
No. 305 November 2020


CHURCH STREET STORES The year started very well when the announcement was made that we’d been chosen to represent the South West in the Countryside Alliance Awards for ‘Best Village Shop’. March brought about big changes for all of us. We quickly adapted to serving over the table in the doorway and moving to a cashless system. We had in place ‘Rainbow Pay’ at the window which gave a smile to whoever used it. It felt safer serving customers like this, for us and for them, but incredibly exhausting. With the noise of the traffic to compete with and the miles covered on foot it made sense to close at 2.00 pm.

We were genuinely touched by the amount of people who offered to help out with deliveries to the vulnerable and self- isolating. Thanks so much to those who regularly delivered, we really did appreciate it. It really makes us feel so lucky to be living in a community where we can help and support one another.

Unbelievably, we operated like this for 5 months, reopening in September. The rules changed again. With the introduction of face coverings and limiting customers to 2 at a time, the shop looks very different inside. We were grateful for the support and patience given by our customers and thank you for wearing your face coverings. It felt really scary at first, opening up the doors again and allowing people into our space. Fortunately, we have all learnt that face coverings are just another essential item you now grab when leaving the house.

We must give a huge thanks to Pauline Nott and Mo Sparrow who have been making face coverings for charity. Mo has raised a total of £245 for ‘Crohns and Colitis’ (our chosen charity) and we have helped to raise £1160 for Pauline’s charity Nayamba School in Zambia. (She has raised now over £6,000!!)

From the beginning of October to the present day we have had another shop rearrange. Now open again till 5pm and taking cash. We have made lots more space with the removal of the café tables (these may return one day) and now this area is designated to ecological/plastic free gifts and every day bits and bobs.

With even more reason to shop locally this Christmas we have an abundance of local food and gifts. Local Pate, Chutneys, Juice, Jams, Chocolates, Ales, Ciders, Wines and Spirits this year. Closer to Christmas we’ll have local Salami, more cheeses, Christmas Cakes and Hampers available.

Instead of a Christmas shopping evening, this year it will be possible to shop privately out of hours, for hamper ordering and generally more relaxed shopping, please ask for a time slot.

If you’re on Facebook, please do look us up, we post any last minute news, change in opening times, special offers etc. which has been a brilliant way of communicating this year! – www.facebook.com/churchstreetstores Thanks again and Stay Safe Matthew & Clare 01363 877826

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 1

Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores


We’ve been having a few chill-out days up in Hartland, in our lucky caravan, looking out at the grey, navy, jade, turquoise sea with its frills of whitecaps, watching the clouds sailing by and the rooks and gulls circling, meandering. The jackdaws cavorting and dancing round the church tower like pagan dancers round their maypole (not what the builders had in mind), and in one grey dawn, the last bands of swallows going south on a cool following wind.

There’s reading to be done – usually up here it’s a mixture of unsavoury and complicated criminals up against various flawed detectives with abused/alcoholic/damaged back stories and generally satisfying if sometimes troubling denouements. Not this time. Our reading includes a wonderful book of essays on wildlife, especially birdlife (1), and a riveting autobiographical account of growing up on a sheep farm in Wales (2).

Sheep! I confess not my favourite farm animal, from experiences of orchard damage, knocked down fences and escapes and the ever-expanding sheep book of 101 Ways to Die. But how difficult farming can be, especially on a small budget, how difficult to keep in mind the important things of life away from the toxin of money (too little - or too much). Including what my Dutch friends call ‘being in Nature’, and what to a stressed-out farmer might seem like just ‘bloody weather and pests’.

Instead I confess my love of those methane factories called cows, with years of milking Israeli Friesians and Oxford Jerseys (who genome seems to hover between cattle and roe deer). But they’re nearly all lovely, if not always friendly - our Jersey bull kept visitors and postmen well away when he grazed the front lawn! Meanwhile the sky is busy with birds and a great thump of cloud threatens a heavy rain shower. Covid-19 is ramping up again with its dismal trail of problems and tedious but necessary restrictions. But we’ll deal with it. We live in a very supportive community in Morchard Bishop, and it’ll pass.

(1) Vespers Flights by Helen Macdonald (2) Running for the Hills by Horatio Clare

If you would like to help us with this popular village publication, then please contact Colin Crewdson at [email protected]

Check your waste and recycling collection dates online

Residents in Mid are being encouraged to check their waste and recycling dates online or download a printable calendar specific to their address.

For many years the Council created a waste and recycling calendar, in printed format, which was sent out to all households in the district. However, with mounting costs and a drive to reduce paper usage the calendar will now be in an online format.

Cabinet Member for the Environment, Cllr Colin Slade, said: “This Council is committed to reducing costs and our impact on the environment and this decision is a way we can help achieve both. We must always ensure all of our residents have easy access to our services and by ensuring we have created a user-friendly calendar, which is available for everyone, we can still achieve this while saving paper, time and money.”

For 2020/21 the online version of the calendar will be available on the Council’s website to view, or individuals can print off their own calendar. For anyone who has difficulty accessing material online you can call Customer Services on 01884 255255 or email [email protected] who will be able to help.

As with previous years the Council also has an online look-up facility whereby customers can input their postcode to quickly find their next two collection dates.

By stopping the printing and posting of the calendar to all households the Council will save around £16,000 per year.

To check your collection date visit https://www.middevon.gov.uk/collectiondaylookup

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 2 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR XMAS PARTIES OR PRESENTS COVID HELP Storytelling evenings with your local storyteller on ZOOM The virus is still around and spreading again, so if you are shielding or isolating, remember, help is available.

A reminder from Church Street Stores and Steve Watson’s team from the Parish Council – if you need help with shopping, getting prescriptions, need letters posted or if you

just need someone to talk to – help is out there.

