3Tffi / xFFr+ :FI 3[rq?Fil (fmrra slrgal qin anqtfc, gq rdrrrrcrfuor ''ilrFn'F'. affiletyJlouu Faio:- g1l4o1U Tr. srerqs (T6) )oI qT. 5q Jrq+r, cfttrrd' 6,. r A I et. rgqfr6,1 Fflrqfi srgF (dFq firqttrq r e re) qET e.trf,Jrtclftfl

frqq.- " 3ilT* T{6rr'qr qlffifi ci;iftd rqtflTd daaf:- r. ffit 6rdrd-q, gq, T+ffrrrnur ensr siffiil q{ s..r qsf,/h.rBlr€,srrll" trg fuiq. b/t r/?o ?re gT?r+iT ?. 5tr (grqrd IIaIRFD 6rdrilqrfifid qrl iltr.5_r5.. 53il(€r.!r)/? o9o frf,iiF. q/t ?/?otre

sRt+a EqqFq+:rmd gror* t&r+trs uiiFfd ilfirfi_{rea qr. T€qrrfi qrfi *r&eqr srrar+ *a6ta ciiFfd ilfifirft :i@r ffl& 3rsflA dr{ dnrfr *_ia +A, 3trd. .ql-.4-d ar. Frttffi sifr 3{rs frai*. ro/rr/?oru rffi mifua ilfirfi-{r-a-d +66 3ndFa affi drff. r6t ffira gq e-drrrucrft+-"q +,fi gar dfirft (sfr ?otg qrq;reqr) r-+qm ciiffd srsqri qT. sfi asrfi-Erq-d ri@ri* qifi dRrS q+:a *ifi :nt E a EnT: Fi'nrfrfr ei-6er6 Grfi ars*f,:rrare trr* 3nFd dr-..-a gt r6+r*vrRa;i r+elv daT gqn -qit ei*fud dtfd h-rta -firft os-+ driiliktrfi rfcrd ediq' ?c il€rrr ?orre n-$ srd*-a ffi'"tn {Trqr 6-{rqT s 3Trcir sron *&aqr sfufi k{s mifr6 E 31a. €-6 ilfirt qnurFr6 qftRrfi-d fraiq' ao/rr/lortr gff G-rta s{-csTiT, lqe :nn a-rrft eiitrd {rf6-dqrq fur& gc Ffr sr"rn ar& u.iieo uErcErt $n-*,rt on-crfu cH 6{-drd 3r$ Fter qr. ffit qifi ftd 3ilid. Fr{, sd-Tiifud qifi ErAcTq u}{d d=d"qr qrdfdfd 3nrar src.{Rfi *tifud_ilfirt dcrqd Fc.t ilfirt afi-d-ffiI Tr.rcqrir, wr ilfirfi s*unfrftr Ffq ffi qred ffiI lrs nsars aniflitiT 3r$Errt ffi 6nq aqr s.s_d:iatrq rfi crddd. *.r& 3rdteet **.e irmn r*ri cid ,f.ifud or+narT TrRqiTrSf aprffi T{dr +d-ar :rsara. :rri 3'dfr eiih-d t-i-d drdrd, s*dft-fi rH6 aB,r"rs;q.q, gsiiE-a-d 3ne{Rrn T{ cqn 3r$ Ffud A-qrr* 6r6q:rr*+*. rnfi. dt, *{d qrtrfi-fr #ar F6.ilfirfr Tidfud €rdr.fs qifi ffitro aql gw F-*rfr fiareqrd ?r Fr.ftrdirr 3rd-*rd E-di6 ?o/?r/?o?re qfi qr *.rdrtrq*g a gs-dr crir{rar B ieifr flT.9.+-ard €-,-i-,, (srfrf, rrd +wlfr (qrfirE nersa) (0ls"l rnlrrrrqrftar fuc - 3nr+ sron *€asfra a-*n F-E;rfr 6r"+',ird *r-,-*;*\tJ)#-r*, srdc-qrd-cTE-d 3tFsirur 3r€-iqrg 4. 3rgq qrft6"r"-, Jda, E da-gra Rlrrar, q). *..qezqgts*b f*an fr nria ae5p1' g*r*r l'un*a Fdt{r4, xt F'. qz?rorrEoqq sinar dq* sFru}dri-d Errar {qro-q*. g.F. Token No. ;TKI sr{{ xmril tfd 3nff alFrtlil trsq inF'r{ rafrfr COMPI.AINT fiTlqrs Department Name Faitr STATUS dlfrc 1 Dept/GADO/ 1, December s.h.shirbhate 7506064773 Sar, This is Grievanc€ re8arding Shopping [email protected] lDear Mr /Muttiptextheater Days Pending E e€€qlqd frl3]r4 2076/839 2076 land 8ig-Shopping Mall. In and Chinchwad, there is many matl CentralMallin Chinchwad, phonix pune, lline Ma in vimannagir l2s4 llnorbit Mall in viman nasar, Pune. rhis ma charse fupees 30 or 50 lfor two wheeler a.d ropees 50 to 1OO for four wheeterfor parkinS in Fheir premises. Also mall authority not Siving any bil or tax invoice !ame. Dailv 2OOO lrorrhe of rwo wheeters and 200 four park,n one I lmall, whKh colled darly 2,00,000 ro 3,OO,OOO rupees whrch nor hrve derail. Thrscan be a brack money lanvtax and use maI authorilv. some mallauthoritv show rhisamounr as devetopmenr ch..te. M.ny people, visit mall with their v€hicle and maltauthority charge such type of hith charSe for parkiq rhei. vehi€tes to ma premises_ There should be government rule on mallauthorityto cottect parking fee. As a customer, why we pay parking cha.ge to ma . parkingshoutd be treeto allcustomers sincewe don't have orherptaceto park our vehicler. Secause of this charSes, peopte encourage to pa rk rheir vehicleout ot the mallon road which ci use traffic probtem, difti.utty to walk on road andjam and accidents_ To avoid payment for parkjn& people encourage parktheirtwo wheeier and four wheeler on footpath, service road, inJrontofother peopte properry, road, tovernment property, stf€€t, mandir, foot way which is rea y not acceptable an.l cause accident, trafficjam and damage to v€hicte and brake of traffic rule. Government shoutd have rute on it to not to char8e parkinS charge from customer and providefree parkingto customer in malland cinematheateror aoy commerciat buitdin8s. Thas is request togovernment to please took on rhishsueandtake necessary action againstthh ma authorty. Thankssaurabh shirbhate

