SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE – Get to know your future partners!

AQUA | Montpellier | August 25-29, 2018

About the company:

Fields of activity, fields of research & development:

Main competences for international cooperation:

Main fields of interest for international cooperation:

References / examples of most relevant products and services: B


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear AQUA2018 delegates,

it is my pleasure to introduce you to our network of aquaculture experts from Ger- many (and abroad). In this brochure, you will find the ideal partners for your next business, research project or any other missing link along the aquaculture supply chain. The partners listed in this brochure are just a fraction of the full Competence Network Aquaculture [Kompetenznetzwerk Aquakultur, KNAQ]. If you are looking for even more contacts and/or specialized expertise, please do not hesitate to contact my colleagues and me at booth #68 in the AQUA2018 trade show.

The German aquaculture sector is unique in its diversity, ranging from extensive cultiva- tion systems in ponds and coastlines to intense indoor farming. The annual aquaculture production of fish and mussels accounts for approximately 33,000 tonnes. The main finfish species are common carp and other cyprinids produced in warmwater ponds and rainbow trout and other salmonids produced in flow-through and raceways systems. Other freshwater species encompass sturgeon, catfish, eel, pikeperch and perch. Ma- rine aquaculture in Germany almost exclusively entails the production of blue mussels and oysters in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, as well as a handful of high-tech RAS facilities producing tropical shrimp and marine finfish for high-end markets. Marine and freshwater microalgae and macroalgae are being cultivated by several companies throughout the country.

The aquaculture sector in Germany employs an estimated 1.200 full-time equivalents in primary production, but presumably, another 20.000 producers are active on a part- time basis. The full picture of the German sector only becomes apparent when looking up and down the full supply chain. Large German enterprises are vertically integrated

2 in international “big names” of the sector, ranging from production of feed and addi- tives to genetics, health and trade. Germany has a vibrant scene of entrepreneurship and start-up support in adjacent fields of agri-food, biotech, maritime and many more. German research organizations and universities are among the top ranking institutions worldwide with outstanding reputation in research, development and innovation.

One has to look at the whole supply chain to understand the true economic value of a sector.

Fish consumption in Germany is almost 1.3 million tonnes per annum alas 14.2 kg per capita. With a population of more than 80 million people and an average monthly salary of around 3000 € per capita, Germany is a major consumer of imported European and international seafood, with an import dependency of more than 80 %. German seafood consumers are known to be very demanding in terms of price and traceability. This provides ample of opportunity for marketing of sustainable aquaculture products and services from Europe and worldwide.

Please enjoy “Sustainable Aquaculture Germany”!

Yours sincerely,


3 SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE Focus Topic of the Kiel Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”

In the Cluster of Excellence „The Future Ocean“ at Kiel University (Germany) there is one focus on the topic of „sustainable aquaculture“. Researchers from the fields of biology, agricultural sciences, philosophy and social sciences have teamed up with experts and operators from politics, industry and associations with the goal of bring- ing the potential and the challenges of sustainable aquaculture to a wide audience, from public, industry and politics.

How can the principles of sustainability be implemented in aquaculture? This question forms the basis of current aquaculture research at Kiel University. The core topic here is the development of sustainable feed, in which fish-based sources of protein and fat (fish meal and fish oil) can be replaced by alternative, mostly plant-based resources. In regard to the topic of animal health and animal welfare, the research focuses mainly on finding methods to determine the well-being of aquatic animals, which, in contrast to that of terrestrial animals, is to a great extent unknown. Improved welfare conditions also lead to disease reduction and lower medication use – a practice which has been applied, in particular, in the EU, Canada or Australia for years (FAO, OIE, WHO, 2006). In addition to this, innovative technologies and rearing systems contribute to implementing systems which allow for ecologically sensitive and sustainable aquaculture.

To strengthen the communication on those topics, we have organized different activities at the AQUA 2018 together with our partners such as KNAQ and GMA, among them:

Presentation of a 3D-printed and Virtual Reality model of a closed recirculation system for sustainable and resource-efficient fish production at booth #68 of the AQUA2018 trade show (Level 0).

4 Workshop “Production of penaeid shrimp in Europe – Risks and opportunities”, August 28, 14:00 - 17:20, Room: Sully 2, Level 1

The workshop is aimed at all representatives from industry and science who deal with the potential of the production of shrimps (family Penaidae) in Europe and worldwide. The workshop is mainly planned as an industrial forum, i.e. the focus will be particularly on the current concerns of the producers and the upstream and downstream supply chain.

We wish you all a pleasant stay at AQUA 2018 and we are happy to see everybody at our booth!


Sabine Haas

CONTACT: DR. SABINE HAAS, [email protected]

Further information about the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”:

Find out more about our activities on “sustainable aquaculture”:


The Competence Network Aquaculture (Kompetenznetzwerk Aquakultur, KNAQ) is the supportive stakeholder network for the aquaculture competence center of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein, the most northern federal state of Germany. KNAQ is a project coordinated by the Chamber of Agriculture of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein. It provides structural support and individual consultancy for the development of aquacul- ture in Schleswig-Holstein based on our development strategy.

The competence center is the umbrella under which the leading research and development institutions of Schleswig-Holstein have joined forces to promote scientific excellence and the development of cutting edge technology in the field of aquaculture. As an outcome of this initiative, the Association for Marine Aquaculture (Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur, GMA) in Büsum ( was founded and a pro- fessorship for marine aquaculture was installed at the Kiel University (

The Competence Network Aquaculture currently (as of 25.07.2018) combines the exper- tise of 1.009 individuals from all across Germany and abroad. These network members are affiliated with 457 different institutions, specifically 279 companies (mostly SMEs), 75 research organizations and universities and 103 other, e.g. NGOs.

KNAQ promotes economic activities in the aquaculture sector in Schleswig-Holstein, especially by means of attracting new business operations and providing support for existing SMEs. KNAQ focusses on increased production from Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS).

KNAQ is independent and works interdisciplinary, inclusive and stakeholder oriented. Participation in KNAQ is free of charge and open for all professional institutions, entities and individuals.

Find out more on our website:


Aquaculture describes the production of aquatic organisms under controlled conditions. Primarily fish, crustaceans, and plants are produced for the food, cosmetic, pharma- ceutical, and fodder industries in varied production systems. Since summer 2007, this area of study has been taught at the Kiel University. Other research organizations in the federal state Schleswig-Holstein have been active in this domain. In late 2007, the Competence Center Aquaculture was inaugurated to combine the regional knowledge and expertise in the field of sustainable aquaculture and to establish national and international networks and to support the establishment of new business activities and research cooperation. In order to support the original research and development activities of the Competence Center members, a state-of-the-art aquaculture research infrastructure was installed in 2009. This research infrastructure was realized as a commercial, non-profit research organization named “Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur (GMA) mbH”. The objective of GMA is to attend and support the development of aquaculture, especially with respect to applied research in the field of marine aquaculture. GMA runs their own Aquaculture Research- and Development Facilities (RAS) in Bue- sum, supporting the conduction of both external and internal aquaculture research and development projects. Another core area is the transfer of aquaculture knowledge and technology for both seawater and brackish water.

Main tasks of the GMA are: • Operation of a research and testing facility for internal as well as external R&D projects • Contract Research and Development • Further Education • Technology Transfer

Find out more on our website: GMA Gesellschaft für marine Aquakultur mbH


Foreword ...... 2 Foreword ...... 4 Competence Network Aquaculture (KNAQ) ...... 6 Competence Center Aquaculture (GMA) ...... 8 Table of content ...... 10


1. AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG ...... 14 2. ALLER AQUA RESEARCH GmbH...... 15 3. Aquacopa GmbH ...... 16 4. aquaMarine, innovation&consulting ...... 17 5. Arthur Krüger GmbH ...... 18 6. Aschauteiche • Teichwirtschaft & Räucherei ...... 19 7. AWF Consulting ...... 20 8. ColossalFish GmbH ...... 21 9. Dr. Friedrich Steffens Aquaculture Consulting Engineer ...... 22 10. Erwin Sander GmbH ...... 23 11. EURODUNA Rohstoffe GmbH ...... 24 12. Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur (GMA) mbH ...... 25 13. Förde Garnelen GmbH & Co KG ...... 26 14. Institute for Sustainable Resource Management gGmbH ...... 27 15. KESLA HYGIENE AG ...... 28 16. Kiel Marine Farm ...... 29 17. Koi Consult ...... 30 18. Kunststoff-Spranger GmbH ...... 31 19. Marine Aquaculture Consultant ...... 32 20. Monitorfish ...... 33 21. Phytobiotics Futterzusatzstoffe GmbH ...... 34 22. Schauer Agrotronic GmbH ...... 35 23. SUBURBAN SEAFOOD Nebelschütz GmbH ...... 36 24. Sukower Bioenergie und Welsfarm GmbH & Co. KG ...... 37 25. Pflanzenkulturen Tolksdorf & Beckers ...... 38 26. WATER – proved GmbH ...... 39 27. Wieland-Werke AG...... 40 10 RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS ...... 41

28. Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung (AWI) ...... 42 29. Bavarian States Research Center of Agriculture, Institute for Fisheries ...... 43 30. BioCon Valley® GmbH ...... 44 31. BluEco Net ...... 45 32. Kiel University (CAU)...... 46 33. Competence Centre Renewable Energies and Climate Protection Schleswig-Holstein ...... 47 34. Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Fachhochschule Kiel GmbH ...... 48 35. Fraunhofer-Institution for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology (EMB) ...... 49 36. Fraunhofer-Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology ...... 50 37. Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) ...... 51 38. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research ...... 52 39. Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei ...... 53 40. Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology ...... 54 41. Niedersachsen Netzwerk Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Bioökonomie e.V...... 55 42. ttz Bremerhaven ...... 56


43. Bundesverband Aquakultur ...... 58 44. FischMagazin ...... 59 45. HSH Nordbank AG ...... 60 46. Ministry for Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitalizatio ...... 61

Imprint ...... 63

11 12 1. NAME NAME




About the company:

Fields of activity, fields of research & development:

Main competences for international cooperation:

Main fields of interest for international cooperation:

References / examples of most relevant products and services:


ADDRESS Industrieweg 110 48155 Münster Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Michael Witt [email protected]

About the company: AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG is one of the leading German agricultural distribution and service organizations. Core business is in the field of agriculture.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG is active in the area of feed and special feed products, additionally in the segments plant production, machinery, construction, retailing and energy. Under the brand Pescavis AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG recently entered the aquacultural feed market.

Main competences for international cooperation: Feed Raw materials Premixes and additives

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Alternative raw materials Customers and distributors for aquafeed

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Complete feed for trout, carp, sturgeon, seabass and sea bream as well as shrimps


ADDRESS Industrieweg 110 ADDRESS Hafentörn 3 48155 Münster 25761 Büsum Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Michael Witt CONTACT PERSON Dr. Florian Nagel [email protected] About the company: The Aller Aqua group is a private-owned company, with experience in fish feed production for more than 50 years. We have a broad and professional product range consisting of feeds for more than 30 fish species of fish. Aller Aqua’s main research and development facilities were founded in 2013 and are located at the Science- and Technology park (maricube) in Büsum (Germany). The research centre is equipped with state of the art recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and modern lab facil- ities. This know-how enables the company to precisely analyse nutrients and trace elements in feed and fish, as well as research on physiological and molecular processes. With respect to the volatile raw material market situation, it is of increasing importance for feed manufactures to evaluate new raw materials, particularly for aqua feeds. The innovative structure of Aller Aqua Research enables a flexible and comprehensive anal- ysis of ingredients and feeds as well as the conduction of precise feeding trials. The trial station enables Aller Aqua to perform trials with both freshwater and marine species under selectable environmental conditions. Aller Aqua Research is the conceptional head of the R&D department and acts as networking node with an interactive testing process for new feeds at the trial station and commercial fish farms worldwide. This is a clear commitment towards customers’ needs for competitive, high quality and sustainable feeds.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Evaluation of raw materials and additives, development and optimization of fish feeds, func- tional feeds, benchmark trials, sustainability

Main competences for international cooperation: Testing fish feeds, nutrient analysis, digestibility studies, performance analysis, extruded fish feeds, RAS

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Resources, fish feeds, additives, faeces-quality, microbiome, fish health

References / examples of most relevant products and services:


ADDRESS Koppelbergstr. 4 17166 Teterow Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Hanno Bährs [email protected]

About the company: Aquacopa is a young company founded in 2016 established in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. We are involved in the production of marine - and Phytoplankton und the application of life feeds in aquaculture. The focus is on the application of marine copepods as life feed for fish larvae

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Breeding and application of copepods in aquaculture Production and application of marine microalgae Engineering of photobioreactors R&D on mass production of Zooplankton and copepods respectively Breeding of ornamental fish

Main competences for international cooperation: Rearing and breeding of copepods Microalgae cultivation Engineering of photobioreactors Alternative life feeds for fish larvae weaning R&D on recirculating aquaculture systems for Zooplankton

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Fish larvae weaning (or other aquaculture species like shrimps) with copepods R&D in the field of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA)

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Cooperation with the Research Institute of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Aquaculture): the use of copepods for rearing pikeperch fish larvae Engineering of an innovative vertical photobioreactor “MARE55” in cooperation with the company BioenergyLab


ADDRESS Koppelbergstr. 4 ADDRESS Poppenbrügger Weg 6 17166 Teterow 24145 Kiel Germany Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Margit Pelzer CONTACT PERSON Dr. Hanno Bährs [email protected]

About the company: Coordination of interdisciplinary projects Project development in the fields of microalgae biotechnology, aquaculture, maritime tech- nology, textile and material technology as well as automation technology Integration of different aquaculture modules and marine systems Identifying potential for the commercialization of new sustainable marine and biotechnolog- ical products / systems and services related to aquatic organism breeding

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Current projects focus on shrimp aquaculture and nutrition, new technologies for cost-effi- cient production of microalgae biomass, marine ecology, IMTA

Main competences for international cooperation: Core competencies of the actual consortia for international cooperation: textile technology, biotechnology and environmental technologies, shrimp aquaculture, maritime technology, marine ecology.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: New bio-based plastics, marine aquaculture, nutrition and feed development in aquaculture, larval rearing, microalgae biotechnology, bioremediation

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Certified training in supervision and project development, experiences with interdisciplinary workshops and scientific events.

References of the institutes for the development of the basic technology for current and future projects can be submitted later if it is interested: German Institute for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) Society for the Promotion of Medical, Biological and Environmental Technologies (GMBU e.V.), Halle / Saale)


ADDRESS Altes Feld 1 22885 Barsbüttel Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Nils Krüger [email protected]

About the company: Expertise in plastics - for eight decades, ARTHUR KRÜGER stood for innovation, versatility and service strength in the complex field of plastics applications. As a producer and service provider, we combine state-of-the-art technologies and technical expertise with the best craftsmanship and the power of a family-owned company. 150 employees work at our two locations in Barsbüttel near Hamburg to provide you with optimal solutions, high quality prod- ucts and perfect service at all times. We have a strong range of services for our customers from various industries, including a wide range of semi-finished products from well-known brand manufacturers with customized cutting services, as well as complete manufacturing of finished parts in our own workshops and GRP plant construction - from design to con- struction up to assembly a core competence of ARTHUR KRÜGER. As a modern, technology-oriented company, we practice an active quality management sys- tem certified according to DIN ISO 9001. In addition, the protection of our environment and the careful use of valuable resources are of central concern to us at ARTHUR KRÜGER. For this reason, we are committed to implementing far-reaching climate protection princi- ples in all areas of the company and promoting new ideas and solutions for future plastic applications. Due to its excellent material properties, plant engineering is increasingly turning to glass-re- inforced plastic, a core competence of ARTHUR KRÜGER. With advice, design by state- of-the-art CAD systems, construction and assembly, we also offer you the entire range of services - of course with HPQ according to DBS 918 010, as well as EBA and DIBt approval.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic (GRP) construction, GRP is UV-, chemical- and corrosion re- sistant, non-conductive, slip resistant (R13), light weight, stable, sustainable, 100% recyclable, easy to install und long life – perfect material for hydraulic engineering

Main competences for international cooperation: Consultation, development of construction plans, preparation of static calculations, on-site assembly of GRP plant engineering, supplier for any kind of plastic applications as e.g. cov- ers, linings or ram protection

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Sustainable new construction and refurbishment of plants, under-water construction ap- plication

18 References / examples of most relevant products and services: Underwater platform for German Research Center for Artifical Intelligence, measuring- and tube racks, fish-tank pedestals and working platforms for Stralsund, in and Travemünde, Wattforum Tönning, Delfinarium , Aquazoo Löbbecke in Düsseldorf, ship gratings (HPA Hamburg Port Authority), jetty systems, pedestals, railings for marina (e.g. Hamburger Yachtclub) and institutions (Lübeck Water and Shipping Authority


ADDRESS Aschauteiche 1 29348 Eschede Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Torben Heese [email protected]

About the company: Carp pond production – common carp, tench, golden orfe, pike Smoke house-eel, rainbow trout, steelhead trout Direct marketing


ADDRESS Josef-Schlichter-Allee 12 59063 Hamm Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Alexander Wever [email protected]

About the company: Independent consulting for the Seafood Industry, founded in 2008

