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Protest closes Main Street

BY \llKE H.\RT:\ETT h; \ e \l,lm Stn~et shut dO\\ n .\r • Rt.!' " ~en tor <;,asha (Jam bur~. pn:,tdent of Ha\cn, the lesbtan. ga~. bhc\:u­ ··He~ he~. ho-ho. homophobia has g 11 w gl1!" was a common!~ heard al and transgemkr organiZJtion on campus. satd the group I"> m.1rchmg to phrase Sunda\ when more than 130 student~ and Delaware rc,tdenh suppon baste ct\ il nghts or pcopk 111 the ga~ community. man.hed dO\\ ;I East :\lam Street tn support of gay nghts. "\\ c ''ant people to stan contactmg thea· rcprescntatt\ cs and 'mcmg Poltce 'hut down \l<.>m Street for the march. spon~orcd b~ Ct\ il thetr optmotb and support lor the ga~ Ct)mmuntt) ... she satd. Liberties Unwn <.llld H:l\en The march began on North College A\·enue Spectators looked on .md some applauded as the marchers \\alked c:nd proceeded down and then bad: up ;\lam Street It concluded on North past them. chantmg. ··Ga). stratght. black or \\hitc. we support ci\ il College A\ enuc atkr protesters\\ alked up to the Pcncader re~tdence halls nghts 1" , nd ba~.:k - Wilmington rcstdcnt Beth Kctl satd she marched because :-.he b tired "ic\\ ark Pnltce Lt. rhumas F. Le\hn the coordmator or special of dtscnmmatton. e\ ents and pamdcs on \1,111 treet, satd the last time poltce shut dO\\ n the ··ohcnmmatton equab fear." she satd. "and fear ts not how I am trcct ''as for a Ku Klux Klan march I 0 \cars ago. gomg to It\ c m) hfc •· Junior Paul (ub on. prest(knt ofCL . . said the group began planning Poltce reopened the street once th~: marchl.!rs reached Fast End Cafe. THI' Rf- \IE\\ \ ull \an the march at the bcgmmug of the semc,ter m response Ill Prestdent George The march \\as scheduled to conclude at the cafe. but thts dtd not stop the Students and community member~ march to Pencader \\. Bu h ·s propo-,ed amendment to the Constirution that would ban gay crowd from tummg uround unJ marchtng back up Street to\\ ard \lam Residence Hall in ~upport of rights t'or gay citizen<.;. marriage ;>,onh Colle!!!.! A\·enue ulom.! the stdt'walks "Ci\ il nghts an: tmportant." he said. "and the~ can not be taken The ma~·ch up to thl.! Pe~cader residence halls was not planned It\\ as ofteusi\C graftitt w.1s \\Tinen on a :-tud~nt' dl) era e board out~ d~ o a\\ a~ ... in response to ''hat lm\ crsi~ Police arc callmg a hate cnme. '' htch thetr r6tdcncc hall room l 1nt\ ersm Police .m: CO!htd nng the m~.:tdent a Gibson said the CLU. '' hteh organizes e\ ents deahng with ct,·il and OCCUlTed Apti! 4. hate cnme bec,tu:-c tt b harassmg 11~ nature und mg to\\ anl the '1 - tudent right on-campus. had a difficult ttmc raismg the $4.000 needed to Capt. James Flatley. scntor assistant dtrector of Public Safet.y satd -,ee Sll DE. fS pagl' A6 Bush, Cheney Police break up testify before Skidfest ear y

9/11 panel BY(' \RSO'\ \\ \LKI'R spokCs\\Om,m. o;Jtd p,,lt~~ l htd (Jerald ~ l p ( mm a '' ,h rre ent and ordered ktdfe The futt.rc of \kidf.. · t tr.. ; be 1 cop­ tL he 1llt dm\ n ard) .tfter authont c . ..?ndl.!d h.: ..?\e 1t carl\ ' B steal \,till: problem\\ Js ihct e \\en: BY A:'\DRE\\ G. SHER\\000 S,Jturd.l\. bet\\-e~o:n I l Otl Pd 1.20L people ther~ "'he .\ta!/ F I' 'tft De~plle endm • 90 '1 JP.t e 1,; rh •he '· td · fhen: h,lll he~.:n n as ault \\here the Prl.!stdcnt George \\. Bu~h and Vice Prestdent Dtck eYcnt still ratsed tru .: t'1a•1 0 ( (l fl he \ tLl m J b~.:cn kt L Lk.:a unc m L 1ous •no :1 Chene) spent Pnrc than three hours bchmd closed doors m Del a'' .~re Breast (·a 1cet ( oalt 1r tr·na .:: sJ fie ed 1.1 1.. 1. ro1'1 allmg o the Oval Office Thursaay wtth the mdcpcndent panel im es­ Semor Bnan Htll. a ho~t of '-,ktdk t, \~a I on the n:ar o, t lL 1 p~:rt\ · rigating the Sent. 11. 