Dept/URDM/ 2a, Aptil2077 rameshkhamk 9822969610 EI'srTrd rdql s a 14 f,rS zrsrTe rameshkhamkarT@g 50t Wf +6 gd 30 144 Days Pending FI4r4

3 Dept/URDM/ 2A, April2077 rameshkhamk Fr3ngfi-fr gut FiqI qot q zFrq$ qt6 9822969610 rameshkhamkarT@g A t4 Frfi gul 30 144 Days Corporatlons in State- ttfrd-crtnft riid Rrrwdrrrsrsr Afuq mrail 2017 /2544 af7 mail.com Tdrfr ?iurff M 98229GsG10 Dearcirizen, rour Grievance Ioken o. Z4l9 is closed by pMC. s'il;;rttS th" -tI"" behalf ol mY hous€-help 134 Days Pending .m.babita@gmai Thevwere resid€nts of singh.m.babita Aarne w/o Aarne shantilalSaadhu Dept/SJSA/2 12, May 2O!7 gov€rnment had Slum, Pune. DurinS road widening the theirland in 2OO5 (please check noticeenclosed) Governmenthad given them a flatfor in Koregaon parkn€a. Madarwastiand a compensation toth€m is notvet a meagre amolnt ofRt t736 The flatalloted their nam€.Theflat is on 5 thfloor, where thev dont ".f".;dr. climb6 watersupplY lmagine the plight ofa person whohtsto top of that' there ;to bring water for alloftheir dailY needs On do not let lot of criminals residinS an the nearvicinitv, $/ho peace l have faith in BIP residents ofthis Sovernment shelter live in har a eovernm€nt ofMaharashrra and PM modithatthev willprovide that th's under some YOJANA. Pleate tak€ into consideration scheme familv is almost devastated and if anv8overnemnt on to Punetheyshould b€8iven a house for rehabilitarion Saraswati basis. Iam attachingallthe retevent document! iuro gnzsszzre4zr) gssso17005 8087478011 9503a€4845

of b th" path"t"",')d negligent workinS 133 Days Pending "sa;tt There is whistleblowerTS6@g in the Pune Municipal Corporation oepartment Dept/GAOO/ May 2017 them' mail.com and no fear about anv action beingtaken against PMC that the stenos to the Such pathetic is the €ondition i6 the to the Municipal Muniipal cornmassioner tak€ decisions on letters lvlr. (unalKumar, who seems to benow helpless' educated bein8 are5 desiSnated laborers, who are v€rY hithlY RahulJagtap' head of red as com-pr.rter operators bYa arrogant had ordered to lI section. Though the Municipal Commissioner operatoG Rahul papersto him for their promotions as computer promotron or PMcofficiah sav iscreating obstacl€s in the Adron sholild be taken 5 r.lented and sklled educated taborers whose rise to to cutdownthe comlaints against R'hullagap' Additional lance was due to his beingthe brother of a former look into Rll Onlinefor . Orticiak do notanend to andsame ofthe Fnst Appeak. The Municlpal commrssroner no role of a APIO wellsend them fortrainin8 in Yashada There is GADGRsonRTland ,are ontyto Ue postea in Sub DivisionalLevel and stern adion Sarkar arejut agnored. Request that strong RTI betaken a8ainst thosewhoviolate and showcontemptto - F. Token No. srfl it m{r{-d tfr iriFRlil Fsq fisfi4 F.{im citn-d COMPTAINT Department Name dr{lq STATUS Dept/URDM/ 20, May 2077 mukesh 9767632092 nyaydarshan.pune@g -r{{ rvvr-a-n |r Ef T€r €114-fifr8-Fffi-- lsd j!1I 128 Days Pending 2OL713792 SUresn cnavan mail.com T6rd 3rqi ar{r.d a"R rts El-trq ffi- lryrr{ ryl!.*a 'qiaT l l]-s enrrl 6rfifr4 ArIlfr"aq.* sftFrg qraE €@q lE;lEF ?3/oeltorb i-fi a ?o/oel?ofb iffi aR-dR rqqrart lqt -^fiR 65-f,/ {rlfd iilfi-fr F6{ dsft-n F-qRsr a 6{orrqr l1r*{t^1i.r.l ,irtr{ F5q-4 ;mR Fdtcq sd i{{ rvr/l urrfi &ha f+a arfa ii+art |*o_nl_a l1T :. 'qa -"S l€A _rfar cl!fr {Rllir{ T6rd:r{a errn-a'rm ts at-tra lfiffifq trFd Jrffi Jrlq sqg ciar frar6 rql.,rlr.ft {Efl E ?o/otrlt6rb ftft EiaR $FUnTS eqt a.;n a*r srJF idrd Ffi a-fidfn F-cRsr a A;ern'tlsq{rd F4 l tfdtql!fi TRrqT ErFd ${ad {} e arrn-+iqr gnt qrs I Fn-d-6r46 3nt Rr5* {4{ XIJrrJ-E:hfr E Crsrn yFFr ?rad I 3rE. qr qiaT Fa ffi dllfrs Fdfud ft-drff 3rfd adfd I anat drulr-s-{f, A gtg nwqnn-a orttfi sqrii qrrar I 6-fim arfi fE TI{ rirtr{ R5qrfr 3I{i arrft-*iqr gnfr{nt I saurrqr 3rffi iq {qq qiff i?tr-d ql-orfr e.e zrrs I fr sffi Ituh Fffi E Fdi{ d-fiIt-n FaREr F.fr" dt"qrq I Frai JIt I

