The SAGE Handbook of Multilevel Modeling

Edited by Marc A. Scott, Jeffrey S. Simonoff and Brian D. Marx

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The Multilevel Model Framework

J e f f G i l l Washington University, USA A n d r e w J. W o m a c k University of Florida, USA

1.1 OVERVIEW then nested in clinics or hospitals, which are then nested in healthcare management sys- Multilevel models account for different lev- tems, which are nested in states, and so on. els of aggregation that may be present in In the classic example, students are nested data. Sometimes researchers are confronted in classrooms, which are nested in schools, with data that are collected at different lev- which are nested in districts, which are then els such that attributes about individual cases nested in states, which again are nested in the are provided as well as the attributes of nation. In another familiar context, it is often groupings of these individual cases. In addi- the case that survey respondents are nested in tion, these groupings can also have higher areas such as rural versus urban, then these groupings with associated data characteris- areas are nested by nation, and the nations in tics. This hierarchical structure is common regions. Famous studies such as the American in data across the sciences, ranging from National Election Studies, Latinobarometer, the social, behavioral, health, and economic Eurobarameter, and Afrobarometer are obvi- sciences to the biological, engineering, and ous cases. Often in population biology a physical sciences, yet is commonly ignored hierarchy is built using ancestral informa- by researchers performing statistical analyses. tion, and phenotypic variation is used to Unfortunately, neglecting hierarchies in data estimate the heritability of certain traits, in can have damaging consequences to subse- what is commonly referred to as the “animal quent statistical inferences. model.” In image processing, spatial relation- The frequency of nested data structures in ships emerge between the intensity and hue of the data-analytic sciences is startling. In the pixels.There are many hierarchies that emerge United States and elsewhere, individual vot- in language processing, such as topic of dis- ers are nested in precincts which are, in turn, cussion, document type, region of origin, or nested in districts, which are nested in states, intended audience. In longitudinal studies, which are nested in the nation. In health- more complex hierarchies emerge. Units or care, patients are nested in wards, which are groups of units are repeatedly observed over

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 3 4 THE MULTILEVEL MODEL FRAMEWORK a period of time. In addition to group hier- like a or generalized linear archies, observations are also grouped by the model. The departure comes from the treat- unit being measured. These models are exten- ment of some of the coefficients assigned to sively used in the medical/health sciences to the explanatory variables. What can be done model the effect of a stimulus or treatment to modify a model when a point estimate is regime conditional on measures of interest, inadequate to describe the variation due to such as socioeconomic status, disease preva- a measured variable? An obvious modifica- lence in the environment, drug use, or other tion is to treat this coefficient as having a dis- demographic information. Furthermore, the tribution as opposed to being a fixed point. frequency of data at different levels of aggre- A regression equation can be introduced to gation is increasing as more data are generated model the coefficient itself, using information from geocoding, biometric monitoring, Inter- at the group level to describe the heterogeneity net traffic, social networks, an amplification in the coefficient. This is the heart of the mul- of government and corporate reporting, and tilevel model. Any right-hand side effect can high-resolution imaging. get its own regression expression with its own Multilevel models are a powerful and assumptions about functional form, linearity, flexible extension to conventional regression independence, variance, distribution of errors, frameworks.They extend the linear model and and so on. Such models are often referred to the by incorporating as “mixed,” meaning some of the coefficients levels directly into the model statement, thus are modeled while others are unmodeled. accounting for aggregation present in the data. What this strategy produces is a method of As a result, all of the familiar model forms for accounting for structured data through utiliz- linear, dichotomous, count, restricted range, ing regression equations at different hierar- ordered categorical, and unordered categor- chical levels in the data. The key linkage is ical outcomes are supplemented by adding that these higher-level models are describing a structural component. This structure clas- distributions at the level just beneath them for sifies cases into known groups, which may the coefficient that they model as if it were have their own set of explanatory variables itself an outcome variable. This means that at the group level. So a hierarchy is estab- multilevel models are highly symbiotic with lished such that some explanatory variables Bayesian specifications because the focus in are assigned to explain differences at the indi- both cases is on making supportable distribu- vidual level and some explanatory variables tional assumptions. are assigned to explain differences at the Allowing multiple levels in the same group level. This is powerful because it takes model actually provides an immense amount into account correlations between subjects of flexibility. First, the researcher is not within the same group as distinct from cor- restricted to a particular number of levels. The relations between groups. Thus, with nested coefficients at the second grouping level can data structures the multilevel approach imme- also be assigned a regression equation, thus diately provides a set of critical advantages adding another level to the hierarchy, although over conventional, flat modeling where these it has been shown that there is diminishing structures emerge as unaccounted-for hetero- return as the number of levels goes up, and geneity and correlation. it is rarely efficient to go past three levels What does a multilevel model look like? At from the individual level (Goel and DeGroot the core, there is a regression equation that 1981, Goel 1983). This is because the effects relates an outcome variable on the left-hand of the parameterizations at these super-high side to a set of explanatory variables on the levels gets washed out as it comes down the right-hand side. This is the basic individual- hierarchy. Second, as stated, any coefficient level specification, and looks immediately at these levels can be chosen to be modeled