2001 terrorist attacks satd the (•rgamzer~· goal \\as to ra• e <:; · 000 y,J ,u fr.: ch, ce f re et\ ·ng p.r­ In a statcrn..? n tsst t.:d ~r the meetmg. the I 0-member to . ~.000 ~ ~ mtt h.''11 e\\ rk tor k1dkst thr I I 1 pand called ll 111 '\:xtraordinary" c\·ent and thanked The pohce broKe 1 p t'1c C\ .:nt ptc:-n,t­ I '' Pre. tdent Bush and \'icc President Cheney for their "forth­ turely due to a dbpute a'1d sJfL') (Vlllcms. "\\ e · re not ~~.. e bout a pcrmtt next comm!! and candid'' answers. he sard. sencster." he -,,rd. · \\ JJd the rno t "'~ J,.;;1athan Stull. spokesman for the 9 11 Commission. "After thl' cop~! tl·-. [Pr KJpp.l could J 1d hL'l ~ ftlly the ut\ \\til t.:e that s::ud Bush. Chene: and the three \Vhtte House law::. ers in Alpha fratcrntt~ I Luau. a h.1t1dfu of g t\ s ..r:J kt us .l,l\ <.; ktdte t u!! 111 • from the luau came up a'1d got mto an lter­ tmp on Jtd the 1llce ... htef be he\ e attenJanct:: were not swom in. nor \\as the mceung clec­ IHl: Rl:\ 11:\' \u.t Donnelly p catton \\ tth the p~llplc \\ l'fk.lllg It t.IC 'ab:e,'' It t too 'oon :o ' \ \\ hcthcr ther<.; '' II be .l tnmtl'all) recorded. Bands performing at Saturday's Skidfest Hill said "Someone .tbo lcllull tht \\d I" tall ·ktJfc~t. · Comtm,sron and \\'htte House note takers ''ere pres­ raised more than $10,000 for cancer research. Cpl Trac~ ~JmP"'o, e\\ .:rrk Pohcc ent. he said. ,md dctJtls of the dtscu"ton \\til be meorpo­ ratcd in the panel's tinul repon. set for relea-;e .tpproxl­ matd~ three montb be for·~ the '\im ember clectton Joseph P1ka. polnrcal sc1ence and mtematwnal rela­ tions profe-.sor. !>Utd despite the restncttOtb and the prest­ ,Ient's reluctance to appear before the council, Bush and Chene) ''til wm pomts for openness. Photograph subject recalls Vietnam "The admini,tratton '' ,1s not cooperatt,·c Jt lirst, .. he sJtd. "but thts ''a~ a hot potato. and 111 the end thetr dcu ston to meet ''as forced b~ public opinion ... B'l JI:.SSIC \ ROL \:'liD she s,11d "Toda\ \\hen a parent tell' mt:: that thetr ,luld doc rd \\ant to go to Stull satd the ans\\Crs pro\ tded b) Bush and Chene) .\hi 0 t'f'(J(t sclwol. I can hardh bclte\ c it'" • were con-,tstent '' tth their prcnous accounts and with In 1972. Assoctatcd Press photographer ~tck Ut captured an image on Phuc ~art1 the \'ietnamcs~ go,·emml.!nt b.... g. n to u~~ her as a '' mbol for recent tcsttmon) to th~.: commisston. \\ htch ts tn\ csttgating film that would fore\ er change the ,,·av '' ar ,,·as percei\·ed the stat\? \\hen 'he \\a' 19 ~;, old An otlic~·r \\ ould ll'll1e ttl pick her up intdltgcnce and Ia\\ enforcement failures before Sept. 11 The Pulitzer ptite-\\ inno1g photograph shows a 9-year-old girl nmmng at .;dlotll. and a gm cnuncnt cmp lo~ ce \\a~ ah\ .t)' '' tth her In response to d1sdosures from the panel in recent awa) from a smokmg 'illagc \\ hich had JUSt been bombed with "

BY BILL WILLIAMS ing the funds and spoke w1th official from up a task force of federal and local offi­ Sraff Reporrer 15 of the states for follow up conserva­ cials who will discuss and try to fix any .More than SS billion in federal anti­ tions. she said. difficulties. terror aid provided after the Sept. 11. 