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The BG News April 28, 1982

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 28, 1982" (1982). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3990.

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the chain reaction of recession. Castmasters makes tools that pro- EDiiors MTt IWJ II IM MOM II I iivi-part Will duce castings of engines and drive eiimMM IN \rtmn NX economy. Fitira iltrlu Mil trains for a Chevrolet plant in Michi- strtr UN iMMlirT Mcimi's ellocl oi IM UNlvarslty. gan. It also sells spindle castings for MMN ITtM MM WOWl Cousin. I Weil limlll IM spindles and axles to a Ford plant in HHlUl HlHllM. Canton. "We've reduced our work force 27 Sercent since the first of the month," Bhn Crowl, general manager of Cast- masters, said.

by Lou Wllln Jeep Corp. of AMC in Toledo dis- "WE'VE RESISTED any staff reporter tributes Jeeps to Bowling Green and movement in that direction until re- does business with two area firms. cently, but we couldn't see anv light at Modine Manufacturing, Pember- AMC has cut production and employ- the end of the tunnel." Crowl said. ville, which makes radiators for auto ment to keep pace with lagging sales. It was inevitable that Castmasters companies, once employed 350 peo- This deadens business for local auto- would have troubles since two of its ple. Now it has 160 workers. related firms. biggest customers have had prob- "We're at a standstill right now," lems: Bill Schulz, production manager at TOLEDO JEEP has 3,900 employ- Modine, said. ees working; another 1,832 are on • "We're operating at about 50 per- The auto industry's troubles have indefinite layoff, Eugene Altermatt, cent of capacity," Norm Prast, buyer found more victims in Northwest general plant manager, said. in the Purchasing Department of Ohio. Jeep Corporation s final assembly Chevrolet Saginaw Metal Casting Industrial giants, such as Ford, line produces about two-thirds as Plants, said. Chrysler, General Motors and Ameri- many jeeps as it did last year. Al • Canton Forging for Ford Motor can Motors Corp. cannot lay off work- Strzelecki, foreman of final assembly, Co. has 700 people working and about ers by the hundreds of thousands and said. 600 laid off, Hugh Clark, purchasing cut back production without stifling Castmasters Division Latrobe Steel for Ford's Canton plant, said. the business of some firms in this Co., in Bowling Green is another "One area feeds another," Bob example of local industry caught in Richardson, foreman of engine and chassis at the Jeep Corp., said. One area is connected to another in the economy. Layoffs and slowed production result from low sales. In- dustries such as Jeep Corp. will only produce Jeeps as fast as dealers, such as Bowling Green Lincoln Mercury UHiyER$tTY * Inc., sell them. "WE DON'T build on speculation, but on customer orders and dealer orders," Phil Workman, manager of news relations for General Motors in Detroit, said. Jeep sales were up in the first quarter of 1982 after a slow 1981 for Bowling Green Lincoln Mercury. Ford and Chevrolet dealers in Bowl- ing Green reported 20-25 percent more sales in the first quarter of 1982 than in the first quarter of '81. But local car dealers, with the exception A worktr at tha Jaap Corp. of AMC in Tolado adds his contribution to ona of 221 Jaaps mada daily In the plant. A BG Hews pholos Tim Appel of Jeep Corp., were less happy with dacllna in production of 38.6 parcant has mada AMC cut back tha number of tha plant's amployaas by 31.3 this month. Dale Jennings of University Ford: April has bean a "super bummer." see AUTO page 3 parcant. Time is fast running out' says Thatcher Britain may use military pressure in Falklands by the Associated Press tine troops from the Falklands. She tion of American States in marines called "The Lizards" contin- pealed to both sides to halt any escala- don that task force commander Rear warned that "time is fast running Washington his government has re- ued resistance on the island. tion of the crisis and comply Adm. John Woodward already had Britain warned yesterday that mili- out" for a peaceful settlement of the ceived information that British naval Thatcher said Britain was ready to "immediately" with U.N. Security sent a small reconnaissance team tary force may be the only way to 25-day-old crisis. forces may attack the Falkland Is- negotiate a settlement, but warned Council resolution 502 of April 3 call- onto the Falklands to find possible retake the Falkland Islands. Argen- Her tough statements and a news lands within the next 24 to 48 hours. "unless we bring military pressure to ing for a cessation of hostilies and an landing sites. tina said the British may attack in 24 blackout on the British armada's op- He disclosed no other information. bear, the Argentines are unlikely to Argentine withdrawal. Haig told the meeting of OAS for- to 48 hours, ordered foreign corre- erations for the first time in the crisis withdraw from the Falklands." eign ministers it would be neither spondents from a key port and report- bolstered speculation that the task THE BRITISH dependency of South She rejected an appeal from Mi- Clearly impatient with Argentina's appropriate nor effective to handle edly told Secretary of State Alexander force, lashed by worsening winter Georgia, 800 miles east of the Falk- chael Foot, leader of the opposition refusal to pull out of the Falklands, the Falklands' crisis in the frame- Haig not to return to Buenos Aires. weather off the Falklands, may soon lands, was seized April 3, and Britain Labor Party, that she send Foreign Thatcher said sending Pym to New work of the Inter-American Mutual Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher launch an assault on the South Atlan- said its marines captured South Secretary Francis Pym to New York York would "not achieve anything." Defense Treaty as requested by Ar- told the House of Commons in London tic colony seized by Argentina April 2. Georgia and 194 Argentines Sunday for talks with U.N. Secretary General gentina. In, a brief speech greeted by that "military pressure" now appears Argentine Foreign Minister Nica- and Monday. The Argentine junta Javier Perez de Cuellar. THATCHER'S GOVERNMENT silence, Haig said the to be the only way to dislodge Argen- nor Costa Mendez told the Organiza- said, however, that specially trained Perez de Cuellar on Monday ap- denied a report in The Times of Lon- remained available for mediation. Ohioans rally in Columbus to stop nuclear build-up Editor's note: This is the first in a General Assembly on record as favor- University Center for Peace Studies, "The more we make the Russians he said. "People like Reagan, Haig three-part series on a two-day rally in ing the nuclear arms freeze. satirically credited Reagan with nervous, the more they'll shoot their and Weinberger make all these deci- Columbus pushing for a state resolu- The Ohio proposal advocates a mu- doing more than anyone else in acce- missiles off," Gordon Smith, a Colum- sions, talk about running a limited tion calling for a freeze on nuclear tual freeze between the U.S. and the lerating the freeze movement. bus resident, said. "I think they've nuclear war in Europe, and yet I proliferation by the United States and Soviet Union on the testing, produc- armed for defensive purposes only didn't vote for any of them." the Soviet Union. tion and deployment of nuclear weap- IN A MORE solemn vein, he de- and that we've got designs on Western ons, missiles and new aircraft scribed the destruction that would be Europe. Reagan spent most of his Kent Morse, one of the SJC mem- by Linda Perez designed to deliver the nuclear weap- caused if one bomb hit Columbus. adult life in the make-believe world of bers who went to the rally, said his Forgotten love senior staff reporter ons. "The entire metropolitan area Hollywood. That's why he thinks the involvement in the state-wide freeze Organizations including the Ohio would dissolve into radioactive dust way he does." drive was natural, considering his WEST CHESTER, Ohio (AP) — It COLUMBUS - Eighteen-year-old Public Interest Research Group, the and people 45 miles away would have study of the disarmament issue and wasn't jealousy that drove two Columbus resident Theresa Thorpe Ohio chapter of Physicians for Social their clothes burned off. They would Ohio University student Rudy Ny- Michigan men away from their the nation's policy on Third World said she was just looking around, Responsibility, the Council of Reli- suffer from second-degree burns," he hoff described himself as laid-back, countries. wives along Interstate 75 Sunday. enjoying the folk singer who sang an Cus of the Diocese of Columbus and said. rather than issue-oriented, but said "I've come to the conclusion that in They just forgot to make sure American peace anthem in Russian. Cleveland Board of Rabbis en- McSorley's description silenced the the arms race is "absolutely insane." their wives were in the back seat. the end the governments really don't But she was not typical of the nearly dorse the proposal. crowd. Several shook their heads or have the interest oi disarmament in The men, who were not identi- 1,000 gathered at the Statehouse Fri- Similar freeze resolutions have stared down at the ground. "WE NEED A movement like this," mind," he said. fied by Union Township police, day afternoon for the rally sponsored been passed in 217 cities and towns, drove for some 70 miles be- by the Reverse the Arms Race Con- and campaigns are underway to put fore noticing their wives were ference of Ohio. the freeze on the November ballot in missing. The men and women Pressuring President Ronald Rea- , Michigan, New Jersey and Student who 'died' receives sentence had stopped at a service station to gan to adopt a policy of nuclear non- Delaware. go to the restroom. proliferation was the main item on the JOHN LOONEY, president of the Michael Groff, the University se- Groff apologized in an April 20 rescheduled for March 10 because of "Can you imagine two men day's agenda. Ohioans from every Ohio Nuclear Weapons Freeze Cam- nior who attempted to get out of a letter for nis behavior and for any Groff's claim of a class conflict, a driving that far and then turning county presented 131,814 signatures paign, said grassroots campaigns are speeding ticket by faking his death, "disparagement or inconvenience man who identified himself as Groff's around and saying, 'How are you calling for such a measure to Sen. vital in the move to sway Reagan was ordered by Municipal Court April he caused by his actions. He said he brother called the court to say Groff girls doing back mere?' and real- Michael Schwarzwalder (D-Colum- from pouring $240 billion into lie 16 to perform community service and learned from the experience and "will was in a coma in a hospital. izing they aren't back there," said bus). manufacturing of B-l bombers, MX to file a letter of apology to city enforce a stricter code of ethics" upon The case was delayed until March a dispatcher for the Union Four members of the University missiles and Trident submarines. residents. himself. 