ST. JOSAPHAT UKRAINIAN W. Union Blvd. at Kenmore Ave. -- Bethlehem, PA. Archpriest Daniel Gurovich, -- Carol Hanych, Cantor Vesperal Liturgy: Sat. 6:30 PM Liturgy: Sun. 10:00 AM Vespers: Evenings before Holydays 6:30 PM Matins: Major Holy Days 8:00 AM (610) 865-2521 -- Email: [email protected] WHERE FAITH AND TRADITION MEET

FEB 21 SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY TONE 5 [ALT] SUN FEB 21: FIRST SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT [SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY] Sat eve Vigil: 6:30 PM: +George Brucker (Daughter Susan & Gorsky Family 10:00 AM: For the Living and Departed Members of the Parish ECF CLASSES RESUME

MON FEB 22: Second Monday of Lent [FAST] Note: All of the Weekdays of Great Lent are Aliturgical The Divine Liturgy is not served. 8:00 AM: Lenten Hours with Typica

TUE FEB 23: Second Tuesday of Great Lent [Bishop Martyr Polycarp]. 8:00 AM: Lenten Hours with Typica

WED FEB 24: Lenten Wednesday of Great Lent [FAST] 6:30 PM: Lenten Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

THUR FEB 25: Second Thursday of Great Lent [Patriarch Tarasius] 8:00 AM: Lenten Hours with Typica

FRI FEB 26: Second Friday of Great Lent [Porphry of Gaza] [FAST] 6:30 PM: Lenten Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts—Second All Souls Reading

SAT FEB 27: Second Saturday of Great Lent No Divine Services

SUN FEB 28: SECOND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT [ST. GREGORY PALAMAS] Sat eve Vigil: 6:30 PM: +Wasyl Manko (42 Yrs) (Manko Family) 10:00 AM: +Daniel Gurovich (34 Yrs) (Fr. Dan and Ken) ECF CLASSES LENTEN DEVOTIONS THIS WEEK LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS Wednesday and Friday this week 6:30 PM Second Reading of the Dyptichs of the departed Friday 6:30 PM

READERS GREETERS VINCENT DePAUL ORGANIZATION BASED AT ☺ FEB 20 Rybak Kadingo at exits SS. SIMON AND JUDE CHURCH IN BETHLEHEM. FEB 21 Tighe ☺ Buddock/Pastrick at exits FEB 24 Gorsky ☺ Kadingo at exits FEB 26 Wetherill ☺ Miexell or Palmer at exits LENTEN SERVICES FEB 27 DeNardo ☺ Kadingo at exits The Lenten Liturgy of the Presanctified are served FEB 28 Tighe/Kidd ☺ Buddock/Pastrick at exits on Wednesday and Friday this week at 6:30 PM. Keep Church Cleaning: See 2021 Februry Schedule in mind the one hour fast is in force for those desiring to receive the Eucharist. FUTURE EVENTS ECF CLASSES Wear Mask to Liturgy and REMEMBER WHY YOU ARE HERE Class “Let all persons be seized with fear; let heaven exult NO TRYZUB MEETINGS UNTIL FURTHER when Christ, the Son of God, is on the altar in the NOTICE hands of the priest.” [St. ] PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Paul Pastrick, Tanya Derewecki, Anna Kupcha, Helenya Stegura, Fr. Daniel

MEMORIAL FUND We would like to thank Ola Cehelsky and Nadya Cehelsky-Kidd for their recent donation to the Memorial Fund in memory of +Orest Harasymovich.




TROPARION OF THE SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY (Tone 2) We bow before your sacred image, O gracious Lord, * and beg forgiveness for our offences, O Christ our God; * for You, of Your own will, deigned to ascend the cross in Your human nature * to deliver from bondage under the enemy, those whom You created. * Therefore, we gratefully cry out to You: * “Through Your coming to save the world, O Savior, * You have filled all with joy.

KONTAKION (Tone 5) Glory be: Now and ever: O Mother of God, through you, in the incarnation, * the indescribable Word of God became describable; * for through the divine goodness, * the Word spoken from eternity became an image, * May we, who believe in salvation, * clothe ourselves in the same image both in word and deed.

PROKIMENON (Tone 4) Blessed are You, O Lord the God of our fathers. Your Name is praised and glorified forever. V: In all that you have done Your justice is apparent.

ALLELUIA (Tone 4) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia V. Among his priests were Aaron and Moses; among those who invoked His name was Samuel. V. They invoked the Lord and He answered.

INSTEAD OF “It is truly right...” “In you O woman full of Grace...” (Pg. 109)

COMMUNION HYMN (Of the Sunday) Second Communion Hymn: Exult, you Just, in the Lord; praise from the upright is fitting. THE PRESANCTIFIED The word Presanctified means sanctified or consecrated earlier. This explains the Liturgy of the Presanctified, which is served on Wednesdays and Fridays and on the first two days of Holy Week.

The Presanctified Liturgy is partially a Vesper Service during which Holy Communion is offered from bread, which was consecrated at the Divine Liturgy on the Sunday before and is kept in a special container on the Holy Altar table. Cordileone: Catholics must recover ‘idea of worthiness to receive Communion’ By Catholic News Agency Staff Washington D.C., Jan 27, 2021 / 01:30 pm MT (CNA).- In an interview discussing his recent admonition of House Speaker (D-Calif.), Archbishop of San Francisco emphasized the need for Catholics to recover the sense of worthiness to receive Holy Communion.