Dept/HOUS/ 27, May 2077 Janardhan Rao 423188424s janardhanraos@gmail E rrqrna cand srde Dy5tum dwelers, 20171283s Lo.ation - Magarpatta 122 Days Pending 3llcliF"IIoT rearside road, tand.djoininS Mutha canat and construdions slums / Hadapsartndustriat Estate. pleaseseerheatrached maD.simitar complaintwith Token No: Oin/MNpN/2017/3279 was rarred on 20 April2017, butnoaction w.s taken taltdatq in th€ heantim€ stum dw€ll€rs have encloached more than S0Ometers of stretch

8 Dept/HOUS/ 5, June 2017 abhiieetllcoe 99229207ffi abhijeetllcoep@gma Subjectr Construction Adjoining wattof Batcony ofVy rt"t- 116 2077 Pune) Days Pending /2467 p il.com lDhankawadi, Helo str /Ma'am, I'm resident of pune. I have l3,rffrfi'qur constructions/st!ms property (a Ftat)at Ftat No 4, E buitdin& S. No.34119/1, Vtdyadhan society, Opp Rajarsheeshahu pune4trO43. Schoot, Dhankawadi, I wanted to inform and comptain that M/s Kate promotor and Buitders hasstrrted construction in nearbyempty ptot on East side otE buildingand theyhave encroached my batcony and adjoining wa[. Duetorhh twilltos€ a theprivacy, Securtry etc due ro such ctose constructio,n moreover there wont be enough light or arrwhich is harmfulto healrh. We altknowwhat Ohantawadias trmous for so kindlyrevlewthepermissionforsuchconstr!ctjon_seeattached photo. {My balconyison right side in white cotor)

9 Dept/URDM/ 9, lune 2017 nathc54321 8308012134 [email protected] rarn warenree roads & footpath 112 Days Pending 2OL713294 om C@ :tF-{jdr, wr-fu- TAn-d .TtMPI AINT Department Name d-5drn gsq dFR ;mf STATUS s.F. Token No. srfl ffin ffi 6{uqt{ F.qi-' E.@r SrfF{rdI, qef ftnHFT on utri LUtUvrcn( 104 DaYs P""dittg aillc Others Notta*en any ac(ron 8308012134 [email protected] 10 Dept/URDD/ 20, June 2017 nathc54321 om Pending xr€qrqaT FI3{r4 207712459 ql5.i{ t.r$urr' Yrqrn? :'- 3-: 103 D"yt yogeshwagh05@gmai l-dD siar Fi!a'I{ctt-d-5l' Yogesh Wagh 9405568292 in Stat€_ r]rlQ|Erd xrard r. a{t!frr I 11 Dept/URDM/ 21, June 2017 Corporations aclqr l.com iils,vr E*- trfrf, TaMl a'nar 3IdE{ fs 2ir't /33s6 #ft-r"tr" 4d. t-* rrg€ qrqrsqa r

3{I€IFI-AT frE{FT iven afterthe RTI beinS in torce srnce I4 vearsLne I 94 Days go 4 (1)(b)and 17 Raza 94220128371 ifr i'-uo*"'z @r :orporation has not uploaded Provisions of Section 4, tlly 2OL7 ihahid l ff [':]:'-'"'- 74 )ept/GADO/ The RTlsection 4 (1)(b)should havebeen nail.com limotementatton bi;ts or Govt GAD GRt force on 12 odober z0r7lrl9r rploaded 120 daYs afterthe lau coming into 'urneY requeststothe PMC GAD 1005.Inspite of several verbal and written the law har Deen rnd HOD lTDept,this has not been doneand Thisis serious contempt /iolated asalso Govi GAD GRs onth€ issue be taken against those f the law and Govt orders and stern action RTI Act Section a dtrohaa Ueen neetieentin uPloadingthe {1}{b}for theirwebsite Request oast 14years and not uploadinS GAo GRs on law and Govt GAD GRs action for the violation and contempt ofthe and not posting them on offi€ialwebste

F---=------#1'-r-r' lrlFafet qi s-[tGi{ 94 Days Pending 3rrfrdr'rTqr RlqrJlb.rl -rqr\ '|ttte qI e8814e62211 -udhiralhatrges@em {a-s 6]ffi{rd gI)'Fi qrizll E{ a cY €t4ill 4, July 2017 sudhiralhatl96 I corporations in state_ I5 Dept/URDM/ il'l},iJ.r= *-g" i6rc-

1 Dept/WRE D/ 26, July 2Ol7 shalabh.puran 9860879495 shalabh.purandare@g lam le.vanS in PorwatRoad pune-47 tohegaon, area srnce tast4+ 77 qrutTtr{-{dl yea.s- Days Pending frlrn4 2077 /748s oare mail.com There is no watersuppty in ourarea even thouSh we are payinS propeny tar as wett as separate water supply charSes. we h:ve separate receiptagainst water payment, Butweare not 8etting sintle panchayat litter of water from c.am tohegaon_ Now rnls area merSe an Pune M uniclpal corporation. Daitywater need we arefutfl by purchasint the wate. tanter. We woutd like to r€qu€sr you ptease arrange water suppty tor us

Dept/PWOD/ 30, July 2017 Amol - 9923489770 [email protected] Location Mohan Na8ar, Baner, cune city.-roUlei - xo Road e(isr to 73 Days Pending }[@ 3rtS-{rdr, q?r 2077 lsOLL Deshpande approach Regency clas!ic society which fa s under pune municiDal Bsffi corporation limit. Eristing road is kaccha road under pathetic condition. Earlier also Sraeva nce {Dist/MN pN/2OUl342G} was raised forsame issue howev€r *as ctosed by pune municiDar corDoratron without providing any sotutiontoto probtem.

