BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS Schematic Design Report July 2018 Prepared by: Site Workshop 2 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PROJECT TEAM Rainier Beach Link2Lake Open Space Steering Committee Acknowledgments Sally Li - Chair The community outreach and design work Patrice Thomas, Rainier Beach Action Coalition embodied in this report took place between January - July 2018. This project was made Monika Matthews, Life Enrichment Group possible by the local community and was done Jenny Frankl, Rainier Beach Resident in collaboration with professionals with a range William Pickard, Rainier Beach Resident of expertise. Site Workshop would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Rachel Eagan, Rainier Beach Resident the people and agencies that made this project Simon Wright, Rainier Beach Resident possible: Alex Hale, Rainier Beach Resident Parks and Recreation: Pamela Kliment Site Workshop Design Team Department of Neighborhoods: Jim Keller Allyn Ruth Taj Hanson Aimee Rozier Seattle Parks Foundation: Sean Watts

Design Team Sub-consultants Seattle Parks Foundation Consultant (Project Coordinator/Community Facilitator): Lizzie Zemke - Wetland Biologist George Lee John Rundall - Civil Engineer Affiliated Organizations: Rainier Beach Acton Coalition Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth Life Enrichment Group

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: Introduction Project Background Executive Summary Project Timeline

PART 2: Community Outreach Outreach Strategies Public Meeting Graphics

PART 3: Schematic Design Package Be’er Sheva Park Improvements Stormwater Control and Utility Review Environmental Review

PART 4: Cost Estimate + Phasing Complete Project Cost Estimate Project Phasing and Cost Estimates

PART 5: Appendix Existing Site Photos Scanned Meeting Boards Meeting Feedback Data Survey Feedback Data

4 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 INTRODUCTION 1 RBL2L Plan, Park History, and Project Background The Rainier Beach “Link2Lake” Open Space Steering Committee is renewing a long-time vision for creating a civic and commercial core that connects Rainier Beach Link Station to the shores of Lake . The existing Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan Update calls out many opportunities to “create a safe, distinctive walking corridor” centered on S Henderson Street. Through impressive community-led efforts, key components of this vision have already been realized (e.g. Rainier Beach Urban Farm) and many are moving forward with the City support (e.g. Food Innovation District). The community-driven design process proposed for Be’er Sheva Park will reengage Rainier Beach residents in the Link2Lake vision by focusing on the lakeside end of Henderson Corridor.

Although Be’er Sheva is a relatively large park next to both an urban farm and a boat launch, it is underutilized by nearby residents. In fact, from the end of S Henderson St it is not completely obvious that it is a public park at all. There is little for families to do; with only one small play feature for younger children and no activities at all for older children. Limited sightlines, existing park furnishings and vehicle parking along the water all create spots where undesirable activity and dangerous crime occur; driving away families who do not feel safe at the park. This is unfortunate given the well-established research demonstrating the social, mental and physical health benefits of public open spaces.

For neighborhoods like Rainier Beach, well-designed open spaces that encourage diverse and safe activities are crucial. Rainier Beach has a high percentage of families with children and, with a lower median income for households, many of these children live in poverty, with limited access to the recreational and community-building opportunities so important for their growth and healthy development. A well-considered design will increase the perception and reality of safety – in nearby Othello Park both police and community members report that park improvements have resulted in a distinct increase in park use and user comfort and decrease in criminal activity.

A renovated and reactivated Be’er Sheva Park will draw in children to play, residents to organize and participate in community events, neighbors to socialize and build bonds with one another, young and old to engage in physical activity, and all visitors to enjoy Rainier Beach’s beautiful shoreline.

Grant History: On August 2017, the Link2Lake Committee was awarded a Neighborhood Matching Fund Grant by Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Significant financial and project support was provided by the Seattle Parks Foundation.

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Part 1: Introduction This project’s focus on improvements at Be’er Sheva Park are part of a long-time vision for creating a civic and commercial core that connects Rainier Beach Link Station to the shores of Lake Washington. The park improvements that were studied and visualized with the community were organized around creating a prominent entry that will draw people into the park, enhancing connectivity through the park with new community amenities, and transforming the shoreline into a neighborhood beach destination. The existing Mapes Creek restoration, wetlands, and Lake Washington shoreline within the park improvement area were carefully studied to ensure environmental regulations are followed and proposed improvements are appropriately integrated with these natural resources. PART 2: Community Outreach Community outreach and engagement was the primary guide for all design work included in this package. The design team focused on collecting community input through site visits and interviews, local community meetings, steering committee meetings, and online surveys. The steering committee also focused on additional community outreach through facilitating input from local groups not able to attend the larger community meetings. PART 3: Schematic Design Package The design team’s role for this phase of the project was to collect input from the public, the steering committee, and Seattle Parks and Recreation to create a design reflecting the local community’s desires for park improvements while balancing management needs of Seattle Parks and Recreation and environmental regulations associated with adjacent natural resources. The design work in this report is a compilation of materials to help secure full project funding and guide future design processes. Design documents and graphics include site plans, sections, perspective renderings, stormwater control and utility review by the project civil engineer, and environmental review by the project wetland biologist. PART 4: Cost Estimate + Phasing This section includes cost estimating for construction and project soft costs for Design Development through Construction Administration. The full project cost estimate is $1,842,321. Project cost estimating is also broken down into discrete areas of park improvements to capitalize on potential phased funding opportunities.

6 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PROJECT TIMELINE PROJECT START January 16th, 2018 UNDERSTANDING

COMMUNITY MEETING #1 Saturday March 3rd, 2018 - 12-3pm EXPLORING

COMMUNITY MEETING #2 Saturday April 21st, 2018 - 12-3pm DECIDING

COMMUNITY MEETING #3 Saturday June 2nd, 2018 - 12-3pm REFINING

FINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN REPORT July 2018 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 7 2 COMMUNITY OUTREACH

8 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 OUTREACH STRATEGIES POSTCARDS Informational postcards were used for initial public outreach for the project. The double sided graphic postcards were mailed to Rainier Valley neighborhood residents to alert them of the public meeting opportunities and share park improvement goals in need of community input. The postcard also linked people to the project website ( where they could take the online community survey.

Be’er Sheva Park Improvements #wheresthebeach

Seward Park Ave. S 800 Maynard Ave S # 300, Seattle, WA 98134

Rainier Beach Link2Lake Open Space Mapes Creek Restoration Steering Committee Presents: Be’er Sheva Park Improvements Help shape the future of one of Rainier Beach’s most incredible parks! Join Us, Help Decide! Public Meetings in Rainier Beach:

Meeting #1 Saturday, March 3rd // 12pm-3pm S Henderson St. Lake Washington Somali Community Services of Seattle 8810 Renton Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118 Envision a CONNECTION Meeting #2 Saturday, April 21st // 12pm-3pm through this space... Dream of a NEIGHBORHOOD Rainier Beach Community Center beach at the shoreline... 8825 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118 Meeting #3 Saturday, June 2nd // 12pm-3pm Beer Sheva Park 8650 55th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118 Imagine a GATEWAY to Be’er Sheva Park... Learn more about the project and take our survey at: For more info: [email protected]

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 9 OUTREACH STRATEGIES FLYERS Informational flyers created with multiple languages were used as an outreach strategy for the project. These flyers were posted on telephone poles and left at local businesses in the Rainier Valley neighborhood to help promote the project and increase awareness of the public meetings.

Community Meeting #1 + 2 Community Meeting #3

Front Back

10 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 OUTREACH STRATEGIES RESIDENT SURVEYS Public surveys were made available online and distributed in hard copy format for community feedback through the duration of the project.

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 11 PUBLIC MEETING #1 Be’erSUMMARY Sheva AND MEETING Park PHOTOS Improvements Public Meeting #1 Feedback - 3/3/18 Saturday March 3rd, 2018 12pm - 3pm at the Somali Community Center: Public Meeting #1 represented the culmination of the Understanding phase of the project. A community design charrette was run by the steering committee and design team to focus on teasing out big ideas and elements that should be considered in the development of future park improvements. The meeting was a well-attended, successful event that generated the great ideas serving as a baseline for desired park improvements and starting point for future idea generation.

12 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #1 SITE CONTEXT




1/2 MILE












Join Us, Help Decide! Public Meetings in Rainier Beach: Meeting #2 - Saturday, April 21st // 12pm-3pm Rainier Beach Community Center 8825 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118

Meeting #3 - Saturday, June 2nd // 12pm-3pm MAPES CREEK Be’er Sheva Park 8650 55th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118 SEWARD PARK AVE S AVE PARK SEWARD


Envision a CONNECTION Dream of a DESTINATION through this space at the shoreline

Imagine a GATEWAY LAKE WASHINGTON to Be’er Sheva Park



Possible new park area Restroom (9 stalls)

ADA path

2 new ADA parking stalls

Approx. 12 new parking stalls


Most Restrictive Ecological Zones RAINIER BEACH URBAN Development Zone FARM AND WETLANDS • Mapes Creek Riparian Mgmt. Areas • Wetland Riparian Mgmt. Areas CONSERVANCY • Conservancy Preservation Setbacks PRESERVATION • Conservancy Recreation Setbacks LAKEFRONT AREA WETLAND RMA

Least Restrictive 60’ BUFFER Development Zone


MAPES CREEK 75’ 50’ RMA 100’ 50’ SETBACK








BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS March 3, 2018 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 19 PUBLICCOMMUNITY MEETING #1 FEEDBACK - MEETING #1 SUMMARY OF FEEDBACK

This pie chart represents the ea aitat

community input received through Restoration

the design charrette and open group

ranin atea

ea inatea ea ca c

conversations at Public Meeting #1. ntr Seating The public feedback at this stage of RB Local OwnershipYouth Connection Boardwalk

Gateway Art & Music

Pier + Community Stewardship the project put the most emphasis History Boardwalk Furn. Music on connecting the park with new Music GATEWAY community focused amenities as Music & Art Structure shown in green. The neighborhood n ae e nae cce c s beach destination was the next most hane Beach aea Native homage popular subject as shown in blue and DESTINATION CONNECTION Natia heme the proportional feedback for the park Enhance Beach History gateway at the end of S Henderson Restoration treet onnectons Beach Accessibility Street is shown in pink. The chart oers hrs Gateway oo armRestoation Performances + Events further breaks down the park specific Vegetation

elements and uses that people want to Stage see in the future park improvements. oers hrs

Event Space Key desired improvements include: Sae Active • Iconic entry expressing community ames Rec. tness Safety & identity Bath- Lighting gtg rooms • Enhanced gathering, picnicking, Saet Bikes Seating Enhance Bathrooms BBQ areas Amphitheater Seating

• Shelter for seasonal use ie Aenitie Furnishings Parking Beach • Stage for performances ie at RecreationAccess Education + Interpretation • Opportunities for community Groups Paths Structure eparate arin + ar marketplace Taes ater ies

Active Recreation Shelter

re • Improved riparian buffers and beach re area Trash Cans Strtre

Zones + Transitions Zones + Transitions e th rl

20 SiteWorkshopBE’ER SHEVABe’er Sheva ParkPARK | Schematic IMPROVEMENTS Design Report - July 2018 March 3, 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #2 SUMMARY AND MEETING PHOTOS

Saturday April 21st, 2018 12pm - 3pm at the Rainier Beach Community Center: A community design charrette was run by the steering committee and design team to review three concepts created by the design team. The design concepts were developed based on feedback from the Understanding phase of the project. Community members broke into small groups and discussed each of the concept options in detail and then reported their ideas back to the community. The feedback gathered at this meeting was critical for the design team to continue to refine the design into a preferred schematic design plan. The meeting was a well-attended, successful event that continued to drive the design of the park.

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 21 PUBLIC MEETING #2 CONCEPT OPTION 1 - BEACH STEPS - SITE PLAN

Concept Statement: The Beach Steps plan creates a sequenced journey from S Henderson St. to the beach. The gateway contains a sisterCONCEPT city interpretive monument 1 - andBeach gateway sign Steps opportunity. Along the path to the beach there is a picnic shelter, tables, BBQs, and benches for gathering. The shoreline is enhanced with a larger beach area and a long seat step edge and ADA ramp providing generous access to the beach. A stage and lawn area near the beach provides a place for community events and performances.



RESTROOM Lawn (Exst. to remain)

100’ RMA BUFFER Stage S HENDERSON ST Stair access to beach Shelter w/picnic tables and BBQs LAKE WASHINGTON

Widen existing ADA ramp to beach path, typ.

Be’er Sheva sister city signage Restoration buffer & interpretive monument

22 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS March 3, 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #2 CONCEPTCONCEPT OPTION 11 - BEACH- SECTION STEPS - SITE SECTION


OHWM Buffer Existing Beyond Grade



24BE’ERSiteWorkshop SHEVA Be’erPARK Sheva IMPROVEMENTS Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 March 3, 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #2 CONCEPT OPTION 2 - BEACH BOARDWALK - SITE PLAN

Concept Statement: The Beach Boardwalk plan proposes an elevated boardwalk tying the end of S Henderson St. to the beach. The boardwalk is bordered by long seating elements, picnic tables, and BBQs along the journey to the beach. The beach area is pulled further back into the park in this concept, meeting a linear boardwalk edge at the existing restroom building. This plan also shows a beach-frontCONCEPT picnic shelter 2 for - seasonal BEACH use and a largerBOARDWALK event stage on the north side of Mapes Creek.

Large Stage



RESTROOM Lawn (Exst. to remain)

100’ RMA BUFFER S HENDERSON ST Bench seating, typ. Small shelter w/ picnic tables and BBQs

Expanded beach to Replace parking stalls meet boardwalk w/lawn and picnic tables. Stalls to be Widen existing path Boardwalk path, replaced elsewhere in typ. (not wood) LAKE WASHINGTON parking lot Custom park Restoration buffer signage/art ADA parking stalls installation

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 25



Shelter OHWM Buffer Existing Beyond Grade TABLES



BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS March 3, 2018 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 27 PUBLIC MEETING #2 CONCEPT OPTION 3 - BEACH ACCESS - SITE PLAN

Concept Statement: The Beach Access plan proposes a signature gateway art element as an iconic park entry. A new picnic gathering area is shown near the entry and existing sculpture at the daylighting of Mapes Creek and the existing path widens to become a more generous connection to the beach. The plan proposes a unique shoreline gathering area comprised of two large ADA ramps with integratedCONCEPT seat steps arcing 3 down- BEACH to the beach. A ACCESSpicnic shelter, associated performance stage, and lawn area with tables is shown adjacent to the existing restroom building.



Lawn (Exst. to remain) RESTROOM Teardrop stage

100’ RMA BUFFER S HENDERSON ST Shelter w/picnic tables and BBQs Stair access to beach Widen existing path ADA ramp to beach

LAKE WASHINGTON Signature gateway entry Restoration buffer

28 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS March 3, 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #2 CONCEPT 3 - SECTION CONCEPT OPTION 3 - BEACH ACCESS - SITE SECTION


Restroom OHWM ADA Existing Ramp Tables Grade Beyond





100' RMA 50' RMA

50' RMA

Mapes Creek

Mapes Creek

50' Riparian Management Area: 35' Setback Limit all new development in this area. Restore OHWM with native planting as much as possible.

50' Riparian Management Area: 35' Setback 100' Riparian ManagementLimit all new Area: development in this area. Restore OHWM All development inwith this nativearea to planting be mitigated as much with as possible. restoration of the RMA at 1:1.

100' Riparian Management Area: Ordinary High WaterAll developmentMark in this area to be mitigated with restoration of the RMA at 1:1. 35' Shoreline Setback: Development in this area limited to structures Ordinary High Water Mark providing access to the beach.

35' Shoreline Setback: Development in this area limited to structures providing access to the beach.


What do you love most about Be’er Sheva Park? What do you want to do at the Park in the summer and the winter? How do you use the water?

What would you like to { have less of, get rid of, or fix } ? What would you like to have { added, more of, enhanced or preserved } ? What other parks do you go to?


32 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #2 SUMMARY OF FEEDBACK

This pie chart represents the community input received through the small group breakout sessions and open group conversations at Public Meeting #2. The dark blue improvements received the most feedback and supportive comments and the light blue improvements received less feedback and support. Key desired improvements include: • Expanded and accessible beach with associated amenities • Boardwalk path • More seating and tables • More shelter • Play opportunities • Large stage with more gathering space • Security and life guards • Renovated landscape

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 33 PUBLIC MEETING #3 SUMMARY AND MEETING PHOTOS

Saturday June 2nd, 2018 12pm - 3pm at the Beer Sheva Park: A community party was hosted at the park to present and get feedback on the preferred design concept. The party included local BBQ, a live DJ and music, and canoe rides on the lake. The design team used chalk marking paint to outline the proposed major site improvements in their respective locations at the park and took community members on walking tours of the site to discuss the preferred design concept and gain more feedback. The event was very well-attended and community members gave constructive feedback that guided the design team in making final revisions to the Schematic Design plan.

34 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #3 PREFERRED DESIGN CONCEPT Entry Area

The preferred design concept plan proposes a park entry that also acts as a gathering area. A new custom park signage wall would announce arrival to Be’er Sheva Park at the end of S Henderson St. while also functioning as a seat wall with a mini-plaza in front. An additional park entry pathway is proposed north of the existing path to better connect to the northern crossing over Seward Park Ave. S. A bicycle repair station at the entry would provide easy access to bicycle maintenance right off the road. A community art installation behind the sign wall / seat wall would help announce arrival to the park and provide an opportunity for interpreting the park name and its sister city relationship. The goal of providing more gathering areas and picnicking opportunities continues into the park from the entry with the inclusion of picnic tables and BBQs. Benches are also added at the John Grade sculpture / Mapes Creek daylighting overlook to help activate this area. New garden plantings at the sidewalk will also help create a more inviting entry into the park.

Beach Zone

The lakefront shoreline area is expected to be the primary park destination for the neighborhood. Improvements include an expanded beach area with habitat enhancing “fish mix” surfacing, logs and boulders for informal seating and play, an expanded riparian buffer at the mouth of Mapes Creek, and gathering area / fishing alcoves perched above the sloping beach. Upland improvements in this area include a gracious beach “boardwalk” promenade with specialty concrete paving and direct beach access, a custom beach-front picnic shelter for seasonal use, additional tables, BBQs, and benches for gathering, and a spacious high-performance lawn area for relaxing and playing. A concessions / market staging area with community art is shown at the existing restroom building to support local economic opportunities. New seat walls and planting are also proposed here to help enhance the area. The plan also proposes the reconfiguration of existing parking stalls near the restroom to increase parking efficiency and gain more park space.

Performance Stage

A large performance stage is shown on the north side of Mapes Creek near the existing play area to allow for larger-scale gatherings. New pathways will allow ADA access to the raised concrete stage and a custom shelter over the stage will allow for seasonal use. The stage is expected to be used for programmed performances and events as well as informal gathering and picnicking.

Exercise Area

The preferred design concept plan proposes a community exercise station north of Mapes Creek. The circulation in the park is further improved through the addition of a pathway connecting the existing play area to the proposed exercise station and then continuing on to Seward Park Ave S, effectively providing a new entry into the park. Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 35 LIC MEETING #3 | SITE PLAN PUBLIC MEETING #3 PREFERRED DESIGN CONCEPT - SITE PLAN


5’ - CRUSHED ROCK +24.5 PATH, TYP. +23






36 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #3 UBLICENLARGED MEETING SITE PLAN AT BEACH #3 | SITE PLAN

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 37


38 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING #3 PUBLICSITE SECTIONS MEETING #3 | SITE SECTIONS



4 BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 39 JUNE 2, 2018 PUBLIC MEETING MEETING#3 #3 | PERSPECT PERSPECTIVE VIEW - SITE AERIAL

40 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 ECTIVEPUBLIC MEETING VIEWS #3 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - ENTRY AREA AERIAL

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 41 PUBLIC MEETING #3 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - BEACH ZONE

42 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC MEETING #3 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - SHELTER AT BEACH

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 43 PUBLIC MEETING #3 INSPIRATIONAL IMAGERY PUBLIC MEETING #3 | PRECEDENT IMAGERY

Park Entry Sign Garden Planting Aggregate Beach Sister City Interpretive Signage

Interactive Art Pole Art Ribbon Exercise Equipment Exercise Equipment

Open Air Stage Traditional Shelter Concrete Paving with Special Finish BBQ

BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS 44JUNESiteWorkshop 2, 2018 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SCHEMATIC DESIGN PACKAGE 3 FINAL REVISIONS TO PREFERRED DESIGN CONCEPT The final Schematic Design package contains refinements reflecting community feedback from the final public meeting, Seattle Parks and Recreation design review comments, and final review by the project steering committee.

Entry Area

The picnic area at the park entry was simplified to include only one grouping of tables with a BBQ. The other tables were replaced by a seat wall that helps define the area behind the entry sign wall at the proposed community art installation. Additional benches and pedestrian light poles were also added at the main path connecting to the restroom building.

Beach Zone

Refinements to the beach area included the addition of pedestrian light poles to the beach “boardwalk” promenade, one new bench near the restroom, the removal of the seat wall between the parking area and the concessions / market staging area to allow for food truck access, and the addition of seat walls at the back edge of the new high-performance lawn area to help define the space and provide more seating opportunities.

Performance Stage

Seat walls were added at the back edge of the stage to provide more seating opportunities. Pedestrian light poles were also added in this area where the new proposed stage paths connect to the existing path to the play area.

Exercise Area

Pedestrian light poles were added to the proposed pathway connecting to the exercise station. An additional picnic area with table and BBQ was included between the exercise station and existing play area and a new bench was added between the exercise station and Seward Park Ave. S.

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 45 ILLUSTRATED SITE PLAN

46 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SCHEMATIC DESIGN DOCUMENT SITE PLAN

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 47 SITE SECTIONS




48 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - SITE AERIAL

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 49 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - BEACH ZONE

50 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - SHELTER AT BEACH

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 51 PERSPECTIVE VIEW - ENTRY AREA

52 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 STORMWATER CONTROL + UTILITY REVIEW

RainierGeneral Beach Civil Lake Improvements Access Sanitary sewer waste from the restroom drains to a 21” diameter Be’er Sheva Park combined sewer that cuts diagonally across the northwest corner The site civil improvements are primarily focused on sidewalks Sanitary sewer waste from the restroom drains to a 21” diameter combined sewer that cuts Civil Design Narrative of the park. The 21” diameter combined sewer connects to a and site amenities. Existing utilities will continue to provide diagonally30” pipe across in Seward the northwest Park cornerAvenue. of the The park. side The sewer21” diameter is identified combined as sewer water and sanitary sewer service to the existing restroom building connect6” diameters to a 30” HDPE pipe in andSeward drains Park Avenue.westerly The from side sewerthe restroom is identified to as this 6” diameter General Civil Improvements: and the on-site irrigation system Storm drainage improvements HDPEcombined and drains sewer. westerly The from sketch the restroom below tois this from combined the City sewer. DSO The Water sketch below is fro will be limited and only as needed to address stormwater runoff The site civil improvements are primarily focused on sidewalks and site amenities. Existing theand City Sewer DSO Water Map andGIS Sewer records. Map GIS records. from the site and provide Onsite Stormwater Management (OSM) utilitiesin accordance will continue towith provide the water City and of sanitary Seattle sewer requirements. service to the existing restroom building and the on-site irrigation system Storm drainage improvements will be limited and onlySite as Utilities needed to address stormwater runoff from the site and provide Onsite StormwaterManagment (OSM) in accordance with the City of Seattle requirements. No new domestic water service is proposed for the site; the Siteexisting Utilities: 2” meter serving the site will continue to serve the restroom and irrigation system. Some modifications to the 6” Side Sewer Noirrigation new domestic system water serviceare proposed, is proposed for but the site;these the existingchanges 2” meter will serving not require the site from Restoom will continue to serve the restroom and irrigation system. Some modifications to the irrigation systemany revisions are proposed, to but the these service. changes will The not existingrequire any 2”revisions meter to the serving service. Thethe existingsite is 2” located meter serving on thethe site east is located side on of the Seward east side ofPark Seward Avenue Park Avenue about about 100 100 feet south south of South of SouthHenderson Henderson Street. The sketch Street. below isThe from sketch the City DSO below Water is and from Sewer Mapthe GISCity records. DSO Water and Sewer Map GIS records.

2” Meter

Storm Drainage:

The site generally slopes toward Lake Washington to the east. Localized site drainage flows SD PROJECT NARRATIVE directly into Mapes Creek which bisects the park and outlets into the Lake within the park. Th Rainier Beach Lake Access Project : Be’er Sheva Park - Seattle, WA Be’er Sheva Park | Schematicsite appears stable Design and thereReport are no- July signs 2018of erosion or sedimentSiteWorkshop transport from 53the park. There are no signs of standing water, although the parking lot appears to drain to constructed wetland/WQ features within the parking lot footprint. The proposed improvements for this

new structures so it is not a Roadway or Parcel-Based project. The site discharges directly to a Designated Receiving Water so the third column in the Code requirements table is applicable to this project. The table shows that evaluation of Rain Gardens or Permeable Pavement Facilities and Surfaces are not required. The use of Full Dispersion and/or Sheet Flow Dispersion are STORMWATER CONTROL + UTILITYapproved REVIEW strategies for On-site Stormwater Management (OSM):

Storm Drainage

The site generally slopes toward Lake Washington to the east.

Localized site drainage flows directly into Mapes Creek which bisects the park and outlets into the Lake within the park. The site appears stable and there are no signs of erosion or sediment transport from the park. There are no signs of standing water, although the parking lot appears to drain to constructed wetland/WQ features within the parking lot footprint. The proposed improvements for this project may result in a minor increase in runoff, but the grades and stable ground cover will provide appropriate on-site management for the stormwater in accordance with City of Seattle 2016 Stormwater Code as well as enhanced opportunities for runoff to be retained on-site.

Based on our review of the COS requirements for stormwater management and the proposed improvements, we have concluded that the project should be classified as Trail and Sidewalk Project. There are no new and replaced areas of hardscape subject to vehicular traffic or any new structures so it is not a Roadway or Parcel-Based project. The site discharges directly to a Designated Receiving Water so the third column in the Code requirements table is applicable to this project. The table shows that evaluation of Rain Gardens or Permeable Pavement Facilities and Surfaces are not required. The use of Full Dispersion and/or Sheet Flow Dispersion are approved strategies for On-site Stormwater Management (OSM):

There is extensive tree canopy cover in the area of the proposed

improvements, but the full site may not satisfy the requirement for 65% forest cover to allow “Full Dispersion” (Category 1). SD PROJECTSheet NARRATIVE flow dispersion (Category 3) is appropriate and it is assume Rainier Beachthe required Lake Access Projectflow paths: Be’er Sheva can Park be - achievedSeattle, WA on-site. Category 2 OSM elements do not need to be evaluated for Trail and Sidewalk Projects.

54 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 There is extensive tree canopy cover in the area of the proposed improvements, but the full site may not satisfy the requirement for 65% forest cover to allow “Full Dispersion” (Category 1). Sheet STORMWATERflow dispersion (Category 3) is appropriate CONTROL and it is assume + the requiredUTILITY flow paths canREVIEW be achieved on-site. Category 2 OSM elements do not need to be evaluated for Trail and SidewalkThe Projects. following excerpt from the COS Stormwater Manual, January 2016 summarizes the flow path requirements. It shows that a The followingminimum excerpt of 10 from feet the ofCOS flowpath Stormwater over Manual, vegetation January is 2016 required summarizes to the flow implement that BMP. There are a number of other criteria and path requirements. It shows that a minimum of 10 feet of flowpath over vegetation is required limitations based on slope, property line or structure setbacks, to implementetc., but that based BMP. onThere the are site a number conditions of other it criteriaappears and that limitations the sheet based on slope, propertyflow line dispersion or structure BMP setbacks, will etc., be readilybut based applicable on the site conditionsto the proposed it appears that the sheet improvementsflow dispersion BMP for willthis be project. readily applicable to the proposed improvements for this project.

The use of Sheet Flow Dispersion relies on the stabilization of The usethe of siteSheet with Flow vegetation Dispersion relies which on theis assumed stabilization a ofbasic the sitecondition with vegetation which is assumedof thisa basic park condition setting. of this The park main setting. consideration The main consideration for stormwater for stormwater managementmanagement will be the will BMPs be neededthe BMPs to prevent needed erosion to prevent and sediment erosion tran andsport during constructionsediment and untiltransport the site during is permanently construction stabilized. and Proposed until the paving site surfaces is will provide stabilizationpermanently for immediate stabilized. pedestrian Proposed use, however, paving some surfaces time will will be neededprovide to allow for lawn establishmentstabilization for for stabilization immediate in thosepedestrian play are use,as. Planting however, beds some are assumed time to be stabilizedwill with be neededmulch or otherto allow surfacing for lawn material establishment associated with for the stabilization plantings. in those play areas. Planting beds are assumed to be stabilized with mulch or other surfacing material associated with the plantings.

