Sixty-First Summer Session Dance Department to Begins June 19 Give Benefit Concert Peabody's Summer Workshops in The Peabody Dance Department Music Education will be held this year will give a concert for the benefit of from June 19 through July 28, accord· dance scholarships on Friday, May 19 ing to Dean James Hustis, director of at 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 20 at the summer session. 2 p.m. in the Concert Hall. Each workshop will be in session A feature of the concert will be two for one week, Monday through Friday short ballets choreographed by Jane from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. and will offer Ward Murray to specially com· two graduate credits. missioned music by Shura Dvorine. The schedule is: Mr. Dvorine is a member of the Prep June 19·23: piano faculty and a well·known com· Frederick Fennell, Conducting poser and recording artist; Mrs. Workshop Murray is a teacher of intermediate Jean Eichelberger !vey, Electronic and advanced ballet at the Towson Music for Secondary Schools branch. The new ballets are entitled "Ballet June 26·30 School" and "Ballet Number Three." Fred Schock, Playing and Teaching In addition, Mrs. Murray has pro· Woodwind Instruments vided new choreography for "A Time John H. Carton, Modern Theory of Change," a portion of Mr. Dvorine's for High School ballet music entitled "The Lovers July 3·7 Concerto" which had its premiere pro· Paula Hatcher, Playing and Teach· duction several years ago at Radio ing the Recorder Ci ty Music Hall. Lena McLin, Interpreting Ethnic The program will also include stu· MAY, 1972 Music dents of Linda Heins dancing "Low· Vol. XXV, No.8 July 10·14 lands" to the music of an old English Richard Higgins, Improving the sea song with choreography by Miss Instrumental Music Program Heins; students of Barbara Gruver MAY CALENDAR Katinka Daniel, Kodaly Workshop in a ballet choreographed by Miss Gruver to a Poulenc piece; four Wednesday Noon, May 3 July 17·21 Spanish dances by students of Maria MUSIC OF THE '30's: Vaclav Nelhybel, Composition and Morales; and several dances by stu· STRAVINSKY & WEILL Arranging dents of Dale Sehnert, head of the De· Leonard Pearlman) Conductor Gregg Smith, Choral Workshop partment. Friday, May 5) 8:30 p.m. July 24·28 Tickets are $1 and advance pur· SPANISH PIANIST) ANTONIO Estelle Brenner, Electronic Piano chase may be made by calling the BACIERO Lab Peabody Dance Department: 837·0600, $2 general admission; $1 students (Continued on page 4) extension 29. with ID

Sunday) May 7) 7:30 p.m. RAGTIME PIANO CONCERT Peabody Festival Event $1 geneml admission

Tuesday, May 9) 8:30 p.m. WIND ENSEMBLE CONCER T Richard Higgins) Conductor $1 geneml admission; 50 cents) stu· dents with ID


Sunday) May 14) 3 p.m. CHAMBER PLAYERS CONCERT $3.50 general admission; $1.50 all students and servicemen (Continued on page 4) Composer ShUTa Dvorine with ballet students

1 10:30 p.m. cussion Ensemble, and Spanish Dance Piano Master Class Reception for Reunion Guests­ students of Maria Morales. Set For June Leakin Hall, Studio 16 Mrs. David Albright, a member of the Women's· Board, is Assistant Chair­ Peabody's 1972 Piano Master Class, Saturday, May 27: man of the Festival. offering two graduate credits, will 9:30 a.m. be in session for five days, June 12 Tour of Downtown Baltimore­ Young Musicians through June 16, according to Julio leaving from Lord Baltimore Hotel Esteban, coordinator. -terminating with Tour of the Pea­ Foundation to Hold body complex The faculty includes: Auditions at Peabody 11:30-12:30 June 12: Jacob Lateiner, perform­ Peabody will act as host for the Panel Discussion: Where Do \l\Te Go ing and recording artist, member of East Coast Preliminary Auditions of from Here? the Juilliard faculty, Baroque. the 1972 National Competition spon­ Richard Franko Goldman, Young Musicians Founda­ June 13: Leon Fleisher, inter­ Charles T. Pettus and Frank K. sored by the nationally known concert and record­ tion. The auditions will be held all Collins, Conservatory, North Hall ing artist, conductor, Peabody faculty day Thursday, May 18 in Leakin Hall member. Classical. 12:30 p.m Auditorium. June 14: Walter Hautzig, inter­ Luncheon-Dining Commons, Dor­ Established in 1955, the Young Mu­ nationally known pianist and record­ mitory Towers sicians Foundation has been encourag­ ing artist, Peabody faculty member. 1 :30 p.m. ing young talent through its Debut Romantic. Annual Meeting-Dining Com­ Orchestra which plays a series of con­ June 15: John Perry, internationally mons, Dormitory Towers certs at the Los Angeles Music Center and tours Southern playing known recitalist and lecturer, member 3:30-6:30 of the Oberlin faculty. Impressionist. for students. The annual national Free time competition gives Career Grants of June .16: Fernando Laires, concert 6:30 p.m. $500 to all finalists and Debut Awards pianist, lecturer, head of Piano De­ Cocktails-Caswell Room, Lord of $ 1000 to the young pianist, violinist, partment, Interlochen Academy. Con­ Baltimore Hotel (cash bar) cellist, singer and composer who, in temporary. 7:30 p.m. the opinion of a panel of judges, A course in Group Teaching in the show the greatest talent and potential Piano L aboratory, also offering two Homecoming Dinner - Caswell Room, Lord Baltimore Hotel as professional musicians. credits, will be held from July 24 Honoring Classes of 1922, 1932, The Gregor Piatigorsky Cello Prize through July 28. The teacher will be 1947,1962 and the Artur Rubinstein Piano Estelle Brenner, assistant professor of Prize are special Debut Awards given music at the Community College of and Presentation of the Distinguished occasionally to those with extraordi­ Baltimore, who will stress varied use Al umni Award nary ability and present accomplish· of the electropiano laboratory for ments. Solo appearances with the De­ young beginners, adults and college­ but Orchestra or recital appearances level musicians, both piano and non­ Peabody to be Represented during subsequent sessions are im­ piano majors. portant supplements to the Debut For further information, call 837- at Arts Festival Awards. 0600 or write Director of Summer Students, faculty members, adminis­ Mona Golabek, B.M., 1971, a stu­ Session, Peabody Conservatory, Balti­ tration and staff will represent Pea­ dent of Leon Fleisher, is a Foundation more, M aryland 21202. body at the Greater Baltimore Arts alumna. Festival to be held in downtown For further information on the Alumni Weekend Activities Charles Center May 18-21. Foundation auditions call the Public Mr. and Mrs. Goldman will take Relations Office, 837-0600, extension Announced turns with others from Baltimore's 68 or 69. The Peabody Alumni Association arts institutions dispensing food at announces the following schedule of special snack bars in Federal Plaza Three Named Regional events for its 1972 Alumni Reunion from 3-4 p.m. on Thursday, May 18. Met Audition Finalists Weekend May 26-27: Additional Peabody food-sellers throughout the four-day gala include Earl Grandison, Richard Gratton Friday, May 26: Lynn Taylor Hebden and her hus­ and Diane Susek were regional finalists 12:00 Noon band, Ronald Gretz, Mr. and- Mrs. in the Metropolitan Opera Auditions Luncheon for members of the John Carton, Rain Willoughby, Byrl held at the National Gallery of Art Graduating Class, North Hall Neff, Marjorie Liss, Pam Layman, Liz in Washington, D. C. on Saturday, 8:30 p.m. Pollack, Mr. and Mrs. William Baerg, March 11. Recital-Preparatory Department­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall Lewis, Mr. A student ' of Mlle. Flore Wend, Leakin Hall, Concert Hall and Mrs. Fred Schock, Julio Esteban, Earl Grandison, bass-baritone, will re­ Members of the Graduating Class Mrs. Harrison Winter, Mrs. George ceive his B.M. on May 28. Udverhalyi, Sam di Bonaventura, Richard Gratton, baritone, M.M., The PEABODY NOTES are published Ruth Walsh and her husband and '71, a student of Wayne Conner, is monthly, October through June, by the Public Relations Office of the Peabody others, including students, not yet veri­ a member of the Preparatory voice Conservatory of Music, 1 East M071nt fied. faculty. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Peabody groups planning to provide Diane Susek, mezzo-soprano who 21202. News items and inquiries should be sent to the Editor at this address. entertainment include the Wind En­ will receive her B.M. in Music Educa­ There is no charge for the NOTES, und semble, the Prep Chorus, Brass En­ tion in May, is a student of Alice additions to the mailing list are welcome. semble, Woodwind Ensemble, Per- Gerstl Duschak.