19 Dept/URDM/ 7, August 2017 sunitachavanl 982239a745 sunitachavanl9T0@g rqdr.r< cl, rr

20 Dept/REVD/2 7, August 2017 sunitachavanl 9822398745 sunitachavanl9T0@g Others : qd+qsr trrllr4ldrd, q?r;q drFt, ll.a.?l qtfra llrlfr+ia] 68 Days Pending rra-6-{s E5'|drffi o17 /s049 970 mail.com aRr,sid. a ctfiri sroi-i sl{rFr 4 steiuT sidxri aB-q r i!}s natrsfl+d dqffir ETs-q-if,r crrFfrq ficun TS Jntfrc E!-{6 q grafi-ftEqt Jrdfl-drqr r lsR Fllld dtwqrq ?Ercrqa -rqq RsS {d rsrST drard {IraB F}dl.€f, 1116r, Fda-qqTirq-Fier crw 3rsnal aqitqr rrsarqr gfufrqi r."i F{-{fr lrxrd ffit-aqD} q"v[d' 3rsfar qfis{td, riT a,}ar@ dfii4 gf{Fd irfRr sl{d Er[ifi s*-d 6-rd, JFn fufi fft T qrJn A-#fi dS {Ir drrqr Auqr€ Jrs|r6 fuDrq dld 3nm cftRffi Pending [email protected] +rEIq{ grcsr kdg{ r-{€r Dept/URDM/ , August 2017 ; ""q*':ltq*zt s 6F qdd_q {,.ns-5a 4q Frfd$rF6 q?trfit m NaEarparishad- x€arir-TrErll sffirdr:||IdqIF{an (ttq 2017 /3s69 rrtro +fi,.. rclt -stg|nrE {rffi6 3rffig *# ."., trfrff . I)FFrrtE arrrt {-cr d&ut* F-qs rqrrq lrwr*rq rf,* t*ars cfrdq 3lftfr{f, r*" Ff6q oi qrftlfra mrsra ama srfu rqi"'f frne "a.""a uit,-6r" qrq|ar -dil.^/T1t"ott r *nr :rsar, drift-a rd xt{i dtr+rx sJF tra jffiiar c-FrE eri Efalqr Eqrq|q zr[{{ E $"{sR yt t-a vtfa, a*" dl 3rlFd-d t gtd q'et* a qa a€-diat a$-E Erffi 3lft{iar t ait 3nrEr aid F-d-rd -Fdrir Adrd fufr Enr4rf,r 3r{6 ar {r.dqc vlFrd qiffq 6rffi "o e .l.ir.ro d* tdar E"F {fi i-Afi 3r6{a n-d 3fli dfq f.3{lq{d E rr*" i.i- *+ a-6 rirfu +rrrccr znw ai+ff d? 3fl|. anr€r{ Jffic a|rddd rsFlr{ Tfrf,rdl r :rqdqrBirz a.diT< srdda-6 3rffiq lQftqs Jr6n FMr zfdl d{fir ctfr}.i-€q gEl F6larr{ r*s aitrfiq dFr 6rqffi G.rt/.b/r"lb li*qr q-rrn q.t8-{ai+r 3ff4t6-{ iti 3nrdr {!zr ,ol.alr.r" qtr. ortrta rgffi rc alfi-'ial Ftd F t + argt qra sr*tt srF€ n-d artl ar{* ddtua x"erei d"+ slir+r

t ;rrFqILFFI n!21 $drq?d .rs q Jq"Yz\ 38 Days Pending 3tF-m'8ur September milind8g 9673804309 [email protected] r anesrfu+ qi* zrri :rrt arar evci *es Effi 24 Dept/L&lD/2 17, qr 6Yrd qr{ n.q-d € iddl 3G, 6rf{F 20L7 csr aiB Te o7711846 atfl E crfrt-qr Fard-*ffqrdft sqrqri {rd 3fie a rt-a +rq arr+i 6iEI ttd rqr Fri ctfrir* hi-ar { ffi:Trrd JG

Jl lclghfl v I miiithe rahte tYa chalitmara barucna loKannr { rdl 38 Days Pending 88r'.7767s73 [email protected] ithe drainage block houn sasli ahan var 2s Dept/wssD/ 18, September mau2288 ie itlegal ahet tyamule amcha kshetriY I sathun rahte vva prakarnacha arjsuddha amhikatraj l2OL711624 2077 geli nahie' tri karvalavmd he kela ahe parantu aiun kahich ka ruai keli lavkarat lavkr voSYa to karvai karavi hi vinanti

Pending a deqra trrrm cthers uear5rr, asa pal(ur EDE v 7 Days ffi trshaileshdandane@g planning depanments to adopt 26 )ept/URDM/ 19, September *r*ttttl compukory to all local bodv and town plans run in speclfi€ nail.com the method ofcomPuterised scrutiny of to be torT 15194 2017 if there are software adopted bv conce.n bodv, sir the difficultY in th's planning authoritl 30 munlcipal corporation in Maharashtra,2 special (i levelTown and the reSional planing SoverninB bodv e Dlstrict need to planning) .nd 50 no ol municipal council as an ar'hilPct we wills'riis to the buy 30+2+1+50= 83 numbers of software which and pimpri concern authoritv, and in pune municipal corporation .hin€hwad municipal corporation the software development to make a common companY (SOFTTECH)is same. SirWe requ€stvou bY Architects software for allover Maharashtra which can be used authorities can l{|.€.PRE-DCR) andthe auto fun eoftware ol ditferent cost of buYinS the s( lbe seDarate {i e. AUIO_DCR), th'9 willreduce the ana indirectlv it willcome to the actual EA5E lmany nos. orsomare IoF DoING BUSINESs, itr F. Token No. {16{ ;nir aTrrrd rfd JrfS iriFflri RTq

27 Dept/GADS/ 20, September aslamjamadar aslamjamadarl995@g Near Ramtekadi - Hada psar indusriat lsir, area, Garbase ifitt;;d- 36 Days Pending dr{€qrqur 2077 planned . Hadap\dr atways consrdpred lutrm-+tr E€{ran /2453 2077 1995 mail.com lP.oject 'r d, a,tep son of so evry developnenr p.oject lpa.ent nev.hrppened here. rhough l lMayor selected from rhisarea in tasr 5 vears bur situ ron,s never chanSed a. phursunSi near garbate assue is stifi on hot even there a.e 3-48arbage akeady in this area.potitians are notstrongwe atl citizens fac€d a lot ofthis iisues ifu start to runthis proj€cr weall citirens of Badapsar requesteadto move rhis project and give enviornmenr-polution fiee to us.weareal are opposeto stanthis .'plhelp project us and take s€riousaction ptan for such a p.oject to serect locationwhich will us€rfreindty to a but due to potiticsatwavs hadapsari5 domination8 by potitian Upp€r and covt bodies....astam ] lamadarPresid€nt .fl o5han Wetfare Foundation.NGO WORKNG O l ENVIORNMENTAL AND TRG -M'o.9225556766 |

