«Heritage Of Hillah»

Republic of Shiite Endowment

Special Issue about Al-Allamah Sayyid Ali Ibn Tawoos

«Heritage of Hillah»

Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Issued by: Al-Abbas Holy Shrine Division of Islamic and Human Knowledge Affairs Al-Hillah Heritage Center

Reliable for Scientific Promotion

Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. Al-Abbas Holy Shrine. Division of Islamic and Human Knowledge Affairs.

Al-Hillah Heritage Center.

Heritage of Hillah : Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in

Hillah Heritage \ Issued by Al-Abbas Holy Shrine Division of Islamic and Human Knowledge Affairs Al-Hillah Heritage Center.-Hillah, Iraq :

Al-Abbas Holy Shrine, Division of Islamic and Human Knowledge Affairs,

Al-Hillah Heritage Center, 1437 A.H. = 2016-

Volume : illustrations ; 24 cm

Quarterly.-Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10 (December 2018 A.D.)-

ISSN : 2412-9615

Includes bibliographical references and Index.

Text in English.

1. Shiites--Iraq--Hillah--Biography--Periodicals. 2. Hillah (Iraq)--History--

Periodicals. A. Title.

LCC: BP192.8 .A8374 2018 VOL. 3 NO. 10

Cataloging Center and Information Systems belong to Al-Abbas Holy Shrine

Library and Manuscripts House PRINT ISSN: 2412-9615

Consignment Number in the Housebook and Iraqi Documents (2158) 2016


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املطبعة: العراق- كربالء َّاملقدسة- َّاإلبراهيمية- موقع َّالس َّقاء 2 اإلدارة َّوالتسويق: حي ُاحلسني- مقابل مدرسة َّالشيف َّالريض

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

O’mankind! We created you from a single﴾ (pair) of a maleand a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other, Verly the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all

﴿(things Hujurat: 13

General Supervisor

Sayyid Ahmed Al-Saffi

Legitimate Incahrge of Al-Abbas Holy Shrine

Scienitfic Supervisor

Sheikh Ammar Al-Hilali

Chairman of the Islamic Knowledge and Humanitarian

Affairs Department


Sadiq Al-Khuwaylidi

Manager of Al-Hillah Heritage Center

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Kareem Muttar Al-Zubeidy ( University, Human Sciences

Education College)

Prof. Dr. Sabah Otaiwi Al-Zubeidy (Babylon University, Human Sciences

Education College)

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Majeed Al-Jobouri (Babylon University, Fine Arts College)

Prof. Dr. Hasan Alwan Baiee (Babylon University, Medicine College)

Prof. Dr. Hikmat Obeid Al-Khafaji (Babylon University, Qur’anic Studies College)

Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Ka’abi ( University, Law College)

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Totnju (Chairman of the World Centre for Turkish and

Arabic Research and Historic Studies/Netherlands)

Prof. Dr. Abdul Baqir Bovale (Erciyes University/Humanities College/Turkey)

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ismail (Head of Department of Islamic History/

Ain Shams University)

Prof. Dr. Idris Hani (Fes Univesrity/Morocco)

Adel Mohammed Ziyada (Cairo University/ Archaeology College)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Jweideh Ghanem (Constantine University/Algeria)

Edition Manager Prof. Dr. Ali Abbas Alioui Al-A’araji (Al-Kufa University, ٍStudies Center) Editorial Secretary Dr. Abbas Hassan Obaiss Al-Juboori Hilla Heritage Center Editorial Board Prof Dr. Yussif Kadhim Jgheel (Babylon University, College of Education for Human Sciences) Prof. Dr. Hashim Jafar Hussein Al-Musawi (Babylon University, College of Educa- tion for Human Sciences) Prof. Dr. Raheem Kereem Ali Al-Shireefi (Babylon University, Qur’anic Studies College) Prof. Dr. Aasim Hakim Abbas Al-Jobouri (Al-Qadisiya University, Education College) Prof. Dr. sattar Abdul Hassan Jabbar (Al-Qadisiya University, College of Archaeology) Prof. Dr. Hassan Kadom Assad Al-Khafaji (Missan University, Education College) Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Ali Hussein Al-Fattly (Ministry of Education, Educational College) Proofreading Asst. Prof. Dr. Ameen Ubeid Chichan Al-Duleimi Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassan Ubeid Muheisen Al-Ma’amoori English Proofreading Dr. Abbas Hassan Obaiss Al-Juboori Website Web: http://www.turath.alkafeel.net E-mail: [email protected]

Publishing Conditions

Hillah Heritage Quarterly Authorized Journal receives all the original scientific researches under the Provisos below: 1. Researches or studies to be published should strictly be according to the globally- agreed- on steps and stan- dards. 2. Being printed on A4, delivering three copies and CD hav- ing approximately 5000-10.000 words under Simplified Arabic or Times New Roman font and being pagination.

