UDK 911.3:711.45:711.2/430/ »Rhein-Main« = 20

Klaus Wolf*


The topic will be treated as follows:

1. The process of change of the cities within urbanized areas like the Rhein- Main Region Is described using selected indicators of recent developments. Today , cities can no longer be examined in isolation because they are an in- tegral element of regional system (see BARTELS 1979). The description is the- refore presented on a regional as well as on an urban level. 2. The description Is followed by an analysis of the processes of urban change. This demostrates particulary the adverse consequences at both urban and re- gional levels. 3. Finally, from this analysis some conclusions are drawn with regard to planing which may contribute to improved urban and regional planning.

Section 1: In order to describe the process of change in agglomerations at the regio- nal level the following indicators could be obtained easily: population density, po- pulation change, employed persons by broad industrial sectors classified by pla- ce of residence and place of work. The results of analysing these indicators se- parately have been published, e. g. in Geographica Slovenlca, 8, pp. 67-74. They are summarized in Fig. 1. Although the most recent data at community level cur- rently available refer to 1970, they are able to demostrate the same phenomena as more recent data. From these we observe the following facts: — the main cities of the agglomeration of Rhein-Main, namely , Offen- bach, , Wiesbaden and Mainz, have the highest density of popula- tion. The largest, Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden, were already declining in population by 1970. The only other areas experiencing population decline were the peripheral mountainous regions outside of the agglomeration (Oden- wald, Vogelsberg), which lost population to Rhein-Main. As early as 1970 the mobility within regions, popularly described as the »flight from the cities« (Stadtflucht) is clearly discernable. It was already having marked affects on the socio-economic patterns, namely the relative distribution of residences and workplaces. At first, the peripheral localities of the Main Taunus foreland be- came desirable residential locations. Today, areas on and to the north of the Taunus crest are becoming urbanized as well (see Fig. 1, areas outlined by

" Dr., prof., Institut für Kulturgeographie. J. W. Goethe-Universität, Senckenberganlage 36, 6000 Frankfurt am Main, ZRN, glej Izvlecek na koncu zbornlka. dots), largely because the upper income groups move to the urban fringe. This is shown by the statistics of employees in the tertiary sector by place of resi- dence. At the same time there has been a movement to he periphery of work- places In the secondary sector. Such moves were particularly common to mo- re distant localities which had good accessibility and adequate building land at low prices. Fig. 1 demonstrates this fact by depicting those areas with 45 to 80% of their employment in the secondary sector (light diagonal hatching).

Fig 1


rann Bevölkerungsdichte >750E/qkm Bevolkerungsveränderung 1961/70 »>70.1%

] Bevölkerungsabnahme 1961/70 Fig. 2 WANDERUNGSBILANZ DER FRANKFURTER ORTSTEILE 1970-1978 In a simplified manner we can describe the urban changes within agglomera- tions as follows: the core cities are losing more and more of their population, which is migrating towards the outher fringe of the agglomeration. On the ot- her hand, workplaces of the tertiary sector move to the peripheral zones of the core cities. In contrast, trade and manufacturing industries seeking expan- sions look for those localities within the outer fringe of the agglomeration which have good accessibility. The concentration increases from the core of the region towards the edge. The core, i. e. the main cities, show the negative results of this concentration especially in terms of outmigration and they have to carry the burden.

Therefore, I should now like to discuss Frankfurt being the most important city in more detail. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the growing imbalance between ur- ban dwellers and workplaces. Fig. 2 shows net-migration for individual districts of Frankfurt between 1970 and 1978, on the left side in absolute figures for each year, on the right side is the net result for the whole period. The net re- sult clearly shows that the highest outmigration (4000 to 8000 persons per di- strict during the period under considerativation) occurred in those zones of the city, which encircle the central core. These ringlike belts could generally be called »tenement-belts«. They were built toward the end of the 19 th and at the beginning of the 20 th century as part of the process of industrial deve- lopment. The inner city or the central business districts is less affected by out- migration because of the fact that population density is low to start with. The outher zones, having, more vecant land, especially those districts to the north of the city which were incorpareted more recently, still exhibit inmgiration. The annual results (see Fig. 2, left) also appear to demonstrate that the out- migration which had been particularly severe in the tenement-belt during the middle seventies has slowed down recently and that sporadically minimal mi- gration gains can be observed. On the other hand, those districts which were incorporated around the turn of the century (e. g. , , , Schwanheim) increasingly exhibit outmigration tendencies in more re- cent times. Before I shall evaluate this situation, we should look at Fig. 3, showing the distribution of work places and employees according to econo- mic sectors within the various urban districts of Frankfurt. It is noticeable that the inner city, which suffered little population loss during the past decade, is that zone — and in that regard Frankfurt may be compared with other cities of similar size — where a large number of workplaces in trade and services is concentrated. The number of employees at the workplaces of these economic sectors is even higher, demostrating once again the well-known fact that ter- tiary activities are mainly located within the cores of urbanized areas. At the same time we learn from Fig. 3 that the number of workplaces and employees in tertiary activities, in particular in general services, finance and banking, is also very high in 1977 in those districts which are close to the inner city (e. g. Westend Sud, Nordend West). A further development can be seen: in the districts which were incorporated a long time ago one finds an increasing number of workplaces and employees engaged in commerce, general services, finance, banking and insurance.

