Saffron On The Rampage ’s Muslims pay for Lashkar’s Deeds

A collective investigation into the Aug 3-10, 2000 post bandh violence all over Gujarat state tracks the most recent evidence of how the state ‘s minorities — Muslims and Christians — live in a state of terror, ghettoised, with their patriotism forever under question.

Gujarat 1998 - 2000 is live testimony to the utter con- tempt that the Indian Constitution and the rule of law have been reduced to, by BJP elected representatives and VHP-BD and RSS hit squads When will the rest of wake up to the mockery of the Constitution taking place in the laboratory of Hindu Rashtra?

This report on the violence has been collectively published by various organisations that include the Quami Ektra Trust, Communalism Combat, Dakshin Gujarat Adivasi Sangh, Vikas Adhyan Kendra, SAMVAD, INSAF, IFIE, SAHRWARU, VOTE and the People’s Union for Human Rights.

Layout & Printing by SABRANG COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLISHING PVT. LTD P.O. Box 28253, Juhu Post office, Mumbai - 400049 e-mail : [email protected] 2 Saffron On The Rampage Gujarat’s Muslims pay for Lahskar’s Deeds

A collective investigation into the Aug 3-10, 2000 post bandh violence all over Gujarat state tracks the most recent evidence of how the state ‘s minorities — Mus- lims and Christians — live in a state of terror, ghettoised, with their patriotism forever under ques- tion.

Gujarat 1998 - 2000 is live testimony to the utter con- tempt that the Indian Constitution and the rule of law have been reduced to, by BJP elected representatives and VHP-BD and RSS hit squads When will the rest of India wake up to the mockery of the Constitution taking place in the laboratory of Hindu Rashtra?

This report on the violence has been collectively published by various organisations that include the Quami Ektra Trust, Communalism Combat, Dakshin Gujarat Adivasi Sangh, Vikas Adhyan Kendra, SAMVAD, INSAF, IFIE, SAHRWARU, VOTE and the People’s Union for Human Rights.

Layout & Printing by SABRANG COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLISHING PVT. LTD P.O. Box 28253, Juhu Post office, Mumbai - 400049 e-mail : [email protected]


Introduction Saffron On The Rampage 5

Recommendations 6

Field Reports 9

Surat 14

Interview with police commissioner, Surat 17

Lambadia 19

Modasa 21

GUJARAT 2000 — Challenge to Police Neutrality 25

Poll Politics 35

Explosion in the ‘laboratory’ 37

Dateline Gujarat : Hindutva’s Laboratory in Operation 40

Contact Addresses Quami Ekta Trust, Ahmedabad  079-7540889 Vikas Adhyan Kendra, Ahmedabad  079 - 7496054 IFIE , Ahmedabad  079 - 6857848 PUHR, Ahmedabad  079 - 6636872

4 Saffron On The Rampage Gujarat’s Muslims pay for Lahskar’s Deeds


The dreaded finally happened. The cynically targetted bullets of Pakistan’s mer- cenaries that claimed the life of 30 Hindu pilgrims headed for the Amarnath yatra (the final toll was 100, the rest dying in the cross-fire between the Indian paramili- tary and militants) caused a direct resonance in far-flung Gujarat. In Ahmedabad, Surat, Sabarkantha (Lambadiya, Khed Brahma and Modasa vil- lages ) and Pahlanpur and Rajkot, Muslim business establishments –powerlooms, granaries, printing presses, shops and godowns – were cold-bloodedly targetted by indigenous terrorist squads led by elected representatives belonging to the (BJP), the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)and the Bajrang Dal (BD). In Surat alone, a senior correspondent of the Financial Express has estimated the total damage by the selective destruction through full-fledged arson of only Muslim- owned powerlooms (4 looms belonging to Muslims were completely gutted) at Rs. 10 crores totally. In the Modasa village of Sabarkantha district, of the 63 business establishments charred to nothingness, 51 belonged to Muslims, 12 to Hindus totaling to a loss of not less than Rs. 1.5 crores. On August 1, 2000, the news of the massacre of Amarnath yatris was received throughout India with horror, the numbing stupor caused by this pre-mediated car- nage only pierced by many concerned protests by Muslim organisations and rights’ groups all over India, fearful of the consequences of this carnage on the fragile inter- nal peace within India. These anxieties were well justified. Within hours of the massacre on our northern borders, the self-styled leaders of Hindu extremist outfits expressed outrage and thereafter systematically geared up for their brand of retaliation. In Mumbai, the recently humiliated chief of the Shiv Sena (SS) Bal Thackeray’s Hindi eveninger Dopahar ka Saamna flashed a headline, “Hindu ilakon mein shokh, Muslim mohallon mein jashan” (Grief in Hindu areas, celebration in Muslim areas), a blatant falsehood that was allowed to pas uncontested by the city’s police, never particularly concerned by the brewing of communal sentiments and the latent dan- gers to law and order in resultant situations. In Gujarat, the intentions were far more ruthless and sinister. International gen- eral secretary of the VHP, Praveen Togadia, announced at a press conference in Ahmedabad on August 2,2000 that the VHP was declaring a state-wide bandh to protests the massacres. The Gujarat government, ruled by the BJP, formally de- clared its support to the bandh. Within hours, all-Gujarat-based textile manufactur- ing associations and the Surat Textiles Federation and Diamond Merchants had also extended support. If Gujarat is Hindutva’s laboratory, as the proud proponents of this political ideol- ogy have so often declared, what took place in Gujarat on the day of the bandh on August 3, and for a week thereafter, should, be viewed as one more test case of Hindutva in action. Despite the fact that many sections closed down business and shops on that fateful day, in support of the outrage against the Amarnath yatris, for the squads of Hindu rashtra, this was just not enough. Publicly, office bearers of the VHP and BD, and in many cases helped by elected representatives of the BJP, bayed for more blood in revenge for the

5 Amarnath yatris, and got it with the help of the government and the police : destruc- tion worth crores and all in the form of property and businesses owned by Muslims in the state. The most noticeable trend in this round of minority targetting that has, since 1998, especially taken on a blatant and public form, was that the post-bandh violent incidents in different parts of Gujarat were motivated by a systematic aim to eco- nomically cripple the minority community. The total number of lives lost were 5 from Surat and 2 adivasis who were part of a violent mob and died due to police firing in Lamabdia village of Sabarkantha. But it was the scale and venom of the destruction that has resulted in mass-scale evacuation and resultant ghettoisation already being enforced by the hit squads of the VHP-Bajrang Dal and the BJP in urban areas of Gujarat that is noteworthy. This time the squads successfully moved to adivasi-dominated tribal areas. The venom behind the hurling of rocks in the Lambadiya village over two days, August 4 and 5 rocks systematically at Muslim shops and even some homes destroyed a harmony existing between adivasis and the minorities for centuries and which, in turn, has led to mass-scale evacuation from the villages by resident Muslims in impoverished conditions. Two years ago, in August 1998, when pre-mediated violence broke out in Randhikpur and Sanjeli in Gujarat, a series of investigations by civil liberties groups had resulted (see backgrounder at the back of this report). Then too, the destruction had been pre-planned to enable take over by the local transport business then in the hands of Muslims once they were cleansed through terror out of the area. These attacks had been accompanied by a spate of violent attacks against the state’s Christian minorities between 1998 and 2000 -- schools being attacked by violent mobs, even the Bible being desecrated in a 150 year old educational institu- tion in Rajkot. This culminated in the vicious attack on Christian tribals in the Dangs district of south Gujarat in December 1998 that had also resulted in a de- tailed citizens’ investigation. In many of these attacks the sen- Recommendations ior functionaries of the BJP- VHP and BD were directly 1. An independent Judicial Enquiry named by the police but no ac- into the detailed causes and conse- tion was taken thanks to bla- quences of the State-wide violence be- tant pressure by a partisan ex- tween Aug 2-10, 2000 ecutive. These steps have also been accompanied by adminis- 2. A Detailed Judicial Investigation into trative measures that are preju- the spate of anti-Constitutional and dicial and biased, some of which anti-Minority acts in State of Gujarat have been challenged (though between 1998 - 2000 not all reversed) in the state’s 3. Payment of compensation Courts. commesurate to the damage to indi- Similarly in the recent bout vidual victims of systematic destruction of post-bandh violence, both the in the Aug 2-10.2000 bandh-related vio- administration and the police lence; the payment of compensation to were either browbeaten into pa- be recovered from the VHP-BD-BJP ralysis or actually assisting the who gave and supported the bandh call zealots. When a 1000-strong mob stormed, broke into and de- 4. Prompt criminal prosecution of all stroyed the Famous Boot House guilty politicians named in FIRS in Saraspur, Ahmedabad, through the state where were the cops? The as- 5. Prompt criminal prosecution of po- sault of an elderly Muslim cou- lice officers guilty of inaction or com- ple with a man with a trishul plicity in the violence as is evident from just outside the Navapura the investigations from Ahmedabad, chowky in Surat (see photo) only Modasa and Lambadiya especially proves the point. State-wide of- fences also record details of 6. Prompt action against inflammatory criminal and provocative ac- media reports and their publications tions in which VHP and aimed at promoting enmity and vio- Bajrang Dal activists have lence between communities been named. If the past record

