The Council is recommended to resolve as follows:

1. It be noted that on 8th January 2015 the Chief Finance Officer calculated

(a) the Council Tax Base 2015/16 for the whole Council area as 47,352.21 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the "Act")] and,

(b) for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish precept relates as in the attached Appendix C.

2. It be noted that the Council Tax requirement for the Council's own purposes for 2015/16 (excluding Parish precepts) is £6,501,458

3. That the following amounts be calculated for the year 2015/16 in accordance with Section 31 and Sections 34 to 36 of the Act:

(a) £64,729,269 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.

(b) £55,168,926 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.

(c) £9,560,343 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B(1) of the Act).

(d) £201.90 being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).

(e) £3,059,117 being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix C).

(f) £137.30 being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no parish precept relates. APPENDIX B

Council Tax Schedule Band AR Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H 2015/16 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

East District Council 76.28 91.53 106.79 122.04 137.30 167.81 198.32 228.83 274.60 Hampshire County Council 576.60 691.92 807.24 922.56 1037.88 1268.52 1499.16 1729.80 2075.76 Hampshire Police & Crime 87.41 104.89 122.37 139.85 157.33 192.29 227.25 262.22 314.66 Commissioner Hampshire Fire & Rescue 34.10 40.92 47.74 54.56 61.38 75.02 88.66 102.30 122.76 774.39 929.26 1084.14 1239.01 1393.89 1703.64 2013.39 2323.15 2787.78 Parish/Town only (a) Parish/Town & District (b) Total (c) Alton 43.63 52.36 61.09 69.81 78.54 95.99 113.45 130.90 157.08 Alton 119.91 143.89 167.88 191.86 215.84 263.80 311.77 359.73 431.68 Alton 818.02 981.62 1145.23 1308.82 1472.43 1799.63 2126.84 2454.05 2944.86 Beech 20.45 24.54 28.63 32.72 36.81 44.99 53.17 61.35 73.62 Beech 96.73 116.07 135.42 154.76 174.11 212.80 251.49 290.18 348.22 Beech 794.84 953.80 1112.77 1271.73 1430.70 1748.63 2066.56 2384.50 2861.40 Bentley 43.95 52.74 61.53 70.32 79.11 96.69 114.27 131.85 158.22 Bentley 120.23 144.27 168.32 192.36 216.41 264.50 312.59 360.68 432.82 Bentley 818.34 982.00 1145.67 1309.33 1473.00 1800.33 2127.66 2455.00 2946.00 19.82 23.78 27.74 31.71 35.67 43.60 51.52 59.45 71.34 Bentworth 96.09 115.31 134.53 153.75 172.97 211.41 249.85 288.28 345.94 Bentworth 794.21 953.04 1111.88 1270.72 1429.56 1747.24 2064.91 2382.60 2859.12 35.33 42.39 49.46 56.52 63.59 77.72 91.85 105.98 127.18 Binsted 111.61 133.93 156.25 178.57 200.89 245.53 290.17 334.82 401.78 Binsted 809.72 971.65 1133.60 1295.53 1457.48 1781.36 2105.24 2429.13 2914.96 & 37.94 45.53 53.11 60.70 68.29 83.47 98.64 113.82 136.58 Bramshott & Liphook 114.22 137.06 159.90 182.75 205.59 251.28 296.96 342.65 411.18 Bramshott & Liphook 812.32 974.79 1137.25 1299.72 1462.18 1787.11 2112.04 2436.97 2924.36 25.98 31.18 36.38 41.57 46.77 57.16 67.56 77.95 93.54 Buriton 102.26 122.71 143.17 163.62 184.07 224.97 265.88 306.78 368.14 Buriton 800.37 960.44 1120.51 1280.59 1440.66 1760.81 2080.95 2401.10 2881.32 21.75 26.10 30.45 34.80 39.15 47.85 56.55 65.25 78.30 Chawton 98.03 117.63 137.24 156.84 176.45 215.66 254.87 294.08 352.90 Chawton 796.14 955.36 1114.59 1273.81 1433.04 1751.49 2069.94 2388.40 2866.08 Clanfield 24.16 28.99 33.82 