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 4 1.2 BACKGROUND 5 or unmodeled and in this way the mixture of Lee and Bryk (1989). These applications con- these decisions at any level gives a combina- tinue today as education policy remains an torially large set of choices. Third, the form of important empirical challenge. Work in this the link function can differ for any level of the literature was accelerated by the development model. In this way the researcher may mix lin- of the standalone software packages HLM, ear, logit/probit, count, constrained, and other ML2, VARCL, as well as incorporation into forms throughout the total specification. the SAS procedure MIXED, and others. Addi- tional work by Goldstein (notably 1985) took the two-level model and extended it to sit- 1.2 BACKGROUND uations with further nested groupings, non- nested groupings, time series cross-sectional It is often the case that fundamental ideas in data, and more. At roughly the same time, hide for a while in some applied a series of influential papers and applica- area before scholars realize that these are tions grew out of Laird and Ware (1982), generalizable and broadly applicable princi- where a for Gaussian ples. For instance, the well-known EM algo- longitudinal data is established. This Laird– rithm of Dempster, Laird, and Rubin (1977) Ware model was extended to binary out- was pre-dated in less fully articulated forms comes by Stiratelli, Laird, and Ware (1984) by Newcomb (1886), McKendrick (1926), and GEE estimation was established by Zeger Healy andWestmacott(1956), Hartley (1958), and Liang (1986). An important extension to Baum and Petrie (1966), Baum and Eagon non-linear mixed effects models is presented (1967), and Zangwill (1969), who gives the in Lindstrom and Bates (1988). In addition, critical conditions for monotonic conver- Breslow and Clayton (1993) developed quasi- gence. In another famous example, the core likelihood methods to analyze generalized lin- Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algo- ear mixed models (GLMMs). rithm (Metropolis et al. 1953) slept quietly Beginning around the 1990s, hierarchical in the Journal of Chemical Physics before modeling took on a much more Bayesian com- emerging in the 1990s to revolutionize the plexion now that stochastic simulation tools entire discipline of statistics. It turns out that (e.g. MCMC) had arrived to solve the result- hierarchical modeling follows this same sto- ing estimation challenges. Since the Bayesian ryline, roughly originating with the statistical and the hierarchical reliance on dis- analysis of agricultural data around the 1950s tributional relationships between levels have (Eisenhart 1947, Henderson 1950, Scheffé a natural affinity, many papers were produced 1956, Henderson et al. 1959). A big step and continue to be produced in the inter- forward came in the 1980s when education section of the two. Computational advances researchers realized that their data fit this during this period centered around customiz- structure perfectly (students nested in classes, ing MCMC solutions for particular problems classes nested in schools, schools nested (Carlin et al. 1992, Albert and Chib 1993, in districts, districts nested in states), and Liu 1994, Hobert and Casella 1996, Jones that important explanatory variables could and Hobert 2001, Cowles 2002). Other works be found at all of these levels. This flurry focused on solving specific applied problems of work focused on the hierarchical linear with Bayesian models: Steffey (1992) incor- model (HLM) and was developed in detail porates expert information into the model, in works such as Burstein (1980), Mason Stangl (1995) develops prediction and deci- et al. (1983), Aitkin and Longford (1986), sion rules, Cohen et al. (1998) model arrest Bryk and Raudenbush (1987), Bryk et al. rates, Zeger and Karim (1991) use GLMMs (1988), De Leeuw and Kreft (1986), Rau- to study infectious disease, Christiansen and denbush and Bryk (1986), Goldstein (1987), Morris (1997) build on count models hierar- Longford (1987), Raudenbush (1988), and chically, Hodges and Sargent (2001) refine

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 5 6 THE MULTILEVEL MODEL FRAMEWORK inference procedures, Pauler et al. (2001) which is assumed to meet the standard Gauss– model cancer risk, and Pettitt et al. (2006) Markov assumptions (linear functional form, model survey data from immigrants. Recently, independent errors with mean zero and con- Bayesian prior specifications in hierarchical stant variance, no relationship between xi models have received attention (Hadjicostas and errors). The normality of the errors is and Berry 1999, Daniels and Gatsonis 1999, not a necessary assumption for making infer- Gelman 2006, Booth et al. 2008). Finally, the ences since standard procedures text by Gelman and Hill (2007) has been enor- produce an estimate of the standard error mously influential. (Amemiya 1985, Ravishanker and Dey 2002), A primary reason for the large increase but with reasonable sample size and finite in interest in the use of multilevel models variance the central limit theorem applies. in recent years is due to the ready availabil- For maximum likelihood results, which pro- ity of sophisticated general software solutions duce the same estimates as does least squares, for estimating more complex specifications.A the derivation of the estimator begins with review of software available for fitting these the assumption of normality of population models is presented in Chapter 26 of this vol- residuals. See the discussion on pages 583– ume. For basic models, the lme4 package in 6 of Casella and Berger (2001) for a detailed R works quite well and preserves R’s intu- derivation. itive model language. Also, Stata provides some support through the XTMIXED routine. 1.3.1 Basic Linear Forms, However, researchers now routinely specify Individual-Level generalized linear multilevel models with cat- Explanatory Variables egorical, count, or truncated outcome vari- ables. It is also now common to see non-nested How does one model the heterogeneity that hierarchies expressing cross-classification, arises because each i case belongs to one of mixtures of nonlinear relationships within j 1,..., J groups where J < n? Even if = hierarchical groupings, and longitudinal con- there does not exist explanatory variable infor- siderations such as panel specifications and mation about these J assignments, model fit standard time-series relations. All of this pro- may be improved by binning each i case into vides a rich, but sometimes complicated, set its respective group. This can be done by loos- of variable relationships. Since most applied ening the definition of the single intercept, β0, users are unwilling to spend the time to in (1.1) to J distinct intercepts, β0 j , which derive their own likelihood functions or pos- then groups the n cases, giving them a com- terior distributions and maximize or explore mon intercept with other cases if they land in these forms, software like WinBUGS and its the same group. Formally, for i 1,..., n j = cousin JAGS are popular (Bayesian) solutions (where n j is the size of the jth group): (Mplus is also a helpful choice). yi j β0 j xi j β1 εi j , = + + where the added j subscript indicates that this 1.3 FOUNDATIONAL MODELS case belongs to the jth group and gets inter- cept β0 j .The β0 j are group-specific intercepts The development of multilevel models starts and are usually given a common normal dis- with the simple linear model specification for tribution with mean β0 and standard deviation individual i that relates the outcome variable, σu0 . The overall intercept β0 is referred to as a yi , to the systematic component, xi β1, with fixed effect and the difference u0 j β0 j β0 unexplained variance falling to the error term, is a random effect. Subscripting= the u −with εi , giving: 0 denotes that it relates to the intercept term and distinguishes it from other varying quan- yi β0 xi β1 εi , (1.1) tities to be discussed shortly. Since the β1 = + +

