Number & How to Read Them

By Kulipup

Each number between 0-9 has a specific meaning. Multiples of these numbers will be messages from your Source fractal Spirit also known as your or higher . Learning how to read these messages in your everyday life, and actioning these messages will result in spiritual enlightenment and further manifestation ability.

These numbers interpretation do not come from google or the study of numerology found today. This was channeled specifically from hearts intuition.

Singular Multiples Meanings When you see these synchronicities, acknowledge that your spirit is trying to speak to you and send you this message and action the message immediately. Do not wait, and do not hesitate, hesitation will only lead to a delay in the action that is required. Which will then lead to a delay or consequence.

11 = Your spirit is with you, they are seeing what you see and hearing what you hear. They are ready to guide you.

111 =You need to make a request to the universe in this moment, also known as a or a wish.

1111= your request has been heard by the universe and is in process.

22 = This is a gentle reminder to keep your thoughts in the present moment.

222 =You need to focus your thoughts to the present moment as you are currently thinking either too far in the future or too far in the past. And this is delaying your manifestation.

2222 = You need to focus your thoughts on the present moment, because your thoughts are leading to negative consequences. Stay in the present right now.

33 = This is a gentle reminder to take care of your physical body, and to focus on yourself in this moment.

333 = You need to take care of your physical body right now. If you need to sleep, you need to go sleep. If you need to eat, you need to go eat. If you need to go to the bathroom, then don't hold it and go to the bathroom. Etc

3333= You need to take care of your physical body right now, ignoring this message will result in damage being done to your body.

44 =You are thinking too negatively, this is a gentle reminder to think of happy thoughts.

444 = Keep your thoughts focused on only positivity, for as long as you can while you're seeing the .

4444 = Your focus is too great on negative thoughts, you need to think positively as much as you can for as long as you can in this moment otherwise negative consequences will occur.

55 = Your Spirit needs you to trust them when you see this synchronicity.

555 =Trust your spirit in this moment and follow through on the actions they have requested. If you do this it will lead to your requests being fulfilled.

5555 = Your spirit needs your trust now more than ever before, lack of trust will lead to negative consequences.

66 = your spirit is trying to remind you, to remember who you are and don't get to wrapped up in the material world.

666 = You are too lost in the material world right now, shed your ego! Remember who you are and the abilities that you possess!

6666 = Your inability to shed your ego is going to lead to negative consequences.

77 = You need to be grateful in this moment. Or you need to be in the gratitude frequency. This is how you generate power for your manifestation.

777 = You need to stay within the gratitude frequency for as long as possible, as you are generating power. This power will give you energy to manifest.

7777 = You need to try harder to generate more power, Focus only on the things you are grateful for to remain within your gratitude frequency.

88 = You are physically on the right path. Or you are approaching to be with in the right place at the right time.

888 = You are physically approaching your destination. You are approaching, to be in the right place at the right time 8888 = You have physically arrived at your destination. You are currently in the right place at the right time.

99 = Your DNA is being repaired, expect to hear ringing in your ears.

999 = You will be getting a large repair to your DNA, look up and open your mouth for 30 seconds. Ringing in your ears will follow.

9999 = Your DNA upgrade is complete, rest for 4 hours to feel the effects.

00= Amplification to the power of the message x1. A change will be made in the material world at some point.

000 = Amplification to the power of the message x2. Change will be made in the material world soon.

0000 = Max power amplification to the message. A change has been made in the material world.

Multiple Number Synchronicities When you receive multiple number synchronicities, you are able to read entire sentences and messages within just a few short spaces of numbers. The same way a computer will read binary code. There are some codes that have specific meanings that cannot be changed. However normally your spirit is able to combine different numbers to send you different messages at specific times.

Singular number meanings:

1 = your spirit is with you 2 = staying in the now moment 3 = take care of yourself 4 = think as positively as you can 5 = trust your spirit in this moment 6 = lose your ego 7 = Be grateful 8 = your going in the right direction 9 = DNA repair 10 = gentle reminder to stay on the right path 12 = your spirit needs to communicate with you right now. Don't ignore the signs. 0 = amplification or change in the material world.

Now that you know the singular meanings, you can combine them with the multiples to read the messages your spirit is sending you. Example below: When your spirit is trying to tell you that you are going to be gaining spiritual enlightenment you would see the number 911. Which can be read individually as such:

9 - DNA repair + 11 - Spirit is with you = 911.

If you are thinking too negatively, and it was causing you your body stress, and you need to shift your focus. Your spirit would send you the synchronicity 234 which can be read individually as such:

2 - stay in your now moment + 3 - take care of your body + 4 - be as happy as you can be. = 234

If your spirit wanted to lead you down the path of Enlightenment, but you are not open to receiving the messages, your spirit would need you to trust them and so would send you the synchronicity 955. Which would look like this:

9 - DNA Repair + 55 - trust your spirit = 955

Longer number example:

At times your spirit will combine longer numbers in order to send a specific message. Longer numbers normally mean that you need to make a correction to avoid a negative consequences.

For example if your spirit wanted to say, “hi you need to talk to me right now because you're not staying in your now moment and I'm with you”. The number synchronicity would look like this:

12 - talk to me right now and don't ignore me + 2 - stay in your now moment + 1 - spirit is with you = 1221

Amplification (0) will always amplify the number that came before it. And you should expect a physical change in the material world to follow.


101 = focus on your spirit, as your timeline is about to change. 1- spirit is with you + 0 - power amplification and change in the material world + 1- spirit is with you.

102 = your spirit is with, your your timeline is about to change, but you need to stay within your now moment to stay on your right path 1- spirit is with you + 0 - power amplification and change in the material world + 2 - stay Within you are now moment.

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Xoxo Kulipup