I support because it gives everyone access to everything on the internet. just gives access to the internet and that too limited websites.For accessing other websites you will have to pay so how will it help the poor.They will not allow the start up websites which can be a threat to Facebook or the websites which have paid the telecom companies.And they say that they will not use the money from the data which is a lie.Apps featuring zero should not be asked for licensing.

Devi Dileep

In my opinion,Net Neutrality must be retained.But,at the same time let us not completely discard FreeBasics.Government could work out a modified Model with Facebook.Let them give the FreeBasics on a trial basis...let there be a limit on the number of programs,but let option of choosing the content be given solely to people.They should have a choice to even not opt Facebook.Essential government service delivery(grassroot level) apps could be mandatorily involved.

Vishal Puri

1. No, they should NOT be allowed differential pricing. 2. There is no measure, after giving this immense power. 3. Provide limited amount of Data say 500MB, but everything should be available in that amount of data. There is no compromise to #NetNeutrality

Rajesh Krishnamurthy Iyer

No Differential pricing please and only net neutrality permitted

Rajesh Krishnamurthy Iyer

No Differential pricing please and only net neutrality permitted

Rajesh Krishnamurthy Iyer

No Differential pricing please and only net neutrality permitted

Mradu lochan parihar

1. No, they should NOT be allowed differential pricing. 2. There is no measure, after giving this immense power. 3. Provide limited amount of Data say 500MB, but everything should be available in that amount of data. There is no compromise to #NetNeutrality


I support net neutrality and not Free Basics as propagated by Facebook.

Twishi Tyagi

1. No! No differential pricing 2. A big no to the differential pricing! 3. Provide free data to a limit, but for that amount of data, there shouldn't be any restrictions And yeah! Net neutrality, that's what we want

Akanksha Pandya_2

I Support Net Neutrality because 1.we should have freedom to access the internet equally and it is important for everyone to have that freedom. So, no one gets to decide what i see, when i see, what i prefer and what i chose. 2.Internet is utility, which we use for several purposes, i feel no one can be asked to pay for it.Internet should be equally for all of the people, all of the time. 3.In life, we make r own decisions about job, education, marriage, etc. how can i rely on telco for this?

Mayank Mishra_30

Internet is the property of its users. Nobody should own any part of internet except its users and that is us. Internet should be completely free, everywhere and for all. This is a technology which is survived and thrived by its users and we deserve to get it without any extra cost. End this bartering of our resources for profits. Make absolute decisions. Thank you Mayank


In 1612, Sir Thomas Roe to visited the Mughal Emperor Nuruddin Salim Jahangir to give the company exclusive rights to reside and build factories in Surat. In return, the company offered the Emperor with goods and rarities from the European market. We all know what happened next. Now, Facebook is approaching us to provide us with "free basics" stating that we would get free education, health care, etc. We know what will happen next. We need real doctors and teachers not symptoms of common cold.

Kunal Khandagale

I support Net Neutrality and am against Free Basics, initiative taken by Facebook.

Tanumoy Ghosh

I support net neutrality and not Free Basics as propagated by Facebook.

Rajesh Bhave

We want Net Neutrality. We oppose Free Basics by Facebook Or any other equivalent scheme by any other organization

Astha Arya

1. No, they should NOT be allowed differential pricing. 2. There is no measure, after giving this immense power. 3. Provide limited amount of Data say 500MB, but everything should be available in that amount of data. There is no compromise to #NetNeutrality

Vidit Jain_5

1. No, they should NOT be allowed differential pricing. 2. There is no measure, after giving this immense power. 3. Provide limited amount of Data say 500MB, but everything should be available in that amount of data. There is no compromise to #NetNeutrality


We want net neutrality...! Denying the people the access to "fair internet" in the false pretext of "Free internet" is absolutely condemnable...! Lets not let another foreigner () rise to power ... for "information is power". This is also against our own resolve of make in India. So #KillFreeBasics #SaveTheInternet and #BanFacebook if thats what is necessary..!

ARUN KUMAR_396 there are so many cases came to my notice where my friends and peoples don't really know who it will affect it in future but they submit the report through facebook just for trust with facebook. so while considering views take care regarding that. facebook push us to support free basic when we login so many people support it irritatingly but don't know....

Amritesh Praksh Dixit

We want net neutrality. Seeking discriminatory data plans is it self a privilege wanted by the data companies. Now free basics by facebook is also on its way to ensure that net neutrality becomes a history in india. As they do not promise it to be unbiased in future, they reserve the right to reject a website or a consumer.

dinesh lavakusha reddy gillela we want net neutrality that is we should be able to access all websites and all data with out any restrictions. we don't want to end up paying more money for subscribing to individual websites.. which are out of free internet.. I am against free internet for basic requirements instead give free data to some limit so that if they can't afford they will use the free data.., don't fall to the corporate marketing strategies..

Surya S Narayanan

Thx to FB for highlighting but No thx-Though sounding noble, this is no different than pawn broker who is preying on people's poverty - If Pawn broker has the borrowers' interest in mind while lending money then yes FB also has common man's plight with in mind by providing Free Basics. Things like public libraries are best left to Govt (which are accountable) not commercial entities. Nandan’s "Direct Benefits Transfer of Internet Data Packs” is a far better net neutral approach.

Vikas Kumar

We don't want the next billions targeted by Facebook for Free Basics to see the internet through the small lens, made by whim and wish of Facebook which can only limit the unlimited opportunity. This sounds like addicting people to a particular drug just because they can't effort nutritious food. Once people start using it they will not be able restrain them self even if they can effort. #TRAI #MyGov Please save this !

Vaishakh S Unnithan

I donot support free basics by facebook and I dont want to bring licensing for the applications like , viber, and all similar applications.

Anshuman Misra_1

Providing universal digital access is an obligation of the government. This task cannot be sublet to private companies. The solution is simple. Just like the government has rules for Airlines for compulsory regional connectivity or in the case of mobile networks a cess is charged for rural connectivity, a law has to be set for data networks. In rural and unconnected areas, the government needs to provide free data access which is paid for by the cess.

Anubhav Rawat

I support "New Neutrality". Initially, when i saw people supporting 'free basics', i was a bit confused. Then, on researching, found it is against the "free will" of our internet facilities. Similar to this, i need a "DTH Neutrality" also, coz they are charging a lot per channel, and moreover, with DTH I am taking 2-3 connections within a single roof (sounds weird) - it should be like we have WIFI/Broadband connection at home - one plan for 5 devices.

Jyoti Shivaji Patil I do not support free basics by facebook


Initially I was carried away by the one-sided propaganda of facebook for Free Basics. But after getting a chance to read opinions opposed to the scheme, I do realise that the scheme will only endanger net neutrality and will pave way for the monopoly of a behemoth over . I, therefore, would like to express my support for maintenance of status quo on this issue.

sukarna acharya

We need full internet, no license for VOIP services. No need company sponsored free stuff which sucks money later.

Raajeish Shah


Deepali Hazare

I support net neutrality. Completely against free basics.

Ankit M

NO,TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for anything. Let the internet be as it is.

Md Khurshid Alam_1

The TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for different websites as this goes completely against the net neutrality. The most important thing to note here is it's a potential threat to fair competition in the market. Its not proper to allow few TSPs or other service providers to have the monopoly and control of the market. I am completely against free basics. #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov #SavetheInternet

ARUN KUMAR_396 can you take some step about porting in between dth once we purchase a setup box it became monopoly situation so they do as per they want.and also stop free basics of,relience(free facebook). we are now paying dth subscriber as per the pack rate but it is also a differential pricing like situation so if you can take some step and place this with charges for sd or hd(like in case of internet access charge varies for 2g 3g and 4g) but no packs like that.

ARUN KUMAR_396 lets take an example of power,if for every device what we use daily have different price for power consumption then do you think you can leave in this world,nops you can't? it is similar to like internet became a basic necessity of life so we can't allow differential pricing recently relience provide free facebook,then other company provide other services no body provide services to access trai and startup sites then do you think people go to their site by paying extra

ashish gupta_153

No, TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms..i am totally against it...

Shivang garg_3

I am strictly against the free basics by facebook. It will totally violate the net neutrality concept. Differential pricing on internet will definitely hurt the competition as the small players will suffer

Rishal Dev Singh

I dont want any type of manipulation to the internet we are using now. We want internet not to be controlled by telecom companies.

saket sharma_3

I am against the free basics by facebook. Differential pricing will affect the competition and thus is a violation to the neutrality concept. Net neutrality shouldn't be a pawn of the telecom companies who will use it to affect our freedom to choose.I am also against App licensing as it will be like taking a step backward on a platform of free speech. Accessibility of all parts of the internet and its accessibility to all without discrimination is Actual net neutrality.

Sidhartha Dash

Internet is the one of the rare platforms where everything and everyone is equal. I will oppose any idea that conflicts with the above sentence. So i really think net neutrality and free basics are pretty bad ideas for the free internet users. As a workaround telecoms can continue providing the special packs (for whatsaap, ,fb, etc.) and may increase the price of the current internet packs.

Ujjwal Relan

Differential Pricing is unfair. Don't let it happen. Net neutrality is what the public demands!

Shubham Singh

This is my reply to question iii I have came up with an idea that if govt. start a program to give free mobile balance or internet data in return of waste materials like poly bags, plastic made goods, cfl(which contain highly toxic mercury), and other house hold wastes, then it will not only provide a medium of disposal of waste but also a protect idea of net neutrality. In the start govt. could provide less data or talk time and could also put a cap to the maximum free service given.

Abhijeet Singh_22

I am strictly against the free basics by facebook. It will totally violate the net neutrality concept. Differential pricing on internet will definitely hurt the competition as the small players will suffer.


I am strictly against the free basics by facebook. It will totally violate the net neutrality concept. Differential pricing on internet will definitely hurt the competition as the small players will suffer

nanrita sarkar

We dont want net neutrality to be defined/influenced/controlled by telecom companies. Telecom companies should not control what we access on the internet based on what they would prefer us to access.They cannot charge us differently for different websites or license any apps like watsapp,viber etc as it is not egalitarian. We want access to all aspects of the internet and not selective parts of it. This access should equally available to all. Only then will it be TRUE NET NEUTRALITY.

Amit Verma_75

I am strictly against the free basics by facebook. It will totally violate the net neutrality concept. Differential pricing on internet will definitely hurt the competition as the small players will suffer.


We need Everything on Internet available for Everyone(Actually Net Neutrality) not just Few things available on net to everyone(what Trai want to impose)




Net neutrality emphasises the need to be able to choose freely between the services that you want to use, without having to pay extra for them. India has witnessed the ill effects of not having a choice many times.The very reason for direct benefit transfers is that the person gets to decide what quality of grain he/she wants to eat. The ability to CHOOSE. In my opinion, will be another ration shop, only being led by a huge company, with no intention of doing good to the society.

AVANINRA MAHESHWARI in my opinion there should not be differential pricing for data services.such practice should be stopped. if differential pricing policy for data services is approved then only TSP's will be other will be benefited as claimed by the TSP's, as it will lead to the way like tv channels does.such policy will discriminate against certain content users & potentially go against the principle of non-discriminatory tariff.


Banning porn on internet was great steps taken by government, however it was taken back but There should be a scheme of TRAI under which any individual can ban such content on his connection simply by requesting their service provider . #TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov

Lokesh Saini_1

An individual has a right to access each and every content equality without any preferential or financial interests. Net neutrality should treat every content and user the same and not assign preferential treatment (in terms or Bandwidth allocation or content prioritization) to an organization or an individual. Thus I disagree with assertion in above article that a data services would be given preferential treatment based or pricing access or bandwidth availability

kirti KABRA i disagree with the discretion in acessing to internet sites..paying for specific sites is not agreeing.

Manraj Singh Grover 1.No, TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing because this will kill the emerging startups of the country. If allowed, well-established companies will influence TSPs to provide benefits to their service and this would lead to violation of Net Neutrality. 2.No measure can stop companies to tie-up internally and sabotage the system. 3.If free internet is what some companies want to provide,why restricting it to few websites?Please provide limited data but access to full internet.


I support #NetNeutrality and its access to each and every individual without Corporate barriers. No single corporation can be entitled to govern its guidelines and formation of a strict non-corporate governing body to provide internet access to everyone and sponsor programs to educate people on how to use it in their favor(Corporates can be guest but not members). Differential Data Pricing could be a solution but only for Government, Non-profits, Emergency, Educational Services only(ad-free)!


No, there should not be any discrimination about accessing internet sites.

ruturaj rajendra

TSPs must have limited power . The internet penetration can be increased by directly transferring money ,equivalent to specific data volume for limited period ,to the accounts of the people who need help to access internet.

Mohit Malviya_1

As we pay for any commodity,we make sure that we will be getting maximum out then why it is not in case of internet thus net neutrality must be real not virtual to have a full access what it could be.

Girish Kumar Sahu

No, there should not be any discrimination about accessing internet sites. Net neutrality should be preserved at any cost. At the same time to bridge the digital divide, government should provide some basic data (May be 100 MB/month) free to needy person by framing some rule (AADHAR based). Technically it is possible, Government to by bulk data from service provider and "data transfer" to individual needy citizens mobile numbers every month AADHAR based. The cost to exchequer is neglisible.


My response to above questions: 1-No, differential pricing could open doors to discrimination & affect equal internet access 2- non-discrimination & differential pricing are contradictory, affordable internet access must be without selective content access that could influence new internet users adversely & do more damage than no access to internet 3-yes, the loon project is an example-technological innovations instead of deals with TSPs are better for taking internet to everyone

Sunil kumar_615

We want net neutrality. there should be no differential data pricing. We want real net neutrality, we will not to be made dependant to any telecom company for that. So no package. We must have the freedom to get any information we want and without paying separately for any site. we should have equal access to all web based data and that would be real net neutrality. We strongly protest against any licencing policy.


I support net neutrality and it should be maintained. Digital India needs free access to each information rather than selected information which big players wants to be delivered to us this very thing condemn the idea of Net Neutrality. So better would be - there should be no differential data pricing. - If telecom companies really want to benefit people it can be done through achieving #17 Goals Sustainable development goals of UN through its CSR initiative, they really transform our world.


Net neutrality should be maintained otherwise it will promote advertisement war and favor big business owner brands only. However, free net access to sites promoting social cause / other welfare schemes for common people shall be provided by Government only.

Prakhar Gupta_28

We want #Netneutrality as many people still do not have access to the internet and by stopping net neutrality many of the people who have access will only have access to some parts of the internet and not all. I oppose Differential Pricing for #DataServices and want #TRAI to take it down.


We want net neutrality. Digital India needs basic internet service, but that doesn't mean to differ the contents of the Net according to the packages of the service provider


We want net neutrality. Digital India needs basic internet service, but that doesn't mean to differ the contents of the Net according to the packages of the service provider

Nitin Ranjan Shrivastav

Data charges are already very high and still affordable to a large mass. Moreover, the State player BSNL is playing trick by reducing days of validity. For 1 GB 3g data for a month it is charged over Rs 200 by any operator. And 3g network coverage is also very poor. These situations are hindrance to the objectives of Digital India.

Rishabh Raja_1

Let me start with a ex. If I decided to open an e-commerce site to sell goods online. People having free access to particular e- commerce sites would never bother of other paid alternatives even though I hane competitive price marked. Now for this Facebook will ask huge money to make it accessible on their "Free Basics". So lets be smart and say no to such differential pricing. Better to ask telecom operators to provide a basic plan of limited data and speed to everyone. Thanks

Rajat gupta_69

Net neutrality is the need of the hour. So I wholeheartedly oppose differential data charges.

Meera Gnanasundaram

It is definitely against net neutrality and hence zero rating schemes must not be encouraged. Instead the govt must strive to connect entire India through public funds. When we have achieved such high mobile connectivity this can also be done.

Rajesh Kumar Sharma_33

Net neutrality should be maintained otherwise it will promote advertisement war and favor big business owner brands only. However, free net access to sites promoting social cause / other welfare schemes for common people shall be provided by Government only.

Allwin Tom

India needs Net Neutrality. Nobody should differentiate on service.

Akhil Kumar_3

India needs net neutrality. No one should have the right to decide which websites we should visit for free and which should be paid. This is against the basic principles of net neutrality. Instead government should provide internet services at lower rates to poor people so that they can access useful content of their choice on the internet. This would then make India Digital and not the free basics.

Sharang Misri

We want net neutrality. Digital India needs basic internet service, but that doesn't mean to differ the contents of the Net according to the packages of the service providers

Arpit Patodi

There should not be any charges for the use of Internet. As it is now one of the most used and helpful to people. By the use of net we gets the information about world. The places where in the country internet is not there its difficult for the people to get interact with the world and even with other parts of country. By this it is a big problem or a big challange for the DIGITAL INDIA. so we want GOOD INTERNET WITHOUT ANY CHARGES...

kishore anand

Facebook is misleading its users to mail TRAI. It has changed the body of the mail now answersing (bullshit answers) to questions asked from TRAI's consultation paper. All the mails from social media sites should be ignored and only the discussion happening here should be considered.

balram kumar_3

Differential pricing in my opinion should not be encouraged as it will defeat the concepts of healthy competition, market entry, innovation etc. All the content available on internet should be treated with equality. But this leaves the basic issue & objective of providing affordable internet to rural areas unanswered.

Ayush Gupta

#TRAI should take note of a few things: 1. Differential Pricing scheme encourages CARTEL among the service providers, which is prohibited by law 2. Discourages potential startups as it will adversely affect their promotion 3. Monopoly can be created by certain websites/internet applications & also the network providers 4. Facebook is misleading the people on it. All these points are widely discussed in the PDF submitted below. Kindly all should have a look at it for a complete understanding


We want real net nutrality, we will not to be made dependant to any telecom company for that. So no package. We must have the freedom to get any information we want and without paying seperately for any site. we should have equal access to all web based data and tha would be real net nutrality. We strongly protest against any liscencing policy. We want freedom...we will choose for ourselves.

Divyesh Vara

...can make Basic Internet facility like Searching-Browsing (Maps - Government sites- educational) options on lower rate or minimal rate to reach all the indians even at villages..... and other social networking and browsing shold be the same as per the plans as data providers are providing, but to regulate their services is important as they are charging more and not giving the services as per plans (speed less) to less educated people or in villages...

Sanket Shah_8

Our society is already differenetiated on religion, caste, education etc.letss not create one more differentiation. Internet can be the ultimate leveller and can bring the much needed social revolution in this country. A way to bring internet to one & all could be a "Ration Shop (PDS) for DATA" just like we have for other stuff. A BPL or Aadhar card holder gets data at concessional rate!! Or Even Better - all TSP's to create common basic data plan. Customer choose TSP & govt does DBT to the TSP.

Pranav Bhatnagar_1

Differential pricing is absolutly alright for the following reasons: 1.Govt must not interfere in business between two private parties. If content provider and consumer are satisfied with the deal, why should any other party interfere? Such practices only lead to restricted environment and killing innovation. 2. Why should a poor person who does not have any access be prevented from having some access for free? 3.Such a setup already exists in several other mediums like newspaper, cable,etc.

Harjinder Singh Sandhu

Differential pricing in my opinion should not be encouraged as it will defeat the concepts of healthy competition, market entry, innovation etc. All the content available on internet should be treated with equality. But this leaves the basic issue & objective of providing affordable internet to rural areas unanswered. This could be done only by reducing the overall infrastructure cost by bringing innovations like the one Google is exploring through project Loon.

Amit Naidu_1

There should not be any differential pricing for the following reasons: 1. Puts power in the hands of the ISP on what content to make available. This does not allow a level playing field for all content providers. 2. This will again create segmented usage and classification of customers providing targeted information to marketing companies 3. Creates a system of subsidy on a platform which is universal, instead reduction of the costs as much as possible should be the goal. Amit Naidu

Sheetal johar No diffrential pricing should not be allowed for the TAPs, as it will lead to monopoly of certain websites and applications and will not give fair chance for competition to thrive


In my opinion Government government should make compulsory free site ( access with out internet connection) which are useful for general public & provide free internet to all for few hours per days instead of differential pricing similar to phone call charges which was earlier at very high rate and not accessible to poor people of our country but now due to competition call charge dropped and each person can use mobile phone at very cheap rate.


Internet should not have differential pricing. It's against digital freedom.

Shahzor Khan

The concerns of Telecom companies of competition with VOIP for Telephone calls is genuine, However charging differently for VOIP or other services will restrict Innovation. The better option is to change the business model. The revenue model of most of the companies has changed to Advertisement, which allows free services like youtube, gmail etc to exist. Having Advertisement models on new Http connections will help internet infrastructure companies to generate enough revenue to provide service


Government should consider ways for improving standard of living of poor, uplift of poor, ensuring prosperity of farmers, proper nutrition to children, make india a suitable living place not only for majorities but also for minorities, help SC & ST break the hegemony of forward caste people. These are all the basic tasks of government. But instead dont plan to increase money in coffers of facebook and telecom companies, Differential pricing is a plan to extract more money from same infra.

Shrey Srivastava_2

Answers to #mygov Consultation: TSPs should not be allowed for Differential pricing. This is a big blocker for Digital India Dream. Internet is new age speech and expression. It's our right and we cannot differentiate what we want, when we want, where we want and how we want. Differential Pricing proposal to #TRAI shakes the fundamentals of my right. I feel suffocated by the fact that I will pay more for #DataServices though I'll be using same infrastructure for communication. #SaveTheInternet

Ishan Patwa

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Zero rating will encroach upon the bandwidth meant for the open Internet, decreasing its speed and increasing its price. The Govt should ensure that licensed spectrum is exclusively used to give open internet access to consumers, and not to sell consumers to big internet companies. There should be a complete ban on zero rating, not case-by-case approval.

Ishan Patwa

Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING without discrimination Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Not access to everyone. We want everyone to get access, but to all of the Internet. Don't allow creation of private walled gardens.

mohd aftab_5

1. Don`t allow #DepartmentofTelecommunications and #NetworkOperators break #NetNeutrality 2. Don`t allow #evil corporation like #Facebook allow #InternetOrg as this effects Indian Entrepreneurial spirit.

Yashvir Singh_5

We should not support differential pricing

Deepankar Tiwari according to me gov should not impose different price for different matter because every people who is using internet may have to get different matters and that would let to pay for that which would not be good

Kishor Mane

The use of internet in young brigade is focused on Facebook and Whats app like social media and very few people are responsibly using it. Differential pricing model services might lead in road block of intended use of internet for the other valid causes. There must be analysis and control and not to allow discrimination on commercial interests of Service Providers.

Piyush Mittal not at all internet is not luxury thing any more its a necessity for today s India, and all necessary goods should b available at same prices for all

Puneet Gupta

Yes, TSPs should be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different website etc. Measures can be adopted by having multiple players offering such service in a telecom area, this will increase competition and people should be allowed to freely switch their phone number(which is possible because of MNP) Alternate should be allow the companies to create infrastructure by creating rural network etc where such pricing can be activated.

Lakshman Gupta

We should have differential pricing. Just as we have different tax slabs , different rates of service taxes for different products and so on , we should have all internet websites/contents classified into different categories and the charges should be category wise.The categories can be Govt content/Public welfare , Commercial websites , Entertainment sites and miscellaneous. The billing will be a bit complicated , but that is not point to counter that above.

aishwarya gupta_10

The differential pricing should never be implemented, it will give rise to monopoly of big telecom companies and other multinational companies who will control the internet for us. The emerging startups and individuals would be tremendously affected. Let the internet be as it has always been. Equal for all.

aishwarya gupta_10

I would like TRAI to maintain the right of every Indian citizen to net neutrality, ie every person should have access to everything and every time on the internet. Just let the internet free from any politics and power game. I strongly oppose the implementation of free basics by Facebook, zero internet by airtel, etc etc. We are the future of India, let us decide what we want to access on the internet, not the telecom companies, otherwise I'm afraid to say we will not be a Democratic nation.

Saurabh Thaker There should not be any difference in pricing for different data services or different content on internet. We do not need net neutrality for the benefit of telecom companies. We need net neutrality for the benefit of citizens of India.

Abhishek Sinha_20 there shouldnt be any pricing for different data services.


Facebook is not doing a favour or charity. They are here to make profit. They want a monopoly by killing the competition. Don't fall in their trap.

Rabimba Karanjai

We should not have differential Pricing. The reasons: Internet was supposed to be a free medium. It was supposed to be a service. Not a platform, not a commodity but a resource just like electricity,telephone. The content and applications all are built ON it. That is a crucial piece that safeguards it from being sued over abuse. A non-discriminatory Internet decentralizes the sources of innovation as everyone can create Internet services and applications without having to obtain permission

D Anand Babu yes there should be different pricing for data services. If it is govt. related data it should be provided free of cost to the public. If the data is related purely to the invidivual private and personal use(other than Govt. utility data services ) than it should be priced high. The pricing by the stakeholders/service providers should be totally controlled by the policy of Govt. of India. Major control should be by the Govt. only private personal data usage should be free

Aditya Unnikrishnan iii. Is it really necessary to provide internet completely free of cost. At a certain point of time, mobile calling rates were prohibitively high. Eventually, competition in the sector brought prices down to the extent that we have a massive mobile consumer base. In the same way, we should be able to facilitate competition and reduce costs in the field so that prices are driven down.

Aditya Unnikrishnan i. No. TSPs should not be allowed to implement differential pricing. The prime driver behind the growth and value of the Internet is the freedom that it offers to both access and create content. As such, differential pricing would go against the most fundamental tenets of the Internet, rendering it more of a threat than an opportunity. ii. In case it is permitted, we must ensure that measures are in place to protect the vast amounts of data that becomes available to TSPs. #TRAI

Mithun Balan iii. Yes there are. We already have free internet on BSNL lines. Agreed its a call in connection and maximum speed is 56kbps. We can use our own BSNL for providing free data to people with BPL. BSNL data cards can be given through Ration stores. It may seem like a joke but its not a joke bigger than what FB is giving now. Last but not the least ask the same free basics provider whether they are willing to go forward with a free data concept. Mostly they will as they have no other option.

Mithun Balan i. This is not at all acceptable. Internet is a vast a huge medium which is not in the control of anybody. Some people with vested interests are trying to put control on it. The Indian gov should not fall into the hands of such vested interested. ii: That is a highly complicated thing and if (i) is implemented I dont think (ii) can be fair. All measures you put you cant be fair, because the principle thing itself is not fair.


Robert Kahn, the inventor of internet, could have been a multi-billionaire if he would not have given internet for free. Instead of thinking about money, he decided that all of the internet should be accessible to everyone without any bias. Do not let these greedy telecom operators violate the rights of people as well as the principle on which internet was made. We do not want differential pricing for data services.Differential services is the first step of sending digital India to chaos.

Reshma Raju

No differential pricing. We don't need the telecom operators charge differently for different websites.There needs to be equal access of internet for everyone at any given time.

nambiaruran sekkizhar currently all our data or voice or internet traffic are routed through Singapore(singtel) earning like anything, so india should allow all international under-sea cable operator have landing station in india,it will decrease the internet traffic price in india and india bcome DATA HUB or routing network HUB for Africa, SAARAC nation and south Asian country.

Ashish Kumar_349

I. No, We will not accept II. Never III. Yes, we can implement Government schemes free WiFi in Rural areas to connect people in order to update their views and feedback.

nambiaruran sekkizhar

India should allow all international under-sea optical network company landing station station in india in different location both west & east cost of country, even that operators don't have operation in india. it will increase the competition of price, decrease the internet or data or voice call rate, India become data HUB, INDIA become leading data router of SAARAC nation and revenue to country,

vivek shukla i am completely in favour of #net neutrality .

Nadeem Pothuganti

I am in the support of "net neutrality". I don't like giving our data rights to a private firm. We should have a choice to select what service to use and what not. Free basics, etc., appears to provide free service to few websites, but in long run it will become a big hurdle to new comers or small enterprises which can't register with those org's because of lack of capital. In current time data isn't a small entity so let's not allow some private org monopolise data service.