Mid-winter tales (other themes available) and a chance to chat to your friends and families. Phone: Steve Watson on 877808 Please support local performing arts! Clare or Matt at the shop on 877826 David Parker on 877008 / 07794 362591 email [email protected] for more information and bookings

GARDENING TIPS – NOVEMBER Clear up fallen leaves - especially from lawns and ponds Make leaf mould piles or bags Raise containers onto pot feet to prevent waterlogging Plant tulip bulbs for a spring display next year, choose well drained locations though Prune roses to prevent wind-rock Plant out winter bedding Cover brassicas with netting if pigeons are a problem Insulate outdoor containers from frost - bubblewrap works well Stop winter moth damage to fruit trees using grease bands around the trunks Put out bird food to encourage winter birds into the garden (they will also eat pests for you) Sort seasonal debris and compost domestically what you can. Use council composting services for other material or take it to the recycle centre. If you must use a bonfire to dispose of excess debris ALWAYS CHECK FOR HEDGEHOGS! Check with the council first: pandemic guidance earlier in the year specifically encouraged people to avoid bonfires. Last but not least: Apply a very last dose of slug nematodes (right at the start of the month before it gets below 5C) - fewer overwintering & breeding slugs is fewer new slugs in spring. Jo Coffey


For the new calendar, I have used photos of the village and surrounding views along with shots of Devon beauty spots with the time it takes to get there by car from our village. I am taking orders for the calendar this year. An inspection copy can be seen in Church St. Stores where you can place and pay for your order with Mathew or Claire. I know some of you like to send the calendar to far off places and the post office tells me that posting on or before 9th Dec. will ensure that it will get there by Xmas. This means that everyone wanting a calendar will need to place their order by Nov. 14th so I will have time to get them printed. The cost is £8 – all profits go to the Food Bank and our village Sports and Social Club. John Chater

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 3 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

COUNTRYFILE Is it a pigeon or a dove? Or even a Culver or Columbidae?

The common pigeon, or rock dove, Columba livia, often much hybridised with domesticated escapees Columba livia domestica, is one of the more common dove/pigeons in towns, having adapted well from the cliffs and rock ledges they breed on in the wild to our tall town buildings. There are twelve different subspecies according to where they are found: locally the subspecies is the European rock dove (Columba livia livia).

Out here in the countryside however we see far more Columba palumbus - the wood pigeon. It hasn’t changed its binomial since it was given it by Linnaeus in 1758. In the south west we may also often see stock doves Columba oenas.

The wood pigeon is easily distinguished by its larger size, as well as the white on its neck (in adults) and wings. The rock dove and stock dove are similar in size and plumage, but wild rock doves have a white rump and two well-marked dark bars on the wing, while the rump of the stock dove is grey and its wing bars incomplete. The hybridised rock doves however are highly variable, and could easily resemble the stock dove, others are entirely different showing far more of their domesticated breeding lines of patterns.

Rock doves are monogamous, they and wood pigeons both raise 2 squabs in a brood which take about 30 days to fledge, after being fed on pigeon milk (produced in the parents’ crops). They do not have oily preen glands like some birds but have powder down feathers which disintegrate and effectively create a dry shampoo for them (the white imprint they leave if they fly into a window is this powder).

In the wild they usually live 3-5 years, though one exceptional Orkney Wood Pigeon made it to 17. In captivity domestic pigeons (rock doves) usually live around 15 years, and we have been keeping them in domestication many thousands of years (experts estimate approximately 5,000) and have created many different breeds such as the highly ornamental Fantails. Whilst initially of concern common pigeons/doves were shown to not be particularly susceptible to H5N1 avian flu, and also didn’t transmit it to chickens.

Technically therefore there is no difference between a pigeon and a dove, they are the same birds, some feel pigeons are larger, some consider the culinary line is the divider, others whether a bird is aesthetically pleasing (surely the most subjective of naming classifications!) yet still we build dovecotes, but have pigeon spikes, we have pigeon shoots, but talk of being lovey dovey. It would seem the real difference is in us not them.

“Oh for the wings of any bird, other than a battery hen” Spirit of the age - Hawkwind. Jo Coffey

OPEN DOOR - OCTOBER 2020 Editor’s Poem What about other religions? is the question Chris Hutchings explored in a thoughtful and Wild Pear learned way that I feel inadequate to paraphrase it! “…I moote dye, so soore longeth me He spoke on Polytheism – the belief in more than one god, and Monotheism, the belief To eten of the smalle peres grene." that there is only one god. (Chaucer: The Merchantes Tale) With the former people of many religions can live together without fear of offending anyone’s dignity. With the latter the strident monotheism faith of Judaism emerged and Or these, red, ruddy-cheeked with they believed the God who had brought them out of slavery and shown Himself to them, health, was the one God who made heaven and earth, was the one true God. Other gods were with stone cells idols. gritty in the paste between the teeth. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been proclaiming one true God for 1000’s of years. With the miraculous birth of Jesus, His miracles and His resurrection He proved His claim Lime green leaves hardened to be God, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father”. He is not one possible path with a deep red, to God, He is God Himself. magnificent in Berlin’s Botanical We may choose to disbelieve Him. But He cannot be one truth among many. He has not Gardens left us with that choice! Next month Victoria Warren will explore the question “Why don’t all prayers for healing far from the mountains of Tian Shan get answered?” in its unruled orchard Rosemary Taylor of beginnings in another Eden.

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 4 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores


SATURDAY COFFEE MORNINGS IN THE MEMORIAL HALL The Village Hall Committee are currently reviewing the holding of coffee mornings in November, including the Table Top Sale, due to be held on the second Saturday of the month, 14th November. LOOK OUT FOR NOTICES ON THE DOOR OF THE MEMORIAL HALL AND OTHER PLACES AROUND THE VILLAGE FOR UPDATED INFORMATION.

