established in bush fire area and Reserve l'uemen appointed at each. Tbe Board increased the remuneration for lIttending fires for IXDl·STRI.\L ARBITRATIO.T ACT-RE BASIS OF RATES OF WAGES Reserve Firemcn wllich i no\\" equal to that of Volunteer FOR. EMPLOYEES. Firemen. Due to variations in the ,veighted average of the Retail Pricp Iu(lex •Tumbel's for the fiye towns in this State on which CROWN E)[PLOYEES' ApPEAL BOARD. the Needs Easic Wage for Gov'rnment employees is calculated The Board's representntion on the Crown Employees' Appeal the"-eeds Ba 'ic iYnge at the cnd of the year was £5 16s. Board remainell unaltered. During the year there "'ere three (au incrense of 10s. during the year) with which is payable appeals again t ded ion of the 13oal'll, hl"o of which w~rc the fixed loading of 5s. applicable to such employees, making a di missed anu the Board's pellalties confirmed. In the tbud total of £6 h. appeal the offence was fouud l'rOH'll but the Board's penalty of dismissal was varied by l'edueing the Officer eoncel'lled to As a result of such variations the salaries and wages payable the ran]< of Senior Fireman. under the l!'ire ·Bl'igades Oflicers (State) Award, the Fire Brigade Employees ( tatI') Award and the Industrial Agree­ "WORKERS' CO:MPENSATfO.- ACT. ment with the ]?ederated Clerks' Union were increased. Two lltllldred and £o~rteen claims \n're lodged under the The •Teeds Basic Wage (based on the Index Number of proyisions of the \\-.orkers' t:olDpensation ."\ct wit.h the <;*o'l'ern­ Sydney) for other employees of the Board subject to general ment Insurance Ofhce Qf • ew South \\ ale, \nth which the ,'tate and Federal Awards other than the Clothing Trades Boaru again cO\'ered its liability. Award, was increased by 10s. during the year and thus became 4- cllflDge "'as effected in the in lHance anangement whereby £.) ] (i • at the eud of the year. In addition the fixed loading, the Boarq' liability in l' pect of Buh }'ire Brigades under 6s., \vas paid throughout the year. the Workers' ompensation A.ct was co\-er('(l, a policy of in?em­ The wages pa~'able under the Clothing Trades Award nity being i sned 1): a Hcen cd in urer at a rate of preUllums (Fec1eral) based on the Index ~ Tumbers for the six capital cities establi.:·hed by the Insurallce Preminms Committee. of Au tralia were increased by 4s. and (j. from the com­ mencement Qf the plly periods in :May and November respec­ SUPER.\.'KDATfON (A)rENDMEKT) ACT, 1948. tively. Th rates for females under this Award arc fixed The Superannuatiou (Amendment) Act, 1948, was assented hy the National Security (F male :Minimum Rates) Regula­ to on 30th April. The most important changes as affecting tions at 75 per cent. of the male rates. employees of the Board are:- The pension unit, other thaJl for depeIHlent children whi<.:h remain at £26 p.m. waS increa cd from £26 p.a. to £32 10 . FIRE BRIGADE OFFICERS' ('TATE) AWARD--FIFTY-sIX-Hoult p.a., and the cale of pension units in respect of which cont:i­ WEEK ON STAt.-nARD ROSTER. lmtions may be made Was extellCled from twel'l'e to twenty-IJIX, As mentione,l in last report, a nominal fifty-six-hour week according tQ salary range. for Sub-Station Officers, Station Officers and District. Officers The Act provide also that on l·!'tirement before age 60 wa intrOduced frOn1 llth October, 1947, with overtime for pension payment· commence upon the date upon which all llOnrs between an awrage of fifty- L'( per -week and the actual lea'l'e terminate. 1'0 tel'l'd hours of eighty-four per 1\'eek which were to continue to he worked untq the Board ,vas able to introduce an actual Rection 4i A amend tlw t section of the Workers' Compen­ sation Ad "'hich llithel'to entitle(l the lIependents of a worker fifty-si ··llOur week. only to the bendlts of either the RUl'er:Jnnualion Act or the As from 30th April the actnal fifty-six·hour week was int~o­ \\"Ol'kers' Compensation Act. duce,l to be opprated on the "Standard roster" in conjunction It is now provided that the widol\' 01' cbild of a pensioner \,ith the Patrol Hystem (elsewhere referred to). The iutro­ or C'mplo)'ee Can claim benefit un(kr llOth Acts. duction of the Patro~ Sy tem as a condition to introducing a. fifty-six·hour ",el'k was opposed by the Officers' Association LOf',\L GOYER,'. r .-T (ARE.\f;) _\CT, 194 . amI the Firemen's As 'oeiation, but allowed by the Full ;Bench of the Jndn, trial Commission, which made the necessary amend­ 'rhe Local f,overnment (Arefls) Act, 194 , was as ented to ment to the rcle\'ant awnrds. The homs of duty for both on 3rd Septel1lber al1d is fln 4ct to ulIHe the City of Rydney }'ire Ilrigade Officers an(l men are, therefore, uow an average and certain areas i1nd to con titnte thc united area as a city; of fifty·six ]ler week. to llll\te certain other areaS or al'eas and parts of arcas and to constitute the united area as municipalities j to reconstitute the }'dney County Council; to repeal the Rydney Corporation Act, 1932, and certain other Act j to amend the Local Go,ern­ fIRE RRlf;ADE OFFICERS (.iTATE) AWARD. ll1eut Act, 1919, and certain other Ads ~n certain respect j During the year tll(' Court dealt with applications by the and for purposes connected therewith. Officer" AssO(·jation for a numher of alllendments to the The main portion of t~e Act will take effect 011 the 1st eurrent ",,"-a]'(l, the term of which di(1110t e:ll:pire until Jauuary, J'anllary, 1949. ::\eycnteen new cities an(l municipalities arC' lDolH, awl Oll :lOth .June gave its judgment in respect thereof. constituted in place of certain existing areas. Rection 26 (m) Amongst otll{'r tllings lhe ourt refu I'd claims for iucreased adds to the Principal Act new divi iOllS 4B and 4c which appl~' \r::lgps on the gronnd that the application wns premature as only to the City of Sydney in respect of all buildingS' erected thc term of the Award had not e:ll.1)ired. or in the courS'

The neeessa.ry action in tllis re9peet was taken by the J3oard. referred to. __ ~ __--I 5

FmE BRIGADE EMPLOYEES (STATE) AWARD. 1'he Boarcl was later informed that, clespite the conference The term of the Fire Brigada Emplo;rees ( tate) Award and the Judge's remarks, the stop work meetings would still expired on 3rd ,eptemher ant!. in addition to variations in be held. On ~Ionclay morning, ] ~th idem, at 8 a.m., both consequence of thp introrl!/etion of the Patrol Ry tem :lnd }'ir('meu and Olike/' other than the Chief Officer and his reorganisation in the (·ount",·, an entirely ~'e,," ~\ward was illlllll'di,lte enior omeC!'s ceased Iyork and notice w.as at once sought h~' the .\ ,(l(·iation. 1'Ju. .\.' ot·iatiou·, claim il1eIUl1~,1 g'lYcn to the Jllllu trial Regi.trar. The TIoard prepared appli­ ub ·tantial \rage inl'n'a.' , l'l'II,IH~' mtps for work on publIc cations for the deregi~tration of both Firemen's and Officers' ociation~, holidays alld wed'·ends, <'tc. .\" Following intervention by the Premier and thll .:Ilinj~ter \lork \IUS resulllecl on pre- 'toppage conditions on On thc apl'lieation lll'ing filpd, tlH' Boar(l rpque,.tet! thc 'l'uesda,\' night, ] 3th Jul,\'. The strike extended to Country Firemen's As oeiation to IllPpt it ill C'Jnfprcnce and agreemcnt centn's a' well as the '.I·dney [lnd Newcastle }'ire Districts, was reaehcl1 tll all inC!'ea;(' of ~:;s. per Wl'P\, for all l':\llks frum a date to he determinpcl bv the Court. 'rbt> aIllouut of this increa e W:I determined &0:1 j 0 rc-a l' ' thl' ntlut of all \rork of ,ueh rmil,s, 11:1\ i 19' regard to all their tl! tic awl condition' FEDERATED CLERK:;' 'U:-no.'. of work, includin!:t the fifty- L- honr II'pp'- :lIul \york ou pul,lic A n w Indu trial Agreement for a term of three years from Satu1'(hl~', holiday', and SUl'cla,l"', This illueasc W:l' : pproved J, t .1 une \\':1 negotiated following expu'J' of the predous OIl ~~n(l October hI' the Fnll Bcndl of the Industrial Commi . Agreement. The increases of salaries involyed were found by sion as not ])eing' ('ontrary to the 11ational interest antI the the Court not to be opposed to the national interest and the increased rates hccame payahip as fronl the commcncement filing of the agreement was approvel]. of the first pa~' period after :!7th Angust. Tho 'e claims on \yhich agreement eould 1I0t he rNleiJed \\'('1'e refel'l'ed lly the Full Bench to a, siuglc ,J IHlge for hcaring ;11111 detel'lninntion, hut sul)jcc't thcreto :l Ircelllen t was rcacht,t! on the tCi'lllS of the FRU:~'DLY RELATIO~S COMMITTEE. new Award, whieh i to operate for :I terJU of three year~. Ari ing from a Conference before the ~Iinister for Labour On Lith •'ovelllh('l' thc Full Uel1t'h al-o varied the A",ard to ancl Industry conceming terms of settlement of a dispute, the permit the reorgrlllisation in the COl nh'J', l'artie agreed to a suggestion by the Minister that a Friendly Uelations COlllmittee be set up to discuss any questions which llIay arise with a view to better relationship and understanding being reached both by the Board and Employees, Meetings have bcen held and seyeral matters discussed.