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Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. in documentation; the title of the book, editor, publisher, publication place, version number, publication year and page number. Such is for the first mention to the meant source, but if being iterated once more, the documenta- tion should be only as; the title of the book and the page number. 6. Submitting all the attached sources for the marginal notes, in the case of having foreign sources, there should be a bibliography apart from Arabic one, and such books and researches should be alphabetically ordered.

7. Printing all tables, pictures and portraits on attached pa- pers, and making an allusion to their sources at the bot- tom of the caption, in time there should be a reference to them in the context.

8. Attaching the curriculum vitae, if the researcher cooper- ates with the journal for the first time, so it is to manifest whether the actual research submitted to a conference or a symposium for publication or not. there should be an indication to the sponsor of the project, scientific or

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9. For the research should never have been published be-

Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Special Issue about Sayyid Ali Ibn tawoos Al-Hilli fore, or submitted to any means of publication.

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11. All researches are exposed to confidential revision to state their reliability for publication. No research retrieved to researchers, whether they are approved or not; it takes the procedures below:

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Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. not approved; it is not necessary to state the reasons and wherefores of the disapproval.

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Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Special Issue about Sayyid Ali Ibn tawoos Al-Hilli Editorial

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

«If the Mettle of Someone Concerned with the Pleiades, he would get it» All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds May Allah send blessings upon our master Muhammad His Prophet and upon his Household and may He salute them with thorough salutation. O Allah, all praise be to You for Your decree that has been applied.

Then... There is no doubt about it, that the individual in his life or presence is looking for A god who turns to him when he is engaged with his sins, and when he cannot explain other phenomena, And this God is an absolute existence needed by man, wherever he went and traveled, does not sleep, do not leave him the absence of secrets, absolute existence, the unique absolute honesty and descriptions, how a beautiful you are! That you was described by your Messenger and his follower ( Imam Ali), saying: (Oh, my God you are my best friend in my travelling, and you are the successor in the family, no one can gather them but you, because the one who authorized can’t be accompanying

Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. And accompanied can’t be authorized). There have been many schools of ethics after the human reached the amounts of intellectual knowledge, scientific with his god, then he began to legislate laws, and justification; so there was a school of liberalism represented by Sartre (1980), the school of the relative emotional trend that emerged which represented by the “Vienna Group”, the school of theological trend, in this school represents the God is the source of values, good and ugliness, the school of rationalism, It had made the morality, an agreement and recognition of the wise people and their distinctions, the school of Social Trend, represented by Emil Durkheim (1917 AD), the school of emotional Trend, it’s represented by David Hume (1776 AD), it mentioned the role of the mind in determining ethical judgments and moving towards them, it separated between the image of behavior and its material, the school of the personal enjoyment direction, representative by Epicurus (270 BC), and other doctrines and trends that guide those who resort to them, and adopt them, without any knowledge and guidance. But the best schools and trends those who were bind, or they were bound to gather, notice two things: the obligation to thank the beneficent and the harm must be pushed, between the fear and hope there is a walker in the path of integration itself, and melt it between them.

Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Special Issue about Sayyid Ali Ibn tawoos Al-Hilli Among all this and that, uncalculated kind thinker was appeared, thinker links between the emotion with the reason, the sense of absolute beauty. He is an aesthetical moral thinker who looked at aesthetics before Pomgarten (1762 A.D) but the beauty he wants is linked to the absolute, so imagine the equation, when the finite is bound to the absolute what is gained!, the moral beauty, that the prophet’s household wanted to be, from its find that, and lighten up, through its “certainty” we can enter the door, through that entrance we can reach guidance, accepting with it, with a”Protective armor”, We wear is as a Fortified armor, to open the doors we don’t need an openers to open them, when we enter the safty we will be safe from the time’s dangers, with the Self-accountability we walk to the shed of Jerusalem, with the exciting we cry upon the slain in the land of Tufoof.

He is Sayyid Ibn Tawoos Al-Hilla, which the management of the center decided to be this special number in it; to shed light on his life, and his Books that influenced the library of the Shiite Islamic; most of his Books was ethic and doctrinal, followed with the behavior of the scholars, scientists associated with the god

Sadiq Al-Khuweildi The Editor-in-Chief

Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. The Editorial of the Advisory and the Editorial Boards

Among the most important Islamic scientific cities, Hillah has for four centuries been regarded as the pillar of guarding the Islamic thought from squander and loss. Thanks to its scientists and their profound faith that the whole region and the sacred cities escaped the miseries of wars and invasions that struck the region. Due to these reasons, Hillah embraced all causes of scientific integration and prosperity: schools of science and thought have spread, gathering worldwide researchers.

To revive this magnificent history, the Hillah Heritage Center has taken the initiative of this noble mission through its blessed labour to restore the works of this city›s scientists through uncovering the treasures of knowledge, education, and jurisprudence of Hillah which is also known as «the city of science and scientists». The Hillah Heritage Center sets itself the task of highlighting the scientific, educational, and jurisprudent

Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Special Issue about Sayyid Ali Ibn tawoos Al-Hilli roles of Hillah’s past and present scientists.