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 55 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW

Site Description The appearance of the lakeshore differs depending on the time of year due to seasonal manipulation of the water level in the lake. Be’er Sheva Park is in the Rainier Beach neighborhood of south Between May and October, the lake is almost 2 feet higher than Seattle and is situated between Seward Park Avenue and the it is during the winter months, resulting in narrow strip of mud west shore of Lake Washington. The park is bisected by Mapes beach being exposed north of the creek in winter and the lake Creek which emerges from a pipe near Seward Park Avenue and surface reaching the lowest shoreline vegetation in summer north flows east through the park in a restored channel before emptying of Mapes Creek; and a relatively wide beach bounded on the west into Lake Washington at the east edge of the park. by a row of large boulders during the winter and only a row of The reach of Mapes Creek that currently flows through the park partially submerged boulders visible during the summer south of was contained in a pipe until 2016 when it was “daylighted” the creek. and the stream channel was restored to re-establish a natural Environmentally Critical Areas connection to Lake Washington and provide habitat for salmon. As part of the stream restoration effort, native vegetation was The City of Seattle regulates activities in and adjacent to planted along both sides of the restored stream, creating a Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) under Seattle Municipal densely vegetated buffer that protects the stream and extends to Code (SMC) Chapter 25.09 Environmentally Critical Areas. The the lake shore. purpose of SMC 25.09 is to promote safe, stable, and compatible development that avoids and mitigates adverse environmental North of Mapes Creek, the park includes a maintained lawn, impacts and potential harm on the parcel and adjacent property, a forested wetland that extends from the maintained lawn to the surrounding neighborhood, and the related drainage basin. the edge of the lake, a recently planted and fenced riparian The ECAs protected under SMC 25.09 are: geologic hazard areas, zone associated with Mapes Creek, a children’s play area with steep slope erosion hazard areas, flood-prone areas, wetlands, play structures, picnic tables, and a small basketball court. fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, and abandoned The lakeshore north of Mapes Creek supports dense wetland landfills. vegetation that includes cottonwood, willows, alder. South of Mapes Creek the park includes a maintained lawn, a Under SMC 25.09.012 Mapes Creek and the area within 100 comfort station, paved parking stalls, a John Grade sculpture, feet of the ordinary highwater mark (OHWM) of the channel is ornamental trees, an asphalt pedestrian trail, and the recently classified as a Riparian Corridor and is protected as a Fish and planted and fenced riparian zone associated with Mapes Creek. Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area ECA. The protected Riparian The lakeshore south of Mapes Creek is characterized by a cobble Corridor consists of the creek channel (riparian watercourse) beach in winter, and boulders in summer. and the area measured 100 feet from the OHWM (riparian The lakeshore within the park can be separated into two distinct management zone (RMZ)). zones based on the presence or absence of vegetation and the location in relation to Mapes Creek. Wetland vegetation extends To provide protection to the riparian watercourse, development almost to the water’s edge north of Mapes Creek during the within the watercourse is prohibited and development within the winter and extends to the water’s edge in summer. Depending RMZ is restricted. SMC 25.09.045 (H.) provides exemptions upon the time of year, either a cobble beach or a row of large from the requirements of the ECA regulations for certain boulders characterize the water’s edge south of Mapes Creek. 56 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW activities that provide public benefits and minimize impacts to Proposed Park Improvements ECAs. Improvements proposed in Be’er Sheva Park by the RBL2L Shorelines Steering Committee are located within protected ECAs (Mapes The City of Seattle regulates development in the city’s shoreline Creek RMZ) and within the protected shoreline environment environments under the Shoreline Master Program (SMC 23.60A) associated with Lake Washington. to protect the ecological functions of the shoreline ecosystems, Proposed improvements include placement of benches, gathering respond to pollution discharges into bodies of water, encourage areas, BBQs, a stage, concessions areas, and pathways to allow water-dependent uses, provide for maximum public access to and public enjoyment of the Mapes Creek riparian management zone enjoyment of the shorelines, and preserve, enhance, and increase and the shoreline of Lake Washington. views of and access to the water. Applicable Sections of the Seattle Municipal Code Under SMC 23.60A the area of the park within 100 feet of As described above, the SMC allows for limited development the OHWM of Lake Washington is classified as a Conservancy in and adjacent to ECAs and within the protected shoreline Recreation shoreline environment and activities within this zone environment if it can be demonstrated that the proposed are restricted. The SMC includes allowances and guidelines for development will not result in negative impacts to the protected a variety of water dependent uses within the protected shoreline areas or if actions can be implemented that compensate for or environment to meet the goals of the Shoreline Master Program. mitigate any negative impacts. SMC sections that allow development within the CR shoreline Table 1 summarizes the proposed park improvements, the environment in Be’er Sheva Park include: protected areas that would be impacted by the proposed improvements, and the applicable environmental regulations. • SMC 23.60A.175 Standards for boat launch and landing facilities • SMC 23.60A.184 (G) and (H) Standards for Fill • SMC 23.60A.190 Standards for Vegetation and Impervious Surface Management • SMC 23.60A. 282.D Shoreline Parks and Open Space Uses

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 57 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW

Table 1.

Park Improvement Element Type of Protected Area Environmental Regulatory Approach Impacted Regulation Concessions staging area Outer 50 feet of Mapes Creek SMC 25.09 Element allowed in RMZ under SMC 25.09.045 (H.) with power supply Riparian Management Zone Environmentally exemption for public projects benefiting the public’s (south of creek) Critical Areas enjoyment of the environmentally critical area Raised planter seat wall Mapes Creek Riparian SMC 25.09 Management Zone (south of Environmentally creek) Critical Areas Concrete pad with custom Outer 25 feet of Mapes Creek SMC 25.09 exercise feature Riparian Management Zone Environmentally (north of creek) Critical Areas Concrete pad for tables and Inner 50 feet of Mapes Creek SMC 25.09 BBQ’s Riparian Management Zone Environmentally (south of Creek) Critical Areas Concrete Stage Outer 50 feet of Mapes Creek SMC 25.09 Riparian Management Zone Environmentally (north of creek) Critical Areas Crushed rock paths Outer 25 feet of Mapes Creek SMC 25.09 Element allowed in RMZ under SMC 25.09.045 (H.) Riparian Management Zone Environmentally exemption for public projects benefiting the public’s (north of creek); Within CR Critical Areas enjoyment of the environmentally critical area. Allowed shoreline zone <200 feet, but > in CR Shoreline environment under SMC 26.60A.282.D 35 feet from OHWM of lake SMC 23.60A Shoreline Parks and Open Space Uses Shoreline Management Picnic Tables, BBQ, shelter Inner 50 feet of Mapes Creek SMC 25.09 Element allowed in RMZ under SMC 25.09.045 (H.) Riparian Management Zone Environmentally exemption for public projects benefiting the public’s (south of Creek) Critical Areas enjoyment of the environmentally critical area. Allowed in Conservancy Recreation Shoreline environment under SMC 23.60A SMC 23.60A.282.D Shoreline Parks and Open Space Uses Shoreline Management

58 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW

Table 1.

Park Improvement Element Type of Protected Area Environmental Regulatory Approach Impacted Regulation CIP concrete w/special finish Mapes Creek Riparian SMC 25.09 Element allowed in RMZ under SMC 25.09.045 (H.) Management Zone (south Environmentally exemption for public projects benefiting the public’s of creek); Lake Washington Critical Areas enjoyment of the environmentally critical area. Element Conservancy Recreation can be allowed in Conservancy Recreation Shoreline Shoreline environment within 35 SMC 23.60A environment under SMC 23.60A.282.D Shoreline Parks feet of OHWM Shoreline and Open Space Uses” because it provides pedestrian Management access to the Shoreline. Native Plant Restoration Lake Washington Conservancy SMC 23.60A Element allowed under in Conservancy Recreation Recreation Shoreline Shoreline Shoreline environment under SMC 23.60A.190 Standards environment within 20 feet of Management for Vegetation and Impervious Surface Management the OHWM Benches Lake Washington Conservancy SMC 23.60A Element allowed in Conservancy Recreation Shoreline Recreation Shoreline Shoreline environment under SMC 26.60A.282.D Shoreline Parks environment within 35 feet of Management and Open Space Uses OHWM Restored beach with Lake Washington Conservancy SMC 23.60A Element allowed in Conservancy Recreation Shoreline aggregate and logs; Recreation Shoreline Shoreline environment under SMC 26.60A.282.D Shoreline Parks relocated and new boulders; environment within 20 feet of Management and Open Space Uses and SMC 23.60A.184 (G) and (H) logs the OHWM Standards for Fill, provided Shoreline Restoration and Enhancement Plan is followed Pedestrian boat launch Lake Washington Conservancy SMC 23.60A Element allowed in Conservancy Recreation Shoreline Recreation Shoreline Shoreline environment under SMC 23.60A.175 Standards for boat environment within 20 feet of Management launch and landing facilities the OHWM ECA = Environmentally Critical Area SMC = Seattle Municipal Code SMP = Shoreline Master Program OHWM =Ordinary High Water Mark

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 59 COST ESTIMATES + PHASING 4 COST ESTIMATING PROCESS

The following cost estimates for the complete park improvement project and phased work include breakdowns of estimated construction costs as well as soft costs. Unit costs for construction work have been estimated using the best available knowledge of local construction costs in Seattle, WA at the time that this report is dated. Future updates to the project cost estimate are expected as this project continues into subsequent phases of design documentation.

Soft costs are the non-construction oriented design, management, and administrative fees associated with the project. As a Seattle Parks and Recreation owned project, the soft costs for Be’er Sheva Park improvements from Design Development through Construction Administration will include design consultant fees, project management time, technical reviews, bidding, Seattle Design Commission review, inspections, contingency, and taxes.

Project construction cost estimates are typically used to determine the associated project soft costs. For this project, we have assumed that the construction cost / Construction Cost Allowance (CCA) is 70% of the total project budget. Therefore, 30% of the total project budget is reserved for soft costs.

60 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 COMPLETE PROJECT - NO PHASING


Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 61 COST ESTIMATE - COMPLETE PROJECT Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 93,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups General Conditions / TESC Mobilization 4% PRCT $19,208 $19,208 Security fencing (1330lf x $.33/mo =$450mo) 6 MO $446.00 $2,676 $3,425 Construction Access 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Allowance for Erosion Control 2 AC $5,000.00 $10,000 $12,800 Silt Fence 1,200 LF $15.00 $18,000 $23,040 Catch Basin/Inlet Protection 2 EA $300.00 $600 $768 Tree Protection Fencing, hog fuel, etc. 10 LS $180.00 $1,800 $2,304 Subtotal $54,784 $64,745 Site Clearing & Demolition Misc. utility removal / capping 1 ALLOW $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,400 Pavement Removal 3,500 SF $2.00 $7,000 $8,960 Removal and stockpile of existing boulders at beach 50 TON $60.00 $3,000 $3,840 Stripping - 3" depth, haul from site 248 CY $22.00 $5,456 $6,984 Stripping at lawn areas - +15" 400 CY $22.00 $8,800 $11,264 Tree removal 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,536 Subtotal $30,456 $38,984 Earthwork Excavation and Export 300 CY $35.00 $10,500 $13,440 Subtotal $10,500 $13,440 Wet Utilties - Storm Drainage, Water, Sewer Lawn area underdrains 700 LF $10.00 $7,000 $8,243

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BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 93,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Subtotal $7,000 $8,243 Electrical Service Conduit - 3" PVC Schd 40 360 LF $12.00 $4,320 $5,530 Service Conduit Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids (24"x36") 2 EA $250.00 $500 $640 Service Conductors - (4)300kCM+(1)#3/0GND 10.0 CLF $3,565.00 $35,650 $45,632 200 Amp Electrical Panel w/ weather proof enclosure 1 EA $2,250.00 $2,250 $2,880 Site Lighting Poles 14 EA $2,500.00 $35,000 $44,800 Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids for each light pole 14 EA $140.00 $1,960 $2,509 Site Lighting Branch Circuitry - (2)#8AWG+(1)GND 10.0 CLF $195.00 $1,950 $2,496 Site Lighting Conduits - 1" PVC Schd 40 900 LF $3.90 $3,510 $4,493 Site Power Misc - receptacles & pedestals 6 EA $500.00 $3,000 $3,840 Site Power Branch Circuitry - (2)#10AWG+(1)GND 10.0 CLF $143.75 $1,438 $1,840 Site Power Branch Circ Conduits - 3/4" PVS Schd 40 1,000 LF $3.50 $3,500 $4,480 Stage Power Strongbox Pedestal (placeholder) 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,400 Misc Electrical Devices & Connections 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,400 Subtotal $103,078 $131,939 Hardscape - Flatwork & Surfacing Concrete Paving 7,371 SF $10.00 $73,710 $94,349 Concrete Paving - special finish 1,875 SF $15.00 $28,125 $36,000 Asphalt Paving 354 SF $4.00 $1,416 $1,812 Asphalt Paving w/ striping 1,674 SF $10.00 $16,740 $21,427 Fish Mix at Beach - 6" depth 150 CY $50.00 $7,500 $9,600

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BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 93,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Subtotal $127,491 $163,188 Hardscape - Vertical Concrete Stairs 163 LFN $35.00 $5,705 $7,302 Concrete Seatwall - Site 72 CY $825.00 $59,400 $76,032 6" Ht. Conc. Curbs 10 CY $825.00 $8,250 $10,560 Concrete foundations for artwork 7 EA $350.00 $2,450 $3,136 Subtotal $75,805 $97,030 Excercise Equipment and Surfacing Equipment Allowance 1 ALLOW $10,000.00 $10,000 $12,000 Installation Allowance (50% equipment cost) 1 ALLOW $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,000 Safety Surface 1,020 SF $30.00 $30,600 $36,720 Subtotal $45,600 $54,720 Site Structure and Furnishings Custom Stage Shelter 1 EA $80,000.00 $80,000 $102,400 Custom Parks Shelter 1 EA $80,000.00 $80,000 $102,400 Custom Benches 9 EA $3,000.00 $27,000 $34,560 Parks Standard Picnic Table 9 EA $2,500.00 $22,500 $28,800 Parks Standard BBQ 6 EA $500.00 $3,000 $3,840 Restoration Fencing 940 LF $100.00 $94,000 $120,320 Restoration Fencing Gates 5 EA $500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Removable Bollards 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,536 Art at Entry 1 EA $50,000.00 $50,000 $64,000

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BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 93,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Art at Concessions Plaza 1 EA $30,000.00 $30,000 $38,400 Art / Mural at Restroom 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $12,800 Logs 20 EA $500.00 $10,000 $12,800 Boulders - purchase and set 30 TON $325.00 $9,750 $12,480 Boulders - setting stockpiled stone 50 TON $100.00 $5,000 $6,400 Bike Maintenance Station 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000 $2,560 Bike Rack 4 EA $400.00 $1,600 $2,048 Trash receptacles 6 EA $1,000.00 $6,000 $7,680 Subtotal $434,550 $556,224 Irrigation Irrigation System Materials + Labor 17,994 SF $2.00 $35,988 $46,065 Connect to exist irrigation system 1 ALLOW $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Connect new zone to exist controller 1 ALLOW $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $39,488 $50,545 Planting Imported topsoil - lawn - 18" depth 480 CY $50.00 $24,000 $30,720 Imported topsoil - planting - 8" depth 230 CY $35.00 $8,050 $10,304 Mulch - Arborist Chip 87 CY $25.00 $2,175 $2,784 Fine grading, tilling & prep - 8-12" depth 17,994 SF $0.08 $1,440 $1,843 Trees 10 EA $500.00 $5,000 $6,400 Shrubs and Groundcovers 9,362 SF $3.50 $32,767 $41,942 Sod 8,632 SF $1.50 $12,948 $16,573

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BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 93,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Subtotal $86,380 $110,566

Construction Base Bid Grand Total $1,015,131 $1,289,625

Project Soft Costs $552,696

Total Project Cost $1,842,321

SiteWorkshop Page 5 66 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PHASE 1 - EXERCISE AREA


Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 67 COST ESTIMATE - EXERCISE AREA Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 1 Exercise Area Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 5,500sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups General Conditions / TESC Mobilization 4% PRCT $1,550 $1,550 Security fencing (1330lf x $.33/mo =$450mo) 6 MO $446.00 $2,676 $3,425 Construction Access 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Allowance for Erosion Control 1 AC $5,000.00 $2,500 $3,200 Silt Fence 270 LF $15.00 $4,050 $5,184 Catch Basin/Inlet Protection 2 EA $300.00 $600 $768 Tree Protection Fencing, hog fuel, etc. 10 LS $180.00 $1,800 $2,304 Subtotal $15,676 $19,632 Site Clearing & Demolition Misc. utility removal / capping 1 ALLOW $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Stripping - 3" depth, haul from site 23 CY $22.00 $506 $648 Subtotal $1,506 $1,928 Earthwork Excavation and Export 62 CY $35.00 $2,170 $2,778 Subtotal $2,170 $2,778 Wet Utilties - Storm Drainage, Water, Sewer $0.00 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 Electrical Service Conductors - (4)300kCM+(1)#3/0GND 2.2 CLF $3,565.00 $7,843 $10,039 Site Lighting Poles 3 EA $2,500.00 $7,500 $9,600

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BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 5,500sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids for each light pole 3 EA $140.00 $420 $538 Site Lighting Branch Circuitry - (2)#8AWG+(1)GND 2.2 CLF $195.00 $429 $549 Site Lighting Conduits - 1" PVC Schd 40 220 LF $3.90 $858 $1,098 Site Power Misc - receptacles & pedestals 3 EA $500.00 $1,500 $1,920 Site Power Branch Circuitry - (2)#10AWG+(1)GND 2.2 CLF $143.75 $316 $405 Site Power Branch Circ Conduits - 3/4" PVS Schd 40 220 LF $3.50 $770 $986 Misc Electrical Devices & Connections 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $20,636 $26,414 Hardscape - Flatwork & Surfacing Concrete Paving 1,445 SF $10.00 $14,450 $18,496 Subtotal $14,450 $18,496 Hardscape - Vertical $0.00 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 Excercise Equipment and Surfacing Equipment Allowance 1 ALLOW $10,000.00 $10,000 $12,000 Installation Allowance (50% equipment cost) 1 ALLOW $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,000 Safety Surface 1,020 SF $30.00 $30,600 $36,720 Subtotal $45,600 $54,720 Site Structure and Furnishings Custom Benches 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000 $3,840 Parks Standard Picnic Table 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200

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BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 5,500sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Parks Standard BBQ 1 EA $500.00 $500 $640 Removable Bollards 1 EA $300.00 $300 $384 Trash receptacles 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $7,300 $9,344 Irrigation $0.00 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 Planting $0.00 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0

Construction Base Bid Grand Total $107,339 $133,311

Project Soft Costs $57,133

Total Project Cost $190,445

SiteWorkshop Page 3 70 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PHASE 2 - BEACH ZONE


Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 71 COST ESTIMATE - BEACH ZONE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 2 Beach Zone Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 56,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups General Conditions / TESC Mobilization 4% PRCT $11,061 $11,061 Security fencing (1330lf x $.33/mo =$450mo) 6 MO $446.00 $2,676 $3,425 Construction Access 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Allowance for Erosion Control 1 AC $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,400 Silt Fence 690 LF $15.00 $10,350 $13,248 Catch Basin/Inlet Protection 2 EA $300.00 $600 $768 Tree Protection Fencing, hog fuel, etc. 10 LS $180.00 $1,800 $2,304 Subtotal $33,987 $40,406 Site Clearing & Demolition Misc. utility removal / capping 1 ALLOW $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,400 Pavement Removal 3,500 SF $2.00 $7,000 $8,960 Removal and stockpile of existing boulders at beach 50 TON $60.00 $3,000 $3,840 Stripping - 3" depth, haul from site 112 CY $22.00 $2,464 $3,154 Stripping at lawn areas - +15" 185 CY $22.00 $4,070 $5,210 Tree removal 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,536 Subtotal $22,734 $29,100 Earthwork Excavation and Export 136 CY $35.00 $4,760 $6,093 Subtotal $4,760 $6,093 Wet Utilties - Storm Drainage, Water, Sewer Lawn area underdrains 285 LF $10.00 $2,850 $3,356

SiteWorkshop Page 1 72 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 COST ESTIMATE - BEACH ZONE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 2 Beach Zone Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 56,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Subtotal $2,850 $3,356 Electrical Service Conductors - (4)300kCM+(1)#3/0GND 3.0 CLF $3,565.00 $10,695 $13,690 Site Lighting Poles 5 EA $2,500.00 $12,500 $16,000 Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids for each light pole 5 EA $140.00 $700 $896 Site Lighting Branch Circuitry - (2)#8AWG+(1)GND 3.0 CLF $195.00 $585 $749 Site Lighting Conduits - 1" PVC Schd 40 300 LF $3.90 $1,170 $1,498 Site Power Misc - receptacles & pedestals 5 EA $500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Site Power Branch Circuitry - (2)#10AWG+(1)GND 3.0 CLF $143.75 $431 $552 Site Power Branch Circ Conduits - 3/4" PVS Schd 40 300 LF $3.50 $1,050 $1,344 Misc Electrical Devices & Connections 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000 $2,560 Subtotal $31,631 $40,488 Hardscape - Flatwork & Surfacing Concrete Paving 3,928 SF $10.00 $39,280 $50,278 Concrete Paving - special finish 1,272 SF $15.00 $19,080 $24,422 Asphalt Paving w/ striping 1,674 SF $10.00 $16,740 $21,427 Fish Mix at Beach - 6" depth 150 CY $50.00 $7,500 $9,600 Subtotal $82,600 $105,728 Hardscape - Vertical Concrete Seatwall - Site 41 CY $825.00 $33,825 $43,296 6" Ht. Conc. Curbs 10 CY $825.00 $8,250 $10,560 Subtotal $42,075 $53,856

SiteWorkshop Page 2 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 73 COST ESTIMATE - BEACH ZONE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 2 Beach Zone Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 56,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Excercise Equipment and Surfacing $0.00 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 Site Structure and Furnishings Custom Parks Shelter 1 EA $80,000.00 $80,000 $102,400 Custom Benches 4 EA $3,000.00 $12,000 $15,360 Parks Standard Picnic Table 4 EA $2,500.00 $10,000 $12,800 Parks Standard BBQ 3 EA $500.00 $1,500 $1,920 Restoration Fencing 940 LF $100.00 $94,000 $120,320 Restoration Fencing Gates 5 EA $500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Removable Bollards 2 EA $300.00 $600 $768 Art at Concessions Plaza 1 EA $30,000.00 $30,000 $38,400 Art / Mural at Restroom 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $12,800 Logs 20 EA $500.00 $10,000 $12,800 Boulders - purchase and set 30 TON $325.00 $9,750 $12,480 Boulders - setting stockpiled stone 50 TON $100.00 $5,000 $6,400 Bike Rack 2 EA $400.00 $800 $1,024 Trash receptacles 3 EA $1,000.00 $3,000 $3,840 Subtotal $269,150 $344,512 Irrigation Irrigation System Materials + Labor 12,368 SF $2.00 $24,736 $31,662 Connect to exist irrigation system 1 ALLOW $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200

SiteWorkshop Page 3 74 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 COST ESTIMATE - BEACH ZONE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 2 Beach Zone Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 56,000sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Connect new zone to exist controller 1 ALLOW $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $28,236 $36,142 Planting Imported topsoil - lawn - 18" depth 222 CY $50.00 $11,100 $14,208 Imported topsoil - planting - 8" depth 208 CY $35.00 $7,280 $9,318 Mulch - Arborist Chip 78 CY $25.00 $1,950 $2,496 Fine grading, tilling & prep - 8-12" depth 12,368 SF $0.08 $989 $1,266 Trees 10 EA $500.00 $5,000 $6,400 Shrubs and Groundcovers 8,382 SF $3.50 $29,337 $37,551 Sod 3,986 SF $1.50 $5,979 $7,653 Subtotal $61,635 $78,893

Construction Base Bid Grand Total $579,659 $738,574

Project Soft Costs $316,532

Total Project Cost $1,055,106

SiteWorkshop Page 4 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 75 PHASE 3 - ENTRY AREA


76 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 COST ESTIMATE - ENTRY AREA Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 3 Entry Area Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 6,400sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups General Conditions / TESC Mobilization 4% PRCT $3,082 $3,082 Security fencing (1330lf x $.33/mo =$450mo) 6 MO $446.00 $2,676 $3,425 Construction Access 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Allowance for Erosion Control 1 AC $5,000.00 $2,500 $3,200 Silt Fence 325 LF $15.00 $4,875 $6,240 Catch Basin/Inlet Protection 2 EA $300.00 $600 $768 Tree Protection Fencing, hog fuel, etc. 10 LS $180.00 $1,800 $2,304 Subtotal $18,033 $22,219 Site Clearing & Demolition Misc. utility removal / capping 1 ALLOW $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Stripping - 3" depth, haul from site 43 CY $22.00 $946 $1,211 Stripping at lawn areas - +15" 75 CY $22.00 $1,650 $2,112 Subtotal $3,596 $4,603 Earthwork Excavation and Export 37 CY $35.00 $1,295 $1,658 Subtotal $1,295 $1,658 Wet Utilties - Storm Drainage, Water, Sewer Lawn area underdrains 166 LF $10.00 $1,660 $1,955 Subtotal $1,660 $1,955 Electrical Service Conductors - (4)300kCM+(1)#3/0GND 1.9 CLF $3,565.00 $6,774 $8,670

SiteWorkshop Page 1 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 77 COST ESTIMATE - ENTRY AREA Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 3 Entry Area Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 6,400sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Site Lighting Poles 3 EA $2,500.00 $7,500 $9,600 Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids for each light pole 3 EA $140.00 $420 $538 Site Lighting Branch Circuitry - (2)#8AWG+(1)GND 1.9 CLF $195.00 $371 $474 Site Lighting Conduits - 1" PVC Schd 40 190 LF $3.90 $741 $948 Site Power Misc - receptacles & pedestals 3 EA $500.00 $1,500 $1,920 Site Power Branch Circuitry - (2)#10AWG+(1)GND 1.9 CLF $143.75 $273 $350 Site Power Branch Circ Conduits - 3/4" PVS Schd 40 190 LF $3.50 $665 $851 Misc Electrical Devices & Connections 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $19,243 $24,631 Hardscape - Flatwork & Surfacing Concrete Paving 367 SF $10.00 $3,670 $4,698 Concrete Paving - special finish 603 SF $15.00 $9,045 $11,578 Asphalt Paving 354 SF $4.00 $1,416 $1,812 Subtotal $14,131 $18,088 Hardscape - Vertical Concrete Seatwall - Site 17 CY $825.00 $14,025 $17,952 Concrete foundations for artwork 7 EA $350.00 $2,450 $3,136 Subtotal $16,475 $21,088 Excercise Equipment and Surfacing $0.00 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 Site Structure and Furnishings

SiteWorkshop Page 2 78 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 COST ESTIMATE - ENTRY AREA Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 3 Entry Area Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 6,400sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Custom Benches 4 EA $3,000.00 $12,000 $15,360 Parks Standard Picnic Table 2 EA $2,500.00 $5,000 $6,400 Parks Standard BBQ 1 EA $500.00 $500 $640 Removable Bollards 1 EA $300.00 $300 $384 Art at Entry 1 EA $50,000.00 $50,000 $64,000 Bike Maintenance Station 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000 $2,560 Bike Rack 2 EA $400.00 $800 $1,024 Trash receptacles 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $71,600 $91,648 Irrigation Irrigation System Materials + Labor 3,165 SF $2.00 $6,330 $8,102 Subtotal $6,330 $8,102 Planting Imported topsoil - lawn - 18" depth 89 CY $50.00 $4,450 $5,696 Imported topsoil - planting - 8" depth 39 CY $35.00 $1,365 $1,747 Mulch - Arborist Chip 15 CY $25.00 $375 $480 Fine grading, tilling & prep - 8-12" depth 3,165 SF $0.08 $253 $324 Shrubs and Groundcovers 1,562 SF $3.50 $5,467 $6,998 Sod 1,603 SF $1.50 $2,405 $3,078 Subtotal $14,315 $18,323

Construction Base Bid Grand Total $166,678 $212,314

SiteWorkshop Page 3 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 79 COST ESTIMATE - ENTRY AREA Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 3 Entry Area Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 6,400sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups

Project Soft Costs $90,992

Total Project Cost $303,306

SiteWorkshop Page 4 80 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PHASE 4 - STAGE


Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 81 COST ESTIMATE - STAGE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 4 Stage Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 4,600sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups General Conditions / TESC Mobilization 4% PRCT $3,222 $3,222 Security fencing (1330lf x $.33/mo =$450mo) 6 MO $446.00 $2,676 $3,425 Construction Access 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500 $3,200 Allowance for Erosion Control 1 AC $5,000.00 $2,500 $3,200 Silt Fence 160 LF $15.00 $2,400 $3,072 Catch Basin/Inlet Protection 2 EA $300.00 $600 $768 Tree Protection Fencing, hog fuel, etc. 10 LS $180.00 $1,800 $2,304 Subtotal $15,698 $19,191 Site Clearing & Demolition Misc. utility removal / capping 1 ALLOW $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Stripping - 3" depth, haul from site 38 CY $22.00 $836 $1,070 Stripping at lawn areas - +15" 114 CY $22.00 $2,508 $3,210 Subtotal $4,344 $5,560 Earthwork Excavation and Export 39 CY $35.00 $1,365 $1,747 Subtotal $1,365 $1,747 Wet Utilties - Storm Drainage, Water, Sewer Lawn area underdrains 255 LF $10.00 $2,550 $3,003 Subtotal $2,550 $3,003 Electrical Service Conduit - 3" PVC Schd 40 360 LF $12.00 $4,320 $5,530

SiteWorkshop Page 1 82 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 COST ESTIMATE - STAGE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 4 Stage Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 4,600sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Service Conduit Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids (24"x36") 2 EA $250.00 $500 $640 Service Conductors - (4)300kCM+(1)#3/0GND 1.6 CLF $3,565.00 $5,704 $7,301 200 Amp Electrical Panel w/ weather proof enclosure 1 EA $2,250.00 $2,250 $2,880 Site Lighting Poles 2 EA $2,500.00 $5,000 $6,400 Christy Pull Boxes w/Lids for each light pole 2 EA $140.00 $280 $358 Site Lighting Branch Circuitry - (2)#8AWG+(1)GND 1.6 CLF $195.00 $312 $399 Site Lighting Conduits - 1" PVC Schd 40 160 LF $3.90 $624 $799 Site Power Misc - receptacles & pedestals 2 EA $500.00 $1,000 $1,280 Site Power Branch Circuitry - (2)#10AWG+(1)GND 1.6 CLF $143.75 $230 $294 Site Power Branch Circ Conduits - 3/4" PVS Schd 40 160 LF $3.50 $560 $717 Stage Power Strongbox Pedestal (placeholder) 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000 $6,400 Misc Electrical Devices & Connections 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $26,780 $34,278 Hardscape - Flatwork & Surfacing Concrete Paving 1,259 SF $10.00 $12,590 $16,115 Subtotal $12,590 $16,115 Hardscape - Vertical Concrete Stairs 163 LFN $35.00 $5,705 $7,302 Concrete Seatwall - Site 14 CY $825.00 $11,550 $14,784 Subtotal $17,255 $22,086 Excercise Equipment and Surfacing $0.00 $0 $0

SiteWorkshop Page 2 Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 83 COST ESTIMATE - STAGE Rainier Beach Lake Access Project SD Cost Estimate - Phase 4 Stage Link to Lake Steering Committee / Seattle Parks Recreation 7/16/2018

BASE BID IMPROVEMENTS General Contractor Markups Project Size: 4,600sf General Conditions: 8% Bid Date: TBD Overhead & Profit: 11% Duration: TBD Estimating Contingency 7% Construction Budget: TBD Escalation: 2%

Unit of Unit Total Base Bid Cost w/GC Description Quantity Measure Cost Raw Cost No. markups Subtotal $0 $0 Site Structure and Furnishings Custom Stage Shelter 1 EA $80,000.00 $80,000 $102,400 Trash receptacles 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,280 Subtotal $81,000 $103,680 Irrigation Irrigation System Materials + Labor 2,461 SF $2.00 $4,922 $6,300 Subtotal $4,922 $6,300 Planting Imported topsoil - lawn - 18" depth 137 CY $50.00 $6,850 $8,768 Fine grading, tilling & prep - 8-12" depth 2,461 SF $0.08 $197 $252 Sod 2,461 SF $1.50 $3,692 $4,725 Subtotal $10,738 $13,745

Construction Base Bid Grand Total $177,242 $225,707

Project Soft Costs $96,731

Total Project Cost $322,438

SiteWorkshop Page 3 84 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 5 APPENDIX

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 85 EXISTINGSITE PHOTOS - CONDITIONSEXISTING CONDITIONS

Lakeshore Wetland Atlantic City Boat Ramp Comfort Station Mapes Creek Outfall Parking Lot Wetland


Photo Credit: MIG | SvR BE’ER SHEVA PARK IMPROVEMENTS March 3, 2018 86 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SITE PHOTOS - EXISTING CONDITIONS

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 87 SITE PHOTOS - EXISTING CONDITIONS

88 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 89 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback

90 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback

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92 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 93 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback

94 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 95 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Board Feedback

96 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Board Feedback

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 97 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Board Feedback

98 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #1 - Table Feedback Data Zone Category Subcategory Table Feedback Table Connection Paths Ped Paths & Trails Smooth direct path to beach (Wheelchairs/Strollers/Wagons) 2 Connection Paths Ped Paths & Trails Connection - Easy for wagons going to the beach w/o walking through the parking lot 7 Connection Active Recreation Active Recreation Active recreation opportunities 4 Connection Furnishings Amphitheater Seating Amphitheater Area 4 Connection Furnishings Amphitheater Seating Gather/Amphitheater (@Adj. to Comfort Station) 4 Connection Furnishings BBQ BBQ Grills 1 Connection Furnishings BBQ Big community grill 1 Connection Furnishings BBQ Grills 2 Connection Furnishings BBQ BBQ Pits 3 Connection Furnishings BBQ Food/BBQ's (Big family size!) 4 Connection Furnishings BBQ Fish fry/Prep zone 5 Connection Furnishings BBQ Add a grill 5 Connection Furnishings BBQ Grills (@Upslope SE of Comfort Station) 5 Connection Furnishings BBQ Picnic tables & BBQ's both South of creek and also North near playground 7 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Better Bike & Ped connections (Bike Rack/Safe Roads) 2 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Bikes! 2 Connection Bikes Bike Amenities Make it inviting, invite bikes in, have bike racks, "Things" that attract pedestrians in 2 Connection Bikes Bike Amenities Amenities for cyclists & pedestrians to draw them in 2 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Why would a cyclist stop at the park, coordinate w/SDOT & Cycle people 2 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Contact Cascade Bicycle Club 2 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Bike is a better connector to park from or Light Rail 2 Connection Bikes Bike Amenities Bike integration (Racks) 4 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Ped/Bike loop 4 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Place for bikes, but separate from walkers 5 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Starbucks are cycling Destinations, not starbucks in the park, but across the street-nearby on Henderson 7 Connection Structure Bridge People want to be here and will anyway, provide infrastructure, Bridge (@Beach edge across Creek) 2 Connection Structure Bridge Bridge and raised boardwalk at east end of creek 7 Connection Structure Bridge Another bridge/way across Mapes Creek 4 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community planted items 1 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Ownership of spaces/park they design 1 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community painting party 1 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Connect to the high school 2 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community build project as focal point 4 Connection Furnishings Education + Interpretation Educational Piece on Duwamish 1 Connection Furnishings Education + Interpretation Fungi interpretation , fungi picking 6 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Funnel for services/bathrooms 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Year round water 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Move the bathroom totally blocks view, disrupts experience, big block 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Design the bathroom (Graffitti canvas) 3 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Clean bathroom; keep it clean 5 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Move bathroom west closer to Seward or as a buffer on edge of parking lot - separate parking lot from park 7 Connection Active Recreation Fitness Outdoor fitness equipment (Kids, seniors, adults) 5 Connection Active Recreation Fitness Walking path (Fitness) 5 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Be’erGateway-Flowers, Sheva Park colorful | Schematic shrubs, vibrant colorsDesign Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 991 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Natural Theme connects zones 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Natural Entry/Color/flowers 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Influence from natural surroundings, but don't blend in 2 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Connect to the high school 2 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community build project as focal point 4 Connection Furnishings Education + Interpretation Educational Piece on Duwamish 1 Connection Furnishings Education + Interpretation Fungi interpretation , fungi picking 6 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Funnel for services/bathrooms 2 PUBLICConnection Enhance MEETING Bathrooms Enhance FEEDBACKBathrooms Year round water 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Move the bathroom totally blocks view, disrupts experience, big block 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Design the bathroom (Graffitti canvas) 3 PublicConnection MeetingEnhance Bathrooms #1 - TableEnhance Feedback Bathrooms Data Clean bathroom; keep it clean 5 ConnectionZone EnhanceCategory Bathrooms EnhanceSubcategory Bathrooms MoveTable Feedbackbathroom west closer to Seward or as a buffer on edge of parking lot - separate parking lot from park Table7 Connection ActivePaths Recreation FitnessPed Paths & Trails OutdoorSmooth direct fitness path equipment to beach (Kids, (Wheelchairs/Strollers/Wagons) seniors, adults) 52 Connection ActivePaths Recreation FitnessPed Paths & Trails ConnectionWalking path - Easy(Fitness) for wagons going to the beach w/o walking through the parking lot 57 Connection VegetationActive Recreation FlowersActive Recreation + Shrubs Gateway-Flowers,Active recreation opportunities colorful shrubs, vibrant colors 14 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersAmphitheater + Shrubs Seating NaturalAmphitheater Theme Area connects zones 14 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersAmphitheater + Shrubs Seating NaturalGather/Amphitheater Entry/Color/flowers (@Adj. to Comfort Station) 14 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs InfluenceBBQ Grills from natural surroundings, but don't blend in 21 Connection RestorationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs ExtendBig community Wetland grill (North of Creek where water is collecting) 21 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs FlowerGrills garden/Produce 32 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs KeepBBQ Pits Trees (@Park Ctr) 3 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs GetFood/BBQ's rid of weeds/less (Big family size!) 54 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs RockFish fry/Prep roses next zone to fence 5 Connection VegetationFurnishings FlowersBBQ + Shrubs PlantsAdd a grillw/ thorns (Rock Rose) can be used in place of fence 65 Connection VegetationFurnishings FoodBBQ + Farm HoursGrills (@Upslope of farm? Confused SE of Comfort connection Station) to farm 65 Connection ActiveFurnishings Recreation GamesBBQ PicnicB-Ball tables & BBQ's both South of creek and also North near playground 17 Connection EventBikes Space GroupBike Paths Space SpaceBetter forBike big & groupsPed connections and families (Bike Rack/Safe Roads) 12 Connection EventBikes Space GroupBike Paths Space SmallBikes! groups & Large groups 2 Connection EventBikes Space GroupBike Amenities Space 60+Make Person it inviting, celebration invite bikes reservable in, have space- bike racks,e.g. annual "Things" events that (@E attractast of pedestrians Comfort Station) in 52 Connection EventBikes Space GroupBike Amenities Space [ReservableAmenities for Space] cyclists Avoids & pedestrians conflict w/ to other draw users, them incalm use for pre-planning ( 52 Connection EventBikes Space GroupBike Paths Space LargeWhy would group ashelter cyclist Northstop at of the Creek park, - Stage, coordinate large w/SDOTgroups & Cycle people 72 Connection LocalBikes Ownership LocalBike Paths Concessions MicroContact Market Cascade Stalls Bicycle - Market Club Areas 12 Connection LocalBikes Ownership LocalBike Paths Concessions PopBike upis a shop better spaces/Economic connector to park development/Young from Chief Sealth Trailentrepenuers or Light Rail (@ Exst Parking) 12 Connection LocalBikes Ownership LocalBike Amenities Concessions Rent-a-boatBike integration by Atleantic (Racks) City Boat Ramp 34 Connection LocalBikes Ownership LocalBike Paths Concessions FundPed/Bike School loop 34 Connection LocalBikes Ownership LocalBike Paths Concessions FarmPlace standfor bikes, & Urban but separate Farm from walkers 35 Connection LocalBikes Ownership LocalBike Paths Concessions StarbucksHow to support are cycling local businessesDestinations, (Pre-existing) not starbucks in the park, but across the street-nearby on Henderson 37 Connection LocalStructure Ownership LocalBridge Concessions Rent-a-boatPeople want byto Atleanticbe here and City will Boat anyway, Ramp provide infrastructure, Bridge (@Beach edge across Creek) 32 Connection LocalStructure Ownership LocalBridge Concessions BridgeBoeing andHistory/Local raised boardwalk culture (Fundingat east end Partner) of creek 47 Connection LocalStructure Ownership LocalBridge Concessions ConcessionAnother bridge/way Stand - Support across MapesRBHS, ranCreek be by RBHS stundents 54 Connection Local Ownership LocalCommunity Concessions Stewardship ConcessionCommunity standsplanted in items the parking lot 71 Connection Local Ownership LocalCommunity Concessions Stewardship CommercialOwnership of Opportunities spaces/park they design 71 Connection MusicLocal Ownership & Art MusicCommunity Stewardship MusicalCommunity Rain painting Garden party(audio-visual link) 1 Connection MusicLocal Ownership & Art MusicCommunity + Art Stewardship Music,Connect art to the high school 12 Connection MusicLocal Ownership & Art ArtCommunity Stewardship MuralCommunity (@Comfort build project Station) as focal point 14 Connection MusicFurnishings & Art ArtEducation + Interpretation ArtEducational like at Juvenile Piece on Detention Duwamish Center 1 Connection MusicFurnishings & Art MusicEducation + Art + Interpretation PutFungi art interpretation & music North , fungiof Creek picking 26 Connection MusicEnhance & ArtBathrooms ArtEnhance Bathrooms MosaicFunnel for services/bathrooms 32 Connection MusicEnhance & ArtBathrooms ArtEnhance Bathrooms StreetYear round Art! Graffittiwater sculptures 32 Connection MusicEnhance & ArtBathrooms ArtEnhance Bathrooms ArtworkMove the that bathroom reflects totally our community's blocks view, cultural disrupts diversity experience, big block 52 Connection MusicEnhance & ArtBathrooms ArtEnhance Bathrooms MuralDesign (@Comfort the bathroom Station) (Graffitti canvas) 53 Connection MusicEnhance & ArtBathrooms ArtEnhance Bathrooms PavementClean bathroom; 2 Parks keep Art (@Adj. it clean to Comfort Station) 5 Connection MusicEnhance & ArtBathrooms ArtEnhance Bathrooms MoveArt on bathroomBoat Launch west (@Atlantic closer to CitySeward Boat or Launch) as a buffer on edge of parking lot - separate parking lot from park 57 Connection HistoryActive Recreation & Restoration NativeFitness homage Honor,Outdoor homage fitness toequipment native people (Kids, seniors, adults) 15 Connection HistoryActive Recreation & Restoration NativeFitness homage HonorWalking Duwamish path (Fitness) 35 Connection HistoryVegetation & Restoration NativeFlowers homage + Shrubs DuwamishGateway-Flowers, people heritagecolorful shrubs, is strong vibrant colors 41 100ConnectionSiteWorkshop HistoryVegetation & RestorationBe’erNauticalFlowers Sheva +Theme Shrubs Park | SchematicNauticalNatural Design Theme themes connectsReport zones - July 2018 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Natural Entry/Color/flowers 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Influence from natural surroundings, but don't blend in 2 Connection Music & Art Art Art like at Juvenile Detention Center 1 Connection Music & Art Music + Art Put art & music North of Creek 2 Connection Music & Art Art Mosaic 3 Connection Music & Art Art Street Art! Graffitti sculptures 3 Connection Music & Art Art Artwork that reflects our community's cultural diversity 5 PUBLICConnection Music &MEETING Art Art FEEDBACKMural (@Comfort Station) 5 Connection Music & Art Art Pavement 2 Parks Art (@Adj. to Comfort Station) 5 Connection Music & Art Art Art on Boat Launch (@Atlantic City Boat Launch) 5 PublicConnection MeetingHistory & Restoration #1 - TableNative Feedback homage Data Honor, homage to native people 1 ConnectionZone HistoryCategory & Restoration NativeSubcategory homage HonorTable FeedbackDuwamish Table3 Connection HistoryPaths & Restoration NativePed Paths homage & Trails DuwamishSmooth direct people path heritage to beach is (Wheelchairs/Strollers/Wagons)strong 42 Connection HistoryPaths & Restoration NauticalPed Paths Theme & Trails NauticalConnection themes - Easy for wagons going to the beach w/o walking through the parking lot 17 Connection HistoryActive Recreation & Restoration NauticalActive Recreation Theme WhaleActive recreationfins opportunities 14 Connection HistoryFurnishings & Restoration NauticalAmphitheater Theme Seating TakeAmphitheater inspiration Area from natural surroundings 24 Connection HistoryFurnishings & Restoration NauticalAmphitheater Theme Seating WhaleGather/Amphitheater tail Art (Drawing) (@Adj. to Comfort Station) 44 Connection EventFurnishings Space PerformancesBBQ + Events FreestyleBBQ Grills Friday (Stage) 11 Connection EventFurnishings Space PerformancesBBQ + Events BackBig community to School Bash grill Event 11 Connection EventFurnishings Space PerformancesBBQ + Events RainierGrills Beach Soufend Event 32 Connection EventFurnishings Space PerformancesBBQ + Events HowBBQ Pitsto make reservation signage 53 Connection HistoryFurnishings & Restoration RestorationBBQ WildlifeFood/BBQ's preservation (Big family size!) 54 Connection HistoryFurnishings & Restoration RestorationBBQ WetlandFish fry/Prep protection zone 55 Connection Furnishings BBQ Add a grill 5 Wetlands to North had wild life & Minnows in large amounts, bull frogs size of cats, even by light rail, ponds with fish Connection Furnishings BBQ Grills (@Upslope SE of Comfort Station) 5 & Frogs dotted along Henderson, Park was all water/wetlands fill dirt was brough in to make beach Connection HistoryFurnishings & Restoration RestorationBBQ Picnic tables & BBQ's both South of creek and also North near playground 67 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting LightingBike Paths Better lightingBike & Ped connections (Bike Rack/Safe Roads) 32 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting LightingBike Paths NeedsBikes! Lighting 42 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting SafetyBike Amenities SafetyMake it- reduceinviting, drug invite activity bikes in, have bike racks, "Things" that attract pedestrians in 52 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting SafetyBike Amenities ImproveAmenities general for cyclists environment & pedestrians @Be'er to Sheva draw them in 52 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting SafetyBike Paths WantWhy would it to have a cyclist shorter stop shrubs, at the topark, redce coordinate hiding places w/SDOT & Cycle people 52 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting LightingBike Paths AddContact low Cascadepath lighting Bicycle Club 52 Connection SafetyBikes & Lighting LightingBike Paths LowBike pathis a better strip lighting connector to park from Chief Sealth Trail or Light Rail 52 Connection MusicBikes & Art SchoolBike Amenities Colors ColorfulBike integration elements (Racks) (School colors, youth stewardship, youth pride) 44 Connection FurnishingsBikes SeatingBike Paths BenchesPed/Bike loop 24 Connection FurnishingsBikes SeatingBike Paths SeatingPlace for bikes, but separate from walkers 25 Connection RemoveBikes Parking SeparateBike Paths Parking + Park ParkingStarbucks > Hard, are cycling Park>Soft Destinations, not starbucks in the park, but across the street-nearby on Henderson 27 Connection RemoveStructure Parking SeparateBridge Parking + Park BigPeople green want to separate to be here parking and will lot anyway, from park provide infrastructure, Bridge (@Beach edge across Creek) 22 Connection RemoveStructure Parking SeparateBridge Parking + Park RenovateBridge and parking raised lotboardwalk at east end of creek 37 Connection RemoveStructure Parking SeparateBridge Parking + Park CutAnother the parking bridge/way lot in across half to Mapes create Creekspace for a performance stage 34 Connection RemoveLocal Ownership Parking SeparateCommunity Parking Stewardship + Park RemoveCommunity Parking planted (@Adj. items to Comfort Station) 51 Connection StructureLocal Ownership ShelterCommunity Stewardship ShelterOwnership (@Comfort of spaces/park Station) they design 21 Connection StructureLocal Ownership ShelterCommunity Stewardship ShelterCommunity over paintingthe basketball party court 31 Connection StructureLocal Ownership ShelterCommunity Stewardship PicnicConnect shelter to the - forhigh larger school gatherings , consider back of batherooms (Make reservable) 52 Connection StructureLocal Ownership ShelterCommunity Stewardship AddCommunity a structure build for project weddings/celebrations as focal point 54 Connection StructureFurnishings ShelterEducation + Interpretation RetrofitEducational Shelter Piece on Duwamish 51 Connection StructureFurnishings ShelterEducation + Interpretation OtherFungi interpretationshelters? , fungi picking 56 Connection StructureEnhance Bathrooms ShelterEnhance Bathrooms RetrofitFunnel for shelter services/bathrooms (@Comfort Station) to attach to exst. wall 52 Connection StructureEnhance Bathrooms ShelterEnhance Bathrooms ShelterYear round water 52 Connection StructureEnhance Bathrooms ShelterEnhance Bathrooms DifferentMove the sized bathroom picnic totallyshelters blocks like Jefferson view, disrupts Park experience, big block 72 Connection StructureEnhance Bathrooms ShelterEnhance Bathrooms CoveredDesign the places bathroom to enjoy (Graffitti if rain -canvas) large group and small group 73 Connection EventEnhance Space Bathrooms StageEnhance Bathrooms CommunityClean bathroom; Stage keep for local it clean performers 35 Connection EventEnhance Space Bathrooms StageEnhance Bathrooms BuildMove a bathroom stage west closer to Seward or as a buffer on edge of parking lot - separate parking lot from park 57 Connection EventActive Space Recreation StageFitness StageOutdoor rentals fitness & benefit equipment RBHS (Kids, seniors, adults) 75 Connection EventActive Space Recreation StageFitness LargeWalking group path shelter (Fitness) North of Creek - Stage, large groups 5 Connection EventVegetation Space StageFlowers + Shrubs StageGateway-Flowers, colorful shrubs, vibrant colors 11 Connection DistinctVegetation Gateway StreetFlowers Connections + Shrubs Be’erVisibleNatural Sheva facilities Theme connects&Park amenities | zonesSchematic close to thoroughfares Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 10121 Connection StructureVegetation StructureFlowers + Shrubs BathNatural (@Connection) Entry/Color/flowers 21 Connection StructureVegetation StructureFlowers + Shrubs WishingInfluence Well from natural surroundings, but don't blend in 62 Connection Structure Shelter Retrofit Shelter 5 Connection Structure Shelter Other shelters? 5 Connection Structure Shelter Retrofit shelter (@Comfort Station) to attach to exst. wall 5 Connection Structure Shelter Shelter 5 Connection Structure Shelter Different sized picnic shelters like 7 PUBLICConnection Structure MEETINGShelter FEEDBACKCovered places to enjoy if rain - large group and small group 7 Connection Event Space Stage Community Stage for local performers 3 Connection Event Space Stage Build a stage 5 PublicConnection MeetingEvent Space #1 - TableStage Feedback Data Stage rentals & benefit RBHS 7 ZoneConnection CategoryEvent Space SubcategoryStage TableLarge groupFeedback shelter North of Creek - Stage, large groups Table Connection PathsEvent Space PedStage Paths & Trails SmoothStage direct path to beach (Wheelchairs/Strollers/Wagons) 12 Connection PathsDistinct Gateway PedStreet Paths Connections & Trails ConnectionVisible facilities - Easy & amenitiesfor wagons close going to to thoroughfares the beach w/o walking through the parking lot 27 Connection ActiveStructure Recreation ActiveStructure Recreation ActiveBath (@Connection) recreation opportunities 24 Connection FurnishingsStructure AmphitheaterStructure Seating AmphitheaterWishing Well Area 64 Connection FurnishingsGroup Space AmphitheaterTables Seating Gather/AmphitheaterMore gathering tables (@Adj. to Comfort Station) 14 Connection FurnishingsGroup Space BBQTables BBQTables Grills 21 Connection FurnishingsPaths BBQPed Paths & Trails BigPermeable community surfaces grill 41 Connection FurnishingsPaths BBQPed Paths & Trails GrillsWalking path that connects (perimiter) 52 Connection FurnishingsPaths BBQTrash Cans BBQTrash Pits can every 10 feet 13 Connection FurnishingsBeach Accessibility BBQWater Views Food/BBQ'sTopo as 'barrier' (Big family(@adj. size!) to Creek) 14 Connection FurnishingsBeach Accessibility BBQWater Views FishKeep fry/Prep views open zone 25 Connection FurnishingsBeach Accessibility BBQWater Views AddA pathway a grill here (Along Creek) to view the creek 25 Connection FurnishingsBeach Accessibility BBQWater Views GrillsConnection (@Upslope "Fly" overSE of wetland)Comfort Station) 25 Connection FurnishingsBeach Accessibility BBQWater Views PicnicWhy parking tables &w/ BBQ's water both view South of creek and also North near playground 27 Connection BikesBeach Accessibility BikeWater Paths Views BetterTake advantage Bike & Ped of connections views (Bike Rack/Safe Roads) 72 Connection BikesLocal Ownership BikeYouth Paths Connection Bikes!Something that appeals to youth /young people 12 Connection BikesLocal Ownership BikeYouth Amenities Connection MakeDo HS itkids inviting, get out invite for lunchbikes ?in, have bike racks, "Things" that attract pedestrians in 52 Connection BikesLocal Ownership BikeYouth Amenities Connection AmenitiesKids come forwith cyclists families & pedestrians to draw them in 52 Connection BikesLocal Ownership BikeYouth Paths Connection WhyThe kids would bring a cyclist parents! stop at the park, coordinate w/SDOT & Cycle people 52 Connection BikesLocal Ownership BikeYouth Paths Connection ContactKids play Cascade (@Upslope Bicycle SE of Club Comfort Station) 52 Connection BikesPaths BikeZones Paths + Transitions BikeZones is –a Distinctbetter connector & Connected to park from Chief Sealth Trail or Light Rail 12 Connection BikesPaths BikeZones Amenities + Transitions BikeTransition integration from manmade(Racks) to natural 74 Connection BikesPaths BikeZones Paths + Transitions Ped/BikeEntry>Services/Attractions>Bathroom>Picnic loop Area>Beach 74 ConnectionDestination BikesHistory & Restoration BikeBeach Paths Habitat PlaceRestore for habitat bikes, but(@Beach) separate from walkers 45 ConnectionDestination BikesStructure BikeBoardwalk Paths StarbucksBoardwalk are cycling Destinations, not starbucks in the park, but across the street-nearby on Henderson 17 ConnectionDestination StructureBeach Accessibility BridgeChange Beach Material PeopleDifferent want Material to be (@Beach)here and will anyway, provide infrastructure, Bridge (@Beach edge across Creek) 12 ConnectionDestination StructureBeach Accessibility BridgeChange Beach Material BridgeStony beach and raised boardwalk at east end of creek 27 ConnectionDestination StructureBeach Accessibility BridgeEnhance Beach AnotherBigger beach bridge/way across Mapes Creek 14 ConnectionDestination LocalBeach Ownership Accessibility CommunityEnhance Beach Stewardship CommunityActual sand planted items 51 ConnectionDestination LocalBeach Ownership Accessibility CommunityEnhance Beach Stewardship OwnershipVisual Screen of tospaces/park Boat Launch they design 51 ConnectionDestination LocalBeach Ownership Accessibility CommunityEnhance Beach Stewardship CommunityBulb outs on painting both sides/ends party of beach to separate 51 ConnectionDestination LocalBeach Ownership Accessibility CommunityIn-Water Access Stewardship ConnectTest the waterto the high school 12 ConnectionDestination LocalBeach Ownership Accessibility CommunityIn-Water Access Stewardship CommunityIntertube build project as focal point 14 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsBeach Accessibility EducationIn-Water Access + Interpretation EducationalBad Docks (Atlantic Piece on City Duwamish Boat Ramp) 21 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsBeach Accessibility EducationIn-Water Access + Interpretation FungiPeople/In interpretation Water Access , fungi picking 46 ConnectionDestination EnhanceBeach Accessibility Bathrooms EnhanceIn-Water BathroomsAccess FunnelClean up for water-make services/bathrooms it swimmable 52 ConnectionDestination EnhanceBeach Accessibility Bathrooms EnhanceIn-Water BathroomsAccess YearAccess round (@Beach) water 52 ConnectionDestination EnhanceBeach Accessibility Bathrooms EnhanceIn-Water BathroomsAccess MoveConnection the bathroom (@Shoreline) totally blocks view, disrupts experience, big block 52 ConnectionDestination EnhanceBeach Accessibility Bathrooms EnhanceIn-Water BathroomsAccess DesignAccess (Nothe bathroomBlackberries) (Graffitti canvas) 53 ConnectionDestination EnhanceBeach Accessibility Bathrooms EnhanceIn-Water BathroomsAccess CleanMake bathroom;beach feel "Waterkeep it cleancleaner, safer) 5 ConnectionDestination EnhanceBeach Accessibility Bathrooms EnhanceIn-Water BathroomsAccess MoveNon-motor bathroom boat westaccess closer to Seward or as a buffer on edge of parking lot - separate parking lot from park 7 ConnectionDestination ActiveBeach AccessibilityRecreation FitnessLink to Lake Culture OutdoorCultural procession fitness equipment (Link to (Kids,Lake) seniors, adults) 45 ConnectionDestination ActiveBeach AccessibilityRecreation FitnessLink to Lake Culture WalkingWhy will pathpeople (Fitness) ride light rail and come down Henderson to park 75 ConnectionDestination VegetationStructure FlowersLookout + Shrubs Gateway-Flowers,"Look out" colorful shrubs, vibrant colors 41 102ConnectionDestinationSiteWorkshop VegetationStructure Be’erFlowersPier Sheva + Boardwalk + Shrubs Park | SchematicNaturalFocal Design Point Theme (@Beach) connectsReport zones - July 2018 41 ConnectionDestination VegetationStructure FlowersPier + Boardwalk + Shrubs Natural"Boardwalk Entry/Color/flowers Zone" 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Influence from natural surroundings, but don't blend in 2 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access Bad Docks (Atlantic City Boat Ramp) 2 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access People/In Water Access 4 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access Clean up water-make it swimmable 5 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access Access (@Beach) 5 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access Connection (@Shoreline) 5 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access Access (No Blackberries) 5 PUBLICDestination Beach AccessibilityMEETINGIn-Water FEEDBACK Access Make beach feel "Water cleaner, safer) 5 Destination Beach Accessibility In-Water Access Non-motor boat access 7 PublicDestination MeetingBeach Accessibility #1 - TableLink Feedback to Lake Culture Data Cultural procession (Link to Lake) 4 ZoneDestination CategoryBeach Accessibility SubcategoryLink to Lake Culture TableWhy will Feedback people ride light rail and come down Henderson to park Table7 ConnectionDestination PathsStructure PedLookout Paths & Trails Smooth"Look out" direct path to beach (Wheelchairs/Strollers/Wagons) 42 ConnectionDestination PathsStructure PedPier Paths+ Boardwalk & Trails ConnectionFocal Point (@Beach)- Easy for wagons going to the beach w/o walking through the parking lot 47 ConnectionDestination ActiveStructure Recreation ActivePier + BoardwalkRecreation Active"Boardwalk recreation Zone" opportunities 4 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsStructure AmphitheaterPier + Boardwalk Seating AmphitheaterAdd overlook orArea pedestrian dock along the beach 45 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsStructure AmphitheaterPier + Boardwalk Seating Gather/AmphitheaterPedestrian dock (@Adj. to Comfort Station) 45 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsStructure BBQPier + Boardwalk BBQFishing Grills float as destination both straight shot path from 17 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsStructure BBQPier + Boardwalk BigPier community for people grill 17 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsHistory & Restoration BBQRestoration GrillsNatural shoreline good 24 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsFurnishings BBQSeating BBQSitting Pits stalls at beach 31 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsFurnishings BBQSeating Food/BBQ'sNatural things (Big to family sit on size!) 42 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsFurnishings BBQSeating FishLogs fry/Prep (@Beach) zone 55 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsFurnishings BBQSeating AddBig steps a grill to sit on (@Beach) 55 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsFurnishings BBQSeating GrillsRocks (@Upslope & Logs to sit SE on of Comfort Station) 57 ConnectionDestination FurnishingsFurnishings BBQSeating PicnicAt Beach tables - places & BBQ's to sit both w/o South dragging of creek chairs and also North near playground 77 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeBeach Paths Sign/Gateway BetterEntry-Drawn Bike & toPed beach/open connections to (Bike beach/"where's Rack/Safe Roads) the beach" 22 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeGateway Paths Bikes!Gateway: Keep it open, don't blend in 22 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeEntry Amenities MakeWide, it tapering inviting, in invite entry bikes in, have bike racks, "Things" that attract pedestrians in 22 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeBranding Amenities AmenitiesBranding - forwhere's cyclists the & beach..Whypedestrians notto draw Rainier them Beach in Boat Ramp 22 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeBranding Paths WhyDated! would (Atlantic a cyclist City stop Boat at Ramp) the park, coordinate w/SDOT & Cycle people 22 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeEntry Paths ContactWhy not Cascade Rainier BeachBicycle (Atlantic Club City Boat Ramp) 22 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeGateway Paths BikeTorii isGate a better connector to park from Chief Sealth Trail or Light Rail 26 ConnectionGateway BikesDistinct Gateway BikeEntry Amenities BikeEntrance integration - where's (Racks) the beach? Not natural ,more obvious 47 ConnectionGateway BikesMusic & Art BikeArt Paths Ped/BikeIntersection loop paving/gateway - Link to Lake (@Henderson St/Seward Ave S) 44 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Place for bikes, but separate from walkers 5 Connection Bikes Bike Paths Starbucks are cycling Destinations, not starbucks in the park, but across the street-nearby on Henderson 7 Connection Structure Bridge People want to be here and will anyway, provide infrastructure, Bridge (@Beach edge across Creek) 2 Connection Structure Bridge Bridge and raised boardwalk at east end of creek 7 Connection Structure Bridge Another bridge/way across Mapes Creek 4 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community planted items 1 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Ownership of spaces/park they design 1 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community painting party 1 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Connect to the high school 2 Connection Local Ownership Community Stewardship Community build project as focal point 4 Connection Furnishings Education + Interpretation Educational Piece on Duwamish 1 Connection Furnishings Education + Interpretation Fungi interpretation , fungi picking 6 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Funnel for services/bathrooms 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Year round water 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Move the bathroom totally blocks view, disrupts experience, big block 2 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Design the bathroom (Graffitti canvas) 3 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Clean bathroom; keep it clean 5 Connection Enhance Bathrooms Enhance Bathrooms Move bathroom west closer to Seward or as a buffer on edge of parking lot - separate parking lot from park 7 Connection Active Recreation Fitness Outdoor fitness equipment (Kids, seniors, adults) 5 Connection Active Recreation Fitness Walking path (Fitness) 5 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Gateway-Flowers, colorful shrubs, vibrant colors 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Be’erNatural Sheva Theme connectsPark | zonesSchematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 1031 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Natural Entry/Color/flowers 1 Connection Vegetation Flowers + Shrubs Influence from natural surroundings, but don't blend in 2 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback

104 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback

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108 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback

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112 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback

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114 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback

Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 SiteWorkshop 115 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback Data Community Meeting #2 Feedback Category Table Feedback Table Play Structure Big slide 1 Play Structure Swings 1 Play Structure Sandbox 1 Play Structure Merri-go round 1 Identitiy Sign Map of the park 1 Play Structure Rock climber 1 Vegetation Nice plants and trees 1 Dogs Dog Park 1 Security/Life Guards Security guards 1 Play Structure Camping Spots 1 Vegetation Instead of wood chips put grass 1 Play Spin toys at park 1 Play Teeter totter 1 Play Field/Court Soccer Field 1 Security/Life Guards Lifeguard 1 ADA Ramp ADA ramp 1 Shuttle park shuttle 1 Play Field/Court Basketball court 1 Security/Life Guards Lifeguard 1 Play Field/Court Soccer Field 1 Play Field/Court Community Balls - Soccer/Basketball 1 Play Structure Petting zoo 1 Beach Water, sand 1 Identitiy Sign no bullying zone sign 1 ADA Ramp ramp for wheelchair 1 Security/Life Guards Childcare 1 Security/Life Guards Life enrichment group 1 Having pathway go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move Beach Shelter shelter off path 2 Large/Separate Stage Like having stage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 2 Stage Power Supply Power supply to all stages 2 Boardwalk Path Like idea of raised boardwalk w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 2 116 SiteWorkshop Be’erVisible Sheva sustainable Park design| Schematic features Design such as waterReport collection - July at2018 bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, Sustainable Bathroom green (Vegetation) roofs 2 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school Identitiy Sign no bullying zone sign 1 ADA Ramp ramp for wheelchair 1 Security/Life Guards Childcare 1 Security/Life Guards Life enrichment group 1 PUBLIC MEETINGHaving pathway FEEDBACK go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move Beach Shelter shelter off path 2 PublicLarge/Separate Meeting Stage #2 - TableLike having Feedback stage pulled Data away from beach, leaves more room at beach 2 Stage Power Supply Power supply to all stages Community Meeting #2 Feedback 2 BoardwalkCategory Path LikeTable idea Feedback of raised boardwalk w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve Table2 Play Structure VisibleBig slide sustainable design features such as water collection at bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, 1 SustainablePlay Structure Bathroom greenSwings (Vegetation) roofs 21 Play Structure Sandbox 1 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school ConnectPlay Structure High School Merri-go round 21 PlayIdentitiy Structure Sign WaterslideMap of the park 21 Play Structure ArcadeRock climber 21 (2)Vegetation Stages LikeNice havingplants and2 stages trees (1 Big/1 Little) 21 (2)Dogs Stages AddDog Parkbig stage, keep little stage (Concept 3) 21 (2)Security/Life Entries Guards MoveSecurity pathway guards closer to High School for better connection 21 LargePlay Structure Gateway GatewayCamping Spotsshouldn't block the view but needs to be visible from Henderson to draw people in 21 LargeVegetation Gateway PossiblyInstead of be wood seen chipsfrom lightrailput grass station 21 BeachPlay Access BeachSpin toys Design at park Concept 3 21 StepsPlay LikeTeeter the totter stairs 21 BeachPlay Field/Court Play BeachSoccer areaField for children - play/activities 21 ADASecurity/Life Ramp Guards ConceptLifeguard 2 has no stiars or ADA access to beach 31 Large/SeparateADA Ramp Stage CouldADA ramp Concept 3 include the large stage as well 31 Large/SeparateShuttle Stage Lovepark shuttlethe stage in Concpet 2 & benches 31 GatheringPlay Field/Court SpaceBasketball is currently court a public gathering space 31 Seating/TablesSecurity/Life Guards LikeLifeguard the benches/lots of seating 31 ShuttlePlay Field/Court ParkSoccer shuttles/horse Field drawn 31 NativePlay Field/Court Art ArtCommunity reflecting Balls natives - Soccer/Basketball 31 NativePlay Structure Art GatewayPetting zoo reflecting natives 31 WaterBeach Quality Sign HaveWater, a postingsand about the health of the water @ the site - updated daily 31 CleanIdentitiy Sign Shorelinesno bullying collecting zone sign too much "muck" - how to keep clean 31 OpenADA Ramp Space Conceeptramp for wheelchair 3 too crowded by bathroom 31 ConcessionsSecurity/Life Guards ConcessionChildcare stand 31 ParkingSecurity/Life Guards KeepLife enrichment parking group 31 Large/Separate Stage HavingStage separate pathway go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move 3 BeachLarge/Separate Shelter Stage shelterBig events off -path like the stage space (concept 2) 23 Large/Separate Stage LikeSister having City - stageControversial pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 23 Stage Power Supply PowerCentral supply bathroom to all stages 23 BoardwalkADA Ramp Path LikeNo ADA idea Comparison of raised boardwalk (Concept w/ 2) bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 23 Expanded Beach Expand beach area 3 Visible sustainable design featuresBe’er Shevasuch as Parkwater |collection Schematic at bathrooms, Design Report creative - stormwaterJuly 2018 system, solarSiteWorkshop panels, 117 SustainableBeach Boardwalk Bathroom greenFavorite (Vegetation) x2 (Concept roofs 2) 23 Play Structure Spray Park 4 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school Clean Shorelines collecting too much "muck" - how to keep clean 3 Open Space Conceept 3 too crowded by bathroom 3 Concessions Concession stand 3 Parking Keep parking 3 Large/Separate Stage Stage separate 3 PUBLICLarge/Separate Stage MEETINGBig events FEEDBACK- like the stage space (concept 2) 3 Public Meeting #2 - TableSister CityFeedback - Controversial Data 3 Central bathroom Community Meeting #2 Feedback 3 CategoryADA Ramp TableNo ADA Feedback Comparison (Concept 2) Table3 PlayExpanded Structure Beach BigExpand slide beach area 13 PlayBeach Structure Boardwalk SwingsFavorite x2 (Concept 2) 13 Play Structure SandboxSpray Park 14 Play Structure Merri-goZipline round 14 IdentitiyPlay Structure Sign MapUpgrade of the playground park only one not updated nearby 14 Play Structure RockCushy climber plz 14 VegetationSeating/Tables NicePicnic plants tables and good trees (Concept 1) 14 Dogs DogYes, Parkpaths help 14 Security/Life Guards SecuritySafe guards 14 PlayBeach Structure Shelter CampingNot close Spots enough to restroom for kids/families, move toward bathroom/beach (Concept 1 - Shelter) 14 VegetationPlay Structure InsteadCable play of woodtower chipsfor kids put grass 14 PlayBeach Play SpinMain toys kid areaat park (beach) 14 PlayBeach Play TeeterYes, swimming, totter wading 14 PlayLarge/Separate Field/Court Stage SoccerGreat (Stage Field Concept 2) 14 Security/Life(2) Shelters Guards LifeguardSeparate room under 1 shelter or multiple shelters 14 BeachADA Ramp Shelter MaxADA shelterramp (at beach/bathroom - Concept 2) 14 BoardwalkShuttle Path Wood/Stone/Metalpark shuttle on ground (Boardwalk) 14 LargePlay Field/Court Gateway GreatBasketball gateway court sign, draws the eye (Concept 2) 14 IdentitySecurity/Life Sign Guards Art/entrance-internationalLifeguard feel, make people all "belong" 14 BoardwalkPlay Field/Court Path LikeSoccer modern Field design style (Concept 2 - path) 14 BeachPlay Field/Court Boardwalk #1Community (Concept Balls2) - Soccer/Basketball 14 ExpandedPlay Structure Beach ConcensusPetting zoo - like biggest beach (Concept 2) 14 BeachBeach Play KidsWater, want sand sand and water 14 BeachIdentitiy Shelter Sign Goodno bullying shelter zone next sign to restroom 14 Security/LifeADA Ramp Guards Lifeguardramp for wheelchairfor kids to swim 14 Security/LifeSecurity/Life GuardsGuards "IChildcare drive by, if I see people in parking lot I just keep going to Seward 14 Security/LifeSecurity/Life GuardsGuards FamiliesLife enrichment do not park, group park on street because of concerns (Security - Parking Lot) 14 Beach Shelter Like the shelter for birthday parties, capacity 50 (Concept 3) 4 Having pathway go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move Seating/Tables Concensus - privacy of spread out is good (Concept 3) 4 Beach Shelter shelter off path 2 30% Taylor Cr. Lake access project FYI 4 Large/Separate Stage Like having stage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 2 Large/Separate Stage Like the stage separate (Concept 2) 5 Stage Power Supply Power supply to all stages 2 Large/Separate Stage Lots more room to vibe, gives people more options to be near or far to the music (Stage- Concept 2) 5 Boardwalk Path Like idea of raised boardwalk w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 2 Direct Ramp ADA Ramp to beach (Concept 1) 5 Visible sustainable design features such as water collection at bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, 118BeachSiteWorkshop Boardwalk Be’erStar (Concept Sheva Park2) | Schematic Design Report - July 2018 5 Sustainable Bathroom green (Vegetation) roofs 2 Outdoor Classroom Pre-K Classroom here next year! Tiny Trees 5 Large/Separate Stage LikeNeed the to largeinclude stage Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school 5 Beach Shelter Good shelter next to restroom 4 Security/Life Guards Lifeguard for kids to swim 4 Security/Life Guards "I drive by, if I see people in parking lot I just keep going to Seward 4 Security/Life Guards Families do not park, park on street because of concerns (Security - Parking Lot) 4 PUBLICBeach Shelter MEETINGLike the shelter FEEDBACK for birthday parties, capacity 50 (Concept 3) 4 Seating/Tables Concensus - privacy of spread out is good (Concept 3) 4 Public Meeting #2 - Table30% Taylor Feedback Cr. Lake access Data project FYI 4 Large/Separate Stage Like the stage separate (ConceptCommunity 2) Meeting #2 Feedback 5 Large/SeparateCategory Stage LotsTable more Feedback room to vibe, gives people more options to be near or far to the music (Stage- Concept 2) Table5 DirectPlay Structure Ramp ADABig slide Ramp to beach (Concept 1) 15 BeachPlay Structure Boardwalk StarSwings (Concept 2) 15 OutdoorPlay Structure Classroom Pre-KSandbox Classroom here next year! Tiny Trees 15 Large/SeparatePlay Structure Stage LikeMerri-go the large round stage 15 ADAIdentitiy Ramp Sign WheelchairMap of the parkaccess 15 SummerPlay Structure Activity SummerRock climber Programming 15 ExpandedVegetation Beach BeachNice plants Concerts and trees 15 CleanDogs CleanlinessDog Park 15 WaterSecurity/Life Quality Guards Sign WaterSecurity Pollution guards 15 Security/LifePlay Structure Guards HowCamping can weSpots have a beach so close to a boat ramp 15 Security/LifeVegetation Guards SafetyInstead of wood chips put grass 15 Play WalkSpin toys through at park site 16 Seating/TablesPlay NeedTeeter benches totter 16 ParkingPlay Field/Court ParkingSoccer Field 1 ExpandedSecurity/Life Beach Guards SitLifeguard close to water 16 VegetationADA Ramp NaturalADA ramp - discourage swimming 16 Seating/TablesShuttle Walkpark shuttle& Sit by creek 16 HistoryPlay Field/Court HistoryBasketball court 16 Security/Life Guards PedestrianLifeguard (N/S Route) 16 BoardwalkPlay Field/Court Path BoardwalkSoccer Field & Path & Benches (Circled - Concept 2) 1 Seating/TablesPlay Field/Court BoardwalkCommunity & Balls Path - &Soccer/Basketball Benches (Circled - Concept 2) 1 BoardwalkPlay Structure BoardwalkPetting zoo & Path & Benches (Circled - Concept 2) 16 BoardwalkBeach Path LikeWater, benches sand (Concept 2) 16 Seating/TablesIdentitiy Sign Needno bullying comfort zone sign 16 Security/LifeADA Ramp Guards Concernramp for about wheelchair drugs 16 Security/Life Guards StageChildcare not used 16 Security/LifeSecurity/Life GuardsGuards FloatingLife enrichment platform? group - Don't encourage swimming! 16 Expanded Beach SittingHaving closer pathway to water go through is better! shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move 6 VegetationBeach Shelter Naturalshelter offElements path 26 ParkingLarge/Separate Stage ParkLike havingby lake stage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 26 ParkingStage Power Supply NeedPower parking supply especiallyto all stages for large groups 26 Boardwalk Path UsedLike idea to be of one raised park, boardwalk now 2 w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 26 IVisible vote for sustainable concept 2 design with the featuresBe’er stage Shevainsuch back as -Parkwater more | collectionroomSchematic around at bathrooms, Designstage, makes Report creative for better - stormwaterJuly separation 2018 system, beach solarSiteWorkshop & swimming panels, 119 Large/SeparateSustainable Bathroom Stage onegreen area (Vegetation) and stage/performances roofs in other area 27 Vegetation More grass need covered the sidewalk path 7 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school Security/Life Guards Lifeguard for kids to swim 4 Security/Life Guards "I drive by, if I see people in parking lot I just keep going to Seward 4 Security/Life Guards Families do not park, park on street because of concerns (Security - Parking Lot) 4 Beach Shelter Like the shelter for birthday parties, capacity 50 (Concept 3) 4 PUBLICSeating/Tables MEETINGConcensus FEEDBACK - privacy of spread out is good (Concept 3) 4 30% Taylor Cr. Lake access project FYI 4 PublicLarge/Separate Meeting Stage #2 - TableLike the Feedback stage separate Data (Concept 2) 5 Large/Separate Stage Lots more room to vibe, gives peopleCommunity more optionsMeeting to #2 be Feedback near or far to the music (Stage- Concept 2) 5 DirectCategory Ramp ADATable Ramp Feedback to beach (Concept 1) Table5 BeachPlay Structure Boardwalk StarBig slide (Concept 2) 15 OutdoorPlay Structure Classroom Pre-KSwings Classroom here next year! Tiny Trees 15 Large/SeparatePlay Structure Stage LikeSandbox the large stage 15 ADAPlay RampStructure WheelchairMerri-go round access 15 SummerIdentitiy ActivitySign SummerMap of the Programming park 15 ExpandedPlay Structure Beach BeachRock climber Concerts 15 CleanVegetation CleanlinessNice plants and trees 15 WaterDogs Quality Sign WaterDog Park Pollution 15 Security/LifeSecurity/Life GuardsGuards HowSecurity can guardswe have a beach so close to a boat ramp 15 Security/LifePlay Structure Guards SafetyCamping Spots 15 Vegetation WalkInstead through of wood site chips put grass 16 Seating/TablesPlay NeedSpin toys benches at park 16 ParkingPlay ParkingTeeter totter 1 ExpandedPlay Field/Court Beach SitSoccer close Field to water 16 VegetationSecurity/Life Guards NaturalLifeguard - discourage swimming 16 Seating/TablesADA Ramp WalkADA ramp& Sit by creek 16 HistoryShuttle Historypark shuttle 16 Play Field/Court PedestrianBasketball court(N/S Route) 16 BoardwalkSecurity/Life Path Guards BoardwalkLifeguard & Path & Benches (Circled - Concept 2) 1 Seating/TablesPlay Field/Court BoardwalkSoccer Field & Path & Benches (Circled - Concept 2) 1 BoardwalkPlay Field/Court BoardwalkCommunity & Balls Path - &Soccer/Basketball Benches (Circled - Concept 2) 16 BoardwalkPlay Structure Path LikePetting benches zoo (Concept 2) 16 Seating/TablesBeach NeedWater, comfort sand 16 Security/LifeIdentitiy Sign Guards Concernno bullying about zone drugs sign 16 ADA Ramp Stageramp fornot wheelchair used 16 Security/LifeSecurity/Life GuardsGuards FloatingChildcare platform? - Don't encourage swimming! 16 ExpandedSecurity/Life Beach Guards SittingLife enrichment closer to watergroup is better! 16 Vegetation NaturalHaving pathwayElements go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move 6 ParkingBeach Shelter Parkshelter by offlake path 26 ParkingLarge/Separate Stage NeedLike having parking stage especially pulled foraway large from groups beach, leaves more room at beach 26 Stage Power Supply UsedPower to supply be one to park, all stages now 2 26 Boardwalk Path ILike vote idea for ofconcept raised 2boardwalk with the stage w/ bench in back seating - more but room more around organic/natural/curve stage, makes for better separation beach & swimming 2 120Large/SeparateSiteWorkshop Stage Be’eroneVisible area Sheva sustainable and Parkstage/performances design| Schematic features Design insuch other as waterReportarea collection - July at2018 bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, 7 VegetationSustainable Bathroom Moregreen grass(Vegetation) need covered roofs the sidewalk path 27 (2) Shelter Shelter for tables and stage 7 Security/Life Guards Concern about drugs 6 Stage not used 6 Security/Life Guards Floating platform? - Don't encourage swimming! 6 Expanded Beach Sitting closer to water is better! 6 PUBLICVegetation MEETINGNatural Elements FEEDBACK 6 Parking Park by lake 6 PublicParking Meeting #2 - TableNeed parkingFeedback especially Data for large groups 6 Used to be one park, now 2 Community Meeting #2 Feedback 6 Category ITable vote forFeedback concept 2 with the stage in back - more room around stage, makes for better separation beach & swimming Table Large/SeparatePlay Structure Stage oneBig slidearea and stage/performances in other area 17 VegetationPlay Structure MoreSwings grass need covered the sidewalk path 17 (2)Play Shelter Structure ShelterSandbox for tables and stage 17 LargePlay Structure Gateway GatewayMerri-go isround must have 17 StepsIdentitiy Sign TieredMap of seating the park (Concept 1) 17 DirectPlay Structure Ramp ADARock Ramp, climber less impacting other uses (Concept 1) 17 BeachVegetation Shelter ShelterNice plants (Circled and bytrees Bathroom) 17 StageDogs Power Supply PowerDog Park outlet at Stage (Concept 2) 17 PlaySecurity/Life Field/Court Guards Pickleball/FoursquareSecurity guards 17 Large/SeparatePlay Structure Stage OutdoorCamping movies/lightingSpots at Stage (Concept 2) 17 LightingVegetation CableInstead Lighting of wood (behind chips putrestroom/off grass shelter) 17 PlayPlay HammockSpin toys at stands park 17 (2)Play Entries StopTeeter North. totter Access from both ends 18 BeachPlay Field/Court Shelter ConceptSoccer Field 1 Shelter too close to parking 18 Seating/TablesSecurity/Life Guards MoveLifeguard Picnic tables north of buffer zone 18 ExpandedADA Ramp Beach ConceptADA ramp 2 flush beach is a plus 18 Shuttle Pathpark willshuttle happen (North Access / along 50' RMA Line) 18 Seating/TablesPlay Field/Court MoreBasketball benches court near beach 18 Seating/TablesSecurity/Life Guards PicnicLifeguard Tables (Boat Luanch Buffer Area) 18 DirectPlay Field/Court Ramp DirectSoccer ADA Field Ramp 18 (2)Play Entries Field/Court KeepCommunity both (Paths Balls -at Soccer/Basketball entry - Concept 2) 18 Seating/TablesPlay Structure (MovePetting tables zoo inward/not along parking edge) 18 BeachBeach Shelter BiggerWater, shelter sand (Concept 2) 18 BeachIdentitiy Shelter Sign Useno bullying restroom zone shape sign in shelter 18 BoardwalkADA Ramp Path Boardwalkramp for wheelchair Shape 18 StageSecurity/Life Power SupplyGuards PowerChildcare for Amps (Stage-Concept 2) 18 Large/SeparateSecurity/Life Guards Stage BackLife enrichment wall at rear group of stage (Concept 2) 18 (2) Shelters HaveHaving 2 shelterspathway - goone through by bathroom shelter & doesn't one along work path people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move 9 BeachBeach AccessShelter Beachshelter Access off path 29 BeachLarge/Separate Access Stage PathwayLike having to beachstage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 29 Stage Power Supply StagePower is supply not that to importantall stages 29 BoardwalkBoardwalk PathPath ConceptLike idea 2 of for raised boardwalk boardwalk path w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 29 Visible sustainable design featuresBe’er Shevasuch as Parkwater |collection Schematic at bathrooms, Design Report creative - stormwaterJuly 2018 system, solarSiteWorkshop panels, 121 Sustainable Bathroom green (Vegetation) roofs 2 PUBLIC MEETING FEEDBACK Public Meeting #2 - Table Feedback Data Community Meeting #2 Feedback Category Table Feedback Table Seating/TablesPlay Structure PicnicBig slide tables are a must 19 BeachPlay Structure Play ASwings Play area for kids not wanting to swim w/safe space (and maybe safe toys) 19 BeachPlay Structure Access BeachSandbox access 19 (2)Play Shelters Structure ShelterMerri-go - prefer round close to the water, would like to see both 19 BBQIdentitiy Sign BBQMap grillsof the park 19 BikePlay RacksStructure AddRock bike climber racks 19 Security/LifeguardsVegetation AddNice flashing plants and red trees light 19 EducationDogs GoodDog Park to know about Sister City Connection 19 DirectSecurity/Life Ramp Guards DirectSecurity ramp guards separates you (Concept 1) 19 (2)Play Shelters Structure EasierCamping to watchSpots kids! (Shelter - Concept 1) 19 Seating/TablesVegetation PreferredInstead of Picnic wood Locationchips put (Concept grass 1 - near creek) 19 BBQPlay BBQSpin Yes!toys at park 19 GatewayPlay Sign AddTeeter Park totter Signage, Bling it out! (Gateway - Concept 3) 19 GatewayPlay Field/Court Sign LikesSoccer that Field it draws attention to park (Gateway - Concept 3) 19 BikeSecurity/Life Racks Guards AddLifeguard bike racks 19 BeachADA Ramp Access CloserADA ramp to the beach (Beach - Concept 3) 19 BeachShuttle Boardwalk Heart/Circlepark shuttle (Concept 2) 19 BoardwalkPlay Field/Court Path (+)WoodBasketball Boardwalk court 19 (2)Security/Life Entries Guards (+)2Lifeguard Entrances 19 GatewayPlay Field/Court Sign IncorporateSoccer Field Seahawks (Gateway - Concept 2) 19 Seating/TablesPlay Field/Court Rocks,Community more Ballsnatural - Soccer/Basketball benches (Concept 2) 19 Seating/TablesPlay Structure AddPetting picnic zoo tables on beach (Concept 2) 19 Seating/TablesBeach AddWater, large sand rocks (Near stage - Concept 2) 19 Large/SeparateIdentitiy Sign Stage Alongno bullying Path (Stagezone sign - Concept 2) 19 IdentitiyADA Ramp Sign Rainierramp for beach wheelchair park 101 PlaySecurity/Life Structure Guards LikeChildcare to: - Swinging 101 ConcessionsSecurity/Life Guards WantLife enrichment restaurants group ! 101 BiggerHaving restroom pathway go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move 10 ShelterBeach Shelter Picnicshelter Shelter off path 102 PlayLarge/Separate Structure Stage WaterLike having Park stage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 102 (2)Stage Shelters Power Supply VotesPower for supply shelter to allnext stages to the beach or both (next to beach & seward) 102 BBQBoardwalk Path LikeLike BBQsidea of (But raised no pork)boardwalk w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 102 Concessions Coffee Shop! Kiosks/Concessions 10 122 SiteWorkshop Be’erVisible Sheva sustainable Park design| Schematic features Design such as waterReport collection - July at2018 bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, Seating/TablesSustainable Bathroom Biggreen picnic (Vegetation) tables w/ roofsseating for 6-8 102 Beach Play Take out all the boats 10 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school Identitiy Sign Rainier beach park 10 Play Structure Like to: - Swinging 10 Concessions Want restaurants ! 10 Bigger restroom 10 PUBLICShelter MEETINGPicnic Shelter FEEDBACK 10 PublicPlay Structure Meeting #2 - TableWater FeedbackPark Data 10 (2) Shelters Votes for shelter next to the beachCommunity or both (nextMeeting to beach #2 Feedback & seward) 10 BBQCategory LikeTable BBQs Feedback (But no pork) Table10 ConcessionsPlay Structure CoffeeBig slide Shop! Kiosks/Concessions 101 Seating/TablesPlay Structure BigSwings picnic tables w/ seating for 6-8 101 BeachPlay Structure Play TakeSandbox out all the boats 101 BeachPlay Structure Play KyaksMerri-go or small round craft for families 101 CleanIdentitiy Sign TakeMap theof the ducks park to the zoo! & Clean up the poopy! ( or to Africa! Keep a few Ducks) 101 VegetationPlay Structure PlantRock climbermore trees (More shade) 101 ShelterVegetation MoreNice plants shade and near trees the water 101 Dogs WalkingDog Park path 101 ShelterSecurity/Life Guards Shelter,Security relaxguards 101 PlayPlay StructureStructure SwingsCamping Spots 101 BeachVegetation Play SwimmingInstead of wood chips put grass 101 VegetationPlay FlowersSpin toys at park 101 VegetationPlay TreesTeeter totter 101 CleanPlay Field/Court OftenSoccer find Field broken glass & Cig. Buds by waterfront - address this! 101 ADASecurity/Life Ramp Guards MoreLifeguard ADA parking, safe route from light rail no ped? Bike all levels/ability 1 BikeADA RacksRamp MoreADA ramp ADA parking, safe route from light rail no ped? Bike all levels/ability 101 BeachShuttle Boardwalk Preferpark shuttle Concept #2 by far! 101 ExpandedPlay Field/Court Beach MoreBasketball rock &court logs on/around beach/playsit/visit 101 ExpandedSecurity/Life Beach Guards LikeLifeguard #2 for larger beach & Big stage 101 Play Field/Court ViewSoccer of Field water from picnic tables, better space division, Dislike placement of picnic area in Concept 1, abutting the 1 Seating/TablesPlay Field/Court roadCommunity Balls - Soccer/Basketball 101 BeachPlay Structure Steps LovePetting the zoo shelter and stage (Concept 1) 101 VegetationBeach FlowersWater, sand (Along path edge - Concept 1) 101 (2)Identitiy Shelters Sign (Heart)no bullying More zone Shelters sign (Concept 1) 101 BeachADA Ramp Stage (Stage)ramp for Cool wheelchair Idea (Concept 1) 101 Large/SeparateSecurity/Life Guards Stage CoolChildcare location for stage away from water (Concept 2) 101 BoardwalkSecurity/Life Guards LoveLife enrichment boardwalk group 101 Seating/Tables Have seating on back side (Boardwalk) 10 Having pathway go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move Beach Boardwalk My Vote (Concept 2) 10 Beach Shelter shelter off path 2 Beach Boardwalk Fewer parking stalls so close is better than other scenarios (Concept 2) 10 Large/Separate Stage Like having stage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 2 Expanded Beach Seating, natural look - like Golden Gardens (Logs at Beach - Concept 2) 10 Stage Power Supply Power supply to all stages 2 ADA Ramp Could ADA Access be incorporated? (Concept 2) 10 Boardwalk Path Like idea of raised boardwalk w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 2 Beach Boardwalk (Heart) Love this one! (Concept 2) 10 Visible sustainable design features such as water collection at bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, I like this but agree with (ADABe’er Comment), Sheva thePark large | Schematic stage is great Design in this concept,Report as- July well as2018 the large beach!SiteWorkshop (Concept 123 Sustainable Bathroom green (Vegetation) roofs 2 ADA Ramp 2) 10 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school (2) Shelters (Heart) More Shelters (Concept 1) 10 Beach Stage (Stage) Cool Idea (Concept 1) 10 Large/Separate Stage Cool location for stage away from water (Concept 2) 10 Boardwalk Love boardwalk 10 Seating/Tables Have seating on back side (Boardwalk) 10 PUBLICBeach Boardwalk MEETINGMy Vote (Concept FEEDBACK 2) 10 PublicBeach Boardwalk Meeting #2 - TableFewer Feedbackparking stalls so Data close is better than other scenarios (Concept 2) 10 Expanded Beach Seating, natural look - like GoldenCommunity Gardens (LogsMeeting at Beach #2 Feedback - Concept 2) 10 ADACategory Ramp CouldTable ADAFeedback Access be incorporated? (Concept 2) Table10 BeachPlay Structure Boardwalk (Heart)Big slide Love this one! (Concept 2) 101 Play Structure ISwings like this but agree with (ADA Comment), the large stage is great in this concept, as well as the large beach! (Concept 1 ADAPlay RampStructure 2)Sandbox 101 Play Structure Merri-go round 1 Identitiy Sign Map of the park 1 Play Structure Rock climber 1 Vegetation Nice plants and trees 1 Dogs Dog Park 1 Security/Life Guards Security guards 1 Play Structure Camping Spots 1 Vegetation Instead of wood chips put grass 1 Play Spin toys at park 1 Play Teeter totter 1 Play Field/Court Soccer Field 1 Security/Life Guards Lifeguard 1 ADA Ramp ADA ramp 1 Shuttle park shuttle 1 Play Field/Court Basketball court 1 Security/Life Guards Lifeguard 1 Play Field/Court Soccer Field 1 Play Field/Court Community Balls - Soccer/Basketball 1 Play Structure Petting zoo 1 Beach Water, sand 1 Identitiy Sign no bullying zone sign 1 ADA Ramp ramp for wheelchair 1 Security/Life Guards Childcare 1 Security/Life Guards Life enrichment group 1 Having pathway go through shelter doesn't work people won't feel comfortable walking through gatherings, move Beach Shelter shelter off path 2 Large/Separate Stage Like having stage pulled away from beach, leaves more room at beach 2 Stage Power Supply Power supply to all stages 2 Boardwalk Path Like idea of raised boardwalk w/ bench seating but more organic/natural/curve 2 124 SiteWorkshop Be’erVisible Sheva sustainable Park design| Schematic features Design such as waterReport collection - July at2018 bathrooms, creative stormwater system, solar panels, Sustainable Bathroom green (Vegetation) roofs 2 Need to include Rainier Beach High School somehow, need their input , park needs to be connected to school SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/08 8:15:34 AM MST I have but not The daylighting of Mapes Creek. Summer - hangout and listen to Not certain what you're asking A amphitheater for local musicians to Seward Park, Deadhorse Canyon, very often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform. Concessions. Outside showers Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. for swimmers to rinse off. Hutchinson Field,