St. MARY’S CHURCH SERVICES ARE LISTED BELOW. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REMEMBRANCE SERVICE IS ON 8TH NOVEMBER. Everyone is welcome to these services. You don’t need to be an Anglican to attend.

BROWNIES: GOOD NEWS – Brownies will be meeting in November. There is a waiting list for new girls and volunteer adults from January 2021 onwards. For updated information and further information, contact [email protected]

All the events listed in the diary take account of the new social distancing measures, but may be subject to change.


Sunday 1/8/15/22/ 10.30 St Mary’s Church Morning Worship 8th November – 29 Remembrance Service

1/8/15/22/ 14.00 Football for Under 18’s MBSSC -Playing Field Contact [email protected] 29 for details and confirmation of dates

Mon 2nd 19.30 Parish Council Meeting Memorial Hall

Wed 4/11/18/25 17.30 Brownies Memorial Hall Contact: 1stmorchardbishopbrownies@ gmail.com 4/11/18/25 18.45 Football Training or MBSSC – Playing Field Contact [email protected] Match for details. Note: The Clubhouse Bar is open from 19.00

Fri 6/13/20/27 13.30- Visiting Post Office Inside London Inn 14.30 13th 11.30 Mobile Library Greenaway 11.30 -12.05 14.05 Mobile Library Pre School 14.05 -14.25

Sat 14th 09.30 Table Top Sale Memorial Hall Check notices on Hall door 7/14/21/28 19.30 MBSSC MBSSC Bar Open

IMPORTANT - PLEASE KEEP US UPDATED! We would be very grateful if you could get in touch with Pauline Chater on 01363 877096 or [email protected] by 12TH NOVEMBER for details of events planned by your organisation for DECEMBER 2020 and beyond.

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 5 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 6 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

If you are having difficulties with working from home please consider the

Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall.  Quiet upstairs room  Peaceful surroundings  Fast internet 20Mbs +  Wonderful vista

Try it out for just £10 per day, £40 per week or £120 per month

See www.middevonworkhub.co.uk Please Email [email protected] or contact Steve Watson on 01363 877808

For all your domestic, agricultural and commercial pest control needs. From Rats and Mice to Wasps and Fleas contact me for a quick, convenient solution to pest problems. Crediton & District I am fully qualified and insured. Third Age Trust Based in covering all of Mid

Devon and surrounding areas. www.middevonpestcontrol.co.uk

07725520466 / 01363 881473 Please check web site for future events. Email: [email protected] www.u3asites.org.uk/crediton/home or facebook page

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 7 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

LETTERS We welcome articles and letters. However we would like to point out that the views expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily the views of the Morchard Messenger

Whilst we may, albeit somewhat reluctantly, withhold names on MORCHARD MAIDS request, we regret that we will NOT publish letters that have been MORCHARD MAIDS submitted anonymously.

Dear Editors,

As a music lover living in the South West it has always been a delight to hear The Birmingham Symphony Orchestra season in . They are the South Western premier professional orchestra, world class and have been touring for 127 years. During the current restrictions they are broadcasting their series live online. Tickets are £6. If a symphony orchestra dies it is like the loss of a complex ecosystem. Once lost, almost impossible to rebuild. Every player represents a career of thousands of hours of practice. Their incredible skills do not attract big salaries. Classical music is not exclusive or elitist any more than literature or cinema is. We should care for our neighbours and the natural world but also nurture ourselves with great art. Details are on their website. Sit on the sofa with a glass of wine and be transported. Online tickets are a bargain.

David Cottam

Dear Editors, Nayamba School, Zambia - Sale of face masks. A huge thank to anyone who has purchased a face mask - we have now raised over £6000 for this great cause. My thanks goes to everyone who has helped with the sewing, people who have supplied fabric and an extra special thank you to Matthew and Clare at Church Street Stores for allowing me to place them outside the shop. The sales from there have reached £1200. 100% of the money goes directly to the school and our money has helped feed the children - £25 will feed a child a main meal for a whole year. Also a trade school has been opened to teach the children leaving school an occupation to enable them to support themselves and their family. To date they are fabric painting and weaving. Other trades will be taught when the money is available. Face masks are still for sale outside my house and the shop. Christmas designs available soon. Thank you all once again to anyone who has purchased face masks and for some generous donations.

Pauline Nott


Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is one of our more common woodland, hedgerow and park trees , growing well in many conditions. It grows particularly well on chalk limestone hillsides and is a feature in the Cotswolds and Chiltern Hills. With its fine form and light green leaves in spring and deep colours in autumn it is a most striking tree. It has been used in many of the 19th century parklands and roadside avenues and has also been used as hilltop clumps to commemorate major events. Beech forms excellent hedges, retaining its brown leaves throughout winter. The most famous beech hedge is beside the A39 in Perthshire measuring some 9 miles long and 100 feet tall. It takes four men with cherry pickers six weeks to trim.