Sustaining this huge heritage is the core responsibility of the Hillah Heritage Center which is blessed by its affiliation to Al-Abbas Holy Shrine which is, in turn, highly interested in reviving this heritage and encouraging scientific research to put emphasis on the leading role of Hillah in this respect.

The significance of this journal lies in publishing scientific researches related to the scholars of Hillah and their political, social, economic, intellectual, and historical domains, to mention but few. Thus, it is a unique opportunity for researchers and writers to publish their works in this referred journal which hopes to spread the scientific, intellectual, jurisprudent, and civilized heritage of Hillah.

Taking onto its shoulder the task of highlighting this huge heritage of Hillah, the Hillah Heritage Center has introduced this journal to the academics of universities in the middle and southern of Iraqi, instigating them to write about everything that is related to the heritage of Hillah as well as the recent scientific subjects. Consequently, Turath Al-Hillah aims at:

1. Introducing the various domains of knowledge adopted

Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. by the scientists of Hillah, especially those which distinguished this city from other Islamic cities.

2. Publishing referred scientific researches that tackle the civilization of this governorate, particularly those which reflect the extents of its development in dealing with modern subjects like the civilized relics and archeological investigation as realized through a modern scientific vision.

3. Investigating what has not been studied yet of the rich heritage of Hillah.

4. Examining the cultural treasures and relics of Hillah.

5. Emphasizing the scientific and humanitarian status of those scientists.

6. Exploring the circumstances and conditions in which those scientists lived.

7. Encouraging researchers to enter the domain of examining scripts and ancient works.

8. Producing a comprehensive and scientific encyclopedia of Hillah scientists through research and investigations in the world Islamic libraries.

Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Special Issue about Sayyid Ali Ibn tawoos Al-Hilli 9. Advancing the scientific research that is specialized in the art of examining scripts by establishing the Scripts Examination Unit in this Center.

10. Producing abridged encyclopedias by investigating the past and present scientists, quantifying and publishing their works through compilation, examination and composition.

11. Highlighting the features of the scientific and intellectual revival of the distinguished scientists and publishing their works.

Finally, we would like to welcome researchers from the different scientific institutions, universities and research centers, inside and outside Iraq, to provide our journal with their sound researches that will later make an important foundation which will, hopefully, enrich specialists’, researchers’, and students’ knowledge. The center is also ready to provide the researchers with various unexamined references, resources, and scripts to investigate and examine them. They are highly welcome in the Hillah Heritage Center at any time.

All praise be, first and last, to Allah, Lord of the Universe!

Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D. Contents

P Research Title Researcher’s Name

The Resources of Sayyid Ibn Prof. Dr. Youssef Kadhim Jagil Tawoos in his Book Al-Shammari 31 (Al-Malhouf Alaa Qatlaa / College of Al-Tofof) Education for Human Science

Verbal Actin in the Moral Prof. Dr. Rahim Karim Ali Discourse of Sayyid Radhi Al-Sharifi 117 Al-Din Ali Ibn Tawoos University of Babylon/College of Al-Hilli (D. 664 AH.) Quranic Studies A Deliberative Study Asst. Prof. Dr. Hissein A.H. Al-Fatly

Sheikh Ali Al-Rabbani Al-Kalabaikani Prof. Mohammed Al-Tawakuli The Verbal Approach of Translated by: Ayoub 167 Sayyid Ibn Tawoos Al-Fadhli Reviewed, Corrected and Commented By: Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Araji Hilla Heritage Center

Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized in Hillah Heritage Special Issue about Sayyid Ali Ibn tawoos Al-Hilli The Writing of Sayyid Radhi Researcher: Al-Din Ali Ibn Tawoos Haidar Al-Sayyid Musa Witwit 205 Al-Hilli Al-Husseini (Characteristics and Hilla Heritage Center Methodology)

Dr. Muhammed Hadi Falah Translated by: Ayoub The Secret of Worship Al-Fadhli 265 from Sayyid Ibn Tawoos Reviewed, Corrected and Perspective Commented By: Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Araji Hilla Heritage Center

The Point of Veiw of Radhi Al-Din Ali Ibn Musa Ibn Tawoos (664AH./1265AD.) Dr. Hakim Fnaykh A.O. Al-Khafaji 287 From the Authorities he Hilla Heritage Center had Witnessed in at the Time The Linguistic Criticism of Asst. Prof. Dr. Qusay Samir Obyis Sayyid Ibn Tawoos 335 College of Imam Kadhim (PBUH)/ (D. 664AH.) on Al-Far’aa Babylon Sections Veiws (D. 207AH.)

Manuscripts of Al-Sadda Prepared and Indexed By: Aal Tawoos In Imam 377 Ahmed Ali Majeed Al-Hilli Al-Hakim General Library Hilla Heritage Center (50) Copies

Third Year, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 10

Rabyee Aththani 1440 A.H./ December 2018 A.D.