Kevin Galalae 4 April 2021

Europe and indeed the entire world is up in arms because the measures governments are taking to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus are doing ten times more damage than the virus itself, both physical and economic.

People everywhere can also no longer tolerate the blatant and shameless lies that national and international authorities as well as the media are repeating endlessly and through every official and mainstream channel doing untold psychological and emotional damage to every human being on the planet.

Every human being on the planet is now painfully aware that the fundamental rights and liberties that countless generations have fought and died for no longer exist and that those in power have instituted a global totalitarian state under the pretext of a .

More and more people in every corner of the world are waking up to the reality that the Covid-19 virus is a political invention and that the world is not in the grip of a pandemic but of a plandemic.

In ever greater numbers people everywhere are taking to the streets to stop the madness and the lies, but to no avail since governments are hell-bent on pursuing their murderous measures without end in sight.

But neither the people’s fears nor the governments’ madness or the media lies can be stopped unless people know why governments have agreed to cooperate in this plandemic and to sacrifice all political capital and the credibility of the entire system to see it through. Yet the answer is simple and is rooted in geopolitics not medicine, since this is a political not a medical crisis.

The world’s governments have signed on to the UN sustainability agenda, which is well publicized, but cannot be achieved unless first decarbonization and depopulation are accomplished and this cannot be done openly because the first requires the destruction of large sectors of the economy and the latter mass murder.

The decarbonization objectives are spelled out in the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change adopted by 196 state parties in Paris on the 12th of December 2015 and entered into force on the 4th of November 2016. Its goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels and for that to happen the world must first reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and carbon neutrality by mid-century; which is the most difficult, disruptive and costly undertaking in the history of man.


The depopulation objective is spelled out explicitly nowhere because it involves genocide and crimes against humanity, but without it neither decarbonization nor sustainability are possible, which is why it is being pursued under secrecy with the tacit agreement of most of the world’s governments. Implicitly, however, the depopulation objective appears in the Overshoot Index, which describes the sustainable population levels of every region and country on earth and the degree to which the world is overpopulated. A plethora of official documents stating the world’s plan for population stabilization does exist starting with the World Population Plan of Action from 1974. Population stabilization at the current level of 7.8 billion people, however, makes sustainability impossible even if every developed country were to arrest its development and every underdeveloped country were to accept poverty in perpetuity.

Given this dilemma the world’s governments have decided to pursue both decarbonization and depopulation behind the front of a plandemic and have engineered the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic to this end. A plandemic allows governments to pursue both depopulation and decarbonization at the same time while blaming for the devastation. A plandemic is also controllable whereas a pandemic is not.

A plandemic also allows the world to pursue decarbonization and depopulation selectively. Since 75% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced by the G20 nations it is only these nations that are subjected to restrictive measures that are real and substantive and are masked as pandemic prevention measures. And even among those nations only the richest, namely those in the EU and the US, impose far more restrictive measures than the others; the reason being that they can afford to support their people with financial assistance and that it is them who are responsible for the vast majority of the CO2 gasses accumulated in the atmosphere since they have been industrialized for the longest time. In the EU’s case, the restriction to mobility and consumption under the pretext of pandemic prevention are the strongest in the world also because the EU has decided to have the most ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets in the world, as stated in the European Green Deal, the European Climate Law, and the European Commission’s Vision. Whereas the world as a whole seeks a 7% annual reduction in CO2 emissions, the EU seeks a 20% reduction, thus nearly three-fold more.

The depopulation program requires equal discernment since the developed nations, which are in the last stage of the demographic transition / depopulation program, have inverted population pyramids (meaning too many old people and too few young to bear the burden of the old) and need to get rid of as many old people as possible; whereas the developing nations, which are in the first stages of the demographic transition / depopulation program, still have expanding population pyramids (meaning too many young people procreating too fast) and as such need to sterilize as many young people as possible. Both these goals can be accomplished with Covid-19 vaccines and only with vaccines, which is why governments insist on vaccinating every adult and why different age groups are being vaccinated at different times and, of course, with different vaccine batches that are manufactures for different outcomes. That the mandatory or quasi mandatory vaccination of all adults was planned at the same time as the plandemic is evidenced by the official documents of the EU,

2 namely the Roadmap on Vaccination, and the US, namely the National Adult Immunization Plan and its accompanying document A Path to Implementation, all of which show that the mandatory vaccination of all adults was decided on as early as 2018.

That depopulation and decarbonization are the true objectives of the plandemic is demonstrated by the fact that depopulation and decarbonization targets are being accomplished while no progress has been made on the pandemic front. Never mind that all statistics related to the pandemic are complete and utter fiction, from mortality to infection rates, they show more not fewer deaths and infections in 2021 than in 2020, which means not only that the pandemic prevention measures have had no preventive effect whatsoever, but that in fact they have had a detrimental effect.

On the other hand, the data on depopulation and decarbonization shows that the system’s targets have been fully accomplished. The IEA’s data shows that in 2020 the world has accomplished by far the greatest drop in CO2 emissions in history, a whopping -2.6 billion metric tons of CO2, twice the reduction experienced during WW2, more than four times than during the 1930s Great Depression and more than six times than during the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Moreover, the Global Review: CO2 Emissions in 2020 shows that the world has accomplished exactly the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions reductions as the UN’s Emissions Gap Report 2019 had calculated to be necessary to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, namely 7%.

The depopulation targets are just as accurately met, according to the data on fertility decline, old-age mortality and death by hunger.

On the reproductive front, new data shows that sperm counts are set to reach zero by 2045, which would spell the end of mankind, but neither the WHO nor any government is saying or doing anything about it. The authorities are equally unconcerned about the ubiquitous presence of neurotoxins in baby food and the decline in IQ, both of which have far greater implications for the survival of mankind than the Covid-19 flu, even if it were real.