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Figure 1.1 Varying Intercepts Figure 1.2 Varying Slopes coefficient is not indexed by the grouping is a random effect, and subscripting the u with term j, this is still constant across all of the 1 denotes that these random effects relate to n n1 n J cases and evaluated with the slope as opposed to the intercepts. This is a standard= + ·point · · + estimate. This model is illus- illustrated in Figure 1.2 showing divergence trated in Figure 1.1, which shows that while from the same starting point for the groups as different groups start at different intercepts, x increases. This model is also fundamental they progress at the same rate (slope). This enough that it gets its own name, the varying- model is sufficiently fundamental that it has its slope or random-slope model. own name, the varying-intercept or random- Suppose the researcher suspects that the intercept model. heterogeneity in the sample is sufficiently In a different context, one may want to complex that it needs to be modeled with both account for the groupings in the data, but a varying-intercept and a varying-slope. This the researcher may feel that the effect is not is a simple combination of the previous two through the intercept, where the groups start models and takes the form: at a zero level of the explanatory variable yi j β0 j xi j β1 j εi j , x, having reason to believe that the group- = + + ing affects the slopes instead: as x increases, where membership in group j for case i j group membership dictates a different change has two effects, one that is constant and one in y. So now loosen the definition of the single that differs from others with increasing x. The slope, β , in (1.1) to account for the groupings 1 vectors (β0 j , β1 j ) are given a common mul- according to: tivariate normal distribution with mean vec- tor (β0, β1) and covariance matrix u. The yi j β0 xi j β1 j εi j , = + + vector of means (β0, β1) is the fixed effect where the added j subscript indicates that the and the vectors of differences (u0 j , u1 j ) = n j cases in the jth group get slope β1 j . The (β0 j β0, β1 j β1) are the random effects.A intercept now remains fixed across the cases synthetic,− possibly− exaggerated, model result in the data and the slopes are given a common is given in Figure 1.3. Not surprisingly, this normal distribution with mean β1 and stan- is called the varying-intercept, varying-slope dard deviation σu1 . In this situation, β1 is a or random-intercept, random-slope model. fixed effect and the difference u1 j β1 j β1 Notice from the simple artificial example in = −

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more covariates, which may or may not receive the grouping treatment. A canon- ical mixed form is one where the inter- cept and the first q explanatory variables have coefficients that vary by the j 1,..., J groupings (for a total of q =1 modeled coefficients), but the next p coef-+ ficients, q 1, q 2,..., q p, are fixed at the individual+ level.+ This is+ given by the specification:

yi j β0 j x1i β1 j xqi βq j = + + · · · + x(q 1)i βq 1 + + + x(q p)i βq p εi j , + · · · + + + + where membership in group j for case i j has Figure 1.3 Varying Intercepts and Slopes q 1 effects. The vectors of group-level coef- + ficients (β0 j , . . . , βq j ) are given a common distribution, which for now will be assumed the figure that it is already possible to model to be Gaussian with mean vector (β0, . . . , βq ) quite intricate differences in the groups for (the fixed effects) and covariance matrix u. this basic linear form. As before, the vectors of differences u j = Before moving on to more complicated (β0 j β0, . . . , βq j βq ) are the random models, a clear explanation of what is meant effects−for this model.− by fixed effects and random effects is neces- An important aspect of these models, which sary. Fixed effects are coefficients in the mean greatly facilitates their use in generalized lin- structure that are assumed to have point val- ear models and nonlinear models, is writing ues, whereas random effects are coefficients them in a hierarchical fashion. The model is that are assumed to have distributions. For written as a specification of a regression equa- example, in the models thus far considered tion at each level of the hierarchy. For exam- the random effects have been assumed to have ple, consider the model where a common Gaussian distribution. A distinc- tion must be made, then, for when group- yi j β0 j x1i j β1 j x2i j β2 εi j , (1.2) = + + + level effects are assumed to be fixed effects or random effects. In the random-intercepts where there are two random coefficients and one fixed coefficient. The group-level coeffi- model, for example, the β0 j can be assumed to be point values instead of being modeled as cients can be written as coming from a distribution, as fixed effects as β0 j β0 u0 j β1 j β1 u1 j (1.3) opposed to random effects. This distinction is = + = + quite important and modifies both the assump- and the u0 j , u1 j appear as errors at the sec- tions of the models as well as the estimation ond level of the hierarchy. Assumptions are strategy employed in analyzing them. then made about the distributions of the individual-level errors (εi j ) and group-level 1.3.2 Basic Linear Forms, Adding errors (u0 j , u1 j ). For example, a common Group-Level Explanatory set of assumptions in is εi j Variables are independent and identically distributed (iid) with common variance, and (u0 j , u1 j ) is The bivariate linear form can be additively bivariate normal with mean 0 and covariance extended on the right-hand side to include matrix .