6 is anything to go by, no arrests are unfortunately expected to follow.Surat has proved an exception with some follow-up action being initiated by the city police. In other parts of Gujarat on bandh day, squads of the Hindu extremist groups had a field day on the streets; like never before the bandh related violence exposed the law- lessness of not merely the VHP-BD squads but the BJP’s elected representatives when they destroyed a dargah in Ahmedabad, stoned the collectorate in Rajkot, destroyed 40 buses of the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (the tyres of 283 buses were deflated to establish a point); attacked the Birla Secondary High School in Porbunder, attacked the St Xaviers Society schools in Meghraj and Billimoria;it was well-planned anarchy to paralyse, threaten and browbeat even the law and order machinery. The response of Muslims had been predictably varied. Some of them have left their homes out of fear of repercussions, some have stayed on where they have been living for years now, and some have sought refuge in Public Places like the railway station, for want of other accommodation. From the power looms in Surat, to the local granaries/godowns of grain merchants of Sabarkantha to shops and printing presses elsewhere, the dominant and focussed method in this round of destruction was also this : destruction of businesses and economic crippling of Muslims. Gujarat state, the laboratory for Hindutva, has been mute witness to a qualifiedly different kind of violence unleashed on both Muslims and Christians since the BJP take-over in February 1998. While innocent Christians and Christian missionaries have been made targets of a venomous and unsubstantiated propaganda driven of the ‘conversion motive’ of their institutions (even as the same Hindu political elite patronises convent schools (!), the sub-text behind the attacks on Muslims has off late been dominated by the ‘ultra nationalist’ venom and discourse. In July 1999 as a world cup cricket contest in which Pakistan and India also played each other deteriorated into a full-fledged conflict in Kargil, the streets of Ahmedabad sprouted barely-veiled threats in graffiti that came up in Muslim dominated areas overnight. Under the banner of the BJP’s Yuva Morcha, they hurled threats at Indian Muslims while abusing Pakistanis and Nawaz Sharif. On July 21-22 this heightened atmos- phere had a communal spill out, again the Bajrang Dal used this chance to attack Muslim shops and establishments. It is the responsibility of the state to compensate the damages suffered by the persons/institutions/government, on the persons calling for bandh. Since the Gujarat state government had openly announced its support to the bandh should it not be directly culpable for the loss of property deliberately destroyed in the violence? The responsibility for the loss of innocent citizens’ lives and property and caused due to the violent activities followed the bandh call must rest with the VHP, Bajrang Dal and BJP workers in general and their organisations even if the police does not pin point the specific offenders. It should be incumbent on the state govt. to recover the entire loss in monetary terms caused to private and public property by violent and coercive activities during the bandh from the organizations which had announced the bandh. Under section 7(a) of the Criminal Law Amendent Act, violent and coercive actions are culpable in law. Will the Gujarat Govt. following a recent judgment of the Supreme Court (Bharat Kumar v/s Kerala state, 1997, confirmed by SC in 1998) recover the loss suffered by the govt., the people and the minorities from the VHP, the Bajrang Dal along with the BJP who announced, sponsored and supported the bandh? Why should Gujarat’s minorities pay for terrorist acts in Kashmir? The blatant communalisation of the debate around terrorism in Kashmir has danger- ous repercussions all over India but particularly in Gujarat. Time and time again, In- dian Muslims are being pushed to the wall and in crude political discourse dubbed anti- national and pro-Pakistani sympathisers. The state instead of playing it’s role in a non- partisan way is aiding and abetting this blatant communalisation of the discourse. Silent protests to express sorrow for the violent death of Amarnath yatris are in order. Terrorism should be countered and combatted by all citizens of the country coming together but most of all by winning back the confidence of the Kashmiris who have been abandoned and violently treated by first the Indian state and now even the militants who are supposed to espouse their cause. But why do these communal forces, our home grown terrorist squads not question the central govt. for the violent attacks on Amarnath pilgrims? It was indirectly 7 admitted by Pramod Mahajan that union home minister, Advani had expressed his desire to resign by accepting moral responsibility for the tragedy. Even senior func- tionaries of the parent Hindutva outfit, the RSS have held the police department and our security forces responsible for the breakdown of law in Kashmir. Dilemma of citizens of Kashmir What is at the root of the Kashmir problem? The utter failure of anything remotely called judicious governance, combined with a brutal violation of human rights by secu- rity forces on locals has thoroughly alienated the local people. Repeated opportunities to build bridges with the locals by offering them choice of their own governance has been arrogantly rebuffed by government after government in the state. Today there are 30,000 orphans in that battered state, children without either parent. Even the militants sup- posedly espousing the Kashmiti cause have long since turned against the locals. Moral Ineptitude of the Opposition Congress Under these circumstances, when the Gujarati Muslim minority was being paid to pay for the sins committed by Lashkar’s-e-Toyba’s bullets, the party that dons its secu- lar mantle was expected once more to respond and not shun its basic responsibility. But no Congress leader was to be seen at the time. Many of the team members who visited the Limbayat Area and Ved Road Areas in Surat found this despair voiced by Congress workers themselves. It was not merely the goon squads of the VHP and the BD but senior functionaries and elected representatives of the BJP, the ruling party in the state who were spear- heading mobs and committing crimes. In Surat, three municipal councillors belong- ing to the BJP were actually arrested by the police for hoarding weapons. Both the VHP and Bajrang Dal have openly targeted minorities. No citizen has remained untouched by the damages caused by the bandh. A Hindu youth in Surat when he replied in Urdu to a question posed by rioters was attacked vio- lently. They assumed that he was a Muslim. He died. Other Hindu citizens who were hesitant to observed the bandh were also attacked. It is a mockery of the Indian Constitution if in the full light of day, citizens are targeted because of their faith by communal outfits. Such happenings have been on the increase all over the country but are particularly sharply visible in the state of Gujarat where a bla- tantly partisan party rules. The bandh related crimes were also a systematic precursor to the municipal elec- tions and zilla parishad and panchayat polls due in the following month (September 2000). Results of these have however belied what communal organisations believed to be their winning card (see post-script on elections). The tragic massacre of Amarnath yatris is being viewed by political observers as preparation for the polls; the ‘success’ of the bandh-driven violence evaluated as pre-poll success for the BJP. The immediate and total payment of compensation, systematic punishnemnt of the guilty named in the statewide FIRs and a judicial inquiry into the post-bandh violence, is what local and national rights’ groups have been demanding, given the serious questions about the conduct of the executive, administration and the ma- chinery. Though compensation has been announced by the state in Surat at least, the amounts being dished out do not in any way reflect the damage. This report on the violence has been collectively published by various organisations that include the Quami Ektra Trust, Communalism Combat, Dakshin Gujarat Adivasi Sangh, Vikas Adhyan Kendra, SAMVAD, INSAF, IFIE, SAHRWARU, VOTE and the People’s Union for Human Rights.

8 Ahmedabad

Since the morning of August 3, 2000 VHP and their shops. They are being consistently harassed Bajarang Dal activists in the city were moving to sell off and go. Barely a few days ago, a person around coercing hospitals and any other busi- from the Asarva Ward had lodged a false com- ness establishments that had remained open to plaint allegeing that the bakery owners have il- close down. The areas, normally sensitive dur- legal water connections and drain out the entire ing communal riots, were quiet. A new area of force of the water. An inquiry began on the third concentrated activities for the VHP- BD and SS day after it was lodged and resulted in the local combine are, the municipal quarters at Naroda inspector of police making threats to the bakery Road where the violence first started. owners. Their first target was Bombay Bakery, where Communal elements are sustaining commu- the owner with 15 workers was present, inside nal tensions in their overt bid to win more votes his closed shop. He witnessed a crowd of about to the BJP. The wooing of Dalits by communal 2000 persons outfits and deliberate passing by and attempts to fuel a heard noises of Dalits versus Muslim heavy stone atmosphere was a throwing during part of this strategy. which they Locals interviewed damaged the by the investigating sign board of team informed the the bakery team that just before heavily. Accord- the bandh day there ing to the own- had been a local skir- ers and the staff mish, on the issue of of the Bakery, parking space for a their bakery rickshaw, between a was looted last Hindu and a Muslim. year too, during This quarrel was the incited violence during the Kargil War, as solved due to the initiative taken by community well as before that, in 1985 and 1992. elders of either side. On the morning of the next On this road there are about 15 bakeries owned day after this incident, a young woman, the sis- by Muslims. When the investigation team vis- ter belonging to one of the involved parties in ited and had lengthy discussions with various the earlier incident committed suicide. bakery owners who gave the team details of the According to some locals, who happened to be economic background and sustained efforts to ‘get Muslim, she was beaten by her brother and fa- the Muslim bakeries out of Naroda road.’ Com- ther the same morning and accused of “ main- petition between the bakeries owned by Muslims taining contacts with Muslim boys “. Other lo- that were situated on the main road and others cals told this team that she did not commit sui- who had started later but were located on inner cide but was burnt alive by her own family mem- lanes was another factor mentioned. A section of bers. Others however insisted that it was a clear merchants are interested in buying off the Mus- case of suicide. After the woman died however, lims establishments if the traders were to sell members of both communities living in the quar-

9 ters, (including Muslims) participated in the fu- the mob beated the Mujavar of the dargah with neral. The shoksabha was attended by every- sticks. This bout of violence lasted for 30 min- body the following day. utes during which three children were injured. Thereafter police inquiries began. On the During the entire episode not a single policeman fourth day after the suicide, the VHP and the or SRP turned from the police station located just Bajarang Dal circulated pamphlets, with head- opposite the scene of crime bothered to inter- ings that read “ Muslims raped and killed a girl vene.. “. They collected a mob of 1000 and had another A shop named Famous Boot House in shoksabha.(condolence meeting) A meeting was Saraspur belonging to a person of the Dawoodi called by the local BJP MLA in the chawl of Bohra community was also looted. This shop Shanti Niwas that inflamed passions and incited has been here for 40 years. It has been looted people. The police cordoned off the meeting as during every riot. According to the owner of the soon as they were informed. shop interviewed by the team, he has an insur- During this time certain families vacated their ance of 2 lakhs, but after the last riots in July buildings and left,out of which, two were looted. 1999 he has been refused his insurance renewal A large number of Muslims have left their despite repeated visits to the insurance company houses since then due to the atmosphere of fear. over 6-7 months. This shop is rented and the In the above incident, Bajrang Dal leaders went original owner is Hindu. This time it was not with 50 workers and threatened Muslims. They only looted but also ransacked, all the furniture spoke with the local police inspector, Shukla in and cupboards were taken out and burned. a threatening language. The police expressed These incidents indicate clearly that when a an inability to act against the offenders, and, in government and ruling party of the state is it- fact, advised Muslims to leave the place. At 1 self a party to the bandh, it can and does be- a.m. in the dark of the night, these come coercive and it is people had to leave their homes and criminals who prosper un- take shelter at the railway station. According to the owner der such circumstances Since then until today the VHP, he has an insurance of and create further instabil- Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena keep hold- 2 lakhs, but after the ity. Who will protect the or- ing intermittent meetings in the area. last riots in July 1999 dinary citizen against the When the team visited Naroda road he has been refused his violence committed with in connection with the bandh the the cooperation of the place near Asarva Hindi School no. 1 insurance renewal state? What can be done where about 10 Muslim families live, despite repeated visits about the clearcut design they informed the team that they to the insurance com- to destroy and economi- have only returned to their homes two pany over 6–7 months cally ruin and cripple the days before. They expressed the feel- minorities by attacking ing that the behaviour of their neighbours has both their lives and their property? Can the or- also changed over the few days they were away.. der of the Supreme Court where the court had A police naka has been established at the stated that all the damages or loss be recov- Patravali Masjid, as there were rumours of these ered from the person or institution that gives forces breaking it down. One Mr. Sirajbhai the bandh call, be implemented in Gujarat? whose rickshaw was heavily damaged and who Mute Witnesses to Destruction stays here also informed the team that the Armed with information on the attack on a Bajrang Dal people come here and conduct meet- dargah near Naroda ( at a place called ings but if Muslims attended these meetings, they made them go away. Chamunda char rasta, Ahmedabad ), the team Thereafter the team visited the dargah of spotted the durgah immediately and began our Hajarat Sayeed Masoom Ali beneath the bridge investigation there. Mehraj bibi took us to the of Amdupura, which is 200 years old. A temple house of her old relative living in that area for of Chamunda mata is nearby and therefore non- the last 31 years. vegetarian eating items are not allowed here. It was heartening to see that despite the People belonging to all communities visit the fuelled tensions, both Muslims and Hindus con- dargah. A flowerseller, who sits near the dargah tinued to be living in a residential colony be- informed the team that a mob of around 500 per- hind the demolished dargah, in peace and shar- sons came from the direction of Vijay Mill with ing cordial relations and understanding. A Mus- swords and sticks shouting slogans like Sri Ram lim woman living in the colony narrated the Jai Ram at 10 a.m. on the morning of August 3, incidents of the day as follows,” We were inside 2000 and started breaking the outer wall of the the house unaware of anything happening out- dargah. They then took kerosene from the tea side. Suddenly, a group of more than 200 young stall and burned the dargah. During this time men came charging towards the dargah and 10 broke it down. They also set fire to it. We were who have even opened a branch here, have been unable to do anything about it, but be mute wit- harassing us to leave our home. All our nesses to this upsetting and violent act. The neighbors have left and we have been clinging young men did not look any different from other on tenaciously. On the eve of the Bandh, my sis- youth. Once they had completed their task of ter- in-law warned us to leave. We packed our destruction, they got on to a moving truck and bags and left and looking back, I feel we did the fled the scene. right thing as no other family which lives here There is a police chowki just opposite the site was attacked”. The man of the house was not of the destruction, but no policemen came to stop present when the team was visiting but the win- the mob. It was only after the deed was done dows and doors had been broken down and the that some senior police officials came out of the women were in a terrorized state. The woman chowki and shot still photographs and took video being interviewed by the team continued, “ I images of the remains of the dargah” she said. have three young daughters and cannot live with Their Hindu neighbour said, “We have been the constant agony of not knowing who will at- close to each other, through thick and thin, for tack us next. Out of the 60 Muslim families in many years now, and we do not want them to the colony of 200 families, there are only about leave us. The men shouted ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ 5-6 staying here now and the SRP men also seem as they attacked the Dargah.. No matter what to be in connivance with the Sena to evict us happens, we are determined to live together as from our rightful homes. Our plight is pathetic”. brethren” she added. In the same colony, we had heard of another The old Muslim woman witness here then told women who had seen the entire event. We went us about the violent incidents that had taken to her house hoping for more information, but place in the Municipal Labour found it locked. Another woman Quarters near Vijay Mills, The claim of the police called us and we went there but Naroda. The team left for the officer that complaints she refused to give us the infor- Quarters immediately. mation fearing repercussions. of offences had not “Nothing happens to better our Forced eviction from been registered are lot anyway. We talk about what birthplace belied by the contents happened to us and then we are The Municipal Quarters left to face the ire of the parties wore a deserted look when we of the FIR obtained by involved”. She refused to ac- reached, considering that even some members of the knowledge that there were before the violent incidents of investigating team that problems in the locality, and August 3 and thereafter, visited Gujarat said that on the eve of the nearly 1/3rd of the population bandh, she had to leave for a of the Municipal quarters, all Muslim families function and did not see anything. have vacated in the last few months; all victims of the enforced ghettoisation of Gujarat’s major Shops Ransacked urban areas by the violent brigade of the A provision store owned by a Muslim on Bajrang Dal, the VHP, politically inspired and Naroda Raod, Ahmedabad was ransacked and supported by the BJP. looted, even when it was locked. The owner of The three lanes inhabited by Muslims in the the shop had not opened the shop, expecting Municipal labor quarters wore a deserted look. trouble. He was informed of the fact that his The SRP constable who was there told the team shop had been broken into by the police, who that although there was no immediate problem, could not stop the looters. The shutters of the the people had left on their own volition fearing shop were broken open, grams and oil spoiled violence, fearing that something untoward may gunny bags thrown out. I am leaving, closing happen. He directed us to one house which was shop. The owner said, “ Last year has been ter- in the process of being evacuated. rible, and I do not see any improvement here “ It was the house of a 50 year old man who he said .” works in the ST workshop. He had paid Rs.1.50 lacs to his brother only last year to take full own- Kalupur Railway Station ership of the property. Speaking on conditions The team visited there, but heard that the peo- of anonymity, the couple lamented their woes.” ple who had come to the station for their safety We have known no other home for the last so had left there too and their destination was not many wears. The last one-year has been trou- known. ble for us. A Hindu girl committed suicide in Ahmedabad Police these quarters and the blame was put squarely In order to record the police version of the in- on the Muslim youth here. Ever since then, for cidents that took place on August 3 and 4, 2000, the last 1 year, the Sena activists,(Shiv Sena) the investigating team went to the Shaherkotda