And there is total silence also and no action whatsoever on the worldwide fertility decline and the 83 nations, representing half the world’s population, with sub-replacement level fertility.

Aggregate data from gathered by the Robert Koch Institute and published by under the title Dramatischer Anstieg der Todesfälle unter Senioren seit Beginn der Corona-Schutzimpfungen (available also in English here) shows that the mortality rate among the 80+ age category is five to ten times higher after the vaccination campaign began than before. If developed nations did not have a problem paying the medical costs and the pensions of the old, and if their governments did not push untested experimental covid-19 vaccines with total shamelessness on the population one would be inclined to ascribe this to a bad year. But the writing is on the wall, as neither the Pfizer nor the Astra Zeneca or the Moderna Covid-19 vaccines have passed phase three testing and as such are experimental. At no other time in history have experimental vaccines been forced onto the entire global population, vaccines that have already been shown to be deadly, and despite the desperate cries of medical experts. Yet governments want us to believe that the elderly are first in line for covid-19 vaccines because they are vulnerable and need to be protected.

It is therefore no surprise that the American Reporting System (VAERS), has begun to record the largest increase in hospitalizations and deaths caused by vaccines since its inception.


And the same alarming growth in hospitalizations (238,949 injuries) and deaths (5365 deaths) is being recorded by Eudra Vigilance, the European system for managing and analyzing information on suspected adverse reactions to medicines and vaccines.

The killing of the elderly and the chronically ill by governments under the pretext of the pandemic, but in fact by criminal treatment protocols, by closing hospitals and by denying medical services to the sick, has already reduced life expectancy in most European countries, according to Eurostat data; which has never happened in the history of Europe since World War II and despite the fact that overall mortality has not increased, which has never happened in human history and indicates a targeted attack on the right to life of the elderly.


To undermine human health and cause as many deaths as possible, governments and the international technocracy are depriving people of the fundamental building blocks of good health: physical activity (by shutting down gyms and pools and by limiting access to parks, beaches and recreational areas), sunlight (by locking people indoors) and air (by forcing everyone to wear a mask at all times and breathe their own CO2). The elemental aspects of good mental and emotional health are equally subverted by prohibiting social interaction, physical contact and affection. By these methods governments hope to bring down life expectancy to 75 years (it is currently 80 years), the old-age burden to below 20% (it is currently above 25% across the EU), and the median age to 40 years (it is currently 44 years) and thus solve Europe’s ageing problem and rescue governments from bankruptcy.

The disruption brought about to supply chains by the illogical pandemic prevention measures have caused a catastrophic global famine that will cost the lives of 300 million people worldwide, the very people who live in extreme poverty and the UN is trying to lift out of it. But instead of feeding the hungry the international system is pouring all its financial resources into vaccinating the entire global population against a virus that has a mortality rate of 0.1 to 0.3% according to aggregate data. So far 2 million people have supposedly died from the covid-19 plandemic but 300 million will die of hunger caused by pandemic prevention measures and countless others will die of lack of medical care, depression and desperation.

Clearly, the pandemic prevention measures taken by governments have worked wonders for the system’s depopulation and decarbonization targets, but have had no effect whatsoever on combatting the pandemic.

Now that it is bell-clear to all why governments have decided to play the plandemic card the question is how do we stop them? And the answer is simple, by ensuring that they cannot accomplish either their decarbonization or their depopulation targets, which is rather easy. Demonstrations will not do this, as we have already seen. Demonstrations are met with violence by governments. The world’s governments are willfully engaging in the destruction of the world economy and of human life on a scale hitherto unknown. They have already annihilated all rights and liberties and will not return them to us freely just because we go on the street, for if they do all those responsible will either spend the rest of their lives behind bars or will be executed for crimes against humanity.

The system’s decarbonization by plandemic strategy can be stopped by turning the motors of our cars on and letting them idle for hours on end. That will eviscerate all traffic limitations, lockdowns and curfews governments impose for the sake of lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of wasting our time and energy marching on the streets and begging our governments to stop the plandemic we will force our governments to run after us to shut down our motors. We will turn the tables on them. And since the resources of governments are limited they will soon become exhausted and will be left with no other choice than to pursue decarbonization openly and within the rule of law. Furthermore, since governments continue to pretend that they respect the rule of law and the right to demonstrate we need only place a sign on the front window of our idling car saying that we are demonstrating

6 against the decarbonization by plandemic measures by running our cars. We will thus tie our governments’ hands behind their backs. We will check mate them.

The depopulation by vaccination strategy is just as easily shut down. We need only refuse any and all Covid tests, which are fraudulent, and all Covid vaccines, which are murderous, as well as the upcoming vaccine passports, which are intended to subject us to depopulation by vaccination and to curtail our freedom of movement so as to lower our CO2 emissions from flying and travelling. That will make the depopulation by vaccination program null and void and governments will have to pursue population stabilization by legal and moral means and not by economic sabotage, engineered famine, genocide and crimes against humanity.

If we don’t stop our governments now the system will continue in the same vein until 2025 when it will engage the next plandemic, the SPARS plandemic, which has already been planned and practiced, just as the SARS-CoV-2 plandemic was planned and practiced long before it was unleashed on the world.

The world needs to accomplish both depopulation and decarbonization but not by these means, which are destructive and criminal and cause far more harm than good. The existential problems of depopulation and decarbonization can be accomplished legally, ethically and equitably by the means I described in my book The Future of Global Governance.

We cannot allow a global dictatorship to take hold of the world and to treat us like vermin. We can and will solve our existential problems without abandoning our humanity or our fundamental rights and liberties.

We will be assets in the struggle for our existence not liabilities. It is our right as human beings and as equal members of this civilization.