nEORGANISATIO.· IN COUNTRY. Following the introduction on 30th April of a llfty-six-bour week for Officer it hec:lme lIecessal'l' to scnd an additional IXSPECTIO.TS. Officer to tho 'e country towns where Ijn'viousl~T there had beel1 In !,<,ctions of Fire Drigade • tation in Sydne~' and Subllrbs ouly h 0 Officers. Thl' co t of that adJitional Oftil'cr a\-er:lged, anti also the Country were made by the TIoard and the oppor­ approximatel.", £ '31 per annunl. tunity taken to pre 'ent Long ervice ~fedal and Bars to As a result of complaints from Councils concerning the wat decoration to members of Yo]unteer Fire Brigades. rapidl,V increa:ing co,.ts of fire l'ro!edion and having regard Hl'l))'e~'l'ntati\-es of ~Iunicipal and Shire ouncils were met also to thc resolutions carried at the Local Govcrument Confcr­ eoncl'l'IIing Fire Brigade matter and in special instance. ence at Grafton in ]!H7, I'('Jlrc'('lltatives of the: Board visited eonferenC'es took place with a number of Conncils in the country towus throughout thc Stnte to ('.-plain the rea on' for l'onntQ' rcgarding the increased cost of Fire Brigade serl'icea the increa~es. and the reol'gani ation of the permanent staff. ITa\ ing heard till' view,' of snch Councils and their in:istenee that the co. t of fin' protc(·tion be kept to a minimum and th unwillingne,'s of the majority of sueh l'Ollllcil to con'ent to any levy by the Board in e.·ce.', of the tatutor~- limit of one J.O.L'S. farthillg fL'ed I,y the Fire Briglllle .. et or ,nch other fi~ure as Onc dehentur(' of £2,,')00 was rNleemed in respect of each had already heen approved b." the :JIinistt'r in ('el't,lin districts, of thc two loans of £.')0,000 h~' the A.M.P. Sol'iet~· of 1928 the Board evolved a scheme to prol'ide in certain of snch aJld ]f):17 :l nd Oil(' debenture of £.),000 :lnd £1,000 respectively country tOll'ns an appropriate service whereby onc permanent in connection with the loans of £100,000 and £20,000 of 1941. Fire Officer would he on duty for an al'erage of fifty,six '1'he loan of £,30,000 effected in 19~8 has now been repaid. hours in a week, ~fonday to I:'riday, during the daytime, and that at other times the volunteer ervic would operate in a similar manner to the volunteer &2l'\'ice already operating in over 150 other country towns, A OllIT. At the reque t of the Local GOI'ernlllent As ociation acting A sati, factol'.I' report of the accounts of the Board was on behalf of the Councils concelned, the Board made :lppli­ recei\'ed from the Auditors, Messrs. Robertson, Crane and cation to thl' Industrial ('onnni ',ibn for the neces, ary variation Gibbons. of the Officers ancl Firemen's Award to enable the scheme to The ,Board, in eonclusiOll, expresses its appreciation of the be introduced, The Local Go\'el'lllllent Association wa~ granted rpudy co-operation of the Police Department, the Metropolitan Ill'o~cNlings :Hill leave hy the Court to iJJter\'ellc in the brought Water, . ewerage and Drainage Boardl the Maritime Services evidence from &llllle fifteen countr,Y 'ouneil in support thereof, Board, the Department of Labom' and lndu trv and Social On l;)th N'ovcmll('r the Full TIl'nch granlecl the applieation anr! \\'elfare, the E. plo h'es Department, Department of Road varied the A\\'anls aecordingly. It is 1'r0I'05 'd to imillement '1'ransport and Tramway, the 'alner~General's Department the the scheme as soon as practicable in each town. Hydlley County Council and the Postma ter-General's Depart­ ment. Attention is invited to the report of the Chief Officer of Fire Brigades and other appenJices, which fornish additional infor­ mation.

Re STOP WOEK MEETIN'G AND STRIYE, 12Ttt JULY. On 7th July the Board notified the tmlu trial Registrar in We ha.ve, etc. pursuance of the Indu trial ArhitratiolJ .4. et, 1940-104 that, according to report puhJished in the press the pr don 'after. T. J, S~IITIT (President). lloon and again that day. stop \york Ille('tin s of Piremen and OH~eers I', lo'ire Brigade were .to be held Oil thc following :Monl1ay, J.W.F,L, DESWlCK.CURREY. l~th JUly, to dl~nss actIOn to be takel! to enforce certain ,\ L, E, DUFF. lMembers of the demands mentioned in the reports_ S. JORDAN. Board of }'ire \ A cOlllpulsory conferencc was convened and held before His H, K. W. MACh."'ENZIE. Commissioners lIonour Ir..J ustice Kin e!ln, on th idem, which dealt in TJ. 1. SKELTON. of N.S.W. , the morning ,,,ith delllands h~- Fir('men and in the afternoon F, W'. WALTO~. , with demands by Officers. Demand by the Firemen included J , claims for tbe amendment of the Fire Brigade Act to introduce a ne.w method o,r. financ'ing the Board and tile Fire Brigade SerVlce.. the abobhon of the Patrol. ,I -tem antI wa~e increa, es. Demands by the Officer in ]Ulll'tI similar claims and also others of a domestic character. At thl' cO!l['lu,ion of the conference His HonoUl' informed the 'Union representatives present that any stop work, meeting 01' strike by emplo;}'ees of the Board was eX)lres Iy lllegal under ection 98 of the industrial Arbi­ tration et and also con.trary to the rules of the Associations, 6


BOARD OF FmE COMIDSSIONERS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure for Year ended 31st December, 1948.

REVENUE. EXPENDITUllE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ •. d. £ s. d. Contributions- Balance brought forward, as at 1st January, 19.18 ...... 2053.1 18 1 Clothing 20,330 2 8 Government !!Ool,248 0 0 Fire Applianccs, Minor 2,654 III ~ Fire Expenses 82 1 _ Insurance Companies and Firms 408,406 0 0 Fuel and Oil (Motor) 11,212 () 7 :Furniture, Fittings, etc. 3,537 7 0 Municiralitics and Shires- Ho e 6,128 6 10 Insurance Stations and Plant .. 4,95 18 11 Sydney 161,823 0 0 J~ife and Accident A urance ,819 16 7 Lighting and Heating 5,112 15 7 Country 42,425 0 0 Medical Fecs 018 3 5 ,-----816,002 0 0 Miscellaneous 1,107 2 0 Compensation 67 8 2 ~:~~.: ~~~..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~:m 1~ ~ Petty Expenses 425 16 7 Sale of Materials 851 16 7 Printing, Postage, Stationery . 3,116 16 4 Rates 8,851 4 0 Services Rendered 16,958 17 4 Rent 13,055 10 2 ----- 17,878 2 1 Repair. and Replacements 29,174 2 5 Sala.ries and AUowanccs ., 591,380 (j 5 Balance carried forward to 19.19 88,48.1 4 3 Station Repairs 11 ,219 4 8 Sundries 1,522 0 0 Sundry Materials 7,018 0 0 Superannuation 45,920 19 !I Telephones and Electric Plant 1,17 2 5 Telephone Maintenance 4,201 12 7 Tools and Utensils 2.566 2 6 'l'ravelling, Cartage and Freight 0,19.1 10 0 Yoluntocrs, Payments to 3.1,829 13 10 8.15,727 19 8 Equipment). Charge for 23,416 6 5 Property, \Jharge for 10,440 4 0 33,856 10 5 " Administration .. 23,234 18 2 £923,35.1 6 4 £923,35.1 6 4

ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT for Year ended 31st December, 1948.

£ •. d. £ s. d. £ •• d. £ •. d. To Audit Fees .. 105 0 0 By Balance from 19U .. 3,105 8 3 Board Fees .. 1,050 0 0 Cost of Administration as per Estimates, Furniture and Equipment . 287 14 8 1948- Guarantee Premiums . 1017 6 Sydney, 21% .. 14,243 11 9 Exchange and Bank Charges . 9.1 8 1 Other Districts, 5% and i% . 8,991 6 5 Law Costs .. 1,966 5 0 ----- 23,234 18 2 Life Assurance .. 125 6 7 Balance . GC 7 9 Pay Roll Tax .. 4.18 18 1 Pensions . 222 7 4 Printing . 1,50 2 9 Salaries .. 17,956 2 10 Sundries .. Sol3 6 6 Superannuation . 962 1 4 Telephone Maintenance . 234 3 !J Travelling .. 891 19 0 ----- 26,406 14 2 £26,.l06 H 2 £26,406 14 ~

BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st December, 1948.