11 Police station, under which the Chamunda area, there, although she swore that she was not in- where a Dargah was broken down and burnt, volved with him. In September 1999, her fam- falls and under whose jurisdiction, Muslims were ily members tied her to the cot and burnt her attacked in the Municipal Labour Quarters, alive after stuffing cloth in her mouth to stifle Naroda. On our first visit, the concerned Police her cries. The post-mortem revealed that she were not available and we were asked to come had been gagged, but with the compliance of back the next day. some policemen, the truth was withheld. Abid Identifying themselves as part of a fact-find- was arrested and was later bailed out by his ing mission, comprising of several organiations, family that has subsequently moved out. the team spoke to the PI, S.D.Sharma on Au- Meena’s parents eventually found out that it gust 25, 2000. Mr.Sharma demanded from them was Meena’s cousin who had fathered her child an identification of the team on whose behalf and now as they are on the verge of losing the they had come. Reiterating case against Abid’s that they were part of a family, they are try- collaborative effort, the ing to work out some team evinced no reply from compromise. All this him except his explanation present communal of difficulty in parting with tension according to information to one and all. this witness and an- He also wanted to know other Maulvi who who was funding this mis- lives here (but was sion, and if anybody was not present on the backing the team. Eventu- night of the ally he said that neither he violence)stemmed nor the P.I. of the station from this incident. were in town where these The pregnant wife incidents had taken place. of the Maulvi was He however said that there alone at home that was stone throwing in night when a mob some houses in Anidupura entered the quar- (for which he that the vic- ters. They stoned tims had not even regis- the house, entered tered a complaint) and in the house forcibly by a Shoe store (Famous Boot breaking up the House). The claim of the door, broke the TV police officer that com- and damaged a plaints of offences had not nearly installed me- been registered are belied ter, all damages by the contents of the FIR amounting to obtained by some members roughly Rs13,000. of the investigating team An FIR has been that visited Gujarat. filed by the Mauvli Knowing fully well that but the damages the a number of other violent police have recorded incidents had also taken place, the team went damages only of Rs. 3000/-. to visit one Noori khalla who lives in the Mu- All these incidents, the witnesses examined nicipal labour Quarters, Naroda. She had been by the team said happened because of the open a witness to the violence, although she was not complicity and instigation of one Deva, a police directly a victim, as one or her Hindu neighbours constable who lives in the same quarters. He had saved her and her family by locking up their helps mobs identify Muslim homes, damages house from outside and taken all of them into vehicles belonging to Muslims etc and threat- their own home to help them escape. When the ens the Muslims living there with dire conse- team visited her she was nevertheless packing quences if they continue to live there. her bags to leave the place forever. In fact, the Maulvi’s house is worth about Noori khalla traced the genesis of the current 3,00,000/- which he wants to sell so that he can round of violence to an incident of September relocate. But Deva and his gang make sure that 1999. A Marathi Hindu girl Meena living in the prospective buyers do not quote more than quarters had had an affair and become preg- 80,000/- for it. Due to this harassment, the nant. Her family suspected that she had had an Maulvi has even decided to leave the house at affair with a Muslim boy named Abid living tremendous economic devastation for himself 12 and his family. The same is true for the other of Police, Ahmedabad, he was told bluntly by 60 odd Muslim families who live here out of the the senior officer,”Why do you people continue 200 houses. The whole of the last year they have to live here? It is best you move to safer places. been repeatedly harassed, and their houses se- “ In the absence of any support or understand- verely damaged. The only reason why they were ing from the State machinery, the Muslim never burnt was because it would mean that a familiars are doing just that. neighboring Hindu’s house would also be dam- The investigating teams visited the affected aged, the persons the team spoke to opined. areas of Saraspur, Naroda, Kalupur, Bapunagar When the Maulvi contacted the Commissioner in Ahmedabad.

13 Surat

August 2, 2000 400 activists present, had a leader of the Bajrang The happenings in Surat epitomized what Dal, instructing groups of 50 volunteers with the took place in all of Gujarat following the kill- responsibility of a particular area, all of whom were ings of Amarnath yatris near Pahalgam on Au- given a specific brief, “ “Dhamal karavi ( Create gust 1. Soon after the call for the bandh was trouble). If shops are open, shut them down; where given by the international general secretary of shops are already shut, destroy the Muslim-owned the Vishwa Hindu Parishad(VP), Praveen ones.” The groups left after being armed with iron Togadia in a press conference at Amedabad at rods, lathis and other instruments. 3.30 p.m. on August 2, the rank and file of both The investigating team interviewed Nayan the VHP and Bajrang Dal, ably supported by Shah, chief reporter of Pratinidhi, Feroz Mallick, elected representa- Pragnesh and tives of the BJP Express photo by Dharmesh Joshi Nikhil Shah belong- swung into action, ing to the same pa- and blatantly de- per, Arif Moham- clared their inten- med belonging to tions for the follow- Mid-day, and ing day. Given their Mahesh Patel corre- open declarations of spondent of the Fi- intent, the failure of nancial Express. the police to take All these preventive action mediapersons ex- against them raises pressed concern at crucial questions of the growing role governance on a that sections of the party and govern- Gujarati media ment being increas- were playing in fo- ingly held to ran- menting communal An old man and his wife being threatened by a young man with a trishul som by it’s own hit in front of the Navapura police chowkey in Surat on Thursday, Aug 3 passions in Surat, squads. especially. The In a live interview to a local Surti channel, Eye- names of publications of this kind mentioned in- witness, at 11.30 a.m. the night before the bandh cluded Dhapkar (the team later interviewed it’s (August 2), Raju Desai, leader of the Bajrang Dal, editor, Mayur Phatak, who’s brother, Dinesh when asked pointedly what his organisation Phatak and Rajul Risldar were both arrested planned to do the next day, had declared, “To- only days before the bandh-related violence by morrow, we will create problems here, 100 peo- the Surat police), Gujarat Samachar, Sandesh ple have been killed at the border.” and even a publication like Gujarat Mitra that August 3, 2000 followed a mixed policy, rational at one level and At 9 a.m. at the Arya Samaj Hall at Varaccha partisan on other pages. Road at a meeting called by the activists of the However, two letters to the editor authored Bajrang Dal, local journalists were eyewitnesses by one R.K.Gandhi and Amit Gajjiwalla, to the BD’s plan of action for the day. Nikhil Shah, powerloom owners belonging to the majority of Pratinidhi, a local newspaper, interviewed by community and published by Gujarat Mitra the investigating team, revealed how a meeting were repeatedly mentioned by persons inter- of the Bajrang Dal held at Varaccha Road with viewed by the team. In these letters, the