Fields of activity, fields of re- search & development: Preparation of „Independent Market Reports“ for EMFF Funding, Market analysis, Market Re- search, Calculation of sales potentials; Defining of Market Prices, Value Chain Analysis for specific seafood products, Defining of individual success factors for seafood products, Sales concepts

Main competences for international cooperation: Market analysis, Market Research, Calculation of sales potentials; Defining of Market Prices, Value Chain Analysis for specific seafood products

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Market analysis, Market Research, Calculation of sales potentials; Defining of Market Prices, Value Chain Analysis for specific seafood products

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Since 2008 more than 150 consulting projects in the seafood industry for German and inter- national clients


ADDRESS Josef-Schlichter-Allee 12 ADDRESS Ludwigstraße 8 59063 Hamm 80539 München Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Alexander Wever CONTACT PERSON Burkhard Hormann [email protected] [email protected]

About the company: ColossalFish is evolved aquaculture We’re the first company to develop and to finance state of the arte organic RAS aquaculture projects and distributing internationally the products. We’re here for project managers and investors accustomed to, or wishing for, best levels of innovation and sustainable solutions to build, finance of the plant, advertise and distribute their products. ColossalFish channels only top innovation To deliver this we’ve built up a team of the most outstanding development, investment and distribution competence team and international network in the industry. They are the cho- sen ones because of Industry recognition and track records of innovation. It is an exclusive, invitation-only community

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: We are the first elite sourced company to develop, finance and execute state-of-the-art or- ganic RAS aquaculture projects, to support or organize marketing and branding and to in- clude the international distribution of the products.

Main competences for international cooperation: Competence in technology, financing and distribution, business strategy and marketing. With these key persons in the front line and with our elite sourced members ColossalFish is capable to organize the full value chain form the idea to the sales of the customers’ products with its own competence and to service the customers in their long term business success! We do not produce a new idea, but we stand in a more then 2000 year old tradition: Cicero described already the piscanii in Rome with a very elaborated system of aquaculture for fresh and marine water fishes with central hatcheries and decentralized growth basins for a short distance access to the market. The fishery sector in ancient Rome was in the hands of nobility and senators that could afford the high initial investment. But even these times, the business was very profitable and increased the nutrition situation in the first million-peo- ple-metropole. With our profound and innovative venture funding we want to give access to this system to everybody. If you want to know more about our elite sourced company and crowd please contact us. We are keen to hear more about your project.


ADDRESS Am Walde 8 21717 Fredenbeck Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Friedrich Steffens

About the company: Aquaculture Consulting

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Intensive production technics of fish and shrimps (RAS ) Components : nitification , denitrification , aeration , uv-treatment , feeding , fishhandling


ADDRESS Am Walde 8 ADDRESS Am Osterberg 22 21717 Fredenbeck 31311 Uetze-Eltze Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Friedrich Steffens CONTACT PERSON Dr. Jaime Orellana [email protected]

About the company: For over 55 years now Erwin Sander GmbH has been engaged in the development and production of innovative products for water treatment systems for marine and freshwater environ- ments. Sander can configure complete RAS systems or com- ponents according to the specific demands of the organisms in culture and the requirements of the farmer, for broodstock, hatchery, and grow-out installations.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Water treatment system for RAS and industry applications, based on ozone generators and protein skimmers, among others.

Main competences for international cooperation: Our team of biologists, engineers and technicians have a wide international experience. Sand- er works on the basis of a perfect service, looking for solutions oriented to the demands of the application, taking into account all operational, as well as commercial, logistic and administrative aspects. The service portfolio includes construction management and engi- neering, complete pipe and tank work, system installation, initial start-up, and maintenance.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Fish farming, intake and discharge water treatment, aquaria, and industrial water treatment systems.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Sander products are installed all over Europe, as well as in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Sander developed the first commercial RAS worldwide that works with artificial seawater, 500 km away from the ocean.


ADDRESS Schusterring 23 25355 Barmstedt Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Andreas Stein [email protected]

About the company: EURODUNA Rohstoffe GmbH is located in the countryside close to the famous Hamburg harbour and operates as global partner for the feed industry and specialist for unique in- gredients.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Our international commercial contacts reach from America to the Fareast. As distribution partners of well known international suppliers, but also as a developer of own product solu- tions, we use in our daily work the large know-how in marketing and technical application of speciality feed ingredients


ADDRESS Schusterring 23 ADDRESS Hafentörn 3 25355 Barmstedt 25761 Büsum Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Andreas Stein CONTACT PERSON Michael Schlachter [email protected] [email protected]

About the company: Founded in 2007 as leading research infrastructure of the Competence Center Aquaculture in Schleswig-Holstein, GMA was established as non-profit commercial research organiza- tion. GMA’s shareholders encompass Kiel University, Fraun- hofer, GEOMAR and egeb.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Working with numerous species of fresh water and marine finfish and crustaceans, i.a. trout, carp, salmon, tilapia, vannamei, pikeperch. Feed formulation, evaluation of feed raw materials, nutritional requirements Animal welfare, stress physiology, veterinary studies RAS technology, water treatment, energetic optimization, biological interactions in RAS Early life stages, hatchery practices, fish larval nutrition, micro diet formulation Microbiome studies, interactions with feeding and environment

Main competences for international cooperation: experimental and near commercial RAS facilities, with high number of replicates (up to 60 tanks) ranging from 200 L to 40.000 L, temperature range from 10 to 32°C Replicated RAS systems (12 systems) Group flow-chamber respirometer with online assessment of NH4, CO2 and others Fully equipped laboratories for analysis of water, feed, stress (incl. qPCR) Workshop, flexible office space, natural sea water supply

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Contracted research for feed industry Publicly funded research projects, H2020, Interreg and other national and international programs

References / examples of most relevant products and services: See website:


ADDRESS Bülker Huk 24229 Strande Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Bert Wecker [email protected]

Kilian Landsch [email protected]

About the company: Förde Garnelen is a producer of the Whitleg shrimp, Litopene- aus vannamei, in Northern Germany. The shrimps are raised in a closed recirculating aquaculture system with Baltic Sea water that is customised for the needs of the shrimps. The water is crys- tal clear due to the oceanloop-technology, developed by neomar. This guarantees a good control of the behaviour of the shrimp and feeding management. The annual production is 5 tons. An increase in production capacity to 50 tons is planned.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Currently the company is in the pilot phase improving important production parameters, sustainability and animal welfare. Examples are the development of prototypes, e.g. artificial mangrove systems and an in-situ passive grading of shrimp. An onsite hatchery is targeted.

Main competences for international cooperation: Our main competence is the development and operation of marine recirculating aquaculture systems with focus on marine shrimp. Förde Garnelen is part of Sander Holding, which also includes neomar, a manufacturer for recirculating aquaculture systems, and Aquacultur, a distributor of equipment for aquaculture and fisheries.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Alternative feed, especially additives, e.g. probiotics Reproduction and larval rearing of L. vannamei Optimisation of abiotic parameters, e.g. light intensity and colour, tank structure

References / examples of most relevant products and services: The shrimp are a premium product, free of medicaments and additives. We guarantee a 24h express-freshness, this means after the catch the shrimp arrive at the customer within 24 hours throughout Germany.


ADDRESS Bülker Huk ADDRESS Süderweg 1 A 24229 Strande 24988 Oeversee Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Bert Wecker CONTACT PERSON Kai Lehmann [email protected] [email protected]

Kilian Landsch About the company: [email protected] The INR is a non-profit organization, which promotes scientific projects that explore the sustainable utilization and protection of natural resources. We focus on the establishment of inter- national expert networks and on integrating young academics into our work. For project realisation, our experts closely co- operate with universities, research facilities, public authorities and private companies.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Regarding aquaculture, R&D activities are located in the field of integrated multitrophic aquaculture, culture and reproduction of crustaceans as well as culture and reproduction of European whitefish. Our approaches deeply explore the biological capacities of the organisms and we aim at effectively optimizing production from a life cycle perspective. Furthermore, we are interested in novel concepts of sector coupling in aquaculture facilities. For practical studies, the INR uses an experimental pond system with 1.6 hectare water surface area, two experimental RAS, a greenhouse and different aquarium systems.

