St James the Great with



FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 1 Useful Numbers


VICAR Stef Dnistrianskyj 01257 451332 email: CHURCHWARDENS Anne Sharples 01257 424105 email [email protected] Geoff Barlow 01257 452186 email [email protected]

ASST. VERGER Syd Johnson 01257 450310 PCC SECRETARY Sue Crawford 01257 453171 ORGANIST Mike Wellby 01695 724358 HALL BOOKINGS Anne Sharples 01257 424105 SUNDAY SCHOOL Rachael Green 07921 854810 ST. JAMES PLAYERS Roger Rowlandson 07703 529392 MOTHERS’ UNION Marie Taylor 01257 424919 GIFT AID Colin Moulton 01257 453073 STEWARDSHIP Margaret Morris 01257 452569 RAINBOWS Sarah O’Neill 07480 350850 BAPTISM SECRETARY Marie Taylor 01257 424919 HESKIN SCHOOL Jayne Carrier 01257 451365 SAFE FROM HARM Sue Crawford 01257 453171 Material for inclusion in the magazine should be emailed to Sue Crawford at: [email protected] by the 16th of the month to ensure inclusion in the next month’s issue.

COVER SHOT: Death by Paintbrush - Murder Mystery - Cast



We, God’s people in the parish of St James The Great, Wrightington with Heskin, seek to proclaim the good news of God’s love by enriching the quality of our worship, by endeavouring to draw more families into the life of our church, and by meeting the pastoral needs of the community.

VISION 2026 PRAYER Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses and to grow leaders. Give us the eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 3 Vicars Letter Dear Friends, Hello again from St James’ Vicarage. It’s been a delight welcoming so many of you to services and events over Christmas. I hope you all have unique and lasting memories of things you were expecting, and maybe the odd surprise or two! Hopefully less and less people will keep calling me the ‘new vicar!’ Ann and I certainly feel very much at home, again, because of your welcome. One thing I haven’t quite managed, as I write these words, is to climb Harrock Hill. I know, you will find that hard to believe, but I almost made it. I did get to the end of Coopers Lane, but not quite sure where to start, and put off by the two imposing gate posts, all I did was walked round a well-sign-posted loop! Reviewing my progress on Google maps, I could see where I should have ended up, but I still wasn’t sure of which way I should have gone. Having since spoken to one or two wise locals, who have done the trip many times, I now know you pass through the gateposts, and all will be well! I gather that we take the Cross up Harrock Hill on Good Friday, as a reminder to all about Calvary, and Jesus allowing himself to be executed in our place. That got me thinking. (Always a dangerous thing!) Have you ever really took a walk to Calvary? I mean, have you pondered what Jesus did for you personally? Have you put yourself there and realised you are welcome there? Maybe you have been put off by ‘gate posts’ – something that’s made you think you would be trespassing. Let me tell you, you can ignore them! Maybe you’ve searched for a path to the Cross, but haven’t realised it was there all along. Perhaps, like me, you may need to do that un-blokey thing and ask! You will know someone, someone you respect, who knows their own way to Jesus’ Cross. Ask. It’s a common thing, in the 40 days before Easter, known as Lent, to spend some time thinking and preparing. Ann and I thought it might be a good idea to do a weekly Bible study through Lent. It would be more questions, discussions, in an atmosphere of friendship and fun, than lecture. I’ll let you know the theme, and ask folk to let us know if they’d like to come. If there’s a good few, it’ll be at the Vicarage, otherwise I’ll use the Hall. Monday evenings look best. Why not try it and see? May God bless you richly. Stef


Can I first of all wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

It seems so long ago now since our Christmas Party but we did have a good one and we were entertained by the Piertown Chorus, who gave us a very varied and entertaining programme. Can anyone ever forget their rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas!!! We had our usual Jacobs Join and we welcomed guests from Shevington and Mothers Unions who joined us once again. All of our over 80’s members were able to take home a table decoration.