Vipul Verma_3

Do not allow differential pricing. Bring #Netneutrality. I do not want to surrender my rights to telecom operators. I support #Netneutrality. i. No, they should not be allowed to do so, we all are already paying to them as per data usage they have no right to moderate which type of data do I use. ii. it should not be permitted at all. iii. provide a limited amount of data allowing anytype of data to be used

Vipul Verma_3

Do not allow differential pricing. Bring #Netneutrality. I do not want to surrender my rights to telecom operators. I support #Netneutrality.

Vidit Jain_5 hi, i. No, they should not be allowed to do so, we all are already paying to them as per data usage they have no right to moderate which type of data do I use. ii. it should not be permitted at all. iii. provide a limited amount of data allowing anytype of data to be used

Kumar Ashutosh Dubey

#NO never.....Content based subscriber classification must not prevail in any circumstance.Why are you dividing India, again. We don't want #netNeutrality to be defined by telecom companies, we do not want TSPs to control #whatIndiaAccess.They(TSPs) can not charge differently #differentialTariffs for different websites/applications/platforms #AllPeople #AllSites #AllTheTime No Licences for any VOIP(WhatsApp,Viber)

R YESODHARAN if i go to a restaurant and want to have chicken curry i expect to be given chicken curry,but if they say that instead of chicken we will give you panneer for free but for chicken you will be charged extra. chicken being the sites i want to visit. panneer being the apps they offer to give services for free. net neutrality is my freedom to visit any service as i feel.


Sir There should be no monopoly of 1-2 tele-company on INTERNET. Some selfish company trying to hijack Neutral Internet? This may be good initially but in coming & changing scenirio it'll be harmful for customer! So #TRAI should go for #NET- NEUTRALITY in public interest


Sir, What is logic of free, free, free & free? If some shrewd gangs advocating for free basic internet, is just a trap! In next tier they may categorised their tariff plan for selected services. So I vote for Net-Neutrality as it is


Free internet is a concept which should be focused on the rural areas as well as the Tier 3 and 4 cities and towns that have less internet penetration as compared to the rest of India. However in order to also benefit the Telco's and the Govt. simultaneously online portals such as those concerned with registering for Farmer benefit schemes, food production/trade/textiles/handlooms which rely on raw materials from rural areas should be made freely available while remaining accesses chargable.


Which ever company provides data usage there should be a display showing the data used on day to basis .like our electricity meter as there are lots of problems faced by the user as he doesn't have control on data lost due to virus,page updates,WiFi,the company's get benifited as consumers cannot fight on data usage .It may be a national waste as user is not benifited


Its a total shame from part of facebook which are chocking its competitor or better ideas and information and manipulating traffic because of its own self interest. Its injustice done to everyone. I do not want free basic and strongly reject it. They are misleading everyone to believe it to be free. I just say No no no no no no to free basic.It will suffocate the new ideas and innovation which are making life easy for people. indian startup with less capital loose to other rich competitor.


Yes there are alternate ideas 1. that is minimal data and maximum output. Like we have app or web page stored on our system. what saved page or app provides we need not to download it again beacause these have been already downloaded we can download only that part which has changed. Other parts we need not to download. 2. With it we can also use another method that is that we can send data in compressed form. This compressed data will be extracted by the app that remaining in the image...


I do not want free basics. It will create monopoly for Facebook and Reliance. Internet should be like electricity. I should be allowed to use it the way I want.

Shivanjali pandey

I as, responsible and a free citizen of india, support net neutrality and bycott what the telcom and facebook has offered the net discrimination with the suger coated tittles #freebasics and #digitalequality. #trai #netneutrality #bycottfreebasics

Vasu Singh

#TRAI Plans that I mentioned have changed a little but the FREE DATA LIMIT is still same.Changes are in call rates, sms & data overusage that too on the basis of "format prescribed by TRAI" website: plans .So any services like Facebook's Free Basics or which intent to provide restricted internet in the name of free internet must be rejected immediately.Plans like I mentioned in my earlier comments must be promoted by govt.

M Lewis

Developed countries with a high internet penetration are not the right example for us. We have a greater proportion of people who are still not connected to the internet, and they need to be brought online faster. The question is about affordability. If a telco cannot make net neutral access affordable to them, then either the government should subsidise those data plans, or other businesses serving content over the internet should subsidise those data plans. But somebody has to pay for it.

M Lewis

Internet based businesses that want to reach more consumers will be limited in offering their services to all if there is differential pricing, but why should they not have to pay for broader market access, same as the data consumer has to pay more for full net neutral access? Why should the data consumer foot the bill for what should be a marketing cost for the internet-based business.


First of all infrastructure to provide internet should be expeditiously developed by government. Bharatnet project should be fast tracked. Regarding providing free internet to people, an alternative can be tried where government appointed independent and autonomous body like UPSC or CAG considers and decide which services should be part of the "free package" to be made available to people rather than some private corporate body.

M Lewis

Why is this different from airlines offering different classes of travel on the same aircraft? If all airlines offer only business class seats, then many people will not be able to travel. Setting up an internet infrastructure is an expensive business, and net neutrality will restrict the service provider from recovering their investment by not being able to reach consumers who cannot afford a net neutral data plan.

DIPTESH DEB please do not allow differential pricing...ban free basics by facebook..govt plzz support NET NEUTRALITY

M Lewis

Differential pricing will allow those who cannot afford full and free access plans to at least have limited access. Basically, let the consumer pay for what he is happy to pay for. If we only have full cost net neutral data plans then internet penetration among the poor will take too long. Those who want net neutral data plans can continue to pay for them as they currently do. Differential pricing will help those who cannot afford net neutral access.

Kolappan Nathan

Do not allow differential pricing. Bring #Netneutrality. I do not want to surrender my rights to telecom operators. I support #Netneutrality.

Kolappan Nathan

If telecom companies want to provide free internet to poor people then restrict in by Data usage or time instead of giving access to limited websites. The activities such as #Freebasis will allow telecom operators to limit/control what these people do in internet. Just because of giving it for free telecom operators cannot control people.

Shilpi Sinha

1. Do not allow telecom companies to alter the definition of net nutrality. 2. We should be able to access any app/content on the internet of our choosing. 3. Please do not impose licensing on VOIP services like whatsapp, viber etc. #TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov

suprabhat sethi

I donot want net nutrality and i want my freedom

Vinay Prasad give free data usage for governments website......

Kartik Nitin Dasani

1. Do not allow telecom companies to alter the definition of net nutrality. 2. We should be able to access any app/content on the internet of our choosing. 3. Please do not impose licensing on VOIP services like whatsapp, viber etc.

Francis Hasda let there be net neutrality, differential pricing wont help the cause as presented by facebook ,airtel or reliance.. let there be equal rights given to all viz. the common men and E-entrepreneurs. what is presented as a step towards internet empowerment or a step towards digital India may lead to a tremendous loss for a country like India where E-startups are blooming . CONSIDER - a situation where new E-startup is stuck cause it is not getting a platform to present itself.

Mohit Dagar_1

I urge TRAI to maintain our freedom to access internet and DO NOT allow Differential Pricing. Differential Pricing will let the telecom companies to dictate our internet access. As a customer if I'm paying for the internet I shall have access to every website or service available on internet without discrimination or Telecom company charging me extra for particular service, app or website.

Vijay Rastogi

1) No differential pricing be allowed. 2) All TSP should allow free access to Government websites. This should be part of contract. No social media, marketing etc sites should be given free access. This will hamper competition and entry of new companies. 3) Basic telephony should include basic data services that will include http access to Union, state, district gov websites. More participation in governance.

Vishal Rakhecha_1

1.TSP's should not be allowed to charge differential prices as like you've already pointed out goes against the principle of non- discriminatory tariff our like we call it net neutrality. Another very important fact is that the companies(read Facebook) which are so aggressively campaigning for differential pricing in India have also with equal aggression lobbied in USA against this very thing. 3.There are other ways through which internet access can be provided to the rural and the urban poor

sanket shah_4

As a customer i urge TRAI to maintain our freedom to acess internet. How illogical is that to charge on basis of what site we use? Does electricity board sayd that if you use A.C.we charge you some amount and if you use T.V. we will charge you some amount. If you use cA.C.and T.V. of particular company we will not charge!


We must not sell the future of our country to Facebook and Reliance. Instead use direct benefit transfer providing data packs and at the same time maintain openness of internet. This is a very critical fight.. losing this will hamper our true potential. I agree with the below article by Nandan Nilekani heres-a-much-better-scheme-direct-benefit-transfer-for-internet-data-packs/

P R Murali Manohara Reddy

#TRAI #MYGOV #DATASERVICES What is more doubtful is the TRAI is working on this issue going back and forth. Once an idea is opposed it should be left alone. But why again and again coming up some or the other lengthy vocabulary filled papers to suggest the same thing we have been opposing all along. please let the Internet be free of the regulation by telecom operators or any kind of service providers. All services/apps shuld work without discrimination. Even the voip calling or OTT apps

P R Murali Manohara Reddy

#TRAI #MYGOV #DATASERVICES Why TRAI has come up with a paper even after opposed by so many people twice. How many more times do we have to fight for NET Neutral internet and fight for freedom again and again. The OTT services enabled voip calls should NOT be charged separately. We want actual NET NEUTRALITY not in the way the telecom operators are defining. All traffic should be treated the same way. its a highly distasteful step by Facebook to manipulate people in name of freebasics

P R Murali Manohara Reddy

#TRAI #DATASERVICES I completely support NET NEUTRALITY. The differential pricing is a step backward. Anything other than NET NEUTRALITY is against the freedom. The games played by the service providers like airtel, idea etc is very very cringeful. What is unfortunate is we as people have been vehemently fighting for NET NEUTRALITY twice already now and this is the third time the TRAI has come up with a no good citizen bashing paper which is unfortunate.

Vasu Singh

#DataServices Here is a cheaper one : MTNL’s Super Value Postpaid Plan- 199 offers Free call allowance worth Rs.150, Free 400 Local + 400 National SMS and Free 3G Data usage up to 100 MB. The call charges will be 20p/minute for local Voice and Video calls to MTNL N/W (Mobile/Landline) and 50p/min for any other network. All STD Voice calls will be charged for 60p/min and National Roaming Calls will cost 70p/min. And the charges after the data limit for both plans is 1p/10kb.

Vasu Singh

#DataServices This is my postpaid plan from MTNL The Super Freedom Plan-249 offers Free call allowance worth Rs.230, Free 600 Local + 600 National SMS and Free 3G Data usage up to 500 MB. The call charges will be 20p/minute for local Voice and Video calls to MTNL N/W (Mobile/Landline) and Voice calls to to other networ at 40p/min. All STD Voice calls will be charged for 50p/min and National Roaming Calls will cost 70p/min

Vasu Singh

#DataSevices->1.No differential pricing should be allowed.Companies like Airtel and Facebook are lobbying for zero rated apps because they have their own applications to promote and thus restrict people from using others.->2.With the advent of differential pricing comes the grave oppression of innovation.->3.Well there is and I'm using it for past 4-5 years and is by MTNL.My postpaid plan gives me 500mb of 3G data at just Rs249 which is unrestricted with cheap call and sms rates.

nahush ravindra gaikwad

As we are a part of the DEMOCRATIC NATION and their are Rights which are given free for the citizen.The easiest way to use this rights in TODAYS WORLD is by INTERNET.we chrage the means for utilizations of rights in a manner,their will be a loss of INNOVATORS and THINKERS.Which will make this thing the Digital India concept a FAIL.Dont Let "anyONE" decide what EVERYONE should do Cause that ONE will get SUPERPOWER.Which Will Again change the defination of DEMOCRATIC TO AUTOCTRATIC..FAIL!!U DECIDe

Phanimithra Gangalakurti

Internet should be open and free for all. Govt. should try to get the ISPs to reduce the costs further than giving them the reins of what people have access to. Free basics from FB is their personal agenda to take on Google and should not influence our country's Internet policy

Abhishek Kumar_68

Internet must be free from the influence of any person or government. It will be better to reduce internet costs rather than making it free.

P A Cariappa

Dear Sir, I am P A Cariappa, There must be transparency in " Differential pricing for Data Service, because , The user must know , the correct picture of his plan and data usage. Regards. P A cariappa.

Prathmesh Howale

Every person deserves the right to access everything on the internet without paying any money separately for different parts


Instead of giving free basics lower the cost of data. I request Indian Govt. not to support Differential Pricing for Data Services. Internet should be free of all such bounds.

Aashish Dave

Its a humble request to Government of India and TRAI on behalf of youngsters of the country to apply net neutrality i.e. equality in accessing various internet services.

Avi Sharma_6

We don't want Telecos with big pockets controlling our right to access the internet the way we want. People should help shape up the country, not companies with big deep pockets.

Rachit Shadra

Every person deserves the right to access everything on the internet without paying any money.

Rajeev Ranjan

I as a one of the indian and frequent user of internet and data,request TRAI and India Government to apply Net Neutrality in its original form i.equal internet for all website,app and platform for all equally.Not to provide data to some of the site or services. These days some of the telecom comp and facebook try to trap india and indians on the name of freebasics. So its a request to the government not to support such big names for some money plese think about the future of all youngsters.

M Lewis

There are two solution options to the problem of who should pay for providing data access to those who are still unconnected to the internet, ie, a third party private entity like Facebook, or the GoI. If a private party pays to subsidize it then they can control what data gets delivered. If the GoI subsidizes it for the poor and refrains from interfering with content, perhaps that would be the best way out. Data access for all is good, but the cost needs to be shared by a trustworthy party.

JANI BASHA SHAIK 1)First eliminate FB free basics proposal in our India . 2)Made net neutrality to all with out porn site's. 3)Maintain affordable prices from all service providers for grand success to digital India.

Prithvi Mahesh Hegde

I support net neutrality.We want to be able to access anything and everything at anytime without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing of whatsapp or any other app that we use. #MyGov

nazvir singh nagpal

To TRAI, Please note that India's IT sector and small scale industry growth is based upon the fundamental freedom to access of all kinds of data and information on the internet platform irrespective of the website.The thought of introducing differential pricing for data services will be resulting in restriction of data knowledge regarding new start up business as well as school level assignments/projects.In conclusion internet should be available to everyone to search everything.

ashish jhawar i want pure net neutrality , i am against facebook's concept of free basics and of telecom companies

Samarendra Basa

The pricing differentiation must needed for users otherwise the value of data must not realised by the common mass.

Aman Goswami_1

I would like to suggest not to take any great refom and like every other market let companies compete and make internet cheaper for everyone. If internet should be provided for free then let government provide it to those in need, so that a person can surf any site he wants and not be confined by free basic. And allow companies to tap in the untapped market by spreading internet facility as it exists everywhere. Its digital india not free net india.. #mygov #digiindia.

Punit Shukla

Facebook is giving bluff to Indians. If you want to give than go for some free data to every Indians. Start thru your BSNL/MTNL

Nibin Jacob Panicker

I support net neutrality. But at the same time I support free basics by FB as there are benefits from them which I also experience once. Regarding differential pricing, it's not something new. If it benefits somebody economically, why go against it. Everyone has the right to opt for it or stay away from it. What I don't wat to happen in India is controlling bandwidth and speed to specific services and websites.

Sunil Kumar_611

As everyone now can afford telephony now which were not affordable in 1990- 2005, in the same way, we can achieve the target to make intrtnet affordable and assessible indigenously in near future. The best way to achieve this goal is make people econimicaly strong. Facebook is doing its business only; don't go behind him.

Abhishek Mishra_71

Differential pricing for different website is not good as it's going to kill innovation and digital India. Also, it's against net neutrality. We all want net neutrality. We should have freedom of using the Internet just like we have freedom speech.

Ishan Prashant

Pricing should be on the basis of data usage not on the type of data being used..I am for complete net neutrality

shani anchal i want pure net neutrality , i am against facebook's concept of free basics and of telecom companies , internet should be free from any kind of selective and differential charges for data services .


Differential data pricing will let worst exploitation of customers by telecos. If technological advancement like Voice over internet facility provides service at low cost then it is right of the people to avail facility at cheapest cost. We still pay for data usage. If their is concern over internet accessibilty for all then telecos should bring down their exorbitant 2G/3G data charges. Its camouflage of telecos to serve their interest.


One model is that, govt. should make a platform and provide access tov arious ministerial and other useful websites free. Second model is that govt should start giving data to poor at subidized rate to cater their needs of internet access. Cost should be made through budgetery allocation and this model add to digital india compaign.


Differential Pricing system is sheer voilation of the principle of net neutrality. Though it has some advantages in short term but this pricing system leads to several disadvantages like hindered innovation, surge internet monopoly,harms starts up and many other harmful effects in long term.So in my view TRAI should give a clear no to such prising system. On the other side if it is necessary, then govt. should itself start such project to cater the needs of poor instead giving to private hands.

Ganesh R Iyer

The net cannot be owned it is an idea. Net neutrality that is being mentioned is as good as suppression of the freedom of speech and expression as is guaranteed by our constitution. It should not be allowed in our country which needs free internet to reach to the masses.

Anirban Sadhu

The word NET NEUTRALITY is itself a misnomer in its current usage. If you favour neutrality, then you would appreciate everyone's views in the Internet, which is a rare sight these days. What most common Indian citizens would want is a CHEAP/ AFFORDABLE solution to using Internet. Differential pricing, in this context is extremely essential as it promotes competitions among companies to provide not only cheaper but also better services to people. So, I SUPPORT DIFFERENTIAL PRICING.

Raveendra Uppala

Dear Sir, Facebook campaign is turned out to be evil. They asking people "send e-mails on name of " SAVE Free basics" . Slogan is similar to " SAVE NET Neutrality" . But allowing Free Basics is killing our Startups literally. What ever is the current NET nuetrality policy is good for every every citizen. But Facebook and Ambani's generosity we dont need, if have liberty and freedom, we can earn the money required purchase a internet connection.It is not good allowing freebasics.

nambiaruran sekkizhar

Current scenario: All our data service or internet data or voice call to all international all routed through Singapore(singtel- telcomm,90% revenue come tp signapore from india data traffic), they are earning more profit bcoz of indian data traffic. so our data service too costly. India need to create data HUB in our country, we need build own optical fibre network(using BSNL-one time investment life ) in underground sea,avoiding any Singapore. so our data or voice traffic cost will come down.


We do NOT support differential pricing. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies we want real net neutrality. We dont want telecom companies to control what we access on Internet. They can't charge differently for different websites. Everyone should have access to anything at anytime without having to pay separately for it. We don't want licensing for watsapp viber or any such app. Facebook is fooling people on the name of free basics we do NOT support that. #TRAI #MyGov


Any thing that violates net neutrality should not be encouraged! "Free Basics" Kills innovation! If any Private corporate company really has intention of helping poor they should provide an internet that doesn't by any means violate the definition of net- neutrality. They can do charity by giving only poor 500MB to 1GB of Data Everymonth, if they really care about poor! I don't support "Free BASICS" #indiawantsnetneutrality

Jashan Bajaj

TRAI's definition of Net Neutrality is wrong, REAL Net Neutrality means "Everyone can access EVERYTHING on the internet" , Did you see EVERYTHING part there?? It means we can access everything which is on the Internet. Please don't change the definition of Net Neutrality.. We don't want to pay for any specific thing.. And also the telecoms are offering net neutrality to those who have access to Internet , pls show some faith and provide free Internet for backward people but not telcos net neut.

Vishal Arora_19

TRAI's definition of Net Neutrality is wrong, REAL Net Neutrality means "Everyone can access EVERYTHING on the internet" , Did you see EVERYTHING part there?? It means we can access everything which is on the Internet. Please don't change the definition of Net Neutrality.. We don't want to pay for any specific thing..

Ishant Sharma_4

"The principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favouring or blocking particular products or websites" This.

Swarnendu Das

Basic sites should be made free, but those privileged sites or contents(privileged) should be made paid. As we done in taxation as per item wise selection

Pratik Mahendrabhai Modi

Such sites must be allowed, but government must take care of one thing that, free content is of basic Necessity only, and not a medium of time pass, like social networking. It should not be a trap to monopolize service market and close doors for potential rivals.

Ashvir kumar I hate free basics,, Airtel Zero, bla..bla. I just want to use my internet with freedom. I love Net Neutrality.

Ashvir kumar i want Net Neutrality.

Vijay Patil_15

Differential Pricing is completely in violation of Internet Equality and defeats the purpose of Digital India campaign. I strongly object and oppose this. We need net euquality,no extra charges,no licensing,we should be able to excess Internet freely and every thing....We need real net neutrality

Abirbhav Chakrawarty_1

Primary area that needs to be worked on is the basic Internet speed almost uniformly all over the country. This saves lot of time for all the Internet users and psychologically encourages them to use online services and connect with rest of the world. Second thing to be considered is the rocketing Internet prices of the companies,especially the 3G services. It is very difficult for lower middle class citizens to afford. Immediate attention should be paid to limit these costs.


Main free basics ke against hun ?

Brijesh pareek

WE need net euquality,no extra charges,no licensing,we should be able to excess Internet freely and every thing....We need real net neutrality

Kunal pareek_1

Plzzz we Don't need these different licensing and all or those extra charges...our net is good how it is right now

Kunal pareek_1

1) For startups/entrepreneurship/innovation to survive and flourish in the digital age, India cannot compromise Net Neutrality. So no content based differentiation, positive or negative, can be allowed. 2) No differentiation based on content,application,speed,location,demographic,etc should be permitted. 3) Alternative methods to ensure connectivity for all are a) serving privacy protecting ads in exchange for full internet without discrimination. b) smaller data packs for cheaper access

Yadu A

1) For startups/entrepreneurship/innovation to survive and flourish in the digital age, India cannot compromise Net Neutrality. So no content based differentiation, positive or negative, can be allowed. 2) No differentiation based on content,application,speed,location,demographic,etc should be permitted. 3) Alternative methods to ensure connectivity for all are a) serving privacy protecting ads in exchange for full internet without discrimination. b) smaller data packs for cheaper access

Arjita Chauhan

TRAI's definition of Net Neutrality is wrong, REAL Net Neutrality means "Everyone can access EVERYTHING on the internet" , Did you see EVERYTHING part there?? It means we can access everything which is on the Internet. Please don't change the definition of Net Neutrality.. We don't want to pay for any specific thing..

Bimal prasad

Probably TRAI members are not well versed to enact proper policies regarding net connectivity by Telecom operators. I am surprised, why the Roaming-free mobile telecom system has not been activated yet throughout India? Otherwise there should be uniform data/ talktime/SMS plans around India. 2G 3G Spectrum business is the demolishing act of the central govt., which go against DIGITAL INDIA dream.

Devey Singh Rathore

Differential Pricing is completely in violation of Internet Equality and defeats the purpose of Digital India campaign. I strongly object and oppose this. Differential pricing for different amount of Data is acceptable but varying based on the services is not.

Bikash Kumar_9

Internet should be neutral to everybody and no specific content like Facebook should be made on free basis. If at all any content Government likes to make free to public, it should be Government websites like all * * websites, not any content from private players like Facebook etc. All other content should be equally accessible on same rate.

Ashish Kumar_358

Addendum to my previous alternative solutions which will provide Free Internet rather than Free Basics. Direct Benefit Transfer for internet data packs

Rahul Jain

Dear Sir, As we all said we don't want the free basics of the Facebook. We want Absolute Net Neutrality Mobile operator should not be allowed to charge more for data to companies then it charges to the user.

raja dubey_1

We do not want net neutrality to be in hands of telecom companies And I don't want telecoms to control what part of Internet I use n I do not want their control over my Internet access

Ragini Kaushal

No we don't want TSP's to be allowed. We are already paying too much for internet services. very few consumers use full data and companies are taking benefit. Internet and apps are free and everyone has right to use free services. Companies are charging too much from 2G plans and speed is very much slow. 3G plan are very expensive. govt. should not allow TSP's.

Eldo Skaria

We don't want FB's free basics, the way it is now. Period. And, we want ABSOLUTE NET NEUTRALITY. Period. TSP may provide differential speeds for different packages. But at same time, there should not be a speed variation in same package for different services/sites #NetNeutrality

vikramaditya saini

TSPs should not be allowed to charge deferentially. If differential pricing is allowed it should be for the benefit of user. The way to adopt differential pricing (zero rating) is 1. no change in data speed 2. all companies should be allowed to apply for it, or not 3. mobile operator should not be allowed to charge more for data to companies then it charges to the user. 4. User should not be asked to pay any kind of data/activation/other charge while he is using zero rated site.


1.Tariffs should simple. Tariff should be scalable according to the need of the user. 2.The present state of data service is extremely poor.Speed is far far lower with respect to the declared speeds.Reliability of the service is dimally poor. 3.If one compares the cost of data in India in relation to purchasing power of average Indian user - vis a vis to data charges in developed nations ( UK,USA,Korea,Japan etc.) in relation to their purchasing power,the cost here is very very high.

dev p singh

We strongly support net neutrality, we dont need any gate keeper or walled garden in the name of FREE BASICS, to decide what to see or what not to see. We want to access all the websites on internet equally without any discrimination.

Jayesh Vani

#TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov My views on differential pricing of data services in the attached document.

Swaminathan B_1

Don't believe in Differntial pricing to reduce internet penetration. It would count off access to genuine sites and promote only select few sites. Hence support NetNeutrality


I don't want the Internet to become a cable TV broadcast. So I support net neutrality.

Shankar Nag Nemmani

We Support Net Neutrality. We don't want Facebook's FreeBasics in India.

venu gopal myneni

It is undemocratic to put a differential pricing, like a library with only certain types of books. I pay money for the "amount of" data I use not the "type of" data. If you want to provide Internet for everybody increase the standard of living of people. There is no other shortcut.#TRAI

Rajeswari Iyer

Dear sir, following is the msg to PMO from my Son Rakesh Iyer who works at Google USA. Pl see link in the interest of our country Regards Rajeswari Iyer - Goa.

Rajeswari Iyer

Dear sir, The following is from a post from my son Rakesh Iyer, who works for Google in CA, USA. This I am forwarding to you in the interest of our country. PMO India - Please don't let Facebook's free basics go forward in its current form. This is not a concern about net neutrality, this is a concern about the privacy and security of all Indian citizens. When the NSA decrypts your SSL connection in the name of national security..

Sandeep Singh Bisht we strongly support net neutrality, we dont need any gate keeper or walled garden to decide what to see or what not to see, we want to access all the websites on internet equally without any descrimination

bhaskar_38 we strongly support net neutrality, we dont need any gate keeper or walled garden to decide what to see or what not to see, we want to access all the websites on internet equally without any descrimination

Vivek yadav_56

This differential pricing and free basics are the same thing...we don't want these ..we want net neutrality ...

gaurav_417 changing meaning of net neutrality and trying to befool us... Telecom operatores were already such cheaters and they wanna go to another level.. We want freedom to access EVERYTHING on the internet with equality.

Tomsan Kattackal

There should not be any Differential Pricing at all. There is no need to ask the public. ISPs are already looting the users, please find ways of controlling them.

Anoop Aparajit we want access to evrything on the internet equaly

Anoop Aparajit

Please Dont Destroy Net Neutrality

Avik Das_3 we want to be able to access anything, at anytime, without having to pay more for it separately...

atul singh_49 everything on the internet should be equally access to everyone , that is the way digitalisation will be true

akash tripathi_1

Free internet basics is important but not at cost of start up india campaign.

Ashish Tondon

A big no for different tariffs on the basis of website. This will kill startup India. I Urge Prime minister of India Please intervene in this matter. 'NO NO NO NO to Free basics'

Sivakumar Duraipandy

Dear Sir, seeking comments on Differential Pricing is itself Discriminatory as most of our people dont have access to internet. The Govt should not give any chance to commercial entities to stop our freedom of expression

Chetan Kunghadkar

Hay I don't support free basics by Facebook becouse every one has an equal credits on internet and internet is free and equal for all

Kameshwar Umapathy

To TRAI, Please note that India's IT sector and small scale industry growth is based upon the fundamental freedom to access of all kinds of data and information on the internet platform irrespective of the website.The thought of introducing differential pricing for data services will be resulting in restriction of data knowledge regarding new start up business as well as school level assignments/projects.In conclusion internet should be available to everyone to search everything. #NetNeutrality

Kal Vyas

I support #NetNeutrality since it has empowered common people as well as Government. Please do not allow commercial establishments to take control of it. If #MyGov genuinely wants to have direct communication then Principle is not to mess with something which is Open and Equal. Regarding Digital India, please ask Facebook kind of Organizations and telcom operators such as Airtel, Reliance etc to Digitally enable number of villages as per their capacity. #SaveTheInternet

Jadeja Rajdeepsinh Ashubha

I support net neutrality because i belive that free basics leads to monopoly and not protect net neutrality

Vinay Agarwal_14

I support real net neutrality fully and I believe that the government will not let the telecom companies differentiate the sites that we use. We should be allowed to access all the internet unrestricted for all the people all of the time without having to pay to access different sites and not be charged differently for different websites by telecom companies. We do not want licenses separately for the apps that we use like WhatsApp or Viber etc...

