
Changing perspectives on the progression of type 1 Noel G Morgan and Sarah J Richardson

ype 1 diabetes remains an enigmatic disease from One reason is that the endocrine tissue within the both a scientific and a clinical viewpoint. The is not amenable to interrogation or analysis in Tsymptoms are widely understood to present when living individuals (although efforts are underway to try the -secreting beta cells in the islets of Langerhans to solve this problem). Thus, it is a sad fact that the are destroyed via a process of autoimmunity.1,2 For this majority of cases which become available for study reason, the immediate therapeutic approach at diagnosis represent tragic instances in which a patient (usually a is to supplement the endogenous insulin deficiency with child) dies at, or soon after, disease diagnosis.9,10 an exogenous supply. This has been the status quo over Methods to biopsy the pancreas in living subjects have many years and, for the majority of patients, it provides been developed but are subject to significant constraints. an appropriate means to stabilise their condition and In some cases, needle biopsies11,12 have been taken but allows for effective glucose control over the longer term. the amount of tissue which then becomes available for However, this is not universally true and despite the best study is very limited and may not be representative of the efforts to maintain glucose homeostasis, the disease is across the wider pancreas. More recently, a still associated with significant morbidity and mortality. laparoscopic procedure has been employed in a Therefore, important questions remain about whether Norwegian study and, while this has yielded larger alternative therapeutic approaches which prevent rather quantities of tissue and important new information, only than treat the condition might be developed in future. six patients had been recruited when the trial was At present, identifying those individuals who are discontinued because of unexpected complications progressing to among the background associated with the procedure.13 Thus, the availability of population is a difficult task because presentation of the relevant tissue for study remains a limiting factor. disease occurs sporadically and is usually unheralded. It Despite these impediments, progress has been made develops most frequently in subjects with a specific in understanding the causes of type 1 diabetes and this genetic predisposition and considerable efforts have is partly because of the establishment of new collections been invested to identify the genes involved.3 However, of samples (notably via the network of pancreatic organ this information has not stimulated widespread attempts donor [nPOD] initiative in the USA;14 although this still to screen for such individuals. There are various reasons contains very few cases of recent-onset disease) and for this, not least the fact that many members of the partly by the advent of improved methods to study the general population have the ‘high risk’ genetic profile extant collections.10 Together these have yielded new yet do not develop the disease. Allied to this is a still insights and also provided some surprises. more basic problem which, in our view, defines the nub of the issue most starkly; namely that we still have only a The state of the art rudimentary understanding of the processes that cause One of the most important conclusions is that the the disease in the pancreas. underlying processes which lead to death in patients with type 1 diabetes do not occur uniformly Background across the pancreas. Rather, the disease develops in a It may come as a surprise to learn that, since the beginning lobular manner such that some regions of the gland are of the 20th century, the underlying pancreatic pathology affected very profoundly while others, often nearby, of type 1 diabetes has been studied in detail in only about appear entirely normal.6 The reasons for this remain 200 individuals with recent-onset disease, worldwide.4–6 completely mysterious. A second surprise relates to the Hence, our collective understanding of the progression of process by which the beta cells are destroyed. This the illness at the cellular level derives from a very limited involves the influx of specific cells of the immune system evidence base. As such, this has militated against attempts which migrate to the islets and then target the beta cells to develop preventive rather than therapeutic options for for destruction. It had been assumed that this process type 1 diabetes. Thankfully, this situation is changing and (‘insulitis’) proceeds in a broadly similar manner in most immunotherapeutic trials are already underway in the UK patients and that the disease is manifest at a point when to explore whether disease progression can be halted or the majority (70–90% for typical ‘textbook’ figures) of slowed to allow the preservation of residual beta cell the beta cells have been destroyed. However, new function in newly diagnosed patients.7,8 These trials are evidence suggests that these conclusions are over- important and their outcomes will be awaited with bated simplified and that the underlying processes vary breath. However, it remains true that the success of such between patients.15 As such, this has important initiatives depends on the validity of assumptions made implications for the understanding of the disease and about the underlying causes of the disease and the how it might be prevented. suspicion persists that many of these are still concealed The process of insulitis involves several different types within a black box. of immune cell and the key effectors mediating the


