www.metro.co.uk Friday, October 31, 2008 METRO 11 You helped in the appliance of science, says Metronaut ASTRONAUT Richard Garriott alongside Russian cosmonauts after said yesterday that Metro was paying £20million for his dream remarkably useful in space – as a ticket. Up there, he carried out substitute for his computer. The 47- experiments suggested by primary year-old, who landed safely on school children via a Metro Saturday after ten days on the competition. ‘I was really impressed International Space Station, said the with how insightful a lot of these newspaper – the first in space – kids’ questions were,’ he said. Tests contained a perfect write-up of tests included gargling after brushing his he had to carry out. teeth and taking a zero-gravity ‘It was better than the data I had on ‘magic carpet’ ride on a towel. On a my laptop, so I actually used it as personal note, he added the my notes throughout my execution experience of seeing the Earth from of those experiments and questions,’ Space had changed him. ‘The view he added. Mr Garriott, who was is fantastic,’ he said. born in Cambridge but raised in Log on to www.metro.co.uk to watch Texas, was blasted into orbit Richard’s full interview Rocket ride: The Soyuz www.clinique.co.uk Clinique © Laboratories, LLC

Stellar read: Richard Garriott holds his well-thumbed Metro Picture: Gretel Ensignia Racist fans attack Lewis on ‘voodoo’ F1 website By jo steele RACIST F1 fans have left a string of abu- Complimentary foundation fi tting. sive messages on a ‘voodoo-style’ web- site designed to scupper ’s Visit the Clinique counter today and we’ll help you fi nd the right foundation chance of winning this year’s title. Spanish supporters of Hamilton’s old that’s perfect for your skin. rival, , posted black Plus, take home a custom-fi t sample of Superbalanced, Supermoisture magic messages calling the Briton a Victim of * ‘monkey’ and ‘n****r’. abuse: or Superfi t Makeup. Others left jinxed notes saying they Lewis *All prices are recommended retail. Samples subject to availability. hoped the mixed-race driver would crash Hamilton Not available in all shades. One per client with foundation fi tting, while stocks last. and one fan, calling himself Carillo, even map of the Brazilian GP circuit hoping wrote: ‘Half-breed, kill yourself.’ Another they will cause the McLaren driver to went a step further, leaving the sinister crash out of Sunday’s race. The website message: ‘You are going to die.’ says it is not responsible for the content of The abuse was left on a Spanish website the messages. called Burst Hamilton’s Tyre. The 23-year-old need finish only fifth to Alonso cannot win the title, but be champion. He was jeered and called a driver can and the Spaniards ‘black s***’ by Spanish fans when he have never forgiven Hamilton for falling was testing in Barcelona earlier this year. out last year with Alonso, his former n A mystery gambler who bet a decade team-mate. ago that Hamilton would win the F1 Available in larger The site encourages fans to place nails, championship stands to pocket £125,000 drawing pins and even porcupines on a if he is successful at the weekend.