24 awaiting verification of the call. Township police Monday. Social Justice Committee also were "The decision-making process in "IN REVIEWING this incident I Verification came as a death notice on Police, after they were noti- there to present the 5,000 signatures it Washington is pretty well being con- David Barber, city director of pub- can see what a truly nonsensical idea stationery from Hillcrest Hospital in fied by the wives, issued a re- collected on- and off-campus winter trolled by special interest groups - lic works, said Groff must complete 80 this really was," the letter states. Mayfield Heights, which further was port that said the occupants of a quarter. defense contractors, military people, hours of public service at the city He also said confidence in the judi- verified when the court received a car with three golf club bags on "The Ohio Senate is pretty tough to politicians ..." he said. "The every- cemetery by June 9. Groff also was cial system "is of the utmost impor- letter allegedly signed by his mother, top of it had left their wives operate these days," Schwarzwalder day citizens must do something. If fined $250 plus about $84 for the ticket, tance to society and he hopes people Pat Groff, the next day. behind at the Union 76 service said. you look at the polls, young people a spokesperson said. will not discredit the system in any A death notice was printed March station at 1-75 and Cincinnati- BUT THE petitions will place the don't even think they 11 live to adul- Groff will be cutting grass, painting way. 25 in The Daily Sentinel-Tribune after Dayton Road. thood." Groff was charged with driving 48 The men suddenly missed their arms race as a priority on the agenda the storage building, and doing odds a reporter noted the letter and subse- of Congress and Reagan, he said. The director and keynote speaker at and ends three or four days a week in mph in a 35 mph zone March 3 and quent dismissal of the case, which wives when they were near Piqua, Schwarzwalder introduced Senate the rally, the Rev. Richard McSorley, the cemetery until June 9, Barber was summoned to appear in court was dropped until someone reported Ohio, police said. Joint Resolution 33 to put the Ohio a Jesuit theologian at the Georgetown said. March 8. After his appearance was seeing Groff on campus. 2 The BG News/April 28. 1982 ^•^•v The BUBG Newsnews Liberal arts part of career balance This is the second part of a two-part recruit only those who have a wide depth, both the instrumentally and sionals, take courses and internships article focusing on the value of a range of knowledge as well. . . and the intrinsically valuable. Jeremiah and jobs. Then (students) may take OPINION liberal arts education In the current this usually means a specialist who Day sought a guiding philosophy for English along with work in the social job market. has more than a casual exposure to Yale in the mid-nineteenth century sciences and an internship in human Vol. 62 April 28,1982 No. 99 the liberal arts." Look where speciali- that would develop, in students, both services." Clayton reminds us that zation has gotten the American auto- "the furniture and the discipline of today's is a compulsive generation - mobile industry. Can we still say that the mind." Thinking, problem solv- that we no longer hear students talk Focas "What's good for General Mo- ing, communication and computing about going to Colorado to be ski by Thomas Klein tors ..."? skills would not be enough. A broad bums for a few years or trying the Admissions policy If one accepts my first two prem- exposure to the best that had been European sojourn on a shoestring. Once we put the question of the ises - that there should be no split thought and said over the centuries, Force the unfolding experience of separation of vocational and liberal between vocational and liberal educa- i.e., the Great Tradition, would also human maturation and the rose will unneeded wish-list education behind us (see April 27 BG tion, and that free enterprise has be necessary. Whatever choices one become crippled with blight. A year after their release, Academic Council finally News), we^can deal with a second acknowledged the importance of the does make, we cannot expect perfec- issue, whether businesses currently liberal arts - it should follow that one tion -Plato must have known philo- In the end we must realize that as is coming close to acting on recommendations "favor" - or hire - liberal arts grad- would ask. How do I attain a liberal sophers would never be kings. My we choose a career, we choose a drafted by a joint committee of the Ohio Board of uates. The obvious answer is that education balanced by a concern for wile complains that our plumber collection of values, friendships and some do and some don't. But the more vocation? I cannot begin to answer earns twice her salary - she Is a high hopes that will be with us for a signifi- Regents and the state Department of Education. considered response is that preoccu- that question in this short piece, but school teacher. But then, when was cant part of our lifetime. A job is a The first of the nine recommendations, if adopted, pation with the vocational and the one could start by venturing a prior the last time she had to crawl under a world that can either haunt or ennoble would require high school students to complete four instrumental - the quick pay-off -may question: what is a fully and gener- leaking kitchen sink? us. We must choose carefully, for if suffice at the start of a career (though ously educated person? An answer to So how does one choose? Very care- we settle for learning techniques and units of English and three units of mathematics to be even this is a gamble), but may fall that question could act as a guiding fully! At least one doesn't pick a skills without a sense of purpose, unconditionally accepted at the University. But the far short of the mark over a lifetime. principle for other choices. I have two major based on the length of a help meaning and value, we are little more Robert Beck, a vice president for favorites: "An educated person is one wanted column. An advisor at the than automatons. Einstein reminds us third recommends students not meeting these require- Human Resources at AT&T knows the who knows rot when he sees it" (Har- University of Massachusetts, John that a profession of means - our ments face some form of conditional admission. rewards that come from what Milton old MacMillan), and the old saw: the Clayton, reminds students that in legacy in a technological world - is The principle of the idea - to better prepare high called "a complete and generous edu- educated person is one who knows beginning their search, they've begun useless when it is accompanied by a cation" - by developing critical think- everything about something and a fife-long process. Ideally, it starts confusion of ends. school students for college and decrease the number ing, judgement and communication something about everything. very early, so intuitive hunches can requiring remedial coursework - is commendable and skills. Beck found that those with However an education is defined, be tested "when there is time to Thomas Klein is an associate pro- ample liberal arts education were the one must seek both breadth and explore various fields, talk to profes- fessor of English at the University. Council did give its support. ones more likely to be promoted. In a But conditional admission and the terms to avoid it monograph published by the Associa- are an unnecessary burden to place on high schools, tion of American Colleges, he wrote, "There is no need for liberal arts admissions offices and, especially, students. majors to lack confidence in ap- The state's shortage of high school math teachers will proaching business careers. (In a 20- year study of Bell System employees. mean not all high schools can provide an acceptable 46 percent) of the humanities and math curriculum. The problem would be dumped onto social science majors were consid- the student, who, by no fault of his own, would be ered to have potential for middle management, compared to only 31 conditionally admitted to college. percent of the business majors and 26 John Martin, director of admissions, has told Council percent of the engineers." This discovery nas not been lost on decifering non-uniform high school transcripts to condi- the American business community. tionally classify students would only provide headaches The Wall Street Journal reports (2-2- 81) that Judd Alexander, senior vice for his office. president of the American Can Co., And countless students of good academic standing recenUy revised its recruiting policy would be admitted conditionally, simply because they to look beyond the "high performing MBAs and accountants - to seek, in did not follow the recommended curriculum. A study by addition, high performing liberal arts James Litwin, director of institutional studies, showed graduates who can take the broader the group of students at the University with the highest view." David McLaughlin, chairman of Toro Co., sees "a swing back (to ACT scores are music majors. But music majors would where) corporations and colleges are be the largest group conditionally enrolled. moving closer together to find com- mon ground on which they can meet, Other state universities have adopted the recommen- giving new currency to the liberal dations in some form. Let them. The University's arts degrees." (The New York Times, comprehensive admissions standards are adequate and 6-2S-81) Finally, Roger Smith, chair- man of GM, admits that "as great as do not need to be complicated by a wish-list. our need for specialists is, we try to Kissinger's language LETTERS they were disappointed; it was only Religious holidays are "True" fans will always one game and Cleveland fans are MSB choice again shows not very diplomatic only for practitioners support Cleveland's Tribe always full of hope.) It is also a fact UAO not considering all that there are 33 (count them, 33) Reviewers of Henry Kissinger's falls into the common error that as- I wish to comment on Linda Pfizen- I am tired of people around campus different radio stations that carry the Well, UAO has done it again. This is second volume of memoirs have, like similates inchoate to chaotic. Accu- maier's response to my letter regard- talking about Proul Hall as only being Tribe's games. There is no other the third straight year for the Michael reviewers of the first volume, con- mulation requires the pasage of time, ing religious holidays. a "study dorm." Prout Hall is a living team, American or National League, Stanley Band (MSB). Isn't it time gratulated Mr. Kissinger on his style a sequence of additions, and inchoate First, I would hardly call my citing and learning experience and the peo- that comes close. If there weren't so UAO stopped appeasing Cleveland and language. Some said that it was means "beginnning." So, earlier, of