Property of the Watertown Historical Society

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-O 3 tlimee ff-Hi: o Tim.eiy Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Lilchfield County 5 O Vol. 43 No. 48 SUBSCR1PT1ON PRICE $ 12,(K) PI{R YKAR Car,, Rl, P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS Dec. 2.3,, 19'8|j Matter Where, It's ! than dressing up in, layers of finery, Australians are as likely on Christmas, and, fireworks are a popular form of Community Joins In For to be wearing bathing suits on Christmas Day, at least after entertainment. • church sen'ices are over. Tropical flowers in, many brilliant hues are a central, part There are no - logs, no sleigh rides, no reindeer—for of Christmas decorating in Costa Rica. Because the coun- Holy And Joyous Event us many pleasures synonymous with the Christmas celebra- try's jungle areas are rich in exquisite orchids, people make One of the easiest of all imaginative exercises is to paint tion. Instead, there are the Christmas; bell and the Christmas trips to pick, their own, in, the same way as many Americans a picture of a ""greeting card" Christmas. bush, enjoyed, of course, with that-same sense of communi- head to the forests to cut down their own Christmas trees. The first: ingredient is snow, blanketing rolling hills. ty and family feeling which characterizes Christmas celebra- • Costa Ricans use the armfuls of flowers they have culled preferably, and gracefully draping the boughs of trees,,, usually tions around the world. to embellish the manger scene, -which is called a portal. evergreens. The sun shines, of course, but, on, a scene sculpted The celebrations occurring on the island, of Jamaica are In Puerto Rico, Spanish, American, and indigenous island, out of the elements of winter. colorful and, perfectly characteristic of that island's heritage, customs mix for a celebration which incorporates the best Then, moving indoors, there are roaring fires, festoons of a, fascinating blend.of European and African, traditions. of all worlds, with caroling before Christmas, and gifts on evergreens around doorways, and along ban- On that island, bands of roving entertainers, the Jaiikan- Christmas and the , too. isters, cups of steaming wassail or hot toddies, as everyone nus, have set the stage for Christmas festivities for almost The ever-present manger scene is peopled with exquisite- gathers around the grandest evergreen of all, the Christmas 200 years, combining; evocative dancing with mysterious, ly carved wooden figures, called Santos, which have been, live, with its ropes and popcorn, its glittering mesmerizing music. The singers, dancers, and musicians part of the Puerto Rican Christmas for more than 300 years. • lights, and its myriad or ornaments,.' usually are brightly attired, and the faces of many arc hid- North, or south, in lands covered with snow or glowing However, turn, the world upside down, fora moment, and den by fearsome .masks. under the hot, tropical sun, Christmas spreads its joy, war- travel to southern climes, where snow is replaced by an oc- In Chile, the warmth of the climate creates a, significant ming hearts and souls everywhere... For the spirit of Christmas casional tropical shower, and evergreens by palm trees. inconvenience for Viejo Pascuem, the jolly old gent who transcends all places and all times, manifesting itself Yet. Christmas it still is. because of the spirit which per- distributes presents and whose mien and behavior strongly wherever, inspired by Christ's example, there are people to vuiles the season. resemble Santa's. love and share. In Australia, and the rest of the southern hemisphere, Because chimneys, where they exist, are of minimal, pro- In Watertown and Oakvtlle. residents will be joining with Christmas occurs not in winter, but during the sultry sum- portions, Viejo Pasatem is unable to fit in them. His solu- their brethren throughout the world, in welcoming the festive mer months, which means that the events which make up tion? To climb in a window, which provides the same results, days of Christmas through special services and events at the Chrisliius Din are likely to shape up somewhat differently. although less colorfully. frequently is likely a picnic and, rather In Brazil, boat rides and picnics are the order of the da\ (Continued on page 24) Danish Exchange Student Living American Christmas By Tommy 'Vatuckas for coincidence?), a stage designer, The way Henriette Rostrup sees and Greta Rostrup. a laboratory it, the Americans only have to con- worker, Henriette said Christ- tend with elfin beings around the mastime in her native land and the Christmas season, when everybody Northeast United States; is quite is trying to do their darndest to be similar in some respects. well behaved. For one. despite what we might In Denmark,,,, the elves "'hang, imagine winter weather to be like around'"" all year, said the 17-year- in Denmark, there is just as much old exchange student from Copen- chance there won't, be snow there at hagen, teasing, you. by tipping cups Christmas as there is here. Decem- and saucers upside down, in the cup- ber temperatures also do not vary boards, and rearranging books on much from those she finds here. the shelves. She said her family, which. I ives Ah, there is a solution for tam- in a fourth floor 616-room apart- ing the petite pranksters, though. (Continued.on page 29) Set aside a. little amount of rice pud- ding each night before the house- hold turns in. If there's evidence the Inside • next morning some .has been taken, tradition, has it the elves will be nice News - .8 & 9 to you. Births 16 & 30 Such is an example of the yule- Books Review.• IS tide lore and, heritage Miss Rostrup Churches H) & II SPENDING HEM, FIRST CHRISTMAS away from her native city of Copenhagen, Henriette Nostrup, has brought over to this country Classifieds 38 left, is learning American yu let id e customs with the help of Jennifer Maxwell, Northfield Road, her host: white she enjoys her senior year at Dining Out 29 sister. The 17-year-old Danish exchange student is spending her senior year in Watertown through, the Rotary Watertown High School! as a Rotary John Rowland. 31 International Exchange program, sponsored locally by the Watertown Rotary Club. She currently is residing International Student Exchange,, Joseph Liebennan.. -14 ['with the James Maxwell family. (Valuckas Photo) sponsored by the Watertown Rotary Legal Notices....,..'. 39 : Club. Obituaries 4 & 6 Holiday Office Hours • "My mom doesn't believe in, Personals 2 Christmas until after her "birthday, Realty - ...9 Holiday office schedules and cluding the Town Hall and Town The School Department's central, the 10th of December," she laugh- Sean Butterty 23 closings have been announced by Hall Annex, and Falls Avenue administration offices at the Mun- ed during a, recent interview at the Servicemen ...... , - - 2 the town administration, and School senior center will be closed tomor- son House, 10 Deforest St., will re- James Maxwell home, Northfield. Showcase Of Homes. .37 Department for the coming row (Thursday) through Sunday for main open until 1.2 noon Thursday, Road, her host family. '"'Then we Sports 32 to 34 start baking the cakes and cookies!'" weekend. the Christmas holiday, and reopen then be closed through Monday for Vacation Events - • .3 The town municipal offices, in- Monday, Dec. 28, at 9 a.m. (Continued on page 2) The daughter of Claus '(how's that Page 2Property Town Times (Watertown, Conn.of) Dec the. 23, 1987 Watertown' Historical Society Holiday Office Jan. 4. special 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. suspension. MCC Ethics Class The Post Office will be closed hours. ••The inspection period is the "Ethics," an introductory (Continued from page I) philosophy course, will be 'taught by Christmas Day only, and there will .D'MV offices will be open today 45-day period before the date: on the 'the holiday. Offices will reopen be no mail, deliver}'. Postal service and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to sticker. Dr. Richard T. Nolan during the'se- Tuesday, Dec. 29,. at 9 a.m. and deliveries resume Saturday. 4:30 p.m. cond semester at Mattatuck Com- Schools ' will dismiss .students The Department of Motor Vehic- The 18 auto emissions testingsta - munity College in Waterbury." . after single sessions today (Wfcdnes- les has announced all its offices will tions will be open today from 8 jj Servicemen's * The class will meet Wednesdays, day). and remain closed for the be closed Christmas Day through a.m. to 5:30' p.m., and Christmas from, 6:35 to 9:35 p.m., from Jan. Christmas vacation through Sunday, Monday, Dec. 28, for the holiday Eve from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., all | •• Corner ' -\ 27 through May 11 (excluding vaca- Jan. 3; schools reopen Monday, weekend, and reopen Tuesday for offices will be closed Friday tions). The course, will use the 1 through. Monday. Marine Lance Cpl. Jeff R. Iller, "Living Issues'in Ethics" textbook. Emissions stations will open 8 son of Richard J. /IHer of Students can audit' the course or Greetings a.m. Tuesday to resume- regular Bethlehem, recently was awarded earn, transferrabie credits. For fur- hours. the U.S., Marine Corps Good Con- ther information, call 575-8010. Here's hoping that Connecticut motorists are duct Medal. the season delivers reminded, to check the color and. date on their windshield sticker to Mr. Iller received the award for Christmas joy to be sure they are not late for their good behavior and conduct over a I PERSONALS you and. yours! inspection. By the end, of De- three-year period, in the Marine cember, the only valid annual emis- Corps. H'e currently is sen'ing with Sarah K. Judd. Guernsey town sions stickers will be colored the 2nd. Marine Division, Camp Road, was -inducted into the Delta Mail Ifaom orange or green. Lejeune, N.C. Epsilon Sigma, National Scholastic 127S Main Street An owner of a. vehicle out of Honor Society at St. Michael's Col- Watertown. Ct. 06795 compliance with the federally man- A. 1984 gra.dua.te of Crosby High lege, Winooski. Vt. Miss Judd, an (203) 274-7735 ' dated program, is subject to a $40' School, Waierbury, he joined the English major, will graduate May fine, or even a registration Marine Corps in August, 1984... 1.5 from, the 'Vermont school.


STORE HOURS Prices effective thru Monday-Wednesday December 29, 1,987 and Saturday 8-6 Right reserved to Thurs. & Friday 8-8 limit quantities, Sunday 8-2 Not responsible for Telephone'274-2714 .^2£SS, 'typographical errors. HEMNWAY PLACE 485 Main Street Watartown, CT USDA, CHOICE GRADE ' , SIRLOIN TIP • !• Holidays! OVEN ROAST All. of us at Watertown Meat Center"wish all of our customers and their families a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! We thank you for your patronage throughout the past year; your the reason for ouyr success. We look forward to 1986 to serve you again, and! to always bring you the best value for your food dollar. ibl.89 • SPECIAL HOLIDAY VALUE • FRESH"GRADE A WHOLE/SPLIT USDA CHOICE GRADE -. Q Q BUDABALL CHICKEN Top Round Roast-™,u, I .oil USDA CHOICE GRADE ~ Q Q HAMS Oven Steak, Roast . it 1 .oi/ BREASTS

SPECIAL HOLIDAY ROAST! U'SDA CHOICE GRADE ibl.79 ib.89 NEVER-FAIL n r>*\ SKINLESS &, SHANKLESS, WHOLE OR HALF ANY SIZE PACKAGE - ONE LOW PRICE! OVEN ROAST it Z . O SI SURF 'N TURF HOLIDAY MEAL! DELICATESSEN USDA, CHOICE OV.EM READY USDA, .CHOICE SEMI-BONELESS Cold Cuts sliced' the way YOU like! Rib Roast ;.t«nd ib «3 • O if LAND O LAKES ^ ' U'SDA CHOICE GRADE NEW YORK BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK American Cheese ib 1. . 'VALHALLA IMPORTED lb 2.59 STRIP STEAK Danish Ham CUT FROM THE LOIN WUNDERBAR BRAND QQ USDA CHOICE SEMI-BONELESS * German Bologna Prime Rib Steak i .if if 3.49 lb ANTIPASTO FIXIN'S AT SPECIAL USDAUSDA, CHOICE TOP ROUND Q 1 Q .99 PRICES CARANDO ITALIAN STYLE London, Broil. Steak ib Z • 1 if Genoa Salami ib A Ck OUR OWN STORMADE JUMBO' STELLA BRAND Q .4if ANY SIZE PACKAGE - ONE LOW PRICE- Slicing Provobie ib,Z 4 Q FRESH GRADE. *.A" m Q STUFFED STELLA ITALIAN STYLE : g* . 1if Chicken Wings b .4" 5/ Table Cheese it Z QQ .FRESH EXTRA LEAN SHRIMP MARGHERITA. STICK, Q BULK OR, PATTIES m rj r\ Pepperoni '; • ibZ • if if Ground, Round i.b I. / if CARANDO SPICY #j FRESH EXTRA LEAN « Q,£> Italian Capicola i;. O.i/i/' Stewing Beef ' n 1 ,oi/ 1.60 m H^H •• HI A POTATOES 5 Ib bag ,.89 Fresh, Lean Hams 1 - . Vali' •»""d" •"a*l W»»,OH.,CIIUIUWIi I til awnI pm.«^*fl,»MM I, '^eniflCent' r iiinira Dtctmbtueoemaffirr 29£:a,, 1981307J | FRESH COUNTRY STYLE Fillet of Scrod 3.29 Pork Spareribs SWEET AND TENDER ' n wj*\ a .29 SPECIAL HOLIDAY STORE HOURS CUMBERLAND GAP Fresh Bay Scallops A «5. 4 9' "' - ••. 8'AM to-5 PM ib 1.69 MATLAW'S 30 OZ PKG CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Pol ska Kielbasa . New Year's Eve TOBIN'S FIRST PRIZE Stuffed Clams "P kS 8 AM to 6PM & i .yy Shrimp and .Lobsters! We have all sizes available, just New Year's. Day . BAM to 4 PM' P'olska Kielbasa 1 inquire with one: of our service clerks for your order. Property of the Watertown Historical Society Town Times (Watertown; Conn.) Dec, 23, 1987 Page 3 anyone with a love for the ice. Under the direction of Fred •• watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTuesday, Dec. 29—The featured " Black, Glenn Lloyd, and. Barbara 'Adult CraftA-Month' film for the free Children's Dinner Soderberg, the opera, will, be per- A new class designed for adults, 'Theater in the Swift cafeteria will formed at a vespers service, preced- called the "Adult Craft-A-Month be "The Snowball Express." ed with music by the Handbell Program"" will start Monday, Jan. Showtime is II a.m. to 2 p.m.. Choir of the First Congregational 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Department Children should bring lunch, while Church, under the direction of Bet- of Human Services office, 51 Echo punch will, be provided. ty Lee., Lake Road... A Splash Part}' will be held at Watertown High from, 1 to 3 p.m., The public is invited. A free will The purpose of the program, is to with open gyms at. Swift, same offering will be taken to defray ex- actually construct adult crafts that times and sessions as Monday. Ice penses. A reception in Fellowship are: not only artistic, but useful as skating will be at Taft as usual, Hall will follow the service. well. The cost of the program, will same schedule. depend on the craft. Wednesday, Dec. JO—Roller More information can be obtain- Course size is limited, so register skating will be held at Valley Roller ed by contacting JoAnne Decker at by calling the office at. 274-5411, ext. Magic, 60 Han-ester Road, Water- 274-8203. 255. bury, from, 12:30 to 3:30' p.m. gig&l&^&s&w&viiatjg&i^^ There is a fee for skating and rental. A, Bingo Party for Grades 1 and COME HOME FOR up will be held in the Swift, cafe from II a.m. to 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS Splash Party and open, gyms are on, the same schedule as previous CHRISTMAS EVE 5:30' Family Holy Communion days. 10:30 Carol Prelude f 11:00 Festival Holy Communion 'Amahl' Opera •a CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 a.m. Blessing of Toys Planned, Jan. 10 and! Holy Communion I ALL, SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Gian-Carlo Menotti's one-act opera "Amahl and the Night Visitors'* will be presented, by the combined choirs of the United w^S;t?Sw^^ Methodist Church Sunday, Jan. 10, 1988, at 7 p.m. in the church sanc- tuary, 305 Main St. SWEET MUSICAL NOTES from Amahl (David Soderberg, center) i are imagined by his mother (Marie Wynn) and the page (Jimmy Stin- to- son) during this .scene from "Amahl and (he Night Visitors." The com- ami bined choirs of the United Methodist Church, 305 Main St., will pre- LORRAINE'S sent the one-act opera Sunday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. in the church sanc- I tuary The public is invited. (Valueless Photo) Cakes For Ml Occasions 239 Buckingham St. Oakville, Conn. Depot Square Mall, Watertown Yuletide Vacation Specials 274-0702 i 274-3812 ? Listed By Rec Department For Your What, is there to do for 10 days? Reinhold Pool, 324 French St., Holiday Buffet Well, that's a question students (and from, 1 to 3 p.m. It's open to all • Sausage & CHILDREN'S parents) will, have to answer now ages. Spinach that the long Christmas and New Ice skating will be held, at Taft's Trays Year's holiday vacation has started. rink, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., for CLOTHING The Department of Human Ser- • Wide Selection of ' vices has taken the vacation into ac- Miniature Italian It is Our Privilege count and will! be offering special ffHLE Pastries ' to Have You As events and programs throughout, the. •end of the year. •COSMETICS • Cookie Trays - "Our-Customers . • Cheese Cakes From ice skating to bingo, swim- Treat Yourself to Merry Christmas ming to movies,,, open, gyms to Last Minute and roller skating—there are a variety a NEW ol activities to from;: Stocking Staffers:; Happy New Year Tothty (Wednesday)—Ice skating .Holiday Lookl • Candies DEPOT SQUARE MALL, WATERTOWN will be held at Taft School's-Mays • Christmas Toys 274-6162 Rink, off Guernsey town Road from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. A, small tee will be charged. Monday, Dec. 28— Grades 8 and under can use the Swift: Junior High School gym.'2,50 Colonial St., Oakville, from 11 a.m. to I p.m.. Grades 9 through adults can, use the Gift Certificates Available .EAGLE PLAZA gym from I! to ,3 p.m. 481 Wolcon St.. Wlby. A free Splash Party will be held 753-3227 a I Watertown High School's Frank Hrs: Tu.-Sat. 10-6 Thnrs. "til 8

May ihis Holiday Season Brim with Good Friends and Wonderful Times. • Thanks to One and All for the Goodwill . You have Shown Us. — Holly, Ray & Carol Crestwood Plaza 1278 Main St Watertown,

I \ hen it "s Christmas, the whole world comes alive with joy... and together in friendship. Ctotha V We especially value yours..

Cardella's Fine Jewelers DOWNTOWN 81 Main Street BY, THE MALL Sportswear 384 Stilton Rd. 73 South Main St, 755-8804 "Dresses Thomaston 575-9800 Accessories 2,83-5528 Page 4Property Town Times (Wafertown, . Conn.of) Decthe. .23, 1987 Watertown' Historical Society Graziano, 61, of 28 Hillcrest Ave., bury, to Zion Lutheran Church, ci Funeral Home, 122 East Farm, DnDnnnnD .. Oakville, husband of Marie (Cae- Waterbury, for services at: 9 a.m., St., Waterbuiry, to St. Stanislaus watertownhistoricalsociety.orgeiatore) Graziano, were held Tues- with the Rev. Henry Pawlak of- Kostka Church for a. Mass at 9 a.m. day, Dec. 22, at 8:15 a.m. from the ficiating. " Burial was in Mount Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. TOWN TIMES INC. O'Neill Funeral Home, Oakville, to Olivet Cemetery. •• Mr. Horzepa died. Sunday even- Published 'weekly, Subscription rates arc $12 within St. Mary'Magdalen, Church, for a Mrs. Vicenzi died Friday, Dec. ing, Dec. 20, at St. Mary's Hospital Litchfield County, $14 elsewhere in, Connecticut, and $16 Mass at 9 a.m. Burial was in .Mount 18, at lAterbury Hospital after a in Waterbury after a. brief illness. out of state. Office is located in the Capozzi Professional, Olivet. Cemetery. short illness. She was the wife of He was born in Waterbury, Sept. Building, 11,92 Main Street, Watertown. Second, class Victor S. Vicenzi Sr. 26,1921, son, of the late Joseph and postal paid at Watertown, Ct. Mr. Graziano died, Saturday, Dec. Mrs. Vicenzi was bom, in Oak- Mary (Pecdal) Horzepa, and was a For news or information call 274-6721, Address mail 19, at Waterbury Hospital. to TOWN TIMES, Box I, Watertown, Ct, He was born, in Waterbury, son ville, Aug. 6, 1926',, daughter of the lifelong resident. He was a retired POSTMASTER: Send, address changes to Town of the late Angela and Antoinette late Charles William, and Nellie employee of the Eastern Color Prin- Times, P.O1. Box 1, Watertown, Ct. 06795,: (Moffetone) Graziano, and lived, his (Johnson.) Lipps. She moved to ting Co. of Avon, and, a communi- early life in Waterbury, moving to ' Waterbury as a child, coming to cant of St. Stanislaus Kostka William,' E. Simmons, Publisher Oakville 37 years ago. He was a Oakville three years ago. Church. He was a. World War II Thomas Valuckas, Editor; Kim, Harmon, Sports Editor; communicant of St., Mary Mag- Besides her husband of Oakville, U.S. Marine Corps veteran,, serv- Lea Hudak, Office Manager; Trudy Pearson, Advertising dalen Church, and until 1977 was she leaves a, son, Victor S. Vicenzi, • ing in the Pacific from 1943 to 19451. Manager; Carolyn Priestman and Judy Sturges, Sales employed at Waterbury Store, Fix- Jr. of Oakville; a daughter, Mrs. He was wounded and received two • Representatives; Martha, Stammer, Production Supervisor; ture Co. He was a veteran, of the John (Valerie) Alseph of Water- Purple Hearts. Pamela Conboy, Bemice Proe and David Cusick, Produc- U.S. Navy during World War II, bury; three brothers, Charles W. tion Staff; Lillian Misura, Odette Sirois and.Judy Smith, Cir- and a member of the VFW Post Lipps of Milford, Bernard, Lipps of Besides his "wife, he leaves one culation, and mailing. 73.30, Oakville. Waterbury, and. Donald Lipps of son, Stanley J. Horzepa Jr. of USPS 635-480 Plantation, Fla.; five grand- Wolcott; one daughter, Miss G C • ID • • • ID C • DG DID • DO DO DD DO DD DO DO D D Besides his wife, he leaves five children; and several, nieces and. Jeanette Horzepa of Waterbury; ADVERTISING NOTICE sons, .David Graziano of Florida, nephews. three brothers, Anthony and Walter TOWN TIMES will make erery effort to see that all advertising copy is correctly Anthony Graziano and Mark Gra- Horzepa, both, of Waierbury, and at- printed!,. The publishers assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors, in ziano of Oakville, Nicholas Gra- advertisements, but will, gladly reprint, without charge, tint part of advertisement in tomey Joseph E. Horzepa of Water- which an. error may occur. Regularly scheduled advertising may be canceled or cor- ziano of Watertown, and, Allen Gra- John Kepka town; three sisters, Mrs. W.D. reeled will him deadline lirnfls only. ziano of Waterbury; five daughters, Funeral services for John Kepka, (Julia) Searfoss, Miss Nellie Mrs. Hector (Sandra.) Correa of 75, of 44 Cobb St., Oakville, were Horzepa, and Miss Stephanie Watertown. Mrs. Thomas (Rose- held Monday, Dec. 21, at 8:1,5 a.m. Horzepa, all of Waterbury; one of Thomaston, 10 grand- mary) Berube, Cher}'! KailakVitis, . from, the Hickcox-Mitchell, Funeral granddaughter; and several nieces ^OBITUARY children; and several great- and Theresa Graziano, all of Home to 'St. Mary Magdalen and nephews. grandchildren. Oakville, and Marie Graziano of Chu:rch, Oakville for a Mass at 9' Mrs... Augustine J. Maloney Memorial contributions may be Friends may call at the funeral Funeral sen1 ices for Mrs. Cecilia Waterbury; four brothers, Domenic a.m. Burial was in Mount Olivet, home Tuesday, Dec. 22, from ,2 to made to the American Heart Assoc- Graziano, Arthur Graziano, and Cemetery. (Hoyt) Maloney, 84. of Laguna iation. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Hills. Calif., formerly of Water- Thomas Graziano, all of Waterbury, Mr. Kepka died .Friday, Dec. 18," and. Charles Graziano of Naug- at Waterbury Hospital after a long town, were held Tuesday, Dec. 22, Ruel W. Dune Mrs:. John V. Conway atuck; three sisters, Mrs. Frank illness. at 8:30' a.m. from from, the Funeral, services for Ruel W. Funeral services for Mrs. Hickcox-Milchell Funeral, Home to (Sara) of Bridgeport, and He was bora May 15, 1912, in Elizabeth (Hallock) Conway. 59. of Dunn, 78, of 147 Greenwood 'St., Mrs. Joseph (Julia) Barbino and St. John's Church for a Mass at 9 husband of Stella, (Markiewicz) Parnobrzk, Poland, son of the late 50 Meadow Lake Drive. Water- a.m. Burial was in St. Joseph's Ella graziano, both of Waterbury; Dunn, were held Tuesday, Dec. 22, John and Maria Kepka. He was a, bury, wife of John V. Conway. will Cemetery in Waterbury. 1,5 grandchildren; and several communicant of St. Mary Mag- be held today (Wednesday) at 8:4,5 at: 11 a.m. from the Hickcox- nieces and nephews. Mrs. Maloney died Friday, Dec. Milchell Funeral Home, with, the dalen. Church. Prior to retiring in a.m. from the Murphy Funeral 18. at Saddleback Community Hos- Rev. James Stinson, pastor at 1965, he was employed by CR&L Home, 115 Willow St., Waterbury. Mrs. John, B. Zarrelli pital: in California. She was the United Methodist Church, of- Bus Co.. in Waterbury. to St. Michael's Church for a .Muss Funeral services for Mrs. widow of Augustine J. Maloney. ficiating. Burial was in. Mount He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ray- at 9:30 a.m. Burial! will be in Mrs... Maloney was born in Der- Olivet Cemetery. Theresa Maria, Zarrelli, 94, of 47 mond (Felicia) Leach of Oakville; Mount, Olivet: Cemetery. Heminway Park Road, were held by, Aug. 27. 1903, daughter of the Mr. Dunn died Sunday, Dec. 20, two grandchildren; and several Mrs. Conway died, Saturday. Dec. late Ira Ford and Jane (Larkin) Monday, Dec. 21, at 10:15 from, the nieces and. nephews. 19, at Wolcott View Manor after a at Waterbury Hospital after a brief Hickcox-Mitchell Funeral Home to Hoyt,.,., and resided in, California the illness. long illness. past nine years after moving from, St. John's Church for a Mass at 1). He was born, in Watertown,,. Oct., Mrs. John Gillis She was born in Hartford, May Watertown. She attended Derby a.m. Burial was in Mount St.. James 10; 1909, son, of the late William, and Graveside services for Mrs. Mary 24, 1928, daughter of the late Henry schools and the College of St., Cemetery. Elizabeth Dunn, and. was a lifelong (Norbut) Gillis, 89, formerly of 935 J. Hallock and, Christine (Judson) Elizabeth, in. New Jersey. She was Mrs. Zarrelli died. Friday, Dec. resident. He was a member of the Buckingham, St., Oakville, widow Hallock Haigh, and was a, resident employed at Waterbury Hospital . 18, at Waterbury Hospital after a United Methodist Church. Prior to of John Gillis, were held Monday, of Waterbu:ry most of her life. She Health Center for 11 years before brief illness. She was the widow of 1 •retirement 15 years ago, he was Dec. 21, at 1,0 a.m. in Calvary was a graduate of Crosby High retiring at age TO . employed by the Tbmasso Con- John B. Zarrelli. • Cemetery. School, and a former employee of She leaves two daughters,, Mrs. struction Co. He was a member of ••• Mrs. Zarrelli was born Jan. 17, Mrs. Gillis died Friday, Dec. 18, the American Brass Co., and the Kenneth (Jane) Fraser of Anaheim. the Teamsters Union. ' 1,893, in Celenza Valsorte, Foggia, at the Watertown Convalarium. accounting department of 'Uniroyal. Calif., and Mrs. Robert (Ellen) Tor- Italy, daughter of the late Daniel - Besides his wife, he leaves three She was born in Waterbury, Nov. At the time of her retirement, she and Maria (Jacaruso) Spallone, and sons, Ruel .Leslie Dunn of Oakville, 1, 1898, daughter of the late John was a, dental assistant for Dr. was a, Watertown, resident most of Joseph Dunn of Waterbury, and and Rose (Greene) Norbut, and liv- Charles Labas of Waterbury. She Card of Thanks Harry Dunn of Oakville; five her life. She was a communicant of ed in Watertown for 75 years. She was a, communicant of St. Michael's daughters, Mrs. Gary (Genevieve) St. John's Church. was a communicant of St. John's Church. The family of She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Dew of Plymouth, Mrs. John (E- Church. Friends may call at the funeral Anna. B. Hemond Marshall (Jane) of Water- liza) Dellerive of Oakville, Mrs. She leaves a son, Edmund Gillis home Tuesday, Dec. ,22, from 2 lo town, and. Mrs. Daniel (Mary) Man- would like to^ express Joseph (Rosanna) DeJoseph of of Meriden; a daughter, Mrs. Hugh. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. sincere thanks to the Bristol, Miss Carla Dunn of cini: of Waterbury; four grand- (Nellie) McLennan of Oakville; Watertown, Police Dept. Naugatuck, and. Miss Gloria Dunn children; five great-grandchildren; three grandchildren; and. four and Fire Dept. Medics for of Watertown; seven grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. great-grandchildren. Mrs. Blanche ¥. delPo two great-grandchildren: and one Memorial contributions may be The O"Nei,ll Funeral Home, Oak- Funeral sen'ices for Mrs. Blan- their p rom ptnes s and niece. made to the Salvation Army, 74 ville, is in-charge of arrangements,. che Y. deiPo, '72., of 22 Elm St.. assistance., Central Ave.. Waterbury 06702. Ellabelle, Ga., a native of Oakville, Hanis Hemond and Homily Anthony H. Graziano Stanley J. Horzepa Sr. were held Monday, Dee. 21. at 9:15 Mrs. Victor Vicenzi Sr. Funeral services for Anthony H. A, military funeral for Stanley J. a.m. from the O'Neill Funeral Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Horzepa Sr,., 66., of 72 Stiles St.., Home, Oakville,, to St.. Mary E. (Lipps) Vicenzi,, 61, of 25 Ar- Waterbury, husband, of Loris (Go- Magdalen Church for a Mass at 10 cadia Ave., Oakville, 'were; held golewski) Horzepa, will be held to- a.m. Burial was in Evergreen i Monday, Dec. 21, at 8:1,5 a.m. from day-(Wednesday)-at ,8:30 a.m. from, Cemetery. the Albini Funeral Home, 'Water-' the Fitzgerald-Zembruski-Mengac- Mrs. delPo died Tuesday, Dec. 15, at St. Josephs Hospital in Savannah, Ga. SEASON'S GREETINGS She was born in, Oakville, Oct. 20, 1915, daughter of the late Joseph .• The -Image and Petrone (Danelis) Yakulevich. and lived here until moving to of HAIR Georgia- 20 years ago. She was Best wishes and f FASHION employed as a department store our sincere • 214-1192 manager of Hogon's Department Created by • Store. ' gratitude for a (Continued on page 6) cheer-filled •| the Area's holiday season. • Foremost CONTACTS Designers. , " GIFf' CERTIFICATES All Branches will close at 3 p.rn. on Christmas Eve. If-you're 'looking for the perfect , gift for someone special, as* us •far details on contact lens gift CONNECTICUT1 'certificates. NATIONAL DrJBauman • BANK 320 Main St.. Oakvi & Associates 461 Main Street BODY MASSkSE MC/VISA A M II L V # la G'C IT O F • ,3 P IT Q :M E T : Oakville, Conn. .& FAfclALS 1 ' • .. Watertniry: 604 Lakewood Road - 575-0900 by Bill De:rb| of California: 274-979C Watertown: 997 Mam Slreel - 274-7576 Property of the Watertown Historical'Town Times (Watertown Society, Coon..) Dec, 23, 198 7 Page 5