2 Peabody Opera Production Lauded

Sette Canzoni Therese, Act I

The Peabody Opera production, a William Martin and Douglas Dunnell of the Baltimore News American, double bill presented in late March by saying they had "excellent voices called the performances "outstanding" which combined Sette Canzoni by and sang with style." Mr. Ericson also and said that the orchestra "was com­ Gian Francesco Malipero with Jules noted that the orchestra played with mendable in both works." Massenet's Therese in its American "care, good taste and special feeling The Baltimore Sun's critic, Elliott premiere, received excellent critical for opera." W. Galkin, also praised the orchestra, notices from out-of-town as well as Richard D. Fletcher, writing in The asserting that the young musicians local critics. Christian Science Monitor, remarked "created sounds which were elegant, Raymond Ericson of the New York on "fine performances," "extraordi­ aristocratic, and in delicate equi­ Times said that Mr. Lawrence and nary conducting and direction," and librium with the stage." Singers Eliza­ Mr. Vincent "made admirable use of added that Mr. Lawrence and the beth Knozek, John Herr, and Saralynn their student resources to bring off principal singers in Therese received Molliver received special mention some remarkably fine performances." "a thunderous ovation." while scenery and costumes were cited He praised Saralynn Molliver, Among local critics, R. P. Harriss, for overall effectiveness.

Among Ourselves • EARLE BROWN was given an award WALTER HAUTZIG returned in DAVID HUDSON, a student of of $3,000 by the American Academy March from an extensive tour of Lon­ WAYNE CONNER, presented recitals of Letters "in recognition of his cre­ don, Oslo, Bergen, Zurich, Lausanne, in April in Hamburg, Pennsylvania and ative work in music." The award is to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and played Asheville, North Carolina. He was also be presented at the Academy'S annual Prokofieff's First with tenor soloist in the Mendelssohn Elijah Ceremonial to be held in New York the Baltimore Symphony on March 22. with the Washington, D. C. Adventist on May 17. Chorus under guest conductor, Roger CAROLYN HOPKINS, a student of Wagner. BRUCE EICHER, Master's candidate LAURENCE LESSER, has received a in organ and director of music at Fulbright grant to study for a year in TINKA KNOPF is the author of an Grace United Methodist Church, Vienna at the Institute of Music and article on Peabody's Summer Youth recently played the Poulenc Organ Con­ Dramatic Art. In April, she gave a con­ Project published in the March issue of certo and Saint Saens' Third Organ cert at St. John's College in Annapolis, The Instrumentalist. Symphony with the Towson State Col­ accompanied by JULIAN MARTIN, a ELLYNNE BRICE YEAGER, B.M., '68, lege Community Orchestra. In addition, student of LEON FLEISHER. a winner of the Three Arts Club of Mr. Eicher conducted a performance on Homeland prize in her graduation the same program of Haydn's Great MELVERDA HOOK, a student of year, was presented by the Club in a Organ Mass featuring THELMA VIOL ALICE GERSTL DUSCHAK, gave a program of songs and arias in late Feb­ as soloist and Doris Eicher at the organ. recital in late March at Lenoir Rhyne ruary. She was accompanied by LU­ College in Hickory, North Carolina. CILLE MASSON, formerly of the PAULA HATCHER, D.M.A. candidate Another student of Mme. Duschak, Preparatory Piano faculty. in flute, recently returned from a tour MICHAEL KNAUB, was cited by the with the New York Camerata Trio. In Washington Evening Star for making ASHER ZLOTNIK and PAMELA LAY­ mid-March the Trio played at the Li­ "a professional contribution" to the MAN lectured in March to student-dele­ brary of Congress in Washington where Washington, D. C. Sokoi Opera pro­ gates attending the Tenth Maryland they had premiered George Crumb's duction of Psohlavci, a patnotlc Junior Science and Humanities Sym­ piece entitled Vox Balaenae (Voice of Czechoslovakian opera presented at posium sponsored by the Maryland the Whale) for three masked players. Immaculata College in April. Academy of Sciences.

