House voted for Langston and equal rights. "What are you going to do in the Fourth- OLD ABOLITIONISTS CHEERS FOR LANGSTON. district?" you ask. Why I have been nom­ inated in every praver meeting all over tbe M-CT IN THEIR SECOND REUNION AT THE NEW MEMBER OF CONGRESS district. [Cheers.] * » * Old Virginia . SERENADED BY ADMIRERS- finally, having sent six or seven Republic­ ans to tbe next Congress will be carried in Hon. Frederick Doiiglaa*, Minister to Hajti, A Routing Medina of He publicans Listen 1892. It may be Reed will be our candi­ th« Most >»t»l>le Anions Them. to a Lively Republican Speech — date [continued cheering], it may be Hairi Mr. LangHton'n Predictions. son. But it mikes no difference, whoever it is. Clarkson or any other man, Virginia liosi'ON, Sept 2?.—There was a great Special to THE FUAISDEALER. will go by 20,000 majority for tbat man true to to the Necro and true to the Repub­ gathering in Trcmont Temple last Monday, WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 29— Howard r lican party, fast in liberty as once she waa it b"in_ (Lie occasion of the second reunion Univetsity paik, which lies between Freed- fast in slavery. * * * Our course is of the Abolitionists. man Hospital and Howard University was onward, always onward. That classic The Boston Courant in speakirg of the thronged with a happy concourse of people sycamore under which you now stand last Wednesday night. Representative [pointing to a fine old tree in the yard] was meeting .'•aid: "The wall over ths platform given me by Charles Sumner to plant here wa'« adorned with the portraits of Garrison, Langston lives in a pretty cottage just east to mark this spot. Wendell Phillips, Lewis Hayden, John of tbe park and he was serenaded that After a few words more of encourage­ Brown, Theodore Parker, Charles Sumner night by a crowd of nearly 4,000 Afro ment for his race and thanks for the honor and George Thompson. Americans. Headed by a fine brass band the bic assemblage did bim, Prof. Langston the serenaders started from Memorial closed bis speech by saying that his first "The spectacle presented was most duty wouid be to Ood, bis second to his touching. Venerable men and women church, at Eleventh and R stretts. The country, and that any man, white or black, heavily weighed down with years were on parade was lighted by fireworks, and as it could at any time comma-.d him, tbe ap­ plause being so enthusiastic as to almost »!I sides. One noble soul, a woman, about went it gathered numbers, until by the time the park was reached there were more drown the tune tbe band played. 90 years old, came over 125 miles to be Mr. Langston shook hands with a large with her c;> laborers once more before she than 3.000 people in line. portion of the crowd as they tiled through leaves these earthly scenes. The presence A wide porch runs along the front of Mr. the parlor of his house. He has received of these good men and women was cer­ Langston's house, and the speeches were siuce his victory in the Hruse hundreds of made f n m this. Ross Hamilton and congratulatory letters and telegrams from tainly a tiened:ction. all over the country. "Tne Hun. Frederick Douglass, one of Sandy Parker presided. Mr. Hamilton, Nearly every prominent Afro-American the oldest of these Abolitionists, was the who is chairman of the Republican execu­ in the city was among the serenaders. most conspicuous figure in the gathering. tive committee of Mr. Langston's district, The Hutchinson fami y with their grand introduced Dr. Purvis of Freedman's Hos­ AN AFRO-AMERICAN FOR ALDERMAN anisltvery songs were there, too. pital, who, as socn as the band had played "Hail to the Chief," made the opening "The exercises in the morning consisted la the Eleventh Assembly DiBtrict of »n in a short talk by Mr. Douglass and speech. He said that he was proud to be York City. alilres-es by a number of gentlemen there for the purpose of extending congrat­ The Afro-Americnn voters of tbe including Hon. Geo. T. Downing of New- ulations to Prof. Langston. When he Eleventh Assembly district have met and por , K. I , Capt. Nathan Appleton of this referred to Prof. Langston as "Ihe biggest boomed one of their number, Charles W. city and Mr. A II. Grimie of II} de Park, CONGRESSMAN JOHN M. LANGS TON. Negro in Ameiica" there were yells of Anderson for Alderman. This resolution, ami Mr. Dupree. applause, and when be introduced "the successful contestant. John Mercer Langs­ offered by the President, James G. Mc- "In the evening Rev. Dr. A. A. Miner, as I got inside, a little girl r*n to her ster.nnd strangle if. As fast as Garrison ton," there were three rousing cheers and a Murray, was unanimously passed: one of the leading clergymen of this city, mother, crying: "Mamma, mamma, and Phillips and orators like them created a moral sentiment for Mr Lioeolu, just so "tiger." Whereas, Recognizing in Charles W. presided, and made an eloquent speech and THERE'S A NIGGER IN THE BOUSE!-' Anderson qualities that stamp bim as a fast he went. The band played another tune and Prof. was warmly applauded by the large (Applause.) The good man smoothed over At the Sou'h just now they are afraid, gifted scholar, an eloquent orator, a perfect budience. this awkward iucident as well as possibie, th*y say.*of black supremacy. that Langston stepped to the edge of his porch. gentleman and a true and consistent expo­ "Minister Douglass was next introduced and in a few moments the good wife, hav­ ab?uni! Thev ar« throwing a red herriug He expressed his thanks for the honor nent of Republican principles; therefore, and was given a magnificent greeting. On ing given me food and orink, bud parted at you giving you a false alatm. Who's done him and the cause he represented by be it Hie suusioeuce of the applause he said: with her prejudices. This wa- Mrs. arraid? I'm not. and I'm as white as I am coming so far out into the suburbs to ex­ Resolved. That in appealing to the suf­ M'EECUOFHOS. FREDEIUCK DOUGLASS. Moses Norris, wife of the lh°n Senator b'ack — pointing to his white head frages of the people of this district he is in fiom New Hampshire. This was a revo- (Lighter and applause.) I'm not aftaid press approval of the action of the House every way qualified to fill any position be No one man can tell the truth. Not luiion iu tbat m >u and even two men or" the same complexion, woman when they of the Negro ever getting the upper band of Representatives, and said in substance: may be called upon to fill with more than. t-ometlines, c:in tell it. It requires a while began to do something for me. in me. It Is a high honor to confer on any honor and credit to himself, his race, and m in aDd a binck man—as h'ack as he can And so wiih you, my friends But thev talk of the iunorance of ihe constituency. I am going to pitch into Dr. Wood worth American a seat in that House where Reed be—to 'tole" the whole truth to you. Negro. Did you ever hear tbe Democratic is Speaker [cheers] where McKinley Is the Mr. Anderson received ample endorse­ I tried ttiia monA ,% 'orA-A.^>;> k.>w tbe He said the Republics P*"*r«- Ibe aboli­ party complain of the Ignorance of tbe ment from white speaners. George tionists, Mr. Ltucoln, d.du't abolish slavery lender of the party on the floor, and where people are being humbugged. How the Irish vote? Not Irom the ignoraoce of Cannon and Grosvenor are. When a William Lattimore, a young Afro American Niuth has tried to create the impression but the good Loid did it. Now. th<- go->d the Negro, but from bis intelligence, is who said his brother represents the Beacon Lord had a chance to abolish slavery a Negro born in tbe State of Virginia makes thai some profo'ind problem is to be solved there danger. He knows your Mr. Hoar his way. bv the grace of God, into the Hill district of Boston in the Massachu­ in connection with tho colored race, that long time ago (applause). While 1 believe from your Mr. Butler. setts Legislature, threatened that if they there are eternal forces ever in motion, House of Representatives, then he is hon­ something in their color, their character, For whom are pro'ection at the ballot ored, indeed, and so is the race he repre­ were ignored Mr. Anderson might run aa makes it extremely difficult to reconcile the carrying on the course of truth and justice I box and equal education asked? For those sents. I do not wonder tbat you turn out an independent candidate There was not (inference between the two races. in this world, still, when I am looking I tell you, who proleced the women and a word of opposition to Mr. Anderson's around to give I hunks, I recognize a iwo to congratulate yourselves when one of 1. on the oth»-r hand, utterly deny that children of the South during tbe war, for your race is given a- seat in that House candidacy. He is an intelligent-looking fold duty, to express gratitude to God and tho«e who tilled your soil with their horny man of about 35 years, and is said to speak there is any problem before the American to good men—who are God in the fl"sh where the orators of Yireinla use l to stand people. The only question of moment hands, for tbase who watered the land when you "vere slaves. both French and Germ in. He has written which ought now to engage their attention Of these good meD, pre-eminent, in con nee with their tears, who shed their blood for several pamphlets. i- whether ihis nation will keep its pledge. lion with this cause, was William L oyd you. All we ask. all we bee. Is lo be pro­ Eight million people look on tonight Garrison, and. scarcely less eminent than tected as well as are those who fought, not proud of this victory of the colored race. will carry out its principles fought for in h-, was Wendell Phillips. Wine and Sagacious. the late war, and execute the constitution it with you, but agaiost you. (Prolonged Sixty million men thank God that they Louisville, Ky.. American Baptist:— The has sworn to support. There is no Negro How well 1 knew Mr. Garrison! How cheers ) .' belong to a Republican nation. Tbe party sealing of Langston and Miller by the Re­ problem, no Catholic, no Presbyterian, no much I loved him! It was a great r« vela With this speech closed the second great of victory rejoices tonight that the class publicans of tbe House of Representative* Methodist problem to be solved by tbe tion to me to mee; the abolitionist-; of the reunion of tins nrble band of anti-slavery tbat it emancipated has advanced to take last Tuesday, was a wise and sagacious government of the United States. Its busi­ Garrison Un school. I came here oj years men ami women. tbe weight of government on its broad piece of political strategy, and will raise an ness is to treat everybody with even and ago, a young man iu search ol In edoiu, shoulders, it is a gre it thing to come enthusiasm among colored Republicans of exact justice. thinking Uat the white people were banded from tbe Old Dominion that nave us GODFREY VS. SMITH. the country; as nothing else could have Lei rue teli you a secret. You wou'd together, by virtue of their white skins to Washington and Je'fferson and Madison done. Tbe scion in those cases has been never have heard a word about this "prob­ destroy my race. Bu», when 1 heard Mr. and Monroe and Patrick Henry. Pdtrick watched with deep anxi. ty and concern, lem" if only the Negioes of the South had Garrison for tbe first lime uttering the To Fight For a 1'urw of 82,000 In Novem­ Henry said to ihe world. "Give me liberty ber. and this favorable culmination of tbe mat­ voted the Democratic ticket. It isn't a thoughts which had struggled to find ex or give me death." We have got liberty. ter, emphasizes the truth that tbe party race problem. It is a problem between the pression from my own heart. I saw the And now the slave class has advanced to knows no man by tbe olor of bis skin, llepublican and Democratic parties. It deadened hopes of my race resurrected ami A match between the heavy weight liberty, we must save ttt Monday in November at tbe speeches heimr delivered all over this north shad sive yourselves and no other shall Veterans Receive a Hsudione Flag. "ml Dixon's line. The race question was Puritan Club. Long Island City. William save you. We enter on our duty bravely The veterans of tbe United States Afro- hitched on to inflame your prejudices. ern country, deciating that slavery wa- abolished by the church ol God. Muldoon, who is managing Smith, has and valiantly. This is our government to American troops who constitute the James Hut don't let me disturb the sweet Two hundred years ago the problem wa9: ikten in New York several days endeavor­ aid and our fellows to save. If it is pur C. Beecber Post, G A. R.. ol Charleston. harmony of this meeting. We are told we pose that is wanted we will give it. If it is S. C. were presented with a handsome •fcould forget the past. Our friends Is it right to bapuzs ihe Negro? It was a ing to get an engagement for bis man. difficult question. It was said that the None of the white men in Smith's class courage tbat is wanted we will give it by silk Sag at their meeting last Tuesday '"ink it is wrong to stir up ihe memories bogahe-tds, even until tbe blood shall run nigbt. Tbe flag is tbe American ensign oofctquenl upon ibe great Agitation we are subject i»f btptism should be a free moral fancied a meeting with him and only God agent, and the Negro wa«n't a frse moral in streams, if necessary, till by the com* adorned with a gilded spear bead, cord and '"eio commemorate. But I don't feel frey couid i»e induced to agree to face him. mingling of white men's blood and black tas-el and contains a complete complement tlint way. agent. Ahout lite only thing he could ask lor was the baplsm of his master. This The inducement is a puise of $3,000. men's blood our country shall be tbe grand­ of stars for all tbe states. It was the gift There are certain differences which must should be enough for htm. It was urged Smith bif been at Muldoon's farm at est and our Government the greatest and4 of Mrs. Beecber, widow of tbe late Col. N->ettlea according to tbe principles of that, white the master hud a right to (he Belfas'. Allegany county, all Hummer, and most lasting the world has ever seen, or and Brevet Brig. Gen. James C. Beecber "ght, stud these we may discuss with caloi- Negro's body, the Lord bad a light lo bis wti] probably train there. Godfrey will ever will sec. who com minded their troops during tbe "«*< in Boston and come to a correct con­ soul. pjepare himself at Boston. The event will That is the significance of the Repub­ late war. cision in regard to them. he Ode of the most impoiltnt of its kind This left, ihe b'ack man pretty destitute. lican victory in tne House of Representa­ I have discovered how prejudice agaiost lhat will take pi c« this season Godfreys tives yesterday. We will go forth and When be looked for his body, his master ability is well known in the East, while Anything to Beat Tillman. |he Negro may be removed verv easily. It had it conquer in Ihe name of the whitest and the tooulv nec»saway wuh the* prejudices. Once I Thus ihia movement bad a religious be­ the question, is a pure ballot in a guarded *«" to PtttofleJd. N. II., to speak against ginning. I don't think, however, tbat the from ibe mountains should prove a formid­ Democrats who oppose the Tillman move able opponent for Godfrey. and protected ballot-box the sheiid that ment. It is claimed that there is 157,000- > »v« ry. 1 applied for lodging at Ibe bouse ministers bad a great deal lo do with Ibe preserves our national integrity? Men abolition of alnvery. Afro American voters in tbe state against « « ni in who too* (be Literaior lie. I used to give us rights. We will help to 80.(00 whiles and! that at least 100 000 of touyh'. would welcome ine; bat. instead, A long time ago I said some 'errib'e give the country rights now. We are in of the former are are registered and quali­ plumed awav from me He was willing 'biugs Kgainst tbe Union, but, like my To Copper Old P«»l. Policy playiog ti doomed. Attorney the great Congress of the nation. We will fied to vo'e for stale officers. Tbe Repub­ J*t ihe Mave should be liberated, if only ministerial brethren, 1 got light as I went advance to tbe Senate, and when necessary, licans expect tne Democrats to want a free •s^ stay where be belonged. His along. 1 learned that tbe Negro race, General K«rdiu of Kentucky, has given an opinion that the Frankfort and Henry when the Negro has grown as great and ballot and a fair count this lime at least. , i'e, boa ewer, admitted we. At ? upper bleeding as it was, was saf« r in the Union learned and magnificent as be now is loyal •< g«" d man was absent. He had lost his than out of it At length I stood with county loiients are operated under a license that is now void,and it is left for the and tru*>, he shall no on to the President's •Pieim. 1 fe|t pratJ ^My m}M|f. William Ll«yd Garrison, r>j •iciuir in Ihe chair. [Cheer*]. Well not slay any r here. Gttalnx Property. ^'"wards. at the town ball. I stoke to 15 salvation of lb •{ Union and the a bolt lion of proper authorities to close tbe general offi­ ces uuder the new law. They said, "no nigger shall represent the One of tbe most notable features about f^ors, but nobody invited mejjome Ui slavery. Fourth dl-triet of Virginia;" and with Reed thb year's tax return io Georgia is tbe la- **rwltJifcia Atthebotel l|ey »aid: 1 be freedom of the Negro was brought to lead, McKinley to defend. Cannon to crease of property owned by Afro Ameri­ *« don i allow niggera in h*ir." about by means. We would never Lave Their Objection ,,: advocate. Grosvenor to speak, and Powells cans. Tbe total this year is $13,323,003 ,'" " af'.e'noon and tvening I delivered hesid of Abraham Lb-coln but for the men Indianapolis Journal;—At last several and Hau;;en to s'and steadfast fur the against $10.41.5,330 last year. More grati­ " '"re speeches. Being tired and ftuo- whom I bave and others like Democratic tiewt-iapers have condemned right, victory is ours. Let me Mi you fying than the increase is the fact Ihe ' I bit^.,.—, an~d wa«.»s a:traded t.o„ . th- m It was they wuo made Abrkbim tbe Negro-disfrancbkement plan of the what we sro going to do down in Vrginia. s'aiiaiics for several years show a steady n«-i.r by. Whde contemplating Lincoln, Charles William 11 Mississippi convention. They object that We will send almort a Republican from &ain aa evideece that the race is making IaiVMly ol i,uul8n Prtde and ambition. Seward po<*ible— who nude the liepubli it is not radical enough; and that under it tbe Alexandria district, if not entirely a steady if slow nxogresi in business habits. «*t a gentleman, who said to me: "Mr. can party potsible All honor to tbo*e Negroes, by acquiring education, may Republican. PVj"'. I 'n not an Abolitionist. I'm a men, tired, uot by the pulpit but by tbe again obtain the franchise. They say Frank Hume is going to be [J*™, b n I m a mtn. and if you'll Garrisonian platform. elected. If he is the right man, let him be Jacob Schneider of Mew York, is held C^eto my house you shall be made at I have no doubt Abrar am Lincoln ab­ elected We will tend a Republican fiom In $5,000 bail charge i with being one of 'ArS *1l,e y°u ***" ,D lWa town.'