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The model given in (1.2), (1.3) does not levels of the explanatory variable x1i j . This impose explanatory variables at the second composite error shows that uncertainty is level, given by the J groupings, since u j modified in a standard linear model (εi j ) ∼ Nq (0, ) by assumption. Until explanatory by introducing terms that are correlated for variables at this second level are added, there observations in the same group. Though it is not a modeled reason for the differences in seems that this has increased uncertainty in the group-level coefficients. The fact that one the data, it is just modeling the data in a fuller can model the variation at the group level is a fashion. This richer model accounts for the key feature of treating them as random effects hierarchical structure in the data and can pro- as opposed to fixed effects. Returning to the vide a significantly better fit to observed data linear model with two group-level coefficients than standard linear regression. and one individual-level coefficient in (1.2), It is important to understand the exact role yi j β0 j x1i j β1 j x2i j β2 εi j , model of the new coefficients. First, β0 is a univer- each= of the+ two group-level+ coefficients+ with sally assigned intercept that all i cases share. their own regression equation and index these Second, β1 gives another shared term that by j 1 to J: is the slope coefficient corresponding to the = effect of changes in x1i j , as does β2 for x2i j . β0 j β0 β3x3 j u0 j = + + These three terms have no effect from the β1 j β1 β4x4 j u1 j , (1.4) multilevel composition of the model. Third, = + + β gives the slope coefficient for the effect of and the group-level variation is modeled 3 changes in the variable x for group j, and as depending on covariates. The explana- 3 j are applied to all individual cases assigned tory variables at the second level are called to this group. It therefore varies by group context-level variables, and the idea of contex- and not individual. Fourth, and surprisingly, tual specificity is that of the existence of legit- β is the coefficient on the term imately comparable groups. These context- 4 between x and x . But though no inter- level variables are constant in each group and 1i j 4 j action term was specified in the hierarchical are subscripted by j instead of i j to identify form of the model this illustrates an important that they only depend on group identification. point.Any hierarchy that models a slope on the Substituting the two definitions in (1.4) into right-hand side imposes an interaction term if the individual-level model in (1.2) and rear- this hierarchy contains group-level covariates. ranging produces: While it is easy to see the multiplicative impli- yi j (β0 β3x3 j u0 j ) cations from (1.5), it is surprising to some that = + + this is an automatic consequence. (β1 β4x4 j u1 j )x1i j + + + In the Laird–Ware form of the model, β2x2i j εi j + + the fixed effects are separated from the ran- (β0 β1x1i j β2x2i j β3x3 j dom effects as in (1.5). In this formula- = + + + β4x4 j x1i j ) tion, the covariates on the random effects + are represented by zs rather than xs in order (u0 j u1 j x1i j εi j ) (1.5) + + + to distinguish the two. This structure can for the i jth case. The composite fixed effects be written (in matrix form) for group j as now have a richer structure, accounting for y j X j β Z j u j ε j . Here, y j is the vector = + + variation at both the individual and group lev- of observations, X j is the fixed effects design els. In addition, the error structure is now matrix, and Z j is a the random effects design modeled as being due to specific group- matrix for group j. The vector β is the vector level variables. In this example, the com- of fixed effects, which are assumed to have posite error structure, (u1 j x1i j u0 j εi j ), point values, whereas u j is the vector of ran- is heteroscedastic since it is conditioned+ + on dom effects for group j which are modeled

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by a distributional assumption. Finally, ε j is no relationship to those in other groups. Such a vector of individual-level error terms for separate regression models clearly overstate group j. From this formulation, it is apparent variation between groups, making them look that multilevel models can be expressed in a more different than they really should be. single-level expression, although this does not Between these two polar group distinctions always lead to a more intuitive expression. lies the multilevel model.The word “between” here means that groups are recognized as dif- 1.3.3 The Model Spectrum ferent, but because there is a single model in which they are associated by common In language that Gelman and Hill (2007) individual-level fixed effects as well as distri- emphasize, multilevel models can be thought butional assumptions on the random effects, of as sitting between two extremes that are the resulting model therefore compromises available to the researcher when groupings between full distinction of groups and the full are known: fully pooled and fully unpooled. ignoring of groups. This can be thought of as The fully pooled model treats the group-level partial-pooling or semi-pooling in the sense variables as individual variables, meaning that that the groups are collected together in a sin- group-level distinctions are ignored and these gle model, but their distinctness is preserved. effects are treated as if they are case-specific. To illustrate this “betweeness”, consider For a model with one explanatory variable a simple varying-intercepts model with no measured at the individual level (x1) and explanatory variables: one measured at the group level (x2), this yi j β0 j εi j , (1.6) specification is: = + which is also called a mean model since yi β0 x1i β1 x2i β2 εi . = + + + β0 j represents the mean of the jth group. If there is an assumption that β0 j β0 is In contrast to (1.5), there is no u0 j modeled = here. This is an assertion that the group dis- constant across all cases, then this becomes tinctions do not matter and the cases should all the fully pooled model. Conversely, if there be treated homogeneously, ignoring the (pos- are J separate models each with their own sibly important) variation between categories. β0 j which do not derive from a common At the other end of the spectrum is a set of distribution, then it is the fully unpooled models in which each group can be treated approach. Estimating (1.6) as a partial as a separate dataset and modeled completely pooling model (with Gaussian distributional separately: assumptions) gives group means that are a weighted average of the n j cases in group j yi j β0 j xi j β1 j εi j , and the overall mean from all cases. Define = + + first: for j 1,..., J. Note that the group-level y fully unpooled mean for group j = x j predictor 2 does not enter into this equation y fully pooled mean because x2i β2 is constant within a group and 2 σ0 within-group variance (variance of the εi j ) therefore subsumed into the intercept term. 2 σ1 between-group variance (variance of the y j ) Here there is no second level to the hierarchy n j size of the jth group. and the βs are assumed to be fixed parame- ters, in contrast to the distributional assump- Then an approximation of the multilevel tions made in the . The fully model estimate for the group mean is given unpooled approach is the opposite distinction by: n j y 1 y from the fully pooled approach and asserts σ 2 j σ 2 β 0 + 1 . (1.7) that the groups are so completely different ˆ0 j n j 1 = 2 2 that it does not make sense to associate them σ0 + σ1 in the same model. In particular, the values This is a very revealing expression. The esti- of slopes and intercept from one group have mate of the mean for a group is a weighted

