The Growth Market Proven To ols & The 16-bit world answers universal demands for greater performance, add ress space and increased resources. This market's unprecedented growth fuels a profit-driven supply CP/M--86: curve for and hardware, where compatibility reigns. Our upward compatible CP/M® based family of 16-bit products, plus our commitment to ourcus tomers' success eases and speeds your entry your conversion, to the 16- The · Standard bit world of opportunities - the world. Single user solution: CP/M-86 features efficiency and power. For over a year, its dramatic user acceptance has generated impressive quantities of code. in the While others are just entering the market, Digital Research's CP/M-86 is already offering a broad array of languages and applications. This simplifies your conversion to 16-bit systems. For concurrent single user 16 --Bit Wo rld applications, MP/M-86"" per­ forms simultaneous, multiple operations such as communica­ tions, printing, computation, etc. It features compact, time­ tested modular code. And it's available today. In multiple computer environ­ ments, MP/M-86 1ets you sell your same programs into this market segment. Yo u solve multi-user needs with a field proven product, not a "newcomer:· Increased sales of multi-user P.roducts mean more profit potential for you. Expand to network: CP/NET- 86"" interc@nects ultiple 16 or 8-bit ems. It allows you to expand your product's capabilities. High level languages (over 20 languages) under CP/M-86, handily support your 16-bit appli­ cations. Our XLT86"" utility speeds to 16-bit code by �---..;;;�=r.;..:;:� --�- .,r pro- mai - OEM Strategy Tu rn Opportunity Over 2 Million CP/M -86 Units New sales. New markets. New into Success. Software Wr iter Benefits The Standard Is applications become realities Stop following the competition. when you convert to 16-bits. New 2,800,000 CP/M-86 based Digital Research Help lead the field. To day. We demand curves. New and larger systems by 1986. This market We are the most experienced provide the capability, and we profit centers are yours with our projection identifies the and software com- have the desire, to accelerate 16-bit products. To immediately scope of your future sales. pany in the industry Over 300,000 your profitability. There's no capture increased market , Independent Software Ve ndor use our operat- other software product on the make a priority call to our market­ (ISV) benelits from Digital ing systems. Over 400 OEMs and market today that can help make ing group for our 16-bit product Research can make you more 500 independent software you more successful than Digital briefs, OEM price listand contract profitable. Here's a glimpse. Call vendors use our products. Research's CP/M-86. And there's information. for the complete repertoire of Hundreds of 8-bit applications no other company. We stand sales and development aids. now run under our 16-bit prod- ready. It's your . 16-bit laboratory for your use ucts. Across the board, we set Call (408) 649-3896, or write: features many different 16-bit the standard. And these people Digital Research, PO. Box 579, machines. This one stop develop- help us set it, with languages Pacific Grove, CA 93950. ! reduces conversion men the time under CP/M-86 or MP/M-86: Europe: Vector, lnt'l., Leuven, ol your application or language. The Code Works Ccompiler Belgium, 32(16)202496. First to call means first to enjoy Computer Innovations Ccompiler Fa r East: Microsoftware Assoc., this resource, and first to start Compuview Products, Inc. VEDIT,screen editor To kyo, Japan, 03-403-2120. sales rolling. Digital Research CBASIC-86, PASCAL MT ISV selling aid: Descriptive Microfocus, Inc. CIS COBOL listings of your products in our Micropro lnt'l Corp. WORDMASTER, WORDSTAR ISV Compatible Software Catalog BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL have worldwide exposure. Midwest Micro-Tek, Inc. BASIC- IBM Display Writers and Ryan-McFarland Corp. AM/COBOL Personal Computers running The Soft Warehouse LISP compiler, MuMATH CP/M-86 guarantee a large Corp. PASCAL/M, TRANS-86 installed base for your 16-bit Stackworks FORTH products. Supersoft Associates Ccompiler Thomas Yo nkman LISP/86 W. Vanguard Systems Corp. APL/V86 Circle 125 on inquiry card. Apple/Tandy software writers: Personal and professional com­ puter applications increasingly req uire 16-bit resources. Our established "how-to" aids simplify and speed your conversion to 16- bit applications. Just let us help.