Himanshu Lakra

I does not support free basics by facebook, I think it violates net neutrality .

Jagrati Upadhyay

I support net neutrality, I believe in my gov. Coz I have voted for it net can play role in uplifting poor by improving the skilled India but Facebook has make the situation wort as most of the children waste their precious time in it & free basic might may the situation wort. Internet up to some data should be available free to students which is already given some univ.through WiFi but only in hostle so for days scholars the data should be included as a part of scholarship.


This is against net neutrality. Inspite of that the more relevant data services should be build in such a way that they consume less amount of data.

Ms Kamakshi Kaul

I don't support Facebooks initiative of Free Basics. There should be internet available to all, for accessing anything, from anywhere and at affordable cost.


It seems nobody hears us that is reason we have to keep on telling Government what we want and they fails to understand what is best for us or may be they don't want our freedom. Please don't let us the victim of the Telecom operators, please think of our growth. Thanks.

ranjan saxena

I support #NetNeutrality. WE don't want a foreign company to come and tell us how to use the internet. The digital India mission should be aimed at better connectivity, computer literacy and e governance services and not to be played in the hands of a company. Developing apps for farmers and youth portals would make this country grow and not free basics. Do not colonise the internet.

Rishabh Shukla_12

I support #NetNeutrality, I want to be able to access all the Internet with equal speed and access. I do not wish to be guided on the Internet about where to shop, what to watch, what to listen. Stop this attempt to colonize the Internet. #SaveTheInternet

Hari Krishnan Dhurairaj

Internet is the only diverse portal with equality. Please do not colonize it approving Facebook's free basics. #SaveTheInternet


I want equality and wants to excess each and every website with same speed.please dont do anything to hamper start up.stop its worse than worse.

Nitin sharma_103 n even we donot want free basics we want free internet

Nitin sharma_103

1. Do not allow Free Basics and let MNCs control India. We need Net neutrality for our digital freedom. The Government and TRAI must defend and protect Net neutrality. 2. Facebook has NOT played ANY role in the growth of Internet in India and it should not be allowed to move ahead with Free Basics. 3. Free Basics is nothing but Internet colonialism by new age MNCs like Facebook.

abhishek kumar sharma_4

1. Do not allow Free Basics and let MNCs control India. We need Net neutrality for our digital freedom. The Government and TRAI must defend and protect Net neutrality. 2. Facebook has NOT played ANY role in the growth of Internet in India and it should not be allowed to move ahead with Free Basics. 3. Free Basics is nothing but Internet colonialism by new age MNCs like Facebook.

Sai Haarish

1. Do not allow Free Basics and let MNCs control India. We need Net neutrality for our digital freedom. The Government and TRAI must defend and protect Net neutrality. 2. Facebook has NOT played ANY role in the growth of Internet in India and it should not be allowed to move ahead with Free Basics. 3. Free Basics is nothing but Internet colonialism by new age MNCs like Facebook.

Sai Haarish

1. Do not allow Free Basics and let MNCs control India. We need Net neutrality for our digital freedom. The Government and TRAI must defend and protect Net neutrality. 2. Facebook has NOT played ANY role in the growth of Internet in India and it should not be allowed to move ahead with Free Basics. 3. Free Basics is nothing but Internet colonialism by new age MNCs like Facebook.

Nitish Ranjan_1

Do not allow free basics. The less privileged do not need internet to spend their time on one particular site. The need for social networking will be at the bottom in their priority list. If Facebook really wants to help the poor and wants to see a digital India, let them provide a fair amount of data usage free for each individual to give them access to things that can change their life for a better tomorrow.

Prithvi Sehgal

Do not allow free basics . Do not give all the power to one corporation which will be detrimental towards net neutrality. Free basics will be step towards the disruption of digital India.

Manish Prasad_7

Allowing FREE-BASICS would allow a direct security breach in the indian sub continent, as the use of drones by Facebook is very dangerous.It can be used by terrorists or any other anti-social element to fulfill their selfish motives. Net- neutrality is our own goverment approach ,allowing foreign companies to control the networking policy is dangerous for our country's security.Also,net-neutrality is far better than facebook intiative in economic terms..

Balasubramanian Pechimuthu

Govt supported the Openness in ICT and brought out Policies on Open Standard, Open Data, Open Source Software, etc to have strategic control on ICT solutions used in eGov. Net-Neutrality helps to maintain the openness; in its absence, Govt initiatives like Startup-India, Digital-India, Digital-Inclusiveness will suffer. The young Indian Entrepreneurs will suffer in bringing innovative business models making technology.

Chetan Sankhla

दर पर पर न पर दर पर 250 /1 GB और 1.5 375

Amit Goel_11

Free basics should be based on Net Neutrality means Everything should be accessible to Everyone and not like that for the services which are part of free basics, are free to access and for the others, which we want to access, we have to pay again.


I do not support free basics. I vote for net neutrality. Its what large corporations do - lobby for their own benefit under some sort of pretence like in this case Facebook trying to help all the poor Indians by getting them connected to the Internet. It is a prima facie case of illegitimate motive to tap a huge market like India and getting them used to FB and some limited websites by merely trapping ignorant people. As a responsible Govt body TRAI should act for the greater good of this Nation

Sanath Kumar

I support Differential pricing similar to free-to-air TV channels coexist with paid channels, this can not be considered discriminatory. Other examples are Toll-free telephone, Govt's free food schemes/cross subsidy schemes, reservations & different cut-off mark/age in competitive exams all can be debatable but it exists. Govt./Regulator should decide on terms & conditions and not Pvt. players like FaceBook. Free basics should be allowed with different T&C and some I've enclosed in pdf.

Dusmant Pati

I do not support Free basics. Facebook is trying to create a crack among the citizens of india by promoting this Free basics. I think, most of us know, why they are trying to do it. To make more folks on FB and grow with their advertisement revenue. FB has vested interest than anything else. I vote for Net Neutrality. #savetheinternet #TRAI

Ashish Kulshrestha_4

Free Basics seems to be a noble effort on face of it as it is giving platform to people who can't afford to have internet. My only point is if someone is thinking so much about well being why is he not offering Complete Internet platform for free through any provider. Companies are showering so much freebies at the initial stage but they would not mind changing this policy as the platform get numerous dependent citizens. Hence I REJECT Free Basics.

Pramod Shetty

I do not support Free basics.It should not be allowed in India. I Vote For Net Neutrality. #savetheinternet


I dont want to pay for any service i use, i dont want telecom companies to tell me what i can see and what i cannot. I do not want my usage to be monitored and charged for internet. we already have parents telling us what to use and wat not to. Please spare us another set of them, besides these new ones dont even care for us...more like step parents.


Lets set the free basics right, the citizens are being robbed of their rights and are being fooled. Providing free basics to people who need other basics more than a laptop is not just, facebook and others; if they really wish to connect INDIA digitally they should do something like Microsoft and educate them, teach them, give them the knowledge then the access to a whole new world of knowledge...not lure them into something that may not be as useful for them in the long run.

Maheshwari Rangaraju I as a netizen of India would champion equality TO EACH AND EVERY CURRENT AND POTENTIAL INTERNET USER. I support net neutrality mainly because of the aspect of equality enshrined in the constitution. Yes the poor need internet connectivity, but I guarantee free basics cannot fill this void mainly because it rejects VOIP's and video streaming which in reality break literacy barriers. We need to understand the ulterior motive and fight it. #SaveTheInternet

Abhishek Gupta_183 i support prime minister initiative of Digital India. But this dream can only be achieved after putting different telecom operators under strict super vision. The quality of Data services provided by them is too low compared to cost demanded by them. TRAI should impose suitable penalties on them and should compel them to improve the services.

Pilla Satish

I do not support free basics initiated by facebook. I Vote For Net Neutrality.

Priyanka Utkarsha

I do not support free basics. Government should protect the interest of the people of the country who voted for them not the facebook. I Vote For Net Neutrality what it actually means & Not "Net Neutrality" what telecomm defines

Dhanashree Patil

I do not support free basics.Government should not allow it in India I vote for net neutrality

surinder kaur_10

I do not support free basics.Government should protect the interest of the people the country who voted for them not the facebook.I Vote For Net Neutrality.

Anil Kandalam

"Where innovation/creativity and new talent stops it will be death of that company or sector " so please have net neutrality to encourage new companies or else it will be end of innovation as market will be conquered by only big companies and it will be end of the development of the sector.

Pooja Chavan

I do not support free basics.Institutions like facebook should not be allowed by government to devoid net traffic to some websites and charge for the rest.This is not net neutrality.

Anuj Chavan

I do not support free basics.Government should not allow it in India I vote for net neutrality

Prasad Deshpande_3

Strictly no to Free Basics. We cannot use our citizens for controlled social experiments from Facebook who will profit immensely. To allow free basics is akin to giving a Firman to the East India Company and naively allowing them to eventually to colonise us.

Ashish Kumar_358

Strictly No to Free Basics. For starters they will collect lot of data from Indian public freely and dump to foreign agencies under the garb of FREE Basics. On top of that they will control flow of information which will be biased or promoted or represent a chosen few by Facebook and thus killing innovation. Even faculty of IIT and IISc are slamming Free Basics.

Ankur Jamwal

I do not support differential pricing for data services. Differential pricing means telecom companies will have the right to scuttle the growth of smaller and newer innovators who cannot afford to be in agreement with the TSP. What if I am unhappy with a particular TSP and would like to switch to another but the other service provider does not offer me the services of a particular website? Internet charges are already very high in India and TSPs are already making exorbitant profits. #TRAI

Nizam Mohideen_2

See attached PDF for detailed response. Short summary: No to differential pricing because the TSPs do not incur differential cost, and they already use pricing strategies to maximize revenue and profit. Are there alternative ways for free internet access? No free water, no free electricity! Why free internet? Teach a man to fish, not give him fish!

Anand Goradia

Ideally,there should be no like "free Internet" instead government can enforce Telecom /Internet service providers to provide free access to all government services (state ir central govt) this will serve some purpose of peoples who are dependent on government sites for there work and this will also facilitate govt to roll out new online services.

aman singh_95 i do not want to give money to access any website. so i support digital equality(net nutralitity). i say no to 'free basic'


I demand net neutrality that is not biased or controlled by telecom companies or facebook..Keep India Free.


"Reach India Rise Every Indian" . My support to free basic internet.


"Reach India Rise Every Indian" . My support to free basic internet.


"Reach India Rise Every Indian" . My support to free basic internet.

Yeluvaka Dileep Kumar i) No. ii) Follows from 1,this case should not arise. iii) "Providing free internet access to the consumers"- who? Pressure Groups such as Facebook, TSPs. Why? To use there differential priced applications and click on ads. Government should look into other alternatives to provide with "free internet"(if needed) and not to rely on TSPs who collaborate with application developers to do this.

Sachin Mundra

Is there any reporting on how many suggestions recd, how many were positive and how many were negative? I suspect there is any usable reporting that can be generated from such a forum. Can you please provide radio buttons or clearly selectable checkboxes for the result that you are attempting to obtain from such a survey? Otherwise is there is no clear indication of the results. Thanks!

Sandeep Anirudhan

First of all, Net Netrality must last forever! Secondly, Facebook is manipulating its users to send a letter supporting its Free Basics feature to the TRAI, this is 'FRAUD' and deliberate manipulation, and exercise of Monopolistic powers! Facebook should be tried for all of these violations! Thirdly, TRAI should be directed to ignore all the emails received thus from users of facebook.

Sachin Mundra

NO, NO, NO! No - TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing specific websites. This will lead to monopolization and polarization towards those websites. We want the country to be un-biased especially in todays age, this move will definitely cause bias to be rampant. No - Differential pricing should not allowed, period. There are no rules implementable enough to give any likeliness of credibility. We should work towards reasonable tariff plans

Prakash Kumar_66

I strongly oppose free basics should not be started in India...

Amit Prakash_9

1. Stricly No, I Strongly oppose Free Basics #SayNoToFreeBasics #SaveTheInternet. 2. If differential pricing for data usage is permitted, I would suggest the Mozilla way of attribution by Sponsoring the Full Internet. . Still a moot point. 3.Alternatives are: a.) to offer free Internet across India at 64 kbps( b.) Pruthvi, a chip, can connect India's rural population to the internet




"I SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY OR DIGITAL EQUALITY.BIG NO TO FREE BASICS BY FACEBOOK." Everyone should be able to access everything on the Internet Equally. Otherwise consequence will affect schemes like "Digital India", "Make in India" & also for the emerging "Start-up" environment. I think, improve mobile network quality in all over the country along with fair bandwidth scheme will bring the digital revolution in India and we don’t need misleading and tricky FREE BASICS. JAI HIND

Sai Kashyap I strongly condemn Free Basics campaign by Facebook,for they violate net neutrality.

Saurabh Choraria

#SaveTheInternet Being an Egalitarian I support equality for all and Facebook's Free Basics will not support that in future. It may seem right now that it will provide all for free but it will not allow some competitive site or app to stack up its contents for free. Free basics will hurt us bad and is shown very particularly in this article both technology wise and economy wise No to differential data service. I support #NetEquality


Please do let facebook or any company hijack internet in India. I am against in its current form and support net neutrality

Shiva hari kumar B

I don't want to let a foreign organization decide what is basic for Indian citizens. Let's get this straight - "Free Basic" such use of generic word is again Indian ad policy, but because they are not registered in India the government can't even sue them! Think about making them the authority for free usage of internet.


I support net neutrality.If it is removed then it is doubtful whether programmes like digital india can achieve it's goals.

Roshni Agnihotri

I do not support free basics and its differential pricing policy.It is against the idea of net neutrality where everything should be accessible by everyone without any regulation by any agency. If free basics truely aims at connecting the poor, it should adopt an "equal rating" plan as proposed by Mozilla corporation. Any program against net neutrality such as free basics and airtel zero are against the development of a true digital India.

Malay Ghosh_3

I support net neutrality and against free basic internet as the later is an effort towards monopolization of internet. Internet should be free for all and for everything without any interference from any service provider or some software tycoon.

Dhairyasheel Prabhakar Salunkhe

I support Net Neutrality which will guarantee right to access all information on the internet at agreed service quality (speed, uptime, no unsolicited information such as advertisements). I am not in favour of Free Basics or similar ideas which will encroach upon my basic right to information which I will/want to seek.

Jitender yadav_7

75% against free basic.If allowed TRAI should control the free services.Because in long run it could lead to established of companies as monopoly.They could then control the internet that you access because certainly people will rely more on free things like news,or jobs.So you will watch the things that they want you to watch. Any new startup will certainly not get equal opportunity as they will provide paid services but already established will provide the same services for free..

Gaurav Joshi No TSP should be allowed to filter / differential pricing as that would open up corporate to put terms into the system which has not have regulation via the TRAI. if differential pricing is permitted then the segmentation for uptake of services should not be throttled for the free / paid access - these should be clearly defined i.e. not that you browse free sites & one link is paid. either all / only free or totally free. Since the internet pipe is one hence cannot have differential.

Kashyap Vijay

I do not support free basics and its differential pricing policy.It is against the idea of net neutrality where everything should be accessible by everyone without any regulation by any agency. If free basics truely aims at connecting the poor, it should adopt an "equal rating" plan as proposed by Mozilla corporation. Any program against net neutrality such as free basics and airtel zero are against the development of a true digital India.

Manoj Kumar_673 i-No.TSP should never have authority on charging based on platforms, websites,applications ii-As previous is a no this is NA iii- As proven already in current internet format like free websites with ads, is the only option to provide free internet to poor people.As we are already used to that model we can continue follow it.We should regulate, that it should not obstruct the main content.Like a scroller or side banners are okay and it is a good revenue model. Just stop everything and let it be

GEETHA RAME GOWDA i. TSPs should NOT have differential pricing for data usage based on different websites, applications/platforms. ii. There is one and only one way to ensure this - PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW DIFFERENTIAL PRICING at all. This will hurt schemes like "Digital India", "Make in India" and also the healthy "Start-up" environment that is developing now. iii. Improve bandwidth quality and remote access, networks for internet access established to remotest regions. You can introduce fair bandwidth scheme.

Lekha Juliana David

I hope i'm not too late. I support net neutrality, the proper definition of net neutrality that lets us access THE COMPLETE INTERNET FREELY and NOT the definition given by the FILTHY RICH TELECOM PROVIDERS, SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES etc. Please don't think we Indians are naive enough to just accept and follow anything that says "FREE".

Sai Kumar_17

Please do not change anything let the current working of internet continue do not change it. You are thinking as if you are providing free but it is killing some one else income through new system. Please do not change it please.

Sai Kumar_17 i-No.TSP should never have authority on charging based on platforms, websites,applications ii-As previous is a no this is NA iii- As proven already in current internet format like free websites with ads, is the only option to provide free internet to poor people.As we are already used to that model we can continue follow it.We should regulate, that it should not obstruct the main content.Like a scroller or side banners are okay and it is a good revenue model. Just stop everything and let it be

sam mehra support free basic

Tenila Murugesan i-No.TSP should never have authority on charging based on platforms, websites,applications ii-As previous is a no this is NA iii- As proven already in current internet format like free websites with ads, is the only option to provide free internet to poor people.As we are already used to that model we can continue follow it.We should regulate, that it should not obstruct the main content.Like a scroller or side banners are ok and it is a good revenue model.

pranav chaturvedi_1

I support Net Neutrality and i am not in favor of Free Basics by No Big Brothers should control what we access through internet.

arush seth

I support Net Neutrality and i am not in favor of Free Basics by Thanks



Anshumali Baruah

I support Net Neutrality. Everyone needs to be able to access anything at any time. Right to Information is one of our basic rights and no one should be able to regulate that.

Krupa Dhiren Mashruwala

I Support Net Neutrality. NO to FREE BASICS by FACEBOOK. Everyone should be able to access the everything on the Internet Equally.

Karthikeyan VRL

Contd... Some knowledge and learning websites will be at disadvantage. Say IIT websites offer free online tutorials for learning. But if the service provider charges for accessing the website, then the total purpose of creating the free learning modules is defeated. Many such examples can be given. The point is TSP's should not be allowed to do pricing for access to websites. contd...

Dilip Singh_36

Something better than nothing. At least people in rural areas will have access to some basic contents on net for free, than having absolutely no access or by paying for it which not many can afford. If this gets manipulated in future that harms nation, then TRAI can always chip in. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".. I'm for giving Free Basics a try.

Karthikeyan VRL

Replies for the questions raised in consultation paper: 1. TSP's should be dissuaded from differential pricing for data usage for different websites, applications or platforms. If they are allowed to do so, the whole objective of website development goes for a toss. Eg: ANY TSP MAY CHARGE ME TO ACCESS MYGOV.IN WEBSITE in particular, and that would defeat the whole objective of the government of creating this website. continued...

Nimmagadda Sai Srikar I Support Net Neutrality. NO to FREE BASICS by FACEBOOK

Puneet Tiwari_1

I as an aware citizen of India and stakeholder of India would like to raise the correct definition of Net Neutrality : "Net Neutrality is access to everything present on internet by everyone in any amount without any independent third party regulation for their commercial benefit" Internet is of people and shall remain of people Don't kill this important utility of Internet... and move ahead with the definition of Net Neutrality as their in Developed countries like USA and its imoprtnt

Gokul J Krishnan

To quote from AIB's video.."If something like orkut was a free app on airtel zero 10 years ago..there would not have been a facebook today." .The internet is the biggest platform for anything new..Brilliant ideas ...unforseen and revolutionary thoughts. If the largest resource on the planet is sold to a few multinationals..these may not see light. Prevent the oligopolistic conversion of the Internet. Everything should be equal on the Internet for everybody

Gokul J Krishnan

I know I am late to the scene but please consider this request by me and other lakhs of people who are ignorant of this like I was or are too lazy to comment on but I know to be of similar opinion .I now understand how serious an issue this is and I along with those other people support full net neutrality.The Internet is one of the few places where true equality exists now to a great extent. please don't take that away for the greed of few telecom corporates and the likes of facebook.


I support Net Neutrality. Save net. From, Bhavin Vyas. Ahmedabad.


I support full net neutrality.

Roshan Pudussery

#savetheinternet we want to have net neutrality. we do not want companies of telecom companies to dictate the terms of my usage.

Shubham_408 i support basics but not a free basics i support net neutrality. to access all and each site that i want to access internet #savetheinternet

Pankaj Yadav_39

I support net neutrality. Internet should be provided in full. Division of services within internet takes whole meaning out of the word Internet. Hence I strongly oppose the Free basics initiative and the differential pricing of data services. #TRAI #MyGov #SaveTheInternet

Jasjeet singh_4

I support net neutrality and dont want to pay for every single thing differently.and also oppose the concept of Voip licencing #savetheinternet.this is not the digital india that we want,hence no or anything zero or something we just want freedom over internet

Danish Kelkar

I firmly support net neutrality and I don't want telecom companies to define it for me. Anyone should be able to access anything on the Internet at any time and telcos can't charge us more for some specific services. We need to realize that the Internet is a utility and not a luxury and if decisions on this are taken otherwise, we'll lose a lot we possess right now; the idea of Digital India will be forced to futility. Hence, please propose net neutrality and oppose differential pricing.

Nihar Apte

The act on Differential pricing for Data Services talks about giving the Basic services of the Internet for FREE. The point that is being missed is that currently, the vastness of the internet is available for free with the help of data carriers anyway. WHY should i pay for services im getting to use for free anyway. Moreover, WHY should i pay data carriers for services they didnt create in the first place. Data carriers should focus on providing steady internet connection.


There's no such thing as a free lunch, please take a sensible decision and don't put we people in the trap of foreign money makers. We are prosperous enough to buy internet.I am for net neutrality #SayNoToFreeBasics #SaveTheInternet.

Rajat Kumar_56

I support net neutrality. Dont let the internet in India controlled by very few big brands.

Sampath Kumar Krishnan

I support net neutrality. Internet should be provided in full. Division of services within internet takes whole meaning out of the word Internet. Hence I strongly oppose the Free basics initiative and the differential pricing of data services. #TRAI #MyGov #SaveTheInternet


I strongly oppose the Act now to save Free Basics in India and we don't require free.


Support net neutrality. strongly in oppose of differential data pricing. dont let the internet in India controlled by very few big brands. Me as a student severely opposes all these acts being taken by the big brands. Let the internet in India be as usual as today. Many of us wanted to start new ventures in the future and do not want to be controlled by existing tycoons. This is my sincere request not to allow such big brands to rule our country. This do not support digital india even it ke

Omkar Sapre

I support net neutrality. strongly in oppose of differential data pricing.

Suman reddy aella

Sir please say no to free basics. We don't want differential pricing of data services. Provide the net neutrality. Protect the internet.

Ashish Kumar_358

1. Stricly No, I Strongly oppose Free Basics #SayNoToFreeBasics #SaveTheInternet. 2. If differential pricing for data usage is permitted, I would suggest the Mozilla way of attribution by Sponsoring the Full Internet. . Still a moot point. 3.Alternatives are: a.) Aircel to offer free Internet across India at 64 kbps( b.) Pruthvi, a chip, can connect India's rural population to the internet

Raj Jha

Instead of differential data pricing as a general option, allow the operators to offer differential data pricing packages ONLY if they have a package available for general data traffic (non differential charges) AND if the prices are not obnoxiously out of tune between the two options.

Raj Jha

Differential data pricing is not fair and will release in control over the freely accessible content to people. Free Internet is a blessing, please do not opt for differential data pricing.


No to free basics. Net neutrality should be provided in Indian without any Rules. India needs net neutrality to develop. #TRAI #NoToFreeBasics #NetNeutrality

Gautham Krishna Ballal

Hello Sir, We dont need free basics. We need free everything, i.e once we pay for one data pack, we should be able to access anything and everything, without any regulation. Net neutrality should be provided in Indian without any Rules. India needs net neutrality to develop. Regards, Indian

Vikrant Bhise

Sir pleae do not allow differntial data pricing. In my view ISP should not be allowed to control what the subsciber can view or not view once he subcribes to the data. Such control will in a longer run hurt the common man more than helping. Also this may be detrimental to small startups. Giants like Facebook would always like that especially seeing the potential in India.

ravali Preethi

Dear sir, dont let the internet in india controlled by very few big brands. Me as a student severely opposes all these acts being taken by the big brands. Let the internet in india be as usual as today. Many of us wanted to start new ventures in the future and do not want to be controlled by exisiting tycoons. This is my sincere request not to allow such big brands to rule our country. This do not support digital india even it keeps the power under few ppl that too from other countries

Gandharv Sharma

Sr. wise comments as under: 1. No. Individual TSP should not be allowed. The intent of providing free basic internet services is good but why with only one operator. Let it be a common across all the operators. 2. N/a as answer to 1. above is No. 3. Needs further examination and discussions. So no comments for the present.

KRIPAL BARMAN I am a supporter of net neutrality which Free Basics threatens to weaken. I am against free basics.

Anuj Kumar Chandra

I am totally a "Digital Equality", Net Neutrality or whatever the name you are gonna change in the future to get maximum votes

nirmal chaubey

1)YES.Because if any of those platform can be used as tool for providing access to various welfare portal,app like #MyGov,Narendramodi app,farmer and poor welfare scheme website etc,then it would help in reaching to the last corner of our country 2)For ensuring the above mentioned principle,competition commission like body can be established under the #TRAI ambit involving people from all the concerned sector 3)Google balloo initiative can be an option.But its also in early phase of operation

B M Venkateswarlu

We don't want FreeBasics. We want only free internet.


No freebasics.....only free net.


No to free basics. Net neutrality should be provided in Indian without any Rules. India needs net neutrality to develop. #TRAI #NoToFreeBasics #NetNeutrality

Abhishek Gar

I support Net Neutrality, NO need to "Facebook's free basic" or any such service, all the content on internet should be treated equally.

Venkateswararao Vangalapudi

I support NET NEUTRALITY. NO to Free Basics. Everything should be treated equally and free. I Say NO to Licensing of apps.

Manas Yellapurkar

I support net neutrality, NO to free basic!

Nitesh Agrawal

NO to free basic! It claims to be promoting net neutrality while being fundamentally opposite to the very definition of it. Facebook is misleading people with its unprecedented ad campaign & social media clout.

Pranay Sharma_4 i support net neutrality and i hope that the idea of advancing and being a better nation we will not allow anybody to take away our right to use the internet freely and we will be smart enough to keep net neutrality

bhaskar varshney

There should be equality in internet provided to any user. There should not be given any special status to any website which user can access through some free provision. This is against net neutrality. Internet should be free, equal to all. Any telecom provider should not give free access to only limited set of website as this is against net neutrality.


I support net neutrality..let's not let a small group of people manipulate what we can do on the internet. There's enough of that happening in other spheres in any case.

Anwar CS

One India One net One Price....

BHASKARAN V everyone should have seamless access to internet contents at all time without any artificially created bounadaries. Selected few should not control select sites of internet. There should not be discrimination in pricing in accessing the internet

Mitesh Sharma_1

There should be equality in internet provided to any user. There should not be given any special status to any website which user can access through some free provision. This is against net neutrality. Internet should be free, equal to all. Any telecom provider should not give free access to only limited set of website as this is against net neutrality.

Sahil Sheth_1

I support net neutrality and I urge everyone to understand clearly that Free Basics is a farce. So no differential pricing for data services.

