arXiv:astro-ph/0204408v1 24 Apr 2002 onl ihteSaihNtoa omsinfrAstronomy for Commission National Spanish Heidelber Astronomy, the with for jointly Max-Planck-Institute the ope by Alto, Calar ated Centre, Astronomical Astronomer German-Spanish Visiting the was at DK 5-26555. NAS contract Inc NASA Astronomy, at der in by archive Research operated for Universities is data of StScI Association the Institute. Science from Telescope Space obtained the Telescope, Space Hubble ( crto oe sue htaceino easi low is metals of accretion two-phase that ( whose ba- assumes 1993b) theoretical 1993a, model sound (1992, accretion a al. on et Dupuis put by been deeper sis the has into idea of diffusion This parts with layers. denser combined is from medium metals accretion interstellar of to presence attributed The usually hydrogen- atmospheres. with helium-rich objects heav- several of and in traces found sequence be dwarf can white elements the ier of end cool the At Introduction 1. er hyaeol iil uigo hrl fe such after shortly or during 10 visible typically only of encounters. are scales ele- they time accreted on the downwards Since diffuse clouds. ments interstellar through sages edopitrqet to requests offprint Send M M ⋆ wl eisre yhn later) hand by inserted be (will Astrophysics & Astronomy ˙ ˙ ae atyo bevtosmd ihteNASA/ESA the with made observations on partly Based ≈ ≈ o iewiedaf.O atclritrs stedetecti the is interest particular ar Of investigations dwarfs. white previous nine Our for objects. related and dwarfs 2002 Abstract. January 31 Accepted / 2001 December 21 Received 2 1 oee,isaeaeaceinrt utb tlattoorde words. two Key least at be must abun rate accretion the material. average tw for accreted its the observed the However, in be from ratios can metal-to-metal predictions cons non-solar deviations the be Small with abo to 1993b). compatible is has 1993a, value are which new stars metals The by sample star. absorption this ultraviolet of strong temperature effective the of 5 5 · twr bevtr,Uiest fAioa 3 ot Cher North 933 e-mail: Arizona, of University Observatory, Steward ntttfu hoeicePyi n srpyi,Univer e-mail: Astrophysik, und Physik f¨ur Theoretische Institut · 10 10 − − 15 20 M [email protected] of,[email protected] wolff, epeetasaldt aeo ooeeul eie photos derived homogeneously of base data small a present We M tr:audne tr:amshrs–wiedaf ultr – dwarfs white – atmospheres stars: – abundances stars: ⊙ ⊙ yr yr lmn bnacsi olwiedwarfs white cool in abundances Element − − I lrvoe bevtoso Zwiedwarfs white DZ of observations Ultraviolet II. .Wolff B. : 1 1 nydrn aeadsotpas- short and rare during only ) oto h ieadi larger is and time the of most ) ukadWolff Burkhard aucitno. manuscript 1 elvKoester Detlev , ,un- ., the g, r- 6 . no L of on yrgncnb eetdi ital l forobjects. our of all virtually in detected be can Hydrogen acsfrtecmaio ihtetopaeaccretion two-phase abun- the element with of comparison base model. the data for homogeneous ulti- a dances The im- is calculations. latest goal atmosphere the mate using and model again observations in dwarfs calibrated provements study white newly to DZ or worthwhile Wolff in new is & patterns it (Koester abundance that I the concluded Paper have In we recent physics. 2000), including input signal-to- not in atmospheres low advances model with and observations ratios noise from arising certainty are abundances measured the low. and rather stars rarely usually only DZ is in hydrogen observed However, up- layers. the in atmospheric accumulated per to be hy- should subject of not and accretion is diffusion hydrogen downward the element, is lightest ob- the DBZ) As and helium-rich drogen. DZ the types for (spectral problem jects The remaining ratios. observa- notable their can and large most abundances model observed the accretion the two-phase for within account et the – – Dupuis uncertainties that encounter. tional concluded the after (1993b) char- time al. a with in vary photo- way ratios that acteristic so abundance elements and the abundances of spheric scales time diffusion ferent upeetdwt h nlsso lrvoe spectra ultraviolet of analysis the with supplemented e i¨ tKe,D208Ke,Germany Kiel, D-24098 sit¨at Kiel, so antd oe hntemtlaceinrate. accretion metal the than lower magnitude of rs eea rbe fpeiu oprsn steun- the is comparisons previous of problem general A dif- from benefit model accretion the of tests Empirical drdcnitnl.Temtlaudne four of abundances metal The consistently. idered α ac aisi oeojcs hscudindicate could This objects. some in ratios dance 1 t10 oe hnpeiu eut u othe to due results previous than lower K 1000 ut yAeu,Tco,A 52,USA 85721, AZ Tucson, Avenue, ry -hs crto oe fDpi ta.(1992, al. et Dupuis of model accretion o-phase n ae Liebert James and , bopini a ann2adadetermination a and 2 Maanen van in absorption voe:stars aviolet: hrceeetaudne fD white DZ of abundances element pheric 2 ⋆ 2 Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs

Table 1. Observations

WD Number Name Observations λ/ A˚ ∆λ/ A˚ Remarks 0002+729 GD 408 IUE, SWP19006L 1150–1950 6.0 IUE, LWR15058L 1850–3250 6.0 MMT 3750–4650 1.0 Sion et al. (1988) 0038−226 LHS 1126 HST/FOS, G190H 1573–2330 1.5 HST/FOS, G270H 2221–3301 2.1 HST/FOS, G400H 3240–4822 3.1 BVRIJHK photometry 4400–22000 Bergeron et al. (1997) 0046+051 vMa 2 IUE, LWR03322L 1850–3250 6.0 IUE, LWR06474L 1850–3250 6.0 Calar Alto, 3.5m 3730–5075 4.0 BVRIJHK photometry 4400–22000 Bergeron et al. (1997) 0552−041 LP 658-2 HST/FOS, G190H 1573–2330 1.5 HST/FOS, G270H 2221–3301 2.1 HST/FOS, G400H 3240–4822 3.1 BVRIJHK photometry 4400–22000 Bergeron et al. (1997) 0752−676 BPM 4729 HST/FOS, G190H 1573–2330 1.5 HST/FOS, G270H 2221–3301 2.1 HST/FOS, G400H 3240–4822 3.1 BVRIJHK photometry 4400–22000 Bergeron et al. (1997) 1011+570 GD 303 IUE, SWP18994L 1150–1950 6.0 IUE, LWR15047L 1850–3250 6.0 MMT 3750–4650 1.0 Sion et al. (1988) 1225−079 K 789-37 IUE, SWP30001L 1150–1950 6.0 IUE, LWP09836L 1850–3250 6.0 SAAO, 1.9m 3600–5000 5.0 Koester et al. (1990) 1822+410 GD 378 IUE, SWP19549L 1150–1950 6.0 IUE, LWR15578L 1850–3250 6.0 MMT 3750–4650 1.0 Sion et al. (1988) 2216−657 L 119-34 IUE, SWP29720L 1150–1950 6.0 IUE, LWR14743L 1850–3250 6.0

We started in Paper I with the Hubble Space Telescope International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) which have been (HST) observations of the DZA white dwarfs L 745-46A newly calibrated (NEWSIPS) and which show significant and Ross640. Both objects show weak Balmer lines in improvements compared to older versions. HST/FOS ob- addition to metals and are therefore interesting with re- servations could also be used for three stars. gard to the hydrogen problem mentioned above. We have used the high quality HST spectra to test our analysis 2. Model atmospheres methods and to study the remaining uncertainties of the model atmospheres. In comparison with previous inves- A general description of the procedures used for the calcu- tigations, we were able to determine more accurate ele- lation of our LTE model atmospheres and synthetic spec- ment abundances, especially for carbon and iron. Major tra has been given by Finley et al. (1997). Further details improvements were possible for the modeling of the broad can be found in Paper I. We only explain briefly the effects Lα lines in both stars which could be reproduced for the of different equations of states (EOS) and the treatment first time without any unphysical assumptions. This pro- of Lα absorption. vides new means for the analysis of the hydrogen content We use for our models a version of the Hummer- in cool white dwarfs. Mihalas-D¨appen EOS (Mihalas et al. 1990) which predicts larger non-ideal effects and larger ionization than the EOS In this paper, we analyze all available ultraviolet obser- by Saumon & Chabrier (1994) and Saumon et al. (1995). vations of white dwarfs with spectral types DZ and DBZ. In Paper I, we have compared the results of our standard The ultraviolet is very suited for the study of metal abun- models with models were non-ideal effects are switched off dances because the relevant elements have in general much and the ionization fraction is determined only by thermal stronger lines in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum effects using the unmodified Saha equation. For models than in the optical part – with the exception of the Ca II with effective temperatures of about 8000 K non-ideal ef- H and K lines. We use for most stars observations with the fects are negligible but the situation may be different at Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs 3