Section 2:

Without being able to fully discuss all the indicators shown in the aforemen- tioned illustrations let me now proceed to analyse the phenomena described abo- ve as I outlined in the introductory paragraph. FRANKFURT AM MAIN 1:25000

Within the Rhein-Main Region the increase of tertiary activities coincides with the decline in the population of the core areas and movement to the perip- hery. At the same time mingling rings of localities encircle the core where secon- dary activities mix with residences as a result of intra-regional migration. Above all we notice that the inner city of Frankfurt has become a mere tertiary center, characterized by a high influx of day-population (employees and consumers) and by a low population at night. The tendency toward an enlargement of the tertian/ sector and the process of migration also affect — although in a moderate form — the tenement districts and the districts which were incorporated long ago. It is the growth of tertiary activities which expells the resident population. This is in particular the case, when muiti-story houses which were built around the turn of the century or earlier are up for renewal projects, but economic interest of the tertiary sector actually prevail. One could suppose that the decrease of outmigration from the tenement di- stricts during the past years was less due to an improvement of the quality of housing rather it was caused by the economic recession within the Federal Re- public of , which lowered the demand for office-space to be used by tertiary establishments. This assumption is supported by recent outmigration from districts incorporated long ago, where tertiary activités grow at the same time. Tertiary establishments migrate from the narrow city center to localities along the city periphery having a better accessibility. Such moves are suppor- ted by expressways and the public transportation system. At the same time their employees may move to the periphery as well without having a longer distance to their workplaces than before. To sum up one has to evaluate the »flight from the cities«, the most lamented phenomenon of big cities today, as follows: not only the search for more dwelling space and a better environment leads to the escape from the cities and the so-called desolation of the citycenters but also the increase of workplaces in the tertiary sector (and the increase of employees as well). It is the tertiary establichments which require more and more space, in the city-centers and which consume or push away more and more dwelling units.

Section 3:

What are the consequences of this process for urban und regional planning? On the important premise that the structure of the economy and the society will not be changed, the negative processes of urbanization within the Rhein-Main Region which particularly affect the core cities only be sloweddown and chan- ced to the better at the following levels: the spheres of life which focus on dwel- ling, working, leisure and recreation have to be coped with simultaneously at both the regional and city level. Like ALBERS (1979) and the Charta of Machu- Picchu (197) on urban planning or the statements of the research project on »structural changes in agglomerations« (1978) introduced by the Federal Ministr/ of Regional Planning, Building and Urban Planning, I am of the opinion that the strict separation of the locations of residence, work and leisure has led to the negative results as described above, also, that the concept of the point-axial sy- stem« (see Raumordnungsprogramm 1975), which is still valid for the regional planning of the Federal Republic, has even further increased the tendency to- ward high concentration and simultaneous dispersion. It Is necessary to apply and fully explore the existing planning regulations at the levels of the Federal Go- vernment, the Laender and the communities more rigidly than before. At the sa- me time the following concept could be introduced into concrete planning pro- posed in order to counteract the processes in which residences are being pus- hed away by workplaces of the tertiary and secondary sector. Within the regi- onal framework the concept to be applied — illustrated in Fig. 4 — deviates from the point-axial system and reduces the concentrations along the axes. On the contrary, this concept stresses the support of smaller concentrations of settle- ments and shortens therefore the distances between the place of residence and the place of work.

As the model suggests (see Fig. 4, lower left) high concentration and its ne- gative results on the regional level could be counteracted best by »deconcentra- ting« the concentrations of settlements into a number of smaller, but fully equipped centers alogn the axes. This principle could be carried through even more suc- cessfully, if the system of tax-apportionment could be changed. The tax-income of the individual community should not rest on business taxes and the income- level of its citizens, rather the distribution of taxes should be handled within a larger regional framework. Fig 4

This principle which has been described on a regional basis could basically be transferred to the problem-areas of the core cities after reducing the scale. Renewal of tenement districts located close to the city-centers should not only call for a quieting of traffic, putting green into the backyards or improving the quality of the dwelling-units, but for developing small centers as well which are located close to the city-center. This means that within these districts dwelling, working and leisure will once again become possible in close neighbourkood. Not only the service-establishments themselves should look for localities In the suburbs of Frankfurt which were incorporated long ago but they should se- arch for residences for their employees as well. Such residences would be close to the plase of work. Consequently, a quieting of the traffic could be achieved. I know very well that such a scheme sounds like unattainable Utopia, but if on- ly a small part of Utopia would become reality this would certainly be a success. Due to the shortage of time only a few but important aspects of the change of cities within agglomerations could be dealt with and only general lines of city developments within urbanized regions could be discussed. Should they, however, stimulate further discussion they have served their purpose.

