klnklmnk What Are Invasive Additional Resources Species?

Invasive species are plants, https://cipwg.uconn.edu/invasive_plant_list animals or any other organism such as microbes which are not native to a UCONN’s Connecticut Invasive Plant Working certain ecosystem. Once an invasive Group works to identifies invasive and potentially species has been introduced accidently invasive plans as determined by the Connecticut or intentionally, it causes environmental Invasive Plants Council. In addition to the plant harm as well as potential harm to name and species, there is information on each humans. Often these species disturb the invasive species growth form and photos as well a community’s economy as once thriving Connecticut populations of animals and/or crops factsheet. Invasive Species are now destroyed by the invasive species. Invasive species are largely spread through human activities such as https://invasiveplantremovalpros.com/ ballast water from trade ships and accidently released pets. Higher This company provides services to remove and temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns will enable some prevent invasive species on private property. They invasive plant species to migrate to new also offer free cost estimates based on the scope ecosystems where they are not wanted. of the issue. Invasive species can change the food web in an ecosystem by destroying or replacing native food sources. In this way they outcompete with many native https://www.aspetucklandtrust.org/ species for resources and have no invasive-species/ natural enemies. The Aspetuck Land Trust provides localized information on invasive species in Fairfield County as well as disposal methods. They also provide education as to what invasive species do to the land and why they are so pervasive.

Removal Techniques in Other Common Intruders in CT Invasive Species Fairfield County Mechanical Controls Yellow Floating Hearts are commonly found in wetland areas. They have branching stems that Garlic Mustard is a invasive plant often  Many small plants are able to be dug up by the mistaken for more native mustard plants span the water’s species in the region. They compete for light roots. surface and round/ and nutrients from native wild flowers and heart shaped leaves  In direct sunlight, black plastic can be anchored destroys a fungus within the soil that native at the base. It can be plants will over the plants to prevent sprouting. Leave the easy to mistake these use for plastic in place for 4-6 weeks during the hot nutrients. invasive plants for weather. This plant yellow water lilies. also  Traps and constructed barriers will also prevent threatens Brazilian Water- have no natural enemies native the spread of the plant, but it will not eradicate to control its growth, causing almost all native butterfly species who mistakes the garlic them. species in the habitat to die. They grow mustard plant for native mustard plants as a underwater and have slender stems and small viable food source. In order to rid the area Chemical Controls of Garlic Mustard, you must kill the plant at white flower petals which bud above the water. its root. This can be done by either pulling  Herbicides can be sprayed or applied by wick Using the right the plant up with the root intact and application. Glyphosate is a non specific amount of grass disposing of it off the property or cutting herbicide and kills the foliage of the sprayed carp is one them down to ground in the spring, then method to cutting down new shoots that reappear. plant. eradiate the  A tip to reduce the environmental impact is to Japanese Barberry reduces the leaf litter layer Brazilin water-weeds. making the soil more venerable to erosion. This choose chemicals that are low-risk and that can The Gypsy Moth becomes an issue when a invasive species be applied when the pest is most vulnerable to also alters soil reduce the volume of pesticide needed. particular ecosystem has received less rain than pH and usual. When Gypsy Nitrogen levels Biological Controls Moths invade they eat making it less native shrubs, oak, birch, hospitable for  This method of control involves using an invasive willow and apple trees, native species. specie's enemies such as different predators, Human health is destroying them. They parasites, and pathogens to reduce the invasive put at risk as these plants are a principal host for are easily transported species population. Before this method is Lyme disease ticks. In order to rid the land of this accidently by human activity and therefore applied, it is paramount that proper research is plant, there are several options. You can cut the spreading the invasion, due to the small size of shrub to 4 inch stubs or introduce more native conducted to understand which prey will target the larva eggs. A recent invasion of these moths predators. You can also use herbicides like only the invasive species and not other local triclopyr, or glyphosate to cut stubs. spanned an area from North Carolina up north species in that community. to Maine and west to Michigan.