LIABILITIES. ASSBTS, ETC. £ s. d. £ •. d. £ •. d. £ P. d. Fund Account . 31,326 14 6 Land-At Cost .. 47,635 12 0 Property and Equipment Account .. 797,262 1 5 Buildings-At Cost .. 421,350 8 10 Debentures (Secured)- Fire Appliances-At Cost or at valuation Advances 100,500 0 0 where units have been reconditioned .. 400,678 9 0 Accrued Interest to date 1,377 10 0 Stocks on Hand as CertiJled------101,87710 0 Stores . 28,939 311 Superannuation Trust Account, as per contra...... 1,993 17 4 Workshops . 67,685 10 0 Mobile Canteen Fund, as per contra 1,160 0 0 Electrical . 8,866 18 9 Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd. 105,491 12 8 Current Account-Overdraft 134,M5 12 9 Petty Cash-Secretary . 50 0 0 DrJgades . 229 0 0 279 0 0 Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd.­ Superannuation Trust Account as per contra... 1,993 17 4 Government Insurance Office of New South Wales Dush Fire Fighters Insurance Deposit Account . 1,000 0 0 Mobile Canteen Fund-as per contra- Commonwealth Stock . 1,000 0 0 Current Account .. 160 0 0 1,160 0 0 Unpaid Contributions- Insurance Companies . 426 4 2 Administration Account . 66 7 9 Revenue and Expenditure Account .. 88,484 4 3 £1,068,565 16 0 £1,068,565 16 0

AUDITORS' REPORT. We have examined the above Balance Sheet with the books of accounts relating thereto and have obtained a.ll the information and explanations we have required. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet and accompanying Statement of Revenue and Expenditure are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the affairs of the Board of Fire Commissioners of New South Wales, according to the best of our information and the explanations given to us and as shown by the books.

ROBERTSON, CRANE AND GIBBONS, Sydney, 25th January, 1949, Chartereil. Accountant. (Au.t.). r #


ESTIMATE all' EXPENDITURE FOR TTIE YEAR 19-!8. One-fourth payable I,y the Municipal or Shire Councils intere.ted in the respective Fire Districts, one-fourth by the Government, and one-half by the InsUl'ance Companies imuring property within such districts.

Fire District. Fire District. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1. Albury-The Municipality of AlbUl'y 3,632 0 0 28. Cardiff-The Town of Cardiff and the 2. Alstonville-The Town of Alstonville, in Village of Young Wallsend, in Luke Tintenbar Shire. (The part described in . (The part described Government Gazelle, 12th August, 1927) 232 0 0 in Govemment Gazette. 12th October, 1945) 480 0 0 3. Armidale-The Municipality of Armidale 2,548 0 0 29. Casino-The Mnnicipality of Casino 2,420 0 0 4. Ballina-The Municipality of Ballina ...... 420 0 0 30. Cessnock-(l) The Municipality of Cess· 5. Balranald-The Municipality of Balranald 376 0 0 nock. (2) Tho Towns of Abernethy, Bellbird, Kearsley, Kitchener, in Kearsley 6.' Barraba-The :\Illnicipality of Barraba . 300 0 0 Shire, as reconstituted: Government 7. Bathurst-The l\Iunicipality of Bathmst .. 3,0 8 0 0 GCtzelle, 6th October, 1944. (Being the 8. Bega-The Municipulity of Bega .. 276 0 0 area described in Government Gazette, 9. Bellingen-The Town of Bedingen, in 5th October, 1923, and tho additional Bellingen Shire. (The part described in parts described in Government Gazette, Government Gazette, 22nd August, 1924) 376 0 0 3rd October, 19U, and 12th October, 10. Belmont-The Townships of Belmont, 1928) .. 3,828 0 0 Blacksmiths, Mark's Point, Pelican Flat, 31. Charlestown-The Tmvuships of Charles­ South Belmont, in Lake Macquarie town, Dudley, Gateshead, Kahibah, Shire. (The part described in UOL'emment Whitebridge, in Lake Maequaric Shire. Gazette, 5th October, lO-!5) . 624 0 0 (The part describcd in Government 11. Berrigan-The Town of BelTigan, in Gazette, 12th Octobcr, 194.3) . 328 0 0 Berrigan Shire. (The part descrihed in 32. Cobar-The Municipality of Cobar .. 2(j;l 0 0 Government Gazette, 26th July, 1946) .. 420 0 0 33. Coff's Harbour-The Town of Coff's 12. Berry-The Municipality of Berry .. 300 0 0 Harbour, in Dorrigo Shire, including 13. Blaekheath-The Town of Blackheath. Jotty Town. (Tho part described in (The part described in Oovernlllent Government Gazette, 15th September, 1939) 48-! 0 0 Gazette, 10th November, Hl39.) The 3-!. Coudobolin-The Muniripality of Condo· Town of Mount \'ictoria. (The part bolin . 60 0 0 described in Oovernmrnt Gazelle, 20th 3.3. Coolamon-Tho Town of Coolamon. in October, 1939.) In the l\lunicipality of 'oolamon Shire. (Tho part described in Blue Mountains, as constitutetl 1st Oovernment Uazette, 18th November, 1927) 3U 0 0 October, 1947 . 40 0 0 36. Coolah-Thc Town of Coolah in Ooolah 14. Blacktown-The Town of B1acktown, in Shirc. (Tho part describcd in Government Blaektowll Shirc. (The part de~cribecl in (lazelle, 4th October, 19-!6) .. 416 0 0 Government Gazette, 7th November, 1930) 176 0 0 37. Cooma-The Municipality of Cooma. (Tho 15. Bla.yney-The Lync1hur t Shire. (The part part de cribed in Government Gazette, proclaimed in Government Gazette, 26th 9th November, 1917) . 3GO 0 0 June, 1936, a the Blaynoy Urban Area, 38. Coonabarabran-The Town of Coonabara· which formerly comprised the Municipal. bran, in . (The ity of Blayney, t·ide Gove1'mnent Gazelle, part described in GoveTnment Gazette, 13th December, 1935) .. 300 0 0 18th September, 1936) . 26-! 0 0 16. Blue Mountains-The Towns of Blaxland, 39. Coonamble-The Municipality of Coon- Bullaburra, Faulconbridge, Glenbrook, amble . 372 0 0 Haze1brook, Lapstonc. Lawson, Lindcn, 40. Cootamundra-The Municipality of Coota- Springwood, \'alley Heights, Warrimoo, mundra . 436 0 0 Wentworth Falls, Woodford. In the 41. Coraki-The Town of Corald. in Woodburn Municipality of Blue Mountains, as Shire. (The part which formerly com­ constituted 1st October, 1947. (The prised the Municipality of Coraki, vide part described in GOt'e1'nment Oazette, Oovernment Gazelle, 16th February, 1934) 268 0 0 13th ~eptember> 1946) .. 1,700 0 0 42. Corowa-The l\1tUlicipality of Corowa .. 572 0 0 17. Bombula-The Municipality of Bombala . 4.24 0 0 43. COWl'a-The Municipality of Cowra . 468 0 0 44. Cronulla-1'hc Town of Cronulla, with 18. Boolaroo-The Towns of Argenton, Boola­ roo, Temlba, Warncr's Bay. In Lake Burraneer Bay, Caringbah, Gunnamatta Bay, Port Hacking, Taren Point, &c., in Macquarie Shire. (The part described in Sutherland Shire. (The part described Government Gazette, 2.5th October, 1935) 600 0 0 in Government Gazette, 28th Septcmber, 19. Bourke-Thc Municipality of Bourke . 360 0 0 1945) . 3,676 0 0 20. Bowral-The Municipality of Bowral . 308 0 0 45. Crookwell-The Town of Crookwell, in 21. Braidwood-The To\vu of Braidwood in Crookwell Rhiro. (The part described in Tallaganda Shirc. (The part which Government Gazette, 15th September, 1939) 300 0 0 formerly comprised the Municipality of 46. Culcairn-The Town of Cu1cairn in Cu1cairn Braidwood, vide Government Gazette, 8hire. (The part described in Government 23rd October, 1936) . 268 0 0 Gazette, 31st October, 1947) . 332 0 0 22. Branxton-Greta-The Towns of Branxton, 47. Dapto-The Town of Dapto in the Greta, in Kearsley Shire. (The part Municipality of Greater Wollongong (as described in Government Gazelle, 5th constituted 24th September. 1947). The Scptember, 1947) . 152 0 0 part described in Government Gazette, 23. Broken Hill-Tho Municipality of Broken 27th Septomber, 1935 . 332 0 0 Hill . 8,912 0 0 48. Dcniliquin-The Municipality of Deniliquin 676 0 0 24. Cahramatta---Canley Vale-Tho Municipal- 49. Dorrigo-The Town of Dorrigo, in Dorrigo ity of Cabramatta and Canley \'ale . llfQ 0 0 Shire. (The part dcscribed in (/ovemment 25. Camden-The Municipality of Camden .. 380 0 0 Gazette, 29th Octobcr, 1926) .. 420 0 0 26. Campbelltown-'J'\;(' l\luni<'ipalit)· of Camp- 50. Dllbbo-The Municipality of Dubbo .. 2,232 0 0 belltown . 480 0 0 .31. Dunl'rloo-The Town of DUlledoo in 27. Canowindra-1hc Canov.indra L'1 km Aroa, Cob bora • hire. (The part described in in Boree Shire. (Vide Government Gazette, Government Gazette, 18th October, 19-!6) 352 0 0 19th April, 1929) .. 368 0 0 52. Dungog-The Municipality of Dungog...... 200 0 Q s

APPENDIX II-continued.

