& Parish Council Minutes of the virtual meeting of the Parish Council (due to COVID-19 pandemic) held on Tuesday 2 February 2021via Teams- 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Keith Armes, Cllr Laura Butters, DC Dave Busby, Cllr Louise Carman, Cllr Terry Corner (Chairman), Cllr Simon Downey, CC Christopher Hudson, Cllr James Mellish, Cllr Mike Watling, Clerk - Angela Chapman.

1929/2021 Chairman's Welcome & Apologies: Chairman Terry Corner welcomed all to the virtual meeting. No apologies.

1930/2021Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Mike Watling - C&W Tennis Club; Cllr Louise Carman - Carman 4Seasons Ltd

1931/2021Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2021 approved as a true record.

1932/2021Clerk’s Report including Matters Arising Bowls Club lease – suggest having a separate meeting to finalise lease and Deed of Easement details. Enforcement issue - Petersfield House - the PC will comment on the recent planning application, the PC have been in contact with Babergh DC re enforcement issue. Website – Cllr Simon Downey and Clerk have spoken to Strudwick Designs and will supply content to populate the site. Clerk to contact village organisations to ask for content for their own page. Play area signs have been put up at the village hall site, Fen View to have a new post fitted. Allotment plots for the coming season have been confirmed, with one plot vacant, allotment representative has someone interested in it. One Casual Vacancy.

1933/2021Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 19.44hrs County Councillor Christopher Hudson: A14 roadworks diversion through and Copdock causing havoc, been reported in the press, car and lorries speeding along the Old London Rd. Highways England are responsible for diversions. The elections in May are currently going ahead although under review. District Councillor Dave Busby: report sent. Councils struggling with illness and shortage of staff, have had to prioritise work; Home But Not Alone and homeless calls have increased considerably. Local Plan – consultation now closed, will be seen by the Inspector, only those who have made representations will be allowed to speak at the review.

Meeting reconvened 19.56hrs.

1934/2021 Planning Applications: a. DC/21/00031 Proposal: Householder application - Erection of rear single storey extension and rear first floor loft dormer with juliet balcony. Location: Hillcrest, Old London Road, Copdock And Washbrook, IP8 3JF Deadline 26 Jan Comments: No objection

DC/20/05754 Proposal: Full Application - Erection of outbuilding for storage Location: Park House, Wenham Road, Copdock And Washbrook, Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3EZ Comments: No objection

DC/21/00373 Proposal: Replacement of fence Location: 68 Pearsons Way, Copdock & Washbrook Ipswich IP8 3LG Comments: Should be noted gate in the fence onto Mill Lane play area does not give authorised access onto this area. Otherwise, no objection.

Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for B/88/01426 for the variation of Condition 3 (Letting period(s)) to allow continuous occupation DC/21/00296 Location: Mace Green Stud Farm Wenham Road Copdock And Washbrook Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3EY

Copdock and Washbrook Parish Council have lead responsibility for the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) that is currently being progressed in the Parish. The Plan is well progressed and is due to be submitted to Babergh soon. The NP group have worked with Babergh and reviewed all 16 sites put forward in the SHELLA in 2017. Furthermore the NP now incorporates all sites that are being supported in Babergh’s draft Local Plan that was open for consultation in 2019. Copdock and Washbrook has complex issues with infrastructure that the NP hope to address. The village is unique in that it has a dual carriageway running through the village. It is the view of the PC that further development in the village outside of the sites that have been put forward to Babergh as part of the site selection should not currently be supported. The NP is developing a shared vision for the neighbourhood and will include policies that support how the village expands. It will also ensure that the infrastructure supports this, links are maintained and that the landscape is not adversely affected. This planning application does not align with the Neighbourhood Plan, it is outside identified areas and has no access to amenities. The Parish Council objects to the continuous occupancy of the dwelling when current consent is for 6 months of the year.

Planning Applications determined by Babergh DC DC/20/05278 Proposal & Location of Development: Erection of single storey rear extension and garage conversion. 27 Charlottes, Copdock And Washbrook, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3HZ Granted.

DC/20/05215 Proposal & Location of Development: Erection of Stable Block. Glebe Farm, Old London Road, Copdock And Washbrook, Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3JN Granted.

Appeal Ref: APP/D3505/W/20/3254275 Oakfield Cottage, Oakfield Road, Copdock, IPSWICH, IP8 3JS The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission. • The appeal is made by Mr & Mrs K Prentice against the decision of Council. • The application Ref DC/20/01069, dated 9 March 2020, was refused by notice dated 6 May 2020. • The development proposed is the construction of a detached single-storey, two-bedroom dwelling. Appeal dismissed

DC/20/05176 Proposal & Location of Development: Erection of new returns (quarantine) warehousing building, office extension(s) and change of use and conversion of stables to form office accommodation. Glebe Farm, Old London Road, Copdock And Washbrook, Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3JN Granted.