church/state separation an "ex- ple who live here are considerate and many Tribe fans, there wouldn't be so people and started satisfying the about time he learned to write En- when Kissinger writes. "I understood, cuse" in dealing with this subject. they respect each other. The students many stations carrying their games. wants of other students? We think so. glish. or rather felt inchoateiy," he does not People who live in this country . who live here requested to live here Are you a prophet and can guar- We are sick and tired of the same mean he was beginning to feel, he should, in theory at least, recognize and they were not chosen to live here antee that the Tribe won't be involved band each year. Why can't UAO come means his feelings were confused; but such holidays as Thanksgiving or just because they wanted to study. As in post-season play? Can you honestly up with some originality? Does every- he confuses the words. New Year's (regardless of how one a dorm, we get involved and work say that you predicted the Mets to win one at this university like MSB? We FOCGS actually celebrates these days); these together to provide cultural and social the World Series in 1969? Can you hardly believe so. One would think by Garry Wills Over and over he does not quite find holidays are for every person, by the events for everyone. The best thing even tell me that you predicted the that the University has an official the locution he wants. Thus: "When virtue of that person being a citizen of about Prout Hall is that everyone here Atlanta Braves to break a record for MSB Day each spring, or is it that But I wonder if he has. From his the ubiquitous White House switch- this nation. Religious holidays, on the is like one big happy family. The consecutive wins at the start of a Bowling Green is a suburb of Cleve- earliest days, he could do short set- board operator reached me...." other hand, are a matter of personal respect we show for each other allows season this year? Also, have you ever land? pieces on the tragedy of limits and the The operator is not everywhere; preference (as evidenced by the vari- us to do whatever we want to at any taken a survey to see which team has We realize that UAO cannot get character of leaders. But his feel for she/he can find people anywhere. ety of religions in this country), and time. We care for each other and help more fans - Indians, Tigers or Reds? anyone they want, but we would hope English was deficient, as one saw in Kissinger probably meant something their observance should be left up to each other out in times of confusion. I'll tell you honestly and truthfully they could find someone else. Even a the labored transitions, the clumsi- like "clairvoyant.' The operator was the discretion of the individual. For example, we have our own tutor that being a devoted Cleveland Indi- local band would be better than MSB ness of the less carefully wrought all-seeing, like Karnak the Magnifi- Therefore, each person who believes program at Prout. Anyone that has a ans fan (as well as the Browns and year after year. passages and the obvious search for a cent. in a certain religious holiday should problem may look at a list in that Cavaliers for over 20 years), I have Next year will be the last for many word he failed to find. respect, but not necessarily honor, the certain subject and call a person up. I always been an optimist and no mat- of us at this campus. Let's hope that Kissinger's sense of grammatical holidays of a person of a differing encourage anyone who thinks Prout is ter how bad they were getting beat, I by then the University secedes from Despite all the staff work and read- structure is faulty. He says "pre- faith. Indeed, it is you, Ms. Pfizen- just a ''study dorm" or thinks it is always listen (or watcn) the entire Cleveland and UAO gets a real band ers' suggestions that have gone into ferred X than Y" where he means "to maier, who does not have the common boring, to come and check it out. You game with the optimism that they will to perform for "everyone." these memoirs - massive acts of Y." He uses "times that" for "times courtesy to respect the beliefs of might be surprised to find out it is not make a comeback and win (as you diplomacy in themselves - the old when." He describes as a pun what is others; you wish for everyone to what you thought it was like. also probably do, as does every Gragory O. Wallars faults show up wherever his aides nod a play on structure, not on sound. He honor your religious holiday, even "TRUE" fan). I also root on and 306 OHanhauar Wast off for a moment. Take that business talks of a "position into," rather than those who do not believe in it. Tom Noonan follow my high school and all BG Richard J. Traunsro of the wrong word. Early in this book "in," of "forebearing from." He uses In conclusion, just let me ask that 126 Prout Hall teams the same way. I am an eternal OCMB 6635 Kissinger writes of his appointment in a chapter title "The Gathering i'ou don't impose your beliefs on me; optimist and always believe that no as secretary of state: "It was a plati- Impact," though gathering is gradual et me, and every individual, decide Prout living experience matter how bad the situation, there is tude to maintain the fiction that he and impact is sudden. Twice he uses for him or herself what to believe in. is more than "studying" always hope, because the game is not RESPOND (Nixon) was conferring a great boon "including" as an intensifying adverb Rick Pattay over until the final out is made or the on me." Kissinger clearly means it - "including on the part of" where he OCMB4109 This letter is written in regards to gun or buzzer sounds. The BG News would like to print was futile to pretend that. It is a means "even on the part of." Joe Pfeifer's letter in the BG News on I understand your frustration of not your comments regarding E latitude to say what is too obvious April 21,1982. reading about the Tigers during your something in The News or anything ut not to attempt what is too difficult. He mixes metaphors: "The negotia- Church, state separation Where do you get off calling the entire college career, but why did you of interest to the campus and tion now in tenuous train was our last is the only reason needed Cleveland Indians a "fake" team? wait until your final quarter to com- community. When Kissinger speaks of "an inch- throw of the dice." He thinks "pedan- They are as real as a Detroit, Pitts- plain? I believe that the BG News Letters and guest columns oate accumulation of resentment," he tic" always means "formafistic," In response to Linda Pfizenmaier's burg or Oakland ball team. If it is should give the Reds, Tigers and should be typewritten, triple- though in his passages it does not. He reply to Rick Pattay, I have sub- possible, try to think which team Indians equal print but they don't spaced and signed. Please include thinks "unlikely" Is an adverb. He mitted this letter. At the risk of being holds not only the top spot on the all- even cover the school's own sports vour address and phone number calls "the fourth such document" a for verification. STAFF called "ill-mannered," I must state time attendance record at a baseball teams (men's and women's) with Letters to the Editor should not Idrtor TroeyCoH.ns "unique attempt." that I agree with Mr. Pattay. Specific game, but the top three. I will help equal print. Remember that there are MonofWtf MMor Kyle S.l.s-. religious practices, whether or not you remember. It was the "fake also fans that root teams other than be longer than 200 words and guest News UHw Devid S.gwo«th columns should not be longer than It may be objected that some of practiced by the majority of the stu- Cleveland Indians. The Tribe had 62,- the above three mentioned teams and 500 words. Soo**» EdHor to. M."i.. these are typographical errors - dent body, have no place in the sched- 000 plus in attendance on Opening not everyone will be happy. though this well-vetted book is ex- ule of a state university. Those who Day. Not too shabby for temperatures Editor Photo IdHor DtwKiMpllw traordinarily clean in that respect. I wrote the Constitution of the United in the upper 30s with a wind chill in David Piatras The BG News found only two clear cases of typo- States felt strongly enough about the the mid- to upper-teens. (So what, OCMB 4206 106 University Hall graphical error; but I credit Kissin- religious injustices forced upon their Coey MKO* Corofyn Thomson ger with six more possible cases. ancestors that they made a point to ■osftvreisMer Dovtd Whrtmon Also, I did not object to sloppy uses separate church and state. Tney did OOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau adopted, now, by more careful writ- so in the First Amendment to the ers, such as split infinitives or the use Constitution: Congress shall make no ITHINKI60T rrsaenamm durmo, the ocodeniK yeor and aroohry during, lumtner ses- of transitive verbs as intransitive law respecting an establishment of ■mFAsmeess uomtmjL. AFVu-saueaor, sions by the board ©1 Student Publxotlon* ol bowltng. (one of Kissinger's many favorites is religion, or prohibiting the free exer- ve/voxs! &&? Green Slots University. "disassociate"). iamvenAu. otKPKrrr LOOKOUTFOK UHBItef CRUNCH/ A / Optntons • ■pressed tor columnists do "of netestarity cise thereof..." As an American POUtSOHTHe WV&N ■nmutp/ ./ >•<)•*! if* opanapni ol The »G Newt citizen (which I presume you are), House. _-, > The bG Newt and bowline. Green toot* University or* There are more serious things to you have every right to practice your argue with in Kissinger's book. I Mrfnfl orectke* religion on Good Friday in any man- The bG News will not accept odverttsanf that is dssmsd realize that; and I offer these com- ner that you choose. I, however, as an dbcrtmlnlory. degrading or insult mo. on the boots ol ran. mei-ts as a very minor footnote to the American citizen, attending a state- to. or notional one*n other arguments I mean to pursue. supported university, nave every topyffM 1W by The tO Mows AH rifMt reserved But this is a matter of some minor IdMssrml and business OH>ce* right not to be subjected to the dic- 10* Hall interest for a statesman who stresses tates of any religious organization, be •OH i ma Croon State University nor important is "nuance" and a feel it a majority or minority organiza- te.iHiieOroon OMe«M03 for "intangibles." What other instru- tion. Phone f«lf)372-NO! ment for nuance do we possess that is Cralg M. Hallowall Hours Isnttlp" etondoYnVooghlrWo, superior to language? OCMB 2090 The BG News/April 28. 