It produces a dense hard wood which lacks the durability of oak or elm; it is prone to fungal rot but has been used under water where it does achieve a long life. It is much favoured in the furniture trade, particularly in Buckinghamshire, where it was used to produce the world-famous Windsor chairs. It is also a fine turnery wood for bowls etc., and is commonly used for making skittles. Its seeds, or mast, is a nutritious food, particularly for pigs. Collected in winter, its leaves are one of the best composting/mulching materials. The beech has few major problems. Being shallow rooted, it is prone to being blown over in gales, and also suffers from drought conditions. Researchers claim a large beech requires 40 gallons of water per day to feed its leaves. It is also prone to hollow rot and will cast branches with no warning and notably, it is a favourite species for grey squirrels to debark. Roger Hodge

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 8 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

www.masflooring.co.uk Church Street Stores Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday: 8.30am-5pm

Saturday: 8.30am-2pm Sunday & Monday: 8.30am-12 noon Face coverings need to be worn when entering the store. We wear ours to protect you, please protect us by wearing yours. Remember we have some washable ones

for sale if you forget it. We do accept cash but prefer card payments where possible (min £3). With COVID-19 numbers rising remember we are happy to deliver locally if you need to self-isolate. We ask a minimum spend of £20 to cover our costs and time. FLOORING SPECIALISTS Call us on 01363 877826 CARPETS/HARDFLOOR We put regular updates on our Facebook page: FINISHES/WOOD

www.facebook.com/churchstreetstores Many thanks, Clare & Matthew Carpets supplied and fitted  J&R Builders Free Estimates  Very competitive prices Sand & polish of existing wood No Talking All Day on Mobiles floors Extensions, Brickwork,  Plastering, New wood floors installed Block paving, Chimneys, etc. 

Both domestic & contract work undertaken

TEL: 01363 877730

MOBILE NO: 07976 603041

“Arcadia”, Road, EMAIL: [email protected]

Morchard Bishop, MIDDLE LEIGH, MORCHARD BISHOP, Devon EX17 6NZ DEVON EX17 6RH 07955 087361 (Mobile) 01363 877507 (Home)

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Viv Pulford Quality Work by Fully Qualified Tradesman Foot Health Practitioner All Electrical Work Undertaken Domestic, Industrial, Commercial & Agricultural Diploma in Foot Health, and BSC in Adult Nursing. Installations Tel No 01884 861306 or 07827 779559 Fully Compliant to Part P Building Regulations All Work carried out to 18th Edition Wiring  Nail Cutting and filing Regulations  Corn Callus Removal  Deal with Fungal Infections /Thickened Nails Over 30 Years Experience In electrical contracting  Discounts for 2 or more people in same house

24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL OUT For Treatment in the comfort of your own home Tel. 01363 881002 Mob. 07710 673270


Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 9 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores


Architectural Services Quality Works, Free Quotes, Fully Insured Interior & Exterior Painting

House Design Extensions Local, Friendly, Reliable and Barn Conversions Competitively Priced Planning Applications

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If you have ideas and would like them drawn up Contact Wayne on- for the TEL: 07741087156 or 01363 877760 Local Planning Authority Or visit our website call me on 01363 877496 www.wpequalitypaintinganddecorating.co.uk

Established in 1980, we make bespoke Kitchens, Bedrooms and Home Offices. We are a family-run business with a long tradition in the industry. Our aim is to produce individually designed, handmade bespoke kitchens and furniture built to the highest standards.

Please contact us for a chat and no-obligation quote.

Tel: 01363 877 348

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web: www.countrykitchensofdevon.co.uk


Fully qualified and insured Tree surgery, low impact forestry, log and kindling sales

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  01363 83908  07792 906258  [email protected]

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 10 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Logs For Sale Beautiful Travel Local delivery Home Based Independent Travel Agent Fully Insured, ABTA Regulated In dumpy bags Let me take the stress out of planning your holiday, Please contact – I can source cruises, hotels, villas, packages, tours, car hire, theatre trips, visa assistance, and much more.

01363 877544 or 075 179 68007 This service is at no cost to you as I am paid via the supplier you choose. I am partnered with some great suppliers including MOBILE PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE TUI, James Villas, Red Sea Holidays, Avalon Waterways Jo McDougall MCSP, HCPC registered and many many more.

Need Physiotherapy Treatment? All my partners are ATOL and ABTA protected. Have it in the comfort of your own home. So for more information contact me Nicola Eggleton via email I am a qualified, Chartered Physiotherapist with [email protected] more than 30 years experience and I will come to or via mobile 07977072503 you to treat you at home. You don’t need magic to disappear Conditions treated:  Back and Neck pain, Just a good travel advisor!!  Sprained joints e.g. Ankles, Knees  Pulled muscles,  Shoulder pain,  Hip pain,  Rehab after injury and operations e.g. Fractures, Knee replacement, Rotator cuff repair…..

Pilates and appropriate exercise programmes given to assist in recovery and prevention. Contact : home 01363 877803 Mobile 07597160558 email [email protected]

THE DEVONSHIRE DUMPLING Gary and Laura welcome you to the New Service to The Devonshire Dumpling. Morchard Bishop We are a family friendly pub serving great home-cooked food. Tuesday mornings Open: Weds – Sunday lunch from 12.00 noon Weds – Saturday evenings from 5.30 pm Before 7.30 am Friday Evenings Please book to avoid disappointment as tables are limited. Between 4-8pm COVID-safe: we have adapted to comply with safe serving and

social distancing. Free range Whole milk Please see website for menu www.devonshire-dumpling.com doorstep refills Tel: 01363 85102: Please call 01363 779134 or email [email protected] for more information. email: [email protected]

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 11 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

TWO MOORS ADVERTS ACCOUNTING Chartered Management Accountant Open the door to new Lapford business by advertising in Bookkeeping, accounts, tax returns and Devon the tax advice for any size business. Morchard Messenger Advice on setting up your own EX17 6QT

bookkeeping arrangements. Tel: 01363 83373 Adverts up to ⅛ page are £5 a month

Very reasonable rates. Fixed fees Our professional workmanship is Adverts up to ⅙ page are £7 a month agreed in advance. Personal and available in all of the following Adverts up to ¼ page are £10 a month friendly service. disciplines: Please send or Email your draft to the Call Stephen or Tracy to arrange a free, MOT class 4 & 7 Editors (details on this Page) no obligation initial meeting at a time (Motorhomes &Transits) and place to suit you Servicing Charlesworth Nicholl & Co Diagnostics 01363 877001 SOLICITORS Air Conditioning Your Friendly Local Lawyers YOUR LOCAL ACCOUNTANT Tyres Exhausts  Residential  Leases Batteries  Agricultural  Landlord &  Commercial Tenant We offer courtesy cars for your  Family Matters  Probate convenience, subject to availability.  Wills

ATA & Bosch Accredited Diagnostic Free initial half hour’s advice Technicians. Easy access and parking

Copy for Publication www.lapfordcrossgarage.co.uk “THE MORCHARD Telephone: 01363 774706 MESSENGER” 31 High Street, Crediton www.charlesworthnicholl.co.uk

The deadline for articles, adverts and notices for the next issue is: COMPUTER 15th NOVEMBER PROBLEMS?