Arkajit Mandal

FreeBasics is the holocaust of the creative minds of our nation. Facebook misleading Indian public which is, in my opinion, a terrible crime. What are we going to loose with this? The opportunity for young minds to come up with an idea to revolutionize the world will be taken away at the very moment Freebasics is implemented.

sailesh sadukha

Every one should be able to surf every sites all the time at the same price.

Nithya Balachandran_1

I am in favour of net neutrality.

Saurabh Chaporkar

I support an open internet and net neutrality where everyone is allowed the opportunity to access internet. I want all citizens to have access to internet, but access to the whole internet not only some sites approved by social media giants. The phylosophy of both freebasics and net neutrality should be made clear not by only some vague definitions and then the people should be allowed to choose what they think is right. If we want innovation to happen our country then we should be impartial.

Sasi Varnan Sundarakandasamy

Strongly oppose differential pricing/zero rating. Need net neutrality and an open internet

Abhishek Shrivastava_19

I strongly OPPOSE Free Basics by Facebook,, Differential Pricing and Zero Rating. The real motivation behind Free basics is to: A) Make people use Facebook and its partners more which means more users and more $$$. B) Block competitors completely by rejecting them from "free" access, so there can never be another better facebook. If they really want to "connect india" as they claim, they should instead invest in real physical infrastructure for providing internet to everyone!

Merlene Binny

We need net neutrality and not digital equality. We do not want to have to pay differently for each individual service available on the internet.

Mayur jadav

Strongly oppose. Free basics of. Facebook

Zankhesh Thakorlal Purani

I am strongly opposing freebasic of Facebook. It's purely scham. It's violations of net neutrality.


Respected TRI, please read this brilliant answer for netnetruality, it will help you in taking decision.

Ojas kadam

This is regarding Free Basic by Facebook ! Sir we hope net neutrality is maintained in India The Facebook Free Basic petition is also signed by some people from USA ! Please keep Internet Free from tech-giant like Facebook !...I strongly oppose it #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov

irfan qszi

Free basics by facebook is totally misleading ,it violates net nuetrality i strongly oppose it

Amitesh Gaurav

Hello who ever is reading this, I really hope that you, being an Indian, care about your fellow Indians. The Internet is only place left that is unbiased and ungoverned by anyone and is ,technically, free of cost. Please let it be that way and save your countrymen from these scams of telcos, and Facebook. Regards, Just somebody who believed in Narendra Modi and BJP

Prasad Inamdar_1

Hi Narendrabhai, This is the time to show that you have a backbone. Please stand with us and save the actual net neutrality. I know Ambanis and Zukerbergs are the people you would listen to if not obey to, but beware, you probably would not want to remembered as a person who could not stand for his people when they were being enslaved by foreign and national corporations. Thank you!


Sir, No way you should allow differential pricing on data services. Free basics is pure scam. If differential pricing is allowed, then only few websites would garner preference. Start ups might be discouraged which is in direct opposition to PM's vision. Now in my own case I rely heavily on NPTEL, MIT OCW, and sciencedirect, youtube for my engineering studies and collecting scientific literature. So, do you want me to pay extra for my studies if preffered from a different site???

Dinesh Shah

(Such a move by provider is direct infringement of your (TRAI) powers as given to you by the Constitution of India. You sure don't want to dilute / forego your powers) 4. Can not collect and share the activity of the users other then as mandated by existing telecommunication laws. 5. Can not force the users to sign up for a specific website, portal or platform to access the internet content. I am sure your policy will be in with above listed points to make the Internet free...

Dinesh Shah

If any provider is willing to or offering the Internet access at gratis/free of cost they should be allowed to do so with following general guiding principles. The service provider 1. Can not restrict the content that user wants access. 2. Can not put artificial data or speed limits on the content. 3. Should not demand that the content provider(s) has to register with them or take any kind of permission from the provider. Continue...

Dinesh Shah

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to bring to your notice the scam/fraud campaign run on Facebook website to force/hoodwink facebook users in supporting Free Basics. I would humbly request you to all those Free Basics Support mails generated and sent via platform as the same is done using deception and arm twisting their users. AFA net neutrality is concerned, please de-link cost/price of the access to internet from the Freedom to access the content by the users. Continue...

Prabakar Kalivaradan you should know what is good for the people of India in the first place and not allow companies to dictate what's good for people. People value freedom more than free stuff. Please stop this differential pricing which will kill India's IT boom and innovation. Can't we take other countries as example when we always look at western countries for every development. Why this common sense decision be any different? If you have any iota of patriotism for this country, reject differential pricing.

Jainil Lakhani

1. TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing because it should be the discretion of only the information creator and the user to decide what to charge and what to pay for the information. TSPs collect transmission costs from the users, for which there is no logic of being differential. 2. If adopted, It should be strictly seen that users get to decide what they will pay for and what not. 3. Service providers charge 0 for 100 MB, then increase prices quadratically with data used.

deepak kumar_667

I am totally against 'Free Basics' as ut voilates basics of net neutrelity. I dont want to pay for extra for each and every service on internet. This fragmentation of free internet is not acceptable for future of this country.

Arvind Repswal

There should be a plan on similar lines as it was instituted for introduction of mobile in india. Let the user feel that a particular service is required or is a basic Necessity. Then people will use it. Don't introduce anything 4 free, it's criminal to introduce a habit of getting things for free which results in living un valued life. This free thing will creep a sense of inferiority, DEvaluation of services & leading a life as it is. People will stop growing they would like stay as itis


Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. * Openness is the biggest strength of the internet. The ease with which people can access and share information on the web has been the force behind the internet’s growth. But price discrimination will break the internet into multiple smaller parts and will unfairly benefit some applications and services.

Md Kaif_1

Free Basics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any other data service(those who wanna implement their own service price) are just an another(fake) name of #NetNutrality constraint. Nothing been changed since last (August 2015) when there were an impugn over same topic except they just provide different name to the #NetNeutrality restriction. I'm completely against of this drama. I say just do what #NetNeutrality mean indeed, everything related to internet at the rate of balance and equal price.

Ankur Jhavery

Also, They should be able to change the 5-6 websites which they want to use for free atleast once every month.

Ankur Jhavery

TRAI kindly listen to the voice of the people and do not entertain the attempt of telecom to decide what Indians should see or use. Our nation is well capable enough to buy internet. It shouldn't be crippled from innovation by providing them access to a couple of sites which they can't even choose. If yo really want to help wth free basics, allow every Indian to select 5-6 websites which they want to see/use and then don't charge them for that.

Avinash Kumar Dubey

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos. I do not support any variable speed for different apps and websites as requested by tel cos. Net neutrality is defined as same level of access to everything on the internet for anybody accessing it. Differential pricing will stop Prime Minister's goal of fostering entrepreneurship, digital India and Make in India as companies with more money will kill the startups. #TRAI #MyGov #NaMo

Piyush Raj Sisodia

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos. I do not support any variable speed for different apps and websites as requested by tel cos. Net neutrality is defined as same level of access to everything on the internet for anybody accessing it. Differential pricing will stop Prime Minister's goal of fostering entrepreneurship, digital India and Make in India as companies with more money will kill the startups. #TRAI #MyGov #NaMo

Vishal Mishra_23

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos. I do not support any variable speed for different apps and websites as requested by tel cos. Net neutrality is defined as same level of access to everything on the internet for anybody accessing it. Differential pricing will stop Prime Minister's goal of fostering entrepreneurship, digital India and Make in India as companies with more money will kill the startups. #TRAI #MyGov #NaMo

Sandeep Kumar_456

I do not support Free Basics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos, and I support NET NEUTRALITY.

Anupam Chakravarti

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos. I do not support any variable speed for different apps and websites as requested by tel cos. Net neutrality is defined as same level of access to everything on the internet for anybody accessing it. Differential pricing will stop Prime Minister's goal of fostering entrepreneurship, digital India and Make in India as companies with more money will kill the startups. #TRAI #MyGov #NaMo

Barkha Vij

I do not support Free Basics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos, and I support NET NEUTRALITY.

Anilkumar Panda

1) No, the TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for different websites, applications or platforms . 2) If differential pricing is allowed , the same amount of data usage should be provided free of charge/or at a nominal price for all other websites/application. ie If Reliance allows 500 MB free usage for Facebook, it should also allow 500 MB free data usage for other internet related activities excluding Facebook.

Rahul Kumar_557

I Don't Support FreeBasics,,Airtel Zero Or Any Other Free Internet Scripts.I'll Pay For What I Use.I Know There Are Lots Of People Who Can't Buy Internet plans Nd Other Internet Budget.Governmetn Shold Take a step to provide Some Solution To overcome from this problem (As Our Honrable PM Announced For Digital "Sabka Sath Sab ka Vikash").

Kshitija Dound

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos, and I support Net Neutrality.


Many of my friends need not free basics, might be due to their social economical background. But in India there are many people who is not using net due to its cost. Free basic will open the door toward knowledge available on net. Improvement in education will help uplifting of such people. I support free basics.

saravanakumar_18 i. Big NO. ii.It CANNOT be done, so please dont allow this. iii. give X number of MB of 2G/3G data free to customers. X can be subsided by governemnt, metros can be exempted. This can be run for a 3 months and see how much Internet penetration happened. The value can be increased or decreased as per the Internet penetration. This should not given for those who can afford. directly credit to end user by Telecom operators.

Anowar ul Islam

I don't need free basics. I just want to have freedom to choose what I want to use internet for. I don't want any sort of restriction. In nutshell, I want net neutrality.


Reduction in page size =>reduction in charges =>improved #DataServices -IF the said TSPs reduce their page-size in mobile link will reduce the data cost - not just in India but worldwide! Please donot start "RESERVATIONS" in the internet. let it be available for all without any restrictions 1.Please make pages to SIZE ZERO - optimum size, content 2.Rate/Provide PAGE- RATINGS something like Electrical appliance Power ratings 3.Revisiting the ADS & EXTRAS in a page by removing Obese videoAds

Yash Raikar

I don't need free basics. I just want to have freedom to choose what I want to use internet for. I don't want any sort of restriction. In nutshell, I want net neutrality.


No, TSP should not be allowed to have differential pricing. Opening up a particular website even if it is free is a step back towards growth. If the intention is to provide 'free' internet, let the internet be open for any and every website. Let the service provider spare free internet of say 50Mb or 100Mb for free to anyone taking up their connection and internet provided thus should be open to all websites.

krishnaram karthick

No, TSP should not be allowed to have differential pricing. Opening up a particular website even if it is free is a step back towards growth. If the intention is to provide 'free' internet, let the internet be open for any and every website. Let the service provider spare free internet of say 50Mb or 100Mb for free to anyone taking up their connection and internet provided thus should be open to all websites.

Bipin Kunal

I don't need free basics. I just want to have freedom to choose what I want to use internet for. I don't want any sort of restriction. In nutshell, I want net neutrality.

Alfiya Masalawala

Freedom on the internet to access everything and anytime is an extension of personal freedom. Internet being so varied and ever evolving, one cannot put a tag on whats essential now and later. It just makes sense to let all content be available to its users without any differential pricing. Against Free Basics and Airtel Zero and other telecom and facebook based definitions of basic necessities. EVERYTHING on internet.

Sandeep Saxena_11

Please DO NOT allow this differential pricing of data services. I don't want free basics. I want net neutrality. Freedom of INTERNET ...

Sagar Bhinge I don't want free basics. I want net neutrality.

Jasmine Sachdev

I don't want free basics. I want net neutrality. It shouldn't matter how and where I use my data, and whatever site I want to use should work at the same speed. My telecom operator won't decide which sites to give me for free and which to run at what speed. Against free basics!

Subodh Mishra

Please find my answer below for above mentioned 3 questions. I.) No TSP should not be allowed for differential pricing. This will violate net-neutrality concept. II.) I am not in favor of differential pricing. So Can't able to answer. III.) Telecom Companies are charging too much for their 3g and 2g Data Services.But still their service is not Good.I recommend government to look into this matter. Reduce the Data price and enforce law to improve the Data service quality.

vignesh aj

Dear Sir, On the outset, I would request you not to publish my email address on the TRAI website. Thank you for this Consultation Paper on Differential Pricing for Data Services; this issue is key to securing net neutrality in India. I am thankful that the TRAI has both highlighted the need for preventing discriminatory practices in this paper, and looked into the issue of making the Internet available to all. Both


Why the government even considering it as an option...who the telecome operators are to decide whT we should surf on net or not.internet is the free space and let it be.internet usage should not be according to some money minded telecom operators.i clearly do not support this concept of net neutrality.

Abhimanyu Yadav_7

All telecom operators also hike the data charges within last one year ...... its just double ... and now want to sell as a AFEEM ?

Abhimanyu Yadav_7

Please don't approve the game plan of telecom players. Why we pay for diff. amount for a same thing. If it happens than I think after few year we will purchase petrol with different cost ex. for bike Rs. 60/L & for Car Rs. 80/L for another use Rs. 100/L .... etc

piyush goyal_10

Net neutrality is essential. we always talk of a independent India. may i know what independence means? earlier independence meant to get freedom from British rule and establish India as a FREE COUNTRY. then why this freedom is being ruined by telecom operators? its my wish to buy from amazon or flipkart, its my freedom to access information about a topic from one site or a million sites providing the same content. I support FREE ACCESS TO EVERYTHING ON INTERNET, which is actual net neutrality.

Sagar Krishnappa Chandra

Please DO NOT allow this differential pricing of data services. This is the killer of a citizens freedom to internet.

Vrajlal Vyas

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

abhichetan chauhan

We support freebases. Now is the time everyone use internet in India. And we need to focus in rural Area.If Facebook and Google want to do something in India, Why we are not supporting theses companies.

Mitali Bothra

Supporting and demanding net neutrality.. everyone should be able to us everything on the internet for free. Charging extra for different websites is ridiculous.. WE do not support this. Thank you

Roshan Mishra_2

Dear Sir I would like to tell you stop this differential pricing specially since there is foreign company is controlling our choice which is terrifying to say the least. As a resident of democracy i think my choice should not be limited to what part on internet i have to visit or not visit based on how much i have to pay for it. Thanks ROshan mishra

Chiranjib Bhattacharjee_1

I am against differential pricing. Every content on the internet should be treated as equal. We can't possibly know how the TSPs might manipulate this provision to achieve profits for their business. Basically, I will choose what I surf. If they charge me extra, so be it. But I don't want the poor and newly exposed to be shaped by filtered content - which would be at the disposal of the TSPs. #TRAI #NetNeutrality

Madhumohan H Nair

Question 3 :While not allowing free websites some sector of the consumers will be out from the data usgae. Inorder to protect them there can be plan such as rural/BPL/Farmers. Farmers who have registered as farmers and there annual income does not exceeds a certain limit can be given the plan after wherein operators can give access to all the websites free of cost but restricted to per month of 50mb.

Madhumohan H Nair

Question 1:Yes.TSPs be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage Question 2:Discrimination should not be allowed.All websites are to be treated equally. For certain plans free internet access for the first 30 minutes daily or every day fixed data can be downloaded. Government sites can be allowed for free of charges. NIC can terminate a leased circuites to all the operators so that government sites will not be counted for that or the BSNL/BBNL can act as nodal agency.

Rajan T

I Support net neutrality.. We should be able to access everything on the internet. Kindly dont allow Telecom to charge have a choice in my internet option


I want net neutrality i.e every one should be able to access everything on the internet. please do not allow tali-come companies for extra charges on any side which i want to access. If this happen then the common man did not use the internet due to high rates, and the progress of India is suppressed. Internet is for everyone, Anyone one should access everything on internet at any time and at any place. Please do not

Sharad Gupta_16

Everything has a cost. If internet is costing the telecom companies, they may charge however they feel like. It is not a necessity to life. It should not happen that first given free and then bankruptcy declared. Government should only ensure that there is no malpractices.

Pradeep Tayal

1. No, the TSPs should not be allowed differential pricing else if free access to any application like facebook/ is provided, then they should be allowed.---2. No TSPs should not be allowed.--3. Deep Rural area subscribers should be provided 0.5GB data free per month and all govt services app access should not be charged. ---4. App developers should be allowed to tie with TSPs to provide free access (data charges will be paid by app developer). Free data can be provided by watching advts.


Internet access and online crime must be tackle as National Security. Internet is for better connectivity and data sharing and viewing. Please do not use for taxation purpose, as it is benefiting indirectly to the nation, via, paperless transaction, decreasing manpower cost, fast and effective communication. Govt must control over internet access, privacy only for social purpose. There is no privacy in online, which can view all over the world.


Free internet access is good for encouraging Indian people who are basically lower income group comparative to developed world. But for what reason should give free?, Twitter and facebook usage is free, if this helpful can give. My suggestion is that, Govt schemes and Weather, employment news, creative entrepreneur skills, commodity prices, farming technique etc. Any commercial related e-commerce, corporate propaganda or advertisement must be cost. Overall, Internet is use for develop India.

saurabh shukla_34

I am against the differential pricing for data services by telecom operators. There should be transparency in the data service offering by operators. No discrimination between internet websites based on bandwidth capping.

Roger R Amanna

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We want to be able to access anything, at anytime, without having to pay more for it separately. We do not want licensing for whatsapp, viber or any other app we use.

Iman Chatterjee

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any other differential pricing schemes for data services by telcos(TRAI/DoT).I am in support of Net Neutrality.Please do not allow telecom operators to alter the meaning of net neutrality to suit their own selfish needs.Actual Net neutrality is the unrestricted access to EVERYTHING on the internet without discriminating(NOT just access to the internet for all as the telecom operators want us-the citizens to believe)and is what we need.

somil mehta

We have been taught about freedom to live, learn , njoy also about freedom of expression...then why is there opposition when internet is considered ! Of course the committee is playing with words and fooling the people .... How we be charged differently on different sites this is like u r going to have a buffet and ur charged separately for sweets and salads and roti ..this is rendeous we need free access to everything and anything on internet,I support #netneutralaity

Amit Kumar Pandey_28

We support #NetNeutrality We Reject #Differential Pricing for Data Services Please REJECT "Differential Pricing for Data Services". We don't want this. We strongly against this "Differential Pricing for Data Services ". We support #Net Neutrality which means "“access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination”

Nikhil Pandya

I dont support these model of free basics or other similar to that because: Let us suppose i want to start a business tomorrow, and i have a website or an app for that and i want to promote my business. But what will happen is i need to pay a large amount to the telecoms so that they allow my website or app to be accessible for free, because obviously every user will want to access free things only, he would never spend his money. Now in these way i can never start a business. no startup india

Amit Kumar Pandey_28

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Not access to everyone. We want everyone to get access, but to all of the Internet. Don't allow creation of private walled gardens.

Kalpesh Padariya

I supports #Netnutrality

Amit Kumar Pandey_28

I DO NOT support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by Telcos (TRAI/DoT), and I strongly support “Net Neutrality” which means “access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination” Please save the internet and allow actual “Net Neutrality”.

Chandan Kumar Mukhopadhyay

I want total net neutrality and access free for all.

Tularam Barot

I support both Net Neutrality and Internet for All. Please find the attachment for the suggestions.


Please stop these anti net-neutrality issues once and for all. This is obscene that the government is repeatedly doing these consultations against the basic principle of net neutrality. Things like these will set the wrong precedence and will kill all small internet startups eventually which will be a BIG BIG blow to the small IT businesses which am sure employ way more employees than big IT companies. Please categorically make the internet completely NEUTRAL once and for all..!!!!

abhishek singh_320 I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos, and I support Net Neutrality. Please save the internet from getting raped by telecom operators please !!!


I strongly feel inclined towards differential pricing till any future revisions in data rates apply both to discounted and non discounted websites . There is no harm if people get even some content if not all at discounted tariff , and non discrimination in future revisions will ensure no website is done injustice with. But data providers may be directed to include some key useful websites also in their free package as it applies to cable operators in telecasting minimum two DD channels .

Akshatha Nayak

Instead of making selected services free (ie by compression of data),free data say monthly shareable 0.5GB/person in a backward region/poor people through which internet in the true sense can be accessed.Instead of working on making information available offline. Work on building infrastructure to make more people get online. Digital India in true sense. Build WiFi Hotspots,flexible schemes etc That might be a lot of investment, but can do a lot more of wonders to people at large!

Divya Ajit Sakpal

I do not support FreeBasics, Internet.Org, Airtel Zero or any differential pricing for data services by telcos, and I support Net Neutrality. #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov #NetNeutrality

Rahul Mittal_21

I strongly disagree with this model. Zero rating/Differential pricing/Preferential treatment of certain websites and apps are against net neutrality and freedom of internet. Why don't government divert the investment on Ahmedabad- Mumbai bullet train project of Rs.97,000 Cr to provide basic Internet to all people, which I think is more important than a bullet train.


सर , लगभग 23 पर और यह BSNL , और IDEA और AIRTEL कम 2g 3g एकदम न , सर ई , कम कम तक

Rishit Mathuria

Zero rating/Differential pricing/Preferential treatment of certain websites and apps are against net neutrality. We must strive to achieve Internet for all.

gaurav banerjee

Telco and content providers on the internet who are using internet for commercial purposes, should and shall not decide the options and choices an indivijual gets. There should be no deal between the telcos and content provider at all.

Shobhana Patel i disapprove pricing model for data services suggested by TRAI as above. Please do not enforce on public with different wording. I support/we support Net Freedom Access to All. Telcom are already dominating in domain and its already polarized. Please do not try to remove the platform which is truly free

Benoy George

Zero rating/Differential pricing/Preferential treatment of certain websites and apps are against net neutrality. We must strive to achieve Internet for all.


No additional charge for choosing which services and websites we use.


I support net Neutrality .Its our basic right to access what we want to access on internet.


I support NetNeutrality, MNO's should not put limitations on the websites one can access freely.

Parinay Singhal

TRAI, please dont seek ways to legalize the huge chunks paid by these giants in order to draft these unjust documents. Instead fix rates for these giants. Don't act like another East India Company. #Savetheinternet

Parinay Singhal

Internet is a Basic public utility. Consider it as a resource. Please don't foster business or commerce which promotes discrimination. The spectrum should be equitable in usage to all. Irrespective of the nature of user. Be it end user(general public) or commercial giants(service providers/operators) or corporate bodies(app/web/service developer).

Guru prasad B S

The alternative methods mentioned in para 19 and 20 of the Consultation Paper No. 8/2015, on Differential Pricing for Data Services dated 9th December would be viable alternatives...

Guru prasad B S

Basically Zero rating/Differential pricing/Preferential treatment of certain websites and apps are against net neutrality, we must strive to achieve Internet for all(and not just basics/few selected sites/apps) but not at the cost of net neutrality, for it is too great a cost to be paid for something which will eventually happen whether these big players have a role or not. they just want to make money out of it/ulterior motive for future.

Guru prasad B S

Free basics/differential pricing/zero rating are farce and as long as the access is limited to few websites and apps, it acts as discriminatory to other players that may be in competition with the said entity.and in the long run if this is permitted to continue they will effectively drive out/scuffle competition and have monopoly, which may affect pricing later or entrepreneurs that try to compete against big MNCs on the platform of internet. We have to wake up before opportunity is lost forever

Sourit Chakraborty

Giving any company or group of companies monopoly over a service would stop the competition for market share from being fair. Facebook or any company which is large enough to pay telecom providers a premium in order to stop the telecom companies from charging the visitors to its site would end up becoming undisputed rulers of that market. India has laws against unfair competition in commercial areas, so differential pricing shouldn't even be a discussion as it stops fair cmpetition.

Amol Raut hey why the hell you are playing with our freedom on the the internet . just be aside and let us use internet how we want ...and FB please keep your fu*ky FREE BASICS keep in your as**ole...we dont want your type of freedom....we want our type the free bird in the sky..not in a cage....ok...

Makarand Mane

This is my right to see content on internet whatever I like to see or need. My profession based on internet. Why should someone control on what I access or what not? All application/websites must accessible at same speed and same price. That is net neutrality. Why there is need of free basics. Person who need to access internet he will pay. Nowadays can get single day internet plan in cheap rate. Then is there really any need to give any free basics. I dont think.

Pratik Poojary_1

Need Real Net Neutrality!

Shivachetan S Nittekar

Give all service to all in one price that is net nutrelaty.

Shivachetan S Nittekar

Facebook is come to loot India. It is giving excuse of basic INTERNET service to all. Why is this gimik why are you giving this kind of add. India is a free country but not to come and give ad. Fooling oeople it just want to increase the prices for other services from people which is cheating. Today all India is using all services. But new way to loot people is tried by all services. Internet was cheap before and efordable now even younger generation who use net more have to think .


The increase in data usage has been across various programs, news portals, sports, e-commerce, not just the social media or so called "the basics"...We should not promote only the basics for free, If someone really wants to offer anything for free, better to offer it as a complete package, may be certain MBs, not just the basics or any specific domain / program.


I think we don't need any special programs like free basics or Airtel zero. If they we/I buy a plan 1GB for some amount, we/I will use that data for what we/I like, we doesn't need any segregation on that to kill our freedom. So please don't encourage such kind of programs.

Alok Dharpure

If facebook really wants to offer for humanity..then offer free everything why just free basics.Have you gone to users to ask them what should include include in free basics.It is manipulation.Basically you want acquistion of users in your defined way.This is stupidity.Offer Free everything.Simple.

Puneeth Jayaram

Neither differential pricing by TSPs or other free services such as Free Basics should be allowed. Rather than providing anything free of cost, ad monetization should be considered. Free basics is just the beginning of a selective promotional platform. Consider this analogy: Would you ever charge extra fare from a passenger just because the area which (s)/he is visiting happens to be luxurious?

Dr Nirupam Roy

What a shame to redefine neutrality, and leave the useful tool of internet to the capitalist giants. Please take care of to use the proper net neutrality - all of internet for all the user without someone else deciding what I want to surf. It may be a short term gain for a few, but a long term loss for all. The country will suffer if there is any compromise with true net neutrality, as it will make internet lame!

Sumit Kumar_62

Facebook knows that India is a lucrative market for it,so it is seeking entry into India's market by the so called "Free Basics".At first,they will offer it for free,then will charge some money and after making people addict,will start extracting substantial charge.It is also agsinst the "Start Up-Stand Up" policy of GOI as it will indirectly hinder the growth of small internet start-up companies.I also urge all my FB friends to think rationally b4 supporting the "Free Basics" content of FB.

Apoorv Singhal

We want NET NEUTRALITY and not any compromised version of it.


dear mr.indian govt...... you better donot mess with internet and its people..i dare you... we want whatever website or application we want to open and have its services for absolutely free ...i mean...'free' ...i hope you understand...DONOT oppress us...EXPECT US

Advaith Rajendra i) No, differential pricing should not be allowed at all. iii) a) instead of defending the "no profit" tag by not allowing ads, b) I suggest that ADS SHOULD BE ALLOWED and using this revenue, TSP should provide UNRESTRICTED FREE INTERNET upto a limit, say 100mb/ month. c) This would help bring people online. d) once the rural people have been brought online by free internet, they could be given an option of subsidised internet (using ad revenue), say 10mb/re #TRAI #DataServices

Sanchari Chakrabarty

Startup India is a big project for developing our country economically and creating job opportunities.But what these people are doing is opposite of that by only letting access to those sites which have partnership with them.Startups are helping in creating job opportunities, what zero rating and companies like facebook are doing is that by setting up free basics, they are only giving acess to walled internet.facebook wants to play monopoly and is acting as a barier to other startup

Sriram Vaideeswaran

TSP's should not be allowed to have differential pricing(zero or discounted) for data usage in order to access different websites, applications or platforms. If allowed you are paving the way to the indirect promotion of Zero Rating schemes by these TSP's. One of the core principles of Net Neutrality clearly states NO to Paid Priority Access besides No Blocking and No Throttling - I sincerely feel #TRAI needs to be in the domain of public interest and not business interests of TSP's.

Maninder Singh_29

FREE services provided by Facebook will kill the other domestic sites who want to grow up and emerge on international market..

Arkadip Basu

Equality means, equality in every aspect, Internet must be net neutral. No preference be given to any site under any pretext.


No differential price please. NO "free basics" or other evil plans by Facebook or any other organization.


Net Neutrality is essential for normal usage of the internet and unwelcome bias in accessing sites and using apps so that only a few benefit from the options that are available. All sites must be equally accessible, while internet access for everybody be a goal that we must strive to achieve.

