Diaconal Continuing Education Self-Study Resources Last Updated: 23Nov09 – By: Deacon Marc Genty

There currently exists in the Canons of the (Title III, Canon 7: Of The Life And Work Of Deacons, Section 5) a requirement for ongoing continuing education for all clergy. This document seeks to address just on aspect of this requirement for the permanent diaconate, namely self-study resources. The locus of the life and ministry of the permanent diaconate is primarily in the world, and this is also where most are employed. The juggling of secular employment with ministry and parochial assignments in general leaves precious little time for continuing education. Traditional classroom-based education or seminars may be possible on occasion, but this likely will not be the norm for the ongoing continuing education of the permanent diaconate. Self-study will almost certainly be the primary component, and it is to the latter that this document seeks to function as a living resource. Title II, Canon 6: Of The Ordination Of Deacons, Section 5 (f) states the five general areas of competency required for ordination as a Deacon in the Church. These canonical areas of competency are:

(1) Academic studies including, The Holy Scriptures, , and the tradition of the Church. (2) Diakonia and the diaconate. (3) Human awareness and understanding. (4) Spiritual development and discipline. (5) Practical training and experience.

This also seems like a reasonable framework upon which to base the canonical requirement for ongoing continuing education. In particular, this document seeks to provide a list of self-study resources organized within the five canonical areas. Please note, however, that Area (1) has been broken out into its three constituent parts: Holy Scripture, Theology, and Tradition making for a total of seven subsections within the self-study resources bibliography. The material for Holy Scripture, Theology, Tradition, and Diakonia comes in part from the excellent bibliographies developed by the Board Of Examining Chaplains (BOEC) in support of the academic modules component of the new diaconal formation process. Similarly, the material for Human Awareness & Understanding is primarily a composite of the bibliographies from past and present sessions of JustFaith that have been or are being taught in a number of locations around the Diocese. The material for Spiritual Development & Discipline comes from the bibliographies of several professional practitioners (lay & clergy) in the Diocese. Lastly, the material for Practical Training & Diaconal Continuing Education – Self-Study Resources

Experience derives from two primary sources: 1) the bibliography – developed by the Commission On Ministry (COM) – for the homiletics component of the diaconal formation process, and 2) the bibliography for the week-long diaconal preaching seminar (Making a Prophetic Witness & Being Heard) that was held at The Cathedral College of Preachers at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. in the fall of 2006. It is also our recommendation that deacons in the Diocese of Colorado be members of the North American Association for the Diaconate (NAAD). NAAD has been a pioneer and continues on the leading edge of thought in how best to facilitate Life Long Learning for the Diaconate. Additional information can be found at http://www.diakonoi.org/. (Please note that there is no significance to the order of the bibliographical items listed in each subsection of the canonical areas of competency.)

2 Diaconal Continuing Education – Self-Study Resources

Holy Scripture

The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. Abingdon Press, 2003. The New Oxford Annotated Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha, Oxford, 2007. Opening the Bible, Roger Ferlo, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 2, Cowley Publications, 1997. Engaging the Word, Michael Johnston, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 3, Cowley Publications, 1997. Reading the Bible for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding the Bible, Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuary, Zondervan, 2004. Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction, Lawrence Boadt, Paulist Press, 1985. A Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures, Frank Frick, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995. Reading the New Testament: An Introduction, Pheme Perkins, Paulist Press, 1988. An Introduction to the New Testament, Raymond Brown, The Anchor Bible Reference Library, Doubleday, 1997. A Guide Through the Old Testament, Celia Sinclair, Westminster John Knox Press, 1989. A Guide Through the New Testament, Celia Sinclair, Westminster John Knox Press, 1994. The Women’s Bible Commentary, Carol Newson & Sharon Ringer, editors, Westminster/John Knox Press, 1998. Synthesis: A Weekly Resource for Preaching and Worship in the Episcopal Tradition. Sedgewick Publishing Company, 2007. Sowing the Gospel: Mark's Work in Literary-Historical Perspective, Mary Ann Tolbert, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1996. Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus, Ched Myers, Orbis Books; 20 Anv Edition, 2008. Who Will Roll Away the Stone?: Discipleship Queries for First World Christians, Ched Myers, Orbis Books, 1994. "Say to This Mountain": Mark's Story of Discipleship, Ched Myers, Orbis Books, 1996.