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 10 1.4 EXTENSIONS BEYOND THE TWO-LEVEL MODEL 11 average of the contribution from the full sam- captures the variation in the data that can be ple and the contribution from that group, explained by individual-level covariates. In where the weighting depends on relative vari- this example, the outcome of interest is mea- ances and the size of the group. As the size sured support for a political candidate or party, of arbitrary group j gets small, y j becomes with covariates that are individualized such less important and the group estimate bor- as race, gender, income, age, and attentive- rows more strength from the full sample. A ness to public affairs. The second level of the zero size group, perhaps a hypothesized case, model in this example is immediate region relies completely on the full sample size, since of residence, and this comes with its own set (1.7) reduces to β y. On the other hand, of covariates including rural/urban measure- ˆ0 j as group j gets large,= its estimate dominates ment, crime levels, dominant industry, coastal the contribution from the fully pooled mean, access, and so on. The third level is state, the and is also a big influence on this fully pooled fourth level is national region, and so on. Each mean.This is called the shrinkage of the mean level of the model comes with a regression effects towards the common mean. In addi- equation where the variation in intercepts or 2 tion, as σ 0, then β0 j y, and as slopes that are assumed to vary do so with the 1 → ˆ → σ 2 , then β y . Thus, the group possible inclusion of group-level covariates. 1 ˆ0 j j effect→ which ∞ is at the→ heart of a multilevel Consider a three-level model with model, is a balance between the size of the individual-level covariate x1, level-two group and the standard deviations at the indi- group covariate x2, and level-three covariate vidual and group levels. x3. The data come as yi jk, indicating the ith individual in the jth level two group which is contained in the kth level three 1.4 EXTENSIONS BEYOND THE group. In the previous example, i represents TWO-LEVEL MODEL survey respondents, j represents immediate region, and k represents state. Allowing both Multilevel models are not restricted to linear varying-intercepts and varying-slopes in the forms with interval-measured outcomes over regression equation at the individual level, the entire real line, nor are they restricted to gives: hierarchies which contain only one level of grouping or nested levels of grouping. The yi jk β0 jk β1 jk x1i jk εi jk, stochastic assumptions at each level of the = + + hierarchy can be made in any appropriate fash- where the εi jk are assumed to be indepen- ion for the problem being modeled.This added dently and normally distributed.At the second flexibility of the MLM provides a much richer level of the model, there are separate regres- class of models and captures many of the mod- sion equations for the intercepts and slopes: els used in modern scientific research.

β0 jk β0k β2k x2 jk u0 jk = + + 1.4.1 Nested Groupings β1 jk β1k β3k x2 jk u1 jk, = + + The generalization of the mixed effects model to nested groupings is straightforward and where the vectors of (u0 jk, u1 jk) are assumed is most easily understood in the hierarchical to have a common multivariate normal distri- framework of (1.2), (1.3) as opposed to the bution. At the third level of the model, there single equation of (1.5). are separate regression equations for the inter- Consider the common case of survey cepts and slopes: respondents nested in regions, which are then β0k β0 β4x3k u3k nested in states, and so on.The individual level = + + comprises the first hierarchy of the model and β2k β2 β5x3k u4k = + +

