Delting Community Council

MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 29TH OCTOBER 2020 – Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this was a virtual meeting held through FaceTime.

2020/10/01 MEMBERS

Mr A Cooper, Chairman Ms J Dennison Ms R Griffiths Mr A Hall Mr J Milne Mr B Moreland Mr E Smith

2020/10/02 IN ATTENDANCE

Ms Georgia Smith, Co-opted at the Meeting Mr A Cripps, Total E&P UK Ltd Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development Mrs A Foyle, Clerk

2020/10/03 CIRCULAR

The circular calling the meeting was held as read.

2020/10/04 APOLOGIES

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr W Whitrow, Mrs E Macdonald and Ms A Arnett.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2020 were approved by Mr A Hall and seconded by Ms R Griffiths.


There were no declarations of interest.


Mr Andy Cripps, Terminal Manager, Gas Plant attended the meeting. He had no major announcements and gave an update on what is happening at the moment.

The last few months, globally and in the UK, it has been a turbulent time with the battle with Covid-19.

From a safety perspective it has been a good year so far with only two first aid cases. The has done better than any other Total E&P UK Ltd in the UK with the fewest cases. There have been a few minor incidents. One small fire with the emergency generator and this was contained and there was a leak from the heating medium (hot water) and this was also well contained.

Environmentally there have been no major discharges.

The big challenge has been Covid-19. Everyone gets tested for Covid-19 at the site. The staff that fly in and out of Shetland are tested in Aberdeen before they fly. So far this has worked well. Staff wear masks, keep socially distant and Total follows strict cleaning procedures. There have been a few positive cases. There were three last week which is unprecedented and this was before the staff travelled to Shetland.

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Production and operations to date shows that they produce an average of 54,000 barrels of mostly gas per day. They have had one major shut down for work. Last year they were producing an average of 64,000 barrels per day. This is a steep decline. They are addressing this by trying to find more gas in Shetland. As a business, Covid-19 has caused a reduction in the price of diesel and petrol and far fewer people are flying. This has had a big impact on the oil industry.

As a business, at the moment they limit what they plan to do. They were going to do exploratory drilling but this has had to be delayed and may be done next year. There is also a delay in investment from Glendronach and it is no longer an economic development and not coming here.

The operation costs have not altered much and they have now changed contracts to PBS. Going forward, they are mothballing bits of plant to reduce maintenance and power and to consume less gas.

Total is still committed to Shetland, exploring the west of Shetland and have many key strategies to try to get the zero carbon goal. They are trying to make the most of the existing infrastructure that fits well with Shetland Gas Plant.

The Chairman asked if the Glendronach significant development needs the mercury plant installed.

Mr A Cripps responded to say that the mercury gas removal plant has been mothballed. It will need to be started soon to make it economic. Total has not invested any money this year. Hopefully next year there will be new gas west of Shetland for 4-5 years and Glendronach will be a successful project in the future.

The Chairman asked if they had significant acreage to explore.

Mr A Cripps said that Total got added acreage from their partnership with Shell. This has been extended so they can explore the potential gas at Ballechin and Benranoch. They are hopeful for success. 8/10 wells do not produce any oil or gas. These have not been drilled yet. They have acreage and new licence areas and hoping to develop smaller ones as well.

Mr A Hall asked if the current rate of decline will be unviable?

Mr A Cripps said they are looking at 2025 and to extend the economic life. Even if they push out for 6 months to one year, there is more chance to make more discoveries west of Shetland viable. Things change quickly. Assessment work will be undertaken on existing wells in existing fields. If there is a significant find, this makes it easier and they can extend the life of the plant as they get revenue.

Mr A Hall is concerned that it takes time to find gas and get infrastructure in place and it seems like a short lifespan.

Mr A Cripps said that some of the reservoirs to the west of Shetland have not performed as much as hoped such as the Laggan-Tormore field.

The Chairman asked if there could be third party use.

Mr A Cripps replied that they pursue third party entrants but there is nothing firm at the moment. They can turn developments around quite quickly, as they can use the same infrastructure. Third parties find this harder to do and it takes longer.

The Chairman said it is not a good picture. The UK Government is keen to maximise the oil and gas into the UK and will have to offer an incentive to go west of Shetland again.