* horred slavery, but he was fettered by Mr. Daniel Atwood of Zmesville, Ohio, the Fredericksburg district, a Republican three men who assaulted John Henley of W I followed him to his door. interprets ions of the «onstltution, and will commence the study of pharmacy at from the Norfolk district, a gallant man that city and robbsJ him of $11 after beat­ i with gratitude and emotion, and Jim was always aching to get bold of the mon- Ann Arbor this term. that every time the roll wsa called In the ing him badly. mm To Correspondent!: Don't Be Late. DUMAS CLAIMS HIS CHILD. ZION MINISTERS MISSING LINKS. An Afro-American Arrested For •Abcoet- We cvinot Iiwure the publication o f cor log" HI. Luna Bey. Meet la Conference at Battle Creek A young; woman at Madison, Ind., respondence which reaches us later than being frightened, screamed loudly and $tfPffHis Last week Grand Rapids was thrown The Michigan and Canadian confererce dislocated her jaw. S Tuesday. A. number of our correspondents into a great deal of excitement occasioned of the A. M. E. Zion church convened at Louis Michel, the Paris commuuist, should pay attention to the hints below. by the se-called abduction of a lad of about Pontiac, Mich., last week, the Rt. Rev. J. says some of the pleasanteat hours of P. Thompson presiding. Don't blame us if your letters are not pub­ 8 years old. The story is told below. her life have been spent in prison. The conference opened with devo.ional lished.—[Editor. GRAND RAPIDS. Sept. 25.— Robert D. E. Crouse of Syracuse, N. Y.f is Dumaa was arrested in Big Rapids and exercises and the following officers elected: said to own the costliest horse barn in gyAll matter for publication mutt brought back tonight, accompanied by Lis P. H. Williams sec., and the Rev. J. G. tbe world. It has cost him $700,000. reach us by Tuesday noon to insure inser­ little son, on a warrant charging abduction Smith compiler, publisher and recording A surveying party has discovered tion in the following fcsue. «U years ago he left a little boy two years secretary. that one af the Hudson's Bay Com- •JfPersonal jokes are not wanted. of ag» with Harry Tucker, an Afro-Amer­ On Sunday morning Bishop Thompson I'iny's stations is on American terri­ tjfDo not write matter for publication ican, to be cared for, saying the boy's preached an eloquent termon and the Rev. tory. and business orders upon the same sheet of mother was dead and that he would remit P. H. Williams was ordained deacon. In It is said that fair hair is rapidlj dis­ paper. for bis board. He sent money occasionally the afternoon he was ordained elder and in appearing in the British Isles and that pg-Want of ipace will not permit oi in small amounts, but left the boy with the the evening he preached the closing ser­ the darkening of hair is more marked OiVE ENJOYS exterded notices of entertainments, parties, Tuckers, who have come to look upon him mon. The Episcopal address by Bisbop in males than females. receptions, etc. Send us the HEWS. Make Both the method and results when as their own child. Tuesday Dumas called Thompson was a masterpiece and he your letters short and readable, The Portuguese nation is one of the Bjntp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant at the school where the boy attended and endeared himself to the entire conference ty Make your letters and communica­ by his kind and fatherly ruling. most illiterate in Europe, the illiterate and refreshing to the taste, and acts called him out and the two went away tions as short as possible. The following are the appointments. inhabitants being officially stated at 82 gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, together. They were traced to Holland per cent of the whole. |y3ign your FULL NAME, not for pub­ Ontario district, P. H Williams P. E. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ and thence to Big Rapids where Dumas lication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Chatham Station. Rev. Joseph Light foot. Despite the superstition about the tem effectually, dispels colds, head­ was arrested. Puce River and Windsor, R«v. J. R. Alex­ No matter if you have been corresponding opal, Col. Ingercoll invariably wears aches and fevers and cures habitual for years, always SIGN YOUB OWN NAME. It is a strange story the father tells. He ander. one in his tie when he wishes to win au is 88 years old and poorly dressed but Buxton Circntt. Rev. Mr. H. Lee. constipation. Svrup of Figs is the tSTBe brief, on time, and do not say Mr. especially bard case. finely educated and talks like a man of Colchester Circuit, Rev. P. H. William* only remedy of its kind ever pro­ * 'So and So" is sick when he only has the Hamilton MisMOD, Rev. Benj. Hill. bitih culture. Born in Manchester, Eng­ Buffalo Bill has purchased a house duced, pleasing to the taste and ac­ fingar-ache! in Naples at a ridiculously small price. land, he graduated at Cambridge and Michigan district, J. G. Smith, P. E. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ty Correspondents will please remember studied in Paris. He is master of five lan­ It is a place of historical iuterest, as Grand Rap d*. J. 6. Smith. its action and truly beneficial in its that advertisements, lists of wedding pres­ guages and has traveled all over Europe. Pontine aim Detroit, Morrison Mlton, King Boniba once owned it. ents, lengthy obituary notices, speeches, Cbss. McGee. effects, prepared only from the most Africa and ali parts of America. He Mrs. Samh M. Reoton. who died iu resolutions, poetry and inquiries for rela­ married a quadroon schoolmate whose Macosta Circuit. Chas. Mortimer. healthy and agreeable substances, tives must be paid for. Our advertising Perryville, M. Bro*n. Port Blakely. Wash., recently, was the mother wns immensely wealthy. He bad VernoD, £ Hunt. wealthiest woman in the new state. its many excellent qualities com­ rates will be sunt jou on application. trouble with his wife and came to Amer­ mend it to all and have made it The conference adjourned Oct. 30th to She left a fortune of 12,000,000. ica. He heaid she was dead and left the the most popular remedy known. child with the Tuckers six years ago, not meet in Detroit the fourth Wednesday of Bismarck is well versed in English Agents, Attention! knowing who they were.' He has since September, 1891. literature, and has beeu known tc Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c then traveled extensively, making his borne quote twenty or thirty lines of "Lallah and |l bottles by all leading drug­ in Quebec. Canada, where he has done THE BOURBON'S GALL. Rookb" on the spur of the moment. gists. Any reliable druggist who fyOur agents are required to make considerable newspaper work. He now returns and remittances fcr the papers of A Georgia editor leads all the paper* may, not have it on hand will pro­ wants to take the boy back to bis mother, cure it promptly for any one who the preceding month not later than the tenth who is still living, but not having the The Modest Rrqneat of the Constitutional on the guessing schemes. It asks Ma of etch month—and no papers will be sent money to pay arrearage on the board bill, Convention. readers to "guess who owes three wishes to try it Do not accept to any agent who fails to comply with the he stole the lad away, intending to reim­ years' subscription and refuses to paj any substitute. above. burse the Tuckers for their kindness later. it in sweet potatoes!'' The Mississippi constitutional conven­ He tells the story with all the appearance A traveler in Japan writes that the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. fjfXo papers will be sold on credit of truthfulness. tion, whose bouts with their state constitu­ Japanese pay more attention to per­ unless the agent chooses to pay for them tion has been a subject of some comment LOUtSVtf- - •"•<" vORK. N.t Mrs. Tucker was called upon and said: gonal cleauliness than any other peo­ and run the risk of collection. "1 have no doubt that the man is Sidney's lately, has reached the modest climax of ple in the world. Hijrh and low b:r.J.Rennert.4lS. Clark st.,Chicago was sorry to say that immigration, intern street. M. E. church. He is an energetic man perance, Romanism. Mormonism, iojustice Mis. Emily Anderson has returned to and teems to be the right man in the right Queen Natalie, who is furnishing a to the Negro, political corruption and her home in White county. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. place. The two churches now have pow­ house at Belgrade, has ordered all the socialism pushes us on to that line as fast The Rev. Hill visited here Sunday. THIS NEW erful men at the helm*. Men not afraid to furniture, 600,000 francs' worth, from as time permits. *. W. S. J. work. Mis9 Beulah Johnson has gone to Russia. It is taken as an indication of (ELASTIC TRUSS •Chicago for the present. She returned Mrs. Rev. J. H. Alexander and daughter strong Russian proclivities on her part, lEasafad different from * I others, lacnp shape.,"lth.B-*»"»«"* ch-o.s-r.tiiy n»» Mr. Harris of the Law Department is A tramp whose intellectual caliber aircuian fit*. EQQLESTON MFG. CO.. Ctucaao, Ht back. from Battle Creek. fever, also Miss A. Pelifert. Mrs. Ida was far above his profession was re­ Marquis, who ha* been very ill, is There are several new students in the Rev. W. L. Brown was in the city on cently found at Bangor, Me. His Y0U8 recovering. city. the 23rd. only baggage was a small but choice nmnsnn PRICES FOR Mr. Topo of Chicago was the guest of Mrs. L. Edwards is convalescent. Elder Smith preached two good sermons collection of books, including "The* unluAbU PRODUCE. Miss Ora Green one day last week. Miss Eva Gaines is on the sick list. last Sundav, and the collection for the day Confessions of Jean Jacques. Rous­ "XOTTH. was $17.12. seau," the works of Balzac, Dumas, a Butter, Eggs. Poultry, Veal, Mr. Willie Yancy of Port Huron i* in Miss M. Johnson is the guest of her sis­ copy of Shakspeare and the Iliad. Hay, Grain, Wool. Hides, the city contemplating entering the Law ter Mrs. J. C. Embroes. BRIGHT ETES. The trustees of the church are preparing Green and Dried Fruits, Department. to put a new roof on the building and their The nude has noticeably diminished plans are succeeding nicely. Vegetables. The Fair is in progress this week and in the Paris Salon. It doesn't sell as ft ANmmt m MAT HAVE TO 0$., We can sell yoor everything is lively here. The District Conference. Club No. 7 will give a social at the resi­ it used to sell, having decliued iu fash­ Shipment* at the lushest market pr:ce, and, wm dence of Mr Charles Moore. Thursday make you prompt returns. Write us lor price BATTLE CHEEK. 8ept. 29 —The A. M. ion with the demi-monde, and the lead* The street cars are running this week. eveninar, to aid the trustees in their work. tags or any Information 70a may want. E. church was well filled Sunday evening ing artists are now somewhat carefu,* Mr 3. Adams' daughter Allie is worse SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO.. te listen to an exceptionally fine "discourse Mr. John Mersej of Indianapolis is visit­ about warning off by too startling dis­ Commissi*! Merchants, 174 So. Water St. Chicago. than she has been. by Rev. B. Roberts who was passing ing in the city as tbe guest of his brother, plays the steadily increasing number JUfsrwe Mvtropalltaa Katloao^Bank. __ Mrs. Reed of Detroit is visiting her through the city. Yv\ H. Anderson of the Northside. of young womeu pupils of recognised mother, Mrs. Cox of the 5th ward. H. P. J. The district conference will convene in respectability. PATTERN FREE. LOTTIE. By Special AmuHreoient *Ith this city Oct. 7th and 8th. A large dele­ Those who go for rest to tbe fash, DEMOREST'S FASflLr MAGA­ gation of ministers will be present from Newt Notes. ZINE, tbe Greatest of ail Msjna.r-esj ionable summer resorts are lulled to we are enabled to make e»ery ovx ui Beginning of the Senaon'a Work. the different churches. An entertainment slumber not only by the piano plavino our lady readers a handsome present. will be given on that occasion for the bene­ PORT HURON. Sept. 29.—Miss Christina Cut out this slip and Inclose it: w,ia 8ANDU-KT, Ohio. Sept. 29—The Rev. Stewart, wbo is visiting ber Mnter, Mrs. of the amateur, "but by the music from a two-cent stamp for returs po-tafe, fit of the church. and your name and sddre.-*) « "• C. A. Caret of Lebanon. O., assisted the Gordon, will leave for fpsilanti, Saturday. the girl violinist, the girl cornetist, the Jennings Demore&t, 15 East nth !*', The temperance people in this vicinity flute player and the girl with the banjo. New York, and you wiii roce:ve t-f Rev. G. D. Smith in his church work Sun­ Misses Bertie Bibbins of Detroit is visit­ day. He preached Sunday to a large and seem to be getting in earnest to judge from Bits of broken tunes float out of in. return msil a full-size pa«*rD. "'«£ ing at the residence of Mrs. Kennedy on rrated and fully described, of ia'•1* well filled house the meetings being held. numerable doors and windows, and Jacket (worth 25c). It ran «« ^.; * Fish street as a perfectly plain jicket. or aa ii in The Rev. Mr. House who has been in The convention of the W. T. C U of there never was such a summer foi —- trated. Cross out with penc J .be.'« the 3rd district will be held in this city George C. Sleet was a visitor in the city the South for ten years preached at the musical variety. desired. Bust, 84. at, 38. or *0 inches. While pernor™1 » commencing Oct. 1st. Mrs. Thurman of Monday, en route from Stratford., Ont.- to is not a Fashion Magazine, rnanv suppose it tu b« b"- "? -Decatur Street Baptist churca on Monday Henry Villard. the emiuent financier. Its Fashion Department, like all Its other iM'^tn..-'* evening. Jackson is mentioned among the speakers. Detroit. Is so perfect. You reeJUy pet u dozen Mu#uiiies m one, Mrs. Harbhard of Detroit, wbo has been is writing his autobiography for th« »*ary mobtb. for ts per year. Mrs. Mjftin and daughter are recent Rev. Reberts is visiting friends in the visiting her husband in this city returned use of his children alone. He wai welcomgpdditions to scciety here. city for a few days. home this morning. born in Germany and the story of hii Mrs. J. Henderson and Miss F. Skiperth early years is written in German, Mrs. |F Smith, the wife of the Rev. G. Fred Brown of St. Clair spent Sunday in D. Smitk Is quite sick. have returned from a pleasant visit to Can­ while, having been educated in France, "DRINK. the city. ada. B. S. his schooldays are described in French. Mrs. Gfepberson la on the sick list. Ben James has taken command of J. L. His business and social life in America The fire at the ice houses Sunday even­ Wagner's barber shop for the winter. will be recorded in English. ing burned four houeas, loss about $17,000. Going te Europe. Insurance $11,930. The largest corpse ever conveyed to Dr. Chas. W. Ellis, who graduated about Marshall Mention. The parlor club will resume their meet­ a grave in Missouri was, perhaps, thai two years ago from the Medical College of Sept 29.—Mr. McClearen of Van Wert. ings for the season at the home of Mrs. Detroit and has since built up a splendid of the £fegress known as Big Jude, UfiCi Ohio, filled the pulpit of the A. M £. Mary Jones of Henry street. All members practice at his home in Saginaw, will sail buried recently in New Madrid. The are requested to be present and all others church Sunday. He leaves Thursday fb' coffin was 36 inches broad, 6 feet long on the 15th of October for Europe, where Ohio. -who wish to assist in church work are be will continue his medical studies in and 86 inches deep. She weighed invited. The county fair begins here Tuesday. 160 pounds. It required the strength COFFEE Germany and France. He will spend a A True Combination of MOCHA, Mr. Smith of Xenia, O.. arrived in our few days in Detroit visiting his many Mr. Wilfred Clark, aged 23 years, who of sixteen pall-bearers to place ber in

• te* If

LANGSTON-STANLEY. BRIEFLY TOLD. eral tastes and wants of your children. "My dear," said his wife, "the storm is FOB THE LADIES. Remember your own childish yearn­ going to be violent, and I fear this old build­ Keeepilena, ing in which we have taken shelter is not •rhp Ceremony Toilette*, The late Samuel J. Randall left an estate ings, and gratify theirs, as it is possi­ Pr. U Ete. ble, for their pleasure and good— safe." "Quiet your fears," said her hus­ of only $5,000. On the Beech. band, reassuringly; "it will soon blow Parlor and Kitchen. Mrs. Elizabeth Drexel Smith, who died Band in hand they walked along over." The Ohio belle is proving too much for near Philadelphia Friday was worth *L- Beside tbe sunlit sea: Michigan beaux. In the last few years 000,000. rhey heard the wavelet's Summer song— Women and Physical Recreation. __ " A Patent Leather Hhlne. A wondrous melody. Try B'xbrt"Tnr*'Thre»e Bee***«"»•*'' blackingM"<*«'>*«'. •*•>"Polishe• s quick. many have fallen victims to their charms. The tendency of womankind to Preserve* leather. Family box has patent handle. Dun's review says trade is bracing up all break down the barriers that have The latest to succumb is Mr. Will Langston over the country, and markets are fresh "Ob! how I love you, love," he said, "How dear you are to me I" long surrounded her, in the matter of the popular young letter carrier, who was and active. Can egg-plants be hatched In incubators? The maiden dropped her pretty head, physical recreation, which has been But not a word said she. married to Miss Carrie Stanley of Cleve­ The Chicago & Northwestern employes growing more pronounced each season, Ml re. WiiiUtr'i SnnthlngSyrnp, far Chil­ land, at Grace church of that city, Tues­ are after the road for some concessions In "•Wilt thou be mine, my love?" said he, dren teething, softens the gams, reduces inOamma- time and wages. has finally reached that point where tion. allays pain, cures wind oollc So. a bottle. day evening at 7 o'clock, the Rev. While grasping her soft hand: all strategy is cast aside, and an open "Ob! don't make love Just now," said she. Worthinijton performing the ceremony. Another stage has been held up near and vigorous demand for a change in California dried prunes are ripe. Redding, CaL, and the Wells-Fargo express "My shoes are full of sand." The bridal party were ushered by Messrr. the social laws of what is unjustly box emptied of $800. _ Dee* Year Baby chafe easily? T.atelt's Lincoln Bo'den and Clarence uordon of To Make a, Home Out of a Household. termed * 'propriety" is being made, and - L Y-CO- DIN E' • Nursery Powder positiTely ctJRM Cleveland and James Dooley and Charles GEORGIA has 300 life-time prisoners in Shopping is a matter that can be in an effective manner. A literary CHAFING. Send 25c. in stamps for large box. Sam­ ple Free. Lasell, Dalley a Co.. Box 1T3S. New York. Mirault of Detroit, Mr. John Stanley, (he pennitentiary. (and should be)' almost reduced to a lady remarks that while the burdens brother of the bride acting as best man. A HOKSB ran away at Ocala, FUt,» and natter of exact science, and it is one of life bear quite as heavily upon wo­ A small foot often gives a-young man the The bride wore a lovely robe of cream Iropped dead in a pond. man as upon man, she has no equal big head. surah which was completely enveloped by whose best lessons are often bought the veil of silk tulle, her only ornaments A MACHINE for making shoestrings out with that extravagant price of exper- share in the amusements of life, and >f paper is a recent Philadelphia invention. .ence. Whether the good shopper is suggests that while the natural laws Swedish Asthma Cure never fails; send were orange blossoms and she carried your address. Trial packages mailed free. roses. She was accompanied by her sister SEVERAL of the coal mine owners in Il­ • corn and not made is open to question; governing the pursuits of woman can Collins Brothers Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. Miss Susie Stanley in a pink crepe toilette linois will grant the advance demanded by (hut it is certainly true that there are not be changed, such social conven­ with pink roses and diamonds and Miss their miners. ! certain general principles of shopping tionalities as preclude the enjoyment UNITED States Minister Phelps arrived Ida Deaver whose drpss was orange net. 'A rrn tree was cut in» Washington state which can be learned, and thus save by women of recreations for which she in New York from Germany Tuesday. Tbe bride's mother, Mrs. SUnley wore a the beginner a world of trouble and no is physically fitted, and to which she lovely gown of black silk and Mrs. Lang­ chat scaled 20,500 feet.' The top log was not counted. little expense as well. Perhaps one is naturally inclined, should be swept No soap in the world has ever been Imi­ ston, mother of the groofi wore a black tated as much as Dobbins' Electric Soap. lace toilette. SCNDAT, Nov. 9, will be a big day for the jf the most important of these princi­ away at once, and that women should The market is full of imitations. Be care­ Among other beautiful dresses noted Chicago reds. It will be a memorial cele­ ples is to learn to beware of the ignis be admitted to the enjoyment of trudg­ ful that you are not deceived. "J. B. Dob­ were those of Miss Clara Deaver. a Green- bration of the execution of the anarchists. nitui of a "bargain" day, without be­ ing over hill and dale, with rifle or bins, Philadelphia and New York," is stamped on every bar. away costume of cream India silk trimmed The arrest of Joseph Keener, the count­ ing too sceptical of its possible advan­ with rod, without fear of censure. in gold braid. erfeiter, at Pittsburgh, has led to the cap­ tages. This is a custom gradually The only drawback to such an arrange­ Miss Blackman cream silk and pate blue EX-CONGRESSMAN WM. HEILMAN died at ture in his den of a magnificent counterfeit­ gaining in American cities, and fash­ ment that suggests itself, is thai the Evansville, Ind., Monday. velvet. Miss Lulu Blackman pink silk, ing outfit. presence of an occasional snake; the cream lace and white roses. ioned after the "occasion" of the Bon Miss Mary Morris black velvet and gold IT is said that the Manhattan, Sun and Marche of Paris. There are unques­ sudden shrill shriek of a night owl, passementerie. Miss Edith Mirault- of Paragon Oil companies of Ohio h/ive com­ tionable advantages to be found on and the natural timidity of woman at Detroit, brown silk and velvet, white bined, with a capital of $5,000,000, to fight these bargain days, but when one buys sight of squirming things, which would roses. the Standard. goods without any very definite use for probably tend to throw her into hys­ Mrs. Benson heliotrope silk and cream W. J. GLEASOX, chief executive of the them, because, indeed, they are so terics, when it became necessary in When Baby was skk, we gave 1 lace. Ohio branch of the Irish national league, cheap, the occasion becomes a delusion her to disentangle an eel from her line When she was a Chad, she cried for Oaitoris. Mrs. Morris, brown silk. says the league throughout the country has and a snare. The woman who comes or remove a pickerel from her hook, When the became Miss, ah* dung to Castoria, An informal reception was held at the virtually disbanded. home with dozens of yards of ribbons would prove disastrous to her nerves home of the bride after the ceremony When shehadChifcteea.ahtgavel wbere intimate friends and relatives offered John Ray, ex-minister of Austria, was for which she has no immediate or and counteract any good effects to be congratulations and boo voyage to the run into and knocked down by a cab near j definite use, or "remnants"' of choice gained from the fresh air and exercise the Grand Central station, in New York. velvet, or brocade, or pieces of lace, consequent upon tiresome trudges in /• v. young couple * .•-:• •- At 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Langston and He will be lame for life. nought because sometime they may be the woods. • t±*Jl their Detroit friends accompanied by Miss Ex-Gov. HUBBARD of Texas is one of % convenience—such a shopper is a Susie Siaoley and Mr. Lincoln Bolden said the weightiest politicians of the democracy. blessing to the trade, but quite the re­ The Husband's Part. Young David rocked Goliath to sleep. their last good byes and took the steamer He weighs 380 pounds, and has a voice verse to herself and her family. The home ought to be the harbor of for Detroit. like a speaking trumphct. Franklin's old motto, that "nothing is rest; but if the wife ought to make it The reception given here on Wednesday cheap that you do not want," is as ap­ so for the husband, none the less Wi Ham A. Hodges, a prominent Afro- evening at tbe home of the groom's Rumors from all parts of the west indi­ cate a coming uprising of the Indians that plicable to-d ay as it was a century ago. ought the husband to make it so for American citizen of Virginia, died in Nor­ mother was attended by many friends of folk on September 24. from heart failure, the groom who pleasantly spent the even- will be beyond anything of that kind that Styles of material and colors change the wife. If she should greet him has ever happened before. at the advanced ape of 75 years. He was in congratulating the party and viewing with the seasons, and the corner-stone with a restful presence, he should born in Eempsville, Va , in 1815. of free the lovely presents received both here and MART R. TEXNIS, was granted a divorce •f to-day is the rejected stone of next bring to her a cheerful one. The man parentage, and at an earlv ape began to in Cleveland. at Columbus, O., Wednesday. When the year. Another wise limitation for the who holds his umbrella over himself advocate the cause of freedom among and Mr. and Mrs. Langston will be at home petition was granted she kissed all the average shopper is to avoid pro­ and leaves his wife to take the drip­ for his race. at 170 Watson street." ladies in attendance and her attorney. nounced appearances in dry goods. pings is a boor; but that is what not a SENATOR HEARST and W. L. Scott are The "pattern" dresses of one season few of us husbands do in running WH SEND occasionally a copy of our Let the Delegation Speak. said to have won enough money with their are not only bad form in tbe next, but under shelter from all household cares paper to persons who are not subscribers. respective stables during the last season to are so obtrusive and striking that they and leaving our wives to take the piti­ If you are not one this Is a reminder to GIIAKD RAPIDS, Sept. 28.—Some months pay their campaign expenses for five years. ago or about the time of the great conven- become useless to a woman of refined less rain of pelting perplexities. examine it carefully, and then send in your tion heltl at Chicago, Jan. 15, 1S90, several The Cowles electric smelting company, taste, and it is very poor economy to It is said of Governor Jewell that own name, and band the paper to one of meetings were held and largely attended of Cleveland, has cut the price of alumin­ purchase such a gown, even in the when he was carrying on his shoulders your friends with the same request tf. by our citizens. A grave question, one um to $1 per pound, which makes this height of the mode, unless one has a the burdens of a great business and of momentous import was there considered wonderful metal a severe competitor of very large and varied wardrobe. The all the political anxieties of a great and an organization was perfected with nickel and tin. In 1SU E. H. Blaekshear, a confederate first requisite of a gown that mlist do presidential campaign, he always great plans for the future. Here let us good service is unobtrusiveness. It soldier, was wounded by a federal bullet, ring down the curtain on.the first act. THE curator of Brooklyn institute told a brought to his home a bright face and reporter the other day that one beautiful may be as choice in material, as ex­ which entered his breast, passed through Some few months ato a state convention a cheery word, and a seemingly light butterfly in the collection was valued at quisite in fit, as refined in ornament, his body aud lodged in his back. On June was called and Grand Rapids got into line heart; so that care flew out of the 38, 1890, just twenty-six years after the $1,000, that sum having recently heen paid as one pleases; the more graceful and again with her full number of delegates for a duplicate. window when he entered the door. In wound was received, the bullet worked its ano>attcnded this convention. It appears dainty the better, but simple and un­ this, as in all other phases of life, un­ way out of his back near the spine. It was by some parliamentary wrangle thai tbe MRS. CHAS. C. HATES, daughter ftf ex- obtrusive. Dr. Johnson's test, that a selfishness is the truest and best ser­ round, weighed exactly one ounce, and Gov. Mills, of Wisconsin, drowned herself delegates were sent bv a citizen's meeting lady is well dressed when one cannot vice of* self. • was of the variety known among coufeder* and not by the organization we spoke or, at Hyde Park, Mass., Sunday. She was remember what she has on, is certain­ mtes as "buck and ball " about 50 years of aure and no cause is as­ a The man who takes best care of his hut it was in sympathy with it. A part of ly good one. Another excellent the delegation attended the state conven­ signed for the suicide. wife, finds in that very act the best tion; they have come back to us, but of principle in shopping is to select one FOUR sailors of the steamship Yorktown, refuge from the stinging cares of his Railroad Time Tables-» the business done there we have not been first-class house and always go to it own business. The wife ought always which bus just arrived at San Francisco for one's wares. In this way one gets able as yet to learn. Now fellow citizens from New York, claim that on Jcly L the to feel the load lifted off her shoulders if this is tbe shape you are going to leave boatswain, James Weston, was ordered •the benefit of those countless favors when the husband crosses the thresh­ THE SHORT LINE; us in t>; tight our fall campaign il is a bad always shown to the regular customer; —FKOM— one indeed. We hold the right as citizens over the side to do some work and whilo old in the evening. But she does not thus engaged Thomas Nolan, the second one discovers the exact locale of each always. Sometimes it even settles Detroit and Toledo to. to formulate plans for .the furtherance ot department and can therefore go with­ our interests, then ltt us have the courage mate, deliberately cut the life line attached down upon her shoulders heavier than Cincinnati, Ind'napolf* to Weston, and the latter was drowned. out loss of time, and when special bar­ rcH&fli nud valor to carry them to perfection. It before. What say you, gentlemen?— gains are to be offered the regular cus­ I Louisville, is time to turn out and let us know what is NINE-TENTHS of the raisens soki in this Christian Union. CIMCiWATl.HAMlLTaNa WWTOM R.f^jant d All Points South, to be done. Are we to support the league country are made in California, yet Cali­ tomer receives timely notice of it. ] While it may occasionally happen that Leave principles to a man or will we s«il by any fornia raisin makers ship all their best Imperial Godfathers- Detroit, M.C.R.R. tS.05 am •! 30 pm *«.33 pis* color. It is time we said one thing or the one would save something on a certain goods to New York, and have lhern boxed Brielow is a village of Branden­ Toledo, C. H. & D. other. article by looking about at other O.4.. am 10.15 am 8 80 pm 12 01am and marked as if they came from Spain. burg, and there abides llerr Schmidt, Arrive They claim that the public looks with more houses, yet in the long run, the Mr. James Goings is now occupying his proprietor of an iron foundry, writes Lima 0.20 am 12.21 pin 6 00 pm 2.26 am favor on imported raisins, and for this rea­ time and energy wasted would count Dayton 12.05 pm lift fen «.•»•• pm 5l0am new residence which is very attractive aud Eugene Field from Germany When Hamilton son they are obliged to go to all this for far more than the trifle saved. 1.22 rni LUkfl 9.48 pm 6.08 pm of modern design. this worthy man's frau presented her Cincinnati 2 10 pm 4.45 pm 1C 50 pm 7.< 5 am trouble. And in the long run one makes Indianapolis 7.25 pin 7.25 pm 12.35 am 9.30 am Mr. J. C. Ford's residence is nearing grateful spouse with a seventh son. A BURGLAR got fast in the window of a much the more economical expendi­ Through parlor cars on day trains ao.i Pullman completion and'when finished will present Ilerr Schmidt humbly communicated palace cars on night trains between Detroit and house occupied by John Roach of Patter­ ture? and receives the most satisfaction a handsome appearance with all the latest the news to the old Emperor William, Cincinnati. ,_ appointments. son N. J. John is a moralist and he by patronizing one large and first-class •Dailv. fDaily, except Sunday. and asked his majesty to stand god­ M. D. WOODFORD, E. O. McCORMICK, dressed himself and sat down on a chair establishment. —Ex, The Rev. Brown preached to a large father to the babe. The Emperor Oen'l Manager. Gen'I Pass. Agt. congregation Sunday evening. and talked to that burglar for two long D. B. TRACY. Nor. Pas«. Agent, hours without a break. Then the burglar graciously consented, and at the bap­ 115 JeftVrsou avenue, Detroit. Mich. The Rev. Alexander left us last week asked to be either knocked on tho head or Employ the Children. tismal ceremony he presented the god­ WABASH RAILROAD. and carries the best wishes of his many let go, and Mr. Roach talked to him one son with a handsome remembrance. friends. W. H. N. Give your children something to do. City Ticket Office, 9 Fort street West hour longer and then suffered him to The next year another baby boy was Depot foot of Twellth fctreet. Standard tunc depart. Of course, it is much easier to do it yourself than to stop and teach the vouchsafed to the Schmidt family. Lea^e. Arrive. ttrlflln—Beaaley. The little towns of Boston and Spring- Lafayette, Kansas City and little one to do it, either as well or as Meanwhile old Emperor William had Western Flyer— ~.— *6.2o am * 6.45 pn» Mr. David Griffin and Miss Carrie Beas- field, in the new county of Baca, in Colora­ quickly as you can do it yourself, but passed away and his son Frederick had St. Louis Express il ,55 pm t 9.35 am lev wire married Wednesday evening, do, are equally detennined to have the succeeded to the throne. Would tho St. Louis cndlii.l Express.... Jll.20 pm that is not the thing. It is not a question Chicago Express J1.55 pm J 11.20 pm October 1st, at the residence of her grand­ county seat. There was a hotel in Boston Emperor Frederick act as a sponsor to that was thought to be the only building in of time, ease or speed. Children must, Adrian Accommodation J4.U0 pm mother, Mrs. Lowe. 260 Clinton street, by be busy, their little, active braias will number eight? Of course he would, Chicago Express I J9.50 pm t6.15air. the Rev. James Henderson. the county that was available Ind Louisville & St. Louis for a court house. Saturday night a crowd scheme for something, and if not di­ and he did. • That made two baby Express $9-50 pm $6.15 */u The bride wore a beautiful dress of cream Schmidis with royal godfathers! That {Daily. *Daily except Sunday. {Except Satur­ Canton silk and valecciennes lace with from Springfield put rollers under this rected in the right channel, it must beat the record! But wait—the tale day. tExcept Monday. Hirer trimmings and carried white rosea. building and 20 teams of horses pulled it be in a bad one. They cannot be idle, A. F. WOLFFCH LAGER. f*»- Ticket A«r-nr She was attended by Miss Tucker whose five miles toward Springfield before a Bos­ the little, restless hands must be do­ is not yet told. Last month still an­ K. O. BUTLER. Divbiou Fitight aid Passengar dre s was white brilliantine and valencien- ton party overtook them. A battle with ing something. The mother who other boon came to the Schmidts from Agent. Winchesters followed, and the Springfield St« ! see. Mr. John Bennett was best man. keeps those little hands occupied in the storks in the shape of a ninth in­ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Guests to the number of fifty were party was routed and the building burned. fant—a boy at that! When the young Decot foot of Brush street. Central Standard There is trouble ahead. her service is using an influence for present and dancing to the music of Pryor's good in future years. If mothers will Emperor William heard of it he said: Timri. Oct. 7ih, IMi. I .cave. Arrive. orchestra, in addition to the usual features study their children's tastes, and try -"I will be that babe's godfather and of a reception, added to their pleasure. Revs. P. H. Williams and Joseph Light- *8 00 am.. Toronto, Montreal and East.. 89 40 a m to cultivate those tastes, give to each he shall have a noble gift. Moreover, •1200 m Port Huron *300am Among the large number of beautiful foot visited THK PLAINDKALER this week. Frau Schmidt shall have a handsome *4 20 pm Port Huron Exoress *610pm child its favorite occupation or some •10 tO pm... Toronto and Montreal Ex... *9 10 p m preset t* which the bride received was a present" Where shall you find a silver iea service from the Silver Leaf club Mrs. Henriet'a Moreton of Macomb duty it seems especially suited for, *J wl.ich she was a member. street last week drew $300 from tbe bank the mother will soon find that these family,of nine children, all boys? DETROIT, GRAND HAVEN & MILWAUKEE BTf And surely there is nowhere a family and says that through carelessness she half hours of occupation will soon Ztopot foot of Brush street. Tr J ns run by Cen­ really be quite an assistance to her. which three emperors have served in tral Standard Time. May 5th, 1860. U lien He Would They Wouldn't. lost $160 of it. Lntvn, Arrive. the capacity of godfather. •Muskegon &. GrandRapids Ext) 50 a m The "Merry Go Round" man in Kansas Robert Pelham jr. left for Chicago last For instance, let the child that has 11 56 ana natural love for children help at cer­ •Through Mail & Chicago... 