Gantt ofifers funds to {DealingwithcRverdty 1 • LOCAL AND STATE MCC AIDS library IVinnaiy results; Cotmty Rsptdfluxms l?iock vote on fimding GSdk loses bid Ibr

> By Susan Jordan there and have a person there to Bcwoij^ pr^iderKy A grant of money from the State of help peopie. Deborah Glkk lost her bkj for the New York witl keep che Monroe *1 can refocus now on educatkm. Manftatcan Borough presidency ki Community College AIDS Resource Funding Is still an issue, and the die Democratic primary on Sept 9. Ubrary operating for another year. future of the Library Is something GKck. who would have been tfie But the funding may abo give Mon* wtt*re still concerned about, but first open lesbian or gay person to roe County Republkans another thanics to David Gantt and abo to serve as Manhattan Borough Presi­ justification for permanently wkh- Kevin Murray, I can get back to dent fktished second in the race to drawtng financial support Axun the spending more time on education Oty Councior Vifgkib Rekb. who beleagured library. and less dme k>okingf6rfundraisinf." b expected to win easily in Novem^ Assembiyman David Gantc (D- When asked about the Republi­ ber. and b a longdme dvB r%hts Rochester) haa offered MCC can re|ection of a vote on the Murray From laffeto r^ht:. Jerry UUed Latino l^tafton; Tanya SmoOnsky, GAGV activist The py communicy was in $16/100 frt>m discretionary funds proposal. Cfirlen saki. ^ni)e f^ Center Directon MkMe, Rochester Tranagander Oryniawton; Scan conflict over which candklate chey he gets from the stace buMJget But publicans dkl that because ihey tviiow tbpd woriflhop acabatoi\ avid Anne 'McAndfew. wor ksiMp bdHiator, should support — a lesbian, or a aldK>ufh ^doim sum I* «KKigh tt> gee this moneys ha^ mmo ^^om Gantt jpty^supportive and itiore ««axonccS the Ubrary through the I997-9S There have been discussions with pofiticbn. Qkk wM continue to serve school year, therft i« no guArant«c of th« L«gi»latur« on dM future of the as « ^txtm fiesisiacor. nate funding after that. Library and tfitey wanced to know If The r^Mw Yofic dqrff^rooffnrmi- DemocrMic Minority Leader MCC v«4H support the Ubrary.whicii nlty vwu united however, in dieir Kevin Murray and other County they iuivc sakl they wHt do. The denial of supportfor anodier Demo­ Legislature Dennocrats tried on Sept Le^sbture never got a chance to crat in the race, Oty CouncMter 2 to reintroduce legislation to fund vote on Murra/s proposal because Antonio Pagan, a conservative the Ubrary, but Republicans at the it was Med DenK>crat wfio b also openly gay. Human Service Conunittee hearing "Murray was great,"' O'Brien said. No gay organizatk>n supported fikn, blocked a vote on the proposal, "He didn't |ust let them fUe it. he and some gays said they doubted saying it was unnecessary because of made sure there was a publk discus­ diat hc was "a seHous ptoyer." the state grant. sion. Thb is a one-year p%nt and A tfiird openly gay candkbte ki Jim O'Brien, Ubrary Coordina­ may noc be renewed next year. N.Y.C PhU Reed who b abo HIV tor, told the £mpiy Ooset. ''We're Murray wanted to go on record that positive, won the primary race tor grateful to Assemblymember GantL this b notf9if« to go away. My tiiteNfevemberebctionferaaeaton This $1^000 wOl help us out for a fiaefing b Ihat the RefiubBcMi Want Oty Coundi. ki Albany primary re­ good year* both in terms of staff and the Ubrary tosurvtve, buc they don't suitt openly py Alderman Keidi St of buSdii^the collecck>n. One ofthe want to pay for It out ctf the oouncy John was defeated ki hb try for re­ thingi we wane co do as well as bu4get WeH keep lookfinglbr grams election. kaa^irc^'fl^'riry open in Br^flhcon and oth^ eourott of binding. Thb Wendy Johnson. The WssfUngom is to try to expend services at the puts us on staadtar grotmd and we fiiode; Assodated Press dowmmm Damon campus. Thia bok Uke a becter Invescment fiof won^|i#»MI (Mcedwpenatott at other Ito^dtii. Tbb b aomechliy W^ Dick Dadey tD leave Dampw Iw^lM^ to be aWe to buM on ihroN^iout the eomii^ wiriuMiillfieiOfdents down there. Pride Agenda post WWiMiic Oia mmmxm ^itih tdwiM OVrlen added Tvo be«t very Dick O^^iitf, executive dbector of eduMtovMl tcCNitSes and event* ac ^YtsM fer the support from the the &yipfare State Prkle Aganda, kic Damon* and wM alto work on 00^ conmunity, and the mcerest people (ESPA), isiew York State's poWcal nteing a core cofjectinn of waaartab have shown, thb hes beeifra dMkuft lobby.andthecouncry^brvaetsoM- thera We wanteo have morethingi wlde organizatkMi advoc8tk« on la­ mes theteHectlesbiansand^y men, amounoed on Aug. 21 dmlKo^M Judge makes leave hb posWoA w the end of die 1997 efecdon cyde. •trSueanJotxian male vkrfeneo vinat women, and Am Burr, preildent of die local ferlttapprovtagtefarerteeetorape, Dodsy fns led die ocpnlaifen JiM^e Mkhael A. Teleaca taued a howvtolentwMeMtMb«nietvf^ Tlw»-^^yner edttyany. «ld thet mm^0^K^^m^m^my»if^^ abMP^ftl* iid*«la pMp^Nrom compromise tfeciiion on tne IJM A roudnta. condone endiriwtefaa unteai tbere b • "^mdamental women and young M h^jMklN WkhoucSiame*' case on Sepc Ift die abuse el women end cfcMTw. cheiv^bi*eabow^s content; bwdl dBclUflM |eb.idctot» aM tm^tm- iiidibdrande f fBeM»Mik«<> Bcurrantstagof t3andabu^B|of TehMft ruled that Time Wvner StNe Sea Wahei^A. Od»«er coMfMio^ be bMiod th^wwddbibeefconibaafc-niek- «i J{ mlBon. Oeday abo fp^papfd^g QMmmiiemwm has the f|^«o • Women NgMmvMmA ^Mmr idestlmr to btft "ts Tiliici iltif ment (WAVI^ amfcyt «Mrta (or fHend of tbo^eem ij ni*!*. mstm% (Ttao^A^^bnot • ;|yK«»et en^ miiiiilmm ^lhJ«w*«*N ep*o*» vdiA •WewTwii jcttai "* the famMK JMV «» «• a brfaf topocetly al WKU^^'*^^^ISmMi»^ ^^wwltaiieBcy. ai#fc notr>t»ir#d Onday continuod Oil p. 3 -Steing testimony by molt awpam on k^ propam on calevfaion. MMcrktetodbyWAVEandodiers SNvn* camttmiod oiiji^ 9

\. Woricshop oontimMd Irom p. I needs of lesbian and gay New Yorkers and l^iage Interpreters and child-care providen provided $1 million In fiinds for the non-HIV Md do •** AdoiMMPfr rdbetdHi daeBCdve forthe endre day. Ifyou are in need of etther related heahh and human service needs of antae* of dtf Ov ABoica ef dw of these s^vbes. vou arc aslced to contact lesbian and piy ccmnmunities around New VUkr ar dM Gmptr Oesst We vdl print York State," added Cowell and Sorel *1t also IscBtrs at dta eShBrs eho^Hoe aaa en a meat die Gay Allbnce ac 244-8640 as soon as W»ras>nwd«r^d»» 179 Anaesic Avsk possible. represented the first time that the worcb gay viewpoints that matter far ^Mtt aM dwiv-^ ^ Mt prtnt t>frf4iBM3bs The faciliators for the workshop are Stan and lesbian appeared In a state statute." Byrd, an African American gay man and A national seardi has begun to find a succes- current board member of MOCHA (Men of sc»r to Mr. Dadey. The Board hopes to an­ Color Health Awarenesss); Chuck Collins, nounce his successor by the end of 1997. a white gay man and former coordinator of Ubrary conthtuod from p. I • LOCAL AND STATE NEWS the Lesbian, Gay, Bi Youth Group; Barb iH*i?^'' '•I^i Conning out mates Adams, a white lesbian and part of the music time, but it's rewarding to know people care GAGV plans Coming Out events ;.^. about having an AIDS Resource Ubrary. Also, dkdrboycott t^Dimej^ntftkii0^ban bwit to us duo Paradox; and Anne McAndrew, an Af­ By Susan Cergol culture." due to the publicity, more people know we're r"^?:^ Anrierican Baptist bacxttaicttdcs,tMJtieifHet^Meaaife rican American woman, Hetping People wfdi The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley Plan to participate in one or more of this the connections here. That's one good thing diat has come out AIDS Inc. Board member and longtime sup­ (GAGV) plans a number of activities this year's National Coming Out Day events ctuircli^ welcome dsat aezi«d nrii ie>tfBi>i;i%--:ieeiaMd»i because I enoncousiy onentadon. openness about being lesbian, gay. or bisexual ourselves and to others. 7 p.m. Oct. 9; eo each odier. Not everyone is in a position to oc»ne out (sec Opinion, p;;^ 8), but those who ate can Friends of Lesbians and Gays); COAP (Come $ 12.000 annual allotment of fonds, which was thou^t that all Baptist churches were the same. SiiAceteEy, on campus, in the workplace, and at home. GAGV Community Centcn 179 Atiantic in^xove their own personal lives, in addition to making a crudal ccxitribucion to the gay riglits Out and Ptay); GALAXe (Gays and Lesbians used to pay the part-time librarian to assist This is not thc case. Wiliiam R Pedcett Betcy DeGeneres, mother of Ellen, is chis Ave., free and open to the public. movement. A poet fncnd Midiefc %>ring-Mooie, fixmer editor of this paper, wrote at Xerox); Men of Color Health Awareness people wanting to use the materials, and to I found that this churdi is a member of the Doris Y.Pcriteti" year's Project spokesperson. "Equality through "Coming Out in the Context ofthe agp about bdng at a writers' retreat wheie severd bisexual women were present, but only Michele had Project; Women*s Community Project and continue to upgrade the collection. MCC Associadon of Wdcotning and Affirming Bap­ Congregations and churches, such as Lake Av­ Visibility" is the theme for this IOth annual Family" — In cooperation with the local felt able to come out :^e wrote: Rochescer Lesbian and Gay Potiticai Cau­ students and other area students were an­ tists, whidi welcomes all people, induding people enue Baptist, will hdp fud chai^ in cnir sodety National Coming Out Day, which commemo­ chapter of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of "lactuallyfounditalitdeannoyingthatrdspjent making a private dedsion to love and/or sleep cus. According to workshop planners, there gered by the decision, and have raised around of diverse races, abilides and Jtn^a/aJ oriexiatiert. As toward accepcance oi'ALLpcopleasGod'spepple. rates the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbians and Gays), the GAGV will Icad a aknost three months surrounded by bisexual with a petson of thc satnc sex, as opposed to is still an opportunity for other organiza­ $2,500 for Ubrary expenses. an openly gay man singing in their dioir, diis Sincerdy Lesbian and Gay Rights. panel discussk>n with lesbians, gays, and women,butbecauscnooneelsewa5wiIlingorable temaining celibate, or trying to irepress our true tions to lend their name to this effort and -Some information from Michael Caputo, o^nmitment by Lake Avenue Bapdst Churdi is KeoSetcra Locally, efforcs of the GAGV will focus on bisexuals and their parents. 7 p.m., Oct. 13; to come out, J ended up... being the spokesperson selves and *'becotnc strait" In thc xxxixext. of become workshop sponsors. inq»rtant to ixie. Although I am a Unitarian Demtxrat & Chronicle providing support and a sense of community Border's Books, Music, and Cafe. 1000 Hyian fcH* queer America as usual But that's what hap­ history and tfae conditions ofour present sodctj', Univcrsahst and a member of First UnivetsaUst Stronger Together offers people a pow­ to men and women as they acknowledge and Drive; free and open to the public. pens when p»eoplc consider their sexiial orienta­ thc choice to act on our natural sexual and enK>- Read Deb Price online Shanne continued from p. I Church, my afHliation with Lake Avcnijc Bf^xist erful opportunity to better appreciate one celebrate their gay identity. (Other groups arc tion just that, sexuai and not p>olitical also." tional feelings remains a politicai choice as wcfl a$ to allow programmers to re-edit and re­ Breaking the Ice — A six-week sup­ Chutch ooatinues co grow. To die Editor; another. So people might want to consider planning events too — see the monthly calen­ Although some individuals (such as teens stifl a personal one, whether we like dutt or not. What submit objectionable tapes, which **Shame's" port group for men and women who are Thetniniscers, and thc members of thc congre­ I read d^ attide about the i^eaorni/€£>* OinMMRfc bringing a family member, sibling or friend dar.) living at home) thay genuinely need to remain wc are all woridng for is the day when dus will lawyers had requested. However, Telesca newly coming out as gay or lesbian. Begins gation axe warm, energetic, and dynamk:. I have puDti:^ Deb Pdoc's cokann for cwo wedks. This who they feel could still learn more about silent about cheir sexual identity at some time in char^ — the day when we need no longer fear also said that portions of Time Warner's "'Coming out* Is one of the most important Oct. 16; GAGV Community Center, 179 since been hired as thdr church secretary and was ooc the ficst tinv^ the iD^'tr has fiuled OD pdnt them as a gay. bi or transgendered person — and difficuit — processes for gay indhrldu­ Adantic Ave.; $2S-$50 sliding scale (no one theiriivcs, most of us know that when we stay in discrimination, harassment and physical attack, indecency policy are unreasonable, since Time have come to appredate the congtegatioa's strong Oeb's column. or member of any particular group. It's als." says Harry Bronson, president of the tumed away for lack of funds); pre re^stra- thc doset, we are ^ from "safe." We are in £ict when thc Radical Right is no longer trying co take Warner does not have the right to ban "inde­ commitment to ovexcocnis^the divisive bameis I enjoy Deb's column and have bought the amazing how much the NCBI model helps board ofthe GAGV. "'Equality through Visibil­ tion required: 244-8640. maldng oursdves much mote vulnerable to sdf- arway our dvil and human rights, when gay and cent" programmers permanendy. of soctecy through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Tlkur»dsy edition of the Z>e>C foracvoa t years, people to better understand and connect Cable companies are not permitted to ban ity* is an apt them« for this year's National Dual Attraiction — A six-week suf>- hate and intctnaUzcd homof>hobia, with all their lesbian youth are no longer persecuted by odier As a case in point to this ootnmitmcnt, I would with one another. Coming Out Day, as the needs of the gay port group for men and vyomcn who v^ant tragic consequences, induding substance abuse, kids and then by the system. Thc day when being just to rcAd her -wocds. I stopped buying thc "indecent" programming on pubiic access TV like to share xhis lencr w"> the editor sent by two Dadey continued frotn p. I comniunity will only be ackno^edged and to explore cheir bisexua) identity. Begins loneliness, depression and desp»air. Instead of queer is "no big deal,** and u-c can ftxrus on just Thursdayedition ofthe £>eyCa few weeks ago. I channels, but neither are programmers al­ znembers of this churdi rq^arding the Southern "After neariy seven years as the Executive met when society as a who/e rea/izes cfie Oct f9; G-ACJV Communiry iZeincvr, 179 making connections U'ith ochcr Jesbians, gay men, being oursdves. found a better source for her coluinn, the/3bh^ lowed to sell profit-making advertising on Baptist boycott of Disney. Director of the Pride Agenda and three sheer numbers that we represent. The Gay Adantic Ave.; $25-$50 sliding scate (no one bisexuals or transgender people, we remain iso­ Meanwhile, wc ignore this basic reality at our News dccttonic cditkm. Thc l>tttm /Memt dec­ such channels. The sale of advertising is per­ '*Dcar Editor, years before that as the Development Di­ Alliance of the Genesee Valley is proud to be tumed away for lack of fonds); pre registra- lated and invisibic, and others remain invisible to peril. This is not only because we need thc power tronic edition carries the two most tcoeot editions mitted on leased-access cable channels. There have been numerous reports in die part of the local effort to recognize, com- tion required: 244-8640. us, so wc fed Ukc wc*rc **d^ only one in thc worid." of an organized, visible nK>\'cment forsocia l diai^ of Deb Price's cohimn. rector of Human Rights Campaign," Dadey Barbara Moore of WAVE told the Empty news media tcccndy of the Southern Baptist memoratc, and celebrate gay identity and Coming out continued on p. 11 Queer history is full of thc kisses and betrayals in order to win equal tights as dozens. It is also Anyone with access to the Internet can icad said, **l take this step to allow myself to Ooset, '"We were extremely pleased that the decision to boycott Walt Disney because of caused by our accepcance ofchcB^ Lie that being because, in the doset, our personal lives are im- Deb'scohimn inits home paper by cnteiii:^ http:/ prepare for the next phase in my career... I judge accepted our petition for amicus brief. Moore said the WAVE group vfcdil continue 'They still don't get it That makes it Disne/s alleged stand oo homoscKuaHty. Read­ g^y is unnatural and morally wrong, and our con- measurably stunted and our range of possibdities /dctiicwsjoocn/voiccs/ appredate the wonderful support I received Our lawyer (State Sen.) Richard Dollinger to monitor the show. "WAVE will certainly harder for us to educate the public about ers mi^ assutne from these reports that all sequent feeling that we are ''bad" and that we have drastically reduced. As iong as wc see our identity Sincerdy, from the board, my staff, and the Pride told me that the judge said that the two keep up our protest," she said. "One thing we violence against women, when it is made a Baptists agree in a blanket condemnation of something to hide — namely, thc very people wc as pcivate and non-political, as long as wc see XcJtfa A. Van Wagner O Agenda members and volunteers, all ofwhom banned shows could be banned because they are constantly doing is educating the public non*issue by the media." hotnosexuals. This is noc true. love and value the most, thc very relationships and ourselves as unconnected to othets, we are settling it was my pleasure to work with in leading were expllcitiy sexual and violent (referring to about what the show is really about... Gannett -Some information from Eugene Marino, Wc are Baptists and do not agree widt che cmodons that give our lives meaning. for wrongs instead of tig^ and 'lifestyles" in­ this wonderful organizatkm." the show on executions). Sen, Dollinger also and other media don't cover the issues. The Oemocrat & ChrorMe Southetn Baptbt view of homosexuality atvi When we arc noc out, crudal connections don't stead of lives. 'In his neariy seven years as executive sakl that the thirfl thing the ju^ ruled Inde­ Oemocrat & OironJde editorial afcer the deci­ get tnade. 'iht heterosexual people in our lives Whether we arc Democrats, Republicans, director of the Empire State Pride Agenda, cent was the comments made about sex vnth sion said that the Rrst Amendment protects Interfoithy B'ritfi remain unaware that they know and respect a gay pcogresshres, independents, Ubectaiians, social­ Dick hs» been one of the ptosieers of orga­ underage giris, which was one of the issues we all expression, including what people find db- person, and continue to chink ofgays as facdess ists, anardiists, conservatives or tocaOy ^x)iitical nized gay political actMty in the United were concerned with. What that tells us is turfoing. But Gannett itself wouldn't publbh Kodesh plan program misfits and monsters. Worst of all, as Michde's nnakes no dilfen^ncc whatsoever. This is noc about DUAL j\TTRACTION States.'* said Sue Cowell and jeff Soref, co- that when they're making violent comments explicitly sexual materiab like what b in 'Life letter st^gests, wc miss each ather. inocoductsons party politics. It is abour our need to acknowledge chairs of the boards of ESPA and ESPAF. on the air in reference to women. Tlme- ..«^ c. . fo** kWs on respect don'c get made; experiences and understandings and guard ourpoUticalccxuicction with each odier, "Dunng Dick's tenure, the State Assembly Wamer can rule that Indecent. Without Shame. • don't get shared cdationsbipe don't get staned if we are co have tlie full, ath persortal lives we \VV\i) \VA\I ]') i^XF>f•iVF^f: THf- JK for the first time passed a bill banning db- "It's not the nudity that we object to," •The editorial also said the best way of Some people were inspired by the docu- dealing with thb is to pay it no mind. I don't mentary Ws Eietneittaty, shown as part of Being gay, lesbian or bisexual isn't just about deserve. criminadon afilnst lesbian and gay New Moore said, "but the comments that popular­ Yorkers. ize and therefore legitimize vfolence against believe change was ever brought about by last year's ImageOut film Festhol. Words *Tht$ year, for the first time the Legisla­ women and giris. These guys seem to be being silent. The most political thing you can like i^teer, tfyke, attd faggot should not be Call 244 8640 to Registi'r ture passed and the Govemor signed a having a good time demeaning women, and do b to speak up. If a show defemed some tolerated by anyone in the school commu- budgetthatspectfcally recognizes the unique v^t does that tett-everyone." ethnk: or religious minority, the DStC would nity. not be telling diose people to'pay it no mind.' Local newa cotitinued on p. li

WE DEUVER! bur confidential GAGV Membership includes an Ettrpty Cioset A PubBcadoo of d» G^ Attnec The Empty Closet o£die Geneaee Vdky IT^MMkAM.* NlKHnMSi Pm Oifc(ne»iiini Q Subscribe! the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley! lA •ih rf** MfA^a^pii • Endosed is a check payable to GAGV 9m wa» w *• fiiii^^ eiHH» n* A«, Q Renew M£MBEKSHtP LEVBU (nJSAtE CHBCK OKB) Q Please chaige my q VISA or q Mastercard account iJBTn—tf|awft*riiiiliieii ll iiii nl Q Indivijoai $25annurify Q lifetixne $500 Account Not Exp. Date: We'd like CO ask you to become GAGV Name iM%«eiiaai timtmmii9^99*fm a HousehoU S4&«DOttaBy Q Student $20 annually Signatute of cardholder:, . memben (tee ad on next pa^) but ifyou «r«i Q QMitributor )S0 amnadty Q Ofganizadon $50 annually |ust want a subscripdon, use dds fonnl Address Name: , wm^mmx Q Patzon SlOO annually Q Buainess $75 annually m\\\x \umm\\%\ m Q Bene&ctor $250aiio«ie% Stteet Address: O 1 ycn::$15(S23Ca«iadiBn;$2SIinenMUBofMl) dpoonndadh City and State:. Zip: Q 2 yeatr $20 (£35 CanaJkii, $36 JmeaMtkied) msiedkipbktemekipei. BaomnEjCntESS^ M\Wki44%^ eM '4fe»tai« Home Phone: Business: 179 AtkaaicAvaaK;Eodn

•A ^^Wl

-- ' -.ii'

statements at a Califomb raHy on Auf. 20. Equal Partners in Faith (^F) says that Prom­ The original decisfon foul awarded custody sakit-iike figure who coukl heal grief wbh her the mediodofogy used to communicate a niied and vehied that^ work. Tefovisfon She claimed that To equate homosexuality ise Keepers* a mcnrmnent for heterosexual of Mary Frank Ward's daughter to her ex- compassionate toudi. To her enemies* tlie viewpoint or position to others shoukl be the continues eo make great strides at accurate wWi race b to give a death sentence to cIvH Christfavi men, creates dMslve and potentially husband John Ward* who had served eight representatives ofthe British EstabKshment focus, rather than the viewpoint itself." The portrayab of lesbians' and gay n>en's lives rights. No one b ensbving homoscxlals... or dangerous messages about the **submiufon*' years in prison for the second-dep^ee murder she ¥ras "die patron saint of sodomy." reveral foliowwi dianks Interne part to Blen end people like makint them sit in the back of the bus,** She of women, racial "recondHatfon** and the of hb first wife. In February the NCLR asked "For someone of her stature to heve tiad The IRS has granaed tax-exempt naius «o her who have the courage to siniply be pointed to openly gay Califomb legWauM-s dilms of some groups to "cure homosexu­ the court to vacate the decision a^nst Ward so deep a concem and active caring slie numerous gay Ofganizatfons, induding youch themselves. Carole Migden (D-San Francbco) and Shefle ab.** According to Rev. Meg Rdey. an open in light of her death. leaves behind a b^acy that we hope ottier groups* in the past Patricia Cain« an openly Ellen DeGeneres's mother Bet^ has be*- KueW (D-Santa Monka) and caHed them iesbian who b director of the Washington -Wendy Johnson. 77>e Washington Bhde people wfll pick up*" sakJ Joan McCarley. lesbian dean and law professor (stMdaiizing in come the spokesperson for the Human Ibrces that want to steal the dvff rights D.C. ofRce of the Unitarian Universalist executive director of Washingcon D.C*s taxes) atthe University of Iowa, said that while Rights Campaign's 1997-96 National Com­ from under our very noses*** She added that Church, and a founding member of EPF* Prom­ GaySyAIDS activists pediatric AiDS servkes agency Grandma's the IRS policy does not discriminate on the ing Out Project **lnjustk:e b being done to hm^ values.** ise Keeper founder Bill McCartney b radically hlouse • NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS basb of sexual orientation. *\that we're deal­ •<3LAAD; Human Rights Campaign African American leaders were quk:k to and-gay. *M^eVe listened while he has de­ moum Princess Diana Diana vbited Grandma's House in 1990. A ingwith b homophobh on the part of indhddu* tttsagree with her statements. nounced us publicly as 'abominations,''' she AIDS activists woridwide hailed the impor­ fondraiser assodated with her vbit brought als who work with IRS... It sounds like tfie IRS Coretta King receives -Eric Resnick. Gay Peoples Chrotikk; Na­ saki, "and worked to make our civil rights tant work done by Diana, Princess of Wales, Gay Jews Start IRS to grant tax- in $ 100.000 for die agency, allowing ttiem to needs homophobb training." tional Gay and Lesbbn Task Force, Associ­ illegal in Colorado. We need to be in the for those living with HIV and AIDS, after Tasic Force award buikl ttie third of wtat are now five homes community center exempt status to gay Rea Carey of the National Youth Advocacy ated Press variqEuard of waidng up other people of hhh Diana's tragic death on Aug. 31. for children whh AIDS. Coalidon said, *Tm thrilled. Thb b good news Coretca Scotc Kln^ wkfow of the Late Dr. abouc hb connectfon to r^htWing leaders like From the new versfon of "Candle in ttie in Jerusalem youth support group After tier ups Dbna continued to Washfogcon D.C for Sept 2B-Oct 4. featur­ Abbey, to the shrines spontaneously created empt status to a North Carolina gay youth support groups has grown by 500 to 600 Mrs. King spoke about her commitment A natfonal poll held the fast week of August focus on. t-ier friend Adrian Ward-Jackson, Arabs and Jews reach the boiling point in thb ing nadonally known religious leaders and by ordinary people in her memory, gays and support group. to civil rights for gay, lesbbn. bisexual and revealed that 67 percent sakJ they wouM an art dealer with whom she worked in expfosive metropolb. a center b t>eing es­ percent, not counting high school gay/straight critics of the Prombe Keepers organization. lesbbns In Britain and around the world cransgender people, and her support for all support a child of theirs who said that he or connection with die ballet died ofAIDS after tablbhed in Jerusalem for gay persons of Thc decision came after protest by die alliances. For more infbrmation contact Michael Kusek. mourned someone they felt had defied preju­ human rights. She said. '*l accept this award she was gay. stie made a well-pul>licized fligtit to London every creed, ethnk background and political Lambda Legal Defense and Education Project, -Peter Freiberg, The Washmgtot^ Bhde (202)886-7354. dke of ail kinds. A shot of two gay men persuasion. which wrote the IRS on July I to demand that as a reaffirmation of my commitment to The Mason-Db(on Pofitical/Medb Re­ to be at tib SkJe. -GLAAD comforting each ottier during die foneral was search Group conducted the survey by Diana had pbnned to continue her AIDS The or^nizers say. "Our way of bridging the agency reverse its ruling. carry forward the unfinished work of my stiown live on the British necworks Sky News Ellen wins Emmy for phone in ali 50 states between Aug. 25 and rebted woric She had been taikkig with die these schbms is by means of a message of The IRS had denied tax-exempt status to husband, Martin Luther Kingjr. My husband Fla« custody ruling and ITN, and in America during coverage by E! 27. Out of M23 adults questioned. 67 United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS about affection and mutual respect which can only the Greensboro Gay and Lesbian Adolescent best comedy writing understood that all forms of discrimination Entertainment Network, NBC CBS, MSNBC and persecution were unjust and unaccept* percent said they would etdier "ghre them reversed after lesbian expanding tier advocacy work to ttie devel­ lead to a pluralistic dialogue among the Support System (GLASS) in 1996. One year The EHen Show won an Emmy on Sept. 15 for and ABC. Newsweek magazine also published able for agreat democracy. He believed that words of support" or "be OK about it" oping worid. whk:h would have kept tier on various elements which make up our soci­ ago this month. GLASS received v/hat they outstanding comedy writing in last spring's an Associated Press ptiotograph of two men none of us could be free until ail of us were Asked how they would feel If their chiM mother's death die front tines of die g|ot>al batde against ety. We. who constitute such a distinct called an "intimidating" and "totally coming out episode. tioiding each odier in grief. free, that a person of conscience had no told others that he or she was gay, 60 At the request of lesbian activists, a state AiDS. minority within all these sectors, can be­ homophobic" letter from the IRS, demanding Ellen DeGeneres spoke to gay and lesbian In 1987 the Princess made history by re­ aitemative but to defend the human rights percent said, 'They should tell whomever appeab court in Rorida has withdrawn its Diana's final contriixition to ttie fight against come the glue vi^iich binds them together to that GLASS describe in detail "the procedures youth in her acceptance speech. She said. "I moving her gloves and studdng lands wbh ofall people. I want to reaffirm my determi­ ttiey want; there's nothing wrong with it** previous decbfon to uphold a ruling in which AIDS during her life was made with the sale promote a more tolerant and serene Jerusa­ and safeguards in place to assure that counse­ accept this on behalf of all the people, espe- seven AIDS patients at die openir? of Britain's nation to secure the follest protection of -Usa Keen, The Woshrngton fiiode a fudge awarded custody of a child to the of her glamorous gowns in July of thb year. lem. This is a primary goal of the Jerusalem lors and participants do not encourage or cblly the teens out there, who think some­ first specialized AIDS unit She later vbited the taw for ail working people* regardless of ^ther, a convicted killer, rather than to the Over three million dollars was rabed fbr the Open House, a communrty center now be­ ficilitate homosexual practices or encourage ching is wrong with them because chey're gay. such units regulariy, once bringing Barbara their sexual orientation... It is right just and Faith group confronts child's lesbian mother. Royal Marsden Hospital (Britain's premier ing established in the capital for gays, lesbi­ the development of homosexual attitudes and There's noching wrong with you, and don't let Bush with her and gently lecturing tier about good for America." On Aug. I, the First Obtrict Court of cancer tiospital) and Ward-Jackson's AIDS ans and bisexuals." propensities by minor individuals attending anybody make you think there is." the importance of hugging peopks with AIDS. "Promise Keepers^* Appeals in Tallafiassee removed the previous Crisb Trust Now, ttie Diana Princess of The Jerusalem Open House's mottoes your programs." The award, which vras presented in Wash­ Stie also brought her sons Prince William and "The Academy saw much of what Ameri­ ruling firom the books, ahhough thb will not Wales Memorial Fund b being estat>listied, are "Serving the Capital's Lesbigay Commu­ Thb spring. GLASS contacted Lambda, which ington D.C. also went to AFL-CIO Presi­ A national multi-racial coalition of faith- Prince Harry to vbit AIDS patients, ahhough cans saw. an incredibly brave person allov^ng change the child's situation, since her mother and will pr^umably continue to raise money nity; Advancing pluralism." Thc center can sent a leaer to the IRS stating that it had no dent John Sweeney and to die Mautner based activists has accused the reiigfous her audience to grow with her and her televi­ died of a heart attack bst January, '^b b a stie told ttiem only ttiat die people ttiey were fbr people with AIDS. Donations and inquir­ be reached ac e-mail: [email protected]; business commenting on either homosexual Project for Lesbtans with Cancer. right group the "Promise Keepers" of hid­ sion character." said Chastity Bono, GLAAD victory fbr gay and lesbian parents in what was vbiting had cancer. ies can be sent to die Fund at Kensington or heterosexual "attitudes." Eight days later Mrs. King's renewed support for gay civil ing a deeply anti-gay. anti-woman and racist mail: P.O. Box 33107.91037 Jerusalem; The entertainment media director. "Ellen otherwbe a very tragjic case," said ICate KendeU To AIDS activists and caregivers, as vt^l as PalacA, Ijondon WB 4PU. UwMmA KJnedom. they received a letter from Edvi^rd Karcher. rights came at a timely moment. Dr. King*s agenda. Jerusalem \nfoUne, Tues. B-IO p.m.: 972-2- DeGeneres and the whole Eilen team made of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. to people living wHh HIV/AIDS. Diana was a -KaiVVrl^W. Thc Wadiington Blode; CaVAAD 5373906. an IRS official, who stated. "(W)e agree... that history last April, and Emmy voters recog- niece Alveda King had made homophobic

•JNrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrirJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJrJr., 61am e ^^day, Octnh.. ,,^ E:J COMING\ OUT Saturday, October ^^'mhino!* ilth DAY *^^. vi^ro n^ntai. «"^f not included. If ^OU iiiixK \\I IM: iLisi v'lni OS i^ CARDS. . co\ir CHIXK LIS OUT. v\ t H \vi Gii IS t^ I u\ stiiiT I OR I \un Bonv i\ VOLIR UM:!