1982 3 USG vice president says i will'keepball rolling' by Becky Bracht When a person comes to college, year's Outstanding Staff Member Potapchuk paired with presidential it," she said. "We have to get fresh- Potapchuk plans to get a master's eenior staff reporter residence life is considered to take the Award by the American College Per- candidate Bruce Johnson to run for men and sophomores involved to keep degree in either college student per- place of their parents, she said. sonnel Association. The award is pre- vice president of USG last quarter. the ball rolling." sonnel or public administration. Innovators are hard to find. Lots of sented on a national basis to one "WE SERVED ON a steering com- Potapchuk's parents were a major "A master's degree is definitely in people have complaints and Ideas for "I DID A paper on that and what paraprofessional. mittee together and we were snooting influence in teaching her to fight tor the future," she said. "I want to take resolving them, but few actually fight happens to the individuals," Potap- "I was taken aback from it," she for the same job (president)," she worthwhile causes. a year off before I decide and I'm for them or try to implement them. chuk said. "I was curious about it and said. "It was totally unexpected." said. But because of the time involved "My mother is more of a career hoping between the two I can make a Margie Potapchuk, Undergraduate I felt like I wanted to see the change." in her RA position she decided to run woman than most people realize." she decision." Student Government vice president ASIDE FROM being active in resi- as Johnson's vice president. said. "Her influence taught me to give and a resident adviser in Founders dence life, Potapchuk has been in- whatever I can. Quad, not only has ideas for the Uni- volved in student government since "He's a liberal conservative and Tapes try court versity but has done her best to imple- her sophomore year. I'm a liberal democrat," she said. "MY FATHER taught me to stand ment them. "I started out on the (Student) "We both respect each other's posi- for what I believe in and to strive for "I think of BG as my home," she Health Center advisory committee," tions and it helps us to see both sides my goals," she said. Her father, who SANDUSKY, Ohio (AP) - Constitu- said. Because she wanted the students she said. "I started asking questions and reach a pretty decent compro- previously worked at Case Western tional arguments against the use of on her floor to feel the same way, and wasn't getting any action." mise." Reserve University's Law Library, videotape in criminal trials are Potapchuk began a "community At that time she decided to start a Student rights are one of Potap- was often confused for a professor. being pushed by the Erie County council." project to upgrade the Student Health chuk's main concerns. prosecuting attorney a month after "We have a charter on the floor of "He's very well-read on things and the first such trial in American Center, as well as run for a senate "We worked on the constitution for he taught me to stick to my guns," she things we're striving for," she said. seat. so long I want to get it off the ground," legal history. Different committees focus attention "I came from a very political fam- said. As with the case of David Lange, she said. "I want to work with the 19, convicted last month in the on separate parts of the charter and ily. When this project came on I just Trustees to pass the students' rights "If there was one person on the try to implement desired ideas and dove into it," sne said. outside who inspired me it was Leo crossbow death of James Register, activities, she said. section." Buscaglia, a professor from the Uni- Sandusky, the defense is advocat- Another goal while she is in office is versity of California," she said. He ing the process, which allows testi- ALTHOUGH Potapchuk said the "I ORIGINALLY went for 24-hour to make students more aware of the stresses being aware of your potential mony to be taped in advance and charter does not always work, it has in-patient care," Potapchuk said. "I government and to get more under- and having self-esteem, she said. edited before it is aired in front of a been successful in making the floor a took surveys and spent a lot of time classmen involved. "You have to believe in yourself home for the women. speaking with administrators. I fi- and be able to look at the person next The judge, in favor of using vi- "The girls feel a root there," she nally found out that this idea wasn't "IT'S IMPORTANT to have stu- to you and respect them for the person deotape in both civil and criminal said. "We respect and tolerate each financially possible. I tried to work dents realize that student government they are," she said. "They have the trials to save money and speed up other and that's what's most impor- out a compromise but the budget cuts is meant to benefit them, we can only same potential and self-esteem as you justice, says he expects the issue to tant." seem to have stamped everything out. do as much as they help us put into do." go to the Ohio Supreme Court. Potapchuk has presented her idea The Resident Adviser Union is an- "It frustrates you more than any- to resident advisers of Ohio Northern other group in which she is active. thing. If people only realized if they University. As chairman of the group's griev- took an active interest instead of Registration opens for summer "I gave a night workshop on my ance committee, the two-year RA sitting around and complaining they idea and what I did." she said. The again is involved in problem solving. "It's more or less a social and can get something done, she said. program was set up between colleges by Jean Dlmeo have to rush into fall semester," he school, he said, but it will ensure the to swap ideas for dormitory living. grievance board," she said. "It's a "Because of the system, we don't senior staft reporter said. class taken is equivalent to a Univer- Her major in child and family com- wav for us (the RAs) to get together realize we have a voice," the senior "Students who are going to a differ- sity course. munity services prompted an interest and pass around ideas." said. "Systems are meant to be bro- ent college or university should make "The student will be able to receive in authority figures for students. Potapchuk was presented with this ken or changed." The Office of the Register is prepar- Elans early to see their advisers and full credit for the course," he said. ing for summer registration, Cary le office of the registrar," he said, If students are sure the class is Brewer, registrar, said Monday. adding he foresees a significant in- similar to a University class, they can Summer schedule tables were dis- crease in the number of students leave requests for permission forms tributed last week. The deadline for taking summer classes because of with the registrar's office to be re- Auto mail-in registration is May 21 with semester conversion. viewed and processed, he said. down to a 59-day supply by April. "Students may want to complete . . . from Page 1 "The companies are trimming pro- open registration beginning June 1, duction schedules to keep them in line Workman would not comment on the Brewer said. sequences and take courses that are "BUT IF THE student is not sure April has been "a super bummer," with sales," Lee Sechler, spokesman figures. "Mail-in registration is until May 21 being dropped next year here at the the class he wants is equivalent to a Dale Jennings, sales manager for for the Communications Department 1982 IS slightly more productive to give all Bowling Green students the University this summer," he said. course here, he can set up an appoint- University Ford, said. for Motor Vehicle Manufacturer's As- than 1981, Clark from Ford's Canton opportunity to register and get the Bewer said 5,000-6,000 students at- ment with the office to be certain," he From April 1 to April 21 last year. sociation in Detroit. filant, said. But only because "we've classes they want, he said. tend summer session annually, but he added. University Ford sola 45 cars. In that Sales fell behind and inventories et our inventories go so low that we Brewer said his office placed an could not estimate the increase this Brewer said his staff cannot acco- same span this year it sold 15 cars, piled up. had to rebuild," he said. announcement in the News this quar- year. modate every student if appointments Jennings said. But lower inventories alone will not ter urging students planning to take He said his office is getting ready are not made until the end of the Normally, auto firms try to keep a bring manufacturers back to full em- summer classes at the University or for the increase, but his staff is lim- quarter. By the time April is over, all the 60-day supply of cars, Sechler said. ployment. Car sales nave to increase. elsewhere to make their decision ited. "We will continue to send permis- gains that were made in the first Altermatt said Jeep Corp., of AMC Clark said interest rates are too soon. "STUDENTS GOING somewhere son forms for all students requesting quarter will be nil, he said. in Toledo, has about an 85-day supply high for car sales to go up. First session classes will begin else should take the time to see us one, but we can't guarantee when, "I think things will not get better till of Jeeps. When car sales remain low, auto Wednesday, June 16, with the second soon or we might not be able to Brewer said. '83. The market's there, people need General Motors had a 107-day sup- production remains low and thus auto session finishing August 20, both on process a transcript permission form Summer quarter freshmen will be cars. It's just that they can't afford ply of cars on Jan. 1, according to an companies and related firms need the quarter system. in time for them to register," he said. advised to take special classes that them. The problem is the interest April issue of Automotive News. Sales fewer employees. People get laid off. "WE JUST have enough time to It is not necessary for a student to will equate directly to the semester rates and unemployment," he said. and reduced production whittled that And the spiral goes on... complete summer classes and then send a permission form to the other system, he said. Ly i»i»»rmrvtn i» mxrrm ■rmtrfnntrni f etiiiiiinii ttnnnrrrn rriT I IT 8 B fa SKYDIVING Bring this coupon for jPreferredPropertiesi Information Meeting for 5 FREE 1 PS- resumes 649 SIXTH STREET (or discount for longer resumes) 835 High St. Anyone Interested in When you buy: Rental Office Located at the Learning about SKYDIVING New Cherrywood Health Spa * 2 bdrm 1 Vi baths 5 lpg. cover letters * FREE AIRCONDITIONING EQuiomeni display and movies Suite 211, Huntington Bank Bldg. NOW RENTING * FREE HEAT Thurs. April 29 7-9 p.m. 352-0530 ^PIEDMONT APTS - HAVEN HOUSE; * Special prices for AT 253 ROTG Advanced Word Processing ' Apt. Complexes ' Houses * Efficiencies groups of 2 & 3 people •••••••••••••••••• furnished or unfurnished NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT STUDENTS * Phone: 352-9378 tor * 9:00 4:30 Mon-Fri 352-5163

POLITCAL AWARENESS * AA*JLtJUUm.> II l.a.lU.t.MJUULt.« 11«I itn.t remind you to: )f- Register at Wood County Board of)f e»^is—»H— M »*■ u M %e^*^^e^*^^e^»^^ 4( I liilion in order to vote in Wood^ * County ()R * it Register in your home county to vote J J there A\l) J GRAD NIGHT! Vote in the June Primaries 3 G$> Bee-Gee Bookstore's £ Registration IXaJline ^ HAPPY HOURS FOR ALL 1424 East Wooster GRAD STUDENTS AFTER 9 PM! *••••••*•••••••••• PIUS WEDNESDAY IS BURGER NIGHT! % LB. HAMBURGER FOR 95' 9 PM til Midnight \yposter @ State St. 20% off Softgoods