2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock , Madrona, Stan Sayres, Seward, Martha Washington

2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm"

2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just moved to the 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have there many years ago. The picnic area is getting lots of use. It could be used more if there were a shelter.

2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park.

2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward views. In the winter enjoy the picnic area. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot.

2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan,

2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it

2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwould change Report the park so that- July the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 125 closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move picnic area. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot.

2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, SURVEYS2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)? there

2018/02/082018/02/09 8:15:3411:01:40 AM PM MST MST Iyes have but not theThe daylighteddaylighting Mapes of Mapes Creek Creek. and SummerI have used - hangout the boat and launch listen for to SeeNot above.certain what you're asking ItA amphitheaterwould be great for if welocal could musicians walk to Seward,Seward Park, Kubota, Deadhorse Lincoln, Canyon,Cougar very often. the sculpture. kayakconcerts in summerat the park. and Winterin winter - I here. If I had a canoe or kayak throughperform. the Concessions. gate to the OutsideUrban farm showers - as a Mtn,Kubota Arboretum, Garden, Lakeridge Coulon, Dead Park, walksame through. I could launch from there. walk.for swimmers I would addto rinse information off. about the HorseHutchinson Field, importance of Mapes Creek to wild 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't Chinooka dock salmon (young ones) resting Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, there on their way out to the ocean. I Seward, Martha Washington would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" access to water for boats, but move parking closer to the street. 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. 2018/02/10 5:37:44 AM MSTplan Yes to. Just Boatlaunch, playground, Boating. Paddlboarding Boating, paddle boarding Rowing center Pritchard beach, Seward, kubota moved to the bathrooms garden 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the 2018/02/10 8:09:17 AM MSTthrough Yes it. The lake and the playground Go to a farmers market (summer), We don’t really use the picnic/barbecueMore picnic areas, area more like toys used for to kids have at Seward Park play at the park, feed the ducks water but it is pretty therethe park many (ie bikes,years ago.sand Thetoys) picnic area is getting lots of use. It could be used more if there were a shelter. 2018/02/10 9:40:01 AM MST Yes Location to my house, My kids play at the playground. I Currently swim in the lake; Summer - would love a splash park for Seward 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes playground,Mapes Creek access to beach (at Daylightwould like Mapes to play Creek basketball to the atsource the Watchwould likewildlife, to start canoe, paddle write Akids; daylighted soccer field Mapes could Creek. be cool too (if Seward Park, Coleman Park, nearby atlantic st boat ramp) southnew hoops. of Kubota Garden poemsboarding about or canoeing it. there's room) Lakewood Park. 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, 2018/02/10 10:33:28 AM MST yes water access, bird life, bird watch, relax view larger walking opportunities KubotaSeward Garden,Park Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST daylightedThe new landscaping creek Walk Better lighting Lakeridge 2018/02/10 11:51:15 AM MST Sometimes. I live I like the openness as well as I would like to do more exercising Stand up paddle-board (SUP) I would add SUP launch and recovery Seward Park and Jefferson Park 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MSTat Sometimes the condo's the The creaktrees thatand waterflows into Lake there.In the summer,Also, the enjoyparking the is waterdesigned Boating Seward right next door. Washington forviews. vehicles In the with winter trailers enjoy which the I Not too pleased completelypicnic area. understand, but in the 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yeswith the litter and It’s pretty big for where it isWinter Play with months my dog parking could be a Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee the loud music in little bit more logical. Such as a and less of a massive parking lot. the warmer dotted line in the center so 2 cars 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MSTnights. Yes It can get a Access to water couldFeel safe take 1 parking spot that Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, bit roudy there. I would otherwise be designated for 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MSTdo Yes like seeing SPD Proximity aWalk vehicle around and trailer. I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it patrolling there 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 126 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/102018/02/08 4:46:218:15:34 PMAM MST YesI have but not The creekdaylighting and bridge of Mapes Creek. Walk,Summer picnic, - hangout take pictures, and listen enjoy to INot don't, certain it's dirty what and you're full ofasking StopA amphitheater people from for constantly local musicians feeding to the ChinookSeward Park, Beach, Deadhorse Pritchard Canyon, Island very often. theconcerts scenery, at the year-round park. Winter - birdshere. and If I hadtheir a poopcanoe or kayak birds,perform. so the Concessions. birds go away Outside and don't showers BeachKubota and Garden, Wetland, Lakeridge Sturtevant Park, same I could launch from there. coverfor swimmers all the grass to rinse and off.water with their Ravine,Hutchinson Kubota Field, Garden, Dead Horse poop. I thought the Mapes Creek Canyon, Martha Washington, 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't restorationa dock project was intended to SewardGreen Lake, Park, Madrona, East Duwamish Stan Sayres, provide habitat for migrating juvenile Greenbelt,Seward, Martha Washington Washington Park salmon; aren't the salmon now being Arboretum, Luna Park / Alki, Lincoln 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayakingeaten Get rid by of the the large boat populationlaunch, add of a birdsbeach, Park,Pritchard Gasworks, Beach, Green Kubota Lake, Garden Sand Creek the summer thatunlock have gate taken to "urban up residence farm" at Be'er Point Magnuson, Golden Gardens, Sheva? People ignore the signs saying Ballard Locks, , not to feed the birds, and literally stand Olympic Sculpture Garden, Jose 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view right next to those signs while tossing Rizal,i use theInterlaken, chief sealth Volunteer trail. Park, plan to. Just bread. and . moved to the 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/02/10 5:02:15 PM MST Yes Play structure and ducks Play Treethere shade many closer years the The park picnic structure area is Georgetown, van asselt, Othello andgetting more lots convenient of use. It could garbage be usedcans. more if there were a shelter. 2018/02/10 5:39:27 PM MST yes. the daylight creek area walk through view more drainage, so fewer soggy areas Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Greenlake, 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. MadisonSeward Park, Park Colemanand Beach Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park.

2018/02/102018/02/09 5:48:546:49:15 PM MST Yes TheLake lake access and trees PicnicWalk along during lake the summer. Look at SitI look next at to it the water and WouldAdd dog like park to see more locals using the PritchardPrichard Beach, beach, Kubota seward Gardens, park the water during winter. watch the ducks. park and less drug use in the park and Seward Park parking lot. 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge 2018/02/10 6:01:06 PM MST Yes It's right on the water. Would like to be able to kayak, Swimming, Kayaking, Watersport equipment rentals, more Seward Park, Aboretum, Madrona 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water paddleboard,In the summer, and enjoy swim the during water the PaddleboardingBoating playground equipment, racquetball Park,Seward Lakeridge, Discovery, Golden summer.views. In theDuring winter the enjoywinter, the would court, basketball court, public water Gardens, Carkeek, Volunteer justpicnic like area. to see more walking paths equipment launch, more wooded paths, 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it isand Play perhapswith my somedog more sporting Don’t grillThere pits. should Connecting be an off-leash this park dog and area Genessee court options. Pritchardand less of Beach a massive Park byparking walkways lot. would make all the sense in the world. 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan,

2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it 2018/02/10 6:13:53 PM MST Yes Community Picnics, strolls, Shelter, grills Seward 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! 2018/02/10 8:40:11 PM MST rarely close to the water walk inspiration Kubota

2018/02/10 8:45:34 PM MST Yes Lake access Swim, family time, boat parking Swimming, boating, fishing Add more room for lakefront Coulon, Seward park 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust access/swimImprove connection area to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, 2018/02/10 10:21:48 PM MST yes treesopen +areas creek+ beach walklet the bird kiddo watch get energy out at the smallwater boat quality access in this canoe+ location, getif not rid physically of rip rap connected, rock on beach connection hide marthaSeward +Gene seward+ Coulon lincoln playground kayakbelieve there is a cso outlet waterreflected overflow through pipes sinage, + more art etc.sand there 2018/02/11 6:33:57 AM MST Yes Waterfront access Reading in summer, walking in Walk path connecting to urban farm, Seward, Martha Washington, 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar winter pritchard beach Volunteer the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead 2018/02/11 7:50:23 AM MST Yes The stream being daylighted Sitwalk on through. the grass in the summer. Just I don't but we hope to get Maybewalk. I wouldsome moreadd information benches about the NoneHorse at the moment stroll in the winter kayaks thus summer and use importance of Mapes Creek to wild the boat launch Chinook salmon (young ones) resting 2018/02/11 8:43:21 AM MST Yes Proximity to my house Swim, let my child play on the We do not use the water Addthere a onswimming their way area, out cleanto the up ocean. glass Iand Seward Park, Martha Washington, structure,Be’er walk, play Sheva in the field, Parkthere, | because Schematic the beach is Designgarbage,would change enforce Report the drug park alcohol so that- July rules, the area add 2018 , discoverySiteWorkshop park, 127 bbq, feel safe. not safe (broken glass, toclosest play structure,to the water expand was more beach park gasworks park garbage, people drinking (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move 2018/02/10 6:13:53 PM MST Yes Community Picnics, strolls, Shelter, grills Seward

2018/02/10 8:40:11 PM MST rarely close to the water walk inspiration Kubota

2018/02/10 8:45:34 PM MST Yes Lake access Swim, family time, boat parking Swimming, boating, fishing Add more room for lakefront Coulon, Seward park access/swim area SURVEYS2018/02/10 10:21:48 PM MST yes trees + creek+ beach walk bird watch small boat access canoe+ get rid of rip rap rock on beach hide martha + seward+ lincoln kayak water overflow pipes + more sand

Online2018/02/11 6:33:57 Survey AM MST - Yes Survey WaterfrontFeedback access DataReading in summer, walking in Walk path connecting to urban farm, Seward, Martha Washington, winter pritchard beach Volunteer

Timestamp2018/02/11 7:50:23 AM MST YesDo you visit the TheWhat stream do you being love daylightedmost about SitWhat on dothe you grass want in the to dosummer. at the Just IHow don't do but you we use hope the towater? get Maybe What would some you more like benches to have (Added, NoneWhat atother the parksmoment do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? strollpark in in the the summer winter and winter? kayaks thus summer and use more of, enhances, or preserved)? the boat launch 2018/02/112018/02/08 8:43:218:15:34 AM MST YesI have but not ProximityThe daylighting to my ofhouse Mapes Creek. Swim,Summer let - my hangout child playand onlisten the to WeNot docertain not use what the you're water asking AddA amphitheater a swimming for area, local clean musicians up glass to and Seward Park, MarthaDeadhorse Washington, Canyon, very often. structure,concerts at walk, the in Winter the field, - there,here. Ifbecause I had a thecanoe beach or kayak is garbage,perform. enforce Concessions. drug alcohol Outside rules, showers add LincolnKubota Park,Garden, discovery Lakeridge park, Park, bbq,same feel safe. notI could safe launch (broken from glass, there. tofor play swimmers structure, to rinse expand off. beach gasworksHutchinson park Field, garbage, people drinking 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden Somewalk days we have had to leave alcohol,don't lots of boat traffic on a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, due to illegal activity. There are nice days) Seward, Martha Washington drug deals in the parking lot, people drinking alcohol, smoking 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden marijuana and cigarettes in the Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" park (right by the children’s play structure), and public 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but urination.Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just 2018/02/11 9:13:45 AM MST Yesmoved to the Views Summer- swim/ bbq/ take kids to I don’t, it’s not clean Currently it is unsafe or unpleasant due Seward, kubota 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk play structure due to garbage, glass, and bird to:A shelter over a part of the through it. Winter- walk, play, look at garden droppings -drugpicnic/barbecue use in park/parking area like lotused to have (urban farm) -there loud manymusic yearsfrom The picnic area is -getting smoking lots (even of use. right It couldby play be structure) used more -publicif there urination were a shelter. -litter 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write -A people daylighted ignoring Mapes signs Creek. and feeding birds Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. (birds gather there because people feed Lakewood Park. them and it pollutes the water) 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, To improve the park: Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk -enforceBetter lighting no drugs, alcohol, littering, Lakeridge feeding birds, public urination etc. (make 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating it feel safe!) Seward views. In the winter enjoy the -clean and expand beach so it is safe to picnic area. swim 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t -addThere area should to walk be an near off-leash the water dog area Genessee -unlockand less gate of a tomassive urban parkingfarm (why lot. is it usually locked?) 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing -cleanBetter upsecurity, litter swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, -I understand the need for boat launch, 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t butImprove make it the beach nicer too, so people Lakeridge: please improve it without boats can use it 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/092018/02/11 9:19:4510:33:38 AM PM MST MST Yes trailsThe shoreline area and grassy WalkPicnic my in summer,Dog walk in winter, IObservation can't because only, I'm don't not allowed trust DogImprove park connectionfor big dogs, to there the Urban are NO Farm, DOG PritchardKubota Garden, beach, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the towater put qualitymy dog in in this there, location, guess i PARKSif not physically within 2 miles.connected, SAS regularly connection Seward Gene Coulon playground needbelieve to therespend is 1 a million cso outlet dollars ticketsreflected people through when sinage, they knowart etc. they offer onthere a house and a private dock no services. Its corrupt. next door. 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 128 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/112018/02/08 9:20:078:15:34 AM MST YesI have but not WaterThe daylighting / mountain of Mapesviews Creek. FeelSummer safe - hangout and listen to WalkNot certain near it what you're asking Boardwalk,A amphitheater increased for local security, musicians clean to up KubotaSeward Park, Deadhorse Canyon, very often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak litter,perform. expand Concessions. beach, access Outside to urban showers Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. farmfor swimmers to rinse off. Hutchinson Field, 2018/02/11 9:22:04 AM MST Yes Trails, Community interaction Interact with the community, walk With my dog Dog parks and facilities so local families All other Seattle Parks. 2018/02/112018/02/08 9:24:1511:02:09 AM AM MST MST YesOccasionallyThe diversegarden groups who use it myIwalk want dog to bring my dog, throw the Withdon't my dog canDoga dock enjoypark/off-leash the park inarea their cultural Seward,Green Lake, Dunlap Madrona, Elementary Stan Sayres,field, for family gatherings and ball, let her play in the water... IN OthelloSeward, Park, Martha Pritchard Washington Beach - A enjoying nature BOTH SUMMER AND WINTER! In DOG PARK IN THE SOUTH END IS 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant theI want summer to be ableit is nice to go to swimming enjoy the in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, NECESSARY.Pritchard Beach, TWO Kubota MILES TOGarden Creek beachfrontthe summer unlock gate to "urban farm" GENESSEE IS TOOOOO FAR!!!

2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. 2018/02/11 9:30:12 AM MST Onplan occasion to. Just It is close to my house I wish there were more areas for My dog loves the water dog park Pritchard Beach, Othello Park, moved to the dogs/off-leash. I usually just walk Seward Park, Lincoln Park 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk my dog on leash around to the A shelter over a part of the through it. water and back, both in summer picnic/barbecue area like used to have and winter there many years ago. The picnic area is 2018/02/11 9:32:22 AM MST Yes It’s close by and my son can Play frisbee , enjoy the scenery , Just for scenery , would be Moregetting family lots of kid use. friendly It could - less be adultused more Seward Othello Jefferson play there play ball nice to swim alcoholicsif there were a shelter.

2018/02/092018/02/11 10:07:406:41:15 PM AM MST MST Yes CreekMapes Creek WalkDaylight around Mapes Creek to the source Don’tWatch wildlife, canoe, write AddA daylighted walking pathsMapes Creek. Seward ParkPark, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park. 2018/02/11 10:32:03 AM MST Yes That it’s a shortcut to the Walk For the view. (My perception is The sewer smell at the intersection has Kubota, Aboretum, Dead Horse 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Urban Farm that the water is not clean GOT to go! A short (as in able to see Canyon Seward Park enough for swimming.) over), non-continuous (for multiple 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge access points) plant barrier along the sidewalk edge would be nice—maybe 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating three or four semicircle plant beds with a Seward views. In the winter enjoy the mix of plants along a color theme (a picnic area. red/orange bed, a blue/purple bed, a 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t white/There should cream bebed, an a off-leash yellow/green dog area bed.) :- Genessee )and (The less stream of a massive bed is looking parking wonderful!) lot.

2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan,

2018/02/11 1:34:59 PM MST Yes We love watching the ducks, the picnics, bbqs, would love family we mostly just watch the I love the changes made last summer - seward park, john c. little, van 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it playground, green space friendly movies at the park; ducks and boats, would love to adding some tables, grills and fixing the asselt, dead horse canyon, have more usable waterfront bball court. jefferson, 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! though Spruce up the sand box by the playground. A splash park would be awesome, and 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, better waterfront options for non- open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon boaters (benches, walking path, etc.). playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. Something to be done with the (I think there non-functional) bath house in the middle 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. ofIt wouldthe park be bygreat the ifplayground we could walk - either Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I renovated,through the removed, gate to the or Urbanturned farm into - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. somewalk. Isort would of educational/historical add information about the Horse house.importance of Mapes Creek to wild 2018/02/11 1:47:45 PM MST Yes Proximity to my house. Open Walk , picnic Feed the ducks Cleaning,Chinook salmon gets pretty (young trashy ones) during resting the Kubota garden, Seward space and playground. summerthere on monthstheir way out to the ocean. I Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwould change Report the park so that- July the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 129 2018/02/11 2:01:47 PM MST Yes The variety - water, established My boys play here nearly everyday My boys throw rocks and we Refreshclosest to the the sand water in the was sandbox; more park Change Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden, trees, playground, all the grass, no matter the season and it's all watch the ducks the(grass, swings trees) on and the lessnorth parking side to lot. Keep Rainier Beach Community Center, the stream, and the new about the playground and the lawn somethingaccess to water bigger/actually for boats, butusable move for John C Little, Benefit, Jefferson, 2018/02/11 1:34:59 PM MST Yes We love watching the ducks, the picnics, bbqs, would love family we mostly just watch the I love the changes made last summer - seward park, john c. little, van playground, green space friendly movies at the park; ducks and boats, would love to adding some tables, grills and fixing the asselt, dead horse canyon, have more usable waterfront bball court. jefferson, though Spruce up the sand box by the playground. A splash park would be awesome, and SURVEYS better waterfront options for non- boaters (benches, walking path, etc.). Something to be done with the (I think Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data non-functional) bath house in the middle of the park by the playground - either renovated, removed, or turned into Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? some sort of educational/historical park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)? house.

2018/02/112018/02/08 1:47:458:15:34 PMAM MST YesI have but not ProximityThe daylighting to my ofhouse. Mapes Open Creek. Walk Summer , picnic - hangout and listen to FeedNot certain the ducks what you're asking Cleaning,A amphitheater gets pretty for local trashy musicians during the to KubotaSeward garden, Park, Deadhorse Seward Canyon, very often. space and playground. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak summerperform. months Concessions. Outside showers Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, 2018/02/11 2:01:47 PM MST Yes The variety - water, established Mysame boys play here nearly everyday MyI could boys launch throw from rocks there. and we Refreshfor swimmers the sand to rinsein the off. sandbox; Change PritchardHutchinson Beach, Field, Kubota Garden, trees, playground, all the grass, no matter the season and it's all watch the ducks the swings on the north side to Rainier Beach Community Center, 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionallythe The stream,garden and the new aboutwalk the playground and the lawn don't somethinga dock bigger/actually usable for JohnGreen C Little,Lake, Madrona,Benefit, Jefferson, Stan Sayres, basketball court for bike riding kids; Dreaming big but eventually seeing RainierSeward, Community Martha Washington Center, Rainier the playground redone into something Playfield, Mt Baker, Playgarden, 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayakingmore Get rid conducive of the boat for launch, the natural add asetting beach, MadronaPritchard BeachBeach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer likeunlock at Seward gate to Park "urban would farm" be amazing; The closest splash pad is at John C Little and a wading pool could be another 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. great feature to add for the summer up plan to. Just where the small swingset is on the north moved to the side as it never gets used 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/02/11 2:23:11 PM MST Yes, at least 3x a Water fountain and playground I run through, use the restroom, Not the lake, but the facilities A few more benches and picnic spots. A Seward mostly there many years ago. The picnic area is week on my runs get a drink year round playground that would be better for getting lots of use. It could be used more slightly older kids. Maybe one of those if there were a shelter. ziplines like they have in Seward Park.

2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, 2018/02/11 2:48:36 PM MST Hardly The marsh/creek area Nothing I don’t enter the water Small offleash area Seward, Jefferson south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park. here 2018/02/112018/02/09 2:58:076:49:15 PM MST Yes AbleLake toaccess walk to waterline and Summer:Walk along watch lake kids play and boats JustI look walk at it along the shore. MoreAdd dog seating park and tables. Seward,Prichard Pritchard, Beach, Kubota Brighton, Gardens, Rainier watch boats launch. launch. Winter: pretty much the Playfield.Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping same.Walk Better lighting Lakeridge 2018/02/11 3:16:53 PM MST Yes Access to the waterfront and Summer: use the playground for Rock skipping, general More lighting. Splash pad for the Seward Park mostly. 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes the The playground.trees and water myIn the son. summer, And we’d enjoy LOVEthe water is there enjoyment.Boating Launch my kayak. summer. Make the water access a Seward wasviews. a splash In the padwinter installed enjoy there!the central feature instead of just a tiny Winter:picnic area. we’re not there that sliver surrounded by parking lot (think of 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it isoften Play with because my dog it doesn’t feel Don’t marinaThere should park in be Kirkland). an off-leash dog area Genessee welcoming once it’s dark early. and less of a massive parking lot.