Fire District. Fire District. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 53. Finley-The Town of Finley in Berrigan 78. Kurri Kurri-The Kearsley Shire (as re­ Shire. (The part described in Gorernlllent constituted: Got'ermllent Gazelte, 6th Gazelte, 26th July, 1(46) 420 0 0 October, 1944), part of, embracing the 54. Forbes-Thc lIIunicipality of Forbed 000 0 0 Towns of Abermain, Heddon Greta, 55. Gilgandra-The Gilgandra l:rban Area, Kurri Kurri, Kenth and Weaton, also the embracing the Town of Gilgandra, in Towns ofHebburn, Pelaw Main, 8tanford­ Gilgandra Shire (as reconstituted, t'ide )Ierthyr, pion Kop and Weston, formerly Gor:ernment Gazelle, Oth January, 1942)... 3,10 0 0 in Tarro Shire. (The part described in Got'ernment Gazette, 19th January, 1945) 1,424 0 0 56. Glen Innes-ThellIunicipality of Glen Innes 2,212 0 0 79. Kyogle-The Kyogle Urban Area, in 57. Gloucester-The Gloucester Urban Area, Kyogle Shire .. 360 0 0 embracing the Town of G10uce ter, in (ride Government Gazelle, 80. Leeton-The Town of Lceton, in Leeton 1st November, 1946)...... 440 0 0 Shire; vide Government Gazetle, 19th July, 1946. (The part describod in Government 58. Gosford-The Town of Gosford and Gazelte, 1st 'eptember, 1939) .. 800 0 0 additional areas in Gosford Rhire (as 81. Li~more-The Municipality of Lismore .. 3,300 0 0 constituted 1st January, 1047). '1'he part 82. Lithgow-Tho :Municipality of Lithgow .. 3,OH 0 0 described in Government Gazelle, 15th 2,712 0 0 700 0 0 83. Liverpool-The Municipality of Liverpool Jlme, 1934 . 84. Lockhart--The Lockhart rban Area, in 59. Goulburn-The Municipality of Coulburn 3,400 0 0 Lockhart Shire. (As proclaimed in 60. Grafton-The Municipality of Grafton...... 3,140 0 0 Government Gazelle, 28th l!'ebruary, 1930) 372 0 0 61. Greater Kewcastle-The City of Creater 85. Lower Hunter-The Townships of Bores­ Newcastle, embracing Adamstown, field, Hcxham, Tarro, Thornton, in Lower Broadrneadow, Carrington, Cook's Hill, Hunter Shire. ('1'he part de:cribed in Hamilton, Honeysuckle, Inglewood, Government Gazelle, 21st September, 1945) 108 0 0 Islington, Lambton, Iaryville, l\Iayfield, 86. Maclean-The l\hmicipality of Maclean. lerewether, Newcastle, •'ew Lambton, (The part deseriLed in Governlllellt Platt burg, Sandgate, hortlandd, tock­ Gazetle, 29th October, 1926) . 312 0 0 ton, Tighe's Hill, Wallsend, \Yaratah, 87. MaitIand-(I) The Municipality of ]Uait­ Wickham 39,472 0 0 land, embracing Ea, t l\1aitland, Home­ ville, Lom, "Iorpeth, Rutherford and 02. Grenfell-The )Iunicipality of Crenfell 332 0 0 'fcnamhit. (2) Th,' Township ofKensing­ 63. Griffith-The Town of Griflith, aJld ton in Lower Hunter hire. (The part additional areas in Wade Shire. (The de'cribell in (loternment (/azellc, 6th part described in GOL'ernmellt Gazetle, October, 1944.) (3) Tho Township of 23rd October, 1936) 336 0 0 East Greta in Kear Icy hire, as recon­ 64. Gulgong-The Town of Gulgong, in stituted : Oot'ernment Gazetle, 6th Gulgong Shire., vide GOL'ern lIlellt Gazetle, October, 1944. (The part described in 6th June, 1941. (The part described in Gotwnl'lcnt Gazette, 6th October, 1944) .. , G,OOO 0 0 Government Gazetle, 1st.Tovember, 1040) 400 0 0 8. Manilla-The Municipality of Manilla ...... 300 0 0 65. Gundagai-The Town of Gundagai. in 9. Mittagong-The Town of :i\littagong and . (The part de~cribed in additional areas in Kattai Shire. (The Government Gazelle, 21st November, 1930) 380 0 0 part described in Oovernment Gazette, 66. Gunnedah-The Municipality of Gunnedah 340 0 0 13th October, 1939) .. 380 0 0 67. Guyra-The Town of Cuyra, in Guyra 90. Molong-The Municipality of Molong .. 340 0 0 Shire. (The part described in GOt'crnment 91. Moree-The l\IuniC'ipality of Moree . 460 0 0 Gazelle, 31st May, 1920) 248 0 0 92. Moss Vale-The Town of Moss Vale, in 68. Hay-The Municipality of Hay...... 320 0 0 Wingecarribee ,hire. (The part which 60. Henty-The Town of Henty in Culcairn l formerly comprised the Municipality of Shire. (The part described in Government Moss Vale, vide Gorernment Gazelte, 9th Gazelle, 31st October, 1(47)...... 324 0 0 June, 1933) . 328 0 0 70. Hillston-The Town of Hill ·ton, in 03. l\1udgee-The Municipality of Mudgee .. 360 0 0 ('arrathool Shire; t·ide Governlllmt Gnzette, 94. Mullumbimby-The Municipality of Mul- 24th December, 1943. (The part lumbirnby .. 368 0 0 described in Government Gazelle, 2nd 95. l\Iurrumburrah-The Municipality of Mur- October, 1936) 380 0 0 rumburrah . 344 0 0 71. Illawarra-The Town of Wollon!(ong. 90. l\Iurrurundi-The Municipality of Mur- (The part which formerly comprised the rurund..i . 280 0 0 Municipality of Wollongong.) Tlw Town 97. l\Iurwillumbah-The Town of l\1urwiJIum­ of Port Kembla. (The part clc'cribod in bah. (The part which formerly com­ Government Gazelle, 11th October, 1940.) prised the )Iunieipality ofl\1urwillumbah.) The Towns of Austinmer, Bulli, Clifton, The Creellhills ubdivision. (The part Coledale, Scarborough, Th..irroul, \Vom­ described in Otn:ernment Gazelle, 21st barra, Woonona. (The part deocribed in June, 1946.) In Tweed ,hire, as re- Government Gnzetle, 13th October, 1939.) constituted 1st ,Tanuary, 1947 .. 540 0 0 The Townships of Coniston, Mount St. 08. MURwellbrook-The Municipality of Mus- Thoma. (The part described in Govern­ well brook . 340 0 0 ment GaZelle, 27th July, 1945.) The 99.•Tarrabri-(l) The Municipality of Tarrabri. Township of Mount Kiera. (The parts (2) The Town of\Vest 'arrabri, in Tamoi dedcribed in Government Gazelle, 8th Shire. (The part described in Govern· Tovember, 1940, and 15th Xovember, ment Gazelle, 1 t ~ To,ember, 1940) 480 0 0 1940.) The Townships of Balgownie, 100. Karrandera-The Municipality of ar- Corrimal, Fairy Meadow. (The part randera . 420 0 0 described in Government Gnzelle, 19th 101. Narromine-The Municipality ofXarromine 400 0 0 July, 1946.) In the Municipality of 102. _Towra-The Municipality of Kowra . 360 0 0 Grea.ter Wollongong, as constituted 24th 103..-yngan-The Municipality of Kyngan .. 300 0 0 September, 1947 8,800 0 0 104. Orange-The Municipality of Orange .. 3,168 0 0 72. Inverell-Tbe Municipality of Inverell 2,936 0 0 105. Parkes-The Municipality of Parkes 544 0 0 73. Jerilderie-The Town of Jerilderie in 106. Paxton-The Townships of Crawford, J erilderie Shire. (The part described in l\1ilIfield and Paxton, in Kearsley Shire, as Government Gazelle, 20th October, 1944) 368 0 0 reconstituted; Govemment Gazelle, 6th 74. Junee-The Municipality of Junee 500 0 0 October, 1944. (The part described in 75. Katoomba-The Town of Katoomba. Govermnenl Gazette, 12th October, 1945) 192 0 0 (The part which formerly eompri~ed the 107. Poak Hill-The Town of Peak HiJJ, in the Munieipality of Katoomba. The Town of ~[ullil'ipality of Peak Hill. (The part Leura. (The part de 'cribed in Govern­ d("l'l'ibed in Got·tmlllcllt (.'ozcfte, 1st ment Gazetle, 13th September, 1946.) In ...'ovember,1929) . ~OO 0 0 the Municipality of Blue Mountains, as 108. Penrith-The Municipality of Penrith 500 0 0 constituted, 1st October, 1947...... 3,608 0 0 109. Queanbeyan-The Municipality of Quean- 76. Kempsey-Tqe Municipality of Kempsey.,.' 43'6 0 0 beyan . 456 0 0 77. Kiama-Th l\Iul1j~ipality of Kiama ...... 356 0 0 110. Quirindi-The Municipality of Qu..irind..i . 416 0 0 9

