THE MARYLANDER, Established 1862 SOMERSET FFF*TJ>T " 1828 PRINCESS ANNE, , JULY 31. 1917 Vol. XX No. 1 RED CROSS WORKERS NOW BUSY WEATHER FORECASTS FOR AUGUST DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETS NO "MARYLAND WEEK" SHOW CAN NOW BUILD AIRSHIPS SOMERSET COUNTY HAPPENINGS Princess Anne Branch To Furnish Hicks Predicts The Month Warmer Provision For Primaries And Me- Meetings To Be Held In December, President Signed $640,000,000 Ap­ Newsy Items Gathered By Our Cor­ Hospital Garments For Soldiers Than Usual For Summer Mullen Resolution Only Business But Exhibition Is Put Off A Year propriation Bill Last Tuesday respondents During The Week The Princess Anne Branch of Ameri A regular storm period is central on The Democratic State Central Com­ The Council of the Maryland Agri The $640,000,000 airplane bill became St. Peter's can Red Cross held a meeting in the the 4th, covering the 2nd to the 7th, in­ mittee met last Wednesday at 1 o'clock cultural Society, composed of the rep a law last Tuesday with President Wil­ July 28-Miss May Cannon is the week­ clusive. The Moon is in opposition with at the Rennert, , approved resentatives of the affiliated State as son's signature. end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claude court house last Tuesday afternoon. Bounds, at Mt Vernon. Earth and Sun on the 2nd, in perigee on Chairman Wade's agreement with sociations, at a recent meeting decidec Large quantities of spruce which wi] This Branch has decided to furnish nine Mrs. Benjamin Hall and son, Preston, soldiers with complete equipment 05 the 3rd, and on the celestial equater on Chairman Tait, of the Republican com­ upon December 18 to 22, inclusive, as be needed for airplanes will be suppliec of Marion Station, are the guests of hospital garments at a cost of $21.65 the 5th. "Vulcan," Venus and Jupiter mittee, to hold the primaries on Tues­ the most desirable time this year for at the rate of $105 per 1,000 feet, abou Mr. James Hall. each. Supplies for this equipment have play a part in the disturbances of this day, September 11; authorized the holding "Maryland Week" meeting half the price paid by many manufac Mrs. Wesley Bozman, of Baltimore, already been ordered and the society period. On and touching the 3rd, 4th chairman to select the'date and place or the annual meetings of the Mary turers, under an agreement reachet is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. expects to be at work on them very and 5th, violent storms of thunder, rain for the State convention; adopted a land Agricultural Society and afnliatec Tuesday between government repre Cecie McDaniel. resolution calling upon Comptroller Mc- associations, including the State Horti­ sentatives and spruce producers. Thi Mr. and Mrs. John Tyler and son, soon. Mr. S. Frank Dashiell has most and wind will organize and visit most Wallace, of Baltimore, are visiting at generously offered the use of a room parts of the country. Mullen to be a candidate for re-election. cultural Society, the Maryland Crop low price will apply to private manu the home of Mrs. Mamie Tyler. over his store, furnished with chairs, A reactionary storm period is central Here is the resolution which urges Improvement Association, the State facturers with government and Allies Miss Bessie Muir returned bomb from tables, etc., for the catting and storing on the 9th, 10th and llth. There are no Mr. McMullen to be a candidate to suc­ Dairymen's Association and the State contracts, as well as to direct govern Baltimore Wednesday after visiting rel­ of these materials. special causes of storm disturbances in ceed himself and which upholds the Beekeepers' Association. ment purchases. atives during the past six weeks. The members, with assistance of the sight for this period. The Moon is at President's war policy: At a meeting of the Council in May, This immense appropriation is only Misses Lelia Bennettand Clara White, "The State Central Committee of the a committee was appointed to consider the beginning of preparations for the after spending two weeks in Baltimore, various circles throughout the county, last quarter on the 9th, and at extreme returned to their respective homes last declination north on the 12th, which Democratic party of Maryland, assem­ the advisability of holding the "Mary­ campaign intended to overwhelm Ger­ expect to furnish each soldier, white bled in the midst of a war to maintain Sunday. and colored, going from Somerset coun­ facts imply that very high temperature democracy, recalls that the principle land Week" exhibition and to ascertain many from the air. More than 20,000 Master Frank Beauchamp, son of Mr. ty, with a "Soldier's Hoosewife" made may prevail that is a very warm wave for which the nation and its allies are the possibility of securing the Fifth planes are to be built as a first incre­ I. F. Beauchamp,of Baltimore,is spend­ after a pattern of those furnished by may reach a crest higher than the nor­ now fighting was the principle which Regiment Armory, where the exhibi­ ment and there will be many thousands ing some time with his sister, Mrs. Harry Phoebus. the government. mal summer temperature. its founder, Thomas Jefferson, and the tion has previously been held. This of aviators. The first task will be the party itself proclaimed and established committee reported that after consul­ Mrs. Emily Hopkins, who has been Contributions of odds and ends of A regular storm period is central on for the United States, adopted by the instruction of the vast army of Ameri­ tation with the Governor and Adjutant with her brother, Mr. W. L. Muir, in woolen yarns are solicited from any one the 15th, extending from ab'out the 13th President of the United States. It can fliers. Baltimore,during the past three months, throughout the county. Such odds and to the 19th. The Moon is in conjunction earnestly endorses the course of the General it was considered most improb­ Germany, realizing the danger of the returned home Tuesday. ends to be used in knitting blankets or with Sun and Earth, or at its new, on President, "to make the world safe for able that the Armory could be secured air campaign, already is feverishly Mrs. P. H. Cannon, after visiting rel­ democracy," forbearing as long as hon­ on account of military needs. The Delmar and Whitesville, Del., afghdhs for wounded, soldiers. Old the 17th, is in apogee on the 18th, and or and prudence would permit, to raise building airplanes to fight the fleets atives in Council considered many other matters coming to overwhelm her. The element and spending a few days at Ocean City, sweaters, scarfs, etc., may be washed on the celestial equator on the 19th. The the sword in defense of the nation's Md., returned home Wednesday. and raveled and used again for these influence of the autumnal equinox will rights. The democracy of Maryland bearing on the situation, viz., that the of speed, therefore, is foremost in pledges the government of Maryland to florists were unable to co-operate this Misses Virginia Adams and Ruth afghans. Such donations may be sent begin to assert its pertuoing power at luilding the American fleet. This fea­ Stevenson, of Crisfield, who spent ten I ts utmost exertions and resources in year, the transportation problem and to the home of Mrs. H. L. D. Stanford, this time, all of which being combined support of the nation's efforts to a suc­ ture was emphasized on Tuesday in a days with their cousin, Mr. James Law- who has charge of this knitting depart­ with the "Vulcan "disturbance will bring cessful termination of the war and early the fact that the farmers and all forces statement by Howard E. Coffin, chair­ son, returned to their homes Tuesday peace in which the equal rights of all will be rushed this fall in conserving accompanied by their cousin, Miss Gladys ment Any scraps of yarn can be used, a decided storm period. man of the aircraft production board of Lawson. no matter what size, length or color. A reactionary storm period is central nations of the world shall be secured. the products of the season, the diffi­ the Council of National Defense. "In times like these the nation and culty of securing club exhibits, etc. Mr. William Horner, who is a summer on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd The regular the state have a right to call upon the "The program must be carried out student at the Delaware College, came reactionary influences at this time will citizens to make sacrifices of their per­ After careful consideration and view­ with a promptness equal to that dis­ lome Wednesday quite sick, the effects >e "backedup" by the Jupiter influence, sonal interests for the common good, ing the situation from every standpoint, played by Congress in passing the meas­ of an abscess in his throat. At this writ- and recognizing the exceptional merit the Council decided to postpone the ng he is somewhat improved, and will The following have become members the autumnal equinox and possibly by ure, '' he said. ' 'It is a task demanding and capacity of Hon. Hugh A. McMul- "Maryland Week" show for one year, return to Newark, Del., as soon as he of the Kingston Circle of American the on-coming Mars equinoctial period. all the initiative and power of American "s able to resume his studies. IRIS. en as comptroller of the State of Mary­ and to devote every effort toward mak­ Red Cross, of which Mrs. L. A. Cham­ A regular storm period is central on land, the Democratic party hereby calls ndustry for its consummation and, just ing the annual meetings in December berlain is chairman; Mrs. J. E. Gorsuch, the 27th, extending over the 25th to the upon him to continue in the discharge !or that reason, one to which the nation Landonville treasurer, and Miss S. Madora Turpin, JOth. This last August storm period will of the duties of the high office of comp­ the best in the history of the affiliated will respond. All world's records for in- July 28. Mr. Everett Meredith was troller in order that the state may have associations. It is hoped at this time to Princess Anne Wednesday. secretary: Mesdames J. C. Robertson, oe fully within the influence of the the advantage of his splendid service, lustrial development of a new art must visitor S. O. Tull, W. A. Hayman, C. F Earth's autumnal equino*, reinforced by and to permit his nomination by the to feature practical discussions and )e broken. Whatever crimes may later Mr. Harold Walston, who is employed Matthews, M. E. Gorsuch, S. M. Davis party for that purpose. demonstrations that will be of interest at Baltimore, is spending the week her* J. L. Knotts, P. O. Hudson, W. J the growing Jupiter period. The Mars )e laid at the door of those who are to with his family. Pedrich. period is to be reckoned with from this "Apart from the business to be trans-1 and value to all branches of agricul- irect this work, that of inaction or reference to pre- Mrs. Rose Holland and little children time on through September and Octo­ acted, the annexation question seemed j ture, with particular lowness in accomplishment must not be pent Sunday and Monday with relatives ber. The Moon is at first quarter on the to have the most prominent place in | paredness measures, one of them. We are prepared to go at Princess Anne. 25th, and at greatest declination south the minds of the leaders and workers ! In addition to the efforts which will ahead at once with the expanded plans Miss Margaret Holland and her broth­ in connection with the an- The following are members of West- on the 26th. The planet Jupiter is in who gathered in the lobby an hour or j be put forth which the appropriation makes possible. er, Paul, of Baltimore, are visiting their nual meetings, it was urged by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. over Circle: Mesdames George Handy, quadrature with Earth and Sun on Sep­ two before the committee met It was "Within comparatively short time we Council that every effort be made to lolland. William Long, Irene Jones, E. F. tember the 2nd, which fact will not on­ apparent that the sentiment for annex­ shall have enough of the type required develop and encourage the holding of Little Miss Elizabeth Holland, of Bal- Chamberlin, George McDoweil, F. ly help to perturb storm and weather ation, without a referendum, had grown for training the thousands of men who unore, is spending the summer with Bissell, L. Ruark, C. E. Alien, Lewis conditions, but will also aggravate earth­ very greatly among the county men. local community shows in the different will constitute a contribution to the win­ her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Layfield. E. Dennett Long, E. Pass quake unrest at the same time. About I This was notably true of the Eastern counties. It was felt that such local ning of the war equal in importance to S. Holland. water, C. H. Layfield, William Handy, Tuesday, Wednesday and ' Shore people who work with Senator exhibits of farm, garden and orchard the production of machines. America Mrs. Noah Holland, who has been Ritzell, Hattie Monday, . T. J. Cox, Misses Mary Smith. will have a tendency to stimulate local of material visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter • Salisbury, Dorothy Bissell and Mr. Thursday, August the 27th, 28th and is the last great reservoir Haynie, at Crisfield, returned home Joseph Elliott. 29th, expect a marked culmination of United States. Senator John Walter interest, promote educational work, for war pilots, as well as for airplanes. Thursday. equinoctial storms. The last week in Smith, Governor Harrington, John J. which should result in the greater pro­ Already three of the 2f big new train­ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Walker .and By Heavy Rains August is a time of probable danger and Mahon, with a full contingent of city duction of more valuable food products. ing fields are completed and instruction daughter, Miss Flossie, of Fruitland, Crops Damaged These local community shows can be spent Saturday and Sunday here visit­ The heavy rains which have fallen trouble frem storm and weather; but Democrats, Daniel J. Loden alone miss­ on them has begun. Others are being held with small expense of time and ing relatives and friends. almost daily during the last two weeks the crisis will fall on and touching the ing, and the leaders from almost every rushed to completion. Orders for train­ labor, and will reach a large number of Mrs. Cora McNamara and little son, have been the cause of heavy loss to 28th and 29tb. county filled the corridors and the com­ ing machines were placed weeks ago and farmers and home-makers.x The various German, who have been visiting Mrs. the farmers. Wheat was cut and mittee room. After the meeting they shipments of the first output already McNamara's daughter, Mrs. Marsh, represented by the Council shocked in the fields before the series Picnic And Festival At Dears Island filled a section of the dining-room and associations have been made. The output of this at Smith's Island, have returned home. are of rains began. The wet weather, The Deal's Island Chapter Methodist enjoyed lunch as the guests of the com-1 of the State Agricultural Society most necessary type will continue to in­ \ anxious to co-operate in making such Perryhawkin together with the high temperature, Brotherhood will hold an up-to-date mittee. crease rapidly, as we have the plants. ' community exhibits a success and a per- July 28 Mrs. William Culver and has caused the grain to sprout, and in picnic and festival in the camp-meeting "In considering the size of the ap­ List Of Drafted Men Posted i manent feature. daughter, of Baltimore, are visiting at some cases whole shocks of wheat have grove at Deal's Island Friday, August propriation, it must be borne in mind the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Culver. Within a few days 267 men of Somer­ is to be taken on the verdant hue of new growth. 3rd, beginning at 3 o'clock in the after­ that less than half this amount The young people of this community set county, drawn under the selective The Navy In Need Of Musicians expended in the purchase of airplanes There are numerous other farmers noon. draft law, will be called to appear be­ organized a tennis club this week with Prominent speakers have been invited It is the desire of the Navy Depart­ alone. Personnel, training equipment, Mr. Clay ton Marriner president. who planted their late potato crop be­ fore the local exemption board for in the after­ ment to recruit the bands of all the overseas maintenance, spare parts, fly­ Mrs. Milton Marriner and children, of fore the rains began, and these have to entertain the visitors examination. This board is composed noon. The Brotherhood Orchestra, led fighting ships to their full strength, and ing stations, armament and scientific Bluefield, W. Va., are visiting at the all their work to do over again. The of Drs. Charles W. Wamwright, C. E. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Crisfield, will a special appeal is being made to^ young j apparatus are all to be provided for and seed which was put into the ground 10 jy Prof. Stevenson, Collins and Mr. W. Jerome Sterling. James Noel, at King's Creek. occasion. musicians all over the country. The pay are equally as important as the manu­ days or two weeks ago has -rotted and 'urnish music for the The official lists of those called for the Mrs. John T. E. Myers and Miss Vioia This promises to be a unique affair, is good better than that paid ordinary facture of the machines. One hundred is a total loss. first army have been received by th West, of Baltimore, have returned to as the organization, composed of men musicians in civilian life and the sur­ and ten thousand officers and enlisted the city after visiting at the home of Fruit and berry crops have been in­ exemption board and have been postec only, will have sole control of every roundings of a bandman aboard ship men an army of the air greater than their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. West. jured by the rains and the outlook of in conspicuous places, both in Crisfielc Supper will be served by are pleasant and agreeable. The ad­ our standing army of a few months ago Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dykes-and lit­ the farmers, which a few weeks ago department and Princess Anne. tle daughter, Thelma, of Sykesville, cooked by men, and men waiters vancement leads to a bandmaster. will be needed. The whole project is was very bright, has suffered a radical men, Only men rejected for physical rea Md., are visiting at the home of Mr. will be on hand in order to see that Young men with merely a primitive one which appeals to imagination of our change. '. sons will be exempted from service by Dykes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. every one is given courteous attention, knowledge of music can enlist in the people and to the genius of our Ameri­ Dykes. this board. All men presenting claims Navy at this time and be sent to the can engineers.'' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marriner and Miss Cooke Hurt By Explosion eafoods and other delicacies will be for exemption for other reasons will be Last Wednesday Miss Ursula Cooke, moderate prices, Musicians' School, from which they are little son, James, of Baltimore, are served for supper at compelled to appeal to the district ex­ visiting at the home of Mr. Marriner/s daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cooke, at the confec- transferred to a ship; thus receiving a ce cream, fruits, etc., emption board and file their supporting Whiskey Can Be Ordered By Mail parents, Mr. and Mrs: James T., Mar­ of Oriole, met with an accident which complete education in band music. Once ionery table. affidavits within 10 days of the time The Wicomico News, in its issue oi riner. maimed her for life. aboard a man-o'-war, the young musi­ they are called for the first examination. Thursday last, published the following Mr. and Mrs. Hargis Hickman and Miss Cooke went to the woodpile and cian is afforded not only a chance to Can't Even Carry "Booze" The district board, which will sit for for the benefit of its thirsty readers: little daughter. Mary, have returned collected a scuttle of chips and small serve his country at a critical time, but That the "bone-dry" law recently the entire Eastern Shore, is composec "In our article published two weeks home after visiting at the home of Mrs. pieces of wood, and upon returning to is enabled to travel extensively while in iassed by Congress makes it unlawful of Curtis E. Crane, Chestertown, chair­ ago regarding the shipping of intoxica­ Hickman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. the house emptied them into the stove, jo carry into prohibition territory even pursuit of his vocation. Dykes. _____ man: Dr. J. McFadden Dick, Salisbury; While the Navy recruiting authorities ting Hquors into Wicomico county, we when an explosion occurred, from what a bottle of liquor in one's pocket or bag­ no one could Judge W. Laird Henry, Cambridge; at Baltimore have not been asked to made the error to say that Westover cause it has not been ascertained. The gage is the decision of Attorney-General to order or Charles F. Rich, Centreville, and Harry enlist a definite quota of musicians, they use the United States mails July 28 Mrs. Frank Walker is visit­ explosion blew the little finger and the Gregory in instructions received recent­ A. Roe, Denton. This board will hear City. are anxious to see Maryland maintain pay for whiskey from Baltimore ing at Landonville. two fingers next to it on the left hand ly by United States District Attorney and determine all appeals from the de­ that a number of our young' men cisions of county boards. her loyal record in the call for this We are informed by the postmaster Quite off? and the forefinger and thumb on Dennis. It is permissible to take liquor we were in error regarding this and that are on the drafted list. In Somerset county 267 men have the service. the same hand were lacerated in such a into restricted territory, but'in doing so, and the branch of no law which prohibits a resi­ Mrs. Jennie Walker was a business been called for examination Minors desiring to enlist in the Navy there is manner that they bad to be amputated under the Attorney-General's quoto to be furnished for the National from ordering visitor to Princess Anne Monday. in any capacity must present the writ­ dent of Wicomico county at the first joint. On the right hand may not be taken through territory Army is 118. This means that the first whiskey through the mails from Balti­ Long Brothers tomato factory open­ the little finger and the one next to it 118 men selected will be drafted into ten consent of their parents or legal ed Friday for the purpose of canning where it is prohibited. service. more City. early tomatoes. was torn off and the middle finger had Under the Attorney-General's ruling guardian. Forms for this purpose can be obtained from the postmasters of "As the thousands of readers of The Owing to so much rain the farmers to be amputated at the first joint Be­ liquor may be brought to the Eastern Peninsula Doctors' Association News were misinformed on of this section are in doubt about the the State. Full particulars of Navy en­ Wicomico sides this she received numerous scars Snore of Maryland by way of the bay, A large number of the medical fra­ this subject we hasten to make a cor­ safety of their wheat. on the face.______Shore of Mary­ listments can be obtained from the Mr. James Heath, of Princess Anne, but not through Delaware, Virginia or ternity of the Eastern nearest postmaster*, directly from the rection. Under the existing law any West Virginia, even in hip-pocket flasks. land, Delaware and Virginia, met at spent Saturday and Sunday with his Navy Recruiting Station, Calvert resident of the county has a perfect daughter, Mrs. Jacob Walker. lev. Spears On Bis Vacation Ocean City Thursday and formed an Lexington streets, Baltimore, or from right to use the mails in ordering whis­ In the storm of Wednesday evening The Rev. Henry E. Spears, rector of Road Work Delayed organization to be known as "The East­ the Navy Recruiting Sub-stations at key, not exceeding one gallon per month, Somerset Parish, leaves tomorrow for ern Shore of Maryland, Virginia and Cumberland and Hagerstown. lightning struck a tree in the yard of The contractors on the Westover* and there are no restrictions on the Mr. Isaac Beauchamp. Besides splinter­ bis vacation and be gone for several Pocomoke stone road have been almost Delaware Medical Association." transportation companies delivering this weeks. Mr. Spears will visit relatives The officers of the association are as High School Struck By Lightning ing some limbs no other damage was at a standstill for the past two weeks During the severe electrical storm quantity of whiskey within the county. done. ______in Tennessee and Kentucky. St An- follows: President, Dr. J. McFadden cannot be shipped from other by reason of the inclement weather. which passed over Salisbury shortly Whiskey drew's Church will be dosed daring the It was at first thought that the road Dick, Salisbury; secretary, Dr. Wolff, States into this territory. rector's absence. The Sunday School Dr. Henry M. after noon last Wednesday, the Wi- Real Estate Transfers would be completed by the early fall, Cambridge; treasurer. C. R. Disharoon Company from John swill also have its vacation during the Lankford, Princess Anne; vice-presi­ comico High School building was struck but weather conditions have so set them Chairman Galen L. Tait, of the Re­ S. Cooper and others, 51$ acres in St. month of August dents, Dr. Nevitt, Virginia; Dr. Riley, >y lightning and was considerably dam­ back that it is almost an impossibility publican State Centra] Committee, has Peters's district; consideration $2,000. Delaware, and Dr. Cantwell, Cecil aged. The lightning struck the high to tell just when the work will be finish­ called a meeting of the committee on John F. Betts from John Betts and The fairness of the plea which Balti­ county. tower in the centre of the building ed. They are doing all in their power to August 8th, at the Rennert Hotel, Bal­ wife, 6 acres in Lawson'B district; con­ more will make at the coming session A business meeting was held in the :ompletely wrecking it, and then passed of the General Assembly for an exten­ advance things, but with such weather afternoon and a scientific meeting at iff down the roof on the north side, timore, at 1 p. m. At this meeting the sideration $200. late very lit­ sion of tiie limits of the city is con­ as we have experienced of night, both sessions being held in the ipping off considerable of the roof, date for the primaries agreed upon by James P. Kelly from Harry C. Dash- tained in a handbill which is being dis­ tle work can be done at road building. State School Building. running on down a chimney and partly the respective chairmen will be ratified iell, trustee, land in Dames Quarter dis­ A, banquet was held at 10 o'clock at date fixed for the state conven­ trict; consideration $5 and other valu­ tributed by the Greater Baltimore Destiny shapes our ends, so any man night at the Plimbimmon Hotel imme­ wrecking same. The damage will and a Extension League. can see bis finish. diately after the scientific meeting. , .mount to several hundred dollars. tion. able considerations. Tankersley Zack W rent of elec house.. .9 30 00 DESBURSEMENTS-CONTENUED o Tawes, Harold J clerk of election...... 4 2£ 1916 Owen*, James T rear and judge elec.... .$ 21 90 Thomas. Wm J cor and justice of peace 26 91 Aug. 8 To amount paid The Henry Watson Children's Aid Society for board of Woodrow Tilghman. P M justice of peace...... 54 7C Windsor from June 19. 1916 to July 31, 1916...... $ 135 0070' LEVY FOR 1917 P Townwnd, Zador W judge of election... 3 9C " 15 Charles Lloyd for fixing pavement in front of Court House...... A BOLD Phoebtu, H B reasseaiinsr property 80 Tull, Edmund judge of election...... 4 8C " 29 W. O. Lankford & Son for furniture polish. 50c; Dutch Cleanser.lOc 60 day...... 150 00 Tull. Gordon attorney fees...... 80 00 Sept. 5 Everett C. Cannon for furnishing electric light in Court House from State of Mar i/land, Somerset County, to wit: Phoebui. Jetie M clerk of election...... 3 90 Tull, H Clay amount paid him for taxes July 1st, to Sept. 1st, 1916...... 225 Phoebus, Z R judge orphan* court...... 11760 he could not collect as tax collector. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City. ATTEMPT Polk. Barle B judge of election...... 18 00 He had paid county in full for the for services to Sept. SO, 1916...... 360 i " 12 10 14 ' At a meeting of the County Commis­ Porter, Charlei R clerk of election...... 3 90 amount due from him as collector.Feb- " 12 Lncas Bros., inc., for stationery to date!...... "... sioners held in their office in Princess Porter, Charles Rreataeuinff property ruary 15.1912...... 93 00 " 26 Baltimore Office Suppy Co.. for stationery to date...... 1 05 By ETHEL HOLMES Anne on Thursday, June 14th, 1917, and SZYa days...... 265 00 Tull, H Clay rear and judge of election... 30 00 H, L. Brittingham, postmaster, in payment 500 2-cent stamped en­ Porter, Win W praying treet around Tull. Harding P coroner juror...... 1 00 velopes ...... 10 62 continued by adjournment until June court house...... 7 00 Tull, Jos S coroner juror...... 1 00 " 26 H. L. Brittingham. postmaster, for postofnce box rent from Sept. J 30th, 1917. Present: Potter, Geo. H colored coroner juror.... 1 01 Tull. O Paul judge of election...... 3 90 30th to Dec. 31st, 1916...... :...... 45 At 6 o'clock in the afternoon Mark DR. C. C. WARD, Pres. Powell. Clarence A res: of vital statistics 45 5( Tyler, Edgar S reg and judge of elec.... 18 60 Oct. 3 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Price, Glenn in payment of horses drown­ Tyler. Edw P clerk of election...... 3*90 for telephone services to Nov. 1st. 1916...... 2 80 Trftvor locked Ills desk and went home F, E. MATTHEWS, ed at White Haven ferry...... 12600 Tyler, Jacob S judge of election...... 3 60 The Henry Watson Children's Aid Society for board for Woodrow Having let himself In with his latch­ GEORGE A. SOMERS, Pruitt, Charles F judge of election...... 4 20 Tyler, John W reg and judge of election 23 05 Windsor from July 31st to Oct. 2d, 1916...'.-...... 27 00 JOHN E. HOLLAND, Clerk. ' Pruitt, J E sheriff...... 2,088 36 Tyler, John W reassess'g Drop 76 days 375 00 3 Mrs. Le'thia Somers Wilson pension for quarter ending Sept. lst,19I6 4000 key, he went upstairs stealthily,.for It Pusey, Ray reassessing property 66^2 17 H. L. Brittingham, postmaster, for 1000 2-cent stamped envelopes . . 21 24 The said Commissioners proceeded days. 282 50 V 17 W. O. Lankford & Son for coal oil, 55c: lamp chimney. 10...... 65 had occurred to him to enter his wife's according to law to adjust the ordinary Vetra, Frank B judge of election../.... 10 20 31 D. D. Hickey in full to date for plumbing and repairing heating plant 2705 Vetra, John B judge orphans court..... 182 40 Nov. 8 Harry C. Dashiell to be applied toward paying sundry expenses of room quietly, and if her back were to­ and necessary expenses of said county R Supervisors of Election...... 15 00 ward him be would put his arms about as reported for the fiscal year ending Renshaw. W T judge of election...... 3 90 w 14 Everett C. Cannon electric lighting bill for Sept. $1.75; for Oct. $2.38 4 13 the following Revelle. R Bain clerk of election...... 3 90 28 Lucas Bros., Inc., for stationery to date...... 21 82 her and surprise her with a kiss. June 30th, 1917, when Richards, C T judge of election...... 1845 Wallace. Irving judge of election..;..... 3 90 28 The Paul Company for order book for use at almshouse 6 40 allowances were made, namely: Richardson, C T hammocks for jail...... 20 00 Walters, Perry reassesa'g prop 51 days 255 00 28 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Prom this it will be supposed and Riggrin, Horace reg and judge of elec... 1920 Ward, Dr C C lunacy physician...... 15 00 for telephone services for November, 1916...... ;...... 3 75 correctly that Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Ringgold, Chas W clerk of election...... 3 60 Ward. C C medicine...... 4 20 Dec. 5 Wm. J. Phillips in payment of the costs he paid on the property of Ringjrold, James D reg and judge elec.. 22 20 Ward, C C handcuffs...... 16 00 Isaac T. Leach in Fairmount district he bought at tax sale held had not been long married. Adams, E J coroner juror...... f 1 00 Ritzell. Edw J clerk of election...... 4 35 Ward, C C county'com...... ,. 32660 Oct. 17.1916: it was afterwards learned that the property was il­ Cautiously pushing the door open, Adams. F T reg. vital statistics...... 68 36 Robertson, Samuel H Jr judge of elec... 3 90 Ward, Mortimer A reg and judge of elec 19 65 legally advertised and it was re-advertised and sold again Novem­ Adams, Geo W rep'g election house..... 575 Robertaon, Thomas coroner juror...... 1 00 Ward, Mortimer A justice peace...... 32 50 ber 28, 1916...... 3 31 he saw standing before a .dresser, Alexander Dr H G post mort & lun phy. 20 00 Ruark. Lafayette register of wills...... 180 75 Waters. Henry J attorney fees...... 40 00 The Henry Watson Children's Aid Society in full to date for board hunting in one of the drawers, a wom­ Webster, C Spurgeon reg and judge elec 18 90 of Woodrow Windsor from Oct. 2nd to Nov. 27.1916...... 24^ w00 B Webster, John (sogy) coroner juror..... 1 00 " 12 Mrs. Lethia Somers Wilson for quarter ending Dec. 1, 1916...... 40 00 an. In another moment she caught Webster, Preston coroner juror...... 1 00 " 10 H. C. Waller for galvanized pipe and repairing furnace. Barton, Frank judge of election...... 420 F Douglass clerk of election...... Fred P clerk of ejection...... 17 70 4 75 alght of his reflection in the mirror. James, Dr H A vaccinations...... 1200 Sears, 4 50 White, " 26 H. L. Brittingham, postmaster, for 5000 postal card? . .... 50 00 Sears, Walter judge of election...... 4 80 White, Harry P reg and judge of elec... 20 97 1917 H. L. Bittingham. postmaster, in payment of 1000 2-cent stamped James. Dr H A medical services...... 590 J H judge of election...... of election...:.... 14 85 Turning, she faced him. Jedsworth, Chas H judge of election... 4 20 Shreives, 4 20 White, John W clerk Jan. 2 envelopes...... 