Chandan Kumar_238

No differential price please. NO "free basics" or other evil plans by Facebook or any other organization.

naveen maheshwari internet should become a legal right so that everyone can access it with ease. i support net will provide whole #DataServices at cheaper rates and not just few sites selected as basics. i do not support the free basics because what the basics means may be different to the provider. this will create a lack of competition in the digital world. WHEN ALL THE BITS ARE CREATED EQUAL THEN WHY SHOULD WE SUPPORT FOR JUST FREE BASICS??The NEED OF TODAY is complete NET NEUTRALITY.

Ashish Tondon IT will kill start up India. And this is first Step towards New generation East India Company. Where without crores of money no one event think of creating startups. Big giants can easily hijack any Idea and implement it for free. Few big companies will get control of internet. SAVE US FROM SLAVERY!!!

Jaideep Bose_1

I support net neutrality for sake of developing India to give power of internet to every citizen without being biased of telecom providers.

s l aravindhan

It kills many small startup . They start favouring the companies who pay more revenue to them.. Prior to entry of cococola and Pepsi entry.. THE word DIABETICS AND OBESITY is a blue moon... But now it is prevalent in even children... One way we are fighting for healthy India.. In other ways these company selling there products lin the cost of poor... Similarly prior to the free basics invansion we can use the internet service we want.. After their invasion. It becomes their right and rule you

Mohammed Safdari

Net Neutrality is important... I totally support it..

s l aravindhan

I don't why facebook only supporting free basic.? Unless the counterpart like google and Microsoft.. They too have intension to bring connectivity each and every part of our country.. But free basics is trying to loot the way how we use the internet. What's the use of spending more than 100 crore for advertising its free basics..? Why US banned it..? Why they are going to enter our market so aggressively..? If INDIA is a democratic country.. She should not allow free basics. They have no rights

Nitin Singh_34

Please net neutrality is important not the heck free basics !!!! I totally support the net neutrality....!!!!!


"Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging deferentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication." this is what net neutrality mean and that definition is going to make "digital India" reality not some telecomm. Company made definition

yogesh kumar patel_8 i am against the idea of net nuetrality or free basics so please remove these ideas

Shubhankar Mittal

We want to be able to access anything, anytime without having it to pay more for it separately.

Vaidyanathan Krishnamoorthy

I am against the very idea of differential pricing for data usage. It basically infringes on my right as an individual to decide fairly on where and how I would want the data (which I pay the ISPs for) to be used. TSPs should be restricted to provide the facility to access the internet and not decide which website, application, or platform I can access for free or at a discounted price. All of internet should be accessible equally!

Vinit Beley

Actual definition of Net Neutrality is that the Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. Both #FreeBasics by #Facebook and Telecom operators "Zero" plans violate this by favoring services of their business partners and disrupting other services that compete with them. This will eventually affect consumer psychology and establish monopoly. #TRAI please understand.

Manas jain

We want the actual definition of net neutrality. Not some telecomm. Company made definition. We'd like to surf anythning, anywhere and anytime on the internet without paying any extra charge. We do not want any app like whatsapp, viber, hike etc. To get a license...we just got out of the license raj and would not like to go back in it again,.

Satya Prakash Gupta_11

Free basics is a marketing gimmick by Facebook it should not be encouraged. Net neutrality should be on our terms so that we can view access or download all the contents at similar price and speed. There should not be any kind of discrimination.

Ritesh Jha_3

Free Basics is a bluff by Facebook. We want net neutrality


Internet must be net neutral. No preference be given to any site under any pretext.


Government must act now The DoT Report noted that a free and open Internet, available to all Indian citizens, is key to our country's future. Despite that, telcos are already violating net neutrality and endangering that future. The Govt should pass regulation immediately to protect net neutrality in India - the status quo of mere promises is not enough. The Govt must commit to protecting net neutrality in law in India. Don't take 5 years to decide this

Sunil Kathuria

Net neutrality is the way to go. EVERYTHING should be accessible equally and at the same cost and speed. Internet is a utility. Let users of Internet decide what they want to access and not the TELCOS decide on what is available for free and what is available at a cost.

Ritesh Jha_3 we want net neutrality, there should be no differential tariff and no licencing for the over the top services. Internet is an utility and not luxury.

LOKESH BISHT we want net neutrality, there should be no differential tariff and no licencing for the over the top services. Internet is an utility and not luxury.

Patruni Chidananda Sastry

We do not support free basics or the other things as they are not actually giving net neutrality, instead they are violating it. I suggest please give people some more time atleast a month so that they can understand and give their suggestion. Because many of the users are misleaded by facebook n all. So giving some mkre time will help them to properly understand what exactly is this.

Jayesh Kumar

Facebook is running a campaign, asking people to sign-in the petition in favor of differential pricing. However, most of the signers are being fooled into it, and no option to opt out is provided with. No explicit permission is being taken either. Most users of facebook are being tricked in. Government must ensure a just and fair process against such tricks by internet giants. I am confident that most of the users wouldn't agree with the way their consent is grabbed by facebook. Beware!!!

jayant thakur_1

We don't want differential pricing of data services and we will never support services like Airtel Zero or Free Basics/ Facebook and some TSP used unscrupulous methods and vague wordings to mislead it's users to get their consent. Therefore, it should not be considered as a valid point. #TrueNetNutrality


We want net neutrality i.e. all of the internet accessible to everyone without the differential pricing for different services

Abhiram Shibu

We want net neutrality. All of the services available on the internet should not not be made paid one by one. TRAI you dont get it... its equality in this. By agreeing you destroy equality

Avinash Chhabra we want net neutrality

Jagrati Goyal

Pro net neutrality A big No No to differential pricing of data services.

Neha Brahmankar

We want net neutrality and we do not want any control on the data which we surf. A big No No to differential pricing of data services.

sourav kumar_18

We want net neutrality, we don't want this differential pricing for Data Services. Already the TSP are fooling us, by giving 3G bandwidth in the name of 4G bandwidth. Please leave the internet be a utility instead of luxury.

Piramanayagam Palaniswaminathan

We want net neutrality. We do not want "Differential Pricing for Data Services" or free basics.

Nikhil Pandya

We do not support free basics or the other things as they are not actually giving net neutrality, instead they are violating it. I suggest please give people some more time atleast a month so that they can understand and give their suggestion. Because many of the users are misleaded by facebook n all. So giving some mkre time will help them to properly understand what exactly is this.

parmod kumar yadav

Campaign by Facebook is a farce. They just want to make money by fooling people. Differential data pricing should not be allowed. Stick to the ooriginal definition of net neutrality. #TRAI

Ravish Rawat_1

No the TSPs should not be allowed to have different pricing for different website or VoIP apps like WhatsApp Facebook . Most of the telco operates are looting customers and what to charge for everything. If we allow these One day will come when they will charge for miss calls also.


We want actual net neutrality and not differential data pricing.#TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov

Murari dutta

Dont need free basic.. We r not fool.

Chris Thomas Simon

We want Net neutrality. #TRAI #MyGov

manjusha ghadigaonkar

We want actual 'net neutrality' and not differencial data pricing.

Vishal Vitthal Nagarkar

We want Net Neutrality.period The so called net equality campaign run by a MNC IS A FARCE . They are not some noble sage , wishing for connectivity and thus emancipation of poor,they want to make money (thus partnering with Indian companies),for various Gov initiatives like Digital India it would be harmful.Please strength PSUs like BSNL( by reducing corruption,enhancing delivery etc)if GOV really wishes to make difference in poor's life through internet(technology).

Jai Prakash Srivastava

TSPs must not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites. Also, if they want to provide free basics to people, they must provide VOIP services for free because in most of the villages, people cannot read/write properly. Differential pricing for data usage will break the fundamental rights of information, equality and education. All ISPs should provide at least 500MB of data per month free to use internet which can help poor students to innovate.

Abhishek Kumar

#TRAI #DataServices #MyGov Enabling access of internet to everyone should be the goal and in India where startups have to keep up with the growing demand if they are charged for licensing they would not be able to grow as they would be not be a competition and it would move from talent based model to Money/heavy investment based model.

Karthick Babu Nj

We want Net neutrality. #TRAI #MyGov

Naveen N Bhat net neutrality noun the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favouring or blocking particular products or websites. Please stick to this original definition of net neutrality.

Vineet Kumar_99

I would like to thank the TRAI for introducing the Consultation Paper on Differential Pricing for Data Services. Differential pricing of data is a core Net Neutrality issue. I urge you to protect Net Neutrality, and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet.

Himanshu Pati Tripathi

Amit Chotaliya

We want real "net neutrality", not some twisted "Net Neutrality" defined by large corporations. If government wants to give free internet access to poor people ration it like you do for rice and other essential items i.e. BPL card holder gets 1 GB free internet for a month on BSNL. And Free Basic includes Facebook and people don't use facebook to learn things they use it to play candy-crush, poke people and send funny messages. It's like having only one free tv channel which shows tv serial

Ravi Kumar G_1

No Telecom service providers should not be allowed for differential pricing of the services. This creates a commercial dictator ship over the internet and Internet in its complete full form does not reach the mass. Net Neutrality is widely accepted concept as it creates an equality in providing the access to each and every site in the internet. Telecos are requesting for Differential pricing as they are money hungry.

Vishnu GSR

Differential pricing will break India into micro networks, almost like existing in parallel virtual universes. I think everyone should have access to internet - all of the internet, all of the time, for all.

anshita kothari

Net neutrality gives an opportunity for the under shadowed population of the country to come to the light n contributes to growth n development of self and eventually for the nation.Nation needs net neutrality rather then just free basics.

Dhruv Patel

Differential pricing should not be allowed to access different websites or apps. We have the right to equality, so all websites should have the same pricing to access it.

Jagdish Kundu

Bigger commercial interests can be smelled behind this free basics project. Like always these MNCs are not here for social interest of Indian People. Govt. must step forward for giving any relaxation to these in the field of intrnt especialy as dis is going to b the biggest nd major mode of communication in future. Every activity will be depended on internet. Therefor, a clear policy after considerng public intrst, all submissions, consultations etc. must b made and until then process b paused.

Jagdish Kundu only use the market for their profits. Only FB or other such big companies will occupy major Internet services of this big country. therefore in the interest of general public, as a first step, no relaxation must be given to any TSPs until a fair and final policy is there on the matter. FB is using all it's resources for advertisement on fb, newspapers etc. TRAI should also first invite suggestions not only at this platform bt on others also and then a final policy sud b made after due diligence

Jagdish Kundu

Though this seems to be a technical matter yet the answers which can be given by common sense are. 1. No differential pricing should be allowed as some TSPs will provide some data at low costs or free and others provide other data on same pattern, so users have choose that only TSP for their need and who will come here first will occupy a major stake over market in this case it is clear that it is going to be Facebook with its bigger resources so no transparency is there. these big giants will

Surya Jasu

Internet is the basic right of everyone,for knowledge to let people connected and in many more aspects and So I want net neutrality rather than free basics.


Internet is not neutral. Information provided / available / given by various websites are agenda driven according to their editorial policy. Even pricing is highly complicated. TRAI is a toothless organization having very less control over service providers. Companies like Airtel, Vodafone, Idea and BSNL even unable to provide full and reliable coverage in urban areas.

Deepak Gadiyar

I am for net nutrality. At the same time it is appropriate to consider free internet for all gov website and banks to provide equal opportunities to under privileged society.[email protected]

Amit Narayan

Differential pricing can only be justified if there is marked difference in quality of services. With service providers like BSNL who have FAILED to provide even basic telephony & mobile services to satisfaction of customers should not dream of differential pricing. Rather I would advocate for differential penalty & fines for failure to provide reliable services. Dream of Hon'ble PM for a Digital India can not be fulfilled unless service providers are taken to task & set the basics right.

Sushant Bhargav

There was a time when anyone wants to do business has to get a license from a feudal authority of the village, Differential Pricing is just the same thing, 1st we are paying for getting the data from telcos we do not need to know what data we choose to get, if these rules get passed we will challenge it in court of law for it's legality, because then same logic can be used on products that are transported using roads or other connecting media. Get your priorities straight you serve Indians.

Dileep Singh

Internet is an necessity now days, as many works and daily routines involves the use of it. So if we make the accessibility a typical calculation of pricing how could we revolutionize Rural India about Digital India. as the peoples from rural area still have no understanding of data pricing and for next 50-60 years its not possible to expect the same. In my opinion there should be no different pricing plan for different type of access.

Anuj Singh_22

I also wat net neutrality in real sense not that which facebook nd others are making .please don't let Fb free basics kill competition .please ban free basics .we don't want that fake digital equility.

Ankit Kumar Sinha_2

As I suggest TSP's can give access to Facebook and GMAIL and other Govt websites to there consumers for free which would be enough source of information and required access for rural area. Similar things has been done in urban area by TSP's for there marketing. I believe such thing less attracts people/youth in urban area than rural because of power of payment. Govt should come up with this proposal to TSP's.

Ankit Kumar Sinha_2

We as Indian want net neutrality. On top of that there is question of giving privileged of access to people who are living in rural area with some exception on pricing, I think for that there is no need of breaking the access of freedom to others. Government can come up with other proposal/planning to fulfill access of mobile internet to rural area.

Amruth Puttappa

We want Net Neutrality, no to Differential Pricing

Bhavesh jain_1

I,we all want the real net neutrality. How are we going to be in digital India when there is no internet equality. How will be compete with other countries without any digital development. The government should allow free usage of internet to everyone every time anywhere. Please save the internet.please get net neutrality.

Anil Kumar Upadhyay

In case TSPs want to provide differential tariffs, this should be limited to commercial zone for businesses & companies more than 100 employees, As companies can negotiate tariff based on website access they require.

Anil Kumar Upadhyay

I do not recommend/support differential pricing based on websites, applications or platform. TSP's already charge different tariffs based on data services pack. Coming to providing the free internet to Poor, TSPs can allow 1 GB data free to everyone and adjust that pricing in other tariff band. They can also charge from businesses for displaying Ads to free user when someone is opening a website on their network. Just like TVs or newspaper do. This will balance their revenue.

Sendil AB

We need true net neutrality i.e the Internet be maintained as an open platform, on which network providers treat all content, applications and services equally, without discrimination

Pankaj kumar yadav_7

Do not allow this initiative. This will monopolize the internet(available to the poor). Instead, follow the model for LPG subsidy, where the LPG subsidy was given up by many and utilised for the poor. I am sure there will be people who will be ready to give up their 5% of data pack for the poor. Everyone who do not subscribe for a data plan can then get 50-100 MB of data every month. Initially this will be a cost to Gov, but eventually will be no profit/no loss.

Abbas Lasania

NO to differential pricing.

Parvathy C A

Don't bring in differential pricing because an internet giant is trying to manipulate the common people with their business schemes. Differential pricing would just make the a luxury for this same rural areas. So instead stop Free Basics. And make sure Facebook never comes up with stuff like this ever again. Please save the internet.

Vikram Nishikant Ketkar

Many merchant offer their wares/ samples for free, how is this any different. While free internet might be available for certain websites no one is forcing it down your throats. Each is free to use it on your own. The govt should probably put in a clause to allow free usage for public utility website, governance sites which will help in providing services to the citizens and will also reduce unnecessary travel and other hassles

Hirdesh Sharma_1 i wnt real net nutrality ...not bloody shit freebasics and other like

Jijo G John

By allowing few companies to promote specific websites under the pretext of helping the poor, we are destroying the original idea of Internet & how it is used elsewhere & in India now. Internet should be a free world with only country specific restrictions otherwise an open media. People should be able to see all links after a "Search". Pls stop these people

Aman Parihar

First of all fix those animations on welcome page they are 50% tricky. I am fully in support of concept of 'Net Neutrality' and the data on the entire internet, be it in any form or state should be considered equal and there should be no differentiation at all be it any service. An open internet gives way to more inventions, and it will pave way for our PM's 'Digital India' m-governance etc. #ISupportNetNeutrality #TRAI

Hasibul Islam Net neutrality shouldn't be defined by Telcos. Everything in the Internet should be treated as equal, and everybody should be able to access everything without any discrimination, about the service, or the app, or the data plan, or the service provider. #TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov

Bhaskar M

Based on my research,I don't want Net Neutrality to be defined by telecom companies.I don't want telecommunication companies controlling what i access on the internet. I don't want telecommunication companies to charge differently for different websites. I want to be able to access anything, at anytime, without having to pay more for it separately. I want access to all of the internet, for all of the people, all of the time and access to everything and not just some select parts of the internet.

Albert Pattali i. No, the TSPs should not do so because it is against Net Neutrality and India is supposed to support it rather than discriminate it. ii.If by any chance it is implemented then the TRAI should make sure that the tariff is equal. iii.Yes, there are other ways to provide free internet among the citizens and netizens of India. One way is to uphold the current system but lowering the tariff.Another way would be if the government collaborated with another TSP(s) to provide free internet.

swati jethwani

I don't want Net Neutrality to be defined by telecom companies.I don't want telecommunication companies controlling what i access on the internet. I don't want telecommunication companies to charge differently for different websites. I want to be able to access anything, at anytime, without having to pay more for it separately. I want access to all of the internet, for all of the people, all of the time and access to everything and not just some select parts of the internet.

Haridwar Rajshri

I want the real net neutrality not the telecom operators defined net neutrality.I urge you to protect Net Neutrality,and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet by instituting anti-neutrality practices. I want the right to access anything and everything on the Internet by paying for data only not paying various price for access different website/app/service. DoT please Save The net Neutrality.

Subhamoy Ghosal

I want the real net neutrality not the telecom operators defined net neutrality.I urge you to protect Net Neutrality,and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet by instituting anti-neutrality practices. I want the right to access anything and everything on the Internet by paying for data only not paying various price for access different website/app/service. DoT please Save The net Neutrality.

vijay gupta

I would like to thank the TRAI for introducing the Consultation Paper on Differential Pricing for Data Services. Differential pricing of data is a core Net Neutrality issue. I urge you to protect Net Neutrality, and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet by instituting anti-neutrality practices. The principle of Net Neutrality is that ISPs and telecom operators do not give a competitive advantage to any website, app or platform. #TRAI,#Internet


We should have access to everything on same rate. We want net neutrality. Licence Raj is over don't enforce it again via few websites. India is country of Start up as per Modiji. Already is living hell due to traffic, it can be hell because of differential pricing.

UPIKA SARASWAT we want net neutrality, which should not be defined by the telecom companies. that provide us access to everything, anytime that's available on internet. I do not want telcos to control the access to internet. we should not be charged differently for different websites.we don't want licensing for whatsapp, viber or any other app I use.


I don't support differential pricing for data services, differential pricing will kill the start ups / small companies and new ideas .

sarfraz khan we donot want any licence for any apps like whatsapp , viber, skype or any other app we use.

sarfraz khan we want to be able to access anything, at anytime, without having to pay more for it saprately


I dont support differential pricing for data services, differential pricing will kill the start ups and new ideas .


We should go for it....

rakesh mandal_2

I support net neutrality.The real net neutrality,without any discrimation.


We want net neutrality, the real net neutrality. we want access to internet, for all the people, on all the times and access to everything and not just the select parts of the internet.

Ayush Tiwari no, this would just increase a measure to discriminate and abuse customers of all kinds, middle, upper and lower. #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov

Manas P

We do not want differential pricing for the websites/ services controlled by telecom companies. We want Net Neutrality in actual sense. Nobody dictates what we want to surf online. #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov

Puja Bharti_1 We want to use the internet "the way we want" ant not the way some well established telecom companies dictate us to do #TRAI #MyGov

Charvi Joshi

Please save net neutrality.We,the citizens of India want our right to decide the way we use net OURSELVES and not by telecom companies be secured.This is where true democracy comes into picture.We won't allow telecom companies to snatch our right to use that website or application which we want.We want our access to each and everything be secured.Our Country,Our net,Our utility...Please plz plz Save our internet afterall it's a question of our future use of net forever.

arvind kumar rao

Net neutrality is not hardcore concept which suits to the needs of India but at the same time TSPs should not be allowed to exploit or have differential prices based on what they want to promote. Solution could be based on what India needs. 1. Govt should maintain list of services which can be provided for free. e.g. Wikipedia,knowledge portals,platforms to raise voices. 2. "Other services" must be treated equally. Net neutrality must be maintained for others. Thank you.

manish sai krishna

We need to wake up and stop this watered down compensation of net neutrality.#TRAI #DataServices

Kaustubh Dasgupta

There should not be differentiation based on usage. This will kill the idea of neutral internet. This will kill the small Indian start-ups as they will not be able to complete with large corporations.

Neeraj Pandey_9

I am completely against this way of data charges. First of all its against net-neutrality and is against the objective ,internet was established with. There should not be any discrimination on what type of content we want to access on which site. I would like to mention another thing here without a even clue, what facebook is trying to do people are supporting 'free basics' program. I dont understand why we(not all) Indian fall for this incredibly irresistible power of term 'FREE'.

Shubham Mangal Bharat Lanke

1. No web, app specific plans but only data amount with user freedom. Hence no whatsapp similar plans. 2. Principles of dumb network should be maintained. 3. Already we have bandwidthwise plans and this has created parallel highways of internet which should not be handicapped by allowing tolls of TSPs. 4. Net neutrality is necessary as today it will be beneficial to someone and tomorrow for others. This will only result into monopolization of free internet.

Pratik Dongre we do not want telcos to control what we access on internet and they cannot charge differently for different websites. we want net neutrality, the real net neutrality. we want access to internet, for all the people, on all the times and access to everything and not just the select parts of the internet.

Rohan Agarwal_2

Don't allow Facebook to increase its business at the cost of our rights! We want net neutrality, real Net Neutrality. We don't want discriminatory policies against start-ups, smaller companies or any other company which is not ready to pay Facebook. We want the internet to stay the way it is now. We want to be able to access all websites at the same speed and at the same data rates. We don't support this misleading so-called " Free Basics" campaign.#TRAI #MyGov #supportAIB

Karthikeyan Sampath

TSPs should not allow to charge for content base sites. Instead #TRAI may regulate minimum level of internet service based on the bandwidth/speed. So all the internet service can be reached to all the people in India. #TRAI #DataServices

Anjali Siddhartha

Don't allow Facebook to increase its business at the cost of our rights! We want net neutrality, real Net Neutrality. We don't want discriminatory policies against start-ups, smaller companies or any other company which is not ready to pay Facebook. We want the internet to stay the way it is now. We want to be able to access all websites at the same speed and at the same data rates. We don't support this misleading so-called " Free Basics" campaign.

shashank vig its simple is that no one has the right to force us to what to choose or what not to. basically this topic should not be the part of discussion that telcos should be allowed for such thing or not. simply deny this dumb thing. they are saying HALF TRUTH. somewhere its seen that TRAI is also in their favour if not there would be open discussion. I AM IN SUPPORT OF THAT NET NEUTRALITY WHERE THE END USER HAS THE RIGHT WHAT TO DO WITH HIS DATA PACK WITH A CONSTANT SPEED.

Mohammed Asad

I support Net Neutrality in the way it is generally defined which is "Everyone should be able to access all the content on the internet without any restrictions." Now please don't make a fool out of us by defining it in the way you want it. Dear #TRAI, please rewrite the clauses regarding net neutrality in a way that everybody can understand, that way more people will show their support for this cause.

Mandeep sahi

I support net neutrality

Neeraj Prabhakar

Net neutrality means access to free and unbiased internet for all. To put it in simple terms, anyone from anywhere around the world should be able to access or provide services and content on the internet without any discrimination. Please dont allow Telecom Comp to dictate our usage.

Neeraj Prabhakar

I Support Net Neutrality. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies or facebook. Network providers should not be allowed to dictate internet bandwidth or differential pricing

bala venkata raju pinnaboina facebook trying to make every one fool....pls do not believe facebook mail for supporting

Bhavesh Oswal No App Licence

Bhavesh Oswal we want net neutrality

Vignesh karthik

#TRAI I don want to pay differently for services. As it is the net is neutral there is no need for network providers to dictate my country's bandwidth. I am against facebook's free basic. The rule to make all apps workable on 2g will make it more easy for low range mobile users to use all apps. keep the net free and don't sell it to telecos, its a shame that u want to ask us opinion when u very well know its against our country. Stop working in colonial style and plan for India. Jai hind


1. No. Please don't allow some companies to control the content people access. We don't want Internet to become a satellite TV network - where the entire programming is controlled. There won't be a level playing field. While big telecoms will benefit, the small developers, bloggers and YouTubers ( who don't have the necessary wherewithal) to be able to compete. 2. If differential pricing is allowed, Indias will become copycats not innovators. So please stop it from happening.

Anchal RAMAKANT pandey

In my personal opinion different pricing is not good for any one but free internet is bad , it must be charged otherwise used by peoples in bad way prof. anchal pandey g s college of commerce Wardha

Afan Masudi we want to access internet equally. we want net nutrality not monopoly of some companies. Who are facebook or other companies to define net nutrality? we want freedom #savetheinternet #TRAI #DataServices 3MyGov

Shubham Sharma_160

We want to access any website anytime without being charged for it separately. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies or facebook. We want actual net neutrality.

Prachi Dahiya_1 we don't want net neutrality which is controlled by telecom companies....we want freedom to access whatever we want to n not to get controlled by somebody


We want to access any website anytime without being charged for it separately. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies or facebook. I want Net neutrality to be untouched by TRAI.

Ajresh Kumar

Internet revolution is only due to its independence nature. I strongly support #NetNutrality.

Aadhithya Sivalingam

I do not support differential pricing. Net Neutrality is best. Making a few (or big) websites free is NOT the right thing to do. Smaller and individual blogs or small scale online trading websites will have very less visitors, if differential pricing is implemented. If more Indians accessing internet constructively is the desired result, the internet connection (broadband, dialup or top up) rates be reduced or made subsidised for select people like ration shops. I support net neutrality. #TRAI


Dear, TRAI authority Our respective CONSTITUTION given us freedom that we choose our own choice and Constitution Of India also gave U supreme power to PROTECT our freedom's.Respectively Mr. P.M don't bond on chain with disclaim #NetNeutrality - Plz Sir, Gave us Minimum Freedom of net surfing and equality. Don't do this

Amlan Ray_1

We want to access any website anytime without being charged for it seperately.we dont want net nutrality to be defined by telecom companies or facebook.

Vijay Surya Parvataneni

Free basics won't change India into a more-connected place. Net neutrality will, without burning a hole in my pocket.

Makarand P

If the government really wants to give everyone free internet, they should give the free internet & not free access to Flipkart or Facebook..this is biased & will make users habitual to using only these free websites & they will never use the real chargeable internet which is not good for users as well as the content providers.

Makarand P

I do NOT support Free Basics or Zero Rating or or Differential Pricing for Data Services on mobiles I want net neutrality for internet & what it really means which is users can access EVERYTHING on the internet & not just limited content for free that the telecom operators will tie up with. #SaveTheInternet #NetNeutrality

Gaurav Tanwar_1

Spectrum is a Public Utility. Customer need not to give any charge to the TSP's for their price interest with some of the privileged bonds they want to make with Big Business giants. There are different methods prevailing in the world which can make sure both the internet Connectivity and Net Neutrality. We need not to depend on the differential method or Zero rating for this. Net Neutrality is the essential web right of every citizen and should not be distorted in any form.

kishore anand

@nitin dotre I disagree with your last point. All websites should be accessible at the same cost (net neutrality holds to pricing as well). If only certain websites are made free and if other contents are expensive, people start using only free websites. People who are desperately in need of other websites will shower money over TSP's. Also it will hold back web developers from creating new website as it will be not affordable for them to host their sites for free.

ishank sharma_2

I strongly request the safe guard net netrually in real safe and reject like Facebook and other organisations which indirectly want to control our net traffic while giving free for few months and later they will charge for any site we browse. I hope govt. don't fall this corporate what they say in begging.

kishore anand

There should not be any discrimination between websites. The entire internet should be accessibly at the same cost and at the speed. freebasics is a scheme by facebook which aims at creating monopoly in the internet world. It's trying to fool all Indians by coining words like "free", "Digital equality", "connecting everyone" etc.. nobody should fall for such words. The scheme is completely against Net Neutrality. And don't let TSP's to define what Net Neutrality is. TRAI, PFA for the answers.

nitin dhotre

Without NET neutrality, India can not achieve goal of "Digital India". Hence along with NET neutrality, basic services should be made free.

nikhil_191 i think the net neutrality should mean access to the whole internet and not just select sites and application.