2020 Friendly, helpful support for crashes,

virus, email, internet connection, The Editors retain the right to reject, networking, printers, tablets, edit, alter or correct articles which are websites etc. sent in for publication. Copy should be sent Reasonable rates for all individual by E-mail to users and small businesses. [email protected] NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Please ring Richard on Hard copy may also be delivered to Arthur Copeland, address below. 01363 85154

Postal Service. This newsletter can be posted to you monthly at a cost of £10 per annum. Please contact Arthur Copeland, 18 Bishops Meadow Morchard Bishop EX17 6RA Phone: 01363 877415

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 12 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores



Set in the heart of the village, this Governor-run early years setting offers a November 7th WESTEXE PARK RANGERS 2NDS (H) fun filled approach to pre-school th education for children aged 2-4years. November 14 LAPFORD 2NDS (A) November 21st 2NDS (H) Situated in the grounds of Morchard November 28th LAPFORD 2NDS (H) Bishop Primary School, this purpose built facility also has access to fantastic outdoor space, and regular visits to school **2.15pm KICK OFF** ensure smooth transition to the reception For updates visit defleague.co.uk class. OPEN 9.00am - 3.30pm, Monday - Friday Morchard Bishop Sports and Social Club open after the

For full details and to arrange a visit call match us on 01363 877328 PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TEAM www.morchardbishoppreschool.org.uk

AFC MORCHARD BISHOP – RESULTS Division 4 West of Joma Devon & Exeter Football League. September and October Results:

SAT 19 SEP 2020: Toddler Group AFC Morchard Bishop 2 – 2 Argyle 3rd Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall SAT 26 SEP 2020:

Every term-time Wednesday North Tawton 2nd 1 -2 AFC Morchard Bishop 9.15 –11.15 SAT 03 OCT 2020: For ages newborn to 4 AFC Morchard Bishop 0 – 3 Sandford 2nd  Staff supervised SAT 10 OCT 2020:  All-ages toys Okehampton Argyle 3rd 5 -3 AFC Morchard Bishop  Arts and crafts  Healthy snack-time  Sing-songs You can find more informations about AFC Morchard Bishop and.... on: https://www.facebook.com/afcmorchardbishop Chat, tea and a warm welcome for

grown -ups AFC Morchard Bishop are looking to recruit a new goalkeeper for the season due to a recent season Please bring fruit for snack time! long injury. If you or someone you know would be interested, then please contact Jack Wozny www.morchardbishop.devon.sch.uk (07890605144 [email protected] ) Call 01363 877328 for more information

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 13 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores



Theatre, I have recently learned, did not develop directly from storytelling. In several different cultures around the globe theatre evolved from religion via ritual performances of myth. The sacred dramas were, of course constructed on a foundation of earlier storytelling, so it is theatre’s ancestor, maybe not its mother as I have previously held, but in true mythological style, still a parent via an incestuous relationship with an earlier offspring.

Each of these three generations of the storytelling family have their own accepted range of physicality. When I run workshops one of the things I ask my students to play with and make a decision about is the basic concept of movement involved in their performance: are they a sitting or a standing teller? Static or mobile? As storytellers go I am out on the extreme end of active, roaming the stage with imagined swords, opening non-existent doors, leafing through transparent tomes taken from invisible shelves, pulling faces, waving my arms and sometimes even running from side to side. It must be a bit of a surprise for anyone who thinks that storytelling is someone sitting down and reading from a book.

We in the 21st century are very much an optical culture. Video may not have actually killed the radio star but it did push her in to an abandoned cellar and steal her lunch money... and no one cared; out of sight, out of mind! Storytelling though, is an interactive art form and the line of sight goes both ways. The bard of yore was given the best seat by the fire, not just because their status earned them the warmth (if they were anything like me they would be oblivious to the cold once the words start to flow), but because then the audience is lit by the blaze and their reactions can be seen, read, and reacted to in turn.

When storytellers give a narrative performance both performer and audience are lit so we can see each other. All tellers worth their salt will let the audience know that they are seen by making eye contact with them now and then, a universal sign of acknowledgement and inclusion. Since I am the only person on stage I can use these various lines of sight for different parts of the show. If two characters in the story are having a conversation I can clearly demonstrate that by stepping to one side, looking across the front of the audience, making eye contact with someone sitting near the side of the room and talking to them as if I am the giant and they are the Padishah’s Daughter. To continue the dialogue I simply step across the central line, turn to face someone on the other side of the room and they become the giant while I speak the words of the Princess. We all understand the visual convention, acclimatised to it through years of theatre and a vocabulary of camera angles learnt in the early days of the big screen and passed down through TV, yea, even unto the TicTok generation.