21 24 Smith. Henry colored coroner juror..... 1 00 White, Maurice E clerk of election...... 4 20 H. L. Brittingham, postmaster, for postofnce box rent from Dec. "Madam," he said, "what are you do­ Jedsworth, Ulmont F clerk of election. 420 Dr T. J rear of vital statistics.... W W judge of election...... 3 90 Jennett, S J reg and judge of election.. 18 90 Smith. 13608 White, 31st, 1916 to March 31st, 1917...... 45 I ing here?" Smith. T J & Co supplies, medicine, etc 2775 Whittington. Austin L clerk of elec..... 3 90 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Jennett, The* H judjre of election...... 390 A judge of election...... Brice coroner juror...... 1 00 your wife's jewels. But Jennett. William* reg vital statistics.... 2 45 Somers. Geo 3 90 Whittington, for telephone services for months of December. 1916, and January "I came for Somers. Geo A county com...... 247 00 Whittington. David T clerk of election.. 4 20 1917...... f,.. Jenton, Grover coroner juror...... 1 00 prop'ty 38 days 4 20 6 45 since I hare not found them and have Bond. Mrs Addie E carrying- children to Snead, D F reassessing 19000 Whittington, Norman T clerk of elec... Robert F. Maddox, agent, premium on $5000 fire insurance policy in Sterling, Elwood sheriff...... 18 60 Whittington. W L re-ss'g prop-94 days. 470 00 North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, for 3 years been interrupted in my search I will Baltimore ...... 2000 reg and judge elec.. 360 00 Jozman. Chas E clerk of election...... 4 05 Sterling, Albert W 2305 Whittington, T J reass'g prop 72 days. " 16 from January 7th, 1917 to January 7th, 1920...... 6000 pnt in operation a scheme which I de­ Sterling. John H clerk of election...... 480 Willing. Geo H reg and judge elec...... 38 56 W. O. Lankford & Son for 1 dust brush 35c, 1 dust pan 10c and two Jozman, Fred'k C reg & judge of elec.. 1990 and judge of elec.. prepared before tozman, Henry L clerk of election...... 3 90 Sterling, Lloyd J reg 22 90 Willing, Leslie clerk of election...... 8 70 " 16 brooms 90c.-...... : 35 vised and for which I Sterling, Paul M clerk of election...... 3 90 Wilson John C reg and judge election... 21 60 Sandy Duffy for 2 baskets for use in basement to handle ashes.... .- tozman. John T judge of election...... 1485 4 20 " 23 00 coming here in case I should fail in Bozman, Wilbur coroner juror...... 100 Sterling, W J hardware...... 8 40 Wilson Wm James clerk of election..... The Henry Watson Children's Aid Society in full to date for board Sterling. W Jerome clerk of cir court... 1.297 71 Woodland. Dr J dreg of vital statistics. 10 33 for Woodrow Windsor from Nov. 27th. 1916, to January 15th. 1917 21 00 obtaining the jewels. Tour wife is not Bozman. Chas C reassesu'g prop 30 days 15000 5 00 " 23 Branford, Chas W clerk of election..... 3 90 Woodland. Dr J C lunacy physician..... " 23 Everett C. Cannon electric light bill for Nov. and Dec. 1916...... 8.20 in the house. I left her some ten min­ Brown. Geo W groceries etc. for jail.... 9063 C. C. Ward for expenses to Baltimore Jan. 5th, 1917, to appear be­ 12 50 ' utes ago «t the door 6f a friend of hers Brace, John clerk of election...... 390 Tankersley, Wm J carrying 7 children to " 23 fore the State Roads Commission...... Baltimore...... 7000 foung. Carroll coroner juror...... 1 00 Gordon Tull, attorney, for burying expenses of Mrs. Ethel Diez. of , with whom she was exchanging a few Tankersley, Wm J judge of election. .... Total incidental expenses...... $16,276 59 Crisfield, who died at the Laurel Sanitarium, Dec. 20th, 1915..... 31 50 last words before parting. Knowing 3 60 Feb. 6 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Campbell. Wm D judge of election...... 3 90 " 6 for telephone services to March 1st, 1917...... 3 20 the disposition of my sex to prolong Campeau, Frank coroner juror...... 1 00 W. O. Lankford & Son for 5 gallon oil 55c. 2 lamp wicks 3c...... 58 for in this Levy as heretofore " 6 Cantwell. A B judge of election...... 3 90 The following is a summary of the incidental expenses provided " 13 Archbold Todd expense account as supervisor of assessments...... 3 9T those few parting words, I believed I Carey. E J court crier...... 4538 alphabetically arranged from A to Y. The Pusey-Yates Company in full to date for welding shaker arm for would have plenty of time to come Carey. E J clerk of election...... 3 90 2,944 18 " 13 furnace...... 50 Carey. Raymond clerk of election...... 3 90 Election purposes...... $ The Crisfield Times in full to date for publishing notices of treasurer here and at least make a beginning." 1800 Inquests, lunacy, magistrates, witnesses, constables, etc...... 359 70 from July 1st, 1916 Cathell, Lee clerk of election...... Jail, jailor and sheriff ...... 3,421 16 visit to Westover and Crisfield to collect taxes, Opening a reticule, she took out a bit Catlin. Elmer F judge of election...... 3 90 1,343 09 to January 1st, 1917...... 3 00 Clippinger, A reg and judge of election. 29 55 Clerk of circuit court and court crier...... 13 The C. B. Dolge Co., in full to date for disinfectants, etc., for use at of paper and handed it to Trevor. It 450 Attorney's fees ...... 605 00 Cochrane. Root W judge of election.... County commissioners ...... 831 10 court house, almshouse and jail...... 6974 was a note for $1,000. Collier, Eddie justice peace...... 6 50 1.120 26 13 J. S. Hayman for freight and hauling disinfectants...... 2 19 E reg of vital statistics.. . 304 98 Health and hygiene...... '...... "...... '...... 20 electric light bill for court house for month of "Sign it," said the woman. Collins. Dr C Burying paupers...... 2250 Everett C. Cannon Collins, Dr C E health otticer & med ser 238 3? 102 25 January...... 3 57 clerk of election...... 3 60 Printing ...... Children's Aid Society for board for Woodrow "I will do no such thing." Collins. S Lee Orphans court and register of wills...... 713 25 27 The Henry Watson Conner, Stanley F judge of election..... 4 20 118 29 Windsor from January 1st, 1917 to February 26th, 1917...... 18-00 "Yes, you will when you have heard Coulbourne Edw R coroner juror...... 1 00 Building material ...... 27 Mrs.'Lethia Somers Wilson pension for. quarter ending: March 1,1917 40 00 and Taxes paid in error...... 99 68 of 5000 postal cards. ... my reasons why It would be best for Coulbourne, Dr Geo C post mortem Reassessment...... 4,267 50 27 H. L, Britting-ham, postmaster, in payment 50 00 lunacy physician...... 20 00 90 00 Mar. 6 H. C. Waller for work on furnace pipe ...... 50 you to do so. Your wife will be here Joseph J coroner juror..... 1 00 Carrying children to Baltimore...... The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Coulbourne, Handcuffs furnished by Dr. C. C. Ward...... *.'...... '..... 16 00 6 in a few minutes." She had got be­ Coulbourne. Wm H reg of vital statistics 20 30 7 00 for telephone service? for March, 1917...... 4*25 Cox, Lambert W supervisor of election. 187 50 For spraying trees ...... 13 R. Mark White for making out list-of male taxable residents of Som­ tween Trevor and the door, locked it ..... 187 50 Amount paid Glenn Price for horses drowned at White Haven ferry...... 125 00 Court in drawing jury...... 25 00' Cox, Sherwood clerk to supervisors jail ...... 90 68 erset county for use of Circuit and put the key in her reticule. "She Craig, Walter judge of election ...... 5 10 George W. Brown supplies for 13 Houghton-Tochtermon Co., in full to date for rubber stamp, pad and Crisfield Electrical Construction Co.. Total...... S 16.276 59 ink ordered by the State Tax Commission...... 50 will find you locked in here with me. lamps for election house...... '. 2 65 13 Archbold Todd expense account as supervisor of assessments...... 10 I will plead guilty and ask her forgive­ Crisfield Hardware Co., stove pipe for of H. L. Brittingham, postmaster, for rent from March election house...... 1 50 AH of this levy was ordered to be held as a lien for state and county taxes, and no assignment 31st to June 30th, 1917...... 45 ness. Your domestic happiness will be Crisfield News election printing...... 32800 such claims or levy will prevent the application of the amount levied for that purpose. The levy " 27 A. P. W. Paper Company for one case of toilet paper....:...... 15 97 ended." Crisfield News printing for board health 15 00 announced by the clerk was reviewed, approved and ordered published and entered on the official " 27 West Disinfecting Company for one case of westowls ...... 13 50 Crisfield Times printing...... 20 00 April 3 The Henry Watson Children's Aid Society for board for Woodrow Unfortunately for this part of the Crisfield Times election printing...... 17000 records in this office. - . JOHN E. HOLLAND, Clerk and Treasurer Windsor from February 26th to March ~28th. 1917...... 12 00 woman's plan, at this moment the Cropper, Thos F reg & judge election. .. 26 95 " 3 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Curtis, Levin H coroner...... 5 00 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS for telephone services for April. 1917...... 5 40 front door was heard to close. Mrs. Public schools from June 30, 1917. to June 30, 1918...... $31.500 00 Harry E. Muir salary as additional clerk to the county commission­ Trevor had finished the "few parting Public roads from June 29. 1916. to June 30. 1917. to pay off the balance of the indebtedness ers from March 21st to March 31st. 1917...... 27 00 due the Bank of Somerset on notes ...... 10.000 00 10 W. O. Lankford & Son for 1 broom 50c. 1 dust cloth 43c...... 93 words" with her friend and reached Dashiell. Harry C atty to superv's elec. . 187 50 Public roads from June 30, 1917, to June 30. 1918...... 16.500 00 10 Archbold Todd expenbe account as supervisor of assessments...... 5 80 her home. .Ascending the stairs, she Dashiell, Harry C attorney fees...... 25 00 Court charges from June 30. 1917. to June 30. 1918...... 2.500 00 17 H. L. Brittingrham, postmaster, for 1000 2-cent stamped envelopes. . 21 60 Davis. Aden. Jr., coroner juror...... 1 00 Alms House from June 30. 1917, to June 30. 1918...... 2,500 00 17 Everett C. Cannon electric light bill from Feb. 1st to April 1st, 1917 5 98 attempted to open the door of her Da vis, S M judge of election ...... 13 20 Hospitals for the insane from June 30. 1917, to June 30, 1918...... 4.500 00 17 J. S. Hayman for freight on toilet paper 59c.haulingr ISc.for freight room ^tnd found it locked. Davis. Thos clerk of election...... 930 County treasurer and assistant from June 30. 1917, to June 30. 1918...... 2,600 00 on paper towels 47c, hauling 15c, for freight on tax ledgers 32c Dickinson. Dr G E reg of vital statistics 33 60 Insolvences estimated to be allowed on 1917 taxes which cannot be collected...... 800 00 hauling 15c...... :. "Open the door," said Trevor sternly. Disharoon. H C reassess'g prop 29 days 145 00 State's attorney from June 30, 1917. to June 30. 1918...... 1,000 00 May 1 The Henry Watson Children's Aid Society for board for Woodrow ' The woman produced the key and Disharoon, H C repairs on elec house. . . 3 63 Janitor and fuel from June 30, 1917, to June 30, 1918...... 800 00 Windsor from March 26th to May 1st, 1917.'...... 15 43 Disharoon, H C judge of election...... 12 30 Interest estimated to pay on money ban-owed from Bank of Somerset for county road pur­ Harry E. Muir salary as additional clerk to county commissioners did as she was directed. Trevor threw Disharoon. Woodland reg and judge elec 18 60 poses the amount now due said bank is $16,500.00, all of which has been levied and will from April 1st to April 30th. 1917, inclusive...... 69 00 open the door. The woman cowered Dorsey, George coroner juror...... 1 00 be paid as soon as a sufficient amount of taxes is collected...... "...... 600 00 W. O. Lankford & Son in full to date for furniture polish 50c, coal Dorsey, L D coroner juror...... 1 00 Interest on $85,000.00 4Hi * bonds...... 3,791 25 oil 60c, Dutch Cleanser lOc...... 1 20 in a corner, affecting shame and con- Dorsey, William H coroner juror...... 1 00 Redemption of bonds which mature October .1. 1917...... 1,500 00 Everett C. Cannon electric light bill from April 1st to May 1st, 1917 1 75 ' trition. Mrs. Trevor stood looking Dougherty. S F judge of election...... 4 20 Discounts estimated to be allowed on 1917 taxes paid before due...... 500 00 Princess Anne Telephone Company for telephone services from Jan­ Dryden, Chas S wood for jail.____. 84 00 Mrs. Lethia Somers Wilson pension from June 1. 1917. to June 1, 1918 ...... 160- 00 uary 1st, 1916 to January 1st, 1917: state's attorney's office $18.00 from one to the other, first with amaze­ Dryden Chas S jailor....."...... 1.013 50 Town of Princess Anne from June 30, 1917, to June 30, 1918...... 1,200 00 almshouse $18.00, court house $36.00...... 72 00 ment, then with pain. Dryden. Norman clerk of election...... 4 20 Town of Crisfield from June 30. 1917, to June 30. 1918 ...... 1,600 00 " 15 H. L. Brittinjrham, postmaster, for 2000 postal cards...... 2000 Duer, Robt F atty to county commis'n. 350 00 Pocomoke Bridge Company from June 30, 1917. to June 30. 1918...... 500 00 " 15 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, "Ob, Mark." she wailed, "how could Duer. Robert F attorney fees...... 15XK) White Haven ferry from June 30, 1917, to June 30. 1918 ...... 1...... 187 50 for telephone services for May, 1917,.'...... 6 65 you?" Reading ferry from June 30. 1917, to June 30, 1918...... 112 50 " 15 Archbold Todd expense account as supervisor of assessments...... 4 35 E Monie draw bridge from June 30.1917. to June 30. 1918...... i 75,00 " 29 Lethia Somers Wilson pension for quarter ending June 1. 1917 40 00 woman" Trevor began, but " 29 Mrs. "This Evans. Edw T judge of orphans court.. 232 50 Maxylander and Herald for publishing 1917 levy and county road superintendent's 1917 report 90 00 T. J, Smith for one-quart writing fluid...... 1 15 the criminal stopped him. Evans, Lewis reg and judge of election. 27 90 Crisfield News for publishing 1917 levy and county road superintendent's 1917 report...... 90 00 June 5 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, Evans, L Dow reg and judge of election 18 00 Automobile for use of county agent ...... 375 00 " 5' for telephone services for June 1917 ...... 90 "Forgive me, Mrs. Trevor," she said. Supervisor of assessment from June 30, 1917. to June 80, 1918...... 800 00 C. Cannon for electric light bill from May 1st to June 1, 1917 50 Evans, Nicholas judge of election...... 9 90 " 5 Everett "I have injured you in stepping in be­ Evans, Oris C "judge of election...... 4 50 Re-assessment of property for unfinished work...... 1.000 00 Harry E. Muir salary as additional clerk to county commissioners Incidental expenses...... ,...... ,...... ,...... ;..... 16,276 59 1st inclusive...... 78 00 you and your husband. Mark Evans. Severn A constable...... 7265 " 12 from May 1st to June tween Evans, Sewell J judge of election...... 3 60 Surplus fund from June 30. 1917, to June 30. 1918...... 1.330 16 Charles Brand for plumbers work and material furnished in full to loved me before he ever saw you. He Towns of Princess Anne and Crisfield for taxes to be collected from resident* of said towns date...... 7 76 on bank stock, stocks, bonds, etc., for 1917...... 1.579 10 " 19 Hampden P. Dashiell & Co., for premium on fire insurance policy: really belongs to me rather than to Total...... $104.467 10 Court house $5000 for 3 years from June 19th: jail on $5000 for 3 you. He will deny what I say. He Fisher, Jesse reg and judge of election. 2245 years from June 27th...... r...... 120 00 Fitzgerald. A B reg-and judge of elec... 3556 CREDITS 19 Harry C. Dashiell for premium on fire insurance policy on court will give his own explanation of my Fitzgerald. Richard L reg & judge elec. 24 40 house $5.000.00 for 3 years from June 15, 1917...... 6000 being here. He will lie to you, as he Ford,' George H supervisor of election.. 187 50 By amounts of property subject to county tax aa follows: 26 Lucas Brothers, Inc., in full to date for stationery, etc...... 128 99 Ford, Warren P clerk of election...... 7 80 No. 1-Real and tangible personal property $7.256.603.00 & $1.20 per $100.00 ...... $ 87.079 24 26 H. L. Brittingham. postmaster, postoffice box rent from June 30th, has lied to me. Believe him if you Ford. Wm T justice peace...... 860 No. 2-BusineBB corporations $149.328.70 (V $1.20 per $100.00...... 1.791 94 to September 30th. 1917 ...... 45 will, but I assure you he is not to be Ford. Wm T reg and judge of election.. 24 90 No. 3 Share corporations $25.627.00 fr $1.20 per $100.00...... 307 52 26 The president and commissioners of Princess Anne. Maryland, for Furniss, G M reg and judge of election. 36 60 No. 4 Real and personal property of Railroad Company $753.588.00 <& $1.20 per $100.00...... 9.042 70 water rent for jail $25.00, court house, $50.00 from January 1,1917, believed." No. 5 Bank shares $467.310.70 «essir.g prop 10» aaya.. S4500 State Rate.... .365-12 i Jan. 16 Received from Harry C. Dashiell for one pencil tablet...... 05 girl His Received from Judge H. L. D. Stanford for V-i dozen rolls of toilet paper 53 me an unsuspecting country Handy, George H coroner...... 