38.65 43.48 53.14 62.80 72.47 86.96 Clanfield 100.43 120.52 140.61 160.69 180.78 220.95 261.13 301.30 361.56 Clanfield 798.54 958.25 1117.95 1277.66 1437.37 1756.79 2076.20 2395.62 2874.74 & 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Colemore & Priors Dean 76.28 91.53 106.79 122.04 137.30 167.81 198.32 228.83 274.60 Colemore & Priors Dean 774.39 929.26 1084.14 1239.01 1393.89 1703.64 2013.39 2323.15 2787.78 23.56 28.27 32.99 37.70 42.41 51.83 61.26 70.68 84.82 East Meon 99.84 119.81 139.77 159.74 179.71 219.65 259.58 299.52 359.42 East Meon 797.95 957.53 1117.13 1276.71 1436.30 1755.47 2074.65 2393.83 2872.60 17.53 21.03 24.54 28.04 31.55 38.56 45.57 52.58 63.10 East Tisted 93.81 112.57 131.33 150.09 168.85 206.37 243.89 281.42 337.70 East Tisted 791.92 950.29 1108.68 1267.05 1425.44 1742.20 2058.96 2375.73 2850.88 Farringdon 57.06 68.47 79.88 91.29 102.70 125.52 148.34 171.17 205.40 Farringdon 133.33 160.00 186.67 213.33 240.00 293.33 346.67 400.00 480.00 Farringdon 831.45 997.73 1164.02 1330.30 1496.59 1829.16 2161.73 2494.32 2993.18 22.54 27.05 31.55 36.06 40.57 49.59 58.60 67.62 81.14 Four Marks 98.82 118.58 138.34 158.11 177.87 217.40 256.92 296.45 355.74 Four Marks 796.93 956.31 1115.69 1275.07 1434.46 1753.23 2071.99 2390.77 2868.92 Froxfield & 25.96 31.15 36.35 41.54 46.73 57.11 67.50 77.88 93.46 Froxfield & Privett 102.24 122.69 143.13 163.58 184.03 224.93 265.82 306.72 368.06 Froxfield & Privett 800.35 960.41 1120.49 1280.55 1440.62 1760.75 2080.89 2401.03 2881.24 31.06 37.27 43.49 49.70 55.91 68.33 80.76 93.18 111.82 Froyle 107.34 128.81 150.27 171.74 193.21 236.15 279.08 322.02 386.42 Froyle 805.45 966.53 1127.63 1288.71 1449.80 1771.97 2094.15 2416.33 2899.60 38.79 46.55 54.31 62.07 69.83 85.35 100.87 116.38 139.66 Grayshott 115.07 138.09 161.10 184.12 207.13 253.16 299.19 345.22 414.26 Grayshott 813.18 975.81 1138.45 1301.08 1463.72 1788.99 2114.26 2439.53 2927.44 Greatham 25.22 30.27 35.31 40.36 45.40 55.49 65.58 75.67 90.80 Greatham 101.50 121.80 142.10 162.40 182.70 223.30 263.90 304.50 365.40 Greatham 799.61 959.53 1119.45 1279.37 1439.29 1759.13 2078.97 2398.82 2878.58 Council Tax Schedule Band AR Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H 2015/16 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 20.47 24.57 28.66 32.76 36.85 45.04 53.23 61.42 73.70 Hawkley 96.75 116.10 135.45 154.80 174.15 212.85 251.55 290.25 348.30 Hawkley 794.86 953.83 1112.80 1271.77 1430.74 1748.68 2066.62 2384.57 2861.48 Headley 20.14 24.17 28.19 32.22 36.25 44.31 52.36 60.42 72.50 Headley 96.42 115.70 134.98 154.27 173.55 212.12 250.68 289.25 347.10 Headley 794.53 953.43 1112.33 1271.23 1430.14 1747.95 2065.75 2383.57 2860.28 40.02 48.03 56.03 64.04 72.04 88.05 104.06 120.07 144.08 Horndean 116.30 139.56 162.82 186.08 209.34 255.86 302.38 348.90 418.68 Horndean 814.41 977.29 1140.17 1303.05 1465.93 1791.69 2117.45 2443.22 2931.86 Kingsley 22.87 27.45 32.02 36.60 41.17 50.32 59.47 68.62 82.34 Kingsley 99.15 118.98 138.81 158.64 178.47 218.13 257.79 297.45 356.94 Kingsley 797.26 956.71 1116.16 1275.61 1435.06 1753.96 2072.86 2391.77 2870.12 12.25 14.70 17.15 19.60 22.05 26.95 31.85 36.75 44.10 Langrish 88.53 106.23 123.94 141.64 159.35 194.76 230.17 265.58 318.70 Langrish 786.64 943.96 1101.29 1258.61 1415.94 1730.59 2045.24 2359.90 2831.88 10.46 12.55 14.65 16.74 18.83 23.01 27.20 31.38 37.66 Lasham 86.74 104.09 121.43 138.78 156.13 190.83 225.52 260.22 312.26 Lasham 784.85 941.81 1098.79 1255.75 