2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, 2018/02/11 3:26:03 PM MST No Location take my dog off leash dont currently add an off leash dog park genessee dog park, westcrest dog 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it parkLakeridge: please improve it

2018/02/112018/02/09 3:34:1510:28:54 PM PM MST MST Yes Proximity to my house I want to walk, play, and grill in a I don’t go to this beach IDirt would jumps add like a larger green sign lake saying and skate “do park! Seward Park, . well lighted, clean, and save park because it is too polluted not feed the birdsâ€, more security, more (glass, garbage, bird droppings lights, more trash cans, and I would because people are feeding improve the drainage pipe on the beach 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, them). open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon 2018/02/11 4:23:39 PM MST No Pesticide free Lauchplayground boats boatingbelieve there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. Coulon there 2018/02/11 4:41:23 PM MST Yes The lake and restrooms Winter, walk dog. Summer, kayak Kayak Dog area Chinook 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 130 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/11 8:15:345:02:29 AMPM MST IYes have I live but just not TheProximity daylighting to the of Urban Mapes Farm, Creek. SummerIn the Summer - hangout and and Winter listen we to visit NotEnjoy certain the view what you're asking ANew amphitheater bathrooms forand local play musicians structures. to Seward Park, DeadhorseJefferson Park, Canyon, Mt verydown often. the street the views of Lake Washington, concertsthe playground. at the park. Walking Winter the dog- here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.Maybe even Concessions. a new small Outside building showers where KubotaBaker Park, Garden, Children's Lakeridge Playgarden Park, from the park. the playground. samethrough the park in the evenings I could launch from there. forthey swimmers could offer to events/classesrinse off. for Hutchinson Field, year round. partnership with the urban farm. 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/02/11 5:11:49 PM MST no sucking dick in the wild gay orgies everything fuck shacks Seward,door county Martha state Washington park, WI 2018/02/11 5:17:02 PM MST Yes It’s close. Pretty view. Play with my kid. Scenery Safer !!!! More patrols more light in the Seward Park green lake 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Getevening! rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" 2018/02/11 6:40:10 PM MST Sometimes Playing with the kids, men Play at the park I don't use it at the park Too many geese and poop, not enough Seward bbq'ing, one the water, the vibe parking. The stream was not an 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. improvement that enhanced the park. I plan to. Just would like to see more bbq grills and moved to the more parking. 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the 2018/02/11 6:58:09 PM MST Yes, but not as Location, access to lake Take my kids to the play area We use the boat launch Increase police presence so people feel Seward, john c little, Jefferson through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have much lately due Washington, kids playground frequently in the summer. safe taking their kids there and drive out there many years ago. The picnic area is to all the violence all the pot smokers and loiterers. getting lots of use. It could be used more in the area and all if there were a shelter. of the constant pot smoking at 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, the park. south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park.

2018/02/092018/02/11 6:49:157:37:12 PM MST Yesno Lakeviews access to water, trees Walkhave aalong view lake from Henderson to the I lookdon't at it AddOpen dog up parklake access. Move restroom out Prichardseward Beach, Kubota Gardens, lake of view corridor (I know that it's pretty Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Betternew, but lighting still. How did it get located right Lakeridge in the view corridor to the Lake? 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward 2018/02/11 8:24:33 PM MST Yes Lake views, the creek and its views.Walk, enjoyIn the sunshine winter enjoy (or winter the Enjoy the view It would be nice if Mapes Creek were Lots in the Issaquah Alps and landscaping+bridge+sculpture picnicclouds), area. fresh air, views, picnic daylighted beyond the park, even under further out in the mountains. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t Therethe sidewalks should be like an the off-leash creek (Ravenna dog area GenesseeSeattle parks: Kubota Garden, andCreek?) less alongof a massive 25th Ave parking across lot. from the Seward Park, Martha Washington, University Village. More lakefront park Gasworks, Golden Gardens, 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Betterthat isn't security, paved swimmingfor boat ramps. area Clean it Jefferson,Discovery Seward,Park, Green kubota, Lake. coulan, up, bird poop, trash, more bird poop... 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t ImproveCurtail the it use of the parking lot by Lakeridge: please improve it people who sit and smoke pot in their 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirtcars. jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/11 8:36:32 PM MST Yes Views and proximity Winter- walk, let my child play Nope! The beach is full of More security! There are people selling Lincoln, Seward, discovery gas 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, there garbage, glass, and bird crap and doing drugs in the parking lot. It works, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon does not feel safe playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. Summer- I wish we could swim there there! More signs to STOP FEEDING THE BIRDS! 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I throughMore non-smoking the gate to signs.the Urban People farm smoke - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk.and throw I would thier add cigarette information butts about on the the Horse importanceground (often of rightMapes by Creek the playground) to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting thereMore ongarbage their waycans out / clean to the up ocean. litter - Ithe Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwouldbeach especiallychange Report the is park covered so that- in July garbage:( the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 131 closest to the water was more park (grass,It would trees) be nice and to less have parking a bigger lot. beach Keep / accessmore access to water to thefor boats,water but move new, but still. How did it get located right in the view corridor to the Lake?

2018/02/11 8:24:33 PM MST Yes Lake views, the creek and its Walk, enjoy sunshine (or winter Enjoy the view It would be nice if Mapes Creek were Lots in the Issaquah Alps and landscaping+bridge+sculpture clouds), fresh air, views, picnic daylighted beyond the park, even under further out in the mountains. the sidewalks like the creek (Ravenna Seattle parks: Kubota Garden, SURVEYS Creek?) along 25th Ave across from the Seward Park, Martha Washington, University Village. More lakefront park Gasworks, Golden Gardens, that isn't paved for boat ramps. Clean it Discovery Park, Green Lake. Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data up, bird poop, trash, more bird poop... Curtail the use of the parking lot by people who sit and smoke pot in their Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? Whatcars. would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/11 8:15:348:36:32 AMPM MST IYes have but not TheViews daylighting and proximity of Mapes Creek. SummerWinter- walk, - hangout let my and child listen play to NotNope! certain The beachwhat you're is full ofasking AMore amphitheater security! Therefor local are musicians people selling to SewardLincoln, Park,Seward, Deadhorse discovery Canyon, gas very often. concertsthere at the park. Winter - here.garbage, If I glass,had a andcanoe bird or crap kayak perform.and doing Concessions. drugs in the parking Outside lot. showers It Kubotaworks, Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. fordoes swimmers not feel safeto rinse off. Hutchinson Field, Summer- I wish we could swim there! More signs to STOP FEEDING THE BIRDS! 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, Seward, Martha Washington More non-smoking signs. People smoke and throw thier cigarette butts on the 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden ground (often right by the playground) Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" More garbage cans / clean up litter - the 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view beach especially is covered in garbage:( i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just moved to the It would be nice to have a bigger beach / 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk Amore shelter access over to a the part water of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have thereCover manyup that years ugly ago. drainage The picnic pipe on area the is gettingbeach lots of use. It could be used more if there were a shelter. Add sidewalks to the south side of the 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write Aparking daylighted lot Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park.

2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward 2018/02/11 9:00:12 PM MST Yes Location To feel safe Nope, too polluted right now Clean up beach / add landscaping Seward views. In the winter enjoy the ADA access to beach picnic area. Clean up wood chips and sand box in 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee playground and less of a massive parking lot. More playground equipment Add security- drug and alcohol use is 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, happening in the park (camping too). More lighting 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it Trail through urban farm (unlock gate) all the way to Pritchard Beach 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! Get rid of or change old bathroom structure by the playground to something else 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, ifAdd not more physically sidewalks connected, by parking connection lot Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar 2018/02/11 9:23:10 PM MST Sometimes- if theLocation sculpture. kayakWalk, inrelax, summer read, and in winter I No, too dirty throughTrail / boardwalk the gate tonear the shore Urban farm - as a Mtn,Lakeridge Arboretum, (which Coulon,needs Dead it’s not too walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horseimprovements as well please) sketchy importanceMake it nicer of - Mapesmore landscaping, Creek to wild Chinooklighting, policesalmon presence/ (young ones) less restingdrug use thereand litter on their way out to the ocean. I 132 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/112018/02/08 9:23:458:15:34 PMAM MST YesI have but not It’sThe daylighting a beautiful of setting.Mapes Creek. The The Summer kids are- hangout mostly and interested listen to in WeNot watchcertain the what ducks you're and asking WeA amphitheater would utilize for a nature local musicians trail if there to WeSeward try to Park, visit Deadhorse most of the Canyon, parks in very often. play equipment is appropriate theconcerts play equipment. at the park. I Winterlike going - on explorehere. If theI had nature a canoe or kayak wasperform. room Concessions.for one. Outside showers SouthKubota seattle Garden, and Lakeridge Tukwila. Park, I for all my kids. My toddlers trails.same I could launch from there. for swimmers to rinse off. actuallyHutchinson have Field, a goal to go to all the usually are left out at other parks in Seattle. But we most 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionallyparks The garden because there isn’t walk don't a dock frequentlyGreen Lake, visit Madrona, the parks Stan close Sayres, to equipment for their age group. us.Seward, Martha Washington It’s a great plus to have 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes shadedProximity areas to the to sit.lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden 2018/02/11 10:20:01 PM MST Yes ProximityCreek to where we live, the Play,the summer walk, see the water fowl. Visit it to see the ducks and Thereunlock seems gate to to "urban be a lot farm" of drug use and Rainier Beach Community Center lake, and a good park for Would love more water access. It's clean up the trash child neglect at this park. It's also filthy. and Kubota Gardens. I must say walking around and playing for limited and dirty at this park So more police presence and more litter this: Why is there no pedestrian 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but the kids Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view removal would be excellent crosswalki use the chief on Renton sealth trail.Ave S. to plan to. Just Kubota?? moved to the 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the 2018/02/11 11:04:29 PM MST Yes Nearby and near the water We only go in the summer to play Just look at it Access to the water. A trail from the Seward Park, Lakeridge, too many through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have on the big you and swings. We sidewalk to big you.A couple covered bbq to count. there many years ago. The picnic area is never go in the winter. areas. getting lots of use. It could be used more if there were a shelter. 2018/02/12 12:31:26 AM MST Yes Close to the water Playground for kids usually Boat access New playground equipment, rehab the Seward, Jefferson, Dead Horse 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write grassA daylighted Mapes Creek. CanyonSeward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park. 2018/02/12 1:32:20 AM MST Yes Close by Swim No Clean beach Seattle parks 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, 2018/02/12 12:15:39 PM MST Yes Location Swim No, it's too dirty (beach AND More enforcement of park rules, more Kubota Seward Park water) security/, better beach and beach access, 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge spray park, clean up the sandbox, more walkways 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward views. In the winter enjoy the 2018/02/12 12:18:22 PM MST Yes Nearby Winter- walk and play at structure I don't Make it safer, more lighting, clean up Seward picnic area. garbage 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot. 2018/02/12 12:34:42 PM MST Yes The playground for my kids, the hike, swim/ kayak in the lake, picnic I havent yet, but would love to Seward, Prichard Beach, John C. amount of greenspace, the grills kayak, swim Little 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan,

2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it 2018/02/12 1:32:26 PM MST Yes. Accessibility, waterfront Summer - hang out, watch the View it Less intimidating crowds of ne'er do Most of the ones along the west birds, appreciate the creek. Winter, wells and youths side of the lake. 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! honestly, wait for a ride home from 2018/02/12 2:01:29 PM MST Yes Beach Summer, play everywhere dont go Use the water, which water? Move restroom, add picnic tables snd Seward in the winter bbqs 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, 2018/02/12 2:42:56 PM MST yes the lake and the views and its relax, be safe with my family and boating, fishing. not let all the hooligans sit in the parking coulon, chinook open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon proximity to my home. friends. lot smoking pot and drinking all day. playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there 2018/02/12 9:20:26 PM MST Yes The openess Swing on swings and walk Casual wading/walking along Larger slides and add water play area. 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for theSee waterabove. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar 2018/02/13 12:06:59 AM MST Yes, at least once Locationthe sculpture. is near my house Winter-Walk,kayak in summer check and out in viewswinter I I don't. Too dirty Fixthrough up the the beach gate (remove to the Urban garbage, farm cover - as a Discovery,Mtn, Arboretum, Seward, Coulon, golden Dead Gardens, a week walk through. thewalk. pipe, I would add Boardwalk,add information add signs about to the not LincolnHorse Summer- wish it was a good spot feedimportance water fowl), of Mapes increase Creek security to wild in the to swim parkChinook (add salmon lighting (young and police ones) presence), resting cleanthere woodon their chips way and out sandbox, to the ocean. remove I Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designorwould repurpose change Report old the bathroom park so that- structure, July the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 133 addclosest some to thewalking water paths was andmore landscaping park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move 2018/02/12 12:34:42 PM MST Yes The playground for my kids, the hike, swim/ kayak in the lake, picnic I havent yet, but would love to Seward, Prichard Beach, John C. amount of greenspace, the grills kayak, swim Little

2018/02/12 1:32:26 PM MST Yes. Accessibility, waterfront Summer - hang out, watch the View it Less intimidating crowds of ne'er do Most of the ones along the west birds, appreciate the creek. Winter, wells and youths side of the lake. SURVEYS honestly, wait for a ride home from 2018/02/12 2:01:29 PM MST Yes Beach Summer, play everywhere dont go Use the water, which water? Move restroom, add picnic tables snd Seward in the winter bbqs Online2018/02/12 2:42:56 Survey PM MST - yes Survey theFeedback lake and the views and Data its relax, be safe with my family and boating, fishing. not let all the hooligans sit in the parking coulon, chinook proximity to my home. friends. lot smoking pot and drinking all day.

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? 2018/02/12 9:20:26 PM MST Yes The openess Swing on swings and walk Casual wading/walking along Larger slides and add water play area. park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)? the water

2018/02/082018/02/13 12:06:598:15:34 AM AM MST MST Yes,I have at but least not once LocationThe daylighting is near ofmy Mapes house Creek. Winter-Walk,Summer - hangout check and out listen views to INot don't. certain Too what dirty you're asking FixA amphitheater up the beach for(remove local musicians garbage, coverto Discovery,Seward Park, Seward, Deadhorse golden Canyon, Gardens, avery week often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak theperform. pipe, add Concessions. Boardwalk, Outside add signs showers to not LincolnKubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, Summer-same wish it was a good spot I could launch from there. feedfor swimmers water fowl), to rinse increase off. security in the Hutchinson Field, to swim park (add lighting and police presence), clean wood chips and sandbox, remove 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, or repurpose old bathroom structure, Seward, Martha Washington add some walking paths and landscaping

2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" 2018/02/13 9:51:26 AM MST Yes Riparian scenery and lake Fish and BBQ. Fishing and as scenery. Not much. Prichard Beach. Seward Park. access. Jefferson Park. 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. 2018/02/13 9:57:45 AM MST Yes,plan Ito. visit Just the I love the fact that it is peaceful Just walk around and enjoy the I watch the wildlife. I think the habitat for wildlife should be Seward park and Pritchard Beach. parkmoved almost to the every and not too manicured, I like outdoors, look at wildlife. enhanced. We have enough parks nearby 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MSTday. Yes, I walk the more natural feel. forA shelter people over to access a part theof the water. The through it. nearbypicnic/barbecue wetland/swamp area like is usedhome to to have beaversthere many and yearsother ago. wildlife The that picnic might area be is displacedgetting lots with of use.too muchIt could human be used activity. more if there were a shelter.

2018/02/132018/02/09 10:03:296:41:15 PM AM MST MST Yes TheMapes openness Creek IDaylight walk my Mapes dog and Creek watch to the sourcebirds Watch thewildlife, birds canoe, and water write IA would daylighted ask that Mapes the litterCreek. is better PritchardSeward Park, Beach Coleman and Seward Park, Park. andsouth water of Kubota fowl Garden fowlpoems and about occasional it. muskrat managed and there appears to be people Lakewood Park. and beavers. Also Great Blue storing stuff for a homeless like camp. 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, herons. Please remove so people can feel safe. Seward Park Do not allow loud music, anything like 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk thatBetter has lighting the potential to disrupt the Lakeridge native animals. Do not develop the 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating shoreline for humans, keep it as a refuge Seward views. In the winter enjoy the for nature. Do not remove the picnic area. fence/gate to the garden areas. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot. 2018/02/13 11:05:03 AM MST Yes, daily Easy access, close to home Walk the dog, play with kids on the Watch water activity, watch Enhancement of the habitat for turtles, Kubota gardens, Seward park, Lake swing set, have kids watch the wild ducks and geese, watch birds fish, other wildlife. Protect the natural Washington Blvd. parks 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, birds and maybe catch a glimpse of look and feel. Enforce rules related to an eagle catching a fish or other alcohol and other drugs. There is a lot of 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it natural type stuff that kind of activity in the park. Do not create a swimming beach. 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! 2018/02/13 1:02:24 PM MST Yes Beach & Water Summer - beach, boat launch ..... wading, boat launch increased police / patrols. I've seen Seward Park, Green Lake, Alki Winter - nothing. people having sex on the bench, doing 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust drugs,Improve passed connection out. Makes to the me Urban not wantFarm, to Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, goif not back. physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 134 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/13 8:15:345:51:41 AMPM MST IYes, have several but not times TheTrees, daylighting eagles, playground. of Mapes Creek. SummerWalk through, - hangout use playgroundand listen to Not I don’t. certain what you're asking AMake amphitheater it safer for for kids, local do musiciansmore to keep to SewardMany others Park, Deadhorse Canyon, verya week often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.problems Concessions.out of the park Outside (drug dealing, showers Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. forhomeless swimmers encampments, to rinse off. gunshots fired Hutchinson Field, in parking lot), protect wildlife, no added 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't abeach dock or event site, more monitoring of Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, the “problems†Seward, Martha Washington

2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden 2018/02/13 9:26:56 PM MST No Creek- the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" Seward Park, , , Lincoln Park, Alki Beach, 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just 2018/02/13 10:18:12 PM MSTmoved Yes to the Location Spend time with family and friends, Look at it, but don't go in Make it safer and cleaner Seward 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk play games, walk, swim? A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have there many years ago. The picnic area is getting lots of use. It could be used more 2018/02/13 10:47:45 PM MST Yes Within walking distance Walk, look at the water and view, Look at it and the wildlifeif This there park were is unsafe. a shelter. People use drugs Seward, woodland, green lake, gas relax, feel safe and alcohol there and I've seen men works 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write Aurinating daylighted on theMapes grass. Creek. The security is Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. the biggest issue by far. Also, the park Lakewood Park. and beach Are covered in garbage. The 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Addlast timedog parkI was there, I saw a lot of Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, garbage and a bottle full of urine under a Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Betterbench. lighting The parks department folks were Lakeridge sitting in their truck and left without 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating bothering to clean it any of it up. Seward views. In the winter enjoy the Security and litter are the main issues picnic area. that should be addressed first. Especially 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t Thereif there should is going be to an be off-leash an outdoor dog area Genessee andpreschool less of at a massivethe park parkingin the Fall. lot.

2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing BetterBesides security, security swimming and litter, areathe location is Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, nice and it could be such an awesome 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improvepark! It wouldit be amazing if the beach Lakeridge: please improve it was cleaned up and there were some 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirtmore jumps trails. like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, 2018/02/14 1:11:02 AM MST occasionally playground, location, water swim? kayak? don't--too many boats would love to have access for small boat seward park, martha washington open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflectedlaunch (kayaks) through and sinage, maybe art a there kiosk! 2018/02/15 1:46:54 AM MST Yes Views Winter-walk, view nature Nope Clean up litter and add police patrols Lake ridge 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayakSummer- in summer swim? and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead 2018/02/16 3:02:04 PM MST Yes The creek and bridge walk Have daughter play on the We don’t really because walk.Bigger I beach;would addcleaner information lake water; about smaller the HorseSeward, Mt. Baker, Othello, playground and also be able to play the beach is so small and importanceplayground equipmentof Mapes Creek for little to wild kids Lakeview in the water water is mucky Chinook salmon (young ones) resting 2018/02/19 6:35:33 PM MST yes woods, pathways walk I do not use the water therethere At the on beach? their way more out trees to the up ocean.from the I Pritchard, Kubota Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwouldwater, changecut downReport the the park boat so launchthat- July the parking area 2018 SiteWorkshop 135 closestlot traffic, to themake water the beachwas more more park of a (grass,beach, trees)and safer and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move park! It would be amazing if the beach was cleaned up and there were some more trails.

SURVEYS2018/02/14 1:11:02 AM MST occasionally playground, location, water swim? kayak? don't--too many boats would love to have access for small boat seward park, martha washington launch (kayaks) and maybe a coffee kiosk! Online2018/02/15 1:46:54 Survey AM MST - Yes Survey ViewsFeedback DataWinter-walk, view nature Nope Clean up litter and add police patrols Lake ridge

Summer- swim? Timestamp2018/02/16 3:02:04 PM MSTDo Yes you visit the WhatThe creek do you and love bridge most about What Have mydo youdaughter want playto do on at the the HowWe don’t do you use really the because water? WhatBigger would beach; you cleaner like to lake have water; (Added, smaller WhatSeward, other Mt. parks Baker, do Othello, you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? parkplayground in the summer and also and be able winter? to play the beach is so small and moreplayground of, enhances, equipment or preserved)? for little kids Lakeview in the water water is mucky 2018/02/082018/02/19 8:15:346:35:33 AMPM MST Iyes have but not Thewoods, daylighting pathways of Mapes Creek. Summerwalk - hangout and listen to NotI do certainnot use whatthe water you're there asking A At amphitheater the beach? more for local trees musicians up from theto SewardPritchard, Park, Kubota Deadhorse Canyon, very often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.water, cut Concessions. down the boat Outside launch showers parking Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. forlot traffic,swimmers make to therinse beach off. more of a Hutchinson Field, beach, and safer 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/02/20 12:01:24 AM MST Yes Play area, view, new farm Walk, play with my kids We don’t currently, it Sewer smell, beach access, clean up the Seward,Seward Martha Washington seems dirty beach, wood chips, and sandbox, add zip line 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Reduce drug use Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" 2018/02/20 1:09:13 PM MST Yes the open spaces and the creek Summer: I want to wade in the I just look at it. Add those ParCourse things that used to The one on Wilson Ave S near 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but and creek mouth Swim,creek, havebut since bbq, this play is frisbee clearly Swimming, enjoying the view be in parks. This would be a great place iHudson; use the Brightonchief sealth Park trail. Playfield; plan to. Just discouraged, I like to look at the for it. Martha Washington; Seward moved to the creek as closely as I can get. 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk Winter: same, really. A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/02/20 1:13:58 PM MST Yes I like the grass and trees Take nieces and nephews to the I don't thereTake away many the years boat ago. ramp The and picnic big parkingarea is Seward Park playground gettinglot please lots -- ofit doesn'tuse. It could serve be the used more ifcommunity! there were Everyone a shelter. who is using it comes from outside our neighborhood 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park.

2018/02/202018/02/09 6:49:157:29:37 PM MST Yesyes Lakeplayground access Walkswim alongin the lakesummer, run the dog in Ii don'tlook at it Addadd adog swimming park beach, make it feel safer PrichardMartha Washington, Beach, Kubota Seward, Gardens, the winter during off-hours SewardBrighton, Park Cheasty Greenspace 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/02/20 7:45:04 PM MST yes the community feel of the park enjoy the natural beauty. i don't fish, but I see many i would add more grills and tables and pritchard beach 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward people do that meeting places, seating for people who views. In the winter enjoy the fish there. picnic area. 2018/02/092018/02/20 8:08:328:00:38 PM MST YesNot that oftenIt’s Proximity pretty to the big lake for where it is PlayStroll with and myadmire dog views Don’tBoating There shouldis no inviting be an "entrance"off-leash dog to areathe GenesseeDiscovery, Alki, Seward, Greenlake, andpark. less The of park a massive needs parking a connection lot. to the Lincoln street. The parking lot is just one big 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Betterpiece of security, asphalt. swimming It should areabe more park Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, like and have natural connection to the 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improvepark. And it would be great to have a Lakeridge: please improve it swimming beach. 2018/02/202018/02/09 8:56:2210:28:54 PM PM MST MST Yes, and I'd love The beautiful setting, the new Picnic, meander. Sit by the lake. Just to look at, would be great DirtWould jumps be great like green to have lake a swim/wadeand skate park! Seward Park, Pritchard, Gene to more. If it felt landscaping, the pastoral to have a swim beach. beach. Coulon safer. . . character. The playground. 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 136 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/21 8:15:348:05:11 AM MST IYes have but not TheHow daylighting close it is to of the Mapes street Creek. and SummerRelax, play - hangout with my and kids listen and play to NotI like certain to watch what the you're wildlife asking A I would amphitheater not add foranything local musicians except perhaps to Seward Park, DeadhorsePritchard Beach Canyon, very often. all the trees concertswith my dogat the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak enhance Concessions. the habitat forOutside salmon showers and Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. forother swimmers wildlife. to Please rinse dooff. not make Hutchinson Field, changes that encourage more swimming 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't aand dock use of the water by humans. There Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, is an abundance of wildlife and anything Seward, Martha Washington that will encourage more foot traffic or 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Getuse ofrid the of the water boat will launch, adversely add impacta beach, all Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlockthe beautiful gate to wild "urban creatures. farm" If anything I would add more features that add to their habitat and impede human traffic. 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view Build it so it enhances more birds, fish, i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just eagles, etc and still allows humans to moved to the view but with barriers that are attractive, 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the like what was done with Mapes creek. through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have Also, in the summer the area has become there many years ago. The picnic area is a hangout for people in cars with loud getting lots of use. It could be used more music and drinking, it would be great if if there were a shelter. the design minimized that possibility. Any enhancement for people use will have a 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, negative impact. Until Seattle starts to south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park. enforce drug use, etc it will be a 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Addnightmare. dog park We have plenty of nearby Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, parks that are made for people, let's do Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Betterthis for lighting the animals. Lakeridge

2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward 2018/02/21 1:16:20 PM MST Yes Play area views.Be safe In the winter enjoy the I do not More benches Several others 2018/02/21 4:15:22 PM MST Not very often. Kids play area and Mapes Creek. picnicListen music, stage acts, and chill I like to watch the birds and I'd like to see an entrance to the park Dead Horse Canyon/Taylor Creek, 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST YesLast time was to It’s pretty big for where it is Playout. with my dog Don’tboaters use it. Therewith artistic should deco be an and off-leash a staged dog area area for GenesseeKubota Garden, Seward Park, view the day- andpeople less to of play a massive music andparking perform lot. Lakeridge Park Play area, lighted Mapes outdoor plays. 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST YesCreek. Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, 2018/02/21 4:18:43 PM MST Seldom Area that has been landscaped Walk Don’t at the present time. Swimming area and easier launch for Seward Park, Kubota Gardens, River along stream. kayaks. Walk along Cedar River in Renton, 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it Green River from Southcenter to Kent, Golden Garden in Ballard and 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! Gene Coulon Park

