European Youth Event: Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we engage with the EYE?

The EYE 2014 is a unique opportunity to engage with thousands of young people and decision-makers on the crucial topic of the future of Europe. It will be a space to showcase the work of youth organisations and to highlight the contribution young people make in Europe. Youth organisations can bring activities, have stands and can participate actively in discussions and debates.

What kinds of activities can we offer?

You can run ANY kind of activity at the EYE 2014 so think creatively! Activities can be inside or outside and can be artistic in scope or facilitate direct political debate. Previous successful YO! Fest activities have included: • A graffiti wall • Music workshops • Quizzes • Huge board games • Interactive theatre performances

The has chosen five key themes for the event but if your activity doesn’t fit within one of these themes don’t worry – you can still submit your idea! • Youth Unemployment. New perspectives for a blocked generation • Digital Revolution. The future of the internet • Future of the . Europe in transition • Sustainability. New European Lifestyle – Sustainable business and living • European Values. Global Player – Fair Player?

What is the European Youth Event (EYE 2014)?

EYE 2014 will bring together 5000 young people from all over Europe to debate and share their perspectives on the future of Europe. The event will be hosted by the European Parliament and will take place in from 9th – 11th May 2014, immediately before the European Elections. The EYE will combine political discourse and educational workshops with music, artistic events and cultural activities, creating the perfect mix for an enjoyable and meaningful experience.

What is the role of the Youth Forum in the EYE?

The Youth Forum is a partner in the EYE 2014 and will contribute by bringing the successful YO!Fest to Strasbourg. Additionally, the Youth Forum has secured spaces for youth organisations and partners to attend the event, bringing groups of participants, running stands and offering activities in the Village. The EYE will also feature the League of Young Voters, supporting young people’s active engagement in the European Elections and European democracy more generally.

What is the YO!Fest?

The YO!Fest is the annual Youth Festival organised by the European Youth Forum with debates, workshops and music. It mobilises youth organisations and other civil society partners, as well as thousands of people for causes concerning young people in Europe. 2014 will see the fifth edition of the YO!Fest and the Youth Forum is excited to bring the event to Strasbourg immediately prior to the European elections.

How is the EYE connected to the League of Young Voters?

The League of Young Voters was launched at the YO!Fest in 2013 and is part of the Youth Forum’s Contribution to the EYE 2014. The League is a politically neutral initiative that aims to amplify young people's concerns and expectations in the run-up to European elections. It's not just an initiative to get young people to vote - it's a movement that brings together all young people who want to choose what decisions Europe and its politicians will make on issues that concern them. The League of Young Voters will provide the interactive online space for young people in the run-up to the EYE and during the event itself. Young people can share their views on key issues affecting Europe and can compare their opinions to those of MEPs from different political parties. In the framework of the League, the Youth Forum will organise a televised Presidential debate between the candidates for President of the European Commission.

How is the EYE connected to the LoveYouthFuture campaign?

The LoveYouthFuture Campaign is the Youth Forum’s campaign for the European Parliament elections. The campaign sets out 11 pledges to support young people in the next mandate. MEP candidates can sign up to the pledges and receive the “My pledge to youth” logo for their campaigns.

For whom should we offer activities?

Activities should be aimed at young people from very diverse backgrounds. You should consider that activities will be directed at the public, rather than an internal audience. Young people attending the event will come either from groups organised by national representations of the European Parliament, the MEP’s constituency or via youth organisations, members or not of the European Youth Forum. Is there any financing available for activities of participating groups?

There is the possibility to cover some reasonable expenses related to the development and carrying out of activities by groups at the event. Resources will be allocated on a case-by-case basis and needs should be indicated in the registration process.

What is the registration process?

The Youth Forum has secured space for 40 groups of between 20 and 40 participants. The groups can be from Youth Forum member organisations or other youth organisations and can either be local/national groups or made up of participants from different countries. 1) The first step is to identify a group leader who will apply to participate and make a proposal for one or more activities they wish to run. Once selected, the group leaders will be supported to develop their activities, will select their participants and will take part in a preparation process with other group leaders. 2) The second stage of the registration process will involve all participants registering to participate directly in a number of specific activities during the event.

Why do we need a group leader? What is the role of the group leader?

The group leader will be responsible for the members of their group. They will take responsibility for the registration process, will select their participants, ensure their registration and will take the lead in preparing the group’s activities (if any) and participants. The group leader will commit to attending a preparation meeting with the other group leaders in Strasbourg in February. The dates for the preparation meeting will either be 17th – 19th February or 20th -22nd February 2014. The group leaders’ preparation meeting in February will be fully funded by the European Youth Forum.

How are groups financed?

Each group will receive financial support from the European Parliament given directly at the event in May in cash or transferred to the group leader’s bank account. The exact amount will depend on the distance participants live from Strasbourg and will be calculated according to the following formula: • 4.5 cents per kilometre • 40 Euros lump sum for food • 60 Euros lump sum for accommodation As an example, this will be a total of approximately 115 Euros for participants from , 200 Euros for participants from Tallin and 160 for those from Dublin. For European based groups (with participants coming from different countries), it will be an average number of kilometres, to be defined.

We are currently looking at potential partnerships and strategies to reduce the costs of travel and accommodation for participating groups. Interested groups will be kept regularly updated on progress. Who can be in our group? Can we include young people from outside the EU?

Groups should be composed of participants between the ages of 16 and 30. Care should be taken by group leaders to ensure gender balance and that a fair and transparent selection process is guaranteed. Groups can be composed either of young people from one country/ region or those from different countries. It is possible to include young people from non-EU countries in your delegation but their number must not exceed 10 percent of your total group.

Where can we stay in Strasbourg?

The Youth Forum will offer to co-ordinate accommodation bookings for groups and will present a number of options. Please note however, each group leader will be entirely responsible for paying for their group’s accommodation on arrival. Options are likely to include:

1) Camp site close to Strasbourg. 2) Youth hostel accommodation in Strasbourg 3) Hotel accommodation in Strasbourg 4) Hotel accommodation outside Strasbourg, with buses arranged on site by the European Parliament (unless you come by bus)