Emergency Livelihoods Sub Cluster 14 April 2021 MoM

KELSC meeting held by arche noVa on Skype group, 14 March 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00.

Participants Mohammed Neamah SEDO Inam Khan Human Appeal Salwa Bahjat Oxfam Mohammed Qasim Al-Ghad Subhi A. Hussein Handicap Sameer Ezzat UNDP Mohammed Chalabi UNOCHA Selahattin Hoşkar POINT Yaser Althalja Amal

Separately update (after the meeting) Ashti Adnan IOM Talid Abdullah HIO

Review the last meeting action points • Coordination meeting between GBV cluster FP, EL cluster focal point and IOM (Done) • Re-share the general service mapping • Double check with the general service mapping of OCHA after the partners shares their update. • Invite Kirkuk actors through HWG by coordination with HWG FP Omer Hassan

update by the sub cluster coordinator

humanitarian fund 2021 (Standard Allocation, budged, prioritize). • Inter-agency missions of returnee areas for April (Taza and Riyadh) and a brief about Riyadh visit. • The durable solutions working group they are in process of sharing three templates with their partners after selecting Al- district as an area of returnee in need the temples are (activity mapping, stakeholder mapping, and priority location) it shared with the ABC member and they wait for inputs.

Kirkuk Emergency Livelihoods Sub-cluster meeting 14.04.21

Other updates from UNOCHA by Mr. Mohammed Chalabi

OCHA conducted an Interagency mission to Riyadh sub-district yesterday April 12th. UNHCR, WHO, IOM Archi Nova joined the mission. The team met with Riyadh mayor and head of services department in the sub-district. The population is 102K people, 12K families, 138 villages and 12 neighborhoods in the town. As a result of three years of ISIL occupation and military operations, 14 villages, 660 houses have been totally destroyed. Only 50% of the displaced families have returned so far to the sub-district due to demolished houses, lack of livelihoods opportunity and lack of basic services. The vast majority of the areas are safe and secured and no major security issues have been experienced. However, humble humanitarian interventions have been carried out in Riyadh. Support is needed in electricity, water, municipality, Sewerage and health sectors. The main obstacle of return in the destroyed villages is the debris and basic services. The team visited Almurra village, which belongs to the Riyadh sub-district, and met with returnees’ representatives. The village was totally demolished (120 houses, two schools and a mosque) as it used to be on the frontline between ISIL fighters and Military forces. Only 35 out of 163 families have returned and rebuilt their house with limited capacity and one school has been rebuilt by the government. None of the humanitarian actors has ever visited the village before. The main needs of the village are debris removal, rehabilitation of the water network and electricity grid. There are 4 female-headed households and they are working in the farms. The vast majority of the inhabitants are farmers and own livestock.

access issue in Kirkuk the challenge is the changing of the command the changing of the power, we, meet, coordinate, and agreed bout suddenly the command was changed. the new command came with his new regulation and the checkpoints start asking for a permission letter from the Kirkuk Operation Center KOC. the NGOs and both national and international we are all following DNGO it's the authority give us the work permit, if you did not register in DNGO you cant work anywhere in Iraq. we have clear directives from DNGO that the National Operation Center letter ( NOC letter) is the only letter most obtained and used for access, using other letter or another way so you breaching the law then you will be legally investigation this the point we always want to make it clear for NGOs. except the commander who asks the NGOs to get the KOC letter other governmental bodies governer office, JCMC representatives, formal commander, DNGO, all are with the NOC letter

Kirkuk Emergency Livelihoods Sub-cluster meeting 14.04.21

so OCHA working on the national level with Baghdad the National operation command Yarallah and he requested a letter from OCHA explanation the situation in Kirkuk we draft the letter and send it and waiting for the response. at Kirkuk leave the situation was discussed at the security governorate committee last Saturday here they decided to go with both NOC and NOC but the validity of KOC will be 3 months, when you get the NOC letter you apply for KOC letter through the governor office but we did not agree on this because it's just a verbal decision we need something written then we share this with Baghdad if DNGO and Joint Operation Command JOC agreed on it so we will inform you and work accordingly so, my recommendation is not to breach the rules the national rules and the DNGO directives. Q/ can you give us an exact date for the solution? Ans/ we rise it to the government side and we wait for the solution from them we can give an exact date. the commander is not stable for Kirkuk maybe it will change at any time so we do not want a local solution for this issue because the NOC work in all Iraq except Kirkuk so we need to be with the other governorates.