, . • \ £•?•'


May friendships, old and new, come- together at Christmas as we happily thank our many customers, who are also dear friends. • • • • •

i •_•_• •

VIDEO LOFT Pioneer Plaza, 544 Straits Turnpike Watertown, CT 274-5354

i " ' 'i

V •.. i Page 6 Town Times. (Watertown, Conn.)-Dec. 23 • 1987- Property of the Watertown Historical• Foster Snyder - • Society .ville, to' St. Mary Magdalen Robert (Helen) Poplis of Water- Funeral services for Foster A. Christmas Toys Church, Oa.kvi.Ile, for a. Mass. at. 9 bury.; four grandchildren; six great- ^OBITUARY Snyder, 67,; of 76 Hillside Are., Children, get bored with play- a.m. Burial was in Mount Olivet grandchildren; and several nieces Thomaston, chairman of the board things that only have ont func- (Continued from page 4) Cemetery. and nephews."of directors and past, president of tion—like an elaborate-mechan- ical game, cannons that fire rock- She leaves, two brothers, Bronis Mrs... Laneville died, Tuesday, Thomaston Savings Bank, were: ets, cars that race on, a, special Yakulevich of Monson, Maine, and Dec. 15, at the East End. Convales- Dominic A. Cersoli held Friday, Dec-IB:, at 11 a.m. at track. They will get excited with Albert: Yakulevich of Oakville; two cent Home. She was the widow of A Mass for Dominic A. Cersoli, the First Congregational Church of them, for awhile but. these arc one- sisters, Mrs. Ella Fermcci of Bristol Archie. Laneville. 72, of 442 Prospect St., Naugatuck, Thomaston,, with the Rev. James, action toys that repeat, the same and .Mrs... Add Sharka of Oakville; Mrs. Laneville was bom Feb.. 22, husband of Hedwig "Joan" (Ho- Stirling, pastor, officiating. Burial thing over and. over again. and several nieces and nephews. 1980, daughter of the late John and jnacki) Cersoli, was celebrated. was in Hillside Cemetery. ' Emily (Dorval) Duhaime, and liv- Saturday, Dec. 19, at St. Hedwig's Mr. Snyder, husband of the late A child likes to experiment: or Mrs. Archie Laneville ed most of her life in Oakville., She. Church, Naugatuck. Burial was to Helene M. (Ricci) Snyder, died pretend that an object may be Funeral services for Mrs. was a communicant of St. Mary be in St. James Cemetery at the Wednesday morning, Dec. 16, at his something quite different. He Josephine M. Laneville, 97, of 263 Magdalen Church. She retired from, convenience of the family. home. He attended, public schools likes to create his own new drama Riverside St., Oakville,, were held the Chase brass & Copper Co. in Mr. Cersoli died. Thursday, Dec. in, Watertown.. He was elected presi- —letting him have a real, hammer Friday, Dec, 18, at. 8:30 a.m. from 19,51, 17, at St.. Mary's Hospital in Water- dent and treasurer of Thomaston and nails and blocks and boards (he O'Neill Funeral. Home, Oak- She leaves a daughter, Mrs. bury after a long illness. He retired Savings Bank in 1979 during a long or even an, old clock to take apart from the Uniroyal Footwear Divi- banking career that began in 1,951. as he wishes, may mean more than sion after working there: 30 years. He leaves two sons, one daughter, the most expensive toy. Besides his wife, he leaves two one brother, one sister, and several Season's daughters, including Mrs. Nicholas nieces and nephews. The Lyons (Nancy) Paternoster of Watertown,: Funeral Home, Thomaston, is in Signal-In Christmas two brothers; one sister; four charge of arrangements. In many lands a. literal, signal is Greetings! grandchildren; and several nieces given for the start of Christinas. and nephews. Hanging Packages" A Christmas proclamation for To all our friends Memorial contributions may be peace is given at. midday from made to the American Cancer Cover small matchboxes with the cathedral in Turku, Fin- our deepest colorful, gift wrap and, tie them 1 Society, 155 Grove St., Waterbury land's oldest town,; Church bells thanks and 06710. The Fitzgerald-Zembruski- with a bright, bow. Now hang ring: at 5 p.m. in Norway scuttling appreciation. Mengacci Funeral Home, Nauga- these packages on the tree for home the last people on the streets. tuck, is in charge of arrangements. cute ornaments. The children of the Orthodox homes in Poland, and, Russia MERRY watch for the first star to appear. 11 •madia MERRY Greetings are exchanged and from. bread is broken before the tradi- AGNEW FLORIST MERRY tional Christmas Eve supper. 6501 Main Street, Watertown MERRY 274-3805 . 274-6975 MERRY

Colors, Cuts-N-Curls Depot Square Mali Watertown MERRYX CHRISTMAS • 274-4065 And to all a good holiday season, Monday -Sato relay 10-9 along with our sincere gratitude. Sunday 1.0-5

CHRISTMAS Christmas Straw Symbols In the Christmas celebrations SALE of northern and central Europe, straw plays a significant part. Saturday, December 26th Anciently straw was an appeal to thru, Saturday, January 9th the spirits for a good harvest but now it is considered to be a re- minder of the fertility of the earth. MIST CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE Four sheafs were placed in the corners of Palish homes—one each of oats, wheat, rye, and Crestwood Plaza 25 to 50%^ OFF barley. Today many Scandinavi- 1278 Main Street an homes hang sheafs of oats out Watertown 274-2571 NO BOXING or WRAPPING ON SALE ITEMS for the birds. In Sweden, a straw goat, "jul- bock," spends the Christmas sea- The Red Bare / Hosking Nursery seaon, next to the tree or on the table. The reason for the Christ- mas goat is obscure but it may 96 Porter Street, Watertown 274-8889 have been, connected with the Monday-Friday 9-5:30 Saturday 9-5 Closed Sunday god Thor, a, friend of mankind who1 it was said road on a goal.

tradition of the holidays, we'd like to extend our sincere thanks to all our patients and,friends.

Dr. Richard' Capozzi Dr. Donald Capozzi r. Richard Capozzi Jr lo one and all 1192 Main St. m.Watertown go our hopes for 4* peace on earth and | Happy holidays, joy in your hearts. * friends and neighbors. i " Thanks for letting us serve you, ' MERRY ' ARMAND'S CHRISTMAS FUEL CO. BON* AU SHOES X 131 Davis St., Oakville 2.14-25% ".The .Family Shoe Stare" •« Division of L.F. Powers Co., Inc. 689 Main, St., Wa.ferto.wn, Hours: nwn.-Fri. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m.-1 p.m. 274-7666 Property of the Watertown Historical Society Town 'Times (Watertown,, Conn.) Dec. 23, 1987 Page 7 macrame class 9 to II a.m. out, his friends at" Watertown High College adviser Saturday, Jan, 9,• minibus to Waterbury and mall in School, haven't forgotten, him .this from 10 a.m. to' 12 noon at 'the Silas morning and afternoon, holiday season. Branson Library, Waterbury., . HOLIDAY VACATION Spec- The school's. Distributive Educa- A college adviser also will, be at ials: roller skating si Valley Roller- tion Club of America, (DECA) the Whittemore Library in magic, 60 Harvester Rd.', Water- chapter, of which Mr. Pelletier is a Naugatuck on Wednesday, Jan. 13, bury, 12:30 to 3:30' p.m., fee for member, plans to make a, holiday from, 4 to 6 p.m.. GENERAL MONDAY, DEC. 28 skating and rental; bingo party for gift of $2j000 to the Pelletier femily. Charter, Oak is the state's ac-" INFO NUMBERS: Municipal SCHOOL DEPARTMENT of- Grades 1 and. up at Swift cafeteria, The students are selling glass bell credited external, college' degree switchboard, 274-541,1, for most • fices at Munson House closed, for 250 Colonial St, Oakville, 1.1 a.m. ornaments.'and hope program which enables adults to governmental and School Depart- Christmas holiday weekend; to 1 p.m.; open gyms at Swift, 11 to sell 1,000 to help young Pelletier, earn associate's and bachelor's ment offices, including recreation schools closed, all week, for winter a.m. to 1 p.m. Grades 8 and under, who broke his back after felling off degrees in arts and. science through, extensions 254 and 255,, and senior • vacation. 1 to 3 p.m. Grades 9 and over, a roof in Morris while helping his independent study. center and minibus exts. 423 and SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. free; splash party at high school" father- For farther information, call the 424, center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; sew- pool, 324 French St., 1, to 3 p.m. Other funds to benefit the school at 677-0076... DAILY INFGLINE: 274-9334. ing class 1 to 3 p.m. for all ages, free, Pelletier family have been establish-' CRIMESTOPPERS: 755-1234, HOLIDAY VACATION Spec- HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mu- ed. Send, donations to the Martin Open Gym Schedules 'WELCOME WAGON: 266- ials: open gyms at Swift Junior seum, at 2:2 DeForest St. closed to- Pelletier Fund, c/o The Banking 4157., High School, 250 Colonial St., day holidays, reopens Jan., 6, 1988. Center, 628 Straits Turnpike, The open gym schedule for Oakville, 1,1 a.m. to 1 p.m. for ICE SKATING at Taft School's Watertown, 06795. Watertown High School, 324 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23 Grades 8 and. under, 1 to 3 p.m. for Mays Rink off Guernsey town Rd., French St., is as follows: Grades SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. Grades 9 and adults, both, free; 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., admission. Charter Oak Adviser 7-1.2 can use the gym, from, 1 to 3:30 center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; splash party at high school pool, Adults interested in pursuing a p.m., while those 18-years-old and. macrame class 9 to 11 a.m.; 324 French St., 1 to 3 p.m. for all COMING EVENTS college degree through independent over can use the gym from 3:30 to minibus to Waterbury and mall in ages, free, ' REC. TRIPS: Jan. 24-25, 1988 study can meet with a Charter Oak, 6 p.m. morning and afternoon. ICE SKATING at Taft School's (open), Bally's in, Atlantic City, HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mays Rink off: Guernsey (own Rd., N.J.; March 1,5 (open), Restland Museum, at 22 DeForest St. closed 4:30 to 5:30 p.m..; admission Farm,; May 20-22 (open), Trapp today and Dec. 30 for holidays, charge... Family Lodge, Vt..; June 20-22 SPORTSMEN'S PARADISE reopens Jan. 6, 1.988, (open), Ogunquit, Maine, Call OPEN HOUSE at Department of TUESDAY, DEC. 29 Dept. of Human Services for infor- Human Services, 51 Echo Lake SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave, mation and reservations, Rd.. I to 4 p.m.; refreshments. center open. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; ex- ICE SKATING at Taft School's ercise class 9 to 10 a.m.; knitting DECA Students Mays Rink off Guernsey town Rd., and crocheting circle 1 to 3 p.m. SEASON S 4:30 to 5:30' p.m.; admission HOLIDAY VACATION Spec- ' Aid Felletier charge. ials: Children's Dinner Theater 11 GREETINGS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY a.m. to 2 p.m. at Swift cafeteria Martin Pelletier, 1.7, injured in a meeting at Town Hall, Annex, 42,4 (bring lunch, punch, provided), 250 fall in November and paralyzed Main St.. 7:30 p.m. Colonial St., Oakville, with movie from, the chest down, soon, will find, Nike • Adidas • Reebok "The Snowball Express," free; %. MFL Shirts, Jackets & ^ open gyms at Swift, 11 a.m., to 1 wuniurw M'Af Sweatshirts THURSDAY, DEC. 24 p.m. Grades 8 and under, 1 to 3 IQ , • Danskin • 1 ork • Op TOWN MUNICIPAL offices. p.m. Grades 9 and above, both HOLIDAY JliSk, ^1 fan*" • Princ—«, e • Heaww dm *|S Falls Avenue senior center, and free; splash party at, high school ^rt schools closed for Christmas holi- pool, .324 French St., l'to 3 p.m. GREETINGS jp&fr • ' Hind .,,fe day: School Department, offices at for all ages, free. Munson House, 10 DeForest St ICE SKATING at Taft School's from close 12 noon. Mays Rink off Guernseytown Rd., •Unusual Gift SPORTSMEN S 4:30 to 5:30' p.m.; admission SPORTSMEN'S FRIDAY, DEC. 25 charge, Simps PARADISE II 'Sportsmen's \illage PARADISE MERRY CHRISTMAS!? Town 422 Main, St., Oakv. Rt. .202 REG. HOURS .182 Water St. municipal offices. School, Depart- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30 • 274-3586 LHchfield fa-Sat. 9:30-5:30 Torrington SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. ment, schools, and Falls Avenue OPEN THURS. TIL 8 489-4492 senior center closed for holiday. center open, 9 a.m., to 4 p.m.; 567-8957

'Happy Christmas to all and to all To all our customers we wish a > a goodnight!" • —santa ciaus Healthy'•& Happy Holiday Season! The Staff at A Queen's Kitchen Bakery & Deli OPEM 1650 WATEHTOWN AVE. • CHRISTMAS EVE TIL 6 p.m... WATERBURY — A Full Line of Catering Available — CLOSED' CHRISTMAS 754-1,712 Page 8 Town, 'Times (Watertown,, Coon.) Dec. 23, 1987' Property of the Watertown Historical Societyhaulers like Mr. Copes to bring •Former First •Selectman Leonard landfill problem. • Copes picks up trash-iii'•several _ Bethlehem, trash directly to the , Assard told committee members area towns, including Bethlehem. transfer station in Watertown. Thai that voters must decide in a town He has. a permit to dump' the will, mean an, incieas in trash col- meeting whether the school district Bethlehewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgm News Bethlehem trash at the landfill. lection rates for Bethlehem should get the land. Betlehem's landfill, is actually .a residents. by Mrs. Pay) Johnson Mr. .Assard,, now a finance board, member, said selectmen and the transfer station. The Bethlehem Mr. Copes; agreed with the select- Planning Commission have to garbage travels on, to Watertown man's idea. "Right now, that, gar- Classroom Addition Planned located oe the school's east side; to recommend such action before a, before being taken to its final, bage is getting dumped and At: the Dec. 15 meeting of the accommodate a growing enroll- town, meeting. The ultimate deci- destination in, Hartford- transferred one more time than Region 14 school board, a subcom- ment. Mr. Ganci said he's going to sion is in, the hands of Bethlehem Mr. Copes said the average necessary" said. Mr. Copes. The mittee voted, to ask the town for 3.5 confer with, an attorney on how to voters, however, who can set a price Bethlehem household produces additional, cost of dumping direct- acres it owns near Bethlehem, word the letter. on, the property if they choose. - about 53 pounds of garbage per ly in Watertown is passed on to the customer. Elementary School so an addition After reviewing several, design If the land is set aside for the week."'This estimate is based on the of six classrooms can be built onto plans in September, board members school, the school, board, may have 170 households he services in, The selectmen also voted to pro- the school. narrowed their choice down to two to hold a referendum to' acquire it. Bethlehem,. vide data on the town's trash pro- The building committee decided sketches. But the one that appeal- Woodbury, which foots 69 per- Bethlehem's landfill is operating duction to help a, DEP-fiinded study that Superintendent Vincent Ganci, ed most to the committee meant ac- cent of all school bills in Region 14, beyond, capacity. 'This prompted the to examine the feasibility of a should send a letter to selectmen quiring private property. would be involved, in any transac- selectmen to investigate the trash regional recycling center. suggesting the land, be made Later that month, a developer tion, if a price is set, said commit- excess. "Rumored, charges on bulky Other business at the selectmen's available to the school board on deeded the parcel needed to build tee member and Woodbury"s wastes, may be one reason," says meeting included the appointment condition it's used, for the addition. the chosen, addition to the town as selectman-elect, Michael Pace. Mr. Eggert:, first selectman. of Kenneth Fitch as a part-time School board members are hop- open space. It was a condition in the Mr. . Assard said he doesn't Bethlehem will, begin charging Bethlehem police officer. He: will ing they can, get the property. developer's subdivision appro\al foresee many snags in the process. for bulky waste disposal "soon,"' ac- work in Bethlehem on, an as-needed "There's going to be a lot of ques- cording to the first selectman. The basis. tions and there's going to have to be selectmen explored the possibility .Mr. Fitch is Civil Defense Expansion a lot of answers," Mr. Assard said. that, people from area, towns may be manager in the town of Washington "It's a need of the region and I don't - dumping in Bethlehem... Since the in addition to being a full-time con- see too much controversy—it's not landfill, is staffed by an attendant stable there. Yl Off 2 pc. Sequin Sets, like we're putting in a toxic dump." most of the time, there is little Fred, H. Smith wikll replace Tom Holiday & Glitter Dresses Advises Selectmen, chance someone could sneak his Brown on, the Memorial Hall 14 K Gold, Chain, & Rings Robert .Copes of Copes" Rubbish trash • in without having, town committee. $ Removal, an authority on trash, stickers on, his vehicles, according First. Church 15" gr. W1EST ,11 TOW removal, attended, the Dec. 7 to .Mr. Eggert. The First Sunday after If you haven't, been coming to us — you're meeting of the selectmen to give ad- One solution to the overflow pro- Christmas, Dec. 27, Morning Wor- in (or a surprise as our clothes are unique and, _vice on Bethlehem's overflowing blem, will, be to ask commercial ship will be a 10 a.m. and will in- very becoming to your taste. -"I clude a carol, sing... There will be no OPEN 'CHRISTMAS TILL •«.!«.' Church School." The 1988 Confirmation for high WSt" Ram's Boutique school-aged students who have not Colonial Plaza, - Wtby. 755-9146 yet been, confirmed will begin •9 PHPTLayaway Accepted !™g 619 Main. S. (EIL 63 i weekly sessions on Jan. 10. and ARNW * MAW Ciifrtmmi a 06795 continue until Confirmation on (203) ZH-IZI'I STORE. Pentecost Sunday, May 10. Garden Club The next meeting of the Bethlehem-Morris Garden, Club will be held Tuesday, Jan. 19 in Johnson, Memorial Hall, al 7:30 p.m. Maty DuBois of Windovcr Gar- ITS den, and Florist Center will BEEN demonstrate arrangements of press- A ed flowers, greens, etc.. Members are asked to bring a small container, PLEASURE clippers, and plastic covering for TO SERVE One of the taking home the arrangement. A YOU. charge per person will be made In nicest things about cover the cost, of the pressed flowers,,, greens, and oasis supplied December is letting by the instructor. Refreshments will be served by friends know we Barbara G'Keefe and Estello Inch. Carr-Searfes Wedding "MONTY. WEST" care and remember! Lisa Ann Searles and David The Woods Carr were married Dec. 12 966 Litchfield Road, in, the Church of the Nativity in Watertown - 274-4496 Westerner^ Bethlehem by the Rev. William Tinier. A reception followed at the Burlington inn, Burlington:,. 679 Main Street, Watertown 274-0740-I

lt\ Scarf fir Barb \A filmn far Phyllis [*J Fabulous Fate Ring for Mai rZ limestone Fashion Watch for Susan A Birel Bag forMo m ^ lid a partridge - in a, pear free... All The Best! from Edie, Natalie, and Ed Prince of Peace Stunning Gentle Curves May the radiance and gift of His Ring. Fine baguettes, with rounds best foot love I ig ht you r way to ever I ast i ng set in 18 kt. gold- peace and contentment. Earrings,., Fine baguettes set in 1,8 kt. gold. forward Best wishes for a joyous Christmas from the Management & Staff of Depot Square Mall A Tradition of Fine Quality Diamonds and Jewelry Watertown 637 Main Street • 274-1451 Waterbury Open, Christmas . Watertown. CT ^^ • Poughk.»ptlt, N.Y. Wntortnjiry.Ct. MiMdbtwwi,NX . Shopping Plaza East Hartford, Ct. Eve Day 9-6 .. .Raymond Licbo, Prop.

\\ Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Dec. 23, 1987 Page 9 The deeds are: p.m. at Nino's Restaurant, 91 Scott writing, soft aerobics, gentle Dec, II—Arthur Williams Road, Waterbury. fitness. Scuba diving, water exer- Homes, Inc., ' Waterbury, to The meeting" will start with cise, yoga, co-ed volleyball, and a B. 'and Lucia, F. Cutrali, regular business, followed, "by a •full schedule of toddler and. youth Watertown, property on Northwest, spaghetti, dinner. Barbara Davirt of swimming lessons... Drive, $239,900. WATR will speak on "Women in For further information, call the Dec. 14—David Gregory Sr. and the Business World." YWCA at •754-5136. James R. Zappone Jr., Watertown, All persons engaged in, work of to Kenneth and, Judith Borkowski, a, legal nature are' eligible to join, Swimming' Lessons Waterbury, property on Eastwood and. may attend. Reservations mast Swimming lessons for children in Hall Road, $227,000. be made before Dec. 30 by calling Grades 1 and, above will be held in Dec. 1,5—John M. Augelli, Mid- Diane Fasano or Carole Fusco at two sessions next year at the Water- dlebury, to Arthur M. Williams Jr., 573-0440. town High School'pool, 324Prench Waterbury, property on "Longview St., as part of the Department of Avenue, $50,000; Anna B. Fischer, YWCA Winter Classes Human Services winter program, Watertown, to Gregory J. and Susan schedule. L. Chiovitti, Watertown, property The Waterbury YWCA's winter Sessions' will run March 5 on a private road off Woolson term will start Monday, Jan.. 4, through April 16 and April: 30 Street, $119jQO0.. . featuring a full schedule of classes in a variety of pursuits. through June 4... Call the office at Dee. 16—West Meadows Inc. (no 274-5411, ext. 255 for farther address given), to Jose and Classes include art, gourmet information. Maybeth Morales, Waterbury, pro- pasta, knitting, investment, creative W4S SEEN in town recently, and met i p v- :ir Jj-s^.i perty on Lake Winnemaug Road, and Sean Harrell of Edge Road to hear their Christmas list requests— $121,800. and leam if they were being good" \ visit by Santa sponsored by the Dec, 17—Frances A. Byrnes, Witertown lajcees brought out more than 250 children. (Sklanka Photo) Watertown,, to Paul Kalinowski Jr., DOLLHOUSES Wolcott, property on Cranberry Furniture • Miniatures • Accessories The bride is the daughter of Mr, Jan. 9, 1988, for a Convention to Pond, $1,91 jOOO; Josef C. and. Katar- Collectible Dolls • 'Toys & More and Mrs. Verrall Searles of Reconsider Ratification of the zyna. Mitres, Watertown, to Lloyd COMPLETE DOLLHOUSE SERVICES Bethlehem. The bridegroom is the Constitution. L. and. Jean Dohrman Fidao, New Everything to .Decorate son of Mr. and Mrs. Houghton Carr Canaan, property on North Street, Your House Inside and Out of Cazenovia, N.Y. •REAX.TY.; $124,000; Ronald Lee and. Cynthia, Gift Certificates - Layaways The bride had Gina Searles as her NEWS : Lynn Easterday, Watertown. to honor attendant. Bridesmaids were Warranty deeds on eight real Mary E. Quinn and, David C. Carole Read. Marjie Carr, and estate transactions were filed dur- Galbraith. property on, Guern- VAL-lj; OF THE DOLLS Hope Searles. ing the period, from Friday, Dec... II, seytown. Road, $1,75,000... The best man was Jeff Budrow. through Thursday, Dec. 1,7, with 840 Hamilton Avenue, IVuicrhury and ushers were Peter Kjersgard. property sales tola ling $1.25 Legal Secretaries 754-1622 John Noble, and Daniel Searles. million. A meeting of the Waterbury 1-84 Exit 23. Rtc. 69 South - 500 ft. from exit on right Mrs. Carr graduated from Non- Better than $1,372 in, local con- Legal Secretaries. Association will Hours: Mon.-Frl. 10-5, Sun. 18-4. itewaiig High School in Woodbury veyance taxes was collected. be held Tuesday, Jan. .5. at 5:30 and from the University of New Hampshire with a bachelor of science degree in hotel and restaurant administration. She is an office manager for M.R.R. Traders „ i, Lid. in Boston. Mr. Carr graduated from. Caz- enovia High-School and from the U n i ve rs i l.y t > f N e\v H a m psh i re w i t h ;i. bachelor of science degree in. en- viron mental sciences. He is com- plcling requirements for his master's degree in cnviomnmental planning at Stale University of New Yo rk. Coll ege o f E nv i ro n me nta I Sciences and Forestry, in, Syracuse. Constitution Project The Middle School of Region114 has been selected to participate- in a Constitutional Project by the Con- sortium for Law-Re fated Education,, under a, grant by the Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut. Thirty Connecticut schools arc researching local history to deter- mine what their citizens thought and said about the Constitution in the period between Sept., 17. 1787 and Jan., 9. 1.788, It's with us once Representatives from 30 • par- again,,. That, special ticipating, classes will convene at crowned with the the Old State House in Hartford on magic of wonder and bright anticipation •joy and peace. of how wonderful The magic of Silent Night and it's going to be. White Christmas. Of Ebeneezer The magic of a, Scrooge and Mar- child, wide-eyed ley's Ghost... with excitement the as the traditional .,.,,. the star is placed and"Twas atop the laden the night tree. before Christmas " Another star. So long ago. And, another child. The magic of And the magic that makes all memories in men brothers. the making.. .of a hundred gaily May the magic wrapped secrets ..of Ymrndghborsa| happy reunions with find you and their tales of how it yours this used, to be... and of season. And merry hustle-bustle, every season. Peace on, earth, good will to all mankind. Designer's Source" Member FDIC &SSR TERRYVILLE HAHWINTON THOMASTON WATEHTOWN Depot Square Mall Watertown, Ct. 274-382.6 Page H) Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Dec, 23, 1987' Property of the WatertownTuesday, Dec. 29—Mass, 12:1Historical0 Society p.m.; Novena, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30—Morning Prayer, 7:30 a.m.; Mass, 12:10 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgp.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:15; Senior Choir, 7:30 p.m.

St. John the Evangelist Brouilliaid, 10:45 a.m.;'Mass for St. Mary Magdalen, 574 Main St., 2714836 people of St. John's Parish, 12 •• 16 Buckingham St., Okvl. ;. Wednesday, Dec. 23—Morning noon. 274-9273 " Prayer, 7:30 a.m.; Mass for Ernest Saturday, Dec. 26—Confessions Wednesday, Dec. 23—Mass for Chaine, 12:10 p.m.; Evening; 3 to 4 p.m.; Mass for Linda Hogan, Genevieve Malhon, 7 a.m.; Con- Prayer, 5:15 p.m.; Senior Choir, „ 5 p.m. fessions in church 3 to 4 fun., and. 7:30' p.m. Sunday, Dec. 27—Mass for Peter 7 to 8 p.m.; Weekly Scripture Thursday, Dec. 24—Vigil Mass Orsatti, 8:15 a.m.; Seventh An- Course, 8 p.m.; Fire of His Love for Elise and Joseph Simonin, 5 niversary Mass for Peter Archibald, Prayer Group, 3 p.m. p.m.; Folk Choir, 6 p.m.; Vigil 9:30 a.m.; Mass for people of St. Thursday, Dec. 24—Mass for Mass (Folk M'ass) for Mary John's Parish, 10:45 a.m.; Mass for Charles Quadrato, 7 a.m.; Christ- Juodaitis, 7 p.m.; Aimel Bruneau, 12 noon; Folk mas Vigil Mass for Clifford Dufour. with Senior Choir for Mary and Choir, 4 p.m.; Mass (Folk Mass) Jr., 4 p.m.; A.A. Meeting, rectory Ralph Ramizi, 12 midnight. for Vincenzo Sinopoli, 5 p.m.; hail, 8 p.m.; Christmas Mass for Friday, Dec. 25—Mass for Bingo, church hall, 6:30 p.m.. Guisseppf Bordiere, 12 midnight. Frances Pinard, 8:15 a.m.; Mass For Monday, Dec. 28—Morning " Friday, Dec. 25—Mass for John LUCKY GUESSEIS AT GRIFFIN SCHOOL doring a, school raffle Angela Langlais, 9:30'a.m.; Mass Prayer, 7:30 a.m.; Mass, 12:10 and Anna Pbpikas, 7 a.m.; Mass were rewarded last week for their good, fortune with top prizes. Left for John Martin ST. and Mildred p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:15 p.m. for Mr. and Mrs. Klement Kross,' to right arc Jennifer Petti, second place, who guessed exactly the number 8:30 a.m.; Mass for Mr. and Mrs. of pennies in ajar (914) and. won, a remote control robot; Katie McKi.nst.rj', Joseph Famiglietti .and daughter, 10 first place, also picking 91.4 and winning the scooter donated by the Lions a.m...; Mass for Francesco Dad- Club because she submitted the winning number just .ahead of Miss Petti; JLShare theJojrt dona, 11:30 a.m. and. Tasha Holmes, 913, a. $15 gift certificate for fourth place. Not pic- Saturday, Dec. 26—Mass for tured is third-place winner Richard Worden, $20' certificate, for first To old friends and new so our wishes Sonia Martin, 8 a.m.; Confessions guesssing 913. Many youngsters were awarded. $10 certificates for com- in church, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m..; Vigil ing close to the correct, number. (Valuckas Photo) 1 for a season of love aid faith, j Mass for Reine Gervais, 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 27—Mass for Al Wisausky, 7 a.m. .Monday, Dec, 28-Singles members of the parish family, 7 Group, 7:30 p.m. 'FLORENCE UFHOLSTERT a.m.; Mass for Orsola and Prospect Cenier Square, Prospect. The Bible Church Wednesday, Dec, 30—Prayer Nicoderao Calabrese, 8:30' a.m.; . 240 O'wight St., W%. Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Rosary, 9:45 pa.m.; Mass for 755-fl.IOT Day 574-2280' special intention, 1.0 a.m.; Mass for Evenings 274-0223 Friday, Dec. 25—Christmas Ser- Christ Episcopal the deceased members; of the Wasu vice, 1.1. a.m. Family, 11:30 a.m. 25 The Green, 274-1910 Sunday, Dec. 27—Bible Classes Thursday, Dec. 24—Family Monday, Dec. 28—Mass for for all ages through adult, 9:30' Jeannette Massicotte, 7 a.m. Christmas Miracle Play and Holy a.m.; Coffee/Fellowship, 10:40 Eucharist,-7 p.m.; Festival Holy Tuesday, Dec. 29—Mass for a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.; Beginner Salvatore DeSanto, 7 a.m.; A.A. Eucharist, 11 • p.m. and Junior Church, 11:30 a.m.; Friday, Dec, 25—Holy Eucharist, Meeting, rectory hall, 8 p.m. Children's Christmas Program, 6 Wednesday, Dec. 30—Mass for 9 a.m.; Lay Readers" Service at p.m. Watertown Convalarium, 1.0 a.m and at Whitewood Rehab Center. II a.m. Sunday, Dec... .27—Holy Commu- Thanks to the nion, 8 a.m.; Lessons and Carols, ocason Holy Eucharist, nursery. Coffee. 10 a.m.; Lay Readers" Service at Along with f he support of Meeds magic of the Watertown Convalarium, 1 p.m season, goes OUT (irectincifi old and, new, it's and at Whitewood Rehab Center. expression of always a, pleasure 1:30 p.m. friendship and Monday, Dec. 2,8—A.A. Meet- lhanfes for four doing business with ing, 10:30 a.m.; Young Crusaders ver? special patronage. Youth Group; 6:30 p.m.: A.A. you. Happy holidays. Women's Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, "Dec. 29—Holy Com- munion., 7 a.m.; Al-Anon. 10a.m.:

Jennifer's Beauty Salon 61 Riverside Street, Oakville Tues.-Sat. 8:30' - 4:30 - Open late Trails. & Fri. PIONEER PLAZA 274-2585 RICK SMALL " 544 Straits Turnpike, Watertown LOU LEONARDO AIL HAMPTON /instate Aglow with Love Allstate insurance company

As the warmth of Have a Merry! holiday candles light the season, This.. Yuletide season, may every heart be warmed by we warmly express appreciation the glow of to • • all. our. friends. good friends. Mcfry Hello! Thanks for being se kird this entire year!