14 powerloom owners, who were witness to the sys- ing a no-nonsense, tough officer completely tematic targeting of Muslim-owned looms the uninfluenced by politicians. day of the bandh in Surat, testified to this and His timely action in evacuating 2,000 residents expressed shame and outrage against this of Vishramnagar to safety meant that lives could gameplan of the VHP-BD-BJP. be saved even if homes and properties were de- The correspondent of the Financial Express stroyed. His stern steps at the height of the vio- interviewed by the team interpreted the current lence in arresting three elected representatives round of violence, once again as ‘outsiders ver- of the BJP, Prajapati and Varodia also sent sus Surat inhabitants’, a factor that had there- down the requisite message. after taken a distinctly communal turn. Dia- However, reports collected by the investigating mond workers who hail from Saurashtra (and team that revealed careful and systematic plan- incidentally inhabit the Varaccha road area) are ning of the violence at a meeting on Varaccha large in number (7 lakhs) and the union is con- road (Arya Samaj road) were not traced by po- trolled by the Bajrang Dal. These were the sec- lice intelligence. tions incited specifically by these organizations to Around 11. 30 a.m. after 30 major commer- launch fullscale attacks on the bandh day accord- cial establishments in the Chautabazar area had ing to this version. been gutted completely, local journalists re- By 5 p.m. on the evening of August 2, the corded the case of a Hindu boy being beaten up bandh had been officially ammounced, even in severely in the Saudagar area that is predomi- Surat. In the Bhagal area, around 5.30 p.m., a nantly Muslim. This incident was blown out of Maulvi riding on a scooter with a baby was all proportion by the media, especially Gujarat passing by when a couple of activists belonging Samachar and Dhapkar. to the VHP-Bajrang Dal who Apart from the system- had come right into this predomi- In a live interview to a local atic arson of commercial nantly Muslim area to ‘burn an Surti channel, Eyewitness, at establishments belong- effogy of Pervez Musharraf’ were ing to one religious com- beaten up. The Maulvi was also 11.30 a.m. the night before munity in the commer- beaten up in the skirmish while the bandh (August 2), Raju cial parts of Surat, there the baby was unhurt. Desai, leader of the Bajrang is no spot like The bandh was total in areas Dal, when asked pointedly Vishramnagar to illus- like Limbayat, Bharanwat, what his organisation planned trate the venom and de- Vishramnagar, Dawatsagar to do the next day, had de- struction that the politics Avdhoot housing society, of identity can drive hu- Pakeezah Society, Pandol Indus- clared, “Tomorrow, we will man beings too. trial estate, Limbda chowk create problems here, 100 The team visited this Chautabazar (a readymade people have been killed at the area that, incidentally, garment bazaar) in Surat. Yet, border.” had also been victim to still the scouring mob attacked brutal violence and arson and burnt down two silver plazas and it has been during the post-Babri Masjid demolition violence officially announced that 30 large commercial in December 1992. (The selective gang rape of establishments in these areas already shut Muslim women in this city by politicians belong- down, were destroyed. The Jhanpa Bazar area, ing to the BJP had brought the nation shame). a predominantly Bohra area behind Bhagal re- Of the 25-30 homes-cum-businesses mained largely peaceful. At Chautabazar among smashed and gutted on August 3, 2000, the larger shops burnt were Sonica, Sagar, Datar each one of these had also suffered a simi- (Sonica is a shop owned by one Mr. Kazi; this lar fate in 1992. and all other establishments forcibly destroyed Local inhabitants of Vishramnagar from the in Surat on August 3, 2000 were shops owned by majority community wholeheartedly defended Muslims). By 11-11.30 a.m. on that day, all the and supported the victim-survivors. The ma- shops had been looted and burnt. rauders came from across the road. A carefully planted rumour that the investigat- The small pocket of Vishramnagar in this ing team was informed of from a wide variety of whole area is the only area that continues to persons interviewed by it was that Commis- house some Muslims; the rest have been forced, sioner of Police (CP), Surat, Kuldip Sharma had after 1992, to move to Muslim dominated ar- given instructions to his force to ‘disarm them- eas. Enforced ghettoisation, a live sociological selves’ the day prior to the bandh. Not only did factor in most parts of Gujarat was markedly the Police Commissioner tell the team that this visible to the team from it’s visit in Surat. was an ‘utter lie’ but he even attributed motives Ghulam Memon, a social worker from the area behind such a rumour to his detractors. , individual survivors still shell shocked by the The CP, Surat in fact enjoys a reputation of be- extent of the destruction, were the persons in- 15 terviewed by the investigating team. The team also interviewed Mayur Pathak, edi- Ghulam Memon said that on August 3, the tor of Dhapkar, accused of both communal writ- day of the bandh and the systematic arson that ing and yellow journalism by many Surat resi- began in Vishramnagar around 3.30 p.m. and dents. Mayur Dhapkar was arrested two weeks continued unabated for four hours (at least six later by the Surat police. inches deep of cement in the ceiling had been In his own words, this is he how he recounted broken down, requiring ‘hard’ work of at least the sequence of events. 3-4 hours). At the outset when the attack en- On August 3, 2000, the day of the bandh, there sued, Memon himself contacted Commissioner was violence and stone throwing in Chautabazar of Police, Kuldip Sharma, the Gujarat state where 2/3 Vohraji (Muslim) shops were broken home minister, Haren Pandya and union home down and goods destroyed. After that a 14 year minister, L.K.Advani (Memon read out both old boy was stabbed to death in Saudagar. What Pandya’s and Advani’s mobile telephone num- follows was a spate of stabbings of 10 persons bers to illustrate that he had actually done that) in one hour that followed. to try and get immediate pro- On the night of August tection. 3-4,2000, in an entirely un- According to what Memon connected incident, due to told the investigating team, internal infighting be- the commissioner of police tween warring factions of repeatedly assured residents the ruling BJP, a BJP of Vishramnagar that he was MLA, Sharda Srivastava’s sending contigents for the husband was killed (by a help and protection of resi- section of his own party). dents under attack but the The same night the police approaching roads from the arrested both Ganesh city to Vishramnagar had Prajapati and Suresh been entirely blocked by large Varodia, local BJP barrels by the BD-VHP-BJP corporators. squads suggesting planning According to Pathak, right down to the minutest there were 20 stabbings over detail by the assailants. two days leading to much The investigating team anger in ‘our people’. Mayur also interviewed Ganesh Pathak, the editor of a Prajapati, former BJP mu- newspaper in Surat spoke nicipal councilor who had clearly as a Hindu when he been arrested by the Surat said that there was a great police for possession of weap- ‘aakrosh’ in people, for the ons along with Suresh yatris going to ‘our temple Varodia, another BJP and who had been killed.’ councilor, on August 4. ‘What kind of country do The entire demeanor of this BJP politician we live in that cannot protect it’s ‘own’ people?’ was shamefaced and shattered as if he had been About 5-7000 persons belonging to the Bajrang wrongly implicated for carrying of weapons of Dal epitomized this aakrosh and acted on it. the police. He attributed all the violence to the Mayur Pathak was very critical of the Surat rumours circulated that ‘our people are killed police who according to him did not take pre- at the border, and Muslims are responsible for ventive action in the suspect areas even though this.’ The police too provokes people, he said but they had 17-18 hours prior notice of impending asserted not once but again and again through violence. Why did the police not man the the interview that ‘what the Bajrang Dal is do- Saudagar, the Ved road, Vishramnagar areas ing is wrong.’ that had been affected in 1992. Why were these When the team pointedly questioned him two areas left alone? about the worldview of the RSS and other sangh When the team directly questioned him about parivar outfits on the Hindu-Muslim question, allegations of the media’s partisan and provoca- he says that ‘it is possible that the samaj drishti tive role by deliberately flashing selectively only of the RSS is wrong. Where after all will so photographs of the stabbings on the front page many Muslims go? ‘ He further added, ‘There and not giving similar weightage to the destruc- is our government in the Centre and our gov- tion of property and businesses belonging to the ernment in the state. Why then must we have minority community, Pathak said that the news- enforced violence? This kind of politics is not paper was only dealing with facts. going to work.’ One particularly obnoxious report published by 16 Pathak in Dhapkar, soon after the killing of Amarnath yatris on August 1 ran like this, “The Government has become impotent. It is time for If the police wants to be neu- Hindus to rise..because we have a Hindu gov- ernment that is not a Hindu government.’ ! tral, it can be neutral. Commissioner of Police, Surat, Role of Police. Kuldip Sharma To the credit of the CP, Surat, Sharma, Pathak was not only charged under section 153 a of Q. Your actions, arresting BJP corporators the Indian Penal Code but actually arrested at the height of the violence has merited for the crime within ten days of the incident, favourable comment. Will the required fol- an action that again goes directly to the credit low-up action be taken? of the police leadership. He was thereafter re- A. They will all be charge-sheeted. leased on bail by the Court but the law and order machinery is now committed to pursu- Q. Is it difficult for the law and order ing action against him. machinery to function professionally in a The action of charging and arresting an editor situation where there are groups function- of a paper, Dhapkar, for inflammatory writing ing out of the pale of the law and obvi- brought forward a mixed reaction from the Surat ously enjoying the protection of the politi- media that, instead of taking an ethical stand cal leadership in the state? on the issue actually brought pressure to bear A. If the police wants to be neutral, it can be on the Surat Journalists Association to condemn neutral. If the police wants to cave in and the action as an attack on the freedom of ex- come under pressure, it will come under pres- pression! Is the freedom of expression, the basic sure. For us it did not matter who and what right enjoyed by journalists and publications, the political bosses wanted, we are doing our not subject to basic provisions of Indian crimi- job professionally, without fear or favour. nal law, in this case the sections meant to as- sure public decency and not inflame sections to Q. There was a carefully planted rumour commit violence against others ? that you had issued orders to your force to Within three days of Pathak’s arrest, the SJA disarm itself on the day of the bandh ? took a half-hearted rally against the police’s firm A. This is absolutely false. How can a riot action and even presented a memorandum to be controlled without arms? We brought the CP, Sharma on the matter. riot under control in record time, under 48 The duplicity in the media’s action was in fact hours. If we were not armed could we have summed up by a senior journalist to a member done that? Not only was it a rumour but a of the investigating team, quite succinctly, “As very silly rumour put out to discredit us. human beings we were very happy, but as jour- nalists we protested the action that was against Q. What could have been the motive be- the freedom of expression!!” hind spreading such a rumour? Is being a journalist and a human being anathema, A. I have several detractors. If someone is then? doing alright, pull him down; that is the CP, Surat, Kuldip Sharma is credited among unfortunate attitude. In 1992, 250 persons others for his tough attitude on criminals that were massacred, may be they wanted a had made life miserable for ordinary people. The repeat of that sort of carnage? This time death of three criminals, Dilip Maratha, Arif we brought things under control quickly. Ahmedabadi and Farooq Munsi was mentioned They could not repeat 1992 in Surat. by some persons; these encounter deaths (ironi- (Interview given telephonically to the in- cally!) had reduced crime rates in the city and vestigation team) made life easier for the ordinary person. More than anything else, the politicisation of the Ganapati visarjan procession in Surat from they refused to co-operate with the law and or- the nineties has led to the contribution of an der machinery, firing was ordered that resulted in acutely communally tense situation at the time. the unfortunate death of 7 processionists. This cou- A particular spot that the procession traverses rageous and even ‘audacious’ action (described by at Limbayat is where the problems have always ordinary residents of Surat) by the men in uniform been provoked. In September 1999, Sharma’s had led to aggression and ire expressed by Hindu presence as CP saw his no-nonsense attitude communal outfits who continued to put pressure on extend to this issue also; he simply refused to the existing leadership to effect ‘revenge’ on the CP. allow the blatantly provocative behaviour of the If at all the actions of the Surat police could processionists at Limbayat to continue; when be faulted on August 3-6, 2000 it was in the 17 realm of collecting adequate intelligence of sys- the CM announced a compensation of Rs 2 lakhs tematic planning of attacks by BD-VHP-BJP each for the victims’ families. leaders from the evening before. Firm action However an equally or more tragic incident, the against many perpetrators of the violence was burning alive of 21 persons (20 of them women initiated thereafter, however. and children at a Vastrupoojan in August 2000 brought forward not even a rupee promised in Surat Media compensation ! The reason, according to Kadri The acute sensationalism and even, was the fact that the victims were poor, criminalisation of the mainstream media in Maharashtrians living in the Rander area (ob- Surat came up for sharp mention in a variety of viously no political capital for the powers that persons interviewed by the team. The media war be). When a senior journalist, Sanjay Shah, cor- that scales sensational-cum-communal heights respondent of the Abhiyaan weekly rang up his hinges as senior journalist, Naeem Kadri (edi- colleagues in the larger, Gujarati dailies to urge tor of Newscart) and President of the Surat Jour- that they raise this unfair issue through their nalists’ Association puts it, on vying for the 7 columns, their response was “You have gone lakh readership (out of Surat’s population of 30 mad!” This purely commercial and unprincipled lakhs) living at Varaccha Road. All these read- attitude of the media has coloured reportage and ers are workers in the diamond cutting indus- comment of major dailies try and hail from in the city. Saurashtra (and were inci- To the credit of the CP, Surat, dentally held largely re- Sharma, Pathak was not only Politics of Violence sponsible for the commu- charged under section 153 a of More than one person nal violence of December the Indian Penal Code but actu- interviewed by the inves- 1992). tigating team quoted the The Sandesh newspaper ally arrested for the crime words of Suryakant claims a readership of within ten days of the incident Acharya, a BJP ideologue 1,26,000, the Gujarat who referred to the Samachar of 1,20,000 with the Gujarat Mitra (the bandh-related violence as chutni nu kaam (elec- second oldest newspaper in the country after the tion related job!) The zilla Parishad and munici- Mumbai Samachar) having a readership of pal corporation elections due in September 2000 60,000. Other publications like Dhapkar, were seen to be the major impetus behind the Navgujarat Times, Loktej and Pratinidhi enjoy VHP-BD-BJP’s strident and violent politics in a readership of about 3,000 each. early August. The fact that the election results The powerful claims of the readership located belied the certainty that communal polarization at Varaccha Road were aptly illustrated through would mean a resounding victory for the BJP is this example by Naeem Kadri. In January 2000, clear from the poll results (see annexure on elec- the collapse of an illegal building under construc- tion results). However it does not take away from tion that led to nine persons being killed brought the cynical politics played by politicians in power a prompt response from the chief minister, –using communalism and narrow identity- . Within hours of the tragedy, driven politics merely and only for power.

18 Lambadia

Located 32 kms from Khedbrahma of should rob them. Police will not do anything, Sabarkantha district and about 7 kms from we did the same at Idar where the police will Kheroj, on the banks of Sabarmati surrounded use teargas shells, but you should throw them by beautiful hillocks this village shares its gram in the water.” panchayat with five villages and has eleven Following this incitement and systematic de- members in the panchayat. The position of the sign, on August 3, 4 and 5, ten Muslim shops and sarpanch is reserved for adivasis. The village six residences were ransacked and looted, three has a total population of about 2000 out of which trucks and two jeeps were burnt, and another two there are 512 Muslim voters. This village is also jeeps were damaged. A local idgah was also dam- the main market for the surrounding 45 villages. aged and in the nearby villages of Ganva, Malvas The population ratio in the village between and Bhuridharpad also, Muslim homes were Hindu and Muslim is 60:40. About 70% of the looted. The investigating team met residents of business is controlled by the Muslims while 30% the village belonging to both communities who is controlled by Hindus. It is pertinent to note reiterated that there was no enmity between that the attacks on Mus- them. Systematic in- lims were carried out by citement by leaders adivasis but no adivasis re- who wish to politicize side in the village. identity and capture On August 3, 2000 the seats is the main mo- day of the Gujarat bandh, tive behind the bandh- a person belonging to related violence. Bajrang Dal working as a This excessive clerk in the Khedbrahma politicization of iden- college along with his ac- tity and religion has complices and some stu- dramatically im- dents of college looted the pinged on cultural shops belonging to Muslims events with festivals after provoking the local people. Thereafter they acquiring a military and violent imagery: the forcibly took away two buses, and brought in last Dassera saw members of the Bajrang Dal, adivasis from nearby villages into Lambadia. the VHP and the BJP marching in a public rally According to the version elicited by the inves- with swords, trishul and hockey sticks. In short, tigating team from local witnesses and victims there have been systematic attempts to keep the of the violence, many adivasis from nearby vil- local atmosphere threatening and tense, lages had been incited and provoked by caste accomopanied by a desire to fester animosity be- Hindus over the past year, rupturing a long-last- tween adivasis and Muslims. ing amicable relationship between tribals and According to the information made available Muslims. When the adivasis were brought into to the team all the faiths have been allotted land Lambadia village on August 3, 2000 there was for setting up their religious places within much slogan shouting and noise. In meetings Lambadia. The rate for this land is Rs. 200/- outside the village proper, provocative words per sq. ft. Survey no. 66 which is about 1 km. were uttered and their ‘operation’ explained to away from the village a land classified for the adivasis. “ Muslims are Pakistanis, they Gauchar (for grass eating animals) was allot- have killed your brothers and they amassed ted to Muslims by then sarpanch, Nathabhai wealth by improper means and therefore you Prajapati 18 years ago, in 1981 after a resolu-

