Congressional Record—House H14254

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Congressional Record—House H14254 H14254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 6, 2007 Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Through his high achievement in claiming $21 billion in taxpayer sub- nal stands approved. sports and service to the community, sidies from the oil and gas industry. I urge support of this fiscally respon- f Avery Johnson continues to leave a mark on the world, of which we are all sible, smart new energy policy that PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE very proud. embraces American ingenuity, innova- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the f tion, and leadership and moves Amer- gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. JEF- ica forward towards a cleaner, more se- FUNDING OUR VETERANS FERSON) come forward and lead the cure future. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. (Mrs. DRAKE asked and was given f Mr. JEFFERSON led the Pledge of permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her re- HONORING THE LIFE OF JONI Allegiance as follows: HERSCHEDE I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the marks.) United States of America, and to the Repub- Mrs. DRAKE. Mr. Speaker, this is (Mrs. SCHMIDT asked and was given lic for which it stands, one nation under God, day 67. That’s 67 days since the start of permission to address the House for 1 indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the new fiscal year and our veterans minute and to revise and extend her re- f still do not have access to the in- marks.) creased funding provided in a bill that Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE passed the House and Senate months today to honor the life of Joni A message from the Senate by Ms. ago and the President is waiting to Herschede, a true icon of Cincinnati. Curtis, one of its clerks, announced sign. Joni understood the Second Congres- that the Senate has agreed to a concur- The House-passed bill includes in- sional District. You see, she grew up in rent resolution of the following title in creased funding to improve access to Portsmouth in rural southern Ohio, which the concurrence of the House is medical services for all veterans, new one of eight siblings. She came to Cin- requested: initiatives for mental health and cinnati in the 1960s where she met and married Mark Herschede. She will al- S. Con. Res. 58. Concurrent resolution wel- PTSD, increased funds for improved coming First Minister Dr. Ian Paisley and medical facilities and increased fund- ways be best known for her passion and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness of ing to assist homeless veterans, to generosity to this community. Northern Ireland to the United States. name a few. Joni never forgot her humble begin- nings. Whenever Joni got behind a f If the Democrats are acting in good faith and in the best interest of our Na- cause or an issue, others always fol- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER tion’s veterans, why continue to delay lowed because they knew if you didn’t PRO TEMPORE this crucial funding? follow, you might as well get out of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Democrats have failed in their way because she would succeed. Chair will recognize up to five 1-minute earlier effort to use funding for our It is nearly impossible to find an or- speeches on each side. veterans as a bargaining chip for bil- ganization in southern Ohio to which Joni did not give her time or her en- f lions in unrelated spending. Why con- tinue to delay this bill? ergy. Her son Donald said, ‘‘Mother RECOGNIZING THE ACCOMPLISH- There are few things more important wasn’t happy unless she was doing MENTS OF NBA COACH AVERY than ensuring that this Congress pro- something for someone else.’’ JOHNSON Her true passion was the University vides all possible benefits and health of Cincinnati. As an avid Bearcats fan, (Mr. JEFFERSON asked and was care for our veterans. I’m calling on Joni’s hats and outfits always proudly given permission to address the House the Speaker to move this bill forward, displayed her beloved red and black. for 1 minute.) and I call on all Americans to contact But that passion went beyond just Mr. JEFFERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise their Representatives and tell the trappings of her clothing. It went to today to congratulate one of Louisi- Democratic leadership to send a clean the philanthropy that she did for the ana’s favorite sons, NBA coach Avery veterans appropriations bill to the Johnson, on the occasion of his receiv- University of Cincinnati as well. President now. Mr. Speaker, southern Ohio and Cin- ing an honorary doctorate degree from f his alma mater, Southern University, cinnati will always be grateful for the at its upcoming fall commencement. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE AND kindness that Joni showed to so many Born in New Orleans, Avery Johnson SECURITY ACT and to so many organizations, the arts, has known success at every level of (Ms. SCHWARTZ asked and was the zoo, education, and her beloved basketball. In 1983 he led the St. Au- given permission to address the House Bearcats. Joni’s life should paint a path for fu- gustine High School Purple Knights to for 1 minute.) ture generations. Joni’s legacy of pub- an undefeated season culminating with Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise lic service will not be easily surpassed. a Class 4A Louisiana State champion- today in support of the Energy Inde- May she rest in peace. ship. He would go on to star on the pendence and Security Act before us Southern University Jaguars basket- later today. This landmark energy bill f ball team, setting NCAA Division I moves our Nation forward towards a THE BUSH-CHENEY ENERGY records for both season and career new, brighter energy future. It pro- POLICY averages in assists that still stand motes clean homegrown energy by re- (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given today. quiring our utilities to produce 15 per- permission to address the House for 1 In 1988, Avery Johnson began his ca- cent of their power from renewable en- minute.) reer in the NBA, where he would spend ergy by 2020. It reduces our dependence Mr. DEFAZIO. The Bush-Cheney en- 16 seasons. Once again he found success on foreign oil by raising fuel efficiency ergy policy has led America to a dead with the San Antonio Spurs by taking standards on our cars by 40 percent. end, increasing dependence on im- them to their first NBA title in 1999 With the price of oil nearing $100 per ported oil and price gouging by big oil over the New York Knicks. barrel, this will save consumers bil- companies. Presently, Avery Johnson serves as lions of dollars. And it saves energy The new direction in energy policy to the head coach of the Dallas Mav- through energy-efficiency standards be considered here today puts America ericks, where his star has only contin- and incentives like the effort I led to on a new path to energy independence ued to shine brighter. Now in his third promote the construction of energy-ef- and sustainability. It will be great for full season as coach, he has led the ficient commercial buildings. American consumers, saving billions at Mavericks to their first Western Con- These policies will create new jobs the pump; our businesses; our econ- ference title, been named 2006 NBA and build new American industries, omy. And it will be great for the envi- Coach of the Year, and won 150 games while reducing the greenhouse gas ronment. faster than any other coach in NBA emissions that contribute to global But it will be even better for millions history. warming. And it is all paid for by re- of Americans in rural counties across VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:42 Dec 07, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06DE7.002 H06DEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with HOUSE.
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