The O'Brien, Alplex Automotive Inc. MRusso, Quint_ Help Unlimited. Inc. "*Agency, Inc. 285 Main Street, Oakvffle ' •- 79 Commercial St., Watertown, COME. • 449 Main St. 'Your Home Care Registry"' 274-9965 Behind McDonald's on Straits Turnpike .274-5347" Watertown 274-2:591 • 27 Holmes Ave. 274-7511 Waterbury 597-9313 We can handle .all your insurance needs Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown , SocietyConn.) Dec. 23, 1.987 Page 11 Timothy Fellowship, 7 p.m.; Al-A- nion, 8 a.m.; Holy Communion, 10 .ages 3 to 1.1, 1.0:30'a.m.; Evening to a stiff piece of paper. Cut. Teen, 7 p.m.; A.A. Meeting., 7:30' a.m.; SERP, 6 p.m.' Service, 7 p.m. Photo around, three sides of the door so p.m. Monday, Dec: 28—Morning Wednesday, Dec. ,30—Prayer Christmas Cards it. can be opened. Affix a "family Wednesday, Dec, 30—Teaching, 8 a.m.; Senior Choir, 1.0 and Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. . photo to the back of the paper. and Holy Communion, 9:30' a.m.; a.m. Cut out a picture of a door from When the receiver opens the door Junior Choir, 3:30 p.m.; Senior Tuesday, .Dec. 29—Morning Middlebury Baptist a magazine or draw a. door your- —he gels a surprise family pic- Choir, 7:30' p.m... Prayer, 8 a.m. 74 Kelly Rd., Mfddkboiy self. Spread glue all over the back ture wishing him a. merry Christ- of your door picture and stick it Thursday, Dec. 31—Boy Scouts, Wednesday, Dec. 30—Morning 758-9655 mas. 7 p.m.; Holy Communion, 7 p.m. Prayer,,8 a.m.; Holy Communion S atu rday, Dec. 26—M en *s with Healing, 9:30 a.m.; Rector's Group, 8:30 a.m; United Methodist Bible Study, 10' a.m.; Dieters" Pro- S u nday, Dec... 2 7—S u nday 305 Main. St., 274-3785 gram, 7:30 a. mi... School for all ages, 9:45 a.m.; Thursday, Dec. 24—Christmas Morning Worship Service, 11 Eve Service, 7:30' p.m. a. m...; Even in g Wo rsh i p Se rv ice, 7 How silently, how silently, , S u nday, Dec. 27— C h u re h First Congregational, p.m. the wondrous gift is given!'. School. 9 a.m.; Morning Worship, • 40 DeForest St., 274-6737 Wednesday, Dec. 23—Pioneer Wednesday, Dec. 30—Prayer 10:30 a.m.; Rehearsal, 2 p.m.; Meeting, 7 p.m. Amid the softness of candlelight, 'greens Concert. 4 p.m., Choir, 1:30 p.m.; Senior Choir, and poinsettlas, there will be the Monday, Dec. 28—Dieters" Pro- 7:30 p.m. wonderful sounds of Christmas, tradi- gram, 7 a.m. Thursday. .Dec. 24—Christmas First Lutheran tional carols will be sung, and once " Wednesday, Dec. 30'—Amah! Eve Family Candlelight Worship, Cooke and Grove Sts., Wtby. again we will ponder the story of Christ's Dress Rehearsal. All Choirs, 7 to nursery care, 5 p.m.; Christmas 753-0223 birth and fee! the closeness of God in. 9 p.m.; Cancer Support Group, Eve Candlelight Worship Service Thursday, Dec. 24—Candlelight. OUT midst... (no nursery care), 11 p.m. 7:30 p.m.. Service with Eucharist, 11 p.m. Join us as we celebrate Sunday, * Dec. 27—No Church Friday, Dec. 25—Family Service 'Trinity Lutheran •School: Family Worship Service, with Eucharist, 11 a.m. the birth, oi Christ 501 DeForest St., 274-8534 nursery care, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 27—Worship Ser- Wednesday, Dec. 23— Monday, Dec. 28—Fix-It Fellow- vice, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School, Christmas Eve Dcvolionals, 9:30 a.m.; Bible ship, 9 a.m.; Cub Scout Pack. 76, 9:30 a.m.; Coffee Hour, 1.0:30 3 p.m. Study. 10 a.m.; Choir Rehearsal, a.m. Services 7:30 p.m. Candlelighting Thursday. Dec. 24—Worship Ser- Evangel Assembly of God. •Quaker Meeting 4 p.m.; Candlelight Service. 2245 Rd., 274-5759 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. Litchfield Hills Friends 1.1 p.m. Thursday, Dec... 24—Christmas Woodbury Community Home First Congregational Church Tuesday. Dec. 2.9—Pastor's Eve Candlelight Service and Holy Mountain Rd., 264-1550 40 DeForest Street. Watertown. Meeting. Communion. 7 p.m.. Sunday, Dec. 27—Meeting for Wednesday. Dec. 30—Choir Sunday, .Dec. 27—Sunday J. Zino. Senior Minister Worship, 10 a.m., all welcome. Rehearsal. 7:30 p.m. School and Adult Class, 9:45 a.m.; Robert Havcrj'.'. Director of Music Morning Worship and Holy Com- Evangelical Christian Center All Saints* Episcopal munion, 11 a.m. 131.7 Watertown Ave., Wtby. 262 Main St., Okvl. M ond ay, Dec. 2 8—I nte rces so ry 756-1293 274-2352 Prayer Group. 7:30' p.m. Sunday, Dec. 27—Worship Ser- Thursday. Dec. 24—Morning Tuesday, Dec. 29—Women's Bi- vice, 11 a.m.. Prayer. 8 a.m.: Confessions, 9:30 ble Study, 9:30 a.m. a.m.: Confessions. 7:30' p.m.: Thursday, Dec. 31—New Year's Family Christinas. Eve and Holy Eve Watch Night Service, Communion. 5:30 p.m.; Carol Fellowship, and Holy Communion, Prelude. 10:30 a.m.: Festival 9 p.m. DIAMOND Christn:ias Eve and Holy Commu- nion. II p.m. Victory Independent Baptist Friday. Dec. 25—Blessing of 965 Litchfield Rd., 274-5020 Fine qualify diamond's Toys and Holy Communion. 10' S u nday, Dec. 2 7—S u nd ay ENGAGEMENT specially priced. Sizes a. n- School, 9:30 a.m.: .Morning Wor- from .50 to 2.50 ct. Suml DLL 2~— Hoh Coniniu ship. 10:30 a.m.: Junior Church, Select from round, RINGS marquise. )r heart Thanks to the support of friends • old and new, it's always a pleasure doing business with you. Happy holidays. WATERTOWN PLUMBING II CO, - 1083 Main St., Watertown You are welcome to come in and see our1 large selection. 214-8188 Reg. Hrs. i on'0 Open Tnes.-SaL 112 Grand Street, Watcrbury 9:30-5:30 Thnrs. til 9 p.m. MC American Express Visa 754-5903 tUBTMiS WEEK HIS., H-W 8:31-9 • OlETilS EVE. I 5:30 CUBED CHBlSnUS DAY

MILLICAN'S Seasons Greetings! SEND-A-GIFT

Now showing fall/winter collection 1987/88 and featuring a wide selection for men and women. And the 012 Collection for children. THE BOOK STOP join together to bring you a off Christmas Eve- Day Extravaganza CLOSING 50% OFF All Hard-Cover CHRISTMAS Sale Books, Christmas Greeting Cards EVE and Wrap, All Christmas Ornaments, IT 6 P.M, Seasons Gaeetrngs and Christmas Plush Stuffed Toys. As oi January 1st MEXICAN'S SEND-A-GIFT and THE BOOK STOP will Watertown Commons Southbury Plaza. merge to offer you better service and a wider variety oi books and 1044 Main St Watertown Southbury gifts conveniently located in. one stare. Open: Dec. 23 'til 8 Houis: Daily 10-9 Dec. 24 10-3 Sun. 1.2-5 DEPOT SQUARE MALL WATERTOWN, CT. 06795 274^ Page 1.2Property Town Times (Watertown, Conn.of) Decthe. -23, 1.98 Watertown7 Historical Society A Medicare Accept Assignment. policy affords the patient 'the benefit Accept Assignment Concept of not paying .for the portion of the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgcovered expense not allowed by Instituted At Eye Center Medicare, For example, if the charge for a covered, procedure is By Rosalie Fryc tients. This decision will result in ' $.130 but Medicare allows only $100; Braving a hailstorm in February substantial savings to Medicare pa- the additional $30' is written off by 1986, mo:re than 100 senior citizens tients, thus' easing the financial the practice. representing the United Seniors. In, burden of the elderly, many of Of the $100 allowed, Action, convened at the State: Capitol whom, must. survive on fixed will pay 80 percent, or $80', provid- to plead with legislators for a man- incomes, ed the patient has met the year!, datory Medicare Accept Assign- "We are really pleased to hear deductible, 'The patient, or their CJ- ment, law. that the Southern New England insuier, is only ften responsible for Mandatory Medicare Accept Regional Eye Center is now accep- 1 the 20 percent of the $100 allowable' Assignment legislation would re- ting assignment,"" said. Richard A. Medicare charge, or $20. quire any Connecticut physician Woodruff, «ecutive director of'the Medicare patients expressed Waterbury Retired Workers Coun- treating Medicare patients to accept pleasure and gratitude with the eye cil. "I think it is a blessing to our as full payment the charges allow- center's recent voluntary Accept senior citizens," he added. ed by Medicare for covered ex- Assignment policy. penses... "We have been to the State "I was thrilled!" said. Emma Because Medicare pays 80 per- Capitol several times to fight for Youngquist of Cheshire. "When cent of the allowed charges, the pa- Accept Assignment: and a. lot of you must pay for twice-a-week. A BOUNTY OF TOYS ranging from stuffed animals to board games tient would then only be responsi- people appreciate this courtesy," 1 visits to the eye doctors, out of was collected by the Watertown Commons office of Col dwell Banker- ble for the 20 percent balance, concluded. Mr. Woodruff. Social Security and pension, you Daniel Settani Real Estate as part of Coldwell Bankers' second year of along with the annual deductible if W. 'Scott Peterson, M.D., soon begin running to the bank.,"* involvement with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve s Toys for Tots cam- the deductible has not been met. spokesman for 'the Waterburj-based she said. paign. Holding some of the many items to be distributed* to area children Although this legislation has no! eye center, stated, "In medical prac- Kathleen Navin, Heminway Park to help make their Christmas brighter are, from left to right, Karen Stan- yet become law in Connecticut, the tice today, it is necessary to address Road, realized, savings for recent co, Louise Raycob. Tania Atkins, and Stan Dew I ing, Watertown office southern. New England Regional economic as well as medical issues. eye surgery done after the Accept manager. (Valuckas Photo) Eye Center, on. May 1.1, 1987. volun- We have always been sensitive to the Assignment policy began. "It was tary began an Accept Assignment needs of our patients, both the worth it to me to have the surgery put off surgery because of lack of policy for all Medicare eligible pa- medical as well as the financial". Classes, to be field at Ceramic even if I had to pay, and I was sufficient funds."" Touch on Depot Street, will be held prepared to do so, but it was a plea- in three sessions, two days each. sant suprise to find I didn't have to Ceramics Classes The sessions are: ages 7-10. pay," said Mrs... Navin, the Probate Saturdays, Jan... 16 and 23. 9 to 1109 Main. Street J Court clerk, Set For January 10:30 a.m.; ages 11-14. Tuesdays. Watertown 2 "I recently spoke to someone Jan. 12 and 19. 3 to 6 p.m.; and ages who needed, eye surgery, but was Ceramic pieces are all set. clean- 15 and over, Fridays,, Jan. 15 and 274-9870' i concerned that he would not have ed, and ready to paint in a new 22, 6 to 9 p.m. the money to pay. I stressed to the ceramics program for children and Registrations are taken only patient that, with the Accept Assign- Conveniently located » adults, sponsored by the Depart- through the Department of Human .«» Alain 5rratf near .rfie W ment policy, he would not have to ment of Human. Services. Services, Call 274-5411, ext. 255. JFaftTWiM? Plaza g There is limited enrollment. A fee will be charged. Racquet ball Finals I1-- r- Barone We at Warren Allomari and Robert L-rdd k-o Norton, both of Watertown, beat Lo*n Marino TERM'S Hill ¥ NOW Jeff Bender of Cheshire and John » Jennet! and Adfle Lucas I Extend our Vaz of Waterbury to win the Mcns" Open Cash League finals at Tribury Gratitude for Your | Tennis and Racquet ball Club in Middlebury, Patronage and Wish g Messrs, Altomari and Norton You, a Joyous S won 15-10. 14-15. 15-2. Mr. Norton also went on to win • Holiday Season ! the Mens* Open Singles League. with Charlie Famiglietti of Water- and. a. Prosperous | bury coming in second, and Gary Knapick of Oxford in third. New | KNOTHOLE UNFINISHED FURNITURE Year, f ,. 1 HOURS: Tues. & Fri. 9-5:30 • Wed. & Thurs. 9-9 • Sat. 9-4 |

NOTICE: SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS! In order to give our employees more time with their families over the holidays, we will be closing for business at 3 p.m. on:

Thursday, December 24th "&o jatffiju/ old frii"nJs Christmas Eve &nd lufit'risfiVii rit'U', go and our vest holiday Thursday, December 31st, si'filimi'nfs, Jong with New Year's Eve our thinks. OPENING AT Your neighbors at: 5:00 PJt CIRISTMM MY Thomaston We will be dosing Christmas Eve Day at 1:00 p.m. We will be closed Friday, December 25- 7-Eleven Savings ALSO 188 Davis St. Bank 'We will be closing "New Year's Eve 'Day at 1 p.m. Oakville • We will be closed Friday, January 1, 1988 274-6668 • .America's Credit Union...A Family 44 Million Strong. Member' FDIC Greater Watertown Thotnoston Watertown • Terryville Harwintan Federal Credit Union 58 Woodruff Ave.., Watertown • 945-0611 Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender |§J Each member account insured thru NCUA to $100,000'.00 town Times (Watertown, Coon,.) Dec. 23, 1987 Page 13 DtckingTheHallPropertys Americaof nthe Christma sWatertownSanta On A String, Historicalwick sent the pie to Sir Grey' sSocietyThough, the family members home. It was about .nine feet in of the manger scene may be made Where did we get the Idea for In Czechoslovakia, youngsters Contribution diameter, weighed 165 pounds of wood, straw,, or paper, it tales decking our halls with "boughs believed that. Saini Nicholas came of holly"" and other greenery? The American Christmas is and, was served, from, a, four- our minds back to the humble down from heaven by swinging wheeled cart. The pie contained There .are1 many ancient customs watertownhistoricalsociety.orgabo a melting pot of customs from .manger scene when the most im- many nations. The , on a, golden cord bringing a basket minced meat of several, blackbirds, portant person bora on earth "fit and beliefs that may contribute i •Christmas cards, boars' heads of presents for all good boys and 'pigeons, partridges, turkeys, to 'be treated ike a king" endured to this. Each autumn centuries and plum, puddings come from. girls. geese, rabbits and, ducks-plus a the humble lot For the sake of ago, Jews adorned their booths England. Santa Claus, from couple of bushels of flour and giving 'us mansions one day. Glory at the "Feast of Tabernacles'* Holland, our Christmas tree and. twenty pounds of butter.. be to God this Christmas, season! with boughs from trees. Palm stockings come from: other coun- branches were strewn along the tries; traditions. Materially speak- A Humble But Glorious path, where rode the donkey ing, America's only contribution Scene " that, particular" day into Jerusalem. to Christmas, seems, to be the turkey. GREETINGS Romans exchanged, green The has been popular for many, many years. The value of our branches with their friends for A Christmas Beating good fortune. And even now an In Southern France, especially in friendships are enhanced olive branch stands for peace. An, old Epiphany custom in The Christmas Tree Arrives Presence, it's called a "crehee. " •at this special, time. Evergreens were used as an West Sussex was; called "wording." In Spain it's the "nacimtento" emblem of eternal, life. .Beside the A, group of singers with a man In early days New England, and in Southern Germany, the many traditions and special signi- holding a cow horn asked each frowned upon the observance of "Krippe. " Various farm scenes ficance'—the evergreen is jusl a farmer if he would like his trees Christmas since it, had incorpor- are added by the Moravians, pretty part of nature to bring in- "worsted." As they sang, their ated many pagan, traditions. But keeping the Holy Family as the side and make the Christmas, spirit doggerel, with much noise and in I860 a German in West field, center of interest in their "Puiz. " live. merriment, they beat the trunks Massachusetts; trimmed a, tree and Even the poorest of families to insure fertility and discharged invited his neighbors for Christ- in Italy have the nativity scene, # fire arms among the leafless branc- mas Eve. called "Presepe." The images Doomed At Christmas hes. After the job was finished .During the 5Q*s President Frank- can be purchased very inexpen- During the Revolution in 1776, the farmers invited them, home lin Pierce entertained his whole sively as they are made from plas- •George Washington knew that the to feast., Sunday School class with a Christ- ter, papier mache or cardboard. H ess i a n, Ge r n 1 an m e rcen a r y s ol - mas tree at the 'White House. 'Then diers sent across the Atlantic by in 1,891 President Benjamin, Harri- George III to fight his rebellious An Animal Santa son had and old-fashioned Christ- mas tree, and played Santa Claus colonists would be celebrating An old, Syrian legend says that Christmas as they did in the Old . for his grandchildren. He expres- when, the Three Kings finally made sed the wish that all families World. General, Washington cross- their way to the crib of 'Baby Jesus ed the Delaware and attacked would have a. tree. Soon the that the youngest camel fell down Christmas tree became popular the redcoats as they slept off too in exhaustion. The Christ Child May we express to you much holiday drinking and eating. and. along with, it came a whole OUT sincere gratitude and was said to have given, the camel new business, that has. grown larger I Holly Jolly a, special blessing. So it, became a every year creating Christmas tree appreciation, now for tradition, for the Syrian children, Christmas Bangs decorations. i Christmas! being such, good, friends. to believe this camel brings their A cheerf tiled In the South for some people presents on January 6. Famous Christmas Pie "thank you" to all our wonderful Christmas is a time to shoot off Probably the most, famous friends! firecrackers and firearms. It is i When Henry VIII gave up his Christmas pie ever made was one FAMILY CYCLE CENTER thought by some that this custom, made for Sir Henry Grey in Eng- The Thomaston Home Improvement Go. Insurance Center Joseph "Dean" C[ifone extends a Happy 60 Tarbell Avenue, Oakviile "All work guaranteed in writing!" Holiday Greeting 274-2328 •• 283-0876 • 757-1000 More than 25 years experience to ail our valued friends and clients

May all the warmth and .wonder of Christmas' embrace you and yours.. THE THOMASTON The Toy Experience 699 Main Street INSURANCE CENTER Waleiiown 94 East Main Street ,274-9971 283-0278 Thomasto'n, Cl. 06787 283-5824 Page 14 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Dec. 23, 1987 Property of the Watertownthroughout the life of the-loan Historical. A for home equity credit lines, conSociety- increasing their business OFFICE OF THE. ATTORNEY GENERAL 1 variable, rate can rise or fell, depen- tact me for a. copy of the FTC 'knowledge, and had. the opportunity brochure: Attorney General. Joe ••to meet and. exchange- ideas, with ding on national economic 1 CONNECTICUT LAW circumstances. Lieberman, 30 Trinity St., Hart- FBLA people from other states. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgIf the loan is variable, there are: ford, 061.06... Attn: home equity Attendees there were Tina several forms it. can 'take. Some may brochure;.. Fesillo, Shannon Firtick, Misty vary, widely over the life, of'the loan; Remember, the "value" of your Gilbert,,, Jennine Gorman, David others come with a. "cap" to limit home far' exceeds its' worth in just Arnauckas, Ron Conti, John Har- dollars and cents... Have all the facts nick, and Brian, Turner. By Attorney General-Joseph I. Lieberman the amount the interest .rale can - swing. With .either form, your before you put it at risk. That's the law. in plain language. Home Equity Tips ' tions to help you select: the right future payments depend in part on With the value of homes plan: economic trends. skyrocketing in Connecticut, many Is a home equity line of credit the Make sure you are aware of your FBLAers Attend, people arc looking for ways to use best kind of loan for you? " possible obligations over the life of the equity in their homes for ma- Remember that your home is put. at. the loan, not just in the first year. Fall Leadership,- jor purchases or home improve- risk, with a home equity credit line. Are there closing or continuing ments. In other words, if for any reason costs? Determine whether you. will E.R- Conferences By using a "credit line" to bor- you can't make payments '(say you have to pay attorney's fees, All of Watertown High School's row, with the equity in your home are unexpectedly laid off from" '"points," application fees, or other FBLA (Future Business Leaders of as security, you are often able to ob- work), you could lose your home costs to obtain the loan. Also, find America) local chapter officers at- tain: a larger amount of money than entirely, out. if such costs are negotiable with tended, the fell Leadership Con- otherwise would be possible. If you, don't, want to assume that the lender. ference at. the Ramada Hotel in East But if you are considering a home risk, you may wish, to enquire into In addition, ask whether 'there are Hartford. equity credit, line, the Federal Trade other ways of borrowing money that any continuing costs, such as an- The purpose of the all-day Commission has some advice: con- don't require you to put your home nual participation fees, that will add presentation was to train state of- sider all options before you sign to up as collateral. to the total cost of the loan... ficers, to successfully manage their any borrowing arrangement. Is the interest rale fixed or What are the repayment terms? chapters and meet the goals of the The FTC says you should ask variable? Fixed rale means the in- Will there be a large "balloon"* pay- FBLA. yourself some of these basic ques- terest rate remains constant ment at the end? Find out if you, can extend, the repayment schedule if Attending were President David necessary or, on the contrary, if Arnauckas, Vice-President Dana there; is any penalty for early repay- Lafeniere, Secretary Karen Lavoie, ment of the loan. Treasurer John Harnick, and MARIBETH PLATZBECKER Best Reporter Jennine Gorman. has joined . the Culdwell Blanker Perhaps the. most important ad- State 'Vice-President Ron Conti, Daniel, Seftani Associates office in vice the FTC can give is this: con- a, Watertown, High School, senior, 'Vfttertown as a, sales associate. A Wishes tact different lenders and compare was the workshop' presenter. resident of Watertawn, she has met the home equity credit lines and Recently, eight Watertown, the state's real estate licensing re- other types of loans they offer. On- members, accompanied by adviser quirements, and has completed ly then can you make a fair judge- Ann Coy, participated in the three weeks of comprehensive Col- ment as to what is the best course Eastern Region, Conference held in dwell Banker training. Known, as for you. Washington, D.C. They attended FastSlart, the program includes in- For more advice on how to shop meetings and workshops aimed at struction "in the latest property marketing techniques, financing trends, and recent changes in real estate legislation. The new associate is a member of the Greater Water- bury Board of Realtors, and a graduate of Westchester Communi- ty and Post colleges. Peace, joy, love Ski Bum Meeting and faith...may A short meeting for those people interested in becoming a Watertown all things recreation "Ski, Bum" will be held Thursday, Jan. 7, at 7 p.m. in the May Christmas be your time, that "encompass- Watertown, Library. 470 Main Si. of dreams, come true! Items to be discussed include: % a special where',, how. and when ski trips 'a KEELER & LONG, INC. should, be planned: whether or not }I (holiday season be yours. anyone is interested in ski lessons: PAINT MANUFACTURERS and any and all skiing information a Thanks for the pleasure as to costs, times, and locations. a 856 ECHO LAKE ROAD, WATERTOWN The club is open to those high I • 274-6701 of serving you. school ages and above. Call the I Buy our paint at Pot Luck Department, of Human Services at j HAIR CYCLES 274-541,1. ext. 255 for further in. tee Depot Square Mall 1618 Watertown Ave.. Wtby. information. HAIR FASHIONS Middlebury Hamlet {Hit. 64) Mid die bury

May your stocking be Filled" with love. ightup Ann's Shoppe the night with 703 Main Street • diamonds Watertown, 274-0154. and pearls

Ptendant Warm holiday wishes and before Christmas... " Earrings to •oil our • And, all through, the Diamonds and cultured pearls a re sensuously combined ptitrons. in this exquisite earring and pendant ensemble. Beauti- house, there was fully crafted in I4IK gold for your most romantic evenings. •Love and good Enlarged to show detail.' feelings among one and, all. We wish you Ralph D'Avino and the Employees the best this holiday season. lltWNTOWN ft THE MALI. V South Man si. •<*» Sliillwi, fe|. Mnn.-Sa. ' Tanning Plus SUPERIOR TRANSMISSION Mi,wi.'-&in., no*:w Ttairs,, '(a ifini Son. 12-S tm 75S-MIM Stephanie Galli, 574-2308 ., Wattrbwy Leo Bonicki Jennifer Mango ¥4 Mile North of Naug. Valley Mai Depot Square Mall, Watertown ' 2,74-92,77 Town, Times (Watertowo, Conn.) Dec. 23, "1987 Page 15 Property of the WatertownWorking to Eliminate Drank Driv Historical- Society for the trial run 'this New Year's, he day, Jan.. 10. from, 1:30 to 4 p.m. at Lions, Neil's Offering Tows ing) is being applied'to the move- would prefer to keep the program the Glebe House Museum, in Wood- ment, which also has garnered the manageable and, on a, local level. bury. support of Colonial Texaco in During the fell and winter, Ricky Guests are invited,, but not re- Home For New Year's Waterbury, whose owner is presi- said, the public is asked, by the quired, to dress in the spirit of-the By Tommy Valuckas dent, of the Connecticut Towing Lions to support their turkey shoots occasion. Entrance to the benefit is- It's also stipulated the service will Association. A local auto body shop and (he not apply for someone getting stop- and Christmas tree sales, which in by fee and prior reservation. Watertown Lions Club will be coin- ped by police for a DVVI charge.. Ricky said frequently people on- effect still benefit the community In 19th-century rural England, bin ing efforts this New Year's Eve Furthermore, the vehicle must be ly will hear negative things about through club projects and schol- "" was a major feature at in offering a unique community ser- operable. auto body shops, and the program, arships. this celebration. There, was much which is enthusiastically backed, by "But this towing service is one vice for those who shouldn't try to Ricky said members of the Lions drinking and, toasting, especially to the Neil's employees, should at least way to show the community that we the frail, trees and cattle. help to change people's" perception do care, and can give something For further information and of body shops and the employees. • back to it," he stated. reservations, call the museum at Also, as a. towing operator, Ricky Ideally, Ricky said it would be 263-2855. indicated he's seen the tragic after- terrific if no one had to 'take advan- math of vehicle accidents, more than tage of the service, and everyone January Bloodmobile he'd like to remember. properly monitored their behavior. The Waterbury Area Chapter of "It's a family deal for us—the But if not. the Lions and Neil's the American, Red. Cross will hold • whole shop is behind us," he stated... Auto Body will be ready. a bloodmobile Monday, Jan. II. ""I'm, not saying it's all right to from 2 to 7 p.m. in the Fellowship drink, but maybe it'll help Festival Hall of First Congregational somebody from getting hurt, or Church, 40 DeForest St." somebody's car from, getting A Twelfth Night, celebration, for The bloodmobile will be staffed smashed. .. the day the three Magi were led to by church and community mem- "The thing we're hoping for is Christ's manger, will be held Sun- bers. It is open to the public. that, someone responsible will call us" (to come fetch the car), and "give that person a, ride home," he added. SEASON'S GREETINGS To us, Christinas is a bouquet of I)rig,hi hnlidav cheer " Ricky said he believes many peo- and the pleasure of saying 'thanks* to good customers like you. ple who know better will admit that after partying, they should noi at- ~" LORAINE; GARDENS'' tempt to get behind the wheel, but, Jim ant I Sharon Bmtlv 1359 Main Street. Watcnown THE FLEET OF TOW TRUCKS of Neil, left, and Ricky St. Onge are very possessive of their autos of Neil's Auto Body will be in service New Year's Eve through a uni- and do not want to leave them, at 274-KK44 que voluntary program by the auto-body shop and Watertown Lions Club •perhaps an unfamiliar place. Thai's to assist local, people who might have partied too much in safely getting why the body shop will store the car themselves and their cars home. (Valuckas Photo) free for a day on its property until, the sobered up owner can retrieve drive home in the community after Club will be manning the phone a night on the town. it. line (274-2463) to arrange a ride for Ricky said for cases involving "We wanted to show the com- getting the inebriated person home. people who might want their cars munity that we're responsible." said or if they live out of town, into the towed out-of-town, the body shop Ricky St.. Onige. 28,'of Neil's Auto custody of a responsible person will consider the requests on a casc- Body on Main Street. "Neil (his who might live toward that di- by-case basis, and on how busy the tin her) and 1 decided to run this for rection .. New Year's Eve, and if it goes well. trucks are. He said he doesn't want Ricky said the vehicle picked up to say no to someone in need, but we may expand it to Christmas next by one of Neil's towers will be year." brought to the person's residence, What the men. who also arc or to the body shop and stored there 11 ic 11 ihe rs n f t h c L ion s C lu b, w i 11 he to at least Jan. 2 if need be. Joins! is utilizing their employees An employee at the body shop and toni", radio-equipped tow trucks since 1971. Ricky said the New to low home the vehicle of a per- Year's Eve concept springs from a son who has had too much to drink. similar program ran in Florida over and should not attempt to drive the Memorial Day weekend, and hi unc backed by the towing operators' na- 'The free service will apply from l tional association. The Florida pro- J p. 111. Th u rsd ay. Dec. 31. t h ro u gh gram worked well, and now ideas 4 a.m. New Year's Day. The peo- are popping up for other holidays. ple must live in Watertown and Ricky explained the acronym Oakvillc. T.O.W.E.D (Towing Operators