19 tion was passed backing his decision in the was because the BJP-run state government had panchayat. The Bajrang Dal and VHP volun- stopped all drought relief work after July 31(es- teers attacked and ransacked this idgah last timated to cause a loss of Rs. 40 lakhs for all the year. During this attack on a minority place of persons who may have benefited from it). “ It is worship, they placed an idol of Hanuman inside not surprising that a hungry man would do any- it, and local Muslims were suddenly told that thing,” Muslim leaders remarked. According to since this land was disputed, they should give an Adivasi leader also interviewed by this team, up their right and except new land. they are repenting after the attacks, because Following this controversy, Muslims have now they have realized that the Muslim Memons who been allotted land being survey no. 34, which is have been the local traders for centuries have quite far from the village. Presently, legal papers left. Will they ever return? are being prepared for allotting the same in the Role of Government name of Lambadia Tahardi Meman Jamat. Ac- Muslim leaders interviewed by the team re- cording to the information with counted the despair and be- members of this jamat, whereas trayal they experienced due land was previously released to According to the version to the callous and insensi- members of different faiths free, elicited by the investigating tive attitude of the authori- now the department has assessed team from local witnesses ties. On August 3 and 4 its value at Rs. 2 Lakh. This new and victims of the violence, 2000, they repeatedly ap- Idgah was also damaged in the many adivasis from nearby proached the local police, re- violent attacks of August 3, and villages had been incited and questing for protection for since last year could pray only fear of their lives and be- with police protection. provoked by caste Hindus longings. Already the at- The VHP and the Bajrang over the past year, rupturing a mosphere was threatening Dal have been successful in long-lasting amicable rela- and the terrible attacks had their plan to exploit economic tionship between tribals and begun. But the police and competition between caste Hin- Muslims. even the administration did dus and use this factor to force not take the request seri- the latter to evacuate the village. The local po- ously. The police were themselves attacked by a lice with help from the SRP finally controlled the violent mob on August 5 at which point an officer explosive situation only after three days. A strong gave the order to fire following which two Adivasis resentment against police inaction was expressed were killed. On August 4 itself, community lead- by Muslim leaders. The constant refrain was that ers from the village went and met high-ranking the Memon Jamat (mainly traders) and Adivasis officers to inform them that they are willing to have been trading and enjoying a cordial and migrate as the government has failed in protect- harmonious relationship that can be traced back ing the lives and belongings! 100 years. It was some politically and economi- At that time they saw that the main accused cally motivated persons who began the Jagdish Taral, local Bajrang Dal president was Khedbramha Kharid-Vechan Sangh aimed at sitting with the IG Gahlot and other high-rank- crippling Muslims financially. ing officers and chatting, along with 10-15 other The effort received poor response and had to accomplices. (In spite of the fact that FIR no. 42/ be closed thrice, as the village shops owned by 2000 dated 3/8/2000 mentions, Jagdish Taral, Muslim traders sold goods at a cheaper rate, president Bajrang Dal as the main accused along then the Sangh. with 400 workers of Bajarang Dal), just a day later In response to the acute drought, the Memon he is found sitting in close camaraderie with IG Samaj passed a resolution to sell corn (makai) Gahlot and other senior officers! What were the on a no-profit no-loss basis. In pursuance of this victim survivors to make of this open complicity? principle, corn available at the wholesale mandis They couldn’t understand whether police was hand in Ahmedabad at Rs. 216 per five kilograms was in glove with them or were unable to do anything. made available by the local Muslim traders at Four complaints have been filed in the police just Rs. 220 for the same amount whereas the station at Poshi and one at Khedbramha police Sangh was selling the same at Rs. 240. It was station due to this. Muslims experience deep in- natural that villagers would prefer to buy from security due to the irresponsible behavior and the traditional village shops. Many locals inter- inaction on the part police. When the team vis- viewed by this team also opined that the only ited the village 80% Muslims had left the village reason why adivasis were tempted to loot from and the rest were thinking of migrating on a per- their homes and shops, to such a large extent, manent basis, never to return to their birthplace.

20 Modasa

Modasa town, in Sabarkantha District has ing racket in the school. Though not a regular, had an unfortunate history of several incidents full-time student, but one who’s partial exami- of communal riots over the past 30 years. The nations are still due, he is regularly to be found town has a sizable percentage of Muslims (46 on the college campus along with other lumpen %), the rest being Hindus. Many of the Muslims elements teasing girls and according to some are engaged in trade and have prospered over personal testimonies, singling out Muslim boys the years in the transport business. for his ire. From the accounts that this team Riots broke out in Modasa town on the evening was able to collect, it would appear that he is of the August 3, 2000, the day the bandh call politically ambitious, having chosen to climb the was given by the international secretary of the political ladder with the help of Hindutva- driven Vishwa Hindu Parishad and supported by the politics. He is well off economically and is, pres- ruling party, the BJP, in the State. The team’s ently, a distributor of AMWAY home-products investigation found that elements owing (a direct home-marketing US-based, multina- allegience to either the VHP, the BJP or the RSS, tional company). or all three who were As everywhere else, moving around the the politics of the town threatening shop- Modasa College has its keepers to down shut- own political situation ters had expressed an- and atmosphere, ger about several Mus- which on this occasion lim traders who refused spilled out of the cam- to heed the call. Fur- pus, causing riots. ther, traveling news of Sanjay Patel and his attacks on Muslim es- gang of Hindu boys ap- tablishments and even pear by many accounts homes in other parts of to enjoy the protection Sabarkantha (particu- and direct support of larly Lambadiya) seem many of the professors to have fuelled the urge of volunteers coercively on the campus who happen also to belong to supporting the bandh call, especially those be- majority community. The principal, witnesses longing to the Bajrang Dal, for action, in a bid we spoke to tell us, is too weak to enforce disci- to use the occasion ‘to teach a lesson to the mi- pline in the campus. Within this already polar- nority communities.’ ized atmosphere, Muslim boys also have their In the backdrop of this tense and atmosphere own group to protect their interests. They feel, laced with communal discourse and its hidden distinctly that they are discriminated against undertones, actual riots or violence broke out by the staff and the gang of Sanjay Patel and after a routine scuffle between youth in the vocally resent it. It was within this overall com- Modasa College on August 3. Mr. Sanjay Patel munally volatile and polarized atmosphere, (Bhuriya), president of local Bajrang Dal had a acutely accentuated by the bandh call given by scuffle with Muslim youth near the college. the VHP and supported by the ruling BJP that Sanjay is known among the students as a hand- the violent incidents of August 3 must be situ- some, good-looking guy out flirting with girls in ated and located. the college campus. He was rusticated in 1988 On the afternoon of August 3, there was a vio- with several other students of SYBA after be- lent scuffle and Sanjay was attacked with knives ing found to be involved in an organised copy- and sticks, allededly by a Muslim youth. His

21 friends from the college rescued him. After be- The rampaging crowd, led by a BJP MLA and ing taken to the local police station, the police corporators belonging to the same party, even was registering a simple case while he insisted burnt a galla opposite the Patiwalla electronics and thereafter pressurized them to invoke sec- shop, the Sargam bangles’ shop owned by a Mus- tion 307 of the Indian Penal Code (attempt to lim. However in the arson, six other galas lined murder). It was when the local police refused close to this one and that happened to belong to that the quarrel ensued. Hindus —with their owners involved in tailor- During this scuffle, more than 200 persons ing, shoemaking etc.— also got burnt in the —leaders and supporters – of groups like the same incident. All these gallas were located on VHP, BD and BJP (sangh parivar), also includ- a hawking plot handed over to these poor arti- ing the local BJP MLA and a few corporators, sans by the government only recently, despite gathered near the police station and fuelled the pressures to the contrary from a Departmental tension. A few policemen present in the police store behind it (called Hiralal Bhavan). station could have at this stage easily managed Interestingly, the owners of Hiralal Bhavan to disperse the crowd, Choosing not to do so how- owners have obtained a stay on the re-building ever, police inaction at this stage got compounded of any of these gallas after the riots. As one lo- with this incident pertaining to a cal person quipped to the inves- young Muslim, Farukh Sheth tigating team, “This quick stay driving past the police station on It was then that the order by the Jain owners, the his motorcycle. He was caught by crowd assembled at the burning of cabins of Hindus and the crowd. Abandoning his motor- Modasa police station, Muslims .... what does it indi- cycle, he rushed into the police sta- led also by a BJP MLA cate? Are the ruling party fel- tion even as the crowd had become and corporators moved lows in VHP & Bajrang Dal in- busy setting the motorcycle on away from the police stigated and funded by big mer- fire. When he began complaining chants to drive away poor hawk- to the surrounding police, he was station and began sys- ers?” told to shut up by them and thank tematically looting and Soon after this first incident them, instead for saving his life. attacking Muslim shops on August 3 at Modasa, a mob During this period, rumours of attacked shops situated near impending riots and violence spread like wild- Kalupur Tower. A huge saw mill, printing press, fire in this small town and all shopkeepers shut cement & steel shop and many shops were looted down their shops and moved into their homes. and burnt. The mob again had, once again, come It was then that the crowd assembled at the prepared with sufficient weaponry consiosting Modasa police station, led also by a BJP MLA of both inflammables to burn and tractors to loot and corporators moved away from the police thereafter. station and began systematically looting and at- A total of ten shops and eight houses faced tacking Muslim shops. Five shops were badly the wrath of the aggressors obviously armed destroyed. The assaulters even had tractors with with a systematic plan. them to facilitate the take away of truck-loads The well-stocked Vasant Saw Mill lost over of loot: refrigerators, TVs, electronic items, etc. Rs. 25 lakh worth of precious wood in raw ma- They were also well-equipped with kerosene/pet- terial and finished good. Most of the wood was rol cans and highly inflammable chemicals to burnt to cinders. Two Hindu shop-kepepers (ten- enable them to burn the shops down after the ants) also lost everything, as they were located loot. in-between in the rows of shops that were tar- The shops so destroyed in Modasa were: geted, on property owned by Mr. Mohammed 1. Mayur Novelty Amin Sheth & Bros. 2. Mayur footwear The mob looted the Modasa Steel & Cement 3. Tip Top Tailors Depot of Mr. Suleman Puskiwala, which was 4. M G Cutpieces clothshop stocked with large quantities of foodgrains used 5. Patiwala Electronics and a roadside galla. to supply these goods to other shops in the town. Terrified by the suddenness and brutality of Mr. A H Patiwalla, owner of the largest elec- the attack, his family living upstairs above the tronic shop in Modasa was interviewed by the depot, had to use dupattas to climb down 1-2 team. He told us that, prior to August 3, he had floors from behind. The families of his three stocked a large number expensive electronics sons, all with small kids had to similarly es- items as they were into sale-by-instalment cape, climbing down dangerously. Young Habib schemes. On that fateful day, however, everything who was one of those who jumped landed with was looted and his shop was completely burnt a fractured leg. down.. It has been so badly destroyed that he will The entire extended Puskiwala family fled have to even re-do the wall plasters and flooring. with others who had been targeted, leaving 22 Modasa on that day itself. whom this team interviewed repeatedly pointed They tried and tried on that day to summon to the systematic prior planning that was be- help from firebrigades from the nearby towns of hind each criminal incident. How else could all Ahmedabad, Mehsana, and other nearby cities. the stocks of inflammables and tractors arrive In each case the firebrigade stations and vans bang on time? reported that they were physically supported by The Muslims were acutely disappointed with mobs (allegedly mobilised by the same sangh the response of the Congress party. Nishaben, parivar groups) in Dahansura, a town close by, their local MP has not turned up to visit and pointing to depth of planning laced with venom console them. Another Congressman, and a Mus- that was behind this communal attack. lim, Irzad Mirza has not yet shown his face. In Sanjay Patel, is the key actor in this town re- this situation, during the elections, the Muslims couping from a fractured leg in the government said that they may abstain from voting. hospital when he met the team. He told the team However it was felt that a large section of that a part of Modasa was a mini-Pakistan. He the Hindus would vote on communal lines for said in this interview that there were several the sangh parivar candidate. Hence persons felt ISI agents, who received training from Pakistan, that the election resulted could already be pre- but added that he had no solid proof to substan- dicted and this was exactly what the saffron tiate his allegations to his friends in the govern- brigade wants. ment. He was visited in the hospital by many All in all, 63 persons and their families were leading people from the town and state, in- victims of the systematic arson and rioting , los- cluding a Minister and the ing their property in shops or vice-president of VHP houses, looted and burnt in (Gujarat). They all pledged Sanjay Patel, was visited Modasa alone. Over Rs. 1.5 crore support for his cause to exter- in the hospital by many worth property was looted or de- minate Muslims. leading people from the stroyed. Only 20% of this was in- He also said that he was town and state, including sured. Of the total of 63 proper- grateful to all his friends and a Minister and the vice- ties, only 12 belonged Hindus, of supporters from the Hindu which six were directly targets of community who expressed soli- president of VHP the raging fire lit to destroye darity with him and rioted on (Gujarat). They all pledged neighbouring Muslim shops, August 3. However he also support for his cause to while the rest, about six, were added that he believed that exterminate Muslims those destroyed in retaliation by not all Muslims are bad, at some enraged Muslims. least 5 % of them are good and are his friends. The role of the police in the whole affair in When the team sarcastically observed that, go- Modasa is questionable. They watched in silent ing by his deeds and the current happenings compliance as the assaulters carried out their in the town, he would soon become and MLA calculated tasks, thereafter attempting some of BJP, he and all his family beamed with hap- feeble patwork measures. All of these actions piness. He replied, however, that he had lot indicate that the local police is under the com- more to do before he could achieve that posi- plete sway of the current political dispensation, tion and stature! compromising it’s professional image. The Muslim traders who had been targeted Due to mounting pressures from influential and lost everything told us that all this was a BJP, they were forced to register a section 307 feud by the BJP to capture both the MP and case several hours later against Sanjay Patel’s MLA seats held by the Congress. The Congress assaulters. Although in his interview, he told was too weak and fractured to even respond to us that he did not recognise anyone who hit him the riots and the challenges posed by such de- and the police did not conduct any witness pa- structive force like the VHP, BD and BJP. They rade, the police notwithstanding, had arrested felt strongly that the Congress leadership was five Muslim youth ( thereafter released on bail misled by the communal elements, within the by the courts). Congress. The local Congress strongman Mr. The police also later arrested several Hindus, Amarsingh Chaudhary (leader of Opposition in involved in rioting including a local corporator and the state’s Vidhan Sabha) had visited the area, a director of a co-operative Bank. It is reported but had failed until then to even make even a that police parties have been combing the sur- representation to the government. rounding areas for the stolen goods. The villagers The survivors felt that he is too politically when cornered by the police have been throwing scared to make an issue lest he looses his tribal things like fridges, TV sets etc., in the wells. base (which he has anyway lost after the recent However at the time of the committal of the communal mobilisation). crimes, the police were mute spectators to the Further, most of the targeted businessmen looting and burning of shops, all of which took 23 place just a stone’s throw Apart from demand- away from the main police ing compensation for station. The confidence the victims of the riots and assurance with which for their losses, we need the offenders have acted to demand that the lo- indicates clearly that they cal policemen who were had received a silent li- present on the day of ri- cense f rom the local police- ots (about 30 of them) men who appear to have who have supported informed the professional the communal ele- robbers that they can loot ments, should be sus- the shops and get away pended and punished. with it. Only such a firm act will send a message down There is fear still among the minorities that they the line that unprofessional conduct by men in are not safe to live among the majority commu- uniform abuses the mantle and role of the police nity, especially in the villages (Lambadiya, Meghraj who’s primary duty is equal protection of the life villages, where their shops have been looted and and property of each and every Indian citizen, houses have been burned down and the Bajrang irrespective of caste, community and gender, an Dal activists are after their blood). Who will pro- immutable foundation of the secular Indian Con- tect their lives and ensure their livelihood? stitution.