Our AGM took place at 12 noon on the 8th January followed by a hot pot lunch. 21 members attended and we were pleased to have Rev Stef join us. Apologies were received from Pam Dean and Eileen Gerrard and from Margaret Walters who was away on holiday. The meeting followed the usual format and the report from our Treasurer was a very healthy one. There being no nominations for new Committee members, the retiring members were asked if they were prepared to carry on for another year. They all said yes so the 2018 committee were re-elected for 2019. My thanks go to my hard working committee and my heartfelt thanks for their agreeing to continue for another year. We hope that we have selected another varied programme for the coming year. Spare copies of the programme can be picked up from the card stand at the back of Church. One date missing from the programme is the one for The Womens World Day of Prayer which this year will be held at The Vale Methodist church 2pm.

At our next meeting in February we have Fiona Smithson with her Quiz on a collection of Historical Objects.

In March we have a talk by Dorothy Broady-Hawkes from Lathom about Horses for the War

Everyone is welcome to our meetings (men as well as ladies). We meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Church Hall on Church Lane at 7.30pm

God Bless


FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 5 Sunday School…… Welcome back and Happy New Year! As I write this we have only had one January meeting so far at Sunday school and the topic was about talking to God and connecting with him to hear his message. We encouraged the children to do this by a period of silence and lying on the floor. To stop, slow our thoughts and listen. It seemed a funny concept to many and perhaps they are too young to want to stop but then our Sunday School also has many hands that help and they certainly enjoyed the few minutes silence. I think popular trends include mindfulness, taking a few minutes out each day to stop, reflect and be calm. And in this time would we hear Gods message to us? One can only practice to find out and I recom- mend you try. We set the children homework to try do this each day. I will let you know if any succeeded. Christmas, our nativity and family service seem along time ago now. Thank you to all who attended and supported the children. They were as always super readers and super cute animals, Kings, Shepherds and all. A Christmas break was much needed and enjoyed. Going forward we hope to continue our music in church and at Sunday School. We have some great singers with equally great actions to match, as displayed at our recent family service, well done. We still have a great age range at Sunday School from 1-11years so we are asking for help to run our Sunday School, especially with a possible creche for the under 4 years. This would allow the leaders to focus on the school age in a more structured format. Can you help? Can I remind all parents it is one parent per pre-school child, children at school should come across unattended unless the parent is helping run the session. Please talk to us if any new ideas, queries or offers to assist/lead. Many thanks to all who help and we are so thankful and lucky to have an active regular Sunday School at St James. Lets go 2019! Rachael x

6 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN From our Remembrance Book for February In Loving Memory of 1st Elizabeth Ivy Walkden 1st Thomas Anderton Blackburn 1st Ellen Silcock 4th Francis Richard Sharrock 5th James Strange 5th Joseph Walker 6th Harry Rutter 6th Jean Chapman 6th Evelyn Peggy Waugh 7th Ellen Clementson 7th Ellen Hilton 8th Bessie Norris 8th Margaret Taylor 8th William Allan Carr 8th Richard Stringfellow 8th Elizabeth Stringfellow 10th Ernest Westhead 11th Christine Smith 13th David Owen 14th Gordon Earl 14th David Littlefair 15th Alice Jolley 16th Sheila Blacklock 16th Alice MarianTattersall 18th Beryl Shaw 18th Peggy Norris 21st Vera Turner 21st Susan Lancelotte 27th James Rushton 22nd Betty Taylor 27th Hubert Bryan Taylor 24th Margaret Walker 27th Beatrice Rose Bowling 25th Doris Alice Gregson 28th David Rowley

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 7 From our Remembrance Book for March In Loving Memory of

1st Eveline Miles 1st Philip Anthony McKinnon 2nd Walter Rothwell 2nd Peggy Kinder 3rd Margaret Johnson 3rd Wilfred Gregson 4th Helen Curtis 5th Gene Rogers 5th Harold Taylor 8th Ann Holding If you would like a name added to the Remembrance Book, please contact the 10th William Allan Sharples Vicar or Churchwarden 11th Peggy Bibby 12th Norman Jones 12th Stanley Wright 13th Peter Ashworth 13th Christopher Harper 14th Harry Stringfellow 17th Joseph Wilcock 17th William Fiddler 17th Marion Goulding 22nd Claire Hodgson 17th William Lawrie 25th Ethel Wadsworth 18th Tom Green 25th Francis Arthur Hailwood 20th Robert Green 26th Elizabeth Clayton 22nd Rev. John Andrew 27th Fred Spedding 22nd Ronald Slater 29th Michael Bullivant 22nd Beatrice Wilcock 29th Robert Ross

8 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Reg charity number 251549 December 14, 2018 Dear Rev Stefan and Churchwardens We are writing to say thank you so very much to you, all your Church Members for your overwhelming support and generosity in collecting so many toys, teddies, food Christmas treats, chocolate, an array of things for us to give out to those who would otherwise have nothing. We were amazed at the trouble and costly sacrifice you have shown. Right after Geoff delivered, a lady came in who had nothing for her children for Christmas and she was so delighted looking through the array of gifts to choose two of them for her children. Today a lady came in and couldn’t stop crying, she felt so depressed and lost all hope. She didn’t know where to turn for help with her depression. We gave her lots of nice goodies, chocolates, toys from you for her children and food. She left giving me a large and long hug and smiling through her tears. You will never know how much of a difference you are making through your love and generosity. We have been so busy giving out over 500 bags of food to schools this month who have identified families in great need. Some of your gifts will be going to some of these families also. You are all so very generous not just at Christmas but all year round and we really appreciate all you do and the trouble you take to support us. It is such a privilege to serve our town in this way as a Churches Together Project, and we thank God for your continued support and encouragement all year round We pray that God will bless you in all that you put your hands to in the days and weeks ahead Kind regards Carol and the Storehouse Team

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 9 The Family Purse Date Stewardship Gift Aid S/Orders Loose Plate

4 Nov £239.50 £132.00 £85.45 11 Nov £244.00 £154.34 £212.40 18 Nov £245.50 £ 94.50 £36.31 25 Nov £190.50 £132.75 £777.00 £34.55 2 Dec £298.50 £125.00 £64.25 9 Dec £399.50 £121.10 £66.56 16 Dec £232.00 £145.60 £61.08 23 Dec £194.50 £172.40 £94.50 30 Dec £269.50 £ 70.40 £777.00 £27.20

From the Registers

Christian Burial “May the Souls of the Faithful Departed Rest in Peace” 10th December Marjorie Sharratt 17th December Mavis Warboys

Holy Baptism We welcome you into the Lord’s Family 23rd December Ava May Leach 24th March Max Liam Jackson, 12.15pm.

Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together” 3rd January Christine Charlton and Paul Laurence Britton

10 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Heskin Pemberton’s C of E Primary School Happy New Year from everyone at Heskin Pemberton’s School,

The children and staff had an extremely busy, exciting and rewarding time in the run up to Christmas. We sang at the St. James The Great’s Christmas fair, participated in the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal, performed our Nativity play three times, sang Christmas songs on FM, led our school’s Advent Service at Church, had a special visit from Santa, sang carols at the local store, collected gifts for children less fortunate than ourselves and went to the theatre to watch the Pantomime, Cinderella. Blimey! What a busy time we had!

The new year has also got off to a great start with our youngest children improving their cycling skills with the help of the cycling instructors at Chorley Schools Sports Partnership. Our children developed their understanding of safety, became considerate cyclists and participated in a range of fun challenges and competitions. They were amazing and made excellent progress in all aspects of the training. You never know, we might just have the next Bradley Wiggins on our hands!

As well as being super skilful and super safe cyclists, our children have proved themselves to be super scientists too! We held our first ever Science competition and we were inundated with interesting investigations, marvellous models, remarkable reports and exciting explorations. Mrs Hugo, our Head of Science, spent a tremendous amount of time looking at every piece of work and consulting with her scientific colleagues from other schools. After a great deal of deliberation, she announced that this year’s winners were Poppy H, Daniel D and Grace S. We were bowled over by the standard of the entries from everyone and we can’t wait for next year’s competition. I might even have a go myself next time!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the fun and enjoyment we all share at our school and please feel free to visit our website if you would like to know more about Heskin Pemberton’s.