3 SUMMER SESSION establish a professional chair of the (Continued fTOm page 1) Annals of Schapiro House Physics of Music, in connection with Richard M. Graham, Music in Serendipity (Cont'd) their Conservatory. I do not know Special Education whether your attention has happened Mr. Goldman recently received a to be called to the fact that the For further information, call 837- letter from Roland Galvin of Rich­ 0600 or write: Director of Summer brightest triumphs of modern Science mond, Virginia in which Mr. Galvin have been achieved in the investiga­ Session, Peabody Conservatory of told of finding a letter written in Music, Baltimore 21202. tion of the physical phenomena of 1875 to Jefferson Davis from Sidney musical sounds. The Peabody Con­ Lanier, the noted Baltimore poet. servatory has already an expensive ap­ MA Y CALENDAR In it, Mr. Lanier stated that he was paratus for illustrating this branch (Continued from page 1) trying to have the Trustees of Balti­ of science: and I am particularly more's establish "a anxious to get access to it in order to Sunday, May 14,8:30 p.m. professional chair of Physics of Music" HANDEL CH01R &­ verify some independent researches in at the Conservatory and asked Mr. this connection which I have been for ORCHESTRA CONCERT Davis' help in realizing this aim. Ronald G1-etz, Director some time prosecuting. Partial text of the letter follows: $4 general admission; $2 students In pursuance of my plan, it will be 64 Center Street of advantage to me to know some Tuesday, May 16,8:30 p.m. Baltimore, Maryland prominent people of Baltimore: and PEABODY CHORUS CONCERT January 16, 1875 I write to ask letters of introduction Gregg Smith, Conductor It is from reflection upon the de­ to any such with whom you may $1 general admission; 50 cents, stu­ light, rather than the length, of my happen to be acquainted. Of course, dents with ID intercourse with you, that I have de­ you do not know anything of my at­ Wednesday Noon, May 17 rived courage to speak of a matter tainments in the scientific way, and I VOCAL STUDENTS OF ALICE so purely personal to myself as this do not, therefore, ask for any special GERSTL DUSCHAK which follows: letters, only for such as one gentleman An effort, originated by myself, is gives to another. . . . Friday, May 19, 8 p.m. being made here to induce the Your friend, PEABODY DANCE CONCERT Trustees of the Peabody Institute to Sidney Lanier Benefit: Dance Scholarships $1 geneTal admission Divertimento, bassoon and string Baltimore Chamber Players quintet- Francaix Saturday, May 20, 2 p.m. String Quartet, Opus 135-Beethoven PEABODY DANCE CONCERT Schedule May 14 Concert Members of the Chamber Players Benefit: Dance Scholarships The Baltimore Chamber Players are: Isidor Saslav, violin; George $1 general aamission will give the last in a series of four Orner, violin; Arthur Lewis, viola; Friday &- Saturday, May 26 &- 27 concerts on Sunday, May 14 at 3:00 Robert Newkirk, cello; Louis Shub, REUNION WEEKEND-Alumni p.m. in the Concert Hall. Guest artist piano; Britton Johnson, flute; Joseph Association will be John Mathews, principal Turner, oboe; Franklin Cohen, clari­ Leakin Hall, North Hall &- Dormi­ double bass of the Baltimore net; Gerald Corey, bassoon; Robert tory Towers Symphony Orchestra and a member Pierce, horn. of the Peabody faculty. Tickets to the May 14 concert will Sunday, May 28,2:30 p.m. The program includes: PEABODY COMMENCEMENT be $3.50 general admission, $1.50 for Sonata V, two violins, cello, double all students and servicemen. For reser­ All events held in the ConCeTt Hall bass- Rossini vations and further information call unless otheTwise noted. String Quartet I- Britten 433-3810.


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