Figure 1. The panels show inflamed islets from patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. Residual beta cells are stained in light blue, CD8+ T-cells in red and CD20+ B-cells in green (cell nuclei are dark blue). The left panel illustrates the CD20Hi profile of insulitis in which both T- and B-cells are present in significant numbers. The right panel shows an islet displaying the CD20Lo profile where T-cells are present but few B-cells are seen. (Images courtesy of Dr Pia Leete) ultimate demise of the beta cells are a subtype of T-cells clinical symptoms arise once most beta cells are known as cytotoxic ‘CD8+’ T-cells.16 These are attracted destroyed. However, this dogma was challenged by to the islets by mechanisms that are still being debated analysis of the residual beta cells in patients with a but, on arrival, they are primed to kill the beta cells. This CD20Lo insulitic profile (i.e. those diagnosed as is analogous to the role played by CD8+ cells in fighting teenagers or older). In many such patients, significant infections elsewhere in the body except that, in the numbers of beta cells could still be found at the time of pancreas, the attack is directed against ‘self-antigens’ in disease diagnosis. This suggests that the destructive a process of autoimmunity. The most recent evidence process is less efficient in this group than in younger has confirmed that, while CD8+ T-cells probably play a children and that the clinical symptoms arise in the similar overall role in all patients, the rate at which they older patients before beta cell destruction is complete.15 kill beta cells and the extent to which they are attracted Thus, in those who were older at diagnosis, beta cell to the islets, is variable. This is because a second cell type, dysfunction might also contribute significantly to the CD20+ B-cells, also contributes to the inflammatory clinical onset of disease. In support of this, it was recently process (a more unexpected conclusion). By examining shown that islets isolated from patients who had been the insulitic profiles of islets across a range of individuals newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes beyond their who had died very soon after the diagnosis of type 1 teenage years contain residual beta cells.17 Importantly, diabetes, it became clear that the patients fall into two however, these islets were largely unresponsive to categories.15 Some have a profile of insulitis in which glucose. Strikingly, when they were cultured ex vivo for a the T-cells are accompanied by significant numbers of few days, their insulin secretory response to glucose B-cells during the islet attack while, in others, B-cells are improved; thereby confirming that the beta cells had not present in much reduced numbers in the islets (though been completely destroyed but, rather, they had become they may still be present in the pancreatic parenchyma). refractory to glucose stimulation.17 Extending this idea, (Figure 1.) The significance of this only became clear others have found by using a newly-developed high when the patients were stratified according to their age sensitivity assay for endogenous C-peptide, that some at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Rather than finding a patients who have had type 1 diabetes for many years, random distribution of the two insulitic profiles among still display a meal-induced rise in insulin secretion, the patients, it was discovered that children who were implying the sustained persistence of some beta cells.18,19 diagnosed at or below six years of age displayed one Moreover, examination of the of patients phenotype, while those diagnosed in their teenage years who died as long as 50 years after diagnosis of type 1 (or beyond) displayed the other.15 In particular, those in diabetes, has also revealed the presence of islets whom the insulitic profile was characterised by the containing immunoreactive insulin.20 Thus, the oft- presence of significant numbers of both T- and B-cells treasured notion that patients with type 1 diabetes (‘CD20Hi’) developed the disease early in life while inevitably lose their entire complement of beta cells early those with the alternative profile (T-cells but few B-cells; during disease progression, appears incorrect. ‘CD20Lo’) were older at diagnosis. In studying this unexpected phenomenon more Implications for the future closely, it was discovered that a second feature also Clearly, these various new insights have important differentiates the two forms of the disease. In patients implications for the design of approaches to therapy in with a CD20Hi profile of insulitis, few residual beta cells the future. Firstly, it remains critical that a still more could be found in the pancreas at disease diagnosis; detailed understanding of the underlying immune cell which is consistent with the accepted wisdom that the mediated attack on beta cells is gained since a ‘one size


fits all’ approach to therapy is unlikely to be successful. International (JDRF, JDRF 25-2013-268) and with JDRF Secondly, it will be necessary to learn more about the research grants awarded to the nPOD-V consortium, role of B-cells as catalysts of the autoimmune attack since JDRF 25-2012-516 and JDRF 25-2012-770. this is still not widely appreciated. Of course, it is well understood that islet are found References commonly in the blood of patients with type 1 diabetes 1. Roep BO, Tree TI. Immune modulation in humans: implications for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2014;10(4):229–42. and that such antibodies are secreted by activated B-cells. 2. Atkinson MA, et al. Type 1 diabetes. Lancet 2014;383(9911):69–82. However, the B-cells that reside in inflamed islets do not 3. Concannon P, et al. Genetics of type 1A diabetes. N Engl J Med 2009;360(16): appear to be secreting antibodies and must have a 1646–54. different function. If, as seems likely, they can orchestrate 4. 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The authors report no potential conflicts of interest in 16. Willcox A, et al. Analysis of islet in human type 1 diabetes.Clin Exp Immunol 2009;155(2):173–81. relation to this article. 17. Krogvold L, et al. Function of isolated from patients at onset of type 1 diabetes; Insulin secretion can be restored after some days in a non-diabe- Funding togenic environment in vitro. Results from the DiViD study. Diabetes 2015; Work in the authors’ laboratory is supported by the 64(7):2506–12. 18. Oram RA, et al. The majority of patients with long-duration type 1 diabetes are European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme insulin microsecretors and have functioning beta cells. Diabetologia 2014; PEVNET [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement 57(1):187–91. number 261441; a JDRF Career Development Award 19. Oram RA, et al. Most people with long-duration type 1 diabetes in a large population-based study are insulin microsecretors. 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Visit the Practical Diabetes website and click on drug notes Aliskiren l Amlodipine l Bisoprolol l Bromocriptine l Bumetanide l Carbamazepine l Cilostazol l Clopidogrel l Colesevelam l Dabigatran l Darbepoetin alfa l Diazoxide l Digoxin l Dipyridamole l Domperidone l Doxazosin l Dronedarone l Duloxetine l Eplerenone l Erythromycin l Ezetimibe l Gabapentin l Indapamide l Ivabradine l Labetalol l Lidocaine l Lorcaserin l Losartan l Methyldopa l Metoclopramide l Nicorandil l Nifedipine l Omacor l Orlistat l Prasugrel l Prolonged-release nicotinic acid l Quinine sulphate l Ramipril l Ranolazine l Rimonabant l Rivaroxaban l Rosuvastatin l Sibutramine l Spironolactone l Tadalafil l Testosterone l Torcetrapib www.practicaldiabetes.com