Municipalité de Waltham Minutes of a regular meeting held at the usual place and time on November 5th2019. Under chairmanship of his worship Mayor M. David Rochon with the presence of the following councilors seat # 1 Mrs. Brenda Landry, # 2 Mr. Gerard Pharand, # 3 Mrs. Ramona Marion, # 4 Mrs. Odette Godin, # 5 Mr. Elwood Allard, # 6 Mr. Peter Gauthier. Mr. Fernand Roy Director General also present.

01-05-11-19 Adoption of the agenda Moved by councilor Allard seconded by councilor Godin to adopt the agenda and keep the varia open. Adopted 02-05-11-19 Acceptation of last month Minutes Moved by councilor Marion seconded by councilor Pharand to accept last month minutes as deposited. Change Insanitary by unsanitary Adopted

Visitors: No questions from visitors

Mayor’s report Nothing to report. Street light at corner of Harkins and Principal is on all time.

Remembrance-day representative: All ceremonies are happening on Sunday November 10th Brenda Landry will represent Waltham at the Waltham ceremony,8:45A.M. Gerard Pharand will represent at the ceremony. 11:00 A.M. Ramona Marion will represent at the St-Joseph ceremony.10:00 A.M.

Send birthday cards to our members of parliament. As well as congratulation for election.

03-05-11-19 Sanitation by-law 2019-02. Moved by councilor Pharand seconded by councilor Marion that we adopt the sanitation by-law 2019-02. Province of MRC Pontiac Municipality of Waltham.

By-law 2019-02 Concerning Sanitation.

Whereas Article 3 of the law on Municipal powers act. Allows a municipality to adopt By-law that are not inconsistent with the ministry’s laws. Whereas Article 4, paragraph 5 of the municipal power act allows municipality to adopt By-laws on sanitation. Whereas Article 6 of the municipal power states that the requirement of the by-law be included in the by-law.

Consequently, it is moved by councilor: Gerard Pharand Seconded by councilor: Ramona Marion that this municipality adopts and enact the following requirements to be included in this By-law 2019-02 Sanitation By-law.

1. No one is allowed to create, or continues, the existence on an unsanitary situation on the Territory of this municipality. 2. The present By-law is consistent with the environment act Q-2,r.8 and Q-2.r.22 articles A-9 and A-10 concerning sanitation . Every time the provincial act is modified this by- law will automatically apply the changes. 3. The municipal Inspector has the power to visit, the homes according to the law in inspection of homes during the legal hours and inspect and to request to correct all irregularities in reference to the law on sanitation. A formal notice is given when the inconsistency is discovered. The home owner will need to correct the inconsistence in the time given to him or her. 4. If the land owner do not comply, then article 56 of the law on municipal power act will be used. 5. The notice must be acted immediately, if no actions are undertaken the municipal inspector will consider the house unsanitary and will not allow the use of the house until the inconsistency is corrected to the satisfaction of this By-law. 6. If the owner does not correct the unsanitary situation it will be referred to the Superior court for an order to fix the house or leave the premises. 7. For every day the infraction exists after having been warned to correct and no action is taken will be charged 300$ fine per day, every day the situation persists To a maximum of 3000$ after which the municipality will order to liberate the premises and will condemn the house as being unsanitary. 8. This by law will become in force following its publication.


We will have our budget work shop on Monday November 25th at 7:00 P.M. at the town Hall. We will present the budget to the public on Tuesday December 3rd 2019 at 6:30 P.M. at the town hall 69 Hotel de Ville Waltham QC

04-05-11-19 Support for the Agricultural Association. Moved by councilor Pharand seconded by councilor Gauthier that we morally support the Agricultural project but we do not intend to support financially the project. Adopted Varia concern council will need to investigate We had a concern on outside toilet smell. We had concern about snowplowing at end of Traversier. The key for the RA building will be managed by the RA and shared availability through the General store during store hours. The arena committee are looking for changes in the management of the arena. We had vandalism on our Sopfeu sign. Report it to the police. We will need a few loads of winter sand.

05-05-11-19 Payment of the bills Moved by councilor Godin seconded by councilor Allard to pay the bills of the month in the amount of 16 371.39$ Adopted

06-05-11-19 Closing Moved by councilor Marion seconded by councilor Landry to close this meeting at 8:15 P.M. Adopted

Mayor Mr. David Rochon ______Director-General Mr. Fernand Roy: ______