Partner Updates The updates from participants were as follows Organization Activity Update Action Point arche noVa Arche noVa implementing a malty sector project for BMZ targeting the returnee and IDPs in northern Iraq especially Kirkuk, SAD, and Diyala where Kirkuk base work on two cities Kirkuk (Hawija, Abasi, ) and SAD (Tuz) our livelihood part include CfW, Greenhouses, training for farmers, cleaning of irrigation channels and kitchen gardens all livelihoods projects is in the process The irrigation channel rehabilitation project in the process of planning and meet the local authorities and preparing for selecting the places. HIO Human Imprint organization (HIO): implementing Bolstering Reconstruction in Iraq Through Development Growth and Employment (BRIDGE) project to improve the employment status of youth male and female and Vulnerable women in Kirkuk. our activities have been started on 1st of March overall Kirkuk province with focusing on Hawija district.

Kirkuk Emergency Livelihoods Sub-cluster meeting 14.04.21

to promoting the vocational training in coordination with KUK DOLSA by linking and facilitating the targeted population by KUK DOLSA to get VT, through the following activities: - Community outreach awareness-raising HIO has been reached 300 individuals in Hawija. - Conducted a 2-day awareness-raising workshop to reach 79 of the community leaders, Local authorities, Mukhtars. - Referral and register 30 beneficiaries to Kirkuk Vocational training center to train them in vocational skills. IOM We are working in three areas IOM will Abasy Center, Hawija, Zab Center announce about the Cluster community (Hay Al nasir, Saray,Hay Al Nidda) livelihood -we have livelihood support but next week will announce for it project on on IOM pages to make people from target community submit. IOM page. - CFW also have in these areas waiting final approval from, once approve will share the activity through link for registration same as livelihood. Al-Ghad Alghad have completed SEVAT assessment in Hawija (Yarmook,Naser, 8Shubat,salam and Huteen) we will held meeting with community committee next week to have their feedback about the distribution during Ramadan, we working on cleaning data and verification then selecting beneficiaries. Beneficiaries numbers will be 510 HH will receive 800$, 100 have received in 2020 and we will complete the others. Human appeal Human appeal will advertise the market assessment consultancy services as required for Kirkuk center by this week. This activity is under UNDP project Establishment of Income Generation Activities and Small Enterprises for Youth Entrepreneurs in and Kirkuk cities.

SEDO SEDO completed the vetting and selecting beneficiaries for apprenticeship and job placement project for Kirkuk city and the list of beneficiaries in approval process from the donor. There will be (60) beneficiary from Kirkuk city and about (33%) of them female. They will attend the training for three months and then sign a working contract with duration not less than six months. SEDO will support the salaries of beneficiaries during the training 100% and the first three months of working period partially Oxfam working with Al Amal Org. is Targeting 50 women for small Business projects in Kirkuk and Hawija center we just completed the assessment process and now we are conducting the scoring to select 50 women

Kirkuk Emergency Livelihoods Sub-cluster meeting 14.04.21

also we are just in the beginning in implementing small business and CFW projects in Sleman Beg,Daquq and kirkuk 100 BNFs for CFW project 50% femal for 20 Days and 200 for small Business(100 small business plus 100 livestock) Handicap Currently we have only the basic HI activities as in MRE Mine Risk Education in Daquq and Hawija and VA in Hawija in the future we will have livelihood project

Reminder of service mapping

A kind reminder for all partners to keep updating their activities on service mapping because it is the first window for the cluster to share your Org. progress and achievements. The partner's update on the EL cluster service mapping is double-checked with the general service mapping of Kirkuk for OCHA The Link of the service mapping here

AOB and next meeting

The next meeting will be on 23 May 2021 at 11:00 am

Kirkuk Emergency Livelihoods Sub-cluster meeting 14.04.21