24 GUJARAT 2000 - Challenge to Police neutrality

As many as 85 criminal incidents have been 2000 took the Mumbai-based Shiv Sena to recorded from all over the state in connection with Ahmedabad for the first time!) who’s worldview the Gujarat Bandh related violence that began and functioning are partisan and inegalitarian. on August 3, 2000 (the day of the bandh) and (see background document) continued until August 9, 2000. In the present round of violence, related to the An FIR lodged in Rajkot city at 3.30 p.m. on Gujarat bandh, as also in communal riots that August 2, 2000 under 153a of the IPC (about the have broken out in the state during the Kargil time that international general secretary of the conflict last year and on Bakri Id day this year, a VHP was giving his bandh call in Ahmedabad) is clear pattern is visible. against an accused ‘who “tried to create tension Leaders of the BJP-BD-VHP are the agent with (by) giving a speech in a newspaper to provacateurs, violating the law and inciting damage and destroyed the Muslim religious criminal actions against minorities. The names of places.” senior and middle level leaders of these outfits are Another two FIRs lodged at Ahmedabad led by even named by the police in their first information Kamlesh Bhavarilal and the mob he led concerns reports that detail the crimes. the destruction of a dargah and the looting and The pattern shows that they firstly try to keep destruction of the Famous Shoe Shop on August the names out of the FIRs by bringing political 3, 2000 pressure to bear; if however thanks to a by and FIRs lodged in the Kheda Brahma village large neutral police machinery, their names do accuse Bajrang Dal president Jagdish Taral of figure in the FIRs, pressure is brought to bear on assaulting Muslim establishments and home with the police to drop all action against them ! sharp weapons, an attack during which a police This section contains names of many such constable was also injured (on August 3, 2000). leaders. Others have been named too. The real In yet another FIR filed at Mahuva on August question is whether the state government will ever 6, 2000, a violent mob led by Shailesh Barot allow action against them? assaulted the complainant who is a constable and Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel and State another SRP Constable who were injured by Home Minister Haren Pandya owe a real and pelting stones when they stopped a violent Mob moral responsibility in each of these cases to heading ominously towards the local Masjid. answer to the people of Gujarat and India, In Ahmedabad, Modasa and Sabarkantha especially the minorities. The present dispensation senior police officials were acting in a partisan has invited strong strictures from the National manner, directly siding with communal criminals. Minorities Commission (in August 1998 and now In Surat city, two BJP corporators, Ganesh again in September 2000). Prajapati and Suresh Varodia have been accused However the state level political leadership of forming unlawful assemblies and carrying functions outside the pale of the Indian lethal weapons in their vehicles. The CP, Surat Constitution, violating the rule of law directly or has stated in an interview to members of the supporting their allied groups who thrive on investigating team that all those accused in FIRS criminal actions and lawlessness. In fact the state during the bandh-related violence will be charge- home minister, Haren Pandya is oft-accused of sheeted. allowing all the hit squads easy access to his hot The editor of Dhapkar, Mayur Pathak was line to prevent timely police and administrative arrested by the Surat police under section 153 a action against any leading BJP-VHP-RSS-BD of the IPC for fomenting violence between activists. communities in the second week of August 2000. The collective report by this investigating team, He was thereafter released by the Court. consisting of several groups from Gujarat and Will all the guilty be punished? outside is an attempt to alert the nation to the Serious dilemna extent of the state of lawlessness prevalent in the Gujarat 1998-2000 presents a genuine conflict state of Gujarat. It is a lawlessness of the kind between the rule of law as enshrined in the that is pushing the minorities to the wall, egalitarian principles enshrined in the Indian ghettoising lives and livelihoods. Constitution and the existence of a political It is about time that the story of Gujarat, a story of dispensation, the BJP, backed by it’s hit squads lived facism in the laboratory of Hindu rashtra like the VHP, the Bajrang Dal, the Hindu Jagram becomes an issue of national outcry and concern. The Manch and now even the Shiv Sena (September publication of this report is an effort in this direction.

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Poll Politics

Municipal elections this year saw a new twist gerheads with them on the riverfront project is- to electoral politics in the city - the entry of Shiv sue and would see that no slumdweller is dis- Sena. Even though the city has already placed. They are all part of the city level slum ghettoised on communal lines since the 1969 ri- organisation “Nadikantha Jhupdavasi ots and the Babri Masjid demolition progrom of Sanghatan (Riverfront Slumdwellers Organisa- the Sangh Parivar, the BJP Is now being chal- tion)”, a federation of over 70 slum committees lenged as a mild communal force (pseudo on the riverfront. The federation has been or- Hindutva) by the Shiv Sena. ganising slumdwellers on the riverfront for the The city, already rocked by election riots, Is past 3 years to oppose the anti-poor riverfront poised for greater tensions as Shiv Sena moves project, which seeks to privatise public space to in to cash on the communal sentiments built by further consumerism and profits for the the Sangh Parivar after decades, while the BJP rich.Several blamed both the BJP and Congress uses the police force to consolidate its gains. for ignoring active workers and giving away tick- SAMVAD, an NGO working with the urban ets to useless people. poor of Ahmedabad for their rights The leadership feud in the Con- to housing and communal harmony Raziaben of Baba gress also meant that many good for the past 10 years solicited pre- Lublabi slum workers were denied opportunity election views from the slum lead- because they belonged to either ers to know what is happening at (Behrampura) was Solanki or Vaghela the grassroots. Slum leaders from angry at the way groups.Raneshbhai of Azadnagar over 25 slums on the Sabarmati BJP was (Dudheshwar), an active RSS riverbanks in both Eastern and communalising worker cursed both the BJP and Western Ahmedabad were con- their slum of 300 Congress for not helping them dur- tacted during 10-17th September. households ing demolitions. Badruben of Most of them are either party work- Barfiwala bhawan slums (Shahpur) ers (BJP and Congress) or active condemned the Congress for not campaigners of local candidates.Majority of giving her a ticket despite years of political hard- them lamented the lack of serious politicking in ships. She blamed the poor people for forgetting the present elections. The manifestos or sankalp their civic issues and running after parties who patras of the major parties were not only re- gave them some money or free liquor. However hashed from earlier elections but had mere hood- the wife of Prahladbhal (Shanker bhuvan) was winking slogans (hatheli maa chaand). All the happy that her husband was too busy in elec- candidates and parties liberally promised hous- tion campaigns and she had no family disputes ing rights, water and gutters to all slumdwellers. as he was away most of the time. Raziaben of But going by past history of several elections, Baba Lublabi slum (Behrampura) was angry at nobody really believes them. the way BJP was communalising their slum of Most of our respondents told us that even 300 households. BJP people sponsored the 12th though political parties promised them the Temple In the area, which has 2 Masjids also. moon, they were sure that after the elections, For the first time this year, BJP people supplied they would be moving ahead with the Sabarmati huge stock of raw food for prasad during Ganesh Riverfront Project and oust over 10,000 fami- Chaturthi.Manjuben of Kablr Tekri (Vadaj) ex- lies living in over 50 slums on the riverfront. pressed disgust at the ways another local slum Even though most of them were actively cam- leader (a temple pujari) minted money from both paigning for their party candidates or their po- the BJP and the Congress and also lured the litical patrons now, they were ready to be at log- people with liquor.

35 She was sad that the people are axing their their presence, nothing happened and the peo- own feet by casting votes for such corrupt peo- ple feel that it was mere electoral stunt!The sin- ple. Rameshbhai of Ram Rahim Nagar was also cere effort by BJP to capture the votes of Mus- angry with the political parties as they had lims as well as anti-communal Hindus by merely paid lipservice to the compensation de- putting up many Muslim candidates (a la mands of several slum families whose houses Laxman rekha) has really disturbed several RSS were demolished by the recent floods. activists, grown up on years of anti-Muslim However, as any concrete help is yet to come rhetoric. Several local leaders with the saffron after months, they have to contend with empty brigade feel that rebellion by Yatin Oza and the assurances and oral support from the entry of Shiv Sena is already sending jitters into candidates.Similarly, Samshubhai of Santosh the hardliners camp who feel that it will be ideo- Nagar (Behrampura) is also angry with the par- logically difficult to counter them as they are ties that they are served with eviction notices logically sound on the Hindutva communal (for 40 houses) during election campaigning and ground prepared by the RSS and VHP after the political leaders cannot do anything about years of solid work. The BJP will only use force it, apart from hollow sympathies. Even though to silence dissent and opposition, more and more a BJP candidate called up some AMC official in to its disadvantage.