500 Total...... $1.565-12 ' Feb. 3 words were very sweet He toW r^a Handy, Levin col'd coroner juror...... 1 00 I Mar. 26 Received from Judge H. L. D. Stanford for 1 dozen rolls of toilet paper. 2 04 Hard cater, A L reg and judge of elec... 23 40 June 1 Received from H. Fillmore Lankford for ground rent from July 1, 1916. 00 that i i m^ he Uad met hia fate, of Harris, Daniel J coroner juror...... 1 00 Receipts and Disbursements of Surplus Fund of 1916 I to July 1, 1917...... 30 all the sirk he had ever met I was the Harris, Eggie coroner juror...... 1 00 1916 DISBURSEMENTS 19 " Received from Samuel F. Miles for Justice of peace fines collected...... ___6 35 only one to whom his heart" Harris, R H reg and judge of election .. 22 30 July 11 To amount paid H. L. Brittinjrham. postmaster for 4000 postal cards...... $' 40 00 Total receipts...... :.... v ...... ,;....~.' ...... '...... $ 1,248 05 Harris, Winnie coroner juror...... 1 00 Aug. 1 " W. O. Lankford & Son for five gallons coal oil. 60 By amount of disbursements over, receipts...... 362 06 At this point the woman began edg­ Harrison. Wm H coroner juror...... 1 00 8 The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company, of Baltimore City, S 1,605 11 Hayman, C H b'ld'g material & h'dware 109 89 for telephone services to Aug. 31, 1916...... 3 80 ing around toward the door. Mrs. Tre­ Hayman, Gleason judge of election..... 3 90 vor shrank away before her, leaving Hickman, Robert D judge of election... 3 60 Holland, Grover E reg and judge elec... 18 90 the way clear. Trevor stood over­ Holland, W C judge of election...... 4 50 whelmed, paralyzed with the self con­ Horner, David coroner juror...... 1 00 CONCISE STATEMENT fessed thief s unblushing assurance. Horner, George B coroner juror...... 1 00 Horner, Geo B reg vital statistics...... 36 00 1st, 1916, to July 1st, 1917 Then the wife found voice to say to the Horner, Loudy B coroner juror...... 1 00 Showing the Amount Expended on Roads and Bridges of Somerset County from July woman: Howard, Robert coroner juror...... ' 1 00 "Leave!" DISTRICTS T^OTV, [Lumber Hard- D. Fr'ght ouQl ,a Freight-No. of Log ' Road :RpMm._ Yards Tools & "I obey you. I leave you with the James, Gus B clerk of election...... 3 60 Labor Team '& Piling PlPe .on pipe: Shells onshellsiBush. Dragi'glMach'n Bndge9 Ditc'dMach'y Amount James, William burying paupers...... 5 00 man who has blighted my life. Would Jones, J Risdon judge of election...... 420 that you had been left in ignorance Jones, Monnie coroner juror ...... 1 00 West Princess Anne ...... i$ 365.84$ 243.76$ !$ 8.61...... $...... $...... ;$ 240.00 16000$ 78, 26;$ 41.32$. $. 977 79 of his true character! Never again will Jones, Parrari L reassess'g prop 38 days 190 00 St. Peter's...... J 419.89 202.70! 24.02 14 50 13.50.. 1908 693 69 I" K Brinkley's...... 488.10 459.52 34.20 1368: 60...... 28.93 178.40 1447 5 00 85.45, 8.25 2420 4.00 1,316. 65 She was about to back out of the Kelley. W S reg of vital statistics...... 24 85 Dublin...... ! 377.36' 104.59 132.88 5256 85 8.00...... 92 59 5.00;.. 700, 728 27 door when Trevor sprang forward, L Mt. Vernon...... J 519.30^ 114.051. 2.87i...... i...... 559.84, ...... 22394 27. 70 11.34 6.35 1,241 45 Fairmount...... 504.5l! 4.00i 15.00'...... :..... 125.12: 831.72 400...... 3606 5.7C 1,564 70 closed it, turned the key and put it in Landing, John P clerk of election...... 4 20 ...... 13505'...... '...... 533.66 1,097 11 Lankford & Lankford medical services. 79 00 Lawson's. 225.82...... J...... 337.63 his pocket. Lankford, Clarence P attorney fees ..... 75 00 Tangier...... : 110.99. 110:99 "You will never again play such a Lankford. Columbus rep election house. 20 75 Smith's Island...... 1 232.53 232.53 Lankford, E B reassessing prop 15 days -7500 1104.99^ 442.76 44200 39.28...... ,' 901.27; 3,077.38 bold game with me, for I shall put it Lankford, Edw B supervisor of election. 187 50 Dames Quarter...... 505.52 73.25 20.31...... i...... ,...... ' out of your power to do so. Give me Lankford. Warren L judge of election. . 4 20 Asbury...... 390.55 29.95. 35! ...... 100.00. 6667J 535.85 that reticule." Lankford, W G reg and judge of election 22 20 Westover...... : 172.44 54.52 8.82'.... .A...... !...... '...... 268.00...... 10720: 85.13( 329.00:. 917.91 Lankford, W O supplies for jail and 1556.03...... i 227.14! 3,679 84 The woman turned pale. She grasp­ almshouse...... '143 60 Deal's Island...... 790.34 647.33. 68745; 453.00; 6.00 Lawson, I S burying paupers ...... 17 50 East Princess Anne* 1494.43: 130.071 47.79 2477:...... i 176.64 7.61 500 OOi 50.00 20000! 68.61;. 100.00 2500J...... J 2,600 15 ed the reticule the tighter. Law son, I S justice peace...... 21 15 "Eileen," said Trevor, "take the bag Leibrand, Harry A judge of election. . . . 7 95 TOTALS ...... ~|$6597.62|$2063.74$ 283.02J 77846$466.28$190.64$ 7.61;$3025.51j$1742.88J135335I$ 371.79|$ 524.89'$2204.29J 12634|$1138.1l!$ 18,784.31 use force Long, James M coroner juror...... 1 00 from her. I don't wish to Long, J M reassessing prop 36% days... 182 50 with a woman." Long. Robt B coroner juror...... 1 00 600.00 Long, Thos O judge of election...... 4 20 L. A. Brodie, Road Engineer's Salary and expenses from July 1, 1916, to January 2, 1917...... "What do you wish with it?" asked W. Page Jackson. County Road Superintendent, Salary and expenses from January 2,1917 to June 30, 1917. 549.96 the wife. M Discount paid on notes in Bank of Somerset from July 1, 1916, to June 30,1917 \...... 1,152.60 "It contains the proof that this Maddox, D Bowers reg and judge elec.. 21 60 30, 1917...... 40.86 Maddox, R H reg and judge of election. 21 90 Office Supplies etc. from July 1, 1916, to June man fs levying blackmail." Maddox, Samuel J judge of election..... 4 20 Total Expenditures for the year...... $ 21,127.73 Eileen advanced toward the woman, Mallison, C H reassessing prop 5 days.. 25 00 Malone, Jno W regand judge of election 22 70 DISBURSEMENTS who, opening the bag, took out an Marsh, Geo R reg of vital statistics...... 19 30 RECEIPTS ivory handled pistol and leveled it at Marsh. Herbert A judge of election..... 3 90 Marsh, Maggie B reg of vital statistics. 1 00 Balance Cash on Hand July. 1, 1916...... $ 42.67 To Amount Expended for Labor and. Teams...... $ 8,787.70 her adversary. Eileen drew back, but Marylander and Herald elec printing... 107 26 To Amount Expended for Pipe, Shells and freight on same...... 4,965.64 her husband, ignoring the weapon, ad­ Marylander and Herald printing...... 67 25 By Amount levied for Public Roads in the Levy of 1916...... 10,000.00 To Amount Expended for Log Dragging, Road Scraping and coal..-. 939.27 vanced to the thief and took the reti­ Mason, I W clerk of election...... 4 80 To Amount Expended for Tools and Machinery...... 1,138.11 Matthews, F E county commissioner.... 257 60 levied to pay discount on money borrowed from bank for cule out of her hand; then opening it Matthews, Elmer taxes paid in error un­ By Amount To Amount Expended for Bridges, Lumber, Piling and Hardware... 2/953.59 he took out the unsigned note. After der name of R J Matthews...... 6 68 1,200.00 To Amount Expended for Discount on Money Borrowed from Bank > Milbourn. W F lumber for elec house... 12 10 County Road Purpose ...... 1,152. explaining the woman's scherae to Miles, Lift colored coroner juror...... 1 00 of Somerset...... Eileen and convincing her of his inno­ Miles & Myers attorney fees ...... 7000 By Amount borrowed from Bank of Somerset...... 10,000.00 To Amount Expended for Office Supplies etc...... 40:86 Monumental Printing Co. elec printing. . 1280 To Amount Expended for Salary and Expenses L. A, Brodie, Roads cence he unlocked the door and told Moore. Andrew F judge of election..... 4 20 By Amount contributed by D. B. Cannon, for work done on county Engineer ...... 600.00 her to go and telephone for the police. Muir, Harry E reassessing prop 62 days 31000 Murray, Wm O clerk of election...... 4 20 To Amount Expended for Salary and Expenses W. Page Jackson, Trevor stood guard over the woman Murrell. Alonzo L reg and judge of elec 1920 road near Eden...... 31.87 County Road Superintendent...... 549.96 tfll the arrival of a patrol wagon fronv McCauley, C W sup for election. 95 Balance Cash on Hand June 30th, 1917...... 146.51 McCready. Horace F clerk of elec...... 4 20 a police office, and she was removed McDowell. Lafayette judge of election.. 435 Total. ....,...... $ 21,274.24 to the city jail to await trial on a McDowell, Walter reass'g prop 29 days 14500 Total...... $ 21,274.24 of levying blackmail. charge N $16,447.26 of the above amount was expended by L. A. Brodie, former Roads Engineer, from July 1, 1916, to January 2, 1917. Peace returned to the Trevor fam- Nelson, Fred R clerk of election...... 10 56 STelson, Walter W coroner juror...... 1 00 $4,680.47 of the above amount was expended by W. Page Jackson, County Road Superintendent, frorp January 2. 1917, to June 30, 1917. Ey, and the blackmailer was sent to STewton. E G su^ for jail...... T. 5321 erve a term in state prison. Morris, Dr R R lunacy physician...... 10 00 W. PAGE JACKSON, Road Superintendent Norris, Dr R R reg of vital statistics.... 5530 "I know but I've reconsidered. undivided and respectful attention 1 one subject which Pntria considered One such wind6w fell inward to the Please come in to the telephone get accorded her. really engrossing, which was of course, floor of a room in the Murray Hill dis­ the governor on long distance tell "I want every man of you to agree the love of Patrol ('banning and Don­ trict-of , where Baron Hu­ ald 1'arr. him we nnisl have tin; militia." to train himself at my expense for mil­ roki of To Icy ft sat in quiet confabula­ | Witii Ji noil of relief Donald jumped itary service in the defense of tin- "U'e can feel sure of only one thing tion with Senor Juan de Lima of down from the platform, and with Pa- United States. Chaunings will meet thai lie']) strike and strike swilil.v Mexico. !ind unexpectedly. It's open \v; : r !.< - tria at his side ran across the yard vvery bill, for your time and for every- | The Jap:.n"' -« consulted his wutoh tween you now war to the knife. toward the oflice of Ihe superintendent. thing else, if you will consent, to pre- ! and arched a quizzical eyebrow at his Several revolver and rifle shots rang pare yourselves to defend your homes You've publicly denounced him. He colleague. must either disappear or find- some LOUI5 JOSEPH VANCE out before they reached the building. against foreign aggression. Do you "Our seven million-dollar earth­ Obeying orders, the guards and strike agree?" way to silence you permanently. 1 quake, my dear De Lima!" he said wish I knew! I wish I knew!" Nove/ization of the Motion Picture Play of the breakers wen; firing over the heads of Spontaneously a cheer answered her. Sam: Name Produced for the Internationa/ the mob in endeavor to frighten it off. And cheer after crashing cheer fol- I Anxiously, pacing the confines of the sitting room, Parr kneaded his hands film Service, 7/rr., Under the Direction of Seizing the receiver of the instru­ Jowed. it was some minutes before together. The telephone brought him ty JttC. ment on the desk nearest the oflice Hhe was able to continue. In that in- to an abrupt pause. door, Captain 1'arr called again and tervnl her quick eyes, searching the "Hello?" he called, receiver to ear. again without response. crowd, picked out two countenances now," Donald replied, glancing at his He got no answer whatever. only too well known to her on the out­ A look of perplexity clouded his face, i watch. ; "The wire's dead probably out," he "Who?" he demanded. "What's THE CAST. skirts of the crowd faces that, almost that?" ' "And if it does madden them ?" ^announced, hanging up. "We're cut off alone among all those there, failed to "We'll have our hands full." from the world. Now we shan't be reflect the enthusiasm her words had He called irapatienlly. "Hello? MRS. VERNON CASTLE •• Mr Orson Bertram, general manager • long finding out how many of these ' excited. Hello?" then jiggling the hook, said, ! Patria Channing. "Oh, he has?" ungraciously, and hung for Channings, Inc., addressed Patria I lunatics are willing to die at Huroki's j "Sec. r dly," she cried when at! MILTON SILLS a* Donald Parr. Wl*?,.a anner of nervous pomposity, i behest. Stay here till I send word It's j length bhe' could make herself heard, i Up.', WARNER OLAND as Baron What is it?" the girl demanded. "Miss Channing safe to come out." "I want your promise to have no more Huroki. "The answer to my riddle perhaps," "Yes, Mr. Bertram?" He ran hastily out Into the yard. to do with those who incited this DOROTHY GREEN as Fanny "Permit me to make one last effort As he did so a scattering volley ' sfike. I do not mean you are to be he Informed PatrJa. "I don't know. Adair. to influence you. There's bound to be sounded from beyond the fence and without leaders, or to give up your It's a queer business. Whoever called serious trouble as soon as the strike one of the guards pitched backward .mjons, but that you must cast out up said all in a breath: "I'm a friend breakers get here. We can hold them from the platform, shot through the j .-.niking in the interests of the enemy. never mind my name. Tell Miss Chan­ SYNOPSIS. off till nightfall, with the men we head. For those leaders who have misled ning to be on her guard against trouble have perhaps. After dark almost Incontinently big comrades began to you are tools of an enemy of this coun­ tonight at the Channing docks near Baron Huroki, chief of the Japanese anything may happen. That attempt Bayonne. Huroki means mischief !" secret service In America, conspiring to* Shoot to kill. try who brought this strike about. etobroil the United States -with Mexico* to blow .us up this morning, in broad Seizing the rifle of the fallen man, Japan conspires to embroil the United Then he stopped short, with a sort of desires control of the great Channing mu­ daylight, ought to convince you that j Parr jumped to the platform. The gurgle, as if somebody had clapped a nitions plants owned by Patria last of States with Mexico in order to pave "The Fighting Channlngs" and sole exe­ we have only the worst to fear." ; weapon was at his shoulder and his the way for the Japanese invasion of hand across his mouth. I heard a cutrix-£ ;of ~a tpj";-$100,000,000 n"oe-~~ltors~to~~comba,t trust secretly ere And»* so^you v~- want my"*j permissionr^>-*+"i--"*"* to^ ji eye^j^ was"»^ c-iK»i>"fcsighting mv.ijfcalong n«its barrelii.urei whenwiieu | theme westwi-ai coast.t-ousi. Thereforei nererore Japan wouldwouiu bang, as if a receiver at ihe other end tht national perils Inherent In "unpre^ telegraph the governor to call out the j he became aware of a sudden lull In { like to get control of, or, failing that, had fallen on something hard. And paredness." His schemes failing, thanks militia?" j the uproar, a lull in which 1'atria's destroy the Channings' munition then Central reported, 'The party has to+**. the+•« A opposition^%^^*^r%arl yi r\y» off\r Patrial_>a +*Ho aidedo irt ort byr» V heinor : _ i~ ^ •• " . nance, Capt. Donald Parr, Huroki causes "Such is my earnest advice, Miss voice sounded high and true: plants. Therefore Japanese and Mex­ j hung up.' What the deuce!" a strike at the Channing plants. ] Channing." "Cease tiring! All of you cease fir- ican conspirators paid agitators to ; Patria was on her feet. "The Bay- I The girl shook her head with deter- ; ing, I say !" bring this strike about. ... I mean j onne docks.1' she repeated thought- With Donald and Patria Clinging to EIGHTH EPISODE | mination. j With a gasp of horror, I'arr saw the those men." j fully. the Mast, It Toppled Into the Sea. | "I won't permit that. It's wrong. It girl running out into the open space Her outflung arm dramatically des­ I "Where your output is stored pend­ ing shipment to Europe," Donald ex­ blandly, "And Germany will be Red Night. means in one word war. It means I between the fence and the advancing ignated the two on the edge of the blamed!" civil war. It means bloodshed, pos­ rabble, and understood that she had crowd. plained. "Bertram told me this after­ noon that there must be seven billions Five minutes later Patria laid her THE SPIRIT OF HER PROGENI- sibly manslaughter, the killing of men taken advantage of the general preoc­ "I mean Baron Huroki, Juan de of dollars' worth of arms, ammunition power boat alongside a schooner that TORS. wholly uninterested in this private cupation within the yard to open a Lima and all who are with them." northernmost of the quarrel between Channings and its em­ small gate and take this foolhardy There was a sudden turning of heads and other explosives accumulated j luy moored to Since early morning an unwonted, there. If Huroki could manage to Ghanning docks, Ryley swarmed up unnatural and wholly specions sem- ployees. We must find some other risk. and craning of necks in the indicated j touch a spark to that !" over the schooner's side and made fast fclance of tranquillity had brooded over | wav to cope with the situation without The astonishment with which both direction. Those nearest Huroki's ! the painter to find> when he turned, - - — __.._ _- • . • * . * . ^ _ i goingCT/*ki n ff to^f\ suchc*n f*\\ extremes.'AY^I*AYI*I t\o ** parties greeted her appearance brought party moved threateningly toward it. "Donald! You don't think ?" the little valley In the heart of the "I think he'd have a hard job doing Patria at his elbow. hills. Bertram, his countenance dark with | about a complete cessation of hostili- Then a striker's voice was uplifted, "You stay here, -miss," he shouted, foreboding, gave up the attempt to j ties. The defenders held their breath hoarse with fury : I it, but I know he'd try if he thought Now, as the earlier hours of mid of it out of sheer, cussed hankering to make himself heard above the din summer afternoon drew on, a feeling | Persuade the girl as hopeless, and j in terror. The attackers stood gaping, "Kill 'em! Lynch the spies!" j of the conflagration. "I'll find Captain of tension began to inform the atmos-1 without more words moved away, rooted in amaze. i Instantaneously an ugly growl re- i to get even with you, if for no more weighty reason." Parr -if he's here to be found, and phere; the hush began perceptibly to ' "How can the men °e so unreason- Without hint of fear or doubt, the Fponded. There was a concerted move- j bring him back to you." oppress the senses, even as that hush aW«*" Patri* complained. "Why won't girl paused within a dozen paces of the ment of the crowd toward the ill- | Donald picked up his hat and threw *^r^ * But when he J.l_ ran ______up _ the A_ ___ gangplank oppresses which foretells the breaking thev c^me to us and___J state_.i _ j. _ theirAl__*__ griev-» foremost rank of strikers, when she starred conspirators, ! a light topcoat over his arm. ; "You're not going " to the dock, Patria was by his side. of a thunderstorm upon a smiling ances? We've always treated them paused, and stood quite still, facing Prudently the conspirators turned Bowing to her indomitable courage, he If they'd only give us a them with adorable courage, her head and fled, the pack snapping at their "I surely am. I mean to have a look land; instinctively men walked warily, fairly, over the ground down there and have made no more prot< 't, but hurried on with eyes alert, and communicated chanc< high, a brave color flaming in her heels. with her into the heart of that furnace "They're not unreasonable," Donald cheeks. . By the narrowest of shaves (it was extra guards posted before midnight with one another in accents needlessly : the traditional ounce of prevention. which yawned for them ashore. guarded. answered. "They're misled. Unscru- In the dead silence which ensued later learned) they regained their mo It was as if the earth itself had Within that vast congeries of gaunt Pilous leaders suborned by .Baron Hu- her accents rang clear: torcar and escaped with their lives. You needn't worry; it's no great trip: c^ «• •»»••».» *•..«.. I'll be back a little after twelve, and flowered in devastating flame. wooden structures and walled yards roki and his lot have blinded them to "I beg you all to listen to me till I THE $7,000,000 EARTHQUAKE. Following the spur line of rails that their best interests. If we could only have finished. I am Patria Channing. I'll call you up as soon as I can get which comprised the powder mills and 'The riddle," Donald propounded to a telephone!" ran from the dock to the shore they get at the men themselves " I own these factories, I am the one you quite seriously "the riddle is": When munition factories of Channings. Inc.. But it was some time before he was fought their way on, scorched by flame, there was little or no activity where Patria nodded intently. "I'm sur»» deluged with sparks, deafened with I could influence them . . I won- able to unlock her arms and find' the ordinarily there was incessant bustle. door. the incessant detonation of shells ex­ In place of those voluminous plumes der " ploding in burning freight cars, dazzled Without warning, the hum of the In the course of the next two hours of smoke, jet by day, crimson by night, the girl fretted herself almost beyond to blindness. the towering brick chimneys stained mob in Powder Town rose to a high dis­ Eventually, on the verge of abandon­ cordance, a clamor of angry yells. Not endurance. Her disappointment on the skies only with transparent veils answering the door, at the end of that ing their effort.1? as wholly hopeless, of amber vapor. one of those about the gates but was they stumbled across the body of Don- startled, though all had been momen­ period, in response to a ring, was Inside the factory buildings all ma­ acutely painful; the inau on the thresh­ aid prone^iietween two lines of rails, chinery stood idle. The whistles had tarily anticipating something of the beside the ruins of a freight car al­ sort. They consulted one another with old was not her Don.-ild come hack in sounded by habit at eight o'clock and safety, but his Ik-utenaut, llyley, seek­ ready coiisfimed to its trucks. at noon without summoning to or de­ anxious eyes. Insensible when they lifted him up "Here they come at last!" Parr an­ ing Captain Parr on a matter of press­ livering from labor a solitary hand. ing business. and, with one of his arms across a No endless strings of freight cars nounced. "Now for the music.'" shoulder of each, they dragged him Over the crest of a little hill that I Informed as to the errand which heavy laden with explosives, arms and had called Donald abroad, the detec­ back toward the water; he came to ordnance trudged up the long grade stood .between Powder Town and the after a time a badly singed and badly Channings' mills appeared a motorcar tive manifested profound uneasiness. to the rim of those encircling hills, on "He oughtn't to have gone alone," he shaken Donald, but in no way serious­ the first stage of their brief journey running at high speed a car loaded to ly injured. the' limit of its capacity with strike protested. "He ought to have gotten in to Channings' tidewater yards and touch with me first, anyhow. That tel­ Thereafter he did his part like the _docks near Bayonne. breakers and carrying armed guards man he was, not only taking'care of on the running boards as well as in ephone message sounds like a plant to The premises were all but lifeless; get him out. You hadn't ought to himself, but aiding the failing efforts a scanty company of *rmed guards on the seat beside the driver. of Patria to keep moving. The girl was Simultaneously the uproar of the have let him go!" vigilant patrol; a little knot of some "I did my best to dissuade him he half fainting with fatigue and hard­ half a dozen people in conference just disaffected drew perceptibly nearer. ship. She dragged oa the arm that Dashing- directly for the gates, it wouldn't listen! What can we doV" outside the main gateway to the most "I'm going after him.' Donald had wound round her like a extensive powder mill and that was swept through them almost without thing inanimate. . slackening speed, then pulled up smart­ "I'm going with you, then." all. "Please, miss no !" In some muiiDer, of which none re- The strike was fourteen hours old. ly in the yards, and discharged its oc­ t;:ined coherent understanding cupants. Kyley's protests were unavailing. As yet no overtures toward a confer­ Hastily snatching up a hat and wrap. ill rough some miracle the three re­ ence had been made by either party, ! Following it in close succession came gained the dock and staggered down it another Patria insisted on accompanying- the employers or employees. The latter, j car similarly laden, and anoth­ man. to the schooner. indeed, seemed to hold aloof with sin- j er and another a long procession of "How Ions: will it takv usV" she Spark? flying on the night wind had gular stubbornness; to excuse their ac­ motorcars to the number of something already set lire to the vessel. To re­ more than twenty. asked as they hurried up the street, in tion in walking out at the previous search of a taxicab. gain the launch, their one' hope of es­ midnight, the employers knew of noth­ The fifth had barely swung up over "I don't know. It depends on the cape, they had to cross a deck that ing more than a few minor grievances the hilltop when the vanguard of the train service and I don't know how spewed smoke from every seam strikers appeared In pursuit a on the part of the men, matters sus­ disor­ that runs this late at night." where it was not already aflame; derly cloud of infuriated workingmen, ; ceptible to speedy adjustment through, "Wouldn't it be quicker for us to;go Leaving Donald to care for Patria, and scheduled for early submission to, running clumsily over the roadside by water? I've got a fast power boat Ryley threw himself on ahead to un­ process of arbitration. The major de­ fields, pausing only to pick up and hurl in commission at the North River moor the power boat. mands of the strikers remained un­ clods of earth and stones at the speed­ Yacht club. If it would save As he did so, and swung round to ing automobiles. time " stated. Few of these missiles Ryley was emphatically of the opin­ give aid if ;nee:d be, the deck between But more than one of those who reached their mark, none did damage, ion that it might save a great deal of him and those two blundering figures were waiting so patiently outside the all were ignored by both guards and time to go by power boat. caved in and a sheet of flarne shot up. strike breakers. But by the time the gates could have hazarded a shrewd "Cense Firing! All of You." Before midnight, then, they were With a groan the detective dropped guess-at the real cause of the trouble. last car was safely within the gates, a over the side into the boat and pushed sullen and vengeful multitude had as- j have been working for. I want afloat; the boat speeding down the Half a mile distant lay Powder Town, this j and where will Huroki strike next?" off. sembled in the open spaces before the j Qonsense to stop instantly. If you | Patria nodded patiently to indicate quiet Hudson, Patria at the wheel, an unlovely collection of "frame" and have been unfairly treated, it is not j Ryley standing on lookout in the bows. At a little distance he looked back, factory, a mob that wanted only a indorsement of this rather obvious and cried out in canvas shelters, ginmills, eating places, by my order, and I pledge myself to j At about half after twelve they wonder to see the fig­ dancehalls, gambling hells, leader to incite it to storm the build- proposition, then a bit wearily to sig- ures of Donald and Patria half way up stores and ings, its temper patently demonstrated i 8ee tnat 5'our wron«s are i rounded Paulus hook, and hearing a "hotels" ministering to the necessities made rl£ht- ' nlfv m'r <'"'»J'Me Ignorance as to wlwl the foremast the hungry flames leap­ by a scattering of revolver shots from I But fir'st >'<>» must tel1 ™* wliat you , the answer might be. i heavy detonation roll across the wa­ and appetites of an army of working- to complain of." ters, looked up to see the southwest- ing savagely for their feet. Its midst punctuating an almost con-1 In point of fact she was tremendous-1 With men and parasites drawn together by She wuitpd an instant but I ern sky aglow with flame. 'infinite exertion, slowly they tinuous flight of stones that rattled I no ly fatigued with the affair as a whole climbed on «nd on, dogged ever by the the attraction of high wages and against the fence or fell inside the : response. The strikers stirred uneasily i Up forward Ryley saluted this phen- steady employment .' and in detail. This business of being flames. offered by an or­ and murmured a little together, but a nomenon with a smothered impreca­ ganization working yard. self-constituted savior of her coun­ A slight explosion sounded in the night and day to none appeared as spokesman. Again try was proving tion denoting confirmation of his direst fill "war orders" for the allies. Long before this Donald and Ber- tolerably exhausting. hold of the schooner. The flames shot tram had hurried Patria into shelter, ! Patrla addressed them, lifting an arm Huroki was so tireless, displayed such apprehensions. There, in those struggling, dusty and In the stern Patria made higher. The mast rocked, tottered, and, leaving her as they thought safely i to Pointful three of those who stood abominable ingenuity in Inventing new no sound. rutted streets, the disaffected em­ nearest her. But for a full minute she was quite swayed like a broken reed, and crashed disposed of for the time being, had and hafliing combinations of intrigue! over the side, carrying the lovers with ployees milled like cattle, a rabble two- "You have an intelligent face and sure that her heart had -ased to func­ thirds drunk with one intoxicant or an­ turned their attention to stationing the that even the excitement of combat- it. an(1 you. Come forward, please, ing him, the satisfaction of checking tion. When she breathed again, she other whisky, greed excited by the guards on the low platform that ran bent over the engine and advanced (END OF EIGHTH EPISODE.) around the inside of the fence a plat- j and tel1 me what it is that has made him time after time, was beginning to the promises of Labor agitators, and a spark and opened wide the throttle be­ form just high enough to permit a man you take this attitude toward Chan­ pall upon the girl. spirit of destmctiveness which had al­ nings." fore speaking. Sled Was Wise. to see and, if need be, aim and fire Tonight, for instance, she was feel­ "The Channing ready whetted its appetite by putting Almost reluctantly, certainly sheep­ docks?" she called Junior had been in a fight with some the Channings company store to the over the barrier. ing very fit indeed. Captain Parr had to Ryley. boys and got slightly the worst of it. torch. Re-enforced by the strike breakers, ishly, the men indicated moved toward brought, her home from Powder Town her. He answered reluctantly: "'Fraid The streets were covered with snow To the group by the gateway the ru­ the guards made quite a respectable in ample time for her to take a long so, miss." and ice, and Junior was busy "hook­ mor of sullen voices was wafted, on company of defenders, but still insig- One began to speak, a brawny crea­ nap and in other ways make herself Momentarily now, as the power boat ing" his sled on behind delivery wag­ the wings of a lazy wind, a grim mur­ nificant in numbers as compared with ture with a face of thoughtful cast^ over into a new woman before dinner. forced swiftly through those dark and j ons. He had made a hook and the de­ muring like the buzzing, of a swarm the crowd outside, an inferiority that now that surprise had modified his And now, at something later than nine gleaming waters, the conflagration livery boy had started up fast. In of angry bees. was quickly rendered still more em­ passions. His voice was low-pitched, o'clock, she very much wanted to painted the night-enshrouded skies turning a corner the hook broke and Listening to it, Captain Parr shook phatic by the addition to the strikers his words were Indistinguishable to arouse herself see a play, or take a with more lurid and terrifying tints. Junior's sled ran angling across the an uneasy head. of a considerable number of men Donald; but he talked earnestly and, hand at auction, or dance, or do any­ Momentarily explosions resounded in street, bumped into the curbing, throw­ Patria eyed him anxiously. armed with modern magazine rifles. it seemed, well briefly and to a point, thing else that a normal young woman greater and greater volume. ing Junior off and slightly bruising What do you think?" Donald greeted the sight of these and finished to approving nods from finds healthily diverting. At one o'clock precisely while the him. I picked him up, asking what "Tin aot thinking," he averred with last with a groan. his companions. And she couldn't. It was absolutely boat was still at a safe distance was the trouble, and he said: "Oh, * sorry sort of a smile; *Tm just hop- "Hurokl's hand!" he commented be­ Instantly the girl replied in tones prohibited. S-he dared not to step out­ came the most violent detonation of nothing; my sled don)t want me to go Ing." tween his teeth. "I knew he'd show that carried distinctly to the farthest side the door, for fear lest Huroki all. down that street.Vwhere there are some "Hoping they'll hold off . . . T it before long. The union never sup­ rank of strikers. had ferreted out her hiding place in The earth rocked, the sea quaked, boys that want to flght me." "Hoping against hope that the com­ plied those weapons!" "If what you say is true, the matte* Donald's lodgings (vacated by him to the very firmament seemed shaken- ing of the strike breakers won't mad­ A small hand tugged at his sleeve shall be set right without a day's de­ provide her with a secure refuge), and the terrific forces unleashed by the den them beyond control." Patria's. His indignation at seeing her lay. And every reasonable demand laid some trap for her. flames eating their way into the heart thus recklessly exposing herself Mystery Story. The girl nodded gravely. to pos­ you may make is granted I, Patria She was permitted only to sit and of that seven million-dollar hoard of "So you read Addlepate's novel. How sible injury almost outweighed his "Will it be much longer—do you Channing, give jny word of honor to gossip with her betrothed and he, explosives. The shores vomited like a did it come out?" think r love for the girl. that! upon two conditions." manlike, was obstinately bent on dis­ .volcano. Windows were shattered at a "It's a mystery to me. I guess he *They ought to be here any minute "You promised " he began. She paused briefly; the stillness of cussing Baron Huroki rather than the distance of ten miles. must have hypnotized the publisher." MARYLANDER AND HERALD Completing The Draft Job or Jail Bacteria Long Lived. The machinery to work out the draf August the twentieth is The Day. How long sonic bacteria may live un­ Published Every Tuesday Morning der proper conditions is brought out 'THE HOUSE OF FASHION" PRINCESS ANNE, MD. turns slowly, and though a week has Which is to say, that on and after by M. W. Lyon, Jr.. of George Wash­ passed since the numbers were drawn August 20, the gentlemen of leisure, ington university in a letter to Science. Office. 