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β1k β1 β6x3k u5k the rth region class and the oth occupation = + + class. Of course, such an individual does not β3k β3 β7x3k u6k, = + + necessarily exist—there may be no ranch- where the vectors of level three residuals ers in New York City. A regression equation (u3k, u4k, u5k, u6k) are assumed to have a with individual-level covariate x and inter- common multivariate normal distribution. In cepts which vary with both groupings is given analogy to (1.5), this model includes eight by: fixed effects parameters capturing the inter- cept (β0), the three main effects (β1, β2, β4), yiro β0 xiroβ1 ur uo εiro, (1.8) the three two-way interactions (β3, β5, β6), = + + + + and the three-way interaction of the covariates (β7) as well as a rich error structure capturing where the random effects ur have one com- the nested groupings within the data. Just from mon normal distribution and the random this simple framework, extensions abound. effects uo have a different common normal For example, since the level two residuals are distribution. To add varying slopes to (1.8), indexed by both j and k, a natural relaxation simply modify the equation to be of the model is to let the distribution of u jk yiro β0 xiroβ1 u0r u0o u1r xiro depend on k and then bring these distribu- = + + + + tions together at the third level. Alternatively, u1oxiro εiro, + + one can specify the model such that the level three covariate only affects intercepts and not and make appropriate distributional assump- slopes, or that slopes and intercepts vary at tions about the random effects. level two but only intercepts vary at level The addition of a random effect uro to three, both of which are easy modifications (1.8) that depends on both region and occu- in this hierarchical specification. pation would give this model three levels: the individual level, the level of intersections of region and occupation, and the level of 1.4.2 Non-Nested Groupings region or occupation. The second level of the hierarchy would naturally nest in both of the In order to generalize to the case of non-nested level three groupings. There are many ways groupings, consider data with two different to extend the MLM with crossed groupings groupings at the second level. In an economics to take into account complicated structures example, imagine modeling the income of that could generate observed data. The key individuals in a state who have both an imme- to effectively using these models in practice diate region of residence and an occupation. is to consider the possible ways in which dif- These workers are then naturally grouped by ferent groupings can affect the outcome vari- the multiple regions and the jobs, where these able and then include these in appropriately groups obviously are not required to have the defined regression equations. same number of individuals: there are more residents in a large urban region than a nearby 1.4.3 Generalized Linear Forms rural county, and one would expect more clerical office workers than clergymen, for The extension to generalized linear models example. This is non-nested in the sense that with non-Gaussian distributional assumptions there are multiple people in the same region at the individual level is also straightfor- with the same and different jobs. Represent ward. This involves inserting a link func- region of residence with the index r and tion between the outcome variable and the occupation with the index o, letting iro additive-linear form based on the right-hand refer to the ith individual who is in both side with the explanatory variables. For a

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 12 1.5 VOCABULARY 13 two-level model, this means modeling the However, it is important to understand that linked variable as: the assumption of normality at this level is exactly that, an assumption, and thus must be ηi j [β0 j x1i j β1 j ] xqi j βq j investigated. If evidence is found to suggest = + + · · · + x(q 1)i j βq 1 that the random effects are not normally dis- + + + tributed, this assumption must be relaxed or x(q p)i j βq p, + · · · + + + fixed effects should be used. where this is then related to the conditional Standard forms for the link function in mean of the outcome, η g(E[y β ]), g(E[yi j β ]) include probit, Poisson (log- i j i j j | j where there is conditioning= on the vector| of linear), gamma, multinomial, ordered cate- group-level coefficients β j . This two-level gorical forms, and more. The theory and esti- model is completed by making an assump- mation of GLMMs is discussed in Chapter 15, tion about the distribution of β j . In contrast to and the specific case of qualitative outcomes (1.5), the stochastic components of the model is discussed in Chapter 16. Many statistical at the individual and group levels cannot sim- packages (see Chapter 26) are available for fit- ply be added together because the link func- ting a variety of these models, but as assump- tion g is only linear in the case of normally tions are relaxed about distributional forms distributed data. Thus, the random effects or more exotic generalized linear models are are difficult or impossible to “integrate out” used, one must resort to more flexible estima- of the likelihood, and the marginal likeli- tion strategies. hood of the data cannot be obtained in closed form. 1.5 VOCABULARY To illustrate this model, consider a simpli- fied logistic case. Suppose there are outcomes An unfortunate consequence of the develop- from the same binary choice at the individual ment of multilevel models in disparate liter- atures is that the vocabulary describing these level, a single individual-level covariate (x1), models differs, even for the exact same spec- and a single group-level covariate (x2). Then the regression equation for varying-intercepts ification. The primary confusion is between and varying-slopes is given by: the synonymous terms of multilevel model or hierarchical model and the descriptions 1 p(yi j 1 β0 j , β1 j ) logit− (β0 j x1i j β1 j ) that use effects. Varying-coefficients mod- = | = + els, either intercepts or slopes, are often β0 j x1i j β1 j  1 1 1 e + − = − + called random effects models since they are β0 j β0 β2x2 j u0 j associated with distributional statements like = + + 2 β1 j β1 β3x2 j u1 j . β0 j N(β0 β1x0 j , σu ). A related term = + + is mixed∼ models+, meaning that the specifica- Assume that the random effects u j are multi- tion has both modeled and unmodeled coeffi- variate normal with mean 0 and covariance cients. The term fixed effects is unfortunately matrix . The parameters to be estimated not used as cleanly as implied above, with are the coefficients in the mean structure (the different meanings in different particular set- fixed effects), and the elements of the covari- tings. Sometimes this is applied to unmodeled ance matrix . Notice that the distribution at coefficients that are constant across individu- the second level is given explicitly as a nor- als, or “nuisance” coefficients that are uninter- mal distribution whereas the distribution at the esting but included by necessity in the form first level is implied by the assumption of hav- of control variables, or even in the case where ing Bernoulli trials. It is common to stipulate the data represent a population instead of a normal forms at higher levels in the model sample. since they provide an easy way to consider The meanings of “fixed” and “random” can the possible correlation of the random effects. also differ in definition by literature (Kreft

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 13 14 THE MULTILEVEL MODEL FRAMEWORK and De Leeuw 1988; Section 1.3.3, Gelman 0.8 2005). The obvious solution to this confu- sion is to not worry about labels but to pay attention to the implications of subscripting in the described model. These specifications 0.7 can be conceptualized as members of a larger multilevel family where indices are purposely turned on to create a level, or turned off to 0.6 create a point estimate. 0.5 1.6 CASE STUDY: PARTY IDENTIFICATION IN WESTERN Proportion of “Yes” Proportion EUROPE 0.4

As an illustration, consider 23,355 citizens’ feeling of alignment with a political party in ten Western European countries1 taken from 0.3 the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) for 16 elections from 2001 to 2007.