3 Diaconal Continuing Education – Self-Study Resources


The Church in History, John Booty, Seabury Press, 1979. The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith, Marcus Borg, Harper Collins, 2003. The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart, Peter Gomes, Morrow, 1996. The Story of Christianity: Volumes 1 & 2, Justo Gonzalez, Harper, 1984 & 1985. The Episcopalians, David Hein & Gardiner Shattuck, Preager Publishers, 2004. Early Christian Traditions, Rebecca Lyman, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 6, Cowley Publications, 1999. The World that Shaped the New Testament, Calvin Roetzel, John Knox Press, 1985. Opening the Prayer Book, Jeffrey Lee, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 7, Cowley Publications, 1999. Liturgy for Living, Louis Weil & Charles Price, Morehouse, 2000. The Windsor Report 2004: Lambeth Commission On Communion, Morehouse, 2004. Constitution and Canons: Together With The Rules Of Order, Church Publishing, 2007. The Anglican Visions, James Griffiss, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 1, Cowley Publications, 1997. A Brief History of the Episcopal Church, David Holmes, Trinity Press International, 1993. How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Irelands Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe, Doubleday, 1995. The Pelican History of the Church 2: Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages, Penguin Books, 1970. Living with History, Fredrica Thompsett, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 5, Cowley Publications, 1999. A Passionate Balance: The Anglican Tradition (Traditions of Christian Spirituality), Alan Bartlett, Orbis Books, 2007. The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why, Phyllis Tickle, Baker Books, 2008. Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith, Diana Butler Bass, HarperOne, 2007. Transforming Evangelism (Transformations Series), David Gortner and James Lemler, Church Publishing, 2008. Mission-Shaped Church: Church Planting and Fresh Expressions of Church in a Changing Context, Rowan Williams, Church House Pub, 2007. The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21 Century Church, Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch, Hendrickson Publishers, 2003.

4 Diaconal Continuing Education – Self-Study Resources

Church Next: Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry, Eddie Gibbs, IVP, 2000. Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America, Darrell Guder, Eerdmans, 1998. Kingdom of Heaven, DVD, 20th Century Fox, 2005. Mystics, Visionaries, and Prophets: A Historical Anthology of Women’s Spiritual Writings, Shawn Madigan, CSJ, Fortress Press, 2004. Christ in the Margins, Robert Lenz and Edwina Gately, Orbis Books, 2009.

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How to Think Theologically, Howard Stone, Fortress Press, 1996. The Art of Theological Reflection, Patricia Killen & John de Beer, Crossroad Publishing Company, 1994. Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology, Daniel Migliore, Eerdmans, 2004. Raging With Compassion: Pastoral Responses to the Problem of Evil, John Swinton, Eerdmans, 2007. Ethics and the New Testament, J.L. Houlden, T&T Clark International, 1992. Theology in Anglicanism, Arthur Vogel, Morehouse-Barlow, 1984. The Christian Moral Life: Practices of Piety, Timothy Sedgwick, Eerdmans, 1999. Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition, Christine Pohl, Eerdmans, 1999. A Theology for the Social Gospel, Walter Rauschenbusch, Book Jungle, 2009. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation, Miroslav Volf, Abingdon Press, 1996. The Strength of the Weak: Toward a Christian Feminist Identity, Dorothy Soelle, Westminster John Knox Press; 1st Edition, 1984. Church in the Round: Feminist Interpretation of the Church, Letty Russell, Westminister John Knox,1993.

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Servanthood: Leadership for the Third Millennium, Bennett Sims, Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2005. Being a Deacon Today, Rosalind Brown, Morehouse, 2005. Deacons and the Church: Making Connections between Old and New, John Collins, Morehouse, 2002. The Ministry of the Deacon, Edwin Leidel, University of the South/Vanderbilt University, 1993. Deacons in the Episcopal Church, NAAD, 1991. Many Servants: an Introduction to Deacons, Ormonde Plater, Cowley Publications, 2004. The Diaconate: a Full and Equal Order, James Barnett, Trinity Press, 1995. Christian Social Witness, Harold Lewis, The New Church’s Teaching Series, Volume 10, Cowley Publications, 2001. The Ceremonies of the Eucharist, Howard Galley, Cowley Publications, 1989. Commentary on the American Prayer Book, Marion Hatchett, HarperOne, 1995. How Your Church Family Works: Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems, Peter Steinke, Alban Institute, 2005. Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue, Edwin Friedman, Guilford Press, 1985. The Diaconate as Ecumenical Opportunity, Hanover Report of the Anglican-Lutheran International Commission, 1996. The Diaconate Now, Richard Nolan, Corpus Books, 1968. (Also available on the web.) Deacons as Emissary-Servants: A Liturgical Theology, Benjamin Hartley, Quarterly Review, 1999-2000. Deacons in the Liturgy, Ormonde Plater, Morehouse, 1992. (New version due out 2009.) The Diaconate, Barry Rogerson, Diaconal Association of the Church of England Annual General Meeting, 1997. The North American Association for the Diaconate (NAAD), www.diakonoi.org. The School for Deacons, www.sfd.edu. Diaconal Pages, United Methodist Website, www.deaconpages.org. Amazing Grace, DVD, 20th Century Fox, 2007. Dead Man Walking, DVD, MGM, 1995. Babette's Feast, DVD, MGM, 1988.