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etvtorti Mon.-Sat. I0am-9pm Visit our develaptng web site at Sun. l2noon-6pm Listen to our talking classified ad: 254-6060 — box 424 728 Soutii Avenue • 242-7840 a nsismsismsisismsismsmsmsm^^ ,(^^-' ..• •* Comminec. 'Itwas serendipicous that I just hap­ Hie t^icoming elecdons will take most of Ixadex; Sen. Joe Bmoo^ &v kwiaocc^ aod kt Inn pened to be diere when die ESPA job becatne Ridiaxds' encigy and time this faS. 'There are andGay HeakhaadHumwSeivkesNecwoikhas kooir dteic are dboonodi of ng^cml available*" he said '1 accepted die fuH dme posi­ some csdcti^races fbr g^ys and lesbians across the m received one mffion dolars out of die state bod^ don in eady September. My hours axe 9:30 a*m. to state,** he says, "such as thc Jamestown candidacy for ^y^ahted pragramming. It's the fim dme There ars some excftfaig mces 5:30 pjn., and I can bc reached at 271-2420. The of Uoyd Ri^}b» who is an openly gay pmfessor of diat gi9« and kifaianthsffe been mendoned in tfae terview: politica] sdence at Jamestown Community Col­ lba ^wr oeMntiQa paqgPHn ia calcd *1lte- across tfie state thb fiyt fer «»ys ESPA offioeis sdll in the Gay Alliance Community «»e l»c%pt. Has tsd'c AIDS Ibradit^ it's for FlbrVcMCaodlaipoaacaedbyacoaBdattof and lesbians (soch as the caiMil- Allan Richards signs on as the upstate field manager Centet, 179 Adandc Ave. Volunteers arc greatly kge, and has advised gay and lesbian gioups cherc. youh scfykcsy cdnnakt and OMneady antKyk>^ needed. He's running as a Buty^endotsed candidate fbr 7S oigpgiihBiiaMi acBMa d» mme, iDduA^ die knoe paofects. and aocal secvkea spedScaliy dcH dacies) or Lkvyd Rabb, who te for the Empire State Pride Agenda Jamestown Common CoundL It*s eadting be­ GAGV.n%iBayoi4BiaBeCB«tfy.tFMdaboatqBid> %ied for die 9iy and ksbian cooxnnntiy. h's openljr say.„ and te running tbr cause thc gay and ksbian ccMnmunity has gone anodier caanple of forward ptogien in wheie Jamestown ComnrMHi Council as By Suaan Jotdan it was a time of diange fbr die Alliance — diat beyond urban cndaves in getting peopk elected. tawiaeitftofdigmmrfaidanieptrf^s^toelfcct g^ and ksbians aie going in diis state*" wtiole time of dse next generation of gay and a Partjr-endorsed candidate^ Allan Richards, the new upstate field manager 'The odier exddngiace this yeat isTomPcrotti, I%ialy^Alncnann0esevcxyooe«o attend die lesbian activists coming of age after thc Stonewall for die Empite State Pride Agenda, says, 'The \rfio is running fbr mayor of Bin^bamton and is CWiiiiiMiiC]f* WM ESPA &I awatds cfinner at dlie 9ieiaton in New and Tom PeroCti who b running generadon. We were abk to take that and move reascxi I do diis is ttiat I truly believe diat one opoily g;&y/* he condnued "Again, Binghamton is aai4 "laffA k mcanog Ibcwacd We jw Imd a Yock Gtf oo Oct 9. Lesbian comic Kate Cfintcti fer majfor of Bingliamton and b person can make a difference." fcKward with it." bl ligroflttmaikadowdttectoit;^ noc kno«m as a bastion of HbetaHsm, it's pretty wfl be mx. and the keynote addiess wiQ be given openly gay.^ In traditifinaHx In 1991, he dedded to return to school for his Ridtiaids, 38, has been interested in politics and much a blue collar area, and he's a viabk candidate, engaged to do a dadonal acafdk Cbr a successor tt» by Ann Rkhatds, fittmer govemor of Tessas (and conservative* non-urban areas making a difference fbr many years. Bom in degree. **! made die dedsion not to be poor all my also endorsed by the Democratic Party. He's a gotai^iiitliit Dftdk Dadk7 at csccadve Aeoor." no idadoo to A0an, exo^ diac bodi have a sense KH, we're maldng inroads. Willougtiby, Ohio, Richards came to Rochester in life, but to go back to school and be poor fbr fbur bustnessmAQ known in the communtty, his fiither Anodier aaeaof knpcMmctt fix die futtme tn ona»noi^.PorinfomtanoncaDESPAat (212)213- 1980 and wodced m retail "As I got older," hc said, years. I starced at MCC and immediately got in­ was a local figure and hc has name recognition. AittiRkhaidrapnttaakdiefiKXdntdieLesfaftti 243a "I found I wanted to get more involved and was volved wich their bi and gay union, and by the A^un, we're making inroads in traditionally con­ interested in politics. I had volunteered for second semester I was actually running it. Tlien I servative non-urban areas. So thc Pdde A^nda is McGovem^s campaign in 1972 and I diought, diis did an internship in spting *92 in the N.Y.S. Senate concenied with these races and wiH bc ofifedng all is something I enjoy and it's excidng." with Sen. Howard Nolan &om Albany County. I the support and resources we have." Read By 1988 Richards was involved in Democratic moved to Albany and saw thc l^^slature at work, Here in Rochestcr the fbcus wiU be on Tim Part>^ work with die 23rd L^;islaQve Disoia (LD), which is an amazing process, seeing how laws are Mains's campai^ and on voter tt^tiation. '*Un- The Empty Cbset wtiich inciudes die Park Avenue area where hc was made and what is comprotnlsed and is not com- Hkdy as it seems," Richards said, 'Voter registra­ living at ttie dme. '*Bill Benet was die Rciwescnta- prcHnised. tion improves our quaHty of life, because once you for tlie latest sieina tivc and Sue Cowell was die LD leader," he recalls. **I had known for a long time that I wanted to have registered gay men and lesbians across the Hc woriced on campaigns including those ofBcnct study polides, so I transferred to SUNY/Univer- state, pec^lc start caking nodce^ and we can influ­ and Tom Frcy. sity at Albany, because it was in the state capital and Allan Richarch ence legislators that way, Ifyou go to the Majoiitx' "At die same rime I got involved with die dose to die heart of where politics happened, and Visit GAGV, and also co-founded die Rochester branch because it is one of four ofBdal research schools in of Queer Nation," he said. "That was in-your-fece thc state and has a strong polincal sdence depart­ ftnereprbe type policies, but we were able to get some diings ment. I got my BA in 1996." accomplished, such as getting Tbe j^idi^ocatlr moved Richards returned to Rochestrras he had planned fer tlie latest styiesa out ofthe pom section at Village Green." to do \5^en he had finished school. "It's a nice In 1990, Richards came onto the board of die place to live, a place where I have fiiends, a .:;•<•. •: Gay Alliance, and among other things helped community I have roots in, and also a good place ONiilfaa thb aJ aai msbf a purchase desktop publishing equipment for the to be gay or lesbian in. The firet thing I did was dbmnt M yw atn parAass.) Empty Cioset. **Bcing on the board made me really throw myself in as a volunteer for thc Empire State feel I was giving back to the community," hc said. Pride Agenda's Night of 100 Parties fundraiser." "It sounds corny, but I say that because the AUi­ On May 18 of this year, Richards became the & mere garbe ance does have a direct tie to che local community, part-time ESPA field manager after Cheryl <^MSrt'r Karen A. Miller.c.s.w,c.A,c, 25 IM ttMt • lAbMr ^ 14534 * n4*jaS*74]| thcic is no buffer. It was also die time when die Camillo's departure, and on May 19 started work­ Community Center bmlding -was being bought, so ing part time for the Monroe County Democratic -•vV.^.v.. PSYCHOTHERAPIST SPECIALIZING IN Individual • Relationships • Group '•f.- Alternative Lifestyles WHERE THE COOLEST PEOPLE BE A PUBLISHER? ON THE PLANET SHOP Determined to Iaad a sales opportunity ivith « phnrmaceittical compsny that*s fftimgplaces ? 7 N, Goodnnan St • Rm 3 (716)436-5897 Smart Move. 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1 want to feel comfortable when we shop. Feel finee to be Ourselves! I want Peopie who work with us, as the couple Considering Coming Out Month We are. Understanding our wants and needs. When it has to BySoaanRafib foiget that a lot of us live complicaced Hves in be special, it has to be My comifig out aa a lesbian was a liberating act of which our sexual orientation and desires are not self-defitution, a moment of change widi a be­ always the top pdority. Sometimes we have to feed fore and an after. This cxp>edence of coming out the Idds first. is, 1 bcHcve, die only thing that all queers fully The problem widi the mondity scale that extsts !A.%S Jewdru share. Wc don*t each feel a part of thc same in much ofour media and public conversadoo, is culture, share the same interests, and wc cer­ that it paves the way fbr a narrow idea of queer ^ "^We Understand tJ tainly don't all agree on whac it means to be a gay community. It talks about diversity while meaning "Why pav someone elses mark up. "We manufacture or lesbian, bisexual or transgendered. But we **like-us (first) but different (seconi^." Relying on have all come out, even if only to ourselves. the same system of duality that brought us male om own Jewelry. That saves you ttme and money Because coming out is die one piece of common and female, we foiget about the many ways that Custom Design * Casting * Jewelry Repair * Remounts * ground, it gets a lot of hyp>c. It*s usually die fiist people deal with their lives. conversation wc have uidi new lovers and fiiends Fc^ks with disabilities who have personal care 14K Bands * Sterling jewelry * Gold and Silver Rings, Earring and we leam about a lot of dungs. Wc set die fects assistants and litde control over who the agency Pendants, Chains and Bracelets... to list a few services against an intemal standard, against belief about sends, or folks in a nursing home, arc just one what it means to be "our" or "in" die doset. example. Coming out as gay could mean marking Proudly Serving Central New York Since 1986 I know of an instance where two women were yourself for physical and sexual abuse. Ifyou arc wildly in love but one never told a soul beyond her poor and you rely on friends and relatives to make Take Rt 104 E. to Wolcott, tum left at McDonalds. We're on lover and a small group of fnends that she was a it dirough, you're not going to do sometiiing that dyke, and the other was used to tongue dancing will jeopardize having a place to live, diings to eat, od, generous, liberated, mature, polidcal against discrimination on the basis of sexual onen­ people come out Thcy get attention and affirma- tadon, who whispjets co fhe woman working next AND MUCH non. Coming out is a good thing to do, it is good for to her about her lover's bout wi&i die flu? y MORE! i community, it works towards putting an end to Coming out is a profoundly personal choice and VETERINARY homophobia and heterosexism, it shows that we an act of bravery to bc applauded and affirmed. OSPITAL arc everywhere." Thc problem lies in the morality sysccm that has 720 Pirtsford-Victor Rd. TKe odier side of die coin is like diis: Version A: grown embedded within communicy conversa­ Piusfon). New York 14534 INSURED "Bad, sdf-ccntcrcd, apolitical people don't come tions about coming out. If we arc struggling for the (716) 24a-959e out. Tlicy don't care about communicy. Thcy are tight for all to determine their own sexualit)' and # FREE ESTIMATES only incetested in the comfort and easiness of cheir sexual orientation, then we also need to accept own lives." And version B: *Tt is a sad thing when how varied those choices will be. Atid for those ANDY FLEMING. m\\ people can't come out. Those peopie who don't living in environments where thc choice to cocne DVM CAROL HALTER 4S4-8930 cocne out are living in oppressive environments or out is firau^t with personal danger, we can't take they have a kx of internalized oppiessicMi. If tbey away their pride and power by only seeing diem as were in die r^hc environment, pergonal spaoc oc victims of an oppressive system. Tliere is immense had enot^ thers^, they would definitely oomc power in knowing you are gay even when you out. cannot tell anyone else. GAYS AND LESBIANS Problems rise when we shame those who don't Coming Out Monch is a month to '^I^I-^BK- our "We do it without shorts'' live a pardcular kind ofout-life, xpptyingtsmr tnoral vktooes and to honor our scn^gjes. It is a time to gauge and drawing a fine in thc sand, out fb&s on thitik again about what we mean when we talk BOUTIN THE WORKPLACE this side, the rest of you over there. We stn^>lify about coming out Our real strength as a move­ RMidmtial & Commercial Greater Rochester Gay and Lesbian Business Forum (GRGLBF) ourselves inco a caniboaid cut-out of proper queer ment is built on how much we on acknowledge behavior, where to truly be *'out," tbere are kknti- our in visible and less visibfe members as wdl as die fiable markers. Prom that cutout, we head in two moreprominentand pubtic. Afier all, onepefson's • FREE EstimatM Thursday, October 9, 1997 6:00-7:00 PM directions. On the one hand, we «i^ drag queens idea ofthe closet is anodier person's klea of Irrin^ Admission^ $3.00 to non GRGLBF members and stone butches,h^£emme lesbians and leadier in die nude. gays back into the closet, apcJogizing furtively to SKJmE^^i/oMthorofQtxetiyOAsscdfSimthEi^ ^^*!*?£'^4fl.^%'2 ^?? Univenity^Aveime^^^ - the mainstteam and explaining that we really are Pttrt 1996). Speakers, open panel and one-on-one discussions with: \ just like evetyone else. Or, on die odier hand, we L OFFICE: a54-aa42 PMHm^3S-9467 • Lambda (Kodak) (Dan Sapper, Deb Krusemark) \ • GLOB&L (Bausch & Lomb) (Tom Menzel, Tom Carlock) I I • GALAXe (Xerox) (John Curtis, Gregg Fox) • PROFESSIONAL PLANNING ASSOCIATES Oieniab, UpMsmy it Fine f<^ With Over 50 Years of Combined Investment Experience > '*. • Is it safe to be out? Networking/Management connecttons * Why diversity malces good business RETIREMENT PLANNING SPECIALISTS DRY FOAM EXTRACTION SYSTEM • Is it safe to be in? Productivity / Harassment • Crossing boumteies MANAC^D NO LOAD MUTUAL FUND PORTFOLIOS No Stt^am Of Over Saturation • A business imperative - (organization / culture / skill) lories it} jusi a tew $horthoars> • Equal Employment Opportunity <- how we track our progress • Fears and baifiers / gay and non-gay No Toxic Ory Cleaning Fluids • The job hum - iniervicwsng '^out' - resume "out • Opportunities / Productivity For a free initial consultation call: 442-6660 No Shrinkage or Bacterial Build-up * Creating allies in the workplace * Manufacturing /Cross*E>ivi$tonal Eliminate Pet Rood & FlreOdors * ineim^s mdmktsUm $0 tk€ inetttkfy mtstwerk social (5:3t^S:00pm) Bting your friends! OM(n6)234^0T5tora1meeM8M^ ttppetiztrst etukbarimike CtukrRestamnuaena.

fba AfuDmB IVLR OU fu Mec ". ;^ .' .jF-'-^y^TO^ -.- ^F^TB^^** >^^ ^^-

^' All hrtf IkiUi condnued from p. 3 for-profit diagnostic and treatment center Lesbians At Xerox (GALAXe). Gregg Fox and providing primary care and infectfous disease Come out and join the This led Interbidi Advocates and B'rith John Curtis; GLOBStL at Bausch and Lomb, treatment for more than 700 adults whh VKNi GayAlliance; there's Tom Menzel and Tom Carlock, ICodesh Sisterhood to create a proc;nmn show­ AIDS. ing how children can be Uught to be respectful "We are so fortunate in the Rochester area William M. Valenti. MD, die former Medical strength in numbers of all people, including those who are lesbian, to have such valuable resources at our finger­ Director and co<-founder, wMI continue to see gay, or bisexual, and their families and friends. By Tanya Smolinaky tips," GRGLBF program director David Kosel patients at CHN and provide consultatfon The program Is desipied for everyone WIK> The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley said in refierence to the empfoyee caucus throughout the United States on AIDS-re- ^ deals with children — parents, educators, (GAGV) is faunching its fall Maior Membersh^ groups. Both Lambcfa Networic at Kocfak and fated management issues. students and youth, counselors* social work­ Drive. Thb year's theme is "Do something GALAXe have been very involved at national Dr. Drepaul has moved to Rochester from ers, clergy and pastoral caregivers, health care meaningful for National Coming Out Day — conferences sharing their experiences and New York Oty to assume the leadership of provkiers. and all others conc^t^ed. come out as a new member of the Gay lessons leamed. Kosel added tlut it is very Community Health Network. Most recendy 'Kespect Is Elem«ntar/' will be held on Alliance and help us help others to come out.** appropriate to focus on being out in die he was an attending physician in Infectious Nov. 9, from 2-4:30 pjn, at Temple B'rith Funds raised through the membership cfcive workplace during Natfonal Coming Out Week Diseases at the Catholic Medical Center Kodesh, 2131 Bmwood Ave. hirt of the will support GAGV programs and services since tiie woricpface comprises such a lar^e PRODUCTIONS (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) and program will include a segment ofthe award- such as the Breaking the Ice support group, portion of most people's lives. established an HIV/AIDS Primary Care pro­ winning documentary film. W% ^Si^mtr^ry^ and which is for people newly coming out; Perma­ The forum will indude brief presentations gram within the Bridge Plaza Rehabilitation a panel presentation by Shiriey Bowen, Assis­ nent Partners, whk:h in part helps couples on current employee groups and workplace Clinic Dr. Drepaul is fluent In Spanish. A Phi tant Principal of Brighton High School; Dennis negotiate comingout issues, and the Commu­ achievements for lesbians and gays, and will Beta Kappa and Schofars' Program graduate of Foley, a member of the faculty of the U. of nity Education Project, which helps to create fbcus on an interactive audience dialogue of Brooklyn College (C.U.N.Y.). he is a graduate Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry an environment in which it is easier for people cfuestions and dbucssfon. Topics will include: of New York University School of Medkine. and staff psychologist whh the Departmentof to come out. Is it safe to be "out?" — networidng and \^% residency in Intemal Medicine and fellow­ Psychiatry; Kitty ^fo^an. a ciinkial social worker, Over the last 25 years, the Gay Alliance has connections in the woricpface; Is it safe to be ship in Infectious Diseases were completed In and a student. probably helped tens of thousands of people "in?" — employee productivity and harass­ New York City. Dr. Drepaul is a Diplomate of to come out. Such help presents itself in ment; the Job Hunt — interviewing "out," Co-sponsors not only include some ofthe the American Board of Intemal Medicine and obvfous ways like through a support group or ys/hy diversity makes for good business, over­ religious communities but such groups as Board-Eligibie in Infectious Diseases. Youth Emergency Services and the Rochester a call to the GaySource Info-line. However, coming fears and barriers (gay and non-gay Sunday November 9"' 7:30 pm In addition, Michael Christie, MD. a Family concems). Pediatric Society, It is hoped that the message the GAGVs impact in the community is also Practice physician with special interest in car­ will reach a broader audience. often felt in more subtie ways like someone Suggested donation for non-members is $3 ing for people with HiV/AlDS. has now joined The event is free and open to the public. reading about the GAGV Pride Picnic in the and includes appetizers, social hour and the the CHN staff full time. He Is a graduate ofthe Doors Open at 6:00 pm The building is accessible to the handicapped. Detfiocrat & Chrotikte and taidng comfort in Business Forum presentation. A cash bar is University of Rochester School of Medicine For more information call Judy Schwartz at knowing that there is a large and active gay available GRGLBF wekomes all tx> attend The and Dentistry, and completed his residency in 442-5111 or Nancy Eckerson Fitts at 381- community in thc Rochester area, or some­ group, with neariy 200 members, includes the Highland Family Medicine Program in Roch­ 4846. one picking up TTie Etrtpty Qoset and learning professionals and small business owners, as ester. He has been affiliated v^th CHN during where to go to meet other lesbian, gay and bi well as employees from a wide range of skills the last two years of his residency. people. and fields of business. Bring yourself, bring Drew Lewis, MD, continues in his role as If all the people who have been helped by your friends and join us for the evening. For Director of Clinical Trials. He also serves as the Gay Alliance were to become supporting infonnation, please contact GRGLBF at 234- consultant in Tropical Medicine. Craig Sellers. members, this organization would be huge 8706, MS, RN. Adult Nurse Practitioner and Bobby and able to provide many more programs to Robinson. MS. RN, Family Nurse Practitioner, Lambda, Kodak host •'i. meet the various needs of our community. continue their practice at CHN. This year the membership committee is gay families exhibit introducing a gift giving program to thank The Lambcfa Network at Kodak and the Of­ Conning Out continued from p. 3 people for donating above the basic member­ fice of Corporate Diversity and Work/Ufe of ship levels. For example, one ^h at the $75 Triangle Talk—Tanya Smolinsky, GAGV Eastman Kodak Co. are sponsoring "Love level and above is a t-shirt with the new GAGV Makes A Fumtly*. Uving in Lesbian and Gay center director, will lead a discussion about 25th anniversary logo design. Another ffh at Fatnilies,** which is on . except Suncfay. woricplace coming out The exhibit wHI be on display for Kodak event on Oct. 9 employees during business hours at the fol­ Grand BaUroom fowing focations: Sept 30 - Occ 2. Kodak By David Fnschlcom Office B-IO. 9th floor; Occ 3 - Occ 7. Kodak In recognition of National Coming Out Week Park B-28 Lobby (public access); Occ 8 - Occ Tickets Sold at Taras (Oct. 6-12). the Greater Rochester Gay and 10. KEMD Elmgrove B-1. Lesbian Business Forum (GRGLBF) monthly For more infbrmation, please leave a mes­ And Muthers networking meeting will include a special Busi­ sage on Lambcfa Network's vok:e mail at 234- ness Forum event titied, "Gays and Lesbians 43^. — Out in the Workpface" "L^ve Makes a Famiiy" is presented by $ 15.00 in Advance The monthiy meeting wHI be held on Oct. 9. School and Woricpface Dtversiiy Resources/ from 5:30-8 pjn. at the Memoria! Art Gallery Family Ties. Photos are by Gigi ICaeser. inter- > $20.00 at the Door (500 Univwslty Ave.) The Business Forum vievM by Pam Brown and Peggy GMespie. For presentation will be in the West Parior from infonnation about bringing tl)is dispfay to your 6-7 p.m. business, sdtool, church, or comnnunity gath­ For ticlcet and table infonnation The Open Panel wfll include representa­ ering, please contact Pam Brown at FamMy tives of the follov^ng g^y and lesbian employee Ties, phone 413-256-0049, email caucus pxHips: Lantbda Networic at Kodak, [email protected] or visit Call 263 7727 g^Y'lfi HAIR DESIGN Dan Sapper and Deb Krusemariq Gays and www.famayties.ofg AVEDA CONCEPT SALON KATHY PETERS iQfl4 moproA avft ftvtfflhf^ cornera) OPEN M,W JH.F, SAT- BY APPOINTMENT . LICENSED 716-244-165S MASSACE