Clinics at Eppler Center April 23 to May 1st

A wild & woolly workout \ Tues. May 4 8-10 p.m. using |tz2 dance Wed. May 5 8-10 p.m. TEE-SHIRTS movements & swinging music lor fitness, Friday May 7 3-5 p.m. Inendsnip & lunl SWEATSHIRTS ^ NnkieWnMkielHHi Cieseei ere tee-el twice e ETC. ^ V* 50 i«e»ete» eer des», fer s 4 weee-ieseioe. Ce»t: $U. Tryouts Saturday May 8 lafcyiNtlne, OMIIOM* ferine immliiicUim. Semi-finals 9:00 a.m. For registration Finals 1:00 p.m. Information. Call: Sharon Pahl Certified Instructor Mi-roe ^^+^e>*0*^^^j>^&-<>^r.-c~^-^zr-^--c^ *i w n •%Hk%ieA H m is 4 The BG News/April 28. 1982 IFC banquet honors fraternities Latino brothers perform

bf Marie Claterlno to a graduating senior who awarded the Mitch Weitz- Beta Tau with an overall has been judged and recog- man Memorial Award, average of 2.774. Singers project cultural heritage Delta Tau Delta frater- nized for outstanding and commemorating a brother Alpha Phi Alpha re- nity was named outstand- continued service to the of the Sigma Chi fraternity ceived the Sigma Chi by Linda Perez ing chapter and the Kappa fraternity system at the killed in a plane crash. Award, given annually by senior staff reporter Sigma and Theta Chi fra- University. Sigma Chi to the chapter ternities were among those Scott Smith, a Kappa THETA CHI received that has shown the great- They model themselves that received several top Sigma junior, received the several honors including est improvement in their after the Blues Brothers honors at the Interfrater- Antaean Award given to a the Clayton G. Kohl Fra- accumulative G.P.A. dur- and count among their nity Council Spring junior who has excelled far ternity Scholarship award, ing the last year. Alpha Phi heroes John Lennon and Awards Banquet Monday beyond most of his peers. presented annually by Alpha increased their point Woody Guthrie. Bearded, Smith has been active in Sigma Alpha Epsilon to the averages by .333. in straw hats, blue jeans _„ Burner, a Kappa the IFC and also in student chapter having the highest The annual Fling and winter parkas, Jesus Sigma senior and the 1981- government and numerous active member accumula- Beer Bash and Dribble to (Chuy) Negrete strums his UlFC President, was pre- other campus organiza- tive grade point average Toledo are only two of the guitar and sings as flatly sented the Outstanding tions and activities. for the previous spring, fall projects carried out by the as Bob Dylan while Alex- Greek Man Award. The Another Kappa Sigma and winter quarters. Theta Alpha Sigma Phi Frater- ander Ramirez accompa- award is given each year Brother, Scott Stoll, was Chi's overall G.P.A. was a nity, this year's winner of nies him. 2.628. Theta Chi also re- the Community Service They named themselves ceived the Dean's Schol- Award. The award is given the Menudo Brothers, after arship Award for its high to the chapter that has tripe soup - a common dish APPLICATIONS gradepoint. done extensive work to among Mexican-Ameri- Brad Seaman, a Theta Crovide service for the cans, Negrete said. And Chi senior, received the niversity. city and sur- they were at the University Tim Smith Award recog- rounding area commu- yesterday as part of Latino Are Now Being Accepted nizing his concern for oth- nities. Awareness Week. ers, strong scholarship, The President's Award "It's something sociolog- effective leadership capa- was established by the IFC ists consider lower-class, for bilities, character and ded- to recognize the fraternity he explained. ication to the University. president deemed to have Another Theta Chi, Tony done the best job as leader Likewise, the trio Zurca, was named the of his chapter during the (Frank Corona is a EDITOR pledge/associate member last year. This years re- "brother" but was unable of the year, recognizing cipient was Chuck Pona, to come to the University) of the summer him as an outstanding new president of Delta Tau plays for "lower-class" member of the Greek Sys- Delta. people. Winos, bums, pris- tem. - Jeff White, a senior from oners of war, as well as Elyria and a member of graduate students, fall un- BG NEWS THE INTERFRATER- Phi Kappa Psi was der this category, Negrete NITY Council Pledge awarded the Anthony Cor- said. Award for the chapter siglia Memorial Award whose pledge/associate named in honor of Corsig- HAILING from Chi- Available in 106 University Hall member classes had the lia, a member of Pi Kappa cago's south side, life in BG News photo/ Deadline: May 7, 5:00 p.m. highest composite point Alpha and a varsity soccer the Mexican barrios is the Jesus "Chuy" Negrete Ron Hagler average for the previous player, who was killed in focus of most of their spring, fall and winter an automobile accident songs. People are colo- is marred by gang wars, he Possessing a doctorate Ten years from now, Ne- ^+ a » quarters was given to Zeta last year. nized in the barrios and life said. in educational anthropol- grete said, he wants to be !«*>»*>«»* Consequently it is the ogy from the University of president of the National responsibility of those who Illinois. Negrete prefers to Institute for Chicano Social »NSWE» 10 PREVIOUS MM escape the barrio to lead Research. Ramirez in- ACROSS 47 Type of island 13 Prophet their people to the recogni- tends to open a chain of 1 Short spaces of 48 Undermanned 22 MD's aides THE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE call himself a folklorist, c tion of their own self- mu3ic schools throughout time 53 Triumphant ex- 23 Greek letter 1982 Times Syndicate chronicling 450 years of the 6 Actress Peggy pression 25 Responsibility worth. Negrete likened the Mexican experience the country. 10 Taverns 56 El 27 Egyptian chief music they perform to the through song. Ramirez de- But for now, the Menudo 14 Avenue, In Avion 57 Early In the 11th god man nnnn uran blues that uplifted blacks fines nimself as a writer, Brothers are busy per- 15 Shortly can 28 Name with an i.iiiLiu i UIJUH during slavery. t 2 3 4 i 1 7 1 1 ,0 11 12 13 teacher and musician. 16 Sooner State 58 Drained by a ditch romantic implica- II 4MIJI in forming their music to en- migrant 60 Semiprecious tions SI1HI.IHII IIL1I.1I1I1I1 "We're the drummers lighten Mexican- 17 Type ol toast 14 19 EJ01I411 Mr.lMI1l.ll1l'] "ME AND Alex are the Americans on their heri- stone 29 bark II1H 'It.! HMCIl'l behind the Mexican-Amer- 18 Equestrian sport 61 Florence's river 30 Ensign, for one " second-generation of Mexi- tage. 17 11 ican movement toward 19 Resort In SE 62 Plant swelling 31 Town in N. cans who have carried on a "When you went to France 63 Desolate Wisconsin " freedom,"he said. ?0 21 7? 23 tradition of familial mu- school you have the name 20 "r/uch 64 English river to 32 Without excep- 1 sic," Negrete said. "We Domingo," Negrete says, About Nothing" the North Sea tion U 25 26 come from a long line of half-singing as he plays his 21 Job lor father 65 Easily Irritated 34 New Mexico protest singers who were guitar. "They call you Sun- 24 Complains resort ?7 21 2* » 31 H^^B very much American, yet 26 Digit 36 Prefixes meaning You can still get a day. If you're named Dom- - we try to project what it is ingo Frios, .they'll call you 27 Tines DOWN earth 33 14 3S 16 29 Peanut candy 1 Muttonflsh 38 Floor covering to be a working-class Mexi- ice cream sundae." 33 Large molding 2 Argued one's 39 Exchange for 37 38 M NEAT APARTMENT can-American." 34 Coronet case money 35 Not unusual: 3 Crystalline forms 41 Insolvent: Abbr. 40 41 41 2 bedroom - prices from Abbr. of the same 42 Dull person SPECI^-SUMMER 37 Currant abbr. substance 44 Macmillanof 43 44 45 $380 to $475 per semester 38 Chlle'con 4 Beak of a Bird Britain 47 RATES 39 Dagger of old 5 Sailors'gear 45 Consumed 46 (4 person occupancy) 40 Expression of 6 Horn and Fear 47 Farewell (furnished 2 bedroom) query 7 Celebes buffalo 48 Put away 41 41 M 51 52 53 54 55 HAVEN HOUSE PIEDMONT 41 and tackle 8 Merchandized 49 Pueblo tribe only $50" (XI (or ihe only $400 l*> !r,r thi- 42 Peter, in Palma M 51 59 CALL: Pendleton Mgt. Co. 9 Driver's best 50 Unwritten entire simmer ennre summer 43 City on Lake friend in winter 51 Leeds's river ! Houses Efficiencies. & Rooms Wlnnebago 10 Head covering 52 Baseball number 60 6, 62 45 Compounds of 11 Similar 54 Fiber plant 352-6167 352-6985 352-2276J CALL 352 9378 63 64 65 metals 12 Symbol in 55 "Call It " Rental Olfic* Located Ai The 46 Fitting wedding festivity 59 Mount . Crete 1 N™ Chenvu'uod Health Spa Meadowview Court THE STUDENT REC CENTER Apartments 214 Napoleon Rd. Bowling Groan WANTS YOU!! Phono: 352-1195 SPECIAL RATES Entries may ON FALL LEASES, 1982 be published furnished of unfurnished in the /C\ Here's your chance to get involved Hour. Moo FM 9-12 1 1-5 UAO CU in planning programs tor the Rec 1 Bdrm unlum $250 2 bdrm: Unfurnished; $265 82-83 Fumiahed; $270 Furnished; $286 Center. Landlord Pays Utilities LanoTord Pays Qaa Heat campus 1 Bdrtn: Resident Pays Beetle Lights Calender Informational meeting for those Fumiahed; $225 Ethcienctae: Day by Day Landtord Pays Gas Heat Unfurnished; $200 interested in being on the Resident Pays FJec Furnished; $225 L|0ntS Landlord Pays AI uatbes o STUDENT PROGRAM BOARD • Laundry facObes a>raaabls • Qaa heat e Swimming pool •Party room is May 2nd at 8:00pm in the Life a. Game room • Sauna AlWmairUa Of Qranlad The Prt»—ga OlAMambaraNp Room,S.R.C. ToThaCharrywoedllMQiapa , BGAMA BGAMA BGAMA BGAMA BGAMA BGAMA < Congratulations to the 1982-83 es- *•-£»*» Proudly Presents... < Bowling Green American > co Marketing Association > <* OFFICERS CO 4&> s President - Dan Reiner < Exec. V.P. - SherylRiley CO V.P. Membership - Judy Defrancesco >i < V.P. Finance - Ken Norwich z V.P. Activities - Rich Barber 03 ^rai, n < V.P. Communications - Rich Ruggeri > MICHAEL t u CO > Sunday May 16,1982 < COMMITTEE CHAIRPEOPLE 03 8 pm (Door Open at 7 pm) Ericka Eckhoff Perry Miller O Anderson Arena < Nancy Hauser Cindy Ricciuti > 3B PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE CO Chris Houl Julie Semple > Andy Howell Missy Staley All Tickets $8.50 at Union Ticket Office, < Mary Lawther Sue Squibb The Source, Finders S < Lynn Lisker Cindy Went A PERFECT ENDING TO UAO GOODTIMES WEEKEND CO i RNo food beverages, smoking or recording devices In Anderson. GOOD LUCK!! > vwvoa vwvoa vwvoa VNVOB vwvoa vwvoa The BG News/April 28, 1982 5 Kohl sidewalk climb: Dorm residents find unique way to raise money for scholarship bowling green