Tushar Jalan

Outsiders cannot dictate MODI Govt on how should they allow to use the internet be it FREE BASICS or save the internet. Mr should be capable of taking his own decision not based on FB or Twitter petitions

Adithya kanchemu

Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.

Adithya kanchemu

Developed countries around the world have adopted net neutrality in its original form.We need to do the same to catch up with them.Remember internet is the last forum where unbiased views are aired and listened by all.


Developed countries around the world have adopted net neutrality in its original form.We need to do the same to catch up with them.Remember internet is the last forum where unbiased views are aired and listened by all.

Harish Rajan

Instead of free basics what TRAI can do to be a proper regulatory authority is to crackdown the ISP which use FUP as a buisness tactics to gain more profits by providing poor speeds to the users they bypass the ruling of the govt of minimum speed by using this FUP policy, A mordern and digital india needs this basic problem to be sorted out. This area has not been touched by the goverment at all. I strongly disagree with the free basics policy which is not required at this time.

Harish Rajan Instead of free basics what TRAI can do to be a proper regulatory authority is to crackdown the ISP which use FUP as a buisness tactics to gain more profits by providing poor speeds to the users they bypass the ruling of the govt of minimum speed by using this FUP policy, A mordern and digital india needs this basic problem to be sorted out. This area has not been touched by the goverment at all. I strongly disagree with the free basics policy which is not required at this time.

Harish Rajan

Instead of free basics what TRAI can do to be a proper regulatory authority is to crackdown the ISP which use FUP as a buisness tactics to gain more profits by providing poor speeds to the users they bypass the ruling of the govt of minimum speed by using this FUP policy, A mordern and digital india needs this basic problem to be sorted out. This area has not been touched by the goverment at all. I strongly disagree with the free basics policy which is not required at this time.


Access to internet should be equal for all and same for all without any discrimination or dictated by any telecom company or government authority.Net neutrality should be implemented as it is in its original form and not defined by telecom companies. We have left license rule and closed market economy behind and lets keep it there as such.


Access to internet should be equal/ complete and at same quality for all the users. Having Net Neutrality defined by telecom companies defines this purpose. This in turn will result in crushing many start-up ecosystem in India.


There is no need for free basics or differential pricing. Whatever is existing today is good for all. We don't want net neutrality defined by telecom companies.We want to access anything at anytime without paying separate differential prices.The proposals made by Facebook or Airtel will really have negative implications. We do not want to support it at all. If the govt agress with TSP then rich will become richer and poor becomes poorer. Nothing gets benifitted for common man.

Shanmukha Adimulam

Differential pricing system will crush the start-up ecosystem in India.

Somnath Karande

The proposals made by Facebook, Airtel and other similar companies are portraying (misleading) how they help people who cannot afford internet access, but at the same time they are trying to build an eco-system that enriches other business only by abiding with their policies. This has serious negative implications. If these companies really do care about providing basic Internet access, then why not provide certain content for free and the remainder at the current rate?

Neeraj Jain_9

Notifying this law will e only ensure that big players remain big& small players diminish. It is against the structure of any economy that restricts growth opportunities for fresh ideas & this will result in brain drain. I guess reducing prices of data usage or giving free internet to weaker sections in society ( not castes) not restricting then in opening ne website would be ideal in the present state of ever flourishing society & economy. #DataServices #TRAI

keith pinto

The proposals made by Facebook, Airtel and other similar companies are portraying (misleading) how they help people who cannot afford internet access, but at the same time they are trying to build an eco-system that enriches other business only by abiding with their policies. This has serious negative implications. If these companies really do care about providing basic Internet access, then why not provide certain content for free and the remainder at the current rate?

Neeraj Jain_9

If we would allow this to happen, it would be Aggainst interest of innovation , entrepreneurship & ever growing market competition . As it would only allow big players to become bigger & not allowing overall economy to rise.


There's no compromise that we can allow on the conditions of net neutrality. We should be able to access everything with equal importance ie no differential pricing. Differential pricing would cause the average indian entrepreneur or news blogger to never have a chance to develop and the rich would make more money. This is something which disturbs the equal oppurtunities.


Already facebook has used its social network to promote free basics among the users and sending notifications to other users , this in itself is an act of influence . Differential pricing will give power to the powerful website and advertising agencies to target consumer and force them to use their services and making the market less competitive and will destroy emerging companies from having equal opportunities for competition in today's market . Lowering the price is better option .

Jagnesh Pathak

#TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov Govt should consider making appropriate laws based on recommendations from pulic, telecos and other stakeholders as TRAI is regulatory authority and policies implemented by it should be governed under a law with a detailed considerations for future as the changes over the internet and telecommunications is frequent and more influential therefore there arises a need for new legislation. Thank You

Jagnesh Pathak

Internet for sure has become abasic requirement but still they are millions of people who don't want to use it because its not a part of their life and most of them are poor. TSPs owned by share holders run businesses not public welfare schemes and how can they provide Free Internet access and unlimited bandwidth that too to a list of selected websites? There's definitely no profit unless they're bluffing people. So, Free Internet isn'twhat we need,weneed a neutral andunregulated internet.

Sandeep Kumar Singh_46

There is no need for free basics or differential pricing.Whatever is existing is good for all. Those who can afford for smart phone are also recharging for data packs and it has reached to remote villages also where there is telephone network. Remember there is no free lunch in this world,those who r saying it as free internet today will be most exploiter in the future in the name of free internet or call package.


We want net neutrality the way it is.No free basics.No differential pricing


Net Neutrality is what something it means free internet it shoudnt be defined by some telecom company or some social networnking sites. We have been slaves under british hands for many years so why should we act the same as before , we dont want other revolution or other big fight in INDIA "or to create one more day like[happy internet independence day]"This is our country "democratic company" dont spoil it pls pls pls dont do anything just stop telecos and others for their evil works .


Father of Internet Berners-Lee said: “I tend to say ‘just say no’” when it comes to compromising on it. He said: “In the particular case of somebody who’s offering … something which is branded internet, it’s not internet, then you just say no. No it isn’t free, no it isn’t in the public domain, there are other ways of reducing the price of internet connectivity and giving something … " Free Basics is a serious threat to Net neutrality. We should not let that happen. Please ban Zero rating.


Net neutrality should include equality for every data on internet and differential pricing is a definite no.We do not want telecom comp. to decide what he need to browse by applying different charges for different websites. We do not want apps like what'sapp or hike to get license for video call on internet.Please let us use internet the way we are using today. WE DO NOT WANT Differential Pricing for Data Services.Facebook messages to TRAI should not be considered.

Kishor Bhat

I support a unfiltered access to websites. The free or discounted tariffs to certain websites will crush the competition in industry thereby affects the growth. When PM made bog announcements regarding 'Startup India' if we allow this type of free access to certain websites the large number of startups will not be able to survive because they will not be in a position to compete with the free websites. Moreover free access to some sites looks like socialist model which is proven to be disastrous


I beg our government to unfiltered access to the internet. The growth of India stagnated due to license raj, please do not repeat history by allowing facebook or any other company to be a gate keeper. The day that happens please understand we are handing over our key to growth to corporate and not government. Please Please Please do not allow any zero rating or free basic or what ever the name is. They are evil, if not today then tomorrow. Thank you, I believe in India and in this government.

Gowtham Kare

Consider my Comments/Suggestions.

Ishan Mehta

The internet should have no restrictions on which website one visits. Predecide the data plan rates but after that it would be the same price for all websites and apps accessed. Internet platform is an equal platform for all upcoming companies to launch their websites as well. If it's a pay per site rule then only the bigger companies will be able to dictate the terms through money and politics. The internet is a free space and it should continue to remain so.

Hariom Sadashiv Vibhute

We all here support neutral internet for all kind of services and dont want differential internet services.


Differential pricing by telcos, is end of internet freedom. This is against the basis of net neutrality. Commercialization of internet will mean controlling of free will of netizens. TRAI should not regulate internet access by differential pricing and should really implement the actual meaning of digital equality

Jaideep Mishra we don't want differential pricing, this is a threat to our freedom and innovation. When all over world is opening up, why we are closing the doors for the youngsters. Big corporates can pay huge amount to free their app but think about entrepreneurs who don't have that amount of money to give to telecom operators.

Ankur Srivastava no free basics, no no zero rental plan. we want net neutrality that too in real form.. how can FACEBOOK can advertise that it is good for us and rural and developing India needs it.. why government cant have its own system why should we rely on the FACEBOOK, or GOOGLE we have wipro and INFOSYS, TCS and other big companies we should have use services of NIC waht i want to say is that i m supporting net neutrality and if DIGITAL INDIA is the dream then we should cherish it of our own

rahul pandey_46

पर स पर और अलग

Shreenath Wadkar

I think Facebook+Reliance initiative of is directly challenging the basic defination of net neutrality i.e."ALL of the internet to everyone with every bit of data charged equally". Facebook+Reliance,for there own greedy interests,can't mislead people by their false advertising strategy.So,no differential pricing based on website,application or platforms and this includes VoIP apps too.There should be no Licencing for VoIP apps.


Dear #TRAI #MYGOV We must have an internet to access everything and anything without Charging differently for different websites and apps. Don't make it complicated. Its straight and clear. And one more thing. Don't start licencing for apps and calling apps. Because we payed for internet and we make calls by using that data. Don't double charge us

Ritwick Guha

Facebook is trying to change the very concept of Net Neutrality, changing it to 'the freedom to access the internet' wherein its original meaning is 'the freedom to ACCESS EVERYTHING on the internet'. If we are to progress to the stage of being a developed country we cannot have a biased internet. The internet is probably the last bastion of actual freedom that we as a country still have. Let us not give in to the capitalistic demands of the telcos. #DataServices, #HandsOffMyInternet

Anand Kumar_144 or any of its kind is not worthed.

Nissy Solomon

Why would Facebook,a private company,provide services for free ? There is an ulterior motive behind this initiative that stands for the best interests of Facebook. Free basics is a misleading initiative that violates Net neutrality. We need equal and unbaised access to ALL services and not preferential and selective acess to "Some" services. The gov's Ambitious plan of Digital India and Start-UP India would make no sense if this is initiated. India needs complete Net Neutrality.


Our country is free to access anywhere as we want.Don't make it like if you want to visit any city you have to pay charges.We want our internet as it is now.We don't want any restrictions with charges for any site.Even our government needs to make a new right.'6' Free internet surfing for all Indian people and charges for downloading per mb( as it is now).A good example is as UP gov start rewarding Laptops but most of them using it as a media player as they r not financially well.

Rajiv Menon

The internet should be treated as a black box that cannot be messed with in terms of transmission. All internet traffic should be regarded as equal. If TSP's start differentiating between traffic it will only serve the interests of big companies who want traffic to their website. It will kill competition and make a walled garden where the diversity of the will vanish. #internetwalledgarden #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov

Swamy Nathan

TSPs SHOULD not be allowed to have differential pricing accessing different websites, applications or platforms. By TSPs having differential pricing, all the upcoming innovative websites which might prove to be better functional than some of the established websites might get killed in the process. This MUST be prevented. Net neutrality will be the most important step in the development of our country and the sustenance of INTERNET DEMOCRACY.

sivanath mamilla

Differential pricing will create data market where we can divide the customers into 2. Middle 3.poor classes and we have to categorise the data 1.primary data 2. Secondary data 3.tertiary data ...... as similar to progressive taxation in India,we will prepare data slabs based on the usage of data.....if a service provider want to promote a app called X by giving free data or data discount government should make compulsory to apply same to govt primary data for ex ncert books @ education.

jayant thakur_1

It is important to note that some telecom providers and Facebook has used unscrupulous methods to mislead its users into believing they will be supporting net neutrality. TSP should NOT be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites,applications,platforms. Several alternatives exist other than diff. tariff plans or FREE BASICS that are practical to implement and will provide access to the Internet to millions of Indians. We want true net neutrality. #TRAI

Maneesh Kumar Singh

We want complete Net neutrality and everything with same data rates for all the contents. And we don't want freebasics and airtelzero types of services. And finally, stop asking for dropping a mail about this issue anymore. #permanentban

himanshu mittal_10

Please do not implement differential pricing. We want everything with same cost.


Hello, Comment for: Point 1:NO, the TSP should no be allowed to exercise any differential pricing for data usage. Point 2:The target should be NOT TO HAVE any differential pricing, even though if gov decided to go with that, we have to make sure, every indian citizen can have access of everything over internet with same speed. Point 3:As internet is a utility we should not put any method for earning revenues from it,that to in the era where Mr.Modi want to build cities over optical fibers...

Prateek Arora_7

Sir, Please DO NOT IMPLEMENT Differential Pricing for Data Service.We need to use internet as we are using now i.e EVERYONE equal to browse EVERYTHING without any biasing by telecom companies #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov


Sir Please let us use the internet equally as we do today.We do not want differential pricing for data services to be implemented.We want net neutrality to be followed in the country in its true form.


I want in net neutrality


Sir, Please DO NOT IMPLEMENT Differential Pricing for Data Service.We need to use internet as we are using now i.e EVERYONE equal to browse EVERYTHING without any biasing by telecom companies


Sir, We do not want telecom comp. to decide what he need to browse by applying different charges for different websites. We do not want app like whatsapp hike to get license for video call on internet. Please let us use internet the way we are using now. Please let us use whatsapp calls and messages for free as we are using now. WE DO NOT WANT Differential Pricing for Data Services

Raviraj Ghodke

Everything to everyone at same cost... This is what I want in net neutrality. Don't want to see rich are getting richer in service providing business and consumers who can afford can only have access to sea of knowledge and information over internet. Please leave it as it is.

Rohan Malik

Different pricing is not needed... if the telecom companies could not innovate that's their fault.. people work hard and sacrifice a lot on startup and making apps based company... just to give telecom companies benefit. ALSO FACEBOOK MESSAGE TO TRAI should not be considered... putting in top notification terming it as "DIGITAL EQUALITY" is a hoax. it's like infosys asking US customers to tell congress that "9/10 people support H1b"

Rachit Mathur

We want Net Neutrality, a real Net Neutrality, Don't Want Net Neutrality to be defined by Telecom Companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and tell them they cannot charge differently for different website. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay more for it separately. We don't want licencing for whatsapp, viber or any other app we use. We already left behind the licence charge, there is no way we can go back again.

Rachit Mathur

All of the Internet, to all of the people, all of the time means anyone being able to access EVERYTHING on the internet, anytime, that s what must be Net Neutrality. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don t want different charges for different websites. # Net_Neutrality #TRAI #Dataservice #MyGov

Nishant Bhardwaj_2

We want Net Neutrality, a real Net Neutrality, Don't Want Net Neutrality to be defined by Telecom Companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and tell them they cannot charge differently for different website. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay more for it separately. We don't want licencing for whatsapp, viber or any other app we use. We already left behind the licence charge, there is no way we can go back again.

anil s

There is no NEED for diiferential pricing, everything must be same in same price band then only data connectivity freedom can be achieved . Other wise gov will not able to classify, and monitor it effectively if it is applied with rule sets. Jai hind



Even in a single family separate services are used.But, different rates for 2/3/4 G services and time period. To avail 4G service, customers to upgrade their devices, if they don't have such instrument, they will not be able to avail. In such cases, customers preferred to go for either 2G or 3G. But. 2G service purchase is not of any use and complete loss of money. Companies to assure service for all such grades of service. So, all service considered are worthy to users with extg instruments.


All of the Internet, to all of the people, all of the time means anyone being able to access EVERYTHING on the internet, anytime, that s what must be Net Neutrality. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don t want different charges for different websites. # Net_Neutrality #TRAI #Dataservice #MyGov

Kandarp Devashrayee

All of the Internet, to all of the people, all of the time means anyone being able to access EVERYTHING on the internet, anytime, that s what must be Net Neutrality. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. # Net_Neutrality #TRAI #Dataservice #MyGov

Ashish Agarwal_15

Alternative 1: Link: Alternative 2: Link:

Rahul Pradhan_1

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

rohit patel_29 plz dont do this with the internet freedom.this is just an other way of facebook to earn tons of money. it is certainly going to hamper our development as internet is the basic requirment of todays generation and its a ridiculous way to do that. but snatching the independency of internet users by keeping some sites free and other chargeble inspite of giving money is just a trick of facebook to make sure that there should be no other facebook and there future gets secured.

Sriharsha Polimetla

Having different prices for different content is ridiculous. It takes away the right to information. Also net neutrality should never be defined by the telecom companies. These days internet is no more a luxury but a necessity. If India is to become a truly developed nation it should behave like one too. Licences for Whatsapp and other VOIP apps? That is ridiculous

Saurabh Wanivadekar

As has been said by nearly EVERYONE who is aware of this site telecom service providers have no right over what we access over the internet provided by them as we ARE PAYING to get the access already and in no way should different services or same services provided by different companies be priced differently.As for any alternative method to provide free internet access to consumers TSP's can do that with their own generosity, and not by transfering the costs to someone else's account.

Akshay Bhutoria

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.


We should have the right to choose what we want to access on the internet with no charges if i pay for internet pack. There should be no extra charges or different charges to access any website at anytime. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. Also the email ID which was registered before is not getting any OTP to login, my some frnds too have this issue when login


Organisation's want to make profits by bringing net neutrality. We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

subhash mallick

Sir, When maximum illiterate people/shop keepers are providing Mobile top-up or recharging other people mobile or to say "ease recharge" from their mobile very comfortably, then all people will operate money transfer from mobile. So it is my request to govt to stop/use-of paper currency or metal coins. all transfer and use of money should be made by mobile. for example I have to pay Rs. 100/- to some one then I have to recharge/transfer/RTGS/NEFT from my mobile.

Richa Upadhyay_3

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

RAMA RANI rates r higher,consumer is getting less but he wants.private sector starts looting always in the name of quality and service etc,we feel computer,internet is is the need of hour,so govt. should take initiative,same price for same thing can be the people may not feel to be fools.every thing should be regular.

Vinod Pal_3

I am with support free internet but it should not be controlled by anyone. Low price internet or free internet is good, only few free site are not good. you are think about poor people, but who don't have food for eat how they can use your free internet. According to me if you really do something increase basic speed, dongle's minimum speed should be higher, Because especially we spend money for data. RECONSIDER YOUR OLD GUIDELINE

Vikas Kamboj_1

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.


We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

Subrata Sarkar_8

TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. But for providing free basic internet service like accessing educative website(eg.Wikipedia) and government website no money should be charged to the poor.(eg.people belonging to BPL)

Gaurav Prakash_1

Regulation should address the way a service / feature is presented to the customer, pricing must stay in the hands of business. Let competition in the market define pricing. Regulation should be clear on selective blocking or on differential speed.

Sunil_358 we dont want network operators to keep different prices of different websites... we actually want unlimited access to internet. After spending so much of money for DATA services yet they are keeping limited for What??? i guess they should remove limited access too and we want a REAL NET NEUTRALITY and not the one defined by facebook


If Facebook, Airtel and other companies are keen on Social Service, they should provide the actual free internet to their consumers with a data instead of this abomination. Facebook's campaign aorund Free Basics is unethical advertising. The least they can do is to come clean and say that they are doing this for money rather than masquerading it for the upliftment of the poor #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov

Nitin Pai_1

We need the Internet service providers and government to treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. We support true net neutrality and not the one defined by facebook or telecom operators

Sachin Khiste

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

Jaynil K Gandhi

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We are paying money for internet access, then we should be able to see any website any time without any charges other than payment for internet access. #TRAI

Himanshu Tyagi_2

Big telecom companies should not have the power to deferentially price me for the websites that i access or the apps that I use. Data, in all forms, should be treated equally. Whether I watch a video, or make a call on whatsapp or just browse a site, I should be charged purely on the basis of data that I consume. The ISPs should not be allowed to show some site for free whereas levy charges for accessing others. Please do not let big players create monopoly in the market.

Ashish Wadekar

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

Gopi A i. TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. ii. Differential pricing for data usage should not be permitted in principle, given that they will allow TSPs to act as gatekeepers on how Indians experience the Internet and also will prioritize certain companies with vested interests to promote their content/product. iii. Instead of gatekeeping, TSP's can provide certain amount of data as free everyday

vivek singh_151

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

harsha agarwal_3

We need net neutrality in the real sense and not as defined by telcos to suit their purpose.Also we don't want differential pricing for content on the internet. And yes no going back to licensing raj!

Nidhi Kargathra

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We don't want telecom companies controlling what we access on the internet and we don't want different charges for different websites. We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay for it separately. We don't want licensing for any app. We don't want differential pricing. We want net neutrality in the real sense.

Nayan Kale

We need actual Net neutrality and not any morphed version where only a bunch of websites are accessible. The current version is all we need!!

ARUN KUMAR SHUKLA_2 we want to access every site with equal speed and without any differential charge. We don't want any differential pricing or licensing for whatsapp, viper, or some apps etc. We want net neutrality(defined as the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favouring or blocking particular products or websites). So, please do not allow differential pricing for data service or licensing for whatsapp, viper etc.

ARUN KUMAR SHUKLA_2 please do not allow differential pricing for data services as it will be detrimental to innovation and digitalindia campaign.

Darpan Manjani

Net neutrality - those who have bought the carrier service can access ANYTHING/ ANY WEBSITE/ ANY APPLICATION for the same tariff.same amount should be charged on every app and website. No App or webiste should get preferential benefits OF ANY KIND.

Rushil Fernandes

Please do not allow Airtel et al to make the internet a place where innovation is impossible. Kindly enshrine Net Neutrality in the law.

Harish Anand_1 Please do not implement differencial pricing for data services. It is a blatant violation of Net Neutrality. Please save Internet.

Atish Anant

No,we don't want Differential Pricing for Data Services. It will not let the little Indian startups to have a neutral platform to compete with already existing international giants. That will be the biggest setback for #makeinindia.

Madhu Maddipatla

If we want to make the internet reachable to all. We need to make the basic plan economical, which is available only for people below poverty. I feel allowing the providers to offer something as basic for everyone and then charge for other services is not a good model as it will prevent new application developers to reach out to the entire masses. They will have to go via the providers, which will hamper entrepreneurship. The internet need to be neutral to all kinds of information.


With highest possible respect, may I point out that we need to have one pricing for data plans. No apps should be treated and/or priced differently. It goes against the basics of internet. We, as a nation, needs to take a bold stand.This may go against the interest of a handful of corporate but it is in the long term interest of the country. Radio people were worried with the advent of TV.Incumbents will always resist any change/development. Interest of Indians stand as first priority

Monisha M_3

I support NET NEUTRALITY, #freedom

sharmila rachapudi all the websites and platforms of govt should be available free of cost across the country which will facilitate maximum reach of information and communication from govt to people which will enable egovernance . all other market,profit oriented websites and apps should be treated at par to ensure fairplay . a large chunk of Indian population is digitally illiterate , reach of govt to people at free of cost can be first step to digital india


No, We shouldn't allow TSP's to be allowed to have differential pricing.

Aditya Garg_6

We want net neutrality like the way it is not the way that facebook or any telecom company is trying to make of it. There should be access to all websites instead of some particular ones. Also there should be no licensing provided to any voip service provider.

MUDIT GUPTA_10 we want net neutrality in real sense not in the sense the telcos want.

pruthvin r

#NetNeutrality government saying it will support net neutrality but again asking for suggestions??? kishore anand

Please protect Net Neutrality in india. There should not be any differential rating. Which will hinder the growth of small businesses also take away the freedom. We will be forced to use limited sites indirectly. If you are willing to give internet access to everyone in this contry please provide free sim cards and give "Entire" internet at low prices and If the place is too backward or cannot afford the internet services, make it ("Entire internet") free in such areas. #SaveTheInternet


It's the digital depiction of Eden's Garden with mostly "labelled" fruits. Net neutrality is a freedom that is never to be compromised nor should its meaning be distorted just to create the monopolistic market. Internet is republic and not monarchy. #Savetheinternet #MyGov


We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's


On the outset, I would request you not to publish my email address on any website. All i wan't is to use the internet, the way i want, not how my provider want me to use it. We are already paying them for the service, now they want us to pay more for the taking our freedom and providing us less content, today, it is Internet, tomorrow it will be with other things too.

Ashwani Kumar_36

We want real Net Neutrality. All contents on the internet should be equally accessible to everyone. We don't want anyone to control our freedom to use the internet. I should be able to use the internet in the way I want. The big telcos giants know only to make money & they try to manipulate everything that could be profitable to them. If this goes there won't be much time in getting a situation to pay the telcos even for receiving a call or text. #SaveTheInternet #NetNeutrality #TRAI #MyGov

Subhadip Banerjee

I support NET NEUTRALITY, #freedom

Chandan Kumar Gupta_14

We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's

jayukumar parbatbhai modhavadiya

We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's

Ankit Hazra

I support the real NET NEUTRALITY - "All content on internet should be accessible to everyone at all times". we, the people decide what content we want to consume. We should have access to all content on the internet just by paying the data charges to Telcos. I DONT WANT ANY LICENSING FOR USING OTT services like viber, whatsapp, etc. #SavetheInternet #MyGov

Alok Tripathi my suggestions are -net neutrality is not MUST -Educational sites should be cheaper or free -while unwanted sites should be banes or v costly -general sites (SM) should be normal or net neutral


We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's

monalisha thakur

Internet has always been a great source of information to us. Now, during the time when, there is an excess of information from all the ends, prioritizing what we want to hear or read is individula's choice and hence should be left that way. I support net neutrality, in its true essence, where there is freedom to see and listen to what ever a person wants not forcefulness!!

Vinesh Sudharman

Internet is the only source where I get my information as it is free source for any news or entertainment. I am not willing to compromise my internet freedom, by choosing a free source over a paid one. Internet should be free and should open to use by anyone and everyone. There should be no licensing fee levied on social networking apps like WhatsApp and viber which allows us to make free local calls. Thanks #AIB for passing on this important message.


We do not want Net Neutrality. Please stop Telecom companies from charging differently for different Websites. We want to be able access anything at anytime without paying any extra money for it. We do not want any licensing for any app we use

Nikhil Krishna_1

Please don't make us slave of telecom companies let me live with freedom


Please don't make us slave of telecom companies let me live with freedom

Lalit Kumar_138

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies.We want to be able to access anything,at any time, without having to pay more for it separately.

Ashish Agarwal_15 iii) Alternatives- - Free access should be given to helpful govt. portals, websites or apps that are dedicated to farmers, students, health-issues etc. I don't think anyone would have a problem if something like 'National Health Portal' or 'MyGov' is available for free access! - Instead of providing some services at a lower rate or for free, telecom companies could provide the whole internet for free with limited data-usage for a period. These models have their own plus and minuses.

debjyoti dhang

It also affects free internet education in India. So the interference by this ISPs and TSPs must be restricted. No sites should be charged differently. It must be made free of cost and amke sure that everyone can have access to whatever sites they want. In order to progress with other countries, there has to be major changes in the internet sectotr

Pawan Yadav_17

Scrap free basics, , zero rating or anything like that

Pawan Yadav_17

I don't want telecom companies to decide what stuff i can access on the internet. I don't want differentiated pricing. The telecom companies shouldn't charge my data based on what i access on the internet.

debjyoti dhang

Facebook allows people to register with FREE BASICS and at free in order to support net neutrality but facebook's limits the no. of free apps and services for it's users thus creating a walled garden. Once you try to access to other sites you are charged. So that is sheer hypocrisy from Facebook. Lastly, the price discrimination concept does not allow new startup companies to expand as they are charged very high by these telecom providers for the websites they want to publish.


I am using idea and Airtel only as Made in India. but this way this company do foolish support for sake of money for few year then they will be in problem. in few years facebook will come and say I don;t need Reliance, Idea, Airtel I ave own satellite. I really don't like facebook and its concepts from long time, and this time they are trying to come in Indian Internet policy. Why the will be used for free? that free will make us fall in facebook well.