Main competences for international cooperation: Project management and scientific networking Breeding and reproduction of crustaceans Breeding and reproduction von whitefish Food webs, nutrient cycling and energy flows

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Investigation and realisation of novel concepts of integrated multitrophic aquaculture Development of customised feeds for (multitrophic) aquaculture Realisation of semi-intensive aquaculture concepts Development of sustainable concepts for traditional pond culture / digitalisation in traditional aquaculture Production of crayfish in aquaculture Production of Coregonus sp. in aquaculture Animal welfare in aquaculture

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Research and application on intensification of aquaculture of noble crayfish Development of an IMTA of noble crayfish and whitefish 27 15. KESLA HYGIENE AG

ADDRESS Keslastraße 2 06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Sven Lucas [email protected]

About the company: The KESLA Group develops, produces and sells disinfectants and personal care products. KESLA is regarded as the specialist company for peracetic acid specialties and its products are known world- wide under the names Wofasteril®, Ascarosteril®, Wofasept® and Wofacutan®. KESLA products and processes are used in aqua- culture, especially in the presence of fish, in agriculture and animal husbandry, in vehicle disinfection, in the food industry, in human and veterinary medicine, as well as in emergency services and civil protection.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Development, production and distribution of disinfectants based on peracetic acid Water sanitation in the presence of fish in aquaculture Technology-oriented application research Customer-specific dosing and application technology Laboratory services in the field of hygiene and microbiology Epidemic prophylaxis and disease control

Main competences for international cooperation: The core competence of the KESLA Group is the disinfection and sanitation especially in aquaculture, animal husbandry and agriculture on the basis of extensive cooperation in the field of application research with its own peracetic acid specialties

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Integration of Wofasteril® into the hygiene concept of aquaculture plants, in particular re- circulation systems for water sanitation and for odor-minimized and material-compatible surface disinfection.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: In Germany, about 300 aquaculture plants work with Wofasteril®, the premium brand among peracetic acids. In addition to fish farming, Wofasteril® is also preferred in the food industry for further processing due to the existing listings.


ADDRESS Keslastraße 2 ADDRESS Richthofenstr. 31 06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen 24159 Kiel Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Sven Lucas CONTACT PERSON Dr. Tim Staufenberger [email protected]

About the company: Sustainable, gentle and environmentally friendly use of the oceans is the goal of the Kiel Marine Farm. By combining different marine plants and animals in a marine aquaculture in the Kiel Fjord we produce sustainable food and products for cosmetics in organic quality.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Research: marine integrated multitrophic aquaculture, de- velopment of new products, cooperation with scientific, pub- lic and private institutions. Activity: sustainable use of the oceans, sole aquaculture for mussels and sugarcane in the German Baltic Sea.

Main competences for international cooperation: Economic partner for cooperation projects, experience with regional regulations and regulations in marine aquaculture

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Marine aquaculture, IMTA, product development, sustain- ability, nutrient compensation schemes

References / examples of most rele- vant products and services: Product: Kieler Fördemuschel, the only regional grown Baltic blue mussel, Cooperations: EU Project Baltic Blue Growth


ADDRESS Trierer Weg 36 50389 Wesseling Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Robert Jungnischke

About the company: Engineering Office for RAS Systems, Expert for RAS Systems

Main competences for international cooperation: Expert for RAS Systems, Consulting for RAS Systems, assessment reports for RAS Systems

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Consulting


ADDRESS Trierer Weg 36 ADDRESS Reißiger Gewerbering 9 50389 Wesseling 08525 Plauen Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Andreas Spranger CONTACT PERSON Robert Jungnischke [email protected]

Laura Klatt [email protected]

About the company: Made in Germany - delivering worldwide. Consulting, design, fabrication and assembly by one partner. KS offers custom-designed equipment and facilities for the aquaculture of fish and shrimps, both for applied science and quarantine for public aquaria. We offer Recirculation Aquaculture Systems as well as single components such as tanks, drum filter, biofilter for both nitrification and denitrification, low-head oxygenation, aquaria systems and compact water cleaning units.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Self- Cleaning Larvae Tank Self Cleaning Denitrification Reactor Shrimp RAS

Main competences for international cooperation: Farming Equipment & Tanks Research, Product Development & Lab Equipment Waste Water Treatment & Life Support Systems Consulting, Equipment & System Design

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Waste Water Treatment & Life Support Systems Consulting, Equipment & System Design

References / examples of most rele- vant products and services: CrustaNova GmbH – Langenpreising / Germany Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur mbH – Büsum/Germany Thünen-Institut Bremerhaven – Bremerhaven/Germany Sea Life Center – Weltweit SINTEF Ocean – Trondheim/Norway


ADDRESS Am Kirchenweg 10 24340 Gammelby Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Yvonne Roessner

About the company: Marine aquaculture consulting for seaweed, mussel and fish farming in the form of expert reports, project application, project management and research Technical and practical help for aquaculture start ups Consulting and support for companies during application for all aquaculture relevant li- censes

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Development of a licensing manual for the Schleswig-Holstein Baltic mussel farming Assistance for the German Bundesverband Aquakultur e.V.

Main competences for international cooperation: Passion for the sea and its sustainable use Network from cooperation in EU Interreg projects and from aquaculture research stays in Scotland and

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Development of sustainable aquaculture systems IMTA

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Installation of the first German Baltic mussel farm in the Kiel Fjord during phd thesis


ADDRESS Am Kirchenweg 10 ADDRESS Hönower Str. 34 24340 Gammelby 10318 Berlin Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Yvonne Roessner CONTACT PERSON Dominik Ewald [email protected]

About the company: MonitorFish develops a smart Precision Fish Farming system for inland aquaculture that monitors the water quality and animal wel- fare parameters to automatically generate a precautionary action plan to avoid any fish loss.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: The real-time information gives fish farming companies the op- portunity to detect signs of stress among fishes at an early stage which can be corrected in a targeted and preventative manner. The smart animal welfare control system creates fish-specific recommendations based on optical detection and image processing, thus help- ing the fish farmers with better decision making. The smart management and the action recommendations are made possible by our trained Artificial Neural Networks (KNNs).

Main competences for international cooperation: Our skills set are system specific design, implementation and evaluation of our Precision Aquaculture System in any existing aquaculture facility. We combine together the IT exper- tise, aquaculture expertise, plant engineering and animal diagnostic expertise to develop such a system. We are an international, multidisciplinary team with a high level of flexibility.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Digitalitation Precision Farming Aquaculture Automatisation AgTech Aquacultur Monitoring

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Links: torfish--aus-berlin-wird-deutschland-bei-der-internationalen-future-agro-challenge-vertreten,c2358283


ADDRESS Wallufer Str. 10a 65343 Eltville am Rhein Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Zoltan Gregus

About the company: Phytobiotics and their partners make up one of the fastest growing companies in animal health globally, offering feed additives and consultative services focused on intestinal health, stress reduction and the increased bioavailability of nutrients for animals. The head office of Phytobiotics is located in Elt- ville, near Frankfurt, Germany.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: We work closely with research institutes and explore new ways to explore the natural and great effects of our alkaloids. We use the knowledge we gain from our existing products to develop new applications and make them marketable.

Main competences for international cooperation: Our products consider the requirements and wishes of the animal feed industry, breeders and fatteners up to the food industry. Application of our proven and certified products for a wide variety of animal species (in feed and water), increase yields for all our customers. To the satisfaction of our partners we are represented worldwide by PHYTOBIOTICS´s sales companies.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Replacement of antibiotics as performance requirements Herbal performance requirements Intestinal health Intestinal integration

References / examples of most relevant products and services:


ADDRESS Wallufer Str. 10a ADDRESS Passauerstrasse 1 65343 Eltville am Rhein 4731 Prambachkirchen Germany Austria WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Zoltan Gregus CONTACT PERSON Karl Heinz Denk [email protected]

About the company: With its leading feeding technology, the third generation of Schauer offers perfect solutions for the current worldwide professionalization in pig production. Use our advantage in the area of animal-friendly husbandry systems for cattle, pigs and horses as well as for professional fish feeding for your success.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Professional and automatized husbandry solutions and feeding systems for enhanced animal welfare and optimization of livestock efficiency

Main competences for international cooperation: Specialist in the development and (self-) production of automatic feeding systems. For fish feeding (aquaculture), Schauer has developed the Spotmix Fish feeding system for central mixing and pneumatic, decentralized distribution of feed concerning feeding curves, taking into account the temperature and oxygen content in the ponds. The pneumatic distribution of feed allows either to spread out at any single feeding point or alternatively a simultaneous distribution at up to 4 ejection points (for long pools). The use of Spotmix Fish at farms in Europe shows a significant reduction of feed losses and an enormous working time savings through the automatic central feed distribution and thus a payback period within 2 to 4 years depending on the size of the fish farm.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Planner, turn-key supplier for aquaculture, interested in supplying the Spotmix Fish feeding system from Schauer Agrotronic.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Spotmix Fish feeding system in practice: 1. Hofer Forellen GmbH, Stuttgarter Str. 66, 78727 Oberndorf, [email protected],, Teichanlage 2. Störk Peter Forellenzucht, Wagenhausen 6, DE-88348 Saulgau, fischzucht-stoerk@t-on-,, Ponds, Data-interface to Linn-fishmanagement system, 3. Valperca SA, Bodmereia, 3942 Raron, SCHWEIZ, Markus Veiner, Tel. +41 279358085, Indoor -finisher plant for „Ägli“ (bass), 400 to.