10 20 a m 4 30p City refused the patronage of A,fro-Ameri- night to purchase a new dress of type for •Steanuxat Express. 4 33pm 9 45p cans unless they paid twenty flte cents for tain times of the day in amusing the Actress—Good heavens! I am ruin­ 1 Chicago Express with sleeper.8 00 p m 7 45am the mailing department of the Detroit tNight express with sleeper..l0 30 p m 720am * ride because some of his white customers smaller children of the family. Don't ed. Burglars broke into my dressing- •Daily, Sundays excepted. Daily ^[u td to ride with them. Before this Tribune. make it a drudgery or a sacrifice, but re room and stole every bit of my jewelry. Gratd Rapids Express and Morning Express f'usal he was liberally patronized by % pleasure; then she will soon grow Manager—Don't be alarmed. The have parlor car to Grand Rapids. *uo Americans and just raked in tbe A Roman Palm Tree. steamboat Express has Wagner pcrlor Buffet B! fond of the responsibility of looking thieves have been caught and the pro­ car to orand Haven. cktls from them. His white customers after a baby sister or brother. Let the Chicago Express has elegant Pullman sleeping A prize palm tree in Rome was perty recovered—nearly $20 worth of *tre not so liberal and his receipts fell so child that is most fond of flowers ar­ and Buffet can to Chicago dairy. Juch that he concluded to Invite his Afro- blown down during a recent gale. It Rhine stones. Night Express has sleeper to Grand Rapid* range a few'each day for several daily. Afcerican patrons back at the same price stood in the garden of the British em­ Actress—Pshaw! Well, send some­ rooms; let her see that the dishes are Sleeping car berths can be secured at genera! "«charted others but only one of them bassy, and was perhaps the tallest one round to the newspapers to stop ticket office, IS) Jefferson avenue, cor. of Wood •ccepred his offer and now he wishes he set straight on the dining-table, open the articles that were going in to-mor­ ward, and at the depot foot of Brueb street. tree in Rome. It was historical as •I. PIERCE. W. J. BPICER, tad let well enough alone. having been pierced by a cannon ball the blinds and let in the sunlight, and row. I fixed the loss at $40,000, in­ Ctty Ticket Act. General:- during the attack on the city in Sep­ take care of the bird U there is one; cluding the bracelet given me by the or perform sundry such little service. Subscribers WLO change their place of tember, 1870. It was strapped with czar. . J*-ience should at once notify THE PLAIN. iron where the ball had pierced it, and Encourage the small boys to be use­ J^LEB Company so as to insure ths was the only object in the vicinity ful. Fill your home with such books Black net dresses with narrow red WHEN ANSWERING 1 Jgapt delivery of their paper. Alwsjs which showed the traces of the attack end tools as will help them to be use­ or blue ribbon interlaced at the side Me •sy you ssw the I lh« old as well as the new * *f which opened Borne to the Italian ful; or, in other words, study the sev­ el the skirt are all the rage in Perls. army. . ^tf'nlafii'filii - • • "Iji'snnrnl fiif'aWl - .'"^» ttt^»jiKLrii fii If there be auy gag tliat is now thoroughly There is no people either here or in any POLITICAL NOTES. The Oetroit Plaindealer. transparent, it is that of a bourbon's fears other country who would not be depend­ A VARIETY OF THINGS. for his state's civilization. ent under such conditions. But men and Chicago's Norlbside Afro-Americans expect an appointment or two at the hands Detracting from another* greatness uever Published Weekly Friday journals have b come so used to misrepre adds to that of tbe critic, but greatness is one of the new collector. thing, and a reputation for it it another TDUCB—PAYABLE rn AsviMX IT is impolitic to be on the unpopular senticg us that tbo-e who do not do it ohn D. Stark recently appointed post- Few men who are ambitions for place or Br mail or carrier, per $1.50 side of a public question, but it is always openly do it impliedly. master of Bradensburir. Ky.. died just as notoriety, study tbe elements of grratness or 1.00 better to be right than politic No doubt kno<* whereto it constat Thetr whole aim fbxmoaths, So be received his commission. Tf^ree IIWHTIS. THERE IS no one incident of recent times and effort is to get a repubtion vtthoat Prof. BCOKBR T. WASHINGTON, in an R W. Thompson of Indianapoii*, is now regard, to the means by which it is obtained that has shown the general interest of the a letter carrier of tbe first class—$1,000 per Eafered at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich-, as sec­ indignant passion, over stated a truth that True greatness is measured by what «• e i. ond-class matter.] is patent and painful. He has only erred Haytian in public affairs than a letter sent annum—having been promoted. capable if doing or h*s done for LumaDitv THXPLAD»DKALX« Company, PubUahera Tribune that is pre-eminent tn that it las admini!. in the proportions be gives his assertions, to Mr. ISAAC MULLEN of Bo-ton. The It H announced that "several of our •Building; Rowland 8t. intelligent young men hive left the Repub­ t. red to their »ants or alleviated ibeir suf­ letter is in testimony of the ability and nevertheless, the greatest censure he will lican partv and formt d a Democratic club" ferings, A telo&h man is never great. Talc ing tbe measure of what on- has accomplished Add) all cominunicaltena to THBPUUKD«A&- receive is for stating an unpopular truth. character of Mr. NATHAN APFLETON. a in Little Rock, Arkansas. KO» Box 92, Detroit, Mich. for hi* fellows as the standard of , r aueJa It is time, however, that we had ceased to candidate for Congress. The gf-ntlemen At the regular meeting of the Reform the ten greatest "Negroes" in tbe F-eeman hide deformities because they happen to who sent the letter show their keen appre­ Club, of Hamilton. N J., a white organi­ Mtv not so in fact. It is unl-ss now t. pick DETROIT. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, tin. sit in high places. There is no journal ciation of public events in the following zation September 20th Thos. W. Swan oat those who do not measure with tbe stand was elected secretary for the ensuing srd. Nevertheless it w. ul<) be wrong t0 that would resent an insult quicker than passage contdoed in it: "Althoughabout REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET- year. allow some of tbe m«n mentioned to pass as 2.000 milts of Atlant'c Waters roll between thf highest representatives tbe r^ce bas pro THE PLAINDEALER, be the insult within The Afro Americans of Baltimore want you and U9, and although* we will not be duced. It would b* inlsleadti g to asoirioe For Governor. or without the race. The gooa points of a member in the city council and have >oung men who might think that they cou d JiMfiri M. TURNER, of Ingham. Prof. WASHINGTON'S article have been directly benefitted by the influence for endorsed Lawyer II 8. Cummings of the become great by such a little eff rt aud em.ll For Lieutenant Governor, dwarfed while an over statement has been gO"d that Mr. APFLETON will exert in the 11th ward as their choice and want him Sacnti e. Jt is aiiah-adtDg t> those *b>< are WILLIAM S. LINTON, of Saginaw. Congress of your great country, yet we nominated. closely Vvaicntng the progress of tu« ruce magnified. All who read his strictures taat men so unknown to tame are cited as For Secretary of 8tat*», • The, First district Republican Congress­ WASHINGTON GARDNER, of Calhoun. will recogaize that he has struck boldly at would congratulate the colored people in its greatest. Greatness of tais kind is ional ^convention which met at Demiopolis, empty honor. au For State Treasurer. a crying evil, the effects of which are now and about Boston, and would be happy to Ala., Sept. 23. heaitily indorsed President JUoEPH B. MOORE, of Wayne. a blighting influence, when the demands know that they have given their votes to HarrUn and nominated Rev. A. J. For Auditor General, of the condition of the race call for the that gentleman, and have obtained such a Warner for Congress. Tblrty-f ix Afro-American teicbers recently TUERON F GID DINGS, of Kalamazoo. presented themselves for exa uinati >u before For Commissioner of State Land Office, best advantages. If he has awakened the noble member to represent them.' The XX 1st Assembly D'strict Colored Republican Club of New Yo<-k City bas the school boar#of New Orleans. Himerto JOdS G. BERRY, of Otsego. the Bishops Presiding Elders and Baptist Afro-American schools have b»-u taught by For Attorney General. now a membership of about 200 and at its association to the enormity of the impo­ IN THE NEWSPAPER REALM. white tochers on toe ground that tioHe BENJAMIN W. HUSTON, of Tuscola. last meeting elected S. J. Johnson presi others were competent. Tuar. thsid-aaas For Super intendent of Public Instruction, sition for which they are reap nsible both debt; S. J. Williams vice-president, J. been ezplo led is proved by the f «ci that a OKtt S JHURZ, of Eaton. to their GOD and their people, be has dune The Freeman comes to us each week In Jameson financial secretary and William c«>rps ot ten Afro-Anjenciu teachers will very creditable make-up. It's For Member of State Bo ird of Education, more good than evil. Ostrich like, we forging B. Brown corresponding secretary. open one tchool tnis seaaou and tuore will ahead. follow. jAMtiS M. BALLOU, of Allegan. may bund ourselves to our faults, but we The Tilmanites of Charleston. 8 C,. are For Justice of tbe Supreme Court, R. A. Jones of the Cleveland Globe is on very much worried about ibe action of the EOVVAtiD CAHiLL, oflngham. cannot live in an enlightened land, in a tbe sick list and his paper bears marks of Republicans in putting up a Mate ticket of progressive age. and b ind others also The Baptist Pioueer has opened a holy war BAKER, Maybury CHIPMAN. tbe minister's hand. I straight out Democrats and say that if against Afro-Americans patronizing institu­ The pis'or is both leader and teacher yet The Appeal of St. Paul this week con­ I Judge Haskell, the nominee for governor. tions that belittle their manhood aod at the A WEAK policy never bas made a strong many are so deficient in mental acquit­ tains an interesting sketch of the life of the • allows the Afro-Americans to vote for him same time make suca base discriminations. I there will be more "dead niggers in It cites the Net of miustrel troupes Cuming government. ment, and too often in moral force, that Rev. E. H. McDonald of the Second Bap­ tist church of this city, I November next than in 1876. South and advertising theaselv -s all white they are a reproach to their people, their to cater to bom bon prejudices. Tne the ttres The Kentucky Soldier of Lexington. Senator Evarts has introduced in the sen­ 1 MAYOR PENGRBE has evidently forgot­ po ition and their calling. This state of have a little peu for ''colored people only.' Ky., has its own outfit now haudled by ate a bill appropriating $16,000 yearly for Into this, the Pioueer complains, l.utub is of ten that "he A fro-American voters of affairs is patent and should be brought Afro-Americans. It appeared last week in the endowment of the law department of s\H\>>Americans go to hear these minstrel Detroit are entitled to some recognit on. home to those who are responsible for it a new and becoming dress Howard University. A pr amble dtclares iroup a beattle tneni io the most degrading that Afro Americans have great diffi­ and t'bsceue manner. Tbe coarser and more They were not bootless in the last cam­ when a remedy lies in their power. It is Prof. L. D. Easton of Cincinnati, Ohio, culty in obtaining admittance to law ob-cure and 1 >w the take off tne better ihe who recently lost the principalship of a paign. also true th it ignorance in the pulpit fear­ schools in some of th* stale*, but are freely bourbon attendance. It is time Afro Aiueri- Cincinnati school when ihey were "mixed" ful of its poiitiou, is becoming as aggres­ admitted to Howard University. CIDS had acquired some pride andsi-lf esteem. is» now a member of the American Catholic Now COMES Gov. HILL of New York, * Toe Negro pens" in the corner of Southern sive as it knows how in trying to crush Tribune staff. A resolution has been offered in the theatres so ulrt be lett emp-y. Jim Crow and says that BLAINE received his ideas of and discourage young ministers more The Denver (Col.) Statesman shows common council of Philadelphia by Coun­ cars should hi left for white ruttians. Thrre reciprocity from him. Wonder if he got intelligent and pr gressive. An uufit marks of western enterprise. ID an Eman­ cilman Hubert and passed bv the council i- notnmgliite touching a inau's p cket to providing that a jo'nt committee of ten brlnK him tc his senses. Our race jouruaU bis ideas on the Force bill from the same man in tbe pulpit repels the active capable cipation parade there last week it was duly Selfct and Common Councils be appointed should Rep this doctrine as a staudiug source? men of the race from the church who do represented in line and gave away sample ••add" warning Afro-Americans away trom copies along the line of march. to draw up a bill in purpose insuring to wish to bt c mie pastors. Afro-Americans representation in th* eucn places. The Richmond Planet published a sup­ appointments to tbe various positions of AN Afro American filled the position of plement last week. The main sheet was Le ding men of the Methodist and Bap­ of honor trust and profit in the several city The equtl rights hssoclttton of Afro-Amer- ^wsistant assessor for a fchort time with (riven up to a full account of the Lingston and county departments, offices and com­ tist churches are painfully aware of the Venable fight, embellished with cuts of icats had a wide-awake meeting: in Odd •credit to h'raself and race. City Assessor missions and to present the same to the Fellows' hall Boston, Sept 20. Robt Teamoh roosters, cannon and a fine portrait of Mr. DUST could not do better than appoint poof material in many pu pits. Prof. legislature and urge its passsge. of Boe'on made a speech in tbe interest of Langston. another from the ranks of tlte faithful. WASHINGTON quotas from Rev. A. N Mc- The third annual convention of the the association, which elected tbe folio ving: EWAN of the Baptist Leader, wh > says that The Buffalo Times says of the New Republican league of Pennsylvania met at Vice-presidents Thomas Thom s. D. VV. York World, it is no longer a turf author­ two thi>ds of the ministers that have come the Academy of Music in Philadelphia on Johnson, E. V. Williams, P. Washington) CITY ASSESSOR DHST can find a way out ity. In its columns "Hamilton. Bergen 0. A. Purvs ai d Jess Washington. A letter under his observation care nothing f./r the morning of Sept 23rd. Among the of trouble by appointing an Afro-Ameri and Garrison, are the recipients of compli­ enthusiastic delegations were represent a was also read from »t**te officers. The asso­ •can aosis'ant assessor. The Afro-American morals or schools. A few cannot read and mentary gush when the truth is Bergen has tatives of several Afro-American clubs. ciation will meet again October 1. is the great as-istant to the Republican quite a number never see a newspaper. become the rankest rider on the track. In the course of the session Mr. Stephen This much for the Baptist. We get a Murphy is in disgrace tor one act while he B. Gibson in an eloquent speech referred Here is a chance for Af re-American geLiur. party and his assisted Mr. DUST into was as honest as any jockey now riding." look at a number of Methodist ministers in to the ostracism from the field of labor tn Cardinal Laviger e, tne veteran and persist­ -office more than once. The Star of Zion in republishing an item wn'ch Afro-Americans are subjected and ent anti-slavery agitator bas offered a prize an artie'e from a Presiding Elder in the from THE PLAINDEALER mentioning the said: 'I want tbe doors of the mills in the of $4,000 for the best romance on African THERE IS no ingratitude amoag Afro- last issue of the SI ir of Zton. We quote candidncv of Mr. Dancy for the Haytian North unlocked to my people, and the slavery. A person entering will have until mission, heads it "Non-Committal." " But schools in the South opened to them. No Americans, they are not built th*t way. part of it because it is honestly stated: Decem-er 31, 1891 to submit bis manuscript. iet u* assure the S. of Z that we are of the land is fre« that harbors injustice. We Tne Cardinal beiiev-s tnat n well-writ eo Among those most active in contributing ButO! Let me be plain. We nave in our opinion that Mr. Dancy is entitled to some­ lest, the Blair bill, but we want our people novel on African sNvery will accomplish for to the memory of the lamented JOHN pulpi s lions, thieves »nd deceivers. One thing trood and such an appointment is to be made republicans, and I ask the con­ that country whet Mrs. Store's Uucie Tom's BOYLE O'RSILLY is the Afro- American preacher dare not tell bis tr tubies and com­ Minlsler to Kavti would no doubt fill the vention in sypathv for us, to give us an Cibindid tor American elaveiy. rttg is bill. opportunity to show our loyalitv." He whose cause he pleid so eloquently. plaints to anotb^this day and time. Katber be time for our literary people t> show their go to a mk sinner tain to a preacher now J. Willis Memrd of Washington, D. C, then named F. J. R. Jones, president of capabilities to tbe «*orl t, aod ulaee* t*ook of the Fitler Club. When thevo'ewas t-iken heir conception before tt. It is not, ueces- for cousulatiou in tiie-e parts. I am sorry to formerly of Key West, Florida, thus LET'S see. som.3 one has remarked that Mr Jones was elected secencl vice-presi­ eary that one sh< uld have vi-itcd the dark say that we are Ion* mouth preacher*, long annmnoes his return to journalism: coniineut to depict the evils and the wretea- the tariff wa* the only issue in the 1-ist dent. tongue preachers, tattlers, niiscJief maters To Afro American Teachers, Thinkers eduess of slavery be will have- sutncie>r in campaign which probably accounts for and Writer*:—As the progress of letters America on tost point and imagination will and met.Hers. Toe ministry cauuo'., will among A fro-Americans has not kept pace SECRET ORDER NOTES su.