The »Ortsteile« of Frankfurt on Main

1 Altstadt 25 2 Innenstadt 26 3 27 Dornbusch 4 Westend - Süd 28 Eschersheim 5 Westend - Nord 29 Eckenheim 6 Nordend - West 30 Preungesheim 7 Nordend - Ost 31 8 Ostend 32 9 Bornheim 33 10 34 Seckbach 11 Gallusviertel 35 12 Bockenheim 36 Höchst 13 Sachsenhausen - Nord 37 Nied 14 Sachsenhausen - Süd 38 Sindligen 15 39 16 40 17 41 18 Schwanhelm 42 Nieder - Erlenbach 19 Griesheim 43 Kalbach 20 Rödelheim 44 21 Hausen 45 Nieder - Eschbach 22/23 46 Bergen - Enkheim 24


ALBERS. Gerd: Zur Lage — in Anbetracht der Charta von Machu-Picchu. In: Stadtbauwelt 62, 29. Juni 1979. S. 128—129; BARTELS, Dietrich- Theorien nationaler Siedllingssysteme und Raumordnungspolitik. Geogr. Zeit- schrift, Jg. 67, H. 2, 1979, S. 110—146; Die Charta von Machu-Picchu. Stadtbauwelt 61, 30. März 1979, S. 11—16; RAUMORDNUNGSPROGRAMM für die großräumige Entwicklung des Bundesgebietes (Bundes- raumordnungsprogramm) Hrsg.: Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung am 14. Februar 1975. = Schriftenreihe »Raumordnung« des Bundesministers für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau, 06.002. 1975; Strukturelle Veränderungen in Verdichtungsräumen — Arbeitsplätze — = Schriftenreihe »Rau- mordnung« des Bundesministers für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau 06.030. 1978; WOLF, klaus: Das Rhein-Main-Geblet unter dem Aspekt Arbeiten — Wohnen — Freizeit. Ge- ographica Slovenlca, 8, 1978, S. 67—74, Liubljana.

Klaus Wolf


Na primeru rensko-mainske regije

Opisan je proces spreminjanja mest v okviru rensko-mainske regije na os- novi izbranih pokazateljev sedanjega razvoja. Danes mest ne moremo obravna- vati ločeno, ker so Integralni del regionalnega sistema. Opis je zato na osnovi analize procesov spreminjanja mest predstavljen na regionalnem in mestnem ni- voju. Za opis procesa sprememb v aglomeracijah so bili vzeti naslednji pokaza- telji: gostota prebivalstva, spremembe strukture zaposlenih po sektorjih, kraju bi- vanja in zaposlitve. Za Frankfurt je značilno močno odseljevanje iz stanovanjskih okrožij, zgraje- nih na prelomu stoletja, ki neposredno obkrožajo poslovno središče. V okrožjih, ki so bila že davno vključena v mesto, se opaža povečanje števila delovnih mest v terciarnih dejavnostih: v trgovini, splošnih storitvah, bančništvu in zavarovalniš- tvu. Jedro Frankfurta pa je postalo del mesta z najbolj razvitimi terciarnimi de- javnostmi, močnim dnevnim dotokom prebivalstva (zaposlenih in potrošnikov) ter z majhnim številom prebivalstva ponoči. Povečanje vloge terciarnega sektorja v rensko-mainski regiji sovpada z zmanj- ševanjem števila prebivalstva v središčnih območjih in preseljevanju prebivalstva na obrobje. Istočasno obkrožajo središčna območja z mešano, stanovanjsko - in- dustrijsko funkcijo, kot rezultat medregionalnih migracij. Poleg tega se iz stro- gega središča selijo na ugodne prometne lokacije na robu mesta terciarne de- javnosti. »Beg iz mest« ni le posledica iskanja večjih površin in boljšega okolja, ampak tudi povečanja števila delovnih mest v terciarnih dejavnostih. Pri predpostavki, da se socialna in gospodarska struktura ne bosta menjali, bo treba negativne procese urbanizacije znotraj rensko-mainske regije — poseb- no v mestnih jedrih — upočasniti in jih spremeniti na naslednjih nivojih človekovih življenjskih dejavnosti: bivanja, dela, izrabe prostega časa in rekreacije. Navedena področja je treba reševati istočasno, kompleksno ter hkrati na regionalnem in me- stnem nivoju.