ADDRESS Hauptstraße 11a 01920 Nebelschütz Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Friedrich Tietze [email protected]

About the company: SUBURBAN SEAFOOD is a young company aiming to pro- duce high quality L. vannamei postlarvae to supply the growing market of indoor shrimp farms in Europe. In combination with the development of an innovative microalgae reactor, SUBUR- BAN SEAFOOD targets two markets with a high potentials for growth. The third focus of SUBURBAN SEAFOOD lies in the development of a novel system for the production of farm- raised, fresh shrimp in a multitrophic aquaculture process.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Multitrophic aquaculture systems Production of phyto- and zooplankton

Main competences for international cooperation: Supply with PL12 (L. vannamei) Microalgae reactor

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: insect protein -> feed and technology

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Start-up


ADDRESS Hauptstraße 11a ADDRESS Zum Bültmoor 4 01920 Nebelschütz 19079 Sukow Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Friedrich Tietze CONTACT PERSON Catharina Haenning [email protected] [email protected]

About the company: „Sukower Welsfarm“ is a sustainable aquaculture for Afri- can Catfish in Sukow near Schwerin in Mecklenburg-West- ern Pomerania/ Germany. We grow our “Sukower Welse” (= “Sukower Catfish”, lat. clarias gariepinus) with alternative energy we produce with renewable resources in a circulatory system. We slaughter and fillet on site and are able to deliver Individually portioned fillets. Furthermore, we sell live fish.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Rearing, slaughtering and processing of African catfish (Latin clarias gariepinus)

Main competences for international cooperation: Trading live fish and fillet (fresh, frozen)

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Trading live fish and fillet (fresh, frozen) Processing of fillet sections Processing of slaughterhouse waste


ADDRESS Heidkamp 12 a 24326 Kalübbe Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]


About the company: Nursery for bog-, marsh- and waterplants, indigenous plants

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Ecological cultivation

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Cultivation of plants for wastewater treatment


ADDRESS Heidkamp 12 a ADDRESS Gustav-Weißkopf-Straße 12 24326 Kalübbe 90768 Fürth Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Martin Beckers CONTACT PERSON Mr. Alexander Rose [email protected] Mr. David Märkl-Bilger [email protected]

About the company: WATER – proved, your specialist for tailormade aquaculture. We design and build fish farms for a large variety of species: Salmon, Trout, Pike Perch, Sturgeon, Shrimp, Tilapia, Perch, etc. Depending on your site conditions we develop your farm as Flow-Through or Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). We do of course also help you with modernization or modification of an existing farm. Besides engineering and construction of farms, we sell lots of components for the aquacul- ture business: Drumfilters, biological filters (nitrification and denitrification), oxygenation, pumps, UV disinfection, monitoring and control systems, feeding systems, fish pumps and counters and much more.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: System design and engineering System modernization Consulting Water treatment systems Monitoring and control systems Oxygenation Disinfection Hydraulical and biological calculations


ADDRESS Graf-Arco-Str. 36 89070 Ulm Germany WEBSITE CONTACT PERSON Martin Heidenreich [email protected]

About the company: Wieland is a worldwide leading manufacturer of copper and copper alloys. Aquaculture sector: Wieland manufacturers a Brass Mesh / Net for marine aquaculture. The Brass Mesh is naturally clean (no biofouling), no cleaning of the mesh, no antifoulants used, very strong and durable mesh. Longevity: Brass Net has an extremely long life (> 6 years). No escape from storm damage, no need to exchange the net for years, 100% recyclable material, assured improved water exchange and high oxygen level inside the cages. The brass mesh offers su- perior durability against strong tides or storms and is suitable for Offshore conditions. The brass mesh has perfrect resistance to predator attacks (no need for predator mesh). The material is antimicrobial, that is, it destroys algae, bacteria and other microbes.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Offshore aquaculture application Use of Brass Net in harsh, severe sea conditions

Main competences for international cooperation: Wieland produces the pre-material (Brass wire) and manufactures the complete Net (weaving line) Wieland has a global structure and operates worldwide Wieland produces >100 different copper alloys (own laboratories, production mills worldwide).

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Collaboration in Offshore-aquaculture projects New Aquaculture cage technologies

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Aquaculture installations in Salmon farming (Norway, Australia), Cobia (OpenBlue, Panama), supplies to Offshore farms (sea stations and platforms).


ADDRESS Am Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Germany WEBSITE CONTACT PERSON Matt Slater [email protected]

About the organization: Aquaculture research is applied research. The Aqua- culture Research Group is part of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer unit within AWI. Our team devel- ops new products and systems for aquaculture users and producers in Germany and worldwide. Our projects, our results and the products we develop with our industry partners are focussed on sustainable aquaculture production which respects animal welfare and societal well-being.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: RAS Technology Sustainable Nutrition Invertebrates Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Microalgae

Main competences for international cooperation: RAS Technology - System Design, Biofiltration, Control Feed - Alternative proteins and oils Invertebrates - shrimp, sea cucumber, crayfish IMTA - solid waste utilization Microalgae - New nutraceuticals and microalgae pharmaceuticals

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: RAS Technology Sustainable Nutrition Invertebrates Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Microalgae


ADDRESS Am Handelshafen 12 ADDRESS Weilheimer Str. 8 27570 Bremerhaven 82319 Starnberg Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Matt Slater [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Dr. Helmut Wedekind

About the organization: The Institute for Inland Fisheries at Starnberg (IFI) is part of the Ba- varian Research Centre for Agriculture (LfL). Besides the headquar- ter in Starnberg there is a department for Carp Pond Aquaculture in Höchstadt (Middle Franconia) and a States Fishbreeding Facility in Nonnenhorn at Lake Constance. At stations are equipped with aquaculture facilities (ponds, flow-through systems, hatcheries, re- circ-systems, processing unit), and laboratories.The institutes’ tasks include research, services for public affairs, administration, and pro- fessional education (Fischwirt / Fischwirtschaftsmeister). Beyond that, a wide range of further education for professional fishermen, teachers, and anglers is offered. A further field of work is the research in fisheries and aquaculture, which is mainly focused on application in the practical area. The research is aiming at results utilizable for competent consulting for professionals in fisheries and aquaculture, as well as administration. Corre- sponding to the diverse structure of inland fisheries in Bavaria the institute is consisting of several working groups, e. g. Lake and River Fisheries, Trout Aquaculture, Carp Pond Aqua- culture and Intensive Aquaculture Systems.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Trout Farming Pond Farming Intensive Aquaculture (e.g. Recirculation Systems) Inland Fisheries

Main competences for international cooperation: Education, Salmonid Aquaculture, Carp farming, Intensive Aquaculture, Inland Fisheries, Process Development, Aquaculture Technics, Fish Nutrition, Product Quality, Fish Welfare, Effluent Treatment, EU-Water Framework Directive, Fish Stock Monitoring and Management.

References / examples of most relevant products and services:


ADDRESS Markt 13 17489 Greifswald Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Valentin Eckart [email protected]

About the organization: BioCon Valley® GmbH (BCV) is the initiative for life science and health economy in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. As a co-initiator of ScanBalt and founding member of the SUBMARI- NER Network for Blue Growth, BCV opens ways for cross-bor- der and transnational cooperation in science and business in fields related to life science and health initiatives as well as in- novative approaches to the sustainable use of marine resourc- es. The company has been successfully involved in EU funded projects, several as a lead partner, and by that acquired exper- tise in international project management and establishment of regional life science networks.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Within the INTERREG project „InnoAquaTech“ (2016 to 2019), a project for cross-border knowledge transfer of sustainable aquaculture technologies, BCV fulfils its role as lead partner and is mainly responsible for monitoring the implementation process, management and coordination. Moreover, the company is in close contact with the federal ministries of economics and agriculture to support the local business development in fields of health economy and life sciences, including aquaculture. Regularly, BCV organizes workshops, conferences and study visits to spread information about most actual develop- ments in above mentioned sectors.