-plv the rest. Lew Wallace bad nevrr se-n the Mississippi constitutional convention not succeed this wty. If this continues a with their religious and m terial develop­ tbe Holy Ltnd when be wrote "B n Hur," petitioning congress to proceed to t>ike the few years longer, the church of todav will ment, it seems fitting to note this back­ A reception and grand ba'l at Battery nor bad JV ake-pear^- a personal knowlelg- of tbe feezes he paiats so vividly and the tunes duty of citizenship off Afro Americans. bs the "amusrtinfnt hah" of tonorrow. wardness, and to supply such additional "D," Chicago, Thursday night was the he iaierpre s so well. Ministers of Cnrist awake, you are burning mediums as appear necessary and suitable finale of a two day's session of tbe grand THE Detroit Journal says that a genera d «\ -ligh\ Toe enemy is in our rank. We for the increased development of this great lodire United Order Odd-Fellows. The social factor. While no single individual, session was the reeular triennial meeting Mr. Henry Coombs of Council Bluffs, election law should be passed making an are do msd to a csYtain fall, or we must put or any literary cotorie, can accomplish this, of the order-of wh cb the following are the Iowa, van's $20,(00 for false imp isonment educational qualification for suffrage So tbe square to our w >rk. The work of the yet some one may suggest a way calcutated ne>Tlv elected national officers; Raphael by Edwin Burbridge a farmer of Crescent eay we, all of us. Don't cry. ignorant mini-try is a political game now. I want to set the necessary forces in motion. F. Bowser of Philadelphia, grand patri township, Iowa, who on th- prii eipal that your "big church" and you want brother arch; Liberian Cornish of Baltimore, dep- every Negro is a thief had Coombs aire ted "Negroes" when Tammany and ignorance, With a view of contributing a mite in Bub's. Aod if you'll recommend me I will this direction, the undersigned will on the nty; O/ivid Warner of Washington, D C, a d kept in the county jail eigh een hours •govern New York City and many other because a harness was missing from his farm use my little influence towards helping you. 1st of October begin the publication of The grand chaplain; F. G Bradford of Detroit, 4arge cities. Then let representation be National Afro-American, a national grand warden; B: F. Jirlce of Florida, and be did not know who t >ok It, Mr. Coombs proposes to lrt bim explain in couri cut down to the number of qualified voters, In view of these statements even Editor monthly periodical,—to be devoted to the crand rerihe; J. T. Scott e>f Harrisburg, deputy; 8. W. Watson of Washington, why he made so fl -grant a mistake. sjnder such conditions the poor ignorant DANCT has ddhe Prof. WASHINGTON a mature and discriminating discussion of such questions as will promote the indus­ grand guardian. Tbe concluding cere­ greater injustice in claiming th it he wrote Elswbere in this issue it will be seen that *'Negro" will soon be able to cast an trial, political, literary and social condition monies included exhibition drils by the his article "for revenue on'y" than the intelligent vote. of Afro-Americans at large. Columbus, (O.) patriarchs, aod by tbe 9th two of Detroit's popular society young professor has done the large number of battalion drum corps under command of bachelors. Messrs. Will Lingston and earnest proficient pastors; Men who should Serg. Plummer The next meetme of tbe David Griffin, have entered the noble order CHIEF OF POLICE BORGMAN is quo'ed The "Attack's" Banquet. order will be held in 1893 at Washington, of Benedicts. Thursday evening. Sept. have taken no umbrage at what be his t>y the Detroit Times as saying: "The The Crisnus Attucks Club had its second 25th sixteen other bachelers corraled the said. Prof. WASHINGTON has for years quarterly banquet at the Tuorndike on the DC. aforesaid victims into tbo handsome resi­ ^police would have driven the swindle out been sacrificing for his people, his work is evening of Sept. 25 at Boston. Edward dence of Mr. and Mrs>. Harvey Webb of 'Song «go had they received sufficient eup- Everett Brown, president of the club, pre­ For the Girl's School Sierre Leone. known and no one nvstake sheuld be Mullett street and ordered them to show tport from some of the other officials." sided. The toast. '-The colored man and On Monday evening Madame F. E. caute why they should not be feasted unto heralded as a malicious wrong. If the 'We are glad to hear that Mr. B. once in a political parties." was responded to by Preston and daughter gave their first enter­ death. The table was richly decorated lenders in the churches had done their Hen. Edward Garrison Walker in a stir­ tainment for the establishment of a girl's while awaits the action of other officials. and an excellent menu was elegantly served whole duty there would have been no ring speech. school at Sierre Lone, to a small but by Mrs. Lowe while Mr. Chas. Wfbb J3ut we rather surmise his gallant force "The necessity of a perfect union among enthusiastic audience. Tbey were assisted room for this criticism from Prof. WASH- proved himself a most royal host. work at the lottery swindles. His await­ the colored people of the common weal tu" by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, Miss Mamie Eighteen men at a banquet are n-jver at a Sbewcraft and Messrs. Richard Harrison ing the action of other officials makes us IKGTON. by James.H. Wolff. "Business education loss for amusement, and wit sud mi th for colored boys and girls," by Mr. James and Romaine Johnson. The numbers smile, since it was only a fortnight ago flowed freely. The toasts by Merer*. R. Hsmm; "The future of tbe coloied were all well given, several of them win- PRESIDENT HATES tried hard to woo Charles Webb, James W. Brown aud Will •that he called at Judge QOSMBR'S residence man in this country/' by Mr. G. D. Blount. ninge ncore*. Madame Preston secured Langston were particularly happy and tbe >to inquire if he could not give "Gus" the South when he sacrificed the Southern Other responses were msde by Mr. Emory several subscriptions for the school and songs and drolleries of George Owen kept starts on her mission with glowing hopes WILLIAMS into the custody of the South­ Afro Americans. Now it is said he is T. Morris and Mr. Mark R. DeMortie. and tbe table in an uproar. It was after mid­ brief remarks were also made by Mr Geo. of success. ern officials without waiting the action of going to sacrifice himself and wed night before tbe last sad rites were pro­ E. Hicks. nounced over the departed and the mourn­ •the court. a F. F. V. widow. For the 42nd Annuel Fair or the Oak­ ers exchanged good nights, James Do"ly Wilson's Mascots. was toastmaster and to him sad Chas. R. Francis Wilson, the actor, has in his land County Agricultural Society, the THE REPORTS that Texas Republicans HARPER'S Weekly says tbe Afro-Ameri­ 7 Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Webb are due tbe preise for the complete "Merry Monarch ' company two, small railway will sell Hound Trip Tickets from arrangements of an affair happily conceiv­ 4iad adopted resolutions contemning can is the most dependent race America Afro-American boys who have made a Detroit to Pontiac and return, Tor 80 cents, ed and executed. "Negro domination*' is a thin trick to con­ ever knew. It does not say why, and, yet decided "hit" and will travel with the valid only going and returning on day of found northern ideas and defeat the Lodge if there be a journal in all America that company all the season. They came to Usue. Tickets must be purchased at Justice At Last. t>QL This is not the only subterfuge knows the reason why, it is Harper's Mr. Wilson very destitute and almost station, as full fare will be charged on naked and greatly appreciate the good About three years ago J. & T. Hurley Ibourbons have resorted to. to prevent Weekly. Its founders and its present man­ trains. On September 80 to October 3. fortune which has brought them so pleas­ . round trip tickets will be sold st one fare began suit against Di. Samuel C. Watson tnattonal legislation te purify elections. agers have studied the race situation in ant an existence. '' They are the " mascots" and a tbird for round trip, good going on for a coal bill running through a period of •The most unscrupulous means are now (his country, and yet they make this mis of the company. . any above dates and return on all trains to seven vears. Dr. vVatron had transacted «esortcd to by Southern poli icians to carry leading assertion with no qualifications or October 3d. -, bis coal deals with one Clarke who lived in his h'.u»e. Clarke being repiesenbd as explanation. Mr. CURTIS knows that the Horns* ef All nations. their methods into execution. The most manager of tbe Hurley's business. In tbe (liberal papers do not he itate to exercise Afro-Americans dependency is alone due The Hampton Institute of Virginia, An - comrade of Company C, Third U. course of tbe business coal was turned over the spirit of sectional hate, that potent to circumstances, circumstances that have which has its printing done by its Afro- S. Colored Infantry reading this notice for rent and rent for coal. Subsequently toourbon power, wherever a question existed in greater or less force since tbe American and India students, announces please send your address to W. H. Stark. Clarke left the flurlev's employe and ibey that it has in preparation a new edition of 382 Adams street. Buffalo, K. T., and brought suit against Dr. Watson for all tbe -affecting the South arises. Only last week African landed on these shores, snd which Its "Plantation Songs and Melodies.'' which oblige an old comrade. Adv-14-8 money be had paid to him (ClarkO claiming the Hew Oi leans Times Democrat, in exist today. Not only did the race start will contain; not only the Afro American Will Moore of Adrian carried off several he wss a mere bookkeeper acd without appealing *.o the people of Loui-isnato wi mates without regard to the color their names were published, people who urn aria. line. "In the childrena' ward," says the impose upon Negro journals I hope their Messenger "There is always sunshine but conscience will incline tbem to do their Mrs. Jennie E. Martin visited Saginaw It is on account of so mucn blackness In recently. duty and join in with those who so nobly this ward at present that it has been called assist and keep up race enterprises." Rev. J. H. Holt of Amberetburg was in "BeauWen Street." THE DIME SAVINGS BANK the city Thursday. Isaac Harper of Pontiac, was in the city The Rev. John M. Henderson returned one day last week. BOUT two weeks ago the Glancer was from Chicago Wednesday night accompan­ Mr. James Joyce of Cleveland spent Sun­ pained to bear of the sorrow occa­ ied by h'ls wife, two children and his sister Open Every Evening. day in the city with friends. A sioned the excellent parents of a young Miss Minnie Henderson. man in'tbis city by his wrong doing.' It is PER Mrs. Gordon of Sandusky is visiting her now announced tbal be has been compelled Pays 4 per cent on all Saving* daughter, Mrs. Wm. Linney. New Laundry to leave the city for some other alleged James E. Harris has optned up a new Deposits. Money deposited before ("has. Learo who was quite sick with misdemeanor. Close upon thia comes the laundry at 434 Croghan street and desires CENT the 6th wilt draw Interest from 1st typhoid fever is around again. story of a number of workmen on the to call the attention of the public to his Mrs. Crosby of Adelaide street, who has Jefferson avenue asphalt pavement to the low prices and the quality of bis work; of month. been quite ill has greatly improved. efftct that another } oung m-m of good shirts, 10 cts; collars, 2 cts; cuffs. 4 cts. Miss Sada Tate of Cleveland. O., was parentage has raised his order from ten curtains, ladies' wear, etc , special prices the guest of Miss H. Mills last week. dollars to fourteen dollars thereby receiv­ at the Croghan street ladndry, 11 Congress ing a full week s pay which h« was not W. W. FERGUSON, Miss Martha Taylor of London is visit street. West J. C. H'irris. proprietor. entitled to. having quit before the week Goods called for and delivered. me Mrs. Ann Smith of Catherine street. was out. The mistake was discovered The Rev. John M. Henderson went to almost immediately and he was compelled IE .A. L EST T IE Chicago Monday to bring his family home. to refund the money and advised to leave O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—The under­ T signed, residents of the Bate of Michigan, MUs Thornton of Indianapolis, Ind. was the city or be arrested. give notice, that they intend to form an axsocia- AND GENERAL INSURANCE, the guest of Mrs. M. E. McCoy the past t on for the insuring of live ftto k, to be known as week. the Michigan Mutual Live Stock Association.with 101 GRI8WOLD 8TREET, R>om I, Second Floor. DETROIT, MICH. LL the world has been the victim of the headquarters at Detroit, Mich., upon the assess Telephone 2209. Residence, 225 Alfred Street. * Mrs. G. Brown and little daughter of roan who did not know when to stop. ment plan, and that application will ne n ade to Elyria, O., was visiting Mrs. Lomax Cook It is a d fflcult les«on to learn and th« Comn issioner of Insurance of said State, A thirty da* s after date hereof .for a charter for said Loans Negotiated. Houses Rented and Rents Collected. Property Bought, Sold and Exchanged of Russell street. ignorance-of it has given ti-e to most of association, according to the laws in such case Professor D. A. Striker will deliver a the ills with which humanity is infiicted. made aud provided. A LARGE LIST OF HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. L»etroit, Mich , S*pt 26 1890. lecture on the race question at Poniiac, The man who cannot leave off drinking or Signed, JOHN H. OKRSTINO. Tuesday. October 22nd. smoking or eating receives his punishment ^M. VISBOFT, Lloyd M. Johnson has been appointed a because he suffers in person part of the ScHTTYLrB Q. HODOBS. miserv he inflicts upon others, but what 8. PRBNTOX. regular letter carrier. He has been on (he CHAS. P. LARKED. substitute list heretofore. shall be said of that individual who really MILLARD'S STUDIO, enjoys himself while boring you to death The infant chi d of Mr and Mrs. Chas. with long drawn yarns and prosy speeches "ICs what you save, that mah $ you rkhf" 224 & 226 WOODWAKD Ave. Stone die l I uesday and was buried from and gathers from your forbearance fresh their uome Thursday afternoon zeal to continue his infliction? The golden Miss E. Azalia Smith favorably irnpn s?ed lesson tf moderation is a task one learns The finest work in Photos and Portraits can her h« ar*-rs at the Lincoln Avenue Baptist slowly. Many an «xcell nt sermon has church last Sunday evening with asoio. been spoiled by its length, many a jike always be found at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blakemore returned has fal'en fiat from the verbosity of the MIIJ ZERO'S, 334 «fc 236 Woodward Avenue, last week from thnr enjoyable visit to raconteur and manv a housewife lost her friends and relatives in the Saginaw Valley. temper from the visitor who outstayed net Madame P. E Preston and Miss LilliV welcome. He is a wise man who knows Preston left the city this week to attend when to stop. HOWARD the semi-ci ntennial of the A. M E. church at Richmond, ind. rrflE fashionable girl may not like David -UNIVERSITY- Stephen Long talked at the meetin? of I hide the Word in her heart, but she the Young Men's League at the Michigan 1 certainly carries it in her walks abroad, WASHINGTON, D.O. Ciub rooms last Thursday evening. R. H for the latest craze is lhe finger Mbie. ilanxhury and Matthew Mansfield were This is a minute edition of the scriptures vo'ed into member-hip. reemtiy published by the Oxford Uuiver- Seven Distinct Department!, undet The pan-cake social given by St. sity I*rt s->, about an inch wide, three and a forty competent Professors and Inst rue Stephen's Guild of St. Matthew's church half inches long, printed on thin paper and ton Theoolgical, Medical, Legal, Co Monday evening was a decided success. weighs about an ounce. It is worn on the lege, Preparatory, Normal and Indn The pnn-cakes were thoroughly enjoyable chatelaine, with the bonbonniere, watch and the gentlemen received many compli­ and other accessories. trial. For information address— ments on their skill. . Rer. J. E. RANKIN. D. D., L L. D. President. J. B. JOHNSON, Secretary Mr. Will Langston was accompanied to OR the benefit of many tired mothers Invest your spare nickels in Cleveland Saturday evening by his mother who add to their cares by the habit of and brother. Mrs. Langston and Mr. John F tossing baby the Glancer submits this Nickle - Savings-Stamps Lanuston, Mr. Chas. Mirault and sister, extract from an exchange. "It is not wi*e " YOU WE MEAN " THE "MERBITT" TYPE-WRITER Mivs Edi'h Mirault and Messrs. James to rock a baby, it is a wrong notion —OF THB— —SMOKS Donley and George Owen. that eternal swaying facilities sleep The George McEune sentenced to five years lullaby is quite as e-ffectutl and Consider- 6* 99 in Ionia was taken to pa his surmise, and then arrested her, Any person having a valuable horse that The Best Work Guaran­ lace Curtains & Prompt when she confessed that she had been a hai the glanders, and wishes him cured, servant in the houie and had taken the will Dies** give a call. Henry Broady, teed. 24& WOODWARD AV. Work a Specialt j. Roods during the absence of her mistress. No. ltt Division 8treet. between Hastings °he gave her name as Mary Anderson and and Rivard Sis.. Detroit, Mich. 3S8 Shirts '- ioc. Mrs. Mary Colenitn died ft her home on »»id she hid only a few days ago arrived Collars - - - 2a Calhoun s*rtot, Ttwdsy nisLt. bhe leave* GooiscieifaT&lirM from rw rom, Chathan. Ont. ReadTna Pi^nraacu Cuffs - - • - - - 4ft a husband and two children. Austrian tourists, with whom I speed- (WINGED MISSILES A WAIili STREET MANUA f. IP^E^T" FOB YOUNG FOLKS. ily became acquainted. Arriving at We've heard of a woman Explain, bert method, of «o*«!