28 Dept/MIDD/ 23, September poonaparseep 94228L6759 poonaparseepanchay xespe.ted 5r, Anached pteas€ , herewith 33 Days Pending aTFFtiIT E e{4FIIqa 2077 /368 20t7 anchayat [email protected] find an Appeal Petition bythe poona pa.see panchayar represenlng ffi{|rr the large Parse€ Zoroastrian Communityof pune Dirtract, for urSent att€ntion and your intervention in preventing the pMC from rhe proposed acquisiron of a la.ge pon'on of our sacred tand which is pa6e€ historically used by the Community for fun€rary nre, ano known as the Pa6e€ Shamrhan Bhumi or partee Tower ofSitence land at Munjert, Lultan.ger, pune411o4O. Name gsq it',F'r{ ciiR-d COMPLAINT Department Token No. gni{ rTtif ntdrffr F 3rrtjl dF,rF 3f. 5. STATUS iF-{uqr* 5,J{i6 drtq iF,rcquestror marinc Naturat water flow waY and road 33 Days Pending ar6{ $fiD-{rdl ta9{rJr 94050218s3 [email protected] Dept/SJsA/2 25, September sant 65 constructions. we undermentioned personnelliving at Survev No 0r7 /3ot3 2017 291/1, OY PatilColleg€ Road, NearSaiPark, LoheSaon, Pin 411047 We a.e ltving th's Places|nce20veaB and above Bv vrrtue Natural wateraround of th€ area comes and 8o its wav ofPath. Now two Builder M/sshubham Relator and M/s ParkVishta Purchasedthat oarticular NaturalWaterflow Path land now ttarted construction of nultistory buildint. Both builder blocked naturalw6terflow path with bi8 block ofCemented Wall Now Naturalflow Water in raining season completelv stu€kand makesas pound. Our housesare completely comes underpounds We makes internalroad it also collapsed by usingtheir heavyvehicle usingfor building consirudion Reouest dire.t to both builderto make path for naturalraining wat€r and make our internalroad which collapsed bv usinS then vehicle- Ourchildren are aho notgoing schooldue poundedwatd and not eistint road. Due to blocking ofwater we are ako facing Malaria and Dengue Diseas€. W€ requesttoboth Suilderbuth€ is not intended to doso.Thats bYwe are requestingyour kind honourtokindlv resolve ourthisfired Droblem, sothat wecan livewith pride asgood c'tizen (ailash Requ6ting peEonal. 1. Santosh More 2. SudhajiXha'dve 3 Khandve,4. Rambhau Moue 5.Ajit Punekar6. KishorAhiwaleT Ajit Shedee8. KishoreAhiwale g Colon€l Bakshi 10. Umesh Khandve 11 lPrakash Khandve 12. Mavur Mote 13 sr Singh 14 Kanchan Ghosh 15 lenand Kumar 16. Sananta Kumar lT Pardeep kumarSan8h


I s.F. Token No. qr{{ ars xlfrlf, d'fr JrFfi ir.5RFt Rrsq TfiT{ cdfrfr lF{uqrfr rr4i6 COMPTAINT Department Name drts STATUS 9405021853 sant_65@yahoo.€o.in u,,uErrrcnuoneq personnerlvrng atsud€y pitit lDept/sJsA/2 lwc No 29111, Oy 33 Days o77 Road, NearSaipark, pin Pending /3Or5 2077 lColle8e Lohe&on, 411047. We are tivinSthis years lprace since 20 and above. Sy Virtue Naturatwater around of rhe path. la.ea comes and to its way of Now two Buitder M/sshubham purchased lRelato.and M/s Park vishta that particutar Natu.alWater Path lrnd 1"""' lfiow nowstarted constructaon of muttistory buitding. Both lbuildef blocked naturalwatefiow path with bis btockofcem€nted Now Narural Ftow l"- lWall. Ware. in raining se.son completety stuck and pound. our houses lmakesas are compterety come, under pounds. males Internal.o.d lwe atro co apsed by usrnt rher heavyvehicte for luring buildrnS constfuction. Requestdirecr roboth burtder ro makepath for naturalraintng water and make ourtnre.nal road whichcollapsed by using rheir vehicle. Our chitdren are arso not Sorn8 schooldue pouhdedwaterand road. Du€ to btockinS ofwate.weare also facinS Malaria and Den8ue Disease. We request to both Buitder but They are not intended to do so. Thats by we are requesringyour lind honour to kindty resotve our this fired probtem, so thar we can livewith a Soodcitizen. Requesring personal.1. Santosh More 2. Sudhaji l(handve 3. (aitash Xhandve,4. Rambhau Mozes. Aiit Punelar6. r(ishorAhiwate 7.Ajit Shedge 8. Kishore Ahiwateg. Cotonel aakhi 10- prakash Umesh Khandve 11. (handve 1.2. Mavur Mo.e 13. SX Singh 14. xanchan Ghosh 15 Anand Xumar (,rmar lE. Sananra 17. I

Pardeep lumar sinsh I Department Name -rt nffi a-fiTfr| Fsc niR-d r.F, Token No. {nR ffid STATUS aru.qrfi rqio,