367 Somerset Avenue. Local Phone No. 31 the exemption boards haye not yet been with or without visible means of sup­ Long Distance Phone. No. 62 He tells of a culture of organisms of OFF THE HOOSIER able to begin their sittings. This was port, will be required to establish a good paratyphoid beta kept for more than Subscription Price $1.OO Per Annum! to be expected as the publication of reason for their leisure or do a turn of ten years sealed in a test tube at How­ Special Kitchen Cabinet THEO. A. WALKER master lists for the whole country waa honest toil in the cut. ard university, which, when transfer­ Editor and Business Manager red to another med-ium, produced the All Communications Should be Addressed to the an enormous task and must have taxec This, of course, is tampering with the By Special Authority From the Makers Mvylacrfer and Herald to the utmost the capacity of the Gov­ rights of every man to be a bum and a reactions that proved the bacteria to ernment Printing Office. Then came loafer if he is so disposed. It is a be alive and ac-five. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 31. 1917 the distribution of these lists to exemp­ shocking blow at human liberty and a SATURDAY MORNING tion boards in every state, which also wallop at the roots of the good olc Net Stingy. ^reJ called for an immense amount of work Constitution; that is, if you are a bum "If you kiss me I shall call auntie." August 4th and a considerable period of time. and a loafer, it's "Well, I guess 1 can spare her a lit­ JL all this. Otherwise it tle kiss too." Kansas City Journal. •^ Maryland's draft will start early this doesn't look much more than a piece of We will put on sale a lim week and with systematic work should legislation so absolutely and obviously ited number of Hoosier Spe­ be finished in a comparatively short right and proper that the only wonder cial- Kitchen Cabinets at a time. The boards here are ready and is that it hasn't been enacted long ago. Trustee's Sale Reduction of $5 from the OF VALUABLE have mapped out their task in such Originally the Compulsory Work Act regular price, way that no time need be wasted, was designed as a piece of war legisla­ should require but a few moments i tion. It will be a sad error if it is taken Only once before has such a pass on the eligibility of each man sum­ off the statute books after the war. Real Estate sweeping reduction as this been moned and as .the highest number in Work never harmed any one yet. Loaf­ By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for authorized by the Hoosier Com­ Baltimore is under 2,600 that part of ing has made countless thousands Somerset county, in equity, passed in a cause in pany and then thousands of which William D. Dashiell and others are plaintiffs Hoosier Cabinets were sold in the work can soon be done. There are mourn. Baltimore Star. and Stephen Francis Dashiell and others are de­ two or three days. Cheer up, for it will be hotter still a higher numbers in Baltimore county fendants, the undersigned trustee therein named, lijtle later.______' ' will sell at public auction at the Court House door & where all the voting districts were Are You One Of Them? in Princess Anne, Maryland, on Our supply is small and may not last longer than Saturday, There is an old saying that the man grouped into four places of registration There are a great many people who the first day, although if the supply lasts we will continue who never takes a vacation takes one while in the city ward boundaries were would be very much benefited oy tak­ the sale as late as August llth. ail tfee time.______eft intact ing Chamberlain's Tablets for a weak Tuesday, Aug. 14th, 1917 or disordered stomach. Are you one at or about the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., all those People are now preparing to rough it Boards of appeal will probably re­ of them? Mrs. M. R. Searl, Baldwins- several lota or parcels of land, of which the late $1.00 down $1.00 a week Less $5.OO quire longer time and then will come John T. Dashiell died seized, all situate, lying and in the country by having a lot of stylish ville, N. Y., relates her experience in being in Mount Vernon Election District, Somer­ the physical examination of those taken the use of these tablets: "I had a bad set County, Maryland, and more fully described NO INTEREST. NO EXTRA FEES clothes made.______as follows, that is to say: >y tile exemption boards. The task is spell with my stomach about six months ago, and was troubled for two or three FIRST All that lot or parcel of land, situate as Movies for the army training camps, icavy, bat not complicated, and the aforesaid, and lying and binding on the county weeks with gas and severe pains in the road known as the "Harris Landing" road, ad- but the government has carelessly neg­ whole of it should be completed in less pit of my stomach. Our druggist ad­ oining the land now owned by Helen D. V. White lected to provide best girls to be taken than a month. Baltimore American. vised me to take Chamberlain's Tablets. md another, whereon the said John T. Dashiell resided in his lifetime, and containing SEVEN T. F. HARGIS to them. - took a bottle home and the first dose AND ONE-HALF ACRES, more or less, and be- relieved me wonderfully, and I kept on ng the same land which was conveyed unto the DEPARTMENT STORE The weather bureau is of course to j How's This ? aking them until I was cured." These said John T. Dashiel] by Frederick W. Wilson and blame for the hot weather, but it is suf­ wife by deed dated the 10th day of September. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ablets do not relieve pain, but after 903, and recorded among the land records of said POCOMOKE CITY, MARYLAND ficiently punished by having to keep a for any case of Catarrh that cannot be :he pain has been relieved may prevent Somerset County in Liber O, T. B. No, 37, folio 16 its recurrence. etc. This tract of land is improved by a TWO- record of it. cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. TORY DWELLING, a Small Barn and other j 1 Advertisement J Hall's Catarrh Medicine has bten Outbuildings, all in good condition and repair. Patriotism does not yet require that There will also be sold with the tract of land taken by catarrh sufferers for the past above described a small parcel of land, adjacent the hat be removed when Tipperary, thirty-five years, and has become known LONG & JOHNSON, Solicitors hereto. kAown as the "Methodist Protestant Hot Time in the Old Town, How Dry I as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Salisbury, Md. Church Lot," containing ONE-QUARTER ACRE, Mort'*le. Salc Public Sale more or less, and which was conveyed to the said | Am and other national airs are played. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the ohn T. Dashiell by George A. Bounds et. al. by OF VALUABLE Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling deed dated the 27th day of January, 1910. and re- OF- the poison from the Blood and healing orded among said land records in Liber S. F. D. ! The merchants don't have to adver­ Mortgagee's Sale No. 53, folio 237 etc. FARM PROPERTY tise if they don't want to, neither does the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh OFx^ALUABLE SECOND All that tractor parcel of land.'situate the public have to buy from stores that as aforesaid, and on the main county road leading j By virtue of the power and authority Valuable Farm Property Medicine for a short time you will see a i through Mount Vernon District, and also binding don't reach out in an enterprising way great improvement in your general i on the said "Harris Landing" road, adjoining the contained in a mortgage from J-ames P. UNDER MORTGAGE land (above described) where the said John T. Rounds to the Bank of Somerset, dated to get trade. health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh j REAL ESTATE Dashiell resided, and containing TWO ACRES, j the 2nd day of January, 1914, recorded By virtue of the power and authority Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. ! more or leis, and being the same land which was contained in a mortgage from James P. The Pacifists don't want to fight to Send for testimonials, free. ! By virtue conveyed unto the said John T. Dashiell by J. i among the land records of Somerset of a power of sale contained Roland Dashiell et. al. by deed dated the 2S»th day i county in Liber S. F. D., No. 64, folio Rounds to the Bank of Somerset, dated support the government, but they are F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, j in a mortgage from Columbus J. Wil- of May, 1015. and recorded among said land records i 112, etc., default having occurred in the the 22d day of July, 1908, recorded perfectly willing to have the police fight Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ; ley to William T. Wilkins, dat*>d June in Liber W. J, S. No. 68. folio 318 etc. This tract ; covenants of said mortgage, the under- among the land records of Somerset .[Advertisement.] ; 21, 1916, and recorded among the Land of land is improved by a SMALL .DWELLING. for them when their houses are attack­ THIRD All that tract or parcel of woodland, I signed attorney named in said mo'rt- county in Liber S. F. D., No. 46, folio Records of Somerset County, in Liber situate as aforesaid, and near the county road , gage, will sell at public auction at vhe 462, etc.,default having occurred in the * ed b^burglars. W. J. S., No. 72, folio 18. etc., default leading to Monie Bridge, adjoining woodland of '• covenants of said mortgage, the under­ -i ^ MMHMHMM^BMMM^BMM^ VACANT SCHOLARSHIP Court House door, in Princess Anne, ; Returning vacationists of course un­ having been made in the covenants con­ Charles M. Dashieli and Frank Dashiell. and con­ i Maryland, on TUESDAY, signed attorney named in said' mortgage Applications for a vacant scholarship for boys tained in said mortgage, the under­ taining FIVE ACRES, more or less, being the ' will sell at public auction .at the Court derstand that their friends have unlim­ at CHARLOTTE HALL SCHOOL. ST.MABY'S COUNTY. signed will offer for sale at public auc­ same land which was conveyed to the said John MD.. will be received at the office of the Board of T. Dashiell byl Charles M. Dashiell and others by | AUGUST 7th, 1917, House door, in Princess Anne, Md.. on ited time to hear all the details of their Education, in Princess Anne, up to the meet­ tion at the Court House Door, Princess deed dated the 7th day of January. 1901. and re­ ing of the Board on August 14th. Appli­ Anne, Maryland, on corded among said land records in Liber O. T. B. j at or about the hour of 1.30 o'clock p. trips and do not wish to hear other sub­ cants must have been students of the public No. 30. folio 219 etc. ! m., all that valuable farm or tract of jects mentioned. schools of this county. They will please state the TERMS OF SALE :-One-thirdcash on the day land in East Princess Anne district, Tuesday, AUG. 7th, 1917 schools that they have attended and the grades Saturday, Aug. 11, 1917, of sale and the balance in two equal semi-annual between the hours of 1.30 and 2 o'clock that they have completed. The scholarship is for installments from the day of sale to be secured by Somerset county, Maryland, which was What the whole country would now three years and includes board and tuition. at two o'clock p.m. the following tract the bond of the purchaser or purchasers, with conveyed to the" said James P. Rounds I p. m., all that farm or tract of land in like to see would be the putting of some W. H. DASHiELL. of land, situated in St. Peter's Election approved tecurity, bearing interest from the day by Frank W. Coon and wife by deed i East Princess Anne District, Somerset of the long-winded Congressional talk­ 7-31-f7 County Superintendent District, Somerset county, situated at of sale: or all cash, at the option of the purchaser dated the 30th December, 1913, record­ ; county, Md., which was conveyed to the or purchasers. Title papers at expense of pur­ said James P. Rounds by Barnard P. ers on the firing line to hurl Champ. Maryland, containing chaser. ed among the land records of said coun­ their big HARRY C. DASHIELL, ty in Liber S. F. D., No. 65, folio 467, Taylor and wife by deed dated the 18th gas bombs at the Germans. Their hot Farm Machinery For Sale Eight and One-Half Acres, 7-24 Trustee etc., containing day of July, 1908, recorded among the air would certainly*do something to the of land, more or less, being a part o 101 7-10 Acres, land records of said county in Liber S. Hindenburg line. In Congress their ef­ One International Gasoline Engine. 15 H. P.; the real estate of which John H. Som- F. D., No. 49, folio 112, etc.,and which - one Shredder, one Keystone Pea Harvester, one more or less, lying on both sides of the was formerly owned by Wm. J. Pusey, forts are against their own land. ' International Hay Baler. 5 H. P. Engine; one In­ ers died seized and possessed, and be­ Sheriff's Sale county road leading from Eden .to called "Brown's Chance," "Brown's ternational Corn Harvester. ing more fully described in a deed from OF VALUABLE Venture," "Hog Range," "Addition to Estimating the cost of the war for The above machinery is comparatively new and George Claude Jones, Trustee, to Will­ Friendship Mechodist ProtestantChurch. in first-class condition. Parties desiring machines This tract of land has been divided into \ Brown's Chance," or by whatever name the coming year at $10,735,807,000, ex­ named above will write me for prices. iam W. Tyler, dated January 5. 1892, the same may be known. This tract of MRS. BEULAH M. BODLEY. and recorded among the Land Records and will be sold in two parcels as fol­ clusive of loans to the Allies, the Ad- 7-31 Oak Hall P. O., Va. lows: land has been divided into three parcels minitsration informed Congress last of Somerset county, in Liber H. F. L. Real Estate First All that part of said land which and will be so sold as follows: No. 10, folios 147 and 148, and being .First Parcel AH that part of said Friday that new revenues totaling known as Lot No. 13 on the "Home By virtue of seven writs of fieri facias, issued lies on the east side of said county road, out of the Circuit' Court for Somerset county, containing 66 3-10 acres, more or less, land, containing 67 7-1O Acres, more $7.000,000,000 must be raised from tax­ Sheriff's Sale Place", and being the same land which Maryland, and to me directed, two at the instance bounded on the north by the land of or less, being that part of said land up- ation' or issuance of securities. If was conveyed to Columbus J. Willey of R. E. Powell and Company and one each at the on which Ernest Riggin now resides, OF VALUABL? by deed from William T. Wilkins and instance of the Bank of Somerset, L. W. Gunbv Helen Mead and on the east by the land advancement of credit to the Allies is Company. Turner Brothers Company. William B. of James M? Pollitt. bounded on the north bythe second par­ wife, dated June 21, 1916, and recorded Tilghman Company and Messrs. Lankford and Second All that part of said land cel, on the east by land which was con­ continued at the present rate, the year's REAL ESTATE among the land records of Somerset Lankford, and against the goods, chattels, lands, veyed to said Rounds by Frank A. Hay­ county, in Liber tenements, etc.. of James P. Rounds. I have levied ! which lies on the west side of said coun­ total of war expenditures will pass -AND- W. J.»S., No. 71, Fo­ upon, seized and taken in execution all the right, ty road and opposite the first parcel, man. and the land of John Teagle Pusey, $15,000,000,000, and the amount of addi­ lios 26 and 27. The above property is title, interest and claim of the said defendant. containing 32 2-5 acres, more or less, on the south by the Cantwell land and improved by a DWELLING HOUSE in James P. Rounds, in and to all the following de­ the. land conveyed to said Rounds by tional revenue required will increase Personal Property good condition. scribed lots, or parcels of land, located in East bounded on the west by the land of accordingly. Princess Anne district, in said county, to w!t: Howard Wright and on the south by George Norman Pusey, and on the west By virtue of the writ of fieri facias issued out of TERMS OF SALE: Cash on day of First- All that lot, tract or parcel of land con­ the land of Daniel Schwartz. A plat by the third parcel, improved by a the Circuit Court for Somerset County, at the suit sale. Title papers at purchaser's ex­ taining THIRTY AND FOUR-FIFTHS acres, more or showing the division of said tract of DWELLING HOUSE and BARN, and of Josephine R. Polk against W. James Polk, and pense. less, lying to the north of the county road leading ' WOMAN'S PART IN THE WAR to me directed. I have levied upon, seized and from Princess Anne to Friendship, and about four land will be exhibited on the day of with the right of way over the land or All kinds of advice are being handed taken into execution all the following real estate BENJAMIN A. JOHNSON, miles from Princess Anne; also bordering on the sale and can be seen in the meantime private road laid off on the plat herein­ and pei sonal property, to wit: All the right, title, Attorney and agent named in mortgage. Manokin Tax Ditch, which was conveyed to the at the office of the undersigned in Prin­ after mentioned. out to women as to bow they can help interest, estate and claim of W. James Polk, the said James P. Rounds by Frank A. Hayman and Second Parcel-All that part of said land same being a one-half undivided life interest in wife, by deed dated April 7. 