£utT^FRKR A good horse-meat dinner can now be had IM.0M. S J. Peck ft CO.. »S»Bro2^"v'V11 •>• «• the top of a great declivity of frozen in Berlin for § cents. Americans will find who said she'd walk five miles Y. snow, the guide stopped and asked, GOOD ADVICE FOE THE RISING no fault with the price. to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's addressing himself to the ladles: :NSIO An apple tree at Newbury, Ohio, though , D GENERATION. "Should you like to amuse yourselves Favorite Prescription if she rSSc!fto e?' -*- nearly, a oentnry old, is still a prolific bear­ [3/nlalMt a little?" /«We should not be Viennese er of bright yellow fruit. couldn't get it without That on the Farm—Words Mot to Use—Fan if we refused. Yes, let us amuse our­ in the Alps—Other Interesting selves. The snow is so delightful." The near cable to Bermuda got into busi­ woman had tried it And it's ARE YOU WEAK I ness at once. Its first weather, report Items. Impatient and curious, they quickly a medicine which makes itself brought news of a cyclone. kind from EXtltWra. w^," °f *»r grouped themselves about the guide. felt in toning up the system arsp TUAL of tbh? w m£&mV£2 Aet Right. Charts have been prepared showing that "Sanativo" tens. wiscAEArrraAciBiir, * "Well, we will descend this beautiful ««• W>** *>« *o .end you a VUMUS. Bare you something naughty done, the eye has 729 distinct expressions, con­ and correcting irregularities as WttMfc pie package waled in plain w",^£ Little one? snow slope in a few minutes without veying as many different shades of mean­ Bun and tell it right away, the smallest danger. It is only neces­ ing. soon as its use is begun. *A»ai» CHMUCafc CO.. «17 DeartoS^"^"^^ Do not stay! sary that the ladies should have cour­ Go to your drug store, pay K. B. TREAT'S C«taW~«T Hive you said what is not true James Carbaugh, a collier, living in the •ew bMki.8hMi at SaEdrt age. This is how we proceed. Each r Because you mountains near Mount Alto, Md., killed a dollar, get a bottle and try ^ T«rteto,byl»ias ' Were afraid of some one by* gentleman must seat himself and take aighty-seven copperhead snakes a few days **» Quick sale,. |ff Own the lie! a lady behind him, holding her firmly ago. it—try a second, a third if Hone & Heaven! Satan says, "Kobody'll know,*' MM authors E it"j by the ankles. At my signal you must necessary. Before the third fhv T. L. Cuylei. %}it "Tis not so. all let yourselves slide down. It is Mrs. Maggie Ellis, a mulatto of Chatta­ God can see your heart within— nooga, Tenn., has given birth to the small­ one's been taken you'll know Every sin. not difficult and we shall gain half an est child on. record. It weighs thirty-one If you will your sins confess, hour." This manner of descending, ounces. that there's a remedy to help He will bless. much used in the Alps, was new to the SEAL SKINS III ™np And will help you do what's right you. Then you'll keep on ladies, and seemed to them both droll A carpet used in a room of the mint, We are the oldest established Far house in ,„. In "His sight. after being in wear some years, was burn­ and a cure 11 come. west and carry a tremendous stock of all kin,,,,,! and original. Each of us seated our* ed the other day in pans, and yielded $2,500 Furs. Call on us when In the city or write u, u.rZj selves on an overcoat, folded in four; But if you shouldn't feel the worth of gold. Gentlemen's Kur Orercoata, Robes Caps (;ioTi Stay on the Farm. * and the ladies on their shawls, which Capes Etc We also buy all kinds of raw w A man at Langhorn, Pa., is fitting up a help, should be disappointed SMfc *orJ,r,ce !!*• Mention this paper TUB For yeara the tendency of young were drawn over their knees. At the pigeon house to accommodate a thousand men who labor for others has been to word of command we set off, dragging in the results—vou'll find a lonable Furriers. 67 Washington 8t ChirX *** leave the country and seek the larger birds. It will Be the largest stock of our companions, laughing and utter­ carriers in the countrv. guarantee printed on the bot­ towns. The causes of this are sup­ ing littlo shrieks. Some awkward ERTEL'S A curious result of Tolstoi's last book tle-wrapper that'll get your posed shorter hours of labor, larger couples came to grief, but not seri­ VICTOR HAT PR£ss. has been the imprisonment in Berlin of one remuneration, greater social advant­ ous ly. and the adventure terminated money back for you. Warranted to be the most eco. ages and many minor reasons. The of his disciples for publicly denouncing noraical, fast and neat bale* without further incident. At the foot christian marriage as immoral. How many women are there In use, or money refunded. success of the present movements for of the slope the travelers, a little giddy THOUSANDS IN USE Glanders broke out in a band of horses who'd rather have the money shorter hours with increased pay will from the headlong journey, rose, Circular* free. Address Mftx owned by Colonel Waters, of Miles City, ioubtless render some of these cases powdered with snow, and shook them­ than health? And "Favorite 6E0. ERTEL * CO.. Quincy, W, still more potent. A successful city Mont., and sixteen animals were killed to n U. 8. A.,or London.Canada. selves like water-dogs which had just 1 prevent the disease from spreading. Prescription produces health. business man who was a country boy crossed a river. *Establishe prescribe dsn WOTa ranjrti.. It is stated that the German Electric Wonder is that there's a dorse Big G as the only years ago, returns to his former spec! nc for the cerui n curi country home, rich, well-dressed, ap­ company of Madrid has in contemplation woman willing to suffer when of this disease. Killed Three Bears. parently prosperous and happy. He the installation of a plant for electric plow­ O. H. INGRAHAM, M I) An expert young hunter, of Butte there's a guarantee^ remedy Amsterdam, N. V. is pointed out as an example of what ing on a large property in the central part Co.. Cal., though but twenty-three of Spain. We have sold Blr G for may be accomplished in the city. Had in the nearest drug store* many years, and it has years of age, lays claim, and justly, siren the but of satis­ he remained in the country he would Pauperism has declined in England and faction. to the fact that more wild game has Wales, and is declining in Ireland. In D.B.DYCHEACO., probably have been a plodding farmer Chicago, m fallen by his rifle than by that of any view of the failure of the potato crop, how­ Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate •1.00. Sold by Dragg-ista all his life. Now he has money, leis­ other hunter in the mountains. The ever, the trouble is likely to increase in the ure for travel, recreation and study. the Stomach, Liver and Bow­ young man had an experience a few latter country. Ho More Laie Horses: The impression seems to prevail also weeks ago with three large bears that Dr. Koch read before the medical con­ els. Mild and effective. Marshal I 'a H oof C u re re* that cfty people don't have to work so medlesdry, hard,brittle, he will not soon forget He had no­ gress in Berlin a paper in which he is said contracted and sore feet hard as country people. This all I iniCC write for terroo. USsmple Co-sot free to quarter cracks, split ticed by tracks in the fruit orchard to have declared that he had discovered a fcSWIfc* Agts. Lewis Schielek Co.. 3»1 B'WRy, N.Y sounds very nice, but how about the hoofs and all hoof trou- that two or three of these animals way of killing the tuberculosis bacillus WAKT tobor tour CLOTHING. WATO& i bias. Ask your dealer for ninety-Dine country boys who came to *S. JKWBLHT or JJlSlLAL GOODS u 'It, If he will not get It, had been around; so. loading his gun and of curing tuberculosis disease. DO YOU send One Dollarto the city at the same time as our suc­ and taking his dogs with him, he fol­ Elizabeth Comstock, an aged Quaker IARSHALL HOOP CURE CO. cessful friend and made miserable fail­ AGENT 8—Send for terms. VAN OR- lowed the trail for several miles, and preacher living in Union Springs, N. Y., 107 Jones Street, Detroit, Mich. ures? We never hear of them, al­ L1DY DEX CORSET Co., 22 Clinton Place, N. Y. soon succeeded in treeing one of the has visited in her lifetime 12-3,000 persons, though there are probably at least KOOXEY and 1)0 other FOSGS 10 varmints. A shot quickly dispatched and nearly twice that many sick persons in cents; Witches' l>ream Book 25 cents. ninety-nine who fail where one suc­ the animal, and laying his gun down and out of poor houses, on battle fields, etc. ANNIE H. J. WKHJIAX. 132 Park Kow. K. Y. PENSIONS. ceeds. The successful ones are not The Disability bill is a law. Soldiers disabled at the root of a tree, the young man A revolution is taking place in the drink­ for catalogue of PARSONS' BUSI­ s:nce the war are entitled. Widow* who are de. those who have been sticklers for pendent are included. Also Parent* dependen; proceeded to cut bruin up. While ing habits of the Japanese. The rice NESS COLLEGE, Kalamasoo.Mich, shorter hours, but on the contrary W. F. PARSONS, Prest.__ to-day. whose sons died from effects of Army ner. totally unconscious of danger, there brandy called "saki," which has been sc vice. If you wish your claim speedily and success­ they are the hardest workers. Noth­ | MEW LAW CLAIMS. fully settled, add e.«s was a crackling of the brush, an om­ long their national beverage, is being sup­ ing but the hardest kind of work will *£* Kilo B. Stevens « Co, JAMES TANNER, inous growl, and two more full-grown planted by beer brewed after the German bring success in the city, and long Attorneys, 1419 F Street Washington, D. C Late Commissioner of Pensions. bears rushed upon the hunter. He method. • Wnithincton. 1). f. years must often be spent with meagre BRANCH Of FICES-Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago. had just time to swing himself into a A sycamore tree near Newton, Conn., is pay before a profitable position is se­ said to be eighty-five feet high and twenty- small pine tree as the bears reached cured. What seems to the country one feet in diameter, while its branches o INVALID LADIES, o for him. The dogs ran away on Dr. H. KILLER'S home treatment is guaranteed to core ROOFING boy a magnificent salary often shrinks shade an area extending eighty feet from the first approach of the ani­ KKMAI.E WKAKKESS. Send 2e stamp lor sample. Address to a mere pittance after board, car the trunk. It produces large and abunoV Dr. M. MILLER, Sontli fen,!, lni. I.irty Agents wanted. mals, and he bid fair to remain all GUM ELASTIC R00FIN8 FELT ^ fare and other necessaries are paid for. ant white blossoms. nifCDll I CftPTPDV For sale. Bntldiwr22x50. $£.00 per 1U0 square feet. Makes eased root tor night in the tree. The animals squat­ Uf CnALL rAblufll 2storifS high, brick; just years, and any one can put it on. Send for saropa Then the city dweller has more tempta­ Abner Dorsett, a negro living in Hickory crmoleted, with Twenty-five tine factory sewing ted down near their dead companion, machines new and in pood shape. Liberal Terms, SertiSSeni GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO., tions to spend money. There are ad­ Mountain township, N. C., has the largest Write lis and we will aire yon full particulars. seemingly willing for the young man 39 k 41 West Broadway, New York. vantages in city life, but there are head of any person in the United States sc MONTGOMERY: A HVTCHEKB,SMI estate to come down. He adopted a novel EST LOCAL, AGENTS Wanted. many disadvantages, and it is utterly far as heard from. It is thirty-two inches and Stock Brtkrs, TALLAPOONA, OA. expedient for reaching his rifle, and OLD CLAIMS Settled impossible for a stranger to get a in diameter and gives Abner a decided W. N. IT., D.—VIU—40. adding two more hides to his large '•top-heavy" appearance. under NEW Law. desirable situation without influence. PENSIONS Soldiers, Widows, Parents collection. He tied his knife to a send for blank applications and information. When wrj^jr**; to Advertisers please say Let the country boy who has an itch­ Some one has invented an electric mouse­ Patrick O'Parrell. Pension Airt.. Washington, 1>. C. »ou saw thsradvertiaeaiem: in this Paper. long string, and after repeated throws ing for city life ponder these thoughts trap. It consists of a metallic cage con­ succeeded in wrapping it around the and ask himself if the game is worth taining cheese. The mice naturally ap­ gun, and drawing it to him. A few the candle. proach it for purposes of investigation, bul well-directed shots put an end to the the instant they touch the wires an electric bears, and he was soon on his way current strikes them dead. Words Not to Use. home with his trophy. The lords of the admiralty have received Cute, for acute. a petition from the belted cruises complain­ Party, for person. A Biy's E, a and worth more than its weight in silk. Just as soon, for just as lief. a room make bad, unwholesome air. "' ^^^^ P°^oy\y^cdke inyour Had rather, for would rather. They make earbonicide. Carbonicide A3 the resuit of a severe burn a little Right away, for immediately. is>poisoner than mad dogs. A heap Grass Valley, Cal., girl's side and arnc nexMiouse-cIed.ninjgeand be convinced Between seven, for among seven. of soldiers were in a black hole in grew together, becoming united by a web bing of flesh nearly an inch in thickness ftlQIffORj^TffCig of the law excuses no Not as good as, for not so good as. India, and a carbonicide got in that there hole, and nearly killed every She was released from her unpleasant pre­ • man," and ignorance is Some ten days, for about ten days. dicament by a successful surgical oper­ one before morning. Girls kill the The matter of, for the matter with. ation. no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better Not as I know, for not that I know. breath with corsets that squeeze the A mortgage was raised from a poot Somebody else's, for somebody's di^gram^ Girls can't holler or run. clean them in the old way than not at all; but the modern like boys, because their diagram is woman's house at Plaintield, N. J., bj else. watermelon seeds. The guests of a summei and sensible way is to use SAPOLIO on paint, on floors, on Kind of, to indicate a moderate de­ squeezed too much, If I was a girl I had rather be a boy, so I could run hotel paid 50 cents apiece for the privilege windows, on pots and pans, and even on statuary. To be gree. of guessing the number of seeds in z and holler, and have a big diagram." ignorant of the uses of SAPOUIO is to be behind the age. Storms, for it rains or snows moder­ watermelon and the proceeds were devoted ately. to the widow. piSO'S ltEMEDV KOtt CATAKBH.—Best Easiest to n*e. Above, for foregoing, more than or Backward Promotion. England has been laurrhing at the decora * Cheapest. Kelief is imrnedntMr. A cure Is certain. 1'or Cold in the Head it ha? no equal. beyond. Father (to Kditor)—I would like tions in the dining-room on Emperor Wil- Try an experiment, for make an ex­ you to give rny son a chance in your helm's yacht. Green panels are quite nul periment. printing office. Editor—What can the lifted in effect by a table cover of elect™ More than ycu think for, for more boy do? Father-iWell. at first he blue. In his bed-room a violet velvet cov­ R H erlet "swears at' walls covered with light- Jt is an Ointment, of which a small parti* le is applied to the than you think. couldn't do anything more than edit nostrils. Price, 50e. Sold by «lni«Tjistsor sent try mail Nice, iDdiscriminatel}-. (Real nice your paper and take general charge flowered chintz. AQMT-^. ft. v 't,7P,Ttv^ Warren. Pa. may be doubly faulty.) of the mechanical department, but A patent was issued in Washington las* Real, as an adverb, in expressions, later on, when he learns sense, he'll week for a steel fence post. It is to be real good, for really good, or very be handy to have around to wash win­ made of steel tubing, seven feet high, witt A Call lor Peariine good. dows, keep lamp chimneys clean and a neat cap and with bands to hold the barb Singular subject with contracted sift ashes. • ed wire. It is said that these posts can be brings the best washing compound in plural verb; for example. ,4She don't furnished complete for placing in positior the world, and the oHginal one—ail at 24 cents each. skate well". Fond of Sweetmeats. others are imitations. 11 costs no more Taste and smell of, when used trans­ Mrs. Pennifeather—Goodness gra­ The wire to be used for the telephone be tween Paris and London is made of bronze than common soap. 11 does more than itively. Illustration: "We taste a cious, I wonder what in the world has It is estimated that the French share o.' dish which tastes of pepper." become of all my tarts? Mr. Penni­ ^ soap's work, and half of your own be­ Some or any in an adverbial sense; the expense of establishing the telephone : feather—Where did you put them? will be about $150,009. Enthusiasts be sides. Anythingthat needs cleaning can for example, "I have studied some,' Mrs. Pennifeather—Right on the win­ for somewhat; "I have not studied lieve that all the telegraphic communica be washed with it—without scouring, dow sill here. Mr. Pennifeather—That tion will be superseded. any," for at all. accounts for it. You have carelessly rubbing and scrubbing, and with A house in Georgetown, D. C, has jus* exposed them to the son. been shingled for the first time since 1803. absolute safety. Make its acquaint­ * Fun In the Alps. and the carpenter says he has found sawed Forgot What Be Was Crying; For. ance ; millions of women call it Mountain-climbing has its diversions shingles that had been laid within ter ^ their best friend as well as its terrors and excitements. A little boy sat on the floor crying. years in much worse condition than the A traveler describes an amusing expe­ After a while he stopped and seemed shaved pine shingles which had been in Every grocer keeps it, because he has rience in Switzerland while descend­ buried in thought, Looking up sud­ wear eighty-seven years. constant calls for it denly, he said: Mamma, what was I ing the Pic Languard: hlS The descent was accomplished in an crping about? Because I wouldn't E. R. Overall is being boomed by the ^___^. ^ ^ Peddlers and same nnscntpaloos grocers trill tell JOB. ^ i.f*\7[7CI Vf* » « 9°«i.