APPENDIX II-continued. Fire District. 1,'ire District. £ s. d. £ s. d. 111. Raymond Terrace-(l) The Town of Ray­ 122. Tcrrigal-The TOIVllslllp of Terrigal in p~ond Terrace in Port Stephen's Shire. Gosford Shiro as coustituted 1st January, (The part doscribed in Government 1947. (The part d.escribed in Government r;azette/ .20th <,!p.tember, 1946.) (2) The Gazette, 3rd October, 1\)47) 372 0 0 townShIp of ll111crs Forest in Lower 123. Tenterfield-The Municipality of Tentcl'· Hunter I::lhire. (The part described in field 352 0 0 Government Gazelle, lOth October, 1(47)... 416 0 0 124. The Entrance-The Town of The Entrancc 113. cone-The l\1unicipality of Seonc 420 0 0 with North Entrance, Long Jetty, Blue Bay, Toowoon Bay, etc., in , 113. 'il1gleton-(I) The Munioipality of 'ingle- as constituted 1st January, 1947. (The ton. (2) The Patriek Plain I::lhiro, part part described in Government Gazette, of, embracing Combo, Dunolly, Kelso, 19th September, 1947) .. 460 0 0 Redbournberry. (The parts described in 125. Tocumwal-The Town of Tocllmwal, in Government Gazette, 24th September, I(l37) 3:l8 0 0 Berrigan Shire. (The part described in 114. South Grafton-The Mllllieipality of South Governm.ent Gazette, 26th July, 1946) ...... 420 0 0 Grafton ...... 340 0 0 126. 'l'ol"Onto-The Town of Toronto, in Lake 115. 't. Mary's-(I) The Town ofSt. Mary's and Macquarie Shire. (The part described in that part of the Factory Area in the Government Gazette, 22nd August, 1930) ... 448 0 0 Munioipality of St. Mary's. (Tho part 127. Tumut--The Town of Tumut, in Tumut described in Government Gazette, 25th Shire. (The part described in Government October, 1946.) (2) Part of St. 1I1ary's Gazette, 29th June, 1928) .. 248 0 0 Factory Area, in Blacktown Shire. (The 128. Tweed Heads-The Tweed Heads Urban p~rt described in Government Gazette, Area, in Tweed Shire. (Vide Government 2iJth October, 1946) 712 0 0 Gazette, 4th August, 1933) .. 300 0 0 116. Sutherland-The Town of Sutherland, with 129. Wagga Wagga-The Municipality ofWagga (}lmo, Gymea Bay, Janalli, l\1iranda, Wagga . 3,340 0 0 \Voronora, etc., in Sutherland Shire. 130. Walgett--The TmVll of Walgett, in Walgett (The part described in Government Shire . 200 0 0 Gazette, 8th November, 1946) 600 0 0 131. Warren-The Town of Warren, in the Municipality of Warren. (The part 117. Swansea.-The Township of Swansea, in described in Govemment Gazette, 17th Lake Macquarie Shire. (The part April, 1930) . 264 0 0 described in Govermltmt Gazelle, 6th 132. Warringah-'l'ho Warringah Shire, part of, November, 1936) 392 0 0 embracing Avalon, Bilgola, Clareville, 118. Sydney-The Mwrieipalities of (1) the City Newport, Palm Beach Taylor's Point, of 'yclney, (2) Alexandria, (3) Annandale, and Whale Beach. (The part described (·1) Ashfield, (6) Auburn, (6) Balmain, in Government Gazette, 8th l'\ovember (7) Bankstown, (8) Bexloy, (9) Botany, 1940) : 860 0 0 (10) Burwood, (11) Canterbury, (12) 133. Wellington-The Municipality of Welling. Concord, (13) Darlington, (14) Drum­ ton 380 0 0 moyne, (16) Dundas, (16) Eastwood, 134. Wentworth-'-:The Town of Wentworth, in (17) Enfield, (18) Ermington and Rydal­ the Municipality of Wentworth. (The mere, (19) Erskineville, (20) Fairfield part which formerly comprised the (The part described in Government Municipality, vide Government Gazette, Uazette, 2n~ May, 1930), (21) The Glebe, 3rd October, 1941) 260 0 0 (22) GranvJlle, (23) Holroyd. (24) Hunter's ~urstville, 135. Werris Creek-The Town of Werris Creek Hill, .(25) (26) Kogarah, (27) in Peel Shire. (The part described ~ Ku-rmg-gal, (28) Lane Cove, (29) Leich. Government Gazette, 25th August, 1933)... 300 0 0 hardt, (30) Lidcombe, (31) Manly (32) Mo~man, 136. West Wallsend-The Townships of Estell· 1I1arriekville, (33) Ma cot, (34) ville, Holmesville, West Wallsend, in (35) Newtown, (36) North Sydney (37) Lake Macquarie Shire. (The part de· Paddington, (38) Parramatta, (39) Peter. seribed in Government Gazette, 8th July sham, (40) Randwiek (as reconstituted 1932) : 344 0 0 vide Government Gazette, 6th October 137. West Wyalong-The Town Improvement 1944), (41) Redfern, (42) Rockdale, (43) Areas of Wyalong and West Wyalong, in Ryde, (44) St. Peters, (45) 'trathfield B!and Shire. (Vide Government Gazette, (as reconstituted vide Government Gazette 20th September, 1936) 440 0 0 23rd M"y, 1947), (46) Vaucluse, (47) 138. Windsor-:-The Municipalities of (1) Wind· Waterloo, (48) Wavedey (as recon· so.r, (2) Richmond, (3) The Townships of stituted vide Government Gazette, 6th Rlverstone and Sehofields, in Blacktown October, 1944), (49) Willoughby, (50) Shire. (The part described in Government Woollahra, (61) Baulkham Hills Shire Gazette, 25th November, 1927, and the (The part embracing Baulkham Hills additional part described in Government Castle Hill, Pennant Hills and North: Gazette, 6th November, 1936) 1,048 0 0 mead, described in Government Gazette Shir~ 139. Wingham-The Municipality of Wingham 368 0 0 20th July, 1945), (52) Blacktown 140. Woy Woy-The Town of Woy Woy with (The part embracing Toongabbie and l3lackwall, Booker Bay, Ettalong, Orange Westmead, described in Government Ga~ette, Grove, Ocean Beach, etc., in Gosford 31st July, 1925), (53) Hornsby Shire, as constituted, 1st January, 1947. Sllll'e (The part described in Govemment Grt~ette, (The part described in Government 31st July, 1936), (54) Warringah Gazette, 21st September, 1934) 952 6 0 Slure (The part of the Shire, from 141. Wyong-The Town of Wyong in Wyong Harbord to Mona Vale and Church Point Shire, as constituted 1st January, 1947. described in Government Gazette, 8th (The part described in Government Gazette, November, 1940) 647,292 0 0 11th September, 1946) .. 2 0 0 0 110. Tamworth-The Municipality of Tamworth 3,092 0 0 142. Yass-The Municipality of Yass .. 420 0 0 120. Taree-The Municipality of Taree as 143. Yowlg-The Municipality of Young 636 0 0 reconstituted vide Government Gazette, 7th February, 1947 464, 0 0 £8Hi,992 0 0 121. Temora-The Municipality of Temora...... 392 0 0 10