by Vlckl Relnhart who have demonstrated Greek houses to let people staff reporter academic acheivement know about the event, Os- and have been active in sim said. To climb a half mile of campus and community Competitions among fra- the University's sidewalks activities. "It's a fund not ternities, sororities and will be the task of six men designed to waste human residence halls to obtain from second floor Kohl potential," Vitale said. contributions also have be- Hall on May 7. THE DONATION will be gun. The fraternity, soror- "We decided to climb the made in the name of Dr. ity and dorm that each pledges the most money colleae niaht sidewalks of BGSU to help Hollis Moore, the Universi- $ ^aa»^ ^ _ -^ our University to attack ty's seventh president who will receive a plaque, Os- We'll close our store at 5:30p.m. Thursday for the state-wide budget died last April, he said. sim said. cuts," Tony Vitale, a "He would have been be- tremendous price slashing storewtde. Be there when the doors pledge director for the hind us 100 percent. He was THE CLIMB will begin climb, said. an excellent administra- at 3:37 p.m. and cover the re-open at 7p.m. and shop until 10 for savings on the "This is a big-time oper- tor, dedicated to higher half mile of sidewalk from summer fashions you want now! ation," Bill Ossim, also a education." the University seal, half- pledge director, said. It is The Climb committee is way around the Union endorsed by Mayor Alvin asking that contributions Oval, down the sidewalk All junior swimwear All Junior fashions 25% off Misses blouses Misses T-shirts Perkins and Dr. Donald be made by students, fac- along South Gym and will Entire Junior Department! end at the bell tower at 5 20% off 30% off 25% off Ragusa. dean of students, ulty and staff and local Many styles in colorful Tops.slacks.skirts dresses, Woven styles in red. Solids and stripes in 1 and will be covered by businesses in the form of p.m., just as the bells are 1 ringing, John Dvorsack, bnghts Sizes 5-13 coordinates, more lade, ivory and more 6-14 many colors S.M.L reg "P.M. Manazine," he said. pledges. Junior 88-817 "The Climb will be It Is asking students to head climber, said. reg 816-838 (D121 605 133 635 214 63-i reg 816-823. reaching a quarter of a pledge 40 cents per tenth of 12.80-30.40 115/215/245/220/224/265/89/- 11.20-16.10 sale 6.00-12.75 million people (through the a mile, or a $2 donation. The six men who will Jr Swimwear (D640I 253445) Young Collector (D6611 Young Collector 10667) TV program)," Ossim The committee members climb the sidewalk, called All misses Pant-Her Sasson novelty pants Misses Clubhouse blouses Misses 2-pc. dresses the "dirty half-dozen" by said. have been talking to hall 25% off 25% off 30% off 20% off The i..oney collected directors and resident ad- committee members, are orig. $30.00-$48.00 from the event will go to visers, asking them to ex- Dvorsack, Steve Hinger, Blazers, pants tops White, blue, khaki. By Aubergine Solids or the 21st Century Schol- plain the project to Randy Stephan, Jeff and more 6-16 reg black Sizes 4-14. reg now $21.00-$33.60 stripes in two styles arship Program to provide students. They also have Green, John Gurnick and $23-578. $30-$39. Solid and striped reg $10-$19. scholarships for students been visiting dorms and Kevin Batridge. 17.25-58.50 22.50-29.95 8.00-15.20 Voung Collector ID163I voung Collector (D662> Clubhouse Tops (D676) Moderate (094) Missas T-tops Misses woven tops Missas dressy tops Mardi Mode tops Chinese jet crashes; kills 112 now $6-$9 sole $12 sole$16-$17 20% off Polyester knit tops in Ong S12 V tank lop. Reg $15 By Aubergine Reg $28-$32 Short- PEKING (AP) - A China's government rar- Region about 250 miles colorful prints reg boat neck, by Aubergine Plaids solids and sleeve Aubergine crepe Chinese jetliner reported ely discloses news about northwest of Canton. It is a $21 stripes many styles de chine and georgette carrving foreign tourists disasters and there was no favorite tourist attraction sale 16.80 crashed near the scenic immediate way to obtain because of its picturesque Moderate D94i Moderate (063> Moderate ID63, Moderate ID63) southern city of Guilin, and details of the crash until craggy mountains. China's official news authorities released them. Misses novelty tops Misses blazers Moderate coordinates Misses sundresses agency Xinhua said yester- Xinhua said flight 3303 of Official confirmation of 20% off sale 27.99 25% off sale $27 day that all 112 people China's CAAC airline was the crash came hours after Ruffle fronts, stripes. Ong' 39 99 solids Save on the ticketed Reg $36 selected aboard were killed. carrying 104 passengers a Hong Kong television sta- eyelet and more styles price entire department group in prints Many Xinhua said the British- and eight crew when it tion reported the jet had reg $20-830 made Trident jet crashed ong 822-868. colors, sizes 6-14 departed Canton's Baiyun not been heard from for S16-S24 12.00-35.25 Monday but gave no rea- (White Cloud) Airport for more than a day and may Moderate |D63 Dresses (0150} son for the delayed report Guilin but radio contact have crashed. Moderate iDP5 Moderate Coordinates '.Di09i and did not mention suddenly was lost 35 min- Misses woven tops Misses T-shirts Misses woven shirts Misses shorts whether anv foreigners utes later. The plane A spokesman for the 20% off 25% off sole $12 sale 10.50 were aboard. But uncon- crashed 28 miles from Gui- Royal Hong Kong Obser- Updated styles in solids Polo boatneck V-neck Ong $16 Short sleeve firmed reports from Hong vatory in the British colony Ong 820-821 White, lin, Xinhua said. or prints 8-16 S-L ruffle trim and more sleeveless or cap khaki navy and more. Kong said two Americans, 90 miles south of Canton reg 812-824 ong S8-S14 sleeve m many colors sizes 8-18 SO Hong Kong Chinese and GUILIN IS AN attrac- said weather over the Can- 9.60-19.20 4.50-7.50 several Japanese tourists tive city on the Li River in ton-Guilin area had been Vounq WestDor! ID660I Westport Kruts lD'86, Westport :DbOi MoOerate ID85) were on the plane. the Guangxi Autonomous poor since Sunday. Misses skirts Misses slacks Misses woven slacks Westport coordinates now $12-$15 20% off sale $15-$18 25% off Sheeting twill denim Ong $15$ 18 Solids Reg $18-824 Red Fire Islander. Alfred in many styles 8 16 ONE LOW PRICE or prints, polyester while navy khak- royal Dunner Devon, more. reg $15-824 cotlon S.M.L. 8-18. in sizes 8-18, reg $18-860. $ _ . 12.00-19.20 13.50-45.00 Wostport (DI84) Voung Westport 1D66O1 CONTACT Westport >Dt84f '' Weslpo-t (D162) IHBB" Large-size coordinates Large-size sportswear Nylon handbags Stone Mountain bags Guaranteed No Finer Lenses 25% off 25% off 36% off 40% off Koret Francisca Devon Bendover pants knit Already reduced styles Stone Mountain sport- Available at Any Price spring knits, reg $20- lops, skirts, jeans by Jordache. Kifle ong cloth hanbdbags reg $60 reg $11 $46 $13-837 S13-S54 sale S15-S45 8.25-24.50 now 8.30-23.65 now 7.80-32.40 Women s 'D78) Wo.T.en s Worra |D139) Ha-'Obaqs D' ' ; Handbags (D49i Burliiiqiori Optical INC Mundi small leathers Fashion pierced earrings Entire stock Danskin All clubhouse hosiery 30% off 20% off 11616 E WOOSTER STADIUM PLAZA 3IS3 SYLVANIA TOLEDO I95S Rf YSOl lit lol.EDO 30% off 1 20% off BOWLING GREEN 352-2533 472-1113 M2-2TC0 Cosmetic cases, wallets. Entire stock Fashion Leotards tights and Basic and tashion styles. lEYES EXAMINED BY DR. KENNETH G. BAKKERO.P. At I MAJOR CREDII CARDS «I I COMEj clutches and more, reg and basic styles reg legwarmers many colors many colors reg 83-84. 85-818 85-830. reg 6 50 12 00 sale 2.40-3.20 sale 3.75-13.50 sale 3.50-21.00 5.20-9.60 Small Leathers (096I Costume Jewelry (09 630i Legwear 106) Legwear (06) ARE YOU TIRED OF HAVING PEOPLE TELL YOU.. All actlva accessories Misses sunglasses All misses belts Contemporary lingerie "WE'LL CALL YOU, DONT CALL US"? 20% off 20% off 20% off 30% off Entire stock contemp- Sweatbands. shoe strings. Entire stock1 Riviera Leather fabric, stretch ARE YOU LOOKING AHEAD TO THE FUTURE? orary bras, day wear, headwraps and more reg Roberts in many styles, Many colors S.M.L. reg ARE YOU LOOKING FOR JOB SECURITY, NO reg $6-820 $2-$13. reg 86-818. 87-820, LAY-OFFS, 30 DAYS PAID VACATION A YEAR, 4.80-16.00 1.60-10.40 4.20-12.60 5.60-16.00 Contemporary Bras Daywear AND FREE MEDICAL/DENTAL COVERAGE? Accessories ID54) Sunglasses (040) Belts ;D621| ID442 600j_ Then look no a Navy Officer, you can have all of this Misses sleapwaar Misses fleece robes Izod Polos and more. As long as you are under 34, able to travel, a college Strapless, sport bras grad or in your senior year and majoring in almost anything, 20% off 20% off now $8-$12 now $16.80 - $20.80 Entire stock of strap- Miss Elaine, Gilligan Ong $29-840 Zip and Sou can be a pilot, engineer, submarine officer, Supply Corps Orig. $21-$26 fficer, Nurse, etc. And all you have to do is call collect or send less and sport bras. O'Malley. Vanity Fair, wrap, tnmmed and tail- reg 6 50-815, ong $13-$48. ored styles P.S.M.L your resume to: 5.20-S12 4.80-19.20 ' NAVY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Robes(064) 280 SOUTH MAIN STREET Base Foundations ID26) Sleepwear (D122 288 237) Clubhouse Tops (D676I BOWLING GREEN, OHIO 43402 Man's Gant rugbys All men's tenniswaar Men's Arrow dress shirt Man's classic blazer (419) 352-7236 25% Qff 20% off sole $15 sale $80 Entire stock striped Green, navy, white. Reg $20 Arrow Dover Reg $100 Polyester DONT PROCRASTINATE, DO IT NOW, rugby shirts, reg ruby. It. blue, more solid button-down dress wool in navy or tan GUARANTEE YOURSELF A JOB 823-825, reg 816-824. shirt, long sleeve Brass button trim 17.25-18.75 12.80-19.20 ) Men's Knits (D27) Activewear |D101 j Dress Shirts (D81 Sportcoats (0195/ Man's baited slacks Man's spring Jackets Man's Calvin Klein Jeans Men's fancy sportshirts It's Spring! Do something nice for yourself! 20% off 20% off sale 29.60 sale $10 Haggar. Farah and more. Members On'y. London Reg $37 100% cotton Reg $16 Arrow. Macy's Waist 32-42. reg $25- Save up to $15 on a new hairstyle & facial! Fog. Izod. reg 832- denim, 5-pocket styling own brand Plaids, $28. $60, Waist 28-40 sizes S.M.L.XL. Most beauty services now available at tower prices sale 20.00-22.40 25.50-S48 Mens Slacks (Dl 13) Outerwear (D102) Pacesetter |D267i Woven Sportsnirts (D39l with this coupon — and you may combine different All Levi's jeans kinds in single salon visit for savings up to $15 Young man's tops Young man's slacks Young man's slacks 25% off 25% off 25% off 25% off Knits, woven and active Entire stock of casual 100% cotton denim or Entire stock of dress SAVE $7.50 K* FVm

