The 1957 Hourglass, the Staff Has Departed from the Usual Format
T~e 1957 HOURGlASS presented by TH£ COlUfnBIH SCHOOl Ro c h ester , ne w Yo r ~ Volume 66 fORfWORO In offering the 1957 Hourglass, the staff has departed from the usual format. We present the book in a style and order depicting our theme, "Growth and Service," two intangibles of the spirit of Columbia. Our pages open with the tiny twigs, our Nursery Schoolers, and follow through years of growth and increasing service. They close with the class which, full grown in the Columbia spirit, will go forth to new worlds to the traditional strains of "Lead on, 0 King Eternal, the day of march has come." 2 OfOICATIOn It was before Pearl Harbor, but Hitler's armies were already on the march. Franklin Roosevelt was elected the first third-term President of the United States. Cincinnati beat Detroit in the World Series, and Joe Louis was World Heavyweight Champion. Our parents were seventeen years younger, trim of figure, ebullient in spirit. In that year, or close to it, to each of them was born a baby daughter. There follows a seventeen-year story of parents' sacrificing their own in terests for their daughters', and giving them the benefits of a Columbia School education. With the exception of the date and the events, the story is the same for parents of the entire school, Nursery through the Senior class. To all Parents of Columbia Girls, to express our heartfelt thank you for your continued love, guidance, and understanding, this 1957 Hourglass is affectionate! y dedicated. 3 AOrTIIniSTRATIOn MRS. SIMPSON MISS SKILLIN As we at Columbia sing the words of our Take one bit of protoplasm complete with Alma Mater, "Spirit of Columbia," there all the elements of carelessness, thoughtless flashes through our minds a thought insep ness, and the undirected energy of youth.
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