Institute of Research-Development for Montanology Cristian-

Project ADER 14.3.1/06.10.2015- Superiour revaluation of the resources in the mountain region (soil, water, animal and vegetal genetic fund, energy, primary agricultural production, food products, biodiversity) having in view the preservation and long-lasting development of agricultural echo-bio-economy. We have made a documentary study on the resources in the mountain area in and the edafo-climate conditions in the area have been described. The studied area has been determined and 6 villages have been selected (Cristian, Gura Raului, Rasinari,, Rau Sadului, Cartisoara) representative as to the geographical location, the richness and diversity of the natural resources

Cristian Sadu Riu Sadului

Gura Riului Cirtisoara Rasinari The natural resources in the studied area have been identified and characterised ( animals, agricultural, horticultural, forest, soil, water, touristic) and the ways of their revaluation have been highlighted. In the economy of the analysed villages agriculture plays an important part, and because of the large areas of pastures and hayfields, the preponderance in the livestock sector belongs to raising ruminants. Objective 2. Identification of the ways of revaluating the main resources in the studied area.

• A2.1 Evaluation and monitoring the resources in the studied area from the quantity and quality point of view.

• A2.2 Selecting the exploitations which are to be studied. Identification of the main current activities in the mountain farms in the studied area In the studied area there have been identified and described the main techniques and technologies specific to each culture in the studied area (potato, wheat,corn,apple- tree,plum-tree) There have been described systems of grazing practised in the studied area. The grazing systems practised in the studied area are different: The extensive system of grazing, the method of free grazing also known under the name of non- systematic grazing, the irrational method of using pastures (Rau Sadului, Sadu)

-Grazing delimited by electric fences (Rasinari, Cristian) -Grazing on lots also called systematic grazing (Sadu, Gura -Swinging grazing (Rasinari) a Raului, Cartisoara) specific system for the hill and mountain areas: Experimental field regarding the setting of a sowed pasture instead of a degraded pasture (regenerating the vegetal carpet by over-sowing)

Mixture: - Festuca pratensis 20% - Poa pratensis 20% - Trifolium repens 35% - Lotus corniculatus 25%. Increasing the vegetal and animal production from the qualitative and quantitative point of view. Increasing the quality of productions and obtaining production indexes comparable to the European ones, maintaining an agro- echo-system which should stimulate productivity. A4.2. Organising experimental lots A4.1. Revaluation and improving the mountain pastures by grazing with ruminants; A 5.1. Evaluation the productivity and quality of pastures meant to be exploited with animals and applying measures for their improvement A 5.2. Organising demonstrative lots with performance agricultural plants • Increasing the vegetal and animal production from the qualitative and quantitative point of view. Increasing the quality of productions and obtaining production indexes comparable to the European ones, maintaining an agro-echo-system which should stimulate productivity. Obiectiv 6. Promoting technologies and techniques in harmony with the environment for processing the productions and obtaining high quality natural products under conditions of security and safety for food A6.1. Identification and description of the main techniques and technologies of processing the identified products in the studied area A6.2. Nutritional characterisation of products (organoleptical characteristics, physical- chemical characteristics)

Dairy products, sheep cheese A7.1. Achieving demonstrations on lots and experimental fields with specialists in the field. Spreading the results of the research. Presenting experimental lots SPREADING THE RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH

• scientific and transfer activities by achieving scientific papers, posters, communications presenting the results of the research • participation to markets and exhibitions such as: • the weekly market on Saturday at Hall, Sibiu • the Mountain Peony Festival, 16-17 June 2018, Gura Raului, Sibiu • Festival of Cheese and Brandy (Tuica), 25-26 August 2018 Rasinari, Sibiu • Night of researchers, 28 September 2018, Sibiu