“Catholics no longer understand the idea of worthiness to receive Communion. It’s just seen as a sort of a token gesture of welcome and belonging,” Cordileone told EWTN Pro-Life Weekly in an interview that will air on Thursday night.

The archbishop was addressing the topic of denial of Holy Communion to someone “for the sake of their soul.” He said that Catholics must first understand the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist in order to grasp the significance of the denial of Holy Communion to a public figure.

“For that kind of action [denial of Communion] to make sense to a lot of people, we need to reclaim this sense of what it means to receive [Communion],” Cordileone said, pointing to a lack of belief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist among Catholics.

“What are you really saying when you receive Communion? To me, it goes hand-in-hand with this decline in the belief of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist,” he said.

Archbishop Cordileone was explaining to EWTN his Jan. 21 statement to Speaker Pelosi, a Catholic who hails from the San Francisco archdiocese.

In that statement, Cordileone had said that “No Catholic in good conscience can favor abortion,” referring to Pelosi’s public support in Congress for legal abortion.

Pelosi, on a Jan. 18 podcast with former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, had referred to the issue of abortion as “a woman’s right to choose” and said that Catholics should “love contraception” for reducing the abortion rate.

In response, Cordileone said that Pelosi “does not speak for the Catholic Church,” and that her phrase “right to choose” to describe legal abortion “is a smokescreen for perpetuating an entire [abortion] industry that profits from one of the most heinous evils imaginable.”

Regarding denial of Holy Communion, Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law states that Catholics who are “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.”

In a 2004 memo to U.S. bishops, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote that a Catholic politician who is “consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws” is engaging in “formal cooperation” in grave sin, cooperation that is “manifest.”

In these cases, Catholic politicians should not receive Communion, Ratzinger wrote, and their pastor must admonish them on the Church’s teaching. The politician’s “pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist,” Ratzinger wrote.

If these conversations “have not had their effect,” he added, then “the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it.”

When asked by EWTN under what circumstances Communion can be denied for the sake of the recipient’s soul, Cordileone answered that “private conversations” must first take place “to try to move the person in their conscience.”

The archbishop did not comment on whether he has had private conversations with Pelosi about her stance on abortion, or whether he is considering publicly prohibiting her from receiving Communion.

In November, Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C. told a reporter that he would not deny President Joe Biden the reception of Holy Communion, if Biden were to present himself for Communion at . During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden pledged his support of taxpayer-funded abortion and promised to codify Roe v. Wade in law.

On EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, Cordileone emphasized that worthiness to receive Holy Communion is a much broader problem among Catholics than just Catholic politicians who contradict Church teaching.

“We have a bigger problem too, in that so many Catholics don’t even understand the concept of worthiness to receive Communion, right? To be in the state of grace,” he said. “And before COVID, I often questioned how many people just nonchalantly go up to receive Communion when they’re really not supposed to be.”

The archbishop said that intentionally skipping even one Sunday Mass is an example of a serious sin that requires absolution in the confessional before a Catholic is worthy to receive Communion again.

EWTN Pro-Life Weekly asked Cordileone this week if Pelosi’s support for abortion as a Catholic in public office was scandalous.

Cordileone answered that Pelosi is not only opposing Church teaching, but also is scandalously contradicting “fundamental human rights.”

“But this is contradicting the Church on a matter that is not specifically Catholic doctrine. Again, this is a matter of fundamental human rights,” he said. “So, we have political leaders championing an injustice, and people thinking that’s okay for Catholics to do. But it’s not.”

[SJC Editor’s note: -Classic example of ignorance based on political embrace of the heresy of Modernism. Pray for her soul for without repentance and confession she will be damned.] Expanding the Culture of Death Another comatose man is killed by so-called euthanasia, and we’re beginning to see an international effort to make killing the disabled the norm. The latest victim of state-sponsored murder was a Polish man on Tuesday in Great Britain, referred to as Mr. SB´awomir. Like others before him, SB´awomir suffered brain damage after cardiac arrest. The hospital petitioned the court to disconnect basic life support. Similar to the Terri Schiavo case in 2005, SB´awomir’s family was split. There has been a slow-dripping of high-profile euthanasia cases since the 1970s. Comatose Karen Ann Quinlan was taken off a ventilator in 1976 but continued to live nine more years on a feeding tube. Schiavo, in a semi-comatose state, was also on a feeding tube but was forced by the Florida high court to die by the withholding of food and water. Alfie Evans, as Church militant reported, died in 2018 by intentional starvation and dehydration, forced by the court. Charlie Gard, whose parents were not allowed by British courts to seek alternative treatment for their son’s mitochondrial disease, also died in 2018. And Vincent Lambert, in a vegetative state since a motorcycle accident in 2008, died in 2019 by intentional starvation. With the exception of Quinlan, all these young patients had close family members pleading for their lives — but to no avail. Catholic Church guidelines forbid any direct intentional killing of the elderly or disabled — either by active injection or passive withholding of ordinary care. John Paul II, in 2004, made clear ordinary and obligatory means of care include food and water, even if by feeding tube, unless the body is shutting down and the patient can’t absorb it. From womb to tomb, the Culture of Death has now encroached on both ends of life — and is spreading its dark tentacles. PONDERABLES Why are you IN a movie, but you’re ON TV? Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? Why do doctors leave the room while you change??? They’re going to see you naked anyway. Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane? If the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat?