Buildings Are Necessary
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The Mission Community of St Peter and the Holy Apostles Plymouth St Thomas Royal Navy Avenue + St Peter Wyndham Square + St James the Less Ham Drive PL2 2AJ PL1 5EG PL2 2NJ Buildings are necessary................ …………the challenge is MISSION ! Money matters…. We must increase our income to resource our life, work and witness. The Love of Christ Compels Us to Answer His Call to Follow Him and to Bring Others with Us! The Mission Community of St Peter and the Holy Apostles Plymouth St Thomas Royal Navy Avenue + St Peter Wyndham Square + St James the Less Ham Drive PL2 2AJ PL1 5EG PL2 2NJ Mass matters much…… We must maintain the DAILY Mass wherein the Lord nourishes our life, work and witness and we must encourage others to attend Mission matters most! Above all we must grow our Church Community, especially among children, young people and families. Our Mission Strategy – is driven by the words of St Paul – ‘The Love of Christ Compels us.’ 2 Cor. 514 ‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to come together, especially on the ‘Lords Day’ to worship him, fittingly, and as a community to provide a worthy space and means to fulfil that privilege and obligation. ‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to extend his love to others, by making the Gospel accessible to them and encouraging them to ‘Come and See’. This is our motivation for Mission and evangelization. ‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to use the gifts God has given us to his glory, and to encourage others to do the same by promoting lay ministries to work in harmony with and guided by our Parish Priest. We acknowledge our need for help in continuing to explore this aspect of parish life. ‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to encourage the young, and to learn from them as they share fully, safety permitting, in the life, work and witness of our Mission Community. We are open to discovering new ways in our ministry with and to children, and we are determined to maintain strong links with our Church Primary School. ‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to welcome others, as Christ welcomes us to the table of His Word and of His Sacrament. It is a priority that each of our church buildings become “A People Place” of real welcome, and are adapted for worship and community use that proclaim that welcome. ‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to work and strive for visible unity, both within our own Mission Community and with Christians of other traditions. Mindful of this, we aim to maintain our current Ecumenical links and to explore them more actively. THE PATRONS The Bishop of Exeter and Keble College, Oxford acting jointly, together with the Parochial Church Council are seeking to appoint a Parish Priest rooted in the traditional Catholic Faith to pastor and lead the Parish of St Peter and the Holy Apostles, Plymouth within the Diocese of Exeter into NEW LIFE and GROWTH. BUILDINGS We have three churches, a Church Primary School and other buildings serving three distinct communities. The Love of Christ Compels Us to Answer His Call to Follow Him and to Bring Others with Us! The Mission Community of St Peter and the Holy Apostles Plymouth St Thomas Royal Navy Avenue + St Peter Wyndham Square + St James the Less Ham Drive PL2 2AJ PL1 5EG PL2 2NJ However, out of three separate parishes we are now legally one and we are working to consolidate our growth into a single Church Community in which, regardless of where people worship, each person feels that the life, work and witness of the whole and of each is their responsibility. We want a Parish Priest who will help us to become that single Church community that is effective in Mission and service to the wider communities we are called to serve. We see our buildings as necessary resources to help us in Mission. The Parish Church – dedicated to St Peter is located in Wyndham Square and it serves the Stonehouse area of the city. St Peter’s CE VA Primary School is located in Rendle Street. St Peter’s Vicarage is located at 23, Wyndham Square. St Peter’s Curates House is located at 261 North Road West and is provided by the Diocesan Board of Finance. The Church of St Thomas the Apostle is located in Royal Navy Avenue, North Keyham (in close proximity to Devonport Dockyard and HMS Drake) and serves Keyham. The Church of St James the Less, Ham Drive is located in the substantial former Council estates of Ham and North Prospect. There is first floor accommodation at St Thomas, currently used by a lay Pastoral Assistant working in