APPENDIX Ill. Contributions by Municipal and Shire Councils, 1948. Council. Contribution. Council. Contribution. £ s. d. £ s. d. l. Albury . 908 0 0 6Z. Dundas .. 622 2 10 2. Alexandria .. I, 89 11 10 63. Dungog . 50 0 0 3. Annandale . 883 4 2 64. Eastwood . 30 10 0 4. Armidale . 637 0 0 6.3. EnfieJd . 1,160 12 11 5. Ashfield . 4,139 I 11 66. Ermington and Rydalmcre .. 154 10 8 6. Auburn . 1,337 6 67. Erskineville . 374 19 3 7. Ballina . 103 0 0 6 . Fairfield, portion gazetted Znd May, 1930 582 12 0 8. Balmain . 2,033 6 10 69. Forbes . 150 0 0 O. Balranald . 94 0 0 70. Gilgandm Shire, ')11 account of the Gilgan. 10. Bankstown . 2,230 10 4 dra Lrban Area .. 3 0 0 11. Barraba . 75 0 0 71. Glebe .. 1,637 2 4 I Z. Bathur t . 772 0 0 72. Glen Innes .. 553 0 0 13. Baulkham Hills Shire, portion gazetted 73. Gloucester Hhire, on account of the 20th July, 1945 . 3.14 15 Gloucester Urban Area . 110 0 0 14. Bega . 00 0 0 74. Gosford Shit'e, on account of the town of 15. Bellingen Shire, on account of the town of Woy Woy, etc., part gazetted 21st Bellingen . 0-1 0 0 September, 1934 .. 238 0 0 16. Berrigan Shire, on account of the town of 75. Gosford Shil'(~, on account of the town of Berrigan . 103 0 0 Gosford . 175 0 0 17. Berrigan Shire, on account of the town of 70. Gosford Shire, on account of the township Finley . 10:; 0 0 of Terrigal .. 93 0 0 18. Berrigan Shire, on account of the town of 77. Goulburn .. 50 0 0 Tocumwal . 10.3 0 0 78. Orafton . 785 0 0 10. Berry .. 73 () 0 70. Grafton, 'outh .. 5 0 0 20. Bexley . J,802 \l 8 O. Granvilll' . 1,629 1.3 1 21. Bland Shire, on account of the town 81. Greater Newcastle .. 9, 68 0 0 impro,ement areas of Wyalong and West 82. Greater "'ollongong, on account of \Yyalong . JlO 0 0 Austinmer, Balgownic. Bulli, CliIton, 2Z. B1acktown 'hjre, on account of the town- ('oledale, Coni ton, Corrimal, Fairv ship of Blacktown . 44 0 0 ){eadow, )rount Keira, )rount Ht. 23. Blacktown 'hire, on account of Sydncy Thoma~, Port Kembla. ,'carborough, Fire District .. 3-l3 ., 10 Thirroul, \\'ollongong, "'ombarra ami 24. Blacktown Shire, on account of the town­ \\'oonona, . 2,200 0 0 ships of Ri,er tone and Schofields...... 62 13 2 83. Greater \Vollongong, on account of the 23. Blacktown Shire, on account of part of town of Dapto . 83 0 0 t. Mary's Factory Area; gazetted 23th 8L Grenfell .. 3 0 0 October, 1946 . 43 3 4 85. Gulgong Srure, on account of the town of 26. Blue Mountains. on account of Blackhcath, Gulgong . 100 0 0 Blaxland, Bullaburra, Faulconbridgc, O. Gllndagai Shire, on account of the town of Glenbrook, Hazelbrook, Katoomba, Lap­ Gundagai. . 9.3 0 0 stone, Lawson, Leum, Linden, ~{ount 87. Gunnedah . 85 0 0 Victoria, Springwood, Valley Heights, 88. Gu.rra Shire, on account of the town of Warrimoo, Wentworth Falls, Woodford .. J,;137 0 0 Guyra . 62 0 0 27. Bombala . J06 0 0 9. l[ay . 80 0 0 28. Borce Shire, on account of tht) Canowinclm 90. Holl'Oyd Municipalit.\' .. 1,442 4 0 Urban Area . nz 0 0 91. Hornsby Shire, portion gazetted 3Jst July, 20. Botany . J,044 15 11 1936 . I"l03 6 3 30. Bourke .. 90 0 0 OZ. Hunter's Hill .. 786 I 9 31. Bowral .. 77 0 0 93. J[ llr~t\'iIle . 2,422 9 10 32. Broken Hill . 2,Z28 0 0 94. Inverell : . 734 0 0 33. Burwood . 2,304 1 2 9.3. Jerilderie ~hire, portion gazetted 20th 34. Cabramatta-Canley Vale .. 170 0 0 October, 1044 . !)2 0 0 35. Camden . 9,3 0 0 96. Jllnee . 125 0 0 36. Campbelltown . 120 0 0 97. Kearsley 'hire, on account of the townships 37. Canterbury . 6,393 4 10 of Abernethy, Kearsley, Bellbird and 3 . Carrathool Shire, on account of the town of Kitchener . 220 7 0 HilJston . 9;3 0 0 98. Kearsley Shire, on account of the townships 39. Casino .. 605 0 0 of Kurri Kurri, \Veston, Abermain, 40. Cessnock . 730 13 0 Heddon Greta, Neath, etc . 3J6 0 0 41. Cobar .. 67 0 0 90. Kearsley , hire, on account of the township 42. Cobbora Shire, on account of the town of of East Greta .. 16 11 Dunedoo . 88 0 0 100. Kearsley ,hire, on account of the town­ 43. Concord . 2, 60 18 0 ships of Paxton, CrMvford and Iillficld ... 48 0 0 44. Condobolin . 152 0 0 101. Kearsley Shire, on account of the towns of 45. , on account of the town of Branxton and Greta .. 38 0 0 Coolah . 104 0 0 102. Kempsey .. 109 0 0 46. Coolamon Shire, on account of the town of 103. Kiama .. 89 0 0 Coolamon . 81 0 0 104. I~og~rah : ,. 2,833 3 8 47. Cooma, portion gazetted 9th November, 105. Ku-rlllg.gal .. 5,474 8 0 1917 .. 90 0 0 106. Kyogle Shire, on account of the Kyogle 48. Coonabarabran Shire, on account of the Urban Area . 90 0 0 town of Coonabarabran .. 66 0 0 107. Lake Macquarie Shire, on account of the 49. Coonamble .. 93 0 0 townships of Belmont, South Belmont, 50. Cootamundra . 100 0 0 Marks Point, etc. . .. 156 0 0 51. Corowa . 143 0 0 108. Lake Macquarie Shire, on account of the 117 52. Cowra . 0 0 townships of Boolaroo, Argenton, Teralba 53. , on account of the town of and "Varner's Bay .. 150 0 0 Crookwell . 75 0 0 54. Culcairn Shire, on account of the town of 109. Lake Macquarie Shire, on account of the Culcairn ...... •...... 83 0 0 town of Cardiff .. 120 0 0 55. Culcairn Shire, on account of the town of 11 O. Lake l\facquarie Shire, on account of the Henty .. 81 0 0 townships of Charlestown, Kahibah, etc. 82 0 0 56. Darl.il?gt?n . 22.3 6 4 Ill. Lake Macquarie Shire, on aecount of the 57. Denihqum . 169 0 0 township of ,wansea .. 98 0 0 58. Dorrigo hire, on account of the town of 112. Lake Macquarie Shire, on account of the Dorrigo . 105 0 0 townships of Estcllvillc, IIolmes\'ille and 59. Dorrigo hire, on account of the town of \Vest 'Vallsend .. 86 0 0 Coff's Harbour . 121 0 0 113. Lake IIIacquarie Shire, on account of the 60. Drummoyne .. 3,038 10 3 township of Toronto .. 112 0 0 61. DubbQ .., .. 558 0 0 114. Lane Cove . 1,iS6 4 0 11

APPENDIX Ill-continued. Council. Contributions. Council. Contributions. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 115. Leeton Shire, on account of the town of 167. Shoalliaven Shire, on account of former Leeton . 200 0 0 Municipality of Nowra . 45 0 0 116. Leichhardt .. 1,929 2 3 168. ingleton .. 76 I 4 117. Lidcombe . 1,738 2 0 169. St. Mary's, on account of the town of St. 118. Lismore .. 825 0 0 Mary's and that part of St. Mary's 119. Lithgow .. 761 0 0 Factory Area, gazetted 25th October, 120. Li~erpool . 678 0 0 1946 . 134 16 8 121. Lockhart Shire, on account of the Urban 170. St. Peters . 845 7 4 Area of Lockhart . 93 0 0 171. Strathfield . 1,979 3 4 122. Lower Hunter Shire, on account of the 172. Sutherland Shire, on account of the town township of Kensington .. 63 II 0 of Cronulla, Burraneer Bay, Caringbah, 123. Lower Hunter Shire, portion gazetted 21st Gunnamatta Bay, Port Hacking, etc. ... 919 0 0 September, 1945 . 27 0 0 173. Sutherland Shire, on account of the town 124. Lower Hunter Shire, on accoUllt of the of Sutherland, Gymea Bay, JanalIi, township of Millers Forest . 41 17 3 1\1iranclll, etc. 150 0 0 125. , on a.ccount of the Bla.yney 174. Sydney 33,186 5 0 Urban Area . 75 0 0 175. , on account of the town 126. l\faclean .. 78 0 0 of Braidwood .. 67 0 0 127. Maitland, on account of East Maitland, 176. Tamworth . 773 0 0 'Vest Maitland, Homeville, Lorn, 1\101" ]77. Taree .. Jl6 0 0 peth, Rutherford and Tenambit 1,419 17 11 178. Temora . 98 0 0 128. Manilla .. 75 0 0 179. Tenterfield . 88 0 0 129. Manly .. 3,649 12 1 180. Tintenbar Shire, on aocount of the township 130. Marrickville .. 4,012 9 9 of Alstonville .. 58 0 0 131. Mascot . 1,439 4 4 181. , on accotmt of the town of 132. Molong . 85 0 0 Tumut .. 62 0 0 133. Moree . 115 0 0 182. Tweed Shire, on account of Tweed Heads 134. Mosman . 3,229 9 0 Urban Area .. 75 0 0 135. Mudgee .. 90 0 0 183. Tweed Shire, on account of the town of 136. Mullumbimby . 92 0 0 Murwillumbah and the Green Hills Sub· 137. Murrumburrah . 86 0 0 division (part gazetted 21st June, 1946) 135 0 0 138. Murrurundi . 70 0 0 184. I'aucluse...... 1,409 2 8 139. l\Iuswellbrook . 85 0 0 185. Wade Shire, on account of the town of 140. Namoi Shire, on account of the town of Griffi th, etc...... 134 0 0 West Narrabri . 14 19 5 186. Wagga Wagga 835 0 0 141. Nattai Shire, on account of the town of 187. 'Valgett Shire, on account of the town of Mittagong, etc. .. .. 95 0 0 vYalgett .. 50 0 0 142. Narrabri .. 105 0 7 188. Warren, on account of the town of rVarrcn 66 0 0 143. Narrandera .. 105 0 0 189. Warringah Shite, portions gazetted 8th 144. Narromine . 100 0 0 November, 1940... 1,993 15 6 145. Newtown . ],880 12 10 190. Warringah Shire, on account of Avalon, 146. North Sydney . 6,341 14 11 Bilgola, Clareville, Newport, Palm Beach, 147. Nowra . 45 0 0 Taylor's Point and Whale Beach . 215 0 0 148. Nyngan . 75 0 0 1D1. Waterloo .. 1,835 17 6 149. Orange .. 792 0 0 192. Waverley . 7,235 17 9 150. Paddington .. 1,668 211 193. Wellington . 95 0 0 151. Parkes . 136 0 0 194. vVentworth, on account of the town of 152. Parramatta .. 1,614 17 11 Wentworth . 65 0 0 153. Patrick Plains Shire, on account of Combo, Dunolly, Kelso and Redbournberry ...... 5 18 8 195. Willoughby .. 5,026 12 1 154. Peak Hill, on account of the town of Peak 196. '\Tindsor . 107 5 3 197. Wingecarribee Shire, on account of the Hill .. 50 0 0 155. Peel Shire, on account of the town of town of Moss Vale .. 82 0 0 vYerris Creek . 75 0 0 198. 'Yingham . 92 0 0 156. Penrith . 125 0 0 199. vYoollahra . 7,211 13 1 157. Petersham .. 2,398 14 3 200. Woodburn Shire, on account of the town of 158. Port Stephens Shire, on account of the Coraki . 67 0 0 town of Raymond Terrace .. 62 2 9 201. Wyong Shire, on account of the town of 159. Queanbeyan .. 114 0 0 The Entrance, etc. 115 0 0 160. Quirindi . 104 0 0 202. Wyong Shire, on account of the town of 161. Randwick .. 9,501 9 5 'Vyong . 70 0 0 162. Redfern . 1,469 2 7 203. Yass .. 105 0 0 163. Richmond . 92 1 7 204. young .. 159 0 0 164. Rockdale . 3,543 19 2 65. Ryde . 2,633 18 6 Total £204,248 0 0 166. Scone . 105 0 0