But now a new re-evolution is upon us. As the storytelling world has moved en-masse to the virtual firesides and feasting halls of Zoom and Google Hangouts we find ourselves restricted to a single eyeline. I have my web cam standing in front of a large screen which shows as many of the viewers as possible, each in their own rectangular box. I can see and react to them but I am unable to look from one side of the audience to the other as all eyes have become the same cyclopean orb, all engagement must be through the one unblinking lens. As we all adapt to the unfamiliar context I am intrigued and excited to see the full form of this new child that storytelling and technology are spawning before our very universal, digitally integrated eye…………….

…………………....here's to living happily ever after, until the next adventure. The Travelling Talesman www.thetravellingtalesman.co.uk

Obituary - Joe Modzelewski

After a long illness Joe sadly passed away on 8th September 2020. The editors of the Morchard Messenger would like to express their condolences to his family and friends.

Joe is especially remembered for his efforts and input on behalf of the Messenger during its formation and early days of publication when he liked to refer to himself as ‘Director of Distribution’. He will be sadly missed.

The Editors Morchard Messenger

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Overworked or Stressed? Achy muscles? S&H JOINERY Tense shoulders? of Eggesford

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e: [email protected] The full menu is on the Morchard Bishop Any job considered Website - www.morchardbishop- www.edworthycomputing.co.uk M 07779 515829 pc.org.uk T 01363 877522

We cannot accept orders through Facebook Crossways As well as the menu on the website there Woodland is a daily special on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Burials

which is normally on the board outside

the pub.

Please order as early as possible daily or Site Works

preferably the day before. Driveways For Sunday Lunch you can order any day Drainage If the existing choice of funerals of the week for the following Sunday which helps us with our supplies. Foundations does not seem appropriate nor Landscaping meets your wishes maybe we New!! PIZZAS (inc Vegetarian!) Septic Tanks can help. Treatment Plants Puddings are also available so please ask Retaining Walls when ordering food as the choice Phone 01647 24382 Stone Walling changes daily. and speak to Martin or Julie Drinks are also available. i.e. chilled Printed Concrete Chatfield beers, ciders, wines and soft drinks Mobile: 07976 641606

Thank you for your support Email: www.crosswayswoodlandburials.co.uk

Sarah and Emma [email protected]

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 15 www.edworthycomputing.co.uk Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Recipe for November

Waldorf salad

4 sticks celery 2 russet apples 50g (2 oz) chopped walnuts Salt and pepper, cider vinegar, mayonnaise. Slice the washed celery, chop core and quarter apples, and sprinkle with a few drops of cider vinegar. Add the walnuts, season and mix together with mayonnaise. Garnish with watercress and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds for extra colour and flavour. Paul Cleave

DP Bookkeeping Services Are you in need of a bookkeeper? I offer a planning and application service for Listed Building Consent to include sealed, Bookkeeper available to work part time, at times to double glazed units in bespoke timber joinery suit you, either at your business or remotely. frames made in my own workshop. Formerly an office manager, I can offer the following services: I would be delighted to hear any enquiry you might have.  Balancing accounts (also known as double book keeping) Please note, website recently updated!!  Completing VAT returns  Preparing Invoices for Inland Revenue  Checking company bank statements  Preparing cash flow statements  Dealing with financial paperwork and filing  Preparing profit and loss sheets for annual accounts

Call David on 01363 8778008 or 07794 362591 for a friendly chat

Discreet and reliable with competitive rates

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 16 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Morchard Bishop Primary School St. Mary’s Church Easy fundraising Did you know that Morchard Bishop Primary School is registered with easyfundraising and you could help us to raise Our village church continues to be open every Wednesday and funds for the school at no extra cost to yourself? Sundays 10am-3pm, with a service every Sunday at 10.30am. You are all welcome to attend our services or to come and sit in Due to Covid-19 it is more difficult for us to organise church for private prayer and meditation. fundraising events and so this is a great opportunity to keep raising much needed funds for our village school. Remembrance Sunday

th 8 November 10.30am When you shop online, with over 4,100 of your favourite

retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, Amazon, eBay and Due to the Covid situation the village remembrance service will notonthehighstreet, you will raise FREE donations for FOMBS have to be different this year, our plan is that a service will be (Friends of Morchard Bishop School). held in St. Mary’s church, led by Colin Rice and Robert Vere, which will include the two minutes silence at eleven o clock to If you’re not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, be followed by a group of six parading to the village war then you can begin using the easyfundraising website or app memorial to lay wreaths. straightaway - simply shop online as normal. This will be an Hand sanitizing, wearing of face masks and social distancing will enormous help to the school, at no extra cost to yourself. be observed in the church building, this may result in restricting numbers entering the church. To get started visit Easyfundraising.org.uk and search for Morchard Bishop C Of E VA Primary School, Crediton. This is the plan at time of writing, who knows what the covid situation may be by 8/11?

Robert Vere 01363877471 Thank you so much for your support in advance. [email protected] FOMBS (Friends of Morchard Bishop School)

Morchard Bishop Sports & Social Club

Protecting your child from flu

protects adults too MBS&SC BAR Adults at high risk from flu are also most at risk from coronavirus We are open EVERY SATURDAY EVENING at 7.30pm (COVID-19), and research suggests that the risk of death more than doubles for people who catch both. If there are no customers by 9.00pm So the free flu vaccine is more important than ever to help then the bar will close protect people in Devon from a double threat this winter and ease pressure on the NHS. The bar will also be open after football training on Wednesdays at 7.30 pm and on Saturday afternoons at People aged 65 and over, those with long-term health 3.30 pm when the football team are playing at home conditions and pregnant women will be offered the flu vaccine first through their GP or pharmacy, along with two and three- Membership to the club is £1 year-old children.