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Mr A Cripps said they will use their infrastructure and he is confident they will get increased focus on west of Shetland to explore. Any funding from the Government helps as it is expensive.

The Glen Lyon results north of Shetland are not good and are on hold. New acreage means things could change. They are being realistic and managing what they do and will take advantage of new gas coming in.

The Chairman said that this has been a useful talk. He asked if the travelling workforce are more expensive then the local workforce.

Mr A Cripps said that 50% of their workforce is local and they try to prioritise that. They have some new apprentices and they try to keep staff. The balance between locals and travelling staff may change over time. PBS means that they can concentrate more on locals. They will be having no recruitment campaigns over the next few years. They try to secure high profile local jobs as they bring lots of advantages.

The Chairman explained that recruiting staff locally, means they are more likely to stay locally, gives continuity and increased knowledge. It is not just about the cost of a travelling workforce.

Mr A Cripps said that they try to give their staff opportunities and recognise their skills. There are always a mixture of pros and cons to both. Some fly in and out have skills that the locals do not have.

They are still taking on Opito apprentices which is good to still be able to do that.

The Chairman thanked him for attending and said that regular updates would be good.

Mr A Cripps left the meeting.


The Chairman put Ms Georgia Smith forward for co-option onto Delting Community Council and Members agreed to co-opt her.

This was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mr B Moreland.

Ms G Smith has completed a Co-opted Member Appointment form. The Clerk will send this to the Chairman to sign, then forward onto Ms Anne Cogle at Administration Services and copy to Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development. Clerk to progress.


Members have been trying to find someone to take on this role. They are going to speak to local people in the community before the next meeting.


10.1 Road – Improvements – Ms J Dennison said that there have been no changes since the last meeting.

10.2 School Transport Issue – Mossbank service not fitting in with the school times – The Chairman said there is no further update on this.

10.3 Digital Highlands and Islands – Broadband Rollout – The Chairman said it will be Spring time before there is any changes with this.

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10.4 Mossbank Play Park – Toddler Swing – The Chairman said it will be Summer time before this is looked at.

10.5 Delting Boating Club – Bin for Dog Waste – Mr Brydon Sinclair, SIC Waste Prevention Officer has e-mailed the Clerk stating that there was a dog litter bin outside the graveyard, but it was removed due to complaints of smell. This bin is now in the Brae graveyard so those visiting the site can make use of it for tidying up old flowers.

The Clerk has asked about the cost of the Community Council purchasing a dog litter bin to go outside the Delting Boating Club and if the Shetland Islands Council will empty it. Mr Brydon Sinclair has not responded to this question. The Clerk is to chase this up and send a message to Mr John Smith, Director of Infrastructure as Members want a response. Clerk to progress.

10.6 Tree Planting at Moorfield Estate, Brae – The Chairman confirmed that SIC Housing are content with this. Ms Georgia Smith and her father have planted the trees and paid Shetland Amenity Trust for the trees. The Clerk is to arrange to pay this grant. Clerk to progress.

10.7 Supporting Communities Fund – The Clerk has sent the feedback from the Brae Foodbank, Ability Shetland and Mind Your Head on how they spent the money awarded to them and the evidence of expenditure to Ms Fiona Stirling, HIE Development Manager.

10.8 Community Development Fund (CDF) – SIC Community Planning and Development – At the last meeting, the Clerk confirmed that we have £4,000 to go towards the end of the Muckle Roe road. Mr N Hutcheson, SIC Roads Service agreed to do the costing for extending and improving the Muckle Roe car park where people leave their vehicles to walk to the Hams of Roe. Mr N Hutcheson sent an e-mail with projected costings. One option is to get 12 parking spaces where the SIC Roads Service would pay for the surface dressing and the cost to the Community Council would be £4,000. The other option includes extending the hardstanding by 10 metres increasing the parking to 17 spaces but the cost would increase to £8,100 - £10,000 depending on the surfacing. These costs do not include VAT.