Best Wishes, Alan Brindle Head Teacher FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 11 FROM LITTLE ACORNS DO MIGHTY OAK TREES GROW BY AUDREY FRANCE The decorations were put away, the Nativity Scene was packed in its box once more and the Christmas tree was transported to the local tip. The New Year’s Resolutions so earnestly made, were consigned in failure to the mists of time. Sandra thought about all her resolutions to lose weight, exercise more and cut out cakes. None had come to fruition. She determined that, with the onset of the Season of Lent, a time for inner reflection, she would do better. Suddenly she had an idea. Instead of ‘giving up ‘something materialistic for Lent, she would turn the concept on its head and ‘give up’ her spare time for the service of others. ‘I know I am just a speck in the great scheme of things, but I might be able to do some good. After all ‘from little acorns do mighty oak trees grow’? Isn’t that what they say?’ That morning, she saw her neighbour, Kitty, who was 80, waiting for the bus to go shopping. Sandra stopped the car and gave her a lift. Kitty thanked her sincerely for her kindness. When Sandra arrived at the supermarket, she filled her trolley and took her place in the busy checkout queue. She noticed behind her a young mum, at the end of her tether with three fractious small children. Her trolley was overflowing all over the floor in the chaos. Customers were tut tutting with impatience. ‘Look ‘said Sandra, ‘take my place. I don’t mind waiting a few more minutes. Your need is greater than mine. ‘The young mum’s eyes filled with weary tears and she smiled her grateful thanks. On the way to the car park, Sandra noticed a couple of pensioners struggling to pay at the machine. They had no change and didn’t understand the contactless card payment system. Sandra stepped in to help and put £2 of her own money in the machine. The old couple were so pleased but Sandra would not hear of being reimbursed. ’You are so kind, God bless you’, they both whispered. Later the following week, Sandra heard about the Coffee Morning that was to be held in the Community Centre in aid of Cancer Research. She was a good baker and volunteered to make a batch of cakes for them. The ladies in charge were very ap- preciative. ‘It’s nothing ‘said Sandra ‘it’s only 24 cakes’’ ‘No ‘said the ladies. ‘Think of this, there are hundreds of people having fund raising Coffee Mornings this week. Total up the amount of money raised collectively, if that sum save the lives of just one person who has the illness it will be worthwhile.’ ‘I never thought of it that way ‘smiled Sandra. That night Sandra signed up for her local charity 10k run. ‘Perhaps I can make a differ- ence after all’ she mused. ‘I’ll start training.’ On the day of the race Sandra ran alongside a brave young woman whose mother had lost her own battle with cancer just two weeks before the race. She felt such compassion for the girl whose name was Jenny. They began a conversation and Sandra encouraged Jenny to talk about her mother.