Fig. 1. Flux distribution of van Maanen 2: BVRIJHK photometry from Bergeron et al. (1997) and IUE observations (rebinned to 60 A˚ resolution). The continuous curve is a model with Teff = 5700 K, metals, and hydrogen, the dashed curve a pure helium model with Teff = 6700 K the lower temperatures of some of the stars in this paper. star, the optical spectrum exhibiting, besides the typi- We therefore test the influence of non-ideal effects in these cal CaII H+K lines, CaI at 4227 A,˚ FeI at 4384 A,˚ and cases. several Fe I lines on the blue wing of Ca II. Analysis of Of importance for the analysis of the HST spectra of this star, using model atmospheres, has been pioneered L745-46A and Ross640 has been the Lα wing which dom- by Weidemann (1960) and later by Wegner (1972) and inates the UV spectra of both stars. Since model calcula- Grenfell (1974). The ultraviolet spectrum is dominated tions using van-der-Waals broadening by neutral helium by the strong MgI line at 2852 A.˚ Also important are the result in a Lα wing extending far into the optical region Mg II lines at 2796/2803 A˚ and several weak lines of FeI we have developed in Paper I a new approach to model and Fe II. Until now, the ultraviolet spectrum has not been this line. Since we are only interested in the far wings analyzed in detail. Bergeron et al. (1997, 2001) have re- we use the quasistatic limit of the broadening theory (see cently determined Teff = 6770 K from BVRIJHK pho- e.g. Allard & Kielkopf 1991) but take into account two tometry using a pure helium atmosphere. Combining this effects which are important at high perturber densities: result with the trigonometric they also derived the variation of the transition probability with distance log g =8.40. between emitter and perturber and the strongly repulsive We use the photometry together with the co-added potential at close distances. With this procedure we were IUE LWR spectra to define the flux distribution of able to reproduce the Lα wings in both stars at the same van Maanen 2. An optical spectrum (3730–5075 A)˚ ob- abundances as derived from optical Balmer lines. tained at the Calar Alto observatory complements the observations for the determination of metal abundances. 3. Observations We started the analysis with a pure helium atmosphere of Teff = 6700 K. Fig. 1 shows the fit of this model to Three of our objects have been observed with the Faint the flux distribution. To account for the solid angle of Object Spectrograph (FOS) onboard HST. For the re- the star the model has been scaled to reproduce the in- maining six DZ/DBZ white dwarfs we have used low dis- frared J magnitude. It fits the photometric data well but persion IUE spectra. The IUE data were retrieved from fails to reproduce the overall flux level at ultraviolet wave- the IUE final archive and have been calibrated with the lengths where the absorption from metals is important. NEWSIPS calibration (Nichols et al. 1994). In addition Then we calculated model atmospheres and spectra with to these data, we have also used optical observations and Teff = 6700 K and several chemical compositions to de- optical photometric scans. A list of the observations can termine the abundances of magnesium, calcium, and iron be found in Table 1. from optical and ultraviolet lines by a visual comparison. It turned out that the backwarming effect from the ultra- 4. Analysis violet absorption – especially from the strong Mg I line – 4.1. Van Maanen 2 and the effect of increased electron density significantly alter the flux distribution. The effective temperature has Van Maanen 2 (WD0046+051) is one of the three clas- to be reduced and, consequently, the abundances have to sic white dwarfs. It is a cool and very metal-rich DZ be determined again. In an iterative process we finally de- 4 Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs

Fig. 2. IUE spectrum of van Maanen 2 compared to a model with Teff = 5700 K, log g = 7.9, log H/He = −5.0, log Mg/He = −9.1, log Si/He = −9.0, log Ca/He = −10.65, log Fe/He = −9.4 (solid line) and a model with the same parameters but without hydrogen (dashed line)