Season's Greetings In, song and story, the From The meaning of Christmas Inspires us with joy and Staff #/ reverence. It is a time to The Town Times rx. cherish the many blessings we all enjoy... friends, family, health and happiness... We Pamela Conboy look gratefully to you, our customers' David Cusick and friends, whose kindness and trust we also cherish. May your Kim Harmon • % £i joy be boundless throughout Lea Hudak this special season... "Lillian Misura v Trudy Pearson Carolyn Pnesiman Bernice Proe Bill Simmons Odette Sirois Judy Smith Martha 'Stammer Judy Sturges Tommy Valuckas THE HEMINWAY & BARTLETT ASTlETT: MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS OF SYNTHETIC SEWING THREADS " WATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT Page 16 "Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Dec. 23, 1987 Property € of the Watertown• and country and western music Historical. Great-grandmothers arc Mrs Society, Edna stop at each end . Glue one end of New Datelme Connection Listings in the back of the book Bates of W&tertawn, and Mrs. Mary the strip to the back of the cut- help,. people locate museums, Cuozzo and Mrs. Val P'helps of out, then let it dry. Now glue trr Offers Event Information theater companies, major1 audi- Torrington. .other end to the inside of the nut watertownhistoricalsociety.orgtoriums, art. museums, children's shell. You might like to cut, out museums, comedy clubs, ski areas, small deer and, other objects from A new concept in engagement tography shows to the Witches and even vineyards and hot air an, old. , books has been developed which, Dungeon Horror Museum in balloon rides among other in- for the first: time, offers what the Bristol. The user is told when and teresting things to visit or do around authors call "live" data to people the state. who want to get an idea of events, where events are taking place and taking' place throughout Connec- a phone number is listed. Lyn Martin and John Nirenberg ticut in" 1988. Dateline Connecticut has some' are the authors of the book. Con- 1 1,000 entries on the am and enter- tact-them at Dateline Connecticut, From "Wait * Live data is useful information Christmas tainment, and includes several P.O. Box 20,54, Stamford, 06906 for to "Carolers" that is "date-relevant" and. helps In- photos of performers, who will be further informtion, or call 521-0772. Walnut Wonders dividuals plan their social lives • In earlier years the Englishmen more than a few days or a week in visiting the stele in 1988. Among ' Paint the outside of empty had a Christmas play called the advance. the entries are, a, baseball card, show, English walnut shells with gold '"Mummers Play" which was balloon, launch, antiques show, acrylic paint. Attach, the two' Traditionally engagement books always about the Dragon, St.. symphonic performances, winter have offered photographs from, halves together with tiny hinges •George. After the play it was; time CUOZZO—A daughter/ Nicole Ansel Adams to zombies, each ap- festivals, biathalons, bed races, a made of strips of material, glued • for singing by the Waits, original pealing to a buyer's favorite per- frog: jumping contest, riverboat Amy, Dec. 18 in Charlotte Hunger- with cement, to the nut's outside. minstrels of the court. sonal theme. cruises, submarine tours,, the Ringl- ford Hospital, Torrington, to Mr, Make a miniature scene' with The minstrels' duty was to call ing Brothers, Marcel, Marceau, and Mrs. Mark Cuozzo (Betty Ann Included in the books have been - paper cutouts for each shell half. out the hours as they watched,,,. acrobats, canoe races, Maple Tartaglta) of New Hartford... Grand- citations of events from pho~" You can paint, the inside hollow This was why they were called Sugaring Festival, jazz, classical, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dante of each shell half to match, the "Waits." By the 16th century the Tartaglia of Watertown,; and Miss picture you're making. To make name Waits came to be known as Emma Cuozzo and Mr. and Mrs. your paper shapes stand out in a band of singers who went from Anthony- Cuozzo of, Torrington. the hollow,, bend, a narrow paper house to house singing Christ- EVERITT'S mas carols. Later the groups be- GARAGE, INC. CALEI1DAR came known as carolers. Oakville 274-2147 Poinsettia OFEVEriTS Ponderings • Front, End Alignments with 10th annual Holiday Exposition, through tomorrow (Thursday) at The poinsettia has become the Computer Balancing . GuiIford Ha.ndcra.fts Center, 411 Church St., Hours, are 10 a.m. to4 p.m.: Christmas flower with its red and • Brakes*Tune Ups*Emission Testing call 453-6237 or 453-5947 for ticket information... .Chocolate Expo green 'beauty. In 1,828 the poinset- • Complete Exhaust Installations 'sampling of candies, truffles, and chocolate pastries, on Sunday. Jan. tia was discovered in. Mexico by .31. 1988, at the Sheraton Hotel at Bradley International Airport, and Dr. Joel Poinsett, the first U.S. Sunday. Feb.. 7. at the Park Plaza Hotel Ballroom in New ambassador to Mexico. A bota- Haven .'"Backstage at the Bushnell," a tour program sponsored by nist in Philadelphia, Robert one of Hartford's cultural centerpieces. Wednesdays from. 111 a.m. to 3 Buist, received cuttings and sent \ar- uenior witizens, p.m. Call Jed Bardin at 527-3123 for further information ."National specimens on to the botanical Anthems," Jan. 5 through Jan.. 24.. at Long Wharf Theater. Part, of Stage gardens in Edinburgh, Scotland. _ fjyjfanii/p and-'S eootdd'Me to- UMAA-^

Special Wish FUEL From The OIL PET CARE CENTER Hoping your Holidays will be wrap-. ped in, laughter,, stuffed, with love, 90 and decorated- with warmth and peace. Our sincere thanks to all.- 79 100 Gal. Minimum 945-0554 Premium Quality Only Open: Mon. by appt., Tues., Wed.,, Fri. 10-5, Thurs. 12-7, Sat. 9-3, Sun. 12-4 , 73 i Main Street, Watertown ' 274-9473 Joyce Etty Adrianna Kanga Kennels Mietta Mala mutes .Monarch Danes 757-2372 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Wateitown Society, Coon..) Dec. 23, 198 7 Page 17 Santa's Creation float in, your centerpiece by Christmas tradition in America ALA Offers Tips, Cautions using tiny muffin, tins or fancy • before it arrived in England. The first Santa Claus picture ;pastry cullers for moulds. Insert George the Third's Hessian sol- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgwas printed in the 1863 Harper's !'a, wire core wick and hold it cen- • diers decorated. Christmas trees fe On Drinking And Driving Weekly and a book ofjChristrnas • tered until the wax is cool, enough, during the American Revolution. poems. Thomas Nast, a 23-year- to hold in place, since you, don't, " Earlier, still, German settlers in The ALA Auto and Travel Club tion's highways, particularly around old German immigrant, was to .want the wick to go through the Pennsylvania decorated Christ- offers a few short tips for motorists the holidays when some motorists become Santa's most famous "candle. You, can keep the wax " mas trees with colored paper, planning to attend holiday parties think Christmas cheer comes only artist... Santa used to be portrayed, from, leaking, out at the bottom sweets and, lights. The tree be- where alcohol will be served: in bottles." as the Dutch Santa of Washing- of the candle by pressing the came an English Christ mas cus- •If you don't need to' drink, don't. Drivers, who drink never seem to ton Irving",s "Knickerbocker • pastry moulds into self-harden- tom only after the German Prince •If you plan to drink a lot, don't think they are a. danger to History" but he now became the ing modeling clay which, you Albert married Queen Victoria. drive. themselves, Mr. Thibodeau added, Santa of "The Night Before have wiped with oil. Let the can- •If you "must" drink to be or to their passengers or other Christmas." Now Santa was fat dles harden for at least 2.4 hours Gift Ideas sociable, eat rich, starchy foods to motorists. and jolly, decked out in a red suit before using. You could, have fun, all year help slow the absorption of alcohol "They drink, get: drank, and feel with, a wide leather belt, boots, It was interesting also that going to flea .markets; and picking into your bloodstream., don't have l- • they can drive as well, as when and of course a fluffy white beard. Santa's.designer, Nast. also went ' out Christmas gifts that you more: than one drink an hour, and they're sober," he said. "But it's not on to become -famous as the de- could give with flair. Fix. up that stop drinking at least, an hour before true." signer of the Republican elephant doll with, a new dress you have you drive home. Alcohol is a depressant, he said, and the Democratic donkey. made. There's a. vase that looks "Motorists have been told not to and. acts on the central nervous Christmas Tree 'Custom brand new—nobody knows but drink and drive countless times, but system like an anesthetic, lowering you. and who could, care where the message cannot be repeated, the activity of the brain. Drunken The Christmas tree became a you bought it! often enough," said David. Thibo- drivers, have slower reflexes, im- deau, ALA president... "Drunken paried coordination, and cloudy drivers continue to plague the na- judgement, he added. Floating Christmas Candles Know The Right People To You can make small, candles to Contact With A Complaint TREASURE B01 Ever had a consumer problem, the new federal Consumer's 125 Mam St., Oakville f Merry thai makes you so mad you want to Resource Handbook. It's a, self-help 2744756 | Christmas tell the company president? Or how manual for consumers, and lists Hours Mom., 124 T-F I'M fi: Sat. 1M ::g and about your complaint, against that more than, 2,000' names, addresses, OPEN LATE ON CHRISTMAS EVE |j: o u t-o F- sta te company? and telephone numbers of govern- •Happy Maybe you do want to make a, ment, private, and related New Year! federal, case out of it—and write to resources,. the appropriate agency in, Wash- According to Consumer Protec- ington,,. But how to' you find out who tion Commissioner Mary M. is where? Heslin, this fourth, edition of the Susan & Jerry Do what the experts do and let handbook has been expanded, to in- your fingers fo the walking through. clude shopping tips and a larger corporate listings section. "So often Connecticut: consumers, Christmas Values call my agency with a, complaint about a company which, is located Is the tree big enough? L(VST MINUTE HOSTESS out-of-state," she said... "We often GIFT IDEAS GIFTS Does the tree have enough direct: that consumer to the ap- the Village Center decorations? propriate agency in the state where Did I get as many Christmas, Hand Crafted Country Style Gifts '•. 228 Main Street presents for Sissy as I did for the business is located. "But it is so much easier for the Unique Floral Arrangments Oakville 274-70:30 Bubba? FREE GIFT WRAPPING ' We will close al. Noon on Dec. 24 and Reopen Mon., Dec. 28 Will the turkey be big enough consumer to have the information at home," she added, "to use now for everyone to have a good, share? and for any future, consumer pro- Did I remember to send every- blems that might arise." one a Christinas card that I should The handbook also includes ad- have? dresses for such things, as Offices Georgia Sheron Will there be plenty of Christ- on Aging, Better Business Bureaus, mas cookies to go around? 1 and corporate consumer contacts. Photographer To get a free copy, write Resource Is there enough Christmas Handbook, Consumer Information, wrapping paper? Center. Pueblo, Colo. 81009,. Did I mail the package in time In the holiday tradition, for it, to reach its destination be- may the old, but ever new fore Christmas? TEDTIETZ/JM. Will, Barbara think her present: TRUCKING spirit of Yuletide bless isn't, as expensive as Bobby's? Quassuk Rd. Wood bury you and, yours with love. 263-3972 How are we going to have time YOU CALL WE HAUL ! to go to all the parties of friends ANYTIME, ANY PLACE and employers? CRUSHEDSTONE And then—one pauses and, GRAVEL • LOAM • SAND The Village Center suddenly remembers what Christ- I BULLDOZING ,2,28 Main Street, Oakville mas is really all, about: Am 1 truly REASONABLE RATES "77H" little town with the big heart" thankful, for the Gift of Jesus? You're Always Ahead Have I really given Him my best? When You Call Tad 274-7823 Is this what, peace1 is all about? VHS and BETA WAITING TO SEE: Lethal Weapon • House II Extreme Prejudice • Roxanne Tie Men, • Summer School Outrageous Fortune Secret Of My Success Whatever is beautiful, WAIT NO MORE! Whatever is meaningful, THERE'S A MOVIE Whatever brings you joy and happiness. WAITING FOR YOU AT That's what we wish for you! Our profound thanks at Christmas , HOLIDAY HOURS: Wed. 10-9 '•-Thurs. 9-6; Closed Christmas Day 226 Main, Street Oakville 274-792,7 637 Main Street . eX Watertown, 274-4300 PLAY IT AGAIN TAPES Christinas and Happy New Year front Ray, Tammy and Staff Page 18 Town Times (Watertown,, Conn..) Dec. 23, 1987 • Property of the Watertown Historical1,200-page tome It cruised to th eSocietya story of post-nuclear wa r America top of the bestselling charts this and a girl called Swan, who has the Samples Of The Best Suspense Novels year—and. for good, reason. • power to' make the world live again. Mr. King shows how several, Those, arc two excellent novels by watertownhistoricalsociety.orgfriends, when they were young and. a, man I thought wouldn't be able to For That Reader On The Christmas List later as adults, confront, a, creature top an earlier novel (his fourth), published in 1,983—They Thirst. It's pense novel during the Christmas rifle writings. that lives beneath the streets of the (Ed. .Note: 'The following is the a very disturbing novel (albiet holidays. But to a lover of'the genre, In my mind, the best novel to'ap - town. final part of a three-part column •reminiscent of Mr. King's Salem's there is no such thing as a bad time pear in 1987 was Whtchers, by Cali- It is long-winded:, but is a rather examining popular fiction titles, Lot in many, many ways) about and. last-minute good stocking to get scared. fornia, author Dean R. Koontz, a interesting story. Boredome, for vampires in Los Angeles (I said, I stuffers for the reader on jour A lot of fine, .popular novels were story about two beings escaped me, never did. set in and I enjoyed had, a thing about, vampires). Christmas: list. This segment will published in 1987 and those, along from a laboratory; one of them a the story, its rich characterization, look, at horror and suspense). with some old favorites that seem • dog with human intelligence, the and the" lengthy, thrilling conclu- To me, most other authors pale to be standing the test of time with other a mutant called The Outsider. sion., in. comparison to those three men. But there are some diamonds in the By Kim Harmon. critics in magazines that review this Mr. Koontz not only presents a. Mr. King's best novels, great, for rough, to bespeak a ubiquitous Some people would cringe at the stuff, will present a decent sampl- fine, taut story with a shivering; any fen of any degree, are: Pet sports euphemism. thought of reading a. horror or sus- ing of gift: ideas for perusers of hor- edge of suspense, but he packages Sanatory, Salem's Lot, and the four it with a fall .range of emotional novels that comprise The Bachman James Herbert, a pulp novelist -highs—enough to make the reader Books, those stories published, from England, finally rose above feel joy, sorrow in, several forms, under the pseudonym of Richard his first: several, insignificant: tales VIDEO DEPOT and revulsion. It's truly an exper- Bachman. They are Rage, TJte Long when, he penned Moon, a story ience, Walk, .Road Ufork, and The Run- about Jon Childes, a. computer 667 Main Street, Watertown He has also published Twilight ning Man. science teacher at an all-girls Eyes and Sbadowfires this year, the Robert R. McCammon, the last school, who witnesses brutal mur- 274-9800 latter under the norne de plume of the horror field's triad of best ders through another creature's Leigh Nichols. Those would be fine authors, has penned two of the most psyche. It's not an original idea, but selections, as would an earlier novel nightmarish stories to be-publish- its craftily done. called Phantoms, my vote as the ed—Usher's Passing and Swan Michael McDowell, a somewhat +MPP9 |» scariest non-vampire (I have a, thing Song. obscure horror writer who hasn't from about vampires) novel ever. Usher's Passing is'his version of published, much of late, authored a Stephen King also has been a the Edgar Allan Poe classic Fall of darkly atmospheric novel called Ed, Wendy, Jan, John, Kristen aod Eric publishing dynamo of late. His epic the House of Usher. Swan Song is Cold Moon Over Babylon, the story of a girl avenging her murder from OPEN CIBISTMIS TAPES OK SALE beyond the grave. This book, may be DECEMBER hard to find, though. 24th - Great Gift Ideas - •jSfe. John Skipp and Craig Spector. 10-6 970 Chase Pkwy the writers, responsible for the IfO MEMBERSHIP FEE!! Waterbuty 756-7220' screenplay to the movie Fright OPEN EVERY DAY 11-8:30 • SATURDAY FHOM10 A.M. Night, wrote an eerie vampire novel (here we go again) called TJte Light at the Bid, which places the blood- suckers in. New York. specializing in One adjective I haven't, used yet Country Gifts. Jewelry and ' is creepy, and that, is a word that ap- plies perfectly to Watertown-author Collectibles Thomas Tessier's Finishing Touch- ANNALEE COLLECTIBLES es, the story of a man who con- Come In, and See Our Unique Line of fronts the dark side of his own per- VICTORIAN & COUNTRY sonality. CHRISTMAS CARDS AMD ORNAMENTS He also is the author of The Fates, Shochutvps, and Night- walker, pleasing enough tales for Deck the halls with any lover. boughs of holly...'tis Merry Chiistmas! season to be jolly... and to wish all, our Private Christmas friends and customers the very best, that Trees Become Public Christmas has to1 offer! g men. middle aged men. older men. Although the Christmas tree Basic barber, senior standard or buzz cut. once was only used in homes, it Six years old or sixty years old — get a has become increasingly public, good looking, hassle-free haircut or especially in America. style at Kadic & Dawn's. Norwegian sailors throughout the whole world strap lighted trees Well give you the hatactrt you want, when to their masts during: the Christ- you want tt and well txeat yon. like a king. mas season. Turn to Kadie & Dawn Haircutters for the Probably the best-known giant finest bartering and styling foe men. Christmas trees are those of New Evening and Saturday appointments York's Rockefeller Plaza, and available. London's Trafalgar Square. DRUG CITY. WATERTOWN. PLAZA 1161 Main Street, Watertown important APPLES toi^ife 10 VARIETIES Including iinpoHant • Macs 208 Main Street Regular Hours: toiis; • Cortlands Tues.-Fri. 9:30-5:30 • Sat. 9-1 • Delicious • Empires \ Oakville OPB MONDAYS 'KM, CBBJSTMAS N 274-1647 • our own FRESH' CIDER -x We proudly represent SAFECO, a company that • fresh Homemade Apple Pies OPEN DEC. 24 til 3 p.m. excels in-high-quality pro- CLOSING at I p.m. on tection for the things that NEW YEARS EVE .ALSO' : LAST MINUTE matter most. SAFECO offers a comprehensive insurance • farm fresh eggs • pure maple syrup CHRISTMAS SPECIAL program designed to pro- • dried fruit & nuts * all natural jellies tect your home. And. most • natural clover blossom honey everything in it. LOOK FOR THE OPENING OF m OUR OWN BAKE SHOP .95 @ SAFECO' • Pies • Muffins <* Breads Reg. 369 TheSmart Choice."

"Connecticut Grown" T-Shirts (all sizes) R-9470 Bring the chltdnn to see the BABY CALWES Carousel8 II Full Size Auto-Touch0 Microwave Oven • Revolving Turntable hints (he fund so you don't ARCH FARMC have (o Insurance • ESP"" Reheat Sensor — (he easy war to reheat ORCHARD • ConqniDefmst1" calculates defrosting times • Sensor Temp simplifies probe use ' Depot Square Mall! Just off Rt. 61 WE CARRY'A COMPLETE LINE OF % mile Horth of Center, Bethlehem 266-7721 Watertown COOKWARE AND COOKBOOKS 274-8871 Independent Insurance Agent Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times, (Watertown ,Society Conn..) Dec. 23,, 1987 ' Page 19 in seeing how pretty the it. Instead of a long strip of Christmas Happiness package is. It's far better to buy a tape,, if the paper is folded proper- Low came down at Worship we our Jesus: is Sharing lot of cheaper paper than it is to ly it only takes a few tabs of tape Christmas, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgbuy a few pieces of expensive Ail wherewith for sacred Something equally as welcome to hold the wrapping together Love all lovely. Love sign? paper and then have to skimp with neatly.,' Divine; as a purchased gift at. Christmas- Love shall be our token, time would be a gift of your time: Love was born, at Lowe be yours and love Peace at, 'Christmas ' Christmas, Invite a foreign student or a "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will be mine. new couple in your community Star and Angels gave the toward men." Luke 2:1,4 sign.. Love to God and a// men. to share in your family's Christ- Worship we the Godhead, Love for plea and gift and mas dinner. Discuss this with With newspaper, radio, and TV, the daily news from, all around Love_ Incarnate, Love sign. the rest of the family, first, in the world has reached us speedily all year long. There have been, Divine; —Christina Rossetti order that each member can have heroes proclaimed; there have been, great achievements broadcast the feeling of "having a, part in this and, church and civic programs for the betterment of mankind, sharing plan. announced—but far too often the news has been of crime, of "There may be a. disadvantaged, earthquakes, and airplane crashes—things far from peace and city child who would love to have joy. a certificate in- And then comes Christmas at the end of the year and just before Special desserts-make viting him or her for a vacation a, new year to help us remember good, stable things of life—to 're- at your summer cottage or at your member the birth of the Prince of Peace, Christ, who came to pay country home. our redemption price and to give us a pattern to help us live holiday dinners festive Your family might like to together' peaceably. He taught us to "do unto others as ye would, * "'adopt'"* a, child, through some have them do unto you"—so simple, but it works for true peace. In 'the "Spirit of the Holiday" served 'bottom, slice, in, a sherbet organization by giving a small He taught us how to put others above ourselves and. to pray even we pass these special dessert, rec- glass. Spoon liqueur over pears, amount each, month for the needs for our enemies. ipes on to you. All are easy and and serve. A light, impressive of a, certain, child. Your children "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will o offer three delicious ways for you finish to your meal! 1 might really enjoy having a part, toward men"—it was true, this message of the angels at Christ's to show off your culinary talents. by giving a small part of their al- SPARKLING birth.. He brought us His peace and, bids us this season to have FLAMING BANANAS BERRY TRIFLE lowance or money that they have good, will toward men. earned to chip in with the rest of Merry Christmas through true giving—shed a little joy around! 4 tablespoons butter This special dessert. looks the family toward this project. Vt cup brawn sugar 'best in a crystal bowl • 4 medium size firm,, ripe read on. bananas Excitement Comes 1. tablespoon lemon juice % cup sugar 'In the Wrapping % teaspoon cinnamon 1%, tablespoons cornstarch A, great deal of the excitement VA cup banana liqueur 2 cups milk I S % cup light ram of 'receiving a Christmas gift 2 teaspoons vanilla extract P HOT O G RAP H Y 4 scoops vanilla ice cream 12 double lady fingers V-t cup orange liqueur 1175 Main St. Melt batter in electric 'fry pan or 3 cups blueberries;., fresh or chafing dish, add brown sugar dry-pack, frozen, rinsed, Watertown and stir "til. smooth. Add halved, and dried, 274-9375 bananas .and, tilting pan, baste 1 cup heavy cream with syrup for about three min- .2 tablespoons confectioners utes. Sprinkle with lemon juice sugar' and dust lightly with cinnamon. Vi teaspoon almond extract Add liqueur and rum,. Ignite VA cup thinly sliced toasted carefully and slide pan back and almonds NYLON AND forth, over heat "til flames die. 3 'tablespoons sugar Place two banana, halves on POLYESTER Best Wishes serving dish, spooning some Beat eggs and sugar until frothy syrup over 'them and top with and lemon colored. Stir in SEWING THREADS from Ric, scoop of ice cream. Spoon cornstarch, then, .gradually stir in, over all and serve immediately. milk. Cook over low heat until, You can impress your guests custard thickens, stirring con- • * * * Lisa & Dana by preparing 'this on a sewer stantly. Be careful not to boil near your dining table. mixture. Cool, stir in vanilla. A WATERTOWN SENSATIONAL FEARS Split lady fingers .and .arrange on. bottom, of bowl. Sprinkle. INDUSTRY SINCE 1888 4 pears with liqueur and cover with 2 Lemon juice cups of "berries... Spoon custard 6 'tablespoons 'black cherry over berries. 'Whip cream with jam almond extract .and confection- Chocolate cherry liqueur en sugar and spoon around edge Peel pears and slice bottoms off, of bowl, in a ring. Stand almond reserving bottoms to be used la- slivers 'upright in. cream and fill center with, remaning berries. ter. Brash pear with lemon, juice 1 .and remove core... Spoon jam Sprinkle berries with, sugar ,. Re- into cored pear and set on, re- frigerate until ready to serve.

Because Christmas is the good Mends, we are thinking1 of you and wish you a happy holiday. HAPPY HOLIDAY — Demsey— Hearts soar in tbr crisp H inter lamisrapr re mi ml ing us nf I lie glories of Nature MANUFACTURING ami of Christmas. May all that bring* meaning t« this celebration arid COMPANY, INC. to the sperial ilrlight of your bo I i dor. Our I ban kit. ' Drawn Metal Shells and Eyelet Products ' Siemon Business Park Princeton Center 78 NEW WOOD ROAD Siemon Division ' • Siemon. Moldcraft Division WATERTOWN, CONN. 06795 Siemon Dynamic Manufacturing Co, Siemon, Electronic_DwIsIon_ Page 2Property0 Town. Times (Wateitown , ofConn,. ) theDec. 23, 198 Watertown7 Historical Society Merry and Bright Christmas to All!

' Celebrate this 4 Ckktnw \llkk Holiday Christmas It's that tine,, again! For Greetings wishing our friends and Here's toping your neighbors the best of the holiday is twice the fun! season's Joys. And peace. May the wonders THE CHARCOAL CHEF RESTAURANT ALLYN'S CLEANERS AND DYERS & COCKTAIL LOUNGE 15 Echo Lake Rd. and joys of the 670 Main, Street-North, Water-town • 274-1636 season Inspire Woodbury • 263-2538 you, with love.

B & M LIQUORS 304 Buckingham St. Oakville • 274-4889 ARNOLD BAKERS THRIFT STORE l COPES RUBBISH .REMOVAL 348 Huntingdon, Ave. .. Commercial St. Water-bury • 757-7726 Watertow-n • 274-1444 Enjoy this holiday • to the From Santo, with love . . . fullest! a gift of merry wishes for the happiest holiday ever. And sincere thanks, from us. ATWOOD'S SERVICE CENTER,, INC. Repa irs-Diag aost i c Emissions- Test ing D'AGOSTINO' 789 Main St. General, Construction Watertown • 274-2838 3,3 Williamson Ave. Oakville • 274-0707 CAPINERA PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 20 Dickerinan St. MEfflCHRISTMAS Watertown, 274-6398 The season's rich in Answering Service 753-0188 joy and merriment. We hope you1 and 'yours enjoy every moment. Here's hoping BARIBAULT OIL jour Christmas COMPANY. INC. is a smash! DAVELUY'S RESTAURANT 600 Main St. ISO Echo Lake Rd. Oakville • ,274-3284 Watertown, • 274-8829

Enjoy each tranquil moment ot this peace- ful season. Share them Let's share -with with loved ones. .people all over the globe Yule tide joys.

R.J., BLACK & SON Water- Pumps & Water Conditioners DAVE'S AUTO' UPHOLSTERY Thoniaston Road 430 Main St., ' Watertown • ,274-8853 Oakville • 274-3922

* f- A VERY gieat and small! be MERRY gouts thin fcoftday. YULE! QTkfe you oil1. For a. holiday filled BANK OF BOSTON CONNECTICUT with love and 1.171 Main St. DAYTON CONSTRUCTION Wa.tcrto.wn. • ,274-8841 laughter. " 146 Bunker Hill Rd. Richard Cignoli, .Manager Watertown • 274-2999 BEST WISHES SEASONS GREETINGS May the season ring in., To al) our customers, brotherhood and love go our sincere thanks all over.the land... Be for your patronage. joyous. Be content,

BOB'S WORKBENCH CONNECTICUT SEW & VAC DISTASI MARKET Custom, .Made Furniture ' "10' Chase River Rd. Italian 'Imported Delicatessen 947 Bunker Hill Ext. Waterbury • 574-7781 395 Davis St., Watertown • ,274-1715 Oakville • 274-8770 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Dec. 23, 198 7 Fag;c2I Enjoy the Holiday Spirit

ffappy Holiday MERRY A greeting wreathed in special wishes .. . . MERRY love, peace,, joy amid contentment -be yours! CHRISTMAS

EVERETT'S GARAGE » INC. HUB'S AUTOMOTIVE Everitt Lane 1,029 A Main St. Oakville • 274-2147 Watertown ••274-4398' - Fred Hubbell — "

y TriE WARMTh Peace AN'd qUdNESS Of Front us to ThiS CJ;AJ REFLECT you, havcavtry HAIR ALL WAVES mcrrvXocl! IN EVERyrhiNq you do 11.51 Main St. (Watertown Plaza) Watertown • 945-0528 • ECONOMY TIRE CENTER HYLIE PRODUCTS INC. 1371 Main, St. 669 Straits Tnpke. Watertown • 274-02*5 Watertown • 274-5447

Joyous good wishes HELLO and many thanks. This holiday comes but once a year. Fill it with neighborly warmth amd good cheer. Have ai merry our dear friends! EDDIE'S MARKET 129 Main St. IMPRESSIONS Oakville • 274-41,44 .2,5 Rd. Happy Holidays from Lorraine & Mark Watertown, • 274-8851

HANSON'S MOVING' & STORAGE Jfappy Rt. 63 Straits Tnpke. Middlebury • 758-2405 Festive greetings are JfcIUfay coining your way, along, with, our heartfelt thanks. friends LOVE IVA MAE'S YARNS EMIL'S JEWELERS Heritage Village Bazaar 709 Main- St. Southbury • 263-4838 Watertown • 274-1988 Merry Christmas from, Iva Mae,,, Dick and. DiDi

May a, season of joy Sincere Christmas and happiness be yours thoughts to'all along with ... all the best friends. our thanksjor your continued goodjaith.