*» " or " ihe.sane as Peariine." ITS FALSE-- hour. It was a pleasure party, a fete. let you go out to play. Oh, yes, and Progress of Omaha, Neb., as a candidate ha aet up another howl. for the state legisture. '%< VY ehoa set thing mJitiod, ^ JZMXS VYZJL. N** YO* S m had darted to a clump of trees tnat «oo fact was discovered when Donovan, wne UNFORTUNATE OPERA SINGERS. It gives me pleasure to certify that Meu- near the base of the cliff on the lake shore. had moved the bed. picked np from the lenant Buslck, of the Central Police Dis­ j TWO YEAR'S VACATION. Brian and his comrades followed, aad Sad Tmtm of Brirnoll, Saalnl mad Othsi trict used Salvation Oil one rheumatic arm. ground a note-book whose pages, yellow OnoaPopalar Favorite*. soon found themselves in front ef a vener­ with time, were thickly covered with pen­ A few applications relelved hum and able beech, upon the bark of which were wrought a permanent cure. Salvation OU BY JULES VBRNB, carved two initials and a date, arranged ciled words. "I think," says sn old habitue of the if called in will verify this statement. Author of "The Tour of the World in 80 In this manner— Most of these words were illegible, un­ theatre in New York, "that nine out of •EBG'T H. A. BY AN. fortunately; several were decipherable, Central Police Station. Balto.. Md. Dayi," "20,000 Leagues Under F.B. ten great musical-artists come to some the Set*," Etc 1807. however, among tbem the words, "Fran­ unhappy end. Take Brignoli, for in* Brian, Donovan, Wilcox, and Service cois Baudoin." stance. He simply rolled in money. However well-bread a baker may be, he's Two i"*""**, unquestionably the very, »enerally a loafer. [OUAITEB VII. OOSTIKUBD.] would have remained for a long time For years there was a steady deluge of same whose initials had been carved oo gold on him. He practically had the silent and motionless before this inscrip­ Nobody but a woman can write scientifi­ tion if Fan had not retraced her steps and the tree: and this note-book was probably earth. He might have been living Urinn was about to propose the continu- the daily record of his life from the time cally of woman's apparel. The mau who ^jce of their journey when Donovan sug­ disappeared around the corner of the cliff now, a millionaire many times over. attempts it is lost. It is different with Dr. "Here, Pan, here!" cried Brian. he was first cast upon this lonely coast. His success, unlike that of many other Bull's Cough Syrup. Either sex is fully ac­ gested that they should first carefully ex- In the fragmentary phrases which time -mine this hut, which seemed to have beee The dog did not return, but she began favorites, was not short-lived. He quainted with the merits of this noted to bark loudly and excitedly. had not entirely effaced, JBrian succeeded sang longer in the United States than remedy. tmoccupied f0r a long time, hut in which in deciphering the words: "Duguay- they might find some tool or implement "We must keep together, and be on oar any tenor who has been here before or Trouin," evidently the name of the ill- The melancholy days have come tnat would reveal the origin of its former. guard," said Brian. since. But he was like all the rest In fact, they could hardly exercise toe fated vessel in which the unfortunate man We hear so much about; tenants. sailed. The money which fell into his coffers The outing-shirt goes under, •; The thick carpet of dry leaves that cov­ much caution, for a baud of Indians might fell into a sieve. He always lived at Aud as undershirt comes oat. be lurking near, and tneir presence was At the beginning of the book there was ered the ground was carefully examined, a date, the same cut below the initials, and the Everett House when in New York. —Pock. »nd in one corner Service found a bit of certainly rather to be feared than desired He had spent so much money there in if they were the ferocious Indians that in­ undoubtedly that of the shipwreck. earthenware—another relic of human Consequently, fifty-three years had his prosperous days that the proprietor, A leading actress remarked to a reporter. handiwork—but that was all, so there was fest the pampas of South America. With when he died, left a verbal direction "The last time I played here I was worn guns loaded and revolvers iu hand, the elapsed since Francois Baudoin wa» out, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable nothing left for them but to resume theii wrecked upon these shores, and during that Brignoli should always have a free Compound, has since made a new woman at lads advanced, but they had not gone home there as long as he lived. He journey. twenty yards beyond the angle formed by the whole of his long sojourn he had re­ me." Compass in hand, the four lads plodded ceived no assistance from the outsid* died there absolutely penniless. He the cliff before Donovan stooped to pick was buried by the contributions of his straight eastward through a thick growth up something. It was a spade, and a spade world. "I'd much rather," said the elderly of briers and bushes, through which they of American or European mannf^*"'"*- The lads realized the gravity of theii friends and admirers. maiden, "marry a poor young man full of were more than once compelled to hew not one of the rude implements fashioned situation more forcibly than ever. How "Then there was poor Susini. hope than a rich one full of whisky." th/ir way with their hatchets. by the Polynesian savages. Like the boat* could they hope to accomplish what an What a sad fate he had! He came At last, a little before ten o'clock, they ring, it was very rustjy; and there could be able-bodied man, a mariner inured to here twenty-five years ago, ffom South Scott's Km u I son of Pure ••ached the edge of the forest, and beheld no doubt that many years had elapsed hardships and fatigue, had failed to ac­ America,and appeared at the Academy. C*S LWer OU, with Hypophwcphlle*. before them a large plain covered with since it was left there. complish? The public idolized him in torrents. For Lung Trouble and Watting LHttmiet. tli yine and heather. About half a mile to Dr. J. SIMONAUD, Eew Orleans, La., says; A moment afterward all four had re­ Moreover, another and final discovery He was a wonderfully companionable the ea.-tward this plain was bounded by a convinced them that any attempt to leave man, and was loved personally as well "Scott's Emulsion is the finest preparation bety of sand upon which the waves of the joined Fan, who was still outside howling of the kind. In affections of the lungs and. this place would prove futile. On glancing as admired artistically. In spite of all other wasting diseases, we may consider IS •ea. Brian had discerned in the distance, dismally. Guided by the dog, they then walked down the river bank about twenty over the pages. Donovan perceived a folded the wealth that came to bim be was al­ our most reliable agent. In a perfectly ele­ were gently breaking. To the north the paper between the leaves. It was a map, ways poor. His liberality knew no gant aud agreeable form," shore, which gleamed brightlv in ­ yards, and there paused abruptly, motion­ less with terror, for on the ground be­ traced with a rude sort of ink, apparently bounds. He was the prey of parasites shine, carved a little to the left; and the MRS. ELIZA HALFORD and Lizzie Weaver tween the gnarled roots of a great beech, compounded of water and soot. and hangers on from the start. He southern shore strongly resembled it, "A map!" he cried. married finally a Miss Hinckley, of Brooklyn, suicided Wednesday, one by though the curve was considerably deeper. lay the fragments of a human skeleton. carbolic acid and the second by paris green. Here the unfortunate man, who had "That Francois Baudoin probably drew Albany, and out of that marriage grew There was no room for doubt now. This himself," added Brian. a tragedy. He loved his wife dearly, wits not a continent, but an island upon doubtless inhabited this cave for many How's This* years, had come at last to die. The cheer­ "In that case, this man could not hav» and when she died it broke bim down. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for which they had been driven by the temp­ He entirely lost his voice. With his est: and they must needs abandpn all hope less retreat, which had so long been his been a common sailer, but one of the of­ any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by home, had not been his tomb. ficers of the 'Duguay-Trouin,' " remarked only child, a daughter, he went to taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. sf leaving it unless they received some aid live in London, but returned to New F. J. CHENEY oHearty| donbi that the supposed sea was a lake; It seemed, indeed, as if this man must in his good-natured voice. You are Eating. A perfect rem-| hut was it not more than likely that this be unable to discern its northern, south­ an unreasonable tailor.' edy (or DizziuoeH.Nans« certainly have been obliged to resort to ern, or eastern shores when they reached Drowsiness, Bad Tast lake was on an island. By prolonging inares and traps to obtain food; but some " 'Then off with that coat; that coat's in the Month. Coatee their search might they not discover a sea its western borders, which explains why mine cried the tailor. Tongue.Pain in the 8ide light was thrown upon this subject when they had mistaken it for a sea on first be­ beyond—a sea they would have no means Wilcox exclaimed— "A crowd had gathered, of course, TORPID LIVEK. Thej of crossing* Still, judging from the size holding it. Several rivers had their source and shouted aud roared at the fun, regulate the Bowel "What is this?" in the lake, among them the one which Purely Vegetable. of this lake, which extended on three sides while Amodio pulled off the coat aud Prlee 26 Cents; "They look like ten pin balls," remarked flowed by the cave and which proved to as far as the eye could reach, it seemed Service. V handed it over with a flourish to the more than probable that they must be on be the very stream that emptied into CASTES MEDICINE CO., KSW70SS. "Ten-pin balls!" exclaimed Brian, mu Sloughi Bay near their camp. tailor. Then he went on his walk in acoutinent, not on an island. surprised. his shirt sleeves, shaking his fat sides Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price*! "In that case, it must have been on the He soon mistrusted the use to which the The only important eminence on the is­ at the joke and stopping to tell every American continent that we were ship­ land seemed to be the promontory to the two round stones Wilcox had just picked acquaintance he met of his adventure. GRATEFUI COMFORTING. wrecked." remarked Brian. up must have been put. It was evidently north of the bay. The map indicated that the northern part of the island was dry "Poor Amodio died of yellow fever "I have always thought so," replied one of those hunting implements known on a voyage homeward from South Donovan, "and it seems I was right." as "bolae," consisting of two balls fast and sandy, while south of Sloughi Bay was a large marsh which terminated in a America. A mau who was on the "At all events, it was water that I saw ened together by a strong cord, and muck vessel told me that after Amodio's body EPPS'S COCOA to the east of us," retorted Brian. cape on the southern coast. used by the South American Indians. was thrown into the sea the sharks BREAKFAST. "Yes, but not a sea." As indicated by the scale at the bottom "By a thorough knowledge of the nataral laws When thrown by a skillful hand, they fought for it like tigers." whicn govern the operations of digestion "d nu­ By following the shore of the lake thf wound themselves around an animal'' of the map, this island measured about trition, and by a careful application of the One lads were able to make about ten mil J? fifty miles from north to south, and properties of well-selected Cocoa. Mr. •*]»*•• limbs, paralyzing his movements, and provided our breakfast tables with s delicately that day without much fatigue; but nr making him an easy victim to his pursuer. about twenty-five miles in width, but Dr. O. W. Holmes on Heart-Love. flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy where did they see anything to indicate whether it belonged to some group of the doctors' bills. It is by the Judicious use of such It was unquestionably the occupant oi articles of diet that s constitution may be -rradual- that the country was inhabited. Xr this cave who had manufactured this Polynesian islands, or was completely iso­ I never saw a garment too fine for a ly built up until strong enough fr» IJsWffgT-'g: lated in the broad Pacific, they could only dency to disease. Hundredaof subtlei maladiesare wreath of smoke curled upward from weapon, and also a lasso, which was found man or a maid; there never was a chair floating aroi>nd us ready to attack wherever thsra among the trees: no footprint was visible conjecture. too good for a cobbler or a cooper or a is a weak point. We mar escape many a fatal shart near the "bolas." This being a complete bVkeepingbuwlv. s welliortlfledwfOi pure btood OD the sand. If this region had ever been inventory of the contents of the cave, it is In either case, it was a prolonged so­ king to sit in; never a house too fine to and a properly nourished frame.'—' OMl Servit* inhibited it was certainly inhabited no journ to which the youthful castaways shelter the human head. These ele­ °M?de'"simply with boiMng water or milk. 8oId eviuen* inao ^nan ami nis comrades only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus: longer. Xor did they see a single wild 01 were incomparably better off: but they, il must needs look forward, and as this cave ments about us—the glorious sun, the herbivorous animal. Two or three time? would afford them comfortable shelter, it imperial moon—are not too good. for JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Cbeaistt, is true, were only children, while this was London, England. during the afternoon some large birds ap a man. was expedient for them to transport theii the human race. Elegance tits man; peared ou t he edge of the forest, but though But was he a common sailor or an ofticei stores here before the first gales of win­ but do we not value these tools a little IMPORTANT NEW DISCOVERY it was impossible to get more than a whose intellectual powers had been de ter completed the demolition of the schoon­ more than they are worth, and some­ plimpse of them, this did not prevent Ser­ veloped by study? This was a question er. times mortgage a house for the mahog­ The best Toilet Soap for the Skin ever made, vice from shouting— which the lads would have found it diffi [TO BE CONTINUED. J any we bring into it? I would rather "Those are ostriches!" cult to answer but for a discovery that eat my dinner off the head of a barrel, u "Wry small ostriches!" remarked Dono- or dress after the fashion of John the »iin. settled it with comparative certainty. • Selfishness is tho devil's narrow VASELINE " SOAP Under a fold of the blanket which Briar Baptist in the wilderness, or sit on a "If they are ostriches, and if we are on a {piage road to perdition.*-The Barn's block all my life, than consume all on A perfectly pure and neutral soap, com­ continent—" began Brian. had turned back. Wilcox discovered a Born. watch hanging upon a nail in the wall myself before I got a home, and take bining the emollient and healing pro­ "Do you still doubt it?" interrupted Don­ Sin always has a plausible excuse fox so much pains with the outside when perties of Vaseline. ovan, ironically. This watch, which seemed to be of mucb better quality than most sailor's watches, appearing * in company.—Milwaukee the inside was as hollow as an empty If your druggist does not keep it, for- "Then this must be the American con­ was inclosed in a silver hunting-case, Journal. hut Beauty is a great thing; but ward 10c. in stamps, and we) will tinent, where these birds are found ip from which hung a chain and key of th« A good text for a base-ball sermon— beauty of garment, house and furni­ send a foil sised cake by mail, great numbers," continued Brian. "That same metal. ••Where are the nine?"—Burlington ture are tawdy ornaments compared postage paid. is all I intended to say." 1 "The hour—let us see the hour!" crier Free Press. with domestic love. All the elegance About seven o'clock in the evening • Ser'-'c* in the world will not make a home? CHESEBR0U8H HAIFA. COMPANY, •alt was made. The following day, unless There would be no trouble in poli­ and I would give more for a spoonful -We shall be none the wiser," replied 24 STATE ST- MEW YORK. •wne unforeseen obstacle prevented, was Brian, "for the watch probably stopped tics if the politician were let alone and of real, heart-love than for whole ship­ given his way.—Scranton Truth. tobe spent in making their way back tc several days before its unfortunate owner's loads of furniture and all thegorgeous- Aft. T. FELIXfiOORsBD'S ORIERTft. "nughi Day—the name they had given to death." '•When is the best time to cook a ness all the upholsterers iu the world V jhat part of the coast upon which the yacht He opened the cive.. though not with­ dumpling for Henry?" "After you are can gather. CREAI, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. Remove* Taa, Pimples. bad been driven. out considerable difficulty, on account of safely married' to him."—Society. Freckle*. Moth Patches, The Lion of India. Bash, and Skin diseases. Besides, it would have been impossible the rust, and found that the hands pointed The worst thing about the woman **U and every blemish oa ,t0 continue their journey further south- to twenty-seven minutes past three. beauty,and defies detee. who says "1 told you so," is that she The lions of India are going like tha tion. It has *ari riiat evening, as they had reached "The maker's name is, of course, on the generally tells the truth.—Somcrville stood the teat '".'hr river, which was evidently an case," remarked Donovan, "and that may buffalo of America. Within the mem' m of It years, asp Journal. ory of many persons lions were com* is SO harmless Jtkt of the lake. The night was spent give us some clew." - w we taste it to • the open air this time, but the boyi "You are right," replied Brian, and af­ The true moral depravity of betting mon enough in Bajputana. and even be sare it is e on horse races is best seen by the man now a roar may be heard occasionally I ecept a* *' Pt so souudly after their long tramp ter examining the inside of the watch, he sountetfeit ef that even the loudest thunder-clap would succeeded in deciphering the words: "Del who backs the wrong horse.—Baltimore in the wildest parts of Central India; similar nama Bot but the new railway from Nagpur is Dr. L- A. Sayro have aroused them. It was nearly pleuch. Saint Malo," engraved on the American. •aid to a lady *v*n .dock when Brian woke his com- case. now being built through this country, of tbe bant tea e It seems quite natural that the and that will drive out the few re­ (a patient): "AS f^ s. who instantly sprung up, eager to "So he was a French-nan—a fellow-coun­ threads of conversation should some­ yoSladies will *Ke a look at the land on the other side maining lions in the Central Provinces. use them I f. tryman of mine!" exclaimed Brian, with times produce a long yarn.—Bingham- c o m m sa d PFtfce river. Practically the only lions remaining 'Oouraud'a emotion. ton Republican. Cream' as tbe jjuok at Fan!" said Service, In fact, there seemed to be no room for are said to be the race existing in Kat- leer, harmful of antheSkfa, prsparatw; For sale It js a melancholy fact and much to tywar. 