2018/02/092018/02/21 10:33:384:49:33 PM PM MST MST YesUsed too. The haven't shoreline been inarea a while, and grassy but Picnicwalk and in summer, not be afraid walk ofin drugwinter, Observationbeach only, don't trust ImproveI'd do away connection with places to thefor Urbandrug dealers Farm, KubotaSeward Garden, Jefferson Park, openused toareas go w/kids to play letdealers the kiddo in the get parking energy lot out or hidingat the water quality in this location, ifto not hide physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. 2018/02/21 5:36:28 PM MST Yes Lake accesd + trees+ creekbehind Walk dog the bathroom Often Cover up drainage pipes replace rocks Seward there add sand improve trash pickup 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. ItPrevent would homelessbe great if camping we could + walkbonfires in Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I throughcooking grillsthe gate + increase to the Urbandrug desling farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk.prevention I would add information about the Horse 2018/02/21 5:40:12 PM MST yes location and beauty we mostly use the beach and kids play in the shallow waterimportance shelter for picnics of Mapes would Creek be lovelyto wild also a Jefferson, Seward, Rainier playground with the kids Chinookspray park salmon with be(young AMAZING ones) resting Community Center, Blue park at the there on their way out to the ocean. I south end of Beacon Ave, Small 2018/02/21 5:58:29 PM MST Yes When the homeless & drug Summer-swimBe’er with Shevadog; winter-ice Park Swim | Schematic DesignwouldMore policing change Report &the expansion park so that- of July seattle the area tilth2018 Many SiteWorkshop 137 users aren’t around skate closesturban garden to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep 2018/02/21 5:59:53 PM MST Yes How its been changed and stuff Summer - clean it up more I dont go in the water cause its accessmore events to water hosted for boats, there but move Alki Beach, Rainier Park Creek. 2018/02/21 4:18:43 PM MST Seldom Area that has been landscaped Walk Don’t at the present time. Swimming area and easier launch for Seward Park, Kubota Gardens, River along stream. kayaks. Walk along Cedar River in Renton, Green River from Southcenter to Kent, Golden Garden in Ballard and SURVEYS Gene Coulon Park 2018/02/21 4:49:33 PM MST Used too. haven't been in a while, but walk and not be afraid of drug beach I'd do away with places for drug dealers Seward used to go w/kids to play dealers in the parking lot or hiding to hide Online2018/02/21 5:36:28 Survey PM MST - Yes Survey LakeFeedback accesd + trees+ creek Databehind Walk dog the bathroom Often Cover up drainage pipes replace rocks Seward add sand improve trash pickup Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? WhatPrevent would homeless you like camping to have + (Added,bonfires in What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? morecooking of, grills enhances, + increase or preserved)? drug desling prevention 2018/02/082018/02/21 8:15:345:40:12 AMPM MST Iyes have but not Thelocation daylighting and beauty of Mapes Creek. Summerwe mostly - hangout use the beachand listen and to Notkids certainplay in thewhat shallow you're water asking A shelter amphitheater for picnics for would local musiciansbe lovely also to a SewardJefferson, Park, Seward, Deadhorse Rainier Canyon, very often. concertsplayground at thewith park. the kids Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.spray park Concessions. with be AMAZING Outside showers KubotaCommunity Garden, Center, Lakeridge Blue park Park, at the same I could launch from there. for swimmers to rinse off. Hutchinsonsouth end of Field, Beacon Ave, Small 2018/02/21 5:58:29 PM MST Yes When the homeless & drug Summer-swim with dog; winter-ice Swim More policing & expansion of seattle tilth Many users aren’t around skate urban garden 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/02/21 5:59:53 PM MST Yes How its been changed and stuff Summer - clean it up more I dont go in the water cause its more events hosted there Seward,Alki Beach, Martha Rainier Washington Park been added dirty 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden 2018/02/21 6:00:30 PM MST Sometimes That I can see the water Chill I don't, but if you clean it, I will Cleaner bathrooms; more seating none Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm"

2018/02/212018/02/09 5:59:556:01:38 PM MST Haven'tYes yet but The playground and the treesSwim, Relax and have participate bbq, play infrisbee activities Swimming,Never used enjoyingit the view I would change the trash and the smokey iI usewent the to chiefNew sealthHolly's trail. park plan to. Just air. I would add more chairs and a water moved to the fountain 2018/02/212018/02/09 6:00:296:33:02 PM MST Yes,Yes I walk Easy parking, lake access Picnic, launch a boat Boat ALess shelter hoboes over a part of the Seward, kubota, through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/02/21 6:54:10 PM MST I have only been It's a lovely green space in the Concerts in the park in the summer I have only walked out on the thereI'm not many sure...things years ago. that The would picnic attract area is I go almost daily to Seward Park. there once or heart of the RB hood. The grass, would be nice. dock. I do not swim there. gettingfamilies. lots of use. It could be used more twice. the kids' play area, access to the if there were a shelter. lake. I love to see people using 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapesthe park Creek with their friends and Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, family. The crows gathered on south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park. the grass and in the trees. The 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lakerain garden. access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/212018/02/09 6:53:317:40:59 PM MST yes Thewater new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridgeseward

2018/02/21 8:10:18 PM MST Sometimes The views! Proximity to home! walk my dog in all seasons Not often More comfortability while at the park. Volunteer, West crest, Martha 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward Washington, Pritchard. views. In the winter enjoy the picnic area. 2018/02/21 8:56:29 PM MST Yes. Prefer days Being nearby, remote from Survive. what water Make it safer; more police 24/7, fix the all over the city 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee when no urban Seattle. But the drug and problems. Delete the bad guys, the gun and less of a massive parking lot. gunshots or alcohol situation is often bad shots. homeless 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, encampment. 2018/02/21 9:29:41 PM MST Yes The water and views I walk in the park but would like We have canoes but we don't More sanity when folks are parking Pritchard beach,? Seward park, 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it places to enjoy the view launch at beer Shiva because boats. More of a foot path. A hand boat dead horse canyon. Martha afraid of irresponsible power launch. A place for my dog to swim. washington 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! boat owners. Would love a place to launch. Maybe a little for that away from power boat 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observationlaunch. only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon 2018/02/21 9:39:19 PM MST Yes Waterfront view playgroundWalk my dog, have a picnic, launch believeKayak or there paddle is a board cso outlet reflected More lighting, through more sinage, trash art cans etc. Mt Baker Rowing Ctr, Martha a kayak, launch a paddle board. there Washington, Genesee, downtown 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward,pier parks, Kubota, Magnuson, Lincoln, Marymoor Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 138 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/21 8:15:3410:49:30 AM PM MST MST IYes have but not The daylightingsalmon restoration of Mapes project Creek. SummerFeed ducks, - hangout birdwatching and listen to Not I use certain the Pritchard what you're beach asking for AMore amphitheater day use areas- for local picnic musicians table or togrills. Seward Park,park, DeadhorsePritchard Wetlands, Canyon, very often. on the stream concerts at the park. Winter - here.swimming If I had not a the canoe launch or kayak area perform.Add a covered Concessions. shelter. Maybe Outside volleyball showers KubotaGolden Garden,gardens Lakeridge Park, same Iat could Beer launch Sheva from there. foror b swimmers ball to rinse off. Hutchinson Field,

2018/02/082018/02/22 11:02:0912:54:12 AM MST OccasionallyYes TheAccess garden to the water. A great walkWalk, kayak, see families and don'tKayaking aNothing. dock Don't try to ban the homeless. GreenSeward Lake, Park, Madrona, Dead Horse Stan Canyon Sayres, place to walk my dog. A place groups gathering. Don't gentrify. Don't be precious about Seward, Martha Washington accessible to all -- lots of it. diversity. 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden 2018/02/22 7:27:53 AM MST A bit, would like CreekMapes Creek restoration, theSummer summer - basketball picnic and sit To sit and enjoy unlockInfo/access gate to urban"urban farm/wetland, farm" Used to go to Jefferson Park to to go more basketball courts by the water, Winter to walk Interpretive sign about salmon habitat walk, used to work near Green around and look at the water restoration on Mapes Creek, salmon Lake, I currently go to Kubota 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view sculpture, more benches to sit near iGarden use the a chief lot sealth trail. plan to. Just water moved to the 2018/02/092018/02/22 6:00:298:08:27 PMAM MST Yes,Yes I walk Near lake and the play ground Play in the water, have workout Launching boats. The little A sheltersanding over beach a part area of away the from the Seward Park, Rainier Community through it. equipment while watching kids on pedestrian water access near picnic/barbecueramp or with some area sort like of used rock to jetty have to center, Rainier Beach community the playground. Have a covered the ramps is too dangerous, thereseparate many the years spaces ago. The picnic area is center, Jefferson shelter. smelly, and slimmy to feel getting lots of use. It could be used more good about letting kids play in. if there were a shelter.

2018/02/092018/02/22 6:41:159:14:51 PMAM MST Yes MapesIt's pesticide-free Creek DaylightLaunch canoes/kayaks Mapes Creek to the source WatchI do not wildlife, canoe, write AKayaks/canoes daylighted Mapes for rent Creek. SewardFred Hutchinson, Park, Coleman Martha Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. LakewoodWashington, Park. Seward Park, Benefit, 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park PrichardSkyway Park, Beach, Ruby Kubota Chow, Gardens, Pritchard SewardBeach, Jefferson Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge 2018/02/22 11:18:16 AM MST Yes, on my run Seeing the water and the I'd love a wading pool for summer No. It is a bit dirty and I don't Add a wading pool and more picnic Seward, Kubota playground for kids. I'd like a cleaner have a boat. tables/grills. Add some more covered 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward waterfront year round areas for gathering. Better police drug views. In the winter enjoy the use in the park, can smell weed smoke picnic area. when running. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee 2018/02/22 2:17:27 PM MST Not often It's one the shoreline Hopefully watch salmon fish swim Listen to it to calm the nervesand Add lessa stage of a or massive area where parking people lot. can Seward, Riverfront/Liberty Park up Mapes Creek to spawn. entertain or listen to experts talk about (Renton), Kubota Garden, Martha 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Betterthe area, security, nature, swimming etc. area Jefferson,Washington, Seward, Lincoln kubota, (West coulan,Seattle), Lakeridge/Deadhorse Canyon, 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it

2018/02/092018/02/22 10:28:549:21:49 PM PM MST MST No It looks nice driving by Take our baby to the playground Swim, wade, boat DirtMore jumps waterfront like green access...beach lake and skate park! Seward and hang out by the water

2018/02/092018/02/23 10:33:3812:04:53 PMAM MST Yes TheLocation shoreline area and grassy PicnicWalk, run,in summer, look at walkview in winter, ObservationToo dirty only, don't trust ImproveClean up connectionthe litter. Make to the it Urban safer Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. 2018/02/24 8:39:52 AM MST yes swimming my dog swim my dog swim my dog i'd like to be able to swim my dog before marymoor (to swim my dog) there 8:00 am an not be afraid of getting a 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. Itticket would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead 2018/02/24 8:45:28 AM MST Yes, at times Beach - but I wish the drug walksit at through.the beach; walk - beach could I'd swim if there wasn't so walk.clean Iup would duck add poop, information get rid of dealers,about the Horsekubota (sit, think) and Seward dealers would leave. I've been be a lot better much duck poop. and dealers importancemove the bathroom of Mapes south. Creek It'sto wild there for (walk) hassled in the parking lot and Chinookthe motor salmon boaters, (young let them ones) deal resting with behind the bathroom therethe dealers on their way out to the ocean. I Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwould change Report the park so that- July the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 139 closest to the water was more park 2018/02/24 6:21:28 PM MST yes farm walk look at it. Avoid duck poop Open farm up more. Reduce fear of Pritchard, Seward, Kubota (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep crime access to water for boats, but move up Mapes Creek to spawn. entertain or listen to experts talk about (Renton), Kubota Garden, Martha the area, nature, etc. Washington, Lincoln (West Seattle), Lakeridge/Deadhorse Canyon,

2018/02/22 9:21:49 PM MST No It looks nice driving by Take our baby to the playground Swim, wade, boat More waterfront access...beach Seward SURVEYS and hang out by the water Online2018/02/23 12:04:53 Survey AM MST - Yes Survey LocationFeedback DataWalk, run, look at view Too dirty Clean up the litter. Make it safer Kubota 2018/02/24 8:39:52 AM MST yes swimming my dog swim my dog swim my dog i'd like to be able to swim my dog before marymoor (to swim my dog) Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What8:00 am would an not you be like afraid to have of getting (Added, a What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? moreticket of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/24 8:15:348:45:28 AM MST IYes, have at but times not The Beach daylighting - but I wish of theMapes drug Creek. Summersit at the -beach; hangout walk and - beachlisten tocould NotI'd swim certain if there what wasn't you're soasking Aclean amphitheater up duck poop, for local get ridmusicians of dealers, to Sewardkubota (sit,Park, think) Deadhorse and Seward Canyon, very often. dealers would leave. I've been concertsbe a lot better at the park. Winter - here.much duckIf I had poop. a canoe and or dealers kayak perform.move the Concessions.bathroom south. Outside It's there showers for Kubota(walk) Garden, Lakeridge Park, hassled in the parking lot and same I could launch from there. forthe swimmersmotor boaters, to rinse let off.them deal with Hutchinson Field, behind the bathroom the dealers 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/02/24 6:21:28 PM MST yes farm walk look at it. Avoid duck poop Open farm up more. Reduce fear of Seward,Pritchard, Martha Seward, Washington Kubota crime 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden 2018/02/24 6:26:57 PM MST occasionally nothing really How much do we get to change? never A lot. Serve community more, Renton Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" South part is all about loud, stinky less motor boats and jet skis. Crime in 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim,parking have area. bbq, North play part frisbee is about Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just grass and kids play, and avoiding moved to the crime from the parking lot 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/02/25 10:04:11 AM MST occasionally summer picnics and reading summer: sit outside and enjoy currently, I just look at itthere I would many love years to see ago. more The seating picnic in area the is Seward Park; Golden Gardens; under the trees nature gettingpark, and lots either of use. a cleaner It could dock be used or more Rainier Beach Urban Farm and winter: stroll through the park to ifanother there were option a more closely engage Wetlands get outdoors for a minute with the water 2018/02/252018/02/09 6:41:1510:42:21 PM AM MST MST Yes MapesThe natural Creek beauty of the DaylightRead under Mapes the treesCreek or to beside the source the WatchRight now, wildlife, I just canoe, look at write it. AMore daylighted seating Mapes near the Creek. shore, perhaps Seward Park, ColemanCarkeek Park, Park, shoreline, the large trees and southshore ofin theKubota summer. Garden In the winter, poemsWould loveabout to it. see kayak picnic tables. Kayak rental site (if not too LakewoodDiscovery ParkPark. the restored stream running I don't spend much time there. rentals launching from this disruptive)... 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lakethrough access the park Walk along lake Ipark. look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, 2018/02/26 6:24:24 AM MST Yes Location Hang out , walk, play with my Nope! Very gross at this Clean up the drug and alcohol Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walkchildren location Betterproblem!!!!! lighting It is unsafe Lakeridge

2018/02/092018/02/26 7:21:5010:17:17 PM AM MST MST SometimesYes! TheIt is quiettrees and serene,water it is not InWalk, the takesummer, kids toenjoy the theswings, water BoatingWalk on docks, swim access at NOTHING, it is a perfect small residential Seward Park, Atlantic Beach over developed and, over - boatIn the launches winter enjoy the Atlantic beach, swimming not Park signed!! picnic area. good idea due to boat traffic. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot. 2018/02/26 10:23:38 AM MST Yes Playground, kid friendly (other Enjoy serene setting, do not over Don't, walk on docks Keep this secure and fenced, homeless a Seward, Atlantic Beach than homeless hanging out) develop big problem now with group that hangs 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Betterout all security,summer drinking/drugswimming area use, No Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, access to Urban Farm please! 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it

2018/02/092018/02/26 10:28:542:05:53 PM PM MST MST Yes The water access. Walk (winter), Paddleboard/Canoe Paddleboard/Canoe DirtI want jumps to add like an green adult lake rock and climbing skate park!area, Seward Park, Martha Washington (summer) as in Marymoor Park or Camp Long Park, Pritchard Beach

2018/02/092018/02/26 10:33:385:15:30 PM PM MST MST YesNot anymore. We TheNice shoreline job on Mapes area andCreek grassy PicnicA safe inplace summer, for all walk community in winter, ObservationWe don't access only, the don't water trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, KubotaSeward Garden,Park, Gene Jefferson Coulon Park, Park, did when the kids openrestoration areas letresidents the kiddo get energy out at the waterfrom Be'er quality Sheva in this location, if not physically connected, connection SewardSAM outdoor Gene Coulonsculpture park, were young playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. Greenlake there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 140 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/262018/02/08 6:21:108:15:34 PMAM MSTMST Yes!I have but not ItsThe connection daylighting to of Lake Mapes Creek.SWIM! Summer in - the hangout summer and listen to Swimming,Not certain contemplating...what you're asking TheA amphitheater beach is given for over local to musicians folks with to Seward Park, Deadhorse Canyon, very often. Washington concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak boatsperform. from Concessions. all over the city Outside while showers folks in Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. thefor swimmersneighborhood to rinse are discouragedoff. from Hutchinson Field, accessing the water. Seattle says it has 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't thisa dock big commitment to race and social Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, justice but this situation is a stark Seward, Martha Washington reminder how far we have to go in 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayakingactually Get rid of delivering the boat onlaunch, all the add talk a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm"

2018/02/26 6:46:36 PM MST Yea Sister City Association, Play basketball Gaze at it to decompress, Change boat ramp to a more community Jefferson Park, Pritchard Beach, 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but daylighted Mapes Creek, by the Swim, have bbq, play frisbeemarvelnthat Swimming, enjoying our the view oriented a beach. Connect iCoulon use the Park/Beach chief sealth trail. plan to. Just water neighborhood has access to Pritchard Beach, Beer Seva Beach and moved to the water like this Chinook Beach as a Rainier Beach asset. 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/02/26 6:57:34 PM MST Yes The views of the water! Walk dogs, picnic by the water I don't because I am scared to Morethere manyplanned years activities ago. The such picnic as movies, area is Seward, Genesee, Van Asselt, John as waste is released here. boatgetting rides lots of use. It could be used more C. Little, Othello, Dunlap/Rainier if there were a shelter. Beach Playfields, Columbia, Benefit, Magnuson, 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, 2018/02/26 7:52:33 PM MST Yes Convenient locale Bbqsouth and of picnics,swim,Kubota Garden basketball in Swimmingpoems about if improved it. Lots of sand, lighting and resurfacing of LakewoodSeward, Pritchard Park. and mt baker. the summer, winter time, sitting basketball court 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access areaWalk and along nature lake watching. I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/262018/02/09 10:28:276:53:31 PM PM MST MST yes itsThe quiet new landscaping skateboardWalk splash, sometimes flop i'dBetter add lightinga skatepark Lakeridgepritchard beach, all the skate parks, seward park, discovery park 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward 2018/02/26 10:35:39 PM MST Yes Playground Summer:views. In thePlay, winter picnic. enjoy Winter: the play Currently I don't Swimming access! Seward Park onpicnic playground area. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee 2018/02/26 10:45:27 PM MST yes That sculpture Have a picnic Watch the ducks Picnicand less tables, of a massive benches, parking covered lot. picnic Pritchard, Seward, Kubota Gardens, area and more grills. Skate park, like at Martha Washington, Golden 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing benefitBetter security, park. swimming areaGardens, Jefferson, Discovery, Seward, kubota, Gas Works coulan,

2018/02/27 6:27:35 AM MST Not often The potential Feel safe, walk the dog, swim, play I don't. Landscape, parts of it is ok to nice but Enatai Beach Park, Chesterfield 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it basketball, walk through and enjoy most of it is trashy. I would add a small Beach, Chism Beach Park, Luther nature, launch Kayak. police substation. The beach, re-do it Burbank. 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park! into a swim area or make the beach part a dog friendly swim area/off leash dog area. If the marina is city owned, I would 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, clean that up, it's a dump, add some open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon retail/nice restaurants. playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there The beach/marina and the whole area is 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. aIt "diamondwould be greatin the if rough" we could it has walk so much Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I potentialthrough the but gate its just to the barley Urban kept farm up and- as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. underwalk. I used.would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting 2018/02/27 12:11:48 PM MST no N/A N/A N/A N/Athere on their way out to the ocean. I Seward Park, Leschi Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwould change Report the park so that- July the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 141 2018/02/27 4:51:24 PM MST Yes Water access Running, exercise, walk my dog Fishing Fishingclosest topier the and water swim was access more and park dog Seward, Genesee, Othello beach(grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move 2018/02/27 6:27:35 AM MST Not often The potential Feel safe, walk the dog, swim, play I don't. Landscape, parts of it is ok to nice but Enatai Beach Park, Chesterfield basketball, walk through and enjoy most of it is trashy. I would add a small Beach, Chism Beach Park, Luther nature, launch Kayak. police substation. The beach, re-do it Burbank. into a swim area or make the beach part a dog friendly swim area/off leash dog area. If the marina is city owned, I would SURVEYS clean that up, it's a dump, add some retail/nice restaurants.

Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data The beach/marina and the whole area is a "diamond in the rough" it has so much potential but its just barley kept up and Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? Whatunder wouldused. you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/02/27 8:15:3412:11:48 AM PM MST MST Ino have but not TheN/A daylighting of Mapes Creek. SummerN/A - hangout and listen to NotN/A certain what you're asking AN/A amphitheater for local musicians to Seward Park, DeadhorseLeschi Canyon, very often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform. Concessions. Outside showers Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, 2018/02/27 4:51:24 PM MST Yes Water access sameRunning, exercise, walk my dogI Fishing could launch from there. forFishing swimmers pier and to swim rinse accessoff. and dog Seward,Hutchinson Genesee, Field, Othello beach 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/02/27 4:52:27 PM MST No. I went once, Access to the Lake I wish there was more access to the kayaking + sup. also hanging I'd change the parking lot to a park and Seward Park, Jefferson Park, Lincoln Seward, Martha Washington but it didn't feel water. Maybe some kind of boat out near the water. I'd add places to sit. Park welcoming and I rental in the summer would be 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MSTwasn't Yes able to get Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant Igreat. want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden close to the Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" water. 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. 2018/02/27 5:16:51 PM MSTplan Yes to. Just It's on the water, close to Walk, picnic, play with dog, fire pit, Swim,kayak,sail Working restrooms marymoor dog park, genisy dog moved to the community farmers market park, golden gardens 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the 2018/02/27 6:04:56 PM MSTthrough Yes, we goit. for the Diversity and all of it Summer picnics, biking, water We canoe there picnic/barbecueMore room for non area motorized like used boatsto have or All of them! playground, sports and winter-hiking therejust hanging many years by the ago. water The picnic area is canoeing, getting lots of use. It could be used more picnicing,ect if there were a shelter.

2018/02/092018/02/27 6:41:156:56:28 PM MST Yesyes MapesThe lake. Creek The proximity to the DaylightWe enjoy Mapes the playground Creek to the year source WatchThough wildlife, we dive canoe, in off the write boat AIs daylightedthere a way Mapes to get Creek.access to the urban SewardKubota gardenPark, Coleman for sightseeing. Park, The urban farm, and the resurfaced southround. of In Kubota the summer Garden we swim. poemsdock, it about is often it. being used farm? -even if it is just a path around it? fieldLakewood behind Park. South shore for playing creek (and full of goose poop) with the kids. I wonder if it would 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park bePrichard possible Beach, to plant Kubota the Gardens,hill at the intersectionSeward Park of Henderson and MLK 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting orLakeridge even put up a statue of a prominent African American to turn 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Sewardthe open space under the power views. In the winter enjoy the lines from a liability to an asset... picnic area. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot. 2018/02/27 7:01:44 PM MST Yes Playsets for my kids, beach I take my kids to the playset year Beach, swimming Possibly a security presence. I feel unsafe access, boat launch, I love what round and play basketball, beach in there sometimes. It seems like a 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes theyAccess did to with water the stream theFeel summer safe Viewing 'hangout'Better security, for less swimming than desirable area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, reclamation characters. 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it 2018/02/28 10:12:38 AM MST occassionally trees, eagle's perching, nature watch birds look at birds in the water remove ivy from trees on fenced Discovery Park, Seward Park property on the other side of B'Sheeva 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/28 10:23:43 AM MST yes creek walk and view the creek and lake not at all at Be'er Sheva. The park is pretty great. The walk from Pritchard Beach, Seward Park MLK to Seward Park Ave S is unpleasant 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, and not relaxing. open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. 2018/02/28 10:43:15 AM MST yes opportunity to launch a kayak; summer: kayaking there more parking would be great if possible for Kayaking: Magnuson, Golden no other water access near Gardens. Gene Coulon (Renton) 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar Rainier View the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 142 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/282018/02/08 11:10:428:15:34 AM AM MST MST rarely,I have butbut notyes The viewsdaylighting to the of water, Mapes the Creek. Picnic Summer and - hangoutwalk in the and summer. listen to Can'tNot certain really getwhat to you're it from asking the ReduceA amphitheater the size offor the local boat musicians ramps, locateto Madrona,Seward Park, Martha Deadhorse Washington, Canyon, very often. undulating landscape with the Walkconcerts and at look the are park. the Winter lake and - LikeIf I had to goa canoe onto theor kayak parkingperform. on Concessions. the other side Outside of Lk. showers Seward.Kubota Garden, Powell Barnet. Lakeridge Park, creek and creek, the wetlands birdssame in the winter. When my kids rampsI could tolaunch get as from far into there. the Washingtonfor swimmers Blvd. to rinse More off. park less lot. Hutchinson Field, back drop, and the higher areas were younger, playing on the water as I can and look out. Water access for people like in Madrona 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionallythat The gardenare dry enough to spread a equipmentwalk (lava monster) don't (There'sa dock the beach!) Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, blanket. When younger my kids Seward, Martha Washington liked the play equipment. It's 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes tuckedProximity in awayto the from lake, traffic Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm"

2018/02/282018/02/09 12:40:305:59:55 PM PM MST MST yesHaven't yet but the fact that it is natural walk,Swim, walk have my bbq, dog, play feed frisbee the ducks, Feed Swimming, ducks, enjoying watch and the listen view I would enhance the natural Swimi use the at Pritchard chief sealth beach trail. and plan to. Just hopefully see salmon spawning to the ducks and geese. Maybe environment to encourage more wildlife. Seward Park. Walk my dogs there moved to the watch for other animals. Enhance it like Mapes Creek. I do not too. 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk wantA shelter to enhance over a part it for of humans the as it will through it. bepicnic/barbecue a negative impact area onlike the used wild to animals. have Pritchardthere many beach years is ago.great The for swimmingpicnic area is andgetting close lots by. of Alsouse. encouragingIt could be used use moreby peopleif there wouldwere a not shelter. only be bad for the wild life but dangerous with the boat 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write traffic.A daylighted The bay Mapes gets Creek.choked with milfoil Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. in the summer so it is not pleasant for Lakewood Park. swimming anyway. Let's create and 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it protectAdd dog this park area as a wild life preserve. Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward 2018/02/28 2:17:42 PM MST Yes, almost every Close to home and relatively Walk dogs, watch people and Enjoy the peace and quiet and More natural landscape. Enforce laws Pritchard, Seward, Lincoln views. In the winter enjoy the day undeveloped animals serenity of water related to drugs, alcohol, and camping. picnic area. Keep gates to the gardens but open them 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee during the day for people to walk. If open and less of a massive parking lot. at night or when no supervision there will be drug use, prostitution, and 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, property destruction The fences and gates are necess ary 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it 2018/02/28 7:00:57 PM MST Yes The daylighted creek and Walk through and sit and enjoy the Just enjoy being near it and Drainage is obviously an issue in the Kubota, Seward, Pritchard Beach, 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST natural area and nearness to view seeing wildlife lowerDirt jumps west likeside green of the lake park. and It wouldskate park! be Greenlake, Lincoln the lake good to get this resolved.

2018/02/092018/02/28 7:57:3310:33:38 PM PM MST MST yesYes closeThe shoreline to my house area and grassy enjoyPicnic thein summer, beauty of walk the inpark winter, and lookObservation and swim only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, sewardKubota parkGarden, Jefferson Park, open areas thelet the lake kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. 2018/03/01 8:37:08 AM MST Yes, daily to walk Proximity to other pocket parks Grill food; use playground; observe Onlythere to look at One covered shelter Jefferson Park, Seward Park, 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MSTthe yes dogs andthe daylightedgreenspace, Mapes Urban Creek Gardan, and salmonI have used restoration the boat stream launch and for See above. It would be great if we could walk OthelloSeward, Park, Kubota, Kubota Lincoln, Gardens Cougar Pritchardthe sculpture. Beach wildlifekayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse 2018/03/01 9:10:31 PM MST Yes! Tons of play space for families Access the water, get some time in Swimming, non-motor boat Moreimportance things ofto Mapes explore Creek in the to park wild Seward park nature Chinook salmon (young ones) resting 2018/03/02 5:55:42 PM MST Yes Proximity IN the summer i want to be able to I don't currently, but i want to Ithere would on improve their way the out frontage to the the I Seward and Lincoln wade in theBe’er water and Sheva find a place Park get a kayak.| Schematic Designwaterwould sochange that Report it the felt park more so open that- July thebut areakeep 2018 SiteWorkshop 143 to be in the sun and see the water. trees.Iclosest like to the the water big trees, was especiallymore park in the In the winter, i want stroll and sit park.(grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep and see the water. access to water for boats, but move The fences and gates are necess ary

2018/02/28 7:00:57 PM MST Yes The daylighted creek and Walk through and sit and enjoy the Just enjoy being near it and Drainage is obviously an issue in the Kubota, Seward, Pritchard Beach, natural area and nearness to view seeing wildlife lower west side of the park. It would be Greenlake, Lincoln the lake good to get this resolved.

