1977 University of Calgary President: William Arthur Cochrane Chancellor: Muriel Libin Kovitz Honorary Degrees: Dr. Alexander G. Bailey Dr. James N. Britton Dr. Stuart M. Hodgson Dr. Helge M. Ingstad Dr. Theodore A. Link Dr. E. R. Ward Neale Dr. Andrew G. A. Russell

Enrolment: 10805 full time, 2993 part time (fall), 5400 part time (spring/summer) Degrees awarded: 2369 Faculties: Continuing Education attains faculty status. Consolidation of the French Centre, offering classes and a drop-in centre. Canadian Architectural Archives established. Library holdings: 2 125 000 holdings, 225 volumes per student. Employees: Academic: 1322 FTE Support staff: 1961 FTE Total academic and support staff: 3267.9 FTE Events: Students: Identification cards issued. Research: CMG (Computer Modelling Group), first of its kind in the world, is established to develop or purchase computer programs for petroleum and oil sands research simulations. Alumni: U of C Alumni association hosts first homecoming celebration. Infrastructure: U of C moves from imperial to metric system on campus

Canadian Events Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau Governor General: Jules Léger Alberta Premier: Peter Lougheed Calgary’s Mayor: Rod Sykes Canadian passenger rail services are amalgamated into VIA Rail. The Toronto Blue Jays team plays their first game. They defeat the Chicago White Sox. Willy Adams becomes the first Inuit to enter parliament when he is appointed to the Senate. Bill 101 is passed by the Parti Québecois. It makes French the official language of Québec. Canadian road signs switch to metric. (CFL) – Alouettes over Edmonton Eskimos

World Events The U.S. restricts its citizens from visiting Cuba, Viet Nam, North Korea and Cambodia. The Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is celebrated with fireworks. Leonid Brezhnev is named president of the USSR. The U.S. performs nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. Oil enters the Trans-Alaska pipeline and reaches the Valdez Terminal 38 days later. The first personal computer, the Apple II, goes on sale. An electronic mail system is developed at the University of Wisconsin. Nintendo starts selling computer games. Regular Concorde passenger service between New York and Europe begins. The first space walk is made by cosmonaut G. Grechko from Salyut. ABC broadcasts the mini series Roots. Television ratings records are set. Stanley Cup: over Boston Bruins