Arun Kumar_193 we do not want Telecom Companies to control what we access on internet.

debjyoti dhang

Through the newly introduced FREE BASICS concept by facebook, they define net neutrality as 'people all over India having the right to access internet" whereas the actual definition of net neutality means "people from all over India having the right to access anything they want without any discriminations".

Ashesh Ambasta

Its barely any secret that Facebook is a business worth billions. It is also no secret that Zuckerberg's well planned letter declaring all he has done will go to charity was a huge gimmick. I'm surprised that Free Basics or is still under discussion. One of the founding principles of anything is freedom to exercise one's choice. Whatever Facebook is doing is a blatant violation of that right. Please don't compromise on India's future.

Ashish Agarwal_15

(Part 2/2) Contd... That separate govt. body should ensure that telecom companies are not being selfish, there's chance for new innovation to be addressed and also that no competition is being killed. I don't support differential pricing for data usage in the first place. If telecom companies want to provide free internet to "HELP" people, EVERYTHING on the internet should be accessible for free (speed can be slower or there can data-usage-limit for a time-period).

debjyoti dhang

Internet is an integral part in our daily lives. People should have the right to access whatever they want at anytime. TRAI's attempt to bring the issue of "differential pricing for data services" by telecom providers and ISPs in the public's view and seeking suggestions to eliminate such technically illegal practices is indeed commendable. Firstly telecom service providers and big internet business organizations like facebook is trying to change the definition of net neutrality.


Telecom companies should not be allowed to charge anything extra for accessing some applications as internet has become a basic fundamental right and need of every human being to be connected with the world. With the Digital India initiative taken by the government the primary focus should be on providing internet connectivity at a low cost to all the citizens to enable them to access the internet easily.

Chilaka Ramakrishna placing differential pricing discourages digital India mission, since the new BJP government want to see the growth in india it should not allow this pricing or the alternate forms of this kind of situation and the government of india should take strict action against facebook for promoting free basics in a false advertisement in the facebook..

Ashish Agarwal_15

(Part 1/2) Thanks TRAI for a proper explanation and asking for comments. Here are my views- i) TSPs should NOT be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different things. ii) If differential pricing for data usage is to be permitted then it should not be decided by telecom companies individually about which websites, apps or platforms are gonna be available for free or at lower rates. There must be a trustworthy govt. body to decide that. To be contd...


We want true net neutrality ,not the version provided by relecom companies. Every body should be albe to access every thing on the internet ant any time without any additional charges . We do not want the telecom companies deciding how we access the internet . Telecom companies should not be able to charge extra for certain websites. We do not want licensing of apps like whatsapp and viber etc that provide free domestic calling sevices.#TRAI #MYGov #TrueNetNuetrality

harsh gupta

We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's

Sanjeev menon

We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's

Pallav bohara We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We want to access anything from anywhere at any time.

nitish aggarwal_1

Net neutrality means to have access for everything on internet .... So no service provider should be allowed to charge people for the same

Rahul Das_1

We don't want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We want to access anything from anywhere at any time.

Ajeet Singh_86

No telecom operator should be allowed to have differential pricing over Internet as these operators claims to be in loss whereas in actual they are actually in means to earn more profit.The current scenario is for Internet use is best and in no way it should be modified or amended.Everyone should have the liberty to use internet as his/her wish and I strongly support TRAI to implement policies which will avoid differential pricing for data usage.

bhavesh gupta_3

We want to access internet anything and anytime without paying additional money and don't want licensing for VOIP services. No charges differently for any website. The real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's

Swapnil Manohar Ahire

I have attached a pdf containing some of the ideas.

Manoj Odunghat

Say yes to net neutrality and no to control over internet by telecom operators and vested interests like Facebook's

vamsi reddy_2 please help people save the internet.Its not a luxury but its a necessity for every family.Internet is a the only thing that can change our country.It makes us a developed country.please dont snatch the freedom we have.try to make india a bettr country.

Dhanesh Kothari

We want to be able to access all of the internet, anything at anytime (not just selected part of the internet) without having to pay more for it separately.. We don't want licensing for Whatsapp, viber or any other VOIP services. We want net neutrality, the real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's They cannot charge differently for different websites. #TRAI #NetNeutrality

Karan pal_4

We want free internet ,not controlled by any company which tries to create monopoly ... We want free and pure net neutrality There should not be any licensing for WhatsApp or viber for VOIP services

prince kumar_62

A big hellooo to our government.i am register today on because we want tell my government on net neutrality. we want true and pure net neutrality not controlled net neutrality. we dont want net neutrality which is controlled by facebook and his teammates. there is a big nooooooo to the facebook.we dn't like restriction on internet.he is promising for some free services but overall he want to create monopoly on internet so plz stop him plz #TRAI #DATASERVICES #MYGOV

prince kumar_62

A big hellloooooo to our government. i am register today on because we want tell my government on net neutrality. we want true and pure net neutrality not controlled net neutrality. we dont want net neutrality which is controlled by facebook and his teammates. there is a big nooooooo to the facebook who wants to capture our freedom of net. we donot like restriction on internet.he is promising for some free services but overall he want to create monopoly on internet so plz stop him plz.

Abhijeet kashyap_1

We want net neutrality, the real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's They cannot charge differently for different websites. We want to be able to access all of the internet anything at anytime (not just selected part of the internet) without having to pay more for it seperately.. We don't want licensing for Whatsapp, viber or any other VOIP services.

Manoj_81 today in anadabazar paper, fb given a advertisement that if u want basic free internet then call toll free no.there r lots of people called this no.I think those guys r doesn't no about net neutrality. I want to know without trai permission how is it possible?

suresh prudhvi

We want to be able to access all of the internet anything at anytime (not just selected part of the internet) without having to pay more for it seperately.. We don't want licensing for Whatsapp, viber or any other VOIP services. We want net neutrality, the real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's They cannot charge differently for different websites.

Sai Kumar_24

We want net neutrality, the real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's They cannot charge differently for different websites. We want to be able to access all of the internet anything at anytime (not just selected part of the internet) without having to pay more for it seperately.. We don't want licensing for Whatsapp, viber or any other VOIP services. #TRAI #DataServices #Mygov

Sai Kumar_24

We want net neutrality, the real net neutrality and not net neutrality which is controlled by telecom operators and facebook's They cannot charge differently for different websites. We want to be able to access all of the internet anything at anytime (not just selected part of the internet) without having to pay more for it seperately.. We don't want licensing for Whatsapp, viber or any other VOIP services.


If you allow this type of nonsense law on internet then where is freedom We have right to access anything at anytime anywhere We live in a country which we want to develop to top But our 80% population earn less then 105 rs a day People can't afford this type of service at all This is the only platform where we can express ourself There should not be any kind of discrimination at all

Bakir Hussain Malak

Internet should be free and accessible to all citizen of india. We dont want net neutrality to be defined by telecom companies. We want to be able to access anything at any time without having to pay more for it separately. We do not want licensing for whatsapp, viber or any other app we use.

amish_4 we need a freedom on internet no one should decide what we have to do on internet ,nowadays it is only d platform to expree ourself equally#TRAI

amit sharma_228 it should be free from the hands of greedy telco operators and the government should ensure that internet should reach to poorest of the poorest in the country

Mangesh Kore

Internet today is not a luxury its a utility for each and every person who is citizen of india for learning sharing thoughts and connecting people across the globe hence it should be free from the hands of greedy telco operators and the government should ensure that internet should reach to poorest of the poorest in the country #TRAI

Harveer SIngh_3

There should not be any kind of discrimination, i mean how can a Telecom operator decide that what i should consume, i am paying them for Internet access, they are not owner of Internet to decide that. and if government want to earn more by doing this then it just bullshit there a lot of way to do that.

Harveer SIngh_3

#TRAI should not give power to anyone to control flow of user on internet.this the time where Telecom operator have to improve their service to survive in competitive world .basically now telecom operator feeling insecure in this internet competitive world because they know that,there are lots of rising entrepreneur,who is providing better services in less. it just a attempt to block the new idea !!!!or no one create a Site better than facebook ,twitter etc.

SHANMUKHA SRINIVAS sir , i donot support ur view of introducing telecoms to judge and restict the data used by the citizens of india as it doesnt support the growth but also changes der is a loss of loosing the creativity from the internet service. the way of difference in charging from one site to the other is not at all the good decision..we wantt net neutarlity i.e. the data should be accessed by everyone ..everywhere and everything with same charges irrespective of the telecoms.

Vaisakh M Varrier i. Internet was always open to all and should remain that way,any sort of discrimination whether its Price,Bandwidth or any other violates the principle of net neutrality.ii. Price discrimination in internet would ensure that transparency and innovation and all that the Internet stands for be violated and as a result no amount of measures would never make internet as it is now.iii.Allowances of data usage for all, BSNL ensuring free data usage to rural students.

mithun padmakumar

As aptly said by Ravi Krishna, "Data services should be charged for the volume of data and/or for width of the bandwidth, however it should treat all data equally. There can be no discrimination between various websites, apps, or OTT services, a carrier of data is like a supplier of electricity, the electricity distribution company changes for units with a slab system. Electricity distribution companies do not change more if people use electricity for an ac or LED TV, less for a simple bulb."

Raghavendra Gaonkar

No. Telecom operators should not be allowed to have differential tarrif based on the contents accessed. It does block people from innovating new apps/products. It should not be difficult for people to pay for internet, if they can afford to by phones/computers.

Abinaya Ankur Raut i wish that each and every individual should be able to access all of internet and not just some part on free basics.i wish net neutrality to be implemented to it's fullest and let telecom operators like airtel destroy the sanctity. Also facebook must be discouraged to distort the facts and do things for it's own benefits.

Kshitij Patil_1

No, the suggestions do not " On the one hand, it appears to make overall internet access more affordable by reducing costs of certain types of content. ", instead the proposals make only a very very veryyyy small part of the internet free to the poor people which is promoting anti free trade practices and unfair competition all in favour of Facebook, Telcos and their partners. This suggestion if converted into a bill & if passed will lead to a massive revolt and pushback.

Ravi Krishna_2

Data services should be charged for the volume of data and/or for width of the bandwidth, however it should treat all data equally. There can be no discrimination between various websites, apps, or OTT services, a carrier of data is like a supplier of electricity, the electricity distribution company changes for units with a slab system. Electricity distribution companies do not change more if people use electricity for an ac or LED TV, less for a simple bulb. Data should be similarly priced.

Apanjot Singh_1

Internet is form of an utility service and telcos should only have be allowed to perform maintenance of these information super highways. Net Neutrality is that all the content providers should be equally treated while their data travel through the information super highway aka. Internet. I DON'T SUPPORT INTERNET.ORG, AIRTEL ZERO, FREE BASIC and the likes. Let equality prevail and internet be free.

Gaurav Anil

Ans i> Never. Net neutrality must be there. Is this how you guys dream about digital India so let me clarify you. It's never gonna happen. Ans ii> The first thing is we never want to pay extra money for different sites and the second thing. If such act will be permitted then it ain't gonna succeed and will be an attention of extreme criticism and the adverse consequences would be on the economy growth rate. Ans iii> C'mon citizens have discerning eye they won't got trapped by such temptations.

Ami Misra

Dear TRAI & MyGov, here is what a large part of the youth, we the (young) people think about the consultation paper. This is the full text from an email many of us are sending you. We hope you consider our perspectives.

Ami Misra

The internet has developed till date on the basis of the end to end principle, where there has been user choice to determine what content and platforms are accessed. This has allowed the internet to organically develop into an ecosystem where information is shared across platforms. The power to control information is the biggest weapon in a democracy. Plurality and diversity of both views and platforms are important, and for this, the Internet needs to be kept open and neutral.

Rahul Kumar_548

I can give an idea to government. If govt decided to provide connectivity to every Indian they must set their own Social Networking services like Facebook twitter etc. All govt websites/mail servers /etc should be free. What facebook now advertising like free basics is going to spoil net neutrality. Facebook isn't like oxygen or water which everyone must need... Come on India Govt. setup our own social networking services....

Rahul Kumar_548

For everyone Internet services should be in reach. The defining essential/non essential is very bad practice. Facebook/WhatsApp is just a service not everything. People have there own choice of using website/services. What facebook is doing nowadays is very wrong. Facebook isn't a government services. I have my own interests, I visit Wikipedia/Discovery/community forums related to science and technology. So Net neutrality is must.

v r pratyusha everyone should be able to access everything and anything equally. We want net neutrality and not an altered definition of it as offered by telecom companies. We want to pay no separate charges for anything on the internet. #TRAI #MyGov #DataServices

Sailesh Raghavan

We want to be able to access anything, at any time, without having to pay more for it separately... #TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov

Parag Pahwa

Completely against the Free Basics by facebook. I support the real Net Neutrality where anyone is able to access anything on the internet without any charges except for the internet service.


Telcos should not charge differently for different websites They should not have right to decide which website or apps we should use


#TRAI Internet must be equal. We must have the right to use whichever app or website we want to. Telcos should not be able to charge me for accessing a particular site that has not partnered with it.

Gautam Sarawade

Telcos should not charge differently for different websites They should not have right to decide which website or apps we should use

Dhiraj Ananthaji Daggula

I support the real Net Neutrality where anyone is able to access anything on the internet without any charges except for the internet service. Telcos should not be able to charge me for accessing a particular site that has not partnered with it. I hope the best interest of people is fulfilled and my government will do the right thing.

Shrutokirti Das

Like this sounds very insane. As a student internet has been one of the largest source of knowledge as Librery we all know is a lengthy process. Plus it acts as a source of entertainment. It is literally like carry your entertainment in your pocket. But if the telecom company are to choose what is my entertainment and which knowledge I will like to have, then sorry that sounds very undemocratic and exoensive and shuts down the the exposure.I support net neutrality! free net is my right

Chandresh Choudhary all of us seek equal rights...same for the net neutrality case as we want real and actual net neutrality....

rajesh_532 please save the internet and allow to people what to do they want......

Rahul Poddar

I dont want telcos to tell me which websites or apps to use free or which to pay for. I pay for neutral bandwidth and i should be able to choose what i want to do with it. TSPs SHOULD NOT be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.

Abhishek Vijayvargia

I support net neutrality. I do not support facebook free internet / basic internet / Facebook is trying to block Indian innovators to not open another facebook. We believe indian govt would do something.


I support net neutrality. Please don't fool around.

Nitin Sharma_99 #TRAI Internet is like a market and people must have the freedom to choose whichever shop they want. let it be like that. who TSPs are to prefer which shops we go to? If we are spending money on internet then we must get the WHOLE INTERNET not just a tiny part of it which TSPs think profitable for them. I use a dozen of apps.... in differential pricing for data services, i will pay for 12 packs 1 for each app i use.. now how this is going to digitalize india? savetheinternet.

Nirav Rai

I support the real Net Neutrality where anyone is able to access anything on the internet without any charges except for the internet service. Telcos should not be able to charge me for accessing a particular site that has not partnered with it. I hope the best interest of people is fulfilled and my government will do the right thing.


I support Net Neutrality. People are and should be free to access any site they want without any issues and for free.


Please let net neutrality exist

Romit kumar jain

I would like to access internet as per my own choice and not as per teleco's choice. telecos should not charge seprately for accessing any of the content or apps available on internet today.

Nabeel Rizwan

Letting the big name telecos have an undue hold on the accessible internet content is the epitome of elitism. Do we really want India to be held in the same regard as North Korea and China? Because thats what you are planning to do. Oppressing right to information on the internet,leaving it upto the whim of telecom companies and some random guy sitting in a Govt. office.

Prashant kumar_196

Please save the internet from being caged within few handful companies. India need true internet neutrality not forced upon us the few sites. Stop the licence raj . We are paying for the internet and its our right what to browse and what not to browse. Digital india does not means browsing FB/ whats app and some sites forced upon us.


The TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms, as it benefits more to internet giants like facebook rather than the common public. The idea of different pricing contradicts the idea of net neutrality and so it should not be followed, and services like, airtel zero, etc. should be banned. Internet users in our country are increasing at a high rate without implementing differential pricing policy.


The TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms, as it benefits more to internet giants like facebook rather than the common public. The idea of different pricing contradicts the idea of net neutrality and so it should not be followed, and services like, airtel zero, etc. should be banned. Internet users in our country are increasing at a high rate without implementing differential pricing policy.


The TSPs should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms, as it benefits more to internet giants like facebook rather than the common public. The idea of different pricing contradicts the idea of net neutrality and so it should not be followed, and services like, airtel zero, etc. should be banned. Internet users in our country are increasing at a high rate without implementing differential pricing policy.

jit biswal

Hello, I feel asking this question for suggestion is like asking whether we should allow Jamu Kashmir to have special status state( Article 370). We have seen the price of compromise. Please don't take play into hands of Telecome providers. This will simply kill the innovation in India. You will see another round of Innovation drain to USA like brain drain. Internet is like AIR or water for innovation. It should be free at any cost. Otherwise you will see damage similar like Delhi's Air polution

Tanuj Joshi

Telecom Service Providers shouldn't be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.Differential pricing for data usage should not be permitted in principle, given that they will allow TSPs to act as gatekeepers on how Indians experience the Internet. Principles of non-discrimination, transparency, affordable internet access,competition and market can't be furthered if differential pricing is permitted in any form.#TRAI #MyGov

Sachin Kumar_239

TSPs should NOT be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. Everything on Internet should be equally accessible based on our interest. Telecom operators should NOT control on what we use on the internet.#TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov

Vikrant Singh_32

Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.Differential pricing for data usage should not be permitted in principle, given that they will allow TSPs to act as gatekeepers on how Indians experience the Internet. Principles of non-discrimination, transparency, affordable internet access,competition and market cannot be furthered if differential pricing is permitted in any form. #TRAI #MyGov

Vikrant Singh_32

TSPs should NOT be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. Everything on Internet should be equally accessible based on our interest. Telecom operators should NOT control on what we use on the internet.#TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov




Please find my answers below, i. Should the TSPs be ... platforms? I think we have best data usage policy now. You get some MBs and use it for what ever you want. why GOVT think different only for TSP this is not there in ISP. ii. If differential .... non- discrimination? shouldn't be allowed. iii. Are there alternative... methods/technologies models? simple.They can ask TSP to reduce data pack. people use 2G connection more here why? 2G connection is cheap that why.

Sachin Kumar_239

Access to any Websites over the Internet should never be chargeable differentially and it should always remain FREE like as it now. Please Sir, do not let any differential charges for Data Services based on website contents. It will lead to more corruption and as Telecom Operators will start to tie up with websites and charged accordingly. We support NET NEUTRALITY, every contents should be treated equally and should never been charged differentially. Internet data charges may also be lowered.

Ram Chaudhari

Access to any Websites over the Internet should never be chargeable differentially and it should always remain FREE like as it now. Please Sir, do not let any differential charges for Data Services based on website contents. It will lead to more corruption and as Telecom Operators will start to tie up with websites and charged accordingly. We support NET NEUTRALITY, every contents should be treated equally and should never been charged differentially. Internet data charges may also be lowered.

Gaurav J Langhnojia

Don't change the definition of net neutrality .... If you will do this then innovations will not being created in India make it all free internet ... It will slow down the growth of India .... No poor can learn or share there innovative thoughts creativity because of high burden of internet charges...

Ram Chaudhari

Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.Differential pricing for data usage should not be permitted in principle, given that they will allow TSPs to act as gatekeepers on how Indians experience the Internet. Principles of non-discrimination, transparency, affordable internet access, competition and market cannot be furthered if differential pricing is permitted in any form.

Nithin Koram

We need net neutrality as it is meant to be. Free for everyone, free for all websites, apps.

Pawan Pinjarkar

Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.Differential pricing for data usage should not be permitted in principle, given that they will allow TSPs to act as gatekeepers on how Indians experience the Internet. Principles of non-discrimination, transparency, affordable internet access, competition and market cannot be furthered if differential pricing is permitted in any form.

Chetan Gudisagar

TSPs should NOT be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. Everything on Internet should be equally accessible based on our interest. Telecom operators should NOT control on what we use on the internet.

Ravisankar_7 wish to submit that controlling internet and allowing differential pricing will lead to creating syndicates and back room agreements and take away the freedom. Why should anyone define specific or differential rates based for specific sites. There is nothing done without vested or business interest. As a country we have huge potential to grow. The internet is enabling people in rural India to have access and become innovative. We request the authorities not to entertain such differential pricing

Shayesta Wajid now internet has become a more user friendly and acceptable platform of communication be it individual or mass media. so we need it on an unbiased and neutral basis. we don't want to be governed by the telecom as our authority. when we the people know to lift up these authorities. we also know to get them down.

Sunil Purushotham

Internet should be accessible to everybody. I think telecom operators should focus on giving calls which dont drop.

Vineet Garg_1

When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land. - Desmond Tutu When Facebook missionaries came to rescue the poor, they had the Internet and we had freedom. They said it's free. We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Facebook and they had our freedom. # IndiawantsNetNeutrality


Access to any Websites over the Internet should never be chargeable differentially and it should always remain FREE like as it now. Please Sir, do not let any differential charges for Data Services based on website contents. It will lead to more corruption and as Telecom Operators will start to tie up with websites and charged accordingly. We support NET NEUTRALITY, every contents should be treated equally and should never been charged differentially. Internet data charges may also be lowered.

Abhinav Sabharwal

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. We dont want Telecom companies to define net neutrality

Ravikumar Soni

Do not expect government to favour Telcos. People are smart to decide what to use in given data limit. We do not want restrictions on one or more websites. All should be equal. If we are going to fall for it new start up are never going to come up since they don't fall under telcos standards. We need net neutrality. every content should be treated same on internet.

Deepak Kakran

New startups who are not in the position to pay huge amount to the telecoms will be treated by them like they are nothing in front of the multi billion dollars companies. I support net-neutrality so that everyone get fair change in the world to service. Let the user decide what they want

Lalatendu Mohanty

Internet in India has more socio economic impact then anything else because it has the potential to change India for good. So we should not do anything to control it or control the freedom of users how they want to use it. Telcos , Facebook are acting very selfishly without thinking what long term bad effect it would have India as an society.In one sentence, we dont want differential pricing model. Every website sh same in the internet.

Shikhar Mathur_1 please spare the internet internet is very important resource for the people of the country please think clearly internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access we want net neutrality


All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination.If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access #TRAI

Shine Pushpan

Differential access to data services means, connecting particular corporate products with services. I am against this. TRAI can make Public Sector ISPs to provide free internet to all mobile users. So, the Government should never allow differential pricing data services. Free Basics itself has declared that ONLY BASIC services are free and the whole objective is to attract people towards using internet. Then these corporates will charge for additional data services. This is sheer marketing.

Ishaan Meena

We need net neutrality in India. netneutrality?tk=o2Lt1qJmf_4YTUAOrxD6EhxTemuoiwIfice5Drj2vcQ&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email PS : Stop ,aking our emails fucking public. god dammit faggots, pinapples

Vara prasad_3

We need Net-neutrality and Democratic Digital India... Telecom operator shouldn't interfere in to any choices of its customers

Annu Choudhury

TSPs shouldn't be allowed to have differential pricing for different sites. In a world where consumer is king why would i let service providers preside over what should be free and what should cost me? Service providers do business for profit not for the poor. If TSPs are "concerned" about the poor they could use their CSR wing to make a breakthrough and provide cheap data specifically for the poor. I support internet freedom and the TSPs' differential data tariff would infringe that freedom.

Muthukumar Vs

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access #TRAI

lanka vignesh

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access #TRAI

Kandula sai pradeep

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access #TRAI

sai pradeep

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access #TRAI


We need Net-neutrality and Democratic Digital India... Telecom operator shouldn't interfere in to any choices of its customers.

virgil lara dsouza

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access #TRAI

Darshit Thakar

#TRAI I would like to thank the TRAI for introducing the Consultation Paper on Differential Pricing for Data Services. Differential pricing of data is a core Net Neutrality issue. I urge you to protect Net Neutrality, and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet by instituting anti-neutrality practices. The principle of Net Neutrality is that ISPs and telecom operators do not give a competitive advantage to any website, app or platform.

Shujoy Sinha

I want a neutral internet in India where I don't have to pay the telecom provider differently for accessing different content. I don't want Free Basics, rather I don't even want differential speeds for different content. There should not be any license on apps and Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms. Besides mail coming from facebook should not be considered pro Free Basics

Prateek nimba

1. I as an Indian want my freedom for communication. 2. #NetNeutrality provides me with the ability to communicate what I want in the means I want it to be. 3. #DepartmentofTelecommunications should not be the authoring body of how my Internet usage is defined. 4. I want my usage of the Internet to follow the means in which I communicate not what the Service providers dictate. I support #NetNeutrality and better #TRAI do that too.

Nirzar Bhaidkar save the internet from the evil Facebook who is trying to monopolize the internet. We dont want free basics we love the internet just the way it is.

Manish Kumar

No doubt net neutrality is a good idea and it should be adopted so that everyone can use the power of internet. But even implementing a good idea can become a disastrous decision if not executed well and Free Basics will lead us in that direction only. Instead it will be beneficial if we use this idea with some other methods like: 1. Night Internet will be free for all without any content restriction. 2. 2G will be free for all without any content restriction.

Anchal Bhardwaj

Number of Emails coming through FACEBOOK should not be considered.The users are unaware of the entire picture.

Anchal Bhardwaj

Telecom Service Providers should not be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms.Differential pricing for data usage should not be permitted in principle, given that they will allow TSPs to act as gatekeepers on how Indians experience the Internet. Principles of non-discrimination, transparency, affordable internet access, competition and market cannot be furthered if differential pricing is permitted in any form.

Akshat Jain_32

Free basics is nothing but a tool to end competition and create monopoly. What Facebook and telecom companies are advertising is that free basics and net neutrality will provide users to access services on the net for free. It's the services that they want users to use will be free be. If Orkut would have used tools like this than there would have been no Facebook or Twitter today. I request TRAI not to allow free basics add it will hamper the competition and technology startups in India.

Akshatha Nayak

Please do not consider the number of mails the Facebook is sending through its users for free basics. The users are unaware of the entire picture. Instead of making selected services free (ie by compression of data), the telecom operators can instead provide free data through which internet can be otherwise accessed. And if the intention is truly to increase connectivity, the selected rural areas can get extra benefits of maybe monthly 0.5GB free which can be shareable.


Sir, Internet Services must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. Internet is basic forms of Knowledge creation for all the students and citizens . Research has demonstrated that freedom of choice in information seeking is central to the value of the internet which contributes significantly to the knowledge creation for people. Internet should never be priced differentially.Moreover, Internet charges may be lowered. TSPs should never be allowed to charge differentially.

beluru sudarshana

Differential access to data services means, connecting particular corporate products with services. I am against this. TRAI can make Public Sector ISPs to provide free internet to all mobile users. So, the Government should never allow differential pricing data services. Free Basics itself has declared that ONLY BASIC services are free and the whole objective is to attract people towards using internet. Then these corporates will charge for additional data services. This is sheer marketing.

swapnil saxena_1

All data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned by anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access


No A TSP should not allowed as It will bring imperialism in Digital world,If people need free Data it should be be decided by government not by any big enterprise.

Darshit Thakar #TRAI #DataServices Straight and simple, all data on the internet must be equally accessible to all without any discrimination. If a person enables mobile data he/she must be allowed to access everything on the internet without any discrimination, because internet is not owned bt anyone, it is just a community of servers and the telecom operators must not decide which kind of data the user should access.

S Pandivinayagan

Net Neturality is very essential for the citizens to use the internet as one of the very essential services of the nations.It is this, which will reflect the peoples trust,development,free communication,open, honest, Knowledgeable citizens and fastest growth, of its nation.Hence net neutrality should be preserved till the people and Government, feel otherwise maybe after a review in 10 year period. However, the essential online services is to be provided.attached is the response to the question

Afraz kazmi

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Veena Kumar

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis! Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, will inevitably lead to more corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Himanshu Lakdawala

#TRAI shall fix-up maximum base common rate for #DataServices, this acts as framework to prepare data plan for all operators. Operators can define within this framework how they can charge their customers, be it charge the max base rate for VoIP and free for all browsing and discounted charges for e-commerce sites etc., In addition to it government shall allow free access to all, .edu and .org sites to bring more awareness and be better informed, this can also increase consumer base.