The natural hierarchy for these eligible voters 0.2 is: district, election, and country (some coun- 20 40 60 80 100 tries held more than one parliamentary elec- Age tion during this time period). The percentage of those surveyed who felt close to one party Figure 1.4 Empirical Proportion of “Yes” varies from 0.29 (Ireland 2002) to 0.65 (Spain Versus Age, by Gender 2004). Running a model on these data using individual-, district-, and the elections considered belong to groupings country-level covariates as though they are of size two (grouped by country), and in individual-specific (fully pooled) requires four countries there was a single election. dramatically different ranges for the explana- If a researcher expects heterogeneity to be tory variables to produce reliable coefficients. explained by dynamics within and between Since Western European countries do not particular elections, the developed model will show such differences in individual-level be hierarchical with two levels based on covariates and the country-level covariates do districts and elections. In Figure 1.4 this is not vary strongly with the outcome variable shown by plotting the observed fraction of (correlation of 0.25), the model needs to “Yes”answers for each age, separated by gen- take into account− higher-level variations. This der (gray dots for men, black dots for women), is done by specifying a hierarchical model to for these elections. Notice that in the aggre- take into account the natural groupings in the gated data women are generally less likely to data. identify with a party for any given age, even The CSES dataset provides multiple ways though identification for both men and women to consider hierarchies through region and increases with age. time. Respondents can be nested in voting The outcome variable for our model is districts, elections, and countries. Addition- a dichotomous measure from the question ally, one could add a time dynamic taking “Do you usually think of yourself as close into account that elections within a single to any particular political party?” coded country have a temporal ordering. Twelve of zero for “No” and one for “Yes” (numbers

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 14 1.6 CASE STUDY: PARTY IDENTIFICATION IN WESTERN EUROPE 15

B3028, C3020_1). Here attention is focused intercept contributions to the individual level. on only a modest subset of the total num- The outcome variable is now modeled as: ber of possible explanatory variables. The individual-level demographic variables yi jk pi jk Bern(pi jk)  |  ∼ are: Age of respondent in years (number pi jk 2001); Female, with men equal to zero and log β0 jk xi jkβ 1 pi jk = + women equal to one (number 2002); the − β0 jk β0k βSeats respondent’s income quintile labeled = + Seats jk u0 jk Income; and the respondent’s municipality × + coded Rural/Village, Small/Middle β0k β0 βParties Town, City Suburb, City Metropolitan, = + Partiesk u0k × + with the first category used as the reference 2 u0 jk (0, σ ) category in the model specification (numbers ∼ N d 2 B2027, C2027). Subjects are nested within u0k (0, σe ). electoral districts with a district-level variable ∼ N describing the number of seats elected by pro- Therefore, Seats and Parties are predic- portional representation in the given district. tors at different levels of the model. Since Additionally, these districts are nested within Parties is constant in an election, it predicts elections with an election-level variable the change in intercept at the election level of describing the effective number of parties in the hierarchy. Seats is constant in districts the election. The variable Parties (number but varies within an election, so it predicts 5094) gives the effective number of political the change in intercept at the district level. parties in each country, and Seats (number In addition, all of the district-level random 4001) indicates the number of seats contested effects have a common normal distribution in each district of the first segment of the which does not change depending on election, legislature’s lower house where the respon- and the election-level random effects have a dent resides. Further details can be found at different common normal distribution. The http :// three levels of the hierarchy are evident and st_full.htm . stochastic processes are introduced at each For an initial analysis, ignore the nested level: Bernoulli distributions at the data level structure of the data and simply ana- and normal distributions at the district and lyze the dataset using a logistic general- election level. ized linear model. The outcome variable is The multilevel model fits better by several modeled as standard measures, with a difference in AIC (Akaike information criterion) of 525 and a   difference in BIC (Bayesian information cri- pi yi pi Bern(pi ) log xi β, terion) of 509 in favor of the multilevel model. | ∼ 1 pi = − This shows that the multilevel model fits the data dramatically better than the GLM. As a where xi is the vector of covariates for the description of model fit, also consider the per- ith respondent and β is a vector of coeffi- cent correctly predicted with the naˇıve crite- cients to be estimated. The base categories rion (splitting predictions at the arbitrary 0.5 for this model are men for Female, the first threshold). The standard GLM gives 57.367% income quantile, and Rural/Village for estimated correctly, whereas the multilevel region. Table 1.1 provides this standard logis- model gives 60.522%. tic model in the first block of results. In Table 1.1 there are essentially no For the second model, analyze a two-level differences in the coefficient estimates hierarchy: one at district level and one at between the two models for Age, Female, the election level, represented by random Income Level 4, Income Level 5, and

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 15 16 THE MULTILEVEL MODEL FRAMEWORK