----- ...- ..._---- APPENDIX IV. CONTRIBUTORY I" URANOE COIll1'ANlES AN:D Fm~s. Insurance Oompllnies. 1. A.C.I. Insurances Pty. Ltd. 6. Loudon Guarantee & Aecidellt Co. (Ltd.). 2. Ajax Insurauce Co. (Ltd.). 6!). London & Lancashire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 3. Alliance As urance ('0. (Ltd.). 1. 70. London & Pr(wincial )1. and G. Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 4. Assurance and Thrift.t ociation (Ltll.). 71. Lonelon & ~eottish Assurancc Corporation (Ltd.). 5. Atlas Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 72. )Ianufactnrers' ~Iutual Insurance (Ltd.). 6. Australasian Catholic Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 7a. )lnritirnc Jnsuranee Co. (Ltd.). 7. Australa ian ~1utual Insurance :3ociety. 74. )Iaster Builders' Insurance Co. (Ltd.). . Australian Alliance Assurance Co. 7-3. Medical and Dental Insurance Ltd. 9. Australian Amicable A 'surance Assodalion (Lld.). 7(;. )Iercantilo. [utnal Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 10. Australian General Insurance Co. (Ltll.). 77. Merchants' Marine In uranee Co. (Ltd.). 11. Australian ~Iutual Fire Insurance 'ociety (Ltd.). 78. Mine OwnOl's' Insurance Proprietary Ltd. 12. Australian Provincial Assurance Association (Ltd.). 7!l. Motor Traders Insurance Co. Pty. Ltd. 13. Automobile Fire and General Insl1l'ance Co. of .\ustralia 80. Mutual Fire & General Insu1'llnce Co. of Tasmania (Ltd.). (Ltd.). 81. ."ational Co-operative Insurance Socy. Ltd. 14. Bankers and Traders Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 82. National Employers M.G. Insurance Assn. (Ltd.). 15. Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 8a. Nu,tional Insurance Co. of XcII' Zealand (Ltd.). 16. British America Assurance Co. 4. N,ttional Union Insurance ociety. 17. British Crown Assurance Corporation (Ltd.). 85. New Zealand In uranee Co. (Ltd.). 18. British Equitable Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 86. orth British & Mercantile Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 19. British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 87.... orthern Assurance Co. (I.tel.). 20. British General In uranee Co. (Ltd.). 88. "orthern :'Iaritime Ins1l1'unce Co. (Ltd.). 21. British Traders' Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 89. Norwich nion Fire Insurance Society (Ltd.). 22. Caledonian Insurance Co. 90. Nottingham Insurance Company Pty. (Ltd.). 23. Canton Insurance Office (Ltd.). 91. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation (Ltd.). 24. Catholic Church Prop. Insurance Co. of Aust. (Ltd.). 92. Pacific Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 25. Central Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 93. Palatine Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 26. Century Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 94. Patriotic Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 27. Chamber of Manufactures Insurance (Ltd.). 95. Pearl ssurance Co. (Ltd.). 28. China Underwriters (Ltd.). 96. Perpetual General In uranee & Guarantee Co. (Ltd.). 29. Church of England Insurance Co. of Aust. (Ltd.). 97. Phoenix Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 30. City Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 9 . Provincial Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 31. Colouial Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 99. Prndential A 'surance Cn. (Ltel.). 32. Commercial of Australia Insurance Co. (Lld.). 100. Quecn land Insurance Co. (Lld.). 33. Commercial nion Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 101. Reliance Marine Insurance ('0. (Lt,!.). 34. Commonwealth Insurance Co. 102. Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation. 35. Commonwealth General Assurance Corporation (Ltd.). 103. Royal Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 36. Consolidated Insurances Pty. Ltd. 104. Scottish Insurance Corporation (Ltd.). 37. Co-operative Insurance Co. of Australia (Ltd.). 105. cottish Union & National Insurance Co. 38. Cornhill Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 106. ca Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 39. Derwent & Tamar Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 107.• ecurity & General Insurance Co. Ltd. 40. Eagle Star Insurance Co. Ltd. 10 . Rervices :'1utual Insurance Society (Ltd.) 41. Eastern States Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 109. Southern Cross Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. 42. Economic Insurance Co. (Ltd.). llO. Southern Pacific Insurance Co. Ltd. 43. Edinburgh Assurance Co. (Ltd.). ll1. Southern Union Insurance Co. of Australia (Ltd.). 44. Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation (Ltd.). 112. South British Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 45. Farmers & Graziers Co-op. G.I. & A. Co. (Ltd.). 113. Standard Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 46. Farmers & Settlers' Co-op. Ins. Co. of Au tralia (Ltd.). 114. 'tate A surance Co. (Ltd.) (N.S.W. I~ranch). 47. Federal Mutual Insurance Co. of Australia (Ltd.). llij. Rtate Assurance Co. (Ltd.). (Gibbs, Bright & Co.) 48. Federation Insurance (Ltd.). 116. Sun Insurance Office (Ltd.). 49. General Accident F. & L. Assurance Corporation (Ltd.). ll7. Sydney Fire Office (Ltd.). 50. Government Insurance Office of N.i'3.W. 11 . Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 51. Gresham Fire and Accident Insurance 'ociety (Ltd.). ll9. Transport & General Insurance Co. Ltd. 52. Guardian Assurance Co. (Ltd.). 120. Triton In 'urance Co. (Ltd.). 53. Guildhall Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 121. Union Assurance Society (Ltd.). 54. Halifax Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 122. Union Insurance Rociety of Cant-on (Ltd.). 55. ITartford Fire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 123. Union. [!\rine and General Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 56. Home Insurance Co. 12-1. United Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 57. Indemnity Marine AS3urance Co. (Ltd.). 12:>. Yictoria Insurpnce Co. (Ltd.). 58. Insurance Office of Australia (Ltd.). 126. Victorian Auto-Chamber of Commerce Insurance Co 59. Invincible Fire and General Insurance Co. (Ltd.). (Ltd.). 60. Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 127. Viclorian Wheat Growers Corp. Ltd. 61. Lancashire Insurance Co. 128. "Tar.'on'ice Homes Commission. 62. Law Union & Rock Insurance Co. (Ltd.). (Gibbs Bright 12ll. \\'e.tehester Fire Insurance Co. & Co.) 130. WEll tern Assurance Co. 63. Legal Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 131. Western Australian Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 64. Licenses & General Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 132. World AlL.wiar)' Insurance Corporation (Ltd.). 65. Lift Inspection and In urance (Ltd.). 133. World Marine & General Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 66. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 134. Yorkshire Insurance Co. (Ltd.). 67. London Assurance. Firms. 1. Abel, Lemon & Co. Pty. (Ltd.). 25. Hordern, A., & Sons (Ltd.). 2. AlIen & Hanbury's (A'sia) Ltd. 26. Hudson, G., Pty. Ltd. 3. Amalgamated Dental Co. (Ltd.). 27. King. L. L., & Prior Pty. Ltd. 4. Armeo (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. 28. Lake George Mines (Ltd.). 5. Asphalt Cold ML\: (Anst.) Pty. Ltd. 29. Levy. ,T. A. 6. Austral Engineering Supplies Pty. Ltd. 30. Lumley, Edward & Rons (N.•.W.) Pty. Ltd. 7. Beard, Watson & Co. Ltd. 31. Lurnloy, Edward & Sons (Vie.) Pty. Ltd. 8. Briscoe & Co. (Ltd.). 32. Lumley, Edward &, Sons (Queensland) Pty. I,t,d. 9. Califoruia Asphalt Products Pty. Ltd. 33. McIlwraith, McEacharn (Ltd.). 10. Caltex Oil (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. 3-1,. Neptune Oil Co. Pty. (Ltd.). n. Caltex (Queensland) Pty. Ltd. :1'3. ostle's Food Specialties (Anst.) Ltd. 12. Central Agency (Aust.) (Ltd.). 36. New Zealand & Australian Land Co. (Ltd.). 13. Clark, T. P., & Co. 37. Orton, Douglas & Co. 14. Commonwealth Oil Refineries (Ltd.). 3 . O\'er~ea~ Tele. Commlmications Commission. 15. Dreyfus, Louis & Co. (Ltd.). 39. Phillips Electrical Industries of Anst. Pty. Ltd. 16. Farleigh, Tettheim Proprietary Ltd. 40. Poland, H. Goo (Aust.) Proprietary Ltd. 17. Fassett & Johnsou (Ltd.). 41. Reckitt & Colman (Aust.) (Ltd.). ] 8. Foley Bros. Pty. Ltd. 42. Shell Co. of Australia Ltd. 19. Gestetner, D., (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. 43. Sheller Bros. (Aust.) Pty. (Ltd.). ~o .Goldring, Magnus. 44. Steeves, Agnew & Co. (Aust.) Pty. (Ltd.). 21 Harrison & Attwood Pty. Ltd. 45. Steeves, Agnew & Co. Pty. Ltd. (Vie.). 22. Harvey Trinder (N.S.W.) Pty. (Ltd.). 46. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. (Aus.) Pty. Lt


Attendances at Board Meetings for the Year 1948.

Meetings. Present. Absent.