drts Municipal 28 Days Pending Gen SCN [email protected] is 2 31 DEPt/URDM/ 1, october Maj corporations in State_ Apartments,1426 Sadashiv Peth, Pune 30 astollows Pune I Corporation (PMC)has allowed occu pation without Oc and 2OL7 /5864 2017 Jatar Municipal I Inspector Gen€.al ot ReBrration llGRlhave consetred PMC and the I to erecute ille8al Leave & Licence{L&L) wrrh Mehra Raiesh | daled 23106/2017 He^ce,5lamp Dutt and Registration A8.eemenr I Aareement rs an rlletalSarn to Governmenr Fee ol Rs 15OO on the I premises reoted out a'e leCal There is no syttem to check if the beinS I plan or illegal.3. rhere is nomention ofthisflat in the approved as per BC Department, DC Offlce 3, PMC letter Dq3l3394 dated 02.m.20o9. Th is vaolates MMc Act Section 263 and MRTPAct section 52. The PMc letter is at Annexure 1- 4 Mehta Rajesh has made a false statement in the t&L Agreement that he, the "ucensor isotherwis€ wellandsufficientlventitledtoallthecon5trocted portiondescribed in S.hedul€ 1-..- because he does not possess Oc for the flat and the flat does not€xGt inthe sanctioned plan. Copv of Leav€ & Licence Agreement is atAnnexure 2.5. The survev number '1426' of th€ buildin8 and nomenclature oI flat as'8'303' is not recorded in Index 2 and Schedule 1 to deliberatelY show that the flat islegal There is no lorovision in the Rent ControlAct to rent out ill€8al strudures Hence, 6. The PMC closed the Ithe L&L Agreement becomes null & vord [omolaint wirhout resolvinB grieva nce E mall to chlef sec'etary, 3 ls€cretary uD and commissaoner PMc of 24 08.2017 is al Anfl€xure f7. the t&L lsreernent dated 23 06 2017 (Doc No HvLr6ltogtl20lTl 8-303 lloint SR HavelilS shouldbe revoked, occupation offlat lvacated and suitable aciion anitiated against the staff concernecl ot lPMcfor allowing unalthorised occupataon and aSainnth€ staff lcon(erned ofIGR tof conrpir'ngwith the PMCand Mr' Mehta iajesh in exe.urlng a parcnily l&tagreemenl and crcditing Itvr.d 'llcgal lillegal money in treasury'

I g16r :tr.iF. Token No. AFT rni.{rtfr trr 3rrf* irfitFl FrSq d-r{ cdfua COMPIAINT Department Name fiufiff F"'IFfi' dlfig STATUS

32 Dept/URDM/ 1, October Maj Gen SCN 9970093533 [email protected] eSarornt rlar lM|jnicipal b-JUJ, Neetsadan Pending in state 1426 Sadashrv perh. pune pune 2077 /586s 2017 Jatar lcorporations lAparrments. 30 is as Io ows. 2. lMun'('palCorporat'o. tPMCI has .flowed occuparion wirhout OC anr, PMCand the Inspector Generatof Registration (rGR)have conspired with Mehta Rajeshto execute ittegalLeave & Licence(L&U ASreement dated 23l06/20u. Hence, stamp Duty and flegistration l**" Feeof Rs 1500 on rhe Agreement is an iltegatgainto Government_ Ihere is no system to check ifthe premises being rented out are tegal or illegal- 3.There is nomention ofthisflar in the app.ov€d ptan as gC per Oepanmenr, DC Office 3, pMCtetter OCl3/3394 dated 02.09.2009. Th is violates MMC Act Section 2G3 and MRrp Act Section 52.Ihe PMC lerteris at Annerrure t.4. Mehta Rajesh has madea fatse ltatem€nt inthe L&LAgreement that he, the,,Licensoris otherwise welland s!fficiently entitted ro altthe constructed portion described in S.hedule 1..." because he does not possess OC for the flat and rh€ flat does not exlst in thesanctioneat plan. Copyofteave& Licence Agreement is at Annexure 2.5. The suruey number,142G, of the ,B buildint and nomenclature offlat as 303, is not recorded in tndex 2 and Schedule 1to deliberatety show rhat rhe ftar is tegat.There i, no provlsion in the R€nt ControtAct to rent out ilegat structures. Hence. cdfra COMPLAINT Department Name 3t F. Token No. {riiT aT.r m.rffl tu fffn rfiroif Fsq T'FT( fi.{!.qrs r{itr STATUS drtc cthers 1. Grievance/complaint is resarding Flat 8'303, Neelsadan 28 Days Pending 3ITiGF"'TgI 1, Maj Gen SCN 9970093533 [email protected] 33 Dept/FIND/2 October Apartments,1425 Sadashiv Peth. Pune 30 isasfollows.2. Pune or7 /L957 20L7 ,atar Retd M unicipal Corporation (PMc)has allowed occupation withoutoc hspector General of Re8istration (lGR)has conspired with PMC and Mehta Raiesh to execute illegalteave & Licence (l&L) Agreement dated 23106/2017. Hencq Stamp outv and Registration Fee of Rs 1500 on th€ ASreemenl is.n illegalSain to Government. There is no system to check afthepremises being rented outare legalorillegal 3 Ihere is no mention otthis flat intheapproved plan as per Bc Department, Dc offic€ 3, PMcletter Dcl3/3394 dated 02-09.2009. Thisviolates MMc act section 263and MRTP Act s€ction 52- The PMc letter is at annexur€ 1.4. Meht. Rajesh has made a falsestatement in rhe L&LASreement that he, the "Licensor is otherwise well and rufficiently entitled to all the constructed Po.tion d€scribed in schedule l..." because hedoesnot possess OCfortheflat and theflat does not exist anthesanctioned plan. Copv of Leave & Licence Agreement is atAnneture 2.5. The s!rvey number'1425'of the buildinSand nomenclature offlat as'8-303'is not re.orded in Index 2 and Schedule l to delibefately show that th€ flat i5 leg.l. Ther€ ,s no provision in the Rent Control Act to rent out illegal strudure. Hence' the L&tAgreement is null& void.6. Th€ PMC closed the complalnt without resolvinS griev.nce. E-mail to Chief secr€tary Secretary uD and commissioner PMc of 24.08.2017 is at Annexure 3. 7. The l&t Agreement dat€d 23.06.2017 {Doc No. HVl15/7091/2017} loint SB Haveli 16 should be revoted, occupation of flar 8-303 vacated .nd suitableaction initiated againstthe staflconcern€d of lGRfor conspirinSwith the PMCand Mr- Mehta Rajesh awind inexecutinSa patently illeSal L&L ASreement and crediting ill€talmonev in treatury and against PMcfor allowing unauthorked occupataon and against the staff concerned of PMc. Maj 6en ScN Jatar R€td 1 Oct 17

