CLOSING OF LOVE CLÔTURE DE L’AMOUR a performance by Pascal Rambert translation Bruna Filippi with Anna Della Rosa, Luca Lazzareschi director’s assistant Thea Dellavalle technical director Robert John Resteghini electrician Roberto Riccò headgears by La Bourette production Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione with the support of Institut français for the project “Théâtre export” Thanks to the Chors of treble voices: Girasole, San Paolo Apostolo, La Giovane Rossini and LIBERVOX Ensemble vocale, and to the chorus masters Claudia Rondelli and Francesca Nascetti

Pascal Rambert, Director of Théâtre de Gennevilliers, is the author and the director of this wonderful text that was presented in the original French version, last July at Festival d’. For Emilia Romagna Teatro he has directed the Italian version: on stage two of the most appreciated Italian actors, Anna Della Rosa and Luca Lazzareschi. The French version of Clôture de l'amour is in tour in the world, for exemple in Chorea, , Belgium, , China. Before the Italian performance, Rambert has directed a Russian version at Art Theatre, a Croatian version at ZMK Theatre in , an American version at Abrons Art Centre in New York. In next months he’ll direct a Japanese version in , a German one in , and a Greek one in Athens. In a large white room, a woman and a man are talking. He speaks first. She listens, attentive, and answers him with a second monologue. They bring up their separation, talk about now and before. To the question: "Who do we love when we love?" Pascal Rambert does not provide a pat answer. He circulates through all the possibilities. He does not reject the clichés that those who break up, who look for the reasons of disaffection, who rewrite memories and embellish them, use at least once before destroying everything with a few fatal sentences. The uninterrupted flow of words, the successive questions and answers, the choking, in a sort of marathon between fear and relief: it is here, in the heart of this painful moment, that Pascal Rambert puts us, having no fear of disturbing, of creating doubt, of tossing us about in the twists and turns Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione – Teatro Stabile Pubblico Regionale, Sede Legale: Teatro Storchi, Largo Garibaldi 15, 41124 . Sede Organizzativa: Via Ganaceto, 129 ‐ 41121, Modena Centralino: Tel. 059 2136011, Biglietteria:. 059 2136021, e‐mail: [email protected] C.F. e P.IVA 01989060361

of a story that inexorably leads to the break-up and, perhaps, to another life. In the brutality of omnipresent words, in the incredible rigour of a cold and lethal writing, a ruthless battle unfolds. There is the masculine and the feminine. There are two viewpoints, two silences, two speeches to describe the violence of a dying love.

Pascal Rambert It was in Nice, while he was still attending high school, that Pascal Rambert made its first staging. That was the beginning of an atypical artistic career that led him, step by step, to form his own company, Side One Posthume Théâtre, to publish his first play, Désir et Let Lits, and to begin the exploration of different art fields in and abroad. He’s a curious traveller of the world and of the people who settle it, he got over , Syria and then Japan, to create shows inspired by what he discovers. During all these years, wherever he was, he never stopped teaching internship through the game, writing and dance, aimed at young professionals but also amateurs. Invited for the first time at the Festival d'Avignon in 1989, he wrote and directed Les Parisiens, before joining Jean-PierreVincent to the Théâtre Nanterre- Amandiers. In 1992, he presented two of his texts, John and Mary and De mes propres mains, which have a writing style that alternates privates part, duets and monologues to choral pieces, following the example of L’Épopée de Gilgamesh presented in 2000 at the Festival Avignon. Currently director of the Théâtre de Gennevilliers, National Drama Centre for Contemporary Art, carries out its main artistic activities as spokesman of a territory, without ever ceasing to travel the world, always eager for a confrontation between aesthetics and practice. For VIE Scena Contemporanea Festival in Modena, May 2012, Pascal Rambert has presented the French version of Clôture de l'amour, text that draw on the style of Le Début de l’A, presented at the Festival d'Avignon in 2005.

Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione – Teatro Stabile Pubblico Regionale, Sede Legale: Teatro Storchi, Largo Garibaldi 15, 41124 Modena. Sede Organizzativa: Via Ganaceto, 129 ‐ 41121, Modena Centralino: Tel. 059 2136011, Biglietteria:. 059 2136021, e‐mail: [email protected] C.F. e P.IVA 01989060361