Members are keen for the 12 parking spaces option. The Chairman said that if the SIC tar the car park and put white lines in, people will be obliged to park in the spaces. Ms J Dennison asked for this e-mail to be forwarded onto her. Clerk to progress. Once she has had a look at it and is content with this, then the Clerk is to contact Mr N Hutcheson and confirm the option the Community Council are choosing. Clerk to progress.

Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development said that the Community Council has £1,000 to spend on this project from the CDF project fund and £3,000 from the Distribution Fund to go on other projects. The Clerk is to send an e-mail to him asking if we can swap the two grants, so we have £3,000 for this project. Clerk to progress. As the prices quoted from Mr N Hutcheson do not include VAT, Members said that the Community Council would pay the excess with money out of the capital fund.

10.9 Community Wellbeing Fund – Corra Foundation – Ms Jessica Johnson from the Brae Foodbank confirmed that they have made a total of twenty two £50 payments to help people with their electricity costs. This is a total of £1,100.00. This leaves them with a balance of £900.00 remaining. The Clerk contacted Ms Wendy Hand at VAS to check if there is a deadline for this money to be spent by and as the £2,000.00 has been paid to the Brae Foodbank to issue £50 payments for electricity, that is fine.

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10.10 Brae Graveyard Road and Car Park – The Clerk has heard back from Mr Calum Clark. He has planted thirty trees and plans to add another forty and has added seventy bulbs and plants. He has cut the grass to neaten it up. Mr Carl Symons, SIC Environment and Estate Operations has e-mailed to ask if the Community Council are content with the efforts made to tidy up the car park at the Brae Graveyard. The main change is that they have relocated the stockpile of earth to Mavis Grind. Mr B Moreland will have a look and report back to the Clerk.

10.11 Slow Sign in Lower Voe – The Clerk contacted Constable Mark Bryant about speeding in Voe and he confirmed he would look into it.

The Clerk has tried to contact Mr Colin Gair, SIC Roads Service about the ongoing concerns regarding speeding in Voe, but has not received a response as yet. Members were disappointed that Mr C Gair hasn’t got back in touch with the Clerk. The Chairman said many areas in Shetland have concerns with speed limits and Mr C Gair has an obligation to tell the Community Council the legislation and the Clerk is to contact Mr John Smith, Director of Infrastructure to ask why Mr C Gair is not acknowledging the e-mails. Clerk to progress.

10.12 Parking at Maidenfield, Mossbank – The Chairman is still in contact with Mrs Anita Jamieson, SIC Housing about this ongoing issue. Mr E Smith said that the situation is still bad.

10.13 Grant Application Form – Voe Public Hall – They have a committee of 11 members and often cater for big events with over 250 people. They would like to upgrade their existing dishwasher which is starting to become unreliable and often does not work. They feel a dishwasher is needed to ensure cutlery and dinnerware is properly cleaned, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic reminding everyone how important proper cleaning is. The total cost of the dishwasher is £3746.36 and they have £375.00 of their own funding. This leaves a balance of £3371.36. They have sent through quotes for two dishwashers and their annual accounts for 2019/2020. They have sent through their most recent bank statement. Members agreed that given the funds in their account with no definitive route for the funds, Members cannot award them a grant. Clerk to progress.

10.14 Viking Wind Farm – Community Liaison Group – The Chairman said that the next meeting is scheduled for 3rd November. The Chairman is Mr Andrew Archer and the Vice Chairman is Mr James Garrick. If there are any issues in the Delting community, they need to direct questions through Mr A Cooper at least a week before the meeting to allow time to get answers prepared before the meeting.

10.15 Scatsta Airport – The Chairman reported that a company has expressed a tentative interest in this.

10.16 Vandalism of Trees in Brae Woodland – The Chairman has spoken to Mr L Nicolson, Head Teacher at Brae High School and the school is going to try and educate the children about the importance of the trees and make them more aware. He has also spoken to Mr Billy Mycock, Anti-social Behaviour Co-ordinator with the SIC. The situation has quietened down at the moment. The whole area is up to the Shetland Amenity Trust to manage. Ms G Smith has spoken to Mr L Nicolson, Brae High School and Mr J Mackenzie, Shetland Amenity Trust to try and find out who owns the land.

10.17 Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – Ms Janice Hawick from CAB will be attending the next meeting to share information about their services.