The Hon. Thomas Januarius Smith . 50 3 * Francis \Vestlake 'Valton . 36 17 Waiter Leslie Currey .. 46 7 Leslie Ivan Skelton .. 50 3 Alderman Leslie Edye Duff . 53 Alderman Hector Kenneth West Mackenzie . 45 8 John Franklin Beswick, J.P .. 49 4 Sydney Henry Alexander Jordan . 37 16

Total: 50 Ordinary feetings. 3 Special Meetings. * Mr. Walton absent on account of illness from 1st November to 22nd November 1948. 14


10th March, 19-19. SYDNEY FIRE DISTRICT. 'rhe Secretaf)', During the year, ,460 calls to fires were recei....ed; of these Board of Fire Commisisoners of .S.W., 1,709 were fires in building, 23 ship fires, 102 chimney fires, :1.564 busl" gra s and rubbish fires, 473 miscellaneous fires, Sydney. 164 motor car fires, 9 motor bus fires, and 181 011 other kinds Sir, of 1ll0tOr .... ehicles; the number of calls represents an increase I hcrewith submit my report on the work and operations of of ~,901 compal'ed with 1947. the New South Wal0s Fire Brigades for the year ended 31s~ December, 1948. There wcre six serious fires during the year, viz.:-

Date. Locality. Occupier. Business.

1st April .. Hansard.street, 'Vaterloo Commonwealth Govt. ... Cotton Store. 23rd April l\IcCauley·street, l\Iatm· Australian Paper Manu- Paper Manufacturers. ville. facturers Ltd. 2 th Jlme Royal Agricultural Show­ Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Store. ground, Moore Park. Rubber Co. (Aust.) Ltd. 31st August Pitt-street, Sydney Rawson Chambers Various. 4th November Baxter-road, ~Iascot ...... Standard Paint and Oil Paint Manufacturers. Co. Pty. Ltd. 7th December...... Queens-road, Five Dock... Richard Hughes Pty. Ltd. Caui ter Manufacturers.

The number of suspicious fires was 29.

PERSONNEL. TTIEATRES A.'D PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Sixty Firemen were iujured at fires, thirty of whom did not Continuous inspedion of 'l'heatres and Public Halls licensed relinquish duty. U1HI('l' the 'l'hentres and Public IIalls Act is maintained in the Syduey :\I1d Country Fire Districts to ensure that the fire The strength of the Brigade is 300 Officers and 823 Permanent nppliance are efficient and adequate, and that all safety Firemen. precautious are maintained in an efficieut condition. During the year forty-five Firemen resigned their appoint­ ment and ten "'ere dismissed. CONCOURSE DUTY. It is with regret that the Chief Officer reports the death Concourse duty i maintained, and during the year 273 such of Ex-Chief Officer G. S. GrimlDond, Station Officer C. O. duties were carried out, and co....ered a period of 1,100 hours. Selater, Sub-Station Officers W. J. Ahearn, L. A. Kay, and D. McKendry. FACTORIES AND Snops INSPECTIONS. There were 908 cases of sickness and aCCident, 113 of which Inspections of the memlS of escape in Factories and Shops did not IJecessitate memhers going off duty, thc totnl llumlJer registered under the Fnctories and Shops Act have been of days lost being 12,141 e:ll'ried out by Ofiicers of the Departmcnt in order thnt the safety of the employces and the genernl public in case of The following members retired from tho Department:­ fire or panic is cnsured. Acting Deputy Chief Officer .r. Johns, Acting l!'ifth Officer J. Walsh, tation Officers J. J. Brunty, D. McLennan, O. G. Sherwin, J. C. Sheekey, W. J. Wnrland, J. C. Watson, E. H. Bl'lLDING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Wiber, J. S. Wills and H. T. MilIwood, Senior Firemen A. P. As the By-laws governing building regulations in the origiual Abrahams, A. L. Martin and E. V. S. Plummer. Acting Fourth City of Sydney Area are being continued under the new Local o.fficer B. Rodney, Station Officer M. Fleming, Sub·Station Go,ernment Area Act, it is expected that the Building Officers F. W. Boyling, R. Gemmell, R. McPherson, S. A. Advisory Committee, of which the Chief Officer is a member, Mitchell, V. Redmnn, A. Samuelson, J. C. Smith and T. Simp­ will continue to fUllction. sun, Senior Firemen A. J. Gee, L. SpiceI', and First Class ]'iremen F. Finn, N. Hill, and W. J. Stivano were retired through physical incapacity. BUSH FIRES. The scope of hush fire fighting has been considerably in­ MOTOR. FIRE ApPLIANCES. creased by thc provision of three self-propelled water tank A new motor pumping appliance was installed at Mosman, UllltS fitted with high pressure pumps. A large quantity of whilst a Mack Salvage Waggon was in talled at Stanmore. special ho e and other bush fire fighting equipment has also lJeen provided for uw with the vehicles and by the various station. Special self-propelled water tank vehicles now FIRE ALARMS. numher five (5), and three high-pressure portable uuits are Street Fire Alarms in Sydney and suburbs now number 767, available for protection in any locality. This special mobile three additional having been erected during thc year. eqnipment is available in "B" and "COl Districts in the Sydney Fire District, and at Katoomba Fire District. Thefts of parts of street fire alarms still continue, thus rendering the alarms concerned useless. Additional hose posts in outlying areas under the jurisdiction of the Board have been established with all necessary equip­ ment and manned by Volunteer and Reserve Firemen. These WoATER. SUPPLY. posts uow total sixty-two, and a further five are in process of Thirteen million fifty-two thousand seven hundred aud eighty­ being established. This total does not include nine sub- four gallons of fresh water and 855,156 gallons of salt water ta tions operating on a similar basis. were used in extinguishing fires. Close co-operation with the various Councils of the Munici­ 'fhe Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board palities and Shires has been maintained and advice and instruc­ continues to impro....e and extend the water supply in the city tion given as required. and suburbs. Regular inspections of street hydrant are made, water pres­ The testing of bush fire fighting equipment has been under­ sures taken. Any defects in the street hydrants are immedi­ taken by the Brigade on behalf of the Government prior to its ately brought under the notice of the responsible authol'ities. distribution to Bush Fire Brigades throughout the State. Additional Bush Fire Brigades have been organised on behalf of the Local Governing Authorities, and technical advice and HOUSING CoNDITIONS. instruction given to members. Housing conditions still present difficulties and affect the !IDlooth working of the Service in so far as neeessary transfers Sur.... eys of public reserves and bush fire hazards, undertaken of personnel are often greatly delayed. for the guidance of the responsible authorities. , 15

APPENDIX VI-continued.

Manv hush fires ha,(' been attended outside Fire District RADIO TELEPIIONY. in surJi places as ational Park, Puhlic Resern.. s and in Shires The two-way frequency modulatioll radio telephony system under tIll' control of Councils. In this connedion outstanding l'cing installed on brigade appliances is well advanced, a num­ service Ims been gi\'en by Re9Cf\'e Firemen attached to lIose 1,('1" of \'("licles having been equipped to date. ./:'osts. PATROL SYSTEM. COUNTRY. The patrol ystem introduced 1J.Y the Board ha operated ....elV brig:\(les have been established at Barham, Forster, and with succe sful results in the Sydney Fire Di trict, which Lake Cargelligo and W'auchope. \vas didded into seven zone. In each zone the system is in In the country fire districts, the number of fire calls totalled operation in two periods, viz., from 8 p.m. to i a.m. and 3,3~7, heing an increase of 1,131 by omparison with the 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. Each patrol vehicle is equipped with fire l,re,'ious year. fighting equipment and two-way wireless telephouc, and is manned by an officer and three men. The most notable fires were:-

Date. Locality. Occupier. Bnsiness.

2nd July...... Wallendoon and Cooper Solomon Cohen Pty. Ltd. General Stores. streets. 'ootamundra. and Others. 18th October Hugh !lnd McGee streets, Royal Mail Hotel Licensed Victualler. HiIlston. 21st October Oxley and ,turt streets, Permewan "right General :lIerehants. Bourkc.

Changcs in appliance were eff<>eted at TIarraba, Goulhurn, Elcctrical Staff ~femhers of the Board and Chief Officer I!amilton and Wagga \Vagga, an 1 improved type and 1:lrger in pect<>d a number of tations throughout the State and pre­ cnpa('ity ('ng-in(' installed at Junee, ~Jolong, TUlllut, Wc t sented loug serdce medal to \'oltmteer firemen. Wyalong and Young. The Chief Officer reg1'ets to record the deaths of: Captain Opportunity is taken to thank the Commi ioner of Police Rutter (Bega), Volunteer Firemen G. McKendry (Bellbird), ana staff of the Police Department, officers of the Metro­ W. A. Bell (Condobolin), R. Royal (Culeairn), Captain N. politan \Vater, Sewerage and Drainage Board, the Hunter Parry (Gosford), VolUllteer Firemen F. llill (Kurri KUl'l'i) , Wat('r Sup))ly and • ewerage Board, also those of the S)"d­ R. Craig (We t Wa]]send), A. Butterfield (Lockhart), S. C. ne.\' ~hlJliclpal Council and the Sydney County Council for Joass (Lakemba), J. Gale (Narromine), '1'. B. McGui1'e thrir n11ued assistance. ( ~owra), n. Dickson (Tenterfield). E. J. GRIFFITIIS, Chief Officer, Visits of inspection were regularly made by Brigade Inspec­ tors and Motor Officers and member of the Mechanical and lOth March, 1949.

Sydne,: Alfred Henry Pettiler, Government Printer-1949. [ls. Id.]