rived Teff = 5700 K, about 1000 K lower than the original considered here have not been observed so far in DZ white result from Bergeron et al. dwarfs. With regard to the experience with absorption Fig. 1 shows that the new model can account for the from Lα in L745-46A and Ross640 (PaperI) we would complete observed flux distribution. At optical and in- rather attribute the missing opacity to hydrogen. Fig. 2 frared wavelengths both model spectra are virtually iden- shows that adding an abundance of log H/He = −5.0 im- tical. Our effective temperature is similar to previous re- proves the fit considerably. The Balmer lines are too weak sults from e.g. Wegner (1972), Grenfell (1974), and Liebert at this abundance to be detected in existing optical spec- et al. (1987) who considered the contributions of metals tra so that the analysis of the hydrogen content must rely as electron donators in their calculations. This shows the entirely on Lα. importance of an accurate chemical composition for de- The results for van Maanen 2 are summarized in termining effective temperatures of DZ white dwarfs and Table 2. For the abundances, we include three different related objects – a result which is also found and discussed error sources: uncertainties from effective temperature, in more detail by Provencal et al. (2002) in their analysis gravity, and from the choice of the equation of state. of ProcyonB. These systematic effects dominate the total error whereas From a visual comparison of the fits to the flux distri- pure statistical contributions are of minor importance. bution with different models we estimate the error of Teff Formal statistical errors are comparitively low and do not to about ± 200 K. The solid angle necessary to reproduce reflect the true uncertainties. Therefore, we have deter- the photometry together with the trigonometric parallax mined the individual contributions from the systematic er- from Hipparcos (π = 226.95±5.35mas; ESA 1997) and the ror sources using visual comparisons to models with differ- mass-radius relation from Wood (1994; without hydrogen) ent parameters and have added the contributions quadrat- implies a of log g =7.9. The uncertainties ically. As mentioned in Sect. 2, non-ideal effects are not in Teff and π translate into ± 0.2 for the log of the gravity. important in the somewhat hotter stars L745-46A and The higher value of log g = 8.4 derived by Bergeron et Ross640. However, a weak influence can be observed in al. (1997, 2001) is due to the higher effective temperature van Maanen 2. If we use the Saha equation instead of our which gives a higher intrinsic flux and therefore a smaller standard EOS, then the gas pressure increases whereas the radius and a larger mass for the star. electron density decreases and the absorption lines – espe- The absorption from magnesium, calcium, and iron cially the wings – are in general somewhat broader. The alone cannot reproduce the ultraviolet flux completely. As abundances have to be changed by about 0.1 to 0.2 dex illustrated in Fig. 2, there is a significant discrepancy at to account for this effect. λ ∼< 2300 A.˚ We have included in the model calculations all lines from the identified metals and have also determined 4.2. LHS 1126, LP 658-2, and BPM 4729 an upper limit for silicon. One may speculate that other unidentified metals may be responsible for the absorption. The analysis of van Maanen 2 shows the importance of However, we do not think this to be plausible since, for ex- the ultraviolet region for the temperature determination ample, the absorption from CI at 1930 A˚ would result in a and the question of the hydrogen abundance. It seems, competely different shape and other metals than the ones therefore, worthwhile to investigate the ultraviolet spec- Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs 5 tra of other white dwarfs with similar effective tempera- compare a model (dotted line) with these parameters to ture. In this section, we present HST/FOS observations the observed flux distribution. The optical and infrared of LHS1126, LP658-2, and BPM4729, the coolest white photometry can be reproduced but the ultraviolet part is dwarfs in our sample. The observations have been ob- again unsatisfactory. If the flux deficiency is attributed tained in guaranteed time but have not been published to the absorption from Lα then about H/He = 5 · 10−4 so far since the fluxes differed decisively from the predic- would be necessary (solid line in Fig. 3). In contrast with tions of preexisting models raising some doubts about the LHS1126, the shape of the absorption feature cannot be accuracy of the FOS calibration. However, without go- reproduced in detail. Higher hydrogen abundances seem to ing into details, we consulted with Ronald Downes of the be necessary for λ< 3000 A˚ but the absorption at longer Space Telescope Science Institute and other members of wavelengths would then be too strong. Our approach for the FOS team and have concluded that the data reduced Lα seems to overestimate the absorption in the outermost with the standard FOS pipeline are – to the best of our wing. knowledge – calibrated correctly. The third cool object with FOS observations is − LHS1126 (WD0038 226)is one of the few C2H stars, BPM4729 (WD0752−676). Wickramasinghe & Bessell a spectral class introduced by Schmidt et al. (1995). These (1979) have detected weak Hα and Hβ lines. Bergeron et objects exhibit broad optical absorption features which al. (1997, 2001) could fit the optical/infrared photometry have at first been interpreted as blueshifted C2 Swan and Hα with Teff = 5730 ± 110 K, log g =8.21 ± 0.09, and bands. Schmidt et al., however, showed that C2H is the a pure hydrogen atmosphere. We compare in Fig. 3 a pure most probable carbon and hydrogen compound to be hydrogen model (dotted line) to the observed flux distri- formed under the conditions in LHS 1126. The strong in- bution. Again, the ultraviolet part where Lα is important frared flux deficiency reported by Wickramasinghe et al. cannot be reproduced. The predicted profile for Lα in a (1982) could be explained by Bergeron et al. (1994) using hydrogen atmosphere is completely at odds with the ob- collision-induced absorption of H2 with He. servation. The ultraviolet part looks more like a helium- Bergeron et al. (1997, 2001) have determined Teff = dominated atmosphere similar to LHS1126 or LP658-2. It ± ± 5400 170 K, log g =7.91 0.17,and logHe/H=1.86 from is indeed possible to fit this region with H/He = 3 · 10−5 optical/infrared photometry together with the trigono- at about Teff = 5500 K. However, optical hydrogen lines metric parallax. In Fig. 3 we present a model calcula- are not visible under these conditions raising doubts on tion (dashed line) using the parameters from Bergeron the validity of this solution. et al. and compare it with the HST/FOS spectrum and the photometry. The model flux is significantly too high All three objects presented here show problems if the at infrared wavelengths. This could be expected since we infrared and ultraviolet parts of the electromagnetic spec- do not include collision-induced absorption in our calcu- trum are to be fitted simultaneously. In LP 658-2, addi- lations. More severe is, however, the failure in the ultravi- tional absorption, most probably from Lα, seems to be olet. We have included absorption by Lα in the same way present which would not affect severely the solution from as for L745-46A and Ross640 (see Sect. 2 and PaperI). the optical/IR photometry. In LHS1126 and BPM4729, The high hydrogen abundance of LHS1126 results in an however, the ultraviolet and infrared observations require extremely strong absorption. completely different atmospheric compositions. We should The observed Lα profile can be fitted much better note that the HST observations are consistent with exist- if the abundance is reduced to H/He = 3 · 10−6 (solid ing photometry in the B and U bands which is plotted as line in Fig. 3). Lα absorption is still significant as can be filled circles in Fig. 3. Therefore, the discrepancies between seen from the comparison with a pure helium atmosphere the observations and some models cannot be attributed to (dotted line). The low hydrogen abundance implied by remaining uncertainties in the FOS calibration. the ultraviolet flux poses a severe problem since a high Bergeron et al. (1997, 2001) have also noted difficulties value is required to explain the infrared flux deficiency in fitting the blue energy distribution. They have tried to by collision-induced absorption. Our approach to model explain this with a missing opacity, attributed to a pseudo- the Lα wing has been tested successfully at about 2000 K continuum originating from the Lyman edge, for which no higher effective temperatures. It is possible that this ap- physical discription exists. However, one source of opacity proach fails at lower temperatures although the observed which necessarily is present and which is very strong at profile can be fitted very well. It could nevertheless be cool temperatures is the Lα line. The ultraviolet part of expected that Lα absorption must be strong for an abun- the spectrum is therefore essential for a determination of dance of H/He ≈ 10−2. However, the observations do not the H/He ratio. We have shown with our new theoretical show a strong UV flux deficiency. discription that at least in He-rich objects the wing ex- A much simpler atmospheric composition is found in tends into the blue part of the optical spectrum. Under LP658-2 (WD0552−041) which is classified DZ due to the these extreme conditions our line profile calculations may presence of sharp CaII lines (Eggen & Greenstein 1965). be only a first approximation and we cannot yet present Bergeron et al. (2001) have fitted the optical and ultra- satisfactory fits. It seems to be important, however, to con- violet photometry using a pure helium atmosphere with sider the whole energy distribution of these objects from Teff = 5060 ± 60 K and log g = 8.31 ± 0.02. In Fig. 3 we the UV to the IR to achieve a correct interpretation. 6 Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs

Fig. 3. HST/FOS spectra (bars) of LHS1126 (top), LP658-2 (middle), and BPM 4729 (bottom) combined with VRIJHK photometry from Bergeron et al. (2001). Additional photometry in the B (Bergeron et al. 2001) and U band (averages from the compilation of McCook & Sion 1999) is plotted as filled circles. The observations are −6 compared to varied model spectra. LHS1126: Teff = 5400 K, log g = 7.9, H/He = 3 · 10 (solid line), pure helium −2 −4 (dotted), and H/He = 1 · 10 (dashed). LP658-2: Teff = 5050 K, log g = 8.3, H/He = 5 · 10 (solid), pure helium −5 (dotted). BPM 4729: Teff = 5500 K, log g =8.21, H/He=3 · 10 (solid), Teff = 5730 K, log g =8.21, pure hydrogen (dotted). All models have been fitted to the V magnitude Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs 7

Fig. 4. Lα wing of L 119-34. The thick continuous curve is a model with Teff = 9200 K and logH/He = −4.0. The dashed curve is a model with Teff = 8900 K; the lower temperature can only partly be compensated by a lower hydrogen abundance (log H/He = −5.0). The observed spectrum shows also the CI line at 1930 A,˚ CaII at 1840 A,˚ and several Fe II lines

Bergeron et al. (1997, 2001) draw far-reaching conclu- ible with these values: b − y = 0.09 and u − b = 0.16 for sions based on their findings of H/He ratios in cool white Teff = 10 500 K. They would, however, favor a somewhat dwarfs, e.g. the absence of He atmospheres between 5000 higher temperature of about 11000 K. We can determine and 6000 K, and their re-appearance below 5000 K. With the surface gravity only very inaccurately with the ex- our demonstration in this paper that the parameters from isting data. An estimate is possible due to the different Bergeron et al. fail to explain the UV flux distribution sensitivity of Hβ and Lα to changes in log g and hydro- of several objects it is clear that we have currently not gen abundance. The effect of a lower or higher gravity on reached a consistent interpretation of these objects. The Hβ can be compensated to some extent by the hydrogen question of H vs. He atmospheres or the H/He ratio in abundance but this leads eventually to an incompatible mixed atmospheres needs further study. flux at the shortest IUE wavelengths. We estimate a pos- sible range of log g = 8.0 ± 0.5. The uncertainty of the gravity implies errors of ± 300 K for Teff and ± 0.5 for 4.3. L 119-34 and K 789-37 log H/He. L119-34 (WD2216−657) and K789-37 (WD1225−079) The new effective temperature is about 1000 K higher have similar effective temperatures of about 10000 K. IUE than the previous results from Liebert et al. (1987; spectra are available for both objects, for K789-37 we Teff = 9700 K) using multichannel spectrophotometry and can also use an optical spectrum (3600–5000 A)˚ obtained Koester et al. (1990; Teff = 9500 ± 500 K) using IUE with the 1.9m telescope of the South African Astronomical and optical spectra. The latter could reproduce the op- Observatory (Koester et al. 1990). K789-37 exhibits Hα, tical spectrum with 10000 K whereas the UV flux of the Hβ, MgI, and CaII in optical spectra. The IUE spectrum model was too high with this temperature. We attribute adds Mg II, Si I, Fe I, and Fe II. We use the IUE spectrum, these problems to the missing Lα opacity in their models. the visual magnitude (V = 14.79) and the Str¨omgren col- For the analysis of the metal lines, we use Teff = ors (b−y =0.05, u−b =0.16) from Kilkenny (1986, 1987) 10 500 K, log g = 8.0, and log H/He = −3.8. The de- to define the overall flux distribution. rived abundances are listed in Table 2. The errors repre- We start the analysis of K 789-37 by investigating the sent the uncertainties in effective temperature and gravity. effective temperature and the hydrogen abundance. Since For magnesium, there are additional uncertainties due to Lα determines the spectral shape at the shortest UV the line profile of the Mg II lines at 2796/2803 A.˚ The wavelengths both quantities have to be analyzed simul- observed profile cannot be reproduced exactly, a prob- taneously. However, only a rough estimate of the hydro- lem which is also known from the analysis of Ross 640 gen abundances is necessary for the temperature deter- (Paper I). The broadening of the magnesium lines is deter- mination because Lα depends only weakly on the ex- mined by van-der-Waals interaction with neutral helium. act value of the abundance. If we assume log g = 8 we To reproduce the observed profile, we have increased the derive Teff = 10500 K from a fit to the V magnitude broadening parameter for van-der-Waals interaction (γ6) and the IUE spectrum; a visual inspection of Hβ gives by a factor of five (see also Zeidler-K.T. et al. 1986). We log H/He = −3.8. The Str¨omgren colors are also compat- added (quadratically) an additional error of 0.5 dex to 8 Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs account for the uncertainty due to the line profile. The error of the iron abundance represents also the small dif- ferences if the abundances are derived from FeI or FeII, respectively. The silicon abundance has to be taken with caution because Si I cannot be identified clearly. The same is true for aluminum (log Al/He = −7.75±0.5, not listed in Table 2). From the non-detection of the C I line at 1931 A,˚ we determine an upper limit of log C/He = −7.5. Contrary to K789-37, hydrogen lines could not be de- tected in existing optical spectra of L 119-34, until now (see Zeidler-K.T. et al. 1986). However, the shorter wave- length part of the IUE spectrum indicates strongly the presence of Lα. We, therefore, determine simultaneously effective temperature and hydrogen abundance from the overall flux distribution as given by the IUE spectrum and the visual magnitude (V = 14.43, Eggen 1969). This is possible due to the different influence of Teff and Lα on the ultraviolet spectrum. The situation is illustrated in Fig. 4. From a visual comparison we derive Teff = 9200 ± 300 K +0.5 and log H/He = −4.0−1.0. Since the surface gravity can- not be determined with existing observations we have as- sumed log g = 8.0 ± 0.5. This is not critical because the shape of the ultraviolet spectrum depends only weakly on the gravity. The Str¨omgren colors b−y and u−b (Zeidler- K.T. et al. 1986) can also be used for a temperature es- +1000 timate. They give Teff = 9200−300 K, in agreement with the above value. The element abundances, as determined from the IUE spectrum, are listed in Table 2. The errors reflect the un- certainties in effective temperature and gravity. For sili- con, an additional error of ± 0.2 is added because of the difficulty to reproduce all Si I lines with the same abun- dance. An additional error of ± 0.25 has also been taken into account for iron because of abundance differences be- tween Fe I and Fe II lines.

