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THE NEXT WORLD-EMPIRE See Page 86 THE NEXT WORLD-EMPIRE See page 86. 1=1 1=1 Bible Readings for Daniel and the 1 The Home Circle. Revelation. Comprises one hundred and sixty-two Readings The marshalling of the nations is a subject of for public and private study, and answers nearly prophecy, and we are to-day witnessing the fulfil- three thousand questions on religious topics„practi- ment of movements predicted by both Daniel and cal, historical, and prophetical. The Readings are the Apostle John—movements that are among the contributed by more than a score of Bible students, very last to precede the great day of God Almighty ; and give brief, pointed answers to the questions, surely it is high time that we heeded the warnings of quoting directly from the Scriptures, from history, Inspiration that " that day " take us not unawares. and the writings of eminent commentators of modern No other books of the Bible present to us so com- times. The book is designed for all classes of society, pletely the truths that concern the last generation for public and private study, while ministers and and the various aspects of the times, physical, moral, Sunday-school teachers will find it very helpful in and political, and while many people imagine that their study of God's Word and in the preparation of these books are difficult to understand, in reality their lessons. The work is well illustrated, and con- there is very little excuse for misunderstanding at tains 600 pages. any rate the main features of their contents. The Here is an opportunity to introduce into your family book entitled " Daniel and the Revelation " is a verse a Fireside Reading Circle. "Bible Readings for the by verse explanation of these two books, giving in the Home Circle " was originally intended clearest manner possible the response for this very purpose, and we are sure of history to the voice of prophecy. that parents will be well repaid for the time so spent. Try the plan this win- ter ; you will at least have the satisfac- tion of knowing you did something to Our Paradise counteract the blighting influence of BOOKS 0 secularism which is absorbing so much of the time and interest of our young THAT LIGHT Home people nowadays. UP THE is a Scriptural and hence an authentic view of the future, and in consideration of the present portentous times that The Great which lies ahead is surely sufficiently PAST, important to claim the attention of all serious-minded people. There are many Controversy. Christians who have very hazy ideas 0 and sometimes erroneous notions about This is the title of an intensely inter- PRESENT the last days and the final reward of esting book which sets forth the princi- the righteous. But there is no need for ples involved in the conflict between AND THE speculation ; in this as in all other mat- right and wrong. Beginning with the ters God has revealed in His holy Word lesson taught in the awful calamity that all that is necessary for us to know, and befell Jerusalem as the result of her there is running throughout the Bible apostasy and final rejection of the Sa- FUTURE. sufficient information to indicate clearly viour, the writer follows the church of the eternal purpose of God. The author God through the scenes of its bitter is delightfully simple and interesting. persecution on through the great apos- There are fifty-six original illustrations, tasy to the time of the Reformation, when, checked and the book is substantially hound. by the principles of Protestantism, the power of " the man of sin " was broken. Still on the writer traces the conflict, showing the terrible results of the rejec- tion of right principles, when France, by repudiating the His Glorious Appearing Gospel and waging war against the Bible, opened her Ian doors to infidelity, anarchy, and revolution. Then Many people seem to think that those who teach follow chapters of the greatest importance to this Christ's soon coming are acting the role of alarmists. present generation, showing clearly " The Aims of the but they forget that Christ placed Himself at the Papacy" and "The Impending Conflict." "The Final head of this class when He predicted the signs that Warning" and "The Time of Trouble" are subjects would mark His coming and the conditions that would with which everybody should be familiar, while the exist on the earth just prior to that greatest of all chapters dealing with " The Deliverance of God's events. " His Glorious Appearing " is the title of a People" and "The Controversy Ended" should be par- little, well-illustrated book of 113 pages, dealing with .1111. ticularly interesting to all Christians. We commend these special signs and other matters of the keenest this book to all classes of men and women to- interest to all who are looking for deliverance from day with the hope that through its influence souls this present evil world. You will never regret read- may be enlightened and delivered from darkness. ing this book. Makes a nice little gift book. IMF SEND A POST CARD TO International Tract Society, Limited, MN& Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, Or ask your PRESENT TRUTH agent for full particulars concerning these valuable books. 1=1 a 1=1 The Present Truth A Weekly Family Paper Devoted to the Teaching of Scripturc Truth. 4r VOL. 3f. WATFORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1915. NO. 6. Our Cause of Thankfulness. ceived it will be enriched thereby ; Saviour's sustaining grace in your WE'RE thankful when delivered and how - areful should the thought present sorrow, we urge you to From out some great distress ; of this make us lest we lose the remember that He stands by your We're thankful when in manner marked The Lord our ways doth bless. intended benefit and reap nothing side awaiting your invitation to go but present loss from God's chast- through the dark valley with you. But how about the tiny Unnumbered little things : enings. Will you not open your heart's The sunshine bright, the glistening dew, There are peaceful fruits of door to Him ? He will brighten The cheering bird that sings ? righteousness to be derived from even the darkest parts of the Though change or tempest cometh, all the dealings of God, if we are journey and cure your heart of all God is—and God is love ; Hence should our thanks, whate'er be- exercised thereby according to His its sorrows, and with Him, the tide, will and plan. There are views of Christ of Bethany, in close com- Each day ascend above. His character which can be learned munion and sweet companionship For greater than His treasures only when affliction drives us to and loving prayerfr lness, your own Is God Himself, our Lord— Himself our cause of thankfulness, seek His face ; and there are life will rest like the soft light of Himself our great reward. humbling views of ourselves, of heaven upon the sunless and sad. And greater than each tempest our own sinfulness, weakness, " Through the great deep, where sto my Which fain our barque would fill, faithlessness, which are nowhere waters flow, The power of Him Who standeth by Your way is sate, whatever ills pursue;: And whispers, "Peace, be still ! " so plainly brought home to us as Through the fierce furnace safe with in a time of chastening. The Him you go, While gifts which we so often As through the sunlight when it lifts Regard as commonplace, world, too, is seen in a new light ; the dew." Are simply tokens manifold it is changed to us and we to it by JOHN TAYLOR, To prove His love and grace. the tests that strip off outer dis- Oh, that the Lord is gracious, guises. The Word of God is seen Come let us taste anew : In counsel prove Him " wonderful," in a new light, rich in comfort A Narrowing Choice. In love, unchanging, true— hitherto unobserved, now found to WHEN the twelve tribes of Israel. The source of every blessing, be deeply precious to the wounded stood on the threshold of their And with us all the day ! heart. More than ever we are find- So shall our thanks like incense sweet national career, with great possi- Arise to Him alway. ing untold comfort in theunsearch- bilities before them, for good or PEARL WAGGONER. able reality of a Saviour's love, and evil, the Lord spoke through His we are clinging more closely to servant Moses and gave them a, Chastening. the immutable truth—" that the full and complete account of what " Now no chastening for the present eternal Son of God did actually be- would depend upon the choice they seemeth to be joyous but grievous ; come man for our redemption, so made. If they chose wisely, then nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the that in the days of His flesh He they would reap an abundant har- peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby." was not God dwelling on the earth vest of blessing and prosperity. In Heb. xii. 11. in human likeness, but very man, city and field, in basket and store, OUR hearts readily echo the sharing all our sinless limitations, in flocks and herds, in their family apostle's description of present in all points tempted like as we life, in their national independence, chastening, " not joyous, but griev- -are,' and in that He Himself bath in the blessings of heaven, they ous," bitterly grievous to the suffered being tempted, able to would reap the benefits of loyalty spirit.
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