'Their number remains, it it by all Drogtrtsts and Fancy Good* Dealer* in tbe U.8, descents something," replied Dono- doubt, a Frenchman had lived in this cave ^JadaTSdEorope. OnJboUk. »>» •j*^*"""** ^ advancing toward the dog. until death came to release him from hii be regretted that good people who want believed, pretty stationary. They are •jrfng it every day. Also Foodre SotiSsi I saw as saps* only what is right often get What is specially preserved for royal sport; *au had,just paused with paw uplifted misery. FEKD. T. HOraiKS7ttwpV,»Ossat|aysaSt.SrTfj but even they are regarded as doomed. car* Beware of base Imitation*. SUM reward fas I "»<• mo*V open; in another instant sh« Another no less decisive proof ef the left— DxUas Newt. I and proof of aayoa* saWatT thasasae. Church News- ABOUT PERSONS AND THINGS* We send a copy of THB PLAJW- DKALERtoa number of postmasters, as a Bethel A. M. A'.—corner of Hastings sad Mhs Cbilders of Howell. Mich., is one •• A SCINATING Napoleon streets. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:* of the new students at Oberlin this year. sample copy, and trust tbey will place the p.m.Sunday School, 2:30 p.m.—Rev. John M. Hen­ same in tbe hands of some progressive derson, pastor. Napoleon White was hanged at Talla- I ASHIOiVABI,B Eheneser A. M. E.— Calhoun street neai hasse. Fla., last Tuesday tor, tbe murder Afto American and solicit his subscrip­ Beanbien. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. n . of his wife in 1888. tion. THB PJJLINDKALKR is in its eighth Sunday School, 2:30 p. m.—Rev. J. H. Alexander. pastor. Clement G. Morgan of Harvard, is lectut - year and confidently appeals to Republi­ Wesson Ave. A. M. E.—Services 10:3) a. m. ing in Connecticut on the educational can* for tbe patronage its efforts may and 7:3j p. m. 8unday School. 2:3« p. m. Rev. needs of the South. justly merit IRM K. N. fharis, pastor. An A fro-American opera company is to Second Baptist.—Croghan street, near Beau- FLANNELS! Men. Services at 10:-'0 a. m. and 7:» p. m. be started «-ooo in New York under the Sunday School, 8:30 p. m.-Rev. K. H. McDonald, leadership of Dr. Damrocsb. The Cincinnati, nasal] ton at Dayton pastor. . A handsome monument in memory of Railroad FRENCH, GERMAN, SCOTCH AND DOMESTIC St. Matthew'* Episcopal.—Corner Antoine Is the short direct line from Michigan and and Elizabeth streets. Sundav services: Hoi) Lewis Hay den was placed over his grave in Comt. union. 7:80 a. m. Morning Prayer and Woodl*wn cemetery, Boston, a few days Canada to Cincinnati. Indianapolis. Louis­ Fern on, 10;30 a. m. Sunday School, 2:3o p. m. ago. • ville. Nashville. Birmingham, Meridan, We have the largest assortment of these Evening Prayer axd Sermon, 4 p. m. C. H. New Orleans, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Ma­ Thompson, D. D.. rector. Billy Walker, C. A. Jordan and Andy con. Charleston. Savannah. Jacksonville materials that we have ever carried, in fact so great Shiloh Baptist—Columbia street, near Rivard Thompson who owned a stable of racers and and all Southern cities. is the demand that it is almost impossible to Servk-esat 10:30 a.m. and7:80 p. m. Sundav have won stacks of money, recently failed School immediately after morning service.—Rev. Day and night exoress trains run solid meet it. Auger, pa* or. for $70,000. between Detroit and Cincinnati. Prof.W. IS Scarborough has an article Direct connections made at Cincinnati (Brief ium» of news will be welcome from in tbe Arena for October en tbe race for all points South, South-east and South­ House Sacques and Ladies' Wrappers. either pastors or laymen.) problem, ft also contains tbe portrait of west. V WE HAVE that noted scholar. Childress Dresses and Babies' Cloaks. Last week ibe corner stone of the The only line leaving Detroit morning Underwear and Embroidered Skiik Eleventh Street Baptist church, Harris The Rev. W. \Y. Collev of Richmond and evening by whici you cin secure par­ FLANNELS burg, I'a., WHS laid with special ceremonies. Va., was recently offered $10,000 ror half lor and sleeping coaches No extra charge Men's Shirts and Ladies' Blouses, etc. The new structure is to be a a one-story interest in real estate for which he paid for quick lime and superior service. brick and will cost $10 000. but $3,250 a few years ago. ('all on nearest ticket agent of any line OutlnR and Wash Flannels in new coloring at 10c and 12^c a yard. in Michigan or Canada for through tickets i„,>. £ W' Tenn,8» 3l }DChe« "We, at 40c and 50c. Scotch Tennis, 31 BiohopB. W. Arnett of the A. M. E. All tbe printing of the Hampton Insti inches wide, at ©5c a yard. *««••», «i tute of Virginia, aid much of it is of a to all points South, or address I). 5. Tracy. church is interested in collecting the works Northern Passenger As?ent, 155 JefLrsoa An immense variety of FRE1SCH Flannels at 75c a yard of Afro American authors and books on the very artistic character, is done by the Afro- German Stripes and Checks, Twilled and Plain, at 50c and OOc a yard American and Indian students. avenue. Detroit, or E. O. McCormick, LarKe assortment ct Colored and White Embroidered Flannels, prices race question and bis library of them now General Passenger Agent, 200 West range from 75c to $2 a yard. »•""»•«, prices reaches up into the hundreds. John A. Bushnell. an aged physician, £ide, down Fourth street. Cincinnati. 372 tf. « . ;-] FIjnnel in all the new shades. One special line, 38 to 40 The Rev. A. Lightheart of Baltimore, and Robert L. Waring who were arrested inches wide, at 85c a yard. has been appointed the pastoi of the Afro at Washington, D. C, charged with caus­ Jersey Stripes and Checks at 05c and 75c a yard. American Catholic missions of Virginia in ing tbe death of a young woman by means place of R-v. Fal her Fahey of St Joseph 8 of a criminal operation, have been dis­ Flannel Dep't—Second Floor. rhut-ch who has been sent to Charleston, charged for lack of evidence. B.C. Mr. George Davis, a resident of Gales- On Endowment day at the Union A M. burg. III., since 1838, died Thursday morn­ Wtd TAYLOR. W00LFENDEN & CO. E. church, Philadelphia, the children ing. He was widely known throughout reported from their cards which bad been Illinois as one of the early abolitionists, issued two weeks previous for this purp *e and was one of the .directors of the under­ TO YOU AND YOURS ground railroad. A Cordial Invitation to join tbe Day or $63. The amount raised during the day Evening Classes of the was $110. Emancipation day was celebrated at The American National Baptist conven Columbus. O . Sept'22. with more than the BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, usual enthusiasm. There were more than tion opened its fifth annaul session at 11 to 19 WILCOX STEEET. Oreen street Baptist church, Louisville. 5.0C0 persons in tbe parade. An oration was delivered by the Hon. John R. Lynch (Graiid River Ea*-t,) wheie you »i!l be edu- Ky., last Thursday morning. Rev. Wm ca'ed to tarn *ave atd invest mont-y and Peninsular Savings Bank. J. Simmons presides as president of the of Washington.*D. C. accumulate wealth. Stu tents received any association. Frederick Douglass. Touissaint L'Over- time for o»e or wore brancnt-s and tuition In 04 Griswold Street. The Rev. Willard, pastor of a church in tuie. B. K. Brucc7.1. C. Price, Daniel A. proportion. Eiuant new Basinets Univer­ Payre. T. Thomas Fortune, George W. sity Building. W. F. Jewell, President. P. Dallas, Texas, and having more zeal than R. Spencer, Secretary. Capital, .... $250,000. knowledge, bss been arrested on the rora- Williams, Edward E Cooper, Peter H. ' plaint of citizens that tbey have been i ftrk and J. Milton Turner are declared ureal iy annoyed by his holding services far the ten greatest Negroe3 by the Indianapo­ Four per cent Interest paid cm Savings Deposits. into the night. lis Freeman. Sixty-Ono People Have been bemfited since the appearance solicited nad every accommodation extended ooniistent witk SAB. Bishop A. Grant of the A. M. E church Emanuel Jobmoo. a teacher in Kirk ville, of this advertisement. was duly elected President of the Financial Louisiana, was brutally shot and killed in •sinking. Board according to the ncord, say* the sight of his borne. His wife bearing the SOstETBIKG FOR NOTHING—One must not Southern ChriKtian Recorder, and is not sbots reachr d the door just in time to see expect it. But tbe niOet satisfactory of se­ JOSEPH B. MOORE, Cashier. "assistant president" as he has been errone­ him die. He was followed by a crowd of curing your own Home is offered by the ss ously called by Dr. Lee. white men who riddled bis body with Prospective Homestead Company, 172 O. E. LAWSO.V. Cashier. AKTOH PULVK. Vice President. bullets after death. Griswold etreet, Detroit, Micoigan. A R. W. KMTXIS. Auditor. M. W. O'BRIEN, The A. M. E. conferences are actively 1 bonsaud Dollar Home costs you but One J. T. KEKNA, Attorney. F. A. SHCI/TS, 2d Vice Prsidei.t.'S engaged in disseminating the literature of Si Johnson, an Afro-American who died Thousand nnd Fifty Dollars to ten jear<. President. the race. At a recent annual conference lately in Albany. Ga , went through three This Include* both interest and principal. If in Ohio copies of ten different later publi­ wars—that of 1812 as the body servant of yon are not eojoyibg the comforts of \ our cations were sold, besides copies of the own fireside enclose a s'amp and write for Colonel John Gilmore, and through tbe paniculate? if you can pay rent, you mny Church Hymn Book, Discipline and Mexican war be was in tbe same capacity o*u your own Home, Wears not'speenl.t Ritual. with Colonel John Gilmore, Jr.: in the ing on real estate, nor iu tbe dollars of tbe The latest issue of the Appeal contains a civil war be belonged to Mack Johnson. poor. •Old Si" was 96 years old. We invest your money and what we ad­ The People's Savings Bank. cut of the Rev. E. H. McDoiald, pastor of the Second Baptist church of this city, vance, in a home for vour personal use »i.d Willis A. Hodtres, a prominent citizen of improvement. Are you interested? If so, with a sketch of his career and bis success­ Virginia died in Norfolk on Sept. 24 from write us. Adv. ful work in the society of this charge which heart failure, agfd 75 Years. He was one Capital $500,000. Surplus, $100,000. has been flchbed and refurnished during of the directors of the Underground railroad his pastorate. and in 1842 was associated with Fred Doug­ ' The North Ohio Conference of the A. M. lass in publishing the Ramshorn, the first E» church which bad been in session at Afro American journal published in this Lockland. O . closed its tenth annual meet­ country. His son, Augustus M. Hodges is FALL OIFZEHSTIICTG- ing last Tuesday. Bishop Atnett presided editor and publisher of the Brooklyn * in the absence of the Rt. Rev. D. A. Pijne Sentinel. -OF- , who was not able to attend the on account of sickness. A movement has been started by some of Here is an offer that all should profit by. the leading Afro American residents of Rev. Dr. Dardis. who assumed the pas­ I have made arrangements to change my MILIJIIV Brooklyn toward tbe erection of a monu­ business on Nov. 1st next and will then torate of the Loiing street church, Spring­ ment to the Afro-American soldiers and field. Mass. about five weeks ago, is work­ discontinue the manufacture of "Bacca'a." •AT THE- — sailors who were killed in the war of the I have now on hand 2.000 packages which ing hard to build up the congregation. rebellion. A society under the name of the 188 and IfiO LYCEUM fE'glu new members have already joined I will give to tbe public at the cost of National Colored Monument Association manufacture, which is $5 per dozen. I RANDOLPH THEATER the cburcL and the society is laboring to was organized with these officers: The STREET. BLOCK pay off the indebtedness. will also send to all who order one dozen "LOUVRE" Rev. Dr. Tunnal, president; John W. packages or one half dozen at $3, tbe ^ The Southern Christian Recorder praises William*, vice president; W. A. Abbot, formula for making Baccata; this will SESPT. X, the enterprise shown by* the A. M. E. secretary; W. H. Nicholson, treasurer. A enable you to prepare Baccata at any time churches of the west, under the the leader­ meeting is to be held next Monday nieht you wish to use it. I have a great many And all Week. All ladies are Cordially Invited to Attend and tee the most ship of Bit-bops Brown and Ward, who are a) 149 North Portland avenue. letters from persons who speak in glowing active workers in the cause of church terms of Baccata, but for obvious reasons FASHIONABLE GOODS at our usual Low Prices. Open nntil 9 p. m. extension, they are building the finest The Qneea Pays All Expenses. I have not publishtd them to the world, THE "LOUVRE," 1»» RAMiOLPH street. churches in the connection. but will fend tbe addresses to any one At the recent session of the Kentucky Tlit Queen »last 'Free Trip to Europe" sending stamp, and you can write to them I conference at Chicago, the Rev. Thomas J. having excited such universal interest, the and learn w hat Baccata has done for them. AGENTS Morrison VBI appointed to the Lovely Lane publishers of that* popular magazine offer All orders mu»t be sent in by Nov. 1st as church, Indianapolis. The trustees how­ another and $200for expenses, to the per­ after that date all money will be returned son sending them tbe largest list of English WANTED G# ever, wanted their old pastor returned and without tbe go d.«. Hoping all readers of NEGRO locked the doors against Mr. Morrison, words constructed from letters contained this paper will avail themselves of this To Sell Our Royal Book, who has procured a mandamus to compel in tbe three words "BRITISH NORTH offer. I am yours. them to receive oim. AMERICA." Additional prizes consisting Dr. E. 8. NAUVAN. of Silver Tea Sets, China Dinner Sets, 247 Randolph street Detroit, Mich. " The Black Phalanx." The Michigan A. M. E. District confer­ Gobi Watches. French Music Boxes. It'ls a history of the Negro Soldiers and gives a ence will be held at Battle Creek, Oct. 7ih rVutiere Curtain*. Silk Dresses, Mantel fall account of their services In fighting farr free­- -and 8th at the call of tbe rresiuint: elder, dom and the Union, .from the Revolution too ththee Clocks, and many other useful and valu­ P'resen t SPLENDID PICTURES of the Rev. James A. Henderson. A program able articles will also be awarded in order Negr o Troops. All say it Is the grandest book containing subjects of church government ever written. Piles of money to be made selling it of merit. A special prize of a Seal Skin for every body wants it. You Can Make Mone and work wih be given by the different Jacket to tbe lady, and a handsome Sbet One man has already made 600 dollars on flc ministi rs of the district in connection with land Pony to girl or boy (delivered free in books. Don't fall to send at once for circulars the regular business of tbe conference. and see our Liberal Terms to Agents. Address Canada or UuHed States) sending the larg­ AMERICAN PUBLISHING OCT. Hartford" . Ct., At the coming General Conference of est lists. Everyone sending a list of not Boston. Cincinnati or St. Louis. the A. M. E. church (he question of the less than twenty words will receive a pres­ f. P. HARPER, C. S. D. admission of women as delicate* to that ent Send six U. S. 2c stamps for com­ body will be voted upon by the clergymen plete rules, illustrated catalogue of piizes Teaches and Practises the cotnp'fing that body. It is already excit and sample number of The Queen. Ad­science of healing physical ing a great deal of interest as in accordance dress THE CANADIAN QUKKN, Toronto, ail me nt 8 through toe mind 'With an act of the last General Conference Canada. Offlee 232 Woodward Ave., the question conns before the male and female members of tbe churches to be Bishop Taylor the missionary bhhop of Detroit - Micli voted on in October, previous to the forth­ the Methodi>t Episcopal church addressed coming conference. the Rock River Methodist conference at CHINESE The fact that the churches are constantly Chicago Monday on mission work in filled with interested listener* is a standing Congo, Afiica He said th*t they could refutation of tbe assertion that Christianity easily get boys to enter the mi?sioo t-chooK HERB - REMEDIES. U losing it« power over tbe lives .of men. but that polygamists bought up tbe little Thv Christian Herald in speaking of tbe girls, and they could not be recovered COURTEOUS TREATMENT Are so well known and thoroughly nattier says that Max O'Hell. Kt-nnan,. or without the payment of a ransom. This -AND papular that they need no indorse­ aiv other of the most brilliant lecturers produced such a s< nation that on being ment. They have cured thousands of crnld not command a popular audience told that it took $30 to ransom a girl Prompt Attention to Orders people in Michigan an Ohio and are through a mx months' course while Phillips money was at once raised for tbe redetnp FOR KV*RT- Brooks D. S. Moody and other great tion of nine girls. I Description of Printing looked upon as positive remedies in all divines addtcss crowded houses year in and J I , —AT— Chronic and Heivous Diseases. year out. — Manufactured By — No charge for consultation or advice, GEO.H.UUSSEU Pres. M. 5. SMITH. Woe-rTsa, W. L- SMITH PaiNTINO CO.'S, An investigation to ascertain tbe place and all letters cheerfully answered. Write U.S. MASON Casiiiar. (?ora erly Ferguson.) Al£XANDERGORDORj)nrai tbe Bible hoids in colleges and universities and ascertain your comliton. has shown that in Howard, William*. OS WOODWARD A.VJE!STJE. Amh»rit and Yale the Bibl* U. studied as a dist n t text book, that Dartmouth and GONIA HERB REMFBY COMPANY,, Trii uy bnve made this subject a syste­ SAVINGS B31.K J. B. CLAY, Proprietor Telephone No. 0t2 124 ft 126 Miami Ave., Detroit matic study for years and tbe three colleges Commercial and Sayings Departments. for women Mount IMyoae. Smith and Office lu Hammond Bulldlutc l»e.r ii. Mich. West End Bottling Works, J0HH BREITMEYER ft 60KS. Welle»:ey have a spec'S". and continuous DIRECTORS—B. A. Alger. J. K. Burubasn. W. C. HAVE YOUR -BOTTLES OV POPVLAa course of study. Miiny other institution* Colbaru, U. L. ttreat. if. J. Hecksr, H. u. Lcd- Florists 4b Rose Growers, of Iran jng are giving specitl attention '.o yard.Husa MeiUlaa. W. C JteitlUsa. R. K. Mason, H.C. Parks, Uesrgs H. Uosssl. Hear/ LAUNDRY WORK Ales, Porters and Lager Beer biolicd *>udv and it is interesting to note ttusaei. 3L & aailtb. Chart** SdncAasiX Done at the Popular Flowers in tneir Season. that tbe d.-mand for it has come from the Family Cave. ' Choirs Collection, of Tropical Wants on P£R CJENT paid osi Sar- students. Groghan Street Laundry, Exhibition, ^ lugs DeposkB. 11 Congress Street, West • 65 GBAND RIVER AY2TVS. Hen. Frederick Douglats is 73 years- of MONEY LOANED JAXSS E. HAKKI8. Proprietor Cor- Gratiot and Miami Avenues- Age. 0s City Heal EsUte Mortrces. Call** Wo* Daltvarea. Subs ciitc fur TUB PLAIKDBALBB. DETROIT ... BJICII.