2001 The committee found there are sever­ The task force will soon make recom­ terrorist attacks has not been received by al reasons why the aid ha been held up mendations to Secretary Tom Ridge, who state and local governments, according to such as poor planning and reimbursement will take them into consideration when a congressional report relea ed April 27. system problems, she said. making the final decision about the fund­ The money is allocated to pay for Planning required to decide how ing. Smith aid. state and local first responders. which grants are spent is often done after they The department ha also opened up an LIKUD REJECTS SHARON'S GAZA PROPOSAL includes law enforcement, firefighters and have been issued, she said. The time spent offer to 30 urban areas with significant JERUSALEM - .Members of I5raeli Prime Mini ter Ariel Sharon\ medical per onnel. who are the first on the in local board approval and local planning security needs to facilitate confere~1ce calls Likud soundly rejected his propo ·al to withdra\\ troop and ett\er~ scene after a terrorist attack. procedures adds a significant delay to the between city, county. tate and federal offi­ from the Gaza Strip in an ad\ isor) referendum Sunda), according to A spokeswoman for the House Select process. cials. she said. The conference calls will polls. in a sharp rebuk.e to Sharon and U.S. President George W. Bu~h. who Committee on Homeland Security, the The committee al o found there i a allow different government to discuss any strongly endor~ed the plan. board that prepared the report, said the problem with the reimbursement system problems and see if they can offer any Five uneys b) hraeli tcJe,ision and radio stations ofLikud \Otcrs who money has not made it to the proper places that also limits flow of funding. Local gov­ helpful suggestions. had cast ballot showed the non-bindmg referendum on what Sharon has because it is being held up in administra­ ernments must often purchase necessary "You'd be surprised how much can be called his disengagement plan being resoundingly defeated b) margm~ ot tive loophole . equipment and wait for the federal govern­ worked out by talking to the right people." between 12 to 2-+ percent. Final results were expected Monday . The money will enhance emergency ment to repay them. Smith satd. " We are genuinely trying to get The \ ote ''as marred by the J..illing of a family of fi\'e Jewish euler, - communications, purchase protective gear Valerie Smith. spokeswoman for the this money to where it IS needed. There's a a pregnant mother and four of her children - se\ en hour after polb opened and 1mprove training in response to terror­ Department of Homeland Security. said balance between spending quickly and iu an atta.:k on their car by t\\O Palestinian gunmen in the Gaza Strip. 'fhe ism. state budgets are not prepared for such a spending wise!)." famil) reportedly \Vas on its way to Israel. where they were going to dh­ "It's so they have the tools they need large amount of money in such a short Ro anne Pack. public info rmation tributc flyers urging Likud members to vote against Sharon\ plan Israeli if it were to occur again in the future," she period of t1me. officer for the Delaware Emergency s ldiers killed the two Palestinian attackers in a gun battle. said. "This is an unprecedented amount of Management Agency. said the condition of Sunday mght.shortl) before polb closed at 10 p.m .. lsrael retaliated \\lth According to the report. first respon­ money." he said. the tate's O\ era II funding is good. the targeted killing of four Palestinian militants in a mis ·ile triJ..e on their ders have not recei\·ed a majority of the In the three years pnor to Sept. II. Within the past week. the state man­ car in the \vest Bank city of ~ablus. About three hours earlier. Israeh heli­ $6.3 billion Congress and the Bush admin­ first responder grants 1ssued b) the federal aged to secure S4 million in funding from copters fued three mi~siles at a htgh-nse building in downtown Gaza Cit) istration allocated in terrorism prepared­ government