1412.72 1726.65 2040.59 2354.53 2825.44 Lindford 22.34 26.81 31.28 35.75 40.22 49.16 58.10 67.03 80.44 Lindford 98.62 118.35 138.07 157.80 177.52 216.97 256.42 295.87 355.04 Lindford 796.73 956.07 1115.42 1274.76 1434.11 1752.80 2071.49 2390.18 2868.22 Liss 34.53 41.43 48.34 55.24 62.15 75.96 89.77 103.58 124.30 Liss 110.81 132.97 155.13 177.29 199.45 243.77 288.09 332.42 398.90 Liss 808.92 970.69 1132.48 1294.25 1456.04 1779.60 2103.16 2426.73 2912.08 13.72 16.46 19.20 21.95 24.69 30.18 35.66 41.15 49.38 Medstead 89.99 107.99 125.99 143.99 161.99 197.99 233.99 269.98 323.98 Medstead 788.11 945.72 1103.34 1260.96 1418.58 1733.82 2049.05 2364.30 2837.16 3.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 6.30 7.70 9.10 10.50 12.60 Newton Valence 79.78 95.73 111.69 127.64 143.60 175.51 207.42 239.33 287.20 Newton Valence 777.89 933.46 1089.04 1244.61 1400.19 1711.34 2022.49 2333.65 2800.38 54.75 65.70 76.65 87.60 98.55 120.45 142.35 164.25 197.10 Petersfield 131.03 157.23 183.44 209.64 235.85 288.26 340.67 393.08 471.70 Petersfield 829.14 994.96 1160.79 1326.61 1492.44 1824.09 2155.74 2487.40 2984.88 21.86 26.23 30.60 34.97 39.34 48.08 56.82 65.57 78.68 Ropley 98.13 117.76 137.39 157.01 176.64 215.89 255.15 294.40 353.28 Ropley 796.25 955.49 1114.74 1273.98 1433.23 1751.72 2070.21 2388.72 2866.46 Rowlands Castle 28.63 34.36 40.09 45.81 51.54 62.99 74.45 85.90 103.08 Rowlands Castle 104.91 125.89 146.88 167.86 188.84 230.80 272.77 314.73 377.68 Rowlands Castle 803.02 963.62 1124.23 1284.82 1445.43 1766.63 2087.84 2409.05 2890.86 26.84 32.21 37.57 42.94 48.31 59.05 69.78 80.52 96.62 Selborne 103.12 123.74 144.36 164.99 185.61 226.86 268.10 309.35 371.22 Selborne 801.23 961.47 1121.71 1281.95 1442.20 1762.69 2083.17 2403.67 2884.40 14.62 17.54 20.46 23.39 26.31 32.16 38.00 43.85 52.62 Shalden 90.89 109.07 127.25 145.43 163.61 199.97 236.33 272.68 327.22 Shalden 789.01 946.80 1104.60 1262.40 1420.20 1735.80 2051.39 2367.00 2840.40 Sheet 48.90 58.68 68.46 78.24 88.02 107.58 127.14 146.70 176.04 Sheet 125.18 150.21 175.25 200.28 225.32 275.39 325.46 375.53 450.64 Sheet 823.29 987.94 1152.60 1317.25 1481.91 1811.22 2140.53 2469.85 2963.82 Steep 15.17 18.21 21.24 24.28 27.31 33.38 39.45 45.52 54.62 Steep 91.45 109.74 128.03 146.32 164.61 201.19 237.77 274.35 329.22 Steep 789.56 947.47 1105.38 1263.29 1421.20 1737.02 2052.84 2368.67 2842.40 Stroud 45.64 54.77 63.90 73.03 82.16 100.42 118.68 136.93 164.32 Stroud 121.92 146.31 170.69 195.08 219.46 268.23 317.00 365.77 438.92 Stroud 820.03 984.03 1148.04 1312.04 1476.05 1804.06 2132.07 2460.08 2952.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 West Tisted 76.28 91.53 106.79 122.04 137.30 167.81 198.32 228.83 274.60 West Tisted 774.39 929.26 1084.14 1239.01 1393.89 1703.64 2013.39 2323.15 2787.78 Whitehill 44.39 53.27 62.15 71.03 79.91 97.67 115.43 133.18 159.82 Whitehill 120.67 144.81 168.94 193.08 217.21 265.48 313.75 362.02 434.42 Whitehill 818.78 982.53 1146.29 1310.04 1473.80 1801.31 2128.82 2456.33 2947.60 Wield 15.86 19.03 22.20 25.37 28.54 34.88 41.22 47.57 57.08 Wield 92.13 110.56 128.99 147.41 165.84 202.69 239.55 276.40 331.68 Wield 790.25 948.29 1106.34 1264.38 1422.43 1738.52 2054.61 2370.72 2844.86 Worldham 25.56 30.67 35.78 40.89 46.00 56.22 66.44 76.67 92.00 Worldham 101.83 122.20 142.57 162.93 183.30 224.03 264.77 305.50 366.60 Worldham 799.95 959.93 1119.92 1279.90 1439.89 1759.86 2079.83 2399.82 2879.78 APPENDIX C TOWN & PARISH COUNCIL PRECEPTS

