
What is ? The pancreas is an Pancreatitis [pan-kree-uh-TAHY-tis] is a condition in organ that sits behind which the pancreas is irritated or inflamed (swollen). the stomach. It makes The pancreas is an organ in the upper abdomen important chemicals (belly) that makes important chemicals for your body. for the body. There are different types of pancreatitis: •• Acute (short-term) pancreatitis comes on fast and lasts for a few days. Most people get better quickly without long-term problems, but serious cases can cause life-threatening problems. Repeated problems with can also damage the pancreas and lead to . •• Chronic (long-term) pancreatitis does not heal, but gets worse over time. It can lead to other issues such as digestion problems and diabetes. What causes it? Pancreatitis is most often caused by: •• Gallstones. Gallstones are hard lumps that form What are the symptoms? inside the gallbladder, an organ near the pancreas. Symptoms of pancreatitis may depend on which type The pancreas and the gallbladder drain into the same you have. Acute pancreatitis can have these symptoms: tube. If the gallbladder is blocked, then fluids from •• Sudden, constant pain in the upper abdomen. You the pancreas can also get backed up and cause pain. may also feel it in your shoulder and back, and it •• . People who drink too much may hurt more after eating. alcohol for a long time can get alcohol-related •• or . pancreatitis. Symptoms often occur 1 to 3 days after or after suddenly stopping drinking. •• Rapid heartbeat. •• In severe cases, symptoms can include dehydration Less often, pancreatitis can be caused by: (loss of water from the body), low , •• Abdominal surgery or failure of the , lungs, or kidneys. Bleeding •• Certain medicines in the pancreas can cause shock or death. •• Injury or infection in the abdomen Chronic pancreatitis can have the above symptoms •• Cigarette smoking plus these: •• Problems with your blood •• Indigestion •• Genetic problems like cystic fibrosis •• Unexplained weight loss In about 1 in 5 patients with acute pancreatitis, no •• Diarrhea cause can be identified. •• Greasy stool (poop) 1 How does my doctor know I have it? What other problems can To find out if pancreatitis is the cause of your pancreatitis cause? symptoms, your doctor will do a physical exam, ask Acute pancreatitis can cause these problems: about your medical history, and do a blood test. •• Kidney failure You may also have an imaging test like an x-ray, •• Breathing problems ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI of your abdomen. •• Infection Once the doctor knows you have pancreatitis, other tests can help find out what caused it. This will help •• Chronic pancreatitis make sure you get the right treatment. Chronic pancreatitis can cause these problems: How is it treated? •• Severe abdominal pain Pancreatitis is usually treated in the hospital. If your •• Malnutrition, diarrhea, and weight loss pancreatitis is severe, you may be treated in an intensive •• Diabetes care unit. Your treatment in the hospital may include: •• of the pancreas Fasting — you may need to stop eating while How can I keep from getting your pancreas heals. pancreatitis again? IV (intravenous) fluids to prevent dehydration. Changes to your lifestyle can reduce your chances of Medicines to control pain and nausea. getting pancreatitis again. These are: Antibiotic medicines to treat or prevent infection. Stop drinking alcohol. If you need to, enter a

A feeding tube. If you have chronic pancreatitis, you treatment program to stop drinking. may need to wear a feeding tube for several weeks. Quit . If you use tobacco, join a Your doctors will also treat the cause of your program to help you quit. It’s easier with a pancreatitis to help prevent it from coming back. program than on your own. Your treatment may include: Eat a healthy, low-fat diet. Eating smaller Procedures to prevent gallstones. If your meals often, instead of big meals, will put less pancreatitis is caused by gallstones, a procedure stress on your pancreas. called ERCP can be used to treat the cause. Drink plenty of water, and limit drinks with Surgery to remove your gallbladder. like sodas, coffee, tea, and energy drinks. Surgery to drain fluidfrom your pancreas or to Pancreatitis can cause dehydration. remove damaged or infected tissue. Live a healthy lifestyle. This means staying at a Treatment for . Your doctor healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and getting may recommend you enter a treatment program. regular exercise. Continuing to drink alcohol can lead to serious health problems. Changes to your diet. Before you leave the hospital, you may meet with a dietitian to help make a meal plan.

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