12 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN ‘Do you know ‘said Jenny ‘you are the first person to talk to me properly about my Mum. Some people I have known all my life would rather cross the street than ap- proach me because they don’t know what to say to me. So they ignore me.’ ‘Thank you for taking the time to talk to me means so much ‘ As the season of Lent drew to a close, Sandra went to her local church .As she walked up to the door, there was a tramp sheltering in the porch out of the rain. A church member came out and threatened to call the police to have the tramp removed. ‘You are lowering the tone of this church! Clear off! I bet he’s pinched some of the silver! Good for nothing layabout!’ Sandra was outraged. ‘Why are you behaving like that? You pass judgement on this poor man and you know nothing of the circumstances that brought him to this point! None of us do! Walk a mile in his shoes, then pass comment!’ She turned to the tramp and spoke gently to him. He told her a year ago he had a wife, a family and a lovely house. Then he was made redundant .His wife left him and took the children. He was made homeless. He had nothing left .He showed her his one treasured possession, a crumpled photograph of his children. A wave of compassion flowed over Sandra. ‘Come with me and I will find you a room in a homeless shelter .Trust me. But for the Grace of God, your story could apply to any one of us here.’ That night Sandra found the tramp a room in a homeless shelter .It was to be a turn- ing point in his life. On the following Sunday morning, Sandra attended her local church. Her friend com- mented that she had not seen much of her these past few weeks. ‘Oh I’ve been trying to use my spare time to do some good, make a difference and help others. Her friend laughed at her. ‘What on earth can you do? You are just one person you are living in fantasy land.’’ Just then the Vicar stepped in. ’No she isn’t. I’ve heard what she has been up to these past weeks of Lent. She has given up her time to show kindness, compassion, charity and empathy. It’s admirable. He smiled at her and said ’Sandra cast your mind back 2000 years ago and picture a small group of people whose beloved leader has left them .They were lost and afraid waiting for the promise of a Holy Spirit to come and help them in their mission to spread the Gospel. Their task must have seemed insurmountable, but they persevered and faced incredible hardship .Now 2000 years later as a result of their original ef- forts, the message has reached every corner of the earth. Carry on with what you are doing Sandra’, he smiled. ‘After all, from little acorns do mighty oak trees grow, and you are one of God’s acorns. Sandra smiled as she handed over a tray of buns for the tea ladies to share after the service with the congregation. ‘Well I’ve never been called and acorn before. I’d better find a plant pot. ‘

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 13 36 Club November 2018 Place No Name Prize 1st 100 Paul Holding £50 2nd 73 Eric France £40 3rd 23 Lewis Grime £30 4th 16 Dorothy Moulton £20 4th 87 Eric Clementson £20

36 Club December 2018 Place No Name Prize 1st 130 Kerry Storey £50 2nd 23 Lewis Grime £50 11 Bill Grundy £50 79 Lorraine Gilder £50 48 Racheal Baron £50 44 Doreen Milner £50 3rd 82 Roger Townley £40 98 Matt Morris £40 138 St James £40 17 Frank Johnson £40 63 Enyd Richardson £40 4th 84 John Oliver £30 13 Geoff Barlow £30 12 Alan Carr £30 51 Eileen Gerrard £30 77 Geoff Green £30 5th 124 Jim Rowley £20 57 Alice Magrath £20 94 Sue Marsh £20 36 A Makinson £20 104 C Richardson £20 37 D Hoddinott £20

14 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Rainbows…… Rainbows have a completely new programme this year! We are now able to work towards badges as a unit. The Leaders have done lots of reading and planning to be able to deliver a new programme but still include the craft activities and games that our Rainbows love. There are six themes to look at with interest badges, skill builder badges and theme awards within each category. Our unit will be focusing on ‘Know myself’ this half term working towards an ‘Animal lover’ interest badge. We plan to focus on ‘Express myself’ with a ‘drawing’ interest badge in the second half of this term. Every Rainbow should have at least one badge by the end of term. Our term dates are Wednesday 16th January up to and including Wednesday 3rd April. There will be no Rainbows on Wednesday 20th April due to half term. We currently have space for New Rainbows and Leaders. If you would like to Join our unit or would just like some more information please contact Sarah on 07480 350850.

Christingle Service Christmas Eve 2018 A huge thank you to everyone who came and supported our Christingle Service on Christmas Eve and gave so generously to the Children’s Society. We were able to send them a cheque for just over £276. Thank you also to Anne, Helen, Joan and John who helped to make the 80 Christingles, they have the task down to a fine art now. See you all next year. Sue Crawford


“Death by Paintbrush” Well we finally made it! Throughout 2016 and 2017, after our previous Murder Mystery in 2015, St James Players read many scripts, but none equalled “A Murder is Served”. We persevered and finally rehearsals started in November 2017. Production dates were to be May 2018, but then fate took a hand. In January 2018, a cast member was taken ill during rehearsals and had to be taken home only to be hospitalised later. On her return one month later, we received the sad news that another cast member was seriously ill. She was very keen to take part so we agreed to postpone the play until July. In June, another cast member was taken ill, again during rehearsals, and an ambulance had to be called for her. I will say at this stage that we had struggled to find enough members to be able to cast the play and without our two new fourteen year old members, we would not even have had a play.