Main competences for international cooperation: Network management Project initiation & management Internationalization Aquaculture consultancy

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: BCV is interested in international projects, companies and institutions focused on innovative aquaculture solutions suitable for fresh and brackish water – the main aquatic habitats of the South Baltic Region. Together we would like to foster the regional aquaculture sector within this rural area.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: InnoAquaTech: Baltic Blue Biotechnology ALLIANCE: BioCon Valley projects:


ADDRESS Markt 13 ADDRESS c/o ttz Bremerhaven 17489 Greifswald Am Lunedeich 12 Germany 27572 Bremerhaven WEBSITE Germany EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE CONTACT PERSON Valentin Eckart EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Björn Suckow Fabio Pereira

About the organization: BluEco Net is a German-Brazilian aquaculture research network with expertise along the entire value chain. This includes the con- nected services areas, technology providers, suppliers of raw mate- rials (animal- & plant breeding, agriculture) and the food industry.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: The research areas within the BluEco Network are diverse. The net- work is active: gefördert von: 1) Food security 2) Sustainable production 3) Healthy, safe food

Main competences for international cooperation: Planning, applying and coordinating international research projects Laboratories and facilities for the raising and breeding of fish, shell- fish, molluscs, macro- & microalgae in fresh- & saltwater, in RAS, Biofloc, lakes and oceans Biological & chemical laboratories. Veterinary laboratory. Sensory laboratory. Extruder for the production of fish feed. Use of research objects: Tilapia, Litopenaeus vannamei, Arapaima (Pirarucu),Pintado, Pacu, Tambaqui, Curimatã, Carp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Cobia, diverse macroalgae, diverse microalgae, diverse shellfish species. Capacity Building und Training

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: See above

References / examples of most relevant products and services: See website


ADDRESS Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4 24118 Kiel Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

About the organization: Kiel University (CAU) was founded back in 1665. It is Schleswig-Holstein‘s oldest and largest university, with over 26,000 students and around 3,000 members of staff. Kiel University uses research, teaching and the transfer of science to address the great challenges of our time in health, environmental and cultural change, nutrition and energy. Over time, four dynamic priority research areas have systematically developed which are based on strong disciplines interacting together, one of them is Kiel Marine Science (KMS).

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Kiel Marine Science (KMS) enables close interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collabora- tion between different marine research fields of 39 working groups at seven faculties and 18 institutions. Shared core topics of KMS include such as climate research, coastal research, botany, law, economics and aquaculture. Kiel Marine Science is devoted to excellent and responsible ocean research at the interface between humans and the ocean. Further, KMS forms the basis for the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”, an interdisciplinary marine research group of more than 250 members.

Research in relation to aquaculture: Marine aquaculture: Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry (Working Group: Prof. Dr. Carsten Schulz) Microalgae aquaculture and biotechnology: Botanical Institute and Botanical Gardens (Working Group: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Schulz) Strong sustainability and ethical aspects of aquaculture: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (Working Group of Prof. Dr. Konrad Ott) Main competences for international cooperation: Business and technology unit, Technology transfer services, Team of innovation scouts Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Various fields, see above for aquaculture References / examples of most relevant products and services: Competence Center Aquaculture and GMA are supported by Kiel University Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean” is operated by Kiel University


ADDRESS c/o R&D centre Kiel University of Applied Sciences GmbH Schwentinestraße 24 24149 Kiel Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Wolfgang J. Bonn [email protected]

About the organization: The Competence Centre for Renewable Energies and Cli- mate Protection (EEK.SH) is a joint project of five univer- sities in Schleswig-Holstein and is the contact for knowl- edge and technology transfer in the field of renewable energies and cross-cutting issues. EEK.SH bundling the competencies of energy research and serves the compa- nies as an interface to the university landscape. The “Kiel- er Algen-Stammtisch” is a series of events organised by the EEK. SH in cooperation with the Kiel University (CAU) in order to advance research projects in aquaculture, among other things. The Project Management Organization of EEK.SH is the R&D centre Kiel University of Applied Sciences GmbH. The EEK.SH is funded by the State of Schleswig-Holstein and the “Lande- sprogramm Wirtschaft” with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: The aim of the competency centre is to initiate innovative projects in energy research and development and improve the transfer of knowledge and technology between science and industry. The network focuses on biomass research, which also deals with the production and use of algae. In addition, the universities of the state must be supported in the development of new study options in the field of education and further training.

Main competences for international cooperation: Our areas of competence encompass the energy sources wind energy, biomass, solar energy, geothermal energy and hydropower as well as system integration (e.g. storage and systems integration of energy supply and demand) and topics that cover all energy sources.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biomass, geothermal energy

References / examples of most relevant products and services: EEK.SH supports innovation projects at universities and academic further education. Proj- ects and further education events are initiated and supervised. In addition to the acquisition of sponsorships and project management, we also give support to find competence partners from universities, research institutions and companies.


ADDRESS Schwentinestraße 24 24149 Kiel Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Eva Strothotte [email protected]

About the organization: FuE-Zentrum FH Kiel GmbH is an independent company. Our aim is to transfer technology between science and industry. The projects we undertake for our clients are based on the real challenges they are facing. We can call on the institutes of Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the combined knowledge of its 150 professors. Where necessary, we also cooperate with other institutions of higher edu- cation and scientific institutes in order to broaden our expertise still further. To date, we have initiated and completed over 1,500 projects for private- and public-sector clients.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: The R&D centre Kiel University of Applied Sciences GmbH operates the FINO3 research platform. The offshore activities of the R&D Cen- tre are reflected in private projects that have been carried out and third-party funded project servicing projects. Alongside numerous projects with wind turbine manufacturers the company is also running projects on the development of new kinds of corrosion protection surfaces, Hydrography, Water Quality and for organising work protection in the building and operation of offshore installations.

Main competences for international cooperation: The R&D centre Kiel University of Applied Sciences GmbH has been operating the FINO3 research platform since August 2009. There are extensive experiences in the successful run- ning of the research platform and the acquisition and implementation of research projects on relevant topics related to the offshore theme. Long-term data of various factors, e.g. water temperature, current, oxygen content, swell, are available.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: R&D Projects Offshore-Aquaculture Future projects will provide small and medium-size companies with an opportunity to build up references and demonstrate their performance capability under realistic conditions.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: The R&D centre carried out in cooperation with Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur mbH a feasability study on offshore aquaculture at the platform FINO3.


ADDRESS Schwentinestraße 24 ADDRESS Moenkhofer Weg 239 a 24149 Kiel 23562 Lübeck Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Marina Gebert, PhD CONTACT PERSON Eva Strothotte [email protected] [email protected]

About the organization: The Fraunhofer EMB combines scientific know-how with in- dustry related research in the field of life sciences. We develop new technologies, processes and devices for cell isolation, cell handling and cell analysis. The core competences of our institu- tion are cell and tissue culture methods of diverse vertebrates from fish to humans. With the “Cryo-Brehm” we maintain one of the biggest archives for cell cultures from vertebrates world- wide. The innovative cell technologies are deployed in diagnosis & prevention, medicine and cosmetics. Moreover, we work on possibilities to exploit aquatic natural resources for food engineering and we are equipped with large-scale technological aquaculture facilities in which marine organisms are cultivated.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Department Marine Biotechnology: Isolation and application of fish cells, e.g. for diagnostics and vaccine development, applica- tion of molecular biology methods for aquaculture, e.g. stress and animal welfare research, reproduction techniques, cryoconservation of gametes and somatic cells, establishment of new aquaculture species in RAS and IMTA, Aquaponics and IMTA, use of marine resources for the food industry, food prototyping, food additives.

Main competences for international cooperation: Cell isolation, characterisation and application, cryoconservation, molecular biology, aqua- culture, food technology, technology and product development

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Establishment of novel aquaculture species, research on fish stress management, develop- ment of diagnostics and vaccines for fish diseases, fish cell biology, cryoconservation, Aqua- ponics, use of marine resources for the food industry, use of by-products from aquaculture for human nutrition, novel applications for macroalgae

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Services: contract research for industry, application and implementation of public funded projects, literature research, scientific workshops, provision of state-of-the-art technical equipment for aquaculture research and food technology, provision of our own research vessel and mobile laboratory truck for scientific research Product example: special beer with algae “Seegang” (swell) in cooperation with the brewery Kluevers


ADDRESS Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses IZI-BB Am Muehlenberg 13 14476 Potsdam Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Dipl.-Ing. Felix Jorde: [email protected] Dr. Thomas Leya: [email protected]

About the organization: The Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses of the Fraunhofer-In- stitute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI-BB is focussed on innovations in the fields of food and environmental analysis, diag- nostics, drug development and process engineering. The group Extremophile Research & Biobank CCCryo curates the unique strain collection of cryophilic (= cold-loving) freshwater mi- croalgae. This biobank is the basis for our research in an industrial context. Cryophilic algae are exposed to a variety of extreme stress factors in their natural habitats. These include low temperatures, intense light and UV radiation, desiccation and varying nutrient and salt concentrations. The aim is to use these algae isolated during polar expeditions respectively their metabolites in industrial applications. Apart from microalgae we also cultivate some cyano- bacteria, mosses, fungi and eubacteria from polar environments.

