Funding for severalA-B projects in the pipeline 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 2004 Vol. 9, No. 1 44Pages 3 Sections 75¢ Visiting OLP priest arrested By Josh B. Wardrop STAff WRITER was known to him. Pereppadan had ~n working as a priest at Parishioners. at Our Lady of ~}~p :ince Oct~>tJt:r 2003, while th~ Presentation Church, the l !->Ued studies in Cambridge. 1 rw B .·1ghton parish already strug­ I ohce an-ested Pereppadan on gling with its imminent closu~e I t 1day, after church otliciab not1- by the Boston Archdiocese, were f 1l'd the authoritie!'>. dealt another stunning blow last . "We got a call that he was com- weeke1.1d, . when a visiting 111g, and he came to the station Catholic pnest was ruTested on \\Ith his attorney and turned him­ charges that he molested a l 6- sLll in,. ., sai"d Capt. William Evans ye'.1'--?ld girl inside the parish ~~.1 District 14 Police in Brighton. building. I he ~m.e was haodlcd by our .Rev. _YarTghese Pereppadan, a st 'lual assault unit, and we just pnest of the Diocese of hinjalaku­ lo1lged him here until he went up da in India, was chru·ged with to t:ourt." three count'> of indecent assault \ statement from the Suffolk. and battery on Fiiday. Aug. 6. The ~ou~ty. District Attorney\ of'­ ~h~ges ..,ternmed from a July 28 ti~·c indicated that the a1Test and incident. dunng which time subsequent investigation has Pereppadan i.., alleged to have im­ been conducted ··with full coop proper!) touched the \ ictim. who ARREST, page 2£5 Close the window

th P• st '" o \\eek Althnugh Jo.Jl. has already f1rnc;hed of o portunit for

the JOb, C n By Josh B. Wardrop hro.1d da h _ht. a d 1\ till renM1ns unp:i1d fo1 the A aidl..'d b) ti1e l10t ten.l1X'rature-. th.It fip,[. Air co1 ditioners and J'ans 111.1y come during the dog ite!'I throughout Greater dential break-ins over the past llnd them. they go in and steal M Bo..,ton. Som~ or the -.ide"alk Josh," a Brazilian immigrant, waits on Monday outside Cafe Belo, month. Evans said that most of laptops, camcorders, jewelry ... a Brazilian restaurant, hoping for an employer to hire him for WORLDS, page 22 these crimes h.<1\e taken place in CRIME, page 25 construction work. Memories Paradise prepares for a Spree of war Group redefines music, still fresh space - and wardrobe

By Josh B. Wardrop for vets STAff WRITER

By Erin Smith lfs unclear whether The Paradise Rock Club, through­ C "- '- 'l'