President Donald J. Trump speaks with Secretary of Defense James Mattis and other senior leaders of the armed forces at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2017. DOD photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jette Carr, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Koenig White House Correspondent , 7 NOV. 2020 I can still not see Joe Biden and Kamala Harris being sworn in as the president and the vice president. Maybe that will happen, but this election is not over. We must keep praying for God to intervene and continue to pray for His eternal plan and will in this situation. We have never had an administration more favourable to evangelicals. Millions prayed for President Trump’s re-election. The enthusiasm and excitement in event after event were enormous. The Democrats tried to remove President Trump from the day he was elected. There have been lies, deception, fraud and sedition, all being facilitated by the majority of the U.S. media. The Trump factor helped Republicans gain House seats and senators get re-elected despite false polls from mainstream media. The most Hispanics and blacks ever, voted for a Republican presidential candidate. Trump’s constant emphasis on socialism and violence led to important gains in the House in a rebuke to socialism and de-funding of the police. The Senate results were also exceptional for Republicans. Does President Trump have a plan to expose voter fraud through electronic manipulation and mail ballots? Yes! I know the experts advising the White House on how electronic manipulation works. I spent an hour with one of the top national experts in August. They know the names of the companies, how it is done and who is behind it. It is complicated. If anybody would expose this, it would be President Trump. President Trump may be letting everything play out with the final vote count while putting things in place to challenge the results and then let it rip. FROM A TRUMP CAMPAIGN INSIDER: ”Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a countrywide scale. It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional mail-in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote. This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar even will take place. This is The law. This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen. So stop watching the fake news and don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out. President Trump will remain President. Sensing A Biden Victory, Democrats In Washington DC and Hollywood Begin Calling For All Trump Supporters To Be ‘Arrested And Burned’ To Death2 Fears continue in the US, and abroad, that the situation is so toxic that it could lead to civil war.


Vladimir Putin in April 2020 The Presidential Press and Information Office

NOV 7, 20202. Vladimir Putin, 68, ‘set to resign as Russian president early next year amid fears he has Parkinson’s’…. Vladimir Putin is planning to quit early next year amid growing fears for his health, sources claimed last night. Kremlin watchers said recent tell-tale footage showed the 68-year-old strongman has possible symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. An informed analysts claimed that the Russian president’s glamorous ex-gymnast lover , 37, is begging him to release his grip on power. Observers who studied recent footage of Putin noted his legs appeared to be in constant motion and he looked to be in pain while clutching the armrest of a chair. His fingers are also seen to be twitching as he held a pen and gripped a cup believed to contain a cocktail of painkillers. Speculation that his 20-year-reign - second only to that of Stalin - could be nearing an end grew earlier this week when laws were drafted to make him a senator-for-life when he resigns. Legislation introduced by Putin himself was being rushed through parliament to guarantee him legal immunity from prosecution and state perks until he dies. Moscow political scientist Professor Valery Solovei fuelled further speculation last night by suggesting Putin may have symptoms of Parkinson’s. The academic said he also understood Putin’s undisclosed partner Alina was pressuring him to quit - along with his daughters Maria Vorontsova , 35, Katerina Tikhonova, 34. Solovei said: "There is a family, it has a great influence on him. He intends to make public his handover plans in January”. The professor predicted that Putin would soon appoint a new prime minister who would be groomed to become his eventual successor. The president’s staff have repeatedly played down rumours that he is paving the way for a political exit. “But when these things begin to take place, straighten yourselves and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.' (Luke 21:28)