EYELEMATIC MFG. CO., INC. 1, Seemar Rd. JOHN'S CONFECTIONERY Watertown 671 Main St. Watertown • 274-8382 Thank you for your patronage THE HOME OIL CO. Main St., Bethlehem 266-7749 10 Spring St., New Milford 354-3967 O u r s p e c ? a I MERRY, MERRY holiday gift CHRISTMAS! to you is all - wrapped up with' happy wishes... glad tidings. JUBD FARM DAY CAMP AND NATURE CENTER Judd Fan Rd. ' GOWANS-KNIGHT CO., INC. Watertown • 274-91,46 49 Knight St. Watertown • 274-8801 Celebrate! ' Warmest appreciation for your kind MI Ay youR h olid Ay "assaeia lion. Happy Glow wiTrt All ThlNGS' 'holiday!-" . bRiqhf! Here's hoping rhis i HOMEPLATE RESTAURANT holiday season is rhe 1133; Main St. besrone.yer! GREY ELECTRIC, INC. ' Watertown • 274-2811 ' "- KELLY'S PLACE 512 Main, St. , 17? Davk St. - Oakville • 274-5455 Oakville • 274-8037 Page 22Property Town. Times (Watertown, Conn,,.of) Decthe. 23,'' 1987 Watertown' Historical Society An Orange in Christmas candlewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs actually derive; the Stocking •' The Friendly Beasts An, orange in, the Christmas Jesus, oar Brother, strong and good. stocking toe is a custom still, from Saturnalia festival of Rome Was humbly born in a stable rude. practiced today. Not too many Aitd the friendly beasts around Mm stood, years ago, before coast-to-coast Candles at Christmas,..their they can. fill, your home with the Jesus, our Brother, strong and good, warm., welcoming glow an indis- familiar, nostalgic aromas of produce shipment, Christmas- "I," said, the donkey, shaggy and brown, time was about, the only time the pensible part: of the festive holi- Christmas. "I carried his mother up hill and down, day scene." And 'the .many customs baking in the .. / curried her safely to Bethlehem town, family had oranges; and they were 'that surround them add color to oven, cranberries simmering on "I," said the donkey, shaggy and brown. an extra special, rare treat. the magic aura, of the Yuletide. the stove. Or would you prefer1 the. "I," said the com, all white and red, An orange in the stocking Wax tapers were offered as natural scent of bayberry and "I gave him my manger for his bed, seems to have come from an old gifts at 'the Romas festival of pine? 'These .and other tantalizing I gave-him my hay to pillow his head, legend telling that St. Nicholas Saturnalia... To the Christian smells are available in holiday • "I"' said the cow, all white and red, -wanted to give dowry money to community, the lighting of can- candles that will add a warm and "I," said the sheep with curls horn, two poor, maiden sisters. In dles has the additional symbolic impressive air to a glowing holi- "I gave him, my wool to keep him warm, order to secretly help them,, he meaning of Jesus as the Light of day setting. I gane him my coat on Christmas morn, me.Worid. "I," said the sheep with curly horn. tossed bags of gold down, the We offer a few, suggestions chimney. The sister's stockings A beautiful custom, still ob- to keep .your candles burning served in Europe, is that of brighter... ,.A by ROBERT DAVIS were hanging by the fireplace to dry and the gold fell into the stock- Christmas candles burning in • Store candles in a dark, 'dry From ENCYCLOPEDIA OF B«IE Lift — windows, particularly on. Christ- place. If you have the room, the by The Mitten, published by Harper & Row ings. Shiny, golden, oranges of mas Eve. ' - refrigerator is 'best; but be sure to today's stockings are thought of And.,, in. the years of suppres- •wrap them in, foil; or plastic so 'they by some to commemorate this sion in. Ireland, candies appeared, .stay 'dry. legend'. in the windows of certain houses • Bum candles only 3 or 4 ' so that priests would know where hours, at a time and be sure to trim .. to celebrate Midnight Mass. Professional the wick to one-half inch, 'before 'Two pounds aid a half of tongue, or .km beef.. In Sweden, St. Lucy appears lighting. A pound and a. half of suet. Christmas Giving wearing a. crown of glowing • Light "scented, candles about: Eight good-sized apples. candles. In Victorian England, Sometimes it's easy to take our 15 minutes before guests are Two pounds of raisins. careers for granted—it's just tradesmen would give loyal cus- expected, so that 'the fragrance Two pounds of sugar. tomers m .annual, gift of candles. something we do from, day to day. will fill the room. Two gills of rose water. Candles still give a. special But taking another look at. our • Candles are easier to light if One quart of wine. professions—"Hey! Maybe I glow to 'the holidays. And now you, char 'the wicls first. Salt, mace, cloves, and cinnamon, to the 'taste. ,if could share my profession in a Boil the meat, and chop veiy fine; Chop the suet and the special way at Christmastime!" apples very fine. Stone the raisins, cutting each, .into four pieces. Dissolve the sugar into wine and rose water, .and mix Artist: .Many friends would all well together with 'the spices. Twice this quantity of apple love to have an original drawing improves the: pies, making them less rich. Line your plates or 'painting of their pet, their with a rich, paste, fill, cover, .aid bake. Measure the spices home, the old barn, etc. used, to save fasting next time, -and to prevent mistakes. Mechanic: Offer to do some car repair or overhaul for a friend. 19tk Century recipe for Mince Pie - as Washington Irving" Attorney: Draw up a will for a. might' have enjoyed it - is reproduced courtesy of Sleepy Hol- friend or do some other modest low Reaorathms, in Tarrytown, New York. legal work. Secretary: Offer to type a. busi- ness letter for a friend—maybe even a family Christmas letter, or do some typing; for a student. Our hearty Photographer: .Make a, picture SPECIAL of someone's home, or a portrait, thanks— etc. We wish you DELIVERY A Holiday Maternity Boutique Christmas 'Verse ' * Tis the season" of kindli ng the bubbling with fire of hospitality in. the hall, , the genial fire of charity in the good cheer— heart.'1"1 Washington Irving I SEASON'S GREETINGS I "December, month of holly, pine, and balsam,, I .From ' f of berries red, of candles* ' I«• SantaOUillU CX. ft I .mellow light; I • flie Stork of hom,e and, fireside, laughter, I happy faces, TONY'S SEAFOOD of peace that came upon the 639 Main Street, Oakville 15% STORE-WIDE DISCOUNT holy night." From an Old Carol ,274-3693 WATEITGWM ' "MainiStreet Open wniEiciuwn watertown fcfon.-Sat. io-6 COMMONS • 274-6.623 Thuis. 10-8 Neil io Pizza Hut Located on the upper lewd KJ FUEL OIL

per gall 85$ C.O.D. Merry Christmas (ISO gallon and Strileckis Oil Co. Happy Mew Year 274-4364 Start atastae ••'• I;,,A REFRESHING and" •• IN WATERTO.WN In, happy anticipation of the magical : - SfRESS-FREE wpikoul in a, 1044 Main "Street Christmas season, our sincere thanks. 'Watertown Common's -with '•1UTM.Y UNIQUE ENVIRONMENT.- • • • Watertown " • -•• Featu ri ng - for the first time in Connecticut-the most • advanced • 274-6797-' ' this sign. design in exercise 'equipment. .. • 274-6798' ' •,"' INSTANT -" "• AtSSPORT PICTURES ; , EIRS'T SESSION ALWAYS FREE Insiam photos for Passports, Visas From the Staff of. HOURS: Iniemaiinnal Liceni« and Student Cards •' —Introductory "Special— '•• Mpn-Fr-i 8am-9pm In -ilunoing color While jou wait Sat 9am-2pm THE CARPET BARN :Next|6'sessioris'for$29^ -Closed Sunday BOB'S CAMERA Corner of Echo Lake Road & Porter Street • y Shop, Inc. 274-6851 Watertown 2:74-0155 ' 90 South Main St. Water'bury • '754-2256 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown, Conn.Society) •Dec. 23, 1987' Pag e 23 tee shall judge each, trade program, mance audit: or any other matter of the great sweepstakes of life. " on the basis of criteria such as the State significance, please call my That peace you want—that feel- Review projected demand for its enrollees, office. ing of giving .instead of greed, including the employability of that feeling, of love instead, of By State: Rep. Sean C. Butterly (D) graduates from, the preceding five Turkey Tradition hate—it can all be yours at Christ- 68th .Assembly District years; anticipated, technological Christmas turkey was not mastime and any time "through- changes in the field; the availabili- ' known in Europe before 1542. out the year! And. in this great Watertown: 274-6768 ty of qualified instructors.; the ex- And even, then It was only one of sweepstakes everybody wins! Capitol: 1-S(H)-,S42-.S267 istence of similar programs at other many festive dishes—not, the main You're guaranteed to get what, 24MSR5 educational institutions; and the in- entree. you ask for when it comes to terest, of current students, in the 'The common people had goose, peace and love and sharing—all trade. it takes is a, prayer. "A"—Ask, On Thursday, Dec. 17, 'the Leg- many of our young people find beef, or Christmas pies. In. the With our technology changing as "B"—Believe and "C"—Claim, islative Program Review and In- themselves in. college preparatory castles and. great houses the - rapidly as it does, it is important —it's even 'easier than, the A,B>C's vestigations Committee met for a programs, when in. feet their real in- Christmas table was, of course, that we do not channel our voca- to win, the Christmas sweepstakes! final time with regard to its perfor- terest is in the trades. laden 'with more rare treats.' There tional-technical students into trades the celebration started with the mance audit of the secondary One. important example of the Like a motor there's trouble with the that have decreased demand or may lord of the manor inviting people vocational-technical schools. type of demand for skills trade peo- man who's always knocking. become outmoded. from, the countryside to his castle I served as an ex-officio member ple in our region is the need, lor Finally, a recommendation that I for a, Christmas feast. A roast of that committee: as two members machine tool tradesmen, reflected by consider noteworthy regarding the peacock with 'tail spread and beak We tar of the Education Committee were urgent cries of the Small Manufac- vo-tech school system audit is that gilded sat on. the table along with assigned to provide input to the turers Association in the Walerbury the system, should be required to venison, goose, swan, roast,'beef, Low Legislative Program Review area. prepare: a rolling, five-year capital chicken, plum pudding, mince * Elements and Investigations Committee. 'The SftfA has indicated to state equipment plan that identifies the pie and. many other delicacies that, for1 Electric I have a special interest in the officials that Kaynor Tech current- specific: equipment, each vo-tech were available. stale vocational-technical schools, ly graduates about 20 machine tool school is expected to need, based Stores as I taught, school, in Kay nor Tech apprentices pec year, but: that they Most on the useful life of exist ing equip- Christmas Major • in Waterbury for one year, and I could actually employ more than ment and projections of changing Sweepstakes Brands taught at. Prince Tech in Hartford 100 maching tool apprentices if the technology, as well, as the estimated, for five years. school graduated that number. cost of equipment. Only a stamp—only a stamp In Stock As in most secondary school The 18-year-old machine-tool This type of five-year plan should away and you, may be the winner systems, the vocational-technical graduate often, stem, at a salary level. help ensure that reoccurences of of the .great sweepstakes! Those schools in recent years have been of $8,00 or $9.00 per hour. crisis like situations such as the out- millions of dollars, that, brand plagued by declining enrollments. Many other recommendations moded machinery in the Kaynor new car, that fabulous vacation also However, the vocational-technical have been made as a result, of the Technical School machine shop do —.any one of them, could be yours Drip Pans —it. only takes a. stamp to find schools have had enrollments performance audit, of the vo-tech notarise in the future. out. You, could, be the big declining at a slower rate than the schools, including a recommenda- Area legislators are currently winner! local, public schools, tion that: a nine-member statewide supporting a bill introduced by Rep. 208 Main Street Only a prayer—only a, prayer Eight percent of all secondary school advisory group be appointed Mary Fritz, of Wallingford to im- Oakville • 274-1647 students in Connecticut attend the to advise on the best ways to meet mediately address the special needs away and, you can be a winner of 17 vocational-technical schools at the skill needs of employers, in- of the Kaynor Tech machine tool this time. cluding recommendations on new shop, and a 'future well-planned One of the biggest problems that trade programs to be offered by the capital, equipment analysis can help has troubled the vocational- vo-tech shcools. in preventing future problems along technical school system is a lack of Current recommendations in- these lines. visibility as often times the young dicate that this advisory group If you have any questions regar- students attending our grammar should meet at least: six times per ding the vo-tech school perfor- schools do not fully comprehend year, including two joint' meetings the course offerings and trade areas with a. vo-tech school committee of available to them at schools such as the state Board of Education. ELECTRONIC (Holiday Kay nor Tech.. Still another positive feature of The staff recommendations of the the vo-tech audit is the recommen- KEYBOARD Our special thanks to the Legislative Program Review and In- dation that commencing in 1987, us- patrons we serve for putting, vestigations Committee regarding ing a four-year cycle, the commit- MUSIC the vocational-technical schools are Area's Host Complete their trust in us. We wish for geared to help this visibility as they Selection, everyone a. Merry Christmas. propose thai a full-time person be R.R ROMANIELLO assigned to ensure written materials Plumbing & Heating BOZZUTO-SAYRE- about the vo-tech schools and the Repairs "Vour Family Music Siorc" application process are available at DEL GALLO, INC. all of the vo-tech schools. Ble 63, 10 ACRE MAIL INSURANCE Faucet. Sink, WATERTOWH 132 Prospect St.. Waterfaury - 574-5200 This full-time person will coor- Toilet Repairs 274-1556 |J dinate with local school districts to Water Heaters enable vo-tech staff to make presen- Drains ft Sewers tations to students in Grades 6 Cleared through 8. 1 testified at the Dec. '27 hearing that this was one of the most EMERGENCY; SERVICE This Christmas positive recommendations resulting 274-8784 from the performance audit as so we wish you peace bom of caring and knowing you are cared for, and health sufficient to enjoy God's gifts to ihe fullest Vve join Frosty in extending • warmest From, our family thoughts and 1 best wishes to your family for a • „ • wonderful holiday from , • ALL, OFFICES beginning _ • ° WILL BE CLOSED' mEDIML CHRISTMAS DAY

The best in health care . . . conveniently

51.6 Frost Rd. 694 Straits Turnpike § WATERTOWN AUTO PARTS I Waterbury 753-8477 Watertown 274-7571 1101 Huntingdon Ave. 11113 New Haven Rd. 995 Queen St. 1405 Main Street M Waterbury 597-8515 Naugatuck 729-8271 Southington 793-9691 Watertown, Conn. 16715 {§ Phone 274-8803 sauaacu*} BWft UBB-PIZ • 17I3N.0 NHOf rrr HI 1 W Bzeid »a'|\j IIUOJ) ssoiov) sm-wz-m I 3D'HM MOT *Oau MOO - 1SUIBW LOll.. 6LL99 - jH JO siapnxig 5 NAAO1U31VM ZPl I Non,¥'o S2 3$ Hl I HIM JIPNOV tf I AHIYCI 3111 • vauasia • TII3N<0 SISOfSVM I .SH30NIU9 I t "SS9MJ$pO*) 0/II1 AVd SIMISIHHO-ffliJ'O •nrd j--m-n i •HD,g ford g-'urD 8 aioo « IOHI R fpSJttoi 9S13J9X9 *m*d 8-*m*B 0C:S J~W 'pjOJ 91ff tit JS9J • omnzatg *pjom. aip MO p??i/ u .72/07 aip in AUM*) 0jr S j 621 13HHVW S Tlllllllllll lflfllllllfllllll Illlllllllll iiiiliiiiiuiiliiiile

A11V3H VKOH •ijjii.ijf VJ,IJS UIIIM,, ju. IQ HH/I m Q ipwMttq •uiuiitiu.rj g uun,a jijiu i n/i/iiii y



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SSI,* pU'OMS 'SB IflD'MA US)SM)I tUBUI •9 S3B qSnaiqi -niuiuoo ,/C[O'H puB 3*3 sBUHSuq'3 : nB isio|os pajnj,B3j sqi sq [|i,«, OUMOI 1 jC|iuiEjj sqi qii* '"ui'd 0£ £ P A" pssuspuos as;* isjy SB SB|[BAB() rax "p3'uB sip, SIUBJUI JQJ s|qB|iBAe aq |[i* axeo -SBa-Saw ...iJBae 1 IBq/A. JIOH wft. •ui'B 0E:6 iB suoissajuoo sapnpui "saq3Jnq3 A"UBUI SB 33fup>| jsjmusf 'pjsqdsijs piiqi Xjssjnjsi "AUOUJ:3J33 SuiiqSipjpUES OQ,, P«B 'Bi[sqBSi snsuBSf '

"IS uiBjAf 292 sqi M SK sB[|BAeo /nsqiiBpy 'pjsqdsijs B q]|A\ spnpuos ||i* SSIAJSS aqx B Supg,, ,/qSiH uo piBSH (I s3Ed uiO'jj, p3'n,u.puo'3)

puosss SB OUBIZBJQ AJB£) 'pjsqdsqs •1U3A9 •ttiaqajqiaa aqi Aq HIM luiod ! a,A,g i SJ\\- SpSuy,, SB S3IIJOABJ |BIUUSJSd [B30j aqi puB 'UOQBSSJSUOO sqi JSJIj, SB 3|}3iBl| 3 BpDSjg i Society Historical qsns spnpuWatertown i |[IA SSUOthe S EJEIUBof J Property 1&61 tZ ("1KKO "UA\O')J3|B/A) S31OIX VI Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown ,Society Conn.) Dec. 23, 1987 Page 2.5 Seconda" by G. Gabrieli. summer, but he has gone off home looking for those who be- Christmas tree appeared -at a The choir will lead in the sing- Theodore Roosevelt's very happy in the riding boots lieved in Him. So it was that peo- court party for children in, 1821. ing of "Hark the Herald Angels Christmas Musings .for a ride on the calico pony ple lit candles to place in their It was a, number of years, how- Sing," "Silent Night," and. "Joy to watertownhistoricalsociety.orgAlgonquin, the one you rode 'windows to guide the Christ Child ever,, before common people the World.", An interesting note in. history in the darkness to their homes.' adopted the Christmas tree. A —on December 26... 190.2, Theo- theotherday." Masses Christmas Day will be at Also, any stranger who might be garland of greenery was still hung dore Roosevelt wrote the follow- •drawn to their door by the candle- like a double-looped May gar- 8:15. 9:30, 10:45 a.m., and 12 ing in a letter to .lames Gar Field's Christmas Candles light was a welcome guest to each land. The garland was decorated noon. There will be no 5 p.m. grandson: Who first started lighting home. with, randies,, a ring of red apples, Mass. *' Yesterday Archie got among candles as a Christmas custom? and, ornaments. Suspended from St. Mary Magdalen his presents a small rifle from No one really knows but it is said the center was a 'bunch of mistle- Co-pastors the Rev. John Lynch . me and a pair of riding boots Christmas Tree that medieval, Christians thought toe with long ribbons attached, and the Rev. 'Ralph Colicchio an- from his mother. He won "t be that on Christmas Eve the Christ History from, which, sometimes small, gifts nounced the Christmas Vigil Mass, able to use to rifle until next Child wandered from, home to It is said that the first English were tied. This was called, the at the 16 Buckingham St., Oakville Kissing Bough. church will be held at 4 p.m., with the traditional. ..Midnight M'ass scheduled for 12. Customs 'round the world Christmas Collections On. Christmas Day, Masses will Do you, know someone who be at 7, 8:30, 10, and 11:30 a.m. Christians in all parts of the A favorite decoration for the in, Christmas." As young men go world celebrate Christmas, the tree is marzipan candy, made from farm, to farm, they fill the air collects stamps, or matchbooks? Confessions are slated Wednes- bappiest .and busiest time of 'the from almond paste, elaborately with gunshot blasts to frighten the Keep a box. handy to put these day from 3 to 4, and 7 to 8 p.m. in year. Some observe the holiday colored .and shaped to look like spirits away things into for next, Christmas. the church. solemnly with religions cere- toys .and fruits. An office-worker could save you, 'United Methodist monies .and prayer. Others look, Family members often make foreign or unusual American The Rev. James Stinson, minister forward to holiday parties and ex- the gifts, they give. 'The women, IN MEXICO changing gifts. .All are united in, .. stamps. at 'the 305 Main St. church, said 'the and girls do fancy embroidery on. ipOOOOCOOOOOSODGGOGOSQ, their feelings of joy on the birth- pillows, and. handkerchiefs . ,., .. traditional Christmas Eve Candle- "The Christmas, holiday is ob- 1! ' RJ P, Soall! Fiwfe t day of Jesus Christ,., . the men and 'boys carve tiny fig- 1 •'(, Blue Seal Feed's light Service will take place Thurs- served from December 16th to Rock Salt - Fine Salt

ures from wood and, paint, 'them. < day at 7:3'0 p.m. The cantata "Sing • IN ENGLAND January 6th, in Mexico. Fertilizer - Lawn - Garden Carols of Joy," by Eugene Butler, On each of nine nights, just be- Dog Foods - Purina - Wayne ( 'I will be sung by the combined 'Children bang their stockings IN ITALY fore Christmas Day, the family I Scott - Lawn - Products ' choirs. by 'the fireplace in Great Britain, looks forward to the Posada,sa i Fer Mel - Milorganite ' in the hope, that Father •Christinas, On the day before, Christmas, acting out. of the story of the I Dolomite Lime- Peat Moss < 'Trinity Lutheran I l will fill them with holiday teats.. many Italians fast or 'take very lit- Nativity. I Deco rative Bark. - Fertilizers The Rev. David Koppel said I And, even though 'the Christ- tle food. Hay - Straw - Shavings Trinity Lutheran, 50 DeForest St., A procession of'pilgrims comes I mas 'tree, can be found in most to the place where, 'the celebration, I Bag Balm: - Maple Syrup will have Advent Devotionals today At (he day's end, the "family I i homes, it. has not replaced the holds a ceremony around the will 'take place, carrying clay fig- (Wednesday) at 9:30 a.m. There "'Kissing; Bough," a combination Presipio, a miniature scene of ares; of Mary and Joseph. They ilH-S. Coe Co. will be a 4 p.m. Worship Service of holiday greenery and mis- Bethlehem with the figures of 'the seek "shelter" from the "inn- 45 Freight St. Christmas Eve, followed later by an tletoe. Holy Family, the Wise Men and keepers" and, at first, .are re- IjWBterbury '754-6177 II p.m. Candlelight Service. 'The popular1 wassail 'bowl was. the shepherds. fused. Finally 'they .are, welcomed Evangel Assembly of God. introduced into England in 'the The family prays as 'the mother and all. feast and rejoice! A Christmas Eve Candlelight late 1.400s, by King Henry VII. places the figure of the Infant The figures, are placed, in a rep- Service with Holy Communion will This heady mixture of hot ale, Jesus "in, the manger. Gifts, are: lica, of the 'manger, and- on Serving the Community be held at 7 p.m. at the 2245 Lit- spices and routed, apples, is a. 'tra- saved for Epiphany, January 6th. 'Christmas. Eve, 'the figure of the forover'4§yea'rst chfield Road church, the Rev. dition observed since that. time. Infant Jesus is added. The word wassail, conies from, the Quality Fuel Oil & Kerosene David Powell announced. No ser- old English words that mean, fee IN NORWAY Christmas is celebrated in at Competitive Prices. vice is slated for Christmas Day. thou well, countless colorful ways. Many The Bible Church ' " Woik comes to'a halt at 4 p.m. customs .and traditional obser- CALL NOW The Rev. Richard Dill, pastor of on 'Christmas Eve, in 'Norway.. vances reach from, one country to GERMANY Everyone bathes and puts on, new the church located at 240 Dwight another, bringing people closer BARIBAULT Christmas is a. 'tremendously clothes to.gree t 'the new and fes- St.. Waterbury. said the Christmas tive season. service will be held Friday at 11 important time to. each, person and This glorious season serves to unite mankind in peace and OIL CO., INC. a.m. family in Germany. 'On, Christmas It is .an ancient belief'that "evil Eve everyone gathers for the spirits" appear on Christmas brotherhood, with, its. beautiful .. 600 Main St., Oakville No special service is slated, 'for ceremony of lighting the tree:. night, so it is a. custom to "shoot .and profound message. 274-3284 or 274-6723 Christmas Eve. shown. Glue on white eyebrows and black, eyes (or use craft rolling 5^ eyes). Glue on a, small red bauble for a, nose. Place a white bow at n" the top of the 'hat. and a red. bow in a bow tie shape at the bottom. | R.J. BLACK I Santa Package Wrap & SON, INC. I For1 something different for a ^=r^»» o Site. & Service HOLIDAY GREETINGS! 0 Christmas wrapping—do it up Solar Hot Water with a cute Santa! and Cut out a long, red triangle. Efficient Evacuated Cut out a flesh-colored (pink or Tube Design BOAS FESTAS peach, etc.) piece of paper to glue Water Pumps <£ to the bottom half of the triangle. p Water Conditioners do NATAL Glue a white strip at the top of the pink for the hat's trim and a, Thomaston Road white beard and mustache as Watertown 274-8853 Employees

& • Well seasoned wishes for a holiday Customers filled with, joy. It has been our great « privilege to know and serve you.



*u Bob & Fran Wright ENGINEERED SINTERINGS & PLASTICS, INC. OOHHEBQAI. STREET • WATERTOWN, CONN. 06795 Kitchen Elegance, Inc. Middlebery Hamlet Page 26 TowPropertyn Times (Watertown, Com.of) Dec the. 23,; 1987 Watertown' Historical Society Merry and Bright Christmasto All!

UP Happiness is. UP a holiday filled with Here's a happy hello love! Friends like you with wishes for your make us proud, • holiday happiness. .

LEDGEWOOD PRIVATE PRESCHOOL Sharon O'Bar 'Teacher/Director OAKVILLE HOME IMPROVEMENT 619 Guernseytown Rd. 60.Tarbell Ave. Watertown • 274-0390' Oakville • 274-2328 0 AWAY Joy, peace, love, friendship.. .may all Merry Christmas Our warmest wishes for 'things that mean Christmas be •yours. : " Festive wishes the holidays. We hope you enjoy everything fora holiday' this wonderful season BRIAN PECK, M.D. wrapped in love. AND STAFF MRS. PERKINS has to .offer. Thanks. 140 Grand view Ave OLD FASHIONED CANDY LEO'S IRON WORKS Wat.erbu.ry • 573-0422 Bob & Bernke, Bob & Grace, Bobby, Jenny! Commercial, Industrial & Residential 'Gary. & Cheryl, Matthew, Michael, Adam McLennon Industrial P'ark Craig, David and Joyce McLennon Dr. 771 Woodbury Road ' Oakville • 274-2781 . Watertown. • 274-1202 MERRY HELLO CHRISTMAS! Ho.' Ho. 'Hoi Here Joyous tidings, comes Santa t Greet " • # one and all. him with a light heart...happy face. FRANK LUKOS ELECTRICAL 158 Falls Ave. PLEASANT VIEW MANOR. Oakville • 274-5554 REST HOME 225 Bunker Hill Road *Tis the season to Watertown • 756-3557 say "thanks, friends."

Motes of Cheer THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT Have yourself a NURSERY SCHOOL INC. Old fashioned merry little Christmas 26.2 Main, St. 'greetings for a fun and Oakville • 274-5995 festive season. Thanh. Holly Paternoster - Director 274-3247 you one and all!

MARIA'S HAIR STYLIST May holiday joy 485 Main St. fill the air, as Watertown • 274-9255 A.E. PONTON we say "thanks" 208 Main Street for your support. Oakville • 274-1647

All of the best to our PEACE friends and neighbors "Beit Wlflkfii this bright holiday .sea- Ill's the Yuletide season. son! May your home be We hope yours is filled" with warmed with the spirit! happy times, good friends, brot h er h o o d.' Than fcs, ail 11!

RITT.ER PACKAGE STORE PAR GLASS 224 Echo Lake Road NATIONAL T.V. & APPLIANCE 117 Echo Lake Rd. (Corner of Burton Street) Watertown 32 Main St. .Watertown • 274-2151 Rita Cardany - Owner Permittee Thomaston • 283-4327 •

Joyous holiday wishes to one 'e^ace and all, along with our thanks. •on ."7

'NEIL'S AUTO BODY, INC. •• 23% Hour Service 1029 Main St. " . Mere's a special RO'S RESTAURANT Watertown thanks to the 841. Main Street Bus. 274-2463 After Mrs. 274-5580 people viho have OakVille • 274-8069 made this year a real, success! May your fondest The Yuletide Is Here! dreams come true! Christmas -•ery special wishes tdyeu and ' Wishes your familyJ . -

OAKVILLE FAMILY PHYSICIANS RAY PALMER PLUMBING & HEATING • • Dr. Joe, Dr. Craig SHUHART REAL ESTATE CENTER. 79 Litchfield Rd. Peggy, Marsha and Diane ' . 1156 Main Street Watertown •• 274-3730" 314 Main St., Oakville Watertown • 274-9915 •' 274-3344'or 274-3345 • • Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown, Conn.Society) Dec. 23, 1987 P'ag e '27' 'May the blessings of ; Christmas abide in Enjoy the Holiday Spirit your house. TRI-CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 550 Midrilebury Road Watertown • 274-0816

Warm wishes for a Holiday without Joy is the spirit of the measure. Thank h holiday. Peace is the you all. hope of 'the world. Let's remember the true meaning ENJOY WHIP CITY DIABLOS of the Christmas season. Sr. Drum, Corps :ERB SHAW SANITATION SERVICE ,THE Oakville-Watertown Jr. Diablos Corps P.O. Box: 23 38 Oak Street Oakville • 274-8228 HOLIDAYS Watertown • 274-027?