4.4. GD 408, GD 378, and GD 303

GD408 (WD0002+729), GD378 (WD1822+410), and Fig. 5. IUE spectra of GD 408 (top), GD 378 (middle), GD303 (WD1011+570) are three DBZ stars with effec- and GD 303 (bottom) compared with model atmospheres tive temperatures well above 10000 K. Photospheric CaII for the parameters of Table 2 lines could be detected in all three objects but other metal determinations do not exist in the literature. We examine The IUE spectra of all three stars reveal weak lines the IUE spectra and the optical observations of Sion et al. from Mg II and Fe II (Fig. 5). Since these features are (1988). present in all three spectra we are confident that they are

Weidemann & Koester (1991) have determined Teff not observational artifacts. The derived abundances are from multichannel spectrophotometry and log g with the listed in Table 2. The errors include uncertainties due to help of the trigonometric parallax for GD 408. Oke et al. errors in effective temperature and gravity. We have also (1984) used multichannel data to determine Teff and log g analyzed the optical spectra of Sion et al. (1988) again. for GD 378 and GD 303. We have used the results for the Our new values for the calcium abundance are about two gravity in our analysis but have tested the previous tem- orders of magnitude higher than the values derived by perature determinations using the IUE spectra and the Dupuis et al. (1993b) because the scaling of the equiva- visual magnitudes. Our results for GD408 and GD303 lent width by the square root of the abundance, as used (see Table 2) are compatible with the previous values; for by Dupuis et al. in their analysis, does not give reliable GD378 we determine a temperature about 1500 K hotter results here. than Oke et al. (1984). Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs 9

Table 2. Effective temperatures, gravities, and element abundances (by number).The errors include systematic un- certainties and are determined from visual comparisons to model atmospheres. The five hottest objects are of spectral type DBZ(A) and the others of spectral type DZ(A)

Object Teff /K log g log H/He log C/He log Mg/He log Si/He log Ca/He log Fe/He vMa 2a 1 5700±200 7.9±0.2 −5.0±0.5 −9.1±0.3 < −9.0 −10.65±0.2 −9.4±0.2 L 745-46Ab 2 7500±200 8.0±0.2 −3.1±0.4 < −8.0 −9.05±0.2 −9.4±0.35 −10.60±0.2 −9.8±0.2 Ross 640b 3 8500±200 8.0±0.2 −3.3±0.3 < −9.0 −7.25±0.65 −7.5±0.5 −8.65±0.45 −8.3±0.15 a ± ± − +0.5 − ± − ± − ± − d − ± L 119-34 4 9200 300 8.0 0.5 4.0−1.0 6.0 0.5 6.8 0.7 7.9 0.4 9.1 7.95 0.7 K 789-37a 5 10500±300 8.0±0.5 −3.8±0.5 < −7.5 −7.6±0.6 −7.5±0.5 −7.9±0.2 −7.4±0.3 a ± ± e − ± e − h − ± − − ± − +0.5 GD 408 6 13750 250 8.0 0.2 6.0 0.3 < 7.0 8.5 0.5 < 8.0 9.6 0.3 7.5−1.0 c ± ± − +0.7 − − ± − ± − ± − ± HS 2253 7 14700 500 8.0 0.25 5.0−0.5 < 7.5 5.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 6.1 0.4 5.1 0.1 GD 40c 8 15150±600 8.0±0.25 −5.3±0.5 −7.2±0.2 −6.0±0.6 −6.5±0.5 −6.7±0.3 −6.2±0.1 GD 378a 9 17000±800 7.9±0.2f −4.0g < −6.7h −6.5±0.8 < −6.5 −8.15±0.5 < −5.5 a ± ± f − g − h − ± − − ± − +0.5 GD 303 10 18000 1000 7.8 0.2 < 5.5 < 6.5 5.75 0.5 < 7.0 7.75 0.5 5.5−1.5 a this paper; b Paper I (Koester & Wolff 2000); c Friedrich et al. (1999); d Zeidler-K.T. et al. (1986); e Weidemann & Koester (1991); f Oke et al. (1984); g Sion et al. (1988); h Wegner & Nelan (1987)