2018/02/28 7:57:33 PM MST yes close to my house enjoy the beauty of the park and look and swim seward park SURVEYS the lake

2018/03/01 8:37:08 AM MST Yes, daily to walk Proximity to other pocket parks Grill food; use playground; observe Only to look at One covered shelter Jefferson Park, Seward Park, Online Survey -the Survey dogs andFeedback greenspace, Urban Gardan, Data salmon restoration stream and Othello Park, Kubota Gardens Pritchard Beach wildlife Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? 2018/03/01 9:10:31 PM MST Yes!park? TonsBe'er ofSheva play Park?space for families Accesspark in the water,summer get and some winter? time in Swimming, non-motor boat Moremore of,things enhances, to explore or preserved)? in the park Seward park nature 2018/02/082018/03/02 5:55:428:15:34 PMAM MST YesI have but not ProximityThe daylighting of Mapes Creek.IN Summer the summer - hangout i want and to listen be able to to INot don't certain currently, what butyou're i want asking to IA would amphitheater improve forthe local frontage musicians to the to Seward andPark, Lincoln Deadhorse Canyon, very often. wadeconcerts in the at the water park. and Winter find a place- gethere. a kayak. If I had a canoe or kayak waterperform. so that Concessions. it felt more Outside open but showers keep Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, tosame be in the sun and see the water. I could launch from there. trees.Ifor swimmers like the tobig rinse trees, off. especially in the Hutchinson Field, In the winter, i want stroll and sit park. 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden andwalk see the water. don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/03/02 6:51:35 PM MST Yes Just moved to neighborhood, Not sure yet Hope to kayak! Not sure yet Jefferson,Seward, Martha Discovery, Washington Golden still learning Gardens, Kubota, Seward, 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Greenlake,Pritchard Beach, Lincoln, Kubota Lakeridge, Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" Arboretum, Woodlawn 2018/03/03 3:46:37 AM MST Yes Playground Enjoy the multitude of diverse Enjoy the view. Decrease the boat parking lot (there's Pritchard, Seward, Martha 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but familiesSwim, have that bbq, use theplay park. frisbee And Swimming, enjoying the view way too much concrete) and make more Washington.i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just walk my dog. beach accessible to families. More moved to the picnic/bbq areas or shelters closer to the 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk water?A shelter over a part of the 2018/03/03 8:26:04 AM MST yesthrough it. It’s within walking distance Relax, play, look at the water Look at it, it’s not a good Morepicnic/barbecue security and area lighting like used (currently to have Seward, swim spot- too dirty! there ismany lots yearsof drug ago. use The and picnic camping), area is cleangetting up lots the of garbage use. It could be used more if there were a shelter. 2018/03/03 9:14:02 AM MST at times nothing really walk or sit and look at lake and not don't. no dock, no beach, see i'd have parks dept and police do their seward, m. wash, stan sayers 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek worryDaylight about Mapes car Creekbeing tobroken the source into; aboveWatch wildlife, canoe, write jobsA daylighted to get rid Mapes of bad Creek. elements, above; Seward Park, Coleman Park, notsouth have of Kubotato see drug Garden deals going poems about it. Lakewood Park. down; not have beer cans on 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access groundWalk along all over; lake not have homeless I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, guys living in park Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/03/032018/02/09 9:24:567:21:50 AMPM MST NotSometimes often ProximityThe trees andto the water water Play,In the bbq, summer, walk theenjoy dog the water WeBoating don’t- just a good back Exercise options, walking loop Kubota,Seward Dead Horse Canyon, views. In the winter enjoy the drop Seward picnic area. 2018/03/032018/02/09 9:37:218:08:32 AMPM MSTa Yes few times a year proximityIt’s pretty to Rainier big for Beach.where it isWater Play with access. my dog Walking trails. MainlyDon’t look at it. SomeThere moreshould interactive be an off-leash play/game/sport dog area BeaconGenessee Ave, Jefferson Park, I stop in. I Water Access. The view. Its size. Picnicking spaces. Creative place activityand less sites of a (likemassive a small parking skate lot. spot or Brighton Park, Martha Washington, walk/bike by it spaces. I want to be able to natural play features). Better facilities for Seward Park, Arboretum, 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MSTand Yes admire the Access to water connectFeel safe between the park and the Viewing picnickingBetter security, and lingering swimming in thearea park for an greenlake, Jefferson, Seward, genesee, kubota, Cal Anderson, coulan, view much more neighborhood more easily. Small extended period of time (bathrooms that , victor steinbruck, lots 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MSTfrequently Yes Proximity spacesWalk around for games. I don’t makeImprove a family it feel welcomed in the ofLakeridge: others too... please improve it space). Better access into Rainier Beach 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST (mainlyDirt jumps to Rainierlike green Ave), lake and and connections skate park! to the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland. 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon 2018/03/03 12:05:35 PM MST Yes Location and easy parking Play in the lake. Play basketball Swim, throw rocks. Sit on Too many mosquitoes in summer. Better Seward, jefferson playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. benches look at view. access to lake. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 144 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/03/032018/02/08 12:39:568:15:34 AM PM MST MST Yes!I have but not EasyThe daylightingto access, parking, of Mapes not Creek. Both Summer times - hangout of year itand would listen be to nice INot don't certain at Be'er what Sheva you're but asking ItA hasamphitheater a lot of potential for local but musicians ultimately to PritchardSeward Park, Beach Deadhorse is where Canyon,we go if very often. overly popular toconcerts have sitting at the areas park. without Winter - wouldhere. Iflike I had to a canoe or kayak feelsperform. like a Concessions. parking lot. I appreciateOutside showers the weKubota want Garden, to sit on Lakeridge the water Park, for a feelingsame like I was sitting in a parking I could launch from there. restrooms.for swimmers I would to rinse like off. to see more whileHutchinson or get Field,in. Thank you for lot. amenities for people, less for cars. securing this funding and 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock organizingGreen Lake, this Madrona, - I look forward Stan Sayres, to seeingSeward, the Martha design Washington advance! 2018/03/03 8:49:44 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek -- we love In summer, play badminton or We look out at the lake and I mentioned making the grassy area a Seward Park, Discovery Park, Green watching crows splash around frisbee, maybe tennis. Would be watch birds. If sand was little more level (in parts), but overall I'd Lake, Lincoln Park, Cal Anderson 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden in there. Proximity to Pritchard nice if part of the grassy area was a added, we might go swimming love to see more places to sit that are Park, Genesee, Deadhorse Canyon, Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" Beach Wetlands and Urban little more level so it would be there. elevated like picnic tables, benches, short Kubota Garden, Coulon Park Farm is really nice too. easier to play/run without risking a brick or concrete walls where people 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but twistedSwim, have ankle. bbq, Would play befrisbee great if Swimming, enjoying the view could sit and watch what's going on. The i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just there was a paved path to roller addition of a basketball court will be moved to the skate or roller blade. In winter, not great. If tennis courts were there, we 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk sure. wouldA shelter play over tennis. a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have there many years ago. The picnic area is getting lots of use. It could be used more 2018/03/04 1:17:27 PM MST no don't go there nothing ? A Whole Foods Market Seward Park if there were a shelter. 2018/03/04 11:31:37 PM MST yes, often beauty, green spaces, play picnic, walk, ride bike, bring swimming and boating Close the park at dusk. There are loud seward park, pritchard beach, 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes areas,Mapes Creek childrenDaylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write drunkenA daylighted groups Mapes congregating Creek. at the greenlake,Seward Park, freeway Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. north end of the park. Drug deals, public Lakewood Park. 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it urinating,Add dog park cars cruising by and double Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, parking. Make the north end a no Seward Park parking zone. Get better lighting. Add 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge another large play area on the north end. Make the picnic areas available on a 2018/03/072018/02/09 10:04:067:21:50 PM AM MST MST YesSometimes View The trees of water and waterand field space to Summer:In the summer, beach enjoyaccess the Winter: water ForBoating swimming Cleaner and easy access to lake. Also SewardSeward Park, , run/do outdoor games playgroundviews. In the or winter small trailsenjoy to the would add a more interesting play space. Lincoln Park, Washington Park Pritchardpicnic area. Beach In addition to swings, climbing structures Arboretum, Jefferson Park, 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t forThere a wide should range be ofan agesoff-leash from dog toddlers area to PritchardGenessee Beach, Mount Baker pre-teens.and less of A a littlemassive trail parking to Pritchard lot. Beach Beach, , International would be fun to have and adds another Children’s Park, Alki Beach, 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing activityBetter security, at the park. swimming areaSeahurst Jefferson, Park Seward, (Burien) kubota, coulan,

2018/03/072018/02/09 10:21:0110:05:22 AMPM MST Yes TheProximity waterfront, Mapes Creek HaveWalk accessaround to the water (kayak, Can'tI don’t right now. Watch the WouldImprove reduce it motor boat access. DeadhorseLakeridge: pleaseCanyon improve (Lakeridge it paddle board, sailing, swimming) birds. Provide more pedestrian access and Park), Kubbota Gardens, Pritchard 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST activationDirt jumps in like place green of thelake parking and skate lot park! Beach, Seward Park) (outdoor venue, performance, art, sports, etc...) 2018/03/072018/02/09 11:12:3810:33:38 PM MST Yes The abilityshoreline to walk area myand dogs grassy WalkPicnic my in summer,dogs, run, walk yoga, in sailwinter, (via Yes,Observation I launch myonly, sailboat don't trust there I’mImprove not connection a big fan ofto the the nightly Urban Farm, PritchardKubota Garden, Beach, JeffersonSeward Park, Park, throughopen areas an attractive green thelet theboat kiddo launch) get energy out at the water quality in this location, summerif not physically gatherings connected, in the parking connection lot but GeneseeSeward Gene Park, Coulon Volunteer Park, space. playground believe there is a cso outlet therereflected probably through isnâ sinage,€™t anything art etc. that can Golden Gardens, Coleman Park. there be done about that. 2018/03/072018/02/09 11:29:5411:01:40 PM MST Yesyes Boatthe daylighted launch Mapes Creek and HaveI have a used place the dogs boat can launch run for BoatingSee above. OffIt would leash bearea great if we could walk PritchardSeward, Kubota, Beach Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse 2018/03/08 9:50:28 PM MST Yes, nearly every The feeling of being in a natural In the summer, I love to walk I don't get into the water--just Iimportance live in the Spinnaker of Mapes BayCreek condos to wild and my Seward Park is a favorite for day. I walk my dog setting; the salmon project; the through the park with all the watch the wonderful variety of unitChinook overlooks salmon the (young Parkshore ones) marina resting and walking my dog. I often walk through the park. care the dept takes in beautiful trees. I thoroughly enjoy fowl life. My dog and I have thethere park. on theirI have way a view out allto yearthe ocean. of the I through Be'er Sheva to Pritchard maintenance; the many birds; watchingBe’er the boaters Sheva launch their Park actually | seenSchematic a beaver while Designboatwould launches change Report andthe parkthe water so that- area.July the area 2018 Beach and enjoy theSiteWorkshop wetlands in 145 the serenity of the park; the boats and people enjoying the we were on a walk. Becauseclosest to I havethe water watched was the more area park for the that area. regular visitors socializing at the park. In winter, walking through past(grass, couple trees) of and years, less I parkingsee how lot. very Keep busy picnic tables; the large number the area, feeling the wind blow theaccess park to is. water In the for summer boats, buton hotmove days, would be fun to have and adds another Children’s Park, Alki Beach, activity at the park. Seahurst Park (Burien)

2018/03/07 10:21:01 AM MST Yes The waterfront, Mapes Creek Have access to the water (kayak, Can't right now. Watch the Would reduce motor boat access. Deadhorse Canyon (Lakeridge paddle board, sailing, swimming) birds. Provide more pedestrian access and Park), Kubbota Gardens, Pritchard activation in place of the parking lot Beach, Seward Park) SURVEYS (outdoor venue, performance, art, sports, etc...) 2018/03/07 11:12:38 PM MST Yes The ability to walk my dogs Walk my dogs, run, yoga, sail (via Yes, I launch my sailboat there I’m not a big fan of the nightly Pritchard Beach, Seward Park, Online Survey - Survey throughFeedback an attractive green Data the boat launch) summer gatherings in the parking lot but Genesee Park, Volunteer Park, space. there probably isn’t anything that can Golden Gardens, Coleman Park. be done about that. Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? 2018/03/07 11:29:54 PM MST Yes Boat launch Have a place dogs can run Boating Off leash area Pritchard Beach park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/03/082018/02/08 9:50:288:15:34 PMAM MST Yes,I have nearly but not every The feelingdaylighting of being of Mapes in a natural Creek. In Summer the summer, - hangout I love and to listen walk to INot don't certain get into what the you're water--just asking IA live amphitheater in the Spinnaker for local Bay musicians condos and to my SewardSeward ParkPark, is Deadhorse a favorite forCanyon, day.very Ioften. walk my dog setting; the salmon project; the throughconcerts the at the park park. with Winter all the - watchhere. Ifthe I had wonderful a canoe variety or kayak of unitperform. overlooks Concessions. the Parkshore Outside marina showers and walkingKubota Garden,my dog. LakeridgeI often walk Park, through the park. care the dept takes in beautifulsame trees. I thoroughly enjoy fowlI could life. launch My dog from and there. I have thefor swimmerspark. I have to a rinse view off.all year of the throughHutchinson Be'er Field, Sheva to Pritchard maintenance; the many birds; watching the boaters launch their actually seen a beaver while boat launches and the water area. Beach and enjoy the wetlands in 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionallythe The serenitygarden of the park; the boatswalk and people enjoying the wedon't were on a walk. Becausea dock I have watched the area for the thatGreen area. Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, regular visitors socializing at the park. In winter, walking through past couple of years, I see how very busy Seward, Martha Washington picnic tables; the large number the area, feeling the wind blow the park is. In the summer on hot days, of people who utilize the park; across the lake and the openness the boat launches are continually busy, 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden watching the eagles and osprey of the area. with trucks and trailers parked Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" hunt over the bay; listening to everywhere. Toward the end of day, children play at the playground; boats are lined up near the salmon creek 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but watching school students on Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view waiting in line to load up. On weekends i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just field trips to the salmon project; and warm evenings, the park is full of moved to the the Seattle Tilth gardens families preparing their evening meals. 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecueI am concerned aboutarea like the used potential to have swimmingthere many beach, years wonderingago. The picnic how smallarea is children,getting lots motor of use. boats, It could and trucksbe used with more trailersif there willwere mix. a shelter. With the heavy use of the boat ramps, how would the residual 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write fuelA daylighted in the water Mapes affect Creek. the quality of the Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. beach? I have many questions and plan Lakewood Park. to attend the April meeting. 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/03/092018/02/09 9:22:437:21:50 AMPM MST YesSometimes water The trees access and and water playground closestIn the summer, place to enjoymy house the waterto launch forBoating paddleboarding a barrier or some type of fence between sewardSeward combo myviews. paddleboards In the winter in theenjoy summer. the the road and the playground picnic area. 2018/03/132018/02/09 2:16:038:08:32 PM MDTMST Yes TheIt’s nature pretty and big it foris by where the it isEnjoy Play with wildlife, my dog nature including BoatingDon’t and viewing. CleanThere upshould the activities be an off-leash of people dog using area Genessee water. trees and the beauty of the water. and sellingless of drugsa massive as well parking as the lot. disruptive users of the park, parking lot and boat 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing launchBetter security,area. Make swimming if safer perhapsarea with Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, more security and security lighting. 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t WouldImprove love it to have a beach and see the Lakeridge: please improve it proposed improvements implemented. 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/03/13 11:16:57 PM MDT Yes Green grass, lake access, a place walk my dogs, yoga boating I really appreciate the natural beauty of Pritchard Beach, Volunteer Park, 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes toThe walk shoreline my dogs area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Be'erImprove Sheva connection Park. I hope to the you Urban aren't Farm, going GoldenKubota Gardens,Garden, Jefferson Seward Park Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, toif not cut physicallydown the connected,small trees andconnection growths Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet aroundreflected the through water, sinage,just for artbeach etc. access. there There is already a popular beach nearby (Pritchard Beach) so I don't see any 2018/03/142018/02/09 8:34:2711:01:40 PM PM MDT MST Yesyes Easythe daylighted access to waterMapes views Creek and PlayI have with used my the kids boat launch for ISee don't above. NoIt would dogs. beThere great are if dogswe could and poopwalk often. Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I Dogthrough owners the aregate irresponsible to the Urban and farm allow - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. themwalk. offI would leash. add They information need to go about to a dogthe Horse park.importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 146 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/03/14 8:15:349:17:29 AMPM MDTMST IYes have but not The daylightingfields, kids playof Mapes area, theCreek. SummerSummer, - cool hangout breese and off listen the waterto NotDont certain what you're asking ABetter amphitheater trash cans,more for local official musicians looking to SewardLots Park, Deadhorse Canyon, very often. reclaimed open stream. concertsplay at the at playthe park.area with Winter my -kid, here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.and more Concessions.convienent. More Outside usable showers Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, samewalk the dog I could launch from there. forshoreline swimmers less trashto rinse off. Hutchinson Field, Winter, look out over the water 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walkfrom the car. don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, Seward, Martha Washington 2018/03/14 9:21:36 PM MDT Yes Playground, waterfront, green Summer- playground and would Dropping kayaks and looking Add a beach! Pritchard, Seward, Lincoln. space, it’s a neighborhood love to have more of a beach by at boats. 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden gathering spot. the water! Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm"

2018/03/14 11:06:12 PM MDT I've lived here 15 N/a Summer = access to water; winter Swim, play with dog Remove or redefine boating at the I live 4 blocks away and drive all 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven'tyears and yet never but Swim,= cool buildinghave bbq, that play could frisbee be rented Swimming, enjoying the view beach; create an actual beach; dog park; iover use townthe chief to other sealth parks trail. because planbeen. to. Just for parties food trucks; rental facility on water beer sheva is not conducive to our moved to the usual activities 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have 2018/03/17 4:00:19 PM MDT no, I can see the i like seeing families enjoying we have a boat and go cruisingthere prevent many feeding years of ago. fowl. The have picnic safe area is park from on boat the water gettingwading lotsarea, of use. It could be used more marinia if there were a shelter. 2018/03/20 1:52:51 PM MDT yes the little beach access, the logs let my kids play at the playground, launch our sailboat into the garbage, recycling & compost facilities, Seward Park, Delridge playground, 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapeswe can Creeksit on to watch the Daylightlaunch our Mapes sailboat, Creek hang to the out source by Watchlake, reflect wildlife, and canoe, throw writerocks Ashade daylighted cover overMapes playground Creek. or one of SewardLongfellow Park, Creek, Coleman Mt. BakerPark, ducks. souththe shore of Kubota Garden poems about it. the benches, art/markers that connect to LakewoodPlayground Park. the Jewish, African-American and 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, immigrant/refugee communities that use Seward Park the park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/03/22 2:27:39 AM MDT Yes Location Group / Community events Don’t If water was more accessible would be a Seward for walks, Community / 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward good thing. Better group gathering church / group bbq picnics. views. In the winter enjoy the spaces, covered and with tables. picnic area. 2018/02/092018/03/23 8:08:3210:52:25 PM AM MST MDT YessometimesIt’s close to pretty my house, big for waterfront where it is Playwalk withmy dog, my doghang out and enjoy Don’tI usually don't. Theredream should scenario: be an off-leash dog areaarea, a GenesseePritchard Beach, Martha access, a proud feature of our the view andswimmable less of a beach massive parking lot. Washington, Genesee dog park, neighborhood Seward Park 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan, 2018/03/27 4:07:06 PM MDT Yes, almost every Close to home, easy to get to Have kids play on the playground, Just watch people, watch I would make the waterfront more Seward Park. Pritchard beach is 2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yesday Proximity Walklook at around Mapes Creek and how it Iboats, don’t watch the birds, turtles, Improvenatural so it that Mapes creek and the Lakeridge:too loud, I pleaselike the improve wetland it area changes with the seasons. I love etc water's edge all work together as one. If next door to it. Please do not make 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST how the city made Mapes creek Dirtwe could jumps add like more green natural lake and plants, skate park! this another Pritchard beach! open and natural. We can see how driftwood, etc and create a natural look things used to be. and feel so we can see what the lake 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improveshore might connection have looked to the like Urban years Farm, ago. It Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, ifwould not physically be beautiful connected, and it would connection make it Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflectedsafer for fishthrough and other sinage, wildlife. art etc. I would there not add a swimming beach. I would ask that the parks clean up the homeless 2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. Itcamp would and be litter great and if we enforce could the walk noise Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I throughordinance the and gate drinking to the laws,Urban etc. farm Make - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. a safe I would place addto bring information kids and about a place the to Horse importanceeducate kids of on Mapes the ecosystem Creek to wildand how Chinookimportant salmon clean (youngwater is, ones) wildlife resting habitat, thereetc. Perhaps on their consider way out adding to the naturalocean. I Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwouldbarriers change that Report support the park the so wild that- July life the and area 2018 SiteWorkshop 147 closestprohibit to human the water traffic was from more disturbing park (grass,nature. trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move day look at Mapes Creek and how it boats, watch the birds, turtles, natural so that Mapes creek and the too loud, I like the wetland area changes with the seasons. I love etc water's edge all work together as one. If next door to it. Please do not make how the city made Mapes creek we could add more natural plants, this another Pritchard beach! open and natural. We can see how driftwood, etc and create a natural look things used to be. and feel so we can see what the lake shore might have looked like years ago. It SURVEYS would be beautiful and it would make it safer for fish and other wildlife. I would not add a swimming beach. I would ask that the parks clean up the homeless Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data camp and litter and enforce the noise ordinance and drinking laws, etc. Make Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? Whatit a safe would place you to likebring to kids have and (Added, a place to What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? moreeducate of, kidsenhances, on the or ecosystem preserved)? and how important clean water is, wildlife habitat, 2018/02/08 8:15:34 AM MST I have but not The daylighting of Mapes Creek. Summer - hangout and listen to Not certain what you're asking Aetc. amphitheater Perhaps consider for local adding musicians natural to Seward Park, Deadhorse Canyon, very often. concerts at the park. Winter - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.barriers that Concessions. support the Outside wild life showers and Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, same I could launch from there. forprohibit swimmers human to traffic rinse off.from disturbing Hutchinson Field, nature. 2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, Seward, Martha Washington 2018/03/27 7:02:00 PM MDT somewhat as do shore of Lake Washington walk my dog and watch the boats play with my dog. Watch Add police due to the illegal activities at Seward Park, Colon Park not feel safe in boats the park and the park can be an unsafe 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant I want to be able to go swimming in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden the park place Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" 2018/03/31 1:50:15 PM MDT Rarely Location Swimming in the summer would be There's no access to the water Access to the water! Seward Park 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven't yet but Swim,nice. have bbq, play frisbee Swimming, enjoying the view i use the chief sealth trail. 2018/04/03 10:00:49 AM MDTplan Not Just Just Water access Lay out in the sunshine. Tranquil Being on the water - canoe, Seward Park, Lake Washington movedbike by towhen the space. SUP, swim waterfront, 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes,riding I walk Lake A shelter over a part of the throughWashington it. Loop. picnic/barbecue area like used to have there many years ago. The picnic area is getting lots of use. It could be used more 2018/04/08 7:07:37 PM MDT Yes Lake access, creek rejuvination Live music. Relaxing spaces. Dog Wading, dog access ifDog there section were a shelter. Kubota, Seward park lake access 2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park. 2018/04/10 4:19:31 PM MDT Yes! About 1-2x a The view of the lake Picnic in the summer I would love to have a nice More vegetation, maybe native plants, Kabota Gardens. RB Urban Farm, 2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yesmonth Lake access Walk along lake Iplace look atto itsit and look out over Addwith dog benches park by water Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, the water. Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge 2018/04/10 5:37:22 PM MDT Yes Waterfront, low key, place to BBQ, concerts, bird watch currently just look at it. don't the back area with the trees feels Pritchard, Seward, Discovery gather for a BBQ/picnic, gate to have a boat and it doesn't feel disconnected from the rest of the park. 2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward farm like a good place to swim so I more artwork. a way to feel more views. In the winter enjoy the go to Pritchard to swim connected to the farm and pritchard picnic area. a walking trail 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot. 2018/04/16 8:43:47 PM MDT yes multiple modes- several options summer- swim and splash. winter- my running group jumps in at add some hang space to the beach area- Dead Horse Canyon, Kubota for kids to play walk through the Urban Farm the end of the run to lounge on sand while kids swim? Garden, Seward, Pritchard... 2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan,

2018/02/092018/04/16 10:05:229:57:37 PM PM MDT MST Yesyes Proximitylooking at water, talking with Walklook at around water, talk with friends and II don’tlook at it Improvemore picnic it tables, more places to picnic Lakeridge:Kubota, Seward, please improve it friends and watching kids in the watch kids in the play area and cook 2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST play area Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/04/17 12:42:11 PM MDT Yes The proximity to the lake and Shoot hoops, play on the My wife kayaks there A snack shack and/or spray Jefferson. Genessee. Brighton the playground. Also the newly playground with my kids and feed ground/water playground 2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, added basketball hoops the birds open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I 148 SiteWorkshop Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Design Report - July 2018would change the park so that the area closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move SURVEYS Online Survey - Survey Feedback Data

Timestamp Do you visit the What do you love most about What do you want to do at the How do you use the water? What would you like to have (Added, What other parks do you go to? park? Be'er Sheva Park? park in the summer and winter? more of, enhances, or preserved)?

2018/02/082018/04/17 8:15:343:20:28 AMPM MDTMST IYes have sometimes. but not The daylightinglocation and of accessibility Mapes Creek. of SummerEat lunch, - hangoutpeople watch, and listen boat to NotBoat certain on it. what you're asking ASafer. amphitheater Cleaner. Homeless for local musicians people moved to SewardSeward, Park, Alki, Genesee.Deadhorse Canyon, very often. it. concertsriding, feeding at the thepark. ducks, Winter and - here. If I had a canoe or kayak perform.into housing. Concessions. Make into Outsidea beach. showers Make a Kubota Garden, Lakeridge Park, sametaking kids to the park. I could launch from there. fortrail swimmers for running, to rinsewalking, off. and biking Hutchinson Field,

2018/02/08 11:02:09 AM MST Occasionally The garden walk don't a dock Green Lake, Madrona, Stan Sayres, 2018/04/19 1:11:53 PM MDT Almost Daily Mapes Creek Play hoops. Watch the creek. My partner canoes. I meditate Daylight ALL of Mapes Creek. Seward, MarthaDead Horse Washington Canyon, Discourage people from feeding by it. Kubota, Lakewood. 2018/02/08 3:36:55 PM MST Yes Proximity to the lake, Sturtevant Iducks want Doritosto be able and to white go swimming bread. in Swimming and kayaking Get rid of the boat launch, add a beach, Pritchard Beach, Kubota Garden Creek the summer unlock gate to "urban farm" 2018/05/01 10:32:24 AM MDT Only twice in 14 It's on the lake Walk along the shore Can't easily get close to the Add boardwalks, more gravel paths, Seward, Lincoln, Alki 2018/02/09 5:59:55 PM MST Haven'tyears living yet herebut Swim, have bbq, play frisbee Swimming,water enjoying the view safety, a tree walk i use the chief sealth trail. plan to. Just moved to the 2018/02/09 6:00:29 PM MST Yes, I walk A shelter over a part of the through it. picnic/barbecue area like used to have there many years ago. The picnic area is getting lots of use. It could be used more if there were a shelter.

2018/02/09 6:41:15 PM MST Yes Mapes Creek Daylight Mapes Creek to the source Watch wildlife, canoe, write A daylighted Mapes Creek. Seward Park, Coleman Park, south of Kubota Garden poems about it. Lakewood Park.

2018/02/09 6:49:15 PM MST Yes Lake access Walk along lake I look at it Add dog park Prichard Beach, Kubota Gardens, Seward Park 2018/02/09 6:53:31 PM MST The new landscaping Walk Better lighting Lakeridge

2018/02/09 7:21:50 PM MST Sometimes The trees and water In the summer, enjoy the water Boating Seward views. In the winter enjoy the picnic area. 2018/02/09 8:08:32 PM MST Yes It’s pretty big for where it is Play with my dog Don’t There should be an off-leash dog area Genessee and less of a massive parking lot.

2018/02/09 9:03:13 PM MST Yes Access to water Feel safe Viewing Better security, swimming area Jefferson, Seward, kubota, coulan,

2018/02/09 10:05:22 PM MST Yes Proximity Walk around I don’t Improve it Lakeridge: please improve it

2018/02/09 10:28:54 PM MST Dirt jumps like green lake and skate park!

2018/02/09 10:33:38 PM MST Yes The shoreline area and grassy Picnic in summer, walk in winter, Observation only, don't trust Improve connection to the Urban Farm, Kubota Garden, Jefferson Park, open areas let the kiddo get energy out at the water quality in this location, if not physically connected, connection Seward Gene Coulon playground believe there is a cso outlet reflected through sinage, art etc. there

2018/02/09 11:01:40 PM MST yes the daylighted Mapes Creek and I have used the boat launch for See above. It would be great if we could walk Seward, Kubota, Lincoln, Cougar the sculpture. kayak in summer and in winter I through the gate to the Urban farm - as a Mtn, Arboretum, Coulon, Dead walk through. walk. I would add information about the Horse importance of Mapes Creek to wild Chinook salmon (young ones) resting there on their way out to the ocean. I Be’er Sheva Park | Schematic Designwould change Report the park so that- July the area 2018 SiteWorkshop 149 closest to the water was more park (grass, trees) and less parking lot. Keep access to water for boats, but move