THERAPIST "v^ 716.328.5798

:i and iicr sister Ncbt^liet (Greek Nepdiys) werc xdig^M even after i>dng taken to Haiti as slaves, AI3 Marie Laveau passed on lierxofe and identity to iicr fidl, and die spido of die dead coukl roam abroad j^^^JEBXL Lesluaos and gay men iiave ancestors witfa food and drink offerings cxi tiic known as "The Two Ladies Wiio Are One." Isis from tli^imiecwcadd* was worshipped in Egypt over many millennia, dau^itcr, Marie Ijiveau II, wlx> was ixxm in thc fl M ^^^^ ^^^^ assodaced widi **pa^* nig^ wiien tiiey tetumcd feom thc underworld to A HALLOWFE?^ ABC and tiien Ixcame an in^xirtant goddess of tiie i 820s and had b^;un sul>8tituting for iier mcKiier WL. Bird of nig^ and wisdom, often ^^^^ pofytiieisticxd^g;kicis,wfaidimflylisve visit didr old homes. Tlie iionoring was also an COAPing with Romans. She is identified with die scar Sodiis in rieoals in the 1850s. Maries I and II hdd great I asaodated widi witdies and moon i>iW^iJ.*eWoitie Native Amecican cukvttes in re- appeasement c}f the powexfol^Mrits, tt>kee p dicm gocklesaes, wiio wexe sakl to take tile (Strius) wiiidi rose ac the time of die N9e floods, pcvwer in New Oileans scxaety, since tlicy knew all O gaxding t^xea as '"two-flpitxtetT pexaons vAva in good imroor and willing to iie%> dietr fetmlifff foonofoids. Halloween BySueenJcMden water, and widi die sun, moon, planets, stars." n^CK O LANTERN. In Nordi America, die secrets of tiic ric^ and powerfuL Maric is have been gtvena^MxiatspiritaBlg^ ofbeing able and dans. If no oiSferings were made, thc angry RTEMIS. Andent Anatolian/Gtcck LERY. Sotne say that Faeries (as op Jack O Lanterns axe made by caxvii^pump assodated Jess with HaDoween liian widi die sum­ «. Andent Greek god of die wikkr to undexstand tx>ch mak and femde, and wiio may ghosts would play tcicks on tlidr n^Jectfetl de­ Grab your aspe and vampire fimgs! COAP Vifgin goddess of die wildemess, die posed to thc tiny winged "fairies" oflate I kins, in Europe, espedaliy in Scotland, dicy tner solslke, when sliehdd famous rices on Baycm aeas and of pliaflk power; Pan caused play a ceremonial role kl didr societies. It is some­ scendants. (Come Out and Play), thc social group for k mcxxi, and women. The city ofEphesus Ffables) were the original, pre-Indo-Eu­ anode out of large tum^. Hiey may repce- Sc Joim whkii resembled die sacred-spcii^iead F'^panic''in tiiose who ventured into ius times sakl diat "drag** comes fixMndi e pcactice of iSEBLIH. The Unsedic Court was young adult gay men and lesiuans, is iiott- A ropean inhabitants of Eurcpe, descended ftom wiki teiitoty widiout die p«^>cr xites. Tiic Pan in Anatofia was one of many dties that were Jscnt d%e iieads of Cdtic saczed sacrifidal kings cites still iidd tock^ in Haid gay pciests dressing as women and bdng dxagged die fectk^no f dieFaexies wiiich served ing a HaUoween Party on Oct. 31 at thc sacied to her. She was known to tiie Romans as the Neolithic builders of the m^alithic stone ^mich wexe used as K>N. The Earth's satellite, revered ardietypemr^weflgoback to IHdeQiiduc shamans dmw^ a region oo a cart, not unlike die Pride Udie Winter H^ (Crone form of tiic Wliite House Lcxige in Wci^tcr Park. didcs. In die eady Bronze Age (c 2000 BCH) they Diana. In her Triad fotm, she is Latona (die as agoddess cxrgod duoug^iout tiie depicted on tfae WBQS of Euzupean caves. Mediac- Parade floats of today. Many priestesses wiio lived Goddess) and represented tiie forces of death atid Spooky festivities wiD run from 7 to 10*30 were overrun by Incfo-European migrants £tom *'modiei^' of Artemis, actually her birth-goddess i^es by most cultures. ITie Moon vdQuisiiBDScfistorted ills iuTcncd itnage into that together witiiout men wexe called virgins by patri- transformaricm. In the fell diey defeated the Scdie pjn., and will indude dancing with D.J. Paul Eastern Europe. Hicy were known to the Cdts as M of'Tlic Devil," didr demonized version of pre- form); Artemis die Amazon/Huntress, and controls tiie tides and in mytiiolpgy is tiic scHxrcc of ardial iiistorians; thcy may iiave Ijcen vi^in only Court of the Maiden, causing iicr to descend to tile &om iNftitiiers, a costume contest, bobiiiz^ the Good Nd^ibors or People ofPeace; Tuatha Ciiristiaa gods. To thc Cdts, tlie iiomed god was Hekate as Crone, queen of magic and the nlg^c water/dew/tnenstrual blood, dreams, magical msofer as they did not iiave sot widi xnalo. Underworid (wiiere siie wcHild bear the sun diikl for s^iplcs, cosnmied Twister, and m€»e. No de Danaan in Ireland (Children of the Gocidcss ' Artemis controlled women's menstrual cydes enchantment, die unconsdous, sexual desire and tiie locd of male sexuality, of die animal wocki, of UNES. The form of writix^ used hy at winter sc^tice), leaving tiic Winter Hag to rule alcoiio! win iie served; rcfeesiiments wiH in­ Danu), Tyiwyih Teg in Wales, etc. (see SEEUE). and childbirth, protected young children and , Tantric Hindu Goddess known as fertility. Some of tiie Eurc^sean names of tiie tiie dead and tlie underworld. He was asscxaated andentTeutonicpeoples.Todaymany tiie world. In spting tiie Hag drank a potion wiiich dude ckkr and dou^inuts and fitter foocL The word "faet/* derives from Latin FaAt^ also, as hunter and guardian of the wild places, tiie Great Mocher or Moiiier of Time. MoongoddessesareLuna,Sdene,Ancmis/Diana. witfi the Gteat Mother, and represents exijtierant, R^neo-p^ans use runes fot dtvinadon. tumed iier i>ack into die Maiden, wiio dien re­ Organizers s^, "Stop in to die party before **Fate," die ode of priestesses who werc tsiidwivcs, the young of wild animals. She and her nyn^shs, >hc is bbck (like the Black Virgins of One example of a Moon gcxi is thc Sumerian Sin, joyous, cxeittive male scxcttlicy in service to die Tiie NcMsc lidieved diat runes iidd magical pow­ turned to thc iqjper wodd, and tlic Seelie Court going out, or as jfri altemadve to thc barsP* healers and prophets in old European cultures such as Callisto, lived togedier without men. In Europe) and is liie creator of die untverse(s) and of father ofdic Great Gcxidess Innana. Gencrall>' the Lifefbcce,xadicr than to patriarchal aggression and ers. defeated the Unsedie Court in a mock battk of Tlie party is feee (dooations accqxcd.) Thc Three Fates of andent Greece and other Fate- compedtion. mediaeval times, Diana became known as the all life. In iier horrific form she is a wild Amazon Moon represents modier-ri^t and female wis­ EELIE, Andent word of possible pre- winter and spring, The Lo(%e is tiic large pillared w^te iiouse Triads were transformed into folkoric images like Goddess of thc Witches, mother of a dau^ter gh<^ "^o drinks blood, yet she iias been revered dom and power. Thc word "moon"is connected I Indo-European origiti, wiiich ori^nally kMPIRE. Bk>odsucking Undcad spir overiooking the lake, on Lake Road at tfac Faery Godmother and the Faery Princess. Thc named Aradia who protected poor peopie. by mystics as tiie self-ghring, eternal source of to ''mind" and "mctnory**. Smeant •'pkxis, hdy, blessed," and was its,\(4iidi figure in folklore all over the Wdister Park. Co-sponsors of die event English poet Geol&ey Chaucer wrote in the 14th mercy. U:R0MANCV. Thc magical prac -'/ -^ X ^ -'•>'/'/' •/- V assodated with die iiarvcst Thc season of Harvest wotW. In Europe and North America, include thc AIDS RochcstcrOutieach Prc^ea century tiiat England was c»ice upon a time a V tice of raising die spirits ofthe dead Time was known in Scotland as "die Sedic thc vampire figure iias i>ecome identified widi die and ^X^ Wimmin. •londc fulfilled of Faerie." Fac-cric was a state of AVEAU, Marie. Queen of Vocxioo, CJT to consult them alxHit future events. Woman's Season." Silbuxy Hill, tiic liighcst iui- 19th century novd Dmcttia by Bram Stoker, and mind, not a litde winged critter, Chaucer was Vodun, in 19tfa century New Odeans. N Divination rites often took place at Halloween, man-madc iiill in Europe, Ms^ch is located near tiic die filmsmad e from it, wiiich created a Hollywotxl refening to die spells cast by the Fate Asters in thc LITTIC descendant of Haitian mami>os wiien the barriers ijctween tiie worids were said to l^anmey to WfioCeness great Avebury Stone Cirdc, may derive its name mythology of thc land of Transylvania and its Today, many people are part of modem, recre­ service of the White Goddess, which guided hu­ (priestesses) who served tiic iSsw of tiieir Afiican fiom "Sde," and may have been used for lA^iinasad siqscmatura! inhabitants. Stoker's Dracula is based ated witdicraft or pagan rdigions, wiiich arc often manity tiirough tfae ever-changing, ever-renewing iiarvcst conemonies. TTic Faeries iiad a Scclic Court on tiic 1 Sth century sadist Vlad Dracula, lord of tiie known by tiic cdttecdvc name **WJcca." These seasons ofthe year. Toda/s Radical Faeries are gay iPsycfiotherapy (representing tiic Maiden goddess of tlic spring real Transylvania and Wallachia (present day Ro­ groups arc usually opposed to Satanism, tjut liic men seeking to renew andent Nature-connected and an Unsedic Court, (representing tiic forces of mania). He was also known as Vlad Tscpcsii, "Tiic confusion still continues i>ctwecn genuinely spiritual traditions. *InsigfU winter and dcadi.) A Scottish rhyme said, *Tfyc call In^>alcr," forone of iiis nasder liabits. The Dracula "Unsedie" sorccrors, wiio try to manipulate oth­ HOST. The spirit of a dead person me Fairy/Ill work ye muckfe tatric (trouble)/... If image represented sexuality to the repressed Vic­ ers tiirough magic, and "Scclic" followers of l>e- > which returns to the earth, usually at *TmpO'werment Good Neighbour yc call me/Thcn Good ROOMSTICK Nfagicalinstnimcntof torians. nevolcnt, Nature-centered rdigions wiiich are Halloween. (Sec NECROMANCY, * Neighbour I will b»c/Bwt if yc call mc Sedic wicht/ thc witches. L^cnd says tfiat broom G 'Jiwa^fnifi0 Creatwiiyy rCH- A woman or man who wor t>ascd on thc cydes of thc seasons, tiie moon, TTUCKORTREAT.) Humans have feared ghosts 111 lie your fiiend Ixuth day and nicht" In mediae­ and wotnen's Ixxlies. •5* socks werc used for fl^t. Some schol­ siiips tiic Great Goddess and tiic X B fbr centuries, and many explanadons have been *Life Tools val times "scclic" was used to refer to innocent ars claini thatT(ntchcs smeared psychotropic dn^ WOld Gods. Thc derivation is un­ -FILES. Thc weirdness is out invented to account for apparitions, such as die chikiren or animals. Wlicn tiie patriarchal ways of like henbane or bcOadonnaon didr brooms, nibbed known but it is sometimes connected with words tiiete...Today*s myth of UFOs and theoiy that strong emotions may be recorded as diought took over, "Scclic" became tiie word the wood against thdr sldn, and then haUucinated meaning **wisdom-" Or it could he rdated to the X RosweU NJVL et al is repladng die lig^t impressions wiiich can then be stored in "silly." flight. Similar magical instnuncnts associated with iPauta deCfteOkf, iPfLlD. root wie, 'living," as in "the quick (cwic) and tlic Hofiywocxl Transyivania mydios, wiiidi in tum wocxl or stotic and pkyed back like a film when goddesses and witches are the Distaff (used by UCK OR TREAT. In mediaeval Eu dead." In mediaeval dmes society was obsessed replaced andent European folklore. conditiotis arc rig|ht. Tliis however would not 47330$0 Spinstdi) and live Trident. TKe OuUeadi Bheui Topc, children would dress as ^osts in with the fear of witches, who were defined as SOR. THt Tnonstrou& sidddck. of Dt. explain the accounts of ghosts returning to right a (Itish Artemis) drew down die winter snow at Tiiay or leaves, and process around their agents ofthe Christian enrity "Satan." MMons of Frankenstdnin theHQfif)'WOodai>thos, wrong or give a message o£ some kind. As Dr. Halloween by stdJdng the giound with her StafF. The ancient rite of Drawing Down die Moon into tiie hi^ priestiess, from a Greek vase pakiting. villages iicgging for food Tiiis practice may ccnnc women and men were bumed or otherwise mur­ Yusuafly pJaycd by Bda jLugosi. v^o Samud Johnson said, '*AU knowledge is against it, LT. Tlie cat was sacred to the goddess firom thc old European custom of honoring thc dered after bdng accused of heing witches; die couldn't get lead roles after bdng typecast as ali belief is for it," Bast in andent Egypt. In mediaeval witdihunters then shared thdr property. TTic Dracula.. ALLOWEEl^. Irish Samiiain. Thc Europe, witches were said to have ''fa­ '^Burning Times" were mosdy between 1500 and ^0DIAC. Thc wheel of constdlarions C Fire Feast of Death and Transfor Fabric^s S wiiich astrologers use in divinarion. miliars,** animal allies supposedly inhabited by II 1700 CE. There is doubt nowadays as to whctlicr , matiorL, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1. Tlie Cdts demons. Many an old woman and her pet were H any of the victims were really witches, whether 2itost modem Zodiac constdlations arc iiad four Cross Quarter Fire Feasts: Samhaixi, ANTHONrS 522 Ifdlled by mucdetous witchhuntcts. So many cats Findings defined as Satanists or as "pagans" (which simply based on Greek diedes, but some images, like Aries Bdtain (April 31-May 1, the Feast of Sexuality), were killed that rats bred unchecked and contrib­ means a country dweller — and dius proiiably a the Ram and Virgo tiie Virgin, were part of earlier Li^^masad or Lammas (Aug. 1-2, the Feast of A Treasure Packed uted to the spread of die Black Plague. Black cats t>dievcr in andent agricultural ddnes). Egyptian and Middle Eastern zodiacs. Astrologv' Harvcst),and Imbolc (Candlemas,Feb l-Zj.Tliesc Every Sunday were regarded as especially magical, and folklore WareKouse It is said that survivals of preiiistoric rdigions iias been discredited as a "sdence," i>ut it stiQ Cross Quaner feasts balanced tiic Four Quartets said that blade cats met to dance "on aH thc wisht were maintained in parts of Europe (such as Brit­ retaifis an emotionai and symboBc importance to of winter sobtice, spiing equinox, summer solstice ol FasKion Fabrics nights witches do meet" EUCHRE TOURNAMENT tany and tiic Baltic area) up to tiie 18th century. manypeople. and autumn ccjuinox. Originally Halloween was a RUID. Dnikis were die "Oakwtse" at Close-out Prices. time to welcome back tiic sfMrits ofhonored ances­ 2:30 PM I O0cr= "Oak" in Gaclk). They were tors wiiich returned on tiiat tiight to thdr homes. thc pncscs and priestesses ofthe Iron RemtiftntB...Piece Goods D 0£Eerings were kft out for diem. (Sec HUCK OR Mill endA—Decorator Fmbrics players get 250 off all cocktails Age Cdts, who worshipped thc gods in sacred TREAT. UNSEELIE.) groves, and thcy were also thc poets, historians, Foam-Trims philosophers, healers, astronotners and political Custom UpKolstery advisors in dieir sodedes. Hiecc were three ranks Window Treatments within the order: bards, vates and Druids. At least Shop .« Honae 20 years of study was required to become a full FREE Decorator servtee. Druid. 50 nnderson Kv^ Friday, October 31st L£M£NTAL.TheElementalisanQn- Kochesfer. R.Y. 14607 human spint belonging to one ofthe CUiccne of TBcniab E' "fbur dements:" water (Undines or C716)-461-2820 Naiads), earth (Gnomes), air (Sylphs) or fire (Sala­ Smoothing out the rough edges manders). Mary Daly and Jane Capud write in tfae iis. (Au Set). Andent Egyptian Gockiess Wkkttiary that Elemencab are "Spincs/Aogds/ of wisciom, mj^c, and Hfe. Sie restored an Erika Diamonds Production Demons manifesting the esscnrial inteD^eiKe of Iliie l^ody of iicr murdered consort Osiris, Richard D. sfMot/mattBi; Intdligences enscxilif^ the stars, and protected tiieir son Hocus until iie was okl animating tfae ptcx:esses of eacth, air, fire, water, enough to avenge iiis fittiier's murder by Yna evil eospintiag the scxxids tfaat axe the Elemeno of unde Sec Isis knew tiie true name of tiie sun god Fenwick And on Wednesdays and Saturdays T)M >A/)&di as Spkiceer Crone holds her Distaff ami Stands on a m^itNc Stone She wotds, cocttiecdi^ wcxds with the eanh, air, fiie. Ra add was aiale to control iiim tiirough magpc Stie Contractor is ckMoly connociBd to dve naiiiral vvortd afx)uivi her and to the oosti^ Now oflBring HuniM^Dougtei lowir draptt & iOrich mM Wednesday from 7PM -11 PM andvirtlcalMindt* DMigpi,OryVIWi,Dtcks, 04t%'0^MMm' mt^ CarpeiNry, Prapeily MiM^^ /bitiMMIv'i y - Friday Edith H. Bernstein, C.S.W. Repairs toIl i repiaoement 3-for-2 Ucensed Social Worker 622 E. MAIN ST. 325r2060 noon-8 PM Expertise in seif image, problem resolution, 7/e-SgS-^SS4i couple commiATiicatlon Cal & leave meseage MAKE OUB BAK YOUR BAK "^^^^ iO% ^radd dd atd (716)427-0960 (9idir)g Fee Scale) AIS c€ i]|e#^ afuns^ ci^^



ADVENTURES IN WINE COUNTRY: Above and below: COAP members on die group's TlwGedMcm%Led|lMVMb%homdasimseccruiwfcrwon^ Mdbca and Kdbr oiejr the cruise. Rnger Lakes region wine tasting tour in September. 13. Abaiww tlw Saneci OrMfiMr B.

ON THE RANGE Rochester Rangers President Al at the food booth during the group's Mexksui Resta at Tara. Aug. 22


Mo gMng a lei to ftasaengBn. The Coalition for Lesbian VtstOtf, baaed in Seneca FaHs. D4. Jo Cumniinsi sons throi^ her CDs. iponsors monthly sodals for women from aN over the fk^^r Laloes/Central N.Y. area. if V/EDDIHG BEUJStjcihn ^klntyre and Gary KekVier c>utskle DowTitcywn United Presbyterian Church Sifter their union ceremony on Sept. 20. ^

is- mmf '". --V WE ARE CELEBRATUSG 20 YEARS OF SERVING AND SUPPORTING THE G;AY LUNCH HOURS t lam - 2.30 pm lASOM-SATi 704 UNIVERSITY AVE coMMUNmr WITH sra:oALS AND PARTIES DINMIER HOURS Spm - torn fWED-THURI PH:f7«6)271 4910 5pm - 10 pm (PRKSAT) CLOSED ON SUNDAYS ~ FAX:(7f6|271 4399 ALL MONTH LONG I MONDAYS l^ooM till 8|Mn Nl tiU Ttaa^SDAYS 1.25 WeU and DMnestic 1 .as weD wMil A •estie WcontMSpM B«er with ai.a sa«t a.Xif WeH atMl domestic t>eer with $!.•• Sh«« Jipeeial. with Sf .CO Shot special. ftrawi a|NH till 12aua imtmUs Night with C^lilf K>«>opste has 2 for i aa.iNft EDIBLES T-shkntMoht Bi«ardi DitilX. l^rtnuln m Imrm T- smtmrntstet SMinMfT % WUMk V«iv«t RESTAURANT WeV and Donestlc eeer ShKNI Mmmi b«tt» HATtmBAYS N«Mi tiu aiMH Fit ani BobDiBlch fori«tta«anr 1.25 Weil «Mdl Daaiestie Beer SfliL 4(h BobCNrtch ^^^•^•^^P^^ with $1 .•• Sh^ Special. jT^. HWM trmm Spw till iSma JFtL lOlli BobOWhsh as.ea Set liti Bob^DlElch •lewnll Dii./Lt, ^Minneiff Maeli Velvet LOCATED FH. ITtti 8kMSBrand2of theNolBa IN THE NEW SUMMER leih BobDMch NEIGHBORHOOD .^ MEMU AMD SUimAVS OF THE ARTS ^ OMiSlpa SMMh OofiyFI|iOMa IJBS WeKaari AhMlMNiiy Show wl« ^;-

31al '--•1 •rM f. * . :'Xj


Columnists Gay Groups • v^^ H Intzodudng a new column: Bi COAP will host a Halloween blast Linesp by the Bisexual Discus­ at the White House Lodge, sion Group, Webster Park.

PAGE B18 PAGE Wl Calendar Check it out • Dining for Dollars is Oct 4 at • Local filmmaker Chris Russo HAVK YOU €OT THI SOOOPt Share it Widi tha f^ of the siy commuiiltyt The the Riverside Convention talks about her work. Empty Closet Is always tooMng ^or Information rq^rdteif events and social actMties. If you know something, send It to us! Submissions are doe by die i Sth of each month at; Center. Dance the nig^t away! The Empty Closet, 179 Atlantic Ave^ Rochester, NY 14607*1255. Or call 244-9030.

