Low turnout Chestatee GT A Stops Protesters Stand Against for elections wins second the Bus National Alliance Rally Page 3 Pages 4-5 Page 9 Page 5 Page 2 [ollede News April 19, 2001 News Briefs Hispanic recruiter will be hired Nesbitt appoi nted to Leadership Committee By 10n Krueger sists ofsix GC offi cials) and gave a Force at the req uest of the Board
[email protected] teaching presentation." Stoy said. of Re gents. The Task Force re Gainesville College President Manha Nesbitt has been appoi nted "And we liked what we saw." ceived a grant ofS375.000 from the to the American Council on Education's(ACE) Commission on The Gainesville Coll cge admi n Once hired, the Hispanic Affairs Georgin Legislator in order 10 de Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness. She will serve a three-year istration is "very close" to hiring a Coordinatorwill be responsible for velop Hi spanic ou'treach pilot tcnn on the Commission that meets twice a year in Washington. D,C. ~ d·d foil h ,.u .J. .... 1U"'o .ff" .~ can I ate to I I C new developi ng a recruitment plan for programs, which the position of Nesbill will also serve as an advisory body for the ~I...,..DQ., "' . • ~lo,rwfHispanic Affairs Coor- theGC Hispaniccommunit)', work Hispanic Affairs Coord inator is a operations with foc us in the activities of the Office of ~ ~~n campus, according to ing with Hispanic students to en pan of. Institutional Effectiveness, Nesbitt altended her first meeting wit~ ! $ GrQ{!hael Stoy. hance their academic success, serv "The overall idea is to improve the Commission on March 23 in Washington.