the Royal Naval Chaplaincy in HMS Drake St James’ former vicarage is located behind the church. It is now owned by the Diocesan Board of Finance. A SINGLE PARISH AND MISSION COMMUNITY with a one Parochial Church Council ready to work in partnership with our Parish Priest to strengthen and extend the life, work and witness of the Church in the inner city, North Keyham, Ham and North Prospect areas of Plymouth. If this is YOU, please read on………… CATHOLIC FAITH AND CATHOLIC LIFE The parish is firmly rooted within the Catholic tradition, which shapes our life, work and witness and is clearly shown in our pattern of worship and the ethos in all three churches. ORDINATION OF WOMEN Resolutions A, B and C have been passed by the Parochial Church Council and therefore the new Priest will be male. We seek a Parish Priest who will not only accept the current situation but who is personally wholly supportive of our position in this matter and who will lead us in making use of the Bishop’s Declaration when the General Synod legislates for women to be bishops. Membership of SSC (Societas Sancte Crucis) – of which society our first Parish Priest was a founding member – and of Forward in Faith are important, demonstrating a firm commitment to the continued teaching of the Catholic Faith The Love of Christ Compels Us to Answer His Call to Follow Him and to Bring Others with Us! The Mission Community of St Peter and the Holy Apostles Plymouth St Thomas Royal Navy Avenue + St Peter Wyndham Square + St James the Less Ham Drive PL2 2AJ PL1 5EG PL2 2NJ as understood, taught and lived by his predecessors and our community as well as showing a commitment to do nothing that harms our search for visible unity with the great Communions of East and West. VICARAGE Our Parish Priest will live in the present St Peter’s Vicarage [pictured on the cover], situated immediately opposite the Parish Church in Wyndham Square. This is vital because of his ministry of solidarity with the poor, to the casual caller and to those seeking the Sacrament of Reconciliation. THE CHALLENGE There is still much to do to consolidate the life, work and witness of this Mission Community, and to promote serious Mission and Evangelization of the communities we serve. We are seeking a Parish Priest who has incumbency experience and who has been responsible for the formation of and the deployment of others, ordained and lay. Our new Parish Priest will also be someone in whom the Diocesan Bishop has confidence and may entrust the formation of those newly ordained. CURRENT HELP – Priestly and Lay All members of our Parochial Church Council are committed to working in partnership with our new Parish Priests. In addition, we are fortunate to have the help of three retired priests who worship with us in the Parish and who assist in maintaining the daily Mass which was established in 1849 and has continued in St Peter’s Parish Church without a break to the present time. We want this maintained in the Parish Church and, when possible, for the daily Mass to be restored to the life of the other two churches. The Mass provides us with the nourishment for our daily life, work and witness as the Church. Sister Mary Joseph SC is on loan to our Community from the Sisters of Charity in Plympton. She lives in The House of Charity in Wyndham Square. Sister assists with the distribution of Holy Communion to the sick and housebound. She also manages requests for Baptism, and assists as necessary in the sacristy of the Parish Church. Eight members of our congregations are licensed as Lay Eucharistic Ministers at Mass. One ministers at St Thomas, one at St James, the others at St Peter but all may minister in all three churches at the Parish Priest’s invitation. SIGNS OF NEW LIFE Fr Trevor Jordan, formerly attached to us whilst waiting reception into the Diocese of Exeter from the RC Diocese of Plymouth, began to grow a new congregation at St James the Less on Saturdays at 5pm. He is now on the staff of the Sacred Heart Mission Community to the east of the City Centre. The Love of Christ Compels Us to Answer His Call to Follow Him and to Bring Others with Us! The Mission Community of St Peter and the Holy Apostles Plymouth St Thomas Royal Navy Avenue + St Peter Wyndham Square + St James the Less Ham Drive PL2 2AJ PL1 5EG PL2 2NJ However, with the goodwill of the last Bishop of Plymouth, our Archdeacon and of his current Parish Priest, helped by his wife, he continues to develop this work under the name CRAFTY CHURCH. This revised initiative began in April 2014 and meets on the first Sunday of the month at 3pm, concluding with mass Saturday 5pm followed by a simple supper.