We have two new picnic benches installed under the All primary school children and, for the first time, Year 7 children veranda for you to enjoy the last of the good weather. will be offered the flu ‘nasal spray’ in schools to reduce

community transmission. Vaccinating your child for flu will help protect more vulnerable For further information please contact friends and family. Angie Brimilcombe at If you haven’t already done it, don’t forget to complete an online consent form for your child. [email protected]

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 17 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Claire Derby Holistic Therapies

Local Psychotherapy For Individuals & Couples, Home Visits Available, Reiki, Therapy & Reiki, Anger Management,

Learn Reiki All Levels

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Yew Woodland Services clairederbyholistictherapies.co.uk Barn stored seasoned ready to burn now at new low price! Soft/hardwood £80, Hardwood £90 A load

A load in my trailer is slightly bigger than a single cab pick-up

Delivery to Morchard Bishop and surrounding areas free

Kindling now available

Please call Nick for more

information 07742 081170 or 01363 82925

DIARY DATES You can now send Pauline Chater Diary Dates for The Messenger Up to 12 months in advance Email Pauline [email protected] Or phone 01363 877096 or 07701086784

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 18 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Next Stop Christmas PARISH NEWS The Parish Council met by zoom once again on Monday 5th October. One member of the public joined the meeting. Our Chairman welcomed Sheila Manning, Alasdair Cameron, Andy Hankin and Derek Horn as new Parish Councillors: we look forward to their contribution. The Chairman also thanked Keith Davies and Roger Field who had stood down as Councillors recently. Financially we spent £628 from the main account in the past month. The only invoices over £100 were for £432 for Clerk’s fees for the last three months and £108 for the Clerk’s PAYE. The Parish Council considered four planning applications. One for the erection of a dwelling following the demolition of an existing barn, one for an extension, and two for the same building for conversion of a garage into ancillary accommodation, all applications were approved. The Council spent the usual 20 minutes discussing the dreadful state This year the nativity in the bus shelter and the tree lights of the road on Ladies Plain and I was asked again to write to Devon will be quietly lit early in December. Highways. Our County Councillor, Margaret Squires, mentioned that

the more complaints a matter gets the higher up the priority list it The Parish Council, together with church, chapel and others moves, so she encourages you all to call the helpline on 0345 155 are planning village events to celebrate Christmas. Updates 1004 to report any problems with roads, if you say it is an “official will be posted on the village notice board. complaint” they should give you a reference number. Following my

letter to the Highways Officer, we were told that Ladies Plain will be Jeanette Richardson th mended on 15 February 2021 – a long time to wait but there is now a plan. However, on the day of writing this article, 12th October, we TOWN & PARISH NEWSLETTER have seen Devon Highways make a temporary patch repair to the two largest potholes at Ladies Plain. It will deteriorate but at least it October 2020 is an improvement for a little while. We discussed arrangements for Christmas this year, which will be As we head into Autumn I have been reflecting on this different due to the ongoing pandemic. A Nativity scene will be year’s events. When I was instructed to work from home erected in the Bus Shelter and lights will be set on the cherry tree back in March I had no idea I would be still here nearly 7 but there will not be any service to mark the occasion. There are months later. I am lucky I didn’t have to organise home other ideas being worked on which we will tell you about in schooling and arrange care for elderly relatives but I know December’s Morchard Messenger. that a number of you ended up juggling both work and Finally we discussed proposed changes to the boundaries of our home life, I take my hat off to you. Now that Boris has Sandford and Creedy Ward – where the proposal is to split Sandford introduced the ‘Rule of 6’ and there is a threat of further away from Morchard Bishop which doesn’t seem to us to be a good idea; and the Government’s proposed changes to the Planning restrictions around the corner I think it’s safe to say that we won’t be meeting in draughty Village Halls anytime system which will not assist rural communities such as ourselves at soon. There are some Parish Councils out there who have all. If you get a chance to read the proposals – please do, I hope you not met since March, if you are one of them you should will be as horrified as I was and that this will cause you to register be making arrangements to resume Parish Council your displeasure either to the white paper website address or to our meetings remotely as soon as possible. There is specific MP. legislation which states that you have to meet at least 3 I have received a complaint from a resident of Morchard about dog times a year in addition to the Annual Meeting which is walkers. She has discovered that dog walkers have been putting bags held in May. There is lots of help available to you to set of Dog Poo in her brown bin. That is neither appropriate nor fair. this up and both DALC and SLCC are a good source of Brown bins are the private bins of householders for their garden information and are willing to help. In addition we have waste. There are a good number of bins around the village in which some very experienced Clerks in MDDC who would be you can deposit your dog’s doings. So, thank you for picking up after willing to mentor you in the ways of the remote meeting your dog but please put it in the correct bin. if you required some help. So keep up the fantastic work If you have any views or issues regarding life in Morchard Bishop do you are doing and be grateful that you won’t be sitting in let me know. a freezing village hall trying to take minutes with two pairs Contact Details for the Parish Council David Parker: 01363 877008.07797 362591 of gloves on this winter. clerk@morchardbishop–pc.org.uk David Parker Carole Oliphant Parish Clerk [email protected]

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Recycle your cardboard and newspapers here! CLEANING HELP NEEDED

Since March we are all shopping much more online and MDCC recycling teams tell me For a short time for lady who is that they are collecting a lot more cardboard. recovering after an accident. Please don’t forget our very own cardboard and newspaper recycling centre If you can help please call: right here in Morchard Bishop! 01363 877272


Easily dropped off at the London Inn car park next time you are passing.

Sarah Gillbard kindly sorts it all and gets it ready for collection (please flatten cardboard or fill a box). Morchard Bishop Recycling Roundabout (set up by Sarah on behalf of the village) provides funds for a variety of different village amenities. Last year the children’s play area received £2,000 to buy new play equipment. Recycling credits are earned from MDCC on an annual basis and currently we can get £50 per tonne for cardboard. Dear Villagers

So why not recycle locally to help our own community! We hope you are all well in this

Sarah Gillbard and Frances Anson continuing time of uncertainty and we just thought we should update you on pub life...