Sports firom my side of the fence By Savaruiah The other evening I swore that I was hearing what sounded like someone Ron Ehmke choking. After checking every room in Ron Ehmke my sumpmous but tasteful Park Av­ Best Costume Conteststarting at 10pm, KOO in Prizes enue condominium, and finding noth­ pnesents The Dark ing, I diought that perhaps I had one too many CreatnAlc Burgers washed %rSex s Tinnes triptych down with pitchers of sparkly clear For thc last three years, audiences at Genesee River Water. Bite your teeth into them, it won't be pretty! Buffalo's Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Or periiaps I was- overdosing on Center, Rochester's Downstairs Caba­ County Executivejack Doyle's speeches ret and cheaters throughout thc North­ on talk radio about why the taxpayers of east have watched the gradual unfold­ Monroe County should bc happy to sub­ ing of writer/performer Ronald sidize Frontier f^eld through a tax in­ Ehmke's **performAncc triptych," 71>e crease — cr— surcharge. I diought die Darik Utttes. GOP stood for "getting die govemment Ihis pcfsotnl epk fbftcrws Ehtnke atid out of peo|4e*s lives." various fiiends and 6)Lmily members on a At \ast, 1 reaHzed diat I was expeiienc- 25-yiear exploration of ait, sex, xFork, iiig d^ vu, and die choking sound was \]'-V tvK.:*\,)\ i.K . tnoney, and mortality. Over thc course of TTic Athuna Heaves in iaor vicar's UTodc/ three wgtflm^s this month, revised and Series. After goii^ ahead tiuee games to ii^xiatod versions of the three sca^xuatc nothinj^ and winning by a hi^c niargin, Come check out oufi but tmercofmeceed comic monologues thcy. The Braves, went into tiie toilet (dcaned ki ooUaboradon with director Our Yankees went on to punk them in a Maxgaret Smith) wiH be presented back to huge kind of way, winning what would back at HaOwaib, 2495 Main Sc in Buf­ f>rovc CO bc die dcdstve game of the Netv Extended fido. scries in Yankee Stadium. My fondest Ihis will give an oppotunity to revisit memory of tiic game was T-Dog, tiie the themea, characters, and rccurnng vi- wotid &mous ra^ star, joyously proclaim­ Bar Menu ing 'Tomahawk chop /tof' sualcfements of the series. (For example, (Sttn * \ft>rt - Ttte - 7hnr - Fri - Satj the &st instalknent, '''Not fbr Profit," Credibility iqxlate: In an earlier col­ Who tife iwii said our ititchen ends in mki-^entence; die second instal­ umn I broke tlie news tiiat Govemor ment, "In dke City of die Dead," be^ns Pataki was tryir^ to biokeradeal with tiic was doseti anyway? with the condusion of that sentence and New York Giants so diat tiiey would play ends on a stmlLuiyunresohred note, which in Albany, diuts "truly" being The New k fiilfitted in the final installment, ''Wel­ York Giants. At present, tiicy play in TTic come to the SansageFaax>r/*—which in Meadowlands in New Jersey. TT^ first part of Pataki's plan was an i^jgrading of 40 SOUTH UNIO.N STREET • ROCHESTER. NY • (716) 325-6216 tumincQcporaies theopeningline of^oc forProfic") atiiletic facilities at Albany State, using TJkDttrk TMNCf is by desi^ a work in public monies. The Giants woukJ make Sumhix Mothlctr liicsclciy X\iulfK'scU^^^^ ihurxl progress: in its comhinsnon of scdpced Albany State their ptie-season training and itnprovised matedsl, as well as its camp. Guess wiiere tiie Giants arc tnun- GiesiOES* tdtsnoe on oonstant reviskMii ing this summer? Tea Dance !! 46 inch TV !! Oct. 2nd Oct. 4th and setnvendoo, it continttcs to evolve Sfiftge two of Curious George's plan ^ffbcim''s Happy Ikxtr Aier Dinii« far DoUan widi each new* perfonnance. Tne Octc^ was to build The Giants a new stadium, Monday $lpo D J. Mine for the AIDS ROCH. )oin us for Juke Bav ber ptoductfon ar HaBvals OMniKs die thus tiiey would move fiom tiie New .ow^owtdhtaigy i food Oq^hoart and untii4am first tnuediedttes pans faavcboen brought Jersey swamps to tiie pdstinc surround­ Nite 18 and OVER KeepDancif^ 2 ( receive 1 Wree Drtnfc ings of AUnuiy. What would be tiie team NOCOVER Oct. 9th toRetffo Football be caUed? *The New Yorit Patakis?" & YOO MUST 11.50 Mich Utes Oct. 10th TfcJUwfcBiwf wJIbcpcrfomtBdon is Back! Dance to Ibp 40 die feBowittij^diiec' Whatwookl the tazpsyersbe caQetPPtob- domestic HAVE ai^ *niie Chumps" if diis uavesty is for 25 < wings Oct to snd Oct tl at 8 ptm*: AbriV IOpm - 2am l»l>Oi'ERlJ>. Oct. 16th allowed to proceed, Oct. 17th & 15.00 with Connie TO ENTER Vbmen'ii Happy Hour 19TM2.Ctx\\^m\\\U niiiiManlHJwi^ FCXMIMII teams are not a good invest­ UrmERWEAR ment, c^iedaDy wit^i pubbc money is 1 Pitchers Big Screen TV RUOY kself (»id cn^ a tasty serving of dii^ lietng used to sweeten thc pot ^^tncss during iJbegame POoll^lc BJ. Amme Eveiy thifd Friday .ckaiBOutridouspqpcgm) white Eon fat" well and domestic HiNRG die tussle tluit Erie County is having with Dsut Game «>fthcBiM3di Ckt2i«10ct2SafctpiDjVELCOME10 ^OOK reVfeWS After tbe Game DANCE IOpm* 2am The Bilk. Let me ck)se witfa tiiese te- 5pni 'til 9ptn uuKc to ciub and Trivia Games jctfaofy OK OUURK anu Top 40 until 2am Multl-Comm IOpm - 2am Oct. 23rd Oct t7«idd«t1fiat8pLaak£Atn#CiJp /AmsAusAGEPAcnpeieytAfintff^^ tho Bear facte tninderSy Thc Raideis and The Rams Mclniac anyone? QuickDraw D.J. Paul 11,50 Mkdb Utes die tasan Momont One ma^stejol^ bac^ By Alan Van Carop have left Los Ai^etes. The Cofaa left Food Oa. 30th ^ > ^ -^^^^^S^^^^'^St''J-^ ^JktBm B$$k:Rmtb^ittth9t^amymtdBt9Mm nakuiiCiirTlM r'auBmli Vfi *li hk^madmm^mtmm/mmmemmm^itom 4|t#cSpiiWrJi4wwhwi^e4UsWi^ KfydHdngp, I trast thaiyouVe aibeen ••••••2-y. ••• ••.:•.. •'.•yyAJ-^.^i.-.-i-.-Aia-.i.-.,:. ,.• • • • ntaBakOHnUHr .1 tacBS iiMawF sgc ^aig *llds«oai|)cdKnn*esaa^s»ofdieevefodoiiof ftv (fown. cofionund on |^ 2 M9g heaRa» so undl nekt tane, TaTa. Dunyn continued ft^^om p. BI Chris Russo's • <• with a wiiite woman directed. HM; pfot tiiickens as memnaid-taie looics at %}ier)^s"fiicndTamafaobfcclstoDiane'swliite- ness-^ an uoseuJkig tum in ttie fifan wtiidi allows mythology and desire ft»inacedisdngDetoctnetge.A5'H::bci]f'£uinbles By Pam Erwin through her kvve liSe and fidendsh^ she leams Chris Russo, a local filmmaker and progcammer/ some vafai^jfe lessons aboucdiecoEnpfex rdbtion- board member of ImageOuc, wOl show her fifan sii^ between her sexuality and iier hetic^. ^^n tftitt Sea on Oct. 23 at B pjn. in die Iitde In a recent interview, Dunye ex|^ained that the Theatre as part of ImageOut; The Rodiester '*Ciiccyl" of tiiis fifan is noc a soictly autofaiographi- Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival. I talked cai representation of iicrself. 'Tm trying to ques­ widi her abouc her movie, tiic fesdval and her tioa ttuth and blur the Hnes of both sexuality and invoivenrient in bodn. genre," Dunyc said. *Tor instance, die diaracter Russo oiiginally studied photography and de­ 'Cheryl Dunye' in TV l^atttJfteioit Wotmm doesn't dded to gp to school at Visual Studies Woricshc^ rtpcesent my views completely. Ihetc's a part of ior her Master's degree. Fotcunately fbr us, tiie me in eadi of tiie characters." school believes in a wdl rounded curriculum, WeA, perh^is not all of thc characters, since pron:^>ting Russo to take a class in filmmaking. Siie Canttlc Ps^}ia tnakes a btilUant cameo as no one possessed a natural talent Her earlier siiort films, dse but her "rear* babbling self In fiK:t, 7%r Wattr- She'sTsioStnttigrr^utd TZwfVy'l^tww, have been screened rndttn Woman features suiprise appearances fixxn in festivals intemadonally. Russo graduated in May otiier wd!-known figures in media: Diane is acted 1997 and is ahuTiys busy between working at Kodak, by tiie ubiquitous and beautiful Guinevere Turner Chris Russo (right) with Lynn Love at a fundraiser for Virffn ofthe Sea st Oub Marcelb voiunteering for the film festival, and pursuing her oiGoFisbj wiule novelist Sarah Shulman stars in an ^nxkxis about film career. She iias been woricing with ImageOuc hystxsical scene wiicn "Cheryl" visits CX-LT—a *T like to wodc with layers of narradve... (In this As for tiie dioosfa^ of fifans fbr thc fesdval, thc availability? for fixir years now. lesijian ardiive center in New York Qty. fifan) I tiiought it would be really interesting to volunteers on tiie Sdectkais Cotximittce traveled Ftnal days for One of Dunyc's goals in creating Tite Watvrmeion Vh^ ef tiie Sea was originally screened at tiie pr^ent a critique of the feiry talc because it's so to odier fifan JKfXvals in New Yoiic, San Francisco, advance ticket sates i^^Mwrwas to "present a film tiiat fixoes audiences George Eastman House last May. The movie was strucoued. It tries to promote certain sodal ways and to see wiiac is currentiy playing. ''Wc are October 4(1-5pm) to get involved."Because tiiis film raiscsissues that siiot in Rochester with cast members &om tiie local of tliinking about diings. I thought of thc mer* came back with a lisc of wodc that we recom* & 5 (12 -4pm) at the Genesee Coop (713 arc not unreaHsdcally resolved in its conclusion, community. It's fim to sec a movie wiiere you maid as an interesting figure chat could represent HKindcd to bring, and we aiso do a caD for work," Monroe Ave., Rochester. 2nd tk)cr). Or Call the audiences uill iiave to tiiink aliout radsm, mi­ recognize die places and faces, and if you've ever lesbian sexuality. I ^'anted to use a mythological Russo said.''We solidtcd aixxit 100 tapes tiiis ^-car, Rim Festival Office at 271-2640 and leave a attended a drag siiow at Chib MarocDa, ytxi will figure that rqiresented desire tiiat was female message with your name, phone number, and sogyny, and separansm—all issues that Tbe Water- wiiich is up tremendously ftom past years/* the nineties hav© indeed proven that the definitely recognize a few of Rodicster^s fevorite best time to call. A ticket sales person will mdtm tr^mwr dramatizes. Dunyeisdietcforepfeased identified and she is simpiy perfect She's always Woridng Gyt Im^^Out tias also helped Russo CMS^, phrase "lesbian and gar/" is necessary even personafaties. As weD as identifying with pec^ile and retum your call promptly. Phone ticket orders tiiat her film is reaching audiences at venues iieen in posidons wiiere siie's had to make li festyle devdop as a filmmaker. 'Tt*s enhanced my^i-ork by 35MR, )m RHv thou^ it fails to include the many different places, tiie movie is entcttainir^ because of tiie oomptomiscs. Aiso, medieval Christianity deemed purchased by check wttl be accepted until Fri. duoi^;iiout tiie wodd. The Watenneion Woman has being alile to see wiiat's being done." It lias been a Ulies recently broq^ the audierKe in a packed identities ft ciaims to represent (e.g., transgerv cxcellcnc story and filming. Ifyou missed tiie first- licr a sexual deviant She's very glamorous, and Oct 10th or by credrt card until Sun. Oct. 12. dered people arKi bisexuals). the documen­ been featured i»ominendy in Tokyo, Ijondon, and lot ofwork , but tiie festivalcontain s excdlent films Castro Theater to their feet for a dramaticaHy- time showing, don't miss tiiis opportunity! siie represents forbidden {Measures. She's an inter­ taries circulating this year reflect the amt>iguity Toronto, and will most lilu:iy bc shown in New for this October and cveryotie at ImageOut has k)ng stancting ovation during this past June's Russo's experience in piiotography is evident esting icon to use to quesrion ways of diinking of this term. Many of the works represent our Deliii. Such a widegeograpiiical distribution soni­ wodced hard to l»iagRodiesterafifihgreaC)'ear of San Francisco International Lestoan and Gay tiirou^ tile ims^iery in iier films, and she also most shared passk>ns and strug^s. such as fies diat Dunyc's The Watenmeiett l^!amk»r concems abotic sexuality dbat certain feiry tales arid hetero* gay and lcsi>ian film. Rim Festival arxJ eventually snagged the much- the collective desire fbr and creation of lesbian not only Black lesbtans but people of aH races and creates interesting diaracters and cng^^pg stories. pacriardial sodety promote." coveted Best Feature Film AudierK» Award. Be and gay heroes and icons (Jodfe; An /con. Pau/ genders. Dunye even wryly admitted tiiat "The sure you get the chance to expenerwe this bfil- Afonefte; Ihe Brink of Summer's End) and our audience ismyi>estgirifiiendcver."WiienIpointed liart and moving tale of young love, intefise pas- collective fight against oppression {Out at out tiiat men also watch iier films, siie said, *^ell^ sk>n, &nd unthinkable betrayal. WotU). Otr>ers hi^Iight our differences from I guess my audience makes mc bisexuaL" one anotner. whether in terms ot gervler Tickets (br (his do^n{^ event arc $20 each and expres$k>n (Vbu Oon't Know Dick: Ccxtrageous 8jQQm»ORYOBITKU3RI can he purdiased rhrougii advanced ticket sales. -<°at«0«ft**unui He£»ts of Transsn. Chnstoptysr's Ticket holders wi// aiso be able to enjoy tiic ex- Join us for a diHerent Rind Chronicles: Chapter 1), seximl ctiTference and Otetyt DiMiyti. US. 1997. 16mm. 80 min. travs^ant annual recepdon in the Eastnun House of -worship service. rts inequrties {Pride DMde). ot fear of dffference ImageOut is horx)fed to celebrate the ft^lowing the fifan.Don' t mi^ die opportutiity to Sundays. 10 a.m. It's In ftsetf {Licensed to Kill). Still others, stich as I attend tiiis event. Advance dcket sale dates are Families of Vaiue, foregrourxi the beauty of dif­ culmination of rts terKlay Festival wrth a screerv Sarurday, Sept 27, from 2-6 pjn.; Saturday, Oct 4, The ference. arxJ its abilrty to bring people together ing of the widely ar>d hotly discussed film. The fixxn 1-5 pjn^ and Sunday Oct 5, fixxn noQn4 pjn. rather than divide. V^terrr\e\on Woman, the first feature length film The Congregatkm invites you to be to by veteran image maker. Cheryi Dunye. who will Beara continued from p. BI be part of our community. Water introduce ar>d discuss the film wrth ImageOut's IUilMIISAJ986.36Rn tile gay phenomenon known as BEARS goes into SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19th audience. Winner of the Teddy Bear Award at great detail exposing tiie roots of tiie Bear commu­ Unitarian Universaiist This bizarre romp of a film turns stereotypes the 1996 Berlin Film Festival and featured upside down and unNds as more than just a nity in die IcadicT and cyt)er communities and in a everywhere from 6/r/friertcte arvJ the Ad^tocate to Churcn ox Canandaigua satire on rfght^Mng ^values", it's a refreshing reaction against tiic "done" look. the New Vbrf< Tknes and Premiere magazine. 3024 Cooley Road caper v^iere strait people are oddities and There are sccdons on tiic growth of die first The Watermelon Woman has garnered critical 716/396-1370 the quaens are tha onfy good and happy charao O acclaim, captuhng attention both fbr rts histori­ bear du^, wiiat the)'did and whar tiicy tried to do North of Rtes 5 & 20, just west of tars In town. KeHI Herd's debut feature Is a side* ^^ll^ur third annual Archival Nl^t cal significance as the first feature film by and fbr tiieir members. There arc sccdons on dass and Canandaigua. spMng good time and the cast of characters 0ir«isanted in oor^nct»n ^tm\ George Eastman about African American lesbians and for rts styl- iiow dass affects gay social life and impacts on tiie (especially Ken Jo Chapman as the dMna Alex* House, takes us to tiie WHd Wast world of Paul fstK and sawy intervention Into and creatkxi of Bear movement There is a chapter on thegrowth Oai\ us to find oui more about our and 6art>ara Lasater as her Lana TumeKXHKM Morrtssey arxl Andy W^vhol's Lonesonie film history. of Bear-ooeneed m^izines. Wekxsttmg Coti^egation activities. mother) are sublime. Packed wfth lau^ at Coftbotys, One of nine fHms m George Eastman There arc pieces on Bears and body image in tiie every tum, K's h ltm Water ^ sute to (Mg^ House's Morrissey film series, Lonesome mass media and tiie gay media. Wliat is a Bear? both lesbian and gay aucflanoea. C^HCipys mixes m healthy doses of aMant^arde Wiiat does lie look like? How is our sclf-estccxn? style and carr^p sensMity to explore the under- Are we only encouraginganodhersteteotype? Wiiat iMtfM^iimti lying homoarotlcism of oQiMA)oymal»bonding. Licensed aixMir tiiat classification system with die bears, lillll • iiiiiiiiimii I r • • • iimmu ..^MIIM wohres, otters, beards, moustad^es, kir^ iiair, body iiatr, chest iiair, bad^ iiair? Does anyixidy under- WHEN SntESS BECOMES Shootiiig Pom t© Kill starvi it afi? Do we need to? Ifyou don't under- I." _\" >( ^ - )!• TOO MUCH..* MSPM«OIMIBlTlEAnC 'i,ii'r;OL;f Tt-NtH II statid afteMadii^ tlie diapcets, tite footnotes can Here's your chance to aaawhat Mb Is Nka lead you to more resources. CONSIDER THP VALUE OF baMaen takes ftt piaw IM Idll Optiwy: •". .• i-' f- '^'•, >!^ '.'.^ pre-.*-- :•'•. ' Qiat a 'chaap' fcaturulemui fHm Wliar about Ijears in foreign countries? Are tliey COUNSELING Ronnia Laraen'siVQ^, humorous, and ditrtli^ mMons of dBMfs. it Is no aoddant Winner ofthe Best Docuviartary Dtrector and an import of Amedcan culture witiiouc any nadve • ( !••••'• ^).' \\ ir. wvanMng Sftoglty ftyn ttial MUan. gay, PKI queer ffim and video FHmmators Trophy awards at this year's baa^ Does it matter? How iias AIDS affected tiie for takaa a ba^lfMiMoanss 1IMNM tuitii&fl^ short formal But WhHe Sundance Rim Festial. licensed fo K^ is a har­ ^owih of die Bear sulxufaufi^ Whac iias been the • INOIVIOUALS took at twvlirfef«nc gey IMR fonnal may ba short oattna. it is not rowing look at homophobia and gay bashing as Bear response to AIDS? pom under M dhaeOdiT of seen throug the eyes of corwicced murderers • PARTNERS anoik on alyla and oonbsnL 1he lihns a^ As a member of Rodiester's local bear dub, the ChKIN liNua and Gino Colaart )4d«« acMNhfUNS yaar pack a punch ftom prteon ceUs across the United States. Empire Bears, I ftamd TheBearBttak informative • ADOLESCENTS Th»'^Mlma* (tocumeraary look [^ avary tum-Ikimthf^sa)^ antics and Seven indMdual case studies are sklltfUHy -'' ••'•;. •'•'' ••'].:.< *'i'. ^'v-'^'-'::'^ • and entertainif^ It fined in tiie badcgttxind on lots Ai^0^omln^tmt}iiamtts fMnarab luj^i^ m AVWiCaBad Jadto* combined wtth news reports, videotaped confes­ • PARENTING C€»NCERNS of tiling? rd iiesfd in passii^without realty under- nothing %tha -ina^natton" 0Ml^mmnmiMm»990,^n)B sions, oourtroom scenes, ^aphic evidence frtym scandis^ If you*ce a tnan WIK> enjoys tiie company as unajwe periMmar dranrm^ 1Rha C4|i a« NigM, polloa flies, and home videos of actual gay of men wiio identify as Bears, you ought CO read Jacfyn Passero, CSW'R Bluanal|i,d»i«<|uaarv' faHBvMl. to tha bNXanwvaat basn|ne& to produce an uncompromising axaml- tius hock, to hdp understand the movement of Dom ctodkar LaRua. natl^ of tha psychdo^cal and sociological rea- (714)339-9150 wlach you'te a pan. Ifyou have ftiends W1M> ace fmftmkk tothac^mlMop so9i bahind theae atrocities. ProvDCAdvB, dis- BeaOytlasbookini^hdpyoafBOundefstandwfay •taadiatea aaa atliar haalia tuibing. and soberir^ UoenseK^ «(> Ktff is an ottier Itft&mi^moiim mm onlKgattable IHm portrayal aChaia dime in we say we like bcii^ bigger and hanier tlian the iiillp»)|tt^*» iiiiMPPintiieMD *" Iik. ai of tha -Oir^llDrtaa- of Mft ^America mass tnedia says we slionki bc^ aod ve siM fed 101!^ lifMwnjIKion in UMMM PMIIBI» tb tfia good about ouneives. inthabuaineqia. «amory dMiihts in IWM Mir VOL Ml^ F»nmakar Arthur Dong wM inlroduoa the t«m and ba availabia «x ojastions aftar the Old up. Give socneooe a Beatfaiig and lead this ML Coma saa why stzft doasnl mMgr. screening. • V book. This column wiS serve as an extension of die _ V i Growrnigup ffoap to pcovicfe infotmation on the gcowing V a ^ hwnnial commmuty, locally and narionaUy. We Mir if lay &k Belmami also hope tfaat *^i Lines" wffl erase some o£ tfae prejudices tbat make bisexuals outcasts in a society Wheazl^g along diatattempcstopigeonhc^peopie. In dus cohimn Sitdng by my disf^ay in die this month, I speak only for myself Please don't mmdeious h«it of Com Hill at generalize my comments to induck afl bi's; we're ^festival dme, Fm pasui^ dme not aH alike, any more than aU gay men or lesbians ^ SUNOAY OCTOBER f2TN^ dishing «ridi aa old dmm ^je, are. queen). A handsome yoax^man Bisexuaiity tfa valid ahemative lifestyle. A com­ JOIN us NW it FRIE stops to browse throogh a Qxp stand filled ^th mon myth is that bisexuals are "teally gay but afraid etchings. For a moment I want to make some CO admit it," or acc "in transition" from being kind of stnan comment to die handsome man OU msNiON eoM RMsr "strai^t," or heterosexual, to heing homosexuaL LTOSDMC OCT. il but the ongoing conversadon widi my fdend In teality, for many, bisexuaiity is an end point. Eiuoyoftiiu»eNieKiN« precludes that. Tbe next moment they are talk­ AVH TILL SFM For exatrqik, in sevendi grade I became aware of INMSnV eOM, MIT POIMTOES. AN» ETe. ing it up widi eacb odier. How do they know one bemg attracted to both women and men when I SUPEORT G.R.E.A.T. anodier? Can the youngster bc gay, mo? With cfeveJoped simukaneous crushes on 'Mtcs. White GraatAT RoctM«t«r Xaistttrti Ar«Na die accumulated wit ofa lifetime* I pipe i^, '^ut and Mr. Broadbent. As a married bisenial, I could VNIU O.J. eUFF SFINS TNE SOUN»S OF TNE TourxMOAn^ you don't look gay," hardly a good opener, 111 pass for hetctt)6cxuaL But passing would recpure 70"$ AN» tO-S 91^00 Bud DrAft.8 admit, and he tosses mc a patronizing smile. me to ignore an exttondy in^>ortant pan of my 8 Ball eotimwaent As a young person it was eachikradng to realize being, the part diat has the ability to deeply love L«t'tt laaJco a Daal, 50/50 R&ffles wc were everywhere, that all those wonderful men soniest aspects of observed hetero patterns. But it Bruce Bawcr. While the wttdr^ of these men may women. BOTN FLOORS OPEN isn't real life diat's mimicked. Thc straig^ cot^ties aund aiore! ! were gay. One's goal dicn was to become part of f^ipcar CD cross the political spectrum, to one of Had I met and loved a woman 30 years ago, I I know have scads ofhis and her friends; they do Baqppy Hour S^rlGaa that dique. Ume, my dears, slogs onward. Nowa­ Sex Panic's founders, AIDS activist Jim Eigo, mi^ have considered myself a lesbian, because 4raTIU8PM things thcy want to do with other peopfc. Gay CaEtMQO PRIZKS days (there*s a neat old exptcssion) one is more dicy're all "fundamentalists." Insexuality wasn't recopiized as a valid oprion at coi4>lcs must get their role patterns from some- POOR FRIZES EVERV 1/t NOOR. 1. Overnight stay with brunch Hkely to groan at the lealizadon thai all diosc Those of you v^o eidier heard Signoriie last tfaat time. But since then Fve discovered diat pJace else, comic books or movies or outer space, tox two at th« smashing lads arc, you know, like diat. spting when he spoke during the University of genckr simply doesn't decermine who I am or am some alien oitoirc that tomircs us with notions of Rocheffter Plasa Bot«l In recent yeare the firet few dmes 1 didn't fealize Rochester's Gay Pride week, or have read his not attracted to. I find myself drawn co physically uiiat perfect happiness is supposed co bc like. 2. 3 ifionths flKftroberahip at a man was gay were, as you would cJEpect, hum­ recexit book Z^ QMlfir^, may bc surprised CO kam fit peopk who have a good sense of humor, are (Actually Fm sure the source is ms^;azine ads and bling Ihe basic job descr^c^i implies I know that he is "anri-gay sex" and a "fundamentalist." somewhat counterculture, and ofren are artistic Rochvatars Athletic Club TV cotnmcrdals.) One gay coiq^le I know i^^>ear diat sort of thing Lately, oddly, the worid has Hc certainly didn't seem that way from his talk or and i^>beat. If this is a transirion, then Fve been in 3. $50.00 Tara Gift Certifioata hysterical at the prospect of not being together picked xtp speed and a slew of new patterns, his book. He may have lost some of thc edge he had transition for 37 years! All procaeda go to G.R.E.A.T. every damn time thcy poke their noses out the duritig thc eady days of oudn^ but to me Ke didn't ihydims seems to have taken hold. Waxed bodies, Our monthly discussion group is a haven for which ia a £und*ralaar for door. What gives? Is diis a vcrsi7etw< a Sex Panic member said dogreanngin which youget a puppy co invigorate When and if pct^^le listen to mc, I declare ambivalent place CO bd Check che Ongoii^ Calen­ an older animal Thc energy, all that yapping and married life an utinatural state: pe<^ile are tneant CO Signoriie and aH of the g^y activists simibdy dar for our meeting titnes. Eve singly. I wod&ed hard to leam how to be frisking about, peps up cdd XUwcr. Indeed, diat is attacked have been suggesting the time has come Dual Attraction, a six-sessicm support group independent. Wasn't everyone else doing that too? predsdy why I intended to speak to thc handsome fbr gay men to reexamine where wc are and where whidi is part ofthe Gay AlEancc's Strengthening Finding onesdf on die outer c(^ of \(^t society young man. But today's convcisanon takes a twist. wc'regoing—in particular, how our sexud cuhure Oursdves Program, offers a morc structured and endorses meant, among other things, having the 'love your stuff' (at least he didn't add, for affects Gox health, both mental and physical. intense educadonal experience and a safe place for capadty to objecrively criticize thc dominant yeara) "butwe've got to nin.*'We? Having botched They've urged us to examine how we've been those who'd like to explore thdr bisexual feetingjS my attempt to create a dcver first impression, I c^ culture's valucs.Thercwas a tunc^(^henwc reiected dcahng y>nA\ the AIOS e^ttdcrxuc to sec what bas axuil identity in a non-')udg;micnca\ setling. fbr an attention getting (it must be paid) attack and the yfhxjic idea <»€ going co -wt^r, now -wc insist CMTI Yvorkcd and wfut jhaon'r. Asx\ coupledom? Don't you value your independence?" Exiting die theater, my intended niuiieied, **Wish way in which they're waging a name-calling cam­ The group is Iimircd to 10 parridpants. CaU The conveisadon, as I hoped, stretched out, casing I'd seen a John Wayne movie," and as I blinked in paign simply because members ofour community Tanya at die GAGV at 244-8640 if )'ou'd like to the tedium of the day. thc sun, I knew I'd never waste another hour on are si^gescing that maybe we should do some self- roister or want mote informarion. "Honey, for what wc go thrcn^^ wc must twily him. (Actually I wanced him to die.) exan^nacion. Like many onthe far left whocherish have fun, no ball and diain. We'is too Victorian, Let's blame me fbr a while. Am I simply jealous? all diversicy except that of ideas (as opposed to the Financial the only ar I want to hear is spcDcd W-H-E-R" (I Well, yes. Unconsdously I, too, fed the in^pact of hi right which doesn't cherish an^f diversity) Sex Planning smiled in pleasure ac my own wit.) The Handsome thc pervasive myth of thc cozy comfort of com- Panic camiot tokrate others'disagreeing with them. one smiled again, this dme with a &iendlicr look. paniotiship. Yet it galls me when I detect smi^- Rather than engage in meaningful discussion about By Williani Glave He appears to like my joke, tfac nodon of Whee. ness, that look-what-Fve-got stnile. I smdl a trace -o^iat it means to be a gay mati, they'd rather ^ Then he, blasted brat, bree»sd off of emodonal matetialisni. Not only do I have a car, back on a smear campaign in an effort co silence What to look for in Tucked inside my hutnorous banter is, of oMirse, a great jc^, but a pattner, cool It seems Hke hig^ peopie through fear and indmidarion. If anyone is disaiD^iit/insurance the teeniest kemd of anger (or ouch, often thcy are school all over ag^un, exactly so. Juvenile. foUowit^ the methods ofthe fundamentalists, it's Disability income insurance is the Rodney interchangeable). It might be easy co diag^iose my Sex Panic, not thc attacked gay writers* who are the Dangerfield of insurance polides: it doesn't get JfritabiKty as mere jealousy. Left abne in the sun Pblitical ones demanditig chat thc worid be viewed in much respect. In &ct, most peopk who wouldn't wkh no one to talk CO, I am stuck reflecting on my fundamcaitalist black-and-white oerms. Update think twice about purchasing life insurance fail cranky point of view. Fortunately Signoriie, Sullivan and the others to give disability insurance a second look. I have a chum who is smack in die middle of By Andrew Lee are all &miliar widi criticism. The diances that Sex Unlike life insurance, disabilicy inccme insur­ installment tnsnher thiee of aerial we-ness* Cbdac The pank of Sex Panic will siknce tfaem are small And thafs good. ance is designed to cover you whik you're alive. akni^^ity they go CO thc maD to buy socks cogetherf PMTUC We need in our diverse community a wide range of ideas. Afrer aB, your abiBty co earn a living is your most I stifle as much as I £an, Bnt I ai«eddB^vehiEvciogDioabtMhday ffiecs and posted ninnexoos meaaage* on the movement was aB about. The loss ofyour income could be cataserophic— pw^,** aod dine k die fidntesc ^oalB uader the Inttiaet hiNoatnbci at die Nationd Gay and both for you and your ^nuly. sur&ce tsi dte xedsed ist ts if dieae tasks of Lesbian Task Force's Cvnuing Chai^ conler' You can purchase disability income insurance covfJedoin wete a butden. I ana^'"Look, gH yoa eilce* Sex Pank will sponsor a summit on its BiUnes iodividuafly or tfatough a group, such as your wanted this relanoosh^ in tet yoa UK die woad main fbct»: ''ffow to Resist tfae Attadcs on empbyer. If you pay die pcexntums on die polic>*, 'tdadonship'aaifMoae*dMaBfadkinapoci,aatfk By the Bisexuai Discussion QuearSex.** any benefia you may receive aren't taxed. But if wete die b^afi and and-aHofffekMl£ llie tnafa is Gtoup (Nancy Casey) And wbcse aae dicse "atacks" oonaing from? your empbyer pays them, tfae benefics are subfea ..•?•• •9''-: youdon*tha¥etodoaiafydiip^Yottrtiaywafitto> IUi^kMd?PatlU3bett»on?PhyfiisSdikfl^ to tax. Hie coar of disability msurance policies you mi^ &d oUleied, you naay even dwoM; bur HLM? none of die ttsnal siHpects; Sex Finic^ foe is the varies depending on your age, sex, healtfa and *diadonthavetDdonoditn*."Tlieta>poBectDiny "Bi Lines" is a column produced by various enemy widiin. Aoxxding to Sex Pauc cfaese ac- occuparion at die dme you apply for ifae policy. lectttce is a^fccy duEk bokand I know fm dote to members ofa recentfy-fbnned biacanid diacus- tadkstaig^acBtttfqraBecCTittiglrociaodipeoBfiH hcvis^ one kan phone nutnber in my bedskk sion grtx^ wfaidi meets from 7 to 9 pjn. tfae last Ihe amouor of dinfaaEty inoome coverage you nem ffly writea as Mididsngdo Sipioiiie, Lany Wednesday ofeach mondi at tfae Gay Alliance need depends on a number of fectors, induding Kiame^ Gabrid Rocdki, Andfcw Sultvan and Communtty Center, 179 Atlantic Ave. the atnount of savings you have, what you can So Rttidi of 0iy fife teems modded on die •>?^ ycMs old» 69 pefoeDt had oooapfettd cott^e, 88 Botfa smdks indkated an itKiease in ksbians bdng week? It takes a kit of work to be alone with one afifoid to live on and how many people depend on Disabilicy income is a frequently n^jkcted type of cheir brains are bardy active, staBing entire areas Itis quite spectacular, tfae effect touch can have Vllimanspirit pttfocofc vtext ^wfate» aod 60 pexcent ^Mse in a oot and feefing pcoud and good about tc aiMitfaex. you fiar financial support In general, most people oflfisurance. But the diances of suffering a disabil­ of development on one's emotiond beiiig. FBelii^ we ate unabk pitoftiy fdaaocwfaip^RFidienodierirocnen. AB buc One of tfac most eye^-opening findings in botfa On Tuesday and Thutsdayni^bcs we walk m the Co eaq>tess are scored in the hody, and often a By "Qt. Paula choose disability income polides diat cover didr ity are real, and the finandai consequences are no This need does not dissipate after cfaiUhocxL 12 petcent eaowd kss dm S3GL00O a year. Ibe surveys coneemed the peieentage ofksbians who pier. Onoe in awhtk, we do get a Wednesday J., --.'^ basic fixed expenses, approximately 60 percent to joke. So be sure to make disability incocne insur­ We afl have a need fbr conneccion — emoticsnd simtsJe couch can arouse s feefing bng thought deChelty ..^gknsir designed ics sunrey to look at kdbkns* ace or have been tfaenqsy consumers. Seventy- evening akme and go out to dinner. In oider to 70 percent of their pre-tax eamed income. ance a part ofyour portfolio. andph^^cd—dirot^hout our lifetimes. Touchis (iissipated. I recaB one men's grot^) whexe the seanai^y febtkiorii^ and sexual faealdL Ibe ao- dicee petoent in botfa studies rqxxFted that they truly tekn, k is best fttr us to get out of our daily an essentid part of daily Hfe. UnfrMtunatdy, tnany exctdse was sinqily about connection»andholding SdecdngadiaabOityinaurancepoiicy.When Biii Glave is apertoitaifinanciaiatiworMMAntefkan daxs leoeivod 2^525 sesponses fiom women &txn had sou^ counsehng or some kind of mental environment and routioe. When tfae two of us are are missing out on this indispcnsdik aspect of life. the hand of the man next toyou. One man b^an sdeccbga disability insurance policy, pay attenrion Es^nms FinaneiaiAd^sttrs. 15to75yeaiaold*TwtHhitdshadg^adi]atad&om heafafa st^sport. Lesbians are seckii^ dierapy to akne for a wedund (when our kkk are with thcsr Peopk's comfort kvd wtdi touch—bothg^- crying as che man next to him gently massaged his deal widi depceaskm, heai &om childhood abuse dad), wc like to take a drive and cxpioce nearby to the benefits period — the time over which the ^AThac is the zntttt coaaxKxi coQCcm for lesbuais? ct3&9e» 86 peicent were vhite and tfac average ing and receiving — is infiuenced by multipk hand When questicmed about his expenence by issu»» ovctcome addictiotis and resolve tehtion- towns within a two or tfacee hour dtiving distance. policy pays out benefits in case of disability. Pc£- The Are most lestaans out tso dieir nrftole ^unifies? itKxscne was S32/XX) ayeat* fiunx>rs: a famil/s history of physicd doseness, the gnx^ he said, "No one has toudied me with ship pecMems. The ha^^ perccnti^ of ksbians Nfy partner aod 1 recently spent a day in Ithaca and des pay benefits anywhere frntn two years to the Research on lesbisfis has been i^Mise and many Akhon^ diese studBes reflect a ktgelf white» Authentic culture, gender, trauma histories and rdigion. A such carii^ in a long time." seeking support seems to reflect a willingness to had a febulous timcl rest ofyour fife. But because you never know just of dbe attmides «dxMt psdfaleins vie ooaamoniy middfeKiass,cdttCMed'ksla80CiDSS section and recent arride in L^ magazine (B/97) oa znassage Another younger nian said, 'T gtew i^ in a ffow and become strov^ heahhy people. how long youll bc disabled, you may want to Self expetience have been based on coi^eGture jtacfaer kc^ a ctibttaffy diveise popidacion» wc can stiB Taidng care of a lektionshqs is important, but it reports a significant variance of couch between physically abusive househokl, often beaten by a consider a polkry that provides income for thc rest dian actual study or messudng. Stmourcd xvs- kam aomethif^aboiitwfaisemiddle-ckss ksfatans Ibe conclusioiis fiom these studtes point to is also necessary to take care of yourself. Keeping By Thomas peof!^ among different cultures. CcMi^parcd to man—my fether, and to have another man touch of your normal working U^ or until you're 65, scanch aUows us to identify dtemqs, issues and hxxs\ die patterns that emetgcd, which simuka- more ease in living as a ksbian, that ksbians are yourself in check is iir^xMtant for {^lysical and most cultures, wc Americans ate •'touchy about me so gentiy and with such feding is so healing to when other types of income, such as Sodal Secu­ Fronczak, CSW-R, cosxxxns common to the gtou^ ss a tHMDfe. It can neously Gotifinn aod de$m>y some of mydis and £ee£c^ more &ee to be themselves at woik and on mental well being. In d^ busy-ness of life, diis couch." When psychologist Sidney Jcxiard ob- mc. I just want co sit with this feeling for a mo­ rity, begin to bc paid. valickteandnomia&aeoiirejqpeiieiicesaadhe^us sicieoiypcs. tfadr own time, jGn^ng it easier to tnake choices itnportant task can be ovetlooked. I started run- ACSW servedrates of casud couch cot^ks in cafes around ment" Next, youTl have to dedde what type of policy idendfy ^vith oduis instead of feeSs^ alone and Doth studies Ibond tfaat tfae most common iockxiingwoddngin non-txadittonal fiekls, buying titt^ again within the last few montfas and this has the wodd, hc reported the hi^iest race in Puerto you need. There are two major types of disability Living with arousal Thetapeutic touch can hdp bed old emotional difiaent fonqrm for ksbians was OMocy. Teahiane are honoes and laiatng chikkeB^ Hie studies iodicatie helped me to ^>end time with me! I alsokke to txeat Rico (180 times per hour). Oneof the lowest rates wounds that occurred in a relationship, and which that kflljiians are tncreaait^ en joyix^ dieir kves itiyself CO hmch once in awhik amidst the work income polides. "Own occupation" policies pay Peter came into my ofifice rcccndy and told mc Tworeccntstadfes,cheNatkxuILesyanHealcfa ccamaaed about tfaeir financial w^-beti^ in a was in the U.S.(two times per hour). Ours is deariy may phcy into fears that keep men disconnected and reiationships. day. There arc ways to spend time with yourself you fuD benefits ifyou catmot wode at your tifoten how incredibly londy he had been feeling lately. Care Survey aod die Lesbian Sex Survey i^aon- cuhuie dbat doesn't guarantee equal Bgjbits or equal a sodety suffering from toudi hunger. IntetKt- firom each other. By taking time to experience and with your tdadonship, buc it takes PLAN­ occuparion — even if you can work at another Wiule work had been going well for him and he soted by ti^ nadonal gfty and ksfaaui newsmagazine pay to women, and have increasing interest in I^xttia deOkiijf, F%D^ it a prj^dtothert^tist inptitkite ingly, hc found that cultures which show morc touch in a safe setting, mutually, with complete NING! I have been tryix^ to set a ni^t aside eadi occuparion or specialty. had several dose friends with whom he was in die Adt^oe^te^ give us a cunent view of lesbians' S^sfnirig about ways to b^nld a stable financiai practice ^tectaSs^t^ m wometis issnes. ph^'sicai affection coward infancs and childtcn cend respect of each other, and in full ownership of wedc CO gjCt to the littk Tbeater, but that hasn't On the other hand, "any occupation*' polides regular contact, he had not dated for the last six expcrieuces and concems. The studies questioiied foundation to assure independence and aecurtty. to have lower rates of adult vioknce. It certainly one's selJ^ rdationd healing can take place. The hiqipened yet. I am still working on that one. pay benefics artial disabilities. die communis and social life oflesbians. Of 1925 £aanify.Thev4^]&«caarreporteddiatsixinlOwomcn My parmer and I realise how important it is to ing up in his body. mon complaint of beir^ touch starved. Massage is play into thc split between intimacy and scxualicv'. your fiiends? Widi your relationships? I have It is also important to select the rigjht dedvicrible. lesbians surveyed, tanging in ^ &om 17 to 80 in thetr survey weie mosdy or compktefy out. stop and smell the roses. It takes a lot of planning certainly one way to utilize touch and has been Any "ism," whetherit*s radsm, heceroscxism or In disability insutance, thc deductible is usually Up to this point, hc was getting his needs for just to get away alone for the weekend. We have kamed a lot since my fether died. I am thankful I shown to decrease stress, alleviace depression, sexism, is about objectification and oppression. ezqnessed as a waiting period — also known as touch met by going to parks and bookstores and to rely on my stepchildren's fether to come in for shared life widi my dad. Nodiing is as important as reduce anxiety and tension within the body, de­ These forces make it unsafe to authentically and elimination period — which is the time between connecting with other men. "It's not even about the weekend or make other arrangements for being with the peopk you krve and care about. crease thc heart rate, biood pressure and breathing wholly express yoursdf. Thc message from sodety thc disability and when thc payment of monthly sex, I just want someone to touch mc." We talked Miriam Steinberg PhD our children. It takes dme and enetgy. But it is Bven if it is a one hour walk, a breakfiist before rate. It has also been shown to effect brain chem­ is not to respond fully and audienricaliy to h ovi^ you benefits b^ins. Waiting jjcriods generally range about some strat^es he could use co meet others, wellwordiid work, or an exerdse progiam widi yoursdf or with istry by lowering stress hormones and increasing arc treated and to go inco disconnection, which can hotn one month to one year, with die most com­ discussed the possibility of induding massage, All of us are busy. If wc don't take time fior our afiiend. endorphins, (brain chemicals that are soothing and fed like a sort of "condemned isolation." In an mon usually being 90 days. In general, thc longer couch or sexuality within some ofhis doser friend­ Nutrition Counselor rdatinoships, our rdadonships suffer. For us, Buy yourself a beautiful pumpkin fbr HaDow­ make us fed good). effort to survive, gay men have leamed to live the waiting period, thc lower the premium. ships, and I suggested he treat himself to a massage woddi^ fidl time and raising two ACTIVE teenag- een. A^t a pumf^dn patch. Go on a Haunted with a licensed massage therapist. Athletic performance has been enhanced by disconnected lives. Hayride. Go to die COAP party at Wd^ster Park. Other policy features. When you purchase a A holistic approach to natural health ets, it seems as thou^ there is no time to sit until disability income policy, you should look for those Peter is a very high-functioning, well-grounded, massage, as have imptovcments of symptoms in Such disconnection results in feding Jondy and 10 at n^iiht. So where is ALONE dme during the £>o something fun fiirjoiv! that arc "noncancelabJc" or at a minimum "guar­ middle-aged gay man, whose need for touch is no certain illnesses like arthritis and asthma. Massage isolated, and can lead to such syn^coms as depres­ anteed renewabk," These polides arc Iikdy to be different than any of ours. Touch is about connec­ has been used to improve immune functions, sion, anxiety, compulsive sexud behavior, alcohol With optimun nutrition, the body's natural immune more expensive, but will protect you from un­ tion. To have our bodies and skin touched is to which may benefit diose living with HIV, and and recreational drugabuse, body image issues and functions are elevated, creating balance and health. improve concentration. Mosdy when given by thc decreased sdf esteem. TARA RUSSOW, Ph.D. scheduled premium increases or termination of know we are alive- CHnitsmt ^mpUwtuigtmt coverage for poor he^th orbaddzims expenence. Skin is thc human body*s largest organ. It ac­ hands ofa skilled and licensed massage therapist, TbomasFwm^ah CSW-R.ACSW, isaNY'Scerti- Bsrsonalized counseling available for: Noncancelable polides cannot be modified or counts for 18 percent ofour body's wdght and or a caring friend or parmer, massage can improve jied sodal work psjfdxaitrei^ist, and can be mntacted HIV/AIDS covers about 19 square feet. Active stimulation of mood, deepen intimacy and boost self-esteem. As tbmugis i)is private practice at 258-^399. E-maii: cancded and the premiums can't go up. The same Weigfit control 1595 ELMWOOD AVENUE holds true for guaranteed renewable polides, al- our bodies and skin is essential to not only our one man said, *Tf tny parmer can get such enjoy­ TJFronci^aie@aoLcom and Internet: bttp:// Vegetarian diets ROCHESTER, NY 14620 diou^ premiums maybe adjusted if die company's emotional buc physical wdl being. Touch is the ment out of massaging this 45-year-old body, memhers.aoL afm/0ron£^ak/!ndcx,htm T«t«phon« 1716) 442-4447 maybe the body is stiU desirable after all." Prenatal 7 Children's Nutrition daims experience becomes higher than expected. first sense to devdop in humans. It allows for our EvMtina and Wvakand Ifyou are lookii^at aguarantced rcncwabk policy, earliest forms of communication. It actually stimu­ Appointmanta Availabia you may want to ask about the company's history lates brain chemicals called endorphins which play For an appointment call (716)4427165 ® of past rate adjustments. into a sense of general well being and can actually Most disability income polides contain provi­ decrease pain. Touch truly is a primal need, as A A^EW"hands on" group for gay men... sions designed to offset the effects of inflation. But necessary for growth as dothing, shdter and water. if ackiitional protection is needed, a popular op­ Wc know that babies need touch in order to tional benefit is the Cost of Living adjustment survive. It can literally mean die difference be­ Living with Arousal (COLA) rider, which gcncrallyprovides for annual tween life and death. Newborns who were ware­ ANNOUNCEMENT increases in disabiUty benefits on daims lasting a housed in orphanages years ago and deprived of nii© 5 eeaeion qroup utilize© movement alonq with therapeutic touch year or longer. Also, you may want to look for couch were found to bc severdy impaired. Today and ma&e?aqe ^monq the membere to expbre: guaranteed ^^xions co purdiase additional ben­ wc call it failure co thrive. PET scans of severely GAY WOMEN'S THERAPY GROUP efics ata future dace r^ardless of your heaidi status. couch-deprived itifrints show chat crirical sections -Touch as non-violating FORMrNG THIS FALL *a4i]*««*4c«*aaa*st«ais«4a*aaa*a«*a*a*aa****a4r#4i4t«««««« -Reconnecting with our bodies and "desire" • Therapy for individuQls, FLACE: Office Buiiding -Relational Mutuality RADIANT couples, children, -Integrating intimacy and Sexuality WELLNESS goy OTKi lesbian fomiiies 945 E^t Henrietta Road -Body Image and Self Esteem Issues ASSOCIATES • Poreht/ct)lld contBct Rochestcr, NY 14623 William A. Kelly, CSW a Sexuol obuse recovery AASECT Certtlied Sex Tbcra|dst/Snpervisor a Qhfonic physicoi ond UME: Group will bc held fot one hour, every other week. Thomas Fronczak, CSW-R, ACSW Leigh EhresnKm, MS. Ed. emotiorysl poin ^ Day and time to be est^ished per convenience Carole J. Camp, RN, CSW, GAC end LimitetA to 3 members .Detiine November . Call 256-3399 • Resolutfon <^ cortfHcfs of membei^s schedules. AASECT Certified Sex Therapist « Aratarty OfKl depression Internet^. Kttp://;tjfronczak/ifiiie>chtm SphHt/Mnd/Bodywoitc ^ Reistionsliips/Fainily Issues ligii,iM MEMSERS: Aduft women only. Group size hmited to 10 members. ^ Alcohol & Drtig Refaited Concerns # Sexual Functioning & Sexual Compulsivity Fnr oppolntmen*, col 482-4396 TOPICS: Selfidentity (Lesbian? Btsexunl?). Reiationships, Sex, • HIV/STD Related Issues Coming out, Famity issues, Workfriace, Homophobia, n^iiicML: A. Ks| K>siltr>, Al.S. Coping in a heterosexual wodd, and more! 496 White Spruce Boulevard Rochester, New York 14623 FEE: $25.00 po* meeting. (716)327-2121 Unlea^ the nedHii^ p^rwifr of art. .Uf :4HP« Ed* (Across fma Monroe Comaiiinity CoUege) Be^in the joumey toward qiendij^ the ^to^ken^pieces of your past. Ccvmiselor ior att PSYCHOTHERAPIST: KAREN A. SCHIANO, M.&, CJLSA.C i Professloiiala covered by aiost healtli care programs Individual, couple, and fiinuly seaaicuo? iiV4p^l|ib^e hy appointment. 111R<&^e\^ terrace; RocJu^, M' r4€06 CALL <7I6) 272-09I9 for moce ialbnnatton. A one on one interview . * V 7^6.2843857 ^ with Karen for groi^) a|i|au|ji lateness is required before i'iAe^.'*r-J'. '•^•^. joining. Individual and coi^rfes counseling also avaiiabie 594-5142 with Karen separMe fiwn group therapy.

