"i1 ~a(fm in 1[crris PEACE and FREEDOM AWARD t 1989


The Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award was created in 1964 by the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council, which disbanded in 1976. Since that time the award has been presented by the Quad Cities Pacem in Terris Coalition. The award honors' Pope John XXIII and commemorates his 1963 encyclical letter, Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth), which called all people of good will to secure peace among nations. The Pacem in Terris Coalition is made up of the local chapters of Bread for the World and Pax Christi in conjunction with the Social Action Department of the Catholic Diocese of Davenport.

Social Action Department, Diocese of Davenport assists the Bishop, clergy and parishes of the diocese in identifying and responding to social needs and injustice through more than twenty programs including Respect Life, Campaign for Human Development, Immigration, Refugee Resettlement, Rural Life, Peace and Justice Education. Projects and events are publicized through a free newsletter, Footsteps. Write 2706 Gaines St., Davenport, lA 52804 or call 319/324-1911.

Bread for the World is a nationwide Christian citizens movement which seeks to alleviate hunger by influencing public policy. The Quad Cities chapter meets on the fourth Monday of the month. For additional information contact Dick Guise 755-6406 or Eileen Herrstrom 788-1692.

Pax Christi is an international organization of Catholics and others who are committed to the belief that active nonviolence must become a central concern of the church and the community. Pax Christi Quad Cities meets on the first Monday of each month. For information contact Sr. Miriam Hennessey 322-2626 or Ann Keefe 788-1088. 1989 Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award Celebration

Welcome . . • ...... • • Kathleen White Diocese of Davenport

Blessing of Heal. . . . . • . . . . Ann Keefe Pax Christi Quad Cities

Dinner. • ...... • . • Catered by Greatest Grains on Earth

Invocation...... • . . Pastor Emmett Wiseman Progresive Baptist Church Davenport

Introduction. . Sister Kathleen Egan, OSB

Presentation of Award Host Reverend Gerald F. O'Keefe Bishop of Davenport


Closing Song...... "Let Peace fill the Earth" Composed and directed by Ray Hakeever LE.T PEACE. flLL THl EARTH

~ ... Let pecce. f;U ~ e.odh Q';) -the.wnttt~ ~\\\ \ne. 5e.Q let \o"e Clnd just\c.e


~ . rush· '09 ~treQf'fl AM f"A~ we. see 'the d().'f whe.n

~ I • war and b\oodShed ceose, ~ 1hru oot Q\l1tu.:v'4orld-\here w·\ \\ be.. peo.c.e

le.1 pe o.cefi \\ the. earth os (l.lfue fV\ouf"\to.\ns {,\\ -fue. ~k'i (~) "\he.\i~h~\ho.1 H\\s"\h~ ',re ('\) -\he. hope "'hut fills our SO(\9 Le\ \o'Je and jU5tice. now hke. (z.) \he. ~'\"qed b\ras'tho.\ fl'l ~~)the frien~ship we de..sire. (~) the voice.s s'n~'nl3 0.\on9 A.nd mo.,! we.. see, 1he.. do.'J when war and bloodshed cease. And furouqhout 0.\\ fue. v-lor\d trltre w\\\ be. ~ce. EILEEN EGAN

The 1989 is presented to you by the Diocese of Davenport. Quad Cities Bread for the World. and Pax Christi Quad Cities-- For your lifetime of total dedication and enduring commitment to the cause of justice and peace as exemplified by your vision and energy in helping to found PAX in 1962 and Pax Christi USA in 1972. your successful work in encouraging the United Nations to declare conscientious objection a human right. your compassionate concern for the poor manifested through your thirty years ot service to Catholic Relief Services and your continuing leadership in the Catholic Worker. and your embodiment of the words of Pope John XXIII as "a spark of light. a center of love. a vivifying leaven" to your sisters and brothers around the world.

Given this 21st day of October. 1989. at Long Grove. Iowa

Eileen Egan is the 20th recipient of the Pacem in Terris Award.

Previous recipients:

1987 Archbishop 1974 Senator 1986 Bishop Maurice Dingman 1972 1985 Joseph Cardinal Bernardin 1969 Saul David Alinsky 1983 Helen M. Caldicott 1968 Father 1982 George F. Kennan 1967 A. Philip Randolph 1980 1966 R. Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler 1965 Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. 1979 Bishop 1964 John F. Kennedy (posthumously) 1976 1975 Dom Helder Camara SPECIAL TIIANKS

The Pacem in Terris Coalition extends a heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to this year's celebration, especially to:

Bishop Gerald O'Keefe tor his continued support, moral and financial.

St. Ann Parish for their generous hospitality not only for Pacem in Terris, but also for the entire Peacemaking on the Prairie conference. In particular, thanks to Fr. John Hynes, pastor; Barb Voss. secretary; and Bob Warren. plant manager; for their day-to-day assistance.

Tom Chouteau for his beautiful design and calligraphy for the award itself.

Project Renewal for their hospitality to Eileen Egan and her guests.


Since our last Pacem in Terris celebration, one of the award's founders, Jack Smith, died. We wish to remember him this evening with thanks for the great gift that his life was to us.