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Human Awareness & Understanding

Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life, Henri Nouwen, Donald P. Mcneill, & Douglas Morrison, Image, 2005. Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World, Tracy Kidder, Random House, 2004. Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation, Jonathan Kozol, Harper Perennial, 1996. Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in the Bronx, Adrian LeBlanc, Scribner, 2004. Unexpected News: Reading the Bible with Third-World Eyes, Robert McAfee Brown, Westminster John Knox Press, 1984. Jesus Wants to Save Christians: A Manifesto for the Church in Exile, Rob Bell, Zondervan, 2008. The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium, Walter Wink, Galilee Trade, 1999. The Working Poor: Invisible in America, David K. Shipler, Vintage, 2005. How Much Is Enough, Arthur Simon, Baker Books, 2003. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity, Ronald Sider, Thomas Nelson, 2005. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time, Greg Mortenson, Penguin, 2007. Dispossessed: Life in Our World’s Urban Slums, Mark Kramer, Orbis Books, 2006. Souls in the Hands of a Tender God: Stories of the Search for Home and Healing on the Streets, Craig Rennebohm, Beacon Press, 2008. Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion, Sara Miles, Ballantine Books, 2008. The Glass Castle: A Memoir, Jeannette Wells, Scribner, 2006. Rising to Common Ground: Overcoming America’s Color Lines, Danny Collum, JustFaith, 2006. Faith Works: How to Live Your Beliefs and Ignite Positive Social Change, Jim Wallis, Random House, 2005. Gandhi the Man: The Story of His Transformation, Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, 1997. The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical, , Zondervan, 2006. : Politics for Ordinary Radicals, Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw, Zondervan, 2008. Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers: Prayer for Ordinary Radicals, Shane Claiborne & Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, IVP Books, 2008.

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Let Justice Roll Down, John Perkins, Regal Books, 2006. With Justice for All, A Strategy for Community Development, John Perkins, Regal Books, 2007. Sub-merge, Living Deep in a Shallow World: Service, Justice and Contemplation Among the World’s Poor, John Hayes, Regal Books, 2006. The New Friars, The Emerging Movement Serving the World’s Poor, Scott Bessenecker, IVP Books, 2006. Rachel and her Children: Homeless Families in America, Jonathon Kozol, Three Rivers Press, 2006. Tell Them Who I Am: The Lives of Homeless Women, Elliot Liebow, Penguin, 1995. Don’t Call Us Out of Name: The Untold Story of Women and Girls in Poor America, Lisa Dodson, Beacon Press, 1999. Flat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform, Sharon Hays, Oxford University Press, 2004. The Prophetic Imagination, Walter Brueggemann, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2001. Mandate to Difference: An Invitation to Contemporary Church, Walter Brueggemann, Westminster John Knox Press, 2007. The Business of Hunger, DVD, Alternative Information Network, 1984. The Global Banquet: Politics of Food, DVD, http://olddogdocumentaries.com/vid_gb.html. Gandhi, DVD, Sony Pictures, 2007. Romero, DVD, Vision Video, 2009. Jesus: Portrait of a Radical, VHS, Four Seasons Productions, 1990. Escape from Affluenza, DVD, Bullfrog Films, 1998. Global Village or Global Pillage: How People Around the World Are Challenging Corporate Globalization, DVD, Jeremy Brecher & Ed Asner, 1999. When Did I See You Hungry, DVD, Gerard Thomas Straub, 2002. Entertaining Angels: The Story of Dorothy Day, DVD, Vision Video, 1996. A Force More Powerful: A Century of Non-violent Conflict, DVD, A Force More Powerful Films, 2000. Soldiers of Conscience, DVD, Luna Productions, 2007. Come Walk in My Shoes, DVD, A Video/Action Production, 1990. Dirty Business: Food Exports to the U.S., DVD, Migrant Media, 1989. Waging a Living, DVD, P.O.V., 2006. Dying to Live: A Migrant’s Journey, DVD, , 2005. The Ballad of Esquiel Hernandez, (Immigration/Nonviolence), DVD, P.O.V., 2008. The Boys of Baraka, (Racism/Poverty), DVD, P.O.V., 2006.