1915, and recorded cess Anne, Md. in the war. A conscientious woman, and to all that lot of land in Dublin district, Som­ GORDON TULL. Solicitor. among the land records of Somerset county in Li­ TERMS OF SALE as prescribed bythe containing 33 1-2 Acres, more or less, anxious to help in every possible way, erset county. Md., known as "Suffolk," the home ber W. J. S.. No. 70, folio 302. mortgage CASH. Title papers at the whereon the said Rounds resides, bound­ farm of theilate Whittington Polk, and being the Second All that tract or parcel of land.cpntain- ed on the north by other land of .the must be bewildered by the conflicting same place devised by the said. Whittington Polk Order Nisi iifg EIGHTY-TWO acres, more or less, adjoining the expense of the purchaser or purchasers. to the said W. James Polk and Josephine R. Polk ;and owned or formerly owned by Howard Wright said Rounds, on the east by the land suggestions. In the matter of the tax sale of real estate in Fair- and James H. Ingersoll, and being the same land H, FILLMORE LANKFORD, for their natural lives only, and being the farm conveyed to the said James P. Rounds by two 7-17 Attorney named in said Mortgage. conveyed to said Rounds by Frank A. Many of these ideas are advanced by now tenated by George Wise, bounded on the east mount Election District of Somerset county, Hayman, on the south by first parcel, by the'land of William Mason, on the south by the assessed to Mrs. Dr. John I. Damieh. made and deeds, one from Samuel Q. Parker, dated June 27. people with their heads in the clouds county road leading from old "Court House Hill" reported by John E. Holland, County Treas­ 1900, and recorded as aforesaid in Liber O. T. B., on the west by the third parcel, improv­ who do not see the immediate and to Cokesbury Church, on the west by William Mc- urer for Somerset county. W. Jerome Ster­ V1o. 30, folio 74, and the other from Samuel A. ed by a DWELLING HOUSE, BARN. Daniel's and on the north by Dividing Creek; also ling, purchaser, ex parte. raham, et al., dated January 14, 1914, and record­ PUBLIC SALE f STOREHOUSE and other buildings, practical thing that anV person Can do. j all_the /rowing crpps^ on said farm as follows: 25 ed as aforesaid in Liber S. F. D., No. 65, folio 533, OF VALUABLE acres of growing corn. 6 acres of round potatoes. No. 3175, Chancery- In the Circuit Court for Som­ xcept so much thereof as was sold and conveyed ; together with said right of way. Some of us feel so dismayed by the 3 acres of sweet potatoes and about 2H> acres o: erset County. >y the said James P. Rounds to Fred D. Waters j Third Parcel All that part of said tomatoes. »y deed dated July 14, 1906, and recorded as afore­ wastes of our distribution system, that Whereas, a certain John E. Holland. County said in Liber O. T. B., No. 43. folio 528. REAL ESTATE I land containing 25 5-16 Acres, more or the plain and simple means of everyday AND I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT ON Treasurer for Somerset county, in the State of Third All that lot or parcel of [and. con- : 1 less, bounded on the north by other land Maryland, has reported to the Circuit Court for tainingoNE HUNDRED AND TWENTY acres, more Tuesday Aug. 28th, 1917, or less, lying to the north of said county , UNDER MORTGAGE ) of the said Rounds, on the east by the economy seem too trifling to .interest Somerset County, in Equity, a sale made by him j first and second parcels, and-being all at or about the hour of 1.30 o'clock p. m.. at th to W. Jerome Sterling, of all that lot of land in road, leading from Princess Anne to Friend- B/y virtue of the power and authority them. But our distribution problems Court House door in Princess Anne, Md.. I wil Fairmount district, Somerset county, Maryland, hip.and lying and binding on Deep Branch ; i the land conveyed to the said Rounds bv are too large to be remedied off-hand. sell at public auction, all the right, title, interest viz: No.'8 All that lot and improvements in Fair- Tax Ditch, and being the same land which was j contained in a mortgage from James P. j the said Taylor and wife not included in estate and claim of the said W. James Polk in ant mount district, Somerset county, Maryland.known conveyed to the said James P. Rounds by three ! Rounds, Fi'ancis J. Rounds and Robert | the first and second parcels, together While new economic systems are1 being to the said farm and parcel of land and also in anc as the home place of the late Joseph Muir,contain­ deeds: (a) from Annie V. Ellis and husband.dated j Cleveland Rounds to the Bank of Som­ to the said growing crops thereon, to the highes ing 2 acres, more or less, which was devised to the 18th day of January, 1908, and recorded among j with the said right of way. organized, the war will be won or lost. bidder for CASH, to satisfy said writ, costs anc Susie J. Damish (then Susie J. Muir) by will re­ the said land records in Liber S. F. D[., No. 50, | erset, dated the 30th day of April, 1912, A plat showing the outlines of said Meanwhile, there is one thing that charges. corded among the testamentary records in Liber folio 209; (b) from Cohn and Bock Company, dated ; recorded among the land records of Som­ land and of the several parcels into JOHN E. PRUITT, T. D., No. 21. folio 134, and later conveyed to G. April 28. 1909, and recorded as aforesaid in Liber ; erset county in Liber S. F. D., No. 61, every woman can do in a simple and A. Cox, and assessed to the said Mrs. Dr. John I. S. F. D., No. 50, folio 570. and (c) from Lewis E. which it has been divided will be ex­ 7-31 Sheriff of Somerset County Harmon. dated March 19, 1910, and recorded as folio 112, etc., default having occurred practical way. That is to co-operate Damish on the assessment books for the said elec­ hibited at the sale and can be seen in tion district, for the said year 1914, and sold for aforesaid in Liber S. F. D.. No. 63, folio 487. et in the covenants of said mortgage and the meantime at the office of the under­ heartily with the government sugges­ GORDON TULL. Solicitor. the payment of taxes due and in arrears, together seq., except so much thereof as was conveyed by said mortgage with all the proceedings in relation thereto; and, the said Rounds to Levin H. Armwood by deed having been assigned to signed in Princess Anne, Md. tions as to food economy. The obliga­ whereas, upon examination it appears to the said dated November 2, 1912. and recorded as aforesaid the undersigned for the purpose of fore­ TERMS OF. SALE: As prescribed by Order~Nisi Court that the said proceedings are regular, and in Liber S. F. D., No. 60. folio 392, et seq. closure, I will sell at public auction at the mortgage, cash. Title papers at the tion comes home especially to women that the provisions of law in relation thereto Fourth All that, lot of land containing FORTY- the Court House door, in Princess Anne, of wealth who keep servants. In such In the matter of the tax sale of real estate in West- have been complied with. THREE acres, more or less, lying and binding on expense of the purchaser or purchasers. over Election District of Somerset county, as- Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered this 19th day the north side of .the said county road, leading j Maryland, on H. FILLMORE LANKFORD. homes the pinch of necessity has never secsed to Maria F. Ballard, made and reported of July, in the year 1917, by the Circuit Court from Princess Anne to Friendship, and composed by John E Holland,County Treasurer forSom- for Somerset County, in Equity, that notice be of two parcels of land: (a) all that lot of land con­ Tuesday, Aug. 7th, 1917, 7-17 Attorney named in mortgage. impelled either mistress or maid toward erset county. Augustus Ritzel. purchaser, ex given by publication of this order once a week for veyed to the said Rounds by George N. Pusey and economy. It seems easier to throw parte. four successive weeks in the Marylander and Her­ wife by deed dated August 16, 1913, and recorded between the hours of 1.30 and 2 o'clock Order Nisi ald, a weekly newspaper published in Somerset as aforesaid in Liber S. F. D.. No. 63. folio 433; (b) p. m., all that farm or tract of land in food away than to bother to adapt it to No. 3174, Chancery. In the Circuit. Court for Som­ county, before the 29th day of August, in the year all that portion of the said Rounds' land, which erset County. lies westof the private lane leading from the afore­ East Princess Anne District. Somerset In the matter of the,, trust created b*V a certain 1917, warning all persons interested in the said mortgage given by the Fairmount Department table use. real estate to be and appear in this Court on or be­ said county road to the. residence of the said county, Md., on the west side of the coun­ Whereas, a certain John E. Holland, County Rounds, and south of Manokin Tax Ditch, being a Stoie, incorporated, a corporation, to The Citi­ The woman of wealth can do more fore the first day of September, 1917, to' show ty road leading from Eden to the Fruit- zens National Bank of Pocomoke City, Md., Treasurer for Somerset county, in the State of cause, if any they have, why sa.'d sale should not portion of the land conveyed to the said Rounds land-West Postoffice road, containing a than win the war through work in thej Maryland, has reported to the Circuit Court for be ratified and confirmed. by Bernard P. Taylor and wife by deed Mated July corporation, and The Pocomoke City National Somerset County, in Equity, a sale made by him 18, 1908. and recorded as aforesaid in Liber S. F. Bank of Pocomoke City, Md., a corporation, The report states the amount of sales to be $22.89. 178 1-2 ACRES, and assigned to L. Paul Ewell and James M. kitchen than by any other thing she to Augustus Ritzel, of all that lot of land in West- HENRY L. D. STANFORD, Judge. D.. No. 49, folio 112. can attempt. If she knows nothing over district, Somerset county, Maryland, viz: Lot True Copy. Test: Fifth-All that parcel of land containing TWENTY- more or less, bounded by the lands of Crockett for the purpose of foreclosure. No. 1 Being all that lot of land in Westpver dis­ 7-31 W. JEROME STERLING, Clerk. SEVEN acres, more or less, adjoining the land own­ about cooking, it is time for her to trict. Somerset county, Maryland, containing 2% ed or formerly owned by Evergreen Ingersoll. Benjamin & Graham Company, Lewis In the Circuit Court for Somerset County, in Equity. acres, more or less, with the improvements there­ William J. Moore, Ernest Moore and others, which Harmon, Howard Wright, James P. No. 3164. Chancery. learn. She will find a new pleasure in on, situated on a private road leading to the land was conveyed to the said Rounds by two Rounds and others, being all the land of L. W. Ballard, adjoining the land of Wesley from Jerome T. Hayman dated March 24,1900, and Ordered that the sale of the real estate mention­ lite in providing herself and her family Dorsey, conveyed unto Maria F. Ballard by deed recorded as aforesaid in Liber O. T. B., No. 28, which was conveyed to the said James ] ed in the proceedings in the above entitled cause with dishes of a dainty and tempting from Lucy Sturgis recorded among the land rec­ folio 122, and another from Richard T. Doody and P. Rounds, Francis J. Rounds and Rob t. by L. Paul Ewell and James M. Crockett.assignees ords cf Somerset county in Liber O. T. B., No. 21. J. E. GREEN wife dated December 31, 1909, and recorded as C. Rounds by John William Ward and of the said mortgage, be ratified and confii med. quality that few hired underlings ever folio 2*u, and assessed to the said Maria F. Ballard aforesaid in Liber S. F. D.. No. 53, folio 235,etseq. wife by deed dated the 29th day of April, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on attain. It will not be long*before she on the assessment books for said election district, Sixth AH that lot of land curtaining TWENTY- or before the 18th day of August, 1917; provided a for the said year 1912. and sold for the payment AUCTIONEER SEVEN AND ONE-HALF acres, more or less, known 1912, recorded among said records in copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper as "part of the Hayman Mill Property," situate printed in Somerset .county, Md., once in each of realizes that the home of wealth is ac­ of taxes due and in arrears, together with all the Eden, Md* R.F.D.No.2 Liber S. F. D., No. 59, folio 402, etc., three successive weeks before the 15th day proceedings in relation thereto: and wheres, upon near Dividing Creek," formerly owned by Francis except Sf> much thereof as was convey­ of Au­ customed to waste more materials than examination it appears to the said Court that the Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guar A. Briddell. and being the same land conveyed to gust, A. D., 1917. it uses. That makes food scarce for said proceedings are regular, and that the'provis­ anteed. When you have a sale give me the said Rounds by Robert F. Duer, trustee, by ed to Lewis Harmon by the said James The report states the amount of sales to be $100. ions of law in relation thereto have been complied deed dated April 23,1909.and recorded as aforesaid P. Rounds, Francis J. Rounds and Robt. HENRY L. D. STANFORD, Judge. ratrial. in Liber S. F. D., No. 50, folio 568, except so much True Copy. Test: all of us and helps the enemies of our with. C. Rounds by deed dated the 16th day of 7-24_____ W. JEROME STEALING. Clerk. country. Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered this!9thday thereof as waa conveyed by the said Rounds to September, 1913, recorded among said The women are responding so nobly of July, in the year 1917, by the Circuit Court Cohn and Bock, by deed dated April 28, 1909, and for Somerset County, in Equity, that notice be recorded as aforesaid in Liber S. F. D., No. 53, records in Liber S. F. D., No. 65, folio SAMUEL F. MILES to this and other calls that such advice given by publication of this order once a week for folio 181. 9, etc. seems almost needless. Hundreds of four successive weeks in the Marylander and Her­ Prepare AND I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT ON TERMS OF SALE:-As prescribed by Justice of the Peace thousands of women in luxurious homes ald, a weekly newspaper published in Somerset i AND county, before the 2?th day of August, in the year WAR! Before Tuesday, Aug. 7th, 1917, said mortgage, cash. Title papers at the have put on their aprons, rolled up 1917, warning all persons interested in the said DRAFT at about the hour of 2 p. m., in front of the Court expense of the purchaser. SURVEYOR their sleeves, and are baking and broil­ real estate to be and appear in this Court on or be­ Infantry Drill; School of the soldier; technical House door in Princess Anne, Maryland, I will H. FILLMORE LANKFORD, ing. The scarcity of servants makes fore the first day of September, 1917, to show termB of Navy; Motorcycle dispatch girls; Chron­ sell all of the aforesaid right, title, interest and Established Surveying 31 years. cause, if any they have, why said sale should not ology ''Spanish War," 10 eta. a copy, postpaid. estate of the said James P. Rounds, in and to the 7-17 Assignee of said mortgage. In Princess Anne every Tuesday and it often obligatory. All over the coun­ be ratified and confirmed. Pocket size (Special Edition Boys of '98)condensed. aforedescribed property, to the highest bidder or Saturday until further notice. try women are rolling bandages and The report states the amount of sales to be $10. Captains select bright men for non-commissioned bidders for 'CASH, to satisfy said writs, costs and OB PRINTING -We do it. knitting comfort articles. They can be HENRY L. D. STANFORD. Judge. officers Be a bright one. Published by Veteran of charges. Cor. Prince William and Church' Sts. True Copy. Test: Spanish War. Address, VAN BUREN, 32O JOHN E. PRUITT. Gvei us your next order PRINCESS ANNE, MD. relied upon to do their full share. 