2014/15 2015/16 Precepts Precepts (excluding (excluding support support Council Tax Parish/Town Council Tax grant) Council Tax Tax grant) Council Tax Increase / Base £ Band D (£) Base £ Band D (£) Decrease Alton 6,497.96 510,427.00 78.55 6,524.38 512,427.14 78.54 -0.01% Beech 321.04 12,000.00 37.38 326.04 12,000.00 36.81 -1.52% Bentley 481.35 32,729.67 68.00 508.39 40,220.67 79.11 16.34% Bentworth 270.36 9,379.77 34.69 270.56 9,649.77 35.67 2.83% Binsted 930.41 58,352.90 62.72 933.75 59,374.90 63.59 1.39% Bramshott & Liphook 3,726.80 250,743.83 67.28 3,840.80 262,285.00 68.29 1.50% Buriton 358.89 16,283.56 45.37 358.89 16,783.56 46.77 3.09% Chawton 211.49 8,410.94 39.77 211.43 8,276.91 39.15 -1.56% Clanfield 1,929.06 87,366.75 45.29 2,009.54 87,366.75 43.48 -4.00% Colemore & Priors Dean 70.34 0.00 0.00 74.09 0.00 0.00 0.00% East Meon 546.08 21,956.24 40.21 549.09 23,287.24 42.41 5.47% East Tisted 96.67 3,105.25 32.12 98.43 3,105.25 31.55 -1.77% Farringdon 345.70 39,695.81 114.83 344.48 35,376.89 102.70 -10.56% Four Marks 1,886.33 78,774.69 41.76 1,990.82 80,774.69 40.57 -2.85% Froxfield & Privett 471.40 19,362.63 41.07 467.83 21,862.63 46.73 13.78% Froyle 289.67 17,272.61 59.63 317.45 17,747.61 55.91 -6.24% Grayshott 1,194.24 80,134.64 67.10 1,200.50 83,834.64 69.83 4.07% Greatham 315.91 11,446.33 36.23 318.21 14,446.33 45.40 25.31% Hawkley 267.94 9,899.47 36.95 268.65 9,899.47 36.85 -0.27% Headley 2,638.82 95,224.47 36.09 2,641.03 95,724.47 36.25 0.44% Horndean 4,877.33 390,430.36 80.05 4,934.95 355,538.36 72.04 -10.01% Kingsley 266.84 11,160.44 41.82 271.15 11,162.84 41.17 -1.55% Langrish 141.29 2,815.64 19.93 145.68 3,212.64 22.05 10.64% Lasham 95.22 1,800.00 18.90 95.58 1,800.00 18.83 -0.37% Lindford 1,045.84 39,624.51 37.89 1,043.06 41,956.94 40.22 6.15% Liss 2,463.17 147,274.51 59.79 2,478.28 154,024.51 62.15 3.95% Medstead 1,111.68 26,546.41 23.88 1,115.71 27,546.41 24.69 3.39% Newton Valence 118.72 750.00 6.32 119.09 750.00 6.30 -0.32% Petersfield 5,400.47 524,516.00 97.12 5,429.31 535,043.82 98.55 1.47% Ropley 794.56 29,372.28 36.97 797.48 31,372.28 39.34 6.41% Rowlands Castle 1,266.00 62,855.00 49.65 1,297.27 66,855.00 51.54 3.81% Selborne 630.54 30,072.17 47.69 635.07 30,682.00 48.31 1.30% Shalden 229.31 5,000.00 21.80 228.08 6,000.00 26.31 20.69% Sheet 453.09 39,881.00 88.02 451.15 39,710.00 88.02 0.00% Steep 503.54 13,856.16 27.52 507.43 13,856.16 27.31 -0.76% Stroud 156.76 11,723.00 74.78 155.74 12,795.96 82.16 9.87% West Tisted 72.45 0.00 0.00 72.45 0.00 0.00 0.00% Whitehill 4,007.60 319,963.07 79.84 4,004.19 319,963.07 79.91 0.09% Wield 125.51 3,500.00 27.89 122.64 3,500.00 28.54 2.33% Worldham 192.39 8,224.08 42.75 193.54 8,903.58 46.00 7.60% TOTAL/AVERAGE 46,802.77 3,031,931.19 64.78 47,352.21 3,059,117.49 64.60 -0.28%