Table 1.1 Contrasting Specifications, Voting Satisfaction

Standard Logit GLM Random Intercepts Version

Estimate Std Error z-score Estimate Std Error z-score

Intercept –0.3946 0.0417 –9.46 –0.1751 0.0944 –1.855 Age 0.0156 0.0008 19.25 0.0168 0.0008 20.207 Female –0.2076 0.0267 –7.76 –0.2098 0.0272 –7.709 Income Level 2 0.1178 0.0425 2.77 0.0350 0.0436 0.801 Income Level 3 0.2282 0.0427 5.35 0.1474 0.0439 3.357 Income Level 4 0.2677 0.0443 6.04 0.2468 0.0453 5.454 Income Level 5 0.2388 0.0451 5.30 0.2179 0.0466 4.673 Small/Middle Town 0.0665 0.0392 1.70 –0.0822 0.0429 –1.916 City Suburb 0.1746 0.0431 4.05 –0.0507 0.0500 –1.014 City Metropolitan 0.1212 0.0359 3.38 0.0636 0.0417 1.525 Parties –0.0408 0.0142 –2.87 –0.1033 0.0846 –1.222 Seats 0.0047 0.0010 4.82 0.0027 0.0019 1.403

Residual Deviance 31608 on 23343 df 31079 on 23341 df Null Deviance 32134 on 23354 df 31590 on 23352 df σd = 0.2402, σe = 0.32692

Small/Middle Town. However, notice the describe 71% of the variation in the binned differences between the two models for estimates of the observed proportion of the coefficient estimates of Income Level success. 2, Income Level 3, City Suburb, City After running the initial GLM, one could Metropolitan, Parties, and Seats. In all have improperly concluded that the number cases where observed differences exist, the of seats in a district, the effective number of standard generalized linear model gives more political parties, and city type significantly reliable coefficient estimates (smaller stan- influenced the response. However, these vari- dard errors), but this is misleading. Once the ables in this specification are mimicking the correlation structure of the data is taken into correlation structure of the data, which was account, there is more uncertainty in the esti- more effectively taken into account through mated values of these parameters. the multilevel model framework, as evidenced To further evaluate the fit of the regular by the large gains in predictive accuracy. This GLM, consider a plot of the ranked fitted is also apparent taking the binned empirical probabilities from the model against binned values and breaking down their variance in estimates of the observed proportion of suc- various ways. To see that the random effects cess in the reordered observed data. Figure have a meaningful impact on data fit, com- 1.5 indicates that although the model does pare how well the fixed effects and the full describe the general trend of the data, it misses model predict the binned values. Normally, a some features since the point-cloud does not researcher would be happy if the group-level adhere closely to the fitted line underlying the standard deviations were of similar size to the assumption of the model. The curve of fitted residual standard deviation, as small group probabilities only describes 47% of the vari- effects relative to the residual effect indicate ance in these empirical proportions of success. that the grouping is not effective in the model This suggests that there are additional fea- specification. Use of the binned empirical val- tures of the data, and it is possible to capture ues mimics this kind of analysis for a general- these with the multilevel specification. The ized linear mixed model. The variance of the fitted probabilities of the multilevel model binned values minus the fixed effects is 0.0111

“Handbook_Sample.tex” — 2013/7/25 — 11:25 — page 16 1.7 SUMMARY 17

estimation considerations. This includes 1.0 both relaxations of the assumptions of the linear mixed effects models and complica- tions arising from nonlinear link functions in generalized linear mixed models. A 0.8 sophisticated set of estimation strategies using approximations to the likelihood have been developed to overcome these difficulties

0.6 and are discussed in Chapter 3. Alternatively, the Bayesian paradigm offers a suite of MCMC methods for producing samples from the posterior distribution of the model

0.4 parameters. These alternatives are discussed Probability of “Yes” in Chapter 4.

0.2 1.7 SUMMARY

This introduction to multilevel models pro- vides an overview of a class of regression

0.0 models that account for hierarchical structure in data. Such data occur when there are nat- 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Fitted Rank ural levels of aggregation whereby individ- ual cases are nested within groups, and those Figure 1.5 Probability of “Yes” Versus groups may also be nested in higher-level Fitted Rank groups. It provides a general description of the model features that enable multilevel models and the variance of the binned values minus to account for such structure, demonstrates the fitted values from the full model is 0.0060, that ignoring hierarchies produces incorrect indicating that a significant amount of varia- inferential statements in model summaries, tion in the data that is indeed captured by the and has illustrated that point with a simple random effects. example using a real dataset. Aitkin and his co-authors (especially, 1981, 1.6.1 Computational 1986) introduced the linear multilevel model Considerations in the 1980s, concentrating on applications in education research since the hierarchy in Multilevel models are more demanding of sta- that setting is obvious: students in classrooms, tistical software than more standard regres- classrooms in schools, schools in districts, and sions. In the case of the Gaussian–Gaussian districts in states. These applications were all multilevel model such as the one-way random just linear models and yet they substantially effects model, it is possible to integrate out all improved fit to the data in educational settings. levels of the hierarchy to be left with a like- Since this era more elaborate specifications lihood for y which only depends on the fixed have been developed for nonlinear outcomes, effects and the induced covariance structure. non-nested hierarchies, correlations between Maximum likelihood (or restricted maximum hierarchies, and more. This has been a very likelihood) estimates for the coefficients on active area of research both theoretically and the fixed effects as well as the parameters of in applied settings. These developments are the variance components can be computed. described in detail in subsequent chapters. Moving beyond the simple Gaussian– Multilevel models are flexible tools Gaussian model greatly complicates because they exist in the spectrum between

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