Christmas time anta's I brings to us a with a pack deeper appreciation crammed full. of our association. of the joys of 'Thank you. TED TIETZ JR. TRUCKING Christmas! 167 Qiiassuk Road SOUTHBURY BUILDING SUPPLY, INC Woodbiiry • 263-3972 Rl. "6 Southbury WATERBURY EXTENDED CARE 2.64-5550 / 264-5311 FACILTY, INC. Open Mon.-Fri. 7-5, Sat. 7-3 Bunker Hill Road "Our policy to serve'you best" Watertown • 274-5428 CHRISTHHIS GHEETMGS • Hope your Holiday is aglow DRINK MILK with, happiness. Stale Dairy WATERTOWN BEDDING Joe and Al DiBiase 51? Main Street Watertown • 274-0124 -Thank you for your patronage- Happy Holiday THOMASTON CLOCK M,ay friendship warm your 135 South Main Street. heart peace fill the Thomaston • 283-4319 u - 4 Connecticut. Locations • season. Enjoy each glow- ing moment to the fullest! STEBCO PRINTERS, INC. L 56 New Wood Road WATERTOWN JIG BORE SERVICE, INC, Watertown • 274-7555 19 .New Wood. Road Watertown • 274-5898

Happy-Holiday Sam to: Clams is coming to town... laden with our Yule- Happy time wishes. May your days Best wishes be merry and light... may Holiday they be filled with warm, We wish you a very to our friends, cozy family get-togethers. happy Christmas... and thank you for WATERTOWN CONVALARIUM SMITTY'S CAR SALON 560' Woodbury Road your patronage. 789%. Main Street Watertown • 2746748 Watertown THOMASTON SAVINGS BANK. Watertown - Terryvile Thomaston - Harwinton

JOACHIM (JACK) STAMMER Certified. Public Accountant WESTBURY ROOM 52 Main Street (2nd Floor) We hope that you' Mary Jo and Staff Thomaston, Ct. • .283-6151 experience all: the 666 Thomaston Road nice things, big and Watertown • 2744214' small, that' .have so fmtch to do with the Holiday Wishes meaning of Christ- "Best VlAtkea Add lo your holiday greet- mas. Have a happy! A drum foil I ings our wish to you — . leads us to say - be merry and content. Our — have fun on Christmas Day. special'' thanks to all. WATERTOWN AUTO' BODY Knight Street WESTBURY DRUM CORPS, INC., T.L.C. 'NURSERY SCHOOL Watertown • 274-6626 • Michael Kleban, Director 167 Buckingham Street •641 Buckingham Street Oakville • 274-5249 • ' Oakville • 274-4622 Page 28Property Town Times (Wafertowm.,, Conn..of) 'Decthe. 23, 1987Watertown' Historical Society

throwing away. Put two coats of a bow to later attach at the top of polyurethane 00 the basket, letting this ribbon. each, coat dry thoroughly. 4. Glue strips; of contrasting Town .2. Iron, rickrack to get package rickrack vertically all around the creases out. Glue jumbo .rickrack basket, leaving.about, 1-5/8""be- Wishes Everyone around, basket's top and bottom tween them. Christmas Baskets bands, beginning and. ending at 5. Glue on the bow. Hold in, place to dry with, a. clothespin.. MERRY CHRISTMAS .Make neat Christmas baskets center back overlapping ends. "and •• to hold presents or pretty greener}' Glue contrasting baby rickrack Ice-Cream to center of jumbo rickrack. .sprigs, cards, piles'of baubles, etc. Decorations A HAPPY NEW YEAR 1, Ask ycur grocer if he has;,any 3. Glue a piece of ribbon 'verti- wooden mushroom baskets he's cally in, the basket's center. Make 1 quart vanilla ice cream Open New Year's Day 2-9 P.M. .Maraschino cherries "A Family Run Restaurant" tinted whipped cream Slice ice cream, brick into '/2-inch 184 Aye., Oakville TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE slices. Dip cookie cutters in cold EAT HERE OR TOGO-- water and cut out. shapes in ice fea.twi.n3: Pizza cream, Decorate tops with tinted whipped cream put in a pastry lute Spaghetti • Shells WHEN ALL THROUGH THE NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING, and/or bits of cherries. Place Manicotti • Calzones these on foil to freeze until ready Large or Small Salads to serve them on slices of fruitcake. 1 Tossed. Chef's or Greek WERE NESTLED ALL SNUG IN 18" Grinders (Many to choose from) - Unique Christmas Trees Including: Hot Road: Beef Eggplant, Sausage & Meatball. Some unique Christmas trees THEIR BEDS, WHILE VISIONS OIF .DANCED IN THEIR HEADS. have been, formed in different .All. At tie Most Reasonable Prices! United States cities, Hours: Mon-.-Sun. 11 a.m. -11 p.m. In Minnesota a Christmas tree Fri,. &Sat. "Hi 1, a.m.. 274-0149 WERE HUNG BY THE CHIMNEY WITH CARE. was fashioned from, water pipes which were attached like spokes -*•>#• • * of a wheel, to a, telephone pole. IN HOPES THAT SOON WOULD BE THERE.. Then, in 1947, 135 smaller trees * were placed in the pipes, forming limbs to make a 6,5-foot high tree. ft Happy Holiday Bethlehem,, Pennsylvania * Place through the years decorates its Karen & Roy & Family Hill-to-Hill, Bridge with many ft 179 Davis Street,, Oakville 274-8037 I spruces and. many, many electric at lights. SERVING LUNCHES DAILY I ;Two Scoop Ice. Cream Parlor jfe * Mon. thru Sat. - II a.m. to 2 p.m. \ HUNTINGDON AVE... WATERBURY Jr~ * 'TUESDAY NIGHT 7:00-11:00 P.M. \ * 2 for 1 ANY BEVERAGE • $3.00. LUNCH MENU. " jg QQ j * MONDAY - Breaded Pork. Chop • . : M.-Thtu5. II a.m.-10 p.m. Lantern A TUESDAY - Chicken Teriyaki j Fri. &Sat. 11 ia.rn.-12 a.m. Su:n. 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Ffaese bright lanterns arc beauti- WEDNESDAY - Shepherd's Pie ) $h.pp •Heritage ^Restaurant ful hung on the Christmas tree. fflmttf zazz THURSDAY - .Meatballs w/Pasta j S (2113) 5B7-H733 1. Pull off loose labels from (2D3) 5D7-fl73II empty thread spools (thai held • FRIDAY - New Year's Day t 590" of thread). Smear glue all We will be open. 11:00' a.m.. - No Lunch Served ' Fine Italian Cuisine Always Featured over the spool's body but not the ends. All Specials Include: Homemade Soup, ! We will be closed Potato or Rice, Rolls & Butter I f igga dourmet on Christmas Day Wind 5 feet of round, yellow Available with your, favorite All Day Dec. 31, & Jam. 1 cord snuggly around the glue, TUESDAY'S SPECIALS ONLY $2.00 toppings in 4 sizes HAPPY HOLIDAYS beginning and, ending on the same Hot Coffee Always Served Specials: " side. Cut o ff any excess Let dry. Shrimp $7.95 2. Draw around the spool on • Videos By More Fun Amusements ~ ' Broiled Scallops • . .".. .* - $6.95 bright colored tagboard or a stiff • Just, off Main, Si. • ' • Proper Attire [ colored paper that's a contrast Friday Specials with the cord. Cut out these circles. '• Free Parking, Thomas F. Stanis, Owner & Permittee' Catch of the Day-...... Price Will Vary Punch, a hole in the centers. Glue Baked Staffed Shrimp.' -, $8.95 a circle to each, end of the spool. Saturday Only 3. Fold a 1/8" wide. 20' "long Prime Rib 40 «. ™i $1,4.95 20 <». cut $8.95 piece of ribbon in half for a loop. Sunday Breakfast Buffet (Sewed from 8-12) $4.25 Trim, the ends diagonally. Make a, kyrot about 2-M " from, the fold. Including: juices, coffee, bagels, danish pastries, muffins, sausage, omelettes ham, bacon, hash browns, bhntzes, belgian waffles, desserts, eggs Thread a bead that has a large hole cooked lo order. onto the ribbon below the knot. Coax the ends of the ribbon out of the hole with, a needle if need be. Where An Array of Wonderful Things Happen Slip the ribbon through the To Beef. Pork, Chicken, Veal, Seafood & Pasta spool's hole. Thread a second Specialising /if... bead, onto the ribbon, and push the head, up to the bottom, of the Italian & Continental Cuisine The Rooster spool... Make a. knot in the ribbon M- just below the bead, We Will Be Serving Lunch, on '&• WRONG EMPHASIS Christmas Eve and Will Re Closed. Some folks seem to insist on keep- The Hawke ing their joys short: paragraphs but Christmas Day. Happy Holidays. headlining all their sorrows. Steak House We Will Re-Open on New Year's Eve, EXPRESS serving our Full Course Dinner Menu A TRADITIONAL AMERICAN DELI FAMILY STEAK HOUSE 407 MAIN STREET Seatings at 5, 7 and. 9:30' p.m. • OAKVILLE • Feturing Early Bird Specials Phone for Reservations 274-6252 Sun,, thru Thun. $7.95 Lunch: Monday'- Saturday 11:45 A.M. -.230 P.M.. CATERING •• Dinner: Monday - Wednesday 4:45 - 9:00 P.M. Includes Salad, Baited .Potato or Fries, • , Vegetable and Dessert Holiday Platters Thursday - Saturday 4:45 - 10:00 P.M., Lasagna Major Credit Cards Accepted BUSINESS LUNCHEON SPECIALS DAILY 10% Discount for Senior Citizens • ' Salads , Pub Menu Available'Nightly •HOT & COLO' GRINDERS I Daily Luncheon Specials West St. Litckfieldr Rt. 202 ' 567-4539 •471 MAIN ST., OAKVILLE . Closing at"6 Christmas Eve - Closed Christmas Day OPEN - (Behind Connecticut National Bank.) 7 a.ip,-9 a.m. •T DAILY Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn,) Dec. -2,3, 1987 ' Page 29

• a a 0

classes. Content is different each Chapter of Parents Without Part- Flanders Classes day, so either one, or both, can be ners, will be held Saturday, Dec. 26, attended. Children, should; bring from, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at the In Winter Nature lunch and a drink with them;. Franco-American Club, Store Winter Wonderland classes, Preregistration is required by Avenue, Waterbiiiy., featuring outdoor activities, crafts, calling, the center at 263-3711, Mon- For more information, call Sam and instructions, will be held Tues- days, through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 at 597-1898. p.m. day, Dec. 29, and 'Thursday, Dec, DONT BELIEVE 31* from 10 a.m. to 2:30' p.m. at Parents Without Partners Flanders Nature Center, Woodbury. In an election year expect to hear Children 6- to 10-years-old will- A Christmas, •weekend Open everylhing-but don't expect Id learn about the snow and ice Dance, sponsored by 'the Waterbury believe it all... i phenomenon, how animals live v with it, and ways in which people can enjoy ice and snow. A fee will be charged for the SERVED DAILY FROM H PM. EAT-IN

AMI i Danish Exchange Restaurant & Lounge PAST Q (Continued from page 1) I So ECHOLHi Rd W» 1E "tT"Dv4 Ml, C.TJ ment in Copenhagen, relaxes on 16 Straits Turnpike Christmas Day and limits activity Watertown pretty much to eating and in- 274-1320 vestigating the wonderment of the new presents. Accepting Reservations Dec. 25 is referred to as "Christ- for mas Day," while the 26th is label- ed "First Christinas Day," the 27th 45* Big Screen New Year's Ewe Come and Enjoy "Second Christmas Day," and so Television, 3 Seatings on. she said. OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. The quaint variations—outside of CHRISTMAS EVE 5-7-9:15P.M. NEW YEAR'S DINNER the mischievous elves—speak of'a CLOSED CHRISTMAS at more Old World, European obser- DAY vance of the holiday, however, Christmas trees are festooned LAND and-SEA - STUFFED SHRIMP p r i i n a r i 1 y w i t h h o me in ad e o r- CHM* DRAGON naments in Denmark, and the LOBSTER - NEW YORK SIRLOIN Christinas goose, not turkey, is a For The Finest In Chinese Dining. main holiday .staple on Christmas PRIME RIB - VEAL PARMESAN We are open Christmas Day also. Eve. Regularly Gift Certificates for Any 636 Plank Rd., Waterbury Alter the goose meal, which also Open 7 Days a Week Occasion Always Available Exit 25 Off 1-84 TAKE will include a sugared Swedish, ham. Phone 573-9444 OUT and fish dish, the family will con- Lounge sume a traditional rice pudding (dif- ferent from the one for the elves) c i HI & i o i ng i * ne w h o I e a 1 mond. H om e Plate." • R&tau rapt Hie person receiving the almond •''•• -1131 Main SL, Wiitertim n ' '• jj:: \ "•r . T. in his or her ponton is .said tQ' be '§ 1 : in line lor extra presents. C A F E J ~~ • '-. 274-2811. ' • •• <$•' ••! "I've gotten it lots of times." Specializing in home-style cooking Hciiriclte confessed, hinting at con- 253 Buckingham St., Oakville • 274-5988 spiratorial assistance from mother. I:. Once sister Christine. 23. inserted CLUB SANDWICHES GRINDERS MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL s i \ a 1111 o nd s i. n to t.h c pu dd i n g ba tc h OPEN STEAKS HAMBURGERS ALL YOU CAN EAT to increase her own odds of obtain- ing I he big nut. • All reasonably priced * Dec. ,28th from 4-8 p.m. An circular dance TURKEY an mud the Christmas tree, with OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE TIL 6 P.M. hands being held and gleeful ex- CASSEROLE pressions sung, will follow. OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. NEW YEAR'S EVE Homemade Soups Screed wilti. Presents that have been wrapped on $495 Homemade Biscuit & Salad the Eve then will be unwrapped that and Desserts I night, 'To Go" Orders Taken •••I "'Santa Claus never was big in my 1 • We will be closing Christmas Ewe Day at 1:00 p.m. "Si. Every MONDAY NIGHT family—you'll sec him, in the THIURS, Serving; breakfast only until closing. d e pa rt me n t sto re s." "Hen riette eon - LOBSTER m ib, $ CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY finned. The hanging of stockings by FRIDAY We will be open New Year's Ewe Day until 8:00' p.m. a fireplace is not customary in Den- CLAMS $3.50 Doz. 4 - ? Serving BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP & PRIME RIB. mark, she said. Po inset lias are call- —SANDWICHES AVAILABLE ALL DAY- CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY ed Christmas roses. Season's Greetings to all form the Staff' at HomePlate The Christmas "season" starts OPEN, 7 DAYS 9 Ail-1 AMI Fri. & Sat. 'till, 2 PM much later there than, here in OPEN DAILY 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Sun, 7 a.m. to Noon America. Henriette said, and the neon-lighted decorations and glow- DoooeHDeoooooopqeeogoog ing Santas are not common across the sea. Ironically, an old-fashioned Christmas activity of putting candles in. the windows that is longstanding in. Denmark and other countries is becoming increasingly popular here. Henriette said she is learning how SIDE DOOR lo string popcorn with her host family, and seeing more religious emphasis placed on the meaning of RESTAURANT Christmas, a change she said she is 500 Buckingham St. H Ahead for pleased about. WEDNESDA And unless some elves stowed, Oakville, CT themselves away in her luggage Mon. -Sat. 5:30 a .m. - 2:30' p.m. 945' "0 5 50 when she arrived in the United Sunday Breakfast 7:30 a.m.. - 1:00 p.m. THURSDAY States Aug. 11, Henriette shouldn't BREAKFAST AND LUNCH SPECIALS DAILY have to worry about playfully Peachtree Schnapps strange things happening to her. MONDAYS & TUESDAYS Through the Rotary program, setup, Henriette will .remain with 10'%.. Senior Citizens Discount CHRISTMAS the Maxwells through the end of OPEN UNTIL $1.08' January, then finish her stay in • We wish you ail a Happy Holiday MEW YEAR'S IfE Watertown with, the William, SATURDAY Skyrme and Vincent Stebbins Season.' We will he closed. Christinas Bay. OKI 10 IE PBBUC rm .« iim families. She was housed, her first - the Jim Bavone Family s AMD three months by the James B. 11 ill 2:10 1.1. ™ *• 3QOOgOOQQOPQQQOPOOOOe«OOOOOa Mullen Jr. family. Page'30 PropertyTown. Times (Watertown, Conn,.of) Decthe. 23, 198 Watertown7 Historical Society J Folks faking the primrose path Accept the inevitable—no matter" Everybody seems to have a plan- It's easy to confuse wisdom with what you do wrong, someone IOf acl ion--the hard part is getting * good, old-fashioned silence. don't worry about return tickets. always knew you would. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgsomeone willing to do the work. P1ETRONIRO-A daughter, Brit- tany Amanda, Dec. 4 in Waterbury WE WILL BE CLOSED .. Hospital, to1 Mr. and Mrs. 'Nicholas )N CHRISTMAS DAY Pietroniro (Sherry Meccariello) of Wolcott. Grandparents are Mr. and (Mfen 'Mrs. Frank Maccariello of South- ingtofl, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Podaigas RESTAURANT of Watertown, and Mrs. Anthony Pietroniro of Cheshire- Best Wishes to All Specializing In: My Customers and. Polynesian ' LABBE—A daughter, Jennifer Friends! Cantonese Lynn, Dec. 5 in Waterbury 318 Main St. Szechuan Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oakville Hunan Labbe (Nancy Lynn WMey)" of 274-089.5 Oakville. Grandmothers arc Mamie American! Cuisines Watley of Thomaston and Lydia ' LUNCH SPECIALS Labbe of Oakville. Great- Exotic Cocktails! grandmother is Mary Simpson of Lake Winnemaug Hd. Thomaston. We will be open Christmas Day, Watertown f SNOW TAKING I V COLLINS—A daughter by adop- 274-8010 tion, Sara. Myung Collins, born. NEW YEAR'S EYE RESERVATIONS^ Aug. 23, 1987 in Seoul, Korea, by Mr. and Mrs. • Daniel Collins HHS: Mon.-Thufs. 11:30 am. -10 p.m. CELEBRATE Fri. & Sat 11:30 -12 Midnite • Sun. & Holidays 12 noon -10 p.m. (Doreen DellaCamera), Eaton Street, Oakville. Grandparents are Hors d'oeuvres •544' Straits Turnpike - Rte. 63 Mr. and Mrs. John .DellaCamera Noisemakers {Pioneer Plaza) Watertown Sr., Street, Oakville; Mr. and Balloons • Hats Call! 274-6770 or 274-6779 Mrs. George Botelle, Ball Farm 9 P.M. - 2 A.M. Road, Oakville: and Mr. and Mrs. • • CHAMPAGNE AT MIDNIGHT Raymond Collins. Waterbury. Featuring OUT Fine Dinner Menu. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Ed- .Make Reservations Now OPEN ward Cronin, Cobb Street, OPEN DAILY Oakville, and Mrs. Rose Smith of CHRISTMAS Weekend Specia9lS AT Wisconsin. Miss Collins arrived in. EVE PRIME RIB $9 10:00 am. the U'nited Sates Dec. 7, 1987. DANCING FOB, ADULTS AFTEB 10 PJM. ON WEEKEND'S Dress to Impress - Shirts with Collars Required - No 'Cover DEL VALLE—A son, Luis E., Nov. 29 in St. Mary's Hospital, Waterbury, to Enrique Del Valle PIZZA SERVED " and Madellyne Perez of Waierbury. from 11 a.m. to closing Grandparents are Marcela Medina Try our many other specialties, too. of Watertown and Angel Perez of Waterbury. Great-grandmothers are Candido Losado of Hartford and • SALADS • ANTIPASTO • SPAG'HETTl Rosa Perez of Waterbury. • GRINDERS GOEPEL—A son, Parker Andrew. Eat Here or To Go! Nov. 25 in St.. Mary's Hospital. Waterbury, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goepel (Deborah Long). Morris. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs; RO'S RESTAURANT William Long of Watertown, and - Serving the finest pizza since 1947- Mr. and Mrs. John Goepel! of I.n- ipan. S.C. Great-grandparents are 841 Main.Street, Gakviie Henry Long Sr. of Dunedin. Fla... Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grodiis of 274-1348 or 274-8069 Watertown. and Mrs... George Evans " of Oakmont. Pa. 607 Main Street, Watertown This Christmas ... HARDWARE _ we're reflecting on the blessings of the year: successes and growth from genuine effort and we're grateful for the many Happy voices sing out the special who have given us their trust, music of this blessed holiday M'ason. May they bring you love,, wishing you joy and peace throughout joy and peace Christmas. Many thanks to all our friends. of mind and heart; • a "blessing of the kind of health that comes from heaven • J/ael

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TOOH FAMILY MUSIC STORE Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Dec, 23," 198 7 Page 31 Congress or the'administration has were added by hand. It is inter- the words of "Silent Night" were been willing to address. But, my esting to note that one Currier written by Father Josef Mohr, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgconstituents and • other' New and Ives picture was often the the parish, priest, and set to music England residents, have been losing'- work of not, just one artist but by organist and schoolmaster patience at a. justifiable clip.. several artists. Franz, Gruben. ly Midnight 'Mass the song was completed and Special . rehearsed. Within, thirty years the Christmas Dinners Carol Lives On •carol had, achieved worldwide Most, of us have heard of how • popularity. But did you know Down through the years, in probably the most, popular carol, that. 'Mohr died penniless and various countries the Christmas . in the world was created, when it • Gruben. spent his last years fight- feasts have sometimes ranged was discovered on Christmas ing to prove that he did indeed from gorgeously exotic to down- Eve that the organ's bellows were ' compose the music? Could they right ridiculous. Boars' heads eaten through either by mice or have lived on to hear the carol with apples in their mouths, gild- rust. Now a soag must, be sung sung even, to our day—they would, ed peacocks and, sweetmeats were to be accompanied, not by the ;have realized that, they had not set. before medieval kings. Aus- organ but by the guitar. Quickly "lived their lives in vain., tralian early settlers tried, to make English plum, pudding under the sizzling summer sun, along with %*•• braised kangeroo. Fried locusts DR. JOHN McHUGH and'smoked elephant graced the table of an. Arican adventurer, AN ART MINICOURSE ON MASKMAKING has been occupying and one party during the 1870 PODIATRIST these Five Judson School third graders, who learned plaster has been siege of Paris dined, off roast cat. Medical and Surgical Foutcare used for more than 4/)00 years to preserve facial expressions. Left to It's plain to see that down i right are Kristen Kling, Chris Buccini, Jessica Sieller, Eugene Casivant, through the ages Christmas din- and Brianne O'Connell. The youngsters now are part, of this history as ner was planned through a. strong a direct plaster gauz,;. mold was formed, over their faces. The finished determination to feast, on some- Permanent Correction product—a. poured, plaster cast of their own face! (A. Schilling, Photo) thing special, • BUNIONS • INGROWN TOENAILS HEEL. SPURS ' Currier uid Ives • CORNS • CALLOUSES. WARTS in the Making The "Currier and Ives" depic- Medical Insurance tions of snowy farmlife have be- Accepted. By U.S. Rep. John G. Rowland come famous on Christmas cards DEPOT SQUARE MALL Fifth District Connecticut down through the years. In fact, WATERTOWN Waterbury: 573-1418 their lithographers published 274-1773 Washington.: (202) 225-3822 nearly 7,000 different prints from, 1,835 to 1907. Prints were litho- graphed from pen-and-inks, wash 0ar£>m &&& fflaluiqp deason* mow (Aon/ Waiting Forever To for the next few years. These forces drawings, and oil, painting. Some Fix Acid Rain include the regional confrontations of the prints were in black and It's not difficult to understand which have frustrated legislative white; the colored prints were ever. why no Congress has adequately consensus-building, and the ad- usually lithographed, in. Just, one addressed the problems of acid ministration's position that a con- color and later the other colors rain. The issue pits region versus trol program is not yet warranted. region and gives very little incen- Meanwhile, a highly outrageous tive for an. administration or a con- situation exists in, our own gressional committee to backyard—and throughout all of the themselves one way or the other to Northeast. More than, 3,000 'Thank, You and Best Wishes propose a solution that's more than American lakes and 23,000 miles of for all your for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year a. band-a id approach. rivers and streams have been lost to residential or That's a. short summary of the acid. rain. Millions of acres of commercial needs From the Staff politics of acid rain. The fairness forest, croplands, mountains, and of of the issue is another matter deserts hang in, the balance of altogether, and in this case, the ecological destruction. PAR GLASS Lafferty Real Estate eastern United States—and New Every year, almost $6 billion in "Friendly Personalized Service" England in particular—has suffered damage is done to the eastern 117 Echo Lake Road greatly in environmental, eco- United, States alone—not including Watertown 274-2151 • 274-3353 nomic, and human terms. the damage to forestry, 'fishing, Acid rain is caused primarily by hunting, and general, wildlife coal-burning electric utilities in the ecosystems. iMk Midwest that are the main con- Every year, more than $5 billion tributors to the more than. 176,000 in damage is done to OUT public tons of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen bridges., buildings, and monuments. oxide that are sent into the skies of And.—still worse—every year, North America daily. These and. 50,000 lives are ended premature- other deadly chemicals eventually ly due to the airborne chemical come down in the form of rain, precursors to acid. rain. That's 140 Jo our customers snow, sleet, and dry deposits. American lives per day, Collectively, they are known as As the proper way to stop this andfriends. acid rain. horrendous destruction of human Acid, rain" comes primarily from life, ecosystems, and public works, As you gather, with 10 sates—Illinois,, Indiana, Ken- I am proud to say that I am, an your family andfriends tucky, Missouri, Michigan, Penn- original co-sponsor 'of the Acid, sylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, West Deposition Control Act, of 1987, in celebration Virginia, and Wisconsin. The elec- which would, reduce sulfur dioxide tric utilities in these, and other slates emissions by 1,0 millions tons and this holiday season, contribute two-thirds of the 25 nitrogen oxide by 4 million tons. we wish you happiness and million tons of the sulfur dioxide That includes tougher standards emitted annually, and one-third of for new power plants and new care prosperity in the. years to come. the 23 million tons of nitrogen ox- and tracks. Second, the legislation- Season's Greetings from ide discharged annually. is flexible and cost-efficient,. Gover- Several political forces suggest, nors would decide how to meet the Directors, Officers that continued and accelerated those standards in their respective1 research on the problem of acid, states. Third, the approach is fair- and: Employees rain—rather than, firm, controls on all states must meet the same emis- of First Federal this environmental, hazard—is the sions standard. most likely response to the problem The acid, rain problem is not one Yufctkte Greetings To know and serve1 you this pastyearwasa true delight. Thanks and Merry Christmas I First Federal Savings WATERBURY AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WATERBURY AUTO BODY 1713 Thomaston Ave. Waterbury 753-1143 Page 3Property2 Town, Times (Wateitown , of.Conn.) Decthe, 23,. 198 Watertown7 Historical Society Indian Looking For Good Things In 1987-88 \ "The team, looks -on pace to get into the Yeager. "We're all looking forward to it. tournament," said girls basketball coach Bill Stacey feels the team, got her the points, she Yeager. "Based on what I've,seen, that looks just happened to be the one who put the ball like it won't be a problem," in the net." Jennifer Kasidas has scored. 43 points. (20 By Kim Harmon. against Kaynor Tech) for a 14.3 ppg. average. Though it doesn't seem to be a problem Meeghan Coffey has scored 3.6 points, a clip now, neither coach of the Naugatuck Grey- of 9.0 a. game. Julie Svab has scored 28 hounds or Wolcott Eagles held much stock points, or seven a game. Michelle Kerachsky at the beginning of the season in the chances contributed eight in. the first three games. of ..the Watertown High School girls basket- "Whoever has the shortest and easiest 'shot ball team. takes it," said Mr. Yeager, "that's why we Both, however, saw their teams fall to the pass off a lot." • determined Indians last week as Watertown Which leads to a colossal amount of assists. stormed its way to a 4-0 record, 3-0 in the Miss Svab, one of the four team captains, has Naugatuck Valley League (pending a contest scored. 28 points, but is partially responsible Monday night at Crosby). for 54 more with 27 assists. The Eagles, however, did prove to be As a team, the Indians have better than 70 Watertown's toughest opponent in the four assists. games, as the Indians needed a 13-point, Then there are the intangibles, the things IO-rebound game from. Stacey Kiltonic, who that come from having a •tough defensive OFF 10 A RED-HOT START in the Naugatuck Valley League is the Watertown is fresh, from, an All-NVL season on the player that don't often, get into the box score. School girls basketball team, resting unbeaten at 4-01, 3-0 in the league pending a contest volleyball court, to win 41-38. Things like steals and. blocked shots. Monday night at Crosby High. School, In the front row, left to right, are the four captains, With the four wins, the Tribe already is Miss Kiltonic blocked II shots in the first Tina Gauthier, Stacey Kiltonic, Jennifer Kasidas, and Julie Svab. Back row: Kim Boivin, halfway to' its first tournament berth in several two games of the season, five against Ken- Jennifer Barbieri, Michele Pilon, Sharon Majeski, Trish Hymiewicki, Meeghan Coffey, coach years and has 16 games in which to ac- nedy and six against Kaynor Tech, and add- Bill Yeager, Katie Halihan, Carol Ann Scanlon, Cheryl Bavone, Kim Nolan, and Michelle cumulate those four extra, victories. ed. 10 more against Naugatuck. Miss Kasidas Kerachsky. (Harmon Photo) Like Mr. Yeager said—no problem. stuffed five "shots against Kennedy, "What makes this different from last year's And Miss Coffey seems to be stealing ev- "But our main goal is to reach the tourna- against her with four fouls for a period and (7-12) team," said coach. Yeager. "is this year erything in sight, with 16 thefts in the first ment and do well there, get beyond the first a half." it's a total team effort. Fifteen different peo- four games. game. We have four girls who have been here The girls proved something. ple participated in the four varsity games "'That's what's going to lead our success for four years, and have never been to the state "(Against Wolcott) they proved! to them- we've played." this season," Mr. Yeager pointed out, "the tournament." selves they could win the tough, games;' Mr. In the season-opening- victory over Ken- girls playing games as a team. That's the ad- The way the girls have been playing, their Yeager said, "and if they hadn't won: they pro- nedy 14 different girls contributed, with eight vantage we have over other teams, with our potential could be quite a bit more than, just ved they could still be successful." of them scoring at least (wo points. Against four returning .starters." the state tournament. Remember that Wol- How successful the-girls will be still re- Kaynor Tech, II different girls garnered play- The Indians are dealing with, a situation cott, regarded, as one of the best teams in the mains to be seen, but. if first impressions are ing time with eight of them scoring. similar to the one the volleyball team faced, league, was beaten by the Indians and its All- lasting impressions, then, it isn't inconceivable Miss Kiltonic is leading all scorers with 7,3 in the fall. With four returning starters and State athlete Laura Burton was held by Miss to sec these girls sitting on top of the NVL points (19 from the foul line), or IS.25 a decent talent on the bench, the Tribe has a. Kiltonic to five buckets from the field and five heap come February. game. She has a decent shot, at scoring her chance to do ever)'thing it wants to do. a free throws for '15 points. "The team is looking forward to. the year..""" LOOOlh point, but needs to average slightly chance that might not be there next year. "Stacey did a pretty good job against (Bur- said Mr. Yeager, unwilling to make any flashy fewer than 20 points a. game to reach it. Who can say what their potential is? ton)," coach Yeager said. "(Burton) didn't .predictions... "They started off very positive- "We talked! about it as a team," said Mr. "'"Only time will tell," Mr. 'Yeager said. score in the first period and. Stacey played ly" " Girls Basketball:

SPEAKING A Look Around The NVL OF When you talk about, the big last year—Kalhy Wei/. Kacy Wilby Wildcats (15-7) names returning this season in Austin, and Yvonne Mal.iey. But • Four seniors are returning, in- Naugatuck. 'Valley League girls •coach' Sheridan Moore has just' cluding Ail-NVL star Barbara SPORTS •i basketball, mentioned are Barbara seven players. Love. What more needs to be said? _' Love tor Wilby and Linda Mascnli Tbrrington Red Raiders (15-6) Wolcott' Eagles (13-6) • " By Bob Palmer '' for Holy Cross, In the same breath Terri Bambakidou returns with a. The Eagles will be spending their comes All-State player Laura Bur- 10 points per game average and will; first year in the league, as" other ton of Wolcotl. in the first season lead a team hoping.-to catch other NVL teams are at the school. of NVL play. teams off guard, with quickness and Returning is All-State player Miss * in •< W' m m< m «i • i But another girls mentioned just lots of outside shooting. The team Burton, who should give the Eagles as often, is All-NVL center Stacey lacks height, however. all the spark they need... Kiltonic. who will be chasing her For the 40th year we wish our The Herquxs and Raymond Cwick. 1 flOOth point and a state tournament readers, and others too, a. Town Ron Russo and Demarest. Dick. berth with a group of talented, ex- Tunes Merry Christmas: perienced players. The Johnsons, Donnie and Mary. The Indians are confident they It's Gift-Giving Time! Chief Jack Carroll's men in blue. The Franzees and Heverling. Harry. will see a complete backflip of their Buddy J'udd and his firemen, too. 1986-87 record- (7-12). and will be By Kim .Harmon Fred Mr Lei land, and the'Roveros. in the slate tournament 'come the Ho ho ho! •' Dickie Fenn and sister Peggy. Don Stepanck and Mike Congeros. end of February. Not to mention an Let's pretend I'm that jolly, barrell-bellied elf Kris Kringle. Now. Jim Post and June Legge. outside shot at the league title. •you'll have to pretend real hard because I'm not too chubby (con- The Gordy Elliotts and. Wisauskys., A brief look around the league: • trary to what: my wife thinks), I'm not too jolly, and the closest thing; Lamphiers, Ave in Florida state, Stan DcMayoand Keith Borkowskis [I have to a reindeer-led sleigh is a 1985 Pontiac Sunbird. Kenny White and the Home Plate. Ansonia Chargers (17-3) Okay? Chris Palmer and. Bobby Claris, Forward Carlena Lee is the only Now while I don't know if anyone is sleeping or awake, bad or; Bill Quigleys and Harriet Clark, Dave Primini and Razza, Mark. loss from: last year's squad. Back [good, smart or dumb, I think I have a general idea of what people All Butterlys and Ericson Mark. are All-NVL 'standout Tiffany • in the sporting world out there could use next year. Sure, they might" The Knowltons and the Clocks, Johnson, Carol Clark, and Vanessa "not want these things and I sure don't have the money to buy them, Ump Matt Winans and Davey, Russ the Simons, Bradys, and Rocks. Ford. M'iss Johnson averaged 13 .but let's dream a little. Joey Laback and Gustafson. Gus. points, 13 rebounds, and, six. block- My Christmas List The Marcns and Bensavages, too, ed shots a. game. •Football coach. Sill Gargano: A Do-It-Yourself Home Cloning „ All and Marty Macciones Crosby Bulldog? (5-15) Johnny Jenkins and Hebert, Blue. r Kit, to use before his All-Everything quarterback, Rico Brogna, leaves The Joe Brognas and Larry Stones. . Three juniors are back, from last • for college next fall. Bill Wynns and every Lemieux, year's team, but new coach Wardell •Football, 'basketball, baseball star Rico Brogna: The phone The Pecks and Charley Taylors, too. 1 The Palombas and the Kenans, Ward is not expecting great things number of the only other person I know of who listens to Earth, Wind Phil Murphys and the Cronins. from a squad in its rebuilding year. [ and Fire: or Kool and. the Gang records. Son.Bob the III and Lipa, Milton.. Holy Crass Crusaders (174) •Coach Robert Monnerat and the girls soccer team,:'A, domed, Garj' We lions and Bill Garganos, Son Richard and every Skilton. League champions again? That's stadium, so it could rain, sleet, and hail all the heck, it wants outside. Tommy Fenns and Louis Maranos. what a lot of people are saying, •Coach Joe Shupenis and the boys soccer team: An' Astro-Turf,] Jackie Hassell and the Urbanos, especially since the Crusaders have ; field so stole tournament games won't have to be played, in the mud. Martha, Walt Grady and. Ceil, All Daveluy's and Grazianos. Miss Masco!i, Meg Lasbury, and- •Ex-former-presidential hopeful! Gary Hart: A, stocking' filled The Monnerats and clan O'Neill. Erika Gill is back from last season. [•with coal. What do you mean he's not involved, in sports? He's been , Mickey's Coffee, .Marcel Blanche*, The bench needs to gain some ex- .doing political gymnastics all year. Arthur Woods and! Tony Trottas, The Colliers and Palmer, Jeannetie. perience and the starters may have.- •Professional, baseball player Mark Ericson: A, leather-bound ; The Loveteres and Louie Cottas. to muscle for rebounds. .autograph book, and fall supply of Paper Mate pens for his trip to 'The other Palmers, Peggy and. Bud, Kennedy Eagles 02-10) ' ..the Minnesota Twins spring training camp in Florida. The Kalitas and Babe Padella, The Kiesels and Jasilunas, Lud. Gone are Joan Mancini and •.Professional: umpire Matt Wuians: A .helicopter to use far travel- Carl Herman, a. very nice fella. Shawna Early, the two staples of the ing between ballgames,. ' Ed Schreiner and. Bob Pettinicchi, Eagles' team last season. Six girls •Baseball, coach Bom. Valentino: A Polaroid Instamatic camera Sal lie Ziello and Muzzy Lecchi. have competed for the starting Rog Ouellette and all Grazianos, •so someone could save that: smile of success he's been wearing, for roles. The Talaricos and Venezianos. the past, two years, and, undoubtedly will be wearing again, this year. Doc Czarstys and M'oe Zaccarias, Naugatuck Greyhounds (5-15) " f •Athlete Nick DeMatteis: A videotape of bis Class "SS" state The Mulligans and Dick DiMarias. There's not much to say about a. The LeMays and Williams, Ned, ! championship game catch. Also, a pair of horse blinders. If lie's team that went 5-15 and returns all The Belies and Palomba, Fred. * going to .run into metal, backstops in tbe spring, let it at least be ' Dick Lewis and. Bill O'Donnell, of its starters, except to' say it will (a surprise-; All the Canuzzis and. Blazys too. Charley Brown, Jerry O'Connell. be a more experienced, bunch. •Something else for Rico: The knowledge that two years, from, The Hayes. Jones, Bandas Lou. . • Team, strength should be speed. New Year's-Day he will be storting in, a bowl game for the college ; Every Calabrese and Valentines, Sacred Heart Hearts (0-18) [ he has decided to attend. The Vitones crew and Capuanos, Ronnie Baker and family Marines, There's no where: to go but up for The Wihbeys and the Romanes. (Continued on page 33) the Hearts. Three girls return.-from; Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown. Times (Watertown. , SocietyConn..) Dec, 23, 1987' Page 33 The Chiarmellas and Krasnow, Al, Bob Ford and all the Swabs, So please forgive my labor of love, The Billy Fenns and Salemi, Sal. The Monteroses and the Traubs. • If you're name missed, being above.

watertownhistoricalsociety.orgThe Mangos and Laffertys, Larry, ' The Maisios and all Wilsons, ' And to publisher Bill Simmons, The Austins—Marv, Brace, Gary. i The Demers gang .and 'the Chilsons. _.A most happy Xmas and all the "trimmings." The Ci.riell.os and the Wrenns, • . The Beautys, Ed and Ray, The Stanleys and Charley Fenns, John Mills and Harry McKay. New Steel Blades The Dunns and Driscoll, Ted", The Baytons and all Shots', _ The Buonocores and Bennetts., Ed... The Thompsons and the Joyces. Skaters Learning

"M Tata and Salvatore, Bill, The Kulmans and Al O'Briens, . First Routine Craig Lamphier and. Lampion, Phil The Moffos and Eddie Ryans. The Steel Blades of Watertown, a newly-formed figure skating Richie Lopes and. Ronnie Loth, My friend Pete, the Army man, precision team created by Karri Marlene, Too, and Hallock, Ruth. Ames Minor and' Vernon 'Rand. Hobson in honor of her late coach, Alan Steel, is anxious to perform, Johnny'Galeski and Tiger Gustin, its first number. Craig Piercy who's good at busfin". The McOmbers and Misuras, A "precision, team" is a group of The Mottas and, the Curas. 12 or more skaters; performing Stan Masayda and Bernie Pillis, various intricate formations,' The is and Leo Gillis. Ronnie Geddes and Kennedys all, maneuvers, and, transitions flowing Each Desjaidins and F'rankie Wall, smoothly, yet precisely, to music. Its purpose is to create an, artistic Leo Rossi, and Bernier, Jimmy, Bill Lukos' and. Reardon, John, succession of pictures on the ice. Joey Longo and Sullivan, Timmy. „ Lionel Green and Delaney, Ron. Led. by captains Mary Sharlene Annett and Marie Alana Cassullo, Tweedy Durante and Giannini, Sal, The Pete Labodas and each McGee, the team consists of the .bllowing Michael John, and Donofrio, Al. „ Every Kielty andGarthwait, Lee. advanced skaters: Jamie Benoit, Nicole Blackmer, Anne Evans, Bob Demskes and Ray LaFlanunes, Jim Guinea and, Alwood, Ted, Salinda Fertig, Lisa, Henriques, Rico Brogna and many grand slams The Judds and Diorio, Ed. Sara Jacobs, Longo, M ic hel I e M i k I i nev ich. Roby n Mike Kleban and the Leaches, Gee whiz, I've just got to end. Paskunak. Jack. Watts, and Judy George Sloss and the Beaches. Knowing that I've missed a friend. 'Whitaker. RFXEI\ ING ALL-STATE HONORS for the Watertow n High School held hockej team is Maureen McKmstrj, 16, daughter of Paul and Lin- da McKinMrj 171 Oak Dn\e Miss McKinstry, a junior, plajed for- \ ird lett-inncr tor the Indians during her second }car on the varsity team No one could blame her for saying, "Yes, I really was excited, I had no idea I was going to get picked." Mary Wallenberg coaches the SALE field hockey team. (Harmon Photo)

Bob Palmer Bob Houle and Barkauskas boys, (Continued from page 32) the Hovicks and Lavoies. Beauchamps and Fran Kaminskis. Matt Antonacci and the Zappones, 25% OFF Buck inghams and Bo ley Perlinskis All O'Neills and Michael Stones. DRESSES • SEPARATES The Ztibiks and Ed Rosas, Andy Dunaj and Zuraitis, Dan, All the Colliers and the Posas. The Hoffmans and. Brads'haw elan. •'PANTSUITS • SHOES The McHalcs and Sorenson, Hank, The Puglicscs and Cum Ha, Frank, GRAZIANOOILCO The Rue Shop DIVISION OF MATTY'S PAVING CO... UNIFORM'S" Tommy Valockas and Kim Harmon —ewer 35 years service— 1.1.48 Baldwin St., Waterbury Bill Beckers and William Karmen. UNIFORMS UNIFORMS 757-2246 • Hrs: Tues.-Fri. 10-5; Sat. 11-4 • FUEL OIL The Halliwells and Dearth Crew, The Ditillos and Krawchuks, too. • K-1 KEROSENE Ralph Brad leys and these fellows, • 24 HOUR GET Jimmy Duniap and Delmar Knox. BURNER SERVICE Harry Innes and Shuhart twins, Sherni Slav in and his Harvard wins, 274-0600 274-3636 CERTIFIED LOCKSMITH Locks Sold • Keys Made Locks Repaired • Locks Changed 24 HOUR Emergency Openings R.T. SANZERI T.O..W.E.D. 104 Grand St., Thomaston 283-8654 COMMERCIAL- • AUTO • RESIDENTIAL 10% Discount for Senior Citizens • NEW YEAR'S EVE

^?s^^ II Yoa've Had Too Much To Driik, Don't Drive- Sets • Rookies • Stars • Old Cards • Supplies can 274-2463 EAST COAST BASEBALL CARDS

20 Depot St. For a Ride and A Tow Home Watertown, CT 06795 (In Watertown. and Oakville) (203) 274-7034 From 9 p.m. DECEMBER 31st to 4 a.m. JANUARY 1st • does not apply ii you get stopped by police Ior DWI • veJucle must Jbe operable • OLDSMOBILE & CADILLAC 1 Daily • Weekly •$ or 9 Monthl5 y NEIL'S AUTO BODY an

We own and operate our own equipment I Weekly We are not agents! CALLUS (Trips To • FORA 1 New England FREE ESTIMATE N.Y.,N.J.n. May this Holiday Season be cheerful mud joyful to aS. P. A. • Thanks for your continued patronage throughout ike year. from Danbury Dick • Eddie • Art • Eiiie • Cindy • Jack • Joyce • Frank. 797-0567 Brian • Bey • Jeff • Judy • Paul • Sieve • Donna • Vinnie. I Watortiiiry WEEKLY TRIPS .0 ~*» 757-8070 f FLORIDA f NewMllfordl 354-1050'. «E 0WIMowl *NHO OIPEUTE10oMniEiioiiiiiSiiii1 EllHIEil " ' Toirington yaftttitffice intg 1 _ «2 -B508 g OWEIiOflEinSOFSEIinGOVEHSOTEARSOFSEIVICEE \ Am Hot The Seme MOVING & STORAGE. INC Florida unb Mtbitui We Invite • . T«i< «'!>•« Mini tttlfr Bill)' Mnti, •• «'n:!l (30 5)524- 42^1 55 DeForest Street 274-5288 Watertown Comparison Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Coon.) Dec. 23, 198 7 Page 35 airtight, tin for week or two. Italian • Christ Child. Ragbow Wreath Christmas Legend watertownhistoricalsociety.orgThe Wreath Symbol Helping Johnny To You will need a polystyrene or The year 1444 was the year the In Italy, it. is not Santa Claus foam, base. Cut squares of many evergreen boughs were used in who brings the gifts to good chil- Be Peace-Loving designs of prints, with pinking the streets of London as Christ- dren but, rather it is Le . If you want, your Johnny to shears. Thread wire through the mas decorations. In the 16th cen- According to an .ancient legend, think of ways he can help others— center of each, square; twist,.the tury the people of Germany inter- the Italians tell of the Wise Men, to learn to always love instead of wire together making a spike in, twined the branches of spruce or stopping to ask, an old woman di- hate, don't buy him war toys- the back."Bunch the squares as fir into a circular shape. rections'as to whereto find the especial ly at Christmastime closely together as possible, in- 'Baby Jesus. Le Befana was so full when we talk of making, a more serting the spike into the base of awe as she saw their magnifi- peaceful world. Children can, just until, the base is completely cov- ered. Tie a, big, bright bow to More Play Fun cence that she just couldn't speak. as easily be taught, caring ways Advent Cards The Wise Men invited, her to go instead of violence. one side at the bottom. Check with, your local cabinet with them, to-worship the newborn. These December days seem, so shop or other construction work- King,, but she could, only shake long, for a child waiting for Christ- ers and collect small wooden her head no. mas. For a bit of fun, make an blocks. Sand these and stack them It. was not until the Wise Mem for your child. in a. pretty Christmas box. Chil- had, gone that she suddenly found, Cut a snowman, from, felt. Ar- dren from, age 2 to. 12 will have .. her tongue and hurried out to range 24 pockets at different more fun with these than they catch them, but she never could places around his scarf, hat, •would with expensive gifts. They catch up. down his front. Stitch the pockets will make forts, bridges, tun- At each place she stopped along on. Paste the snowman, to strong nels,, garages, skyscrapers, barns the way she left a little gift, hoping .cardboard. Attach a ring on the and houses galore! that one day she would, find the mback from which, to hang it. Write the numerals 1 to 24 on gold stick-on stars. Slick each star to the end of a narrow red ribbon. Attach a, small present, Great Gift - Great Price! candy, etc. Slick another star with the same numbe on, it to the back of the other star, sandwiching the ribbon, between the stars. Now just Place the gi fts in, the pockets with the star sticking on as a, tab. Each, OFFER GOOD day the child,, throughout, De- FULL SERVICE cember, gets to open a pocket and UNTIL 12 NOON HAIR & NAIL SALON find a treat. • BuytheTbro DECEMBER 24. „ S-620nowat Financing. 37© Watertown Road, 1980 prices. Available Thomaston .America's most Haven't you done without 2834484 a Toro long popular snow- enough? thrower, over two million sold. Nurnberger • Electric start model •TORQ- Lebkuchen Cookies available. 1 v* cups light brown sugar Two-year limited V* cup runny honey 1 egg, beaten I ^warranty. I isp.. grated, orange peel No money down 1 tbsp. orange juice on Toro's revolving I."/: cups all-purpose flour '/: isp. each: ground cinnamon, charge plan. Ask : ground cloves, mace and ginger for details. '/: tsp. baking soda Vi tsp. salt ill: OF OH PRODUCTS IRE ASSEMBLED AND READY FOR ISE. 2 oz. ground almonds W cup chopped, candied peel 'WE DELIVER WITHIN OUR SALES AREA V* cup glace cherries 6 oz. whole blanched almonds Over low heat melt honey and dctftw OF OAKVILLE sugar together. Cool. Beat in 274-6753 •SERVICE IS OtK SPECIAI/n" grated •peel, orange juice and egg. Hours: Man.-IFn. 9-6:30 • Sat. 9-3 808 Main Si... Oakville Sift flour, baking soda, salt, and FOR, THE WATER, SPORTSMAN ON YOUR, LIST spices into large bowl; stir in the See Our Line of Marine Recreation and Safety Equipment. honey mixture, the ground al- monds and orange peel. Keep overnight in refrigerator in greas- ed aluminum foil. Take a. fourth of the dough at a. time from, re- frigerator; roll out to 3/8" thick on, well-floured board. Cut into Spirited 21/]" rounds. Place well apart on, baking sheet lined with, baking, parchment or oiled greaseproof paper. Greetings May joy be-your Put, half a cherry in the middle gift' this glorious and 4 almonds to make a. flower To old friends and new, Christmas season on top. Bake 375* 10-12 minutes. we wish, a holiday filled Cool on, baking sheet. Store in with happf moments as you share in and much love. the treasures this happy holiday From, Dave and Fran brings! FREE ESTIMATES Dave Jr. and Tony "You called the Rest, Now call the Best" OAKVILLE Call, Anytime LIQUOR, STORE SAL 293 Main Street 274-2375 Oakville 274-9529 ENGINEERED SINTERINGS "Located in Beautiful Downtown AND Oakville" PLASTICS, INC fatarttwi Middlebury Watertatry iaiptxl. A 214-5411 753-1733 '1534000 123-4481 WATERTOWN- Soalttirf flnliie Tonington Blibirf 271-3954 7914315 INDUSTRY 264-6665 491-1254 Page 36 Town Times (Waleitown, Conn,,.) Dec. 23, 1987 Property of the Watertown Historical Societywill, not come in contac t with the A lot of bluffing can be done by and rub it into the flour; Add he had. to pay a penalty. keeping one's mouth shut. dates and walnuts; mix in well- Some versions include such wreath above it. beaten eggs and enough of the .gifts as a, .goose was that, grey. Cover the base with moss or milk to i nake a. consistency so that Five Limerick oysters, a cotton for snow. • . CASH.. ; watertownhistoricalsociety.orgthe mixture will drop. Put into eye (peacock) and an Arabian We will pay a top price for 4"x8" bread pan. Bake 35CT for baboon. The four calling; birds Christmas your house. WalnutA Dale Loaf ,50-60 minutes. Test with skewer. are the same traditional, four colly — Any Condition — 1, Vi cups self-rising flour If it doesn't, come out clean, cook (black) birds. in Bethlehem Confidential, Service 14 cup granulated sugar I for 5-10 minutes longer. Coo! in Thousands of people flock to pan for 10 minutes. Remove and, Our 18th Year! Yi tsp.salt Bethlehem, during the Christmas Vi cup butter cool. Ice with, this icing: Beat 1 season to visit the birthplace of Call: Fred Reyher V* cup chopped dates egg frothy; mix with 2 Jesus. 754-41:78 Anytime 3 oz. chopped walnuts oz. powdered sugar and, 1 tsp. 'There are several places claim- 2 eggs, beaten lemon juice. ing to be the burial place of Christ fV.. /"Co|i« ,e3"T'.«M,fl# V* cap milk —likewise the place of his birth, t I 1 66 Willow St." fTJ Sift, flour, sugar and salt into a tbo Pooped but one of the main places pil- ."=-"' Waterbury s3 bowl. Cut butter in small pieces grims, choose as Christ's birth- To Party? place is the Church of Nativity. If you feel all tense about, hav- fflosoooooooooooaeoocooeooeoBoosooosoBw A Latin Chapel, fourteen ing those Christinas parties you centuries, old. is first entered, usually have, why not consider if and, then one descends to the your potential guests would Just Grotto of the Nativity. as soon be invited to a party in • A; silver star has been inlaid in, the slow months of January or 7 a smalf recess of the wall to mark ~% \ February They may also feel. - Christmas the traditional spot, of Ch.rist*s,.«y) \ \ 4 Room, Ranch with extra." | more relaxed, not wondering how w \ they will ever have time to go to birth. \ 1 room In. the basement. j Wreath Pyramid. Interestingly enough, the door 1 1 all the parties. This Christmas tree is based to the birthplace (the stable at the \ 1 car attached garage. Patio with. ! on an 1843 engraving. Use a Inn) is a low opening, built, so it. 1 huge multi-flowered garden.. j straight piece of branch from an. is told, in order that the animals \''( And A Partridge evergreen, tree. 'Bore a hole through that might wander around Beth- \1 1 EXCELLENT CONDITION • j In A Pear Tree the branch where 'each wreath lehem won't enter as easily. One Owner Anxious - $124,500' -j will be. Bore another hole just sees no ox nor donkey, looking The carol, "The.Twelve Days under thefirst holes you made so over the manger. I Agent - Nancy McCormick j of Christmas" is about all that is that you may form a doweling I left of the old tradition when cross brace1 for each wreath. Nail csJtedetioH. FK. fCajmet c=J-aenctj • X Christmas was celebrated dur- the branch, to a wooden base. • J: 66 Willow Street " • • ' j ing the 12 days between December Make graduating wreaths from, Waterbory* 754-4178 ffl 1 25 and Epiphany, January6. wire and, evergreen.. Lay the JbeoeoocOGOOOSOCOOOGOCOCOC^ This caroi originally was a sing- wreaths on their wooden crosses ing game played at Twelfth Night and secure to d,o«;dlng with wire. parties All the gifts were to be As you securely wire candles'in repeated in order without mis- place, take the greatest of care take If a guest made a blunder, to be sure that the candle flame Apple S Helen Williams Christmas Tree Res (203)274-3679 This unusual, door decoration, comes from Canada. Cut, a thick triangle from plywood. Screw a strong hook into the apex, to 804 HAMILTON AVIE, hang it. Wire sprigs of evergreen WATEHBURY. CT 06706 together, spreading them out. along the triangle's base to cover the board's edge. 'Nail into posi- OAKVILLE - AN ADORABLE and well-designed May Christmas and the New Year bring you joyful hours, pleasant memories, tion. Security nail rows of apples DREAM OF A CAPE - Beautifully landscaped. Lovely large to cover the triangle. Sprinkle yard - Ideal STARTER or Retirement Home. thoughts of friends and much happiness. with artificial, frost. Owner Anxious " S 129.900 MULTIPLE LISTING . SERVICE *«O ' (203)753-9400" 66 Willow Street SWWMi<& ) 753.9401 , Waterbury • 754-4178 l(203

274-9675 Pretty 401 Main Street iv; Package Hints Watertown Make fancy bows from edgings CT' 06795 and laces that, you keep in your Wayne Nichols Ellen Zuschlag I I Lillian Groody I sewing box. Tuck in a poinsettia, LTD pine cone, or holly sprig, or a, bauble or two. REAL ESTATE, Paper lace doilies make neat Imtlta Wright Shalln Whitman Betsy Hoyt package decorations. • A tiny sprig, of evergreen, a, shaft of dried grasses,, or a cluster FROM OUR HOUSE TO YOURS of berries enhance bows and plain-colored packages. Ornament Tradition A,' family tradition is to give each, child a, special tree orna- ment—maybe! a glass bird, a. little wooden rocking horse, a teddy bear, etc.—something they will remember from year to year as 'heir own contribution to thi family Christmas tree. Long May Christinas Live! Christmas is a .medicine—it heals broken relations with its oil of love smoothing the rough plac- es. 'Christmas is a tonic—it often,, turns the selfish into true givers of one's self. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON The sweet spirit of Christmas helps, to cover the repulsive-things • ' AND' that have happened, through the year as we look away from Earth A JOYOUS AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR 'and the predicaments it, has got- ten into to the peace that Christ .can .give to our hearts,. Hope, joy, So;that'our clients and/sales, associates may enjoy .tjjjs holiday Premier Properties love, courage, generosity find, •£td.;willo^dasedfromX their places at Christmastime. -arid;. New'Year's.'DaV; .January, :lsti-- ,:-;'--- ' '.T: . - . . • •. \- , " ;" • . '. ., '•"''."'• Savor this Christmas feeling- long may it, live throughout a new year! . Property of the Watertown Historical•"Town" Times (Watertown Society, ConnC.) Dec. 23, 1.987 ' Page 37 brought presents of gold, frankin- widower with at least six children. ing, guiding and being a. compan- Bread and Apples For cense and myrrh to the Christ Betrothal or engagement was a ion to his special son'. Christmas, Many people think that the legal relationship which could origin of giving at our winter festi- only be broken by a legal, divorce. An English superstition said a val began with the Magi. Actually, Imagine how Joseph felt when he The Delia Robbia Wreath loaf of bread should be left after the idea was prevalent before the the Christmas, Eve supper, so that discovered Mary was pregnant! If you see the name, "Delia birth of Christ, The Romans To all human thinking Mary was there would, be plenty of bread Robbia," on a, wreath, would you, gathered symbols of health, af- an, adulteress and as such he could during the nest year, and to enjoy know the history of this popular fection, and happiness—boughs legally divorce her or "put her good, health apples were eaten at. wreath? Sand Dollar Christmas of myrtle, laurel, and olives to away," but, the fact that Joseph midnight,. 'The Delia Robbia wreath is "a Decoration give to their rulers.. spared Mary from this public trial live replica," of the relief carv- fa Soak sand dollars for a day or It was. not long until the Ro- shows great evidence of his in- ings of leaves and fruits around until, they're white in a, strong bleach man emperors started demanding tegrity and consideration toward Fertility For A Song the artist's charming Bambino solution (3 parts bleach to 1 pan more than greenery-they wanted her, ' medallions. 'Mrs. Margaret Fowler St. Lucia's Day is a, feast day water). Rinse thoroughly and dry material offerings of clothing and Mary's pregnancy could also who gave some of the buildings for some countries in December I; them in the sun. other articles made of gold and. look like Joseph, was the culprit. to the Boys" Republic at Chino in memory of a Sicilian maiden When sand dollar is thoroughly silver. 'These were no longer gifts While Joseph was brooding over California was so impressed by who became a martyr in 304 and dry, tie a satin ribbon through the of the heart when, they were ex- this perplexing pr.cbk.i~n, an, angel the Bambinos in Italy that she who was noted for giving food sand dollar's long hole. Attach pected, and demanded. It, gives us appeared to him in a dream, re- wondered if the boys might like and drink to the poor. In Hungary a, hook through the bow (one can, something, to reflect on. Have vealing the Holy Spirit's part in, to make such wreaths. The project on this day boys sing chants that be made with paper clip if you have Christmas, gifts 'become something Mary's conception,. God required began, in 1,923 and proved most supposedly cause the geese and no other). Hang on the tree or on we expect too much and yes, may- this act of faith by Joseph, and. successful. hens to be fertile. Then these boys wreath for pretty decoration. be wen slyly demand? Joseph pasised the test by accepting receive small tokens from the lady Jesus birth. of the house. In Albania the gifts Gift Bearing What About Joseph? Joseph worked closely with .Almost all year the boys gather received for caroling are carried Jesus in his carpenter's shop, giving seedpods, cones-, leaves, etc., then c n ga i I y dec or a t ed stick ,s. Remembering special people Much honor has been, given to 'him lessons that, would last through- combined them with colorful Mary, the mother of Jesus, but with gifts at. Christmastime is one out his life on earth. Just as Mary fruits to make beautiful wreathes For most Americans the only real: of the most satisfying joys of the not much has been said about that are sold in, the States and was the chosen mother, Joseph, quarrel with capitalism seem to be season. Joseph. also must have been the perfect abroad.. 'The money then, helps *ie shortage of capital. The three kings, of the East It seems that Joseph was a eanhly lather for Jesus-protect- support the school. CASEOF

{Joyous^ Holidays

To Vi All

From, all of u$ to H ail of you, we wish you. a very WATERTOW COLONIAL $140 000 Merry Christmas Spacious4BRcolonial inconvenient location, close to Taft School and, Rt. 8. This charming home features li\ ing rm W fireplace, large From country kitchen w/app'Is. and new oak cabinets l1^ baths, family :rm and screened-in porch. A. maintenance free exterior and detach- The Entire Staff ed 2 car garage arc an added plus to this unique property. ' MerrillLf nch lealtf at MIS Real Estate Division ® fxeaii [=} M1DDLEBURY SOUTHBURY NORMAN LTD1. REAL ESTATE 274*786 758-1733 264-2880' W . 1269 Main St.. Watertown or 756-8915 967 Main SI Watertown 274-96611 SEASONS GREETINGS@ - THIS While you're celebrating December's holidays, we invite you to enjoy a favorite holiday beverage from Better Homes and Gardens"' New Cookbook: SPACE lot Mulled Cider• 8 cups or apple juice In a large saucepan, combine apple cider or <;.], cup packed brown sugar juice, brown sugar, and nutmeg For spice Dash ground nutmeg bag. place cinnamon, allspice, and cloves in 6 inches stick cinnamon cheesecloth and lie. add to cider mixture AVAILABLE 1 teaspoon whole allspice Bring to toiling Reduce heal, cover and 1 teaspoon whole cloves simmer 10 minutes Remove spice bag and 8 thin orange wedges or slices discard. Serva cider in mugs with a clove- 8 whole cloves s'udded orange wedge in each. Makes 8 (b-ounce) servings > Copyright Meredith Co>poialion 198' CALL Enjoy, and happy holidays from R00T& B0YD % 274-6721 RKALFSTATE r© 756-7258 V it f:- * ^ 1 '<. *K f" .' .1*,-J&&.