others PMPoPG/D/20120390053 - from PMO offi ce. applYins for 26 Days Pending ard{ 3{R-{dr ftle{|Jr 5, October Sunil 9820287879 [email protected] 34 Dept/URDM/ ComDletion Certificate for our house tince Jan 2017. Mr Ghag from 2Ot7 J6\08 2017 Narsinghani PMc has been sitting idle on the same. lfhe builder has not paid road development chargesto PMc howdid it allowed it Savethem commencement certiflcate for other proiects PMCstatlng lhave cov€red my terrace as on reason, but I fail to understand what about other in same buildintand throughout ?une. I hav€ a smallkid 2vrs old owingto his safety lhad to cover the terrace. l have the sealof PMCfor the sanction plan and commencement certifi€ate too. Please let me know who in Parliamentcan l.aise this question asper law as theanswerthen has to be certainlySiven and which will call for PMc todemolish allthe terrace covered in Pune .li. Token No. FIIK -IRT e}rrfd trd rrf$ ir-'RF[ erq flu-cra F,|Iifi, ciift-d COMPI.AINT Department Name nrtq STATUS Dept/URDM/ 5, October sharadchandra 8329489521 sharadchandravbodh olease r.m.vp:ll rha campaitn. 25 Days Pending 2O7t /6338 2071 vbodhekar [email protected] rrom road and rrom rootpa,n'^,'ir. ;, ;;;;""$::iill;"n, $f-fi-qur commrssroner pune and pimpri chinchwad. thants you6 sharadchand.a vr5hwanathappa bodhekar. proposed pr€sadent. society fofview beyond and citywarch pune44 .9 4227 0963 6 / 83294 a9 52 | 36 Dept/U RDD/ 6, October royalenterpris 9545318000 royatenterprises8000 # 25 Days Pending 2077/2774 2077 es8000 @gmail.com ar{{ 3rF{rdr Es{r4 Plannins (MflrPL

37 Dept/WRE D/ 7, October royalenterpris 9545318000 royalenterprisesS0OO Othe.s rel qrt?r arerr' ia' 24 Days Pending 2Ot7 /rs76 2077 es8000 @gmail.com rr€,T 3f*qdr Frmr 38 Dept/WSSD/ 7, October royalenterpris 9545318000 royalenterprisesS000 24 Days Pending 2Ot7lt67t 2077 es80@ @gmail.com ere,T 3lFriar ffi Dept/UROD/ 7, October aruh_*urhe 982308s crrurvey, r/ ar """,,c,,r monamadwadi oays 201712776 2017 by the developer .aheja vista Pending [email protected] lPune Blocking theacces! ro ptot owner rurvey f 3716 Comptaint rited l2a lor on 3/8/2015 insprre orthe comptaint then zone officer Ithe of:one l regutarised the encmachmentand the devetope.. Ahendert lfavoured lokhahi c,in arran8ed oy pMc and .ddressed lcommissionef my ,ssue and was pron,sed wi b€ taken care oftheaccess by providint throuSh code of 205 since tan z years there has been no concrete and decision m.kinS action.tt was fakely promisedthere wootd be a hearing with the pMC officiatsand ihe encroacher which was skil fuly avoided by the then zone orficer of:one 1.PMC officials are been ttving fatse prohises and detaying th€ issue which make resutts|na tand owners Settins ihtothe h.nds ot la.d mafia Requesting to please anvestigate ioto rn€ maner gnce pending 3 ye..s R€Aards Arun (urh€ 9a8o85rz7 miFr ciifrd COMPTAINT Department Name gl?K ;flir efrr{fi fd-3IIF a-dir&t Fsc 3T. -. Token No' STATUS 6{u-qtm F'Ti6 afis 24 DaVs Pending EI?TFiRT dftr€llrqsr Erfir4l 992250704L anilchoudhariTSTl@g orqrar sG 40 Dept/URDM/ 7, october anilchoudhariT aorporations in State- Lo"t:* rtr+qiqr tarar #*n ' "w arfi aso etqst* 871 mail.com aiar -o#at3r{it 6r{F s{uqrd #iri 2Ot716344 2077 :''.# eem * 4} +Prar Yri foar -da FoF ffi esqld".* iurR-3rti xsr rRrd rrnqfr+d qrfl- rnsim'l crcffuqd 3ridr tldr .Ffi u"a dfr E l3.oz ?oib rt* eladr ascrfr g€|rd qEra J{ra "ti1pi35ci{ qf{lr-dql 5lq?n& {r ellrFfr a qdr Fm6r qit 6t 3r+Ic qtrd $rdfi a€I ifta 3rQ6rqi6fl wrrcql-fl 3rrd 3|rt ,4slt {rfiqr q qli F{ErRcI# qroRwq-a q frptrg aia gG d 5r$ arn fi fr drfufr rtd6'qiqr qdrqr caaE{ i r+n rra Jft .Fn-q fis{d 6rq furq ffif,r 3rrB Jhcrq F-drdr f6 E?ifr .

qq vmannaBal rEtruEIr:.'s) 20 Days Pending F@ 3{fr{idr, Eerr4 9923339411 narayan.rashmiTT@g was on leaseto PMc owner Dept/PwOD/ 12, Odober rarayan.rashm dug upforBhama waterworks, the land 4l paid mail.com went to court stay order as compensation was not to him 207715544 2017 77 8ot M€t ,MlA, Comissioner, conorators but answer we 8et rs matter is in court,lt's been 2years. You cometo Pune often must nagar' com€ to se€ the condition from Gangapuram chowk to konark vimannaSa. residents are fed up this tvpe of attitude

iii;"agaiEtd""t' *fr"rt"s. rhere was rar road which was 20 Days Pending {@ 3re?idr, cq ftit{rrr 9923339411 narayan.rashmiTT@g "" on leaseto PMcown€r Dept/PWOD/ 12, Odober narayan,rashm rlug upfor Bhamawater works, the land was paid to him' i77 mail.com went to court 8ot stayorderas compensanon was not 2Or715s85 20t7 get is Met Anilshirole,Mta, comissioner, corporatorsbut answerwe matter is in court.lt's been zYears. You cometo Puneoften must nagar' come to see the condition from GanSapuram chowktokonark resadents are fed uP this tYpe ofattitude