V^• ."TO"' -«#, ' ^i

RESOURCES FOR AIDS Directorv WOMIEN Free testing for HfV exposure bavallai>le from New Yoric State Department of i4ealth: call Rochesier Area Rc^iortal i4odlne at (716)423«a081. or I-80D-962-5O63for pa y phones or calls HEALTH: 93196; (716)461-1310. E-mall: outside Rodiester. Deaf or hearing impaired peopie should cali (7I6>423-8I20 (TDD.) Monroe County Woman's Health RochNOW@aotxom Web Statevvide infornmiioncan beol>tunedt»y caillng l-800-54l-AilD&CMiero«ig^ provide AIDS-related services are as follows: ParManhip. 1441 Eut Ave. Hochcstar NY 1-4610: (7l6>473-2«2, Compreh«n* rochnow.htnil AIDS Rochester, Inc^ 1350 University Ave. provides education, referrals to appropriate shft brease caiK«r scrcsnlf^ servkes for CULTURAL: service agencies. cKent and tamily services, a^ocacy for people facing i-ilV-llnleed discrimina­ tion, and other services, induding financial assistance and a pulrfic education speait»r bureau. uninsured and underkmired wom«a RodMWter Women's Community (716)442-2220 V/TDD (business line) or (716)442-2200 V/TDD (hodine). Free, confidential Elizabeth Wemis Br«sst Clinic Chorus. 473-7365. (See Ongoing cakntkr, HIV counselling and testing fbr women by a lesi>ian counselor on second ThuTKiay of each nS\ Mt Hope Ave. 442-2190. Dr. Wende Ps«e3l.) month. No appointment needed, drop In between 5*9 pm. 442-2200. Free, confldmial HIV LoiS^n-Young and an a(l-vvoman staff pro­ Women's Community f^erfor* testing offiered every Thursday night between 5-9 pm; no appointment necessary. Testing aiso vide mammograms. mance Pro|ect (Wild Wimmin) All- done weelcends on Outreach Van at gay-owned businesses. CaH 442-2220. AIDS Rochoster Women's Heahh femaie performance group* wridng 9'oup Hetpsng People with AIDS, Inc (HPA) P.O. Box 1543 Rochester r>JY 14603-1543 is a non­ Outreach. HW prevention. Contact and women's actMties and rer^ts. Sharon profit, volunteer or^gsnisatton. HPA raises and dbu Unites fiinds to support pro-ams diat Christine Simons, 442-2220. ext 3026. Jeter, artistic dIrecnM', 740 University Ave.. provide services to people living with HIV and AiDS. Fundfe^ is provided to agencies located AIDS Rochester. 1350 University Ave, Rochester NY 14607. 654-7709. in the counties of Monroe, , Schuyler. Seneca. Livingston. Qiemun^ Steuben. Wayne ARI also has other services for HIV posi­ SPORTS and Yates. Hodine (716)987^ 1853. tive wosnen. Lioness Prkfie Motorcyde Club. Gay AWance of the Genesee Valley peer ^kdUtuors can provide referrals to piiysidans and Community Heekh MetwoHc 758 Third Wednesdays, Saturdays In altemate service agencies. Person on duty Monday/Thurscfay I-9*30 pm. Friday 1-6 pm. Message madiine South Ave. 244-9000. Support group for months. GAGV Community Center. 179 odier times. (716)244-8640. HIV posidve women, lialdng Connec­ Adantic Ave, Weds:L 7 pm. Sac 5 pm, 889- HfV/STD Coordaiation Projector Monroe County. 11 i WesiM 111 Run duxju^ 1^^^ tions.** Contact Lyn Btackbum, Meets first 1423, Coumy Deparrment of Health, provicies informadon, education and training; and maintains a and third Mondays, 9:30-11 am. Prc-inter- Women's basketball. Monday. resource Kbrary. (716)274-6114. view required, **Moms Etc** supportgroup Tursday nights, 7-9 pm. Downtown United Community Health Network (CHN). 75dSouthAve. Agi^essive eariy intervention medKal for all female caregivers: contact Sydney Presbyterian C hurch, 121 S. Rtzhugh. care fbr all aspects of HIV/AIDS care. Ocrtical trials, programs for womeri, nrierita^ Metzger. CHN has many otiier focus Ramona. 244-1640. work/case managemenc (716)244-9000. groups and services for HIV positive GENERAL: Rochester Area Task Force on AIDS (RATFA) is a oTHecdon of agencies providlr^ a women and HiV negative partners. Women's Resource Center. muldpOdcy of r^ources and services to die upstate New York community. Their csfRces are Alternatives for Battered Women. YWCA, 175 N. Clinton Ave. 546-7740. located through tiie Finger Lakes Health Systems A|pency, which also provides medkal 232-7353. Siieiter. counseling. Lesi»ians Slice of Life Cafe. 742 South Ave., literature arid riewspaper dippings, as well as cienx>gaphic arid statfa^ical daca for use i^ welcome. 271-8010. Feminist vegetarian cafe. heakh ore sendees. fCdli Mcliahon. (7l6)46|.352a Women's Community Progrann Victim Resource Center of Wayne AIDS Remembrance Garden, H^Mand Park Soudi. Rochester N.Y. Infoline: (716)234-16M County. NewaHc NY. Hodine 800*456- ming. Promoting unity among women. Mallmg address: 935 East Ave., Rochester N.Y. 14607. 1172; office (3I5)33I-M7l;^(3l5)33f- 454-8930 or 464^771. 1189. Coalition for Lesbian Visibility. Di­ MOCHA Project (Men of Cok»r Health Awaretwm Project> HIV prevention focus for Mary Magdalene House. Women's verse ^-oup of women holding monthly men who have sex with men (MSI^ in ttie minority commwiiiy. Suppcsrt pnoups, one (>^ outr»ch center for HIV posrtive women poducks/socials in Rnger Laices area. Sec­ educaticxi, safer sex woricshops, referral servkes, IxKkly tesdng. {Rochester Cer^ and women at risic 291 Lyeil Ave. OPen ond Saturdays. Calt Becicy Bly. (315)539- dent Living. 756 South Ave. 442-6470. Mon.-l=ri. 6:30-9:30 pm, 458-5728. 627L Monroe Community Coliege maintains an AIDS Resource Ubrary in tiie Ijeroy V. Good POLITICAL: Wonnen's Social. Fourth Fridays, Ubrary, 1000 E. Henrietta Rd. 424-5200. WomcHi Against a Violent Envi­ GAGV Community Center, 179 Adan Monrx>e County Health Department. S55 W. Main St: Offiers testing and couns^'mgfor HIV ronnient (WAVE.) Issues of violence Ave. A program ofthe GAGV. 244-6640: arid other sexuaJtjr trtnsmHsed cftseases. (7I6)464'5920. aiplnst women. PO Box 15650, Rochester Check our monthfy atni ongoing cafencfors Strong Menioriat Hospital provicies a complete range c>f HIV nrieciical care, irKlucit^ NY 14608.234-9709. www, fbr tnore groups atid events, cmd coll the experimental treatment protocols, and HIV testing. Abo provicies indMdual and group SeA/95-75/wav.html QsySource InfbHtte for referrak, at 244-8640. psychotherapy. Training of health care professionab also avaiiabie. Infectious Disease Oinic. (716) SLIDING SCALE FEE 275-0526. DeparonentofPsychiatiy, (716) 275-3379. AIDSTrainingProiect. (716) 275-5693. NatkMial Organixation for Wonnen And setui us ytntr mfortrKitiott! OL\^R, KORTS, KORONA & RUSSELL 1JAW J ^ (Greater Rochester NOW.) PO Box Planned Parenthood of Rochester aiKl Genesee Valley offers testing and informadon 10 Totey Village Office Park - Pia^forJ, NT 14534 (716)546 2595. Threshold Youth Center prDvides confidential testing for your^ people ages 12-25. Fees on Call For Professional, Personal Representation for: slicfing scale, no one denied service. Threshold Center for Alternative Youth Services. 80 St. Paul PATHWAYS TV RECXfVERY The recent advances in the treatment St. 454^7530. ^^^. .^« of AIDS provide new hope and Finger Lakes Family Care wil provide confidential or anonymous free testing m Ontaric^ m*' v..^-'----.^..^^,. • Purchases & Sales of Real Property prolonged life CHN brings those Wayne Counties. 1-800650-9853. advances to you including: Acdon FrtMit Center (Actionfor a Better Cc>mmunity.) Provkies HIV preventkxi educatkxi a^ • Real Property Partnership Agreements • HIV testing and education case martagement services. Trainingand technicai assistance to service providers. Resource library • Experimental drugs and research • Wills & Estate Planning open to public AH services free and confidenoal. MuhKuKural and bflic^giol staff. Rudy Rivera* -Depression/Anriciy ioe Russo. Psy.D. • Counseling and support groups pro^-am manager. 150 N. Qinton Ave. Hours &30-5 pm, Monday-Friday. 546-6180; to 546-5669. -PTSD Psychologist • Nutritional services to promote • SmaU Business transactions Free arxxiynious HIV testing on walk-in basis. l>urs«fco« 9 am-4 pni, prcwicied throug -Co-dependency N.V.S. Ucensc 0 Oai73 healthy eating -HEV-AIDS Issues at Action Front Cencer, 242 Andrews St. Carmen htau, 262-4330. SZS Universtty Avenue • Medical care for all patients -Grief Rochester. NV 14W7 Catholk CharitM» AIDS Services. Provides linieage with CKher service provkiers. transpor­ -Relatiooship Issues Kimberiy RusseU: 387-0500 regardless of ability to pay OiGi 234-SS97 tatkxi and fkiandal assistancefor housii^. Monday-Frkfay 830 anri-4:40 pm. 1150 Bulbfo Rd. 32^ -Chemical Dependency Attorney be consi CoMMUNrry 3210. AnthonyJlto^ BEAUTIFUL •Residential •Commercial •*« NY 14603; (716)423-2879. CORNER tX}NDO ••• Apartments • Privatel^ia inEOSTOtaC What Can HOME VETEaUNARY CAKE tSREOORYPARK Ofifer YOU? (on Gregory St between Mark S^iee South Ave. and Mt Hope) *|a We provide Uie same exiiaination and health natnteiiaiice services as you leeeive during a K^- 'ooBventiaaar viidt to Ibe veterinarian's oflice. »K•^•. $49,900! y •••.••f We provide quality Yeteriaary caie in the comfort of yottfowttbaeie.

atft SB: Bright, spacious 1 bedroom unit with open floor plan Oor hovae citt services fit iDio any bosy sctedBle. « featuring 10' ceilings, lots of closet space, olf-street parkli^. l>k«se call £>r en ipijpOTintment PLUS a 15' X 22' 2nd level private deck and a ahared courtyard. 1800 Eost Ave, Rochester Now York 1 f^ : Hom« VeterWcory Care CaS Blenore Arquette, Broker Assoc. 594-4333 xI60, Phoar 71o 244 oSOO * Home / .r. ^H ,w:s Nothnagle 292-8500 PC35454. ClraiidBa8iil«vsky»D.VJS. 538-22S0 Muthw4X»\*ii' A Plaoe fw Heeling

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Biistin' (Rtt of vour closet lately? ForTha HQTLQCKS Vtfortw" PoVo -n^« Gary LovaS KEN SALTZMAN • Hair Styfaig* Nails * Sumrii^ (removes lx»ci^ hair) APAINTER PiUNTINfi -^-ichr^Raps • Tannute CA=?PEnr=?v INTERIOR / ExremoR d we^t Loos Pkodtjcts FREE ESTIMATES •Vintigc jewelry 654-6174 REPAIRS COMMERCIAL / RESIOBNTIAL Psyduc Biradingt ADDITIONS PATVIGUETTA Voice 253-^21 Pagar 625^734 Nat/f tknatt^ Sefr. 30 REMODELS 442-0645 • M tiUr m^K if wortk *>• ^ ;oooff I \n}\ J(v()^I5rian ^S?xy /^yict tf$iS or mart • M aM Expires 1(V30/S7 ^ J kcal Instate Spetiiiiisl N 6<>7 Motuoe Ave •(t^per level) • 442-3610 Nolhn.iLiJi' Ki';illfM*s Celebrating over 18 years of commitment to real estate clients NS^!^ 654-7076 Experience in every corner of our community.' ® Creativity Commitment

The Town of The Maplewood East Ridge/Hudson The CulveriWinton Nei ghborhood Nei ghborhood Nei ghborhood • strildng 1994 buill home on • Breaihtaking 8 rtx^m • Offered at $S3,5>00 • 3 or 4 bedroom Cape Cod 1.5 acres in countrv scUing. ou ners unit, 3 frpl. 2.5 baths • i^eticuious brick faced and new vinyl siding & roof! • 24. • 5250 sr with rental units. • Hardwood fioors tiiru-out, • Natural wood floors. This very special famity home is located in the Absolutely charming colonial. Woodbuming Culvcr-Merchaftts area and features thc ot^* • OlTcred al $239,900 • Olfered al $169,900 • Low utilities and taxes! • Asking $69,900 fireplace, buiit-ins, spacious rooms, tastefully nal gumwood trim, leaded glass, and hard­ updated kitchen, garden room ovetlooidng • Rome Celli @ 473-3000 x25 • Rome Celli @ 473-3000 %2B • Rome Cell! @ 473-3000 x25 • Rome Celli @ 473-3000 xlB wood floors throughout. First floor powder 473-3000 Ext. 25 jnivate yard with mature trees and perennial " rfalaVn^hescliomes &"thousan

i\ ^.

515 South Ave 406 Hayward Ave --» ^ This painted lady is zoned for offices and has Built in 1985, this home features three bed­ an apartment that incorporates both the sec­ rooms, spacious master bedroom with twin ond and third floor loft. There is ofif street closets, central air. woodbuming fireplace, parking fbr six or seven cars. Thc structure has linen cioset, skyh^^t and a sliding glass door separate utilities fbr offices and apartment and leacHng to a decJc with fenced yard. Offered at has centra] air fbr boch. Also, handicap access. onty $49,900. DeLois Crawford xl95. Asking $94,500. Jim Jenkins xl06.

PENFIELD: Impressive 1,700 square fooc FUnch* Updated eat- BORDERS EAST IRONDEQUOIT: You'll fiUI In love with the BRIGHTON: Great 1400 squara foot Ranch! Perfea tor che in kitchen, rentodeled bath 1995. recent carpet, roof, vinyl siding, 2,500 square feet of charm in this I920's Colonial! Craftmanshtp furnace and air 1993, some replacement windovvs. woodbuming firtt time buyer or the downslzer. Cozy family room with ^u fired abounds with crown molding, leaded glass. 10* ceHiogs and hardwood wood stove. Three bedrooms and a first floor laundry. Private rear fireplace, private hroiVf room, sitdinf door to scneened porch and floors. Huge updated kicchen witfi breakfast room, targeteiTttly roo m fenced yard. I OCX X 150* tot with smal pond, two car nnwc. $109,900. grd Jwt is serene and beautifully landscaped. Come see for yourself* plus form^ living and dining rooms, wonder^! master bedioom with $•#,900. PC#2307I PC#2302I sitting room, three car garage. $98,900. PC#25f2l

429 Rosewood Terrace Nkieteenth Ward Wondeml terraced ganlens kad to an open Situated on a quiet ne^boiltood block near frcmt porch in this 1920*8 colonial in the Cul- Genesee Paik Blvd. this solid double features vcr-Metchantsafea. Tlicfe are hardwoodfloors, twin floor plans with two porches, front and window seats, leaded glass, an upstairs sleep­ rear. Each unit haff two bedrJooms, livitig rotMn^ ing porch» thtee bedrooms phis finished third diniikg rocHn, updated kitchens and baths, at­ Ooor. IhKliUed mechanics and two car garage. tic storajK and kuiidry facilities. Agreat value Oflfocdat just $57,900. Sandy Bruce xl 15. at $^,600. Jan Barber xl46. mlfctiell CITY SW: Charmliif Cape with gumwood and hardwood CHARLOTTE: Cape crmedaH GletmUig htr«Kvood and throughout! Beautiful new oak kitchen, decorative fireplace and gHmMmodfefya eM-m kitchen, fonnal dMng room wHh hem. window, -««* tunny three-season porch! New roof in July 1997. As$un>e with entertain on the endoted front porch or the Invlttng two-ttei^ lESliiSt^srss i'^»f?^*^ w«««i^isKood pjcfsoiijrjnc. lenders approval, hiigh aanimaWe with payment of $615 PITI at 7^%. deck! Be dose co the beach and the bka. caN now! $«4,9B0. Garage, fenced yard. Call now! $59,900. PC#2467I PQtt479l appiiancas. Immediate posieaslon. iB4»90B. PC#2330I lealtoffs Committed to helping you nallMm your dnam. Mfe# Jifciirfwati iftlSMC IOUaSOtmiMAINSrvmTSK]RDNyi4»i^9i6IDvfBNiaU>NYl«a{^3B»«7aO •SMiAku.' •«liiu^W«i