totaled 1.2 billion. In the fis­ the Department of Justice and the that housed a radio <,tation operated by the Islamic Resistance MO\ement. ness grants since Sept. 11 . she said. To cal years 2002 to 2004. the grant amount Department of Homeland Security to\\·ard or Ham as. another st,nion run by Palestinian leader Yas. er Arafat's Fat,lh date, local officials in each state have only increased to more than S 13 bililon. the purchase of equipment for emergency political mo\ement. and a newspaper published by the Palestiman used approximately S 1.1 billion of the fed­ '·People recognize this as a priority." personnel. Authorit) . ~o one \\as reported killed in the strike. eral grants. Smith said. '"A ll thmgs are mo\'mg forward The reJeCHon of Sharon's proposal b) his own patty create · a new le\d To complete the report, the committee To combat the problems. the toward making a better prepared of tum1oil and uncertainty in Israeli domestic politics. Israeli-Palestinian contacted officials in all 50 state regard- Department of Homeland Security has set Delaware," she said. relations and the Bush administration's search for a solution to the Israeh­ Palestinian conflict. It raises questions about \vhether Likud - wh1c.h leads the go\'ernment at the head of a four party coalition - is out of step \\ith Israelis. who in op11110n sun eys have o\·en\ helming!) supported removmg settlemenl!-. and troops from Gaza. It also underscores the pO\\er of Israel's settlement lobb). which mobilized massively to defeat the plan advocated U.S. sued over PATRIOT laws by the prime minister. who 1s con~tdered the father of Israel'' ~ettlement eJ..pansion. "The big factor here is the motl\ation and collective political energie~ of BY KATE CIBSO'I against suspected terrorists and spies," he Jason Mycoff. political science and the settlement mO\ ement. which in the la~t 30 year~ ha~ proven that it can Sraf/ R~porrer said. " ow it can issue ational Security international relations professor. said the hold the hraeh prime mim,ter ho~tage over this t~sue." ~•ud political an.:t­ The American Civil Liberties Union Letters to obtain information about a nyon~ PATRIOT Act was set up to help break ly~t Yossi Alpher. a former official in bracl's Mossdd intelltgencc agenc). has filed a lawsuit against the FBI for using at all. Thi hould be disturbing to all of down the information barrier between the National Security Letter power given under us." CIA and FBI. BIAS AGAINST .\IUSLL\lS UP 70 PERCENT the PATRIOT Act to compel Internet The pro\ ision allovvs the FBI to "Certain parts of the PATRIOT Act are WASHlNGT0:--1 Mu~lim-, 111 the United tates expenenced more th:.m pro\ iders to di ·close information about demand the sensiti\·e records of innocent going to run out." he said. "The threat has I .000 incidents of alleged harassment. \ iolence and dtscnmmatOI) tre ... t­ their customers. people in complete secrecy. he said, with­ changed, but the laws have not. We need a ment in 2003. a JUmp of 70 percent over the pre\ JOUs year. accordmg to a The cas~ was filed on April 6, but the out ever appearing before a federal judge. balance between civil liberties and law report released Monday by a major Islamic ad\Ocacy group ACLL \\as not petmitted to discuss the Ann Beeson. a~sociate legal director enforcement." The report b) the Council on Amcrican-blamic RdattOib attnbuted tilt: case under a strict gag pro\ i 10n. which it is for the ACLU. said the PATRIOT Act. There arc a lot of similar cases that increase to such factor-, as ~tushm-bashmg on radio talk shov,:s Jnd telhtons also challengmg on First Amendment which is up for renewal in 2005. allows the have been