Bowling Green's all-America he was active in getting me to New hockey player George McPhee has York." finalized a contract with the New McPhee said he had become disap- York Rangers of the National Hockey pointed in the contract delays, but League, and will sign the contract those delays were quickly cleared up within three days, he said yesterday. when Brooks became involved in the negotiations following the Rangers' McPhee, winner of the 1982 Hobey recent defeat by the New York Island- Baker Award, said he received a call ers in the Stanley Cup playoffs. from his agent yesterday afternoon McPhee becomes the second Falcon saying that the negotiations with the to sign with an NHL team this month. Rangers, which have been going on MacLellan, co-captain with McPhee for four weeks, had been completed. and also an all-America selection, McPhee would not disclose the signed with the Los Angeles Kings. amount of the contract, saying only Former-Falcons Ken Morrow (New that be was pleased with the mone- York Islanders) and Mike Liut (St. tary aspects of the three-year pact. Louis Blues I are currently starters in the NHL. McPhee said he had been favoring the Rangers since he first recieved THE SIGNING CULMINATES an offers following the NCAA playoffs outstanding collegiate career for Mc- last month. Initially showing interest Phee, who earlier in the year became towards McPhee were the Hartford the all-time leading scorer in the Whalers, Minnesota North Stars, Los history of the Central Collegiate Angeles Kings, Calgary Flames, Win- Hockey Association. He led the Fal- nepeg Jets and the Rangers. McPhee cons to the CCHA title, a national said only New York, Hartford and ranking, and to the NCAA playoffs. Winnepeg made actual offers. For his heroics, McPhee's number 9 "I'M REALLY EXCITED about the was retired at last week's winter contract," he said. "I think New York sports banquet, marking only the is the ideal place for me to go. Their second time that has been done in the team is really progressing. They have history of BG athletics. He was also a college coach in Herb Brooks and 6resented with the Coaches' Award Bowling Green co-captain George McPhee. shown here In action against Notre Dame, has completed contract they have some college players, so I y BG coach Jerry York, and he was negotiations with the New York Rangers ot the National Hockey League. McPhee, the 1982 Hobey Baker Award think I will be welcome, and treated awarded the keys to the city by Bowl- winner, said he will sign the contract within the next three days. fairly. I'm anxious to play for Brooks; ing Green mayor Alvin Perkins. Browns, Cincy bolster defense in draft The Bengals were looking for a Dove Wilson 4. Cleveland. , lb. Huston to act as AD BEREA (AP) - Chip Banks, an The Browns chose little-heralded Southern California. 5. Boltimore. from Los outside linebacker from USC said to defensive end Keith Baldwin from bulky defensive lineman in the first round, when they had the 27th pick. Angeles. , qb. Ohio State 6. University interim president Mi- "I see my role as primarily a main- have a Tarzan-like physique, was the Texas A&M in the second round, the Chicago. Jim McMohon. qb. Brlghom Young 7. chael Ferrari has named Carole J. tenance one," she said in a press first choice of the 31st overall pick in the two-day draft The American Conference champions Seattle. JeH Bryont. de. Clemson. 8. Minnesota. Huston to be the acting director of release, last weekend. "However, we in the draft that concludes Wednesday. didn't expect the 6-foot-5, 262-pound Damn Nelson, rb. Stonfo-d. 9. Houston. Mike intercollegiate athletics, effective are now in the budgeting process, so Tuesday. Baldwin, a 6-4, 240-pounder, played Collins to be available that late in the Munchak. og. Penn State. 10. Atlanto. Gerald Mayl. some important decisions will have to Banks, a 6-foot-5, 233-pounder who linebacker in college but is expected draft. Riggs, rb. Arizona Stole. 11. Oakland. Man. us Huston will be replacing Jim Les- be made. I am confident that with the led the Trojans in tackles in his junior to be converted to the defensive tackle In the second round, the Cincinnati Allen, rb. Southern California 12 Kansas City, and senior years, was the third player Bengals chose Emanuel Weaver, a from St.Louis. Anthony Hancock, wr. Tennessee sig, who will be leaving Bowling support of the athletic staff, this pe- position as an understudy for Lyle 13, Pittsburgh. . rb. Boyloi Green at the end of the month to riod will be a smooth one. I hope that I taken overall. Alzado. defensive tackle from South Carolina. 14. New Orleons. from Green Boy. through Son become the athletic director at the will be able to ease the transition for For the Browns, it continued a In the sixth round, the Browns Diego. , wr. Georgia University of Kansas. the new athletic director." defensive restructuring program that traded veteran middle linebacker 15. Los Angeles, from Washington. Barry Huston is not a candidate for the began last Saturday when Cleveland Robert L. Jackson to the Denver In another note of interest, Art Redden, rb. Richmond. 16. Detroit. Jimmy Huston is in her sixth year as BG's athletic director position, but is on the signed linebacker Tom Cousineau, Broncos for the rights to Denver's Schlichter, the Ohio State University Williams, lb, Nebraska. 17, St Louis, from associate athletic director and is re- 11-member screening committee that late of the Montreal Alouettes of the sixth-round choice. quarterback who started all of his Kansas City. Luis Shorpe. ot. UCLA. 18. Tampa sponsible for administering all non- is currently evaluating applications Canadian Football League. college games, toda;- was drafted in Bay. Seon Fairell. og, Penn Stole. 19. New York revenue sports. A 1962 University for the job. The committee will nar- "Banks will play left outside line- CINCINNATI (AP) - The Cincin- the first round by the Baltimore Colts Giants. Butch Wcollolk. rb, Michigan JO. Bul- of the National Football League. folo. from Denver, Perry Turtle, wr. Clemson 21. graduate, she has served in several row the field to 3-5 candidates and the backer and Tom Cousineau will play nati Bengals looked to back up their Philadelphia. , wr, North Carolina state, regional and national capaci- final selection will be made by incom- inside," Rutigliano said. "This gives defensive line Tuesday, selecting de- Stole. 22. Denver, from Buffalo. . ties in addition to her duties at BG. ing president Dr. Paul Olscamp. us two great players at linebacker, fensive end Glen Collins of Mississippi Here ore letacnorn r ioi'd one ol Tuesday's rb. San Jose Stole 23. Green Bay. from San and that gives us a good nucleus. State in the first round of the National National Footboii League college drat* (positions Diego. , og. towa 24. New York Football League draft. listed ore protected by the NFL teams, not Jets. Bob Croble. lb. Noire Dome 25. . "We're preparing ourselves in case necessorily those p'oyed ,r college): Roy Foster, og. Southern California 26. Dolias. (starting defensive ends) Eddie Ed- 1. New Englond Ken Sims. dt. Texos ?. . db. Kentucky Stole. 27, Cincinnati. Golfers continue to be inconsistent, wards or Ross Browner goes down," Baltimore. Jonnte Coons, lb Mississippi State 3. Glen Collins, de, Mississippi Stale. 28, New Bengals Coach Forrest Gregg said. New Orleans, no select-on. used pick in July 7, Englond. Irom San Frarcisco. , dl. place third in Mid-American tune-up 1981. supplemental draft lor Illinois quarterbock Miami, Flo With the Mid-American Conference field with a 36-hole score of 773. The 74-148. Randy Stocke finished in third Championship just three short weeks BG men were carried through the place with a 77-72-149, while Gary SPORTS BRIEF away, Bowling Green's men's golf tourney by outstanding play of three Battistoni's 75-76-151 was good enough coach John Piper must be wondering golfers, while their teammates' for a fifth place tie. Other Falcon The Bowling Green baseball team cut the margin to 2-1 in the top of the Falcons in the nightcap. He allowed if his team will be ready for that scores were somewhat mediocre. finishers were Mike Dzienny with 79- dropped a doubleheader to Notre fourth on a Chris Shuping single and a just four BG hits while five runs in the decisive day. One thing is for certain, "I was very pleased for the three 79-158; Dan Connelley with 85-82-167; Dame by scores of 10-2 and 5-0 in a sacrifice line-drive out by Larry Pas- first two innings gave Notre Dame the Falcons have been placing respec- fellows," BG coach Piper said. "I was and Brad Turner with 85-86-171. non-conference doubleheader yester- kiewicz. But five runs in the bottom of with all they needed offensively. tively in every tournament this sea- not as pleased with the overall team day in South Bend, Ind.. that frame sent BG starter Bob Ellen- son. The problem is that the BG Elay, though it does keep us in conten- Other MAC team's scores were In the first game, the Irish plated best to the showers, dropping his BG's Dale Gregory (1-1) pitched the golfers don't know who there best on for an NCAA bid." Western Michigan and Miami tying their ten runs with the benefit of just record to 1-2. Scott Alien pitched the first four innings to take the loss while player is as each has golfed well and Ball State captured first place with for fifth with a total of 780; followed five hits. The Falcons turned suicidal final 2 2/3 innings and was touched up John Maroli pitched two scoreless semi-poorly throughout the season. a 759, followed by Northern 111., with by Central Michigan (790); Ohio Uni- in the first game by issuing seven for three runs in the fifth to round out innings of relief. 770. versity (798); Toledo (795); and Kent walks, committing two wild pitches, the first game's scoring. The losses drop BG to46-14-l overall Last weekend was no exception as Ball State's Kirk Schooley took State (804). one passed ball, and three errors, and while Notre Dame raised its record to the Falcons finished the MAC Invita- medalist honors with 71-75-144. This Friday and Saturday, the BG hitting two batters with pitches. Irish lefthander Mark Clements 21-12. Next action for the Falcons will tional in a respectable third place tie Leading the way for BG and placing golfers host the Falcon Invitational on After the Irish jumped on top 2-0 used an excellent curveball to up his be this Friday and Saturday at Kent with Eastern Michigan in a 15 team second was Jean Larochelle with a 74- the university golf course. with a pair of tallies in the third, BG record to 5-0 at the expense of the State.

