Wildlife to watch for Moor and Meadows is one of many beautiful places looked On warm spring days, look for lizards and other reptiles basking after by Wildlife Trust in small clearings or listen for the call of the elusive cuckoo. Orchids flower in the summer grass and the quick, fierce stoat hunts along traditional stone walls. There is something to hear and see all year round at Bellever Moor and Meadows.

Map of Upland wildflower meadows


Laughter Hole Adder Old farmhouse and lichen covered trees How to find Bellever Moor and Meadows nature reserve


B321 At , on the B3212 Yelverton

yha Key 2 to Road, take the DWT Bellever moorland turning signed for Bellever. After a mile N DWT Bellever meadows Surrounding woodlands you will enter the village, turn left at Public footpaths the triangle of grass, after 130m you Bellever moor & meadows routes Roads will see the entrance to the Forestry Postbridge village Commission car park. Toilets Parking

To Mortonhampsted

Dartmoor Youth Hostel yha Scale Bellever Forest - Forestry Commission National Park Visitor Centre - Postbridge 1/4 mile About us We are a charity and rely on your support – through membership, donations and gifts in Wills – to care for Explore open moorland places like this. and upland wildflower Want to find out more? meadows, and discover a Go to www.devonwildlifetrust.org to learn about the work we do to protect Devon’s amazing wildlife and to discover derelict farmhouse hidden other wild places to explore. among a glade of lichen This leaflet has been produced with the kind support of Cuckoo the Eccles family. covered trees Registered Charity no. 213224

www.devonwildlifetrust.org Protecting Wildlife for the Future