Proposal & Location of Development: Application under Section 73 of The Town and Country Planning Act relating to Outline DC/17/06054 and Reserved Matters DC/19/00293 and as previously varied under DC/20/02756 for Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans and Documents), 3 (Widening of Folly Lane) and 4 (Highways: Access Drainage). Land To The East Of Lane Farm, Folly Lane, Copdock And Washbrook, Suffolk Granted.

1935/2021 Financial Matters & RFO Report: a. payments approved Cllrs MW & KA b. precept figure of £30,532.00 was unanimously agreed and approved by Council, plus £471 grant from central Government through Babergh DC c. Achilles YFC – Council considered report rom previous meeting and approved hire fee of £600 less a £100 discount due to under use because of pandemic leaving a total of £500 d. Village gateway installation – approved purchase with Locality Budget from CC Chris Hudson, installation costs to be funded with CIL monies. JM to over see installation

RFO Report

The Parish Council’s budget position is in order. Precept – has been confirmed at £30,352.00 for financial year 2021-22 with a further £471.00 grant. Scribe accounting system – Clerk is setting up the system from April 2020 to enable the system to be used for the year end at March 2021.

Allotment invoices sent.

Payments for approval are as follows:

Chq Date Payee Service Amount net VAT no./dd amount 2371 8/1/2021 A J Chapman/ SLCC Subscription 166.00 0.00

2372 2/2/2021 C & OI Cricket Club Grant car park v hall site – 1,000.00 0.00

phase 1

2373 2/2/2021 Starboard Systems Ltd/ Accounting system 288.00 57.60


2374 2/2/2021 SALC Training – S Downey 25.00 5.00

2375 2/2/2021 M Watling/ Timpsons Keys noticeboards 12.75 0.00 2376 2/2/2021 A J Chapman Clerks expenses 82.12 0.00

2377 2/2/2021 HMRC PAYE & NIC 18.03 0.00 2378 2/2/2021 Carman 4Seasons Ltd Env mangmt/ hedge cutting 200.00 0.00 2378 2/2/2021 Carman 4Seaons Ltd Play area remedial work 730.00 0.00

Bank balances as at 31/01/2021 Current account: £21,047.73 Business reserve account: £39,479.38 Total £60,527.11 Including:- CIL - £12,215.64 N Plan grant -£1,517

Income for January 2021 - £641.50 £367.50 allotment rents £274.00 rent Bowls Club Spreadsheets updated. To be minuted and approved.

1936/2021 Standing Orders Standing Orders reviewed and approved.

1937/2021 Financial Regulations Financial Regulations reviewed and approved.

1938/2021 Environmental Management Agreed to keep the same list as last year apart from Mill Lane, which will have one less cut per month.

1939/2021 Copdock & Washbrook Bowls Club lease Discrepancies in the Deed of Easement document to be addressed with Birketts, car park maintenance issues. Also boundary line issues in car park. Clerk to send plans to Cllr James Mellish for his review.

1940/2021 Village Hall site a. Achilles YFC – covered in 1935/2021 c. b. Hardcore car park area – resurfacing/ drainage – deferred as January meeting minutes. However, Cllr Mike Watling is awaiting a quote/ design which will be useful for the Car Park Working Group at the village hall site.

1941/2021 Infrastructure Developments a. Neighbourhood Plan –nothing changed, Group should have an update by end of week. b. Infrastructure Business Plan (PIIP) - Chair Terry Corner had a successful meeting with Babergh DC on excellent plan and will be able to start conversation with SCC Highways. Plan received from Suffolk Highways of Old London Rd improvements, funding from Elm Lane development CIL. Cllr James Mellish raised concern over lorries crossing the cycleway/ lanes. Chairman Terry Corner will contact Like Barber at SCC to arrange virtual meeting. c. Pye Road cycleway - included in the Infrastructure Business Plan

1942/2021 Parish Council Website Cllr Simon Downey and Clerk are progressing. Advised Councillor they will have their own email address for Council business.

1943/2021 Office 365/File Storage Cllr Simon Downey and Clerk are working together to find the best way for all Councillors to access documents.

1944/2021 Matters to be bought to the attention of the Council Cllr Laura Butters – reported a couple sleeping in a car in the village. Clerk to report. Cllr Mike Watling – camper van still on the Roman Rd from last year

Items for next agenda: Litter pick Annual Parish Meeting – Wed 12 May 2021. Clerk to send usual invite and list to Cllrs Laura Butters and Simon Downey.

Meeting closed at 21.31hrs.