10.18 ASCC – Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development said that he is happy that the Community Council has joined the ASCC again and hopes it will be a benefit.

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10.19 Remembrance Day Wreath – The Clerk collected the Remembrance Day Wreath from the Royal British Legion and it costs £35.00. Payment approved. The Chairman agreed to lay the wreath on behalf of the community on Remembrance Sunday. There will be no service this year due to Covid-19 but the Community Council want to do this as a mark of respect.

2020/10/11 POLICE REPORT

The Clerk received the Police Report for September 2020 and this was forwarded onto Members before the meeting.

In Delting, there were fourteen incidents recorded including one driver charged with driving without a valid MOT.


There were two planning applications for consideration.

2020/210/PPF – Erect 1.5 storey dwellinghouse with air source heat pump and attached garage, Plot 14, Culsetter Park, Busta, Brae, Shetland by Tulloch Developments – There were no objections to this application. Clerk to progress. The Chairman said he is glad there is still a demand for new houses in the area and young people wanting to stay in Delting.

2020/212/PPF – Change of use from class 10 Former School to mixed use Class 11 (indoor recreation) and Class 3 (Food and Drink), Olnafirth Primary School, Isles Road, Voe, Shetland – There were no objections to this application. Clerk to progress. Members are happy that the building is going to be back in use and thinks it will be a benefit to Voe.

2020/001/PPF – Erect dwellinghouse with garage and air source heat pump, Plot West of Glengarth, Voxter, Brae, Shetland by Mr Stuart Henry – The Clerk asked for an extension for Members to send comments regarding this application but that was rejected. Therefore, the Clerk requested comments from Members and the response was submitted within the timescale and stated the following -

This house is at Scatsta and not Voxter. Delting Community Council is aware of the problem planning has created for this family. They are being required to stop up a road/right of way which has historically always created access to Scatsta Farm. In addition they will require three houses to give up that right to use. Yes the view from the junction is very slightly obscured but there has never been an accident recorded at that location. For a few years the access to the Scatsta Kirk which provides greater visibility has been used by the slow moving farm tractors to provide greater safety. Stuart and Hannah have given an assurance that they will respect the planning condition and only use this lower access.

Delting Community Council support removal of this planning condition or a revised condition which only applies specifically to the development. The developer has given a categorical assurance that they would respect the planning condition and it is iniquitous to require the three other households to give up a historic right of way when there is no evidence of accidents arising from the access. Additionally the down turn at Voe and the closure of Scatsta Airport has already shown a marked reduction in traffic in the area. This young couple and their child want to put down roots in the area and should be encouraged.

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Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development said that they are busy with Community Conversations. Ms Ana Arnett sent an e-mail about this. There is an online Community Conversation on 19th November at 7pm. The purpose of this conversation is to reflect on what has been achieved over these last 7 months in the community.

They help communities take stock, explore what communities can do themselves and what they want help with from the public sector. It is also about how the Council can best respond, to work with and support communities going forward.

If anyone is available to attend from the Community Council, they are to get in contact with her directly. The Clerk is to forward this e-mail to Members. Clerk to progress.


14.1 Grant Application Form – Voxter House – They are a charitable organisation that provides accommodation and space for individuals and groups to carry out any number of outdoor led activities. It is available for members of the community and people out with Shetland to use as large self-catering accommodation.

They have had a review from the Shetland Islands Council’s building department and several issues were highlighted. Three areas of immediate concern are the flat roof needs to be replaced due to it leaking (cost estimated to be in the region of £15000) the guttering needs to be fixed (cost as yet unknown) and a need for replacement lighting and fire alarms (cost estimated to be in the region of £5000). The total cost is in excess of £20,000.

The Chairman said that it is a big concern with urgent work needing to take place in the winter time and the issues with the roof could also cause water damage issues inside the building. Voxter House is an important feature, lots of people enjoy going there and it is a good retreat for people. He has a lot of respect for them. Members agreed to a £3,000 grant award. Clerk to progress.