36 Explosion in the ‘laboratory’ Results from zilla and taluka panchayat elections in Gujarat, considered Hindutva’s laboratory show a clear- cut rejection by the people of the communal experiment

ONE state where the successful functioning of Greater attention and time was concentrated the panchayati raj system has been visible is in on a divisive agenda, provoking people’s senti- the state of Gujarat. High levels of people’s par- ments on religious lines, the important cases here ticipation in the panchayati raj institutions being the violent communal riots in Dangs and (PRIs) in the normal course and during the elec- other tribal areas of Gujarat during 1998 fomented tion process have ensured the vitality of this insti- between Christian and non–Christian tribals. tution, at present just five–years–old. For this rea- Similarly the cases of intra–religious mar- son, PRI election results have always been ana- riages between Muslim boys and Hindu girls in lysed as indicative of future political fortunes by rural Gujarat were converted by the agents of pundits who even use the zilla and taluka Hindutva into a communal issue. The BJP and panchayat poll results to predict the colour and other segments of the sangh parivar, like the hue of the ruling and opposition benches in the VHP, BD and the RSS, took a highly communal next state assembly. and provocative stand that succeeded in terror- The year 1995 was the first election ever of ising the rural poor. PRIs in the state of Gujarat. Simultaneously, in rural The BJP captured the zilla and areas of the state, between taluka panchayats and ruled 1995 and 2000, BJP’s the PRIs for five years. Follow- elected representatives to ing this trend, two years later, the panchayats did not pay in 1997, the BJP won the as- any attention to basic prob- sembly elections and estab- lems like poverty allevia- lished its rule over Gujarat. For tion, creation of employ- the first time in the state of ment, providing basic Gujarat, both the panchayats drinking water and other and the state assembly were in facilities. the control of the BJP. There were even cases at In 1995, the BJP had won 18 the gram panchayat level of the 19 zilla panchayats and where Dalit women were 154 of the 183 taluka panchayats. The success elected as sarpanch under the new panchayati of the Hindutva wave throughout the state, cou- raj amendment, but not given power in any pled with the dysfunctional state of the Congress real sense. One of the Dalit sarpanchs of Matvad — the traditional ruling party in the state — — a BJP ruled gram panchayat — in Navsari were the major factors behind this result. district of south Gujarat was not allowed to The BJP came to power through a clever mobi- work. Besides, false cases were made against lization of rural voters on a full–scale Hindutva her as the land owning community was opposed agenda, laden with false promises. After coming to her pro–poor approach. Instead of favouring to power in the panchayats, however, the ruling her, the state level leadership sided with the BJP simply failed to fulfill even the barest mini- landlords. Such anti–poor stance of the BJP mum of its electoral promises — of generating em- leadership became more and more visible over ployment and eradicating poverty. the past five years. 37 All the tribal areas of Gujarat, notified as a Umbergaon taluka of Valsad district in South Scheduled Areas under the Fifth Schedule to the Gujarat. Babubhai had been with the BJP Constitution of India by the Scheduled Area Act, since the 1980s and had worked painstak- 1977, are spread over nine districts and 38 ingly for the party, eventually succeeding in talukas and are home to 14 per cent of the state’s capturing the Umbergaon taluka panchayat tribal population. The provision of the in 1995. After coming to power, Babubhai Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Area) tried working independently but the RSS and Act, 1996 is applicable to the tribal areas of its workers interfered at every juncture. Gujarat too. In consonance with this Act, the Babubhai, agitated with such an undemo- Gujarat government passed the bill in Decem- cratic style of RSS, reacted. However, the in- ber 1997 that applies to all tribal areas of the terference from RSS workers persisted and state. Under the provision of this Act, the local increased leading to his decision to quit the gram sabha needed to be consulted before acquir- BJP. In the just–concluded election, he ing land in any of the Scheduled Area for develop- worked for Congress. There are many such ment projects. examples in Gujarat. Under this Act, it is also mandatory for the The friction between the BJP and the RSS touched gram sabha to approve all plans, programmes an all–time high leading to BJP cadres making open and projects for social and economic development allegations against the state BJP president, before they are taken up for implementation. The Rajendrasingh Rana, state vice–presidents Suresh above procedure is to be followed even if the ur- Gandhi and Amit Shah and party general secretary, gency clause is evoked. This bill was passed by Jayantibhai Kevat stating that they were hard–core the Gujarat assembly during the tenure of the RSS workers. The party brought over another Sankarsingh Waghela ministry. (Waghela had staunch RSS leader, Sanjay Joshi, from Nagpur revolted and toppled the then Keshubhai Patel known for his unflinching pro–RSS views. Another ministry and formed his government in 1996). important office bearer of the party, Gorthandas After the BJP returned to power in 1998, it Zadafia, is an active member of the VHP. did not take any interest in implementing this These factors help to explain significantly the law. There were repeated demands from tribal reasons behind the debacle of the BJP in the re- leaders to implement it but the BJP high com- cent panchayat elections. Out of 23 district mand never took them seriously. Where the panchayats, which went to the polls in Septem- gram sabhas managed ber, Congress cap- to have their way, they Those ministers and presidents of taluka tured 22 district restricted the operation panchayats. Out of of the sangh parivar and or zilla panchayats who did not belong to a total of 735 dis- its cadres in completing the RSS were under constant surveillance, trict panchayat their ‘unfinished busi- watched and monitored by RSS men seats for which elec- ness’ in tribal areas tions were held Con- since a majority of the cadres belong to the ur- gress bagged 519 seats while BJP managed to ban areas. secured only 207 seats; 14 went to other parties. It is a well–established fact that under the Similarly in the taluka panchayats, out of 210 BJP–ruled regime in Gujarat, it is the RSS, the taluka panchayats, Congress captured 160 taluka VHP and the Bajrang Dal who have been call- panchayats in the state. ing the shots, controlling both the panchayats There were a total of 3,848 seats out of which the and departments of the state government. It is Congress bagged 2,299 while BJP secured only 1,248. functionaries of the RSS who dictate terms to It was thus that the BJP was routed in the panchayat elected representatives, so much so that with- polls in the state. out a go–ahead from the RSS, elected repre- Ironically, the Congress won by a thumping ma- sentatives have even been restrained from tak- jority not due to its performance but due to the ing any decisions. strong negative swing against the BJP. The rural A widely known fact, oft–quoted in newspaper voters of Gujarat are the major contributors to articles, was that ministers and presidents of the BJP defeat. But, Congress is a divided house taluka or zilla panchayats who did not belong to and intense factionalism still prevails the RSS were under constant surveillance, As we go to press, the BJP leadership is busy watched and monitored by RSS men. Panchayat analysing its debacle and has constituted a com- presidents and even ministers just could not take mittee to look into the matter. Apart from the any decisions on their own. This caused acute dis- super–imposition of the RSS–VHP cadres in satisfaction and anger, often displayed by the panchayat affairs, widespread corruption and non–RSS BJP politician in public. uncontrollable price hike are also considered to A glaring example was Babubhai Halpati, be important reasons behind debacle. a tribal taluka panchayat president from the The rural poor are unable to cope with the 38 price hike of grains and other essential commodi- thirty years of service in panchayat.” ties. Grain prices at the ration shop are at par An optimistic reading of the voting trends and with the free market, hence it is difficult for ru- the results suggest that the BJP’s tactics of cap- ral poor to survive. Corruption by party mem- turing power through communal politics has bers is also a key reason for defeat. State jail been understood, and even rejected, by rural vot- and rural housing minister, Jaspal Singh has ers. This combined with a rejection of the su- blamed corruption in high places as the main rea- perimposition of RSS–VHP–Bajrang Dal cadres son for the BJP’s debacle. Many panchayati raj on the more liberal sections within the BJP has functionaries are also openly saying this. A dis- sent a clear message to the ruling BJP. trict panchayat account officer told this writer While the primary aim of the panchayti raj in- on condition of anonymity: “Corruption existed stitution is to delegate more power to local peo- during Congress rule, too. But the level and man- ple, under the BJP–ruled panchayats the power ner in which the BJP leaders were involved in remained in the hands of the dominating few. corruption is utterly mind–boggling. Even grass The victory of Congress is not the victory of party root level BJP workers had to bribe the higher but it is a victory of inherent secular-democratic level BJP leaders in order to get things done. The fabric of Indians. RSS–VHP cadres are extorting money from poor (Article published in Communalism Combat , people. I have not seen this scale of corruption in October 2000)

No action on BJP attack on Shaikh’s family home

(The Asian Age, October 11, 2000, news report) ing his men to drag out and beat up the women By Kumuda Dorai instead. Shaikh says the mob then made way to his Mumbai October10: Actor Farooq Shaikh is ancestral home, which is among the largest and wondering whom to turn to for justice in India. oldest homes in the area. “My relatives have Shaikh’s ancestral home in Amroli village, lived in that house for five generations. I was Vadodra taluka, in Gujurat was attacked by a born in that house, even though I grew up in mob of BJP workers on September 24. His 102- Mumbai,” said Shaikh. :Even this Mr Bhil is year-old grandmother, uncle and two aunts were known to three generations of our family. He seriously injured in the attack. and his sons — Chetan and Laxman — were in The actor rushed to New Delhi immediately the forefront of the mob, shouting slogans, bring- after the incident to meet Union home minister ing them up to a frenzy and exhorting them to L. K. Advani and senior BJP leader Sushma attack members of the Muslim community. Swaraj. He was assured of immediate action. Hearing the commotion, those present in the Now, more than 10 days after the incident, house – the actors 102-year-old grandmother, a Shaikh and his family are still waiting for jus- 77-year-old aunt who had come down from the tice. Speaking to the Asian Age, Shaikh said, “The US, an uncle, 77, and his wife, 75, and Shaikh’s incident took place on September 24, which was a cousin’s wife. 35 immediately locked and bolted polling day for the local zilla Parishad elections. A all the doors. “They shone the lights on the house BJP leader from the adjoining village, a Mr K T and started pelting stones and rocks. Luckily, Bhil, was campaigning for the local party candi- the door is ancient and solid and managed to date, who lost to his opponent from the Congress. withstand the attack. However the windows In fact, the BJP fared badly in the polls and l;ost broke. The rocks hit my family, most of them seven seats in the taluka. above the age of 70. They were shouting things According to Sheikh, the same night at around like, ‘ lets finish them all of them,’and trying to 9 pm a mob of around 70-80 people in trucks break into the house with the help of axes and and jeeps, led by the same Mr Bhil, arrived in stones,” he added. The attack lasted 20-25 min- Amroli brandishing swords and knives and utes. Since the door still withstood the assault, lathi’s. “They had a tractor filled with rocks and the men announced that they would be back stones”, the actor added. The mob was shouting with reinforcements. anti-Muslim slogans and chose to attack only In the meantime Shaikh’s cousin who, was the homes and shops of the village’s Muslims. not present in the house during the attack, called “Initially everyone thought that they were up the police. Some policemen “strolled” in a lit- dacoits since the area has never witnessed com- tle while later saying they were following up a munal tension before. All traders shut shop and complaint that a BJP worker was kidnapped by fled the scene. But this Mr Bhil started exhort- people in the house. “How can some seventy 39 years old and a woman over 100 kidnap a against my family, which in Gujurat means that youth?” asks Shaikh. an act has taken place against a member of the The actor’s grandmother and other members scheduled caste or tribe. of the family were seriously injured in the attack. How can that be in the case of my aged rela- “At that time even if u jostle them a bit they get tives?” he questions. Shaikh feels the police is hurt. They were pelted with rocks,” he says. not acting out of political pressure from within The actor’s cousin brought the local Congress the Gujarat government. “How else can u jus- worker to the house the next day and together tify that even Mr Advani’s orders have not been they made a video of the entire scene, as well as adhered to? If he does not have the power to get the injuries suffered by the family. “We gave it action done to set things right, then tell me, who with the panchnama at the police station along in India has. with a sword and scooter that the miscreants “This is just an example of the malaise in had left behind. India at the moment. On one hand you have As soon as he came to know of the attack, Farooq BJP president Bangaru Laxman exhorting com- Sheikh left for Delhi to meet L K Advani and Ms munities in India to come together and on the Sushma Swaraj. ”I met the home minister Mr. other hand you have a group of brigands who Advani and Ms Sushma Swaraj. They were gra- can run affairs,” he adds. The actor now plans cious enough grant me an appointment. Mr Advani to file a case in court. immediately called up Gujarat home minister of To date no action has been taken in this Gujarat Mr Haren Pandya and even sent him a incident as in many others. If a citizen of the letter, a copy of which he gave me. “Since then I stature of Farooq Shaikh, given direct access have heard nothing to suggest that action has been to the country’s home minister does not get taken or even an indication that it will be taken. redressal what can be expected of dozens of In fact, an atrocity case has been registered other communal crimes in the state?