Applications tor Student Recre- USQ ELECTIONS MAY 4 4 S Conrjo—24 Georgetown St.. Coun- Larroeght Covl Apartments 995 S 1 4 2 bdrm apts Hvseable lor sum F RMTE FOR RMDR OF SPR USO ELECTIONS MAY 4 4 S ation Center Advisory Board avail- try Manor. 2-story. 3-bdrm.. family Main Ph 362-7245 Fum studio mei and'or lal rental Phone 352- OTR HAVEN HOUSE. $t00.MO able at Rec Center otflce. Open to USQ ELECTIONS MAY 4 4 4 turn. 1 bdrm and unfum 1 Ddrm room, efficient kitchen, plenty of 74' . 9 to 4 pm CALL CINDI 352-8030 all undergraduates Applications Gred students 4 University peraon- CLASSIFIEDS f VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE closet space, possible terms. Call STUDENT AOARTMENTS M rmte Sum 4 Fal Own room- due April 30 si 5:00. nW : Everett Gaiaoher t Mark Oolan Irma 5I6-8098 Or John Newlove 3t»ks otl campus FALL 4 SUMMER S150'Summer 001353.3065 CkKS.'.ed r3in OK 40'pef )•"« SI 20 MINIMUM tCHO TVPE . .- I Beta 500 party after the rsce on Sat. USO PRES » VICE PRES Reel Estate 352-4543. LOW SUMMER RATES TOM 352 4671 AND 352-1800 Apo'o*i"*a«et» 35 "o 30 *pote. oe. ■»>•* NEEDED 1-4F lo sublease 3-bdrm 4:00 p m till ?? Double draft spe- •Houses CAM*»US'CITV EVINTS ' v «fli to< « o< • HAPPY BIRTHDAY APARTMENTS-? BDRM house for summer. $65/mo plus cials. No cover. Dance floor open. •2 bdrm apts ONCf It* tiee and oi '«au>o< 'O'e* •Weat'e* CNOY WALTERS" 1972 12' X 60' MOBILE HOME FURN 4 UNFURN NEAR CAMPUS utl.. lum, S Summit Cal 3726725 Party wtlh the winners Longbranch *1 bdrm apts Deooit«»? 'Or a" I'* ^ ? ctayiOtHo'eputf'CO'o" o' 4 00p *» FfMfayO*4| THE FOX IS FINALLY THE BIG 2 0" LOCATED 2 mesa from campus TOM if,? 467 1 «ND 35? 1B00 or 3723374 Saloon. 352-3703. NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT JeodLte to- trie? T„*y)0» M'tO" Have your stun analysed lor the right $5 800 CALL 362-4997 • You owe II to yourself to check out BIKE CRASH-WOULD THE GIRL I S62-614S F RMTE NEEDED 82 83 SCH YR. CaV"' .*d tor-iv ort >•<> ;f> 3* "* BO Nt>w% otltfe '06 U»— type c* srun care fcne lor you at THE 10 X SO' 2 Ddrm mooes home Mid-Am Manor Apts They're some- GOT IN A BIKE CRASH WITH LAST 2 BDRM FURN APT.. 2 FULL ARRANGEMENT 362-4101. 352- Excel cond Lot 64 Gypsy Lane HOUSE FOR RENT: 82 83 Sen yr thing special Grade, we have some BATHS. DISHWASHER LOTS OF The Pre-Law Society we meet in the FRIDAY NEXT TO THE LIBRARY 4143 3-bdrm. 5 bats ofl-campus Cat 352-5325 or 352-2233 5-9 p m tlvng ajst for you. too Cal 352-4380 CLOSET SPACE S COLLEGE 4 CAMPUS/CITY EVENTS Capital Room ol the Union at 7 30 on PLEASE CALL LAURI 354-1938 I'D after 5 pm Marc. 372-1778 or Buy your mother a handmade alghan 1979 CHEVETTE. 4-DR HATCH- alter 11 00 am. 8TH ST CALL KAREN 354-1702 or Wednesday. April 28 LIKE MY BIKE BACK THANKS' Chrta. 352-1169 lor MOTHER'S DAY. Sun . May 9' BACK. AC. AM/FM. RUST- SUMMERi SUMMER' SUMMER' CLAUDIA I ANDREA 372 3838 THE STUDENT BUILDERS ASSO- BRIGHT. COLORFUL BOUQUET OF Good Morning April 26 Cal 352-5553 PROOFED 42.000 Ml EXCEL 2 AND 1 BDRM. APTS. Specks! tow rases on 2-bdrm apts CIATION X having then spring eclrv BALLOONS BURSTING WITH FUN' MATURE F RMTE FOR SUMMER Pommerette Tryout t — Informello Go canoeing with Ski Club COND 352-3042 REASONABLE RATES. FOR $395 turn —$360 unfum lor enbre ities meeting Wed . April 28 8 (XI 352-6061 AND NEXT YR OWN ROOM REA net meeting Sunday. May 2 at ••00 Whitewater Canoe Trip SUMMER 4 FALL. CALL 353-3455. summer Al units as conditioned p m at the Tech Bktj FOR SALE 2 Mown Nghback van SONABLE CALL PAT 364-1361 pea. IIS Education Blag. Clinics at ROCK LEDGE MANOR Large, lum Free gas 4 water Close to campus VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE May 28. 29 4 30 Canoeing chars EC $225 CRANK-UP SUN 2 M rmles wanted to share 4-man Epptor Center 2 bdrm luxury apts 2 lul baths, Cal Mid-Am Manor 352-4380 after Everett Gallagher a Mark Ooaan camping and BEER ROOF $45 CelJohn 352-2764 apt. 82-83 sett, yr Close to campua Tues.. May 4,1:00 - 10 00 p.m. LOST AND FOUND Cal Metsnie 2 5966 dishwasher. A/C. cable vision, extra I 1 00 a m USG PRES t VICE PRES 68 BUICK CONVERTIBLE. AUTO Sl?Smo ptusutl Call 352-5805 Wed., Hay 5. too -10:00 p.m. closet 4 storage space, laundry lac* LINDA ENSIGN VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE PB, PS PS $600 '74 PHTO. APT TO SUBLET SUMMER-1 M LOOtONG FOR APT TO SHARE Frl.. May 7. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. lies, and storage cages Al utfl fum LOST Wed . April 14 appro « 7 00 Everett Oatsgher 4 Mark Oolan AUTO 56.000 Ml $700 BDRM COMFORTABLE. AC GOOD LUCK AT THE MAC'S' except ease Now tossing for lal 850 WITH 2 OR 3 RMTES FOR 82 83 p m. 2 sk*ts on campus it « vary USG PRES i VICE PRES 352-1655 or 352-6811 QUIET. ON FOURTH 4 HIGH REA- C4T Sixth SI M S Coeage SCH YR RELATIVELY CLOSE TO fTUOEMTl * THE COt-LCOE OF mportant that they are returned No SONABLE RENT CALL 352-4144 Do you care If your tuition is AZUKI 10-SPEED. ALPINE OEAhS, BOGGS REAL ESTATE CAMPUS WITH REASONABLE EDUCATION era asked to check thee Questions asked Reward Cal Karen Across from campua 1 Ddrm turn LYNN ESU' RAISED because of budget cuts? lUOOAOE RACK, took, pearl white 303 1/2 S MAUST RATES ALSO INTERESTED IN APT on-campua maeboxes lor important 372-1509 or 372-2471 HAPPY IBTH'I' USO does' Go to the OSA In Colum- 5110. OAVE 352-1477 e.enlngt 352-9457, 352-3841 apt aval Now-summer $180. mo 4 FOR FIRST SUMMER SESSION semester conversxxi arlormetion FOUNO-Umbrela m Mosekry Hal ALL IN FUN AND WITH LOVE. US bus far Higher Education and Stu- deposit No pets 352-4131. CALL MIKE 352-4211. Meetings for moat program areas in 1973 750 Honda K Excesent condt- OFFICE HOURS 11-3 4/20/82 Describe ana claim Cal MARGIE POTAPCHUK dent Aid May «. Call 2-0324 lo gel a Summer school accorrrmctclallons $85 MO PLUS UTIL FOR YOUR me Coeegs ol Business Education tlon Cal 686-3708 1982-83 SCHOOL YEAR 372-1719 3.5 Means a dinner si SUNOANCEI ride there for only tl .00 across from Rodgers 2 Two bdrm OWN BDRM IN A LARGE HOUSE neve been scheduled begtmng to- 1.2. and 3-bdrm apts AVAILABLE I KNOW YOU CAN 00 IT. LYNN apts $250rfor summer Utl paic SUMMER CALL CATHY 352-0522 day lor two distinct groups LOST PAIR OF MEN'S PRESCRIP- FOR RENT 352-9457 OR 352-8917 TION SILVER-FRAME GLASSES AF- MARK ESSIG" FOR SALE 352 2858 Ireshmen'sophomores and |u- Summer rsnttng dose to campus 2 2 Fa rmtea. wanted Wnmed tor Across Irom Kohl Hal Deluxe ac- raorVnorvgraduaeng seniors. Some TER 2 PM ICE SHOW ON SAT ' "SIP EP BROTHER OF THE YEAR" APARTMENTS bdrm turniehed $400 for entke summer 4 c- njxt school year House Congratulations! You deserve HI AM/FM stereo 8-track system Turn- comrrvoctstions lor mature students or program areas have not shceduted WERE LEFT ON TOP OF BLUE 3-4 students summer Cal 352-8628 alter 500 wth pool, nreptece 353-1271 Good luck Beta Ceaotil Use, A-10 table, headphone lack. 2 spars Ex- urwersay lacuHy tor 82-83 school group meetmos but are requesting STATION WAGON REWARD 372- HOUSES and on weekend*. 2 F rmtea lor 82-83 school year 5378 cel cond. was rarely ueedt Ph: year Utl pax! Cal 352-2868 students to meet evdrvtrJusfy with MS. LEE LONDON RSDER BAQoif S 7 8 ■'udento FOR RENT Furnished house for Cal Cindi 352-2130 after 6pm 352-0321 FOR RENT 1 BDRM APT UNFURN their advisors lor lemaslar conver- ARE IN AT JEANS*THSNOS. SINGLE ROOMS near campua 9 mo. summer room tor up 10 4 people 2 F RMTES WANTED FOR SUM SERVICES OFFERED 531 RtPOEST. EXOTIC Female IkSto far sale. Only YOU PAY UTL $1 BO/MO Deposit sion sstoinsson Contact the Pro- leases Ph 362-7365 352-6190 MER CLOSE TO CAMPUS CALL tall with good homes neaxS apply. IrvdherJuefs or groups cal toquasd CALL JOHN AT 352-2784 gram Advisement and Teacher OSA RALLY IN CCH-UMBUS MAY I 1982 63 school year Jor Info IMMEDIATELY JEANNIE 352- Certtficeaon OMce in room 305 Edu- Nice bhd cage Included. ONLY 2 bdrm sum apts A/C tool OSA RALLY IN COLUMBUS MAY • two bedroom apartments 1 4 2 bdrm apts 6526 cekon BUg Students In the College 440.00. Call lave at 352-0402. Summer rate $375 Also available OSA RALLY IN COLUMMU8 MAY • NEWLOVE APTS 352-6163 g 4 12 Mo lasses Raise from $235 2-3 rmfes nssded to share apt for el Umlln are asked to check Share In Bowing Green baaed Hying for tel 362-2683. ABORTION PREGNANT AND UNWED? SUMMER: 831 7th SI 2 bdrm turn summer 82 2 bdrms w/wesher- ess* on-campus meaboxes hx Impor- Hue. C1B2, h* IFR Call (419)422- to $400 June 4 Sept vacancies TOLL FREE Teacher with counseling degree a) Duplex—Furnished tor summer 4 lal ■ dryer /dtehwaaher/tlreptace Comer tant semester conversion mlormetion 9341 apts $300 tor entire summer 352-6985 9:00 A.M. ■ 10:00 P.M. Interested in hetpssg you II you need SUMMER:? 15-710 Third SI For 3. Lower duplex furnished, sum- ol 5tn 8 Coteqe Diane. 353-0985 Meetings lor most program areas m SUMMER—2 BDRM 1-400-434-3550 help or mat someone to task to cal 1974 Nova. PS/PB New Urea. 1 bdrm fum apts $350renttre sum- mar 4 sal for 4. Phone 362 0839 the Coeage of Education have been shocks, exheual Good condition FURNtSHEO APT OaSLS 3528326 mer. Summer: Comf quiet 1 bdrm lum scheduled begmrwvj TODAY, Apri Cal 372-6736 after 4 p.m. 362-6040 AFTER 6 P.M. HELP WANTED SON UP FOR UAO WHITE WATER FALL:831 Seventh St apt. aval. $360/summar ind uW 20 lor two district groups frssnmen- ACCOMMODATIONS FOR FALL Attention Business Students Nation RAFTING $70VPeraon-ln Weal Vir- FOR SALE — H74 DU1TER 2 bdrm fum apts Set up for 4 Gred stud/Fee pro! 3620838 ''sophomores and xjniors/non gred OWLS 362-6040 AFTER 6 P.M aty known company Interviewing stu- EXPERIENCED BARTENDER ginia. Hurry' Untried space" Payment -GOOD CONCMTION- persona. Owner fum al utl except Smaf luxury apt efficient, private, uebng seniors Some program areas MUST SELL tMMEDIATElY dents tor summer work program. High TO WORK PRIVATE PARTIES 5 at due In UAO otltos upon sign-up easctnaty I'M SUBLEASING FOR SUMMER with own parking, across Irom cam- have not scheduled group meetings $450 $450 J450 Nice 1 bdrm No deposit required profit A greet experience For inter- FUNCTIONS 354-1354 FALL: 719 Third St pua Cal 352-0209 event or week but are leieueatjiu students so meet SRC-TRIATHLON Cal 352-8341 ask lot Mary vteweppta . cal 354 2139 1 Efficiency, lurrvened CALL CAROL 362-5767 ■OvWuaty wax thee advisors tor NEED CREDIT' Oat Van Mastercard APPLICATION DEADUNE ends WORLD'S STURDIEST BUNKBEDS JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE EARN UP TO $500 OR MORE EACH aamsslsr conversion nlormahon No credit check Guaranteed? Free APWL 30. IBB2 THURSTON APTS AB COND . 1N2- 1943 I KNOW I MADE THEM 3H-4M3 YEAR BEGINNING SEPTEMBER The ■emeassr converaton Informs- dalallsf Send sell addressed FULLY CARPETED. CABLE VISION. ' Houses T-SHtRTS BEST OFFER CALL 362-6767 EFFICIENCY. UUJNOfTY FACILI FOR i-3 YRS SET YOUR OWN Son/meesng datee were moled on stamped envelope CREDITUNE. HOUSES a asshls June 15 ot August '2 bdrm apt* T-SHtRTS HOURS IwONTHLY PAYMENT FOR Friday. Apri 23 to el students cur BOX 334-AE. Rye. NH 03870 Foil gutter $60. MarueN bits 12 26 Phone 362-7454. 9 to 4 pm TIES NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT Tel in (•LACING POSTERS ON CAMPUS rentty tagssHlirl n the Coeage ol sod $200 hat mattress $50. mn- 4 FALL 451 THURSTON AVE 362 TYPING Lowest prices-Fast delivery 1 MMBL FMW. APT. FOR lIMIst BONUS BASED ON RESULTS Education it you dkl not receive the Mmpoene 39" $90. lul -fleet* 6435 rJksaerMtona, papers, mate Can Tim or Jtm sH-7611 SUMMER OTR. BRAND NEW. Roommate needed immedxstery Rent PRIZES AWARDED AS WELL (BOO) inlormalton. or have questions, iiejHiese $30. targe custom drapes 424 SIXTH ST. APTS. 2 bdrm. fully 352-0635 Ur.wersHy Intramural Advisory 1 bek. from campus. CALL 352-1205 negotiable Cal DebD* or Karen 528 0683 passes contact me Ptugiam Advise 1 pr cave 1 pr pink $150.ea lum apts Now leasing for FeH 4 354-1537 1 mant and Teacher Certtltceeon Ol Board aeoMcaoone tor 1M2-U am vacuum $75. Iron, shelving More- (RENTALS Summer. $440 tor sntsrs summer Looking tor part-time help $3 50 an PERSONAL Hoa 388 Educeson Buarjng s.ellebli to 10* Rec. Center. Deed- neooeabta I leather 352 5593 or Houses, apts . single rooms Quarter Fat! $420 a month. In- WANTED hour Cal lo give avssabte hours ■ne la April 30. mi. 372-2051 PHONE 352-7365 cludes heat 4 water Call 352-4944. 1419)531 7402