Olive-Sided Flycatcher (Contopus Cooperi) in Canada

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Olive-Sided Flycatcher (Contopus Cooperi) in Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) in Canada Olive-sided Flycatcher 2016 Recommended citation: Environment Canada. 2016. Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment Canada, Ottawa. vii + 52 pp. For copies of the recovery strategy, or for additional information on species at risk, including the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Status Reports, residence descriptions, action plans, and other related recovery documents, please visit the Species at Risk (SAR) Public Registry1. Cover illustration: © Dan Busby (provided with permission) Également disponible en français sous le titre « Programme de rétablissement du Moucherolle à côtés olive (Contopus cooperii) au Canada » © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment and the Parks Canada Agency, 2016. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-660-04640-2 Catalogue no En3-4/233-2016E-PDF Content (excluding the illustrations) may be used without permission, with appropriate credit to the source 1 http://sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=24F7211B-1 Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher 2016 Preface The federal, provincial, and territorial government signatories under the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk (1996)2 agreed to establish complementary legislation and programs that provide for effective protection of species at risk throughout Canada. Under the Species at Risk Act (S.C. 2002, c.29) (SARA), the federal competent ministers are responsible for the preparation of recovery strategies for listed Extirpated, Endangered, and Threatened species and are required to report on progress within five years after the publication of the final document on the SAR Public Registry. The Minister of the Environment and Minister responsible for the Parks Canada Agency is the competent minister under SARA for the Olive-sided Flycatcher and has prepared this strategy, as per section 37 of SARA. To the extent possible, it has been prepared in cooperation with the Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec (Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs), New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as the territories of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board, and others as per section 39(1) of SARA. Success in the recovery of this species depends on the commitment and cooperation of many different constituencies that will be involved in implementing the directions set out in this strategy and will not be achieved by Environment Canada and the Parks Canada Agency, or any other jurisdiction alone. All Canadians are invited to join in supporting and implementing this strategy for the benefit of Olive-sided Flycatcher and Canadian society as a whole. This recovery strategy will be followed by one or more action plans that will provide information on recovery measures to be taken by Environment Canada and the Parks Canada Agency, and other jurisdictions and/or organizations involved in the conservation of the species. Implementation of this strategy is subject to appropriations, priorities, and budgetary constraints of the participating jurisdictions and organizations. The recovery strategy sets the strategic direction to arrest or reverse the decline of the species, including identification of critical habitat to the extent possible. It provides all Canadians with information to help take action on species conservation. When the recovery strategy identifies critical habitat, there may be future regulatory implications, depending on where the critical habitat is identified. SARA requires that critical habitat identified within federal protected areas be described in the Canada Gazette, after which prohibitions against its destruction will apply. For critical habitat located on federal lands outside of federal protected areas, the Minister of the Environment must either make a statement on existing legal protection or make an order so that the prohibition against destruction of critical habitat applies. For critical habitat located on non-federal lands, if the Minister of the Environment forms the opinion that any portion of critical habitat is not protected by provisions in or measures under SARA or other Acts of 2 http://registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=en&n=6B319869-1#2 i Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher 2016 Parliament, and not effectively protected by the laws of the province or territory, SARA requires that the Minister recommend that the Governor in Council make an order to extend the prohibition against destruction of critical habitat to that portion. The discretion to protect critical habitat on non-federal lands that is not otherwise protected rests with the Governor in Council. ii Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher 2016 Acknowledgments This recovery strategy was prepared by Krista Baker, Julie McKnight, David Andrews, and Peter Thomas (EC-CWS – Atlantic region). An early draft of the document was prepared by Dan Busby. An initial draft was reviewed by the EC Landbird Technical Committee and subsequent reviews were undertaken by Manon Dubé (EC-CWS - National Capital region), Andrew Boyne, Samara Eaton, and Becky Whitham (EC-CWS – Atlantic region), Vincent Carignan, Bruno Drolet, Renée Langevin, and Gilles Falardeau (EC-CWS – Quebec region), François Fournier and Junior Tremblay (EC-Science & Technology – Quebec region), Connie Downes (EC-NCR – NWRC), Kathy St. Laurent, Rich Russell, Kevin Hannah, Russ Weeber, Madeline Austen, Lesley Dunn, Krista Holmes, and Elizabeth Rezek (EC-CWS – Ontario region), Lisa Mahon, Mark Bidwell, Steven Van Wilgenburg, Nancy Mahony, Samuel Haché, and Donna Bigelow (EC-CWS – Prairie & Northern region), Pam Sinclair, Megan Harrison, Wendy Easton, and Craig Machtans (EC-CWS – Pacific & Yukon region), and Darroch Whitaker (Parks Canada). Acknowledgement and thanks are given to all other parties that provided advice and input used to help inform the development of this recovery strategy, including various Aboriginal Organizations and individuals, provincial governments, other federal departments (e.g., Department of National Defence), landowners, citizens, and stakeholders. Other contributors provided comments on the recovery strategy: Adam Smith (EC-NWRC) and Francesco Lai (CCIW, Burlington). iii Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher 2016 Executive Summary Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) is a medium-sized songbird of Canada’s forests. The species breeds in open coniferous or mixedwood forests, often located near water or wetlands with the presence of tall snags. It was designated as Threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in 2007 and has been listed according to the same status under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) since 2010. According to Partners in Flight, an estimated 900,000 individuals (53% of the global population) breed in Canada. The species has a relatively wide, yet sparse, distribution across Canada’s coniferous and coniferous-dominated forests from Newfoundland and Labrador to Yukon. Population trends follow widespread and unabated declines; Breeding Bird Surveys estimated an annual rate of population decline equal to 3.4%. The causes of the population decreases are not well understood, although several possible factors have been suggested and some studies have provided empirical evidence for these factors. Probable significant threats include reduced availability of insect prey, fire suppression, deforestation and land conversion in nonbreeding habitat, forest harvesting and silviculture, energy and mining exploration and extraction, and residential and commercial development. It is currently unknown whether the availability of breeding habitat is a limiting factor in Canada. The significance of each threat varies across Olive-sided Flycatcher’s geographical range. There are several unknown factors associated with the feasibility of recovering Olive-sided Flycatcher. Despite these unknowns, and in keeping with the precautionary principle, a recovery strategy has been prepared as per section 41(1) of SARA. This recovery strategy identifies both short-term and long-term objectives for Olive-sided Flycatcher. The short-term population objective for Olive-sided Flycatcher in Canada is to halt the national decline by 2025 (i.e., 10 years after this recovery strategy is posted on the Species at Risk Public Registry), while ensuring the population does not decrease more than 10% over this time. The long-term (after 2025) population objective is to ensure a positive 10-year population trend for Olive-sided Flycatcher in Canada. The distribution objective for Olive-sided Flycatcher is to maintain the current extent of occurrence (the area that encompasses the geographic distribution of all known populations) in Canada. Broad strategies and approaches to achieve these objectives are outlined in this recovery strategy. At present, the available information is not adequate to identify the habitat necessary for the survival or recovery of Olive-sided Flycatcher in Canada. A Schedule of Studies is provided to obtain the information needed for the identification of critical habitat. An action plan for Olive-sided Flycatcher will be posted on the Species at Risk Public
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