brought to court against the surrounding the war in Iraq. grounds gag provision that has kept the . uit from powers that the PATRIOT Act gives to the The group said it recei\ed 1.0 I 9 .:omplaints from ~lu-,lims la'>t year ~on­ The lawsuit challenges the constitu­ coming to the public's attention until now. FBI and other government agencies. cemmg dbcriminatof) or \ 1olent altlons. up from 60~ the year before The tionality of a pro\ ision that allows the FBJ "President Bush can talk about extend­ Mycoff said, but the cases take a long time biggest number of incident'> had to do \\ ith emplo; ment and the refusal to to demand sensitive customer records from ing the life of the PATRlOT Act,'' she said. and none have been resolved. accommodate religious practices. There were aho 93 reponed hate cnmes. businesses without jud1cial O\ ersight. "but the ACLU is still gagged from dis­ "If the PATRIOT Act is not renewed," more than double the total 111 2002. and numerous case~ in wh1ch \1uslum. Jameel Jaffer, an ACLU staff attomey, cussing details of our challenge to it." he said. "then this is a moot point.., alleged that laws were applied to them more harshly because of the 1r ethnic sa1d the NatiOnal Security Letter provisions The ACLU argues that the National The press office of the FBI said that or religious identity. can allow a person's personal information Security Letter provision violates first and due to pending litigation, it cannot com­ Mohamed Nimer. d1rector of research at CAIR and the author of the to be disclosed without them knowing. fourth amendment rights because it gives ment at this time. report. said one reason for the jump m complaints la-,t year might be that '"Before the PATRIOT Act, the FBI the FBI the ability to force sensitive infor­ Musluns were more like!) to report mudents. becau-,e of the growth ol his could use this in\'asive authority only mation disclosed without any safeguards. organization. The coun.:il. based 111 Wa~hmgton. D.C.. has two dozen otttc·es and chapters natimm 1dc . Another factor was increasing atlti-Muslim senriment. fanned by the \\:lf in Iraq and the lingering fear of terrorist attacks. he \aid ''The war on terronsm ts equated \\ llh a ,\ar on hlam.' '\11ner ~aid. ··Although the \\'hire House keeps sa) ing this is not the ca~e. a lot of the Court upholds Pa. redistricting people who support the Wlute House cannot think of it in an! other terms · He also blamed gmemment authont1es thcm~ches for -,ome of the wm­ plaints. ~1ore than 130 ~lu slum said they were !>mgled out for discnm;r •• BY JESSIE HELWIG "The districts don't make any geographic sor at Villanova University. said he disagrees tol) apphcation of the lm\ b) local and federal authontJe'. accordmg to th<' Sra(f Re,.,rrer sense at all. it is just absurd." with Wilson. report. About the same number reponed case~ of racial :llld religiOus pwfil ­ The U.S. Supreme Court ruled According to Morabito. representati\·es "What they did was blatant gerrymat1der­ ing - for c\ample. bemg mistreated in go\ ernment offices or ... mgled out Wedne day to uphold Petmsylvania 's House should have a provincial interest in represent­ ing," he said. "Saying a shift of location is the for que~tioning by pollee. of Repre entative districtmg, despite strong ing the people of their district. reason for more elected seats of Republicans accusation from the Democratic Party of ger­ However. after redistricting occurred, he doesn't make sense.·· CHINA SETS UP SARS l\lONITORING SITES rymandering. said, the Democrats' believe that lines were He said more Democrats are mO\ ing out BEIJING - Responding quick!) to pre\·ent a new outbreak of the SAR