14.2 Connecting Scotland Devices – SIC Resilience Planning – E-mail received from Ms Tracy Langley, Operational Lead Remote Teaching for Shetland stating that they were successful in their digital inclusion bid and have accounted for those unsuccessful in the Connecting Scotland bid, including Delting Community Council. I checked if Brae High School and Mossbank Primary School still required laptops. Brae requested 20 and Mossbank requested 10. She is going to contact the schools directly. We had requested 20 in total and she will allocate these between the schools. The Chairman said that creating equality is important. The Clerk is to check how many devices each school received. Clerk to progress.

14.3 Grass growing through the pavements in Brae – The Clerk received a Facebook message from Mr Keith Hay asking if anything can be done about the grass growing through the pavements in Brae as it does not look very good. The Clerk is to contact Mr N Hutcheson, SIC Roads Service about the paths in Brae. Clerk to progress.

14.4 Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Community Engagement in Primary Care Event - E-mail received stating that there is a Scotland wide online event through Microsoft Teams on 10th November 2020 on Community Engagement in Primary Care. It is for anyone working in or supporting primary care including NHS staff, patient and community groups, Health and Social Care partnerships and third sector representatives.

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14.5 Tyre Safety Month Campaign – SIC Roads Service – E-mail received form Ms Elaine Skinley, Road Safety Officer. October is tyre safety month and they usually promote tyre safety to staff and members of the public. They are asking the Community Council to help promote the campaign with their posters. The Clerk is to send these posters out with the approved Minutes. Clerk to progress.

14.6 Islands Communities Impact Assessments – Consultation – E-mail received from Ms Lynn Haughton, Policy Officer with Scottish Islands Team. They want to understand the impact of policies in island communities. It ensures that the islands receive fair and equitable treatment and policy outcomes that are tailored to their unique circumstances. This guidance tells relevant authorities how to assess and take into account the impacts their policies, strategies or services would have on island communities. The link to the consultation is at https:// Members are disappointed in the low level of engagement with the community and they have not tried to engage with island communities. Clerk to progress.


15.1 Various funding information from Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development – the Clerk is to forward this onto Members. Clerk to progress.

Better Breaks programme provides 12 month grants to organisations to develop and deliver short breaks projects and services for disabled children and young people, and their carers. The closing date for applications is 19th November 2020 and more information can be found on the Better Breaks website.

Historic Environment Recovery Fund aims to support the historic environment sector to recover from the impacts of Covid-19 safeguarding jobs, enabling organisations to remain solvent and ensuring historic buildings and sites can reopen to the public. Grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 are available. The closing date is 2nd November 2020 and more information can be found at environment-recovery-fund/

Community Climate Asset Fund (CCAF) is open for bids. Grants of between £1,000 to £100,000 are available. Your assets should reduce greenhouse gas emissions in your community, and help you to raise awareness and understanding of climate change and encourage people in your community to adopt lower carbon ways of living. Your assets should provide clear benefits to your community, including those beyond your own organisation. Your application should demonstrate that you can complete your project and spend your grant by 31 March 2021. Your application should demonstrate that you have an appropriate maintenance plan as well as the resources to ensure that this is achievable. The deadline for applications is 9th November 2020. For more information on eligibility, match funding requirements and an application form please see: fund/

The Robertson Trust have launched their new strategy for the next ten years. It focuses on tackling poverty and trauma in Scotland and the impact this has on the physical, mental and material wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. The Trust want to fund those who are helping communities affected by poverty and trauma with a focus on early intervention, and support capacity, skills and capability in the organisations they fund. Finally, they want to share knowledge and understanding around poverty and trauma, their causes, consequences and potential solutions. Funds between £2,000 and £75,000 are available. For more information see -

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16.1 Community Council Meeting Dates of 2021 – The Clerk is going to prepare a list of dates for meetings next year and this list is to be e-mailed to all Members. Members agreed to continue meeting on the last Thursday of each month except for July and December. Clerk to progress.

16.2 Video Conferencing Options – The Clerk said that we currently use Facetime, but our new Member, Georgia Smith cannot access this. She asked if Members could look at other universal video conferencing applications. Members discussed this and decided to try using Microsoft Teams for the next meeting. Clerk to progress.


The Chairman called for the next Delting Community Council virtual meeting to be held by Microsoft Teams on Thursday 26th November 2020 commencing at 7.30pm.


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