© Fraunhofer IZI-BB Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Foto: Roland Halbe Screening of the CCCryo strains for customer-specific substances, also especially for aquaculture (astaxanthin a.o. carotenoids, PUFA, protein, antioxidants) Development of algae photobioreactors and of the respective production processes Production of highly pure algae biomass according to SOPs, including microbiological quality con- trol in compliance with ISO standards

Main competences for international cooperation: Internationally recognized biobank CCCryo Experience in international cooperations with public institutions and industrial companies (e.g. in the frame of EU-projects)

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Development of feed and feed supplements for aquaculture Use of algae photobioreactors for integrated aqua culture systems Development of biosensors for an automated aquaculture

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Photobioreactors for microalgae production Internationally recognized algae collection CCCryo Fatty acid analyses using GC-FID and pigment analyses using HPLC EU-project PUFAChain


ADDRESS Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses IZI-BB ADDRESS Fahrenheitstr. 6 Am Muehlenberg 13 14476 Potsdam 28359 Bremen Germany Germany WEBSITE WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Dipl.-Ing. Felix Jorde: [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Dr. Andreas Kunzmann Dr. Thomas Leya: [email protected] [email protected] +49 421 23800 21

About the organization: In research and education the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Bremen is dedicated to the better understanding of tropical coastal ecosystems such as man- groves, sea grasses, coral reefs, estuaries and upwelling systems. As an interdisciplinary Leibniz institute, ZMT con- ducts research on the structure and functioning of tropical coastal ecosystems and their reaction to natural changes and human interactions. It aims to provide a scientific basis for the protection and sustainable use of these ecosystems. ZMT works in close cooperation with partners in the tropics, where it supports capacity development and the development of infrastructures in the area of sustainable coastal zone management. ZMT is a member of the Leibniz Association.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: WG Ecophysiology: Role of stress in fish and different invertebrates, metabolism, biomarker, Aquaculture with focus on integrated and/or co-culture and bioremediation. WG Tropical Marine Microbiology: Role of aggregates and (pathogenic / probiotic) bacteria in aquaculture

Main competences for international cooperation: Long-term experience and running collaborations with/in numerous tropical countries

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: See above fields of activity, fields of R&D

References / examples of most relevant products and services: See websites of ZMT, of WG Ecophysiology, of Dr. Andreas Kunzmann and the publications at


ADDRESS Seestraße 15 18119 Rostock Germany

WEBSITE CONTACT PERSON Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski [email protected]

About the organization: The IOW is an independent research institution specializing in interdisciplinary study of coastal oceans and marginal seas. In particular, our work focuses on the Baltic Sea ecosystem. The work- ing group “Coastal & Marine Management Group” focuses on applied, interdisciplinary coastal and marine research. Current topics include integrat- ed coastal zone management (ICZM), marine lit- ter, as well as water quality and eutrophication processes.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: As part of the BONUS project OptiMus a test farm for mussel cultivation was successfully established in the Bay of Greifswald. The objective was to provide robust evidence-based documentation (ecological, social, and economic) on ecosystem goods and services as well as environmental impact of mussel farming in low saline environments to support its future expansion.

Main competences for international cooperation: Blue mussel production in mesohaline environments; Mussel cultivation as a measure within the Water Framework Directive(WFD); Research of efficiency and environmental effective- ness in terms of improving water transparency and nutrient mitigation; Provision of spatial data and its application in regional geographical information systems and ecosystem model linked with three-dimensional high spatially resolved hydrodynamic models; Development and usage of tools to evaluate mussel farms in coastal waters (e.g.: Ecosystem Service As- sessment, Sustainability Assessment, Stakeholder Participation)

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: International environmental policy implementation: Marine Strategy Framework Directive & Water Framework Directive; Marine Spatial Planning; Spatial-temporal effects of mussel cul- tivation and effects on the environment; Integrated ecological-social-economic assessments.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Projects: Bonus Optimus; Bonus Baltcoast Website:


ADDRESS Abt. Ökophysiologie und Aquakultur ADDRESS Seestraße 15 Müggelseedamm 310, 18119 Rostock 12587 Berlin Germany Germany

WEBSITE WEBSITE CONTACT PERSON Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski CONTACT PERSON Prof. Dr. Werner Kloas [email protected] [email protected]

About the organization: The Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) is a creative, vibrant and diverse place to research and teaching. Scientists from all over the world and very different disciplines work under one roof at our locations in Berlin and Neuglobsow. Our researchers in hydrology, chemistry, physics, microbiology, limnology, ecology and fishery biology study the basic processes in rivers, lakes and wetlands and jointly develop measures for sustainable water management. We think about disciplines and spatial boundaries, because solutions to the great challenges of the future can only be developed with integrative research approaches. We bundle the disciplinary research in six research departments. In addition, there are three cross-departmental program areas in which we work on cross-cutting topics of high social and scientific relevance. The numerous research activities involve social actors and take place in close cooperation with universities and research institutions locally and worldwide. All this makes us Germany’s largest and one of the world’s leading research centers for inland waters.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Aquaponics / Ecophysiology / Werner Kloas Fish parasitology and immunology / Klaus Knopf Fish genetics / Klaus Kohlmann Effects of hormonal substances / Ilka Lutz Fish pathology, ecotoxicology and stress ecology / Thomas Meinelt Evolutionary biology and ecotoxicology of amphibians and fish / Matthias Stöck Molecular Fish Physiology / Sven Würtz

Main competences for international cooperation: Physiology, Endocrinology, Genetics, Evolution, Ecotoxicology, Parasitology, Aquaponics, Fish welfare

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Fish welfare, aquaponics, ecotoxicology, evolution, genetics

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Development of a dual-circuit aquaponic system


ADDRESS Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2 18196 Dummerstorf Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Dr. Tom Goldammer [email protected] [email protected]

About the organization: The Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) researches the functional biodiversity of farm animals in the context of the specific environments in which they are kept and derives sustainable solutions for farm an- imal husbandry. Research of the Fish Genetics Unit is focused on analyses of genome biological, molecular, and cellular principles of adaptation capacity and im- mune response of aquaculture and stocking fishes.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Structural and functional genome annotation in salmo- nids and other aquaculture fish and stocking fish Identification of molecular bio-indicators and development of molecular tools detecting han- dling stress in aquaculture (ontogenesis, handling, feeding diets, physical and chemical water parameter changes) Fish cell models for in vitro analyses of stress and immune defense based on gene and protein regulation Genetic sex typing of selected salmonids

Main competences for international cooperation: Genome biology, transcriptomics, fish cell models, molecular approaches for stress moni- toring in aquaculture, adaptation stress, innate immunity

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Development of tools for stress monitoring of fish in aquaculture Genom biology for identification of new stress bio-indicators Fish breeding – Haplotyping approaches Genome biology of salmonids – FAASG (Macqueen et al. (2017) BMC Genomics 18)

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Transcriptome of Coregonus maraena (Brietzke et al. (2016) Mar Genomics 29) Bio-indicators for stressors such as temperature, stocking density, pathogen impact in Sal- monids and Percids (e.g. Verleih et al. (2015) Mar Biotechnol NY 17; Rebl et al. (2017) Aqua- culture 243) Molecular biology of early ontogenesis (embryo, larvae, fingerling) in fish ( e.g. Nipkow et al. (2018) Growth Horm IGF Res 40) Molecular analyses of innate immunity of fishes (e.g. Rebl & Goldammer (2018) Fish Shellfish Immunol 77) In service: Genetically sex determination of selected salmonids (O. mykiss) – FBN LfU Bayern


ADDRESS Kompaniestraße 1 49757 Werlte Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON M. Sc. Sascha Hermus [email protected]

About the organization: The 3N center of experts promotes the use of renewable raw materials as well as the development and application of sus- tainable products, production processes and services with the objective of promoting bio-based value chains (bio-economy). The 3N center of experts supports cooperation between busi- nesses and research institutions and represents Lower Saxo- nys interests at national and international level. The 3N center of experts is involved in regional, national and European projects and initiatives such as the „Climate Center“ and the „Landesmarketingfonds Holz Niedersachsen“. The 3N center of experts provides information along the value-added chain from cultivation through processing and process engineering to the application of renewable raw materials and bioenergy and promotes technology transfer.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: The 3N center of experts is the central information point for Lower Saxony in the field of renewable ressources and disseminates project results through events, symposia and train- ings. The organization and performance of the „Lower Saxony Round Table on Algae“ is also an integral part of the public relations works of 3N.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Bioeconomy/ RAS economy: Cooperations from o.g. subject areas are desired as well as new tasks in the context of the bioeconomy with new partners. Algae/ aquaponics: An important topic is the nutrient problem in regions with intensive animal husbandry and biogas plants.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: The 3N center of experts develops studies and expertise such as the „Lower Saxony Biogas Inventory“, potential analysis for biofuels or feasibility studies for heating networks of bioen- ergy plants. The implementation of plant-cultivation experiments takes place in cooperation with partners. Current projects: Mest op Maat (, Groene Kaskade ( , BioCas (, LNG Pilots (, Bio-Ökonomie im Non-Food Sektor (, Power to Flex - P2X (, SIDATIM (