So, the previous setbacks, caused by ill health, seriously jeopardised the production. However, we doggedly persevered and were lucky enough that a past member, now recovered from an illness two years previously, stepped into the breach. In August 2018, a cast member was stung on the tongue during a garden party and was hospitalised! He recovered but by then the production date was again postponed to November. Between August and November, three more cast members, one after the other went down with chest and throat infections, one actually losing her voice. To cap it all, one of the youngsters succumbed to an injury whilst playing rugby and had to miss the dress rehearsal and another was stuck in a carwash on the second day of production. In spite of these “jinxes” the production went ahead to very appreciative audiences. All’s well that end well! Phew! Here’s to the next one. St James Electoral Roll Every Anglican church has, by law, to have an electoral roll – a list of those who live in the parish and those outside who attend regularly - who have filled in a simple form to register. It is like our government’s electoral register. Every six years it has to be done afresh, from scratch. If you are on the roll, you need to apply again. If you aren’t, and live in the parish, or have attended regularly for the last six months – please apply! Forms are available in church or by contacting either the Vicar or Sue Crawford. Please return ASAP, and by end of January/early February at latest.

16 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Acknowledgements The PCC would like to thank all those who have kindly made donations to St James Church. £ 5.10 Donations at the funeral of Marjorie Sharratt £28.50 Donations at the Baptism of Ava May Leach £35.15 Donations at the Wedding of Chris and Paul £20.00 In loving memory of Bessie Bibby, dearly loved mother from Maurice & Jean £50.00 Donation in lieu of Christmas Cards – Alan Lancelotte £50.00 In loving memory of son Philip, from Phyllis Thistlethwaite £200.00 Donation from The Art Group Excavation work for building of the Road to the Bonfire, plus materials, stone and tarmac planings (cost£500) also all work carried out free of charge, in loving memory of The Carr and The Tattersall families. Charitable Giving The PCC approved the following donations:- £100 each to The Salvation Army, Crisis, Storehouse Chorley, Shelter, Chorley Street Pastors Offertories from 9 Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services of £286.20 to The Derian House Childrens Hospice Offertory from the Christingle Service £275.50 to The Childrens Society

Never Old You never will be old with a twinkle in your eye, With the springtime in your heart as you watch the winter fly. You never will be old while you have a smile to share, While you wonder at mankind and you have the time to care. While there’s magic in your world, and a special dream to hold, While you still can laugh at life, you never will be old.

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 17 Diary February 2019 3 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School 6 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

10 FOURTH SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Service

12 Tues 7.30am Mother’s Union Fiona Smithson Quiz - historical objects 13 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

15 Fri 3.30pm Heskin School closes for half term 17 THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion NO Sunday School 12.00 noon 36 Club Draw

19 Tues 7.30pm PCC meeting in Church Hall 20 Wed 10.30am No Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm No Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

24 SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion no Sunday School 25 9.00pm Heskin School opens 27 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm No Rainbows

18 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN March 2019 1 Fri 2.00pm Women’s World Day of Prayer The Vale Church Appley Bridge

3 SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School 6 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Service for Ash Wednesday

10 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School 12 Tues 12.00 noon Mothers Union - Horses for War with Dorothy Broady-Hawkes 13 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 16 Sat 7.00pm Spring Dance in the Church Hall with live music by Jeff Hilton, tickets available from Church £10 including Hot Pot & Apple Pie supper which will be served at 7pm prompt

17 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School 12 noon 36 Club Draw

18 Mon 7.30-9.00am Lent Study Group (venue to be arranged) 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

19 Tues 7.30pm PCC Meeting in Church Hall 20 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 19 24 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School 12.15pm Holy Baptism of Max Liam Jackson

25 Mon 7.30-9pm Lent Study Group 27 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 30 Sat 7.30pm Parkside Colliery Male Voice Choir (in Church) 31 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (Mothering Sunday) 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Service no Sunday School

April 2019

3 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

St James’ Church Magazine

If you have your magazine delivered to your home, your Subscription for 2019 is now due. It is still only £5 for 6 issues – February-April-June-August-October- & December

Please let your distributor have your subscription as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.

