
St. Vincent Ferrer OF THE MONTH

Age level: All ages Recommended time: 10 minutes What you need: St Vincent Ferrer (page 172 in the students' activity book) and crayons, markers and/or colored pencils

Activity Read the story of this month’s saint aloud to your students. You may also want to show them the full-page saint image. While you are reading or sometime the next day, have them complete the coloring page on page 172 of the students' activity book.

Biography of St. Vincent Ferrer

ST. VINCENT FERRER was a great and tried to heal this division. But who was born in in he was unsuccessful and grew tired. He 1350. He became a Dominican at an early realized that he was not supposed to be age and preached about Jesus to all who involved in Church politics. He wanted would listen. to go back to preaching to all those who One of the first places where he would listen. While Vincent was still in preached was . The city was France, he fell ill with a sudden fever. suffering from a terrible famine, and he Vincent was so sick, he thought he would did his best to serve the poor and hungry. die. Jesus appeared to him in a vision, He predicted that soon ships would come along with St. Dominic—the founder of bringing grain so that the city would not his order—and St. Francis, two who starve. Many people doubted Vincent’s were great preachers. Jesus healed the words. But that very evening, two ships full dying Vincent of his fever, and Vincent of grain arrived so that the people would felt the strength return to his body. not starve. Vincent’s prediction had come Vincent knew that Jesus had cured him true, and so many more people listened to for a great mission. He must go out and Vincent preaching the word of God. preach to others so they could be sorry During Vincent’s lifetime, the Church for their sins and receive God’s mercy. was divided because it didn’t know who For twenty years Vincent traveled the true pope was. Vincent moved to all through Europe, preaching to


believers and nonbelievers alike. He night he slept on a mat on the floor, and told them that they must repent of their during the day he fasted, eating only one sins and give their hearts to Christ. full meal a day. Vincent often tended sick This was the only way that they would children. He did all of these things out of be with Jesus in Heaven someday. love for God. Through his preaching and Many miracles accompanied Vincent’s example, Vincent converted thousands preaching. He healed the sick, and even and thousands of souls to Jesus. He died though he spoke only Spanish, people in 1419 at 69 years of age. He is the patron of all languages could understand what saint of builders because of all the work Vincent said. he spent building up the Church of Christ. Whenever Vincent traveled, he went His feast day is on April 5. St. Vincent by foot instead of on a horse. Because Ferrer shows us how to share the good he was humble, he wore poor clothes. At news of Jesus with others!

CHRISTIAN PRAYER, April April 5 ~ SaintSt. Vincent Vincent Ferrer (with St. Francis ofFerrer Assisi, St. Dominic and Our Lord)