Morchard Bishop Gardening Club So with the continuing refurb work going on in the pub and the second wave of infections on the rise, we Well, we had hoped to restart with the AGM and everything was ready…Hall booked, were struggling to know what to do. Programme completed and printed, posters ready but… never mind, it was not to be. So decision time hit! We are now hoping February. Keep fingers crossed that it will be possible.

We feel it would be crazy to open at In reply to Carol Watson’s letter in the messenger ref. moving the meetings to an the moment as the pub is where we afternoon. This came up for discussion over a year ago and after some research it was love you to come and meet friends old decided that more could attend the evenings mainly due to work commitments. and new. As that’s not really being We have always encouraged members who do not like travelling at night to contact a encouraged at the moment we just committee member for a lift and this will be the same for 2021 and the future. feel it is the perfect opportunity to get

more work done throughout the pub. The committee continues to be available and we have decided that for 2021 the subscription for existing members will be ZERO and new members greatly reduced depending on when we can start up again. We are however still going to continue We still need a secretary and all help will be offered to the candidate to make the job with the Takeaways and we would like to thank you all for being so supportive easy. We would like to encourage new members - we have some terrific speakers booked. and understanding in what can only be described as a very crazy time... All our members are friendly and many have a great deal of gardening knowledge to pass on. ………Take Care everyone Please contact Lynda Wright on 01363 877420 for a chat and more information. Sarah and Emma Lynda Wright 01363 877222

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The new three-tier system of Covid-19 restrictions has begun in


Most of the country is in the lowest tier, medium, but millions of people in the North and the Midlands face extra curbs on households mixing.

Guide to the tiers:

Medium Follow the rule of 6 if meeting indoors or outdoors Pubs and restaurants to shut at 10pm

High No household mixing indoors Rule of 6 will apply outdoors Pubs and restaurants to shut at 10pm

Very High No household mixing indoors or outdoors in hospitality venues or private gardens Rule of 6 applies in outdoor public spaces like parks Pubs and bars not serving meals will be closed Guidance against travelling in and out of the area

Get a test via the gov.uk website or by calling 119 and then stay at home for at least 10 days.

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Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 22 Sponsored This Month by Church Street Stores

Scam Information

We would like to make you aware that we have received reports of the following scam taking place recently. Residents have received automated phone calls stating it is from HMRC about non payment/ prosecution or similar. An instruction is then given to press a number. PLEASE DO NOT follow instructions. This is a scam. If you have any concerns please phone 101 or email [email protected] If you have fallen victim to a scam, please report this to Action Fraud: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk

We would also like to make residents aware that we have received reports of various scams taking place where a cold caller, email, or automated call claims to be from Amazon or Amazon Prime. Please be wary of all contact of this type – the scams have varied and include the following:

 an automated call a stating a number should be pressed for various reasons  or by someone in person asking for vouchers to be purchased in a shop and codes to be handed over  a request to download an app  emails with links attached (to phishing sites)

All of these are scams and instructions should not be followed, please hang up, don’t give out any personal information or click on any links. If you want to check a call is genuine - hang up and make contact with the company via a reliable source. Please wait ten minutes before making another call or clear the line by phoning a friend/family member. If you have any concerns please phone 101 or email [email protected] If you have fallen victim to a scam, please report this to Action Fraud: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ Please report any suspicious emails you receive to the National Cyber Security Centre: [email protected]

Linzi Berryman (Police, DC Alert Officer, Devon & Cornwall)

Older Drivers – Forum

This scheme is designed to help keep mature motorists on the road safely.

Whether that’s helping give practical and informative help and support to continue driving or pointing older drivers in the right direction for an appraisal or assessment of their driving needs.

The Forum is a not-for-profit making organisation and is made up of experts in road safety from across Devon and Cornwall - with representatives from the emergency services, to charities, local authorities and businesses specialising in keeping older people on the road.

For much more information, advice, videos and courses available visit the website at: https://olderdriversforum.com

Shirley Craft (Police, Community Messaging Officer, Devon & Cornwall)

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Morchard Bishop C of E Primary School A Spiritual Garden for the School

‘Natural places are singularly engaging, stimulating, life-enhancing environments where children can reach new depths of understanding about themselves, their abilities and their relationship with the world around them’. Tom Gill 2009

Approximately a year ago Garden Designer Rosie Treharne visited the school with an aim to work with the children and parents of Morchard Bishop Primary School to design and build a Spiritual Garden, to engage the children with the natural environment. The plans were well under way and then Covid struck and the hopes of building a garden ready for the Open Garden Celebration 2020 in the summer were dashed.

The garden’s aim is to awaken the senses through splashes of vibrant colour, stimulating scents, pattern and texture as well as plants for the local wildlife. It will provide a safe space for the children to sit and reflect and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of their environment.

The project is supported by FOMBS (Friends of Morchard Bishop School) and much of this year’s fund raising will be for the garden’s development. In the past FOMBS have supported the school by holding maintenance days when parents, friends and governors of the school have come together to work on the grounds, paint classrooms and generally tidy up the environment. I hope that in the spring of 2021 we will have the opportunity to put Rosie’s plan into action. I know that within the village there are many talented gardeners who might like to help once the Covid restrictions have been lifted. Help can come in many forms such as providing labour on project days, growing plants for the garden, planting bulbs, seeds and plants or helping to prune back some of the overhanging trees. If you do want to help or ask questions about the garden, please email me at the school [email protected] and I will send you a plants list and a copy of the plan and keep you up to date on future activities. Chris Sargeant, Head Teacher

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