40 Dateline Gujarat Hindutva’s Laboratory in Operation

The following brutal and violent actions on phlets authored by the VHP, Gujarat, Hindu the ground, backed by state level policy deci- Jagran Manch, Gujarat or simply anony- sions reveal how in fact the current political dis- mously that systematically justify and provoke pensation has been running in direct violation inflammatory feelings and violence against of the equity principals enshrined in the Indian Christians and Muslims. One such, headed Constitution and in fact like the laboratory of ‘Baroda:Strong protests and agitation by Hindu Hindutva. It proves the anti-democratic thrust youth against ‘Christianisation and Blind Faith’ of the project of Hindutva. appeared in the Vishwa Hindu Parishad News, November 13, 1997 – August 16, 1998 April 1998 in Gujarati published from Baroda; There were over 40 recorded incidents of as- ‘Onwards Sanjeli –Let’s unite to put an end to saults on prayer halls and these unholy incidents Churches belonging to of Hindu women being Christians in the State(the sold in Muslim coun- worst incidents were of the tries-Let’s respond to attacks on century old bricks with stones’ educational institutions in dated July 7, 1998 pub- Naroda and Rajkot (the lished by VHP- St. Mary’s and IP Mission Bajrang Dal, Sanjeli School during which cop- (Communalism Com- ies of the Bible were also bat, October 1998, Wel- burnt) and violent attacks come to Hindu against religious assembly Rashtra). as well as four major inci- Keshubhai Patel’s stint in power has been dents against Muslims of marked by a plethora Randikpur and Sanjeli that of such pamphlets of- even involved Muslims ten reproduced in full forcibly evacuated from by mainstream their villages and their Gujarati papers. Nei- transport businesses ther the publishers of usurped by sections of the these incendiary pam- assailants phlets nor Gujarati pa- One of the worst inci- pers have attracted dents included the forcible section 153a and 153b exhuming of the body of of the Indian Penal Samuel Christian, a Methodist Christian by the Code, a section of law meant to guard against VHP (ably assisted by the BJP corporators – provoking of violence against members of a Indian Express dated July 27, 1998) simply be- particular community. cause he was buried in a burial ground over which the VHP-BJP local leadership had only July 1998 recently began creating a dispute. The Gujarat government ruled by the BJP set up a Police Cell for Monitoring Inter-Religious April –July 1998 Marriages, another step that is clearly violative The state of Gujarat witnesses a spate of pam- of the Indian Constitution. An announcement

41 to this end was made by the minister of state (Thru:DS.Pol.Control) From Director of Police for home, Haren Pandya in the state assembly (Intelligence), Gujarat State, Ahmedabad Ref : and also justified on the grounds that such mar- No. :D.2 : Hindu - Christi/83/99 Date 02.02.1999 riages were not made of free choice but were (1058) forced on Hindu women out of ulterior motives. DETAILS : July-August 1998 Presently, the incidents of class-conflicts be- The same state government disbanded an- tween Hindus and Christians are increasing very other police cell set up by a previous govern- much. It is very necessary to stop these activi- ment to investigate atrocities against women. ties. December 1998 In your District : Dangs district in southern Gujarat saw 1) What is the total population of Christians ? Christmas time being reduced to fear for the 2) Which all places do they live in ? minority Christian community that was system- 3) At which places are their missionaries lo atically terrorised by the BJP-VHP hit squads. cated ? (Alongwith the number and name) On December 25, 1998 Churches and prayer 4) They are encouraged by which foreign halls were attacked at Gadvi village, countries ? Nadagkhadi village, Jamlapada village, 5) From which foreign countries and Padalkhadi village,Dewan Tembrun village. how much amount of grant do they get ? The next day attacks continued at How do they make use of it ? Karadiamba village and Vaki village. On De- 6) Population of Christians in your district, cember 27, 1998, prayer halls and Churches taluka-wise and village-wise. You are requested were destroyed at Bordel village, Bhondvihir vil- to give information about the name,address and lage, Saverpada village, Gougen village, telephone numbers of their main leaders. Mulchond village, Lahankhadmal village, 7) In the last five years, how many cases of Bharipada village, Raochand village, Pipaldhad class-wars between Hindus and Christians have village and Karenjpada village. Undeterred by been registered in your district ? What was their the law and order machinery attacks continued result in the court ? into the fourth, fifth and sixth days on Decem- 8) How many Christians are involved and in ber 29, 30 and January 3, 1999 respectively when which all offences ? You are requested to cer- prayer halls and churches at Mathalbari village, tainly send the name, address and the case reg- Jhalsod village and Kasadbari and Natyanuvat istration number of the offender along with their village were destroyed by goon squads leed by dossiers. Janubhai Pawar of the VHP. (Comunalism Com- 9) In your districts, what type of trickery is bat, Conversions!, January 1999) being used by the Christian Missionaries for Incidentally, due to the public outcry prime their defilement activities ? How are they in- minister Atal Behari Vajpayee had visited creasing it ? Dangs after which instead of commenting on the 10) How many and what types of vehicles do failure of the rule of law, called for a national they possess ? You are requested to inform the debate on conversions! number of vehicles. 11) Amongst them, how many have got what February 2, 1999 all type of licenses for keeping weapons ? When The following circular was sent out by the Di- were these licenses issued to them ? rector General of Police(intelligence) Gujarat 12) What all arrangements have been made state showing a blatantly partisan attitude of by you for their security ? You are requested to the state. The United Christian Forum for Hu- inform the number and the approximate amount man Rights took strong objection to this census of expenses incurred after their security. circular, directed all Christians and Institutions 13) You are requested to send the dossiers of not to reply to it, stating clearly that it was vio- all such Christians who are involved in criminal lation of Article 15(1) enshrined in the Indian activities and having criminal attitude. Constitution which states that no citizen can NOTE : You are kindly requested to send the be segregated on grounds of religion. above information after completing the neces- (ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF A sary procedures before 15.02.99. GUJARATI CIRCULAR SENT BY THE DI- Signed/ RECTOR OF POLICE (Intelligence), P.B. Upadhyaya GUJARAT STATE FAX MESSAGE February 16, 1999 To : All DSPs and Police Commissioners of Within days of the first circular, another (D:2/ Gujarat State Police, For Information : Police 2: Com/Muslim Activity/84/99 dated 1/2-02-99) Ahmedabad; IGPs of all Ranges was also circulated, containing similarly offen-

42 sive questions about the Muslim minority com- more stabbings of minority community members munity that was also violative of the Indian Con- by leaders of the BJP and VHP near Dariapur stitution. gate, Gheekanta and Gomtipur areas. Names Organisations immediately approached the of senior functionaries of the BJP and VHP (city Gujarat High Court following which the circu- convenor of the BJP, Parabatbhai) have their lar was withdrawn from circulation. However names lodged as accused in the FIRs of the time. it has still not yet been cancelled. (Communalism Combat,April 2000, Face to Face with Fascism) July 1999 On July 21-22, there was an outburst of com- December 1999-January 2000 munal frenzy provoked by a blatant A bill against religious conversions, directly communalisation of the Kargil conflict. For two counter to Article 25 of the Indian Constitution week previously, July 7 and 11, 1999 the war sought to be moved in the Gujarat state assem- at the border was cynically used by state and bly was moved, and thereafter put on hold after central BJP functionaries who needed to win it generated a nationwide controversy. The Bill an election the next month in the state (the is termed “Gujarat Freedom of Religion Bill.’ death in Kargil of an January 1 –July army man, Mukesh 2000 Rathod from A spate of six more Meghaninagar was used attacks on Christian by the BJP MLA from schools all over the city Harin Pathak Gujarat, individual and union minister prayer meetings of L.K.Advani to lead ral- Christians disrupted. lies through the city ac- Most Christians now companied by Rathod’s aver that there prayers body) to generate anti- in churches in towns Muslim venom on the like Ahmedabad, ground. Slogans like Ab Baroda Rajkot and to nagara baj chukka hai Surat have to be con- sarhad pe shaitan ka, ducted with closed Nakshe par se nam mita doors and windows, so do, papi Pakistan ka; as not to ‘upset and pro- another one read Khoon voke Hindu organisa- se tilak karo, goliyon se tions!’ aarti; Pukarti hai yeh zameen, pukarti Ma January 3, 2000 Bharati proudly wall- The Gujarat CM written by BJP’s Yuva lifted the ban on gov- Morcha contributed ernment servants join- their mite to the already ing the RSS – a deci- tense situation. sion he was compelled Two Bajrang Dal activists on July 21-22, 1999, to revoke a month later after the hue and cry Harshad Gillatwalla one of them earlier accused that it generated. for the murder of a Muslim boy one year before February 2000 (1998) took the lead in the provocations by set- The RSS held it’s massive sankalp shibir on ting fire to the Muslim owned Bhagyodaya res- the outskirts of Ahmedabad at thich 30,000 per- taurant in the Hindu dominated Memnagar area.. sons participated. Patel was flanked by union The flare-up, literally begging to happen, fi- home minister L.K.Advani on the occasion, eight nally took place on July 20, 1999. Muslims con- state cabinet ministers participated. The 5-acre stantly abused for weeks were agitated by the plot was provided free with water and electric- teasing of a mentally challenged boy by Hindus ity costs on the house (!) for the occasion. and demanded an FIR be lodged by the police. Instead of leaving the matter to be settled be- February 2000 tween the police and Muslims, the BJP-VHP Secret Hindutva Document: brought in their own mob that led to a full- Communalism Combat accessed this secret fledged riot at Dariapur, Dabgarwad, Vadigam, document from Gujarat that is a step by step Kallupur etc. guide for sanghis on how and why to break the The second phase of this violence began on law. It has been translated from Gujarati July 22, with a Muslim boy being stabbed and Aum

43 ‘Now that we have our own government we families in the Paldi area of Ahmedabad, led by (should take the proper advantage of it) and BJP corporators, led by BJP coporators and mo- should get our work done by it’ tivated by the singular idea not to allow Mus-  lims to move into the Paldi area took place at the recently constructed Tulsi Apartments ‘We should arrange to have our men as wit- within the Vishwakunj Society. A writ petition nesses. Many times real witness also may give filed by Haroobhai Mehta on behalf of the PUCL, answers anyhow when cross-examined and as sought the intervention of the Court in protect- a result, the reliability of the witness suffers. ing the fundamental rights of the individual So when we give the name of the witness in the Indian citizen that include the right to settle and court first we have to make sure whether he reside anywhere in India ( Article 19(1)(d) was will remain firm in the court and also whether unfortunately not entertained by the Court. he is reliable otherwise.’ Naved Siddique, the builder involved in part-  nership in the transaction is being threatened ‘A recent state home ministry circular directs to evacuate and sell off those and remaining flats the executive magistrate(mamlatdar) to regis- at a loss of a huge Rs. 50 lakhs. Needless to say, ter a crime if the police is not ready to do so; we no protection from the police or no redressal from believe that such complaints can be made to the the state government has been provided. sub-divisional magistrate (deputy collector) and (Asian Age, Feb 16, 2000) district magistrate(collector) also’ February 19, 2000  Thirty hit-men of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad ‘The main attack on Hindu Samaj is that our vandalised the office of the mayor of the sisters of tender age are being abducted through Ahmedabad Municipal corporation, a BJP offering them inducements and allurements and corporator, Mlini Atit demanding the immedi- then they are made to sign on the marriage reg- ate reconstruction of a temple near Uttamnagar ister after getting converted by force. Hundreds garden that had been demolished by the AMC. of Hindu girls are being (converted to Islam) Despite the fact that public property had been made Muslims like this in Gujarat State.’ destroyed, the Mayor refused to lodge a com-  plaint saying “This was our internal matter, we ‘It is not wrong if we can lift the woman and do not need the police.” keep her under our custody. But girl’s people (Indian Express, February 20, 2000) should take the initiative.’ March 17, 2000  Bakri Idd. The occasion was used this year as in years previously by the BJP-RSS-VHP com- Many times the girl does not agree and if habeas bine to provoke the Muslim minority by deliber- corpus petition is filed in the court, and there if the ate emphasis on the Cow Protection Act. Both girl changes her mind, we will be let down. As I the municipal commissioner and the police com- mentioned earlier, these problems are not going to missioner issued an appeal to citizens to be be solved by Law under the protection of the Police mindful of the act and members of the VHP and or the Court. The Hindu Samaj needs to resort to Bajrang Dal decided, suo moto to act as inform- social opposition to find a solution to this and even ants of the police despite repeated announce- resort to violent attacks if necessary. ments that matters of law should be left to the February 5, 2000 police. Violence and tension resulted, an unnec- Recent bomb attacks on homes of Muslim essary death of a young Muslim.