5. Discussion temperature. This is, however, a selection effect since at higher temperatures only high metal abundances can be We have analyzed effective temperatures, gravities, and detected in the low resolution and low signal-to-noise ob- surface abundances for six DZ/DBZ white dwarfs. For the servations normally used to identify DZ white dwarfs (see following discussion, we add the results from Paper I and e.g. Zeidler-K.T. et al. 1986 for quantitative estimates of the two DBZ white dwarfs from Friedrich et al. (1999). the visibility ranges). These ten stars span virtually the complete range of tem- Further information about the accretion process can be peratures of DZ/DBZ white dwarfs. They are the only ob- extracted from the ratios of the metal abundances. Fig. 7 jects with ultraviolet observations which provide the best shows the values for the six independent combinations of possibility to investigate the whole spectrum of metals; in the four observed metals. Again, the continuous curves optical observations, only Ca II is found in general. We define the allowed ranges from the model of Dupuis et collect the parameters for all stars in Table 2. al. (1993b). The straight line is the solar abundance ratio We start with a comparison of the observed abun- which is reached in the first moments of a cloud encounter dances with the predicted ranges from the model of if the accreted material has solar composition. Afterwards, Dupuis et al. (1993b) in Fig. 6. The two continuous curves the ratio is altered due to diffusion and approaches the in each panel represent the lowest and highest possi- equilibrium value (not shown in Fig. 7) which is always ble abundances at each effective temperature. The lower within 0.5 dex of the solar ratio. The second curve in Fig. 7 curves correspond to the equilibrium abundances reached corresponds to the maximum (or minimum) value reached −20 −1 in the low accretion phase (M˙ ≈ 5 · 10 M⊙ yr for shortly after a cloud encounter when the abundance of the 49 million years in the model of Dupuis et al.) whereas element with the shorter diffusion time scale is again near the upper curves correspond to the maximum abundance the value during low accretion. Afterwards, the ratio turns reached during passages through interstellar clouds (M˙ ≈ back to the equilibrium value. At any time, the observed −15 −1 5 · 10 M⊙ yr for one million years). Both curves abundance ratio must be between the two curves shown should be taken with some caution since the actual values in Fig. 7. The difference between them depends on the of the accretion rates are not known exactly. Moreover, diffusion time scales of the two elements. the upper curve depends also partly on the duration of Most individual abundance ratios fall into the pre- the cloud encounter since an equilibrium between accre- dicted range. They are also often near the solar value tion and diffusion is not reached at all temperatures during (and the equlibrium value) which can be seen well in the 6 the assumed passage value of 10 years. Mg/Ca and Fe/Mg diagrams. This implies that we observe The comparison shows that the model assumptions the DZ stars mostly during the high accretion phase – in can account in general for the observed metal abundances agreement with the observation that the abundances in since most observed values are well between the two limits Fig. 6 are near the upper curve. The deviations from the of the model predictions. Only the observations of GD 40 predicted regions could be attributed to individual varia- and HS2253+8023 (numbers 7 and 8 in Fig. 6) are in tions of the chemical composition of the accreted material part above the upper limits but this can be attributed to which could be different from star to star. However, we the mentioned uncertainties. The data in Fig. 6 seem also follow here the discussion of Dupuis et al. (1993b) who to indicate a correlation of the abundances with effective explained these differences by the same changes of the 10 Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs

Fig. 6. Observed metal abundances (error bars) compared with the predicted ranges from the two-phase accretion model of Dupuis et al. (1993b). The lower continuous curve is the equilibrium abundance reached in the low accretion phase. The upper curve is the maximum abundance during an encounter with an interstellar cloud. Observational upper limits are denoted by dashed bars. The labels correspond to the numbering in Table 2 composition for all stars. This conclusion is supported by (−0.7 dex) and the calcium abundance by a factor of ≈ 2 systematic tendencies which were not clearly present in (0.3 dex). Similar values were also determined by Dupuis previous studies: Several observed values especially of the et al. (1993b). Si/Ca and Si/Fe ratios are below the allowed range. The underabundance of silicon is interesting in connec- If the abundance of one element in the accreted mate- tion with the assumption that metals are accreted onto rial is changed then the whole region of possible ratios in white dwarfs in the form of grains. Silicon has the lowest Fig. 7 is shifted by that amount. If we want virtually all condensation temperature of the four metals usually found measured values to fall into the predicted range then the in DZ spectra (see e.g. Spitzer 1978, Fig. 9.1). During the silicon abundance must be changed by a factor of ≈ 0.2 formation of grains for example in the winds of cool gi- Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs 11