Himanshu Lakdawala

As of now operators provides free access to services directly/indirectly benefit them but may not actually benefit consumer to that level than some level of entertainment. It is highly essential that in current time more and more people get connected to internet that too with low cost. Here its necessary that government takes initiative to make all * portals free access i.e. consumer is not charged at all. This will enable govt as well citizen to be better connected, aware, informed.

Sudhansu Rout

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.


Yes differential pricing for data usage must be permitted so that consumer may get cheap and low rate Data Usage.The competitions Between Data Usage provider binds them to lower prices for their services.If same prices may be allowed then no competition will be available for consumers.We must have a full proofs system for complaints redressal so that all must obey all rules framed by TRAI and violation of rules must have penalty like call drop system.complaints system must be on line and time b

Soumyadip Banerjee

Net neutrality is the most important issue right now facing India . Many may call me insane , but if net neutrality is not maintained this country is looking at an Orwellian future.


I think net neutrality must be followed because if TRAI will allow to have differential pricing data services than it will lead to monopoly e.g. airtel will have contract with facebook and you will forced to use facebook because if you will use use twitter you will have to pay extra price. just like set top box in which you get some useless channels for free but for every other channel you have to pay separate price.

Vipulkumar Makwana

I support net neutrality. And lets not change the definition of it by putting this kind of bills into actions. The Internet should be as it is i.e. FREE for all. No regulation should be there for that. It the personal right to do what ever one wants on internet until its with the boundaries of the law.

Aviinandaan Dutta

I m all in fr net neutrality nd its related concerns of indiscriminate governing of the internet. But empowering the poor should also be the need for collective and sustainabe growth. For this i suggest the following. 1.YES, they shud be allowed on certain conditions. 2.Any differential rate if allowed shud be made compulsory fr ALL TSPs and nt jst those strking some deal with the OTT players. 3.The Gov can design strategic point f internet acceses distributed acros areas wich s open 2 any1.

bishnu prasada dash

Allow Free Basics and Other Zero Rating Plans. I support Net Neutrality but it cant be at the cost of National Interests. Nation demands Governance and Internet Access to all. Lets not make Internet for elitist and can be affordable by those who have. Let both co exists. Those who want to pay and use can do that and those with lesser need can have Zero Rating Plans. Lets make the companies providing Zero Rating plans mandatorily carry Govt Apps and Websites free of cost. TRAI can regulate this.

Vishnuprasad R

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Ishani mishra_1

By,this "net neutrality" which has been completely miss guided by telecom companies our actual right on freedom over what we want to see and do on internet is trying to be molded as what they(telecom companies and facebook) want us to do. This our right to do whichever activity on internet by using whichever website we want to and this is no one's right to try to modify our decision by charging differently for every site.

ashish bhavre Why in india different operator are taking different charge for using call,sms,internet packs,dialer tone & most pain full for making rechare top up plans are costly but what about common man no body is looking in this matter


Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.


Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Sachin Kumar Mishra

We are living in free country and paying taxes for our country, then why Entertainment/Informatics services are undergoing in Taxation? We want Net Neutrality. #TRAI #DataServices #MyGov

Sajith Vijayan

Never allow the regressive proposal of differential pricing. Continue with net neutrality.


Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Tonmoy Roy

Please don't allow it. Access to internet as good as freedom of speech. As much as freedom speech is important so in freedom access internet. Limited access to internet will also result to limited access to knowledge and throw us back. Please continue net neutrality.

Ravikumar K_1 dont allow differential pricing, continue net neutrality, Dear PMO, please make BSNL data features and call rates attractive and affordable..,

Vivek Menon_1

Times when countries are accepting the reality that free internet is more a right of an individual than a luxury, our country shouldn't be held back by selfish agendas of our leading telecom operators. Differential pricing should be rejected. Its about time we conclude this discussion and embrace net neutrality once and for all. #netneutrality #MyGov #TRAI

Soumopriyo Bose I support net neutrality and i don't want differential pricing of different contents. Please don't let them do business with it. Just don't allow zero rating.

Shiju Shaji

If those who want to access non-participating content will be charged at a higher rate, it may affect the growth of start-ups in India negatively.

Tilak Debnath

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

ajit pandey internet should not be discriminatory. it can be paid and free. like we have for dth. Those who cant afford to pay for the cable fees they have dd direct plus. basic channels direct to home. It should be free for limited access and pay for full access.

Varun Gupta_56

From my point of view, Internet should be totally free in our country as now all major things are happening online, ticket booking, payment of bills, education, students projects, etc. Children of good families does projects with the help of internet whereas kids of poor family who cant afford internet facility lacks.

Mohit Kumar Singh_10

Let us consider that differential pricing will benefit the poor and middle group people.After attracting a lot of customer of our country the service providers will again start charging at large rates then who takes responsibility that the service providers will not charge according to their will.If your second question is considered then I don't think that it will not discriminate can also consult peoples of villages that can that afford to spend a lot of charges on different website

Ujjwal Thaakar

Zero ratings is wrong. In all cases.Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis. Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Abhishek Guha_2

Before talking about data pripricing its better to talk about the network problem. There are so places in India where network service is very poor. I just want to request TRAI please improve d network service and also overcome d problem of Call drop.

Vipin Kumar_50

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Vaibhav Rohidas Dhage

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Ganesh SM i. Should the TSPs be allowed to have differential pricing for data usage for accessing different websites, applications or platforms? My comments regarding this: No, not at all. there should not be different charges for each different app. Everything should be priced at data usage level, not at the App level.

partha sarathy

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Shatru Naik

Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING without discrimination Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Satyabrata sahoo_2

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access. -stop too we don't need that PLEASE SAVE THE FUTURE

Vinay Sunke

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Yogendrasinh Vala

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Amar Mali Please see the attached PDF file.


1. I as an Indian want my freedom for communication. 2. #NetNeutrality provides me with the ability to communicate what I want in the means I want it to be. 3. #DepartmentofTelecommunications should not be the authoring body of how my Internet usage is defined. 4. I want my usage of the Internet to follow the means in which I communicate not what the Service providers dictate. I support #NetNeutrality and better #TRAI do that too.

Yusuf Matawala

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Kapil Budhwani

Net neutrality is good but it will be much better if there is fair competition between the service providers. As it ultimately benefit all users. As about the TRAI it has to regulates that necessary or needful sites and content is available to all users at an affordable rates, like e-library sites.

v madhu phani

Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Srikant Kuanar

By pushing for differential pricing, the operator would create artificial barrier for certain websites/applications who might not like to enroll for their program. They may also promote only those websites with whom they have a commercial agreement or some sort of stake. There is no doubt that this is discriminatory but in a long run would also prove detrimental to overall accessibility of information over internet and hence should not be allowed at all.

umesh kumar_114

I support FULL NET NEUTRALITY Don’t allow Zero Rating, not even on a case-by-case basis Case-by-case approval of zero rating, as proposed in the report, is an invitation to lobbying and corruption. The government should make objective, unambiguous rules, not leave complex decisions affecting crores in profits to some corruptible bureaucrats. Remember that this is an industry that has already demonstrated that it has no qualms about paying huge bribes at the highest levels of government.

Kshitij Rege

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access. rahul sharma_276

#netneutrality should come in India so that students, farmers and "the range of population those can't afford the services of internet" would be able to use net services at reasonable price. Ultimately its #TRAI decision whether its want to help millions of people by providing #DataServices at reasonable rate or HELP some billionaire to make more billions of money by giving our country internet control in their hand to mess with as they wish.

Srikant Kuanar

It's highly unlikely that the sole objective for differential pricing, as stated by the service provider, is to enable the consumer access content on the internet free of charge. If that is truly the case then they should gladly accept the proposal to offer free browsing limit of let's say 500 MB per month. They may decide the whom they want to offer this benefit. That way they will not lose out revenue from people who can afford it.

swarnendu dutta

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Yogesh Tahiliani

I support Net Neutrality.

ankit_458 in my view internet since its inception has been source of creativity, connectivity and originality.stratification of internet would pave way to giant highways rather than tiny webs. And as it is true in nature selective breeding leads to loss of characteristics.if companies like Facebook want to provide low cost internet let them do so through apps and not involve isps. net neutrality must be maintained despite the lure because the future shouldn't be dependent on a few to own.

ankit_458 in my view internet since its inception has been source of creativity, connectivity and originality.stratification of internet would pave way to giant highways rather than tiny webs. And as it is true in nature selective breeding leads to loss of characteristics.if companies like Facebook want to provide low cost internet let them do so through apps and not involve isps. net neutrality must be maintained despite the lure because the future shouldn't be dependent on a few to own.

S Raju_2

Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Jai Deep Puri

Since data services are being used predominantly by the youth in our society, the differential pricing should be linked to the desirable content for their optimum growth and development. Like sites offering content on development of scientific temprament, E-books, sites related to health and hygiene, care of elders and development of empathy, awareness about our responsibilities towards others in society etc etc should be priced lower vis a vis others.

Sarika Changwani

Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING without discrimination! Don't allow telecom operators to change the definition of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality means access to EVERYTHING on the Internet, without discrimination. Access for everyone is a different goal — universal access. We support universal access, but it must be to the public Internet, not some private walled garden. Don't allow telcos to split the internet and become gatekeepers of what the next 1 billion Indians can access.

Rahul Jayantibhai Patel

I think it should be done as poor farmers and peoples who can't afford it would be able to use internet for vital services,when facebook was launched internet was EXPENSIVE, similarly if someone new will emerge peoples will use it regardless of expense. We must take a step to provide free/affordable internet access to needy. whats app should be included as it allows people to communicate

Hitarth Pipariya

If yahoo would have launched something like ten years before then facebook would have not existed today. So facebook is not supporting net neutrality facebook simply wants to take control of the internet for a massive profit. Facebook is just ensuring to avoid future threats so that if some other social networking websites are launched so they can't beat facebook because for access to other sites facebook will charge money and since most cant afford it they can't go to that site.

Aakash Rautia

I support #realnetneutrality. The definition of net neurality is that everyone can access everything on internet but today telecom companies are changing it for their own profit like facebook. Facebook says that net neutrality is everyone can access internet and so those people who don't know what facebook is doing supports blindly to its definition. There should be strict laws for this.

Aakash Rautia

If yahoo would have launched something like ten years before then facebook would have not existed today. So facebook is not supporting net neutrality facebook simply wants to take control of the internet for a massive profit. Facebook is just ensuring to avoid future threats so that if some other social networking websites are launched so they can't beat facebook because for access to other sites facebook will charge money and since most cant afford it they can't go to that site.

Aakash Rautia

Those companies who are initiating the free internet services in a given service circle should be stopped because it does not follow the definition of net neutrality. They are making their own definitions for profit only. which is started by facebook is an example. By facebook is taking the freedom of users as they will be charged for extra services hence the only profut goes to facebook and its partners where is net neutrality in that!

Aakash Rautia

Those companies who are initiating the free internet services in a given service circle should be stopped because it does not follow the definition of net neutrality. They are making their own definitions for profit only. which is started by facebook is an example. By facebook is taking the freedom of users as they will be charged for extra services hence the only profut goes to facebook and its partners where is net neutrality in that!

Dhaval Bhavani Hello Sir, Answer 1 of 3, A Big NO, Because internet is the key to Digital India, And sir if your vision is to promote new startups and entrepreneurship then their biggest and only safe way is Internet and if internet is divided in segments and parts then the big tec companies will fill TSPs pockets and the small rising Startups wont be able to make it. In Short the big tec companies do not want any other rising Startup to become tec giant.

Aakash Rautia

We do not want different charges for data usage. This is not a smart way for consumers as it will be very easy for telecom companies to fool customers.

Vishal Wilfred Abreo

First Improve the network connectivity. Whats the use of talking when there is no proper network infrastructure available at all places? 2G is not available still at many places. Call drops every now & then. Poor data connectivity. First TRAI need to make corrections to the network infrastructure & connectivity in INDIA

charansingh charansingh all the issue should be resolved with public views to keep financially so that it can be reached to all with minimum usage and max usage pl

gibin varghese_1

To make digital india we must have good and fast internet connection, now a days we are witnessing that people from village to town is depending internet for Education, business ,paying current bill,telephone bill,banking transaction it is very clear that a developing nation needs a free internet access, instead of remitting an amount for internet usage every body wish to access internet for free of cost.A technology has to be developed for this.To develop india,to make digital india

Deepak Kumar

औसत बन तक . कर . , आस-आस समय .

Deepak Kumar

10Mbits/s (...MByte/s) . 10Mbits/s कर . .

Deepak Kumar

, . जगह . 21 15KB/s औसत और 7KB/s (56kbps) 2G पर .

Deepak Kumar

ल और , और अगर (3G, 4G) , तब , . .

Deepak Kumar

2G चल , , , , . उपर , 2G कर . , समय .

sunanta sinha why differential pricing? I don't like differential pricing for data by day number of INTERNET user is increasing. but data pack pricing not affordable. 2g INTERNET became joke,so slow in village,you can not imagine. 3g so much costly that common student/ job seeker can not afford. student need internet to know/study new invention/research,job seeker need [at least] medium speed internet to fill up form or to read current affair. but data pack pricing is not good for them.

Abhishek Singh_256 i would like to habe option 3 in my favor.....


I dont support differential pricing. If things to be made free, then all at a time must be free. That being impossible, no differential pricing hence. So no answer for (ii). For iii, if free services needed to be provided, make all things free with advertising system to make money. Use the data of use to cross sell products.

Prakash Gupta

Please universalise and save people from fleecing.


, - एसएमएस । । - - See more

Avinash Kumar

In any circumstances, the ISPs should not be allowed to charge or not to charge its customers based on the sites that they visit. This is against net neutrality and violate the most basic feature of internet that everything is available without any discrimination and making any change to the basic nature of the internet will not be accepted at any cost.

ATUL KUMAR i don't support free basic kind of thing that facebook and other networking companies are advertising.

Clyde Galbao

I would like to register my strong disapproval on the issue of differential pricing for data services. Telecom/ Data providers should not be allowed to charge different rates for access to different content/ websites as this goes against the principle of net neutrality. This will not prove beneficial to society as a whole as the new and upcoming Indian entrepreneurs who rely on the free and open internet will have their platform taken from them. This issue has time and again been brought up and

Jayesh Kumar

Differential pricing is a VERY BAD IDEA!! If at all you have to differentiate, do it for usage based pricing not on website based. As the idea mooted in this consultation paper, clearly goes against the spirit of "Net Neutrality". Why does TRAI have to keep mooting such ideas one after another? Few months back similar idea was rejected by most of the users. Rather learning from its past mistakes TRAI is hell bend on repeating them, just b'coz Mark Zuckerberg, Alphabet etc want it?

Siva Raju

Differential pricing for few websites or content(s) will only make service providers misuse the liberty given to them, as they can use this liberty in their favor. So, I totally oppose the methods that allow service providers to manipulate the consumer. High priority should be given to quality, transparency, low cost, speed and better user experience. Many service providers are providing poor quality internet (frequent connection disruptions, high lag and poor speed). #TRAI

Manik Lal Dey

, असम उपर एक समय और समय हर 15/20


Kunal Mishra_2

Sir/Madam, Facebook may tell you that I have signed a petition in favour of Free Basics platform. This is not true. I have no wish to support Free Basics platform in any manner, and categorically deny that I have given Facebook any approval to send you such information on my behalf. I strongly condemn Facebook's behaviour in this regard. Facebook is fraud. Save the internet.


If you are ending Net Neutrality means you are breaking the dream of Digital India. Net neutrality is must without any condition of differential pricing.#dataservices#TRAI

Radhakrishnan VM

Differential pricing is not be encouraged.browsing website should be database.present digitalisation wide range of Internet sites emerging. common people are also starting Internet browsing for day to day necessities. Such a digitalized society will face difficulties in different pricing in my view

shashidhar bandari

My vies to Net neutrality is a must.It is the right of every citizen to see or to participate in all govt.Programme. Free internet to the following categories should be given preference by all the ISP.1.All online( both higher and above) educational institutional services irrespective of govt or private.2.All agricultural marketing by the villagers and co op societies.3.All on line free educational websites

Praveen Kumar_91

If you are ending Net Neutrality means you are breaking the dream of Digital India. Net neutrality is must without any condition of differential pricing.

mohan raju

Net neutrality is a must.It is the right of every citizen to see or to participate in all govt.Programme. Free internet to the following categories should be given preference by all the ISP.1.All online( both higher and above) educational institutional services irrespective of govt or private.2.All agricultural marketing by the villagers and co op societies.3.All on line free educational websites.The e commerce and recreation net works,movies songs, may be charged because it is a business.

Siddharth Singh_42

I urge you to protect Net Neutrality, and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet by instituting anti-neutrality practices. The principle of Net Neutrality is that ISPs and telecom operators do not give a competitive advantage to any website, app or platform. Ans i. NO Ans ii. Not possible to apply fair differential pricing. Ans iii. Telcos can increase price of data packs to recover loss. #TRAI, #NetNeutrality

Dr Lekhraj Bairwa

Differential pricing is good for reaching poor people by the way of 'Whatsapp' and social media. (2)Existing data charges are unethical as these are very high. The charge should be reduced to 25% of current charges.

Mohit Yadav i-No ii-If permitted then telecom operators may think provide affordable data tariff in backward areas to reach out max. people


Differancial pricing policy for data services by service provider should be controlled by fixing the limit of charges for customer usage for use. it should not be exceeded to the specified limit. Service provider can charge less price,but, in no case they can charge more than the fixed rate,even, the variation in usage of the data services by the, the competition will created by service provider to decrease the rate as per usage, which will benifited to the customer

Anirudh Attri

Differential pricing should definitely not be allowed at any cost. IF it is allowed, violations of rules will need to be judged on a case to case basis, and we know the condition of case backlog in our courts. Also, how well informed is the general public with respect to these plans? The common man probably won't even realize he is being cheated, if such a thing happens.

Rahul Raj_44

Patently bad idea: 1. No ISP should distinguish between data packets else it will create interconnect wars and privacy loss. 2. Players with deep pockets will edge out the smaller players creating mono/oligopolistic scene - against the level field provided by online channels. 3. In case lower tariff/ walled gardens are required - the service must be accessible to ANY provider without paying anything to the ISPs. This will ensure neutrality and prevent discrimination.

Bipin Singh The tremendous growth in data usage indicates that it has reached even the rural areas too. But due to increase in data tariff it is in decreasing trend. No. of users are decreasing. The govt. should think over it and arrange for stabilization of data tariffs uniformally.


Differential Pricing is the way forward like, it is happening in all other countries. The other way can be time of usage which is like Peak hours and off peak hours. Net Neutrality is critical. But to provide internet is a capital intensive work. The condition should be no provider can block any websites or deviate the link to different website.If website are proving free service them there is no harm. Eg:If I type it should take to bing not google even though google is free


There is no point for allowing TSP to have differential pricing for data usage.Rather than ensuring that every nook and corner of our country have access to internet,the scenario will completely change.TSP will be busy making and breaking partnerships for minting for money. Yes, a common website may be created having sublinks to different websites which are ENTERTAINMENT FREE and focused on Education as described by me in my other comment


First of All Free access to internet should be provided only to NEEDY. A group of sites can be made under 1 common website,internet access to the same can be provided at reduced tariff or free.That group should include- Wikepedia Sarkari Job portals Govt websites(irctc) Websites which provide free courses to read,write and speak English or regional languages+elementary mathematics.No social media/shopping sites should fall in this category.However advertising may be done 4 revenues

Alok Tripathi i. The TSPs may be allowed to have differential pricing. ii. Commercial access should be charged and non-commercial / domestic access should be free. iii. Explained under ii above.


Integrated Internet Availability, thereby flexibility to use all in one connectivity, like, TV, Landline, Mobile, etc., would be ideal. Proper Slab-based low rentals and low tariff should be introduced and proper proportion decrease for higher usage slabs be introduced for Net usage.


MTNL/BSNL has the best reach across the country. Best Connectivity alwso is available, bit, because of lack-lustre attitude of MTNL/BSNL Officials, many areas are either un-covered and/or poorly covered. The Landline and Net-connectivity should be improved in all areas including that of mine. Some government officers it seems are hand-in-glove with Private Players, thereby not only killing MTNL/BSNL business, but, keeping prospective customers at bay. Net neutrality, I support.

Moreshwar Salpekar

Net Neutrality is most important concept. All people must have access to basic services at same price. However, if a service provider creates some privileged content for certain groups or certain services, he/she can charge differential payment. E.g. for Digital Television, pay per view entails additional cost over and above package cost.Viewing privileged content will entail data cost and content cost which may make content less attractive unless appealing.

mohammed aymen ms i support net neutrality. #TRAI, #DataServices, #MyGov.

Avidi arshid

I support net neutrality. Only about 12 percent of our population have access to internet, and because of the new policy which would go against net neutrality you are only to decrease number of people using the internet rather than increasing the percentage, please make the policiy like BSNL which fixes the price fairly without giving preference to perticular websites.

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Pankaj Kumar Gupta_11

In my opinion TSPs should not be allowed to use differential pricing for data services as it would violate the net neutrality concept. The risks are easy to see and it would be foolish to be over optimistic that the companies won't resort to unfair trade practices once this is implemented. The companies are free to try some other methods to raise funds. A better way to enhance internet usage by common people would be by linking villages to the optical fiber network and give them access to that.

Nandkishor Patil

I support the concept of net neutrality still There Are so many peoples in our country specially in Rural Areas are not aware of internet so i request central govt and also ministry of telecom to discuss more how to connect rural peoples to internet so that the DIGITAL INDIA CAMPAIGN be successful...thank you


I think we should follow our constitution provision that may be the best in Net Neutrality concern also. As we know Art 14 says about rule of law and equal protection of the laws.It can be implemented in Net services also.We know rule of law so all ISP must be at par in providing the data to their users without any discrimination but they can be allowed to provide any vital or crucial information or service beyond net neutrality if it is related with social welfare or weaker section related. S.


Instead of net neutrality, prioritize the traffic that relates to Government offices, Defence, Healthcare, Climate/Disaster warnings, railway, RBI, India origin social networking portals, startups, pure text/html based websites etc. Commercial advertising need to be moderated by enforcing appropriate code/identifier in Network Layer itself. For this proper codes need to be established by TRAI. Data/bandwidth consumed by commercials need to follow a fair proportion with user preferred data.


Net Neutrality is very important, I support it. But at the same time the access to some sites which affects Indian Culture, Society, Morality etc and also online news portal which often spreads false news, panicky news has to be banned.

Rakesh Choudhary_3

I support the concept of net neutrality I uses the net for social media and online shopping. And my family uses it for hotels, trains, movie tickets. Also in paying online bills, recharge. So the use of internet depends on the user not on company. By differential net you are keeping track on my activity and forcing us to use only selected sites. This all means you are keeping an eye on our privacy. You are breaking the RIGHT TO FREEDOM ACT. Finally i want to support net neutrality.

Ashutosh Kochhar

A huge supporter for everyone being able to access everything ... Any restriction on content needs to come from our parents or shd be self driven and not by the telecoms .... Never has such a thing ever done in any developed country I know of Access shd be the right of an individual

Shushant Sanwarey

I support Net Neutrality. Never kill the independence of data on internet. We are already facing such issues on Television after digitization, earlier all TV channels were available. Now if want to see a channel which is not part of our pack, then we have to pay more to watch it. A new Idea is enclosed in PDF.

tara vati

tara vati

tara vati


tara vati


tara vati



Differential pricing is done based on performance basis of the network. 1. This differential pricing high cost can be kept for the dark websites which the people may try to access for illegal activities. 2.It should be based on the type of websites that can allowed to be accessed based on the age group of the individual especially over 21 years. 3. If everyone want to access any kind of website then Internet Routers should be provided with protective software like Firewall.

abhay bhatt

Yes, I think there are many more simpler but tough methods to provide free internet to poor. For example, why don't remove corruption from India and invest the saved money in improving information and communication technologies. Second could be to improve the economy of India - it will automatically generate money needed to provide free internet access! I am 100% in favor of Net Neutrality. These are all just lame excuses. There are many important things beside internet, which the poor need!


No, there should be no differential pricing. Why are these people so much concerned for poor? Is someone so poor to buy a smart phone but not the internet connection? I dont think so. Already tsps are charging unreasonably high for internet (in a cartel) except state owned tsps. Alternative is to have regulated(TRAI/DOT) tariff pricing and BAND within which tsps can fix prices as internet & telephony services would be like basic amenities in future like roads, electricity etc

P A Cariappa

Dear Sir, I am P A cariappa, " Differential Pricing for data Services " should be made constant for every Private and Government Service providers, because private users will make enormous benefit from this " Activity". Regards. P A cariappa.

Rohan Dani

Sir, Request you to consider "DIFFRENTIAL PRICING ONLY BETWEEN GOVERNMENT & NON-GOVERNMENT SERVICES" as far as data pricing in concerned BECAUSE if WE WANT to make (Jan-Dhan, Adhar, Mobile Governance)"JAM" a SUCCESS then AFFORDIBILITY by the POOREST OF THE POOR IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE Regards Rohan Dani

Guruprasad Bhat

Differential pricing would be very disastrous for a country which is aspiring to become startup capital, manufacturing hub etc.... as entrepreneurs who set up start ups have to struggle to promote their websites Honorable PM Modi ji, kindly Discard any such proposals which seek/lobby for Differential pricing , and make india a net neutral country its my humble request- A Responsible common citizen

Akshaya Tiwari

No differential pricing would create unnecessary competition. Tsps should fight on service standards. Did our govt do infrastructure audits of Tsps vis a vis to the customer base no...then what's use in discuss price policy .our telecom minister lives in dream world....where rather than focusing on services pricing is discussed. and humble request don't involve u r govt officers for any such audits it third party...u r resources don't have technical capabilities N ask bribe

Sahadat Hossain

Today India is now more digital and thats why we need internet everywhere anytime in a good speed and also good tariff of data.And govt should provite free basic internet for all over india to rural and urban area.becasuse surf more internet to lern more and change our lerning system to a digital way.we thing digital india take major role to our fastest growing economy.and thats why govt need focus on internet tariff price and data plan to afford all indian as a common service.

Mahesh Arora

If government want to allow TSP for differential pricing in data usage then it will be done on only one condition that is Provide free data usage for particular or new customers rather than access to limited websites. Further in case of limited access to websites, there are chances of fraud etc because people might get add on their screen and by clicking they will be charged on higher rates.

Mahesh Arora

The TSPs are putting a point that what is wrong in doing public welfare by reducing digital divide etc.The question is that if private companies were so much care about public welfare then why we have to take a move like CSR etc. By allowing TSPs or others for differential pricing with least conditions then there is no doubt that Start Ups and innovations will get a huge set back.

Balmukund Saraswat एक उन सब पर उन सड़ गए उन सब पर लग और कर और एक और और और 2020 तक आम उस जय Balmukund 9887123497


It is amazing that till date TRAI has not made its stand clear on Net Neutrality even though more than a million submissions were made. This highest ever submissions only reflected the view point of the common man in general and thereafter TRAI went into an inexplicable silence. It has now come up with this paper the issues of which were covered in the previous paper. TRAI would be ready with recommendations and the process seems to be a sham. One more Institution falling down. Sad but true

Ranjith Kumar Anugonda

One way free internet is provided in US is through library networks. Each library requires you become a member (using valid id) and then given access to free internet for a fixed period of time (15-30 mins). This will have 2 fold benefits in towns/cities - get people to library & enable free internet. Differential pricing based on access is not advisable as it will lead to monopoly - once a scheme is successfull, advertising follows it and it will become challenging to maintain competition

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TRAI differancial prise by service provider, I want to suggest that, any price taken lower than specified should be accepted,but, there should be restriction of any additional or hidden charges by way of scheme or for any additional benefit provided to customer. so, that, service provider can expand the network by competition, which will be benifited to the customer for lower price of services, and also to service provider for getting large and mass market at lower margin go nutralise profit.