, w>* ru Here's hoping Saint Nick brings you and your Watertown - Custom Built loved ones much goodq W^TERTOWN-Spaeious and airy split level wtan abundance of Contemporary style 5 BR tame, 3 "1 baths, sunken LR with cathedral I tinsel spjee, 7 rmb 3 BRS, \'i baths,. LR */FP, lovelj sunny luck and1 happiness' ceiling and brick FP, FR w/FP, 2 car all. gar . slate foyer, nice I)1 hrcalfusi nook, lograund pnol. located in Tafl Sthool area, plus many manicured lot, lg. ing round pool, & many more special features. | more extras Aslling S254.900. Call Joyce Palonnba. this Christmas. Asking $294,900. Call Karen Slanco. A MEMBER OF THE 1 SEARS RNWMCWL NETWORK ..I A MEMBER Of THE j SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK 1 COLO til 6LL COLDUJeLL of € iti in cell cut DAMKISKH.ANI 2016 Straits, Turnpike, Middlebury DAMKI.SKTTAM 758-1761 -WATERTOWN 274-5431 WATERTOwV " 274-5431. 'I •» :s, n I" I 1 I, I. *• Page Property38 Town. Times (Watertown , ofConn. ) theDec. 23, 198Watertown7 Historical Society


ALL CLASSIFIED MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE, HATE TO CLEAN? Cleaning is date, time and. place indicated Tuesdaj noon is the deadline for classified advertising. my business. Reliable, low rates & 10. LAWN. & GARDEN above, Rates: $2.50' minimum charge for the first 12 words, plus flexible hours. 754-0593, BY ORDER OF THE COURT ONLY 13 WEEKS until Spring Carey R. Geghan 1988! Call LAWN GUYS, $.45 per line for' each additional line beyond the minimum Judge 2. FOR, SALE 274-0608. Happy Holidays!! (approx. four words per line). In addition to Town Times, .TT 12-23-87 FABRIC BARN-Cardinal Craft all classifieds are carried in the Water-Oak Shoppers'* FREE to non-profit organizations, 'LEGAL. NOTICE Shop, Open every day 10 a.m. to- Guide at no additional charge. schools, garden clubs, etc.! Borrow 'The Planning and Zoning Commis- 5 p.m. through Dec. 2,4th. Route our lawn care, 'VCR. tapes, Several sion, Town of 'Watertown, Connec- 63, East Morris, 567-5823. topics available. More to be added. ticut, will hold a, public hearing on, DANNY'S CARPET SERVICE: 1. SERVICES OFFERED Call LAWN GUVS, Inc., 274-0608. January 6, 1.988, at 7:00 p.,;n, in, the Repair & installations. 25-yrs. exp. CHRISTMAS TREES. Come tag Watertown, High School Library, 757-1.696, your own. 321 Sunnyside Ave,.., EMIL'S JEWELERS CONRAD'S MOWER REPAIR. French Street on •'the following peti- 709 Main St. Oakv. Hours Sat. & Sun. 1,-4 p.m., tion and request: C & V PAINT SERVICE. In- SERVICE. Quality servicemen all Watertown types of s no wb lowers and to change existing zoned General terior & exterior, residential & UNUSUAL XMAS GIFTS. E x pe rt wa tch repa i ri n g;. Iawnmowers. Over 20 years ex- Industrial 80 (IG-80) land to commercial. Exc. refs, Call Heavy duty windshield covers. Guaranteed workmanship. 1 Residence 20 (R-20) on a, certain 274-2200 or 274-4465. perience. Repairs on mowers 'Throw away your scraper! throughout the year. Pick-up & parcel of land located on the MARANATHA, deliver}1. Free estimates 5 h.p. southerly side of Bunker Hill .Road, RAY BERRY & SONS,, painting Extra, heavy duty canvas firewood CHIMNEY SWEEPS snowblower, $300. 274-9497. bound and described as follows: contractor. Quality workmanship, carriers. Save your back! At the_ Chimneys cleaned professionally. Beginning at a point in the souther- competitive prices. Insured. Free Watertown Canvas & Awning Co., Quick, clean, efficient service. 12, AUTOS ly streetline of Bunker Hill Road, 574-1435. - comer of Rt. 6 & Fern Hill Rd., 729-0160 or 573-1.2:55. said, point being, the northeasterly Wtn. 274-9671, '78: OLDS OMEGA, 2 dr., tan SNOW PLOWING. Very •corner of land, now or formerly of PAINTING:. InL-exL painting. w/Landau roof. V8, PS, PB, new Century Corporation and. the nor- reasonable & reliable. 274-5510. Free estimates. Quality work. Ex- VIDEO MACHINES. Carnival, engine & tires including snows, thwesterly corner of land now or cellent references. All' work Asteroid, Battle Zone. Coin Well maintained. Some body work formerly of Francis J. Wheelehan, .HOLIDAY CATERING for any guaranteed. Ray Lawlor, 274-2233 operated. Reconditioned. Best of- needed. $500. 274-2966. Sr. and running S 25«56-30""W occasion... Three festive menus star- or 274-2225. fer. 274-3830. along land of said Wheelehan and ting at $5 a, person, Homemade 1985 CUTLASS SUPREME* 2 dr., land now or formerly of Francis J., Italian cooking. We deliver. C&C HOMEOWNERS TWO NEW Teledyne Laars gas HT. AC, PS, PB, cruise control, Jr. and Patricia, S. 'Wheelehan, in, Deli, phone 274-1864. General home repairs & im- fired hot water boilers, 42,000 pulse wipers,-AM/FM, snow tires, part each 200.00 feet and, continu- provements. Carpentry and, plum- BTU's/hr. $600' each: 274-4715. 45J00O miles. $6,000. 274-7364. ing along land of said Wheelehan bing. Interior or exterior. No job LICENSED BEAUTICIAN Jr.,,,, S G9"46-3Q"W, 140,82 feet to YAMAHA ELECTRONIC too small. Prompt service at will come to your home on Fridays. 1984 SUBARU GL station wagon. the northewesterly comer of the piano, 8 mos. old. Grig. $520,, reaso nable ra te s. Qu al ity Knowledgeable in. all phases of hair 4 dr. w/hatchback. 5 spd,. parcel herein described.;, thence run- $350 firm. 274-1864 or 274-72,54, workmanship. Free estimates. Ful- styling. Call Susan. 266-5039. AM/FM, pulse wipers. '$4,500. ning S 68<»57-26""E, 250.86 feet to ly insured. References available. 274-7364. land now or formerly of Rhoda M. Call William M. Cooke, 263-5400. TWO QUASAR TV's, b&w, 1,5 Cozy; thence running along land! of 6 18".- Like new, $25 & $35. RELIABLE LANDSCAPING 1,986 TOYOTA, MR2, 5 spd. • said Cozy S OWOTW. 33033 MAGICAL ENTERTAINMENT Sears foam twin mattress,, unused... Loaded. Two-to ne. i m macu late feet: to a point; thence running along, for children's parlies and shows. $75. 274-0617. cond.. 11.000 miles. 2744756 other land of Century Corporation tt Call Mr. Miracle. 274-6115. Snowplowing, 2,4 hrs. a day. 7 days. 274-2953 evenings... S 87' 2Q-03*"W, 269.04 feet and N 3. HELP WANTED G9"46-30""E, 436.88 feet to the APPLIANCE REPAIRS.Wash- point or place of beginning of this ers, dryers, electric sieves & 25. FIREWOOD days a week, Most, driveways WOODBURY: Duda & Goodwin parcel. Said parcel.contains 2,2,4: - refrigerators. Call 274-6319. Acres. Inc. Screw machine operators, SEASONED FIREWOOD, $1,2,5 material handler. Flexible hours, Pet it i oner: C'e n tu ry Co rporat io n SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. per cord, cut. split & delivered. $19.99. Quality, reliable service. benefits. Call, 263-4353 8:30 a.m. 274-3! 11. At:-this hearing interested persons Herb Shaw Sanitation Service, the to 3:30 p.m. may appear and, be heard, and writ- se r v ice pro fe ss ion a I. Ca 11 ten communications will be receiv- 274-8228, any time. 30. ITEMS FOR RENT 27441359 HIRING! Government: jobs-your ed. A copy of the petition is on file area. $I5,000-$68.000. Call (602) in the office of the Planning and TYPING HEATERS, generators, floor 838-8885 „ Ext, 551:6. sanders, paper steamers, sham- Zoning Officer, Town Hall Anniex.: WORD PROCESSING ONE MAN G-RATED variety Dated in Watertown, Connecticut, Resumes. letters, term papers, pooers, paint sprayers, vacs, Rcn- show with magic, music, comedy CNC LATHE operator. Flexible lal Center, inc.. 274-8821, this 23 rd day of December, 1987.. manu s c rip t s, mail i ng 1 i sis. and sing-alongs. Guaranteed hours. Benefits. Call .or apply at Judy Wick.' Secretory repetitive letters, tapes transcribed. 1 tasteful or no charge. '30-60 min. Duda,& Goodwin, 263-4.353,, 8:30 Planning and Zoning Commission M ota ry P ub 1 ic. W ood bu ry 32. MORTGAGE LOANS shows for families, adults of a.m. to 3:30- p.m.. TT. 12-23-87 Secretarial Services. 263-2279. seniors. Ted Johnson. 274-1357, DO NOT GO BANKRUPT!! State of Connecticut RETAIL SALESPERSON. Stop ' foreclosure! Homeowners, Court of Probate HOME REPAIRS, remodeling, IBM - DOS, word processing, Men's clothing store. Sales exp. additions. For free estimate call Bill consolidate your bills, pay off your District of Watertown databases 'taught on your computer, needed. Person most be assertive & • credit, cards,, your car or business December 4, 1987' Clock. 274-2859. your office, business, school or .pleasant. 274-7081,, ask for Bob, loan, your mortgage and save, save NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS home. Ted Johnson, C-TEACH, • 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. your home!! NO PAYMENTS UP . Estate of MILFORD DOW DELL KARPET MAID 274-1,357. TO 2 YEARS! Bad, credit, late The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, Quality carpet cleaning using COUNTERTOP5. Experienced, & shampoo with deep extraction. payments or unemployment is not, Judge of the Court, of Probate. inexp. help needed, for custom a problem. Foreclosure assistance Free estimates-fully insured. Sr. TRIBURY SNOW PLOW- District of Watertown, at a hearing shop. Good salary, benefits, available for the self-employed and citizen discounts. 274-0074. ING .Res., commercial. $25 min. held on Dec. 4, 1987, ordered that holidays. Steady employment, newly divorced! Kindly call 'THE. all: claims must be presented to the Call now to insure spot for 1988. Please' call 755-7774. SWISS CONSERVATIVE DROP OFF CATERING. •274-4563 fiduciary at the address below. Holiday parties, showers, stags. GROUP at 203-454-4404 or •Failure to promptly present any HOUSEKEEPING BUSINESS 203-454-1336. Complete buffet. $6.50 per person, ACE MAINTENANCE SER- such claim, may result in the loss of looking for part-time individual, rights to recover on such claim. Large menu to choose from... VICE. Professional cleaning at Must be responsible, reliable. Own LEGAL NOTICES Kathleen B. Navin, Clerk Laura's Kitchen. Call 274-2969, reasonable prices. Offices, initial trans. 754-0593. The fiduciary is: cleaning • of premises. Senior State of Connecticut DOG GROOMING. Evening ap- Lorraine, P. Banks Citizens discount. Call 274-6259. MEDICAL SECRETARY with Court of Probate ' pointments plus all day Thurs. & 86 Sylvan, Lake Rd. computer experience for doctor's District of Watertown Sat. Call 274-7154, Oakville, Ct. 06779 COMMERCIAL sanding, office. Salary negotiable. Reply c/o " December 17. 1987 TT 12-23-87' snowplowing. Sand-salt mix for P.O. Box li, Wtn. NOTICE OF HEARING' TAB MAINTENANCE. Pain- sale. Call 274-8950. Estate of/in re LOUISE M. State of Connecticut ting, paper, outside-inside your HEMINGWAY Court: of Probate home. Chimneys tarred, gutters CARPETS STRETCHED, S, FOR, RENT Petitioner,::' Helen Gladu, 145 District of Watertown cleaned. Free est. 274-4578, restretched and 'repaired. Call Capewell Avc, Oakv i He. Ct. December 1,5, 1987' 753-8690. FLORIDA. HOME • RENTALS Date of Hearing: Jan. 7. 1988 a! NOTICE, TO' CREDITORS SNOW PLOWING & sanding. 24 available. Completely furnished. 9:30 a.m. in Probate Court-Town Estate of PETER DEMURS hour radio dispatched service. Ful- LICENSED DAY CARE, in my $300/wcck. Located in southern Hall, DeForest St., Watertown,. Ct. 'The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, ly insured, References available. home. Hours between 7 & 4 p.m., Orlando, minutes from Disney Upon the application of the peti- Judge of the Court of Probate, 274-7709. Monday-Friday. 274-9455. World. Call 274-0368 or 274-7555. tioner praying that an instrument in District of'Watertown, at a hearing, writing, dated, 1-2,2-87,, purporting held on Dec. 15, 1987, ordered that CARPETS professionally steam DRIVEWAY SANDING, BRAND' NEW CONDO, end unit, to be the Last Will and Testament all claims must be presented, to the cleaned. Same day use... Reasonable residential & commercial,..serving available Jan., I, 1988. Twobdrms., l of said deceased, be approved, fiduciary at the address below. prices. Scotch Guarding available, Watertown & Bethlehem. Call Pro- 1 A baths. Very large rooms. $650'. allowed and admitted to probate in Failure to promptly present any Call Ace Maintenance Service at fessional ••Outdoor Services, 274-9840. said District, and" that letters such claim may result, in the loss of .274-6259. 266-7075. testamentary issue to Helen Gladu, rights to recover on such claim. the Executrix named therein, as per Kathleen B. Navin, Clerk PLUMBING: Dependable service. HARDWOOD FLOORS? .Don't 9. WANTED TO' BUY" • application on file more: fully • The fiduciary is: 274-2333. Please leave message. cover them, sand & refinish. In- appears, . George'S. Demirs stallation, supplies, sensible rates. ANTIQUE STYLE furniture:. Call .. ' IT IS ORDERED THAT: Said 96 Oak Drive E&R SNOWPLOWING. Free Steven Bavone's Custom Floors, .Dave Beauchamp, 755-1:840. • or application be heard and determin- Watertown, Ct.-06795 "est. Call Ed or Ray, 274-6545. 274-9556. 274-4082,• ' ' •• . • ed at the'Court-of Probate at the TT 12-23-87. Property of the Watertown Historical'Town Times'(Watertown,,"CoFin'; Society) Dec. 23, 1987 Page 39 LEGAL NOTICES Failure to promptly present any have a frame. Paste colored cello- Two Boys Save The it. But a near-by angel fell sorry such claim, may result in the loss of phane.on the back of the frame. Christmas Tree for the little fir and looked up at 'TAX NOTICE. • watertownhistoricalsociety.orgfights to recover on such, claim,,. Make a loop at the top and tie the stars, then asked some of them TOWN OF WATEBTOWN Kathleen B. Mavin, Clerk to the tree or greenery. One of the special objectives to come down and rest on its The second installment of Real The Fiduciary is: President Theodore Roosevelt boughs... The stars did so. and Esiate Taxes becomes due and Marylou Gustafeon .low's Mead. was noted for was his fight for shone like candles. Then the leg- payable January 1, 1988, The tax- Killorin Road the conservation, of our natural end says Baby Jesus smiled at the payers of the Town oFWktertown are; Watertown, Ct. 0679.5 resources; therefore, he promptly lovely sight, blessed the now hap- hereby notified that a tax of 45.34 TT' 1,2-23-87' In, old medieval England Christ- banned 'the use of Christmas, trees py little tree and said that the fir mills on the 'taxable estates of the mas paintings, cine sees'a boar's for White House festivities. tree should always be lit, at Christ- Town of Watertown lying within the head carried on a silver platter. It. 'was; not long after this declara- mas to please lit tie children. taxation district: as established by After the invited guests who came tion, however,, when, he got a, big There are many legends about the General Assembly of the State to the castle were seated at, the surprise which greatly angried •the Christmas tree-different coun- him'. It was discovered that two of Connecticut is hereby laid, and .table a trumpet was blown—this tries having different stories, but was the signal to begin the Boar's of Ms boys, Quentin and Archie, it does .seem, fitting that presents said tax is due and payable in said had smuggled, a tree into the man- installment. Head ceremony. " should be given around a beauti- It: was dangerous to travel by sion and set it up in, .Archie's room,! ful evergreen tree as an emblem The above bills can be paid at the . There was steam rising from the of Christ's eternal living and Town Hail, 37 DeForest Street, foot through thick forests with" the vicious boar attacks. Thus White House that night! But the eternal giving, and, eternal love. Watertown, or by mail. Checks boys promptly appealed to Gil- it. was that the procession, carry- should be made payable to'Tax Col- Inexpensive lit Special ford Pinchot, ""America's first, ing the boar's head signified a lector, Town of Watertown, P.O.. professional forester," and their Wrapping Piper victory over evil. The boar was Box 2.24. Watertown, Connecticut, father's good friend. LPN'S Buy a. big roll of inexpensive their enemy. Experienced quality care in a, 5795. The office will be open from 1 Pinchot convinced' the Presi- 1.00 a.m. to4:45 p.m. daily except shelf paper (not the plastic-coat- The trumpeter , torchbearers, . dent, that if young, evergreens were beautify I home setting working Saturdays. Sundays, and Holidays. ed type). Stick, on Christmas pages, heralds and two minstrels promptly cut it could be helpful with disabled young adults in a seals or decorate with magic mark- group home in Cheshire. Full Any portion of this tax remain- carrying the trophy made quite rather than harmful to our forests. ers, or old Christmas card cut- time positions and part: time ing unpaid after February I, 1988 a procession. The minstrels plac- 'The President, now showed the outs can, be attached. p os i t i o n,s ava i lab le., C o m- will be delinquent and. subject to in- ed the boar's head before the host sign of a truly great: man,, when with, great flourish. Then the petitive wages and excellent, terest at the rate of One and One he got the facts he stood corrected. benefits full time. 1 servants and guests joined, in Half Percent (1 A%) for each month Cookie Ornaments The Roosevelt boys got to keep Contact Don Haggerty singing the "Boar's Head Carol." their tree that year. Ever since, from the due date, with the Place cookie cutters on stiff • 274-9241 minimum interest fee being $2.00!. the White House has had an, in- U.C.P.A. of paper or cardboard and trace As winter knocks,,, re member: A as per public act No. 73-4-94 of the door tree. Thanks to Archie and N o rthwestern Conn., around these shapes. Cut out the good-natured neighbor and his Stale Legislature. Quentin Roosevelt the Christmas 25 Hillside Dr., Oakvilte 06779 center of the shape so that yon snow-blower a,re soon parted. trees roll, on. EOE THE SUPPLEMENTAL - Swedish Ginger Cookies MOTOR VEHICLE '/z pint whipping cream The Happy Little Fir SECURITY OFFICERS . TAX LIST OF »86 1 Vi cups dark brown sugar A legend was found in an old All persons pu.rsua.nt to Section % cup molasses Buro,s International Security Ser- monastery in Sicily which said vice has ImxnecL FT/PT positions. 12-71B' of the General, Statues of 1 to 2 tsp. grated lemon/peel that all the living Christian,:? jour- Connecticut who had. registered, a All shifts, Greater Wat.erbu.i-y area- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon or cardamom neyed to Bethlehem, on the night Must be at least 18 years old, motor vehicle between October 2, 1 Vi to 2 tsp. ground ginger of Christ's birth to honor Him, •reliable, willing to work winds & 1986: and August 1987, in the Town 1 tbsp. baking soda and bring presents.. have: a clean police record, home nf Watertown arc hereby notified V* tsp. salt The trees went too—the olive phone & dependable transporta- that a tax of 45.34 mills on the 3 cups all-purpose flour to give its olives and the palm to tion. Excellent pay & benefits pkg. dollar on said motor vehicle, laid for our FT employees. If interested Beat, cream into soft peaks, then gradually beat in: brown sugar, bring dates, but the poor little fir tree had no gifts and was so ex- please call, Lois, 560-1808 or stop tin the Grand of October I. .molasses, spices, lemon peel, baking soda and salt. Gradually stir hausted it could hardly .stand. The by in person at 19 High St., Htfd, 1986. will become due and payable in the flour and, mix well until, a. dough, is formed. Wrap the dough, larger trees pushed the liitle fir CT, Mon.-Fri., 9-5. EOE. January I. 1988. in plastic and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Roll out to 14" into the background, almost hiding Any portion of this tax remain- thick on a, lightly floured board. Cut into fancy shapes; place M" ing unpaid after February 1. 1988, apart on, a lightly greased baking sheet. Brush cookies lightly with will be delinquent and subject, to in- cold water and, bake 3,50" until light brown, about. 10-12 minutes. terest at the rate of One and One Cool, on, a rack. Decorate if you, wish with powdered sugar to hang PART TIME WORD PROCESSOR Half Percent (Vh%) for each month on the tree or for cards. If you, wish to hang them, make a, hole with from the due date, with the a skewer while they are still hot, We are seeking a Self-Starting Flexible Person with solid word 111 i n i n million terest. fe e be i ng $2.00. .. processing skills, (.preferably multi-mate) to process meeting The above bills can be paid at the . minutes, report's, and letter's and to assist with other various Town Hall. 37 DeForest Street, clerical duties in our Administrative Dept. Set your own Waiertown, Connecticut, 06795,. . schedule between the hours of 8. A.M., & 4:30' P.M. We need The office will, be open from 9:00' a.m. to 4:45 p.m. daily except Christmas Crackers approximately 20 hours per week. Excel lent" starting rate bas- Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. 1. Place three cardboard tubes (like tubes inside toilet, tissue) ed on skills. Due to shortage of parking, pay- end-to-end. (You. have already placed a. small gift, candy, a motto, Call-our'Personnel Dept. at 677-7331 for interview ment by mail is encouraged. etc. inside the middle tube.) Trim the two outer tubes so that they appointment. Dated at Watertown, Connec- are shorter than the middle one. ticut, this 2,3 rd day ...of December, 2. Put the tubes, on a piece of double thickness tissue wrapping THE FLETCHER 'TERRY CO. 1987. paper that is i4** longer than the combined lengths of the tubes 65 Spring'Lane, Farmington Ind. Park, Farmington, Ct. 06032. Nancy J. Goncalves and "A"' 'wider than their circumference. Roll, the tubes in the paper Tax Collector and glue the edges together,. Watc rtow:n „ Co nnect ic u t 3. Now roll the tubes in, an, outer wrap of crepe or fancy wrap- 12-23-87 ping paper that is the same size .as your tissue paper, or shorter » . than the tissue paper if you want the contrasting tissue paper to I State of Connecticut show at the ends. Glue the paper's edges together. Court of Probate A. Wind strong thread several, times around where the tubes 1I "GREETINGS!" I District of Watertown meet. Pull the thread tightly and .knot until the paper is pressed I December 17. 1987 into shape, then, remove thread. Remove the end tubes if you. wish. s Wishing all our friends 1 NOTICE, OF HEARING 5, Fringe the ends of the paper or cut with pinking shears. Estate of/in re MI LUCENT E. Decorate with greenery, or sequins, paper doilies, feathers, etc. 1 REIC HEN BACH 8 a Merry Christmas Petitioner: John R... Palumbo. I Conservator. 100 Grand St Water- "and a, Happy New Year! bury. Cl. Hints to help with I Date of Hearing: Jan., 2,5, 1,988, al 9:15 a.m. in Probate Court. Town Hall. DcForcsl St.. Watertown, Cl. trimming that tree I BRAXTONMPG. CO., INC.f Upon, the application, of the peti- tioner tor authorization to sell and .Many people.aie baffled, when (hem to a wooden frame under the convey real estate belonging to said it comes to using lights, and deco- tree stand. • Echo Lake Road |r state, as per application on. File rations on a. many To create a spiral of lights,, run, p.iorc fully appears. best to hang them,.. If two strands around bee diagon- Watertown ,274-6781 ally, one clockwise,, one coun- IT IS ORDERED THAT: Said you're not, sure, these hints will be I helpful: • terclockwise. application he heard and determin- Or drape, strings in wavy loops ed at the Court of Probate at the Stringing electric lights , for a. pleasant, informal look. date, time and place indicated For standard, size bulbs,, a. good above. rale to follow is: three times the "Icing;** with tinsel Help Unlimited, Inc. BY ORDER OF THE COURT height of the tree, times 'the width,. Tinsel should not just be tossed 215 Mali Street, Oikvllle Carey R. Gcghan That figure 'equals the number of over a tree. Four to eight strands "ffuning .Registry" bulbs you need. Judge hung at the tip of a branch give a OFFERING PERSONALIZED SERVICES IN TT 12-23-87 For miniature bulbs, make it graceful, icicle effect. four times the height,- times 'the Hang largest and heaviest or- YOUR HOME,. 24 MRS. A BAY,. T DAYS A 'WEEK. width. naments at bottom of tree; .and • Registered Nurses * Personal Attendants State of Connecticut Before hanging lights on the taper sizes as you get toward the • 'Licensed Practical Nurses • Companions 'tree, inspect strands for frayed, top, making sure, flammable or- Court of Probate • Bath and Nutrition Attendants District of Watertown broken wires or exposed wires. naments .are. not near lights. Watch out for broken light soc- • December 17. 1987 kets and plugs, 'too! Old-fashioned charm Abo Offering "COMMUNI-CALL" NOTICE TO CREDITORS An, old-fashioned look is lovely A Unique Voice to 'Voice Communication System ESTATE OF DANIEL D. Light pattens and easy to do. Strings of pop- For Emergency Help • Accident Prevention, PETRUZZ1 Your tree; will be. more interest- corn.,, tufts of cotton .and pine .and Companionship „ " The Hon. Carey R. Geghan. ing if you, string the lights in, a cones lend a charming .air to a, Omr Help b UDiimited...If you need! help la any way Judge of the Court, of Probate, pattern. A tree looks fuller .strung' tree. • ' - Rate Schedule and District of Watertown. at a hearing '""'tepee" style. Run, wires verti- Cookies shaped like stars or. held on Dec. 17, 1987, ordered that cally 'from, tip of tree to the base, Santas or wimals add a, '"""homey*". PLEASE CALL: 2747511 Brochure Available all claims must be presented to the taping together at top_. .'touch., .and don't forget little toys Upon Request, Tcmponiy Employment Agency fiduciary at the address below. To keep Ikes straight, anchor and, candy canes! Pag;Propertye 40 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. the) Dec, 23 ,Watertown 1987' Historical Society REBATES ARE "" ACK!



F-SERIES with Manual PICKUPS Transmission



1978 HUE ¥ 81 FORi llltlS • -111ENP0--- 86 AEROSTAR : 86 T-BIRD 4 dr., 2.5, AC, -PS, PB; :4-.dr,,-.AT,'AC; Cargo Van, AT, • 4-cyl.,:, std. shift, • Turbo coupe, AT. AT, PW, PL,'tUi-wheel. Good. Economy. • Pick Up. •3995 S8988 •12.988 84 ESCORT WAGON! 86 LINCOLN MARK VII 86 MUSTANG 84 CORIETTE 87-1ENN 411 ;r •;•.:.-.7';:; LSC\;; •:•;;;;.: 7 V8, AT., Auto., Low Miles PS, PB., cassette. ••.Auto.,;XLT,.AC' Auto., 200 miles •• $ S 3688 -::•. ..;:$16,488--. ••' •5888 • 14,988 87 CROWN VIC. 86 TOPAZ 87 FORD ESCORTS 87 FORD 150 4X4 86 FORD RANGER FORD F-I50 4 dr., AT, PW, PL, 4 TO CHOOSE V8, 5 speed, XL. AT, AC, PS, PB. Low mi-cs. speed control, 1 left. $ S12,988 ®6888 7888 SAVE •7888 86 111. TOWN CM 88 LIN. TOWN CAR 7 Leatheif \ interior.! 86 CROWN VICTORIA I iather, 24,000 miles, ; Leather interior. 4 dr.. Low Miles loaded. $ $ '9988 . . 14.988 liliiill 18,968 CREST WOOD FORD NOBODY WALKS AWAY... THEY DRIVE AWAY HAPPY! NOT RESPONSIBLE If PHONE FOR HOW 9MCIIII' iCMl 274-2501 M cja \mm ir mi. 1,230 MAIN ST.,, f« aman c* m TYPOGRAPHRM. WATERTOWN 754-2501 CMnV *.'*f,l«B(ffI. ERRORS