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Bullet Proof Vest, (Racism/Poverty/Nonviolence), DVD, P.O.V., 2007. Critical Condition, (Healthcare), DVD, P.O.V., 2008. Pedogogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Feire, Continuum; 30 Anv Sub Edition, 2000. Jesus, Justice, and the Reign of God: A Ministry of Liberation, William R. Herzog III, Westminster John Knox Press, 2000. The Violence of Love: The Pastoral Wisdom of Archbishop Romero, Oscar Romero, Harper Collins, 1988. Using the Hidden Rules of Class to Create Sustainable Communities, Philip DeVol, http://www.ppcaa.org/PDF%20Files/Using%20the%20Hidden%20Rules%20Class.pdf A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Dr. Ruby Payne, aha Process, Inc., 2005.

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Spiritual Development & Discipline

Gratefulness the Heart of Prayer, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Paulist Press, 1984. Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation, M. Robert Mulholland Jr., IVP, 1993. Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer, Jossey-Bass, 1999. Aging: The Fulfillment of Life, Henri Nouwen, Image, 1976. The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming, Henri Nouwen, Image Books / Doubleday, 1994. Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith, Henri Nouwen, Harper One, 2006. The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society, Henri Nouwen, Image, 1979. The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life, Henri Nouwen, Crossroad Publishing Company, 2008. For the Time Being, Annie Dillard, Vintage, 2000. Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, Lauren Artress, Riverhead Trade, 2006. Contemplative Prayer, , Image, 1971. Spiritual Direction and Meditation, Thomas Merton, Liturgical Press, 1986. The Cloud of Unknowing, Tim Farrington, Harper One, 2004. Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality, Richard Rohr, Saint Anthony Messenger Press, 2008. Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer, Richard Rohr, Crossroads Publishing Company, 2003. Anam Cara, John O’Donohue, Bantam Books, 1999. Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, Richard Foster, Harper San Francisco, 1988. The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages, Joan Chittister, Crossroads Publishing Company, 1992. Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today, Joan Chittister, Harper One, 1991. The Cup of Our Life: A Guide for Spiritual Growth, Joyce Rupp & Jane Pitz, Ave Maria Press, 1997. Dark Night of the Soul, St. , Baronius Press, 2006. Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel-On Prayer, Thomas Dubay, Ignatius Press, 1989. : Showings, Edmund Colledge, James Walsh, & Jean Leclercq, Paulist Press, 1977.

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The New Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, Philip Sheldrake, Westminster/John Knox Press, 2005. Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction, Margaret Guenther & Alan Jones, Cowley Publications, 1992.

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Practical Training & Experience

Lord Open Our Lips: Musical Help for Leaders of the Liturgy, Rev Joseph Robinson, Canon Susan K. Boch, Church Publishing, 2000. Preaching, Fred Craddock, Abingdon Press, 1990. Surviving the Sermon, David Schlafer, Cowley Publications, 1992. The Witness of Preaching, Tom Long, Abingdon Press, 2005. Go Preach, John Gilbert, Discipleship Resources, Nashville, TN, 2002. The Preaching Life, Barbara Brown Taylor, Cowley Publications, 1993. As One Without Authority, Fred Craddock, Abingdom, Nashville, TN, 1981. Preachers and Hearers of the Word, William Roen, (Alban Institute), 1989. Lectures on Preaching, Phillips Brooks, (1877 Lyman Beecher lectures at Yale). The Preaching Event, John Claypool, (1979 Lyman Beecher lectures at Yale) The Bible in the Pulpit, Leander E. Keck, 1987. The Preaching Life, Barbara Brown Taylor, 1993. Imagining A Sermon, Thomas Troeger, Abingdon Press, 1990. Playing With Fire, David Schlafer, Cowley Publications, 2004. Prepare A Road, Kim Beckmann, Cowley Publications, 2002. For The Time Being, Annie Dillard, Vintage Books, 2000. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, Anne Lamott, Anchor; 1st Edition, 1995. The Book of God: The Bible as Novel, Walter Wangerin, Lion Publishing, 1998. Jesus: A Novel, Walter Wangerin, Lion Publishing, 2006. Paul: A Novel, Walter Wangerin, Zondervan, 2001. The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language, Eugene Peterson, Navpress, 2005. Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership, Dan Hotchkiss, Alban Institute, 2009. Strength to Love, Martin Luther King, Jr., Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1981. A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr., Martin Luther King, Jr., HarperOne, 1990. To Act Justly, Love Tenderly, and Walk Humbly: An Agenda for Ministers, Walter Brueggemann, Sharon Parks, Thomas H. Groome, Wipf & Stock, 1997. Good examples of telling the Gospel creatively in a contemporary context: John Claypool, Frederick Buechner, and Robert Capon.