20 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Are you or your loved one starting to look into Retirement Living options? Are you looking for a warm, welcoming environment which offers a superb style of living?

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DECEMBER 2015 - JANUARY 2016 ISSUE | 17 DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 18 GATHURST GOLF CLUB • Private Hire/Celebrations • Funerals catered for • Conferences/Meetings • Membership (Golf and Social) • Golf Societies welcomed

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DECEMBER 2015 - JANUARY 2016 ISSUE | 19 DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 20

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FINANCE 24 Hour Service NOW AVAILABLE Caring Family Firm on Funerals & Memorials Subject to status, Pre Arrangement Funeral Plans written details on request and Memorial Plans available Head Office: Halliwell House, 758/768 Ormskirk Rd, Pemberton, Wigan WN5 8BB T: 01942 222156 Branches: Standish 01257 422011, Bryn 01942 271392, 01257 793880, Tyldesley 01942 887312, Scholes 01942 820526, Leigh 01942 261415, Beech Hill 01942 829200, Upholland 01695 622099, Platt Bridge 01942 863936

February/March 2019 Rotas

Date Sidespersons Readers Stewardship Tea/Coffee February 3 M Rowley H Orme M Walters M Burton 4th after Epiphany P & J Rowley S. Crawford P Rowley M Barlow

February 10 R Rowlandson R Rowlandson J Crompton B Carr 4th before Lent J & M Burton A Sharples M Taylor M Walters

February 17 H Orme M Gibson E Gerrard M Walsh 3rd before Lent S & M Johnson E Gerrard D Gaskell S Crawford

February 24 K Mather A Lancelotte D Hoddinott B Berry 2nd before Lent J Fowler/J Ormesher M Fox J Fowler J Crompton

March 3 G Speakman M Morris J Crompton M Green Sunday before Lent M Barlow/B Berry C Pass M Taylor C Pass

March 10 M Morris B Winstone M Rowley J Robinson 1st Sunday of Lent J & M Burton M Taylor J Fowler S Wild

March 17 M Rowley M Mason S Crawford M Burton 2nd Sunday of Lent P & J Rowley E Gerrard P Rowley M Barlow

March 24 R Rowlandson R Rowlandson E Gerrard B Carr 3rd Sunday of Lent S & M Johnson J Fowler D Hoddinott M Walters

March 31 H Orme H Orme M Rowley M Walsh 4th Sunday of Lent M Barlow/B Berry M Wellby M Walters S Crawford Mothering Sunday

April 7 K Mather M Gibson D Gaskell B Berry 5th Sunday of Lent J Fowler/J Ormesher S Crawford S Crawford J Crompton

If you are unable to undertake your task on the rota, please either exchange with someone else or contact Anne Sharples 07900 633905

FEBRUARY -MARCH 19 ISSUE 31 DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 24

SUSUNDAYNDAY SERVICESSERVICES 9.00am Holy Communion 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion (10.30amIncluding Sun Parishday Scho oCommunionl during Term time) (including Sunday School during Term time)

WEEKDAYSWEEKDAYS Wednesday 10.30am Play & Praise (Parent & Toddler Group) Wednesday 10.30am Play & Praise (Parent and Toddler Group) Wednesday 5.00pm Rainbows Wednesday 5.00pm Rainbows Wednesday 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion Wednesday(I n7.30pmcluding L aPrayerying on o fBook Hands Communionon the last Wednesday of the month)

St James’ the Great, Church Lane, Wrightington with Heskin, Lancashire, WN6 9SN