7-31 W. JEROME STERLING. Clerk. 15th St., , N. Y. Agents wanted. 7-17 Sheriff of Somerset County. j MARYLANDER AND HERALD It makes the consumer a lot cooler to have the Demand For Cordwood This Winter ice man carefully weigh hia All indications TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1917 ice on the scales*) CAN YOU SPARE ONE DOLLAR? point to an extraordi nary demand for fire wood this coming Notice of Marriages and Deaths will be publish­ At present prices the paper which LANKFORD'S DEPARTMENT STORE ed free—bat obituaries mart be paid for at the Government bulletins show that Mary­ goes into a year's subscription to winter and probably also for the follow rate of (5) five cento per line. ______land prime potatoes sold for $3.50 and the Marylander and Herald cost* ing winter. This is due to the increase $4 a barrel in New York on Thursday. just 88 cents, without freight. It is in cost of coal and particularly to th BUSINESS POINTERS plain that after the cost or printing Ten (10) cents a line for the first insertion and (5) difficulty in securing it, especially in the cents Mrs. Frederick Weston, of Washing­ and postage is added there is but Columbia thereafter Grafonolas ton, D. C., is visiting at the home of little profit for the publisher. As small towns, owing to the shortage of FOR SALE Corn. W. E. WADDY/ her aunt, Mrs. Joshua W. Miles, on a fact, every subscriber costs the cars. This difficulty is certain to in­ JR.. Princess Anne. Md. publishers^ good bit more than the crease. The situation offers a splendic Somerset avenue. charge of $1.00 a year. By looking FOR SALE Pair of Good Horses. J. opportunity to farmers and woodlanc After a few days visit to his home in at the label on your paper you can RUFUS DASHIELL, Princess Anne, Md. see if you are in arrears. If so, owners generally to cut and utilize FOR SALE. New lot of Scarlet Clover Princess Anne, Collector of Internal you will confer a' favor by paying trees killed by the Chestnut Blight, tops Seed just received. Both phones. W. Revenue Joshua W. Miles returned to your subscription, and not expect us and laps resulting from lumbering op- P. TODD. Baltimore last Sunday night to continue sending the Marylander WANTED To rent or buy a 50 or 75 and Herald when you could pay perations, as well as the taking out of acre farm at right price. FRANK WIL­ Dr. William Bullock Clark, professor the One Dollar more promptly. inferior trees in the nature of thinnings SON, Westover, Md. . of geology at John's Hopkins Univer­ and improvement cuttings in the wood­ FOR SALE Tomato plants at $1.00 sity and head of the State Geological lands. per thousand. W. T. HOLLAND, Prin­ Survey, died suddenly at his summer Pocomoke Fair Next Week One of the great hinderances hereto­ cess Anne, Md., Route 2. home in Maine last Friday morning. On our 8th page will be found an ad­ fore to the practice of good forest FOR SALE Acetylene Gas Machine. vertisement of the Pocomoke Fair. 48 burner capacity, excellent condition. Last Wednesday Mr. E. E. Bedford, management has been to find a market Freeze-proof house also. E. H. COHN. Remember the dates, August 7th, 8th. for this low grade material, and the To OWNERS OP STEAM THRESHERS of Orange, N. J., and Miss Virginia 9th and 10th. Also remember that this Lee Pugh, of Richmond, Va., were mar­ probable demand for fire wood seems to have just received a car of soft coal. is to be the biggest fair in the history offer a solution. W. P. TODD. ried at Antioch Methodist Episcopal Wood cut during Au­ of the association. Everything is being gust should be sufficiently seasoned for FOR SALE-50,000 late Cabbage Plants Parsonage by the Rev Leolan Jackson. arranged in ship-shape manner and you now ready for planting. J. FRANK marketing the latter part of this win- MILES, Beechwood St, Princess Anne. We direct attention to the advertise­ should arrange to meet your friends er, while dead sound wood may be cut WANTED. To rent a good farm for ment of Beacom Business Colleges there. A big field of horses are expect­ iven later and will likely find a profit­ 1918. Plenty of horses and help to do Wilmington, Del., and Salisbury, Md., ed to be on the entry list. able market x the work. C. M. ADAMS, Princess on our 8th page. Beacom's is recog­ Those who can cut wood for next win­ Anne, Route 1. nized as one of the best business schools Rev. BrisWn On Long Auto Tour ter's delivery would do LOST Between Princess Anne and well to make ar­ Deal's Island, back light bracket an, in America. Rev. and Mrs. Frank L. Brisbin and rangements with the local wood dealers two children, formerly tag No. 24-046. FRANK BRANFORD Dr. and Mrs. Roy A. Buhrman and of Princess or directly with consumers in the towns Princess Anne, Md. Anne, but now of Queenstown, Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Polk, who have Md., o as to contract for the output in ad­ FOR SALE Binder Twine, Mammoth left last Thursday for been visitors at the country home of Mr. an automobile vance. Yellow and Wilson Black Soja Beans, trip to Michigan, where they will visit and Mrs. C. C. Waller, in Queen Anne's The State Forester, Baltimore, Mary- Cow Peas, Millet and Buckwheat Seed. relatives. The W. P. TODD, Princess Anne, Md. county, have party, traveling in a and, will be glad to assist those who returned to their homes in Ford car, took along^ complete CELERY 'PLANTS FOR SALE Grant Princess Anne. cooking are likely to have any quantity of wood Pascal, New Columbia, Winter Queen, and camping outfits, as the minister or sale and to give advice or find a White Plume, $2.00 per thousand; 25c Mr. G. A. Reavis, assistant superin­ and his wife plan to do their "auto- market for it. Upon application the per hundred. R. W. COPPER, Poco- tendent of education, spent Monday of keeping" while on the trip. orester will go over the woodlands of moke City, Md. last week in Princess Anne looking Come in during our Hoosier Sale and any one in the State, advise him on the save $6.00 on a Hoosier Special Kitchen after public school matters. He also Marriage Licenses ground as to its management, and where visited the summer school in session Cabinet The factory will permit this • at The following is a list of the marriage thinnings or improvement cuttings are reduction only during this sale! T. F. the. Princess Anne Academy while in licenses issued by the Clerk of the Cir­ advised the Forester will mark a sample i HAGGIS, Pocomoke City, Md. town. acre or half-acre as a e^iide in the work, j FOR SALE Beef scrap, bone meal, cuit Court for Somerset County: COLUMBIA charcoal, alfalfa meal, scratch feed, tank­ Mr. John W. Dashiell and his two White John G. Puaey, 31, and Anna This is done without/charge except the j age hay, corn and feeds of all kinds. children, Miss Catherine P. Dashiell Brewer, 17, both of Princess Anne. actual travel expenses. j GRAFONOLA and Struven Evans, 23, of Rhodes Hard coal, all sizes, and soft coal. W. Mr. Louis L. Dashiell, of Pittsburgh. Point.and P. TODD, Princess Anne. Md. Dora Taylor, 19, of Crisfield. Edward Price, $100 Pa., are visiting relatives in Princess E. Badford. 32, West Orange, N. J., Advertised Letters FOR SALE The Store and Residence The following is a list of letters re­ on Main street, adjoining the Washing­ Anne. Mr. Dashiell is a brother of and Virginia Lee Pugh, 21,of Richmond, ton Hotel, now occu »ied by Miss Susie Messrs. Cassius M., Hampden P., and Va, James B. Green, 26, of Delmar, maining in the Princess Anne postoffice YOU Del., and Laura L. Dryden, 24, of Prin­ uncalled for: NEED MUSIC IN YQUR HOME . E. Collins. Apply to FRANK COLLINS, Wm. Henry Dashiell. cess Anne. Charles P. Justice, 25, of - Executor of Mrs. Emeline Collins. Miss Emma King, Mrs. Grace Mason, Mr. E. G. Price, of Chance, Md.,was Parksley. Va., and Louise B. Parks, 22, Just stop and consider for a moment what pleasure We have all types of Victrolas'and a of Accomac, Va.'Thomas S. Milbourne, Mrs. Henitta Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. a Columbia Grafonola will bring to your home. If large stock of Records always on hand. a graduate last month from the Char­ 27, and Martha J. Elliott, 19, both of Walter Simpler, Mr. C. M. Taylor, Send us your orders by mail or tele- lotte Hall School in St. Mary's county. Crisfield. Fulton B. Evans, 23,of Rhodes Miss Nield Wiend, Mr. T. L Wilson. the evening is dull, put on a snappy band record phone. You will like our prompt ser- A vacancy in the school has thus occur- Point, and Jeanette Forest, 23, of Hol­ Persons calling for the above letters and watch the effect. Faces brighten up and vice. T. F. HARGIS, Pocomoke City. red and the county superintendent has land's Island. Frank Carpenter, 21, and will please state they are advertised. everyone's spirits are raised. FOR SALE 100 acres of growing tim- Ethel Carpenter, 21, both of Bird's H. L BRITTINGHAM, P. M her on my farm, or will sell farm and advertised for applications. See adver­ Nest, Va. Paul Walker, 21, and Ella GRAFONOLAS range in "Price timber on easy terms. The farm has tisement in another column. Mason, 19, both of Crisfield. Charles good buildings and contains 220 acres. H. Walston, 64, of Crisfield, and Tilda R. T. DOODY, near Loretto Station, Md. On Monday night of last week Mr. Horner, 36, of Hooper's Island. PHILIP M. SMITH From $15 Dixie Dryden entertained a number of to $350 WANTED Several small farms in Som­ Colored Dunn Ford, 22, of Seaford, A Size to Fit Every Pocketbook erset and Wicomico counties for poultry his young friends at his home at ' 'Som­ Del., and Rena Morris, 19, of Salisbury, Funeral Director raising, also general and grain farms in erset Heights." Mr. Dryden is a mem­ Md. Hinney Bundick, 22 of Bloxom, PRINCESS ANNE, MD. You w.ill be surprised on what any size by Frank Lano & Sons, repre­ ber of Company Va., and Lulie Dixon, 21, of Hopeton, easy terms you may own one of sentatives of the E. A. Strout Farm I, of Salisbury, and Va. All funeral work will receive prompt Agency, Princess Anne, Md. gave a farewell party before going into attention. Local phone. these wonderful instruments. BARGAINS THAT WON'T LAST. We camp with his Company on Wednesday. Doing Good are offering, in order to clean up, a Mr. H. L. D. Stanford, Jr., who has Few medicines have met with more i Come in and let us talk it over with you. quantity of odds and ends at one-third favor or accomplished more good than H? icir value. This is all clean merchan­ been filling a temporary place in the Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem­ Dr. Higgins dise that you need in your home, and if Revenue Collector's office at Wilming­ edy. John F. Jantzen, Delmeny, Sask.. you will look over it the result will be a says of it "I have used Chamberlain's DENTIST purchase. HAYMAN'S HARDWARE DEPT. ton, Delaware, has been offered and FORMERLY OF WASHINGTON, D.C. W. 0. Lankford & Son accepted a position with the Maryland Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy myself and . Rooms 201-210 New Bank B'ld'tr SiXTEEN-TO-ONE we believe to be the in my family, and can recommend it as (Near Rapid Transit Terminal) record this year on Oliver Sulky Culti­ Casualty Company of Baltimore. He being an exceptionally fine preparation." Salisbury, Maryland HOME FURNISHERS vators. This is strong, but we are entered upon his duties last Wednesday. [Advertisement! willing to check up with the sales made PHONESr-Office. 744; Res. 411 PRINCESS ANNE, MARYLAND in the county on the bases that there Mrs. Charles Orr and her daughter, has been sixteen'Olivers sold to one of Miss Alice Orr, who spent several days ATTENTION all other makes. We have a few left. last week as guests of Colonel and Mrs. HAYMAN'S GROWERS AND SHIPPERS HARDWARE DEPT. Henry J. Waters, have returned to their Our piano tuner will be in Pocomoke I have an unlimited outlet for fruits and pro­ in a few days. He was for twenty home in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Orr was duce of all kinds. Will handle your shipments on returning from Fortress Monroe, Va., consignment, sell for you or buy butriprht. I am years foreman of a piano factory doing in touch with the leading markets and receiving REPAIR WORK

Price, $575 Delivered •See Our Stock of- We Cany a Complete line of At theOld

FARM IMPLEMENTS < • < • The Pusey-Yates Co. GUTH'S AND SAVE 25% AND- I PRINCESS ANNE, MARYLAND PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS NORRIS The illustration shows a method We are retailing HORSE i COLLARS of preventing turkeys from flying over fences. A thin piece of wood OIOCOUTES is placed across the back and tied cheaper than others can buy them] at under the wings with soft strips of Bookkeepers, Stenographers, cloth. From 5c to $2.OO 1 wholesale. We have over 4OO hi stock <; >h Secretaries> <(> <,' ous in the New Englafld states about ALL KINDS • f :*!=?! fed! 3s= i ">"**! Rapid promotion is as­ << twenty-five years ago. It has now << sured to young people in ecognized as one of the bes£business a depth of one hundred feet and assessed to Rosa of those who go to war will be charac­ Not Bound by Parties King's heirs for said year. schools in America. No. 4 All that lot of land in West Princess Anne terized by the utmost safety and efficiency. Can it be imagined that the same Election District, in said county and state, and located on Fitzgerald's lane, containing one acre. * men and influences which are now more or less, and assessed to Mary Wash Spence * attempting to rule both political for said year. Consultation is cordially invited. parties will not in a similar way en­ JOHN E. HOLLAND, deavor to dictate nominations if 7-17 Treasurer for Somerset County. given a majority of votes with which to back their demands and threats ? And if their wishes are not heeded CHARLES BRAND in making the nominations, can any Licensed Plumber PEOPLES BANK one doubt that they will be able to BANK\ Slate and Tile Roofing take their revenge by defeating any o^ of SOMERSET COUNTY I 'candidate not acceptable ? They JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT have already shown their willingness PERSONAL! REASONABLE PRICES to do so. Facts do not bear out 76 Broad St. Princess Anne PRINCESS ANNE, MARYLAND the assertion that when the*/ become SERVICE citizens of Baltimore, Democrats re­ «»•*.<•«•«*»»»•*«»«*»**«**«» main Democrats and Republicans re­ main Republicans- Most of them work together to rule the rest of the State. No political party can be MULES *ure of their fealty, for they are OR STYLISH AND QUALITY PRINTING Bring avowedly out to gain their own ends FOR SALE by any snrt of temporary expedient- THE HARVEST TIMES F vour orders to the Marylander and Herald Office. Give the city a majority of the Always from 100 to 500 head of population of the State and you will Horses and Mules, of all descrip­ give it absolute control- No deserv­ tions, for sale at my stables in ing man of either party in any part of the State will be able to obtain YORK, PENN4. a State office without the approval jof the city boss. No law which does WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE not suit the "city crowd" will stand This bank is at the service of every farmer JOE KINDIG WESTMINSTER. MD-, any chance of being passed. in this community during the busy days of REV. T. H. LEWIS. D. D., LL. D.. PRESIDENT And if such a law should slip harvest and haying. Should you find it in­ through, the city would have, and For Young Men and Young Women in Separate Departments \vithout any increase in Legislative convenient to come to the bank in person you "membership, the power to veto it. can gend your deposits to us by mail. They DO YOU WANT In 1915 the people ratified the will receive our prompt and courteous atten- LOCATION unexcelled, 1,000 feet above the sea, in the high­ Referendum amendment to the State k tion. lands of Maryland. Pure air, pure water, charming scenery. Only an Constitution. Under this amendment An Automobile? hour's run from Baltimore. a ma.orit:- of the voters n»y nulli­ We will also be glad to furnish any needed SEE MY AUTOS EQUIPMENT complete. Twenty acre Campus; Modern fy ay Jaw passed by the Legisla­ funds at a moderate rate of interest and easy Buildings; comfortable living accommodations; Laboratories, Library, ture except laws regulating the sale AND EXAMINE Gymnasium, Power and Heating Plant. jjf liquo? and the regular appropria­ terms. Come in and see us. tion Dills* Under this amendment CURRICULUM up to date. Classical. Scientific, Historical the city could override any law of The Ford, Dodge and Pedagogical Courses, leading to A. B. degree. Music, Elocution the State hereafter passed, except BANK OF SOMERSET and Oratory. Strong Faculty. «s noted, that is, provided Mayor PREPARATORY SCHOOL for those not ready for College. Preston's scheme for the aggran­ and Buick dizement of the city by overriding PRINCESSjjANNE, MARYI/A