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GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LXXXIX Aber (Carnarvonsh.), iron-ore ool- Andalusite-granulite, Marcapata ites of, 404, 406, 407, 410, 413. Valley, 321-2. Abergwesyn-Ptunpsaint area, geol. Andalusite-hornfels & a.-phyllite, of, 172-201. Socapata Valley, 321, pl. xxvii. Accounts & Estimates, xl-liii. Andesite, E. Jersey, 278-81, Acrotreta cf. sabrinve, 365. 289, 290, pls. xxiv & xxv. Actinolite in Rhayader-Llansawel Angeltown (Glare.), 254 et sqq. grits, 214. Anne Port (Jersey), 282, 284, 285, Adelaide (S. Austr.), Pre-Cam- 287. brian ?organic bodies fr., vi. A~rNISS, L. G., on the Upper Afon Alun (Glare.), 225, 266. Devonian Rocks of the Chud- Afon Dyffryn (Merioneth), 146 leigh area, South Devon, 431- et sqq. 47, figs., pl. xli. Afon Gwril (Merioneth), 146 et Annual Contributions, amend- sqq. ; Basement group in valley ments to Bye-laws concerning, of, 155 fig., 157; Cefn I-Iir 111. Ashes in valley of, 161. Annual Report of Council, xiii-liii. Agglomerate (Bifidus beds), Anoptychia Koken, 106-7. Beacon Hill, 160-1. ?impendens, 107-8, pl. ix. Agnostus calvus, 366, pl. xxxiv. Ansell's Brewery (Birmingham), Akidograptus acuminatus zone, boring at, 64. Abergwesyn-Pumpsaint area, Antarctic mainland, geol. & glaci- 176, 178-9, 197. ation of, cxiii, cxiv-cxv. Aldridge (Staffs.), 67, 68, 78. Anticlines, Kramat Pulai, 462-4, ALLISON, A., on the Dalradian figs. Succession in Islay and Jura, Aplite intrusive mass, Kramat 125-42, figs., pls. xiii & xiv, 144. Pulai, 451 et sqq.; apl. veins Alluvium of Huayllumbe area, in rocks of same area, 458, 336-9, fig.; of Quitari area, 459, 466, 467, 474-5, fig.
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