(.dl f,thers rrildq. TttrII .rrcr|dn 20 Days Pending 3tR-fqur 8329489s211 sharadchandravbodh '{6KlEralr.lgfrFr{sr 6rdrA qitF{ s qa 431 Dept/URDM/ 12, October sharadchandra bn z-fu fi ffiraffi a Riq{s vbodhekar [email protected] dtdt'lt€-6.f,"r trdrdr {e Ttrar orcrat$ ffi 2Or7l7ll9 2017 ri#rnqrftfa;fa wqi.ari hr arsr.-:irar qr sri qtfr-d 516rA 6r-rur 3flft-r,rdlqr rtn o rdra arw rqrvr, 3rr[+i dr a'ft r#a qrs rarnrq +rr+ gt tar$ Tcggt grcr 6{sqrgr& dlsrR ar€r a arss!.qr{r& ,rrcara "Ii-{rtr qr..rd'd rrr{ari s{ E-aqr dr qitq a }ri?r tII&d & iadfrl (€i{i T{rff Fd 3|fu6 etfc& w& qrro 3{qf,r ?F4ia F qtl6{ gd 9a22709635,8320a89521 3[. F. Token No. B16{ aF $rfrn iFr6rr ffiil ffr irfiIllit cifn-d Name tr(o.cr+ F-qi6- ilrtq :#;r'* lDepartment Dept/URDM/ 21, October ashish.patki 955259783s Officers and 5ir, I am.esident of Knkatv/adi, pune. tam tivjns [email protected] lchief lRespected here sina; 15 Days Pending gR"IdI, qer staff of }IGI E?{zI 2Ot7 /7329 2077 om lother loecember 2015 and sincethem fa€inrsome issues asfottows. 1.No maintained in thetocality. garbige lNaBarparishad- lcleanliness The €oltecled is ldepartmental inquiry ldumped near roadside alonswith a runnet,which is adjacentto lCenrralWater and Power Research c€nter. a5we as there is.ro any lproper arrangement of dupinSSround for Kirkatwadi tthinkthk point should be lGrampanchayat. considered with a highest as rainhas lpriority been akeady nanedand this unhygrenrc sruairon lead to bad heakh poputarion. lwill of larte and wr be conrdered as a lnepforward to S\racha tharar Abhiyan. 2. Road ConnectinS ro our buildinstomain road (Sinhasad road)is not been done comptetety. Its really surprising , where rhe remote ptaces ofmaharashrra has 8od .oads available but here with the lack of interesr or some other issue the road is notconstructed property. This issue ie aheady been gapat hithlightedto Mr.cirish and Mr.Bhimrao Tapkir {MtA -Up) but after a year there is no action tak€n,3.Narrow road with one narrow bridge, no traffic police to handle traffic situation. Road after ttanded 1 city to (hadakwasla dam has on Narow bndge in Nandedgaon.The I road iswidened tillthe Nanded ciry as its wirhin pMC timit but there I after |t beomesn.row. tt go€sthough Nandedgron whrch istairtv I populated asw€llas after th.t titt Xhadtwasta there ishuSe I development of real is estare Soing on.so for the poputation usint the I road its not suffici€.t but i the Nanded g.on tuess grampanchayat I d'dnt realized thisyet. Aho there is no potice (constabte any rrafftc ) | present in the Nanded Gan chowkafrerwhich a narrow b.idgeteads I to the Xhadakwasla darn. I have ratsed thk issue before, it was closed I with noaction saying "Thegrievances is penaininSto Kikatwadi I Gram Pinchyat. Please pursue accordingty.', Requestyouto ptease I prope. take some action on thls. The mention road ts under pWD not I Grampanchayat.Please work tl I

46 Dept/URDM/ 23, October sharadchandra 8329489521 UrbanS.nitation sir,plremov€ allthe mutton chickenfish shopsfrom roadswhich sharadchandravbodh is L4 Days Pending Campaign. public 3lfam-qur 2077 /7430 2017 vbodhekar [email protected] situated on road,road land, footpath and on Nata portion thes€ userrr€ most unclea.i, unhealrhy,and poltutint surroundtng envaronment so plremove it without any notice to keep the pimpri chinchwad and pune Clean --th€se citiesar€ inctuded in the smrrt catlesand underthemission Clean tndia ptgive di.ective to the mpl commissioner to clean these mostunclean spots by removinSatyours sharadchandra bodhekar pune44 mobile 94?2709G36,8329489521 sTrl$ irmftl gw d6R ciifril COMPI.AINT Department Name r.fi. Token No. {r({ ar.f *{rfd *fi 6{rcrs Fffi6, STATUS drtc qd *$-d F)-drflTrr{ cltnq €erd;r 9q F6rdrRqrrfifiI 18 Days Pending 3Tr€ellqdr Ferr4 9887496227 sudhiralhatl969@gm 44 Dept/URDM/ 15, October sudhiralhatl96 cofporations in state- irqa orar.rel'.r,0 rld cr R-ea dFrs verfr E-dr4 qrg 2Ot1/7224 2011 9 atl.com qt;lfr na +rr

48 Dept/PWOD/ 24, October Ravindra D. Others AvoidinSot Rs 2200 cror€ loan with anter€st and provasion 7744977093 [email protected] of 13 Days Pending qrsns{{dr Ee{r?r Residential Water Meter for 2077 /5724 2077 Nabar m Pune Tax Payer. Dear Sir, tt is sincerely requested to kindlygothrouBh the attached document and ptease advise appropriatelyto stop the incorrect actions on both the above ilsoes, to saleSuard interest ofall Pun€ka6 and to ensure betiefofatl

49 0ept/URDM/ 25, October Urban Sanitation Oept/URDMIzol7 17 494 photos attached for subhash.shind 9284358812 subhash.shindeT32l ref€tence. 12 Days Pendlng e]-f,( Campaign. 3rftErar ldelrJi 2077 /758a 2077 e7327 @gmail.com

50 Dept/URDM/ Urban Sanitataon Dept/URDM/2017/7494 phoros 25, October subhash.shind 9284358812 subhash.shindeT32l attached for ref eren(e 12 Days Pending rl-6t Campaign. 3lfe}{dl lasn4 2O7t /7589 20L7 e7321 @gmail.com