Fig. 7. Observed metal abundance ratios (error bars) compared with the predicted ratios from Dupuis et al. (1993b). The two continuous curves give the possible range if the accreted material has solar composition. Upper limits from the observations are denoted by dashed bars ants it condenses later than the other elements. It has, In contrast to heavier elements, hydrogen is not ac- therefore, a lower depletion factor in the gas phase of the creted in the form of grains. As mentioned in the in- and may be underabundant in the troduction, it can only be observed in DZ white dwarfs grains accreted onto white dwarfs. During the infall onto at unexpectedly low abundances. Nine of our objects ex- the silicon could be evaporated earlier than hibit hydrogen, in two of them we could show for the first other metals and may partly not reach the surface. Other time its presence through absorption by Lα. The distri- elements with higher condensation temperatures would bution of hydrogen abundances against the effective tem- survive the accretion process better. Note that calcium, peratures of the stars is shown in Fig. 8. As in previ- which is probably overabundant, has the highest conden- ous investigations, a correlation with effective tempera- sation temperature of the four metals. ture cannot be observed. We show as a comparison also 12 Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs

Fig. 8. Observed hydrogen abundances compared to the Fig. 9. Calcium-to-hydrogen ratios compared to the max- expected abundance for continuous accretion of material imum Ca/H ratio which could be expected for accretion −18 −1 with solar composition with M˙ = 10 M⊙ yr . of material with solar composition. the expected hydrogen abundance for continuous accre- our improved data set than in the previous investigation −18 −1 tion of M˙ = 10 M⊙ yr (Dupuis et al. 1993b). The of Dupuis et al. (1993b). Hydrogen is present in virtu- calculation assumes solar composition of the accreted ma- ally all of our objects. However, the average accretion rate terial and a start of the accretion at Teff = 20000 K. The of hydrogen must be more than two orders of magnitude exact choice of the starting point is not critical because lower than the average accretion rate of the metals – even of the rapidly increasing cooling ages towards lower tem- in those objects with the highest hydrogen abundances. peratures. Fig. 8 shows that the actual average accretion Therefore, the fate of hydrogen remains unclear. ˙ −18 −1 rate of hydrogen must be lower than M = 10 M⊙ yr Our success in modeling Lα absorption in L 745-46A for our sample objects. On the other hand, the accretion and Ross640 (PaperI) provides a new means of detect- 7 rate for metals – averaged over 5·10 years – in the model ing hydrogen in those cases where the Balmer lines are al- ˙ −16 −1 of Dupuis et al. is about M = 10 M⊙ yr . Therefore, ready very weak. This method has been used to determine the hydrogen accretion rate is at least two orders of mag- the hydrogen abundance in L119-34 and van Maanen 2. nitude lower than the metal accretion rate, even for those This is important especially for the latter object because objects with the highest hydrogen abundances. Hα is not visible at this combination of effective tempera- In this context, the ratio of hydrogen to other metals ture and hydrogen abundance. In three other white dwarfs is also interesting. Fig. 9 shows the observed calcium-to- with temperatures similar to van Maanen 2 the ultravio- hydrogen ratios. The weak tendency in temperature which let region of the spectrum indicates a completely differ- might be observed in the data is due to a similar effect ent chemical composition than that implied by the optical visible in the calcium abundances (see above). Fig. 9 shows and infrared photometry. However, we are at the moment also the maximum value of Ca/H which can be expected not in the position to solve this discrepancy. The analysis for accretion of material with solar composition within of van Maanen 2 shows also that the analysis of optical the model of Dupuis et al. (1993b). All observed values and infrared photometry can lead to wrong effective tem- are significantly higher than the theoretical upper limit. peratures if the absorption by metals in the ultraviolet is This shows again that hydrogen is not accreted at solar not considered. The temperature would be about 1000 K abundance ratios relative to metals. higher without appropriate blanketing in the UV.

Acknowledgements. 6. Conclusions We are grateful to Jay Holberg (Tucson) who additionally processed some of the IUE spectra used in this The element abundances of the ten DZ and DBZ white paper and to the referee Martin Barstow (Leicester) for valu- dwarfs presented in this paper form a homogeneous set of able comments. JL acknowledges the contributions of Roger data which has been compared to the two-phase accretion Angel and Richard Allen (Steward Observatory) to obtain the FOS data and the help of Ronald Downes (STScI) to ascer- model of Dupuis et al. (1993b). The absolute values are tain that the data reduced with the standard FOS pipeline is – in the expected range for accretion from the interstellar to the best of our knowledge – calibrated correctly. This work medium. Most metal abundance ratios are also compat- has been supported by the Deutsches Zentrum f¨ur Luft- und ible with the predictions. Small deviations could be an Raumfahrt (DLR) under grant 50 OR 96173. We have made indication of non-solar metal-to-metal ratios in the ac- use of the Simbad data base, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, creted material. This tendency is more clearly visible in France. Burkhard Wolff et al.: Element abundances in cool white dwarfs 13

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