ADDRESS Am Lunedeich 12 27572 Bremerhaven Germany


EMAIL [email protected]


About the organization: ttz Bremerhaven is an innovative provider of research services and operates in the field of application-oriented research and development. Under the umbrella of ttz Bremerhaven, an international team of experts is working in the areas of food, environment and health. The competence field „Aquaculture & Water Treatment“ provides excellent infrastructure and know-how within various areas.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Processing new raw & residual materials Extrusion of fish and shrimp feeds Water Treatment Biosensor Technology Product Quality Market Analysis & Consumer Research Processing of new materials into food/Product development

Main competences for international cooperation: Planning, Application and Coordination of small (up to 5 partners) and large (over 20 partners) international research projects – over 100 EU-Projects since the fourth framework program; Financial and Administrative Management; Processing new raw & residual materials; Ex- trusion of Fish and Shrimp Feed; Water Treatment; Biosensor Technology; Product Quality; Market Analysis & Consumer Research; Processing of new materials into food/Product de- velopment; Life Cycle Assessment; Capacity Building & Trainings; Dissemination

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Processing new raw & residual materials; Extrusion of Fish and Shrimp Feed; Water Treat- ment; Biosensor Technology; Product Quality; Market Analysis & Consumer Research; Pro- cessing of new materials into food/Product development; Life Cycle Assessment

References / examples of most relevant products and services: See website


ADDRESS Bundesverband Aquakultur e.V. c/o Kieler Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Strukturentwicklungs GmbH Fraunhoferstraße 2-4 24118 Kiel Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Nancy Nienaß [email protected]

About the company: The Federal Aquaculture Association (BVAQ) is a German interest group of companies and institutions located in Germany and active in the field of aquacul- ture. The association includes individuals, enterpris- es and institutions that provide research, material or immaterial inputs, produce, sell or use aquaculture products.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: The BVAQ supports efforts to formulate future national and international aquaculture ob- jectives. As a partner for the dialogue with political and administrative entities at all levels, it helps shape the future of aquaculture in Germany and Europe .

Main competences for international cooperation: The BVAQ supports efforts to formulate future national and international aquaculture ob- jectives. As a partner for the dialogue with political and administrative entities at all levels, it helps shape the future of aquaculture in Germany and Europe .

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Development of new technologies for all phases of the production process within the existing legal regime; fostering animal health and animal welfare; disease prevention; screening of new species for aquaculture; development of new and sustainable feeds; adjustment of the legal regime at the national and European levels; cooperation with other associations in all key themes of aquaculture

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Fish, shrimps, mussels, oysters, micro- and macro-algae, recirculating systems, consulting, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture


ADDRESS Bundesverband Aquakultur e.V. ADDRESS An der Alster 21 c/o Kieler Wirtschaftsförderungs- 20099 Hamburg und Strukturentwicklungs GmbH Germany Fraunhoferstraße 2-4 WEBSITE 24118 Kiel EMAIL [email protected] Germany CONTACT PERSON André Nikolaus WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Nancy Nienaß About the company: [email protected] International magazine for the fish Industry and trade since 70 years

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Publication of a monthly magazine for the fish industry and trade, Directory for the fish industry Series of specialised books on various fish and seafood species Organisation of the yearly award Seafood Star Hosting of a biennial summit of the fish industry and trade

Main competences for international cooperation: Information on the fish industry and trade in the German-speaking countries and on Germanys most important supplying countries


ADDRESS Gerhart-Hauptmann-Platz 50 20095 Hamburg Germany WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Manfred Görz (Senior Vice President) [email protected]

About the company: Our state linked owners have signed a share purchase agreement regarding their shares in HSH Nordbank AG selling the shares to independently acting funds of Cerberus European In- vestments LLC, J.C. Flowers & Co. LLC., Golden Tree Asset Management L.P. and Centaurus Capital LP, as well as BAWAG P.S.K. AG. The Bank is forging ahead with its transformation and is preparing for its future as a privatised bank, maintaining good capital and liquidity ratios, with a reduced balance sheet and, after the closing (expected in late 2018), free of virtually all legacy assets. The drivers of operational growth so far have been real estate finance, the project business related to renewable energy and infrastructure, and individual focal sectors like Seafood in the classic mid-sized corporates financing business.

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: As the “bank for entrepreneurs” HSH Nordbank has extensive expertise complemented by a long-standing experience of the corporate client business at its disposal. Beyond traditional corporate banking the Bank provides complex structured finance solutions. State-of-the-art payment and treasury functions complying with the highest security standards through the Banking App support our clients in their day-to-day business activities. Competent advice on all facets of M&A round off the Bank’s service offerings.

Main competences for international cooperation: The Bank holds office locations in Luxembourg, Athens, Singapore and Hongkong. Backed by their new owners the bank is going to push its international business.

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: We are open for business in all segments along the seafood value chain.

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Please visit our website

60 45. HSH NORDBANK AG 46  MINISTRY FOR ENERGY TRANSITION, AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENT, NATURE AND DIGITALIZATION ADDRESS Gerhart-Hauptmann-Platz 50 20095 Hamburg ADDRESS Mercatorstraße 3 Germany 24106 Kiel WEBSITE Germany EMAIL [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON Manfred Görz (Senior Vice President) WEBSITE [email protected] EMAIL [email protected] CONTACT PERSON Dr. Roland Lemcke [email protected]

About the company: In Schleswig-Holstein responsible for fisheries and aquaculture supreme Land authority Implementation and, in the case of state ordinances, further development of the fishery regulations of Schleswig-Holstein, the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU Establishment of political-strategic development concepts for fisheries and aquaculture in SH Technical supervision of the upper fisheries authority Granting licenses for mussel fisheries and shellfish aquaculture in accordance with Fisheries law

Fields of activity, fields of research & development: Shellfish farming Fisheries promotion

Main fields of interest for international cooperation: Mussel culture industry Settlement of RAS

References / examples of most relevant products and services: Advising on licensing issues of aquaculture (see also Advice on matters related to the promotion of fishery and aquaculture projects (policy mat- ters)

61 SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE GERMANY Get to know your future partners!

Meet us at our BOOTH 68 in the TRADE SHOW, Level 0  Get to know the German Aquaculture community. Learn more about your new project and business partners in our brochure „SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE GERMANY“.  Want to experience AQUACULTURE DESIGN in 3D and 360°? Take a Virtual Reality ride in a RAS farm and learn more about the potential of digital technologies in aquaculture!

Meet your host for AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2019 Our Future GROWING from WATER 07 09 October 2019, BERLIN, Germany For the first time in history, AE is going to take place in Germany. Become part of the experience and submit your proposals for thematic sessions, industry forums and trade show booths NOW! BERLIN is the most diverse and spectacular of all European capitals and #AE19BER will be unforgettable!

Industry forum at AQUA2018: "Production of penaeid shrimp in Europe Risks and opportunities" Tuesday, August 28, Sully 2, Level 1, 14.00 17.20 Meet international shrimp farming experts and discuss 1) reproduction ofL. vannamei in Europe, 2) import/export regulation for live shrimp to Europe and 3) international cooperation in R&D, technology transfer.


Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” Kiel University Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4, 24118 Kiel

EDITING & PRODUCTION Dr. Sabine Haas, Coordination of the Future Ocean-Semestertopic „Sustainable Aquaculture“ Dr. Stefan Meyer, Kompetenzqnetzwerk Aquakultur (KNAQ), Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein

LAYOUT Tine Pape, Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”

PICTURE CREDITS Title/Back: GMA T. Kujawski, B. Ueberschaer, T. Kujawski, B. Ueberschaer (p 0-1), S. Meyer (p 3,5,7), GMA (p 9), S. Meyer (p 12), S. Meyer, Y. Roessner, B. Ueberschaer, Y. Roessner (p 64-65)

About the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” The Cluster of Excellence „The Future Ocean“ (#80) is funded within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German federal and state governments and managed by the DFG and the German Science Council. Founding institutions of the Cluster of Excellence are Kiel University, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, the Insti- tute for the World Economy (IfW) and the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design.

The Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” sets a primary focus nearly each semester on a different Marine Science topic. This helps to better coordinate various activities such as outreach events, topical scientific conferences and workshops. In the summer semester 2018 the Future Ocean Semestertopic highlights and challenges the question how the principles of sustainability can be implemented in aquaculture. Further information on

Published August 2018


65 Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4, 24118 Kiel [email protected]