St Lulce-St. Simoa the Cynoe Chucdi 1LO* Angeks Fiomninness muK be a runs and waOcs on Saturdays at 8:30 ajn. mer £unily obligations and a tetum to Ho&kys" wiH be prescnced as usual ac Roger Lttkes Outlet Center for shop­ (See photos on page A15.} Over 120 17S. Btzhugh Sc across fomtfae Moa- dedicated loc Their newsletter fists ao and on Wednesdays at 6 pjn. in che "normal*' sdiedules. Please plan on at­ Downiowu Unttpd Presbyterian Churcfa ping. Well scop fbr brunch on tite way bbardic^ pAftee were issued forthe foe CouoQr Office building. Chat whh less dttn six weekly runs—ooe each on parking lot of thc George Eastman tending otir October meeting; allowii^ on Friday and Saturday evenii^, Dea and more fon^^ on our ^way back. Sepc 13 cnuse on Seneca lake in QS afcer service at our tod^ hour \Bliere Mooday.Tuesday, Wednesday and Sat­ Houae, 900 East Ave us to continue with this sodal-si^Tpoft 12 and 13. Our new accompanist was Geneva, we serve hoepualtty and ddidous te- In November, our nxmthly Ftiday urday— ^itiiile <» Thufsdf^ then: are ofgani^tdon o£ Otieans County gays, weO teosved last year when he played fteshnientsl Fongpf^attheForamlalbonihe 14ch. Afier diedddg in widi tiie cmise or- two runs, one in beautiftd Pasadena and GRGLBF bis and lesbiatis. Your support is appre­ die ocg^ for the sing-along carding. As our fiiends die Rodiester Rams' gy tiger LMna, puscngers theti pro­ Hais mondk we ate hosting a podudk the odier tn fonli^ West HoS^rwood. dated Formc«%infoandlDcatk>n,pJease We hope youH join us as Hm swir^ baoag^ win fiitt that sttne wedEcnd on ceeded to cniiK Mafif membecs Lois, <&inertobc hdd pdortod^ Diningfor Congratidations to Honolulu Thc Greater Rochester Gay and Les­ caU 733-2045 or 589-9107 and ask fbr throi^ the carols in his outi^^eous Samwky the 15ch, weVe decided to Iti&Hsha aiidJ3^t»hcfe tiiey wen; issued DoUars benefit on Oct. 4. Call Glenn at Ftonttunneis on tfaeir fifth anntvexsacy. bian Btssiness Flc willing to ghre some time. If sponsibie fbr opening and dosing thc 7:30 pjn. fbr a busitiess meetii:^ and tiie three-hour cruise. Even C^xain forum each year to discuss many as­ United Ptesbnerian Church was beau­ Alliance's Strengthening Ourselves Hats (and cvcrythir^ elsel) off to cus groups: LambdaNetwork at Kodak, you'd like to sing, sew, usher, setcrew, building, setting out food and drink, sodalizing. Wc also meet eadi second Kandy took time off fitnn piloting thc pects of organizational and running tiful and Saturday, the 20th, was a glod­ Program, is asix-session supportgroup those Tampa Bay boys who partid­ Gays and ljesbians atXcrox (GALAXe), sdl, or fold and stuff, the Chorus needs and wckoming people that evening. If Fdday fbr Foraging at the Forum start- boat to come down and dance. issues for gays and lesbians. The next ous aftemoon for everyone involved in fbr individuals who are confused about pated in the fifth annual Dare-to-Go- and GLOB&L at Bausch and Lomb. you. Give the Chorusline a call at 425- you ate interested in becoming a vohm- ing at 9*30 pjn. Sunday hnmchcs and forum for intemational Frontrunners the ceremony. their sexual identity or who are newly 'This is just tiie first of sudi cruises Bare 5K Run. Billed as Honda's only Si^estcd donadon for non-mem­ 0650, or come to a rehearsal any Tues­ Bi support group tcer host for die Men's Sodal, please caO pothicks are heki regulariy thioi^;hout will bc held in Orfando, Fla. on Oct. coming out as gay or lesbian. dJV will bc sponsoiing," says Bcd:y. "dothes opdonal run,*' it attracted over bers is $3 and indudes appetizers, social On Sept. 27 we hdd our annual meet­ day before 7 pjn. at DUPC, 121 N. the GAGV at 244-8640. Join us fbr die the cold season. Our movie gRxq} has 17 through Oct. 19. Dual Attraction, part of thc Gay A group is scheduled to begin in mid- "Many women were turned away be­ 300 runners, with 75 percetit showing hour and the Business Forum pcesenta- ing to go over diorus business, af^provc Htzht^ St To meet us in a casual next Mien's Social whidi is scheduled been attendingamovicrvcryweek since Currendy scheduled is an open rc­ Alliance's Strengchening Ourselves October and wiH ran fbr six consecutive cause we wanced to kccpthc size of this their all. Qub members &om Adanta tion. A cash bar is available. GRGLBF thc budget, and consider some changes setin^ try thc pado in die mall in front for Oct 10 at 7 pjn. Jutie, and we've ahtnys got time to meet cepdon and check- in on Ftiday cveiiing, Program, is a six-scsskxi suppott group Hiursday evenings. Each session will event comfortable. Wotnen should be and Fort J.-audcrdale also made a show­ wdcomes all to attend. in our constimtion. Some long range ofRochester Custom Leathers any Tues­ some new fiiends. We meet on ahcmat- a run on Saturday moming^ meetings on for individuals who would like to ex­ address a specific topic that is relevant looking for more events of tiiis type ing. It a|^>ears there's a movement afoot GRGLBF can bc contacted via e- goals were discussed and next year's day after 9:45 p.m. Well bc thc good- ing Mondays and Wednesdays, so call Saturday, a banquet Saturday evening* plore their bisexual feelings and iden­ to tl% coming out process, such as com­ Empire Bears fiom CLV in tiic fuaite," CO create a njeetingf^acc for Fronmnmer mail at [email protected] or via our recording sessions to finish our CD looking ones with thc delicious the BHARlinc to find out details eadi and concluding meetings on Sunday. tity in a welcoming, safe and non- ity out to fiunily and fiiends, dealing Fill those casseroles and stan bakin', CLV sponsors mcmdily podudcs/ dubs to '*liook Mp" with each other at web site at htcp:// were plarmed. TVie evening brougjit thc cqipucdno. wedc All bears and beadovers are wel­ Rochester Frontrunners is sending a judgmental space. with hon>ophobia, dating and creatinga boysi The first BEARS potiuck ofthe sodab in Seneca Falls, drawing lesbians next year's run. GRGLBF/indcxiitml You can also annual Get Acquainted Party, where come at any of our events. Join thc delegate as a representative on issues A group is scheduled to beg^i in nud- sanae-sex tebtionsh^y and finding a season will be Oct. 4. Meet at the fiom all over thc Central NY/Fii^pr Whik dic/rc taking off their dothes contact us via our voice mail line at 234- new and returning membets ofthe cho­ PFLAG EMPIRE BEARS for die best hi:^ and and to vote on policy. October and win run fbr six consecutive place in Rochestcii's gay community. GAGV at 179 Atlanric Ave., after 6 Lakes iegion.To bc oo thc CLV mondhly in Tampa, we here in Rochester are 8706 or our post ofBce box address at rus got to meet and socialize. Thanks to By Maxine McDonald cuddles around. Re-capping die summer, Itwas a ban­ Thursday evenings. Eadi session wifl Participation is compJcteJy confiden­ pjn. Plan to cat at 7 p.m. Well supply maiHng list, send $5 to CLV, P.O. Box thinking about what dothes we have to P.O.Box 19307, Rochester, N.Y. 14609. John and Don for hosting. When don't you have to take sun block address a specific topic that is relevant tiaL Hic emphasis of tiie group is on paper products, utensils and bever­ Contact us at Empire Bears, GAGV, 517, Seneca FaDs, N.Y. 13148. ner year for Pride Runs. Atianta re­ put on as wc fiace the cooler autuinn On Oct. 25, RGMC will sing paior to to Oriando, Fla.? When you go to the to bisexuaiity. such as coming out to providing a safe space fbr indtviduals to ages. You bring your fiivotite dishes 179 Atlanric Ave., Rochester, NY ported die lazgest crowd ever widi over weeks. Our miembership has grown to Orleans Rainbow the film presentation ofthe Rochester Nadonal PFLAG (Parents, Family and £unily and 6icnds, dealingwith bqihobia, C3^3k>ce and sharc their expenences and and a healthy apperite. Plan to stay, 14607-1255. CaU ourBEARlinc at 234- Dignity-Integrity 800 runners^ udiile Baylands* diird an­ an average Saturday moming turnout of Gay and Lesbian Film FesdvaL Hope Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Con­ maintaining a bs identity while in ida­ concerns regarding thdr sexual identity. sodalize and play a board game or 3381. Or e-mail to nual FrontnumcTs Pnde Run/Walk at­ about 12-18 dedicated runners and walk­ The Orleans Rainbow Fdlowship has we'U see many of you in thc audience, ference. Dignity-Int^tity is a living faith com- tionship, and finding a place in the fee for the grot^ is on a sliding scale cards after eating. [email protected] CaD, you tracted 250 rqgistrants. Down in Tanipa ers. While our Wednesday evening runs scheduled thc first meeting ofthe fall si^i^xming the film fest. Thc films and I was kept so busy, 1 hardly had time znunity of gajra, lesbians, bisc?:uals, Rochester's Icsb^y community. fiom $25 CO $50. However, no one wifl won't r^ret iri WOOFI Bay, 190 runners and walkers hit the and walks arc somewhat less well at­ season for Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. videos are aiways interesting, amusir^ CO spend my money on souvenirs. This Oct. 17, 18. and 19 will find thc transgender people and frtends who Partidpation is completdy confiden­ be tumed away due to lack of suffident toad in their second amiual Pride 5K. tended, diere is still a commitment by Due to poor attendance in May, June and thougjbit-provoking. year's conference was hdd ar the Clarion BEARS inToronto. Saturday nig^ well Coalition for worship openly with each other. Wc tiaL TTic emphasis of the group is on funds; scholarships are available. New Yotk may have had die largest thc group for al! rhe sodal and health and August the September meetingwas We're now in full rehearsals for our Plaza HoteL I went by mysdf, so I did a host a bamight at the Toc^box. Wc celebrate snass in the Episcopal and providing a safe space for individuals to Ifyou are interested in rcg^tcring or turnout, with its 1,100 f>lus rcgisttants. benefits of paiudpadon. Join us for fon skipped tn allow for wind-up of sum­ annual hoUday concert. "Cheers for thc lot of networking arvd met tnany won- h<^ic to sec thc sig^ts^ catdi a show, and Lesbian Visibility Catholic tradirions, but wc welcome oqslore and shate their experiences and •U'ould like infonnation, contact Tanya have a great Eime visiting our ndg^iboiTs Tlie Coalirion for Lesbian Visibility's all, regardless o£ your rcHgious affilia­ concerns regarding their sexual identity. at 244-8640. Thegroup is limited to 10 tothenortli. Sunset Boat Cruise was a huge suc­ tion (or lack of one). Hie fee fbrthcgroupis on a shdif^scale participants, so caS as soon as possible. IN I tl\W^ tA\vt A CoMWTTtE foft GAT LOWAN AND DUIXUAL Cof«2HNi1 1 On Nov. 2 we'H caravan down CO die cess, reports CLV Director Becky Bly. Worship with us Sundays at 5 pjn. in Cc3aDiALLY INVITE5 Yav TO JOIN Ui KOft 5l^POAY VoRSHtP FACH VFEK AT I0:30AM, COfFff HCX* TO fOCLCV Geri Stanton Ai A ME^ftefi C>f THf UfsHAWAN UMVHLSALIST AiiOOATlON VE co^T^tA^rr ro AfFian AND rut^Mo^^ ! THE IM-*CR£NT WGflTH AND DKiJ^TY Of EVERY fOUON Barbara Debes, M.S. "*• - - — - J • a lesbian with 12 years of FJR5T UNIVEI15ALJ5T CHURCH experience in private practice 150 5. CLINTON AT CCJRT 34ian, bisexual, and transgendered persons into full Church of St. Luke and St Simon Cyrene bgether zve zvill create an co-ministry and life celebration within our worshipping family. 17 South Fitzhugh St. enznronment that promotes (Corner of Broad St and S. Fitzhugh St) T Two services avery Sunday at 11:00 am - a tre^Ntionat service in the Sanctuary - Phoae 2i2ai7a healing, prozndes supportfor exploring - a contemporary service in Celebration Hail - your personal joumey and empozvers Adutt Education 9:45 am Tlil)^eucharisHc camajmtity exists- >l Call for dates and times when Rev. Jane Spahr ^ • to wors/up God it you to make self-respecting choices. will be worshippir^g with us. • to^noclaim^ good news ofJesm Christ A Mora Ught Church Please contact Rev. Gafl Ricciuti for more information. t9 the reettttjt ofOais^m gay eayjMbisn and Wssniai psraomsf* wakomsd as pwtn«n in miniMqr. f*?*''*<^\if:^':^-^-^ •'•• i . ^^TVv IfiA. Uj;t4.«>^ , MS. Ed. 10:90 AM Worship Nationally Certified M Individual^ Couples, Gioups JoUt ns iii celebrmtiiH^20 years iiwiday IstandSid 7:30 MM 6«yA«btenAistxu«iSuppwirtGi0iap Sign Language Pcofictent in onr conmmni^! OHMom-WhstidMiraceaiaiMs - Loep«d«srilMlMsi«iitifnpair«d (516) 385-1735 THE DOWNTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 121 North FtehuQh St Rochwter. NY 14614 (716) 32&4000

? mm mtm , ,-«i#i-.,-^.f .••^-,v^a~Ht ™. • i-VMn^^r^-ArlMlh

rated and afBKated with the national for moce deipib on upcomii^ evcsMs Cboif" based in New Yosk Gty. (Tty derful people. ocg^uiiaation, wc elected officers at that UiiBioken hcte in tfae £«ifriy CSfcuM; on our posters putting ifaat on a t*slutt!) For tfae fitst I anived Hiursday aftiemoon and meeting also. Mary Lytm continues to hooked up -with an Aziseona chapter and fi^ners, on MidlicQtn4 atkd on our tiiiie tfais leadetshyconlietcttccinchitied put out our newsletter and ts doing an A new sodal grca^ for gays, lesbians, pccsidcnt. We were able to share a num­ Wdssitc at ittgt://fitt^g^tem. '^tm^gtrt. a S3t^g(»^siv)pel()etid in wfaidi any cfaods- eacocpiiooal job. We have been able to bisesuab attd tfan^pukied persons berof ideas forou r chapters and found Anyone intnnted in framing moce tec osokl join one of tfaiee di£Eerent have about 10colocfi;dp(^e$becat>se of faas fowmedl If ycm or someone you ourselves ancndif^ a mimber of the about tfae BangeiB ate invinxl to attend ensembles. Tfae women's, men's THE tfae ixxi-pcofit bulk mailing rate. know is "into" neecDeart (counted saixM woricshops. Thurscky evening we one of our two infocnuuional meetii^ miaed cfaoruses trfaeaised intenaivdy In the past two moatfas I have not cross sdtdi, quitting, needlepoint, boarded a bus that took us to the Hrst being hckl Oct. 1 at 7 pjn. ai>d Oct 4 at over one weekend and pecfocmed for wikccn this cohimfL I do want you to crewel, embrc^dery, plasdc canvas, Cocigreguional Church in Winter Park 3 pjn., bodi in die «^»tairs kmnge M evetyone on ifae dosic^ nig^ Hans ate know that PFLAG marched in die Gay etc) or ci^oys doing arts and crafes, where we were treated to a viewing of Tata. Ihis is an infoitmal ineedng to akeatfybeiiigmade for die GALA 2000 Ptide Parade. AlthcK^we were fewin tbere is nowai^acc feuryou to meet A^GottrCiiidtrtt and the fitst halfhour answer questions, get some input and petfotmance festivai wfaidi wifl be in £R number^ we had a gcxxl time* The festi' od^A with die same interests! oflfsEimmtttttiy. Both are award win­ let you know wfaat we're afl about San Jose, Cali£ and wifl JnckKJe over val at the Village Gate was a gteat op­ ning documentaries. Dr. Syhoa Rhue, Yes £olSkSj the annual holiday bash 6^000 singers in a fiiB week of perform Bdt^ a cunent oc new pvojecc, afl I portunity for us to pass out brochures ^1 ^ptxsidi33fxx oi A^ Go^f Cbiidfwtt,^^std will be Dec. 6 so, mark your calmriars tnaxiioes. neededsi^iplies (and,ofcoutse,afiaendf) and sdl most of the buttons, magnets Debra ChasnofE^ director of//V Eiimm- and watdi fbr mote detaib and tidcct Come hear the Women's Chorus and come toourtwoOctober meetings, andbumper suckers thatwe had planned taty, vtete there and spoke to us. Debra informadon in following issues of the perfotm on Oct 17 at 8 pjn. during the onOct6andOct2Dattfae GAGV to sell at the picnic. I also ran into a announced diat Ifs Bietttetttary is now £C! Lastly, we woukl like to diank aB of openiiig of Imageout; Rochester's gay Community Center, 179 Adantk Ave, dassinate I hadn't seen since gtadua- available to PFLAG chapters at half you in tfae community who sufiport and andlesbian film festivaL Also madtyour in the Main Mieedi^ Room from 7 pjn. tfon. HK tdevision we raffled at the (mce and available at no cost to every bdieve in us and our mission. Without cafendars for Dec 6 at thc Twelve Cor­ to9pju. picnic was again a bag hit. Unfortunatdy sdvxsil supcrintendant who requests it. your attendance at our events we couki ners Ptesbyteiiac Church fbr RWCCs Ifae g^oup wifl meet every first and itwasn't the money maker we had hoped not fulfiB our motto, ''you he^ us hdp holiday production. It is never too kte tfaird Monday evenings of tfae montfa at 60 Browns Race - 262-2700 Friday was an all-day traitting session fbr, as we had had to purchase it. Is there otfaeisr' To contact tfae Rangers write to join RWCC as a singer or a si^spoct tfae same time and k»cadon. Sitdng in thc Leadership Training Institute. I sotneone 'u^io would donate a tdevi­ to Rochester Rangers, Inc., 1361 stafiT Please call 473-7365 for more in­ sdcching, crafting, talking and FUN arc Overlooking the High Falls Gorge attended the "Coming Our Culturally sion to be raffled off next year? Maybe Ridgeway Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14615 formadon. whatwc'te aflaboud UnBroken Threads i Con4>et]ent*' training led byjaney Lynn you know a store owner who would or cmaB to iwAesitrtm^@ttttUtiattr.c9g is open to afl Qoe^aners thrtxjgh ad­ of thc Nadonal Educational Assoda­ donate one. If you do, you can let us Across from Kodak on State Street and well reply as soon as possible. vanced). We hope to see you therd For don. know through our hdpline (716-234- moic infonnation, cafl Kerry, &dlira- In the evening we went to Tlie Gay 0156) or email me 1 -i By Martin Schafer tor; at 865-6761 and leave a messs^e, or Please check Frontier Field events special hours and Lesbian Community Services of (maxmc@rochesterJn£Lnet). Wbmen's Chorus In thc mondi of October, Team Roch­ send e-mail to Kerry at Central Florida fbr a family cook out. Support is provided thtough the Rochester Women's Community Cho­ ester would like to invite all people kjca«[email protected]. Entertainment was superb, featuring Helpline (Z34-0156), and at our meet­ ms is off to a great and harmonious who want to celebrate their "sdves" the Inq>rov Comedy Troiq>e, drag per­ ings on the last Sunday of thc month start' TTiere are several new faces and to join in one of thc many calendar formances by Leigh "Bctte" Sharuion &om 230 to 5 pjn. at the Friends Meet­ new voices in the group this fail. events organised to understand Com­ PLAGAL (Pro-life Alliance of Gays Open All Year and Miss *?." Saturday was another ing House at 41 Westminster Rd. across We presently boast one more sodal ing Out *97 and Lesbians) tneets monthly. HIGH FAUS Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. early rise and the 16th Annual Confer­ CEMTEfl ...J?® firom George Eastman House. Please wotker, two more pe<^lc enhandng Every third Wednesday of thc month. For informadon caU NYS rcprescnta- ence Idck-ofifb^an with a performance PARKING Dinner Mon.-Thurs. 5 -10 pm join us. their skills in sign language intequeting, Team Rodiester athletes arc prepaiing dve Donna Marie Kearney by thc Orlando Gay Chorus and a wel­ SROWNRACE Fri. & Sat. 5-11 pm our second member from thc for the fifth Cukural Event and Games, at 442-6399. PO Box 10035, Roches­ come by President Nancy McDonald ] [ Rangers Watertown area and several people in to bc hosted in the Nedicdands' capital ter NY 14610 or PLAGAL Narional Coming From ihm Ciiy... Sun. 4-9 pm. (no relation). MILL STREET the medical field. AU are vety exdted to dty, Amsterdam, next summer. Tlic office, PO Box 33292, Washington 1. Off State Street Reservations Recommended I then went to the Regional Caucus Gobble... Gobble... Our l^bulous an­ becc»ne part ofthe chorus family. Many theme is friendship. We, the Rochester D.C. 20033; (202)223-6697. PARKING 2. Right onto Platt Street where I met our new Ri^onal Director. nual Turkey Dinner will bc Nov. 9, WXXI Gift Certificates Always Available ofour new members arc singing for the cor!itingent, wifi be thc ambassadors OARAGE 3. Rigtit onto Browns Race Our r^on has been without a director from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. and will ben­ first time since thcy werc in high schooL sharing our commumty. Hospital visiting ' 4. FoBk>w cobblestone drive for about a year. This was another net­ efit Isaiah House which is a behind thc From our first few rehearsals it was Thc host dty, Amsterdam, writes in STATE STREET 5. Parking is available in the parking garage working opportunity and I met the pxesi- scenes terminal care organizadon that Please join us visiting padents at Mon­ 1 r obvious that not too much had been its brofdiuic that thcywdcome this event u or after 4 p.m. on the left, just past the buikiing. dent ofPFLAG Mohawk Valley. At the serves AIDS and other terminal pa­ roe Community Hospital twice forgotten, as music was made ri^t from and the dtizens have no difficulty deal­ Free parking after 4 p.m. Awards Luncheon he accepsted on be- tients in their final days. monthly. We meet people the start. ing with alternative lifestyles. Thc gay ha/f of his chapter thc au-ard to thc Priority is given to AIDS patients as wfao love visitors and need friends. The RWCC director attended thc and lesbian movement was legalized in chapter that created and implemented thcy arc one of only two care homes This is a good ^vay to bring hap^nness annual leadership conference sponsored the 1970s. Together widi the feminist exemplary programs in the area of edu­ wHtiich accept them. The first of into others* lives.Call Marie at 442- by GALA (the intemational associadon movement, successes were adiieved in cadon. PFLAG Mohawk VaDcy devel­ its kind, Isaiah House tecently celebrated 6399 for morc information. ofgay and lesbian supported choruses) fighting for equal rights and positions. oped two workshops with supporting a decade of service and was thc first of which RWCC is a member. This year Nowadays, no one in thc Netherlands materials for school personnd. home for thc dying in Rochestcr to Wbmen's hiking the conference was held in Toronto and makes an issue of homosexuality. After the caucuses it was on to thc accept AIDS padents. Most of their attended by well over 500 ddcgatcs Team Rochester offers this commu­ Join the Women's Hiking Group on Leadership Plenarics where I met with clients are indigent and have few re­ fiom across thc U.S. and Canada. nity, throt^jh all of us who participate, our bi-monthly hikes. We have a great the national president and ch^tcr presi­ sources to assist thc hoiose in its efforts RWCCs director went to a couple of an opportunity to share thc energy. You bunch of fun women who love thc dents. We werc sdieduled to discuss to stay open. Isaiah House receives NO very inspiring workshops,induding one have thc ability to join usi Every doUar our shared vision for the coming year, reimbursement fi'om insurance. Social outdoors. (Wc love children too, so given by Doreen Rac, the foremost makes this effort move forward. Call but instead ^x into a discussion regard­ Services or anyone dsc and relics soidy bring them!) COrviEIS RIRSX arranger aiul composer of muhi-cul- Leslie Apetz at 482-9356 to tnake your ing thc current dissent at thc national on piivate donations. Hiey do not charge We explore various parks and have a tural music in Nordi America, and a tax deducdble contribudon to Team level I was unaware of thc problem their padents fbr their suy and their gteat time. Wc always kx^ forward to The Law Office of Lawrence Krieger is proud to provide quality workshop in Gospd singing given by Rochester, or mail one to Team Roch- until a £ew days before I left for Or­ resources arc dwindling. Their mission new women joining thc groiqx Cafl Gregory Payne of '^Lavender Light: esier-GAGV, 179 Adandc Ave., Roch­ legal services to lesbian and gay families... lando. I hc^ thcy arc able to work it out is to provide comfort care to make the Donna at 442-^99 from noon to 9 ~k Black and People of All Colors Gospd ester. N.Y. 14607. so we can get on with the good work patients last days as joyful and comfon­ pjti. diat PFLAG does. able as possible. Your support is essen­ FULL SERVICE GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW; PFLAG's focal point for the past tial in hd^Mng Isaiah House to remain a year and will continue next year is to viable aitemative forman y in the Roch­ C^ Family Court cases protecting the rights B^ Personal Injury / Auto Accidents make safe spaces for our youth in ester community. of lesbian mothers and gay fathers D^ Criminal Defense / D.WI. schools. I attended a three hour work­ Our outstanding turkey dinner, with ijicvci r si()lii ^; 111 i>\iii(:i Ml ll B^ Non-Traditional Family Issues 1^^ Real Estate / House Closings shop on public speaking that afternoon all the trimmings, has been a pc^xilar and then out co dinner with fiends. tradidon for over a decade, with no one Et^ Wills specifically for same-sex couples C^ Landlord / Tenant Matters That evenic^ there was "A Celebration left hungryl A change in venue this year • A small shop providing personaluced service or sin^s D^ Consumer Disputes ofYouth arxl Families." llie pat^ was as this festive holkiay kick-off wiB be • We cion't look dcvwn upon casual riderii I^* Health Care Proxies / UvingWiUs BS* Formation of Partnerships modcxated by Manlj'n Volker, a well- hdd at tfae Patchcn-Briggs post of tfae V Accessories for commuting, touring and recovery US' Power of Attorney for partners & Corporations known sexoiogtst Pandisis induded VFW at 54 Soudi Union St (ooc half V^ Contracts & Business Agreements E^ Legal Name Change Dan Rcnzi fitxn MTVs TURtaiWorid block soutfa of Mudier's). It is a very • SERVICE EXCLUSIVES < On Sunday I drs^ged myself out of comfortable £kd!tty witfa lots of toom, ftS^ Bankruptcy / Debt ReKef V^ Civil Suits in ali State & Federal Courts bed eaily fbr bceakfi»t and a cdebratiGn very itsexpcnstvc ddtik tncnu and a £m- We re-assembie bikes from scratch because iJactDry assembly of fittth led by Pastor'^imm/'Brown tastk kkcfaen. WcH faave muaic, a cafe* lacks proper lubricatkHi, alignment and inspection. setring foe aoriaHzin^agyandtafac; our Mefnb«r of of the Joy Metropolitan Communtty • N«wYork State Bar ''femous" SO/SQi and gceat pciaeesl Purchase a new bi^de and receive iiiietinieiree mau^Bnance. Chmdi. Again more workshops aod a • Disoict of Columbia Bar I -800-719-1260 toll free out of area networking lunch befoce heading offto We wiB be oofiectkig canned and dty • Monroe Gount5r Bar the airport forth e retum to Rocfactttr. gpodit pfl^Mx pcoducts and todetdes to fUEEWKEOERSSEUS • American Bar Association ("«) 325-2640 Fax:(716)325-1946 • Jjufdxia L«gal Defense I missed thc avacds banquet Sunday benefit Isaiah House dients. A dtscount TEMCV PRECISION HKEIRNI WOMBt evening and the denrKMistiatkm in sop- oo your dinnerwifi be f^ffeced widi your ponofDisneyonMonday.Icameaway tlonaoKML Tidcets wffl be $8 and avaO- SPOmSEQUItMENTThATFirS

with many ideas forou r diapcer. Nen afale starting Oct. 10 at Amfaony's 52% moN NOME • Nosco • snywE ^ year the coofinenoe wifl be heki again in Aveme Aib, Badidor Focuni» Com­ Attorney at La^ Septtmber m M3waukee. mon Grounds, Mudict^s» Piide Con­ ..;_>, Om Sepc 28 meeting at the Fiiefids nection, Rodtesaer Custom Leatfaets I East Main St.» Suite #400 Mecdog Hotve was oor ttaditional sndTara,Hd|pttthd^ifatsmiirhneeded Rochester, NY 14614 *tjO«aJqgOttC^meeddg.7ttisyearTanyB and dedioted gpoup

(JOM^ Scqa ' "•««H«MMisMtadsaiiMii •• maiwirtht'Wi l^yg"f,i •<••>• iWi. m

< -^

ANNOUNCEMENTS Fetslner/liouMsalnecRespons&le, VialnaMer te Ae Eaaiity Oaeec love ammals, wffl do daily viatc or stay at We att looking for word processors. yoiyhon»e>HwyiHrwiwea.271-3431' "Knv'vumniEjniiiJi uxzr. *^b^»a AJaUMSWbHmvan»nHKni^ mcffiog •oloiREm, phaeat cusmmrti a^ Won! aod F^gtouiker Jf you cm g^ ready know: my fiiyrsrcaliy are mi^yj nro faoucs a momh plesftt call Susaa at let my strong sldDed hands soothe 244-9030* away Hie's stress, strain and tensknu £u(diie:aRDciieatter«tadilicn.Lots AtlUeiic, youthful, Icafian male, 5*9**, BUY IT. SELL IT. TRADE

of fim aod a good way to meet peopfe. • •* ISO lbs., accepts t^jpoinmiems in your Joia us for cards, puoai and pdzes — home or mine. Reasonable rates, oonfi* GWM. :^fynanle's Scotty, 29,6*, 20O Sage andmiscellaneouscleaningdiofes. well teadi yoa to pby. Seoood and deodaHty assured. Call now. (716)235- &«., blond hak/bktt eyes, muscular Smdent OK 581-2282 fourfiiSatuidays,6-9:3Op0i,OpttiAnns ^fiS. „ build. Looking for sincere GWM to WQUamaon: Must-see wooded ooe MeCfopoKtaaCoomaaaityQuircfa, 175 A gcodenian^B toudi. Ea^xnencc cocrespood with and get to know. I acre, remodeled, laxge, thtee-bedioom, .^•- l--^ NoExis Dnve off Cuher at Cobbs HOL the finest in xelazaDon with a sensuous enjoy candle Hght dinners and outdoor fiiH basementhouse widi firqjlace, laun­ Maiaciiite & Agate, alesbiaapoetry foil-body hot oil ueatment. Private, dis­ •ii^^^!Si-i activities. Only senous inquiries please, dry, large kitchen, security, bige bam ammaS, hes pdbfished work by May cteet and sure to cclease every dxop of and no head games. Scotty Miller and two-car ^uage £or parking/stor­ 1 ••->•' • ^ iiilfiSilliii Swenson, Addan Oktenbetg^ Laurd tenarool $50/hour, $30/hal£ 749-7461 #114971 I>7, case of EJCCC. PO age. Gay-fiiendly fomale would have Speer aod others* Curtent issuis:$9.95 by^jpointment. Box 636, West Libeny KY 41472 entire top fioor (two bedrooms) and fiiD 1 (check/money order). Submit ycHur Has dfixttttE- got you down? I win Reaching out to touch that special home/property privileges. $500 in­ poems widi a SASE. Malachite & Ag­ dean and otganize your basement, atdc, someone. Vm 26,6\ 189 lbs., black hair, cludes ALL (315)589-6131 .Personabk; t ate, 6558 4th Secdon Rd., #149, garage or house and find space you blue eyes. Will answer all. James owner with one car, one minute hxxn Brockport NY 14420. never knew you had. Will build shelves, Morrison, 346-826, PO Box 5500, 104. do minor repairs. Insured, have refer- mmihoi3@&ootiemecjiet Chiflicothc OH 45601. Roonunate to share large house with enc«.27l-:U?], Wanted: Sve commited lesbian GWM, 28, incarcerated, 6*2", brown two males. Laxge rooms, with ample personal, professional, discreet matchmaking exclusively for rochesttr's gay ani ht$Un communiiy aod/otc biaexual women to train as PERSONALS hair, blue eyes, 160 lbs. Enjoy reading storage and off street parking. Near peer educators o^aiding sdafcr sex is­ Bodj^iuatd/oonopanion. Gaypxo- camping, etc. Looking for anyone to Culver-Empire and Bay/Groodman. sues for women. Must be \villing to fi^sional male seeks well bxsilt mascu­ wdte and bond witlt. Will respond to all Rent Ls $260/month. CaH 288-6351. volunteer foron e year and do outreach line bi-ga}' male for possible live in po­ who will wdtc. Interested in fiiendship, Culver-Empire. Gay or gay-fiiendly When you're ready to get serious about findin to the icsbian/bi communicy. Call sition and travel oppottuniacs. Call possibly mote. To bc released in about female to shaxe a two-bedroom apart- Chnsty Simons at AIDS Rochester, 442- (716)783-7600 for details. one and a half years. James L. Dean, mcntLower half ofhouse. Lai^ kitchen, your special someone, we're ready to help- 2220x304Z GWF seeks feminine GWF 45-55 288-395, PK3 Box 56, Ld>anon OH two living rooms, large yard, own drive­ Attention all older leabians and who wants honesty, sincedty and no 45036. way with off-street paikix^ $290 alL biaexual women. AIDS Rochesun: is heat! games. If youVc tired of the bar ROOMMATES/ 654-5573. 473-8470 interested in fonnii^ an educational scene, picase reply. I enjoy quiet times, HOUSEMATES WANTED TO RENT and fun group to meet the needs of movies, walks and honwest communi­ Female roommate(s) needed to Nice large fiimiahcd apartment ckler lesbians and bisexual women in cadon. Friendship first and who knows. share three bedroom house, pool, fenced or house Oct. 28-Dec. 7, while touring quiet cul-de-sac. Arts & Crafis st>'ic Rochester. Our issues need to be ad­ No bisexuals ^easc. Don*t bc shy and yard near Kodak Park-Qose to express- with "Miss Saigon" with small Maltese bungalow, spacious three bedroom, dressed! Define "cddct^* as you wish] answer this ad. PO Box 244245, Roch­ ways. f375. Responsible persons call dog. Near Auditorivunllicater orwithin great kitchen and mastcrbcdroom. Ask- Call Christy Simons at 442-2220 x304Z ester NY 14624-0245. 865-6834. 10 miles. Please call Harvey or Bruce at ing$119,900. Call and leave message— Make women's history aod join The foUowingprisoners are lonely GWM late 40s, , attractive Italian (561)615^268. 442-6169. PersonTwoPerson works exclusively with gay and lesbian dients who are looking for Icmg-lerm relaticmslnps Rodjcsoa: NOW. CaU 482-2281. and would i^»p«eciate hearing fitom ISO gay or bi male under 26, sHm, who POR RENT Canandaigua: 'Hirce levd colonial and is a men:d>er of the Greater Rochester Fair Busmess Council and of the Intemational Society of Introduction Services. SERVICES anyone wiio wiU write: is eab7 going and open minded, to share Room for rent. I^kc Road Webster townhomc in Legion Hc^Jits. Three large pcivate three story, two-bedroom near Xerox. Large 15x20 with kitchen, bedroom, Z5 bath. Bri^t and open. furnished townhouse in Chariottc area garage and hiundry privileges. Non- Many upgrades. IminacuiAte condition. dose to beach Washer and dryer, stor­ stnokjxig male, no dn^. $350/month. Wonderfiil neighbors.' Priced wcU be­ age space and mud? more. $350 in­ Indudes all 265-9181. low cost to sell fast. Pieasc call Eric/ cludes everything. Also possible reduc­ .FORSALE Ken, 396-9853 for more informarion. tion in tent of $250 in retum for mas- House for sale. Highland Park area. Brokers wdcome.

Mail-in-Membcrship Name: Parents, nochester, NY Families & Friends Address; of Lesbians & Gays SUPPORT Meets on the last Sunday of each month from Phone: 2:30-4:30 PM at the _EOUCATIO N $l5lndividual \ lnclua« tri-montMy Friends l^ieeting Hous? $20 Househokj/iMwileMAr 4? \Mestminster Road of^rfu/ (near comer of EastAve) ADVOCACY Mallirtf c/o GAGV Addr*s£: 179 Attantic Av«nu« FOR INFO CALL (716) 234-0156 Rochester. Nnr 14607 Arches^« "^^> * Bouquets • Centerpieces Tcbleworeond In-store ot^ Georgetown Plawi decorottons for every 1050 East Ridae Road occosion I The largest retailer of NYS wines I I in the Rochester orea. I CONGRATULATIONSI! \ I We're proud to "Uncork New York.**! „ , J Is. ^ • Wedding InvftisHoM ^rf^SSSf L >T^r^ • R««talsl«nbri5tai, Can't find that special wine or spirit? AI^JA MAB&*k HAA^fli^^ HhrflUA^ &ive us a call, and we'll order it. AnQ mucn, ffmicfi more f We fkiim. No minimum; no extra charge. I Stop in and see what CKVciiloik>l you ve been missing! TAKE NOTE '"•^SSSi

•H i HOUSE of BACCHUS Wetl-troined, profeisioml BACCHUS MRTY (716)266-6390 ''^l^Z^!^'' (716) 336-9Kr0

mai Uoyd and Dale Hefibr* Downtown flndsale.11vn-10pm.274N.Goodnian UniBra netbytcdan CoiMchi 121 N. SUNDAY 19 FMbq^ St^ HaSock Loui^$e» 7:30 pm. Lenobda Car Qub. Second annud MONOK^YtS The ONGOING Calciiclai M £ofi^ and Keuka winexy tour. Cafl "Comitv Ottt bl eie Cooieact of Rob by Oct 15 for lunch icsexvadoos. SUNOMI^Y Oet i7.afchni«iOiM;'nwilodk' Ffin]Ay,*apreMntatipaiiid discusskxi half oouc^8-9luacCRxt Ranacx»» 244- Ga^ Affiance of die Gcsieaee VaBev iery, SOO Untveisty Ave. 234-8706. C716)225-i5769. Mo^Uf^Supptin Gtoup 1640. board of dbectaMTs Meeting; second by Tttiya SmoikiskyoCtfae GAGV and Sex and Love Addicto Anotymoua Dual Ansacdon. Six-week st^port for gnr and iesfattn peopie and After AIDS Bercavenoent Sii|ipocc Wednesdays, 7 pm, 179 Atlantic Ave. 730 pm. PO Box 10366, Rodiester Viik»FM«MJ 1997. For Ml Mbr- Maiy I^nn Vkkeis of PFLAG. 7 pm. focotfe, 12:15 pm, bst Sundays. % mrtfatiiaB pufB B3. ^oup for women and men wandxtt to Second, fourth Mondays, 4-530 {»n, 244-8640. NY 14610-0366. Fceeand open topubhc Border* Boc^ Downtown Utttted Presbytenan AIDS Rochester, 1350 University Gay Alooboiica AnoBymous Caregivera Siyport Groty ^« c:^)Aoce dieir biseicttal kkntity. 125/150 Qaxdb, 121N. Hbdai^St 271-160a Ave. Free. 442-2220. 7pai,UnaadanChurch,220 WintonRd. First and third Tliursdays. 530-7 pm. sEdtng scale (no one tunied aw^). I^c- Parenta and Fdenda Rodiester Historical B<»wlii^ So- TUESDAY 14 Podttvely Sober Episcopal Diocesan House, 935 East n^jistration required* 244-8640. of Leabians and Gaya (P-FIA(9 dbcy ~ AA gtoup, closed meetings. AB3S Ave. 231-6808, pm. John B., 244-3446. COAFgnne nig^ Russeirs, 7:30 HONDAY 20 2:30-5 pen. Friends Meeting Hou9e» 7:15 pm, Motidays. Qover Lanes, Rochester, 1350 University Ave. Ev­ FRIDAY pm. 473-6407. 41 Westminster. Last Sunday. 234- I OK 11 u:>i'iRi I I:L)M()\ I 11or OC^TOBlvR &nfixe State Piide Agenda fidl Bmpty Qoaet deadline. Camoa^ 2750 Monroe Ave. 251-2175. ery Wednesday, noon to 1 pm. Hnger Lakes Gay-Lesbian Social WEDNESDAY IS 0156 COAP Su|»port Group for Parents anvacds dinner. Sheraton New Yodc ready ads, photographs. 2^44-9030. Group Bmpty Qoaet deadline. Articles, Digcity^Int^rity Come Out and Play. Meeting last WhoHaveLostChildren Fte Fridays and tiaxd Tuesdays. GA (315) FRIDAYS SUNDAY 5 THUIISDAY9 Hotel and Tower, cocktails and silent WEDNESDAY 22 5pm, St. Luke's/St. Simon Cyrene dassified ads, letters to editor, non- Monday, 7 pm, GAGV Community Fust, diird Wednes^, 1130 am-12 536-7753 and ask for SamEdwanJs, or Love Makes a Family. Photograph- COAP hiking at Letchworth, 10 Lambda Car Oub trip to Hcrshcy aucdon 6 pm; dinner and keynote ad­ CQAPvoBeybalL2pm,EIIisonPark. Church, 17 S, Fitzhu^ St. Every Center; 179 Adantic Ave. Tom. 232-4183. pm, Tliird Presbyterian Church, 4 camera-ready ads, ad space reservation. write PO Boot 941, Geneva NY 14456. text exhibit b>' Gigi Kaeser, Pam Brown am. Chris R, 442-2726. Pa. throug Oct. 12, forAAC A Car dress by Ann Rir AIDS In- Every Mond^, 7-&45 pm, Sdiool #12 gion Home Care. Free. 325-1880. Men: second Fridays Women: fourth Open Arms Mettopolitan (J.p. Dufify SchooQ, South Ave. oppo­ Lambda Network at Kodak and Cor­ Ediicators Acdon Alliance. Hie Qub win have a booth where members pm. Kate Clinton m.c Hckets start at COAP v>irfleybalL Eliscm Park, 6:30 8dtu*e.OcL25-27,KobertTfeatHocel, lioness Pdde Motc»cycie Qub Ffkfays. 7 pm, GAGV Community Cen­ Coinmunity Cbuf^ site Hi^iland Ho^xkaL 442-0289. Tliird Wednesdays, Saturdays, alter­ ter, 179 Atlantic Ave. 244-8640. porate Diversity and Wotk/Iife. At teachers' group holds its second meet­ can rendezvous. To reserve meals and $250. For informaticxi call (212)213- pm* NewatkN.J.PresentedbyNationalTask 175 Nonis Dtivc, Cobbs Hill near THURSDAYS American Baptists Concerned nate months. GAGV Community SATUiU>AY KodakParkB-28 Lobby (pubHc access) ing from 7-9 pm at the GAGV Com­ for local contact call John Ball at 2438. Force on Aids Prcvcntk>n. (415)356- Cuhra:. 10-30 am. 271-8478. Thkd Mondays, 730 pm. Webster Center, 179 Altantic Ave. Weds: 7 Gay/Lesbian Al-Amm through Oa. 7. 234-4388. munity Center, 179 Atlandc Ave. For (717)258-9766. FRIDAY 10 Breaking tbe Ice. Six week st^>port Gay Men's AloohoBcs Anoc^- House, 57 Ambrose St. 442-5486. First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton 8134;fi«)415)356-8138. mous ptn.San Spm. COAP video night. Andy's, 7 pm. informadon call 244-8640. Coming Out: a lifelong COAP Northampton road trip. group for men and women newly com­ SUNDAY 26 UnbrokenThreads Frontrunners Rd7pm. Sc Luke's/SL Simon Cyrene First and third Mondays, 7-9 pm, 244-4769. ImageOut ticket sales, noon- 4 process.Therapists Marilyn Lipschxdtz Tom M., 232-4183. ing out. $25/$50 sluiing scale (no one COAP punq>ldn dragnet. 10 am, 6 pm fon run and walk. Meet parking Rochester Rams bar nig^t Tliird Church, 17 S. Fitdiu^ St. 8:30 pm, GAGV Community Center, 179 At­ lot, George Eastman House. 461-4246. Saturday, d pm-2 am. Bachelor Fo­ SATURDAY 4 pm, Genesee Co-op, 713 Monroe Ave. and Frank Barone lead discussion, 7 The Dadc Timea. Ron Himke*s turned away). Fie-registxadon required. Chris P., 442^2726. 232-6720. Second, fourth Sundays. 244-8640. lantic Ave. rum, 470 University Ave. 271-6930. Shipping Dock Theater acting TUESDAY 7 pm, GAGV Commxmity Center, 179 performance mptychshownin full, Oct. MONDAY 27 Rochester Rangers * TUESDAY last Wedncsckys, 7-9 pm, GAGV Lilac Rainbow Alliance forth e courses with Founder and Artisric Di­ Shipping Dock Theater acting Atlandc Ave. Free, open to public. 10-25, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts FRIDAY 17 monthly business meeting, first Sun­ Rochester Gay Men^s Chorus Community Center, 179 Atlantic Ave Deaf Trian^ Talk. "Becoming Gay: the days. 4 pmi, Badielor Forum, 670 rector Barbara Biddy. Intermediate Act­ courses with Founder and Ardsdc Di- Gays and Lesbians Out in the Center, 2495 Main St., Buffalo. Admis­ Image Out Gay at^ Lesbian Film joumey to seif-acx:eptance," by Richard Downtown United Presbyterian Men and women wdcome. 232-2548. Second Saturdays, 7 pm. Gay Alli­ University Ave. 251-2122. Church, 121 N. Fitzhi^ St. 7-9:30 THURSDAY ing on Saturdays from Oct. 4 to Nov. rectorBarbara Biddy. Beginning acting: Woriqplace. Speakers, open panel and sion: $7, $6, $5. Three-show pass; $15. and Vkleo FeativaL Runs through Oct. A Isay. 7-8^30 pm. Discussion led by GAGV Lesbian Gay Bi Youth ance, 179 Atbndc Ave. Write PO Box pm. 423-0650. Presbyterians for Lesbian 20093, Rochester NY 14618. 22. 10 am -noon. S150. May culminate Tuesdays from Oct. 7 to Dec. 16 (no discussion sponsored by Greater Roch­ For information see aidcle on page Bl 25. For full schedule see page B3. Tanya Smolinsky, GAGV Center Di­ Group SATURDAY 18 Sexual Compulsives Anon^ and Gay Concems Lambda Health Sciences in a performance for invited guests. dass Dec. 2). Each student will have estei Gay and Lesbian Business Fonjm. or caU (716)835-7362. rector. Free and c^jcn to public Co- Ages 14-21. Ever)' Sunday, 2-4 pm, For those desiring their own personal 630 pm, first Thursday. For locadcm Sixth Saturdays, dinner/meeting. Call 385-MOO. one private session. Course to culmi­ 6-7 pm. West Parior at Memorial Art SATURDAY 11 Martin Yesterday, a piay by Brad sponsored by Borders Books & Music, GAGV Community Center, 179 At­ sexual sobriety. 730-9 pm. Write SCA, caU Ralph, 271-7649. Steve, 271-8719. ImageOut dcket sales. 1-5 pm, nate in a performance for invited guests, Gallery, 500 University' Ave. Panel in­ Nadonal Coming Out Day* Fraser, ptesented by Buddies in Bad iandc Ave. 244-8640. PO Box 13801, Rodiester NY 14613. Rochester Freedom Singers FrontrunnerB 1000 Hyian Drive, and GAGV. 244- Rainbow Amateur Radio Aasoc Dec. 16. $150,385-8400. ciudes representarives 5:om Lambda Times Theater, 12 Alexander St., Gay Akx>boliGS Anonymous Mixed chorus. Rehearsals 7 pm, 830 am fimru n and walk. Meet park­ Genesee CoH3p. 713 Monroe Ave. COAP volleyball at Ellison Parit, 2 8640. Hnger Lakes chapter. RDchesccr Re-Hab Center. 334-8617. WEDNESDAY 8 Network at Kodak, GLOB&L at Toronto. Runs throogji Nov. 9. For 8 pm, Genesee Hospital, 244 Akxandcr ing lot of George Eastman House. COAP volleyball2pm, EUison Park. pm THURSDAY 30 Business meeting/lunch. Call Bob, St Mercy Spidtual Companion Pro­ informadon and reservations cali Bud­ 461-4246. Dining for DoUars "97. "Saturday Gay and Lesbian Book Discus­ Bausch ac Lomb; G.^LAXE (Gays and SUNDAY 12 Eaxpty Qoset mailing party. 2-5 442-7185. Finger Lakea Gay/LeslMan Sup­ gram dies box office, (416)975-8555. Coalition ibr Lesbian Visibtlity Nig^t Retro." 9:30 pm - 1 am. Roches­ sion group. The CeUuloid Closet by Vito Lesbians at Xerox). $3 for non- Women, Word and Song, pm: labeling cnvciopes. 7-9 pm: bulk Parents group port Grot^ Evening of reflection for those im­ Second Sacurdays, Firmer Lakes area. COAPvoOeyfoalL 2pm, EOison Park. Second Sundays, 430-6:30 pm. Call ter Riverside Convention Center. $40 Russo. 7 pm. Bames and Noble, 3349 GRGLBF members. Intcrgenerational celebradon ofthe sea­ mailifig. People widi cars ^o can help Third Tuesdays, first Fridays. Write pacted by HIV/AIDS. 7-9 pm. Call Potofocks/sodais. CaU Bedcy Bhr, for locadon, 865-6626. PO Box 941, Geneva NY 14456, or 671-6070 or 473-6893. donadon. HPA message line 987-1853. Monroe Ave., Pittsford. 586-6020. COAP movies. Eastman House, 8 sons of women's bodies, led by Bonnie ^^Uage Gate Square )uned arts expo wididismbudon atewdoome! 244-9030. (315)539-6271. Community Qiri^tijan Fdlow- caU (315)536-7753, ask for Sam Women's basketball Lioness Pnde Motorcycle Qub FRIDAY 31 Hdwards. Thursdays and Mondays, 7-9 pm. Tliird Wednesdays, Saturdays alter­ HaHoween. Samhain. Celdc Fire 530 pm. South Ave. Bapdst Adantic Five 0 Downtown Uniced Presbyterian nate months. GAGV Commuiutv Feast of Transformation. Church, 835 Soudi Ave. 234-9776. Gay men 50 and over. Second Tues­ Church, 121 N. Ficzhu^ St 7-8 half Center, 179 Adantic Ave. Weds: 7 "^ MONDAY court, 8-9 fon court Ramona, 244~164a r COAP Halloween party. 7-10 jHn, days, 730 pm, GAGV Community pm. Sat 5 pm. 889-1423 Rocheater Leabian and Gay Center, 179 Adantic Ave. 461-0821. Raisfbow Boating Qub Transgender Oigianization Triansle Talk die White House Lodge, Webster Park. PoKdcal Caucua GettingOut 7 pm, second Tbuisdays, GAGV Com- Second and fourth Satuitbys, 2- S pm, Free. Costume contest, DJ, re&csh- Every second Monday, 7 pm social, Support/sodal group. Every Tuesday, nunity Center, 179 Atiantic Ave. 271- GAGV Commuruty Center, 179 At­ Presented by Bonhrs aad fhe 6AG¥ mcnts, more. No alcohol. 7:15 meeting GAGV Commumty 7-9 pm. Kevin, 227-6675; Maige, 787- 4482 bnric Ave. 442-2425; http:// Behind Our Masks. Mki-Atiandc Ccneer, 179 Adantic Ave. 234-5050. 9254. St Mary's Connectton Becoming GmCsT/ie Journey fo Gay and Lesbian Siq>port Grot^ Men Gdeving Men For gays and lesbians, funilies and RochTrans.URL Gay/Lcshian/Bi/Trans Writers Con- Self"Accep#ofKe by^ichard A. Isoy Ihbd Ple^sytedan Church, 4 Mi^ St First, third and fifth (if any) Tuesdays, fiiends. Hiitd Thursdays, 730-9 pm, Eudue night* Open Anna MCC fcfcnce, Oct. 31 • Nov. 2, Washington Rist and dmd Mondays, 730-9 pm, CHN, 758 Soudi Ave. 7-830 pm. 15 St. Mary's Pbce (near GEVA) All levels. Scccnid and 6xinh Sacur­ A One-Day Community Building Workshop Plaza Hotd, Washington DC. |70. For 271-6513- 787-8351; 244-9000. 454^573. days, Open Arms Metropc^tan Com­ reservadons and informadon call Women*s hafiked>aU WEDNESDAY Greater Rochester Gay and Lea­ munity Church, 175 Nonis Drive, off facilitated by local chapter members of the (2a2;>462-7924. Monday and Thursday tiig^ts, 7-9 Women's Conununity Chorus bian Business Fonun Culver at Cobbs HilL 271-8478. National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) pm. Downtown United Presbyte­ Rehearsals eadi Wedncsds^, 630-9 pm. Second Thursdays, 530-7 pm, cash SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 rian Church, 121 N. Fitihugji St. 7-8 CaHforkxaooo, 473-7365. bar. Gallery Cafc, Memorial Art Gal - Trlongle Toijk; on Informal dUcusslon aeries foiinlng on books '*How can we each lieai from the effects of and Issuos of parttewiar Interest to tho goy, losbion>vCind bisexual mistreatment, oppression and discrimination?" commuiiit^, is held at Bordors tho lost Mondoy of every month. Aii events are free and opon to tho public The Gey Aiiisnce end PFU^G Present... The Gay Aliiitfice Community Center Forum Presents... "How can we each better connect with one another despite our outward diffetrences?" BORDERS- "How can we each become better leaders BOOKS* MUSIC'CAFE Booics (716) 292-5900 Music (716) 292-0070 COMING OUT in making our community a COMING OUT: more weicoming place for everyone?" 10(K> Hylan Drive, Rochester J "How can we worfc more effectivdy together In the Context of Family A UFELONG PROCESS to end homophobia and other forms of oppression?*' Join US for a panel discussion with two parents, Franic Barone and IMarilyne Upshutz, a gay man, a iesbian, and a bisexual person A unic|ue interactive workshop tor Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual as they talk alt)out their experiences two area therapists with individual practices, and TransgerKlered people and their faumilyan d f rierKls EXPERIENCE THE in dealing with the issue of coming out wiii exptore the lifelong process will address these questk>n8 ar>d nnore. F6r more info. INCREIMBLE FORTY within their r^pective families. we experience as gay men, lesbians and bisexuals call tha Gay Allianca at 244-8640. FRAME GAME!! in coming out to ourselves and to others* Monday, October 13 at 7 pm Thursday, October 9 at 7 pm at Borders Books Music A Cafs GAGV Community Csntsr, 179 Atiantic Ava. upon raquaat 3)91 tanguao* inlMpratsrs availaMa upon raquaat wilhatlaMtona notte-Oii 244-6640. aMh at least ona Miaaka nolica-otdl 244-8640. WANTED IS MENT ANNIVERSARY SALE F O R A G O O D TIME FOR BREAST SAVE on A^y INSIALIED Come join us every second Friday rr^ A _ GARAGE DOOR , ^ at the GAGV Community Center at 7:00 pm to see old friends 90 Off and meet new ones* AH men welcome rmm. FR£E F

»,•*•-%.•*<*••*•• .*vJ^'

A^/ 06/7' ciass^ttis art $5 for Ore first 30 tvordst atui every adtOiioitai 10 words is atiothrrSh Titttkad&mistix IStbt^tittttm^fordtefoiiotfit^ /ttontif'sissue, WettfiUtt&ipri/tSnfaettcsstoi^oleme &ra$ryf^fid^abuse,Aiinquirem!ntsJbribe rr^iar dass^icd seOiott i^jpfy. Piease sirnd or btit^ ad witij papttettS tti tie Empty Closet^ 179 Aiiofttk Ave,, Radtest^NY 14607-1255. BODY/MUSCLE RUBS. HaUoween is coming - don*t get tricked, treat yourself! I don't miss a musde! Find out what my many repeat customers already know: my fingers really are magic! Let my skilled, strong hands soodtc away life's stress, strain and tension. Adiletic, youthfol Italian male, 5*9", 150 lbs., accepts appointments m your home or mine. ReascKiable rates, confidentiality assured. Call now. (716)235-6688. Gay relatioaships needed! Are you looking for that special woman? Call now.., she's waiting for your REPLY! 1-900-285-9035 exL 5912. $2.99/minute. Must be 18 years. Serv-U (619)645-8434. Sensuous foO body deep musdie Swed­ ish massage. By experienced, professional, slim, dark curly haired Italian guy in late 40s. Massage is done in a safe, pleasant, comfort­ able amiosphere in a private towtihouse in Chadotte area. Massage has been gaining a new resurgence and respect as a definite mediod of facilitating healing. Massage re­ leases tension, musde pain, and greatly im­ proves circulation, also reduces menod and physical &t^;uc In addition massage is one of thr most effective imeans to combat stress. My rates are very affordable and 1 am offering a discount for newcomers and students. You shouki try a session. You won't be disa{>- pointed. Daytime and evening sessions seven days a week till 10 pm. In calls only. Call Mark, 581-2282. HOT OIL RUB. FuU body Jl 5/hour. Wliy pay more? Very relaxing and sensuous, candlelight or some lij^ts. Downtown, pri­ vate studio. Evening/weeketid appointments. CaU 325-7241, Monday-Thursday. 10- 1 1 pm. Studencs welcome.


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'^Confidential Canne€tion Wiiile Oscar ^s Happy Puzzle "Ambition is the last refuge of tfeTauure."— 19th century Irish wit Oscar Wilde GWF BSD I for on dK I 41% Sll-. 1901 SWM, 3B. hfah MMC' MHWM3l»l90oUBrBMfcr4ay beach, ttuom a r tiaa. N\^N Bi/Bt-cttri- tive, eaner, amni, aitHMHiMitOnn •*;:• ujorvicrsi IMttw know what yoM MESSAGE Une narnwiKH^ MM haw own ACROSS SO Ball (wa.< 9 academy award- tout or Nlie. ^_,_ ou!uwe)toatthwodMsHi»iinav«nfe mMeXckwi; ISOBi^i iwWwC Ptate. «t3U 34 main Iieart i»ra.tfoaiBF DM* (IIIKWIMI r ISO ncMooe lo JffL^T' *'*'.??;• **t?%.^2S^ ^H. famous performer K5n***j„.„ „.^ ^^ brother Bud- Dor cwioiH r«i. Hiovtes, pwiyiu H fof fBii. more. y*.*»*g*!l?*'""**^ ^M "SO SKi*IS!faSlSId^^2SjS^ 37 to anoint aeclim>,^ytoate.Boic. nm SI riMtoM WF, 26. iSO Bi-Cttrio»^ «-««- .. iaM7 ISO TVAHl'i (n cofTESfwod wkh. dominam B/WM fdrncwexperimcei. __^ fitJi asharoOTo- «Broadwaymu- dy Foster, book GF (21 -35). Mwl adOR ckikkcn. be ?!?"T"*' H^.i^PF"?- _«»«*'. •S7> ?Kfcrl«»e^ 9^T_ R«WM BO new eipeitowea wlA (archaic) SWM3*,«aodlDafcinf. ISOCTinV/ M iectki iki?i sical just won 'Poster Child' n^7 imiwDiaH f »ir, ly. laiu r w gmies. Appcmncc unimpanmL DcmliMm WM ISO sytmissivc F. laugh, rwwaiki on ihe beach, to pm •MM 40 Roman CnfEt74y yownt TVn'S for iwuniiiy •IM? MHWM 43L ISO C or feminine ciiilar. dominam W/HM for bomla«e ^LT *•***• expects amcfne B/HM^ (ander 33) to tew new dino­ BiWM sTHinth. ''•M' '^^ cvly mominfi, weekday A fantMy fDiinilinaiL Safe. Bft-CHtena BF ISO Bi-curiouK BF SliBliiiJjMiiwlMhlCBF,25.yi. . .—,...New* wrt^y 1 ,- . , tftftj saurs mov­ forfnnAdiacTOettiwea. •3127 very lonely, ISO F for compatrion- t\i, attractive, ISO Bt^M for inlnv Qn •2451 piacMtt ftee qrtly nvi BnMCWM.3a.5'|lM40»^ISO Sn^^T^^^Stw Atmatf MWF,petite, isoatfrac^ «hip, poasibly mote. Race wranpor- duction to new hfctylcs. »I9I» Fkndtinv^ Curious MWM ISOifav- GWM,**3^be«d.motiaache"ns6»*^**OMfordinm*.«»(wii.«»v. ™»«.<»*.ISOdta.peiiteTV ie, 2 words ica. pQiaible LTTt> «2»U I^H^lamiKininseKmnten. Mnatbe UveBi/Bil cnccunlcfs. Nk»hiok*i^a*cr*rtMWM,e«ly^'**£|i*i"-*?*^^ MWMBO BM for mt>A^ WM ISO G/BiWM^s for dlacMH spondingly with F for fun A new experiences. ap» mHKlCMt sim^, shc-5 stnw- DoHrfBmrt. hot. hairy, Italian M. 49. «g3» 40's, ISOlSwiy OM for dSaS »J!!PJ^^«« bc.nfe! »27»l ^MnSa. w»kd^^ fMimes. •IM r^ ^'^ 3^4/38. hes mc^mn ,^11 bwili. ISO M whos willint lo iSO wtH cquifipcd BM for SWM. cpcwmtcrt. •am CWTM 34. *V. 165 *.., bnwn/ ^SHJ^TJifcTiawMi^Bi^w,!!,. 19 tiny one- wrrts ^^^M ,: r:^;: ; rr—r blue nice NV ISO nkr »nv mrhn* ••*y'a*i™WMlSOB«jMwnod SnhMtadwWCDISOdprainantTV/ ISO attractive BIF 10 ahHc fantasy huild,„ . dar^ k hwfcd», ....^. ^ ... .^^MI^ M obey A SCTVC Must bc-cod lottklng. 9tM 34, 5-4", muscular. athletH. SSS Z!^.!".?'.'J^?*^ '"T.™' enjoy a full boOv n* wiUit Httte TS's. A0C. race unimporUAt, dianr- celled animals iwo is. ff 17*1 ruirillmcm with ytwng attractive C. *«'«*», ^ • , BJ-cartaaa^ A, F IS, O ex wdl buiti. Race taiimpoftant.#13^6 MWM42,.V!0M«)ii«,.atiraeiivc. huiW^ f«™cr Marine. ISO Ixmew fi!*i'"^'»7?^^?|«J"*T«f^to ^JJ •0> 21 Cornhusk- #23«> obcfiinA»dvcn«Hrca.Nt>hcadpamra CBMISOhcahbyHMftKlunmayht fK>i very .w-mg, submissive; ESO f-wu«>ty Tt*n Trt">tT-M^niharrn Z^' twasihjy a httle furthei.i2T7< pleasc- •57 #1Z31 MM's u) do what vtHir wile won't dti 30waistorsmaU.forfriendahip.poi. BIM, aMhniiartia,24, yr, i2«tta.. Bt-cwhiwi WM, 42. 5*% 145 U»., ^iS?f!•**' .*<«»»•«• Jubmisaive AtHcaa AMcrteaw F, 135 lbs., ligbi more. ISOBtWCDirTv)c£rdaytimeHS- MWM^SO dominam Mff^s. ffUSi cr State, abbr. |riuniKd.atITBcbve. ISO shapely B/ Atlracllve BTC »rith BiF ISO BiFs MBM.*»aB, aUTKtivc early ^^Jf5?^i ___^__ ****5 alWe KlmioB^g. »jf8B Ijaa d A d litre M. •ITtB HF (20-30) who's honest down to for discfccl gel totedters A pwd 30's.lSOBi^i-curiou.t Ms(2(> 3.^) CWCKIS O fun. new friends to f^W ffnIiwiwiT* BIWTV ISO hot. donii- gghmtoah a WM loves linaerie, ISO ww ^ a-r- i^^x^' ,r^ M?lSShS«flf^**'*«!^ 22 to tlie eanh. discreet, understanding, for times. Musi he open minded. ffiTt? DAd free, discreet. ^1154 with A jusjusti lo have *™;f«.JSw3 i«it hWyCs for hot. discieet ftm. OvrV/BM for bot ii««.^ wont 2S?l*T'i5JSLi^ M 5!^ ^^^L^Ji^inn^o., JZ! inside of friendrtij^ #IW3 Allrvctlve BFC witfa BiF ISO BiFs WM,«'3", 210 Ihs.. 42. developed. SWM 3B. ISO SGM (2^<40). Varied wo^c^lj^:^ fftCS* bt djaappoiinlcd. •SSM ^^^ ""T_™ mmeritandiof M or !!™!r?**.**^."*=^*?**?^~'^_' ^wm^ t_. ^^ . . V »u _^ ^ y- dowinaz^:^^'=r--im IV-. r—- nc«*We achedule, (SO friendly GM I Very aMe0c BI-cartoiB, blond F. fw discreet jcl togethen A «ond hrndsomcCSOshc-M. beautiful, well mlcrcsis. 24verb suffix, 30.57". I L« lb*.. ISO attractive BiF ttmes. Must be open mmded. gaTB? dcwioftd, for sensual eimev D A d •IBIS CWM, Mry ckea*. beard, mous Tenns SBM needs aome heht with ....^ - . — —"„ nTT—"i7i for famasy fuinilment. mT9 InexBcrlencad MWM ISO CVBiM. (20-30) for new experiences, wiifa NQWCC wlldi. 26, ISO Fs (21-30) free a must. WTl lache.lSOM'sforsweatyfamasiesA thisptoMem. I&M3 ?v,r ^^ 'fggy*»»y KITZL T!^^\ ., • S^ cause to be fun, for morain;! fanlaay fun-*l7a> lsesy.athlctM:,bloodboyfncod.<1775 intcrcsicd in learning man: a^oul dc u^,^ ,j,y Bi-furioas WPM ."^2 nwdtim« mtKvt „ \. : " TTTZT—^=^- "* » fOf ocCMxmal meetingi. Cham PnuJujM SWM with Web beds, 54 terrace abbr. Hillary's home Real whsx hmkh^ MWM ISO Ms tir 25 Mus­ numeral 800 AtOiacttve, ahy .SCFF ISO fit at- ctafl. Senous only #2354 brown/V-tmn. 5'l«!". i7f) (hs.. c'lcani ES,""^ ^1' J»»«« ^ "» answers? MBiWM ISO A disaect. "l^m aexy stocfcincs. ISO submiJ^vc foot any nice, U* discrcci encounters, [•eraoftal contact #142C fun. #2IttS cownicrs #99a state« abbr. tractive, fcniinine GF, bonest. sin- Vcrv mec, attractive BiF ISO :iamc ISOC-i MT fanissy fuinilmcnl *M4 JlI!!!I^^lI?i*'**"""**^'"?^' SP "*"* mwninf. af^noon WTfTttp'-imtV ISO rB J MI , VuilOrJuEitiijJildear; A d-sowM. u «"=*"!«" '** dayiimc partying en- lim holy war 55 Russian rev­ 41 southern mint- #1411 nftail^c. ISO well b>)i}L Br* Prl»ee!WM2(J. ISOsame who's _ ^^__ 93itTl aitraclivft, well m.'lJ^N/?"" ^'^ *"*^"^"" i.^ ^""^**T friendship A rclatH«sh.p CWPM.AuWy.^dlbinK.cquip^. masculine. M iso olutionary Trotsky; 11 Gay and Lesbi­ flavored bour­ Bl-wnoan MWM. vcry clean, ISO Iwdy builder lypt. f,>f notinlt.gsmcs Imc»csts.nciudcspir. GWM34JSOCWM7i»-M)^/br7un M fca- exdiint. discicci 27 common dayiimc. evcnin; discreet encoun- lo*Jjty. music. poetry encountersC«JtB'PPcd . Musi hc fii A handiHHnc. mance Wd. #W» Must like Ms A be very clcan.#t23 xsO M (under 3i)) wh^jWrn*^. CD/fii-curioiu Ms lor dayiimc nci fflTIU tjmcs_Ajrtjt^hi^s^ #Ziirr short for Leonid an Alliance Against bon drink Bl-curkM! WF ISO honesty, love A BIF ISO Ps for set Uwcthcrs A fun. ucht A denned ffdBT tcra A fun. •\3*7 cwM 36. ISO CMC for fun A #343 Internet acronym uiggthcra. #a«5 BIWM 43, S'S", 142 lbs., tind of 56 one in a Ete^mation acrofiym ||ggt;^g^jof«nc5pka«43253 g.Hng,iulft padyinr »W7 c ^;ii;^^;^i:^^y>^iii^WA\ WfO baUt BiBM, vcry discreet. ISO voyeuristic tiroes. #17112 balding bmwn^Hown. mouslache. G WPM 42,1WAS35. Mvmal, ISO M for 'frequently 42 distillation AtlrKtfvc GWM* 4Vs. ISO similar (28-35) who's dcwn lo earth, for seri^ ^r*^r\SOy^»\Vlv,\v\ri}ltK:t AdveB«wtiwWC,20A3irs,lSOCy fw earty m^^ning. aflemoon weck- M for ptMsiblc tclaiiottship. •I4SI BM'swhoarcsL^yhtacting.ffll38 UWM 3», ISO Bi/Bi^jurious Ms of tind Of «.iive;lfaahiimint. fishing; ^ ,„i™^ .^.r — .- w asked questions' .subordinate position 12 Coyote equipment needs. Must be aNc to communicale S*sforesoiicfunAadventures.Thcy day fun. •377 A have fun »324Z State, abbr. *" ^'" "^ ?^?5 Slrtcl~dteipHMrt«n father needed c^i^ii^d:^^%v^j^^^:^;i^„ mtwninraitcmoo!Z!);r.fS^^^d:rfur's;r^^"'""'B weekday fun^^ »wdy_ ^ -^^^ WnMad"^ir^ir—! Ho« lookiof. smooth TV^ / M'U^^r^^^"^^ ^ ^- Z/ZTt-i ^ ^. 29 Atlanta gay bar 57 7-footer calls 43 trade brand of 5BlBF2B.lSO$ubrnissivc BiFs (19- ISO attractive CWM (24-35) ISO """""«• "»c™«» wcekdav fun. twily »1»34 ^^^^, „^ ,„.,: ^ ^, -^—^ E; 30) for fantasy lulfillmcftt ttttm SWFISOBIFsonly.farsrsy.sultry hy naughtysubwisaivc hoy. «2>S iclaiioMhtp, possible LT monoca- A"*** DoiNnaaJWM* 28. ISO suhmissive TS or »he M for hot. a*Ut fiai.#a«S7 •|wFM«.5'9 . IM lbs, 32 waist. bombed Feb. 97 herself 'Ameri­ 16 without acrylic textile fiber fCtu^dws&lHitconvcrxabofltt owM Ct>, 40, n/s. 6*0". slender. SWM 38, ISO TV/TS or she M f.w Ma (under Ml) in good shape.*!*!* darVdart, motiatacbc. hairy: ISO mous R. fflSdA "*-****«•• WM, 43, good tookirty. suaichi aclinc. in shaoc M's for fan- ca's sweetheart Charlanattc* ndvcMiirwH C ISO hoi fun. fncndihip A cxciicmcni 32 abbr. for 18 4th & 44stnger Domino BiWF fur friendship & fuitasy fui­ *^**'' kmf bruwn hair, clean shaven: ISO •cm CWM 22, brwnft»luc. ISO GWM lSOfanUuyfuir.lhncmw,il.Bi«5TV/ usyTmrnlmfJiL m drag queen' nilmenL Stes tall, slim, atlnctivr. F 19,5'6". 135 ibs.. kmf cuiIy/Mue- apfKialing. feminine mi*tn?ss. ffXt •1?^ (1^-2:?) intft clubbing. mov«s. cui^ CTi. VlB4ft ^"^7 ^^7"-;-- Dutch and duke 3rd vowels 45 active vol­ blond, he's attractive, polished, dark green, ISO friendship A somwmcu^ BTTV 35, ISO BiWM's for fantasy tenant BM, mid^rs, tali, slim. dJin^A jriendship fjUJ^^JIgZ. ii^,„^^--;;^'^^i^;^^^^ ru^?i;^d.^?v7n,u'J*;''fri«d Tf 33 baroque 58 Flickertail 20 HOW cano of Sicily hailed, mcditfm build »1^ »^1.".'_ __*»« fiimilmem fttsA ISOsubmissive.yooflgMwhonwds MBIWM 43^ ISO Bi«M for eariy LSO Bi-curious MA^D to help sadsfy lUeded, Uo bneh" i*hW GmiM State, abbr. jSF ISO lov* A companionship with SWF 20 ISO honest, not real foni- •iWM35,browrrt>iT»wn.m^«Uachf. slnct iiiMniCtiOlv Must be under 5*8 , gnomtng. aflcTTHxm weekday fun hucvnosity. ^#1429 (under 30) ISO guidance A imtruc- 35 that one upside down nine Fwbi. iikcs Ul lave a pxjdtimc. tt,imc«l*, ISO Bi«3Ms for fun limes under 150 lbs TV's mme than wei •1973 •33Ct 46 an in­ available GF SCTVNIS only please. come MBIWM43,ISOBiCrorevlynHim- H^ DOWN 23 used to fflgiS •"»' #322! •~ -• .. .-^^— M23.MUsmiafiic.moTici,ijortntime» iny. afternoon weekday jrettopethcTs. C^irtnifteChBlareaMBiWM.M. visible emanation 36 deciliter abbr. make negative (Will [SW,„ F ». .5^', . 120 It». strawberr..^..,y WFISOFlHa-ibandhkcsiowjich WWM ISO Bi-ctiritm». ati«c»Kd Ms M, well Nah. ISO CV «home. ISO friendship, companion- . . . . •13*4 ISOGMTrvforevlymormns^hrr- 1 Calif, college 47cola soft drink blondWiie. ISO Bi«i-cunoos F for MiBtlikcsnima!s.hci>uigt>ingJiave fo, buddy type reUtionsfaip. No 38 registered *•* ^aEiagElggg!*^™^"^ wtih.*iaa* Brw*,«.(i;p«iMB(WMISOCfor MOB, weekday get ti>teiher^»»12 picked by Chelsea you go home a N|g|7 n Y d n JJSST Y S Q V A funUmcsAtfxcilcmcnt. #«3 '^ElJ^gfJJgLYg^J^g"'^'^**" '^^^L. •^ISA Good tookitK indlHi GM, 510 "hfWPM ' , very Bi^wious. IS'^ O M.<: early moming, afttmoon weelutey BIWM 19.3*1 l«5Iha..ISOBiWM nurse abbr. with me? ...!) 48 missing I Want to COMB over A play'' ISO BiF 42. wiih ^ll>yr^cnd. pas$it>naie. Ewly dra, MWM. very gtwid hmk IMI lba, Wack hair, coatee: ISO W/ for new experiences A* diacree' t en- fu' n *l5n < I ft.25) for faniasy fuiriUmem-#ai*T 2 put out I adventurous 0tF for no strings lun A ISO F wb<> loves animals Musi hc ing. tall, heahhy, discreet; ISO GM 39 Postal Service in action sinLCTC *'iih n<> hang ups^ _^IT7? 25 Jewish De­ I games widi her A boyfriend-#1354 for fun limoL f^'rl* _ ... ,^,„, „^ , , „,, BKBrtmiaSWM,CD.3a5 ur, 170 placr of Uvir own A larw video ISO generous Ms for miKuaUy tc abbr. for ridge of one's memory fense League 51 limitation foHil«!LSl«^^^«Ii^ AttracMvc WC, mid-3frs. ISO FfC F 19. diny bkind/Muc. 5'fi', Lt5 Ihs.. Blew hill, attractive WM. 32. ISO Fmnlatae WTV ISO fammnc TV/1^ ^ ^^^ ^.^dy^ pj-sy lingerie; ISO CD ciHkscijoo. fw aduU fan afier mid- w-sfdmcencounters. A«,f«»imjft- 3 points abbr. for adult cncounicrs. #I2»3 wants m talk Hi ytm. #312* clean, discrod CD i<>r hot. new expe­ CDsfor sesy girt talk Adnasupfun or cxpcrfcnced TVs for fun A more. mght. ffl4»S portSAtnortant . SatitlaciioiSab^acuuot gwamnlecde^nnlecd. 42 phlegm -"BajneiE^ omX I9a X Y MM n •J^ MW 26 how Ricky Ri­ 52transvestite abbr. GWF 2S, ISO BicurKwui F. pM«l Attr«flv»,Bl-e»rto«s MWF ISOF riences Loves nylons, heels A lingc- MWM 4*. 7*9". tWtnw.daric/dvli, #2437 44 New Orle­ 4 prescription 53 Land of Lin­ hulking, for fun. ducrcci itnics 1*23 (21t-3S), fmd kM>limg. Ii>r »dvenjuro ric #3>*7 ISO dntninani MWM's for daytime DotnfaMfri CF.U ISO willinfi C/Bi cardo says 'don't' — - • • A'. e«M-4J iinMir. Scniius t'.nW #1857 build, ISO BI/GM S f«w fun '!"»*_ l«,s Ih* , Bi curi.m*, ISO .>lJct, ai for medicine C1WT»M. 5'6", tnt-wnftmixrii. 1*1 ci^itvtfnialHvirt. ^ JM375 trainee. Must bc inm. (under 30), ans' Vieux Car- coln state, abbr. Bl-cmioMMWF..^K.hrtYwnft)n>wn. a ujiiiisy iBB«i«*ICP StralCM SF. muKi R«a«>. .v\. ISO IhfL .iHileoinp.MdvcniuriHis. ISO fun. ^ l?_r liaClive M l«>r Icuming expenences, BIVi/M 3t*a, hot. mulcutarT nwscN' uilMnissivc. eagcf bt Icam from ac- I pcli IC. ludiwi, very atlraclivc. ISO FR BiTV 35, ISO Ms for fun Umcs. ^^J^L. complisiKd expert. KMX inimpor- fe, 2 words for get togctttf rs A fun #wn new F fnends. while the M's arc IHII ai^livc PM l(H ;4H>d umc&. indtxws A line. ISO aame (3!-W) for working 6 beerlike beverage the workweek, abbr. diwnfpuyi]iings.Hiivctofncfunux)! nui •3irra •?!*T WFM 34, lulian. 5'10". IK) lba., QUI A m twe. #13*7 48 short 30 2/3 rds SWF 25, shmder. bcautifnl. ISO F Solution else­ GWM, nm ISO BiAGM of any MBiWM,p^*e,4y,lSOo«>crM's. brown/green, mouJliachc, »"aicc. G WFM ISO well buUt. btidy btiilder 7 ...... Kenne­ (20-30) for fiicndsbip A more dlSS ?J^ MHd JiaciyiBt, loys, morc! Sub- BIWM 4B, ISO beahh mmded TS for Matthew of a dozen iajzznd aqj jo/ eapi ue aA^ Mtaatag In actfon! SBF ISO special nii.«ivc MWM. Ml r>V'. 160 lbs. age or race. fAvs •mnd saunxvaj jmo /aero MBIWF 3B. ISO Cs ariih Br or Sa^Hl fpacW Aiandt SBF. 2V. WM I». wry g(K«( lot^king, some­ missive Ms (19-21^3) ffl434 Btiraciivc M hit lalks A fncndship? nuiming. aficrmnm. weekday fun. sraooiti. open minded, fiir hot.exotic, young, slender, fii-curtous M for fim. BiFs ftw gel logethers A fan. Dis- discreel times^ •l*?* attractive, mediimt build, honest, sin­ what submissive, clean cut. discieet: Very attractive BiWM ISO M's fr sale fun A cxcilemcn.i. #1323 VoaChfnl. 44, heard, mowilachc, VoMe, cKte BIWM I.SO M lor hoi MWM 2S, ISO TV^'rVTS tor tun Sa7 GWM, 19, ISO hot timea A I Very aifaniarfve BV ISO donmum 3ft) for Iriendthip or more #1»73 incTKlsiiiin. PM ap|us if29C^ 5 JTT:—-'"-Trr - uniivM Jl ~f^ worts oul regularly. ISO mentally, tmio. #5*7 timcL #049 other pteasiBcx wuhO/BiM's. Steamy F who loves to explore new advcn- WFM *•. well cyuippcd, fill". l^(i^ii dayttmr^^Zyl^i'lH^^^'ViJ^. weekday fun #l2?flt nt. Wise M(4.l5(rsUll awed by iio,rSGWi M ISO W/HM (If!-30) guaranteed- #1934 lines. •319B GWF, hosKSt, ifinerre, ISO fcmt- BtM, telL good hxriiing. ISO fun A mnc F who docml mind being pam­ lbs . discreci. d A d free, ISO similar --f- -—— r;.;:;-^—-rr-rr— , wonder ofii all Anot afraid Undream, who's kind, pasAionaie, healdiy, imet- |Kl*w«ure •7*3 MBiWM 4t> 1500 for earty mnrn- {sBF 3*. ISO friendship. poasinasiMM y pered, U) ctijcty thc nncr things life Mhimatc the temperature rxic'ffjgTH **'«'^?^^:i^*^,f,J\i^''y^'- #2SW* lectual, romtmic with sense of hu- tng. aflemoon, weekday fun get •9M • mnrc •3M2 has lo oOcr Emotionally A fiAan- 1 very Llcan, diSCicci. ISO Bi/Bi-cun- WM 32. b«fT«l, well o|uipped, nwtr Tall, smwig a plus. #441 •yi!!'*14»ii*2.!> u^ethera. 9lWt Bts..bnywirf i^ljfaDcurc ^24*9 BIWM 2B. 5^'*, 140 Ibs . brown/ ^^ BM (JT older WM^Ts for fun muscle bny, ISO similar, bard bod- Good InoUnf MWM, cvty Wi, ISO dlnadlnnnt M by inciperienoed. Muc. good looking. ISO M (intdcr uma. #1272 SBtWM, vKsy dominant. 40's. ISO Nue, ISO Bi/Bi-curious WF for fuo ied. gym going Ms fordiscreet. fun bcalUty, diSL-Tt£t, ISO GM for fun »bmisai%r: , ™ri, ^^''^'.TI'V^'T^ '"^*^ '^j^ '^^"^^relationship. 9Stl Ailrwilvtt,aHacirfteGM,44,l50 Altr«il«SBlWF.24.lem««e.lSO bc.«ng.»ng WF IS^^m. "FUf tivc turn cl«closce (riendihi(nc««„rf A* -Uu«-^Mrclauiw . - m»™K«=, «11 h».. M fo, f«-, i^iTsThTn^ lllli STS! ^^tl^^'^T'^^^. Si.-^-«WMT5nsO ,»».,. M ted.yti,nea,c«*.,pte«« Cnte BIF, 2rs. willing loAsfc CWC gfcarc with vcry attractive, kivins •22*4 " "* ""* ' VaryAa^amBlMl^wysulmua- encounters MCs, «M19 c~r*l.bbu*. M»k aiiraciive, Bi/Bi-curiouBi/Bi-cunoug W^ M imss boyfriend. 2irs. widi cute BiF. SOT boyfriend Musi hc clean #453 ex- «ivt, yAvkg M (lS-25> to he trained MWM 37. 5*r', 125 lbs.. ISO Bi ^~ ^-"»*»«-»*«*^^ (18-30) to give him hody rtibs A HasAy. InMAy haar, 40. 67'. 235 as hw pciaonal stawc. ^ •MBI «M* vwynttr«e«^BU^rt«^WF:27, >.-unousWSMf«r'gctinjBeihi!n#2l27 ^^M ISOhotjajrtime tmjms WinHatl!Bi^ctirinuiM-*(IK-^5)my purpleasuria. #135 «,ISOfBnAgwpes. nSM at,ntceguy!GWM.sin- jeawAi-shina •MSI gWTV.lin^ HMI i. Itin. 29.cteiB. TS,nB*op,vcryfcmmioc.lSOwy ISO Bi-cuntwsWFs (22-2611 w fun ^WM 39, 5' 10". btnwn/brOwn, Slrict d^ ISO jKMi (18-35) ift KCd "WTit dmnlnanljniahiifri ISOvcfy cm-, ISO similar, handsome GWM diiCiwL imo stoAtogs A Ugh hnelK IbmoiF. •1*42 A wild ttmes with her A her very HnMMJ«n.KHhb dtcsCIKSIL. IIS O hiendslnp. Bjt- , .^, -^„ , ^ ,- .-_. Vonnn, crik^ M ISO fun. pouiMy ^ ,,,„„(, ^U fashiooed diKipliiptineB. sahnrissiwe TV^Ciys- Maat hc sexy. more Lives on his own. #25*9 ISO CIVrV/TTs for (tecss wp (vm, V«rycaiae,Bi'CuritMsbiimetic.5'6*. atifacuvc boyfriend *33>4 «^ hiking, campiftg, Ciassicai mu- (Ulc ars 3(rsf for fncndship. ew _„„ •3IS7 •31«Z 115 Ihs^. ISO attractive BiKjF for fantasy A picamic. •NF7 Very nurwctlve, very cufxws WC. ac.shov.iuncs MuslhedAdfrecn/ 'M^«^?*??^P_ ^ *™ GM I2,IOTM < 1 »'25) for fun. friHH^ i]^ i^^nitall siiure MGWM. inler Call for photographic submissions: UNIFORMS [new cxpcnemxs. Boyfriend poitjci- flhrp. poaalhly mote, 10^97 ij-em, giememm, ISO hrigtoi. aunic- [ pation optionai. fj^ he's 27, she's 24. ISO tftnclive WC s. noodnnking #2*111 F,c4oy a hody nth! BiM. very dis (25-30)furfaMWyruirUln»CMAfun cWFM 31, 511*.I Ito Ibs . dtft '-'^^'^ '^^ M for full body rub. Curi- Bl tnHat hfWFM. 34, 6ir, 163 livc MBM (m^er 30) fv Am. ad«v*- one on one incmitoi A IM thne SJrJSSEllLr "S*" ^JSS^ MWC ISO C/BIF/M's for faMasy Umes #3392 hnrnm/pecn. attractive, d A d ficC; 9^ .?^ Am.. ISO B^Bt-cwim Whfs (25- twc^ji^^kLlrB. ntU teacher. «M«2 luUiOmmL Pirrioton are& •ZSi Attndfvc BfF, 29. long auburn hair, ISO someone special for fricntWiip MJSOMgijWjim special. #71* 40)fordiacH!c(dRytineencovMv^ vary iMrKtfw SWM withow the Vwy llHna apn aniy an of ^l^^n!^ *ea4ionifceflri*e»!To'he»faBo^ ISO anractive, d A d free BlF for new lcaifcBgu»p(*Bh»f«h«h«ship.Niidi WMI«H3rs, ISOTVJrSordK M -~^—***'^ attimde. honest, ttnccie. winn. car- M for no aUi esperiences A fun times. #l>*9 auacud. aiyBMe ihcitieji adi am*JM a Jnmp on ihc mgwemiBfiad •?*» for aduh fun after midnight. •CTI TV or OM wiwtt>d by hig, ontfahej; ISO w>l(23-3^^ ___^__BMn^nhpa_ . 4(wa* fl mgiiliiantadtni-yttlOl.Wpef MBiWM.43,fof wnetday hm.#aaa frtewArtwp, Jodhii lo tTTt nn^Mnl. fHB figured BiF ISO OMer SWM ISO femimne TV/TS/ BIWM Inie 3*'a, ST. !S« lbs.. *J*>* Bl f^luM TTM. 13. iBifinir IwfML mtumL) and une die Bean Ban 9t^ dtaninaM or snhmiasive BiFs for play Jg-M fw new espencfaxa fjBM iKaltby. ISO similar BiM for oeca- •IC By MBIV^ 43, C^ MMMOBIM-srar«ef7k(<.^«f>ute ctotn cat. MO ) niiar T 0«M for vat Afy timea. erm BIWM IBO BifVTWM lor daytime stonal diacreel tioKS. •MJ early nwrnu^ weehdiqf hm. *>Wff acDWhn. waatl e«ty Memhtt. idlMiomi. SaV 24.5^. 150 Iha.. ISO SOniF tsKoumcw. 41733 MMWM ISO femiaiiKBi/OMs for la^ aMIhady ni^* BfWM, wry MBOMMHCDrarBetkaBBKnA ?Si ^M-:*^.: ^r»v ff*33 MWFM3LISOexperimcntaiimiA early mormnf. aflemoon. wtdukinr discnet. ISO wy cnrioan M (tHder jMtmd CD. " CIS** CnMmelnr wantad hy ytrntWU Davfd Aden and FotoFactory Press arc accepting submissions for FotoFaccory Anthok^ CBFZ7,bgfatsfcinned,SV-, IMIha.. IaMaByfiiirdhnaitw{ttwnU«i||iipced fu"^ »™ ^^L"**" '"•" """""^l^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^—:z:^':z--^~-p_ laAMcam42,e«4i»yi«it,HBqf» CMtCiH fTfw BWiknIine. ISO trmiaiac GBF (18- Ms. •1721 AOrKdve WC with BiM. hkes to *=**«• — slender, sahmisaive; ISO well roMknwwi:BOM(2lu 3: Uniforms. A harAound catalogue will be published to coincide wW» a touring exhibition iWlWlnnihi».4a3J4 900 imnAcffvI 24). #9a* GM 39, ISO U/Bi/Bi'cwhms M for CD. ISOBIMinioCD.Of CmtoCO •arr* AlfewBHBnVM.29.190BIMI of the images. B»F 2*. vcry lemmine. ISO BiP* >ihiaa fiaaii i.poaiibfc-daytime lan. »)9B3 Hatr ItaUan, liaJry chest, well (IS 24). slim, feminine. MMI be dis- 9}jm M 2S, ISO maacahme. hairy M <2i»- eqmppcd. clean M ISO M. •I5T1 29) far fihn hm§. pnadWr idmi MWM, very astractive. ohlB. Can wa say aack?,. nt9$ we now aDO|p nffSHB PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED: Documentary or fine art photographs of men both nude cntL _ _ *B» Yw^ daiMiwM M ISO yoang. ^» f** »»<* **"»»• dinner, coTlbe. ISOCDcvFlGefarfMawyridnnaBeH MIBOwBeqirippedBtMwha'sBw mWM.SV' lU^^vm F 2*. ISO F (voMd 26) for fMuy Hhokaivc Ms ii9-2rt»y SamlC. ^^^ ***! ionnsorpmmBnH A acweagaglmicaa. •Ii»4 hi tte cwnlntf. tor fim A gnmea. S!r7^;^;^,fyf5L^K^ and dotfied, and or out of uniforms of any kind: milftary, polke. firemen, sports, utility, cus- ItfnilBKM with her A boyfriend loHhaarjtandMue a ptoajTIt** hfBlWM 43, ISO Cs for wwtdn. MUSI be d A d free, cfann. 9S344 "'*^*^*'* hW.aaioaltiBifegethigeihwfc *Sff M*^5^. 128»*..Hflwaflmw*.——_—. totM and worlc clothes. Veterans' personal snapshots of wardme men in armed forces also h«WC, ^b, 31 A 27, attnctive, fn. ISOM(1*45) ^^ mSB IBO BiWF, pictly. Miai. for ranbisy i^sS^lStTuSi^^rtS ^^SLirP looking ISO BWT^W^JlS-M 37. syL, 160 M»„ ?»fhrnnM- '^T*'"*'^STSI^WT' ' •1404 CWM, #r*, 340 ftB„t«li A I pRicoorifiQofirtvflt encourafed. ralilllmriil #1478 M (ander 30). ander lio Wm., for vfry nhmiaiiw KcD far — daBy*—i ^ « *-»• .«i •- « iwpowWeLT* M1WF.«wynnrac««a,S'4M lifts.. diacMCi ftirtiliilhlf Bace anhnor CWM 37, ^ Whtii 01«» 464-0000 Photographs may be in blade and white or color, AJI submissions must be 8"xl0" prints BO anraefive BiF far caanal. Uafcy MBM ISO itettar hi/ lache. ISO M raapeeiit ^t^t^'n. ga lofethem widi self A haahand. TV/rS-s fv hot diacreet daytime (riendshift. kndii« in Lim. Hdneal, CandlaiMnBW>i,aahiBlwlfe>nO .'b WM inionnMion - or sMttt. The phtaqprapher's name and photo title MUST app«ar on eadi photo or slide •MM V»»4 klnd.r ilf, Awewdy. i«9» div«l3^' submtattd. Ifyou would Hke material reoimed. endose a stamped self addressed envek>pe Orwe a Anal tetectten has been nude, the photographer wW receive a contract oudlning Focopteaor/g terms. Osedlfcie: Nov. 1 I9!r7, Send photos to:

•CBU4S#*9SSS. Pladi>taBadai¥lfecriviagyc*»r9ctoboBBCMy, lOCHfcauiomaieJai^ •CaU97|-91^77iD«pdHloriMai»Aas. OIOBMILMMMC: AMvdiMB3aH«B Fbcofactory Pl-ess. 350 Sunset Ave, #4, Venke CA 90291. YonnrmtptaktoatgfOtit,Midyonoemte9ta^foat'iAena^ YouradwiHbepbcediniiuikiple Cm'tfmrfB^s YoBBauBicril49«-533904hoiififtdi9) tec (310)396-2949 •You wifl create thf«« *aMMe ncocdintt to hdp cmke peopte to flespond to yem TfT rminrr-r i rr|| '^—e^^^ i/^p-p -ji| ^. *^| irrTirtr niimiiffi inrnTfiff tf rhaignif E-mefl: connidOI6coCKCory.cofn • A ttcetd'iR^ for a 20 word ad tlut gets pttblished in multiple papers. •Ouf c»cluBitw,ConfidMittilCoimtciJioBSyiilwhi^ • A Voice box greeting which allows you to ask the caller tor inlormation yott fimometmttHierm9ttttMtKt0t$f%itime9ttWHF^tW^ want to know about them. wwhow Bityowetawmg yc/itr phooc aiitwpeisv • A Public Message that allows you to tell about yourself and can be heard hy •Afl ef our pBBOBptt BK iBRMiptAb M yM CM OHiBe ibm AeflfNa callers the very same day. One FR££ call docs it all! •In additkm to the adi piAlialked in the paMT, cadi advcttiHr ivoDidi a ^^ •You must have a touch-tone phone wkh functional * and # buttons to use this system. to scan tfae latest adl btfete thc ad acniaBygeupwHiiliipiJ;. • •You MUST be at leaat 18 years of age ro uae this system. •Cmtomef atmcc Mowfay ' Friday 464-0000. • ,

If You Have Any Comments Or Questions Regarding Our System* Pieasc Call 464-0000 •1